There is a Prophecy of Nostradamus (6-21)
To Japanese document.(201306050409)
The Prophecy of Vladimir Solovyov is accurate. He wrote a book of prophecy in 1900 is right about upheavals of the 20th century, too. ( ) ( ) He mentioned about Anti-Christ(666). I translated it from Japanese.( )
According to Vladimir Solovyov, The United States of Europe will appear. At that time, Israel's population is about 30 million people. The Anti-Christ(666) becomes the first president of The United States of Europe.
Many people will die, near future. Perhaps around 2031.
I beg you to please work something out. (201304150351)
Prophecy is offered to mankind as a door for changing the future.(201304152014)
In Italy, with the authority of substantial is the prime minister. Prime Minister is supposed to be appointed by the President. At that time, be appointed from civilian is also possible. I think there is a risk that Anti-Christ(666) will be appointed from the private sector. As possibility, The President will be acquired or threatened ? (201304252032)
Thank you for coming to my home page.
Brazilian prophet Jucelino Nobrega da Luz prophesy the collapse of dollar happens on June 15, 2010. I think this incident will becomes communist's excuse.
Anton Johansson, Sweden (1858-1909) prophesied the following details:
2) New diseases used as weapons will cause 25 million people to die.
3) Persia and Turkey will be conquered by what seem to be Russian troops.
4) Revolutionaries will instigate unrest and war in India and Egypt to facilitate the occupation of India and Europe.
5) The Russians will conquer the Balkans.
6) There will be great destruction in Italy.
7) The "red storm" will approach France through Hungary, Austria, northern Italy and Switzerland. France will be conquered from inside and outside.
8) American supply depots will fall into Russian hands.
9) Germany will be attacked from the east.
10) There will be a civil war, Germans will fight against Germans.
11) The Eastern Bloc will cause a civil war in England.
12) Russia will lead a mass attack against the United States, so U.S. forces will be prevented from reinforcing Europe.
13) New weapons will cause huge hurricanes and firestorms in the USA where the largest cities will be destroyed.
Anton Johansson said The Third World War would break out at "the end of July, beginning of August." Her further added: "I do not know the year."
A Canadian prophet Anthony Carr prophesied "Effel Tower of Paris falls sideways" as in this year(2010). Is this Russian armies attack ? And he prophesied about June 12, 2010. He said "A certain dramatic happening will change many people's life". Is this the collapse of dollar ? -> (It must be this Emergency in Kyrgyz at June 12, 2010 (201006132151))
Anthony Carr prophesy that Canada and U.S.A. are forgotten economically and finally it will be as large as the recession of 1930's. It seems to happen natural disaster and The War like The World War I, The World War II to kill us. Is this means The World War III? It must be so.
Anthony Carr prophesy about 2010.07.04(Sun) that people cannot notice that begins in the day, and they cannot make preparations, either.(201006162150) Is this the meaning that a communism political change happens in any European countries? (201006191723)
Now I want to introduce you the scene explained in detail about WW3 (P23 to P30) from a book "Prophecies"(by Wladyslaw Biernacki). (201006030117)
Now I will describe the course of the Third World War. It will be a hell on earth. And yet in its greatest fury it will last only three and a half months. The Third World War will begin in Italy. There will be an appallingly bloody revolution there, which will start within the Vatican City itself. A Communist government will be set up, and the Communists will harass, torture and murder the clergy. Amidst this disorder, and surrounded by the corpses of his faithful Cardinals, Pope John Paul II will flee from the Holy See to France, and then to Poland. He will remain in Poland - at Czestochowa, and elsewhere - until after the end of the war. During much of this period he will in some sense be 'invisible' - perhaps in hiding? Altogether, Pope John Paul II will be in exile for three and a half years. During this time, the Communists will mock and lay waste to the Holy See. It will be a great punishment on the Church, to atone for the personal shortcomings of certain Popes in the past. It is possible that around this time there will be a surprise Soviet military invasion of southern Europe. What is certain is that the revolution will be deliberately introduced from Italy into France and Spain, and Communist governments established in those two countries. However, these regimes will survive for only between forty and forty-six days, and will quite quickly collapse. West Germany will feel desperately threatened by all these developments, but will also see an opportunity at hand to re-unite with East Germany, and to encircle the Red Army divisions stationed there. And so the southernmost division of the West German Army will suddenly move into Czechoslovakia. The invading troops will be welcomed by the local civilian population, and also by the Czech elements in the state army. However, the Slovak Military Units will try to oppose the German advance. From Czechoslovakia, the West German forces will drive deep into Poland, penetrating as far as Walbrzyeh. Walbrzych, Klodzko, Zloty Stok and all the countryside round about those places will be utterly laid waste in the ensuing fighting.
On the opposite flank - that is to say, to the north - German forces will invade Poland both from sea, and by airborne landings at Kolobrzeg. I have seen that Kolobrzeg will be utterly devastated (particularly the resort area of the town), the destruction being as severe as that which it suffered in the Second World War. There will be a great number of casualties, but finally the Germans will take Kolobrzeg, and will hold it for eight days. On the ninth day, however, the joint Polish-Russian Armies will surround and overwhelm the German positions at Kolobrzeg, and the survivors will be taken prisoner. After this, the conflict in the north will escalate in intensity, and the area of heavy fighting will spread out right along the Baltic Sea, in a belt fifty kilometres wide and extending from Klajpeda to Szczecin. Individual towns and villages will be attacked from the direction of the shore, where a NATO operational Headquarters will have been established. In some places, the Red Army will for a while be forced back, and as they withdraw, they will demolish entire cities (like Gdansk, and Elblag) behind them. In central Poland, meanwhile, there will have been no fighting at all. However, that isn't to say that there won't, in the near future, be any destruction there of any sort, since those central provinces (like everywhere else in the world) will be affected by the earthquakes, gales, thunderstorms, famine and other calamities which will rage across the globe. Once Kolobrzeg has been recaptured and secured, the Warsaw Pact forces will formally wage war on, and invade West Germany. In the first Russian counter-thrust, therefore, the German Division in the south of Poland will be driven back to Prague. There will be an enormous military build-up there; and fighting so fierce that the streets will be ankle-deep in the blood of both soldiers and civilians, and all the splendid buildings reduced to rubble. This dreadful catastrophe will befall the Czechs as a result of that nation's apostasy from Christ. Prague will never be rebuilt. In the next thrust, the Red Army will strike across West Germany, right up as far as the French border, and at the limit of their advance will be occupying three-quarters of German territory. They will be assisted in their attack by the Czechoslovakian army (although the actual Czech units, as I've said, will have joined the Germans.) This will be the end of the initial phase of the Third World War.
All kinds of patriotic Ukranian factions will have been formed round about this time, all having an independent Ukraine as their common goal. These Ukranian nationalist groups will try to drive off the Russian armies. But tilings will turn out even worse for them than they did for the Czechs, as the Russians will adopt a 'scorched earth' policy. Anything and everybody they come across will be set on fire, or otherwise destroyed. At this point the Ukranians, seeing themselves to be on the brink of extinction as a nation, will appeal for help to the new Polish ruler. This help will be granted them immediately, and the Polish army will march east at the greatest possible speed. Soon, the front line from Klajpeda down to the Mediterranean will have been made secure against the Russians. The armies of certain other countries will now come into the fray, on the Polish side. These nations will be, to the north, Sweden, Norway and Finland; and to the south, Hungary and Romania. (These last-named countries will both have experienced their own anti-Communist risings, at round about the same time as those in Poland.) France, too, will offer her economic and military help in the Polish cause; as also will a number of black African states. The Russian troops will disperse in the face of the combined allied might, and will scatter widely. Near Kostopol, on the river Horyn, they will re-group, but will be routed in the ferocious battle which will follow, and which will last three days and nights. There will be so many casualties on each side that the Horyn will flow red with blood. In the aftermath of this crushing defeat, all surviving Russian units will surrender. The Polish army will continue its advance until it reaches the river Dniepr - in former times, the eastern frontier of the Kingdom of Poland. The troops will halt there and rest, for a number of days.
(You may have to receive this part flexibly because Mr.Wladyslaw Biernacki is a Polish farmer. As for Pope John Paul II, it is connected with one meaning to his friend John Paul II for him. (201006071614) )
Read the rest here:
The Prophecy of WW3 -