The Transhumanist Agenda and The Future of Humanity …

The Transhumanist agenda is more than just Artificial Intelligence (AI), or robots taking over American jobs, or transgender restrooms at public facilities to accommodate an ever growing push for uniformity among the masses.

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter

Transhumanism is Posthumanism. It is humanism with the optimism taken out, a movement that advocates for the transformation and the advancement of humanity through technology that runs the gamut from nanotechnology to AI. This paradigm is not limited to gadgets and medicine but also molds social, economic, cultural, institutional design, language, and the psyche.

To be clear, Transhumanism is a manufactured endpoint to human evolution

Transhumanism began taking shape in the 1930s under Social Engineers like Edward Bernays whose book Propaganda revealed the method of mind control for anyone curious enough to pay attention:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of personswho understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.~ Edward L. Bernays, Master Propagandist

Old retro movie projector with smoke and light beam

These messages and themes are blatant for anyone to see, if the eyes are open. They represent a form of consent, which individuals must give for the agenda to be carried out. Social engineers have informed us through fiction, non-fiction, film, media, the educational system, politics, religion, sports, Hollywood celebrities, and rigged elections throughout the centuries. And each time we have consented with our silence and inaction. This is implied consent. There is no longer true informed consent which would mean both parties can choose tonotconsent.

Aldous Huxleys novel Brave New World informed us of a world of bio and social engineering in black and white. He described a future that had already begun to take shape under his pen. To grasp the Huxleyesque nature of current culture we only need to look at one of his personal quotes:

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution ~Aldous Huxley

Crowd of robots. 3D illustration

Transhumanism is mind control to shift perception to a hybrid society. As perception shifts, the individual is homogenized into an amorphous public persona. The term Public Health is, itself a public relations term, created in 1913 when the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research (RIMR) to convince individuals to give up their power to an outside, unseen authority.

Public health dilutes the power of individuals. An individual is real. A public is a concept. Therefore, Public Opinion, Public Safety, Public Body, and Public Perception are myths used to justify a transfer of power to a higher authority. There is no power in the group. As each human is born an individual, there is only individual perception, individual opinion, individual bodies, and individual safety.

Once you are convinced to do things for the good of the public, such as implanting tracking chips to keep your job, or merging yourself to a machine to enhance your memory, or taking nano-chipped pharmaceutical drugs to ensure compliance, or agreeing to public checkpoints, you lose individual identity. You are part of the blob. And how do you measure the success of the public? Has the nation become stronger as a result of handing over individual power to an outside authority?

We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy. ~ Chris Hedges

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

Transhumanism is Inversion Reality to create order out of chaos, where up is down, black is white, sickness is health, male is female, abnormal is normal, and uniformity is unity. It is a reality of a perfect controllable race. The Transhumanist movement is not new or out-of-the-box. It has been playing out before our eyes under the deception of politics and Hollywood make-up and glamour for more than a century.

Transgendered actors are now coming out to be recognized as separate from male or female; non-gendered. Like Caitlyn Jenner, anyone has a right to reshape themselves and choose a different identify. However, what happens when true identity is concealed and used for deception? How many Hollywood actors, mainstream news anchors, super models, politicians, are disguisedbehind wigs, false eyelashes, or beards to create the Great Deception? What deeper meaning rests behind celebrity worship, the golden idols actors give themselves, or the pentagrams they bow down to on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Have people been measuring themselves against a standard of beauty and worth based in illusion? Do New Age teachings go back to the Freemasons? Back to Babylon and the Gnostic teachings?

With more questions than answers, is it time to look behind the curtain of the Media Industrial Complex?

The Transhumanist-Posthuman agenda is not about the equality of the sexes since the sexes are meant to merge int0 an androgynous blob. Under the Trans Agenda, an era of social and ecologic inequities are the new standard where nature is unnecessary and human relationships are replaced by sexbots that cook, clean, converse (or not), and provide for physical needs.

What if the deeper agenda is to weakenthe male energy as protector and defender, subvert the female essence, and neutralize the divine through technologies such as CRISPR? CRISPR genetically modifies DNA to redesign gender at the level of the human embryo to create an androgyne that cannot reproduce.

The Transhumanist agenda offers a radical upgrade of humanity to something smarter, bigger, better. It suggests we are entering a virtual reality without a discussion of morals or spiritual matters, where we can transcend our biological limitations with implants and injections. Is this the wet dream of a robot or the musings of a madman? Do we extend life, prevent death, or bring the dead back to life even if life is no longer worth living? As TV and films try to convince us that vampires are sexy, do we leave the light behind because the darkness brings a different type of eternity? Do we accept that the Transgender agenda has infiltrated the classroom to indoctrinate children fromKindergarten?

In agreeing to the Trans Agenda, we need to know the consequences of our actions instead of rushing headlong over a cliff. What are the risks? Were the risks knowable when corporations introduced new technology that promised to feed the world with genetically-modified foods or connect the world through electro-magnetic frequencies? Now that GMO foods are not enough to feed the world, the message has shifted to taking a shot in the arm to feed the world: For every flu shot given at our Pharmacy or The Little Clinic, well donate a meal to Feeding America.

Are the negative health effects of these previous untested technologies the real reason humanity needs to preserve itself in new ways? Or are GMO foods and vaccines just part of the agenda to bioengineer humans to prevent procreation? Will babies be made-to-order to maintain order?

The Transhumanist Agenda will declare that humanity will go extinct or permanently destroy itself unless transhumanistic technologies are realized. Are we repeating an extinction that happened once before in Atlantis? Shouldnt we be asking ourselves if there is meaning to living an imperfect life or dying a natural death because nature and God are part of the equation?

While youll feel compelled to charge forward its often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek. ~ Rasheed Ogunlaru

Image from Pixabay

From the Rocky Horror Picture Show to the Truman Show, the message is clear. The Great Divide of humanity is purposeful in the Transhumanist Agenda. But are the risks of Transhumanism clear? Does the original personality remain the same? Does the soul remain intact? Can a posthuman being with increased life expectancy, intelligence, health, memory cease to exist on a higher level? Are we sacrificing divinity to agree to cloning and to worship androgyny and the god of AI? Is policy guidance written by a hidden government enough to forge ahead to a Brave New World? What happens to peace, love, caring, and cooperation?

Those who believe in the Trans religion have a right, as long as it does not infringe upon anothers Rights. And those who choose not to? Their Rights must be preserved too. Informed-consent means no deception from the inside-out. Freedom for humanity to evolve depends on the voices who speak up against the infiltration by dark forces. Are you ready?

Rosanne Lindsay is a writer andNaturopath.Sheis a health freedom advocate and the author of two books, The Nature of Healing: Heal the Body, Heal the Planet, and her latest book based on her own story of thyroid disease reversal:Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.Find her on Facebook atRosanne LindsayandNatureofhealing.Consult with her (Skype or Zoom consults available) Subscribe to her blog at


The Transhumanist Agenda and The Future of Humanity ...

Authoritarianism and the Cybernetic Episteme, or the Progressive Disappearance of Everything on Earth – Journal #122 November 2021 – E-Flux

Life and society worldwide have been transformed by digital technology, including the fabrics of emotional relationships. Many believed the internet would be the largest ungoverned space in the world with unlimited emancipatory potential, and trusted Big Tech to make the world a better place. Yet power and capitalism filled that space with surveillance systems, the production of private capital, the monetization of data, and the control of human lives. Social media now shape daily life and many have lost faith in the possibility of a shared consensus reality. We are living in a scenario similar to one imagined by Black Mirror: our belief in digital communication and social media creates narcissistic personalities, selves dissociated and dislocated from their reflections online. Digital communication offers an opaque mirror that delivers egos without bodies, eliding alterity.

The collapse of reality, however, is not an unintended consequence of advancements in, for instance, artificial intelligence: it was the long-term objective of many technologists, who sought to create machines capable of transforming human consciousness (like drugs do). Communication has become a site for the extraction of surplus value, and images operate as both commodities and dispositives for this extraction. Moreover, data mediates our cognition, that is to say, the way in which we exist and perceive the world and others. The imageand the unlimited communication promised by constant imageryhave ceased to have emancipatory potential. Images place a veil over a world in which the isolated living dead, thirsty for stimulation and dopamine, give and collect likes on social media. Platform users exist according to the Silicon Valley utopian ideal of lifes complete virtualization.

The internet, moreover, has radically changed the political communications game and must be considered a complex propaganda apparatus. Although a single Tweet can destroy someones career, and fake news can start a real news cycle, meaning is subordinate to the circulation of vacuous content. The capitalist capture of data for profit does not rely on policing content; the production of capital only relies on the constant exchange and circulation of information. We dont yet know the full extent of the manipulation of companies such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon in the last two elections in the US or in other elections around the world. But it is undeniable that digital platforms are actively censoring content in the interests of particular political actors. For instance: in October 2020, Zoom canceled a meeting hosting Palestinian human rights activist Leila Khaled; a month before, Facebook and Twitter censored information detrimental to Joseph Bidens presidential campaign. The same two companies intervened and shut down pro-Trump accounts in 2020, even Donald Trumps own Facebook and Twitter accounts.

After the attempted coup at the US capitol on January 6, 2020, Facebooks recently instituted oversight board ruled that Trump had created an environment where a serious risk of violence was possible. In this light, it seems likely that he will continue to be banned from the platform. According to journalist Shoshana Zuboff, however, this is insufficient, given that the oversight boards decision (whose work is supported by a $130 million endowment from Facebook) follows years of inaction by CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who indulged and appeased Trump while entrenching what Zuboff calls surveillance capitalism. A liberal might think that shutting up Trump and helping Biden is not bad, as they are actions that seemingly advance the interests of the Democratic Party. What is at stake here, however, is not whether the platforms take a good or bad stance on a particular issue; the problem is that they have immense unchecked power and can act as they please. Platforms are allowed to secretly extract behavioral data from users, whether or not users are aware, transforming the information into targeted ads, destroying privacy, changing human experience into data, altering elections, and reshaping human civilization. This structure can be termed the cybernetic episteme, and the new form of control, which goes beyond the previous regime of biopower, can be termed neuropower.

According to its Greek etymology, an episteme is a system of understanding. In The Order of Things, Michel Foucault uses the term pistem to mean the nontemporal or a priori knowledge that grounds what is taken as truth in a given moment. Several epistemes coexist at a given time, as they constitute parts of various systems of power and knowledge. The cybernetic episteme, as defined by the collective Tiqqun some twenty years ago, describes our relationship to technology and machines (which are inseparable from the workings of capitalism). The cybernetic episteme is based on the modern tenet of progress and human-led transcendence achieved through science and technology.

Under neuropower, the sensible gives way to cognitive pathologies. These pathologies depend on the consumption of content rather than the sharing of meaning. As Thomas Metzinger explains, the internet has become an integral part of how we model ourselves, as we use it for external memory storage, as a cognitive prosthesis, and for emotional self-regulation. This has radically changed the structure of conscious experience, creating a new form of waking consciousness that resembles a mixture of dreaming, dementia, intoxication, and infantilization. Other effects of neuropower are humans growing invisibility to each other and a paroxysmal racism that infiltrates power, technology, culture, language, and work. For Franco Bifo Berardi, racism has become a virus that exacerbates fearabove all, the fear of extinction, which seems to have become one of the motors behind white supremacy in the world. Dissociated from our environment, alienated from each other, we are oblivious to the challenges that are being posed to humanity by the Capitalocene.


Under lockdown, internet-based technology became embedded in everyday life more than ever before. Zoom and other platforms became the matrix of a production model that exacerbates the power of technology over society. A new lockdown economy has emerged in this disembodied communication space, where knowledge is subsumed under the rules of capital accumulation. The pandemic has led to extreme alienation, to the point that privilege is defined as depending on invisible laborers to sustain forms of life. This means that a new virtual working class has emerged that can take basics like food, water, and electricity for granted, knowing that they do not have to risk their bodies to have these comforts.

Until 2016, digital technology promised access to all human knowledge, unlimited exchange, self-expression, democratization, participation, opportunities to make money, the acceleration of bureaucratic processes, and the means for grassroots and popular power to challenge governments and corporations. The peak of this alluring cyber-utopia came around 201011, when social media played a crucial role in the Occupy and Arab Spring movements. But in 2016, when Cambridge Analytica was revealed to have intervened in the US elections that brought Donald Trump to power, the publics belief in such technologies to change power structures began to shift. We witnessed the worldwide rise of right-wing governments and populist movements supported by wealth. Maurizzio Ferraris has called this the era of post-truth, when the deconstruction of a stable truth became an important political tool. In online public space, discourse has been shattered, truth has become indiscernible, and relativism has become the norm. The public spherethe bastion of established and emerging democracies, bolstered by mass mediabegan to shatter.

Leaders such as Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, Jair Bolsonaro, and Narendra Modi have used digital communications to construct charismatic identities and disseminate populist messages, causing deep social and political polarization. Politics has profoundly mutated: while minorities and people at the margins have found ways to validate their speech by expressing their perspectives, individualized propaganda has become the order of the day. Algorithms feed users the information they search for, resulting in personalized information bubbles designed to engage preexisting biases. Much of the news media now functions by monetizing user engagement through this type of targeting, which has led to new forms of intensified racism and other types of prejudice. Author Andrey Mir has termed this postjournalism. He explains that, since mass media outlets have lost publicity revenue, they need to monetize engagement on the internet and do so by generating anger and hatred, usually directed at some specific group of people. For many, the news is the way to access the world, and rage has become currency: platforms drive and monetize anger as a mode of engagement.

A complex form of authoritarianism is emerging, linked to digital platforms owned by the powerful CEOs who make up the notorious Silicon Six. Under the new authoritarianism, populations are no longer commanded: they are asked to participate, and in this simulation of involvement, the ideology of connection replaces the idea of social relations, neutralizing democratic demands from users to have control over their own lives, rights, and data. In this way, people are made passive. Cdric Durand explains the difference between the original conception of the World Wide Web and the subsequent development of closed platforms. The WWW began as a decentralized architecture in which a generic transaction protocol (http) and a uniform identification format (URI/URL) generated a space of flat content. In this space, human and nonhuman agents could have access to information without any third-party mediation. In contrast, closed platforms use application programming interfaces, or APIs, to mediate interaction, giving way to data loops in which interactions are more dense. The technical object that sustains this hierarchical architecture is the API, each of which is owned by a platform. On the one hand, big platforms, by way of APIs, offer apps that incorporate basic and indispensable data for users. On the other, platforms have access to the additional information generated by the API, such as user activity and buying habits. As the ecosystem grows in complexity, the platform is able to accumulate more and more data. We become more densely connected with each other and with the platforms every day, as our lives get more and more tied to the cloud. Our dependency on platforms provides the ground for technofeudalism. Historically, feudalism was characterized by a fundamental inequality that enabled the direct exploitation of peasants by lords. The lord was both the manager and master not only of the process of production, but of the entire process of social life. In todays technofeudalism, platform owners are the digital lords and users are the serfs. Rather than commodity production, these platforms are geared towards accumulation through rent, debt, and the privatization of the basic infrastructure that sustains our lives. What is at stake is no longer true or fake information but the cybernetic episteme upon which our lives and subjectivities have been built.

The cybernetic episteme is premised upon modernitys enclosure of experience. In modern epistemology, which is the precondition of the cybernetic episteme, the self is externalized and experienced at a remove from the body. Perception is centered on the brain and eyes instead of the whole body, separating sensation from reason. The selfs relationship with the world is mediated through mirrors, camera lenses, the canvas, the microscope, and mathematical models. The cybernetic episteme, moreover, is inextricable from colonialism, which entails dispossession, dislocation, dissociation, and appropriation. Ariella Azoulay has called the logic underpinning these processes the shutter; this logic is materialized in photographic technology that separates humans from objects, self from the world, and people from their lands. The shutter is the principle of imperialism by which campaigns of plunder have left people both worldless and objectless. For Azoulay, the logic of the shutter was invented centuries before photography gave it a technological apparatus, and it enabled the dispossession of non-Western peoples in tandem with the accumulation of visual and material wealth in archives and museums in the West.

The cybernetic episteme is likewise conceptually constituted by this shutter, since it relies on capturing, naming, moving, and archiving subjectsas does imperialism. In this regard, the cybernetic episteme naturalizes the mediation of the self; it creates not only the condition of detachment from the world, but allows the appropriation of the cultures of others, as well as the dissolution of collective being. The shutter is akin to Heideggers Gestell or representation, which goes hand in hand with Eurocentrism and Anthropocentrism. The Gestell and the shutter both imply that the world and experience have become representation, through an aesthetic order in which what is produced as artifice becomes the reality of experience.

In a 2017 Facebook promo video for a new virtual reality technology, Mark Zuckerberg and his colleague Rachel Frank tele-transported themselves to Puerto Rico after a devastating flood. They intended to showcase the potential of the new technology, but instead revealed its inherent violence. The ability to transport oneself to faraway places as if ones body were present gives the illusion that one we can make a difference in the world through technology. Another example, in a different register of colonial modernity is that way Western museums allow visitors to "transport" themselves by observing objects looted from elsewhere, like the Pergamon Museum in Berlin where museumgoers can roam around the Ishtar Gate, which has been on display in the museum since 1930. In a section of Ariella Azoulays video Undocumented: Unlearning Imperial Plunder (2020), she films actual visitors to the Pergamon while noting that dislocation is the essence of (imperial) modernity. The VR museum visitor is at the center of a world, but they are not really there (an effect similar to the dispositive of perspective in painting). For globalized Western culture, the ground for vision, enlightenment, culture, and even social change is the dislocation and disappearance of bodies.

Disembodiment and dislocation are also fundamental epistemological premises of transhumanist Silicon Valley ideology. In this ideology, the teleology of secular modern individualism culminates in the uploading of a persons mind to a new biological, artificial, or biological-artificial body. The utopian goal of expanding and preserving human consciousness is physically and spiritually achieved. Transhumanism is the dream of enhancing the human body through technology, and ultimately escaping human suffering by transcending the errors of death and aging.

Posthumanism takes things a step further: its goal is to immortalize consciousness by uploading it to a robotic or synthetic body. Posthumanism does away with the biological dimension of the self, fundamentally altering what it means to be human. In both trans- and posthumanism, technology promises to give us the divine attributes of omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience, making humans into pure consciousness, achieving a kind of individual and secular transcendence. In the first episode of the British TV series Years and Years (2019), Bethany, an adolescent whose face is hidden behind a 3D emoji mask, announces to her parents that she is transhuman. She declares: I dont want to be flesh. I want to escape this thing and become digital, I want to live forever as information. Eventually Bethany becomes a hero with transhuman superpowers: her mechanized eyes and brain, which are connected to all the data in the world, allow her to make visible the horrors that the British government have perpetrated in a refugee camp. This techno-utopian narrative implies a democratic ideology, insofar as one political goal of democracy is to make visible the ordeals of oppressed minoritiesin this case through virtual disembodiment.

In contrast to this techno-utopian narrative, science fictionespecially cyberpunk literature generally portrays transhumanism as a nightmarish apocalyptic scenario of social control and individual subjection. Several episodes of Black Mirror do this, for example. But what Black Mirror and Years and Years have in common is that technological advances and the increasing symbiosis between humans and machines are associated with political, economic, and social instability. In reality, mind uploading has attracted millions of dollars of investment from the billionaires of Silicon Valley and beyond. In a mixture of engineering and enlightenment, consciousness is now being hacked through biofeedback techniques, meditation practices, and microdosing drugs. Many critics have observed that the utopian ideology of transhumanism underpins the Valleys culture of move fast, break things, and make as much money as possible. Technologies aiming to expand human consciousness are rooted in purely extractivist, capitalist values. In this sense, cybernetics is a political project on a planetary scale. As described by Tiqqun, cybernetics is a gigantic abstract machine made up of binary machines deployed by empire, and a form of political sovereignty that has merged with the capitalist extractivist project.


In the pre-cybernetic erathat is to say, before the 1940smachines were intended to emulate humans; their actions resembled human behavior, but ostensibly without intent or emotions. This is why Donna Haraway describes pre-cybernetic machines as haunted. They seemed animated by ghosts, reminiscent of Walter Benjamins automaton that was inhabited by a hunchbacked dwarf. Machines were not self-moving, self-designing, or autonomous. They could not achieve human dreams, only mock them. In turn, humans related to machines by using or acting upon them: switching them on or off, using them as tools to achieve an end. Today, the relationship between human and machine is based on internal, mutual communication in a feedback loop. Early machines were led; today, machines lead us. This does not mean that machines have simply become humanized through the proliferation of androids. Rather, humans have surrendered consciousness to AI, becoming obedient and predictable. In the twenty-first century, machines have blurred the distinction between the artificial and human mind, not only because machines can imitate human functions, but because humans have become increasingly passive, since we are now subject to neuropower.

Within the cybernetic episteme, it is no longer enough to talk about a control society; we must talk instead about a composite of interlinked forms of oppression (exploitation, alienation, and domination), in tandem with extreme securitarianism. Another way to see the cybernetic episteme is as the reconceptualization of social worlds into information-processing systems. Practices of computation are used to produce new organizational and infrastructural apparatuses, which in turn create value and profit by exploiting and disposing of human life. Social worlds are subsumed into technologies through techniques such as statistical forecasting and data modeling.

The cybernetic episteme stems from a world brought into being by Europeans; this world began with the discovery of the new world and the creation of empires and colonies (which coincided with the scientific revolution). In this sense, the cybernetic episteme is inseparable from the Western civilizing project for the whole world, which connected disparate places through technologies like the telegraph and steam shipping, often powered by the extraction of fossil fuels like coal. This project has culminated in globalization as the deregulation and financialization of world economies.

The Western civilization project, based on Enlightenment values including equality, peaceful public life, access to modern science, the rule of law, democracy, and technological progress, involved the creation of infrastructure to unify nations and the world. We can call this infrastructure the technosphere. The technosphere comprises not only digital technology but all machines, factories, computers, cars, buildings, railways, and mobility infrastructure, as well as systems of food production, resource extraction, and energy distribution. Today, the infrastructure of the worldthe technosphereis shaped by information, which means that the world we inhabit is designed by data.

The technosphere is a supplement humans have created to help overcome the limits of human nature insofar as humans cannot live independently from structures geared towards sustaining life. The technosphere has promised to enable us to increase production and reproduction with less human effort. Moreover, the technosphere is also regarded as the main tool humans have to fight decay, entropy, and death, since it comprises all the structures humans have built to keep themselves alive on the planet. The total mass of the technosphere amounts to fifty kilos for every square meter of earths surfacea total of thirty trillion tons, which coexists with the diminishing hydrosphere (water, the frozen polar regions) and the biosphere (all of earths living organisms). The ultimate price of the technosphere is global warming and environmental devastation. Like humans, the technosphere needs external energy input, which is not sustainable as long as it comes from fossil fuels that will eventually be depleted.

From this standpoint, the cybernetic episteme represents the gradual merging of human activity into the activity of what we have built and surrounded ourselves with. Much of this built environment is invisible. Infrastructure and data are partially occult because we are alienated from them, even as we are produced and managed by them. The invisible infrastructure that sustains our lives is what matters politically right now. And insofar as the technosphere is cybernetic, it is inextricable from capitalism and politics.


Human communication is at the center of the cybernetic global order. The neural system of globalized networked society is digital communication. In a 1975 film called Comment a va?, Anne-Marie Miville and Jean-Luc Godard discuss the illness of information. They begin with an image of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal, published in the leftist newspaper Libration. At the time, photojournalistic images had begun to proliferate as a form of information, and Godard and Miville critique Libration (the most left-wing newspaper in Europe in those days) for failing to include the reader in the creation and dissemination of information. They ask: How is it that things enter and exit the machine? (Comment a va de lentre la sortie de la machine?). This question is about how ideas, words, discourses, human interaction, and images become information and then reach readers and viewers.

In Comment a va?, mass media represents an illness that has killed communication and language. Last year, Godard updated his critique of the media in an interview posted to Instagram. He stated: Platos cave has been fixed on paper/screen. For Godard, the consequence of the becoming-information of communication and language is the loss of ambiguity in communication. Digital technology has infiltrated every aspect of existence, and the margin of error between the transmission and the reception of a message has been eliminated by mediatization and digitization. For Godard, digital communication denies the force of the image or the word because it eliminates redundancy, misunderstanding, the possibility of reading between the lines, and the possibility of alterity.

In a more recent film of hisAdieu au language from 2014Godard suggests that digital media have destroyed face-to-face communication. He asks: What kind of self could emerge in a time when objects and bodies are disfigurable and refigurable through virtual manipulation? Godard posits that the origins of todays totalitarianism can be traced to the interruption of interior experience by the spectacle. In the film, Godard features a lengthy quote from Philippe Sollers explaining that the spectacle cuts off the subject from its interior lifea process that is, paradoxically, highly seductive. Furthermore, for Godard digital communication creates a new form of isolated solitude where people lack ties to others. In this light, technology has not become an extension of man, as Marshall McLuhan predicted, but has instead attained autonomy from man, since digital media can communicate amongst themselves without human mediation. For Godard, this means that the face-to-face encountera basic form of human relation that is the foundation of ethicsis no longer possible.

Sherry Turkle, a clinical psychologist and sociologist, comes to similar conclusions: daily conversations no longer involve eye contact, and face-to-face discussion has been replaced by words on a screen. According to Turkle, texts, tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram messages, and Snapchats split our attention and diminish our capacity for empathy. They have created new codes of etiquette; no longer do we feel restrained from reaching for our phones in the presence of other people. This new etiquette entrenches a culture of individualism and isolation from each other. This isolation cultivates the perfect ground for fascism.

The digitization of communication not only has political and communal consequences. It also affects the neuroplastic potential of the living brain. The cybernetic episteme reshapes our working memory by rearranging its contents. As Warren Neidich writes, the new focus of power is not only the false reproduction of the past (the manipulation of the archive), but the manipulation of our working memorythe type of memory that influences our decision-making. Authoritarian neuropower wants nothing less than to shape our future memory, argues Neidich.

If the nervous system of cybernetics is digital communication, at the center of digital communication is desire. Mark Fisher devoted his last lectures at Goldsmiths in 2017 to this subject. During one lecture, he played for his students a famous Apple TV commercial from 1984, directed by Ridley Scott and originally broadcast during the Superbowl. In an overt reference to George Orwells novel 1984, the commercial depicts a dreary, repressive control society. This society is seemingly liberated when a buxom blonde woman tosses a sledgehammer at a large screen broadcasting the image of an authoritarian figure, causing the screen to explode. The commercial ends with these lines crawling across the screen: On January 24, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And youll see why 1984 wont be like 1984. Fisher observes that the video counterposes top-down bureaucratic control to upstart entrepreneurialism. The dreary control society depicted in the commercial is an allusion to not only the Soviet Union, but also IBM, the dominant computer maker at the time. Apple posits itself as the dynamic, colorful new company that will liberate society from dreary IBM, ushering in a new, more vibrant world order. This new world order will fulfill our (capitalist) desires in a way that the communist world cannot. As Fisher suggests, we now live in that world of libidinal capitalism.

Elsewhere Fisher writes that what drives the circulation of information is the users desire to make one more connection, to leave one more reply, to keep on clicking. Capitalism persists because cyberspace is already under our skin, writes Fisher; to retreat from it would be like trying to retreat into some nonexistent precapitalist imaginary. In his view, we believe we have as much a chance of escaping capitalism as we do of crawling back inside our mothers womb.


By means of the cybernetic episteme, Silicon Valley has shaped the world we all live in. As we are poisoned equally by microplastics and fake news, losing our grasp of a shared reality, the Silicon Sixas Sacha Baron Cohen called the titans of Silicon Valley in a 2019 speechpropagate algorithm-fueled fear, propaganda, lies, and hate in the name of profit. As Baron Cohen pointed out, the major online platforms largely avoid the kind of regulation and accountability that other media companies are subject to. This is ideological imperialism, he said. Six unelected individuals in Silicon Valley impos[e] their vision on the rest of the world, unaccountable to any government, and acting as if they are above the law. He called digital platforms the greatest propaganda machine in history.

Democratic institutions have failed to reign in the information chaos and the destruction of the public sphere. As Shoshana Zuboff argues, we inhabit a communications sphere that is no longer a public sphere. She describes this situation as an epistemic coup that has taken place in four stages: First, by way of companies gathering personal data about us and then claiming it as their own private property. Second, through data inequality, which means that companies know more than we do. Third, through the epistemic chaos created by algorithms. And fourth, through the institutionalization of this new episteme and the erosion of democratic governance.

Baron Cohen observes that people can take a stand against platforms by recognizing our power to boycott them. (One example is the mass defection from WhatsApp to Telegram when the former announced that would share its user data with Facebook.) But we also need to defend the existence of facts and a shared reality, understanding the world not as something we see but as something we inhabittreating life not as something we have, but as something we live. Anti-platform strategies might be accused of Luddism, but they are not necessarily opposed to technologyonly to certain uses of technology.

It is also crucial that we regard the cybernetic episteme as inextricable from a broader malaise: humanitys relationship to life and the planet is a toxic one. The very technologies that supposedly enable us to read, think, flourish, and desire are destroying the world we inhabit.

People continue to yearn for commonality, mutuality, and something to share. But the culture we currently share is largely mediated by repressive, profit-driven digital platforms. This is why we need to flee from the invasion of images, to distinguish between image and reality, and to affirm the opacity of the world and the ambiguity of language. We need to resist platform monopoly through presence, embodiment, immediacy, and human memory. We need to find ways to create life as opposed to turning it into data, combine emotional and intellectual knowledge, and regard visceral gut feelings as a form of human consciousness. We need to learn to exist in symbiosis with others and with the environment, not dislocated, uprooted, and detached.

See the original post here:

Authoritarianism and the Cybernetic Episteme, or the Progressive Disappearance of Everything on Earth - Journal #122 November 2021 - E-Flux

Self-Assembling Nanotech Found in Moderna Vaccine …

Bombshell News: American Medical Researchers Witness SELF-ASSEMBLING Graphene Oxide Nanotech or AI Syn Bio in Moderna Vaccine Under Microscope.

By Ramola D.,

Source: Ramola D.s report with Everyday Concerned Citizen.

In bombshell news pointing to the much-speculated-on presence of nanobots in vaccines, an American medical researcher reports that moving, shifting, self-assembling nano-particulates of possibly Graphene Oxide and/or forming synthetic biology polymers were seen under an optical microscope in a few drops of Moderna vaccine from a freshly-opened vial of Moderna, with pictures as below (please scroll down).

The vial was opened for the administration of a vaccine to one person, after which the sample for viewing was taken. The information around the researcher and circumstances is being kept anonymous currently to protect the source. However, the researcher wished to share the news with all.

This researcher notes that specks of possibly nano Graphene Oxide seemed to self-assemble into shapes. Worm-like structures and specks seemed to be moving and also began to move in concert. The direction of movement noted was toward the edges of the glass. The nanobots also seemed to become aware of the researchers viewing through the eye-piece and seemed to pause and then appeared to approach the center. Long thread or worm-like shapes as well as clumped jagged shapes as seen in the La Quinta Columna microscopy pictures of Graphene Oxide in the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines were observed.

The colored and grayish nano specks and tubes were observed with a regular compound microscope and nothing was added to the drops of Moderna. A witness researcher also observed the moving nanobots and filaments under the microscope. Any further observations or analysis with more sophisticated microscopes will be reported here to add to this report.

This researcher states this is what I observed under the microscope- freshly opened vial of Moderna nothing added. Only light source and warmed to room temperature over two hours.

These moving nano-worms are very similar to images published in mid-April by Mike Adams of Natural News in his microscope observations of masks, as also to Dr. Ts observation of nano-worms in masks, published in Not On the Beeb videos, as well as numerous lay researchers who have published their iPhone pictures and videos of moving filaments on masks and on nasal swabs . Dr. Ariyana Love reported in early April that these were hydrogel carbon nanotubes being used in the delivery of vaccines on masks and nasal swabs without informed consent. Karen Kingston the Pfizer whistleblower who has revealed redactions in Pfizer EUA filings documents has also revealed that Graphene Oxide is being used by Moderna and Pfizer in the PEGylated lipids used to encase the mRNA particles for coerced entry of these foreign mRNA molecules into human cells through naturally resistant human cell membranes.

Graphene Oxide is known to be highly toxic and cause blood clots.

The evidence of intelligent self-assembly of nanotechnology and intelligent filament-movement is an indicator of synthetic biology and nanobioelectronics, as per several scientific papers (some listed below) published in various journals, and points to the stealth inclusion of Graphene Oxide in the Moderna vaccine for electromagnetic manipulation of cells and neurons via the creation of synthetic neural networks in the human body and brain. This is a clear sign of malfeasance and intended transhumanizing and cyborgizing of the human body through the COVID vaccines.

It must be remembered that both Pfizer and Moderna developed the Transhumanist mRNA vaccines for DARPA, on DARPA contracts from 2013. Pfizer and Modernas military connections as well as the mRNA connections with DARPAs Regina Dugan now directing the Wellcome LEAP ventures and DARPAs Dan Wattendorf now at the Gates Foundation were discussed here earlier. DARPAs Pandemic Prevention Platforms and ADEPT diagnostic and monitoring platforms are based on bioengineering, gene manipulation, and synthetic biology. These human-takeover programs envision an infinite future of mRNA vaccines and external control of the human body and brain, which Graphene Oxide would permit.

Further evidence of Graphene Oxide in the vaccines and in the chem trails and atmosphere has been discussed here:

Evidence of Nano Graphene Oxide (GO) Poisoning, Body & Brain: In COVID & Flu Vaccines, Chem Trails, Rainwater, Saline, Plus: Pfizer Whistleblower Karen Kingston Confirms GO in PEGylated Lipid Nano in Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines

Crime Scene Vaccine: Nano Graphene Oxide in High Amounts Now Found in Moderna, Other Vaccines, also Sanofi Flu Vaccine, & Saline Solution Point to COVID-19 (& All Professed Variants) Being Graphene & 4G/5G Poisoning, Not a Virus

Findings of Graphene Oxide and magnetic nanoparticles in agricultural feed, meat, and other sources were also discussed here in Panel 1 Carnicom Disclosure Project Update from Transparent Media Truth and Ramola D Reports featuring Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Carrie Madej and Dr. Judy Mikovits.



Example of fiber found in mask in images from Mike Adams, Natural News lab microscopy:

Image of Nano-Worm found on Face Mask by Dr. T.

Image of Graphene found in Vaxigrip Tetra flu vaccine reported by La Quinta Columna:

Images of Graphene Oxide found in Pfizer vaccine by the La Quinta Columna and University of Almeria researchers:

Sampling of papers revealing Graphene Oxide use in Gene Therapy and Nanobioelectronics

Genetically Targeted Control of Neuronal System

Efficient mRNA delivery with graphene oxide-polyethylenimine for generation of footprint-free human induced pluripotent stem cells.

Graphene-based Nano-Carrier modifications for gene delivery applications

Graphene Nanobioelectronics and Nanobiosensors Group/Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology

Recent advancement in biomedical applications on the surface of two-dimensional materials: from biosensing to tissue engineering.

Graphene nanoparticles and their influence on neurons

Graphene oxide-induced neurotoxicity on neurotransmitters, AFD neurons and locomotive behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans

Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant.

PFIZER VACCINE UNDER MICROSCOPE SHOWS SIMILAR NANOBOT MOVEMENT: Supporting evidence posted in an European video on Telegram and Youtube August 10, 2021, showing the same phenomenon of bioluminescent, self-assembling nanotechnology, clumping, moving, forming networks, and showing a fractal crystalline structurevery similar to the crystalline nano-antenna networks formed in saliva post-vaccine (as reported in the Slovakian report which is posted here in Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs):

Follow Ramola D. at Everyday Concerned Citizen


Editors Note:

At the end of this video revealing the many active ingredients in the Pfizer serum, we see the rapid crystalline growth of the graphene oxide nanoparticles under microscopy. This is the new neural network governments want inside of everybody. Its achieved through self-replication of the graphene oxide which is a programmable matter that establishes an artificial neural network or operating system as Moderna calls it, throughout your entire body.

Graphene oxide being superconductive will enable the synthetic neural network to connect you to the 5G grid, Internet of Things and to AI. This is for the ABSOLUTE subjugation of your mind, body and soul. Every soul has a unique energetic frequency signature which cannot be duplicated. Your DNA is the blueprint of your soul, whose energy radiates through every cell in your body.

The pharmaceutical cartels Covid-19 Democide is the ultimate rape and bondage of the human species. This biohacking technology is harnessing your souls energetic field to fuel its evil operating system. We must fight back or this may end in the total annihilation and enslavement of the human species. This is a biological attack.

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Self-Assembling Nanotech Found in Moderna Vaccine ...

The SCAD Museum of Art Celebrates 10 Years with Diverse and Immersive Exhibitions – ARTnews

The milestone anniversary at SCAD Museum of Art highlights international artists and themes spanning a wealth of geographies, backgrounds, and generations.

Immersive installations have dominated the art scene for decades, across myriad disciplines. Think: Olafur Eliassons The Weather Project, The Rain Room by Hannes Koch and Florian Ortkrass, and Yayoi Kusamas Infinity Mirror Rooms.

True, installations have also been made into utterly mundane mass-market attractions, thanks to those themed experiential rooms found in major cities, which have turned them into pop-culture punchlines.

The SCAD Museum of Art, in Savannah, Georgia, now celebrating its 10th anniversary, has reinterpreted the immersive trend while staying faithful to its own curriculum as an eminent institution of art, design, and fashion. The word immersive elicits an immediate relation to the body, the way one inhabits and navigates a space, and the capacity to blur the division between self and place, says Kari Herrin, executive director of SCAD Museums and Exhibitions. It resonates with todays audiences, who seek visceral experiences in a digital age. Many of our exhibitions have a natural immersive quality, due to our emphasis on the environments in which works are displayed and [on] the experiences they facilitate.

Some of the exhibitions are uncanny and surreal, fully resonating with the current zeitgeist. Brooklyn-based interdisciplinary artist Hein Koh, for example, creates transhumanist works. In her Hope and Sorrow, shes fashioned a surreal garden of crying flowers made of spandex, velvet, and satin, resting on Astroturf and illuminated by a cartoonish sun with a gazing eye painted on the backdrop. Hein Kohs surrealism humanizes natural elements to communicate complex narratives and emotions, says Herrin. A site-specific installation, as well as Heins first museum show, the exhibition is installed in the museums Jewel Boxes, spaces that mediate the interior and exterior of the museum with an explicitly public function.

Similarly, painter Izumi Katos large-scale paintings feature spectral figures with bulbous heads and thin bodies reminiscent of primeval beings, embryos, or aliens. Kato paints directly with his hands, and at times even frees his creatures from the constraints of rectangular canvas wall hangings, suspending them from the ceiling and attaching to them canvas cutouts of elongated torsos and limbs.

Artists also focus on the natural world and the environment. With El lecho del Bosque, Colombian artist Nohem Perz reflects on the social and political components of environmental issues by painting large-scale, detail-rich charcoal drawings of endangered species of trees alongside minuscule figures of birds, dogs, and humans. Patrick Dougherty combines fine art and design as well, weaving tree saplings and sticks to create imposing sculptures that celebrate both natures beauty and its ephemerality. His stickwork also has an interactive on-site component, as hell collaborate for three weeks with SCADs staff and student body to create site-specific works. And in experimental theater director Robert Wilsons immersive installation A Boy from Texas, cast, truncated pyramids are interspersed among deer made of handblown glass, evoking the time he spent hunting with his fatherwhile not a hunter himself, Wilson relishes natures stillness and spectral silence.

Of course, the beauty of nature often stands in stark contrast to the brick, glass, and steel of city spaces. In Urban Visions, Mexican photographer and SCAD alum Arturo Soto explores the themes of site, theory, and image in photos taken in Savannah and London, as well as in Oxford, England, where he delves into how the city is dealing with the aftereffects of Brexit.

Because our current environments extend beyond the physical world into the digital realm, SCAD has included a meditation on the way the digital component interacts with contemporary visual culture. An experiential sculpture by Spanish visual artist Ira Lombardawho defines herself as a visual ecologist who is moved by the desire to understand the theoretical and practical implications of digital visual cultureprompts the observer to reflect on the ephemerality and dematerialization of the object. In her show, the viewer can physically recreate Yves Kleins Leap into the Void by literally jumping from a custom-built structure.

A fashion exhibition adds a purely joyful dimension to this lineup of solo shows. Fashion designer Christian Siriano, who rose to fame after winning the fourth season of the TV competition series Project Runway and is known for his bold, high-octane eveningwear, is at SCAD with his first solo exhibition. Titled People Are People, the show features some of his most flamboyant creations while also celebrating his inclusive take on couture.

Two group projects have a more diachronic focus. SCAD MOAs Evans Center for African American Studies presents Elizabeth Catlett: Points of Contact, juxtaposing Catletts prints and sculptureswhich reflected on the Black American experience by combining abstract and figurative influences, and also drew from African and Mexican traditionswith pieces by contemporary Black American and Mexican artists whose creations reveal strong connections, and often direct references, to Catletts work. This exhibition makes an argument for examining Catletts dual U.S. and Mexican citizenship, which has been overlooked by previous exhibition projects, says Herrin. And in its inclusion of contemporary artists from both countries, it reveals lineages between Black Americans and indigenous Mexican peoples. Catletts impact as a bridge between two nations extends beyond art, and the exhibition unfolds the complexity of her identity, [which] she very much wanted to be acknowledged.

By contrast, the other group exhibition, Ring Redux: The Susan Grant Lewin Collection, examines the tradition of ring making by showcasing 100 avant-gardestyle rings, demonstrating how the art of jewelry reflects aesthetic developments in art, design, technology, and craftsmanship while also conveying the complexity of human relationships, from the highly personal to the universal.

At the intersection of these two modes, solo/contemporary and group/historical, is Mehryl Levisses White Wig, an artistic-cum-curatorial project juxtaposing Rococo-era portraitureinstalled, salon-style, on a warm-pink wallwith brightly colored wigs created by contemporary Parisian drag entertainers. Levisse examines the use of hairstyle and dress as markers of status and identity that have historically been separated into the strict binary of man and woman.

Beyond the sheer artistry of the project, what emerges in this 10th-anniversary celebration is SCADs intention to showcase an international roster of artists whose work will broaden viewers horizons beyond the United States. From the very beginning, the SCAD Museum of Art was conceived as an international cultural center with the intention to enrich the lives of SCAD students and to engage with different communities both near and far, says Herrin. This is representative not only of our international body of students, who come from all parts of the world, but also of the need in this region for a contemporary art museum that catalyzes dialogue and shared experiences through art and design.

The Fall 2021 season is now on view at the SCAD Museum of Art in Savannah, Georgia.

Follow SCAD on Instagram at

Originally posted here:

The SCAD Museum of Art Celebrates 10 Years with Diverse and Immersive Exhibitions - ARTnews

Immortality is showing life as a concept but also in the lab – AMEinfo

Humankinds thirst for infinite existence has taken a new turn with ideas springing from theoretical assumptions that future tech can turn practical to real-life experiments, with mice that is.


A movement called transhumanism is now devoted to using science and technology to augment our bodies and our minds, and toallow humans to merge with machines, eradicating old age as a cause of death.

Mind uploading describes a hypothetical process of separating a persons consciousness (which involves their emotions, thought processes, and experiences), then converting it into a digital format, and finally transferring the digital consciousness into a different substrate, like a machine.

The process would conceivably incorporate different steps, like mind copying, mind transfer, mind preservation, and whole brain emulation (WBE).

Overview of how mind uploading can actually work

Step 1: Getting theinformationfrom the brain

The human brain regularly performs complex processes with the help of its86 billion neuronsthat function simultaneously in a large neural network. There aremore than 125 trillion synapsesjust in the cerebral cortex alone. That is a lot of information and storage capacity.

Mind uploadingadvocates claimthat noninvasive brain scans can provide sufficient resolution for copying the brain. The information stored in our brain would then be used tocreate aconnectome, a complete map of the neural connections in the brain, created using incredibly precise scanning of the neurons, and the synapses.

However, to date, we only have a complete connectome for a 1.5-millimeter roundworm calledCaenorhabditis elegans, which has just 302 neurons and about seven thousand synaptic connections.In 2014, theOpenWorm projectwhich mapped the brain replicated it as software and installed it in a Lego robot which was capable of the same sensory and motor actions as the biological model.

Building a human connectome is clearly a much more complicated process needing huge amounts of time and resources forthe identificationof about 86 billion neurons, determination of their precise location, and tracing and cataloging of their projections on one another. This is inconceivable using existing technologies.

Another proposed method of getting information from the brain is through a brain-computer interface (BCI). There are already existing implanted devicesthat can translate some types of neuronal information into commands, and arecapable of controllingexternal software or hardware, such as a robotic arm.However, modern BCIs are only very slightly related to the theoretical BCIs which would be needed to allow us to transfer our brain states into a digital medium.

Some suggest that downloading consciousness would require technology capable of scanning human brains at a quantum particle level.

Elon Musks Neuralink is one company working on aspects of mind-uploading. They are designing a neural implant that would work like a Fitbit in your skull. But it is not close to the technology needed to upload an entire brain.

Meeting the challenges of step 1: Preserving the brain

Some wealthy individuals whowish to live foreverare opting to preserve their brains and sometimes bodies through cryopreservation. In theory, in the future when human connectome technology is fully developed, their consciousness could then be retrieved and uploaded. An American cryonics company Alcor Life Extension Foundationalready stores around180 cryopreserved human bodies.

However, some experts also claim that such cryonic techniquesmaydamagethe brain beyond repair.

Recently, an MIT graduate Robert McIntyre, rekindled the brain preservation hype when heannounced his Y-Combinatorbacked startup Nectome is building some next-generation tools to preserve brains in the microscopic detail needed to map the connectome.

Step 2: Reconstruction of the artificial brain

Once all the neural activity is mapped out and the connectome is ready, the next step would be to digitize it. According toa rough estimatepublished inScientific American, the memory storage capacity of the human brain could be around 2.5 Petabytes (2,500 TB).

Apart from the storage, we will require a computer architecture on which the brain can be reconstructed in the form of computable code. And there is the issue of power for that architecture.Today, a computer with the same memory and processing power as the human brain would require around 1 gigawatt of power, or basically a whole nuclear power station to run one computer that does what our computer does with 20 watts,according to Tom Bartol, a neuroscientist at the Salk Institute.

Step 3: Emulation in an external substrate

Once all the requirements are fulfilled and the artificial brain is ready, the mind can now be uploaded into a simulation, such as a virtual world,like the metaverse. Another transhumanist idea suggests that the mind can also be uploaded on ahumanoid robot.Uploading into a physical robot would require robots that are a lot more functional than any that currently exist.

However, if the consciousness is uploaded as a substrate-independent mind (SIM), and if the SIM is deemed to be conscious, then it will also need toexist in a place and be able to interact with things. This will require virtual reality that is identical to how humans experience actual reality. All of this will require yet more storage capacity, signal bandwidth, and power.

Senescent cells

Nowresearchers in Japan saythey may have taken a step toward boosting human longevity with successful trials of a vaccine against the cells that contribute to the ageing process.

In laboratory trials, a drug targeting a protein contained in senescent cells those which have naturally stopped reproducing themselves slowed the progression of frailty in older mice.

The vaccine also successfully targeted the senescent cells in fatty tissue and blood vessels.

We can expect that (the vaccine) will be applied to the treatment of arterial stiffening, diabetes and other aging-related diseases, Juntendo professor Toru Minamino told Japans Jiji news agency.

Cells become senescent when they stop duplicating themselves, often in response to naturally-occurring damage to their DNA.

In laboratory tests, preventing the build-up of senescent cells extended the lifespan of mice by 15%, Euronews reported. But researchers still dont know how much a living creatures lifespan can be extended.

Some believe there is a limit for the human lifespan of around 130 years as a current estimate.

Excerpt from:

Immortality is showing life as a concept but also in the lab - AMEinfo

U.S. Transhumanist Party Official Website U.S …

U.S. Transhumanist Party Putting Science, Health, and Technology at the Forefront of American Politics

The U.S. Transhumanist Party was founded on October 7, 2014, and has since grown to over 3,600 members.

Learn about future technology and trends that will affect the lives of everyone you care about.

Join us weekly at the Virtual Enlightenment Salon to learn from other Transhumanists.

Join our party. Membership is free and open to everyone worldwide.

Find out the Values of the U.S. Transhumanist Party and read our extensive, member-generated Platform.

Read our Constitution and the Transhumanist Bill of Rights.

For an overview of what the U.S. Transhumanist Party stands for, watch Chairman Gennady Stolyarov IIs address at RAADfest 2017, The U.S. Transhumanist Party: Pursuing a Peaceful Political Revolution for Longevity.

Read Chairman Stolyarovs 60-page essay, The United States Transhumanist Party and the Politics of Abundance, published as Chapter 5 ofThe Transhumanism Handbook, a major compilation of transhumanist thought edited by Newton Lee.

Official USTP Merchandise Support Our Cause!

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U.S. Transhumanist Party Official Website U.S ...

Another Year Without A Family Christmas? – newsconcerns

While lockdowns were supposed to be temporary initially just a couple of weeks to flatten the curve nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, theres no end in sight. Thanksgiving was once again canceled in many parts of the U.S., and many government leaders again urged residents to cancel their Christmas celebrations too. The latest Omicron mutation has given bureaucrats additional reasons to unleash their power and raise panic.

What many still dont realize is that the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has little to do with the spread of an actual virus, and everything to do with the planned global takeover and implementation of a technocratic agenda known as The Great Reset.

Universal mask mandates, social distancing, business shutdowns, online working and learning, and quarantining of asymptomatic individuals are all forms of soft indoctrination to get us used to an entirely new, and unfathomably inhumane, way of life devoid of our usual rights and freedoms.

Klaus Schwab is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. Schwab announced the World Economic Forums Great Reset Agenda in June 2020,1 which includes stripping people of their privately owned assets.

In addition to being a poster boy for technocracy, Schwab also has a strong transhumanist bend, and wrote the book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a hallmark of which is the merger of man and machine, biology and digital technology.2

According to Winter Oak a British nonprofit social justice organization Schwab and his globalist accomplices are using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will.

While the Great Reset plan is being sold as a way to make life fair and equitable for all, the required sacrifices do not apply to the technocrats running the system.

On the contrary, as noted by Patrick Wood in an interview with James Delingpole, the wealth distribution and circular economies promoted by the technocratic elite will never benefit the people, because what theyre really referring to is the redistribution of wealth from the people, to themselves.

Evidence of this can be seen in the decision to allow big box stores to remain open during the pandemic while forcing small businesses to close, no matter how small the infection risk.

Theres really no rhyme or reason for such a decision, other than to shift wealth away from small, private business owners to multinational corporations. More than half of all small business owners fear their businesses wont survive.3

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the collective wealth of 651 billionaires in the U.S. rose by more than $1 trillion (36%).4 To put their current wealth in perspective, not only did the number of billionaires in America swell to 745 during the pandemic, but their assets grew by $2.1 trillion.5

According to the online newsletter Inequality, The $5 trillion in wealth now held by 745 billionaires is two-thirds more than the $3 trillion in wealth held by the bottom 50 percent of U.S. households estimated by the Federal Reserve Board.

As noted by Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, Never before has America seen such an accumulation of wealth in so few hands.6

Thats technocratic wealth redistribution for you. Ultimately, The Great Reset will result in two tiers or people: the technocratic elite, who have all the power and rule over all assets, and the rest of humanity, who have no power, no assets and no voice.

That the COVID-19 pandemic is a form of class war is also evident in the way rules are enforced. While citizens are threatened with fines and arrest if they dont do as theyre told, those who lay down the rules repeatedly break them without repercussions.

If you need more evidence that were in the middle of a technocratic takeover, look no further than the mass vaccination agenda and the promotion of fake, lab-grown meat. Bill Gates, another frontline technocrat, has repeatedly stated that we have no choice but to vaccinate everyone against COVID-19.

Naturally, hes heavily invested in said vaccine and stands to gain handsomely from a global mass vaccination campaign. Technocrats are nothing if not self-serving, all while pretending to be do-gooders much like COVID Claus in our little video.

Eventually, your personal identification, medical records, finances and who knows what else will all be tied together and embedded somewhere on or in your body. Every possible aspect of your biology and life activities will be trackable 24/7. You will also be digitally tied into the internet of things, which eventually will include smart cities.

All the different parts of this giant population control grid fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The global vaccination agenda ties into the biometric identity agenda, which ties into the cashless society agenda, which ties into the social credit system agenda, which ties into the social engineering agenda and so on.

When you follow this experiment to its ultimate conclusion, you find all of humanity enslaved within a digitized prison with no way out. Those who rebel will simply have their digital-everything restricted or shut down.

The rise of fake, lab-grown meat is a puzzle piece of The Great Reset agenda too. According to the World Economic Forum, lab-grown, cultured meat is a more sustainable alternative to conventional livestock, and in the future, well all be eating a lot less meat. As noted on its website:7

As the world looks to reset its economy, along with food systems, in a cleaner way post-pandemic, one more sustainable solution coming to fruition is cultured meat Cultured meat takes much less time to grow, uses fewer of the planets resources, and no animals are slaughtered.

But dont think for a second that this has anything to do with environmental protection. No, its about controlling the food supply and preventing food independence.

Already, multinational corporations have taken over a majority of the global food supply with their patented genetically engineered seeds. Patented cultured meats and seafood will allow private companies to control the food supply in its entirety, and by controlling the food supply, they will control countries and entire populations.

Public health will undoubtedly suffer from this dietary switch, as canola and safflower oil8 are primary sources of fat in these fake meat concoctions. Vegetable oils are loaded with linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fat that, in excess, acts as a metabolic poison, causing severe mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance, decreased NAD+ levels, obesity and a radical decrease in your ability to generate cellular energy.

Our LA consumption 150 years ago was between 2 and 3 grams per day. Today it is 10 to 20 times higher. If fake meat becomes a staple, the average LA intake is bound to increase even further.

The Great Reset is well underway, but its not yet too late to stop it. Enough people have to see it and understand it, though. And then they must act. If we want to prevent The Great Reset from destroying life as we know it, we must view civil disobedience as a duty. We must resist it from every angle.

We must reclaim our sovereignty, our right to live free, to open our businesses and move about freely. We must communicate with our elected leaders and demand they not infringe on our constitutional rights. We have to engage in political processes and help educate our local sheriffs of their role as defenders of the constitution. We may also need to support legal challenges.

A small step in the right direction that you can take right now would be to celebrate Christmas like you normally would this week, and not allow the Klaus Schwabs and Bill Gateses of the world rob you of valuable time with family and friends.

There are no guarantees in this life, and for many, this will be their last Christmas. So, spend it well. Cherish life by actually living it and spending it with those you love. Refusing to give up our humanity is how we resist The Great Reset.

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Another Year Without A Family Christmas? - newsconcerns

Values of the U.S. Transhumanist Party U.S …

The U.S. Transhumanist Party is focused onpolicyrather thanpoliticsas conventionally defined. We value initiatives and reforms that will improve the human condition for as many people as possible, with as much beneficial impact as possible and without regard for scoring political points or defeating the other side. We seek to achieve the next, greatest era of our civilization, which will require constructive solutions to the problems of our current era. All of these problems can be solved if we look away from the political trench warfare of today and up toward a far brighter future.

Ideal 1.The Transhumanist Party supports significant life extension achieved through the progress of science and technology.

Ideal 2.The Transhumanist Party supports a cultural, societal, and political atmosphere informed and animated by reason, science, and secular values.

Ideal 3.The Transhumanist Party supports efforts to use science, technology, and rational discourse to reduce and eliminate various existential risks to the human species.

Find the U.S. Transhumanist Party Platform as Article VI of our Constitution or in this standalone presentation. Below is just a selection of some of our key values and goals, as determined by votes of our members, but we have many other ideas as well, and we also frame the ideas below with a great deal of thought and detail.

Individual privacy and liberty over how to apply technology to ones personal life. [Article VI, Section I]

Tolerance and inclusivity of all individuals of all races, genders, classes, religions, creeds, national origins, and other characteristics.[Article VI, Section II]

Support of most technologies but opposition to certain detrimental technologies (e.g., weapons of mass destruction, privacy-infringing technologies, engineering of new pathogens).[Article VI, Section III]

Opposition to nuclear weapons, support of complete nuclear disarmament, even if unilateral.[Article VI, Section IV]

Support of research on eradicating disease.[Article VI, Section V]

Morphological freedom.[Article VI, Section VI]

Support of all values and efforts toward cultivation of science, technology, reason.[Article VI, Section VII]

Support of all emerging technologies that improve the human condition, including:

Autonomous vehicles

Electric vehicles

Economical solar power

Safe nuclear power


Geothermal power

Applications for the sharing of durable goods

Artificial intelligence




Rapid transit

3D printing

Vertical farming

Electronic devices to detect and respond to trauma

Beneficial genetic modification of plants, animals, and human beings[Article VI, Section IX]

Ending the drug war.[Article VI, Section XIV]

Reforming the prison system to reduce the incarcerated population.[Article VI, Section XV]

Universal Basic Income (UBI) not conditional on life circumstances, occupations, other income, or wealth.[Article VI, Section XVI]

Reasonable measures to fund space travel.[Article VI, Section XVII]

Using science and technology to eliminate disabilities.[Article VI, Section XVIII]

Ending the two-party duopoly.[Article VI, Section XIX]

Life extension / anti-aging.[Article VI, Sections V, VIII, IX]

Removal of barriers to medical research and deployment of treatments.[Article VI, Sections LXXIX, LXXX, LXXXI, LXXXII]

Reducing the national debt.[Article VI, Section XXXV]

Alternative sources of energy and their technological implementations. [Article VI, Section XXXVIII]

Increasing the budget of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).[Article VI, SectionLXXVII]

Support for political, economic, and cultural experimentation e.g., seasteads and micronations.[Article VI, SectionXXII]

Childrens rights proportional to their rational faculties. [Article VI, Sections XXIII, LXII]

Animal welfare (but not animal liberation). [Article VI, Section XXIV]

Opposition to intolerant, rights-violating, anti-technological, and compulsion-imposing doctrines, be they religious or secular.[Article VI, Sections XXV, XL, LXIII]

Excerpt from:

Values of the U.S. Transhumanist Party U.S ...

Scientists Are Using Brain Implants To Read Patients’ Minds, Then Yours – The Federalist

Last year, Elon Musk predicted his Neuralink brain implant could eventually allow people to bypass human language. With a handful of AI-powered chips jabbed into their brains, Neuralink users could converse with their thoughts alone. Poetry and liturgy would become a sentimental pastime, like roasting marshmallows over a campfire.

In principle, you would be able to communicate very quickly, and with far more precision, ideas, Musk mumbled to Joe Rogan. And language would Im not sure what would happen to language [But] really, in the first few versions all were going to be trying to do is solve brain injuries.

Many scoffed at the time, just as they did when Musk hyped the idea of a self-driving Tesla. Today, a quick glance around the 405 freeway in Los Angeles provides evidence that a billionaires dreams can quickly become the publics reality even if a few models have to burst into flames to get there.

On July 14, the transhumanist goal of neuro-telepathy came a step closer to realization, thanks to a major breakthrough by a team at the University of California, San Francisco.Neuroscientists surgically implanted a subdural electrode array on the surface of a stroke victims brain. For 81 weeks, they fed his sensorimotor cortex signals into an artificial intelligence system. Using the algorithms predictive power as a sort of auto-complete feature, the team was able to translate the subjects attempts at speech into text with extraordinary accuracy.

Although presently limited to a 50-word vocabulary, the silent patient is able to string together full sentences, which are displayed onscreen in real time. A few evocative examples include: Here is my computer, My family is very comfortable, They have faith, and Faith is good.

This experiment was supported by Project Steno, a long-term program funded and supported by Facebook. One of the projects broader goals was to create a non-invasive helmet that could translate the average users thoughts into digital information. Although Facebook Reality Labs decided to put this mass-market brain-cap on hold for now, the engineers are celebrating the UCSF neuroprosthetic implant as a new milestone in brain-computer interface.

The experiments leader, neuroscientist Edward Chang, extended his gratitude to the social media company. Weve learned so much about how speech is processed in the brain [over the past decade], but its only in the last five years that advances in machine learning have allowed us to get to this key milestone, he said. Facebooks machine learning advice and funding really accelerated our progress.

Changs results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The scientists and engineers over at Neuralink are either seething with envy or dying to announce their next breakthrough in the race to create a cyborg elite.

Whether or not Changs invasive procedure can be reproduced consistently, the momentum behind it is irrefutable. According to the prevailing mythos in Silicon Valley and various academic programs, technology can ultimately heal what ails us. Brain implants will cure stroke damage, paralysis, traumatic injuries, and even soothe emotional maladies such as depression. Far beyond medical treatment, though, advocates for full augmentation intend to overcome the human condition itself.

Of all the transhumanists in high places, Elon Musk is perhaps the most famous. Last April, he stunned the unsuspecting world with avideo of a macaque monkey playing MindPong using two Neuralink chips drilled into his brain. While Neuralinks next planned step will be treating degenerative brain disease in humans, Musk has said many times his ultimate goal is cognitive enhancement and human-AI symbiosis.

The tycoons urgency stems from a belief that artificial intelligence will soon outstrip flawed human cognition, as weve already seen with Go champions, cancer and heart disease diagnosis, Amazon warehouse management, and aerial dogfight simulations.

Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence, Musk told a crowd in Dubai. Its mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself. Hed better get moving, because theres plenty of competition.

Blackrock Neurotech has arguably made the most progress on neuroprosthesis, at least in terms of medical applications. The company provided a key component for the UCSF breakthrough. Thirty people worldwide have had an implanted brain-computer interface, their website boasts. Twenty-eight of those use Blackrocks technology.

With the longest chronic implant being over six years, we know we can make BCI work for millions today! the site homepage says. And tomorrow we can aim to make hundreds of millions of people walk, talk, see, hear, and feel again.

Beyond medicine, Kernel is among the most audacious players using a brain-computer interface solely for cognitive enhancement. Currently, the company has developed two non-invasive skullcaps that monitor neurological activity to optimize human performance. Kernel Flow uses near-infrared spectroscopy to measure blood flow. Kernel Flux uses magnetometers to track the brains electromagnetic fluctuations.

These helmets can have numerous biofeedback applications, including cognitive and athletic performance, heightened focus during meditation, and brain-to-brain synchrony. Two weeks ago, the company announced its partnership with Statespace to produce superhuman video gamers.

By 2030, Kernels founder Bryan Johnson aims to put a brain helmet in every American household. Like Musk, hes convinced mere humanity will need a wide range of enhancement tools to remain relevant in the age of artificial intelligence because anything you can do, AI can do better.

As a religious philosophy, transhumanism sees technological augmentation as a moral duty. It begins with the quest to overcome disease, old age, and death, and it ends with something like the Christian vision of human perfection and immortality.

Its an underappreciated fact that many transhumanists are not atheists. Some see technology as a way to realize Gods unfolding plan even if that means irreversibly altering the human form, or replacing humans with simulacra altogether.

Resting on the pillars of gene-editing, bionic modification, neuro-enhancement, robotics, and artificial intelligence, transhumanism is yet another dream for a better world. Naturally, these far-reaching ambitions invite revulsion and ridicule from normal people.

Perhaps more importantly, human perfection has always proven to be an impossible dream (the Kardashians are a fine example). That limitation may not matter, though, as long as powerful people are driven to pursue grand visions and intend to drag the rest of us along.

Changs UCSF brain implant experiment shows that some aspects of the transhumanist vision are already within reach. Technology confers miraculous powers. Even if the subjects immune system eventually rejects the electrodes in his head (as is quite common), for now hes able to do something that for nearly two decades was impossible: directly express his thoughts in words.

One of the more touching phrases hes able to convey is, I need you. Although the study makes no mention of it, I imagine he immediately said, Thank you. Progress wont stop with this heart-warming scenario, though. It never does.

The first computers were developed out of military necessity. Today, more than six billion people in the world casually use smartphones to enhance memory and cognition as if they always existed.Sex-change operations were pioneered to cater to troubled souls who saw no other option. Now hormone therapy is in vogue and even children are being convinced to try it.

Its only a matter of time before we see attempts to use elective brain implants to create elite mathematicians and super-soldiers. Over and over again, were told this new world is inevitable. That may be the case, but not because God or nature deemed it so. Transhumanism is inevitable for the same reason that war is always imminent: because someone with enough power wants it to happen.

See more here:

Scientists Are Using Brain Implants To Read Patients' Minds, Then Yours - The Federalist

Down on the ‘Transhuman Farm’ Nightmares are Technocratic – Being Of Click Built Panopticons and Tractors in Human Form , Alas. – -…

The horror!, The horror!

Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad

Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer.



[ sim-yuhleykruhm ]

noun, plural simulacra [sim-yuh-ley-kruh].

1. a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness or semblance.

2. an effigy, image, or representation: a simulacrum of Aphrodite.

In the novel We, written almost a century ago, Yevgeny Zamyatin introduced the concept of Great Operation: which as psycho-surgery had the effect of producing as he described tractors in human form.

Small article here examines the utility and potentiality of psycho-surgery and transhumanism from the perspective of the early 21st C given technological advance; and not so much Great Operation but Great Reset as currently in progress of being introduced at a Global level.

This apropos the quote from Heart of Darkness above and psycho-surgery being a polymorphous concept as ripe for technological development, alas and as Wilde put it paraphrased : technocratic evil bastards can resist anything but temptation.

At least one office in DARPA is devoted to Biological Technologies.

Social Credit as some parallel of tractorship in human form effected on a mass level is bleeding edge in China, such the technocratic prototype as unipolar, such the Dystopia?

Zamyatin conceived of the Great Operation as entailing destruction or impairment of function of parts of the human brain thru deployment of X-rays, and as a labor intensive as surgical operation; being as one brain lobotomized/strait jacketed phenomenological as much as one tractor in human form rendered at a time, such the psycho politics dystopian s algorithmic..

In fairness to Zamyatin when he wrote We X -Rays represented cutting edge technology, having only been discovered in 1895. Mass production as capital intense was still in its corporatist infancy back when Zamyatin wrote Model Ts were just beginning to roll off assembly lines.

It is said that Orwell drew heavily upon We concerning 1984.

The Great Reset contains the vision that in the future you shall own nothing and be happy. The potential implications of this statement in relation to technological development and transhumanism will be explored here; alongside the alternate conception of said Great Reset being as a new form of Feudalism not based on ownership of land and fief, but on ownership of transhumans and the fief of tractors in human form as said transhumanism exploited by way of debasement, such the simulacrum, such the tragedy, such the absurdity as Marx claimed.

Can transhumans be owned down on the technocratic farm?

Patent WO2020060606 Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data; it shine a light?

That is to say; psychotronic technology is , alongside Artificial Intelligence (AI )and gene therapy the technology of the future as it meets the needs of technocratic pathology by way of facilitating widespread as Globalized owning nothing as well as happiness being as enforced under political form totalitarian as technocratic, such the anorexic mirror. The wet dreams of technocratic man gods as obscenely wealthy on the transhumanist farm await explication such the ius est?

Never in the course of history has so much been owned by so few, such the ius, nest ce pas?

As these small quarters write (early 21st C), we impoverished Humans still have the capacity to independently think; albeit this becoming rarer as is biodiversity under the military industrial corporatist complex as a result of technocratic direction and the growing power of technology to effect by way of winnowing not only behavioral patterns, but the thought patterns underlying same such the dumbing down, such the propaganda, such the drone/litany of woe as dystopian?

For neoliberalism synonymises technocracy such the freedom of do what thou wilt as the degenerate satanical bastard Aleister Crowley propagated?

It is reasonable to suppose that were Joseph Goebbels to be alive today he would be gleeful over the power of broadcast media to effect propaganda on a mass scale and its singularity of repetition of line to some corporatist technocratic parallel of Ein volk, ein reich, ein fuhrer attained as facilitated Globally and that would be before he as a degenerate introduced to the monitoring, controlling and manipulative aspects of technological progress as amoral; such the goose steps algorithmic as of Artificial Intelligence (AI); let alone the psychotronic potentialities of a new operating system as under genetic modification, such the hack, such the reboot as about to be jacked as further jagged up down on the transhuman farm?

The social media implications of dopamine release being as to some variant psychotronic of B-b-b-baby, you just aint seen n-n-nothin yet as the transhuman farm all set up to go into overdrive so it goes under megalomanical madness.

For electrosmog has a panotpiconic utility as truly fearful, and alas offers a synergy as Gestalten with the concept of genetic modification as much as the potentiality of new operating system to attain?

(Electrosmog of War on the Globalized Transhumanist Farm was considered for title this small article.)

Permit these small quarters to temporarily control and issue some currency as alternative as metapolitical questions raised here?

In accordance with Technocratic vision as weltsanchauung the term surplus population has been passed into the mundane via cultural hegemony as much as R2P as build back better; such the new normal, such the casus belli?

Such the head offed as menticidal as ecocidal, indeed?

What if , and here small quarters just speculating alternative as mindful of irony; a new operating system for Humanity could be possessed of eugenical characteristics? More prone to parallel of blue screen such the reboot? More susceptible as amenable to update?

A swab up every nose or ass, an injection in every arm as update effected under R2P?

What if Bill Gates , such the window, other than a money making philanthropist under trillionaire technocratic muppetry is pursuing a eugenical agenda based on technocratic apperception of surplus population?

What if the very concept of R2P has been even further corrupted/debased to mean the Protected not Humanity or Democracy or Human Rights but rather Resource Transfer as enables obscene wealth accumulation translated into obscene power, sense of Lord Actons proposition vis a vis power?

R2P - further corrupted/degenerated as in control and issue of opium in Afghanistan, oil in Iraq, oil in Libya, Oil inSyria such the production as in a theater of war morphing before our very eyes such the contemptoraneity (sic)?

Is there a responsibility to protect the health of a surplus population as apperceived; or does a live and let die ethos prevail under Technocracy?

Do Bears shit in the woods?

Does evil exist as incarnate or is it just dysfunctionality as pathological aberration under an empirical paradigm of objectivity?

Underneath not so much the spreading chestnut tree but rather the Empirical Tree down on the Transhuman Farm I sold you as much as you sold me demanded?

Are covidiots now as that charming man as ex passenger on the Lolita Express Alan Dershowitz professed fit to be held down and forcibly injected such the Nakba Transhumanist as a gene drive expressed?

Is such questioning under TINA as Technocratic hegemony goes by way of the Fourth Reich/ Industrial Revolution now Verboten?

The psychotropic as psychotronic possibilities arising from conjunction of AI, genetic modification, nanotechnology, beam formed electrosmog as a plasma are truly horrific to contemplate: they place Zamyatins concept of great operation and tractors in human form alongside Jose Delgado and his chipping of individual bulls via neurosurgery; this as much as a spear stands in relation to a hypersonic thermonuclear missile, both in context of economy of scale and metadeath, sense of genetic mutation effected?

Perhaps an algorithmic exposition of the transhuman farm as a click built panopticon is apposite/called for?

Congratulations, you are in just the right place at the right time!

The psychotronic potentiality of non ionizing radiation has already been demonstrated. It should be noted that this technology by way of beam forming can effect not only a sense of burning, but also the delivery of intelligible voice commands such the voice of god.

The ubiquitous presence of non ionizing radiation is something which can be attained thru telecommunications infrastructure. 5G roll-out exemplifies an environmental modulation apropos.

An enhancement of psychotronic potentiality as of aforementioned can be attained by way of:

a) Modulation the genetic base/ DNA code as an operating system.

b) The presence of electromagnetic nanotechnology

Artificial Intelligence is capable of co-ordinating the delivery of psychotronic control on a mass as global level; in conjunction as interfaced with suitable non ionizing radiation presence, genetic modification and electromagnetic nanotechnology , any biomass can be impacted pro actively; sense of surveillance, control and manipulation.

And all because the 0.001% love money, love power such the alpha point effected?

We shall own nothing and be happy!

Nothing includes our thoughts no longer our own such the psychotronics; includes our genes no longer same such the therapy, our own happiness such the soma as electromagnetic nanotechnologically to be enforced such the man gods supplicated unto to be?

Even bastard degenerate Nazis had a choice as to raise an arm or click heels?

Even in 1984 a ration could be seen as it was as?

Say hello to technocratic psychotronics!

Is it like thisIn deaths other kingdomWaking aloneAt the hour when we areTrembling with tendernessLips that would kissForm prayers to broken stone.

As T.S. Eliot wrote concerning hollow men as transhuman as technocratic?

Final words to Orwell, such the paraphrase.

(Transhuman Farm, indeed.)

The humans looked from technocrat to transhuman, and from transhuman to technocrat and could see no difference

Go here to see the original:

Down on the 'Transhuman Farm' Nightmares are Technocratic - Being Of Click Built Panopticons and Tractors in Human Form , Alas. - -...

Batman and Oracle Make Big Changes to the Bat-Signal –

After the fallout of Joker War and the Infinite Frontier beginning, Batman has found himself with an all-new status quo in Gotham City. Not only is the Dark Knight Detective without his riches, his traditional BatCave, and even a decent Batmobile, but his Bat-Signal is actually getting an upgrade, sort of. Batman doesn't have many friends in the GCPD anymore as Commissioner Gordon has retired (replaced by Renee Montoya) and Mayor Christopher Nakano has a very Anti-Batman policy. To that end the Bat-Signal won't be sitting at police headquarters, and Oracle has a big idea.

Revealed in the pages of Batman #107, Oracle tells Batman that she's developed a new version of the Bat-Signal to have around Gotham but this time there will be more than one. "It's not like the cops are going to put the old one back on the roof of the central precinct with Nakano in office," Barbara says. "But I think it's important to remind people that you're still out there. And I want a way to keep in touch when you turn off your radio."The plan includes developing twelve different Bat-Signals to put across rooftops around Gotham. These signals won't ever appear on the same roof twice and will be picked up and relocated by the members of the Bat-Family after just one use.

"Signal goes up, and you go to meet A Gordon on top of a weird old building, and find out about the crisis of the day," she adds.

The new signals aren't out yet by the issue's end but we can fully expect them to get some use as the problem with the Scarecrow is only heating up.

You can find the full cover art and solicitation for the next issue of Batman below.

BATMAN #108written by JAMES TYNION IVart and cover by JORGE JIMENEZbackup story art by RICARDO LOPEZ ORTIZcard stock variant cover by STANLEY ARTGERM LAU1:25 card stock variant cover by RICCARDO FEDERICION SALE 5/4/21$4.99 US | 40 PAGES | FC | DCCARD STOCK VARIANT COVER $5.99 USBatman goes undercover to infiltrate the transhumanist gang known as the Unsanity Collective and learn more about their sudden appearance in Gotham. And what nefarious plans does Simon Saint have for Arkham Day survivor Sean Mahoney? How does it connect to the Magistrate?And in part two of the action-packed, bone-rattling Ghost-Maker backup storycan our hero stand up to the horror of Kid Kawaii?Plus, dont miss the debut of the mysterious Miracle Molly!

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Batman and Oracle Make Big Changes to the Bat-Signal -

Scientist proposes new plan to "resurrect" the dead with a Dyson Sphere, kind of – Boing Boing

Russian transhumanist Alexey Turchin has shared a new "roadmap to immortality," which proposes several different plans (with backup plans!) for extending human life through technology. Here's the gist, as he explains it:

Plan A. The most obvious way to reach immortality is to survive until the creation of Friendly AI; in that case if you are young enough and optimistic enough, you can simply do nothing or just fund MIRI. However, if you are older, you have to jump from one method of life extension to the next as they become available. So plan A is a relay race of life extension methods, until the problem of death is solved.

This plan includes actions to defeat aging, to grow and replace diseased organs with new bioengineered ones, to get a nanotech body and in the end to be scanned into a computer. It is an optimized sequence of events, and depends on two things your personal actions (such as regular medical checkups), and collective actions such as civil activism and scientific research funding.

Plan B.However, if Plan A fails, i.e. if you die before the creation of superintelligence, there is Plan B, which is cryonics. Some simple steps can be taken now, such as calling your nearest cryocompany about a contract.

Plan C.Unfortunately, cryonics could also fail, and in that case Plan C is invoked. Of course it is much worse less reliable and less proven. Plan C is so-called digital immortality, where one could be returned to life based on existing recorded information about that person. It is not a particularly good plan, because we are not sure how to solve the identity problem which will arise, and we don't know if the collected amount of information would be enough. But it is still better than nothing.

Plan D.Lastly, if Plan C fails, we have Plan D. It is not a plan in fact, it is just hope or a bet that immortality already exists somehow: perhaps there is quantum immortality, or perhaps future AI will bring us back to life.

The first three plans demand particular actions now: we need to prepare for all of them simultaneously. All of the plans will lead to the same result: our minds will be uploaded into a computer with help of highly developed AI.

Here's a visual summary of his "Immortality Roadmap."

Of course, as Turchin explained to Popular Mechanics [Paywalled], it would take a lot of energy to power a super intelligence of this scale, which is where the Dyson Sphere would come into play. Also, if we're being technical, this super intelligence wouldn't so much be resurrecting you as it would be making a copy of the data that is you. Tomayto, Tomahto.

A Dyson Sphere Could Bring Humans Back From the Dead, Researchers Say [Stav Dimitropoulos / Popular Mechanics]

Immortality Roadmap [Alexey Turchin]

Image: Public Domain via NASA

Read the original:

Scientist proposes new plan to "resurrect" the dead with a Dyson Sphere, kind of - Boing Boing

Values of the U.S. Transhumanist Party U.S …

The U.S. Transhumanist Party is focused onpolicyrather thanpoliticsas conventionally defined. We value initiatives and reforms that will improve the human condition for as many people as possible, with as much beneficial impact as possible and without regard for scoring political points or defeating the other side. We seek to achieve the next, greatest era of our civilization, which will require constructive solutions to the problems of our current era. All of these problems can be solved if we look away from the political trench warfare of today and up toward a far brighter future.

Ideal 1.The Transhumanist Party supports significant life extension achieved through the progress of science and technology.

Ideal 2.The Transhumanist Party supports a cultural, societal, and political atmosphere informed and animated by reason, science, and secular values.

Ideal 3.The Transhumanist Party supports efforts to use science, technology, and rational discourse to reduce and eliminate various existential risks to the human species.

Find the U.S. Transhumanist Party Platform as Article VI of our Constitution or in this standalone presentation. Below is just a selection of some of our key values and goals, as determined by votes of our members, but we have many other ideas as well, and we also frame the ideas below with a great deal of thought and detail.

Individual privacy and liberty over how to apply technology to ones personal life. [Article VI, Section I]

Tolerance and inclusivity of all individuals of all races, genders, classes, religions, creeds, national origins, and other characteristics.[Article VI, Section II]

Support of most technologies but opposition to certain detrimental technologies (e.g., weapons of mass destruction, privacy-infringing technologies, engineering of new pathogens).[Article VI, Section III]

Opposition to nuclear weapons, support of complete nuclear disarmament, even if unilateral.[Article VI, Section IV]

Support of research on eradicating disease.[Article VI, Section V]

Morphological freedom.[Article VI, Section VI]

Support of all values and efforts toward cultivation of science, technology, reason.[Article VI, Section VII]

Support of all emerging technologies that improve the human condition, including:

Autonomous vehicles

Electric vehicles

Economical solar power

Safe nuclear power


Geothermal power

Applications for the sharing of durable goods

Artificial intelligence




Rapid transit

3D printing

Vertical farming

Electronic devices to detect and respond to trauma

Beneficial genetic modification of plants, animals, and human beings[Article VI, Section IX]

Ending the drug war.[Article VI, Section XIV]

Reforming the prison system to reduce the incarcerated population.[Article VI, Section XV]

Universal Basic Income (UBI) not conditional on life circumstances, occupations, other income, or wealth.[Article VI, Section XVI]

Reasonable measures to fund space travel.[Article VI, Section XVII]

Using science and technology to eliminate disabilities.[Article VI, Section XVIII]

Ending the two-party duopoly.[Article VI, Section XIX]

Life extension / anti-aging.[Article VI, Sections V, VIII, IX]

Removal of barriers to medical research and deployment of treatments.[Article VI, Sections LXXIX, LXXX, LXXXI, LXXXII]

Reducing the national debt.[Article VI, Section XXXV]

Alternative sources of energy and their technological implementations. [Article VI, Section XXXVIII]

Increasing the budget of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).[Article VI, SectionLXXVII]

Support for political, economic, and cultural experimentation e.g., seasteads and micronations.[Article VI, SectionXXII]

Childrens rights proportional to their rational faculties. [Article VI, Sections XXIII, LXII]

Animal welfare (but not animal liberation). [Article VI, Section XXIV]

Opposition to intolerant, rights-violating, anti-technological, and compulsion-imposing doctrines, be they religious or secular.[Article VI, Sections XXV, XL, LXIII]

See original here:

Values of the U.S. Transhumanist Party U.S ...

Transhumanism Humanity+

What is transhumanism?

(1) The intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improving the human condition through applied reason, especially by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

(2) The study of the ramifications, promises, and potential dangers of technologies that will enable us to overcome fundamental human limitations, and the related study of the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies.

The Philosophy of Transhumanism

Transhumanist FAQ

Developed in the mid-1990s and published in 1998, the Transhumanist FAQ became a formal document through the inspirational work of transhumanists, including Alexander Chislenko, Max More, Anders Sandberg, Natasha Vita-More, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Arjen Kamphius, and many others. Over the years, this FAQ has been updated to provide a substantial account of transhumanism. Humanity+, also known as WTA, adopted the FAQ in 2001 and Nick Bostrom added substantial information about future scenarios. The Transhumanist FAQ 3.0, as revised by the continued efforts of many transhumanists.

The Transhumanist Manifesto

Written by Natasha Vita-More 1993 and revised in 1998 (v.2), 2008 (v.3), and 2020 (v.4), and based on the earliest manifesto Transhuman Statement, which was published in 1983.

The Transhumanist Declaration

Originally crafted in 1998 by an international group of authors: Doug Baily, Anders Sandberg, Gustavo Alves, Max More, Holger Wagner, Natasha Vita-More, Eugene Leitl, Bernie Staring, David Pearce, Bill Fantegrossi, den Otter, Ralf Fletcher, Tom Morrow, Alexander Chislenko, Lee Daniel Crocker, Darren Reynolds, Keith Elis, Thom Quinn, Mikhail Sverdlov, Arjen Kamphuis, Shane Spaulding, and Nick Bostrom. This Transhumanist Declaration has been modified over the years by several authors and organizations. It was adopted by the Humanity+ Board in March, 2009.

Visit link:

Transhumanism Humanity+

Another Year Without A Family Christmas? – newsconcerns

While lockdowns were supposed to be temporary initially just a couple of weeks to flatten the curve nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, theres no end in sight. Thanksgiving was once again canceled in many parts of the U.S., and many government leaders again urged residents to cancel their Christmas celebrations too. The latest Omicron mutation has given bureaucrats additional reasons to unleash their power and raise panic.

What many still dont realize is that the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has little to do with the spread of an actual virus, and everything to do with the planned global takeover and implementation of a technocratic agenda known as The Great Reset.

Universal mask mandates, social distancing, business shutdowns, online working and learning, and quarantining of asymptomatic individuals are all forms of soft indoctrination to get us used to an entirely new, and unfathomably inhumane, way of life devoid of our usual rights and freedoms.

Klaus Schwab is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. Schwab announced the World Economic Forums Great Reset Agenda in June 2020,1 which includes stripping people of their privately owned assets.

In addition to being a poster boy for technocracy, Schwab also has a strong transhumanist bend, and wrote the book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a hallmark of which is the merger of man and machine, biology and digital technology.2

According to Winter Oak a British nonprofit social justice organization Schwab and his globalist accomplices are using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will.

While the Great Reset plan is being sold as a way to make life fair and equitable for all, the required sacrifices do not apply to the technocrats running the system.

On the contrary, as noted by Patrick Wood in an interview with James Delingpole, the wealth distribution and circular economies promoted by the technocratic elite will never benefit the people, because what theyre really referring to is the redistribution of wealth from the people, to themselves.

Evidence of this can be seen in the decision to allow big box stores to remain open during the pandemic while forcing small businesses to close, no matter how small the infection risk.

Theres really no rhyme or reason for such a decision, other than to shift wealth away from small, private business owners to multinational corporations. More than half of all small business owners fear their businesses wont survive.3

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the collective wealth of 651 billionaires in the U.S. rose by more than $1 trillion (36%).4 To put their current wealth in perspective, not only did the number of billionaires in America swell to 745 during the pandemic, but their assets grew by $2.1 trillion.5

According to the online newsletter Inequality, The $5 trillion in wealth now held by 745 billionaires is two-thirds more than the $3 trillion in wealth held by the bottom 50 percent of U.S. households estimated by the Federal Reserve Board.

As noted by Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, Never before has America seen such an accumulation of wealth in so few hands.6

Thats technocratic wealth redistribution for you. Ultimately, The Great Reset will result in two tiers or people: the technocratic elite, who have all the power and rule over all assets, and the rest of humanity, who have no power, no assets and no voice.

That the COVID-19 pandemic is a form of class war is also evident in the way rules are enforced. While citizens are threatened with fines and arrest if they dont do as theyre told, those who lay down the rules repeatedly break them without repercussions.

If you need more evidence that were in the middle of a technocratic takeover, look no further than the mass vaccination agenda and the promotion of fake, lab-grown meat. Bill Gates, another frontline technocrat, has repeatedly stated that we have no choice but to vaccinate everyone against COVID-19.

Naturally, hes heavily invested in said vaccine and stands to gain handsomely from a global mass vaccination campaign. Technocrats are nothing if not self-serving, all while pretending to be do-gooders much like COVID Claus in our little video.

Eventually, your personal identification, medical records, finances and who knows what else will all be tied together and embedded somewhere on or in your body. Every possible aspect of your biology and life activities will be trackable 24/7. You will also be digitally tied into the internet of things, which eventually will include smart cities.

All the different parts of this giant population control grid fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The global vaccination agenda ties into the biometric identity agenda, which ties into the cashless society agenda, which ties into the social credit system agenda, which ties into the social engineering agenda and so on.

When you follow this experiment to its ultimate conclusion, you find all of humanity enslaved within a digitized prison with no way out. Those who rebel will simply have their digital-everything restricted or shut down.

The rise of fake, lab-grown meat is a puzzle piece of The Great Reset agenda too. According to the World Economic Forum, lab-grown, cultured meat is a more sustainable alternative to conventional livestock, and in the future, well all be eating a lot less meat. As noted on its website:7

As the world looks to reset its economy, along with food systems, in a cleaner way post-pandemic, one more sustainable solution coming to fruition is cultured meat Cultured meat takes much less time to grow, uses fewer of the planets resources, and no animals are slaughtered.

But dont think for a second that this has anything to do with environmental protection. No, its about controlling the food supply and preventing food independence.

Already, multinational corporations have taken over a majority of the global food supply with their patented genetically engineered seeds. Patented cultured meats and seafood will allow private companies to control the food supply in its entirety, and by controlling the food supply, they will control countries and entire populations.

Public health will undoubtedly suffer from this dietary switch, as canola and safflower oil8 are primary sources of fat in these fake meat concoctions. Vegetable oils are loaded with linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fat that, in excess, acts as a metabolic poison, causing severe mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance, decreased NAD+ levels, obesity and a radical decrease in your ability to generate cellular energy.

Our LA consumption 150 years ago was between 2 and 3 grams per day. Today it is 10 to 20 times higher. If fake meat becomes a staple, the average LA intake is bound to increase even further.

The Great Reset is well underway, but its not yet too late to stop it. Enough people have to see it and understand it, though. And then they must act. If we want to prevent The Great Reset from destroying life as we know it, we must view civil disobedience as a duty. We must resist it from every angle.

We must reclaim our sovereignty, our right to live free, to open our businesses and move about freely. We must communicate with our elected leaders and demand they not infringe on our constitutional rights. We have to engage in political processes and help educate our local sheriffs of their role as defenders of the constitution. We may also need to support legal challenges.

A small step in the right direction that you can take right now would be to celebrate Christmas like you normally would this week, and not allow the Klaus Schwabs and Bill Gateses of the world rob you of valuable time with family and friends.

There are no guarantees in this life, and for many, this will be their last Christmas. So, spend it well. Cherish life by actually living it and spending it with those you love. Refusing to give up our humanity is how we resist The Great Reset.

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Another Year Without A Family Christmas? - newsconcerns

What will England be like 900 years in the future? Paul Kingsnorth offers an answer –

When the apocalypse comes, popular literary imagination has it that what will remain of mankind will be a linguistically challenged tribe of outlaws eking out what existence they can amid the wreckage of ecological collapse. Such is the Riddley Walker-style scenario that begins Paul Kingsnorths new novel, the third in his loose trilogy set in East Anglia that imagines how man might respond to violent or alienating social upheaval at discrete points in English history.

The 2014 Booker-longlisted The Wake was set during the Norman Conquests, while 2016s novella Beast inhabited, Pincher Martin-style, the disintegrating consciousness of a 21st-century man living in haunted self-exile from the aggressions of modernity. Alexandria, meanwhile, takes place nine hunnerd years in the future where, its no surprise to be told, the breakin, buildin, burnin of man has left civilisation and the natural world in a bad way. The only people left alive are seven members of the Nitrian Order, who have rejected the old destructive materialism in favour of a back-to-nature way of life in the Fens in accordance with the paganish creeds of their deity, Lady.

Their fragile existence, though, is under threat. In the woods lurks the Stalker, a hooded, engineered metahuman emissary of Wayland, which, we are invited to assume, is an all-powerful AI invented long ago by man, and who controls a transhumanist utopia called Alexandria. Every other member of the human race has uploaded themselves to Alexandria, where they can keep growing, keep exploring in blissful, incorporeal perpetuity. Known as K, the Stalker is determined to persuade the last remaining Nitrians, as they pick plastic out of the clay and talk to the birds, that their faith in the truth of the body and the land, a faith that feels as old as England itself, is false and that salvation is only to be found in an eternal digital enlightenment. Yet the Nitrians, who consider Wayland the enemy machine, have received a sign. Their oldest member, yrvidian, has dreamt of swans. And when the swans return, Alexandria will fall.

Regular readers of Kingsnorth will know that the principal challenge and pleasure of his fiction is his use of invented first person narrative voices that point up the intimate relationship between language and selfhood, although his dialect is becoming more simple (and less invigorating) with each passing novel. His human characters here, who narrate alternate chapters and who consist of a married couple and their young daughter el, a lusty young chap called Lorenso, plus Mother, father and old yrvidian, speak in a minimalist, stumpy present tense that dispenses with articles and conventional capitalisation (we come to Land at dusk) and has an erratic dislike of the letter G. Their elemental language is a sort of rag-tag dream poetry littered with classical allusions, bits of Arthurian legend and echoes of early Christianity that hark back to a romanticised, fabled, ancient rural England, and some of it is mysteriously beautiful. outside Sun comin down, says mother. day is green like birth.

Some of it, though, is wincingly po-faced. Theres a lot of portentous talk of the i am woman. i am blood variety. More fundamental a problem is that Kingsnorths didactic message is in competition with his formidable imagination. Its hard not to see K who at times is oddly the most human character here, with an unexpected sense of humour as both an avatar of the encroaching hi-tech omnipotence Kingsnorth is writing against and a mouthpiece for his own beliefs, which he has detailed extensively as a member of the radical writerss eco collective Dark Mountain.

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What will England be like 900 years in the future? Paul Kingsnorth offers an answer -

U.S. Transhumanist Party Official Website U.S …

About Charlie KamAbout Liz ParrishMedia Appearances by Charlie Kam and Liz ParrishMedia Appearances by Charlie KamMedia Appearances by Liz ParrishWhere and How to Write In Charlie KamWhy Vote Transhumanist in 2020?

On June 11, 2020, the United States Transhumanist Party (USTP) has endorsed Charlie Kam to run for the office of President of the United States in the 2020 General Election. Mr. Kam was the USTPs endorsed Vice-Presidential candidate from October 5, 2019, through June 11, 2020. By the rules of succession, and as confirmed by the USTP Officers, Mr. Kam has been endorsed to carry the USTP Presidential ticket forward for the remainder of the 2020 election season.

Charlie Kamis CEO of a software company that creates interactive, life-like, digital, avatars of humans.

He was the sponsor, organizer, and Master of Ceremonies of the highly successful 3-day TransVision 2007 conference, bringing together over 30 scientists and celebrities from around the world to the Natural History Museum of Chicago to present and discuss technologies that interact with humans for a better future. The event included celebrity icon William Shatner; Director of Engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil; Emmy-nominated and award-winning actor Ed Begley Jr; Founder of Sirius Satellite Radio and United Pharmaceuticals, Martine Rothblatt; Founder of the X PRIZE Foundation, and Zero-Gravity Corporation, Peter Diamandis; Robotics designer, David Hanson; Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation, Aubrey de Grey; CEO of the Alcor Foundation, Max More; Chairperson of Humanity+, Natasha Vita-More; Award-winning author and MIT Cognitive Scientist, Marvin Minsky; Founder of the Future of Humanity Institute, Nick Bostrom; and many others. It was at this conference where the idea for the Singularity University was first conceived by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis. It was also where Martine Rothblatt met with David Hanson and went on to create the worlds first interactive sentient robot, BINA48.

Charlie was one of the executive producers of the film about Ray Kurzweil,Transcendent Man.

He has also composed and sang many futuristic songs, some of which have been featured in films, including the aforementionedTranscendent Manand the docu-dramaThe Singularity Is Near, starring Pauley Perrette.

He has created many music videos for his songs about life-extension, including his most famous one, I Am the Very Model of A Singularitarian, which is based on Ray Kurzweils book,The Singularity Is Near.

Recently, he has been working with Ray Kurzweil promoting Rays latest bookDanielleand will be helping to promote Rays upcoming book,The Singularity Is Nearer, in 2020.

On August 21, 2020, Charlie Kam announced his selection of Elizabeth (Liz) Parrish as his Vice-Presidential running mate.

Remarking on his selection, Charlie Kam stated, Elizabeth (Liz) is the embodiment of what it means to be a Transhumanist. She is the Founder and CEO of BioViva, a company committed to extending healthy lifespans using cell technologies. Liz is a humanitarian, entrepreneur, innovator, podcaster, and a leading voice for genetic cures. As a strong proponent of progress and education for the advancement of regenerative medicine modalities, she serves as a motivational speaker to the public at large for the life sciences. She is actively involved in international educational media outreach. Along with all of that, Liz is a good friend whom Ive known for years, and I look forward to campaigning together to promote the ideas and values of the USTP!

USTP Chairman Gennady Stolyarov II remarked that The U.S. Transhumanist Party is honored to be represented by such an articulate, passionate, and intrepid advocate of longevity and medical science as Liz Parrish. Liz Parrish is one of the worlds leading proponents for the development of gene therapies to treat a variety of diseases, including biological aging. Anyone who follows the field of rejuvenation biotechnology knows that, in 2015, Liz Parrish became the first human to receive a combination gene therapy as patient zero in her own experiment. This was an immensely courageous decision which showed leadership by example, led to greatly enhanced public awareness, and inspired many to advocate for this burgeoning field of research and human benefit. Liz Parrish speaks powerfully about the imperative to cure diseases and minimize the horrific suffering that many from children to the elderly undergo today because of various common and rare ailments. Her voice and energy will be tremendous assets to the Charlie Kam campaign and to the USTP as we spread the essential message of the feasibility and desirability of significant life extension during our lifetimes and cultivate public awareness and support for the policies and projects that could get us there.

Liz Parrish is involved in numerous organizations and projects in addition to her role at BioViva. She is the Advocacy Advisor to the USTP and a founding member of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA). She is an affiliated member of the Complex Biological Systems Alliance (CBSA), which is a unique platform for Mensa-based, highly gifted persons who advance scientific discourse and discovery. The mission of the CBSA is to further scientific understanding of biological complexity and the nature and origins of human disease. Liz Parrish is the founder of BioTrove Investments LLC and the BioTrove Podcasts, which is committed to offering a meaningful way for people to learn about and fund research in regenerative medicine.

Commenting on her new role as the Vice-Presidential candidate endorsed by the USTP, Liz Parrish stated, I believe now is the right time in human history to further the transhumanist mission. Our planet, our species, and the survival of all other species are in our hands now. People are tired of division and divisiveness. Humans must convene, start a new conversation, and work toward bettering our condition and that of our planet through the transhumanist mission.

The USTP looks forward to numerous opportunities to inform, educate, and galvanize the public in the United States and the world through the Kam-Parrish 2020 U.S. Presidential ticket. Any individual in the world who is capable of forming a political opinion and who agrees with the threeCore Idealsof the USTP is welcome tojoin the USTP as a memberfor free.

During the next ten weeks, Charlie Kam and Liz Parrish will show the world that a better future, and a better approach to political discourse, are possible and are on the horizon. They will also bring attention to the technologies and policies that will enable as many people as possible to live to see that future, remarked Chairman Stolyarov. Supporting the Kam-Parrish 2020 ticket is the prudent, foresighted choice for those who wish for the transhumanist vision and values to become an everyday reality for all.

Watch the first joint interview of Charlie Kam and Liz Parrish after the announcement of the Kam-Parrish 2020 U.S. Presidential campaign ticket with the U.S. Transhumanist Party. Dr. Sharif Uddin Ahmed Rana of the World Talent Economy Forum focused the discussion on the influence of transhumanist politics in the United States and the broader implications for forging ties with the international community. This interview took place on September 3, 2020, and is available to watch on the World Talent Economy Forum YouTube channel.

The Kam-Parrish 2020 ticket represents a new, longer-range approach toward politics focused on life-extension advocacy, scientific reasoning, education, and uplifting the quality of life of as many people as possible by helping them to realize the tremendous meaning and potential that science, technology, and material progress have made available all around them. Watch and be empowered to live your best life and elevate others!

Charlie Kams Remarks at London Futurists Panel June 20, 2020

Charlie Kam, the 2020 U.S. Presidential nominee endorsed by the U.S. Transhumanist Party, provided these remarks to the London Futurists on June 20, 2020, at a panel discussion entitled Politics for Greater Liberty: Transhumanist Perspectives, moderated by David Wood. The full recording of that panel is available here. This is a compilation of highlights from Mr. Kams comments, including his discussion of his background and interest in transhumanism, as well as the areas of emphasis of his campaign, including a focus on education, life extension, and innovative policy solutions such as universal basic income.

Daily Express Article: Trump challenged by radical presidential candidate hoping to REVERSE ageing by James Bickerton, published on July 6, 2020

Excerpt: Donald Trumpis facing a presidential challenge in November from a radical candidate who wants humans to use technology to end and even reverse the ageing process, resulting in greatly extended lifespans.

Running for U.S. President as a Transhumanist Interview with Charlie Kam by James Bickerton of FutureSnaps

Description by James Bickerton of FutureSnaps: I interview Charlie Kam, the U.S. Transhumanist Presidential candidate for 2020. We discuss the strategy of the U.S. Transhumanist Party, how transhumanists should engage with politics, why radical life extension in particular excites him, and what a pro-transhumanist Government might look like. Watch the interview on the FutureSnaps channel here.

Interview with Charlie Kam by Steele Archer of the Archer Report

On July 27, 2020, Steele Archer, host of the Archer Report, interviewed Charlie Kam regarding his 2020 campaign for President of the United States under the banner of the U.S. Transhumanist Party. Watch the interview on the Archer Report here.

Charlie Kam: Transhumanism, Universal Basic Income, and Singularity Interview by Greg Mustreader

Watch this interview on Greg Mustreaders YouTube channel here.

Transhumanist Politics in the United States Interview with Charlie Kam, Gennady Stolyarov II, and Daniel Yeluashvili by Dr. Sharif Uddin Ahmed Rana of the World Talent Economy Forum

Watch this interview on the World Talent Economy YouTube channel here.

Interview with Charlie Kam by Eddie Avil of the CHANGE I M POSSIBLE Podcast

Watch this interview on the CHANGE I M POSSIBLE YouTube channel here.

Liz Parrish on Fighting Aging as a Major Policy Priority September 6, 2020

Elizabeth Parrish (Liz Parrish), the U.S. Transhumanist Partys endorsed 2020 U.S. Vice-Presidential candidate, answers a question about how fighting biological aging can be made into a major policy priority in the United States. Watch the video of her answer here.

This discussion transpired at the U.S. Transhumanist Party Virtual Enlightenment Salon of September 6, 2020, featuring Liz Parrish alongside Presidential Candidate Charlie Kam and the U.S. Transhumanist Party Officers. Watch the complete Virtual Enlightenment Salon here.

Support the U.S. Transhumanist Partys Endorsed Kam-Parrish 2020 Campaign! Write Them In!

The United States Transhumanist Party (USTP) offers this guidance to its members and to other interested persons among the general public who wish to support the USTP-endorsed ticket of Charlie Kam for President of the United States and Elizabeth (Liz) Parrish for Vice-President of the United States.

Because the Republican-Democratic duopoly set up formidable petition-signature barriers to ballot access, and then effectively prohibited the gathering of petition signatures during the COVID-19 lockdowns, the USTP considers the ballot-access process to be rigged and fundamentally unjust. Besides, the USTP could not, in good conscience, risk the safety and health of its valued volunteers in order to gather in-person petition signatures during a deadly pandemic. We are, after all, a party that prioritizes healthy life extension. Instead the USTP encourages as many U.S. registered voters as possible to write in Charlie Kam and Liz Parrish in every state where write-in options exist pursuant to law.

Find your state among the five categories listed on the map below. If you support the Kam-Parrish 2020 ticket, you are then encouraged to follow the guidance pertaining to that category of states.

During the 2021-2024 time period, the USTP hopes to collaborate with other alternative political parties and advocacy organizations to lower as many barriers to ballot access as possible, in as many jurisdictions as possible.

States That Allow Automatic Write-In Access and Do Not Limit Ballot Pictures

States That Allow Automatic Write-In Access But Prohibit Ballot Pictures

States That Allow Write-In Candidates and Do Not Limit Ballot Pictures But We Need to Count the Votes

States That Allow Write-In Candidates But Prohibit Ballot Pictures But We Still Need to Count the Votes

States That Disallow Write-In Candidates

Why Vote Transhumanist in 2020?

Iowa, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wyoming

Actions Recommended:Write in Charlie Kam as your Presidential candidate of choice. If there is space for a Vice-Presidential candidate, write in Elizabeth Parrish.

E-mail us a picture of your marked ballot or simply let us know that you voted for Charlie Kam. Send your e-mail

These states will probably count your vote, but we want to count your vote as well and do it sooner! Also, we have no guarantee that these states will publish known vote totals for write-in candidates, but we certainly will.

Alabama, New Jersey

Actions Recommended:Write in Charlie Kam as your Presidential candidate of choice. If there is space for a Vice-Presidential candidate, write in Elizabeth Parrish.

E-mail us to let us know that you voted for Charlie Kam. Send your e-mail

However, please donotsend pictures of marked ballots.

These states will probably count your vote, but we want to count your vote as well and do it sooner! Also, we have no guarantee that these states will publish known vote totals for write-in candidates, but we certainly will.

These states unfortunately prohibit ballot selfies or pictures of marked ballots, so please onlytellus that you voted for Charlie Kam but do not send us actual pictures. We will believe you and count your vote.

Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia

Actions Recommended:Write in Charlie Kam as your Presidential candidate of choice. If there is space for a Vice-Presidential candidate, write in Elizabeth Parrish.

E-mail us a picture of your marked ballot or simply let us know that you voted for Charlie Kam. This will be important to ensure that your vote is counted, because the state will likely not publish the official totals.

Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Wisconsin

Actions Recommended:Write in Charlie Kam as your Presidential candidate of choice. If there is space for a Vice-Presidential candidate, write in Elizabeth Parrish.

E-mail us to let us know that you voted for Charlie Kam. However, please donotsend pictures of marked ballots.

E-mailing us to simply let us know you voted is highly encouraged, since this will be important to ensure that your vote is counted, because the state will likely not publish the official totals.

Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota

Actions Recommended:Vote your conscience for the candidate / ticket appearing on the ballot whom you most prefer.

The above nine states above unfortunately disallow write-in candidates altogether, and therefore you would not have the option to write in Charlie Kam for President. The U.S. Transhumanist Party encourages you to vote your conscience based on which of the other candidates on the ballot would most closely reflect your personal views and policy preferences.

Note that the Libertarian Party ticket ofJo Jorgensen and Spike Cohenis on the ballot in all 50 states. Spike Cohen has been gracious in engaging with the U.S. Transhumanist Party and articulating many shared goals in the USTPVirtual Enlightenment Salonof September 13, 2020. Jo Jorgensen participated in theFree and Equal Elections Foundation Open Presidential Debate, co-sponsored by USTP Chairman Gennady Stolyarov II, in Chicago on March 4, 2020.

The Green Party ticket ofHowie Hawkinsand Angela Walker is on the ballot in Arkansas, Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, and South Carolina. Howie Hawkins participated in theFree and Equal Elections Foundation Open Presidential Debate, co-sponsored by USTP Chairman Gennady Stolyarov II, in Chicago on March 4, 2020.

The American Solidarity Party ticket ofBrian Carroll and Amar Patelis on the ballot in Mississippi. Brian Carroll participated in theFree and Equal Elections Foundation Open Presidential Debate, co-sponsored by USTP Chairman Gennady Stolyarov II, in Chicago on March 4, 2020.

In case you need additional persuasion to write in Charlie Kam and support the Kam-Parrish ticket, here are some basic reasons.

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U.S. Transhumanist Party Official Website U.S ...

Transhumanist Party – Wikipedia

This article is about the political party in the United States. For political parties with the same name in other countries, see Transhumanist politics.

The Transhumanist Party is a political party in the United States. The party's platform is based on the ideas and principles of transhumanist politics, i.e., human enhancement, human rights, science, life extension, and technological progress.[3][4][5]

The Transhumanist Party was founded in 2014 by Zoltan Istvan. Istvan became the first political candidate to run for office under the banner of the Transhumanist Party when he announced his candidacy for President of the United States in the United States presidential election of 2016.[4] The Transhumanist Party has been featured or mentioned in many major media sites, including the National Review,[6] Business Insider,[7] Extreme Tech, Vice,[8] Wired,[9] The Telegraph, The Huffington Post,[4] The Joe Rogan Experience,[10] Heise Online,[11] Gizmodo,[12] and Reason.[13] Political scientist Roland Benedikter said the formation of the Transhumanist Party in the USA was one of three reasons transhumanism entered into the mainstream in 2014, creating "a new level of public visibility and potential impact."[14]

Following the end of the 2016 presidential election, after Zoltan's 2016 presidential campaign was completed, Gennady Stolyarov II became the Chairman of the party and the organisation was restructured. Under Chairman Stolyarov, the party adopted a new Constitution,[15] which included three immutable Core Ideals in Article I, Section I:[16]

New positions were founded, including Pavel Ilin became Secretary, Dinorah Delfin Director of Admissions and Public Relations, Arin Vahanian as Director of Marketing, Sean Singh as Director of Applied Innovation, Brent Reitze as Director of Publication, Franco Cortese as Director of Scholarship, and B.J. Murphy as Director of Social Media.[17] Restructured advisor positions included Zoltan Istvan as Political and Media Advisor, Bill Andrews as Biotechnology Advisor, Jose Cordeiro as Technology Advisor, Newton Lee as Education and Media Advisor, Keith Comito as Crowdfunding Advisor, Aubrey de Grey as Anti-Aging Advisor, Rich Lee as Biohacking Advisor, Katie King as Media Advisor, Ira Pastor as Regeneration Advisor, Giovanni Santostasi as Regeneration Advisor, Elizabeth Parrish as Advocacy Advisor, and Paul Spiegel as Legal Advisor.

The U.S. Transhumanist Party held six Platform votes during January, February, March, May, June, and November 2017, on the basis of which 82 Platform planks were adopted.[18] The U.S. Transhumanist Party holds votes of its members electronically and is the first political party in the United States to use ranked-preference voting method with instant runoffs in its internal ballots.[19]

In May 2018 the New York Times reported the U.S. Transhumanist Party as having 880 members.[20] On July 7, 2018, the U.S. Transhumanist Party reached 1,000 members and released a demographic analysis of its membership.[1] This analysis showed that 704 members, or 70.4%, were eligible to vote in the United States, whereas 296 or 29.6% were allied members.

During this time, the Transhumanist Party hosted several expert discussion panels, on subjects including artificial intelligence,[21] life extension,[22] art and transhumanism,[23] and cryptocurrencies.[24] Chairman Stolyarov has also hosted in-person Enlightenment Salons, which were aimed at cross-disciplinary discussion of transhumanist and life-extensionist ideas under the auspices of the U.S. Transhumanist Party.[25][26][27]

On August 11, 2017, at the RAAD Fest 2017 conference in San Diego, California, Chairman Stolyarov gave an address entitled "The U.S. Transhumanist Party: Pursuing a Peaceful Political Revolution for Longevity", which provided an overview of the U.S. Transhumanist Party's key principles and objectives.[28] In October 2017 Hank Pellissier founded the "Transhuman Party" following a trademark dispute with Zoltan Istvan's continued ownership of the 'Transhumanist Party' trademark. In response to Pellissier, the U.S. Transhumanist Party published its FAQ, where a significant portion was devoted to explaining the history of the U.S. Transhumanist Party, its current interactions with Zoltan Istvan and the scope of his involvement, and the reasons for his continued ownership of the 'Transhumanist Party' trademark.[29] The Transhuman Party became defunct in late 2017 due to lack of activity and its domain name and Facebook page were acquired by the US Transhumanist Party.[2]

By September 2017 the Party had appointed a number of international ambassadors, from Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Egypt, England, Hong Kong, India, Nigeria, and Scotland.[30] On November 9, 2017, in a virtual presentation at the TransVision 2017 conference in Brussels, Belgium, Chairman Stolyarov gave an overview of the U.S. Transhumanist Party's achievements in 2017 and future aspirations.[31] On March 31, 2018 Chairman Stolyarov was interviewed by Nikola Danaylov, a.k.a. Socrates, of Singularity.FM during a three-hour session, the longest of all of Danaylov's interviews.[32]

The Transhumanist Party presidential primary attracted media attention from BioEdge[33] and the Milwaukee Record.[34] While some media outlets reported Zoltan Istvan was considering running again,[35] ultimately he did not join the party's primary. After a protracted primary process with nine candidates, featuring numerous debates,[36] Johannon Ben Zion was elected as the party's nominee. After winning the primary, Ben Zion gave his acceptance speech at RAAD Fest 2019 in Las Vegas.[37] and filed with the FEC.[38] Shortly thereafter, film producer, entrepreneur, and longevity organizer Charlie Kam became Ben Zion's running mate. On October 19, 2019, Ben Zion spoke to the DC Transhumanists meetup in Arlington, VA.[39] On November 3, 2019 he spoke at the Foresight Institute's Vision Weekend Event in San Francisco. On November 24, 2019 he spoke to undergraduates at Princeton University as part of the Princeton Envision conference.[40] On March 4, 2020, Ben Zion participated in the Free & Equal Elections Foundation's Open Presidential debate in Chicago, Illinois.[41] Zoltan Istvan also participated in the debate, running as a Republican.[42]

On June 12, 2020, it was announced that Ben Zion had left the Transhumanist Party, with him declaring that his belief in Techno-progressivism was incompatible with the party, and that he would instead be pursuing a run for the Reform Party nomination. Kam was declared the replacement presidential nominee.[43][44] In June 2020 Charlie Kam participated in a panel with London Futurists and in July 2020 his campaign received press coverage in the Daily Express.[45] On August 21, 2020, Kam announced his selection of Elizabeth (Liz) Parrish as his Vice-Presidential running mate.[46]

A core tenet of the USTP platform is that more funding is needed for research into human life extension research and research to reduce existential risk. More generally, the goal is to raise awareness among the general public about how technologies can enhance the human species.[18][48] Democratic transhumanists and libertarian transhumanists tend to be in disagreement over the role of government in society, but both agree that laws should not encumber technological human progress.[49]

The Transhumanist Party platform promotes national and global prosperity by sharing technologies and creating enterprises to lift people and nations out of poverty, war, and injustice.[50][51] The Transhumanist Party also supports LGBT rights, drug legalization, and sex work legalization. The party seeks to fully subsidize university-level education while also working to "create a cultural mindset in America that embracing and producing radical technology and science is in the best interest of our nation and species."[4][52]

In terms of foreign policy and national defense, the party wants to reduce the amount of money spent on foreign wars and use the money domestically.[3] The party also advocates managing and preparing for existential risks, completely eliminating dangerous diseases, and proactively guarding against abuses of technology, such as nanotechnology, synthetic viruses, and artificial intelligence.[3][4]

The various policy points of the US Transhumanist Party's platform have attracted both praise and criticism from sociologist Steve Fuller. For example, Fuller has praised the centrality of morphological freedom in the US Transhumanist Party's bill of rights,[53] but on the other hand he has also written that the party is too critical of the US Department of Defense, which he argues could be an ally for some transhumanist initiatives such as human enhancement and existential risk reduction.[54] In 2018 the party as a whole was reviewed favorably as an example of a successful "niche" party by Krisztian Szabados, a director at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University.[55]

The Transhumanist Party in Europe is the umbrella organization that supports the national level transhumanist parties in Europe by developing unified policies and goals for the continent.[56][57] Among them is the UK Transhumanist Party, which was founded in January 2015.[58][59][60] In October 2015, Amon Twyman, the party's leader at the time, published a blog post distancing the UK party from Zoltan Istvan's campaign.[61]

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Transhumanist Party - Wikipedia

A New Generation of Transhumanists Is Emerging | HuffPost

A new generation of transhumanists is emerging. You can feel it in handshakes at transhumanist meet-ups. You can see it when checking in to transhumanist groups in social media. You can read it in the hundreds of transhumanist-themed blogs. This is not the same bunch of older, mostly male academics that have slowly moved the movement forward during the last few decades. This is a dynamic group of younger people from varying backgrounds: Asians, Blacks, Middle Easterners, Caucasians, and Latinos. Many are females, some are LGBT, and others have disabilities. Many are atheist, while others are spiritual or even formally religious. Their politics run the gamut, from liberals to conservatives to anarchists. Their professions vary widely, from artists to physical laborers to programmers. Whatever their background, preferences, or professions, they have recently tripled the population of transhumanists in just the last 12 months.

"Three years ago, we had only around 400 members, but today we have over 10,000 members," says Amanda Stoel, co-founder and chief administrator of Facebook group Singularity Network, one of the largest of hundreds of transhumanist-themed groups on the web.

Transhumanism is becoming so popular that even the comic strip Dilbert, which appears online and in 2000 newspapers, recently made jokes about it.

Despite its growing popularity, many people around the world still don't know what "transhuman" means. Transhuman literally means beyond human. Transhumanists consist of life extensionists, techno-optimists, Singularitarians, biohackers, roboticists, AI proponents, and futurists who embrace radical science and technology to improve the human condition. The most important aim for many transhumanists is to overcome human mortality, a goal some believe is achievable by 2045.

Transhumanism has been around for nearly 30 years and was first heavily influenced by science fiction. Today, transhumanism is increasingly being influenced by actual science and technological innovation, much of it being created by people under the age of 40. It's also become a very international movement, with many formal groups in dozens of countries.

Despite the movement's growth, its potential is being challenged by some older transhumanists who snub the younger generation and their ideas. These old-school futurists dismiss activist philosophies and radicalism, and even prefer some younger writers and speakers not have their voices heard. Additionally, transhumanism's Wikipedia page -- the most viewed online document of the movement -- is protected by a vigilant posse, deleting additions or changes that don't support a bland academic view of transhumanism.

Inevitably, this Wikipedia page misses the vibrancy and happenings of the burgeoning movement. The real status and information of transhumanism and its philosophies can be found in public transhumanist gatherings and festivities, in popular student groups like the Stanford University Transhumanist Association, and in social media where tens of thousands of scientists and technologists hang out and discuss the transhuman future.

Jet-setting personality Maria Konovalenko, a 29-year-old Russian molecular biophysicist whose public demonstrations supporting radical life extension have made international news, is a prime example.

"We must do more for transhumanism and life extension," says Konovalenko, who serves as vice president of Moscow-based Science for Life Extension Foundation. "This is our lives and our futures we're talking about. To sit back and and just watch the 21st Century roll by will not accomplish our goals. We must take our message to the people in the streets and strive to make real change."

Transhumanist celebrities like Konovalenko are changing the way the movement gets its message across to the public. Gauging by the rapidly increasing number of transhumanists, it's working.

A primary goal of many transhumanists is to convince the public that embracing radical technology and science is in the species' best interest. In a mostly religious world where much of society still believes in heavenly afterlives, some people are skeptical about whether significantly extending human lifespans is philosophically and morally correct. Transhumanists believe the more people that support transhumanism, the more private and government resources will end up in the hands of organizations and companies that aim to improve human lives and bring mortality to an end.

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A New Generation of Transhumanists Is Emerging | HuffPost

Jamia Hamdard organised an International Webinar on STATUS OF SMART CITIES IN THE GLOBAL SCENARIO amidst the Coronavirus outbreak – India Education…

New Delhi: Jamia Hamdard organised an International Webinar on STATUS OF SMART CITIES IN THE GLOBAL SCENARIO amidst the Coronavirus outbreak following the norms of social-distancing. The webinar provide a platform for interactions among the extremely renowned & esteemed Doctors, Directors, Professors, AI experts from the worlds reputed Universities & research institutions towards the break through scientific discoveries & solutions for the need of the hour.The event was held under the patronage of Honble Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Seyed Ehtesham Hasnain, Honble Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. Ahmed Kamal. Our eminent Chairman of the event was none other than Honble Dean, Professor M. Afshar Alam.

Esteemed personalities mainly Dr. Parvez Hayat, IPS, Ex-DGP, Jharkhand Police, Mr. Tarun Singhal, VP-Engineering, Hughes Systique , Mr. Saba Akhtar, Senior Technical Director, NIC , , Prof. (Dr.) Gulsun Kurubacak, Anadolu University, Turkey, Dr. Supavadee Aramwith, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Dr. Charru Malhotra, E-government & ICT, IIPA, New Delhi, India participated as invited speakers and gave an insightful lecture on the current prevailing situation.

The coordinators of the event were Dr. Parul Agarwal, Dr. Tabrez Nafees, Mr. Tabish Mufti, Ms. Richa Gupta and Ms. Pooja Gupta.

There were around 400 participants from all over India & abroad which includes participants from Morocco, Kuwait, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Pakistan, and Philippines. A few alumnus and participations from IIM, IIT, BHU, AMU, JNU, were also witnessed.The webinar was commenced by Dr. Parul Agarwal (event coordinator) by providing an extended warm welcome where she gave an introduction of Smart Cities and how it can be of great help in the current scenario.Dean, SEST, Jamia Hamdard Professor, M. Afshar Alam discussed about Smart city by highlighting urban area which uses different means of electronic Internet of things sensors to collect data and then use insights gained from that data to manage assets, resources and services efficiently, in return using data to better improve the operations across the city.(Dr.) Parvez Hayat, (IPS, Ex-DGP, Jharkhand Police)Dr. Parvez Hayat talked about the design and infrastructural requirements of smart cities. He referred to the first model smart city, the Barcelona model from 90s and also stressed on the use of Machine learning and Artificial intelligence which is being used in modern smart cities to solve problems like water leakage, food management and e-waste management. The uses of ICT, IoT, 5G network etc., are some common features of smart cities. Disaster detection, monitoring and threat detectors are integrated inbuilt technologies of the citizen centric approach of smart city cultures.

Mr. Tarun Singhal, VP-Engineering, Hughes SystiqueMr. Tarun Singhal, discussed the exponential growth in IoT devices within the last 20 years to a whopping 30 million due to the smart cities development. IoT is used in solutions catering to waste management, water management, energy management and mobility tracking systems. He talked about some major components of smart cities as the use of digital platforms like multi-cloud system, Traffic congestion management and smart lighting solutions and smart parking solutions. He highlighted the fact that application of IoT in traffic management can reduce approx. 26% of travel time. Mr. Singhal also discussed times series modelling based on ARIMA model, a model which helps in finding the shortest path.Mr. Saba Akhtar, Senior Technical Director, NIC.Mr.Saba Akhtars address dealt with smart education environments and eco-systems which constitutes online trainings and learning. These smart educational eco-systems function around central portal management and personalization, smart business process management and research and innovation. He also threw some light on smart educational solutions which features enhanced and interactive learning experience, access to online resources etc. These smart solutions have resulted in a generation of smart learners who have comprehensive abilities and seek the available technological support from personalized expertise and knowledge.

(Dr.) Prof. (Dr.) Gulsun Kurubacak, Anadolu University, TurkeyProf. Dr. Gulsun Kurubacak, is an Associate Professor at Anadolu University, Turkey. She deals with communication problems with critical pedagogy and helps in improving learner critical thinking skills through project based online learning. In todays webinar she presented her ideas on becoming smart citizens before having smart cities. She emphasized on importance on online education and certification, collaborating on research network and partnerships in this era of COVID-19. To have a concrete foundation for smart cities, it is important to have a change in technological infrastructure, have dynamic and interactive government structure and a lifelong learning attitude. To have smart cities, it is important to implement sustainable goals as suggested by her.

(Dr.) Prof. (Dr.) Supavadee Aramwith, Chulalongkorn University, ThailandShe talked about Sustainable Development Scenario for Smart Cities in the Transhumanist Era. Goals and Various stages of smart city development and numerous examples were cited of smart cities where she gave a well-illustrated presentation.

(Dr.) Charru Malhotra, E-government & ICT, IIPA, New Delhi ,IndiaDr. Charru Malhotra, Associate Professor, E-gov & ICT, at Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, India talked about Governments smart city program, Using ICTs for delivery of smart services like smart governance, smart security system etc, and also shared views on why it is vital to adopt a citizen-centric approach. Talked about the ways and methodology to be adopted for smart city development talked about the affordable aspect of smart city.

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Jamia Hamdard organised an International Webinar on STATUS OF SMART CITIES IN THE GLOBAL SCENARIO amidst the Coronavirus outbreak - India Education...