Comets Win Ramsey Invite

April 25, 2014 Comets Win Ramsey Invite

JOHN CURTIS - Daily Union Sports Editor CNHI The Shelbyville Daily Union Fri Apr 25, 2014, 03:44 PM CDT

SHELBYVILLE, IL. With a 2-1 record in the Ramsey softball invite last weekend, Stew-Stras/Windsor was declared the winner after tie-breakers were figured out.

Stew-Stras/Windsor ran their record to 10-3 as they won the Ramsey tourney. SS/W lost to Hillsboro, 4-3, in eight innings. They bounced back by defeating Ramsey, 13-1, and ALAH, 6-1.

After figuring the tie-breaker format, the Comets were declared the 1st place team. Stew-Stras/Windsor and Arthur-Lovington/Atwood-Hammond (ALAH) finished 2-1. Hillsboro and Ramsey finished 1-2.

Stew-Stras/Windsor is off to the best start in about 15 years and they are playing through a lot of injuries.

"We lost our starting left fielder the second game of the year (broken thumb) and our starting center fielder went down against T'town with an ankle injury," said Coach Kyle Knop.

"Kendall Knop had to pitch 9 of the first 10 games, because Courtney Schultz was out with an elbow injury when the season started and could not pitch. becca Schlechte was out of pitching for three weeks with a hip flexor injury.

"The girls have played hard and players have stepped up when we have had injuries."

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Comets Win Ramsey Invite

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