DESE votes to phase out chemistry and technology/engineering MCAS subject tests by 2024 –

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Board voted Tuesday to phase out two of the four MCAS high school science and technology/engineering subject tests. These exams are currently available for students to meet competency determination requirements for graduation.

Continued low and declining testing participation met by significant costs to develop the new tests contributed to the decision. The board said at Decembers meeting that most students take either the biology or introductory physics MCAS test, with only 3% of students taking the chemistry or technology/engineering exams.

Eliminating the tests will not eliminate courses in chemistry and technology/engineering. Data presented by the board suggests that in the 2020-2021 school year, 23,594 students took a course in technology/engineering and 67,814 students took chemistry.

Our high school MassCore requirements include three years of a laboratory science, so most students will have opportunities to take either or both of these subjects, the board said.

Before the vote, board member Paymon Rouhanifard of Brookline said he planned on voting to pass the proposal, but said he believes schools should measure what they value and that they are devaluing chemistry and technology/engineering learning. He added that he understands the rationale but wants schools to find another way to measure progress.

I think its a sad day that were taking this vote. Thats not to say that there arent great answers out there in the future and I hope this prompts some bigger dialogue, Rouhanifard said.

Secretary of Education James Peyser agreed with Rouhanifard, saying he recognizes the lack of interest in the subject tests but doesnt want to send a message that chemistry and technology/engineering dont matter. He added that DESE plans to support and strengthen high-quality coursework with science and technology, including testing.

The proposal to phase out the tests stated that schools would continue to offer them for two additional years in spring 2022 and spring 2023 to accommodate students and schools who still participate in the chemistry and technology/engineering tests regularly.

This deferred elimination allows students in the class of 2025 (who are in 9th grade this year) to take either of these two tests at the end of either 9th or 10th grade and gives high schools time to adjust their course sequences if needed, the board said.

Beginning in 2024, chemistry and technology/engineering tests would no longer be available, and only tests in biology and introductory physics would be offered to students in the class of 2026 and beyond.

Students in the class of 2025 will be allowed to submit performance appeals in chemistry and technology/engineering during the transition, however.

DESE plans to make the announcement this winter to provide fair notice to students and high schools so they can alter courses with the change.

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DESE votes to phase out chemistry and technology/engineering MCAS subject tests by 2024 -

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