H-index movers and shakers

The latest update to Chemistry World’s h-index ranking of living chemists is out. Unsurprisingly, Harvard University’s George Whitesides is undisturbed at the top of the tree, but there are a few climbers in the chart this time around.

Michael Grätzel of dye-sensitised solar cell fame,  has charged into the top five from 11th position in March, and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, US, climbs nearly 20 places from 40th in March to 23rd.

What does this mean? Are DSSCs finally going to make good on their promise of recent years? Is atom-transfer radical polymerisation about to take over the world? Well, who knows – but its fun to watch the rollercoaster go up and down and round and around…

Phillip Broadwith

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