Pioneering Researcher of Reticular Chemistry and UC Berkeley Professor Dr. Omar Yaghi to Present Shipley Distinguished Lecture at Clarkson University…

Dr. Omar Yaghi

Dr. Omar Yaghi will present two lectures at Clarkson Universitys 26th Shipley Distinguished Lectureship next month. The lectures will be held virtually via Zoom, and are open to the public.

Professor Omar M. Yaghi is a professor of chemistry at UC Berkeley and is widely known for pioneering several extensive classes of new materials: MetalOrganic Frameworks (MOFs), Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs), and Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs). These materials have the highest surface areas known to date, making them useful for hydrogen and methane storage, carbon capture and conversion, water harvesting from desert air, and catalysis, to mention a few. The building block approach he developed has led to an exponential growth in the creation of new materials having diversity and multiplicity previously unknown in chemistry. He termed this field Reticular Chemistry and defines it as stitching molecular building blocks into extended structures by strong bonds. Please visit his webpage to read more about Dr. Yaghi and his research.

Professor Yaghi will offer two virtual lectures. The first one, titled Harvesting Water from Desert Air will be held Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 4:30 pm EDT. Click here to register for the Zoom event.

The second virtual lecture, titled RETICULAR CHEMISTRY: The atom, the molecule, and the framework will be held Friday, April 8, 2022, at 3:30 pm EDT. Click here for the Zoom event.

Yaghi is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and has been honored with many awards for his scientific accomplishments, including the Materials Research Society Medal and the American Chemical Society Award in the Chemistry of Materials. He recently became the inaugural recipient of the VinFuture Special Prize which is dedicated to Innovators with Outstanding Achievements in Emerging Fields.

The Shipley Distinguished Lectures are sponsored by the Shipley Family Foundation, with support from Clarksons Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) and the Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science. The lectures were initiated in 1994 by the late Professor Egon Matijevic through a generous gift from the foundation on behalf of the late Lucia and Charles Shipley.

The Universitys relationship with the Shipleys dates to 1970, when Matijevic was invited by the Shipley Company to successfully resolve a patent situation involving their critical catalyst in electroless plating, establishing a professional relationship between the two entrepreneurs that continued for years.

For more than 20 years, distinguished speakers from around the world, including ten Nobel Laureates, have presented talks. The purpose of the lectures is to promote scholarly achievement at Clarkson by providing the opportunity for idea exchange and active learning, as well as allowing undergraduate and graduate students to meet the most prestigious speakers from all over the world.

For more information about the lectures, please contact Elizabeth McCarran at 315-268-6658 or

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Pioneering Researcher of Reticular Chemistry and UC Berkeley Professor Dr. Omar Yaghi to Present Shipley Distinguished Lecture at Clarkson University...

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