How ‘Two Fat Americans’ Quit Their Jobs to Travel the World Without Instagram Fame or Sponsorships – Travel+Leisure

If you love to travel and have an Instagram account, chances are you've spent your fair share of time scrolling through gorgeous tropical scenes featuringequally gorgeous full-time vacationers.

And while we can appreciate an artistically shot bikini photo as much as the next personespecially when the photographers share their tips and trickswith the rest of us the truth is, sometimes it starts to feel like you need an inbox bursting with hungrysponsorsand thousand-dollar photo requeststo make your travel dreams a reality.

Enter Dean and Julie Couchey, a world traveling husband and wife teamfrom upstate New York and Pennsylvania, respectively, who quit their jobs after tying the knot and have traveled to 20 countries together before their first wedding anniversary.

The fun-loving duois dedicated to eating and drinking our way around the world (while doing some other fun things too),according to the tagline on their travel blog, Two Fat Americans. And while they do get a kick out of watching people react to their site's cheeky name, the Coucheystold Travel + Leisure there's more to it than appearances.

We wanted to think of a name that would be both funny and representative of who we are,they told T+L via email fromYogyakarta, Indonesia. Yes, we're on the larger side, but also there is a stigma in the world that Americans are just fat people who, if they do travel, only go to the tourist spots and eat at the tourist places. By having a funny, catchy name, we have hopes that it will intrigue people enough to check us out and see that we couldn't be further from that stigma. (Aside from the fat part!)

The Coucheysdefy this American stereotype byvisiting spots less traveled, and taking their quest to find the best local food very seriously: Dean, 34, is atrained chef, and Julie, 28, is a foodie and photographerwho lives to taste (and document)every bite.

The travelers have chowed down on everything from pain au chocolat in Paris and choripan con chimichurri in Argentina to gado-gado (a potato and vegetable salad with peanut sauce) in Indonesia.

But the best meal they've had so far was at 1884 by Francis Mallmann in Mendoza, Argentina.

We had an amazing grilled potato cheddar flatbread and salt poached pear with burrata for starters. For our mains we had chivito, baby goat braised in a clay oven,and a clay oven-cooked gnocchi with tomato pesto sauce,they said. The most memorable meal in the most memorable setting.

After Indonesia, the couple will head to Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. After that, they will make their way through Southeast Asia up to Japan, and fly from there to India and beyond.They also have three months in Europe in their plans.

But how do they manage to do all this without earning an income?

The Coucheys saved money by cutting back expenses before leaving home no Starbucks, no eating out and saving up vacation days at their respective jobs. "We were the typical Americans that had saved many many weeks of vacation and luckily we were able to get it paid out," they said.

In the future, they hope to advertise on their website,and they are open to working in restaurants along the way.

But for now, they make each dollar go a little further by using rewards programs and choosing flights wisely: Pack lightly and be okay with a cramped more affordable flight because the destination will always he much more enjoyable than the trip to get there, regardless of what your seat is like on the plane.

They also use cash back rewards and loyalty programs.

We figured since we will be staying in a lot of hotels, we will use because they give you onefree night after 10 nights,they said, adding that when you're spending 180 or more nights on the road like they are, the savings add up.

They have also made over $500 back so farshopping for necessary items (and hotels)through Ebates. is a participant, and they earn 3to6 percent cash back on those transactions, while taking advantage of special promotions. They also use a Citi Double Cash card for airline and hotel bookings, which gets them 2 percent cash back, and aCapital One Quicksilver card that gets them 1.5 percent back (with no foreign transaction fees).

They use frequent flier benefits fromStar Alliance and Air Asia, but won't tie themselves to an airline. Instead, they use deal comparison sites like Kayak and Google Flights, but make sure to check for hidden fees.

We also promote Ebates and on our blog, because if we can get people to sign up and through our link we get a bonus,they said. We're hoping more people sign up so that can start to add up for us.

They originally planned to travel for sixor eightmonths, or until the money ran out,but if possible, the Coucheyshope to prolong their dream. They see themselves toasting to their anniversary in July in Paris.

And as they go, their main goal is to spread the message that you too can make it happen, even without a fancy portfolio or famousInstagram account. (They currently have 449 followers.)

We want to represent the real traveler that is going to accessible places and not a world famous chef's house or staying in 5-star resorts far away from the real destinations,they said. Most of all we just want to show and tell people that you don't have to be young, beautiful, thin, fit, free spirited or whatever you think the stigma is to travel and see the world.

That goes for whatever your dream is in life. If you love it and are passionate about it, do it for you and enjoy every minute.


How 'Two Fat Americans' Quit Their Jobs to Travel the World Without Instagram Fame or Sponsorships - Travel+Leisure

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Maps of World Countries, States, Counties, Cities & Continents

Detentions and Travel Orders Coincide With Dip in Interest in Coming to America – New York Times

New York Times
Detentions and Travel Orders Coincide With Dip in Interest in Coming to America
New York Times
It's the message that's gone out around the world, that the U.S. is potentially closing for business, said David Scowsill, the chief executive of the World Travel & Tourism Council. Trump's administration has made it clear that they will be inward ...


Detentions and Travel Orders Coincide With Dip in Interest in Coming to America - New York Times

World Travel Awards heads to Turks & Caicos – Focus on Travel News – (press release)

World Travel Awards has revealed that Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages & Spawill host the Caribbean & North America Gala Ceremony 2017.

Situated on 12 miles of crystal white sand on Grace Bay, Beaches Turks & Caicos will welcome leaders from across the region on Saturday 16th September as they gather to see who among them has been voted the pinnacle of the travel industry.

This will be the fifth time World Travel Awards has visited Turks & Caicos, following glittering ceremonies at Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages & Spa back in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2012.

Located in the unspoiled group of British Islands known for being Beautiful by Nature, Turks & Caicos is home to Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages & Spa. The Luxury Included resort encompasses the ultimate getaway for every member of the family from outrageous waterparks, an XBOX Play Lounge, Scratch DJ Academy and exclusive Kids Camp to certified nannies, butler service, two Red Lane Spas and an Aqua Center with unlimited water sports.

World Travel Awards President, Graham Cooke, said: It will be an absolute pleasure for us to return to Turks & Caicos for our annual Caribbean & North America Gala Ceremony.

We have had a long and fruitful relationship with Sandals Resorts International and I can think of no better partner for this event.

Cooke added: I cant wait to welcome all of our nominees to Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages & Spa in September.

All accommodation at Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages & Spa boasts arresting views of tropical gardens, pools or the sea - and feature mahogany and rattan furniture and Italian tile floors.

Elsewhere there are endless activities for everyone from tots to tweens and teens to enjoy, while adults will love the sumptuous Red Lane Spas, 21 restaurants and array of water and land based sports on offer.

We are delighted to once again play host to the World Travel Awards Caribbean & North American Gala and to welcome the regions hospitality stars to Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages & Spa, said the Chairman of Sandals Resorts International, Gordon Butch Stewart.

It is an honour and privilege, especially during our 35th anniversary year, to celebrate this industry which brings joy to our guests and is so critical to the success and well-being of the Caribbean and its people.

Voting for the World Travel Awards Caribbean & North America nominees will open on March 22nd 2017, with entriesaccepted until March 14th 2017.

More here:

World Travel Awards heads to Turks & Caicos - Focus on Travel News - (press release)

Egyptian initiative encourages young women to travel the world alone – Al-Monitor

Attendees of a "She Travels" lecture about couch surfing and traveling in Morocco held in Alexandria, Egypt. Posted Feb. 12, 2016. (photo byFacebook/travel with shee)

Author:Ayah Aman Posted March 10, 2017

CAIRO In an attempt to break social and psychological barriers that preventyoung Egyptian women from traveling the world by themselves, Shaima Ali, an employee of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, launched the initiative She Travels inAugust 2015. Theplatform encourageswomen of all social classes and ages to inspire other women by sharingtheir travel stories of trips on their ownor with their families.

TranslatorJoelle El-Khoury

Ali has been holding monthly workshops in Cairo andAlexandria, attended generally by 30-40 women at a time, where female travelerstalk about theirexperiences visiting foreign places. The talks donot addresstourist attractions or local lifestyles, but rather focus on personal experiences and the way the community has dealt with the women upon their return to Egypt.

The majority of Egyptian women whotravel alone often face social orreligious rejection, under the pretext that itmay not be safe, they may be scared abroad and fail to act or protect themselves in a community they are not familiar with, or that Islam requires womento beaccompanied by a male guardian while traveling.

In February, Al-Monitor attended the workshop in Cairo and spoke to Ali and other members of theinitiative.

Ali told Al-Monitor, It was unacceptable, even for my ownfamily, that girls traveleven within Egypt. It was a far-fetched dream for me to travel by myself, but I decided to make my dream come true.

She said, Julia Roberts 'Eat Pray Love'was an incentive as she chose to travel to face her psychological problems and engage in new experiences. My first experience was a 16-daytrip to Europe, where I explored a new world thatallowed me to return to Egypt a new person.

Commenting on her first experience, Ali said, When I saw theworld outside the Egyptian border, I came to realize that I was trapped in a box. The experience was worth the risk and challenges.

Once back, Ali decided that she didnot want her experience to remain a mere personal story that ended with her returnto Cairo airport. This ishow the idea ofShe Travels came about,to encourage other girls to travel and shareexperiences in the workshops.

"The girls who share their experiences in the workshops shed light on their own social circumstances, so that other girls become aware that traveling is not justfor more emancipated or higher social classes, Ali said.

She added, The workshop is designed to break social and psychological barriers. Most of the questions asked by womenwho have never been outside Egypt focus on how to face the parents negative attitude, deal with Western societiesor handle the high cost of travel.

She stressed, After hearing stories of other womenwithsimilar social and financial backgrounds, they learn about the options that may make it easier for them to decide to travel.

Ali focuses in the workshops on encouraging the womento travel as a way to fulfill and free themselves in Egyptian society.

She said, Our daily life is full of people who dictate what we do, by advising or coercing us. This often causes womento lose the ability to make key life decisions. Once they break this tradition and start making their own decisionseven trivial onessuch as choosing what meal to havetheir self-confidence will be boosted. This will not happen if they remain trapped in their small circle.

Women who manage to break social barriers often face abacklash that points to religion. In December 2012, Dar al-Ifta,Egypt'sofficial religious institution tasked with drafting edicts, had settled the debate on women traveling without a male guardian or a male relative, and authorized women to travel with other women. The rulingfocusedon women'spersonal safety, which is the key factor that religiousscholars took into consideration when discussing whether or not women should be allowed totravelalone.

Ali said, Toensure safe companionship, 20,000 girls became a member of the 'She Travels'Facebook page,which has become a platform that brings together girls who sharethe same desire totravel and beencouraged [to do so]. [We] do not organize trips for female travelers, but we openchannels of communication for womenlooking for achance to travel.

Amani Hussein, 28, hails from a middle-class family in Upper Egypt. She pursued a masters degree in Germany. Husseintold Al-Monitor, Traveling has helped me achieve my goals. My decision to pursue my university studies in Cairo was the first step in confronting my parents. They felt that I was derailing from the family tradition requiring that girls get married and have their own family right after finishing school.

She continued, The dispute with the family mostly ends with the parents seeing that their daughters life has changed. Parents are more likely to accept the idea of their daughter traveling for their studies,rather than traveling to discover the world or to be free.

Speaking to Al-Monitor abouther travel experiences to seven countries by herself, Hind Saeid, 32, said, Girls may benefit from the small margin of freedom given by their parents to obtain full freedom.My work in the public domain gave me more freedom away from my family. Most girls aspire to live new experiences where they discover themselves away from their family.

Saeid added, I experiencetough situations every time I travel, but being responsible was the first step in becoming independent and responsible formy owndecisions.

Indeed, there are many examples of Egyptian girlswho manageto overcomesocial and religious obstacles and embarkon journeys outsideEgypt'sborders.For many girls in Egypt, traveling does not seem a time to just relax, but more so an opportunityto discover their true capacities and personalities.

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View original post here:

Egyptian initiative encourages young women to travel the world alone - Al-Monitor

Trump travel ban: US states launch legal challenges – BBC News
Trump travel ban: US states launch legal challenges
BBC News
Several US states have launched legal challenges against President Donald Trump's revised travel ban. Mr Trump signed an executive order placing a 90-day ban on people from six mainly Muslim countries on Monday. New York maintains the new directive ...
Trump's Travel Ban Deters Tourists and Their Dollars From All Over the
How Trump's new travel ban targets the whole worldPolitico
US states join forces against Trump travel ban 2.0TRT World
Washington Post -The News International -The White House
all 4,143 news articles »

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Trump travel ban: US states launch legal challenges - BBC News

FIFA chief hints Trump travel ban could hurt US World Cup 2026 bid – RT

US President Donald Trumps travel ban on six mainly Muslim countries could hurt his countrys proposed bid to host the FIFA World Cup 2026.

The US is considered favorite to host the centerpiece of world football. FIFA President Gianni Infantino says however that Trumps signing of an executive order that places a 90-day travel ban on people from six Muslim majority nations on Monday could seriously harm its chances.

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Trumps revised ban bars new visas for those from Somalia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Yemen and also temporarily blocks all refugees from these countries.

"Any team, including the supporters and officials of that team, who qualify for a World Cup need to have access to the country, otherwise there is no World Cup," Infantino, the head of footballs world governing body, told reporters following a meeting with football leaders from around the globe held in London, Bloombergreported.

"The requirements will be clear," Infantino said of FIFAs regulations for future hosts, which are likely to be completed later this year. "And then each country can make up their decision, whether they want to bid or not based on the requirements. Nothing to do with the US or not, its general sporting criterion."

It is understood the US, which has lost several prior bids to host the tournament, including being beaten by a bid from Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup, is weighing up an application either alongside Mexico or Canada, or on its own.

The 2026 World Cup Finals will be the first to feature an enlarged 48-team format, which FIFA voted in favor of in January.

READ MORE: FIFA votes to expand World Cup to 48 teams

The US last hosted the World Cup 23 years ago at World Cup USA 94, where Brazil triumphed after beating Italy on penalties in the final, courtesy of Italian sensation Roberto Baggio missing his deciding spot kick in the shootout.

It was somewhat fitting that a missed penalty decided World Cup USA 94, as the tournaments opening ceremony became famous for Diana Ross comically missing her spot kick effort during the routine that accompanied the songstress rendition of her hit Im Coming Out.

So far, US states New York, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Minnesota, Washington and Oregon have formally opposed Trumps travel ban.

Read the original:

FIFA chief hints Trump travel ban could hurt US World Cup 2026 bid - RT

Ditching convention, the Greens pursue a career of world travel … – Bryan-College Station Eagle

In 2007, Dusty and Nikki Green did what many have fantasized about but few have actually done: They quit their jobs to pursue a life of travel.

"We once led respectable lives with respectable careers, and we ditched it all to pursue a career of world travel," Dusty said.

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Ditching convention, the Greens pursue a career of world travel ... - Bryan-College Station Eagle

FIFA president: Trump travel ban could mean no World Cup in USA in 2026 – CBS (blog)

President Donald Trumps travel ban could have a big impact on international soccer. According to FIFA president Gianni Infantino, Trumps executive order from Monday could hurt a World Cup bid by the U.S. for the 2026 cup.

Trumps ban, which suspended the refugee program and entry into the U.S. for people from six mostly-Muslim countries, has put a future bids credibility into question.

When it comes to FIFA competitions, any team, including the supporters and officials of that team, who qualify for a World Cup need to have access to the country, otherwise there is no World Cup,Infantino said per The Guardian. That is obvious.

We are now in the process of defining the bid requirements. The requirements will be clear. And then each country can make up their decision, whether they want to bid or not based on the requirements. Its general sporting criteria.

The countries listed in the ban are Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Iran. Though it is supposedly temporary, if it is still around in years to come or if more countries are added to the list, its probably going to be hard to convince voters to pick the U.S.

It is still too early to tell how much something like this could hurt the USAs chances, but in the early stages, it certainly doenst help the countrys pursuit to land its first mens World Cup since 1994.

See the rest here:

FIFA president: Trump travel ban could mean no World Cup in USA in 2026 - CBS (blog)

Royal Caribbean Will Break Its Own Record for World’s Largest Cruise Ship – Travel+Leisure

Royal Caribbean announced plans to build the largest cruise ship in the world on Wednesday.

The cruise lines next ship, Symphony of the Seas, is expected to be the largest in the world when it premieres next year.

In a phone call with journalists, Royal Caribbean International president and CEO Michael Bayley said that the new ship was the latest, greatest, newest, most beautiful baby thats coming soon, according to Skift. On their website, Royal Caribbean also referred to the ship as a mic drop.

Symphony of the Seas will have a capacity of 5,494 passengers when it debuts in April 2018. The ship is already under construction at a shipyard in France. Upon completion, it will weigh a record-breaking 230,000 tons. Bayley said that the ship was slightly longer and a tad wider than Royal Caribbeans current Oasis ships.

The ship is teased to have a whole new variety of features that have not yet been premiered aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise. Although its yet unclear what these new features are, the cruise line has confirmed that a multi-deck water slide area and a Bionic Bar (where the drinks are made by robots) will have a place on Symphony of the Seas. The ship is slated to sail for the Caribbean and Europe once put into operation.

The record for worlds largest cruise ship currently belongs to Royal Caribbean for its Harmony of the Seas ship, which premiered in 2016. That ship is capable of accommodating 5,400 passengers and weighs 226,963 gross tons. It has 28 less rooms than the Symphony of the Seas.

See the original post:

Royal Caribbean Will Break Its Own Record for World's Largest Cruise Ship - Travel+Leisure

Ditching convention, the Greens puruse a career of world travel … – Bryan-College Station Eagle

In 2007, Dusty and Nikki Green did what many have fantasized about but few have actually done: They quit their jobs to pursue a life of travel.

"We once led respectable lives with respectable careers, and we ditched it all to pursue a career of world travel," Dusty said.

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Ditching convention, the Greens puruse a career of world travel ... - Bryan-College Station Eagle

Trump travel ban: Hawaii files first legal challenge – BBC News

Trump travel ban: Hawaii files first legal challenge
BBC News
He said this was a particularly sensitive issue in Hawaii because of memories of Japanese internment camps on the Pacific island during World War Two. Although the new directive sought to answer legal complaints, Mr Chin said it still constituted a ...
Hawaii Mounts Legal Challenge To President's Revised Travel BanWUFT
Hawaii Files Suit Against New Travel PlanU.S. News & World Report
Hawaii first US state to challenge Trump's new travel banGeo News, Pakistan
The Times (subscription) -The Independent
all 130 news articles »

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Trump travel ban: Hawaii files first legal challenge - BBC News

Trump’s Travel Ban Deters Tourists and Their Dollars From All Over the World –

Many travelers with plans to head to or from the United States for business or leisure are reassessing or even canceling their trips in response to President Donald Trump's immigration policies, travel experts say.

After Trump's inauguration and the first executive order temporarily banning travel to the U.S. from certain countries, travel analysts at Forward Keys and airfare search site Hopper saw flight bookings and searches to the U.S. slip.

"International trends in bookings to the U.S. are down 6.5 percent compared with the equivalent period the year before," Forward Keys noted. "Trump's travel ban is putting off people traveling to the U.S. from many regions of the world, beyond the Middle East."

And while demand has recovered slightly since the initial travel ban was overturned, "It is still well below expected levels," said Hopper data analyst Patrick Surry in an analysis of the travel ban's impact on international travel.

On Tuesday, Hopper analyzed flight search demand from international origins to the U.S. for the three weeks prior to Trump's inauguration through March 6th and found overall searches down about 10 percent compared to the same period last year, with 102 of 122 origin countries showing declines.

And while the new travel ban is encouraging for those looking to come to the U.S. from Iraq, the question remains as to whether the revised order "did enough to mollify the prospective traveler from Canada, Europe, or elsewhere around the world who may have been put off by the initial travel ban," said U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow.

"It doesn't appear that the administration fully seized the opportunity to differentiate between the potential security risks targeted by [Trump's latest immigration] order and the legitimate business and leisure visitors from abroad who support 15.1 million American jobs," said Dow.

For now, the members of ASTA, the American Society of Travel Agents, are waiting, watching and fielding calls from anxious clients.

After the first travel rollout, some ASTA members reported no disruptions while others reported significant canceled or delayed plans, said ASTA spokeswoman Erika Richter.

"It's too soon to tell if this new travel ban will have an immediate impact," she told NBC News. "But it's also important to remember that any disruption to the travel ecosystem has a negative impact on the travel economy in one way or another."

And that negative impact can add up.

International travelers spent an average of $4,400 per person, per trip, noted Laura Mandala, CEO of Mandala Research. "It is well documented that a decline in U.S. global favorability ratings has corresponded to a decline in visitation to the U.S.," she said.

For example, during the Bush years, international visitation declined by 20 percent, said Mandala.

And while the United States does have Las Vegas, Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, and other one-of-a-kind attractions, there are plenty of places outside the United States where international travelers can easily spend their dollars.

"We know international travelers vote with their passports," said Mandala. "Perceptions of hassles on visas or security have historically been responsible for travelers choosing destinations where they won't encounter these issues."

See original here:

Trump's Travel Ban Deters Tourists and Their Dollars From All Over the World -

Learn about world travel group March 19 in Albany – Statesman Journal

Van Nichols, left, and Chris Duval invite others to join them for the Friendship Force 40th anniversary celebration at the Albany Public Library on Sunday, March 19, 2017.(Photo: ANNA REED / Statesman Journal)Buy Photo

Do you dream of world travel? If so,Chris DuvalandVan Nicholshave an opportunity for you with The Friendship Force International Club of the Mid-Willamette Valley.

We are an international group of people who travel, primarily through homestays, not just to see the sights but to get to know the people and culture, Chris said.

Van has travelled to 24 countries including national and international locations and even taken four of his grandchild on the adventures, too.

Its been really amazing for them, he said.

The club, which is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting understanding, cultural education and citizen diplomacy, will celebrate its 40th anniversary with an open house 2 p.m. Sunday, March 19, at Albany Public Library, 2450 14th Ave. SE, and the public is welcome to join.

Some of our members will talk about what Friendship Force has meant to them, Chris said. Its a prime time to ask questions about what we do.

The celebration will also feature a slideshow of photos from past adventure and the group will share information about the journeys planned for 2017, plus there will be cake and refreshments served.

For information, call Chris at 971-218-0361 or go

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Learn about world travel group March 19 in Albany - Statesman Journal

Trump signs new travel ban directive – BBC News

Trump signs new travel ban directive
BBC News
President Donald Trump has signed a new executive order placing a 90-day ban on people from six mainly Muslim nations. Iraq - which was covered in the previous seven-nation order - has been removed from the new one after agreeing to additional visa ...
How Trump's new travel ban targets the whole worldPolitico
What the New Travel Ban Means for Refugees Around the WorldPacific Standard
5 differences in Trump's new travel banUSA TODAY
Washington Post -WJLA -U.S. News & World Report -The White House
all 2,339 news articles »

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Trump signs new travel ban directive - BBC News

This Couple Sold Their Home to Travel the World With Their Toddler – Travel+Leisure

When husband and wife Terry and Jennifer Constant realized their daily jobs were keeping them from getting to watch their newborn son grow, they decided to quit their jobs, sell their house, buy a motorhome, and travel the world together.

The trio has been journeying through Spain's "snow cap mountains, forests, secret beaches, and incredibly cosmopolitan cities" since January, all within their roughly 20-foot-long motorhome.

Terry and Jennifer had both been avid backpackers back in university together, spending three years traveling the world, and decided that this would not only help them avoid high nursery fees, but it would be the best way to get to spend time with their son.

I had to pay for someone else to look after my son, while I continued to stare out of the window at work wishing the day away until I could pick up my little boy, in order to basically just put him to bed on a daily basis, Jennifer told Travel + Leisure.

I just thought there must be more to life than this, she added.

Thats why the duo decided to sell their four-bedroom home in England and swap it for a motorhome instead, taking their 15-month-old toddler to see stunning locations around the globe.

Theres nothing like the feeling of packing up your life, clearing out the unnecessary, and starting a new chapter, Terry wrote on their blog, Travel As They Grow. The world is out there for us to see, and what better way to watch our little one grown up?"

But taking on a nomadic lifestyle with a toddler is no easy feat, which is why the family has some tips on making the experience smoother.

They recommend planning only one major activity or city visit per day and driving no longer than two hours at a time, since you want to ensure your baby has enough time to rest.

They also suggest bringing a highchair for dinners and for playtime activities and using websites like Search For Sites to make finding free overnight camping a breeze.

Finally, you'll want make sure you have enough water in the tank of your motorhome, as you dont want to run out mid-shower.

To ensure Ethan is able to play and interact with other children, the couple has also been volunteering throughout their travels.

They are currently planning to head to Portugal before touring through more of Europe in the summer and heading to Africa in the fall.

"Life is so precious and time is worth so much more than money," Jennifer said. "Watching your baby grow up in a relaxed environment, traveling the globe, is one of the best preschool educations you can offer."

Read the original:

This Couple Sold Their Home to Travel the World With Their Toddler - Travel+Leisure

Why I Travel: Padma Lakshmi – Cond Nast Traveler

What was your first trip?

My first trip was when I went in 1974 from my grandparents' home in New Delhi to be reunited with my mother in New York City . I flew from Delhi to Cairo to Rome to London, and finally to JFK where my mother stood waiting on a chilly Halloween night. I shall never forget that night, but every trip has been an adventure.

Where in the world did you have your favorite meal?

My favorite meal ever would have to be in the backwaters of Kerala on a house boat. My daughter and I traveled there last year and had a sublime time on this vintage Chinese fishing clipper. There were so many little dishes of vegetable curries, seafood preparations, pickles, and soupy lentils served over puffy Keralan brown rice. I didn't know where to begin or end, and of course I wound up eating too much. Each dish was different from the last and they were all placed in little mounds on this beautiful green banana leaf. As we slurped the food with our hands we tried desperately not to rip the banana leaf so as not to lose a single drop of anything.

Whats it like having your daughter travel with you?

Its great. She has been traveling with me since she was six weeks old and she is a good little traveler. She keeps herself busy and she doesnt fussa lot of times when we are getting off the plane people will realize there was a child sitting behind them or in front of them and are shocked. She has more stamps on her passport than anyone else. Like I said, we just got back from India and she wanted to stay another month. She didnt want to come home so. She is a happy little traveler. She is a good gypsy. ... I hope that all of this travel makes her into a more broad-minded human being as an adult.

What else has travel taught you?

I hope that travel has made me a more broad-minded person and to see the beauty and benefits that you can take from different cultures. From a very pragmatic point of view, travel has taught me how to cook and to be knowledgeable about my career in food . I have learned more about people by studying what different cultures eat through my documentaries, my writing, and just common daily exchanges with folks all over the world.

What does travel mean to you?

Travel to me means freedom, escape, the extinguishing of ignorance and prejudice, and the exchange not only of cultures and language but ideas. And hopefully greater understanding among people in different parts of the world. It is the single most important thing that I think a young person should do before they are 25. Earlier in fact. I am sure that the vast amount of miles I covered before the age of 17, crossing different continents, better prepared me for the life I have now.

Why do you travel?

I travel because a life without travel is uninteresting, perhaps even unacceptable to me. I travel whenever possible and now I make sure my daughter travels with me as often as possible, too. I travel to see the world but I also travel to see more of myself.

Read this article:

Why I Travel: Padma Lakshmi - Cond Nast Traveler

Why I Travel: Niki Caro – Cond Nast Traveler

Notions of "home" and "away" get blurry when you're a citizen of the world. So what does it mean to travel? For Niki Caro, Kiwi writer and the director of The Zookeeper's Wife, it's all about leaving home, especially when you're from the edge of the world.

Where were you born? Wellington, New Zealand.

Where are your parents from/wheres your family from? How did they meet? My parents are from New Zealand . My mother was a space waitress (airline hostess) and my father was an intrepid traveler. They met in the air.

Where did you grow up? In New Zealand.

Where do you live now? How did you end up here? In Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles , up a crazy mountain, with deer and coyotes in the yard, but still only five minutes from Sunset Boulevard.

What do you think of as "home"? The wild and isolated Kare Kare Beach in New Zealand . Its the beach where Jane Campion shot The Piano . Also the place where I bought my first house. The day we moved in, I knew I had found my home, my place in the world.

How has travel defined your life? Coming from New Zealand means you are right on the very edge of the earth. The need to travel is instinctive.

Why do you travel? Why will you never stop traveling? I travel because the world is fascinating, and its a pleasure and privilege to get all over it.

Why is choosing to travel important in 2017? Because the world is changing. Because we need to bear witness. Because to travel is to recognize that we are all different, and thats an important and amazing thing.

Read the original here:

Why I Travel: Niki Caro - Cond Nast Traveler

How Trump’s new travel ban targets the whole world – Politico

Foreign Policy

The revised order contains provisions that could affect countries beyond the six Muslim-majority states that are singled out.

By Nahal Toosi

03/06/17 03:19 PM EST

Its not just a few countries. Its not just about Muslims. And in some cases, its probably wont be temporary, either.

President Donald Trumps newly revised travel ban may at first seem to be more limited in its reach than his sweeping earlier order suspending refugee admissions and barring entry for citizens of several predominantly Muslim countries.

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But the new order, signed Monday, still contains provisions that could ultimately slow travel and immigration to the United States from every corner of the globe. The order could ultimately backfire on Americans wishing to travel abroad, and, for some countries, what appear to be temporary bans could effectively prove permanent.

The revised order appears to reflect Trump's America first philosophy, one that views immigrants as a threat to the U.S. economy and national security. The orders specific targeting of six predominantly Muslim countries also underscores the strong influence of Trump advisers Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, both of whom are bent on limiting immigration in general but who hold hard-line views on Muslims in particular.

The administration says the executive order is critical to stopping potential terrorists from infiltrating the United States. But, analysts say, there are already signs the White Houses actions are having a chilling effect on the number of people from around the world who wish to visit the United States.

What this document promises is the beginning, and not the end, of a new and potentially very broad set of immigration restrictions, said Omar Jadwat of the American Civil Liberties Union, one of several groups that turned to the courts to block Trumps original executive order.

The revised order takes effect on March 16. It imposes a 120-day halt to the admission of all refugees to the United States. It also imposes a 90-day ban on the entry of people from six Muslim-majority countries: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Both the refugee program and immigration relationships with the six countries are to undergo a review by the administration.

The president is also ordering the Department of Homeland Security, in the next 20 days, to perform a global, country-by-country review of the identity and security information that each country provides to the U.S. government to support U.S. visa and other immigration benefit determinations, according to a fact sheet provided by the administration. Countries will then have 50 days to comply with requests from the U.S. government to update or improve the quality of the information they provide.

That raises the possibility that countries beyond the six being singled out could find their citizens barred from reaching U.S. shores either as visitors or immigrants.

U.S. officials were coy about what information they would require other countries to provide about their citizens, or what other steps they would expect other capitals to take, and odds are that each country would be treated on a case-by-case basis. Still, its hard to imagine U.S. rivals such as China or Russia acceding to every U.S. demand to help them vet their citizens. In some cases, the administrative burden may be too much for some governments to handle, especially in developing countries that have limited capacity.

That being said, political considerations also may play a role. The countries with stronger lobbying networks in Washington, or which are deemed strategically important allies or economic partners, could have an advantage.

Critics of the executive order point to the list of the countries whose citizens are banned for 90 days as an example of the questionable standards being applied.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, whose citizens have been implicated in several terrorist attacks on the United States, were left off the list. But both are considered important partners in the fight against terrorist networks, and the Saudis in particular have a strong lobbying presence in Washington.

Separately, the original executive order also included Iraq. But Iraqi officials, pointing to the fact that they are an ally of the United States in the battle against the Islamic State terrorist network, pushed hard for an exemption. Trump aides said the Iraqis pledged to step up their information sharing for the immigration vetting process.

Several of the other six countries may not be willing or able to meet new vetting standards demanded by Trump. That means that although the ban on the six is said to be temporary, in some or all the cases it could prove indefinite.

Iran could be the hardest hit. Iranian citizens make up the largest number of immigrants or non-immigrant visitors among the six countries, with some 42,500 visas issued in 2015 out of roughly 74,000 for the six countries combined. But Iran doesn't have diplomatic relations with the United States, and it may balk at new U.S. vetting demands. Even if Iran decides to cooperate, it's not clear that the Trump administration would trust its government to provide accurate information.

The governments of Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen all have other challenges; some are mired in civil wars while others are barely functioning states. And generally speaking, people from the six countries already have a very difficult time obtaining a U.S. visa, as American officials use a range of intelligence and other tools to examine their applications and vet them before granting them entry.

A great deal will depend on what standards U.S. officials choose to apply and how stringently and broadly they apply them. The revised order contains a number of provisions granting U.S. officials the ability to give waivers to individuals in unusual situations trying to reach the United States, and how often those waivers are used could also soften the blow.

But there are other elements in the executive order that could slow down the visa process, enough so that many people may consider it not worth trying to come to the United States. For one thing, the order requires the State Department to do more in-person interviews of foreigners seeking visas, meaning an extra hurdle for many visitors who in the past were not deemed security risks.

The order will have profound implications for a range of U.S. industries, including universities that rely on dollars from international students, hotels that count on foreign tourists and technology companies seeking talent abroad.

The more onerous it becomes to come into the United States, the more Canada starts looking attractive, the more England starts looking attractive, said Leon Fresco, a prominent immigration attorney.

One major question is how the new vetting standards whatever they are will apply to the 38 countries that fall under the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. That program allows people from those countries, many of which are in Europe, to visit the United States without having to obtain a visa.

Another question is how other countries will decide to treat Americans wishing to travel to their soil. Visa programs are, in theory, supposed to be reciprocal. So if the United States imposes new conditions for vetting, those other countries might do the same, making it harder for Americans to travel there.

Travel industry experts say there already is mounting evidence of a drop in international interest in visiting the United States following the issuing of the original executive order on Jan. 27.

The U.S. Travel Association on Monday released a statement that said it doesn't appear that the administration fully seized the opportunity to differentiate between the potential security risks targeted by the order and the legitimate business and leisure visitors from abroad who support 15.1 million American jobs.

Reputational fallout is a real thing, Jonathan Grella, executive vice president of public affairs for the association, recently told POLITICO. It really boils down to people having choices to make. Price and convenience and efficiency and how welcome you feel all factor into that.

Continued here:

How Trump's new travel ban targets the whole world - Politico

Safari Consultant / Full-time Salaried – Travelweek

Posted on March 6, 2017

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Safari Consultant / Full-time Salaried - Travelweek