RSC Carbohydrate Chemistry Award – Royal Society of Chemistry

Outstanding, inspirational

In nominating her, Professor Timothy Gallagher from the University of Bristol said: "Carmen has established a very successful and internationally recognized independent research programme, as evidenced by over 55 publications in high profile journals that are becoming well-cited, and a string of conference invitations.

"Her independent research is characterised by its breadth and collaborative dimension, spanningcarbohydrate synthesis through to the application of oligosaccharides in glycobiology.

"It is clear that Carmen is a scientist who has already achieved a great deal and possesses very significant future potential. Her track record is outstanding, and her ability to juggle a complicated and demanding series of roles is inspirational."

Dr Galan is a Reader in organic and biological chemistry at the University of Bristol, where she holds an ERC Consolidator award and an EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship. She undertook her PhD with Prof Geert-Jan Boons at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Centre in Georgia, USA before postdoctoral studies with Prof Chi-Huey Wong (Scripps Research Center) and Prof Sarah OConnor (MIT).

She is a member of editorial advisory boards for Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, RSC Advances and the editorial boards of Carbohydrate Research and Nature Scientific Reports. She also represents the United Kingdom in the International Carbohydrate Organisation.

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RSC Carbohydrate Chemistry Award - Royal Society of Chemistry

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