50 Awesome Travel Blog Name Ideas – This World Rocks

When I was getting ready to launch mytravel blog, I had a really tough time picking a name for the blog. In reality, the name of a travel blog isnt as important as you might think. It isnt as important as quality writing, a well-designed site, a good brand, and a lot of content. However, your name is still a big piece of the puzzle, and should be something you like and can live with. To come up with my blogs name, I did an exercise to come up with as many awesome travel blog names as possible and then slowly narrowed it down to my current name. I thought I would share this list with any future travel bloggers who are currently brainstorming for a name. Not all of these were from my original list, as I have added more since, so go ahead and use this list as a starting point for your own brainstorming.UPDATE: Feel free to use any of these names for your own travel blog. People have been emailing me a lot asking if they can use a name on the list. You dont need my permission to use any of these names since I dont own any of them. I also dont own any of the domain names, so if its already taken there isnt anything I can do. Good luck in your search!

1. Out of the Office For a former cubicle worker who wants to quit and to put up anindefiniteemail out of office notification.

2. Binge Travelers BingeTravelers.com is available too, which is a great domain.

3. Tweet Pray Love The digital version of famous book/movie. Thanks to @AndyMonfre for this one!

4.Losing Sight of the ShoreHow does the saying go? You cant discover a new ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

5. Forks In The Road For a traveler who loves food and decisions!

6. Corners of the World This is a good domain name that is available: CornersoftheWorld.com

7. Navigatio No, I didnt forget the N, Navigatio is actually Latin forVoyage.

8. The Hum of the Earth Instead of looking for the scum of the Earth, you seek the good, or what makes us hum. Domain is available: HumoftheEarth.com

9. Tray Tables & Seat Backs Travel bloggers can recite this entire speech by memory.

10. Mice Will Play When the cats away

11. Uneven Pavement The types of roads travelers crave

12. Loose Gravel Same idea as above

13. Cats and Dogs Living Together Are you planning on having chaotic travels? Heres a salute toBill Murrays description of chaos in Ghostbusters.

14. Get Busy Livin ForShawshank fans. Instead of Livin you could replace it with your name, like Get Busy Jenny

15. Someday This Day Make your own meaning of it.

16. Showering in the Ocean For the beach lover.

17. Bathing in the Ocean Variation of above.

18. Both Paths For a traveler like us who likes mixing in both the beaten path and unbeaten path.

19. Where the Heart Is Home is

20. The Long and Winding One of my favorite Beatles songs.

21. Cark Muban Mark Cuban once did a gap year, so pay homage to him by creating his alter ego and doing your own trip.

22. All Systems Whoa There are a lot of names you can create by changing the word go to whoa in popular catch phrases.

23. Away We Whoa See above

24. Ready, Set, Whoa See above

25. On the Whoa Ok, you get the idea by now

26. Here Goes Here goes nothing!

27. One Point Five Billion Inches The circumference of the Earth is 1.5 billion inches.

28. Around the Tellus Tellus is Latin for Earth

29. Around the Orbis Orbis is Latin for World

30. Turn Turn Turn Referring to the constant turning while traveling, both good turns and bad.

31. YOUR NAME on Earth This works really well if your name rhymes with heaven, i.e. Kevin, Devin, Gavin, Evan, Melvin, etc

32. Cold Turkey This could be for a blogger who had to quit something addictive in order to travel. i.e. shopping, alcohol, drugs, video games, over-working, etc.

33. Like Nothing Ive Seen A blog about seeing and experiencing new, exotic adventures.

34. Salt of the Earth This sounds a bit Biblical, but thats because it is a Bible phrase. However, it can still apply the our natural world. Domain available: SaltoftheEarth.com

35. Off the Face Basically letting people know youve fallen(jumped) off the face of the Earth.

36. Reset ReBoot Record Someone who left home to get a fresh start, and is recording the progress in the blog. You could do a cool logo with the three Rs.

37. Re* Re* Record Replace the first two re-words with any two words on this list. Find two words that fit your situation the best.

38. One Big Rock Thats all Earth is right?

39. Off and Running For all the travel runners out there.

40. Travel Travel Travel Pizza Pizza

41. Text Me Later Im gone for a while.

42. My Final Frontier Star trek fan?

43. Each City a Rhapsody For the musically inclined.

44. Jet Set Brunette Sorry blondes, this one isnt for you.

45. Redefined Timeline Define the change of pace and scenery in your life.

46. Every Corner a Story Awesome stories are everywhere you look, all over the globe.

47. Miles and Smiles Away Miles, and miles, and miles, and miles, away.

48. Roam Sweet Roam Roam is the new Home (apparently there was a documentary with this title in 1996)

49. Why Dont You Babe A play on the Supremes song

50. No Particular Place to Go For the wandering blogger.

51. So This is How I Die From Stetson at Sergios Samba

52. WanderingOmies.com From Brandon at TheYogaNomads.com

These are from Brian at Blancette:

53.Three If By Sky modern twist on an old classic, nobody suspected the British of coming through the air.

54. Traveling Like LeBron Ah ah ahtoo many steps

55. Hostel Takeover no hostilities on this blog

56. Bloggers Without Borders give back to the world and do some pro bono blogging.

57. Boats and Phos: A Maritime Tour of Southeast Asia

58. The Gumshoes some of us never gave up chasing Carmen Sandiego

59. The Planeteers which one are you? Earth, wind, water, fire, or heart?

60. SergeantPlanet cause nobody out ranks the Captain

These are from Tina at GypsySpirit.com:

61. Nowhere in Particular

62. Gypsy Soul

63. Riding the Waves

64. Smells Like Gypsy

65. Gypsy Rhapsody

66. Gone Traveling

67. Life in a Bag

68. Hugging the Road

69. [yourname] Pilgrim

70. [yourname] Supertramp

These are from WildWanderess.com:

71.The Runaway Girl

72. Gypsy Girl Travels

73. The Simple Sojourn

74. Rooftops and Flipflops

75. Edge of the Sand

76. The Lost Gurl

77. Gutsy Girl Travel


good travel blog namessocial mediatravel blog nametravel blog name ideas

See original here:

50 Awesome Travel Blog Name Ideas - This World Rocks

WorldTravelService – Business and Leisure Travel Agency …

With eight agency locations throughout Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia, WorldTravelService serves a number of large corporate clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, including Delaware, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. As part of a worldwide system of affiliates and partners, we are able to leverage our economies of scale to provide our clientsboth corporate and leisurewith a wide range of benefits, discounts, amenities, and conveniences that they would not otherwise be able to access. We are also the largest independent, Veteran-owned agency in the Mid-Atlantic!

WorldTravelService uses the most sophisticated travel technology available to ensure complete accuracy, cost efficiency, and security. Our quality assurance programs, fare checks, and other tools are constantly running in order to give our clients the absolute best service. And since these tools are nothing without the right people to use them, we place utmost importance on hiring and retaining the most talented and dedicated professionals in the travel industry. Your complete satisfaction in every aspect of your experience with us is our highest goal.

Call us at 800-676-3796 to learn why thousands of companies and luxury travelers entrusts their travel plans to WorldTravelService, the mid-Atlantics leading full-service travel concierge to VIPs, business professionals, and serious travel connoisseurs.

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WorldTravelService - Business and Leisure Travel Agency ...

World Travel Awards

Worlds finest travel brands revealed at World Travel Awards Grand Final 2018 in Lisbon

The finest travel brands in the world have been unveiled at a star-studded gala ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal. The elite of the travel industry gathered for the World Travel Awards Grand Final Gala Ceremony 2018 at the historic Ptio da Gal to find out who amongst them had been crowned the finest in the world.

The finest travel brands in Africa and the Indian Ocean have been unveiled at a star-studded gala ceremony in Durban, South Africa. The elite of the travel industry assembled for the World Travel Awards Africa & Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony 2018 at the Durban International Convention Centre to find out who amongst them would be crowned best of the best.

The finest travel brands in the Caribbean and North America have been unveiled at a star-studded gala ceremony in Jamaica. The whos who of the travel industry gathered for the World Travel Awards Caribbean & North America Gala Ceremony 2018 at Sandals Montego Bay to find out who amongst them would be crowned best of the best.

The finest travel brands in South and Central America have been unveiled at the World Travel Awards Latin America Ceremony 2018 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Hundreds of the leading figures of South and Central's travel and tourism industries attended the red-carpet ceremony, which was staged at Guayaquil's historic Palacio de Cristal.

Asia and Australasia's finest travel brands have been unveiled at World Travel Awards Asia & Australasia Gala Ceremony 2018 in Hong Kong. Hundreds of the leading figures from Asia and Australasia's travel and tourism industries attended the red-carpet ceremony, which was staged at the newly-refurbished InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong.

Madeira has been revealed as the host for the World Travel Awards (WTA) Europe Gala Ceremony 2019. The Portuguese destination, which has taken the title of Europes Leading Island Destination for the past five years, will use the event to boost its profile on the international stage.

Europe's finest travel brands have been unveiled at World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony 2018 in Athens, Greece. Hundreds of the leading figures of Europe's travel and tourism industry attended the ceremony, which was staged at the historic Zappeion Megaron Hall.

Ras al Khaimah has welcomed the World Travel Awards Middle East Gala Ceremony for the first time, with the best of regional hospitality recognised at the event.

See original here:

World Travel Awards

200 Days – A Trip Around the World Travel Film – YouTube

My wife and I traveled to 17 countries in 200 days. This film is the story of our incredible trip! Enjoy!

We used a GoPro and a Nikon D7000 for all of the filming.

For Business Inquiries please e.mail me at 40northdesigns@gmail.com.

Website: 40northdesigns.com

Music Credits:

Please check out and buy the music from these incredible artists that made this film possible. They are in order of appearance.

M83 - Outro https://www.youtube.com/user/m83

Eric Hutchinson - Tell the World https://www.youtube.com/user/erichutc...

Vance Joy - Mess is Minehttps://www.youtube.com/user/vancejoy...

Avicii - The Nightshttps://www.youtube.com/user/AviciiOf...

The Kooks - Bad Habithttps://www.youtube.com/user/TheKooks...

Yumi And The Weather - Must I Waithttps://www.youtube.com/user/YumiAndT...

American Authors - Best Day of My Lifehttps://www.youtube.com/user/American...

Tim McMorris - On Top of the Worldhttps://www.youtube.com/user/timmcmorris

The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weatherhttps://www.youtube.com/user/TheNeigh...

See the rest here:

200 Days - A Trip Around the World Travel Film - YouTube

Webcam Directory and Travel Portal. Live Webcams from …

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Webcam Directory and Travel Portal. Live Webcams from ...

Amazon.com: Travel: Books: Europe, United States, Asia …

Travel Books from Amazon.com

From useful travel guides to help you get around a new country or city to gorgeous travel writing and photography collections, Amazon.coms collection of travel books spans the globe to let you experience the joys of travel, whether you are out adventuring or vicariously enjoying from your armchair.

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It may be a small world after allyou can journey to all sorts of corners of the globe with travel books from Amazon.com.

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Amazon.com: Travel: Books: Europe, United States, Asia ...

UNESCO World Heritage Centre – World Heritage List

Extension of the "Australian East Coast Temperate and Subtropical Rainforest Park".

name changed 2007 from 'Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves (Australia)'

Renomination of "Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park" under cultural criteria.

The Belfries of Flanders and Wallonia which were previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, are part of the transnational property The Belfries of Belgium and France.

Extension of "Ja National Park".

Extension of the "Glacier Bay/Wrangell/St Elias/Kluane" property.

The "Burgess Shale" property, which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the "Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks".

Extension of "The Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple Monastery, Lhasa" to include the Norbulingka area.

The Belfries of Flanders and Wallonia which were previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, are part of the transnational property The Belfries of Belgium and France.

The "Chateau and Estate of Chambord", which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the "Loire Valley between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes".

The Hadrians Wall which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the transnational property Frontiers of the Roman Empire.

At the time the property was extended, cultural criterion (iv) was also found applicable.

The "Brihadisvara Temple, Tanjavur", which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the "Great Living Chola Temples".

At the time the property was extended, cultural criterion (iv) was also found applicable.

At the time the property was extended, criteria (iii) and (v) were also found applicable.

The Committee decided to extend the existing cultural property, the "Temple of Ggantija", to include the five prehistoric temples situated on the islands of Malta and Gozo and to rename the property as "The Megalithic Temples of Malta".

The Westland and Mount Cook National Park and the Fiordland National Park, which were previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, are part of the "Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand".

The "Convent Ensemble of San Francisco de Lima", which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the "Historic Centre of Lima".

Extension de Sites d'art rupestre prhistorique de la valle de Ca , Portugal

Extension of "Biertan and its Fortified Church".

At the time the property was extended, natural criterion (iv) was also found applicable.

Extension of the "Alhambra and the Generalife, Granada", to include the Albayzin quarter.

Extension of the "Mosque of Cordoba".

The property Parque Gell, Palacio Gell and Casa Mila in Barcelona, previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the Works of Antoni Gaud.

Extension of the "Churches of the Kingdom of the Asturias", to include monuments in the city of Oviedo.

Extension of the "Mudejar Architecture of Teruel".

Extension de Sites d'art rupestre prhistorique de la valle de Ca , Portugal

Following a survey of ownership carried out in the late 1960s, ownership of the totality of the walls was vested in 1973 in the Spanish State, through the Ministry of Education and Science. It was transferred to the Xunta de Galicia by Royal Decree in 1994.

The Spanish Constitution reserves certain rights in relation to the heritage to the central government. However, these are delegated to the competent agencies in the Autonomous Communities, in this case the Xunta de Galicia. For the Lugo walls the Xunta is in the position of both owner and competent agency. Under the Galician Heritage Law the Xunta is required to cooperate with the municipal authorities in ensuring the protection and conservation of listed monuments, and certain functions are delegated down to them. The Xunta operates through its General Directorate of Cultural Heritage (Direccin General de Patrimonio Cultural), based in Santiago de Compostela.

The Master Plan for the Conservation and Restoration of the Roman Walls of Lugo (1992) covered proposals for actions to be taken in respect of research and techniques of restoration. This was followed in 1997 by the Special Plan for the Protection and Internal Reform of the Fortified Enceinte of the Town of Lugo, which is concerned principally with the urban environment of the historic town. However, it has a direct impact on the protection afforded to the walls, in terms of traffic planning, the creation of open spaces, and regulation of building heights. Another planning instrument which affects the walls is the Special Plan for the Protection of the Mio [river], approved by the municipality at the beginning of 1998.

There is at the present time no management plan sensu stricto for the walls in operation in Lugo: work is continuing on the basis of the 1992 plan. Nor is there a technical unit specifically responsible for the conservation and restoration of the walls. It is against this background that serious consideration is being given to the creation of an independent foundation, under royal patronage and with representatives from government, academic, voluntary, and business institutions, to work with the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of Galicia. The work plan of this body would include the development and implementation of integrated conservation, restoration, and maintenance programmes.

The WH area is managed directly by the Divisional Forest Officer from the Forest Dept. A national steering Committee co-ordinates institutions for Sinharaja as a National Wilderness Area, Biosphere Reserve (1988), and WH site. There are two management plans, prepared in 1985/86 and 1992/94, which emphasise conservation, scientific research, buffer zone management, benefit-sharing, and community participation.

In 1979, the Committee decided to inscribe the Ohrid Lake on the World Heritage List under natural criteria (iii). In 1980, this property was extended to include the cultural and historical area, and cultural criteria (i)(iii)(iv) were added.

The Hadrians Wall which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the transnational property Frontiers of the Roman Empire.

Extension of "Gough Island Wildlife Reserve".

(renomination under cultural criteria)

Extension of the "Glacier Bay/Wrangell/St Elias/Kluane" property.

#: As for 19 Natural and Mixed Properties inscribed for geological values before 1994, criteria numbering of this property has changed. See Decision 30.COM 8D.1

Continue reading here:

UNESCO World Heritage Centre - World Heritage List

World travel guide

Let's start with our credo: We believe that travelers are the best source of travel information.

That is why we have setup World66, an open content travel guide, where people from all over the planet can write about the places they love, the hotels they stayed in, the restaurants that have eaten.

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And together we can make world66.com the best travel guide on the planet.

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World travel guide

Leisure & Corporate Travel Agents in … – WorldTravelService

With eight agency locations throughout Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia, WorldTravelService serves a number of large corporate clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, including Delaware, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. As part of a worldwide system of affiliates and partners, we are able to leverage our economies of scale to provide our clientsboth corporate and leisurewith a wide range of benefits, discounts, amenities, and conveniences that they would not otherwise be able to access. We are also the largest independent, Veteran-owned agency in the Mid-Atlantic!

WorldTravelService uses the most sophisticated travel technology available to ensure complete accuracy, cost efficiency, and security. Our quality assurance programs, fare checks, and other tools are constantly running in order to give our clients the absolute best service. And since these tools are nothing without the right people to use them, we place utmost importance on hiring and retaining the most talented and dedicated professionals in the travel industry. Your complete satisfaction in every aspect of your experience with us is our highest goal.

Call us at 800-676-3796 to learn why thousands of companies and luxury travelers entrusts their travel plans to WorldTravelService, the mid-Atlantics leading full-service travel concierge to VIPs, business professionals, and serious travel connoisseurs.

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Leisure & Corporate Travel Agents in ... - WorldTravelService

Spectacular abandoned castles around the world – CNN

(CNN) An abandoned castle always cuts an impressive figure -- a blast from the past submerged behind ruined walls.

"Societies are like a body: centuries go by and the body decays," he tells CNN Travel.

"The castle's like the skull or like the teeth, in fact they even look a bit like teeth, sticking out, out of the ground. They give us some clues, some entries into the past."

Connolly's book features castles from around the world and across the ages -- including 19th century military forts in the French Alps, 13th century castles in the Scottish Highlands and a medieval fortress in Syria.

The book includes fortresses such as Fort de Malamot, built in 1889 in the Cottian Alps.

The pictures were sourced by Amber's Terry Forshaw.

Connolly traces his own interest in abandoned places back to his childhood.

"As a kid we would go on long walks and often it would be along a disused railway line," he recalls.

"These places had an air of mystery: 'Why's it closed down, where does it go, what does it look like when it's closed down, how quickly do branches grow through the tracks, stations start to crumble?'"

Spis Castle is a stunning Gothic-Romanesque hybrid.

Many of the castles in the book have histories spanning centuries.

Over the years different owners and different conflicts put their stamp on the castles' architecture.

"I love that you get this idea of layers of history," says Connolly. "You can see how a castle was built and then rebuilt and expanded, how the walls changed, how it passed back and forth and finally became obsolete."

Peeling back the layers offers a captivating peek into the past.

Take Spis Castle, in Slovakia. It started life as a Romanesque fort in the 12th century, before taking on a Gothic turn a century later.

In the 15th century, the castle was completely rebuilt. Later, new owners transformed it into a Renaissance family residence. It eventually burnt down in 1780, but remains a relic of these different architectural styles.

Genoese tower, Saint Florent, Corsica, France

Connolly's favorite story concerns Mortella Tower in Corsica.

"It was built in the 16th century, when Corsica was part of the Republic of Genoa, to defend against pirates," he explains.

"It was later blown up by the British during the Napoleonic Wars, but the structure and design of the tower impressed the British."

The design includes a circular tower with a flat roof, ideal for mounting artillery.

"They took that design and it became the Martello Tower, which is seen all across the British empire," Connolly says.

"So even though they destroyed the first one they ever found, they liked the idea of it and it became known all across the British empire. The fact that the spelling is different is apparently, I understand, simply a misspelling by the British."

Ireland's Ballycarbery Castle is slowing being absorbed by the natural world.

Other highlights in the book include Ballycarbery Castle in County Kerry, Ireland.

Situated on a dramatic location on the edge of the North Atlantic Ocean, all that remains of this 16th century fort are the stone walls.

The castle was damaged by English Civil War militarian Oliver Cromwell's troops, during his infamous Irish conquest.

Now this atmospheric fortress is being slowly absorbed into the natural landscape. The walls are clad in ivy and the first floor is covered in grass.

"It's an interesting idea, how nature reclaims these things," remarks Connolly.

Another striking spot is Golconda, near Hyderabad in central India.

Golconda Castle was the capital of the Qutb Shahi dynasty (from 1518-1687).

Built in the 16th century by the Qutb Shahi dynasty, the fort formerly housed the infamous Koh-i-Noor diamond -- later owned by Queen Victoria and now on display in Britain's Tower of London.

The citadel once included four individual forts, mosques, temples, royal apartments and gardens, now it's an arresting ruin.

Abandoned forts including Minard Castle, in Ireland, are a gateway to the past.

So why are photographers around the world so fascinated by ruins?

Connolly thinks it's because abandoned places are a meeting place for the past and the present.

"Abandoned places touch a nerve with people," Connolly says. "We're interested in worlds gone by, forgotten worlds."

Go here to see the original:

Spectacular abandoned castles around the world - CNN

World Travel and Tourism Council to collaborate with Jamaica for Global Conference – Travel Daily News International

KINGSTON, JAMAICA - Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett says, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is to collaborate with the Government of Jamaica in the staging United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Government of Jamaica and World Bank Group Conference on Jobs & Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism, being held in November at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, St. James.

During his recent trip to London, Bartlett met with the WTTCs Senior Vice-President of Government and Industry Affairs, Helen Marano, who expressed strong collaborative support for the historic conference. This is in tandem with widening global support for the conference from major international institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

According to Minister Bartlett, one of key expected outcomes from this global conference is the Montego Bay Declaration. At the end of the conference, there will be the compilation of the Draft Montego Bay Declaration. From this will flow an action plan for tourism destinations to follow, as well as the publication of the second volume of the UNWTO Global Report on Public Private Partnerships, explained the Minister.

The conference will also incorporate a presentation of the Caribbean Legends Awards, the first of its kind, which will be a collaborative effort involving Jamaicas Ministry of Tourism, the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA), supported by UNWTO. These awards, in the categories of Land, Sea and Air, will be given to individuals that have made an indelible mark on the tourism industry, not just regionally, but globally, enhancing the Caribbean brand.

Novembers global conference will also seek to identify successful models and future partnership initiatives that will contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the publication of the second UNWTO Affiliate Members Global Report on Public-Private-Partnerships.

I am proud of the strong partnership we have had with the WTTC, in particular, over the years. They are the movers and shakers in the travel and tourism industry and I am positive that when the details of this collaboration are finalized it will strengthen Jamaicas presence as a tourism powerhouse on the global stage, said Minister Bartlett.

The WTTC is an international organization that brings together all major Travel & Tourism stakeholders, including presidents, chairs and CEOs of over 150 of the worlds foremost companies spanning hotels, airlines, airports, tour operators, cruise, car rental, travel agents, rail and the emergent sharing economy.

Read the rest here:

World Travel and Tourism Council to collaborate with Jamaica for Global Conference - Travel Daily News International

Italy Becomes World Travel Mart London 2017’s Premier Partner – Leisure Group Travel

The Italian National Tourist Board will be the Premier Partner at WTM London 2017 the leading global event for the travel industry as Italy takes a fundamental step towards a new marketing strategy.

Known as ENIT, the tourism body has signed the Premier Partnership deal to ensure widespread media coverage; to offer maximum support its tourism industry; and to highlight Italys diverse range of holidays.

ENIT will have two main stands at WTM London and will share its exhibition space with around 230 Italian travel trade partners, including regional tourism bodies, hotels, travel agencies, resorts and operators.

Through its Premier Partnership status, Italy aims to reposition and widen the Italian tourist offer beyond the traditional tourist destinations.

ENIT will also shine a spotlight on its themed years, with Italian villages being the focus for 2017, and food and wine in 2018.

Both themes promote the Italian way of life, which can be experienced by tourists across the whole country from its mountains to the coast, lakes and cities.

Indeed, the countrys cuisine is already a major draw, and it is regarded as the number one destination for food and wine tourism, according to the Food Travel Monitor.

Italy will also use WTM London to highlight its cultural attractions and the fact it has more UNESCO World Heritage sites than any other country, with 53.

According to FutureBrands Country Brand Index, it is ranked top for Tourism & Culture and it is the most photographed country on Instagram, with 64 million tags and counting. Its varied attractions mean Italy is the fifth most popular destination worldwide for international arrivals, with 52 million visitors in 2016 up 3.2% on 2015.

Dario Franceschini, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, said the special themed years mean that regional tourist boards and cities can work together with the trade to create itineraries which enable overseas visitors to experience Italian lifestyles.

In the tourism sector, where competition is so fierce, it is fundamental for Italy to diversify its attractions and spread tourist flows over the entire national territory, he said.

Tourism, this extraordinary engine of economic development, is a medium of peaceful encounters between cultures and a fundamental antidote to the fear of the different.

WTM London, Senior Director, Simon Press, said: WTM London is thrilled to welcome Italy as its Premier Partner for 2017.

Italy has long been a key exhibitor at WTM London and were delighted that this Premier Partnership will help the country to take its tourism marketing to the next level. Being WTM Londons Premier Partner means Italy has the perfect platform promote the extensive range of Italian holidays to buyers and media from across the globe.

For more information about attending WTM London visit the website.


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Italy Becomes World Travel Mart London 2017s Premier Partner


The Italian National Tourist Board will be the Premier Partner at WTM London 2017 the leading global event for the travel industry as Italy takes a fundamental step towards a new marketing strategy.


Leisure Group Travel

Contributor: Editor

Leisure Group Travel is the premier publication in the group travel industry.

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Italy Becomes World Travel Mart London 2017's Premier Partner - Leisure Group Travel

World Travel and Tourism Council and Jamaica partner for global … – eTurboNews

Minister of Tourism for Jamaica, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, announced that the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is to collaborate with the Government of Jamaica in the staging of an event jointly sponsored by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Government of Jamaica, and World Bank Group Conference on Jobs & Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism, being held in November at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in St. James.

During his recent trip to London, Bartlett met with the WTTCs Senior Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs, Helen Marano, who expressed strong collaborative support for the historic conference. This is in tandem with widening global support for the conference from major international institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

According to Minister Bartlett, one of key expected outcomes from this global conference is the Montego Bay Declaration. At the end of the conference, there will be the compilation of the Draft Montego Bay Declaration. From this will flow an action plan for tourism destinations to follow, as well as the publication of the second volume of the UNWTO Global Report on Public Private Partnerships, explained the Minister.

The conference will also incorporate a presentation of the Caribbean Legends Awards, the first of its kind, which will be a collaborative effort involving Jamaicas Ministry of Tourism, the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA), supported by UNWTO. These awards, in the categories of Land, Sea and Air, will be given to individuals that have made an indelible mark on the tourism industry, not just regionally, but globally, enhancing the Caribbean brand.

Novembers global conference will also seek to identify successful models and future partnership initiatives that will contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the publication of the second UNWTO Affiliate Members Global Report on Public-Private-Partnerships.

I am proud of the strong partnership we have had with the WTTC, in particular, over the years. They are the movers and shakers in the travel and tourism industry and I am positive that when the details of this collaboration are finalized it will strengthen Jamaicas presence as a tourism powerhouse on the global stage, said Minister Bartlett.

The WTTC is an international organization that brings together all major Travel & Tourism stakeholders, including presidents, chairs and CEOs of over 150 of the worlds foremost companies spanning hotels, airlines, airports, tour operators, cruise, car rental, travel agents, rail and the emergent sharing economy.

Original post:

World Travel and Tourism Council and Jamaica partner for global ... - eTurboNews

State Department issues travel warning for Mexico – Fox News

The U.S. Department of State issued a travel warning Tuesday for Americans traveling to certain parts of Mexico.

The advisory cautions citizens to avoid traveling to certain locations due to increased criminal activity.

Areas such as Baja California Sur, where the popular tourist destination Cabo San Lucas is, and Quintana Roo, where Cancun and Riviera Maya are located, have seen a spike in homicide rates this year.

U.S. citizens have been the victims of violent crimes, including homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery in various Mexican states, the travel advisory states. The advisory notes that resort areas and tourist destinations in the country dont typically have the same level of drug-related violence and crime seen in other parts of the country.


The notice adds that gun battles between rival criminal organizations or with Mexican authorities have taken place on streets and in public places during broad daylight, but that theres no evidence to show criminal groups in Mexico have targeted Americans based on their nationality.

U.S. citizens traveling may come across government checkpoints, operated by military personnel or law enforcement officials, but in some areas, criminal organizations have created their own unauthorized checkpoints and have killed or abducted those who havent stopped at them. The warning states that Americans should cooperate at all checkpoints.

The advisory follows a March warning that cautioned U.S. college students from traveling to Mexico during spring break.

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State Department issues travel warning for Mexico - Fox News

Interview: WTTC’s New CEO Knows Overtourism Will Top Her Agenda – Skift

In a sign that overtourism is becoming an unavoidable issue for the global travel industry, theWorld Travel & Tourism Councilis planning torelease a report on recommendations for travel brands on how to tackle the question.

Although many residents of destinations confronting the problem in their daily lives may not agree, the WTTC report would also communicate the benefits of tourism in cities like Venice and Barcelona, which both have been focal points for headlines about overtourism.

Thats the word fromGloria Guevara after her first week as the WTTCsnew CEO. During that initial week, she watched anti-tourism protests take root in European destinations such as Barcelona and sadly had to issue a statement condemningthe August 17 terrorist attacks in Spain.

Diversifying destinations offerings are key to managing tourism growth no matter how their residents feel about visitors, Guevara told Skift August 22. The governments dont create jobs, she said. The private sector creates the jobs but we need to work with the government to create those jobs. The government wants to reduce poverty for their citizens and we want the same. We need to both have the same priorities to succeed.

The WTTC isnt known as an activist can-do organization so it remains to be seen what the contents of its upcoming recommendations on overtourism might be and whether they balance the needs of the tourism industry and local residents. After all, the WTTC has a stake in the outcome.

Still, the fact that one of the worlds largest travel industry organizations, which represents more than 150 travel brands across an array of sectors such as airlines, hotels and tourism boards, is working with some destinations experiencing overtourismto address the issues highlights how the complications of the trend have come to the fore.

Guevara said she understands the frustrations that residents in Barcelona, for example, are feeling as tourists crowd streets and restaurants once unknown to visitors. Before tourism was so popular there, the activities in places like Barcelona were very different and residents are still adjusting to these new activities, said Guevara.

In recent weeks, before the terrorist attacks and subsequent deaths of residents and tourists,Barcelona protesters had resorted to sabotagingrental bikeswhile city officials tried to curb the growth of sharing economy platforms such as Airbnb that often bring tourists to areas unequipped to handle mass tourism.

In Italy, Venices tourism industry is also in a crisis mode of sorts as a substantial number of residents fled tourists hotspots and moved away. The city last month launched a campaign to teach tourists how to respect, responsibilityenjoy, and move about Venice.

So far neither city and many others experiencing a crush of tourists has come up with an effective plan to curtail or responsibly manage tourism growth.

But that may change if WTTC and more travel brands propose recommendations to destinations to help them define such a plan and if destinations and politicians listen.

Guevara said her time as Mexicos Secretary of Tourism (2010-2012) helped prepare her for moving to her new leadership position at WTTC.

In her new role shell help facilitate relationships between governments and the private sector two sides that must come together to solve overtourism issues, she said.

The global recession was just starting to hit Mexico when I became Secretary of Tourism and we needed to figure out how to diversify our tourism industry, said Guevara. Mexico was mostly known for its beaches in the past and our beaches are still popular but many travelers also know Mexico for many other cultural offerings now and know more destinations.

Guevara believes she can help bridge the gap among various competing interests.

I speak the language of the government, academia and private sector, Guevara said. My vision is to move this organization forward and take it to the next level. What I mean by that is that this is a sector that for many years has been taken for granted. When you ask other industries they dont have a good understanding of the travel industry sometimes. My job is to work moreclosely with other industries and governments so that we can facilitate travel and growth at the same time.

WTTC, which was founded in 1990, was encouraging destinations to manage tourism growth long before Guevara arrived at the helm. In 2015, the organization called on travel brands to adopt environmental, social and governance reporting practices, for example, and has run its annual Tourism For Tomorrow Awards since 2004. They recognize destinations and brands already working on projects and initiatives promoting sustainable tourism growth.

The organization has also met with more than 80 heads of state and presented them with anOpen Letter on tourism to help them explain the value of tourism to their populations. WTTC also launched its Is it too much to ask? campaign earlier this year that encourages travel brands to pledge to practice and promote sustainable and eco-friendly tourism.

Its unclear in what new way WTTCs upcoming recommendations Guevara was vague on the timing of their release would differ from prior action plans.

Guevara said WTTC works with 184 governments around the world. I think weve done a great job at communicating the value of tourism and making sure that governments understand the jobs that we create but I think theres still an opportunity to work with other governments and try to find those synergies, said Guevara.

Much of WTTCs message about responsible tourism growth and practices likely hasnt trickled down from travel businesses to their customers, who often need to hear it the most.

But helping more brands educate their customers on how to properly behave when they travel, and suggesting less congested yet exciting destinations to visit seems to be one of the top priorities Guevara plans to address as she settles in.

Guevara is WTTCs first female and Latin American CEO one of the only female and Latin American CEOs in such a capacity in the travel industry.

Guevara is a Mexican national who spent much of her early career in that country working for travel companies such as Sabre. She said the travel industry can learn a lot from consumer trends in Latin America and the regions hospitality tradition.

I would suggest taking a look at service in Latin America, said Guevara. In many places in Latin America its that service that is part of the DNA and culture. We have a saying throughout the region mi casa tu casa [my home is your home]. For travel companies that this is standard and that this is expected in the region. When Latin Americans travel, they are expecting this level of service and thats also going on to some extent in places like China, too.

Adoption of social media and technology in Latin America and booking online and making comments and how travelers are using technology is also fascinating in Latin America, she said.

See full article

Photo Credit: Gloria Guevara Manzo, pictured here, said WTTC will work with destinations to help them develop plans to manage overtourism. World Travel & Tourism Council

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Interview: WTTC's New CEO Knows Overtourism Will Top Her Agenda - Skift

Great canoe and kayak trips around the world: readers’ travel tips – The Guardian

Winning tip: Ometepe volcanoes, Nicaragua

Ometepe island, in Lake Nicaragua, must be one of the few places in the world where you can kayak between two volcanoes. After a fairly strenuous paddle across the lake (or a tow by motor boat if youre feeling less energetic), you enter the calm estuary of the rio Istian, dissecting the unusual islands narrow isthmus. Spend a peaceful couple of hours drifting through the swamp spotting caiman, turtles and howler monkeys, accompanied by birds including hawks, herons and jacanas. The most popular kayak tour operator in the area is Caballitos Mar ($22.50pp), based in Mrida on the island. cr7364

The Cornish town of Fowey and its lush surroundings feel other-worldy. Set in a protected little estuary within close reach of dramatic Atlantic cliffs, it is irresistibly charming, even amid the summer crowds. Rent kayaks from the harbour (several operators) and paddle half a mile or so up to the idyllic Readymoney Cove, stopping for a swim from the diving platform and a clotted cream ice-cream from the cafe. Then cross the estuary, paddling past St Catherines Castle (built for Henry VIII), and peruse picturesque Polruan from the harbour, before heading north east into a leafy inlet of the river Fowey. Continue upstream to Bodinnick and return slowly to Fowey, stopping to admire the sailboats in the harbour, before a well-earned pasty from Quay Bakery. Frankie110

For a trip which feels wild and exotic, but is close to home, you cant get better than exploring this area of Lough Erne, which is home to countless inlets and islands. Farmers raise animals on the islands and you frequently paddle past little beaches with cows, sheep and pigs all standing together and gazing over the water at you. A good taster adventure is to book a night at the Watermill (from 44.50pp sharing, B&B) on the eastern shore, which is a fantastic rural restaurant with a bar and well-kept cottage rooms. Hire a canoe from Share Discovery Village (from 30 a day), explore the lough and pull up in the evening at the Watermills private jetty, returning the following morning. Alan Hutchinson

Avoid a 28-mile yomp over several Munroes, and kayak for six miles or so across the open sea from Mallaig to the Old Forge pub at Knoydart on the west coast of Scotland. A very scenic paddle that is relatively sheltered after the first mile arrive to a pint and fresh local seafood. Better still, you can camp on the beach and go mussel picking. And if youre too tired to return, you can always catch the boat back. Ali Insall

Kayaking around these superb islands is a brilliant way of exploring them. My familys trip took in seals on the Eastern Isles including St Martins; St Helens in the north, with its remains of a quarantine hospital for plague-ridden sailors; Nounour, with its ancient burial sites; and the white sands of Pentle Bay, Tresco. Here, we lunched at the Ruin Beach Cafe, which has a beautiful view of St Martins; it is hard not to sit here for hours. We also explored Trescos heather moors then went to the New Inn for an ice-cream. Flora Rendell

Our one day, 24km, descent down the Gorges de lArdche was so memorable. If, like me, you are fazed by the idea of a full day on the water, then rest assured that the green, craggy, expansive landscape combined with the tranquil quiet of the nature reserve make up for the aching limbs! The river is grade II and the weirs add extra excitement. A 24km trip with ardeche-canoes-kayaks.com costs from 20 a person; shorter or longer trips are available. Sam Wallis

Quelle ide romantique a Frenchman announced as we launched our hybrid canoe into the Somme estuary to start a six-week voyage by inland waters to the mouth of the mighty Rhone, arriving super-fit and jubilant 1,007km and over 500 locks later. Camping wild by tranquil locks or riverbanks, we only occasionally fell back on tuna and pasta when failing to find bar, restaurant or fresh supplies. We cadged tows through canal tunnels and through some of the many locks which forbid canoes, but otherwise remained stoutly independent. The high point was speeding down the Rhne before the Mistral beneath our homemade sail. thug11

A great way to see Venice, from the busy grand canal to the quiet little canals. We booked with Venice Kayak (90pp) and they guided us for 10km around the complex maze of canals telling us all the fascinating history and going where pedestrians cant. The tour was well organised and beats a gondola! Paul Williamson

Paddling amid the towering cliffs of southern Norways Nryfjord, is extraordinary. At sea-level, the surrounding walls of the fjord seem impossibly vast. The water reflects the tree-covered mountains, creating a deep, thick emerald colour. If anything, its the silence that makes it such an incredible place to kayak. It is so quiet and peaceful, after a few strokes your mind wanders easily. After a few kilometres, the calm is almost complete. We paddled along Nryfjord from Gundvangen to Undredal over a three-day period, wild camping and hiking in between our time in the kayaks. My tour was with Much Better Adventures which costs from 370 for two nights with all meals included (excluding flights). Joey Tyson

Cutting through the Soa valley from its source in Trenta in the Triglav national park, this beautiful river offers exciting kayaking and canoeing excursions for all abilities. Kayaking tours can be organised with local guides, such as Top Rafting (22 hire; 50 guided trip in the quaint Slovene towns of Bovec and Kobarid. If youre a competent paddler, you can rent your own boat to take on some of the rapids, graded 1-5 at different sections. Despite its beauty, be aware that the water is 11C, so be sure to rent a dry suit too (wet suits wont do it). Gorgeous summer chalets are available to rent (from 25pp, extremeslovenia.com) right on the rivers edge where you can spot the famous Soa trout. ID504227

Kayaking around the craggy island of Ct B is a fantastic way to unwind after the frenetic pace of Vietnams cities. Arrange hire from Ct B town the day before you plan to go. Spend the morning exploring the spectacular karst landscape of limestone pillars, gliding under rocky arches and swimming in the sparkling green sea. For lunch, head over to one of the colourful floating villages to cook your own fish, noodles and fresh herbs in a bubbling hot pot. End your day by gently paddling over to one of the gorgeous sandy coves. Rachel Belinfante

Namibia, with its vast desert, doesnt seem an obvious place to canoe on holiday. But it does have an Atlantic coastline and a morning sea kayak trip among the seals in the lagoon at Walvis Bay is a brilliant way to experience the pelagic wildlife both above and below the waterline. There will definitely be seals and pelicans and maybe dolphins and whales. Single and double kayaks are available from Eco Marine, whose owner and guide Jeanne Meintjes is happy to provide experience and stability in the back of a kayak for particularly nervous clients. richardedsmith

The area around Kas is scattered with ancient ruins, mainly Lycian. A few kilometres east lies the island of Kekova, with its submerged town, destroyed by an earthquake in the second century AD. A few years ago we hired sea kayaks and paddled out over the ruins. Calm crystal clear waters allow you to see city walls, steps and the foundations of former homes. We paddled back to the mainland via the nearby fishing village of Kaleky, which can only be approached by water. Here there are further Lycian ruins to explore including a necropolis together with a castle left by the Knights of St John. john redston

Read the original post:

Great canoe and kayak trips around the world: readers' travel tips - The Guardian

World Travel and Tourism Council and Jamaica partner for global conference – eTurboNews

Minister of Tourism for Jamaica, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, announced that the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is to collaborate with the Government of Jamaica in the staging of an event jointly sponsored by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Government of Jamaica, and World Bank Group Conference on Jobs & Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism, being held in November at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in St. James.

During his recent trip to London, Bartlett met with the WTTCs Senior Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs, Helen Marano, who expressed strong collaborative support for the historic conference. This is in tandem with widening global support for the conference from major international institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

According to Minister Bartlett, one of key expected outcomes from this global conference is the Montego Bay Declaration. At the end of the conference, there will be the compilation of the Draft Montego Bay Declaration. From this will flow an action plan for tourism destinations to follow, as well as the publication of the second volume of the UNWTO Global Report on Public Private Partnerships, explained the Minister.

The conference will also incorporate a presentation of the Caribbean Legends Awards, the first of its kind, which will be a collaborative effort involving Jamaicas Ministry of Tourism, the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA), supported by UNWTO. These awards, in the categories of Land, Sea and Air, will be given to individuals that have made an indelible mark on the tourism industry, not just regionally, but globally, enhancing the Caribbean brand.

Novembers global conference will also seek to identify successful models and future partnership initiatives that will contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the publication of the second UNWTO Affiliate Members Global Report on Public-Private-Partnerships.

I am proud of the strong partnership we have had with the WTTC, in particular, over the years. They are the movers and shakers in the travel and tourism industry and I am positive that when the details of this collaboration are finalized it will strengthen Jamaicas presence as a tourism powerhouse on the global stage, said Minister Bartlett.

The WTTC is an international organization that brings together all major Travel & Tourism stakeholders, including presidents, chairs and CEOs of over 150 of the worlds foremost companies spanning hotels, airlines, airports, tour operators, cruise, car rental, travel agents, rail and the emergent sharing economy.

Read more from the original source:

World Travel and Tourism Council and Jamaica partner for global conference - eTurboNews

World’s fastest-growing tourist destinations for 2017 – CNN

(CNN) Don't be surprised if your favorite city feels a bit more crowded the next time you visit.

Perhaps even more surprising are the report's figures highlighting the fastest-growing tourist destinations in 2017, based on international arrivals.

The data also reveals that countries recently plagued by terrorism or political unrest -- such as Egypt and Tunisia -- still have the tourism pull to rebound from a downward turn.

Intrigued? Here are UNWTO's fastest-growing tourist destinations in 2017, along with their growth rates, and their full-year figures for 2016.

1. Palestinian territories: up 57.8%. (400,000 visitors in 2016).

2. Egypt: up 51%. (5.26 million visitors in 2016).

3. Northern Mariana Islands: up 37.3%. (531,000 visitors in 2016).

4. Iceland: up 34.9%. (1.79 million visitors in 2016).

5. Tunisia: up 32.5%. (5.7 million visitors in 2016).

6. Vietnam: up 31.2%. (10 million visitors in 2016).

7. Uruguay: up 30.2%. (3 million visitors in 2016).

8. Nicaragua: up 28.4%. (1.5 million visitors in 2016).

9. Mongolia: up 28.3%. (404,000 visitors in 2016).

10. Israel: up 25.1%. (2.9 million visitors in 2016).

More here:

World's fastest-growing tourist destinations for 2017 - CNN

Trump travel drains Secret Service budget – BBC News

BBC News
Trump travel drains Secret Service budget
BBC News
The US Secret Service is facing a strain on its budget due in part to President Donald Trump's large family and multiple properties. Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles said some 1,100 agents will hit their overtime allowance caps for the year.
Secret Service can't pay agents for Trump and his family, report saysCNN

all 219 news articles »

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Trump travel drains Secret Service budget - BBC News