Organic Chemistry (TGIB) – Video

Thank God it's Bio! For Mrs. Gaffney's Biology class. A delightful song about organic chemistry to the tune of Katy Perry's Last Friday Night (TGIF) The karaoke track is from TheHMKARAOKEMC's YouTube Channel! -Thanks! Organic Chemistry (TGIB) When I wake up in my bed science swimming in my head DNA and ATP It's organic chemistry! There's organic molecules Carbohydrates, Lipids too You've got Proteins and DNA With ATP I'll find a way Organic chemistry used to be hard for me but now I know With the science of life I will be all right and now I think it rules Organic Chemistry Carbohydrates are just swell make up structures of the cell are a source of energy Organic chemistry oh it isn't very hard simple sugars make up carbs synthesis can make it starch Organic Chemistry Oh Organic molecules Follow very simple rules Have carbon and have hydrogen Organic chemistry yeah I think I got this right It's the chemistry of life Whoa-oh-oah Organic Chemistry Learn it all again Organic Chemistry Learn it all again and Up next is ATP All living things need energy adenosine triphosphate it powers life so don't you hate Next up, Lipids are a ball Fatty acids, glycerol Store energy as well Make up the membrane of the cell Organic chemistry used to be hard for me but now I know With the science of life I will be all right and now I think it rules Organic Chemistry DNA has nucleotides and their bonded down one side Sugar phosphate and a base Organic Chemistry Adenine and thymine Cytosine and ...

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Organic Chemistry (TGIB) - Video

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