GOATdate Herds Locked Down Love Seekers With Chemistry In Mind – Forbes

Theres a new app out there in the social media world called GOATDate. Thankfully, now livestock is involved in the platform whatsoever. Weve been locked up due to Coronavirus for a long time, but (thankfully) not that long.

The new-to-the-social-media-market app is a video-first dating service that seems well-timed to this era in which COVID-19 made even the most social love seeker a quarantined hermit. According to its designers, the GOATdate app aims to simultaneously modernize and humanize the virtual dating experience and they seem to be off to a solid start as their reports indicate a 100% increase in user numbers during the past week.

While many other social media dating services rely on swiping and texting, the GOATdate app wants ... [+] users to test their romantic chemistry.

The apps raison d'tre is establishing chemistry as the prime focus of virtual dating in place of mere photos or preprogrammed questionnaires. The GOATdate procedures look to make the online dating experience more efficient than other social media apps such as Tinder, Match.com or Bumble by cutting out the back and forth texting.

The platform also makes it unnecessary to endure the potentially uncomfortable push and pull of trying to set up FaceTime or Skype appointments to meet as much as any new couple can during this spring of COVID-19.

Dating serviced based more on video interaction and less on swipes or text messages boomed over recent weeks as virtual interaction became the only option available for those seeking a partner. The minds behind GOATdate argue the new players on the pitch and the old standards who add video features are still rooted primarily in photo, chat and text functions.

The GOATdate app lets users "graze" before moving into a "face to face" video meet during COVID-19 ... [+] quarantine.

At GOATdate, users review their match profiles and setup video dates limited to five minutes. Thats the Graze phase as users like potential fellow GOATdaters. When theres a match, both parties engage in a five-minute video date. Would-be partners have that period to deduce whether theyre interested in pursuing the match any further.

To give the video date a little head butt with horns, the app provides a cheat sheet for the users to review with conversation starters slanted toward the people involved in the short date. All users must undergo a required security video verification to minimize fake profiles, online cons or cat fishing.

See the original post here:
GOATdate Herds Locked Down Love Seekers With Chemistry In Mind - Forbes

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