North Korea crisis: European Council expands sanctions against Pyongyang amid WW3 threat –


The Council of the European Union said it had extended an asset freeze and travel restrictions to nine individuals and four organisations including the government-owned Foreign Trade Bank.

Similar sanctions were already imposed on 62 individuals and 50 organisations.

The latest move brings the EUs punitive measures against North Korea in line with a new United Nations Security Council resolution toughening sanctions against the Kim Jong-uns regime.


The EU has implemented all UN Security Council resolutions adopted in response to the DPRKs nuclear and nuclear weapons

EU Council spokesman

The Council of the EU has also singled out a further 41 individuals and seven organisations for to face extra measures.

A spokesman said: The EU has implemented all UN Security Council resolutions adopted in response to the DPRKs nuclear and nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs.

Tensions have been running high since Pyongyang warned it would fire missiles at Guam in response to US President Donald Trumps threat that North Koreas aggression would be met with fire and fury.

North Korea says a plan that could see it fire four missiles near the US territory of Guam will be ready in a matter of days.


State media said Hwasong-12 rockets would pass over Japan and land in the sea about 17 miles from Guam, if the plan was approved by Kim.

It denounced Donald Trump's warnings as "a load of nonsense" and said the US leader was "bereft of reason".

It said: "Sound dialogue is not possible with such a guy bereft of reason and only absolute force can work on him.


North Korea State Media

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The US has told the North its actions could mean the "end of its regime".

US Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis warned Pyongyang would be "grossly overmatched" in any war against the US and its allies.

He said: While our state department is making every effort to resolve this global threat through diplomatic means, it must be noted that the combined allied militaries now possess the most precise, rehearsed and robust defensive and offensive capabilities on Earth.

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North Korea crisis: European Council expands sanctions against Pyongyang amid WW3 threat -

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Bizarre map reveals ‘best place’ in Lancashire to avoid WW3 nuclear missile strike – Lancashire Evening Post

An estate agent has put together a bizarre map which it says highlights the best places to live in Lancashire and the UK if you fear for the nation's impending doom.

This map apparently highlights the zones which would be wiped out by a nuclear strike on one of 20 major cities - and where you'd be safe.

Turns out Lancashire residents should head to Barrow or Lancaster, where you'll then be able to watch the end of the world in comfort, safe from background radiation.

The North West

The most affordable option for those worried about the impending end of the world is Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria, with an average house price of just 112,279 and a good chance of being out of the radiation zone. Staying in Cumbria and slightly further north, Carlisle is also an affordable option at (131,970). To the South in Lancashire, Lancaster also provides a fairly safe bet at (146,133).

Estate agent eMoov says: "Although were out of range from any threat from North Korea, London would be the obvious choice for a nuclear strike in the UK, but the capital could be the tip of the iceberg, so eMoov used Nukemap to plot the resulting impact zones for an all-out nuclear attack on 20 major UK cities.

"These were Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Hull, Nottingham, Birmingham, Cambridge, Norwich, Oxford, London, Bristol, Swansea, Southampton, Brighton, Plymouth, Liverpool and Sheffield.

"Although the resulting strikes would also see, York, Leicester, Peterborough, Exeter, Cardiff, Bath and much more become uninhabitable due to the thermal radiation radius

"eMoov then looked for radiation free options to get on the property ladder across the UK and at different price bands for those that might be worried about a nuclear threat."

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Bizarre map reveals 'best place' in Lancashire to avoid WW3 nuclear missile strike - Lancashire Evening Post

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Fmr Intel Director James Clapper warns US is waltzing into WW3 if Trump doesn’t choose diplomacy over threats – Raw Story

Formere Director of U.S. National Intelligence James Clapper speaks during a discussion on "The 9/11 Commission Report: Ten Years Later," on July 22, 2014 at the Newseum in Washington, DC (AFP Photo/Alex Wong)

Retired Lt. Gen. James Clapper has served in the United States Air Force for decades and under former President Barack Obama as the Director of National Intelligence. Hes not an easily excited man, according to information warfare expert Molly McKew. But thats exactly what happened Thursday when Clapper discussed President Donald Trumps comments about North Korea.

I was really struck when I visited there in November 2014, you know, but the level of paranoia and the siege mentality that prevails in North Korea was overwhelming, Clapper explained. Ive followed Korean Peninsula since I served there in the mid-1980s and I was really taken aback by the level of the siege mentality and the paranoia that exists there. And so Ive been an advocate for years now of opening which right now is kind of hard to do, but an intersection in Pyongyang much like we had in Havana for decades government we didnt recognize. This is not a reward for bad behavior but rather to have an in residence diplomatic presence, a way of gaining greater insight and understanding in whats going on in North Korea and perhaps most importantly, conveying information to North Korea.

He went on to say that whatever the United States has been doing with respect to North Korea, clearly isnt working and its time to think about a new and different strategy.

I dont know exactly how it would work, but I think the time has come to think about some direct dialogue with the North Koreans, Clapper urged. It wasnt so long ago that President Trump was saying it would be an honor to meet Kim Jong-Un and perhaps a summit that could be brokered by the Chinese. But this you know, dont pass go, dont collect $200 and were going to, you know, create a situation the likes of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, which is implied in the presidents threat. I dont think were there yet, at least I hope to god were not.

He went on to say that the global community must accept that North Korea has a nuclear presence on the global stage.

When you consider the alternative, which is not good, I would hope people would give [talks] some thought, he said.

Host Don Lemon asked about Trumps attitudes on the intelligence community and Clapper noted that it seems Trump waffles back and forth on it.

Well, I think he likes intelligence on a selective basis, Clapper continued. He seems to accept the intelligence on Korea or on Syria, on China, on other areas, on terrorism, but when it comes to Russia, not so much.

He said that trump would improve once he got rid of the two principle Nazis, John Brennan and himself. Clapper was referencing to a January 11, 2017 press conference prior to Trumps inauguration where he blamed the intelligence community for leaks about Russian hacking. He explained Trump likened he and Brennan to likened us to Nazis.

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Shocking James Clapper by sarahburris

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Fmr Intel Director James Clapper warns US is waltzing into WW3 if Trump doesn't choose diplomacy over threats - Raw Story

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BRINK OF WW3: North Korea war threats ESCALATE as Donald Trump deploys supersonic bombers –

Tensions reached an all-time high yesterday when Donald Trump announced he would bring fire and fury to the rogue state if despot Kim Jong-un kept threatening America.

The pot-bellied dictator responding by announcing it was carefully examining plans to bomb the US territory of Guam.

North Korea threatened to lay siege to the territory using strategic ballistic rocket Hwaseong-12.

Now America has escalated the situation further by announcing the deployment of fighter jets.


Two US B-1B bombers have been deployed from Guam amid declarations they are prepared to fight tonight.

The planes will take part in a 10-hour mission, flying near Kyushu, Japan, the East China Sea, and the Korean peninsula in a direct threat to Kim.

The Pacific Air Forces tweeted: South Dakota airmen arrive on Guam conduct #bilateral missions with Japan & ROK [South Korea] US ready to #fighttonight.

READ MORE: Will Donald Trump go to war with North Korea?


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Two U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers fly from Guam with an escort of a pair of Japan Self-Defense Forces F-2 fighter jets near Kyushu

How we train is how we fight and the more we interface with our allies, the better prepared we are to fight tonight

US Air Force pilot

A US Air Force pilot said: How we train is how we fight and the more we interface with our allies, the better prepared we are to fight tonight.

The B-1 is a long-range bomber that is well-suited for the maritime domain and can meet the unique challenges of the Pacific.

North Korea has warned it was considering attacking Guam - a huge escalation in the war of words between Kim and his Western rivals.


A statement issued by his news agency said: [We are] now carefully examining the operational plan for making an enveloping fire at the areas around Guam with the medium-to-long-range Hwasong-12 strategic ballistic rocket.

Just hours before Mr Trump had issued a dire warning to Kim to stop sabre-rattling.


He said: North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States.

"They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen."

READ MORE: Does North Korea have nuclear weapons?

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BRINK OF WW3: North Korea war threats ESCALATE as Donald Trump deploys supersonic bombers -

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‘This is a BIG DEAL’ Washington cranks up WW3 fears by attacking ‘provocative’ North Korea –

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauertcondemned the rogue state's "provocative" missile tests during a press briefing.

She also defended Donald Trump after the President threatened to meet North Korea with "fire and fury like the world has never seen".

She told reporters Mr Trump was "sending a strong message" to Kim Jong-un to stop the power-crazed despot sparking a nuclear war.

Ms Nauert said: "Our long-term pressure campaign, which is backed by many other agents, is working. It is ratcheting up the pressure on North Korea.

"The President is sending a strong message to North Korea in the kind of language that North Korea understands.

"The President is a very effective spokesman people listen to him, and the President was sending a message loud and clear."


AFP/Getty Images

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North Korea's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Hwasong-14 being lauched at an undisclosed place in North Korea


It is a concern to the world, not just the United States

Heather Nauert

"There are lots of ways to get through to Kim Jong-un and his regime. Our issue is not with the people of the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea], it is with the regime itself.

"It is a big deal what is going on, it is a concern to the world, not just the United States.

"Those are alarming actions, they are provocative actions by North Korea."


Earlier today, an official in Mr Trump's administration claimed his "fire and fury" remarks were unplanned and took his aides by surprised.

The anonymous official told the Reuters news agency: "President Trump's comment was unplanned and spontaneous.

"There had not been any discussions about escalating the rhetoric in response to North Korean leader Kim's statements or about the possible effects of doing that."

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'This is a BIG DEAL' Washington cranks up WW3 fears by attacking 'provocative' North Korea -

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Mystic who predicted Donald Trump’s presidency claims World War 3 is about to start and says he knows the EXACT … – The Sun

Self-proclaimed "messenger of God" Horacio Villegas warns that nuclear warfare will erupt later this year

A MYSTIC who says he foresaw Donald Trumps presidency has now predicted the EXACT date World War 3 will start.

The self-proclaimed messenger of God,Horacio Villegas, thinks nuclear warfare will erupt later this year on the 100th anniversary of thevisitation of Our Lady of Fatima.

Getty - Contributor

Catholic Horacio, from Texas, USA, predicted Trumps election win as far back as 2015, he told the Daily Star.

He also labelled the US President the Illuminati king who would bring the world into WW3.

Chillingly, one of his prophecies that Trump would attack Syria has already come true.

The billionaire businessman launched a huge air strike on an airbase in Homs earlier this year.

The clairvoyant said that this move would bring Russia, North Korea and China into the conflict.

His latest vision came to him in the form of a dream, in April, in which Horacio says he saw balls of fire falling from the sky and hitting the Earth.

AFP or licensors

People everywhere were running around trying to hide from this destruction, he added.

Horacio claims D-Day will fall on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima, the Virgin Mary, which started on May 13, 1917.

It was on that day, according to Catholic belief, Jesus mother visited a village in Portugal and warned that if they did not convert Russia to the faith, God would wreak havoc on the world.

Her sixth and final visit was said to be on October 13, 1917 and the 100th anniversary of this date is approaching in just two months time.

Horacio told the Daily Star:The main message that people need to know in order be prepared is that between May 13 and October 13 2017, this war will occur and be over with much devastation, shock and death.

The warning comes after Trump reportedlylaunched supersonic B-1B bombers from Guam airbase and warned America would respond to threats with fire and fury as North Korea warned of plans to attack the US naval outpost.

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Mystic who predicted Donald Trump's presidency claims World War 3 is about to start and says he knows the EXACT ... - The Sun

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Nuclear war: Is THIS where the Queen and royal family will shelter if WW3 breaks out? –


Nuclear war UK latest news: Is this where the Queen and royals will hide in the case of a bomb?

Nuclear war - a state of national emergency - is one in a number of worst case scenarios for the UK and the international community in general.

Many Britons live their day-to-day lives without a contingency plan for a nuclear attack.

However, heads of states are likely to have a preordained place of safety in the event of a nuclear attack.

Where might theQueenand theroyal familygo to hide from the aftermath of a nuclear weapon?


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The UK's Vanguard fleet of four submarines carrying Trident nuclear missiles are due to become obsolete by the end of 2020

In 2010 a declassified document revealed the Queens elaborate plans for escape if a nuclear missile is launched.

It unveiled Her Highness and her loved ones would use the Royal Yacht Britannia to stay safe.

The plan stated the British Royal Family would hide in lochs in Scotland - much like the fabled Loch Ness monster.

While the Queen was lying low, members of parliament would be sent to a bunker with the code name Turnstile, under Box Hill near Bath.


This was so, in the case of any MP deaths, the Queen would be able to appointment a new Prime Minister - as currently it is still a part of British law that she carry out this task.

However, it is not clear whether the royal familys plans in the case of a nuclear attack may have changed since the revelation made in the document.

The Queen, Charles, William and Kate may be eyeing up other locations to escape the wrath of countries such as North Korea.

There is a bunker at Barnton Quarry that the important family might hide in.


Near the Windsor family residence of Holyroodhouse, the bunker was built in 1952.

It was one of the Regional Seats of Government, built to help the UK fight back in the case of nuclear attacks from the Soviet Union.

HMS Warrior in Northwood is another bunker the royals might use to keep themselves safe. recently charted the location of the UKs public nuclear bunkers.

So where are the UK's nuclear bunkers?

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Nuclear war: Is THIS where the Queen and royal family will shelter if WW3 breaks out? -

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WW3: The UN Security Council Gut Punched NKorea – Live Trading News

WW3: The UN Security Council Gut Punched NKorea

United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley said Saturday that tough UN sanctions approved by the Security Council against North Korea delivered a gut punch and that future military action was up to Pyongyang over its recent missile tests.

US President Donald Trump took to Twitter Saturday to praise the UN Security Council for slapping tough sanctions on North Korea, noting that China and Russia voted with us.

Here are Trumps posts:

The Security Councilvoted to target North Korean exportsthat sought to deprive Pyongyang of $1-B in annual revenue and other strong steps in response to its recent missile tests.

The resolution was drafted by the US and the 15-0 vote included support from China, Russia, Japan and South Korea.

The measure bans all exports of coal, iron and iron ore, lead and lead ore, as well as fish and seafood by the cash-starved state, thus stripping North Korea of a third of its export earnings estimated at $3-B a year.

We should not fool ourselves into thinking we have solved the problem, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina Republican governor, told the council before the vote. Not even close.

The North Korean threat has not left us. It is rapidly growing more dangerous.

Further action is required, she added. The United States is taking and will continue to take prudent defensive measures to protect ourselves and our allies.

Amb. Haley noted that Washington would continue annual joint military exercises with South Korea.

Have a terrific weekend.

China, Haley, Korea, Nations, North, Russia, sanctions, Trump, UN, United, voted, ww3

Paul A. Ebeling, polymath, excels in diverse fields of knowledge. Pattern Recognition Analyst in Equities, Commodities and Foreign Exchange and author of The Red Roadmasters Technical Report on the US Major Market Indices, a highly regarded, weekly financial market letter, he is also a philosopher, issuing insights on a wide range of subjects to a following of over 250,000 cohorts. An international audience of opinion makers, business leaders, and global organizations recognizes Ebeling as an expert.

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US send 12 fighter jets and 200 troops to North Korea’s doorstep amid WW3 fears – Daily Star

THE US has revealed it will send 12 fighter jets and 200 airmen to South Korea as tensions with North Korea threaten to erupt into war.


The US Air Force will deploy the squadron of F-16 Fighting Falcons to Kunsan Air Base for four months from this month.

Airmen from the 176th Fighter Squadron will join the estimated 28,500 American soldiers, sailors, pilots and Marines currently based in South Korea.

Pacific Air Forces (PAF) said the fighter jets will ensure regional stability and security amid heightened tensions over North Koreas latest missile launch.

The US is still reeling after the communist state tested another intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) the second in less than a month last week.


Ghosts of the last time America went to war in Korea have been brought back to life through the work of a British electrician. The stunning pictures show ships lined up on the shore at the Battle of Inchon and troops boarding a plane ready for a drop behind enemy lines north of Pyongyang, Korea

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In a statement on its website, PAF said: The United States routinely evaluates readiness and repositions forces as needed to ensure capabilities necessary to meet obligations in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

These deployments demonstrate the continued US commitment to fulfill security responsibilities throughout the Western Pacific and to maintain peace in the region.

The announcement comes just days after the US conducted joint military drills with Japan in response to the missile test.

On Sunday, two US Air Force bombers flew over the Korean peninsula in direct response to Pyongyangs ICBM launch.

These deployments demonstrate the continued US commitment to fulfill security responsibilities throughout the Western Pacific

On the same day the US shot down a medium-range ballistic missile over the Pacific with its THAAD defence system.

US defence chiefs were said to be considering military options in the wake of the test on Thursday.

Yesterday US President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to take further action to protect allies from the totalitarian nation.

Abe said: We have made consistent efforts to resolve the North Korean problem in a peaceful manner, but North Korea has ignored that entirely and escalated the situation in a one-sided way.


Some call it one of the scariest places on Earth; others view it more as a tourist spot. This is an inside view of the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas in Paju, South Korea

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South Korea offers inter-Korean military talks

But threats do not seem to have deterred supreme leader Kim Jong-un before.

Today the US has detected highly unusual North Korean submarine activity.

A US defence official told CNN that unprecedented levels of submarine activity have been detected.

These include three "cold ejection" tests in July.

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US send 12 fighter jets and 200 troops to North Korea's doorstep amid WW3 fears - Daily Star

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North Korea FIRES submarine missile as WW3 fears reach fever pitch – Daily Star

THE US has detected highly unusual North Korean submarine activity, just days after the rogue state conducted its second test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

The submarine was evidence of an ejection test, which examines a missiles cold-launch system.

A US defence official told CNN that unprecedented levels of submarine activity has been detected.

These include three "cold ejection" tests in July.


Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

An ejection test uses high-pressure steam to expel a missile from the launch tube before ignition to reduce the risk of damage to the vessel.

The latest test took place on land at Sinpo Naval Shipyard on Sunday.

Daily Star Online revealed the shocking consequences of war with North Korea.

While tourists are free to visit the secretive state as part of strictly controlled tour groups, they are told to never take photos of soldiers by their handlers. These images taken by photographer Eric Lafforgue show the truth behind North Korean military service: a life of hard physical labour with the perks of visits to the nation's capital

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Many soldiers are used as a labor force to compensate for the ineffective North Korean economy, so the army is not only about military organization.

North Korea who are said to have 70 submarines in its fleet also engaged in unusual deployment activity last month when a Romeo-class submarine travelled 100 kilometres out to sea off the coast of Japan.

The regimes newest vessel, the diesel powered Sinpo-class, is the only one believed to have ballistic missile launch capability.

A recent ICBM test showed North Korea was within range of Alaska though its missiles still couldn't reach the contiguous United States.

After the test, it emerged the US had passed up a chance to assassinate Kim Jong-un, having watched him at the launch site for more than an hour without attacking.

But the brush with death has done nothing to silence the leader, with North Korea now boasting that nuking the US and South Korea had become a "piece of cake".

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North Korea FIRES submarine missile as WW3 fears reach fever pitch - Daily Star

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Ready for WW3? Russia moves 8000 troops and 50 planes as Putin braces for North Korea war – Daily Star

VLADIMIR Putin is preparing 8,000 troops, 50 warplanes and 3,000 pieces of military kit for war amid fears the US may invade North Korea.


Russia held the massive combat readiness check of its Eastern Military District as global tensions continue to flare over the North Korea crisis.

The huge military drill took place in Russias eastern Transbaikal region around 3,000km (1,300miles) from its border with North Korea.

Putin fears the US may launch military action against the communist state after it tested another intercontinental ballistic missile last week.

The international community reacted with fury to the test, with the US accusing Russia of bearing unique and special responsibility for North Korea.

Now it appears the Russian President is preparing his eastern military for a conflict in the event it kicks off on the Korean peninsula.


A look inside the powerful Russian Army.

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5 Russia's soldiers prepare Russia's air defence system S-400 Triumf launch vehicles on August 13, 2014 in Elektrostal, Russia.

Putin made a similar move earlier this year when he sent soldiers to Russias border with North Korea in anticipation of a bust-up.

In a statement, the Russian Defence Ministry said: During the combat readiness check, the personnel of one of the motor-rifle units of the combined-arms army deployed to the Transbaikal region marched for 150 kilometers and crossed the Onon River.

During the march, Mil Mi-24 attack helicopters covered military hardware.

North Korea has ignored that entirely and escalated the situation in a one-sided way.

In a phone conversation with Trump today, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called on Russia to increase pressure on North Korea.

Speaking in Tokyo he said: "We have made consistent efforts to resolve the North Korean problem in a peaceful manner, but North Korea has ignored that entirely and escalated the situation in a one-sided way.

"The international community, starting with China and Russia, must take this obvious fact seriously and increase pressure."


Ghosts of the last time America went to war in Korea have been brought back to life through the work of a British electrician. The stunning pictures show ships lined up on the shore at the Battle of Inchon and troops boarding a plane ready for a drop behind enemy lines north of Pyongyang, Korea

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Relations between Moscow and Washington have frayed in recent weeks after the US slapped Russia with more sanctions.

In response, Russia has refused to rule out military action if Trump approves further sanctions.

To show off Russia's military might, Putin flaunted his sea power with a huge naval parade at the weekend.

Originally posted here:

Ready for WW3? Russia moves 8000 troops and 50 planes as Putin braces for North Korea war - Daily Star

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WW3? Tensions escalate as Putin threatens Trump for sending lethal weapons to Ukraine –


Kurt Volker, the US special envoy to Ukraine said Washington was actively reviewing whether to send weapons to help Ukrainians fighting Russian-backed rebels.

The Kremlin hit back saying if US weapons were delivered to Ukraine the situation along the frontline in the east of the country could be destabilised.

Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin's spokesman, said: "We have already said more than once that any action which escalates tension and further aggravates the already complicated situation will only move us further and further away from the moment of settling this internal issue of Ukraine."

Donald Trump started off his presidency saying he was happy to be cordial with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

However, in recent months the relationship has soured following the launch of an investigation into whether Russia meddled in last year's US election.

Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS

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Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) and US President Donald Trump talking during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg

In a series of early morning tweets today, Mr Trump hit out at the investigation and questioned, without offering evidence, Ukrainian support for his Democratic presidential rival, Hillary Clinton.

Mr Trump added US Attorney General Jeff Sessions had "taken a very weak position" toward Democratic presidential nominee Mrs Clinton and cited "Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign - quietly working to boost Clinton".

The US President gave no other details or offered any evidence about any role Ukraine may have played in the 2016 US presidential election, which is already under scrutiny for alleged Russian meddling and any possible ties to the Trump campaign or his associates.

Ukraine's permanent representative to the Council of Europe, Dmytro Kuleba, said on Twitter: "Trump writes that we interfered in the elections in the USA, while Putin says that we threaten Russia. There was a time when we were peaceful buckwheat sowers who kept themselves to themselves."


Russia has denied any interference in the US election, and Mr Trump has said his campaign did not collude with Moscow.

The issue has cast a cloud over Mr Trump's first sixth months in office as Congress and the US Department of Justice conduct multiple investigations.



US lawmakers are also pushing new sanctions on Russia over its 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and for its alleged US election interference, potentially complicating Mr Trump's hopes of pursuing improved relations with Moscow.

In the run-up to November's election, the Federal Bureau of Investigation probed Clinton's handling of email as US secretary of state under Democratic President Barack Obama but ultimately said no criminal charges were warranted.

The Ukrainian president's spokesman did not respond immediately to a request for comment. The foreign ministry declined to comment.

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China and Russia stage war games on EU border taunting West with WW3 threats –


A formidable Chinese flotilla has travelled 10,000 miles for the show of strength with its ally Russia.

Ten ships and the same number of aircraft descended on Europes border to take part in their provocative war games.

Among the arsenal is the Chinese Type 052D guided missile destroyer Hefei, one of the countrys most advanced warships.

And they have been joined by a Russian contingent featuring equally advanced hardware, including two Russian corvettes.


The exercises have been met with caution by Nato members, with the Chinese ships being escorted at various points in their mammoth journey by British, Dutch and Danish crafts as it passed through the Channel and the North Sea.

Beijing made clear they were intent to impress by flaunting their military capabilities.

Naval expert Li Jie said: By sending its most advanced guided-missile destroyers, China is expressing its sincerity to Russia and also sends a strong signal to other countries who plan to provoke us.

The US and Britain are two Nato members closely monitoring the games, in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Kaliningrad, Russias heavily militarised enclave on the European mainline between Poland and Lithuania - both Nato members themselves.

The joint US European Command responded, saying: We are closely tracking Russian exercises with other participants like China.

While we support their rights to train in international commons, we expect all nations adhere to international norms and laws.


China is expressing its sincerity to Russia

Li Jie

Recent actions by Moscow have inflamed tensions with the West and sparked fear among its neighbours who are wary of Russian aggression.

In particular the Baltic nations of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are worried about Russias looming shadow, which has intensified since they annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, leading to a bloody civil war.

Russias only territory within the EU, Kaliningrad has seen its weapons and defence system significantly upgraded.

Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS

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Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) and US President Donald Trump talking during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg

Also the site where the Kremlin stations its Baltic Sea fleet, the 86 square mile post has recently seen two corvettes armed with Kalibr nuclear-capable missiles deployed there in October.

They were bolstered by the addition of the Iskander nuclear-capable missiles, which will be deployed there permanently alongside S-400 air defence systems.

And anti-ship missiles are stationed near the coast.


President Vladimir Putin and his counterpart Xi Jinxing cemented their firm friendship with a meeting in Moscow this month, both condemning the deployment of US missiles defence system THAAD in South Korea.

The pair met for the third time this year.

Yang Mian, from the Centre for International Relations at the Chinese Institute of Communications, said: The trend for the development of Chinese-Russian relations has been excellent in recent years, and favourable progress can be noted in military cooperation as well.

Earlier, the two countries conducted drills in various areas of the Pacific Ocean.

This time, the joint exercises in the Baltic Sea reflect the close cooperation between the two countries in the military sphere their mutual strategic support for one another.

In response to Russias growing military presence Nato members decided to deploy four multination battle-groups amounting to 4,500 boots on the ground.

They are primarily stationed in Poland, with Operation Summer Shield is designed as a show of strength against Russia and to dissuade it from any provocative actions.

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China and Russia stage war games on EU border taunting West with WW3 threats -

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WW3 tensions as Russia unites with China for terrifying war games on Europe’s border –

The superpowers are taking part in the terrifying war games amid growing fears of an all-out global conflict.

Three Chinese and 10 Russian warships began practising live-fire combat against submarines and other warships yesterday.

China has sent one of its most modern warships the Type 052D destroyer Hefei to the Baltic Sea for the exercise.

The vessel, which entered service in 2015, carries cruise missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and torpedoes.

The drills are being led by a joint command in Baltiysk, Russia.

The two countries pledged to ramp up their military co-operation during President Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow earlier this month.


Getty Images

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A Chinese warship operates a live-fire drill during the Joint Sea 2017 in Baltic Sea


Russia and China have always acted together at times of trouble

Alexander Fomin

Russia's deputy Defence Minister Alexander Fomin said: "Russia and China have always acted together at times of trouble and harsh tests.

"These days, the first phase of a large-scale Russian-Chinese naval exercise is underway in the Baltic Sea.

"Our seamen are training together to rebuff threats on high seas.

"These maneuvers will continue in the water areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan in autumn."


Yu Manjiang, commander of the Chinese fleet, added: "The joint naval exercises between China and Russia have been regularly held since 2012.

"They enhance both navies' cooperation and mutual trust.

"China is a great power, and it's natural that every move will attract world attention. But there's no need to hide or avoid anything."


A NATO spokesman described the drills as "an example of China's growing military capabilities and its increasingly significant global role".

The joint United States European Command added: "We are closely tracking Russian exercises with other participants like China.

"While we support their rights to train in international commons, we expect all nations adhere to international norms and laws."

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WW3 tensions as Russia unites with China for terrifying war games on Europe's border -

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‘WW3 is near’ Chilling moment explorer discovers terrifying safe house under chemical lab – Daily Star

TERRIFYING footage captured the moment an explorer stumbled across a hidden underground bunker.

While wandering around the outskirts of an abandoned chemical lab, the inquisitive adventure discovered a series of tunnels leading to a safe house.

The bizarre collection of underground rooms has been totally abandoned and along with it various items of clothing and supplies.

But the place was also fully stocked with gas masks, a chilling indication that the underground maze had been created to protect against a devastating attack.

In a caption alongside the clip, the man says: This bunker was semi-converted into storage space for old equipment and materials of the chemical laboratory above.


Getting into the tunnel wast easy as I had to sneak past cameras, but the tunnel was in a remote part of the building.

The eerie five-minute clip posted to YouTube ends with the man sitting down in one of the blacked out rooms with only his torch light to guide him back to safety.

The man explores various abandoned and uninhabited buildings for his YouTube channel, shiey.


Clown hysteria started in the US after a number of sightings the phenomena has spread worldwide and no-one knows why.

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Flomo Facebook page profile picture is very scary, stating I kill people for a living!

He previously discovered an abandoned building near a factory similarly stocked with medical supplies and gas masks.

Viewers have been stunned by the creepy footage, with one saying: You found three safe houses all filled with gas masks. I think WW3 is near.

Another person said: Props to you man, I would have fainted from fear before I got to the first room.

Visit link:

'WW3 is near' Chilling moment explorer discovers terrifying safe house under chemical lab - Daily Star

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Is Australia sleepwalking into WW3? – –

Two U.S bombers flew over the disputed South China Sea, the U.S. Air Force says, asserting the right to treat the region as international territory despite China's claims in the waters. Ryan Brooks reports.

Some analysts predict China will peacefully increase their power in the region over time. Picture: Dale de la Rey

A FORMER chief of the Australian Defence Force has claimed it is only a matter of time before Australia will be invaded, and we should be worried about rising tension in the Asia-Pacific region.

Admiral (ret.) Chris Barrie, was quoted in an analysis by the ABC, declaring Australia is plunging headlong into catastrophe and we are utterly unprepared ... The time-bomb is ticking and it will explode in our lifetimes.

He argued there are many trip-wires or points of tension in the region.

Chinas construction of artificial islands in the South China Sea is one of them, as is Americas unrelenting naval patrols leading China to officially protest a US defence bill on Monday, which could see American warships visiting Taiwan.

North Koreas missile program is another, with Japan calling on this United Nations this week to increase pressure on leader Kim Jong-un and grind testing to a halt.

The article described the region as a tinderbox, poised to descend into war.

This week, a Japanese diplomat called for action to stop North Korean leader Kim Jong-uns missile program, saying This is not a time for dialogue. Its a time for pressure. Picture: Wong Maye-ESource:AP

A miscalculation or misunderstanding ... could tip us over the edge, countries would be backed into corners and we have no way right now of talking our way out.

Its a grim prospect, but Ashley Townshend a research fellow at the University of Sydneys United States Studies Centre told there is another possibility.

It all depends on the fragile balance of power that maintains the regions stability.

He agreed with the Admirals comments that miscalculations and misunderstandings between the major powers could be disastrous, but noted significant steps have been taken in the past few years to manage some of the risks.

There is a clear and sustained strategic competition taking place between the US and China in our backyard. But it is not preordained how this rivalry will work itself out, he said.

US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping are responsible for managing the delicate balance of power in the Asia Pacific region. Picture: Saul LoebSource:AP

The US and China in particular have agreed to a number of military-to-military confidence-building measures that are designed to reduce the risk of an accidental clash between fighter aircraft or warships in the open seas and open skies, he said.

An increasing number of close encounters have recently prompted the two countries to adopt a much more conservative approach to one another.

These near misses really brought home for Beijing the inherent risks of military recklessness by their seamen and pilots. The good news is a number of rules-based agreements are being followed, and at some level this reduces the risk of an accidental clash, he said.

Thats not to say there wont be a deliberate provocation or a deliberate outbreak of hostilities. The entrenched disagreements in the East and South China Seas, on the Korean Peninsula, and between the US and China more broadly will all continue to cause friction.

However, Chinese island-building and frequent US patrols are two other potential sources of conflict. Picture: Centre for Strategic and International Studies.Source:Supplied

While war is one possibility, he argued its also entirely plausible the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region will shift peacefully over time.

Mr Townshend said if both countries continue to be risk averse, there could be a gradual decrease in American strategic influence and a relative increase in Chinese geopolitical weight.

However, that may not be whats best for Australia.

A US-China confrontation I agree would be devastating, and that is certainly a potential future scenario. But another, and possibly more likely scenario is one where there is a slow erosion of US strategic power a slow changing of the guard without major conflict.

Its obviously in Australias interests to see peace prevail in the Asia Pacific, but we also have clear interests in an open, democratic and liberal regional order, and its unclear at this point whether our current trajectory will allow this order to prevail.

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Is Australia sleepwalking into WW3? - -

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China deploys NUCLEAR BOMBERS over islands in major WW3 taunt – Daily Star

CHINA has flown six nuclear capable bombers over a set of disputed islands in a major World War 3 taunt.


The H-6K bombers did a number of drills over the Bashi Channel and Miyako Straight in the last few days and sparked outrage in Japan.

But the territory sits right between the Sakishima islands and Okinawa, which links to the Japanese mainland.

The Channel is also of huge importance in terms of global trade with world powers jostling for control of its fish stocks and for its access to shipping lanes.

But Beijing has taunted its Japanese neighbours, telling them to "get used to it".

We live in turbulent times. Trump has the keys to nuclear weapons, and could end work to prevent climate change. Putin is looming in the East, the far-right are on the rise in Europe and Kim Jong-un is developing nuclear weapons of his own. Is this the END of days?

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Before his inauguration, Donald Trump asked a security expert three times during a briefing, why the US couldn't use nuclear weapons after he becomes president.

They will feel better after getting used to such drills

A spokesman for the Chinese Government said: [Our] air force over the past week conducted multiple drills far out at sea, with H-6K bombers and many other types of aircraft flying through the Bashi Channel and Miyako Strait, testing actual battle capabilities over the sea."

They added the move was part of "routine exercises".

And Colonel Ren Guoqiang Guoqiang told Chinese media: It is legitimate for Chinese military planes to fly through the strait, and more similar training will be conducted on the high seas as needed.

The parties concerned dont need to overact and make a great fuss about it."

He added:They will feel better after getting used to such drills.

Japan has previously expressed its outrage at China flying into contested territories before.

It is just one of the tactics the superpower uses to assert its dominance in the region.

Excerpt from:

China deploys NUCLEAR BOMBERS over islands in major WW3 taunt - Daily Star

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Speeding towards WW3: US and Australia launch HIFiRE ‘hypersonic’ missile in new arms race –

The successful launch from a remote rocket range near Woomera, in South Australia, helped staunch fears that China and Russia were racing ahead in a new hypersonic arms race, and concerns over increasingly hostile missile tests by North Korea.

The incredible speed would theoretically take a hypersonic glider from London to Australia in a little over one hour.

Although, the US has said the missiles will only carry conventional warheads, there are already fears other nations could use them to increase nuclear capabilities.

The hypersonic glider is capable of travelling at Mach8 - eight times faster than the speed of sound, from between 3,836mph (6,200kmh)to almost 8,000mph (13,000kmh).

The test was part of a project called the Hypersonic International Flight Research Experimentation Program (HIFiRE) involving the US and Australian militaries, Queensland University, Australias Defence Science and Technology Group and private companies, including Boeing and BAE Systems.

The date of the test earlier this month has not been released, however, a video of the launch was posted online a few days ago by the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology of the University of Queensland, which is a partner in HIFiRE.

Just weeks ago, in May, members of US Congress raised concerns that the US was trailing behind Russia and China in the development of hypersonic weapons capabilities.


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US Navy Admiral Harry Harris, head of the US Pacific Command, said at a Congress hearing steps needed to be taken to counter any potential threat to the US from the advancement of the technology.

He said: "I'm concerned about Chinese and Russian hypersonic weapons development, and I expressed those concerns in the right places.

"What we can do is to develop our own hypersonic weapons and improve our defences against theirs."

Australian Defense Minister Marise Payne said the launch: takes us one step closer to the realisation of hypersonic flight.

She said it raised the military potential of Australia, as by having mastered the technology of hypersonic flight, the nation would be in a better place to respond to future threats.

There had been earlier launches under the 41m project, including those in Hawaii and Norway in 2012.

Mrs Payne said the latest launch was the end of the tests as part of the HiFiRE series.

I'm concerned about Chinese and Russian hypersonic weapons development, and I expressed those concerns in the right places.

US Navy Admiral Harry Harris

However, she added that Australia aims to maintain its position at the leading edge of hypersonic research and looks forward to arranging further hypersonic flight experiments with the US.

There are faster intercontinental ballistic missiles around, but the hypersonic glider has better maneuverability, and is less easily detected on approach.

BAE Systems Australia said in a statement that "the successful flight trial was the most complex of all HIFiRE flights conducted to date".

The US has said it will only use the missiles for conventional weapons.

Some experts fear once the technology is perfected, other nations will use them for nuclear warheads, and then the US will be forced to follow suit.


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US and Japanese flags are visible on the USS Carl Vinson and USS Ronald Reagan

But that hasn't stopped a number of experts voicing concerns that other nations will use the technology to launch a nuclear strike.

Yousaf Butt, a nuclear physicist and visiting research fellow at the Center for Technology and National Security Policy, told the Huffington Post: "Washington had always intended for the new 'hypersonic boost-glide' weapons to remain purely conventional

"But Russia and China seem to be pursuing nuclear variants.

"If the hypersonic arms race heads in a nuclear direction, Washington may be pressured to follow."

So far in 2017 North Korea has fired 17 missiles, despite an outcry from the United States.

There are fears it could now even have the capability to fire a missile that could reach the US, potentially sparking World War 3.

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Speeding towards WW3: US and Australia launch HIFiRE 'hypersonic' missile in new arms race -

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Russia hurls MAJOR insult Trump as diplomatic row threatens to spark WW3 – Daily Star

A HUGE row is brewing that threatens to spark war after Russia insulted Donald Trump in a very sly way.

The two superpowers are currently clashing after the United States seized Russian diplomatic property in New York and Maryland.

Then-US President Barack Obama ordered the seizure of two Russian diplomatic compounds and kicked out 35 diplomats from the country in response to alleged Kremlin hacking of the US election in 2016.

But an argument has erupted between the two countries after American officials attempted to set conditions for them to return the compounds to Russian control.

Moscow has said any attempts by Washington to hold onto the property goes against international law and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said it amounted to "daylight robbery".


Vladimir Putin has put on an awesome display of military might with tanks and nuclear missiles rolling through downtown Moscow as World War Three tensions are at fever pitch around the world. The annual parade marks the victory over the Nazis in World War Two

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A Russian Yars RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile system rides through Red Square

We still hope that our American colleagues will demonstrate a certain political wisdom and political will

Mr Lavrov added that this disagreement and "anti-Russian" sentiment among Americans may mean the countries will not agree on key, global issues.

The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergei Ryabkov, is due to meet US Undersecretary of State, Thomas Shannon, today to discuss the matter.

But in a move that will likely spark fury in Washington, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov issued thinly-veiled insult at the President.

Apparently alluding to Trump, Mr Peskov said he hoped the US would be able to show some "political wisdom".

"We still hope that our American colleagues will demonstrate a certain political wisdom and political will," he remarked during a conference call.

We live in turbulent times. Trump has the keys to nuclear weapons, and could end work to prevent climate change. Putin is looming in the East, the far-right are on the rise in Europe and Kim Jong-un is developing nuclear weapons of his own. Is this the END of days?

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Before his inauguration, Donald Trump asked a security expert three times during a briefing, why the US couldn't use nuclear weapons after he becomes president.

Trump's wisdom and intelligence have been frequently called into question by his critics after the President made a number of high-profile gaffes.

These have included referring to Mexican people as rapists and saying a US Senator John McCain is not a war hero because he was captured by the enemy and became a prisoner of war.

Mr Peskov refused to say what Russia will do if the US does return the seized property.

Originally posted here:

Russia hurls MAJOR insult Trump as diplomatic row threatens to spark WW3 - Daily Star

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MAPPED: North Korea missile could hit Las Vegas and these EIGHT other cities – Daily Star

NORTH KOREA could fire a deadly nuke missile capable of wiping out entire cities along the US's west coast including Las Vegas.

Daily Star Online previously reported shock analysis from a missile expert that an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) could bypass US defence systems.

Now we can map the very cities it could wipe out after the boffin said the Hermit State is making an ICBM capable of travelling a massive 9,700km.

The expert, John Schilling, said that when all the bugs are worked out the missile will be able to blast US shores.


Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

This means California could be thrown into the target zone, with the likes of San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego falling within the radius.

Crazy Kim Jong-uns nuke could also wipe out popular Brit gambling destination Las Vegas, which is 9,200km away in Nevada.

The expert predicts such a nuke is two years away from being produced, but if Kim succeeds, there are numerous other cities he could take aim at.


Tubby tyrant Kim Jong-un gloats as the world reacts to the news of his successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile. As Trump took to Twitter to slam the secretive state, the world watches in fear: is this how WW3 starts?

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Kim Jong-un watches as the missile launches

The likes of Seattle in Washington, Denver in Colorado, Portland in Oregon, Salt Lake City in Utah and Phoenix in Arizona also fall within the 9,700km zone.

We previously reported US defence chiefs fear the communist state is developing an ICBM capable of going as far as 8,000km.

But those fears were heightened when Kim test fired a Hwasong-14 ICBM into the Sea of Japan last week.

The North Koreans won't be able to achieve this performance tomorrow, but they likely will eventually

Writing for the 38 North website, aerospace engineer Mr Schilling said: If the Hwasong-14 is put together the way we think it is, it can probably do a bit better than that when all the bugs are worked out

The North Koreans won't be able to achieve this performance tomorrow, but they likely will eventually.

"A range of as much as 9,700 kilometers, approximately the distance from North Korean launch sites to the US naval base at San Diego, would be possible with a 500 kg payload.

To give an idea of just how far North Koreas planned missile could travel, the distance from the UK to Japan is 9,400km, and from the UK to Darwin, northern Australia, is 13,600km.

See the rest here:

MAPPED: North Korea missile could hit Las Vegas and these EIGHT other cities - Daily Star

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