People Shared Actors Whose Onscreen Chemistry Was So Real, They Deserved An Academy Award, And Yes – BuzzFeed

And the Oscar for "Making me believe in love again" goes to...

"This was literally one of the best onscreen relationships I've EVER seen."


"They should also be added to this list. When I first watched the movie, I began to wonder if they actually did fall in love in real life!"


"Such a beautiful, realistic couple. They should've given them some kind of award for sure!"


"They are my favorite onscreen couple of all time. Their chemistry is so natural and effortless."


"I know the movie is goofy, but the chemistry between them is so pure and sweet."


"I said this in the initial questionnaire and I'll say it again here:

Those two created smokin' hot chemistry in a movie with no kiss, no declaration of love, two (maybe three) non-sexual touches between them in the entire movie, yet every single scene they share is absolutely on fire with sexual tension. It's easy to make chemistry with a 30-second-long passionate kiss, but it takes incredible talent and craft to pull off that kind of chemistry without any of the traditional markers of onscreen romance."


"Its a classic, and the sexual tension between them especially in the song 'Shall We Dance' is fantastic."


"I die a little bit every time I watch this movie because their chemistry is SO good!"


"How did these two not make the first list?!"


"I always thought they were adorable together, and incredibly believable."


"I know this is going to be unpopular, but they were absolutely heartbreaking as Rey and Ben Solo. There's a reason why a whole fandom was created around it."


"I mean, honestly, any film with those two is an instant classic!"


"I know it's an older movie, but I'd like to add these two to the nomination list. That phone scene? It makes me melt every single time."


"Their chemistry was so damn believable that it actually broke me."


"Even though they were apart for most of the movie, the scenes they did have together were AMAZING."


"Whenever there's a list like this, these two should absolutely get a mention."


"How...HOW...could no one name these two? I know it's a Disney series, but their chemistry was INCREDIBLE."


Some entries were edited for length and/or clarity.

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People Shared Actors Whose Onscreen Chemistry Was So Real, They Deserved An Academy Award, And Yes - BuzzFeed

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