From doomsday to fact: Science lifts veil on comets

PARIS: For millennia, the sight of a comet filled humans with awe or dread. The birth of Jesus, the assassination of Julius Caesar, the Great Plague of London, the coming of war or peace, bountiful harvests or famine... all thought to be portended by cosmic herald.

Bit by bit, mysticism about comets has been replaced by fact as scientists discover more about these epic and ancient travellers of the skies.

As it turns out, comets may be more extraordinary than even the deepest superstition could imagine.

They may even have brought life to our planet, according to some theories.

For decades, astrophysicists have debated whether, at the dawn of our Solar System, comets peppered Earth with some of the chemical essentials for life as we know it.

The answer may be within reach. On Wednesday, a European robot lab, Philae, will make the first-ever landing on a comet.

It will carry out experiments on the comet's back as the pair hurtle toward the Sun, escorted by Philae's mother ship, Rosetta, in orbit.

"Comets are the most ancient objects in the Solar System," Francis Rocard of France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES), told AFP.

"We want to know if comets played a part in providing Earth with water and carbon. There is no doubt that the results from Rosetta and Philae will shake up what we know."

Dubbed "dirty snowballs" by US astronomer Fred Whipple, comets are deemed to be clusters of primeval carbon and ice, typically a few kilometres (miles) across.

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From doomsday to fact: Science lifts veil on comets

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