NEW WORLD ORDER ….WW3?!!!!!!!? | Yahoo Answers

FEMA camps and NDAA are the real thing. (just like an Orwellian Utopia) You'll be gettin' the eff out of dodge to avoid some kind of urban uprising because of a disaster or emergency and about 30 or 40 miles out of town traffic will stop. Military stormtroopers will walk through stopped traffic and warn people to stay in their cars. When you get to the roadblock ahead you will be told to get out of your car (leave your keys and belongings in the car and DO NOT bring any weapons.) Then you will wait in a holding area for a bus and go to one of their internment facilities for in-processing. Hopefully you will not get to play any of their games (waterboarding, solitary confinement, etc) But don't worry, 6 fully staffed waterboards means you won't have a long line to wait in. At least w/ SOPA King B Hussein Obama will not need to sit on his high throne and wait w/ his internet kill switch. It will be done automatically.

NDAA (just signed into law by Barack Hussein Obama) will be used to authorize the whole thing, Did you read the book or see the movie "1984"? That's what it is. It allows any federal agency to declare an emergency and use the military forces to impose martial law. What they are doing in the mid east (door to door searches without warrants or any due process whatsoever) is only a rehearsal of what they have in store for us here.

Do the police need a warrant to search me or my property? Under aspects of the US Constitution, all persons are protected from unwarranted searches and any other form of arbitrary harassment. Unfortunately modern courts have misinterpreted the intentions of the founding fathers who authored the US Constitution and Bill of Rights to give the police the power at their discretion to use "probable cause." Police should not be allowed to lawfully act on suspicions or whims, and any action against any person should be deemed unconstitutional. This also includes any electronic surveillance such as wiretaps, directional mics, etc. Of course under aspects of the "Patriot Act" they will claim that it is to protect us from terrorists. They also claim that states need to implement a REAL ID program so that sheeple can be digitally mapped for easy identification to once again... protect us from terrorists. Meanwhile, the southern border is wide open to basically let in whoever wants to come for whatever reason.

The fact is this; the enforcement of drug and firearm prohibition has allowed the government to turn this country into a pig powered police state and everyday it is becoming more and more like the USSR. You might like all of this "protection" but personally I prefer to protect myself. If you are the kind of person that wants to give up your liberty for security then please go somewhere else like China or N Korea.

Both MSM parties (republicans and democrats) are heavily reliant on emotion. (the voters are a jury that has proven to be incapable of making logical decisions.)

I look up bills on I can also see the bill sponsors and voting record of senate and congress.

Source(s): HR 504 (died in session but it will return) HR 1540 (NDAA 2012) signed into law 12-31-2011 by King B. Hussein Obama

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NEW WORLD ORDER ....WW3?!!!!!!!? | Yahoo Answers

Posted in Ww3

Russia Already In, China to Come: Syria WW3 on the Cards …

With Russia already in Syria (getting help from Iran and Iraq), theres now a report China is sending in its troops too. A Syria WW3 scenario just got more likely. Will World War 3break out there?

just increased with the latest news that China is about to send military troops to team up with the Russians (who are getting help fromIran, Iraq and Syria itself with a joint information center) in defending the Syrian Army of President Bashar Al-Assad and targeting ISIS.The Iranians have been assisting Assad for a long time as part of their regional alliance through channels such as Hezbollah; then on September 21, 2015, there were reports ofRussia sending troops, jets and other military equipment to Syria. With the US, UK, Israel, France, Turkey and others already operating in Syria as a loose alliance on one side, and Russia, China, Iran, Iraq and the official Syrian Army involved on the other, the probability is getting higherall the time that the situation could erupt into a world conflict, and that we could potentially witness a Syria WW3 scenario.

China and Russia are joining forces militarily; they must be prepared for a Syria WW3 outbreak.

The following article from International Business Times stated:

After the Russians andIranians, Chinese troops reportedly are teaming up with the Syrian regime forces in what is being termed as thedeal that will allow PresidentBashar al-Assadto stay in power.A report claims that a Chinese naval vessel carrying dozens of military advisers is on its way to Syria and the Chinese troops will then join with the hundreds of Russian soldiers. The Chinese will be arriving in the coming weeks, a Syrian army official told Lebanon-based news website Al-Masdar Al-Arabi.The Chinese ship has crossed the Suez Canal in Egypt and is currently in theMediterranean Sea.However, according toIsraelimilitary news website DEBKAfile,the aircraft carrier, Liaoning-CV-16, is already docked at the Syrian port of Tartus, accompanied by a guided missile cruiser.

It is certainly disturbing to see so many of the worlds greatest military powers gathering in such a small country and actively operating there. Even if they say there are all mainly there to fight ISIS andare not directly targeting each other (yet), there is always the chance that hostilities could be triggered by accidental crossfire. However, to understand what is going on, we need to remember the grand NWO (New World Order) plan as it relates to geopolitics. Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the US has emerged as the worlds sole superpower. Since then, no matter who has been in power, its foreign policy has been driven by schools of thought like the Wolfowitz Doctrine and Brzezinskis The Grand Chessboard, which urge the need for the US to unashamedly dominate Eurasia (where most of the worlds resources lay). Even France is getting in on the action, absurdly claiming they are bombing Syria in self-defense!

Many sources inform us that Syria is a target of the Zionist-US-UK NWO.

Remember howGeneral Wesley Clark said that he was told around 10 days after the 9/11 false flag attack that the US plan was toattack 7 countries in 5 years (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran)? Remember how arch-manipulator and war criminal Henry Kissinger said that the events unfolding in Egypt were just the First Scene of the FirstActof a very long play?Remember how33 Freemasonic Grandmaster Albert Pike wrote a letter to GiuseppeMazzini in 1871, prophesizing 3 World Wars to come?Pikes WW3 prediction stated:

The Third World Warmust be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agentur of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

The creation of ISIS by the US may be because Syria has been such a hard nut to crack. But will they risk a Syria WW3 scenario?

The Zionist-US-UK axis was able to knock off countries like Iraq, Libya and Sudan with relative ease, but Syria has been a stumbling block on their road toworld domination, because it has powerful allies like Iran and Russia who have stepped in to defend it. We know thisZionist-US-UK axis has gone to great lengths to conquer Syria and to remove Assad from power, including creating and funding a hard-core group of religious militant terrorists, ISIS/IS/IL/Daesh. The ISIS psy-op has been thoroughly exposed, however, and it is now common knowledge that Israel and US are behind ISIS(see David Ickes humorous picture above).

The questions now remains: are these geopolitical manipulators crazy enough to trigger WW3 in Syria? Will they go to any length to conquer this small Middle Eastern nation?Will theyrisk a Syria WW3 outbreak? If what we know of their plans is correct, they have to first take out Syria in order to then take out Iran so that the Eurasian encircling of Russia and China is complete.Time will tell if a Syria WW3 scenario erupts, but disturbingly, as the days go by, the military buildup and therefore the likelihood keepincreasing.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media siteThe Freedom Articlesand senior researcher,writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.



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Russia Already In, China to Come: Syria WW3 on the Cards ...

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Warlike Flyboys – Ww3 – Download Free Games for PC

Try your skills and join epic battles in the great game Warlike Flyboys - WW3! Aerial wars take place right here and right now! Have you got any ideas about what the third world war may look like? Huge and contemporary weapons and great aviation forces are waiting for their hour of triumph! Take your pilot's seat without hesitation and raise your iron machine constructed for destruction high into the skies. All the airplanes are extremely powerful and furious, so dont let them stay still not even for a second and get ready for massive attacks! Look through your tasks in the ravishing game Flyboys - WW3 and dont stop while destroying enemies bases. Warlike Flyboys - WW3 like any other serious simulator of its genre includes all well-known standards like non-stop action and explding the enemies bases. That's why you should be careful and choose your vehicle - some big plane to control, fly and fight. Firstly, you may realize what air forces should be chosen: is your airplane belonging to Sabres or the USA? Have you chosen your destiny? Lets start and have fun!

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Warlike Flyboys - Ww3 - Download Free Games for PC

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World War 3 | WW3 | WWIII | Endtime Ministries with Irvin …

By Irvin Baxter

The question is not, Is there going to be a World War III? It is in your Bible. There is not a one tenth of one percent chance that it is not going to happen. Another world war is coming, and it will be the biggest world war ever. According to the Bible, one out of three people on the earth will die in this war of all wars! The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

The third part of men would be over two billion people! Other translations read one-third of the human race, one-third of all the people on earth, one-third of humanity. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!

Prior to the 20th Century, there had never been a war with one million fatalities. Then came World War I in 1914, with 8.2 million dead. They called it The Great War. With the founding of the League of Nations, we had hoped that this type of carnage would never happen again. Twenty years later, 52 million people died in World War II. As if something had come unhinged in the human soul, we cried out, How can we ever stop this? With the founding of the United Nations we had hoped that the solution to world peace was at hand. I have the dreadful assignment of telling you, it is not fixed. There is another war coming. There will neither be 8 million dead nor 52 million dead. This war that is coming will kill 2.2 billion, forty times World War II. It will be the worst war ever.

I cant tell you exactly when this is going to happen, but the Bible tells us where World War III will originate. The Sixth Trumpet prophecy is found in Revelation 9:14-15:

Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

These angels were bound in the Euphrates River, which flows through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, and empties into the Persian Gulf. War has been raging up and down the Euphrates River since 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq. When they are loosed, these evil angels will carry out their assignment to kill one-third of mankind.

Out of the chaos and destruction, a strong leader will rise to promise peace and security. The Antichrist will step onto the world scene at just the right moment. He will provide firm direction but he will also demand absolute obedience.

There are four prophetic developments occurring right now that demonstrate how close we are to the Euphrates River War, otherwise known as World War III.

In Genesis 15:18, God entered into a covenant with Abraham, affirming that the Promised Land would be given to his descendants. The Antichrist, according to Daniel 9: 27 will confirm this covenant with many for seven years. A peace agreement which confirms the covenant will establish Israels right to exist in the Holy Land and will mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon. U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry has set the goal of April 29, 2014 to reach just such a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis. A viable two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end, he said, and there is not much time to achieve it, and there is no other alternative.

Halfway through the final seven years, the Antichrist will order the stopping of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount, which will have been resumed by then. He will then stand in the temple claiming to be God.

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation 11:1-2 describe a temple standing on the Temple Mount three and one-half years before Armageddon. Israel has been subsidizing nonprofit organizations that advocate the building of the Third Temple atop Jerusalems holiest site. The Temple Institute is dedicated to the vision of the Temples rebuilding, and has already recreated several items to be used when services are resumed on the Temple Mount.

Revelation 13:16-17 describes the control system which will be implemented during the reign of the Antichrist. During the Great Tribulation, every person on earth will be coerced into pledging allegiance to the Antichrist. Those who do so will be given a unique identification mark or number permitting them to participate in the world economy. Those who refuse will be denied the privilege of buying and selling.

The REAL ID Act mandates that Americans produce federally approved identification upon demand. Although it has repeatedly postponed implementation penalties, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a gradual rollout for enforcing the law, beginning in April, 2014. The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as Obamacare, implements a national ID system disguised within a data hub, and a unique patient identifier to verify eligibility. Concurrently making its way through Congress, as part of an immigration reform bill, is E-Verify, a mandated universal biometric ID required for federal approval for employment.

Middle East unrest continues to boil in Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan. Syria is on the brink of expanding to a full-scale war that could involve the major world powers. Analysts believe Syria may soon become a flashpoint that would divide the region along a battle lines drawn between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Iran is one of Americas and Israels foremost enemies and the Islamic Republic has become one of the most serious threats to stability in the Middle East. As Iran is rapidly achieving nuclear capability, the region will become far more dangerous as the number of countries engaged in nuclear activities grows. The Deputy Commander of Irans Revolutionary Guard has threatened that Tehran is able to destroy every spot in Israel. Germany views Iran as a potential threat not just to Israel, but also to European countries.

WWIII Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist details how this war is going to come out of the Euphrates River area, resulting in the killing of one-third of the human race. It is going to happen and it will affect us, our families, our nation, our world, everything. And it looks like it is coming sooner, rather than later.

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World War 3 | WW3 | WWIII | Endtime Ministries with Irvin ...

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WW3 – Russia says Trump plotted Syria missile strike BEFORE …

A staunch ally of President Bashar al-Assad, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said he regarded the US action as "aggression against a sovereign nation" on a "made-up pretext.

And he savaged the cynical attempt to distract the world from civilian deaths in Iraq, according to spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Just hours after the strikes, he announced the attacks had seriously damaged ties between Washington and Moscow - which a spokesman claims was already in tatters.

Adding the missile strike broke international law, Russias foreign ministry also said it was obvious that the US strikes had been prepared before the chemical attack.

Two US warships fired 59 cruise missiles from the eastern Mediterranean Sea at the Syrian airbase today following a poison gas attack in a rebel-held area on Tuesday.

At least 70 people, many of them children, were killed in the chemical attack in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun - but the Syrian government has denied it was behind the atrocity.

Now the US has launched its toughest direct action so far during Syria's six-year-old civil war.


And the move has left Donald Trump facing his biggest foreign policy crisis since his inauguration, further heightening tension with Russia and Iran.

Announcing the attack, President Trump said: "Years of previous attempts at changing Assad's behaviour have all failed and failed very dramatically.

US officials said they informed Russian forces ahead of the missile attacks and took great pains to avoid hitting Russian troops at the base.

But Russian strongman Vladimir Putin has lashed out at the controversial decision - which Trump claims was in Americas vital national security interest.

Kremlin and pro-Kremlin lawmakers have since suggested the missile launch had dealt a significant blow to any hopes of doing business with Trump.

Mr Peskov said: Putin views the U.S. strikes on Syria as aggression against a sovereign state in violation of the norms of international law and on a made-up up pretext.

"Washington's step will inflict major damage on US-Russia ties.

He added Russia did not believe that Syria possessed chemical weapons and that the move would cause a serious obstacle to creating an international coalition to fight terrorism.

Russia is now expected to call for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the matter.

Iran also denounced the "destructive and dangerous" strike, the Students News Agency ISNA quoted a Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying.

The spokesman added: Iran strongly condemns any such unilateral strikes ... Such measures will strengthen terrorists in Syria ... and will complicate the situation in Syria and the region.

However Britain gave its backing to the military action in thebeleagueredregion.

A government spokesman said: The UK government fully supports the U.S. action, which we believe was an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime and is intended to deter further attacks.

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WW3 - Russia says Trump plotted Syria missile strike BEFORE ...

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Chillingly accurate 200-year-old letter predicts WW3 and …

Albert Pike, who was a captain for the US army during the American Civil War, is said to have written a doctrine to an Italian politician outlining plans for the trio global conflicts.

The letter plots how and why the first and second world wars broke out in the 1900s and provides an even more chilling prophecy over a third and final battle.

The document allegedly suggested World War One was planned to overthrow the Tsars in Russia and make the country a communist stronghold.

The Second World War was sparked as a catalyst to destroy Nazism, according to the letter, so communism could take over wearier governments and for a sovereign state of Israel to be set up in Palestine.

A third world war, according to Mr Pike, will be fought against the West and leaders of the Islamic war.

Mr Pike warned the third war would be "the most bloody turmoil".

The document, revealed by the Daily Star, features heavily in the book Satan, Prince of this World, by former naval officer William Guy Carr.

Mr Pike is said to have written, according to Mr Carr's book: "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Tsars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism."

It was reportedly sent by Pike, a freemason, to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini and was dated August 15, 1871.

The letter allegedly said: "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

"The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

"Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil."

It was originally claimed the text was on show at the British Museum's Library and was mysteriously taken down in the 1970s and never seen again.

Both the British Museum and the British Library confirmed there is no record of the letter being in the establishment's possession.

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Chillingly accurate 200-year-old letter predicts WW3 and ...

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Shattered Citadel: WW3 Sci Fi

They Bleed Like Us

Mankind still recovering from WW3, goes to war against a hostile alien race. SC story.

Battle of Taiwan

The SC video that started it all. The spark that started WW3, the invasion of Taiwan.

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Timeline of WW3(Complete)

The full WW3 timeline in four videos. A highly detailed breakdown of World War 3. Set in the SC sci fi universe,

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Shattered Citadel: WW3 Sci Fi

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World War 3: Has WW3 already begun? Why May 13 is an important date about the world’s end –

The start of joint-military drills between the US and South Korea yesterday, prompted fears that a nuclear conflict could be approaching.

North Korea furiously reacted to the drills, with the regime's state-run newspaper Rodong Sinmun warning that this could lead to an "uncontrollable phase of a nuclear war".

"The Trump group's declaration of the reckless nuclear war exercises against the DPRK... is a reckless behaviour driving the situation into the uncontrollable phase of a nuclear war," the paper claimed.

However one mystic's bold prophecies suggest that WW3 could already be here, and that it broke out on May 13.

A mystic who accurately foretold the rise of US President Donald Trump, also predicted in April that 2017 would be the year World War 3 finally begun.

Horacio Villegas, who has proclaimed himself the "messenger of God", believed that May 13 was the day the catastrophic conflict would begin.

Mr Villegas who is a devout Catholic, spectacularly claimed that Donald Trump would trigger the war on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of the Virgin Mary in Fatima in 1917.

The mother of Jesus allegedly made several miraculous appearances to three children in the Portuguese village, and on her last visit on October 13, 1917, she warned: The war is going to end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes.


This has led Mr Villegas to believe that Donald Trump would trigger a devastating six-month-long conflict between May and October.

Between May 13th and October 13 2017, this war will occur and be over with much devastation, shock and death

Horacio Villegas, Mystic

Explaining his theory, Mr Villegas said: The main message that people need to know in order be prepared is that between May 13th and October 13 2017, this war will occur and be over with much devastation, shock and death.

The mystic went on to also say that at the world would be tricked by "a false flag" of conflicts in North Korea and Syria between April 13 and May 13.

He said: The reason I feel the coming false flag might be during this Holy Week is because just as Christ suffered on a Good Friday at one time, the world is about to enter its Good Friday moment as well and it would fit in Gods timeline as to the start of this dark period in human period in human history that this war would be sparked near Good Friday 2017.


AFP/Getty Images

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North Korea's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Hwasong-14 being lauched at an undisclosed place in North Korea

Yet despite these bold claims no global war has broken out on May 13, and the stand-off between the US and North Korea has remained purely verbal.

In fact on that day Choi Son Hui, North Korea's foreign ministry director, opened up to the idea of direct talks with the United States if the conditions satisfied Kim Jong-un.

Yet Mr Villegas is not the only mystic to have predicted the outbreak of WW3 in 2017.



Nostradamus, a famous French physician who is believed to have prophesied several global events, wrote of a conflict between the East and the West.

The 16th century prophet wrote: "Twice put up and twice cast down, the East will also weaken the West. Its adversary after several battles chased by sea will fail at time of need."

However these claims remain purely speculative and are open to interpretation.

Read this article:

World War 3: Has WW3 already begun? Why May 13 is an important date about the world's end -

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Where to find your nearest nuclear bunker in the event of WW3 – Coventry Telegraph

Donald Trump has issued fresh threats towards North Korea - declaring the US military "locked and loaded".

The US President also warned that the communist country's leader "will regret it fast" if he takes any action against American territories or allies.

The warnings came in a cascade of unscripted statements throughout the day, each ratcheting up a rhetorical stand-off between the two nuclear nations.

The US president appeared to draw another red line that would trigger an attack against North Korea and "big, big trouble" for its leader Kim Jong Un.

The comments from Mr Trump have led many to fear the prospect of a Third World War.

Hundreds of thousands of people would be killed if a nuclear blast hit Coventry and Warwickshire.

Imagining the bomb went off at ground level in Broadgate, the city centre would be turned into a 300m wide and 200m deep crater, according to interactive data site Nukemap .

The city would be dependent on outsiders and national agencies for help after the blast.

In the fallout survivors would find dozens of hospitals and medical facilities would have been destroyed.

A dozen fire stations would also have been wiped out.

At the same moment around 200 schools and hundreds of churches, mosques, gurdwaras and temples could have been levelled or badly damaged.

So, where could you find shelter?

Following the end of the Cold War, the nationwide network of bunkers fell into disrepair and were sold off.

Some of the bunkers entered active military service, whilst others were sold off privately.

Local councils also have hardened control rooms which mainly date back to the Cold War and Nuclear era.

However these now act as emergency control rooms, and are not referred to as nuclear bunkers.

Don't panic, though, because there are still a string of bunkers dotted across the country.

And, handily, you can find your nearest one in the West Midlands by clicking here.

See the original post here:

Where to find your nearest nuclear bunker in the event of WW3 - Coventry Telegraph

Posted in Ww3

‘We will reach point of NO RETURN’ Russia pleads for North Korea calm amid WW3 fears –

Amid soaring tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, the influence of Russia and China could determine whether war breaks out as North Korea continues to develop its nuclear and missile programmes.

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, told reporters in Moscow: "Any attempt to resolve the problem over the Korean Peninsula by force will lead to a massive tragedy and enormous loss of life.

Tensions appear to be gradually winding down after North Korean media reported Kim Jong-un had decided to postpone plans to fire four missile toward the US territory of Guam.


In response, US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to praise the despot leader.

He wrote: "Kim Jong Un of North Korea made a very wise and well reasoned decision. The alternative would have been both catastrophic and unacceptable!"

But Mr Trump is continuing to test Kim by staging joint military exercises with Japan.

The drill, which is part of a 19-day exercise, was conducted on the northern island of Hokkaido.


Troops fired live ammunition from armed vehicles as part of the Northern Viper 2017 exercise, which involves 3,300 US and Japanese troops.

Kim Jong Un of North Korea made a very wise and well reasoned decision

US President Donald Trump

A defence ministry spokesman said: "It is the first joint exercise between the GSDF [Japan's Ground Self-Defence Force] and US Marines in Hokkaido.

But he denied any link between the drill and recent tensions with North Korea.

He said: "This is not conducted with a particular country or region in mind.


Meanwhile, Japanese jets conducted air manoeuvres with US bombers southwest of the Korean peninsula on Wednesday.

The exercise in the East China Sea involved two US B-1B Lancer bombers flying from Andersen Air Force Base on the Pacific island of Guam and two Japanese F-15 jet fighters.

AFP/Getty Images

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Soldiers from Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force take part in a field drill with US Marines during joint military exercises with in Eniwa, Hokkaido prefecture


The US Air Force said in a statement: These training flights with Japan demonstrate the solidarity and resolve we share with our allies to preserve peace and security in the Indo-Asia-Pacific.

North Korea regards the US exercises with South Korea and Japan as preparations to invade it and has strongly condemned previous drills.

The exercises also frustrates China, which says they do nothing to ease regional tensions.

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'We will reach point of NO RETURN' Russia pleads for North Korea calm amid WW3 fears -

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WW3: Forget North Korea – two other Asian giants are gearing up for nuclear battle –


With the worlds attention on the deteriorating situation in Pyongyang, trouble brewing among its neighbours has been overshadowed.

But the Asian continent could erupt into full-blown conflict as India and China - both nuclear-armed - have been at loggerheads over their shared border.

Despite the actual dividing line between the emerging economies situated in uninhabited, inhospitable wasteland, it is a flashpoint for conflict.

China, the powerhouse of the region, is battling neighbour India, another of the developing BRICS nations, for dominance as the sub-continent grows in strength.

Since June armed forces from both countries have been locked in a stand-off along the border, known as the Donglang in China and Doklam in India.

Troops had been amassing due to a spat over the Chinese building a road through a territory Indias ally and neighbour Bhutan disputes.

And on Tuesday soldiers from both sides were involved in a skirmish.


The fall-out came just before Indian prime minister Narenda Modis 70th birthday, and he boldly declared the country was "strong enough to overcome those who try to act against our country.

With both parties locked into the disagreement for several months, there are fears the situation is a tinderbox which could ignite at any moment.

And as both are nuclear-armed, it could escalate very quickly with devastating consequences.

North Korea State Media

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Both sides stand to lose tremendously

Shailesh Kumar

Eurasia Group Asia analyst, Shailesh Kumar, said: "Both sides stand to lose tremendously, economically speaking, should this boil over into an actual war.

Earlier this month Chinese state news platform Xinhua published an article "India must not flirt with disaster, claiming Indias involvement in the Doklam area was "an offense to China's sovereignty."

Provocative headlines could stoke the flames of war, with both sides posturing.


But Alyssa Ayres, senior fellow for India at the Council on Foreign Relations, placed the blame on China.

She said the dispute was a "conflict that China has created.


But she added the the "Chinese military has more to lose.

The bubbling tension comes as Chinese quasi-ally North Korea had the world on edge as it dangled threats of a nuclear strike.

China has been criticised for its sympathetic attitude towards Kim Jong-uns regime, but recent developments which have seen Pyongyang threaten the US territory of Guam have been met with equal force from US president Donald Trump.

He vowed to retaliate with fire and fury.

Read the rest here:

WW3: Forget North Korea - two other Asian giants are gearing up for nuclear battle -

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Verge of WW3? North Korea tells USA to prepare for imminent ‘uncontrollable nuclear war’ –

Despot Kim Jong-un has sent Donald Trumpa dire warning through the hermit states propaganda network in the wake of weeks of escalating tension.

Amid an ever-tightening spiral of threat and counter-threat, North Korea warned America to prepare for an outright attack in retaliation for joint military drills between the USA and South Korea.

These drills, held annually, are detested in North Korea where they are seen as preparation for an invasion by Kims Western enemies.

The dictator said via a state-run news agency: The Trump group's declaration of the reckless nuclear war exercises against the DPRK is a reckless behaviour driving the situation into the uncontrollable phase of a nuclear war.


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The Korean People's Army is keeping a high alert, fully ready to contain the enemies

North Korea state media

Pyongyang also reiterated its claim the USA was now in direct threat of a military strike, warning Hawaii, Guam and the American mainland cannot dodge the merciless strike.

The rogue state added it was on high alert and ready to lash out at the slightest provocation.

The propaganda report said: The Korean People's Army is keeping a high alert, fully ready to contain the enemies. It will take resolute steps the moment even a slight sign of the preventive war is spotted.

READ MORE:Will the USA attack North Korea?

This most recent North Korea crisis was sparked by US president Donald Trump, who ignored historic US foreign policy towards North Korea and instead promised fire and fury towards the country if they did not soften their war-hungry rhetoric.

This was immediately undermined by Kim, who promised to attack the US island territory of Guam.

Mr Trumps comments have since been criticised by several Washington heavyweights, including former presidential candidate John McCain.

READ MORE: Does North Korea have nuclear weapons?



He said the US president should have showed restraint and had instead had his bluff called by Kim.

Mr McCain said: "I take exception to the President's comments because you've got to be sure that you can do what you say you're going to do.

"The great leaders I've seen don't threaten unless they're ready to act and I'm not sure President Trump is ready to act.


Verge of WW3? North Korea tells USA to prepare for imminent 'uncontrollable nuclear war' -

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Secret North Korea talks with US RESURRECTED to calm WW3 fears, former official declares –


The talks are being conducted using a New York channel through the United Nations, it has been reported.

Key players in the talks are reported to be Joseph Yun, a former US ambassador to Malaysia and now the US special representative for North Korea policy, and North Korea's senior diplomat, Choe Son Hui, who is head of the Foreign Ministry's North American office.

Previous secret talks between the countries in Norway are understood to have led to the release of American student Otto Warmbier from North Korea.

Robert Einhorn, a former State Department official and now Brookings senior fellow who was involved in the Norway talks, said: "Since that episode, I'm told that the 'New York channel' has been resurrected and there are periodic contacts.

The current back-channel talks between the two nations have been going on for several months, it was reported last week.

Mr Einhorn said the New York channel was resurrected after being interrupted about a year ago when the Obama administration imposed sanctions on North Korea for human rights violations, and also designated dictator Kim Jong Un as one of the targeted individuals.

He said: The North Koreans retaliated by cutting off the New York channel, and what that meant was no official contacts between the United States and North Korea.

Mr Einhorn was also sceptical about the prospect of the US engaging in a formal dialogue with Pyongyang to talk about denuclearisation of North Korea.


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He said: The impression that the US has is that the North Koreans are not eager for such a dialogue.

The US has indicated that before talks can begin that the North Koreans would have to take some steps to demonstrate their sincerity."

James Carafano, vice president of foreign and defence policy studies at the Heritage Institute, said: "Back-channels are useful tools for sending messages back and forth but they won't be any kind of path forward in terms of setting up negotiations or resolving things.

Meanwhile, the North Korean regime yesterday said that South Korean President Moon Jae-in miserably failed to improve ties between the two nations during his first 100 days in office.


Rodong Sinmun, the hermit kingdoms propaganda mouthpiece, said: "In particular, he failed in inter-Korean relations.

He spoke of dialogue and an implementation of inter-Korean agreements, but in reality, he acted in the opposite direction."

Mr Moon marked his 100th day in office on Thursday.

The South Korean Presidents parents were refugees from North Korea.

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Secret North Korea talks with US RESURRECTED to calm WW3 fears, former official declares -

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US and South Korea ‘push North Korea closer to WW3’ by carrying out tests TODAY –


South Korea has also been condemned by Pyongyang for its part in the 10-day military exercise, with North Korea labelling it as reckless behaviour driving the situation into the uncontrollable phase of a nuclear war".

Around 17,500 US troops are expected to take part in the exercise, yet most will only be involved in the computer simulation aspect.

State media in the hermit nation said: "The joint exercise is the most explicit expression of hostility against us, and no one can guarantee that the exercise won't evolve into actual fighting."

It added: If the United States is lost in a fantasy that war on the peninsula is at somebody else's doorstep far away from them across the Pacific, it is far more mistaken than ever."

Russia and China had tried to broker a deal which would see a pause on military exercises in exchange for a freeze on Pyongyangs missile tests, but the US has claimed their drills are defensive in nature.

Joseph Dunford, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, added military drills were "not currently on the table as part of the negotiation at any level.

The upcoming drills are part of two annual war games held every year involving a large number of troops.



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Japan's Ground Self Defense Force Type 90 tanks (front) and U.S. Marine Corps LAV-25 Light Armoured Vehicles take part in their joint exercise, named Northern Viper 17

South Korea typically deploys 50,000 troops while the US pour in between 25,000 to 30,000 solidiers, with exercises typically involving land, sea and air simulation.

Held in South Korea, the two sets of troops practiced drills for chemical and terror attacks last year.

Although defended by the US and South Korea as defensive drills, North Korea claim they are training for an invasion.


As the drills went on last year, North Korea carried out ballistic missile testing sparking fears something similar may happen again.

And amid heightened tensions between the two nations, which saw Donald Trump promising to unleash fire and fury on Pyongyang, this years drills come at a particular delicate time.

North Korea had responded with a threat to strike the US territory of Guam in mid-August, further ratcheting up World War 3 tensions.

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US and South Korea 'push North Korea closer to WW3' by carrying out tests TODAY -

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Kim’s WW3 threat: Rare colour pics show brutal reality of LAST Korean War – Daily Star

THESE incredible colour pictures capture the brutal reality of the Korean War for Western troops as tensions escalate between Washington and Pyongyang.


The shots, sure to worry Kim Jong-un, show UN forces in action during the devastating conflict, which lasted from 1950-1953.

US soldiers are seen firing bazookas, taking cover behind tanks, and training their sights on enemy forces.

The pictures emerge as North Korea and the US ramp up their war of words.

Defence Secretary Jim Mattis last week said continued aggression from Pyongyang could escalate into war very quickly.

Washington and Pyongyang have stoked fears of nuclear conflict since the North Korean tyrant said he was carefully considering an attack on a US military base on Guam earlier this month.

These stunning images of the Korean war were painstakingly colourised by digital colourist and retiree Doug Banks, from Brighton, UK

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Donald Trump said the hermit kingdom would be met with fire and fury if it maintained its threats.

The photographs will be a stark reminder of the horrors faced in the last Korean conflict.

They reveal images including three grizzled Royal Marines taking cover in a trench with fixed bayonets and a monster M20 rocket launcher.

One weary US marine is shown huddling against the bitter cold, while another bloodied troop tries to find a moment of solitude.


US marines and Japanese tanks are taking part in a military exercise on Japan's northern island of Hokkaido as tensions reach breaking point on the Korean peninsular

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Soldiers from Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force take part in a field drill with US Marines during joint military exercises with in Eniwa, Hokkaido prefecture

Another shot captures a US Grunman Panther fighter jet gliding above the Pacific Ocean, as Navy ships sail on below.

Two optimistic gunners of the Royal New Zealand Artillerys 16th Field Regiment are pictured peering out of windows in their makeshift hut.

The stunning images were painstakingly rendered by digital colourist and retiree Doug Banks, from Brighton.

He said: I try to create an accurate historical record using layers of colour as if I were painting on a canvas.

The most important thing is to research the image thoroughly before attempting the colouring.


My aim is to establish the media of colourising black and white images in a way that will earn credibility among the purists who think that black and white photos should remain in that way.

I also want to educate those, particularly youngsters, that otherwise would not be interested in dull black and white images that are gathering dust in museums and private collections.

Earlier this month, Daily Star Online uncovered other pics from the conflict showing wounded American troops on the battlefield.

In June, we also revealed colourised World War Two photos that capture dogfights and RAF heroes with their aircraft.

These stunning images have been published in a new book. The amazing shots show in beautiful detail the battle in the skies as the world battled the genocidal Nazi regime

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USAF pilot Captain Fred Christensen on July 7th 1944 he shot down six enemies in one day

The Korean War began when North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950.

The UN came to the aid of South Korea with US forces providing the bulwark of resistance.

After three years of fighting, an armistice was signed and the Korean Demilitarised Zone separated North and South Korea.

No peace treaty was agreed and the two Koreas are still technically at war.

Here is the original post:

Kim's WW3 threat: Rare colour pics show brutal reality of LAST Korean War - Daily Star

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US to stage massive drills on Kim’s doorstep as WW3 fears grow – Daily Star

THE US and South Korea are set to carry out joint military drills next week resisting calls from the North and China to halt their exercises.

WASHINGTON will step up its military actions in Asia as tubby tyrant Kim Jong-un defies calls to surrender Pyongyang's nukes.

Fears over the Hermit Kingdoms nuclear programme have grown in recent weeks after the Norths supremo announced he was considering firing a barrage of missiles at Guam.

But Pyongyang appears to have cooled talks of an imminent strike on the US-owned Pacific island.


Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you


It dialled back its rhetoric after US President Donald Trump vowed to use fire and fury against North Korea if it continued to develop nuclear missiles that could hit the American mainland.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Washington did, however, prefer a peaceful solution and offered an olive branch to the rogue regime.

He said: Our effort is to cause them to want to engage in talks but engage in talks with an understanding that these talks will lead to a different conclusion than talks of the past.


Ever since the death of US student Otto Warmbier, the US has wanted to ban its citizens from travelling to the rogue nation. In spite of this, travel guide Shane Horan is still leading tours deep into the heart of the hermit state

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An army officer in frony of Mount Paektu on the Northern Chinese border. This is a sacred place for Koreans, and it is said that General Kim Jong Il was born at the base of the mountain

Our effort is to cause them to want to engage in talks

The Hermit Kingdom was quick to dismiss any suggestion it would give up its nuclear programme and said this week it would never be up for negotiation as long as the US governments hostile policy and nuclear threat continue.

In 2005, Pyongyang agreed to suspend its nuclear in return for much-needed energy assistance before the deal collapsed.

Chubby Kim has repeatedly threatened to use its nuclear weapons and Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) to bomb targets in the US, South Korea and Japan.

The rogue communist state became more emboldened in July after it successfully launched two Hwasong-14 missiles that could strike targets in the American heartland, including Los Angeles and Chicago.

Original post:

US to stage massive drills on Kim's doorstep as WW3 fears grow - Daily Star

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Did the Bible predict North Korea starting World War 3 with the US? –


Analysis from the Philadelphia Church of God, claims the danger posed by North Korea is graver than many people realised.

They suggest Pyongyang and despot leader Kim Jong-Un could inflict major damage on the US or other Western nations.

Writing for The Trumpet, the news magazine of the church, Jeremiah Jacques indicates any strike could contribute to the wars and rumors of wars that Jesus Christ warned would occur before the third world war breaks out.


End times and the apocalypse have long been linked to possible nuclear war.

The Bible describes that some 2,000 years ago, as Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem with his disciples, he was asked what would happen at the end of the world.

He claimed there would be wars and rumors of wars, as well as fierce international tensions and famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes.

And while Mr Jacques admits this is unlikely to refer to North Korea, he suggested the hermit state could in fact play the role of a trigger to cause the devastating scenes of Revelations.

North Korea State Media

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The analysis said: All of the missiles and nuclear technology the Kim dynasty has been developing over the years will contribute to the unprecedented devastation to occur during that prophesied third world war.

And he claims that although North Korea will not cause WW3 according to the Bible, the world should take its threats and actions seriously.

Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry and managing editor Joel Hilliker said: If nothing else, the mere threat of a mentally unstable tyrant in North Korea using nuclear weapons should cause all of us to be asking some very hard questions.

Rising current nuclear tension should provoke us to consider seriously the biblical prophecies of nuclear destruction.

Those prophecies are drawing closer than ever to fulfillment!

It comes after Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California says analysis of the escalating tensions between North Korea and the US suggests a nuclear war between the two superpowers fits into the End Times prophecy.

He said: In the Last Days there is no mention of any nation that would resemble North Korea however the Bible does speak of Iran in the End Times scenario.

You might be surprised to know there is an alignment of sorts between North Korea and Iran.


In fact, former ambassador the United Nations John Bolton recently said if North Korea developed a delivery system for nuclear weapon Iran would have it the next day simply by writing a cheque.

Tensions between North Korea and the United States have escalated in recent weeks with US President Donald Trump and dictator Kim embroiled in a war of words.

Mr Trump warned the US was "locked and loaded" as Kim threatened to strike US territory Guam in the Pacific Ocean.

Read the original post:

Did the Bible predict North Korea starting World War 3 with the US? -

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North Korea set to launch ‘FINAL ATTACK’ – WW3 fears grow as Pyongyang ESCALATES rhetoric –

State media also declared that the North Korean army is not afraid to back down from nuclear war should tensions bubble over, stating that Pyongyang is capable of fighting any war the US wants.

The editorial added the US now finds itself in an ever worsening dilemma, being thrown into the grip of extreme security unrest by the DPRK. This is tragicomedy of its own making.

It continues: If the Trump administration does not want the American empire to meet its tragic doom in its tenure, they had better talk and act properly."

It comes after Trumps most recent comments, with the President claiming the US is locked and loaded and ready to deal with the threat posed by the hermit kingdom.



He said military solutions were in place to take out the rogue state, as the North Korean crisis continues to escalate.

He urged Kim not to act "unwisely" and to choose "another path".

Meanwhile North Koreas propaganda mouthpiece has declared it already has more than 3.5 million people had signed up to fight.

Eric lafforgue/Exclusivepix medi

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The Pyongyang subway The best place to escape american fire and fury

The propaganda rag claimed these millions were volunteers and included students and former soldiers - although the truth is likely to be far more grim.

The piece said: "All the people are rising up across the country to retaliate against the US thousands of times. In North Hwanghae Province, 89,000 young men pleaded to enlist or reenlist on August 9 alone.


In Daedong County of South Pyongan Province, more than 20,000 students, party members and labourers filed enlistment or reenlistment requests.

And Japan has moved missiles and defence systems to its major cities in preparation for a missile attack.

Go here to see the original:

North Korea set to launch 'FINAL ATTACK' - WW3 fears grow as Pyongyang ESCALATES rhetoric -

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North Korea sends ‘coded message to Donald Trump’ as WW3 threat looms – Daily Star

NORTH Korea has sent a coded message to Donald Trump as the world braces itself for nuclear war, an expert has claimed.

The regime led by Kim Jong-un seemingly backed down from its threat to nuke the US overseas territory of Guam overnight.

In a statement, Pyongyang said it planned on watching the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees before committing to a strike.

North Korean officials announced: The US Imperialists caught the noose around their necks due to their reckless military confrontation racket... (but) he would watch a little more the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees spending a hard time of every minute of their miserable lot.


Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state

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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you

The unknown factor in this is not Kim, its Trump

But an expert has claimed there may be a hidden message in the statement.

Dr Genevieve Hhnen, of Edith Cowen University, said this should be taken to mean Kim Jong-un is actually offering an olive branch to Trump.

This isnt the kind of statement that would be interpreted as aggressive -- despite all the aggressive rhetoric, Edith Cowan Universitys Dr Genevieve Hohnen said. The fact Kim Jong-un says he will respond only if the US does not de-escalate the situation is significant, she told

The Western Sea Barrage in the coastal town of Nampo is a stopping-off point for tourists. The beach is a destination for work groups from the neighbouring area

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Beach-goers dancing at the West Sea Barrage beach outside the coastal city of Nampo, southwest of Pyongyang

She continued: The problem is that Kim Jon-un is largely the same personality type as Trump both are paranoid, narcissistic and have huge egos.

Weve never really had leaders like that on both sides before.

The unknown factor in this is not Kim, its Trump. Kim Jong-un is acting as we expect him to behave.

Weve actually been expecting something like this. Todays quite an important day in North Korea. The North Koreans usually do something in terms of military development to coincide with such events, she added.

It comes after Donald Trump warned he would meet North Korea with fire and fury following the hermit states repeated threats towards the US.

Go here to see the original:

North Korea sends 'coded message to Donald Trump' as WW3 threat looms - Daily Star

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KIM’S ARMY: WW3 looms as 3.5 MILLION ‘volunteer’ to fight for North Korea against USA –

With North Korea and America both refusing to blink first in the ongoing crisis, despot Kim Jong-un has now announced a massive army recruitment programme.

An article in a Pyongyang-based propaganda newspaper today declared already more than 3.5 million people had signed up to fight.

The propaganda rag claimed these millions were volunteers and included students and former soldiers - although the truth is likely to be far more grim.

As revealed by last year, life in the North Korea army is one of pain, hunger and oppression.


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And with absolute obedience to the three-generation Kim dynasty demanded, these military volunteers are more likely to be malnourished and desperate civilians forced into action.

The newspaper claimed 3.47 million people had asked to enlist in the army since the North Korean crisis began.

READ MORE: How many nuclear weapons do North Korea have?

All the people are rising up across the country to retaliate against the US

North Korea newspaper

The piece said: "All the people are rising up across the country to retaliate against the US thousands of times. In North Hwanghae Province, 89,000 young men pleaded to enlist or reenlist on August 9 alone.

In Daedong County of South Pyongan Province, more than 20,000 students, party members and labourers filed enlistment or reenlistment requests.

READ MORE:What is life like in the North Korean army?


It comes as the war of words moved another step closer to all-out conflict after US president Donald Trump said America was locked and loaded for battle.

And Japan has moved missiles and defence systems to its major cities in preparation for a missile attack.


Hiroshima, Shimane and Kochi are particularly at risk as any North Korea missile fired at the US territory of Guam would pass directly overhead.

While Pyongyang said any missile would be aimed to miss the island and merely used to send a warning, any malfunction of the missile over Japan could put hundreds of thousands of people at risk - and given North Korea's patchy success record in missile launches, this is a major threat.

Original post:

KIM'S ARMY: WW3 looms as 3.5 MILLION 'volunteer' to fight for North Korea against USA -

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