Exam board AQA apologises after error in A-level chemistry exam – TES News

Exam board AQA has apologised for including an unanswerable question inits A-level Chemistrypaper.

Pupils sitting the exam this afternoon were told to leave out one of the questions in the paper.

Schools were contacted about the mistake before today's exam to ensure students could be told, AQA has said.

But some pupilson social media claimed that they were onlynotified in the middle of the exam and some say they were nottold at all:

Pupils will be awarded the two marks from the question, which has had to be discounted.

An AQA spokesperson said: "This shouldn't have happened and we are sorry it did.

"Each of our exam papers goes through a lot of checks, but unfortunately errors can very occasionally slip through.

"When they do, we always make sure that students don't lose out. But one error is still one too many, so we are carrying out a detailed investigation".

The mistake came on the same dayTes revealed that exam board OCRhad made an error in its Biology A-level paper.

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Exam board AQA apologises after error in A-level chemistry exam - TES News

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