Illuminati Science EXPOSED Genetic Engineering, Cloning, DNA Manipulation, Transhumanism – Video

Illuminati Science EXPOSED Genetic Engineering, Cloning, DNA Manipulation, Transhumanism
The elite are developing technology and sciences to be able to be like God. They are looking to have the same creative power as God and be able to create life. In this video I expose the plans...

By: TheVigilantChristian

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Illuminati Science EXPOSED Genetic Engineering, Cloning, DNA Manipulation, Transhumanism - Video

Intrepid biohacker gives himself infrared night vision, but at what price?

According to the World War II-era nautical lore, the Navy wanted sailors that could see IR signals. To this end volunteers were fed a diet that was missing the form of vitamin A normally used to make photopigments for our visual system. They were instead given supplements of an alternate form of the vitamin that gave sensitivity into the IR spectrum. While invention of the sniperscope brought these dubious experiments to a premature close, a group of biohackers has been inspired to pick up right where the early transhumanist pioneers left off.

Eyes are remarkably adaptable machines. Animals have morphed them into exotic polarization sensors, magnetic field orienteering aids, and even single photon detectors. An interesting anecdote from the astronautical lore is that flashes of light generally attributed to cosmic rays have been perceived by astronauts even with their eyes were closed. While it is possible that these figments are triggered in the brain, it seems more likely that the retina, perhaps even the photopigments themselves, are directly sensing energy deposited by the rays and realizing it as light. With the right photopigment, seamless detection of IR should be a piece of cake.

The only problem is that lack of vitamin A claims the lives of around a million children worldwide each year, and it is responsible for blindness in half that again. Anintrepid group of four biohackers hope that the replacement form of vitamin A, known as vitamin A2, will compensate completely. A2 is found in freshwater fish, and can be extracted (with some effort) from their livers. The group has created a project based on a Microryza crowdfunding model, and is now funded to the tune of $4,000. (Read: Seeing ultraviolet, exploring color.)

This is what our intrepid senior editor, Sebastian Anthony, looks like with thermal IR.

Much of the capital raised will be used to procure the vitamin itself. Additionally there will be funds for sensitive equipment to measure the electrical responses of the eye as its spectral sensitivity changes. Their results will be published in an open, peer-reviewed research journal. The diet the biohackers will use has been developed by computer engineer Rob Rhinehart, creator of a successful life-optimizing drink known as Soylent. Crowdfunded itself, Soylent also enjoys high-profile backing from venture capitalists like Andreessen Horowitz.

Vitamin A, and its precursors like beta-carotene, are metabolized into different forms that are used in various ways all throughout the body. Its ability to melt wrinkles or pimples when applied to the skin hints at its powers once inside a cells nucleus, where it has its main effects. The kicker in prescription drug Accutane is a vitamin A derivative called retinoic acid. This acid is actually the go molecule used in a developing embryo when it begins to push out the upper limb buds. Retinoic acid is a master regulator molecule that turns on other genes to get the bits and pieces of the arm just right.

The Milky Way, as seen by NASAs infrared Spitzer telescope. I doubt it would look like this with biohacked eyes, but its nice to dream

If you arent scared yet, consider one more thing: vitamin A deprived rats developed hypogonadism (reduced gonad functionality). This happened even when they were fed the retinoic acid that is needed by the testes because they are actually a bit pickier than that they need locally-synthesized retinoic acid to actually do the trick. The good news is that inhibiting retinoic acid makes a wonderful birth control in humans, and that has even been promoted as a male contraceptive. One further word of caution is in order. While the body can in fact metabolize the fishy A2 vitamin form, the proteins that transport it through cell membranes are only one-quarter as efficient at binding and taking up the A2 form.

Researchers sometimes seem to be motivated by fame and glory as much as by science. There may be a hint of that here, but transhumanists see themselves more as individual medical explorers than as medical trials guinea pigs with no control over their fate. (Read: What is transhumanism, or, what does it mean to be human?)That being said, one indication that times are tough in the academic research arena is the recent report of the guy who published a study of the absolute worst places to be stung, in descending order with himself as the subject. While there may be some value in research like that, it reminds one of the guy who ate a bicycle just to get into the Guinness book of World records. Fortunately for him, Guinness published it, but only with a note saying this will be the last time for things like that.

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Intrepid biohacker gives himself infrared night vision, but at what price?

Transhumanism: The Evil Force Behind the New World Order Jonathan …

When one goes to Hararis official website (, one immediately sees this quote on the home page, History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.

Leo Hohmann also wrote the following quote concerning Harari from his interview with Patrick Wood, editor in chief at Technocracy News and Trends. Not only is Harari the key advisor to the head of the WEF, he has millions of devoted followers.

He is your model transhumanist who thinks he can become god, Wood told me. He is the chief philosophical adviser to the World Economic Forum and one of the premiere authorities in WEF circles. They just hang on his every word. (quote from Patrick Wood)

The level of evil we are dealing with here is so intense that most Christians and conservatives have no idea how deep it goes and will frankly have trouble believing it. No politician is going to be able to save us from this evil, only Jesus Christ.

Another thing worth noting is that Harari is not only tied in with Schwab. He has a large following among Western elites. One of Hararis admirers is Barack Obama, the man who has the ear of Joe Biden. In fact, Obama has called Harari his favorite author.[ii]

Yuval Noah Harari is the man behind the curtain. Hes the driving force behind transhumanism, a key component of Schwabs Great Reset.

The elite regard transhumanism as the next step in the human evolutionary process. While all the other development advancements happened to us, they say, now we get to have a say in the future enhancements of our race. The combining of humans with machines is but another step in the continuing evolutionary progression of mankind.

Transhumanists are avid atheists who see themselves as aiding the evolution of humanity.

Do not let the proponents of the NWO or the Great Reset deceive you; they all accept transhumanism is an essential step to convince people of the need for world governance. Some of these globalists may profess a belief in God or allegiance to a church, but they are lying. They are all staunch atheists who reject all that Scripture says about creation, especially Genesis 1:27, God created man in his own image.

If there is one verse to keep in mind when thinking about the transhumanists, its John 8:44. In this verse, Jesus is confronting the Jews who opposed Him:

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

The proponents of the NWO are all Luciferian transhumanists that lack all respect for human life. They have already deceived a great many people with their lies.

Here are some quotes from Yuval Noah Harari that I took from interview clips Jan Markells bi-monthly Understanding the Times conference in Minneapolis on April 21, 2022. This event also featured Pastor Brandon Holthaus and Pastor Mark Henry. In these videos we watched Harari say the following:

Humans are now hackable animals that will be re-engineered.

Previously, government surveillance was above the skin, now its going under the skin.

The free will to choose who we vote for or what we buy in the supermarket, human free will, Thats over! (my emphasis)

Can you see the devaluation of human life bubbling to the top in these quotes? Previously, I have written at length about how we see this in abortion, infanticide, and the war in Ukraine. Now with Harari, we see the same murderous agenda and deception that Jesus talked about in John 8:44.

The transhumanists see us as hackable animals that they hope to enslave and totally control.

Harari also said this, which at first seems contradictory to his other declarations:

Humans are acquiring divine powers . . . and the power to re-engineer life.

So yes, he says that humans are acquiring divine powers, but perhaps its only for those in power rather than those that the elite hope to control. Transhumanism is about the masses worshipping them as gods. Is this not preparing the world for the coming man of lawlessness that Paul wrote about in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4?

Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

The spirit of the antichrist is alive and well in Harari. In one of the interviews that I referenced earlier, Harari referred to Jesus resurrection from the dead and His claim to be the Son of God as fake news.

Leo Hohmann is correct, we are dealing with a force thats far more evil, and I might add deadlier, than anything we can imagine. Jesus is our only hope for the time in which we live.

The Luciferian globalists are far along in their plans to bring about the NWO. It does not matter what the majority of people want, they have the power necessary to assert their control over our will. This happened with 2020 Presidential Election in America. It happened in 2021 with vaccine mandates that resulted in the deaths of a great many people. The riots that took place all through Paris on April 24, 2022, were in response to the reelection of Emanuel Macron, who many Parisians did not believe really won the election.

Once the elite put digital currencies in place across the world, it will be game over. They will have the control they need to begin tightening their stranglehold on humanity, which will lead to the beast government of the Tribulation period. As Harari stated as the goal of transhumanism, the will of the people no longer matters, thats over!

Now for the good news, the future tense of the Gospel: Scripture assures us that Jesus is coming to take us home to heaven before Gods wrath falls on this evil Christ-rejecting world (2 Thessalonians 5:1-11). We will be out of here long before the antichrist exerts his control over the coming NWO.

In contrast to what the world tells us is fake news, we indeed serve a risen Savior whose words are true and certain. He is the true Son of God and Hes coming very soon to take us to the place Hes preparing for us (John 14:2-3). We can be absolutely certain of this.

Our hope rests on a sure foundation: Jesus!!

If you desire greater confidence regarding the pretribulation Rapture, please consider purchasing my book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times. I spent over a thousand hours studying and researching the basis for our imminent hope so I could present a solid, biblical case for the pretribulation Rapture. You can find my book on Amazon. Thanks!!

Never forget: Jesus imminent appearing to take us home is the solid foundation of our hope in these perilous times.

Jonathan C. Brentner

Website: Our Journey Home

[i] Leo Hohmann, Klaus Schwabs puppet Young Global Leaders revealed Trudeau in Canada, Buttigieg in U.S., Macron in France, and many more, on his blog @

[ii] Leo Hohmann, Who influences the influencers? Meet Klaus Schwabs chief adviser, March 15, 2022 on His blog.

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Transhumanism: The Evil Force Behind the New World Order Jonathan ...

Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists …

Tue Nov 10, 2020 - 7:07 pm ESTFri Jun 18, 2021 - 5:25 pm EDT

November 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) The COVID-19 pandemic was manufactured by the worlds elites as part of a plan to globally advance transhumanism literally, the fusion of human beings with technology in an attempt to alter human nature itself and create a superhuman being and an earthly paradise, according to a Peruvian academic and expert in technology.

This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, but an integral part of the proposed post-pandemic Great Reset, Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny said at a recent summit on COVID-19.

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The American elections of 2020 has been thrown into chaos by 'statistically improbable' mail-in ballot dumps, and accompanying allegations of voter fraud in a few key battleground states.

With investigations and recounts now looming, what we nowneedis a lot of prayer!

Please JOINour urgent PLEDGE to PRAYfor justice to prevail in these elections and for the truth to come out, one way or the other.

Everyone should desire and acceptreasonable explanations forthe apparent discrepancies in the way ballots have been handled and countedin some states.

To guarantee the validity of these elections, there should be no hint of impropriety.

SIGN this pledge to pray for justice to prevail in theelectoral process.

You may, of course, use any prayer you find suitable for this intention.

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Indeed, to the extent that implementing the transhumanist agenda is possible, it requires the concentration of political and economic power in the hands of a global elite and the dependence of people on the state, said Lukacs.

Thats precisely the aim of the Great Reset, promoted by German economist Klaus Schwab, CEO and founder of World Economic Forum, along with billionaire philanthropists George Soros and Bill Gates and other owners, managers, and shareholders of Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Finance who meet at the WEF retreats at Davos, Switzerland, contended Lukacs.

Transhumanism is far from a benign doctrine. Rather, it is at complete enmity with Christianity, Lukacs pointed out during the virtual in Truth Over Fear Summit organized by California-based Catholic writer and broadcaster Patrick Coffin.

Transhumanists take science as their religion and believe in a philosophy of absolute relativism that claims that individuals can change reality at will, and they seek to relativize the human being and turn it into a putty that can be modified or molded to our taste and our desire and by rejecting those limits nature or God have placed on us.

Transhumanism therefore requires the destruction of the Judeo-Christian morality, which is based on absolute principles and values.

Those raising alarm about the Great Reset often overlook the crucial role of technology in the plans of the meta-capitalists, contended Lukacs, who has Ph.D. in management from the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR) from the University of Manchester.

The COVID-19 pandemic was just another social engineering project deliberately planned and implemented by predatory meta capitalism to achieve the ultimate end: redefining and reconfiguring the human nature and condition, he argued in a presentation in Spanish.

I have the firm conviction that this pandemic has been manufactured and its purpose is none other than to initiate, as they say, or implement the Great Reset, which will open the door to the advancement of the transhumanist agenda, he said.

Indeed, WEFs Schwab has been promoting the Great Reset as a way to harness the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a term he coined, which, he declared in January 2016, will affect the very essence of our human experience.

Schwab described the Fourth Industrial Revolution then as a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines among the physical, digital and biological spheres, Lukacs said.

Those technologies include genetic engineering such as CRISPR genetic editing, artificial intelligence (A.I.), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, and quantum computing.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is nothing other than the implementation of transhumanism on a global level, emphasized Lukacs.

Transhumanism as a political ideology and cultural movement was defined in 1998 by Swedish economist Nick Bostrom, then a professor at Oxford, and David Pearce, a British philosopher, who that year founded the World Transhumanist Association.

More recently, Yuval Noah Harari, the Israeli historian and author of Homo Deus, who is regarded as a great visionary, has been promoting transhumanism.

Transhumanists propose to use technology to alter human nature to produce human beings with super longevity, super intelligence, super well-being, Lukacs said.

They reject the Christian belief in absolute truth, and that God created human person in His image and likeness, and see absolute values as a brake for their pretensions of transhumanist and globalist progressivism.

Thats why the approval of abortion is key to understanding why we are entering fully into this transhumanist agenda of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Lukacs said.

When abortion was approved, the political, economic order and moral values on which Western civilization is based collapsed.

Abortion means nothing other than the transition of the human being from a subject of rights to an object of commercialization, to an object of experimentation, he said.

Life ceases to have an inherent value, an inherent dignity. It becomes an object of consumption, an object of production, and this aligns perfectly with the goal of transhumanists to experiment with the human being.

Transhumanism is a struggle against those propositions of absolute values, said Lukacs, and what it embodies in progressivism is absolute relativism.

Evidence that absolute relativism has caught hold in the Western world is the rapid and widespread rise in trangenderism.

Lukacs also noted cases of transspecisim, transageism, transableism, and transracism.

Examples of these attempts to reshape ones reality at will include the American known as Lizard Man, the Canadian man living as a six-year-old, the British woman who blinded herself because she wanted to be disabled, and the German woman who injected herself with melatonin to darken her skin to identify as black.

These are previous states of transhumanism, a kind of accustoming, especially of the new generations, to accept this diversity, Lukacs said.

While many transhumanist proposals are rooted in science fiction, Lukacs pointed out they now have the technology to attempt to realize their mad aspirations.

Transhumanists propose to increase longevity by using CRISPR genetic editing, which has been used to triple the lifespan of mice. Thus, using this technique on human beings, it is conceivable that people could live to the age of 200 or 300 years old, he said.

They propose to increase human intelligence by planting chips in people that have greater processing capacity than the human brain.

An example is Elon Musks NeuraLink, which is an interface that is applied to the cerebral cortex and which Musk says will help people with Alzheimers or epilepsy, but which Lukacs speculates could open the door to neuro-hackers.

There is also the post-humanist school of transhumanism, of which economist Bostrom is a proponent.

Bostrom proposes that at some point it will not even be necessary to have a physical body, but we will be a set of information, that we will be able to upload our thoughts to the Cloud, that we will be able to form a great collective intelligence with other human beings, Lukac said.

As for the promise of super wellbeing, philosopher Pearce said it was the hedonist imperative to genetically modify us to aspire to super well-being.

What Pearce is saying is that through genetic modification, were going to be virtuous human beings, and that we have to forget about pain and suffering, we have to get rid of those genes that make us aggressive, violent, jealous, that force us to fight and kill each other, said Lukacs.

When you put all these things into the balance, what you are realizing is what you are looking at is literally the destruction of human beings, of Homo sapiens, and their conversion to Homo deus.

But as with the Great Reset, the elites twist the language and disguise their transhumanist agenda behind vaguely benign phrases, so Schwabs Fourth Industrial Revolution is sold to us as an idea thats not necessarily going to affect us, or that it is progress that will benefit humanity, he said.

However, just as ordinary people will suffer in the Great Reset under the architecture of oppression, as Edward Snowden phrased it, so they will bear the brunt of the experimentation by transhumanists.

Its very worrying because for achieving that kind of dream, many, many mistakes will happen for sure. The burden will be carried by the people that get affected by this in their health, in their lives, in their economic situation and in their psychological or mental state, said Lukacs.

Its a very, very costly experiment. And [the elites] are not going to bear any responsibility for this. Trust me, he told Coffin.

For them, its wonderful. For the rest, this is just dystopian.

Lukacs also contended that the global elites encountered an unexpected roadblock to their plans in U.S. president Donald Trump.

Actually, the structure of power is not that complicated, he told Coffin in an online Q&A session.

At the top are the meta-capitalists or capitalists that have so much financial muscle that they can play beyond the rules of capitalism; actually, they make the rules of capitalism or remake them, he said.

And you have those guys on Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Finance, Big Construction, everything big, the big corporate transnational world. Those are the billionaires who through their philanthropies, their billion-dollar pledges and all this kind of stuff, they funnel money downwards to all the politicians, who are basically rented politicians, they rent them, they run the world for them, he said.

Its really the privatization of power through philanthropy, added Lukacs.

And then, of course, you will have a layer of middle ground or middle level institutions, NGOs, universities, foundations, and then youll go down to grassroots local government. Its a pyramidal structure.

But Trump is one key public figure who could evidently not be rented.

It is so obvious that in the States right now for the past, what, four, five months, a state coup has been in the making. As simple as that. I have no problem in saying it openly, Lukacs told Coffin.

Thats the situation. They have tried to oust a president that was democratically elected because they are desperate. China is still progressing. And their partners in the West, theyre just not catching up. So, they are a little bit desperate. China is not going to wait.

For more information on Truth Over Fear Summit, go here. Premium passes are still available.


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Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists ...

Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life! Jonathan …

If our world is not on a direct path to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18, the only alternative is to assume that something with a striking and most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast will appear in the not-too-distant future.

In other words, if what the transhumanist propose for our world is not the prelude to the mark of the beast, then I do not know what would be. Their plans for the future fit like a glove with what the apostle John wrote about the mark of the beast.

The words of Revelation 13:16-18 represent a specific, detailed prophecy and that cannot reach its full fruition until after the antichrist begins his reign of terror during the seven-year tribulation. Even so, we already see Satans evil and deadly end-of-days design for humanity at work in the plans of those who seek to impose transhumanism upon us.

Why do I say that this prophecy is already in play? Continue reading as I make my case in this post and those that follow.

Transhumanism is the combining of machines and human beings.

David Tippett, a contributor to the World Economic Forum (WEF) website, described transhumanism in this way:

It is rooted in the belief that humans can and will be enhanced by the genetic engineering and information technology of today, as well as anticipated advances, such as bioengineering, artificial intelligence, and molecular nanotechnology. The result is an iteration of Homo sapiens enhanced or augmented, but still fundamentally human.

The central premise of transhumanism, then, is that biological evolution will eventually be overtaken by advances in genetic, wearable and implantable technologies that artificially expedite the evolutionary process.[i]

The globalists of our day propose to fundamentally change humanity through means that include the changing of the human DNA (i.e., nanotechnology). Contrary to what the WEF would have us believe, the end result of this artificial biological evolution will be something far different than what God created as well as what Jesus died on the cross to redeem.

Dr. Carrie Madej, in her April 19, 2021 video, defined transhumanism in a similar way as in the above quote, but also warned of its many dire consequences for our future as the elite of the world seek to exercise complete control of our behavior.[ii]

In November of 2017, an article appeared on the Forbes website with this title: Transhumanism and The Future of Humanity: 7 Ways the World Will Change By 2030. Here is a quote from the introduction of this article:

This transformation will be messy, complex, and sometimes scary, but signals already point to a future of humanity that will blur our identities into transhumanism.[iii]

Several disturbing statements regarding transhumanism emerge from this Forbes 2017 article. The assertion of the author that transhumanism will blur our identities, however, shocks me the most. It confirms the planned merging of machines with our bodies would remove what makes us human.

Lest you think that transhumanism is just the aspiration of a few mad scientists, please know that many of the most powerful and wealthy people in the world openly support the combining of humans and machines as the next step in the evolutionary process. This concept finds its most fervent and outspoken support in the WEF. Its website contains an abundance of information on the combining of humans with machines.

Please know that the WEF is not some obscure fringe group. President Biden ran for office under the theme of Build Back Better; a slogan he took directly from the WEF as an indication of his support for its agenda. John Kerry, a prominent member of Bidens administration, has pledged the full support of the Biden administration to the Great Reset championed by the WEF.

An article on the New American website ties together the Great Reset advocated by the WEF and the Biden administration with the push for transhumanism:

Under the new world order envisioned by the proponents of the United Nations-backed Great Reset, humans will be merged with machines and technology. Literally. Perhaps most incredibly, the Deep State globalists behind the efforts are coming out of the closet. These days, they are openly and literally proclaiming their intention to abolish private ownership of property and even fuse microchips into peoples brains that will be able to read and manipulate individuals thoughts.[iv]

Please read the preceding quote again. It aptly summarizes my research and correctly connects the Great Reset of the WEF with its push for transhumanism through which it will read and manipulate the thoughts of those under it domain.

Notice also the reference to the deep state in the United States in the preceding quote; this refers to those in the U.S. who put Biden in office and now control his presidency. These elite globalists in the U.S. and throughout the world talk openly about their plans for both transhumanism and the Great Reset.

Consider this quote from the WEF website regarding the changes they plan for our world under what the WEF calls the Fourth Industrial Revolutions, their term for transhumanism:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril. The speed, breadth and depth of this revolution is forcing us to rethink how countries develop, how organisations create value and even what it means to be human.[v]

Though it may sound benign on the surface, the purpose of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not to benefit humanity, no, not at all. Its the vehicle through which the WEF, along with globalists at the United Nations and in America, hope to force people into accepting a tyrannical and Marxist government through which they intend to control the lives of everyone on the planet.

The Great Reset agenda necessitates augmenting humans in such a way that will allow those in power to monitor and control their behavior via external computer networks and artificial intelligence.

How will these powerbrokers augment the makeup of human beings so as to merge them with machines? To answer that question, we begin with the words of Klaus Schwab of the WEF. In a January 10, 2016 interview, he explained that human beings will soon receive a chip in their body in order to merge [them] with the digital world. Below is another excerpt from this interview:

Schwab: And at first, we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin. And in the end, maybe, here will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world.

Interviewer: We call someone, we dont even have the reflex to take a device, its done naturally, the technique continues in the body. Schwab: Yes.

Interviewer: When will happen? Schwab: Certainly in the next ten years.[vi]

The following two points sum up the essence of transhumanism:

The process includes augmenting humans into something quite different than what God created as well as implanting a device inside them that will connect them to the digital world outside them.

The plan consists of connecting humans to the digital world, such as a supercomputer, that will monitor their behavior for the ultimate purpose of controlling it through the blending of people with machines.

At this point, however, it appears that these globalists might have a problem.

How do they put such a system in place? The vast majority of people would readily reject the changes that I have described in this post and rightly so. Some might desire the enhanced artificial intelligence that will come as the result of transhumanism, but not everything else that would come with it.

In part 2 of this series entitled Transhumanism: Is It Already Here? I will describe the deceitful plan of the transhumanists that they intend to use in augmenting human beings into something currently unrecognizable. Please keep reading as I continue to connect the dots.

Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks!

[i] David Tippett, What is transhumanism and how does it affect you? April 10, 2018,

[Ii] Dr. Carrie Madej video from April 19, 2021, In this excellent video, she goes into great detail regard the threat of transhumanism.

[iii] Sarwant Singh, Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World Will Change By 2030, Nov. 20, 2017, Forbes website at:

[iv] Alex Newman, Great Reset Transhumanism: Merging Man & Machine, December 2, 2020, @

[v] Fourth Industrial Revolution page @

[vi] Text is taken from a video within an article by Peter Koenig, The Super-Capitalists Depopulation Agenda, May 17, 2021. At:

See more here:

Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life! Jonathan ...

The Scary Truth Of The Transhumanism Agenda – Cancer Wisdom

Governments worldwide push for the transhumanism agenda. Find out why they want to remove genders and create synthetic humans. Discover how COVID-19 vaccines, artificial intelligence, and 5G relate to transhumanism and how to stop it.


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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.

The pharmaceutical industry is an evil and corrupt institution. Every year people die of their toxic drugs and cancer treatments. The only thing these companies care about is money.

If you thought that killing people for profit was terrible, their next big project is even worse than that. It's called transhumanism.

Julian Huxley coined the term transhumanism in 1957

The English biologist and philosopher Julian Huxley coined the term in 1957. Transhumanism is a movement that wants to" improve" the human body with technologies. Ways to achieve this goal include:

Governments around the world have in recent years pushed for the transhumanism agenda. Transgender propaganda and programming confuse young peoples' self-identity. The media, government departments, medical professionals, and academic institutions are all in on it.

We have no-gender toilets and the banning of male-female terms such as boy and girl, mum and dad. BBC's program for kids as young as six features a child taking hormone-blocking drugs.

The confusing of gender identity is to prepare us for the no-gender, synthetic human. Today's young are the biggest target because they will be the adults when it becomes a reality.

The first step in the transhuman transition is to remove gender-specific pronouns.

Governments want us to use new transgender pronouns. Pronouns are words that we use to replace nouns in a sentence. Today we refer to women as she/her/hers/herself. Or men with he/him/his/himself.

The confusing of gender identity is to prepare us for the no-gender, synthetic human

They/them pronouns are most popular by non-binary people. They are individuals who don't identify only as men or women. Transgender can also use other pronouns called Neopronouns.

Neopronouns are any third-person pronouns not officially recognized in the language. Some examples include:

Governments worldwide push us to use transgender pronouns. If we don't obey, we may face persecution.

It's now illegal in some places not to use the correct pronoun. People have lost their jobs for not using the correct pronoun for a female identifying as a male or vice versa.

In May 2019, a court ruled the father's "misgendering" of his child as "family violence." He called his daughter a girl and not a boy. A court ordered him to stop using female pronouns.

The girl's mother supports both social transition and hormonal treatments. But the father does not. The government decided that the sex change will happen, and the father has no say in the matter.

We can decide our gender according to transhumans

There is also a push for gender-neutral words. Breastfeeding will become "chestfeeding." Breastmilk is "human milk."

Other changes include replacing "woman" with "person." Or "father" with "parent", "co-parent" or "second biological parent".

A film made by BBC Teach explained that there are more than 100 different gender identities. Our sexual organs are no longer the deciding factor in determining what gender we have. We are gender fluent and can decide whether we are men or women.

You can identify as a male in the morning and a female in the evening. Creepy men can say they are women to enter female locker rooms and change back after they leave.

In the United States, about 0.58% of the adult population identifies as transgender. Why are governments focused on not offending a minuscule part of the population? Who benefits by us removing genders?

To find out the answer, we need to follow the money.

In an earlier blog post, I described how the oil billionaire John D. Rockefeller took over the medical industry. Rockefeller gave grants to medical schools to teach allopathic medicine. He found a way to make drugs by using his oil.

Private bankers met at Jekyll Island and highjacked the financial system

Rockefeller and other private bankers such as the Rothschilds and Warburgs met at Jekyll Island in 1910.

During this meeting, they created the Federal Reserve Act. In 1913 Congress passed the bill, and the president signed it in December the same year.

This act gave private bankers the power to issue money. Since then, they have used the control of the monetary system to manipulate the world to their plan.

Only a few families control the world.

Thirteen Elite banking families control where the money goes or doesn't. Private banks can lend money that doesn't exist. They create something called credit and charge interest on it. Controlling the creation and circulation of money is holding the system together.

The Rothchild dynasty is at the forefront of the monetary system. One percent of humanity owns the majority of the world's wealth. This scam is possible by centuries of manipulation of the financial system.

A small group of people controls the world through the financial system

Money is debt in its creation. The goal of the monetary system is to turn everyone into slaves. We can never pay back the debt, and therefore we're are always enslaved to the banking system.

You would think that with their vast wealth, the financial Elite would be satisfied. What more is there to strive for if you have unlimited wealth?

When you have everything you want, there is only one more thing that you can strive for: power.

To understand why the financial Elite wants power, we need to learn about the ego. Almost every person has an ego. It's a false self created by our negative thoughts.

Deep inside, we are complete. Love is the core of our being. The only thing hindering us from seeing it is our negative thoughts. Enlightened human beings have all found that happiness can only come by silencing the mind.

It's nothing you can find in external things. Most people try to find fulfillment from achievements, wealth, and possessions. But everyone following that path doesn't find everlasting happiness.

Most people try to find fulfillment from achievements, wealth, and possessions.

The ego believes that it can become complete by getting more. But it will never become satisfied. The financial Elite has enormous egos. They think that they can achieve happiness by controlling the world.

Elite bankers believe that they are above everyone else and need to control us for the greater good. They want to create a world government so they can rule us.

To achieve this dystopia, they need us to become dependent on the state. So how can they do that? By breaking our independence.

There are certain things that humans need to thrive. We need food, water, shelter, energy, and community.

Even if a tiny amount of people control our monetary system, there are still ways to get relative freedom. Growing vegetables is one way you can become independent of other people.

One way to become independent is by growing vegetables and fruits

But the financial Elite made it harder for us to grow our food. Strict zoning laws and restrictions make it near impossible for small farmers to survive.

Governments take over more farms. They can then control our food supply, and the only way to survive is to obey the government.

Another way to get relative freedom is to create a business.

We can become more self-sufficient if we create our own company. To break our independence, governments have to stop us from doing business.

That is what is happening right now. The COVID-19 hoax prevents people from running their businesses. Strict lockdowns measures make it impossible for most companies to survive.

Strict lockdowns measures make it impossible for most companies to survive

Instead, there is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the financial Elite. If this economic takeover continues, the middle class will disappear. What's left is an upper-class and a low-class population.

If people cannot have their business or work, the only way they can survive is through government handouts. Another term for it is Universal Basic Income(UBI).

It's a communist-style economy where everyone works for the government. The world government will decide what job you should pursue. One vital step in the world government takeover is Agenda 21.

The whole COVID-19 agenda is a tool to destroy the economy. Elite bankers plan to create a world government that controls all commerce. They want to develop a ministry of trade that absorbs all businesses through Agenda 21/2030.

Agenda 21 is a U.N. project to install the world government structure. It started at the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is since updated to Agenda 2030.

Agenda 21/2030 is a Trojan horse for global communism

The United Nations is a creation of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Rockefellers donated the land on which the U.N. headquarters stands.

The goal of Agenda 21 is to limit our freedom and to centralize power. Global warming is an excuse to remove our rights and let the government repress us.

Evil banking families have also taken control over the energy sector. They regulate the creation of electricity and oil through constant wars.

The Elite also controls our politicians and "democratic" system.

Democracy is a myth. We live under a global dictatorship without knowing it. There is no left or right. Once you have your political and economic structures in place, you can get any leader you want

There is no need to control all political parties, although they often do. You only need to choose the candidates that can win. Almost every country only has two or three parties that have any chance of forming a government. In the background, all answer to the same force.

Most leaders follow banker families

The reason why we don't hear about them is that Elite bankers hide in the background. Secret societies and satanic networks control the world through a spider web.

For a tiny financial Elite to control us, they need to centralize power. That's why we have governments and central banks.

Governments are taking over more resources around the world. Every day it becomes harder to survive in the world without the government.

Even if these banking families regulate our means of survival, they can't control us entirely. The last puzzle piece used to enslave us is by manipulating our reproduction and independent thinking. One primary facilitator of our brainwashing is the mainstream media.

The term "media" comes from "medium," which means an "intervening substance." Legislators needs to regulate information to control our perception.

A handful of giant corporations own the American media. You see different television and radio channels, newspapers, and magazines on any subject. There seems to be an endless choice from independent sources. But only six corporations control most of them.

The CIA maintains a massive network of foreign individuals around the world. These people give the CIA direct access to many newspapers and news agencies. They also help the CIA control radio and television stations and book publishers.

Only a few companies control our news

American and European media coordinate with each other. They spin and repeat the same stories required by the CIA and the web. The news propaganda brainwashes many people.

But when things become more extreme, even the press cannot deceive us anymore. If people see through government lies, they are impossible to control.

"It is possible to discipline and control some societies for some time, but not the whole world all the time.

GK Bhat, TARU Leading Edge, India

One of the most desirable things we want is freedom. If we crave it bad enough, there is nothing that's going to stop us from getting it.

Even if you lose everything, the only thing you have left is your independent thinking. If you want to have total power, you need to restrain external conditions and thoughts. It's here the transhuman agenda comes in.

The financial Elite's ultimate goal is to create a fascistic society which they control. They call it The New World Order. It's a civilization that George Orwell described in his book 1984.

Everyone had to listen to everything Big brother said. Big brother monitored every thought and punished disobedience. If the financial Elite can control our thoughts and bodies, we become their slaves.

The transhumanism agenda has nothing to do about trans people's rights. It has more to do with control. Elite bankers have serious plans to create synthetic humans.

Elite bankers want to create a global government and enslave humans

It's an old plan which the author Audley Huxley warned about in his book A Brave New World. Aldous Huxley described in his book about laboratory babies.

Natural reproduction stopped, and scientists raised children in "hatcheries." From birth, people fit into one of the five genetic castes. "Plus" and "Minus" members fulfilled predetermined positions within the World State.

Population control is a vital piece of the transhumanism agenda.

In an earlier blog post, I exposed The Rockefellers' obsession with eugenics. Bill Gates is also a big promoter of population control. His father was once the leader of Planned Parenthood.

It's an organization created by the Rockefellers. Planned Parenthood helps women prevent pregnancies.

If you want to control the world population, the first step is to reduce it. Today there are close to 8 billion people on the earth.

A mysterious stone in Georgia says that humanity needs to maintain itself under 500 million

To create the world government, the Elite believes that over 90% of the population has to go. One number I have heard is 500 million people. You can see it on the Georgia Guidestones.

The best way to reduce the population is to stop our sexual reproduction. That way, the only means to reproduce is through cloning.

But don't you need our DNA to do that?

There are several ways the Elite collects our genetic code. One way is through Ancestry DNA. It is a subsidiary of, the biggest for-profit genealogy company in the world.

You might have heard about services where you send saliva samples to analyze your ancestry. DNA-testing 23andMe is a "personal genomics and biotechnology" company.

Its center is in Silicon Valley, near Google and Facebook headquarters. The CEO Anne Wojcicki is the former wife of Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.

Several ancestry services collect DNA samples for the transhumanism agenda

Original post:

The Scary Truth Of The Transhumanism Agenda - Cancer Wisdom

The Matrix Resurrections: The Studio Is Making Us Do This! – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Lets address the most contentious issue first. This movie isnt great, but its not The Last Jedi bad. Matrix fans arent going to be storming the gates in protest, because their beloved characters were assassinated for the message. Its true that Neo is nerfed so that Trinity can take his place. This is annoying because, as Ive said before, nobody wants to see a Dragon Ball Z spectacle featuring Neos powers just so the poor sap could die in obscurity because nothing he did mattered anyway. They didnt do this, and that is to the writers credit.

If there was anybody who deserved a Deus ex Machina sent by the Social Justice Warriors from on high, it was Trinity. Her decision to go with Neo to the machine city, even though it meant certain death, easily made her the most courageous character in the trilogy. Nobody gave her Matrix Wi-Fi. So, even though, the twist at the end of the film made zero sense, from a narrative standpoint, she earned her miracle. Were not talking about Rey, Mary-Sue, Skywalker, some random character with no connection to the things that were before whos magically able to fix the old ships, shoot better, fight better, jump better, drive a boat better even though she grew up on a desert planet, basically do everything better for no reason other than she is the narrative equivalent of a jingling set of keys. Trinity is not Rey. She earned her place in the original trilogy because she suffered with the other characters, and I would argue she even earned her position as the new One alongside Neo because she suffered as Neo suffered.

I bring this up because there have been multiple people who have compared this movie to The Last Jedi, and while this movie is by no means good, equivocating it to Rian Johnsons cinematic abomination is a little harsh.

The real issue with this movie is that it clearly did not want to be made. Over an hour is devoted to Neos new life within the Matrix. There is a scene toward the beginning where the new Agent Smith who is now a cooperate bigwig is telling Neo that they are making the Matrix Trilogy, which is now a video game, into a new franchise, and the company is going to do this with or without his cooperation. I imagine is this exactly how the pitch meeting went when the studio approached Lana Wachowski. The implications are about as subtle as Neo being called the One and dying only to rise from the dead. Say what you will about the Wachowskis, subtlety is not their strong suit. After this scene, we get a montage showing all these corporate suits arguing over what the Matrix is and over time redefining the game altogether. Theres only one word to describe this sequence, meta.

This reset is noticeable, and it contributes to the contrived nature of the film. Wachowski wants to affirm her characters struggles in a world which is being rebooted by force. The way she resolves this dilemma is interesting. When Neo expresses regret because his fight did not end the Matrix, one of characters shows him her pet sentient robots which are literally called sentients. So, the One did not end the Matrix, instead the One created a unity between man and machine. This isnt transhumanism in the sense that man has merged with machine, but rather, the machines have become, for all intent and purposes, human. They can completely wake up and leave the Matrix if they wish, and now, the free humans are tasked with liberating the machines as well as other humans.

This is interesting, and I suppose it should have been obvious, considering the machines seemed to be practically human anyway by the end of the previous trilogy. But it was a surprising twist anyway, and a clever way of getting around undermining Neos previous accomplishments.

As before, none of these details are explained. How the robots are doing any of this remains a constant nagging question throughout the film, but this time, one could arguably be a little more sympathetic about the plot hole because Wachowski is struggling to reestablish a finished franchise without negating the accomplishments of the previous characters.

I have much more to say about the movie, and we will cover those topics as well as go into more details regarding how the machines work, the programs work, and how the main antagonist operates in the next review.

Here are my thoughts on the original Matrix Trilogy:

Bringing you up to date with the Matrix series: Will The Matrix Resurrections (dropped December 22) break the mold? The culturally influential trilogy (control by evil aliens) enjoys a fascinating beginning but a thud! ending. Can we really escape a world of illusions simply by following our most basic influences? If wisdom cant help, why should instinct be the answer? (Gary Varner)

The Matrix Reloaded (2003) just did not load properly. Although the second part of the Matrix trilogy offers interesting ideas and exciting action, the confusing plot obscures the concepts it should explore. Free will is hard to explore when, among AIs, Agent Smith can think freely, the Architect cant grasp the idea, and the Oracle understands but doesnt have it. (Gary Varner)

The Matrix Revolutions (2003) spins out of control. In Part I of this review of the third film in The Matrix trilogy anticipating The Matrix: Resurrections (December 22) we bring you up to date on the story. The plot continues to baffle: How did Neo end up in digital purgatory? How can machines fall in love and produce a child? Answers are awaited.


The Matrix Revolutions churns into a cosmic drama. It turns out to be a conflict between chaos and probability with no apparent moral compass. As fans await The Matrix Resurrection, we begin to sense an outline in The Matrix: Revolutions of the ultimate conflict of human vs. machine.

The Matrix Trilogy: Some Final Thoughts I enjoyed the films and am looking forward to the Matrix Resurrections but there are some things I need to say as a reviewer. The problem with the Matrix trilogy that it tries to say too much, and so the messages conflict when theyre not downright confusing.

Read the original post:

The Matrix Resurrections: The Studio Is Making Us Do This! - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

The Chronicles of Covid, or why we must kill the Great Reset Witch – The Conservative Woman

A snowy scene, Narnia

We must go as quietly as we can, said Mr Tumnus. The whole wood is full ofherspies. Even some of the trees are on her side.

Another snowy scene, a popular hillside in Somerset, January 2021

Its a Sunday and families living under lockdown are having fun near a remote car park, parents building snowmen with their children. Then a police car arrives and parks for a while. Similar scenes happen elsewhere in Britain. Why?

Since the end of the first lockdown in March 2020, this Somerset hillside has never been busier. It has become the go-to place to find some sort of normality.

The local hunt, for example, held a memorial gathering in one of the hills car parks before Christmas for a young lad killed in a car accident. They knew that such a gathering would not be allowed elsewhere.

Why are we all being forced to live like this? Why is the constabulary now becoming such a powerful presence throughout the land? (We couldnt summon any police when we needed them to stop an illegal rave on the same hillside years ago.)

Is it because there is a realisation that the public is losing respect for authority and more coercion will be needed to implement the global Build Back Better agenda?

Maybe the penny has begun to drop that there is insufficient support for fascism, even if it is re-labelled stakeholder capitalism?

Certainly in continental Europe there is growing resistance to Planet Lockdown, often of a violent nature. In Europe they have a better understanding of the nature of fascism, unlike in Britain where we lack historical experience of mass arrests, deportations and arbitrary shootings.

The parallels with the 1930s are, however, becoming obvious to the extent that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, used his contribution to the World Economic Forums annual Davos meeting last month to warn the world. In his view, the situation could develop in an unpredictable and uncontrolled manner and risks a fight of all against all.

Meanwhile, the WEF is trying to distance itself from any accusations that its Great Reset is a conspiracy that is masking some nefarious plan for world domination (?!)

But then its plans are hardly nefarious, given that the WEF is so blatant about its role in bringing together global leaders and mega-corporations to rebuild the world along sustainable lines.

Sadly for the WEF, its own benign belief in its motives is not shared universally. Of the 200,000-plus views of its latest YouTube video, it could muster only 1,500 likes compared with 19,000 dislikes and openly hostile messages in the comments below. Not exactly a good indicator of widespread support. The UK government would do well to take note.

While there might not be agreement about return to pre-Covid ways of living were it possible or whether change is necessary, neither is there any consensus on what form that change should take.

In particular, there is increasing cynicism about an elite group of globalists lecturing us on how to collectively improve life on the planet without destroying it. It does not sit well with the public that the same billionaires who form the WEF are those who have profiteered from their misery during the pandemic.

Mega-corporations and their supporters politicians, financiers, non-governmental organisations, etc also have zero credibility as eco-warriors.

They are more closely associated in the public mind with creating problems rather than solving them. Pollution and destructive business as usual have continued unabated under a cover story of environmentalism.

The examples of cobalt and lithium alone reveal the empty virtue-signalling in the pious rush for the windmills and solar panels that are the basis for the WEFs Build Back Better campaign.

Cobalt and lithium are widely used in electronics for energy storage, whether a solar panel or a mobile phone. Yet the way cobalt is mined (using child labour) is never discussed, nor is the damage to Chiles Atacama desert, where lithium extraction displaces the flamingos. The billionaires have failed so far to provide viable alternatives.

There is also nothing remotely sustainable about increasing our reliance on electricity. It would take only a coronal mass ejection a gigantic release of plasma and magnetic field from the sun to wipe out the National Grid, as Sir Oliver Letwin so eloquently pointed out in his March 2020 bookApocalypse How?It makes no sense that a British government continues to take us on the doomed path that WEF promotes.

History will not judge kindly a government that abandons its people in favour of the diktats of a foreign entity. Our government needs to learn the lesson of Brexit. The British people want their independence. It is the reason we as a nation have been willing to fight wars.

Now is the time for the Government to abandon Build Back Better, and focus instead on building back without the WEFs fake sustainability and its Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is synonymous only with yet more unemployment and misery.

A useful first step would be for the Government to restore hope, at the very least, to the lost generation. The traumatising of the young, and their consequent despair, is one of the most distressing aspects of the mishandling of the pandemic.

The lack of support for the most disadvantaged white working-class boys is nothing short of a scandal. The Government is sending a clear message that these children have no future in the technocratic world.

This attitude toward the disadvantaged speaks to C S Lewiss grim prophecies of the 1940s. In his novelThat Hideous Strength,he blames advances in technology for the reductions in industrial and agricultural workforces, with no mention of retraining.

Instead, a large, unintelligent population is now a deadweight. In his view the masses are therefore to disappear the human race is to become all technology.

In 1945, George Orwell wrote a review in theManchester Guardianof Lewiss novel. The title of the review was The Scientists Take Over.

He believed that Lewiss dystopian vision was realisable and that there could be a time when the common people are to be used as slaves and vivisection subjects by the ruling caste of scientists Man, in short, is to storm the heavens and overthrow the gods, or even become a god himself.In effect, he was predicting transhumanism, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.

At some point it will become obvious in the UK if the oppression we currently face is about keeping us safe from a virus, or about preparing us for life under the WEF reset.

The pandemic itself is likely to fade. Covid has now replaced seasonal flu in the official statistics, thus suggesting that it is no more deadly than a flu. Cases are on the decline. With Covid gone, what will be the excuse to bully us?

The narrative has already begun to change in the US. No sooner was it clear that Donald Trump would leave the White House, than theNew York Timesran an article suggesting that coronavirus will come to resemble the common cold and be no more than a minor annoyance,and the most draconian governors in California, New York and elsewhere began to lift restrictions.

It would seem that the pandemic had done its job: it left Trumps economy in ruins, and provided the perfect pretext for mail-in ballots and for keeping poll watchers at bay during the election count.

So, when can we expect a similar shift in the UK? Liberation cannot come quickly enough. We are fast turning into a nation of zombies. Nothing is working properly. People cant think straight. They demand vaccines in the hope of a return to normality, but fail to hear the Government telling them that nothing will change. The sunny uplands continue to recede.

We are now facing an unholy mess with a shrunken economy, no shiny new Fourth Industrial Revolution to fill the gap, and the potential for hordes of disaffected and disturbed masses to threaten us all.

Is this what is anticipated for us? We can only hope that there is no significance in the evidence coming from one part of Somerset, where an abandoned quarry is used for training police marksmen.

Locals tell me that the police have recently increased their use of the quarry and the barrage of shots can be heard more frequently over a wide distance. What hope is there?

Maybe, once it has sorted itself out, the US will once again help rescue us from fascism, as it did in the 1940s. My great-grandfather certainly believed in June 1940 that the US would rise to the occasion when he wrote to my grandmother from his hotel in Liverpool before setting sail for the States.

We were pleased to see the Americans when they did finally arrive. But more than 80 years later, perhaps such thoughts of rescue are more fiction than fact. Like Mr Tumnus, we may have to wait instead for The Last Battle for freedom to return, and who knows when that will be?

See more here:

The Chronicles of Covid, or why we must kill the Great Reset Witch - The Conservative Woman

A Closer Look at the AI Hype Machine: Who Really Benefits? – Common Dreams

The poet Richard Brautigan said that one day we would all be watched over by "machines of loving grace". It was a nice sentiment at the time. But I surmise Brautigan might have done a quick 180 if he was alive today. He would see how intelligent machines in general and AI in particular were being semi-weaponized or otherwise appropriated for purposes of a new kind of social engineering. He would also likely note how this process is usually positioned as something "good for humanity" in vague ways that never seem to be fully explained.

As both a technologist and a journalist, I find it very difficult to think of transhumanism and what I'll call the New Eugenics as anything less than deeply and literally dehumanizing.

The hits, as they say, just keep on coming. Recently I ran across an article advising recent college graduates looking for jobs that they had better be prepared to have their facial expressions scanned and evaluated by artificial intelligence programs during and after interviews.

An article in the publication "Higher Ed" warned that: "Getting a job increasingly requires going through an interview on an AI platformIf the proprietary technology [used to ] to evaluate the recordings concludes that a candidate does well in matching the demeanor, enthusiasm, facial expressions or word choice of current employees of the company, it recommends the candidate for the next round. If the candidate is judged by the software to be out of step, that candidate is not likely to move on."

If this were happening in China, of course, it would be much less surprising. You don't have to be a Harvard-trained psychiatrist to see that this kind of technology is violating some very basic human boundaries: how we think and feel and our innermost and private thoughts. And you don't have to be a political scientist to see that totalitarian societies are in the business of breaking down these boundaries for purposes of social and political control.

Facial recognition has already been implemented by some law enforcement agencies. Other technology being used for social control starts out in the corporate world and then migrates. Given the melding of corporate and government power that's taken place in the U.S. over the last few decades, what's impermissible in government now can get fully implemented in the corporate world and then in the course of time bleeds over to government use via outsourcing and other mechanisms. It's a nifty little shell game. This was the case with the overt collection of certain types of data on citizens which was expressly forbidden by federal law. The way around it was to have corporations to do the dirty work and then turn around and sell the data to various government entities. Will we see the same thing happen with artificial intelligence and its ability to pry into our lives in unprecedented ways?

There is a kind of quasi-worship of technology as a force majeure in humanity's evolution that puts AI at the center of human existence. This line of thinking is now linked to the principles of transhumanism, a set of values and goals being pushed by Silicon Valley elites. This warped vision of techno-utopianism assures us that sophisticated computers are inherently superior to humans. Implicit in this view is the notion that intelligence (and one kind of intelligence at that) is the most important quality in the vast array of attributes that are the essential qualities of our collective humanity and longstanding cultural legacies.

The corporate PR frontage for these "breakthroughs" is always the same: they will only be used for the highest purposes like getting rid of plastics in the oceans. But still the question remains: who will control or regulate the use of these man-made creatures?

The most hardcore transhumanists believe that our role is simply to step aside and assist in the creation of new life forms made possible by hooking up human brains to computers and the Internet, what they consider to be an evolutionary quantum leap. Unfortunately, people in powerful corporate positions like Ray Kurzweil, Google's Director of Engineering, and Elon Musk, founder of Neuralink, actually believe in these convoluted superhero mythologies. This line of thinking is also beginning to creep into the mainstream thanks to the corporate-driven hype put forth by powerful Silicon Valley companies who are pushing these ideas for profit and to maintain technology's ineluctable "more, better, faster" momentum.

The transhumanist agenda is a runaway freight train, barely mentioned in the mainstream media, but threatening to run over us all. In related "mad science" offshoot, scientists have succeeded in creating the first biological computer-based hybrids called Xenobotswhich the New York Times describes as "programmable organisms" that "live for only about a week". The corporate PR frontage for these "breakthroughs" is always the same: they will only be used for the highest purposes like getting rid of plastics in the oceans. But still the question remains: who will control or regulate the use of these man-made creatures?In the brave new world of building machines that can think and evolve on their own because they combine AI programming with biological programming, we have to ask where all this is headed. If machines are being used to evaluate us for job interviews, then why won't they be eventually used as police officers or judges? (In fact, Singapore is now using robotic dogs to police parks for Covid-related social distancing.)

As both a technologist and a journalist, I find it very difficult to think of transhumanism and what I'll call the New Eugenics as anything less than deeply and literally dehumanizing. In the aftermath of WWII, eugenics used to be widely reviled when Nazi scientists experimented with and so highly valued it. Now it's lauded as cutting edge.There are two ugly flies in this ointment. The first is the question of who directs and controls the AI machines being built. You can make a safe bet that it won't be you, your friends, or your neighbors but rather technocratic elites. The second is the fact that programmers, and their masters, the corporate Lords of Tech, are the least likely candidates to come up with the necessary wisdom to imbue AI with the deeper human qualities necessary to make it anything more than a force used for social and political control in conjunction with mass surveillance and other tools.

Another consideration is: how does politics fit into this picture? In the middle ages, one of the great power shifts that took place was from medieval rulers to the church. In the age of the enlightenment, another shift took place: from the church to the modern state. Now we are experiencing yet another great transition: a shift of power from state and federal political systems to corporations and, by extension, to the global elites that are increasingly exerting great influence on both, the 1 percenters that Bernie Sanders frequently refers to.

When considering the use of any new technology, the question should be asked: who does it ultimately serve? And to what extent are ordinary citizens allowed to express their approval or disapproval of the complex technological regimes being created that we all end up involuntarily depending upon?

These trends have political implications because they have happened in tandem with the neoliberal sleight of hand that began with President Reagan. Gradually anti-democratic policy changes over a period of decades allowed elites to begin the process of transferring public funds to private coffers. This was done under the neoliberal smokescreen of widely touted but socially hollow benefits such as privatization, outsourcing, and deregulation bolstered by nostrums such as "Government must get out of the way to let innovation thrive."

Behind the scenes, the use of advanced technology has played a strong role in enabling this transition but it did so out of the public's watchful eye. Now, it seems abundantly clear that technologies such as 5G, machine learning, and AI will continue to be leveraged by technocratic elites for the purposes of social engineering and economic gain. As Yuval Harari, one of transhumanism's most vocal proponents has stated: "Whoever controls these algorithms will be the real government."

If AI is allowed to begin making decisions that affect our everyday lives in the realms of work, play and business, it's important to be aware of who this technology serves: technologically sophisticated elites. We have been hearing promises for some time about how better advanced computer technology was going to revolutionize our lives by changing just about every aspect of them for the better. But the reality on the ground seems to be quite different than what was advertised. Yes, there are many areas where it can be argued that the use of computer and Internet technology has improved the quality of life. But there are just as many others where it has failed miserably. Healthcare is just one example. Here misguided legislation combined with an obsession with insurance company-mandated data gathering has created massive info-bureaucracies where doctors and nurses spend far too much time feeding patient data into a huge information databases where it often seems to languish. Nurses and other medical professionals have long complained that too much of their time is spent on data gathering and not enough time focusing on healthcare itself and real patient needs.

When considering the use of any new technology, the question should be asked: who does it ultimately serve? And to what extent are ordinary citizens allowed to express their approval or disapproval of the complex technological regimes being created that we all end up involuntarily depending upon? In a second "Gilded Age" where the power of billionaires and elites over our lives is now being widely questioned, what do we do about their ability to radically and undemocratically alter the landscape of our daily lives using the almighty algorithm?

Go here to read the rest:

A Closer Look at the AI Hype Machine: Who Really Benefits? - Common Dreams

Into The Darkness Is A Promising VR Adventure With Boneworks-Like Physics – UploadVR

Into The Darkness, a new indie VR game from Cosmos Games, promises a compelling story involving transhumanism in the near future merged with exciting VR action-adventure gameplay that uses a Boneworks-like physics system.

Announced this week, the game will be available for PC VR in late 2021, developed by Vietnamese studio Cosmos Games and published by GameBoom VR and PlayWay.

The game takes place in a dystopian sci-fi setting where humans are trying to move consciousness into machines in order to live forever. Heres a summary of the story from Cosmos Games:

Humanity is trying to achieve immortality by transferring consciousness to machines. Transhumanism, however, is a dangerous path, and a poorly conducted experiment can end in a tragedy. As agent Frank, you are sent to one of the research facilities with which contact has been interrupted, and the previous agents never returned. Navigate through environments, solve the puzzle, engage the enemy to find out the dark secret behind the experiments.

You can sneak an early look at the games visuals and gameplay in the announcement trailer embedded above.

As you can see from the trailer, Into The Darkness is looking to implement a comprehensive physics system that works similarly to pioneers in the field like Boneworks. All of the objects have weight and physics that react in a manner consistent with the real world. Towards the end of the trailer, theres even a glance at a Half-Life: Alyx-style glove system that lets you force pull items toward you.

Into The Darkness will launch for PC VR in Q2 of this year, available on Steam for Oculus Rift, Valve Index (including finger tracking support), HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets.

Go here to see the original:

Into The Darkness Is A Promising VR Adventure With Boneworks-Like Physics - UploadVR

Cyberpunk And GTA 2-Inspired "Glitchpunk" Enters Early Access This Year – TheGamer

A combination of the cyberpunk genre with GTA 2 is bound to be epic.

If the classic Grand Theft Auto 2 ever had a head-on collision with the cyberpunk genre, the explosion would probably result in Glitchpunk, the new video game recently announced by developer Dark Lord and publisher Daedalic Entertainment. The top-down dystopian action game is currently scheduled to careen into Steam Early Access sometime in the first half of this year.

With its cyberpunk theme and the look and feel of old-school GTA 2, Glitchpunk will let you "shoot, brawl, drive, steal and sneak yourself through a neon-soaked world full of gangs and cults, forging cooperations along the way," according to the press release. Youll get your first chance at test driving the game with the demo thatll be available during the Steam Games Festival, which is set to run from February 3-9 this year.

Related:Cyberpunk 2077: The 10 Best Gigs (And How To Start Them)

Glitchpunk is set in a dystopian near-future, where you are uploaded into the role of "a glitching android going against your own programming." As you might expect from a GTA-inspired game, youll encounter plenty of drug-crazed gangs, aggressive police, and irresponsible drivers while youre out performing various missions against megacorporations and repressive government factions. But more than that, youll also experience a thoroughly modern storyline involving "transhumanism, xenophobia, and religion," as well as "relationship, self-discovery and betrayal." Youll have the ability to affect the story through your choices, resulting in changes to the game world, the addition of new friends and enemies, and possibly even finding love.

Glitchpunk will feature a variety of weapons and other implements of destruction for you to use through the settings of four different cities, including the desert ruins of an American city, and a post-nuclear winter cyberpunk city somewhere in Soviet Russia. Youll of course have access to numerous cars to get to and around these cities in, and youll be able to find and drive many other types of vehicles, such as buses, motorcycles, tanks, trains, and trucks. And with the games 10 wanted levels, youll most likely be making use of all of them quite often.

Other Glitchpunk features include a hacking system that will allow you to take over common devices and other android citizens as well. A total of 12 gangs inhabit the game, and each has its own culture, story, and agenda. How you choose to interact (or not) with these gangs will play into which one of the multiple game endings you wind up with. An in-game radio station will also be available, playing a mix of artists from all over the world, along with news and goofy commercials.

For more info on Glitchpunk, head over to the games Steam page, and follow Daedalic Entertainments Twitter and YouTube channels.

Source: Daedelic Entertainment

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See the original post:

Cyberpunk And GTA 2-Inspired "Glitchpunk" Enters Early Access This Year - TheGamer

‘Glitchpunk’ will see players take to the neon streets from a top-down view – NME

A new top-down cyberpunk game is set for release in the second quarter of the year.

Glitchpunk is a new top-down action game from studio Dark Lord. Its based on the retro style of GTA and GTA2, the predecessors to the 3D open world GTA games that have in turn inspired modern action games such as Grand Theft Auto 5.

A trailer that explores the action in the game is available via Youtube below:

Glitchpunk pits the player as an android bounty hunter with a glitch that causes them to rebel against their programming, and facing off against the government and megacorps of the dystopian setting.

Like GTA2, the game will have you stealing cars, shooting enemies, sneaking around, and upgrading your body with tech to make you a formidable android.

The developers Dark Lord are aiming to make the game true to the genre, by telling a story that covers transhumanism, xenophobia, and religion with a narrative that lets you influence the world, make friends and find love.

Listed amongst the key features are confirmation that there will trains, tanks, motorbikes and busses, and that the gameplay will take place in four different cities including USA and Russia.

Glitchpunk is going to launch into Steam Early Access in the second quarter of 2021. A Discord server is available for players who want to keep up to date with all the games progress.

As part of the Steam Game festival next week, there will be a demo for Glitchpunk released on February 3.

Read the original post:

'Glitchpunk' will see players take to the neon streets from a top-down view - NME

Is Biohacking The Future Of Skincare? – British Vogue

When it comes to skincare, Croatian-born, London-based skin health specialist Jasmina Vico insists on taking a holistic approach. Using skin as an indicator for whats happening inside the body and vice versa, when treating someone Vico looks at gut health, sleeping patterns, stress levels, micronutrient intake, overall diet, and stress levels, which she combines with her bespoke laser treatments, needling, LED facials, and gentle acid peels. There are no quick fixes only continuous care and the investment should be long term, she warns. Its an approach that has earnt her a cult following, including make-up artist Isamaya Ffrench, actors Killing Eves Jodie Comer and The Crowns Claire Foy, and model Shanina Shaik.

With a belief in the power of prevention and a keen interest in biohacking, Vico imagines a future where we will be able to hack our own bodies with the help of science and advanced technologies in order to prolong our lifespan tracking our sleep patterns, monitoring our gut health and even printing our own skin. Here, she shares her predictions for the future of skincare, debunks some of the myths and misconceptions underpinning the industry, and outlines the best ways to protect your skin.

Over-using products that are not suitable for your skin type or condition is something Im correcting and educating my clients about daily. More importantly, spending your hard-earned money on skincare can be a folly if you are not protecting your skin every day from the sun and HEV blue light. Protection is key. There is a misunderstanding that the skin is a surface.

Follow the science is a phrase weve all heard a lot of recently, but when it comes to skincare you cant hear it enough. Many products and procedures promise results that the science if it exists at all does not back up. I also think there has been a lack of industry-led focus on education around the impact that lifestyle choices have on our skin.

My own skincare approach is focused on prevention inside and outside. Im interested in gut health, micronutrient intake, overall diet, regular sleep patterns, and stress levels. Staying out of the sun is obviously the big one. Reducing inflammation is my mission. Inflammation ages the skin, weakening its structure, and degrading the collagen and elastin. Our diet sugar being the worst offender our stress levels and our environment [chemicals/pollution] all profoundly impact and exacerbate inflammation.

Many of us are living at such speed and all of us experience stress. Its necessary to unplug. The Japanese practice shinrin-yoku which translates as forest bathing: a walk in the forest, phone-free, using your senses we could all take a leaf out of that book. A walk in nature, meditation, breathwork, slowing down and being present: these practises have skin benefits too.

Flawlessness is an unrealistic goal. That doesnt mean we cant dramatically improve our skin and make it be the best version of itself. I am a problem solver and one of the things I do is identify issues even when they arent visible and find solutions.

I think the future will focus more on prevention than it has done and at a cellular level. Well be tracking our sleep patterns and sleep depth with monitors on our beds and using grounding mats to help reduce inflammation. Well use our own personal 3D skin printers to deposit sheets of skin, which sounds wild but a handheld printer has already been developed to deposit bio-ink on large burns to help with wound recovery.

Skin bio-printing will use self-assembling peptides and amino acids that create almost a scaffolding-like structure that grows within the skin. There are going to be more devices and bio-electrics, bio-tech and nanorobots to track our sleep because sleep is one of the most important things for skin.

I am naturally a curious person I want to know how the body works, to understand how we age, increasing our life-span. I have always been interested in science and developments in technology. Self-tracking our health will help us understand how our body works and responds to internal and external factors, which will be different for each of us and will be the key to understanding what triggers inflammation in us.

Transhumanism is already with us whether were ready for it or not or even want it. We are already cyborgs in a way Im certainly smarter just by having my phone next to me.

I think it will offer us some control and autonomy over our own health as well have greater access to information but also through our own experimentation. But just as Im interested in the impact on individuals, Im interested in societal patterns and greater understanding. We are all connected, physically, cognitively, mentally and socially.

Im also fascinated by the developments in [the study of] sleep and the effects it has on our overall health not just for the skin. I have been using my Oura ring for about two years to track my sleep. Its essential for mental and physical health to have proper, restful sleep. The developments in grounding mats are helping us reduce inflammation and promoting a good nights sleep.

Socio-economics will play a big part. We understand so much more about ageing because of the research invested into science and biotech. Its going to be about tracking your health. Skincare brands that manage to customise and tailor-make products for the individual with bio-tech will do well. But only if they are transparent and dont make misleading claims.

We will also be looking more into the pillars of health, which has been my approach for many years, to ensure they are working in synergy and functioning at their optimum. Self-discipline will play a big part in this.

Id like to think it is about being unique, and happy in your own skin. When Im with my clients, I want to release their essence, their innocence which is associated with youthfulness and happiness.

Having things wed like to improve on is one thing but acceptance is also important: bottled youth doesnt exist Yet. But who knows in the future with bioprinting, 3D matrix skin, AI, etc.

I am fortunate enough that I have a twin I can compare myself to. In the future we will all have a digital twin that we look at each day in the mirror, on our phone, or as a hologram. The twin will be your double and will help you track your health. For example, it will allow you to see your UVC [ultraviolet] face, your gut face, your hangover face. It will also allow you to see your biological age and therefore help you to experiment and find preventative solutions.

More from British Vogue:

Originally posted here:

Is Biohacking The Future Of Skincare? - British Vogue

What is Transhumanism?

The human desire to acquire posthuman attributes is as ancient as the human species itself. Humans have always sought to expand the boundaries of their existence, be it ecologically, geographically, or mentally. There is a tendency in at least some individuals always to try to find a way around every limitation and obstacle.

Ceremonial burial and preserved fragments of religious writings show that prehistoric humans were deeply disturbed by the death of their loved ones and sought to reduce the cognitive dissonance by postulating an afterlife. Yet, despite the idea of an afterlife, people still endeavored to extend life. In the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (approx. 2000 B.C.), a king embarks on a quest to find an herb that can make him immortal. Its worth noting that it was assumed both that mortality was not inescapable in principle, and that there existed (at least mythological) means of overcoming it. That people really strove to live longer and richer lives can also be seen in the development of systems of magic and alchemy; lacking scientific means of producing an elixir of life, one resorted to magical means. This strategy was adopted, for example, by the various schools of esoteric Taoism in China, which sought physical immortality and control over or harmony with the forces of nature.

The Greeks were ambivalent about humans transgressing our natural confines. On the one hand, they were fascinated by the idea. We see it in the myth of Prometheus, who stole the fire from Zeus and gave it to the humans, thereby permanently improving the human condition. And in the myth of Daedalus, the gods are repeatedly challenged, quite successfully, by a clever engineer and artist, who uses non-magical means to extend human capabilities. On the other hand, there is also the concept of hubris: that some ambitions are off-limit and would backfire if pursued. In the end, Daedalus enterprise ends in disaster (not, however, because it was punished by the gods but owing entirely to natural causes).

Greek philosophers made the first, stumbling attempts to create systems of thought that were based not purely on faith but on logical reasoning. Socrates and the sophists extended the application of critical thinking from metaphysics and cosmology to include the study of ethics and questions about human society and human psychology. Out of this inquiry arose cultural humanism, a very important current throughout the history of Western science, political theory, ethics, and law.

In the Renaissance, human thinking was awoken from medieval otherworldliness and the scholastic modes of reasoning that had predominated for a millennium, and the human being and the natural world again became legitimate objects of study. Renaissance humanism encouraged people to rely on their own observations and their own judgment rather than to defer in every matter to religious authorities. Renaissance humanism also created the ideal of the well-rounded personality, one that is highly developed scientifically, morally, culturally, and spiritually. A milestone is Giovanni Pico della Mirandolas Oration on the Dignity of Man (1486), which states that man does not have a ready form but that it is mans task to form himself. And crucially, modern science began to take form then, through the works of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo.

The Age of Enlightenment can be said to have started with the publication of Francis Bacons Novum Organum, the new tool (1620), in which he proposes a scientific methodology based on empirical investigation rather than a priori reasoning. Bacon advocates the project of effecting all things possible, by which he meant the achievement of mastery over nature in order to improve the condition of human beings. The heritage from the Renaissance combines with the influences of Isaac Newton, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Marquis de Condorcet, and others to form the basis for rational humanism, which emphasizes science and critical reasoning rather than revelation and religious authority as ways of learning about the natural world and the destiny and nature of man and of providing a grounding for morality. Transhumanism traces its roots to this rational humanism.

In the 18th and 19th centuries we begin to see glimpses of the idea that even humans themselves can be developed through the appliance of science. Benjamin Franklin and Voltaire speculated about extending human life span through medical science. Especially after Darwins theory of evolution, atheism or agnosticism came to be seen as increasingly attractive alternatives. However, the optimism of the late 19th century often degenerated into narrow-minded positivism and the belief that progress was automatic. When this view collided with reality, some people reacted by turning to irrationalism, concluding that since reason was not sufficient, it was worthless. This resulted in the anti-technological, anti-intellectual sentiments whose sequelae we can still witness today in some postmodernist writers, in the New Age movement, and among the neo-Luddite wing of the anti-globalization agitators.

A significant stimulus in the formation of transhumanism was the essay Daedalus: Science and the Future (1923) by the British biochemist J. B. S. Haldane, in which he discusses how scientific and technological findings may come to affect society and improve the human condition. This essay set off a chain reaction of future-oriented discussions, including The World, the Flesh and the Devil by J. D. Bernal (1929), which speculates about space colonization and bionic implants as well as mental improvements through advanced social science and psychology; the works of Olaf Stapledon; and the essay Icarus: the Future of Science (1924) by Bertrand Russell, who took a more pessimistic view, arguing that without more kindliness in the world, technological power will mainly serve to increase mens ability to inflict harm on one another. Science fiction authors such as H. G. Wells and Olaf Stapledon also got many people thinking about the future evolution of the human race. One frequently cited work is Aldous Huxleys Brave New World (1932), a dystopia where psychological conditioning, promiscuous sexuality, biotechnology, and opiate drugs are used to keep the population placid and contented in a static, totalitarian society ruled by an elite consisting of ten world controllers. Huxleys novel warns of the dehumanizing potential of technology being used to arrest growth and to diminish the scope of human nature rather than enhance it.

The Second World War changed the direction of some of those currents that result in todays transhumanism. The eugenics movement, which had previously found advocates not only among racists on the extreme right but also among socialists and progressivist social democrats, was thoroughly discredited. The goal of creating a new and better world through a centrally imposed vision became taboo and pass; and the horrors of the Stalinist Soviet Union again underscored the dangers of such an approach. Mindful of these historical lessons, transhumanists are often deeply suspicious of collectively orchestrated change, arguing instead for the right of individuals to redesign themselves and their own descendants.

In the postwar era, optimistic futurists tended to direct their attention more toward technological progress, such as space travel, medicine, and computers. Science began to catch up with speculation. Transhumanist ideas during this period were discussed and analyzed chiefly in the literary genre of science fiction. Authors such as Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Stanislaw Lem, and later Bruce Sterling, Greg Egan, and Vernor Vinge have explored various aspects of transhumanism in their writings and contributed to its proliferation.

Robert Ettinger played an important role in giving transhumanism its modern form. The publication of his book The Prospect of Immortality in 1964 led to the creation of the cryonics movement. Ettinger argued that since medical technology seems to be constantly progressing, and since chemical activity comes to a complete halt at low temperatures, it should be possible to freeze a person today and preserve the body until such a time when technology is advanced enough to repair the freezing damage and reverse the original cause of deanimation. In a later work, Man into Superman (1972), he discussed a number of conceivable improvements to the human being, continuing the tradition started by Haldane and Bernal.

Another influential early transhumanist was F. M. Esfandiary, who later changed his name to FM-2030. One of the first professors of future studies, FM taught at the New School for Social Research in New York in the 1960s and formed a school of optimistic futurists known as the UpWingers. In his book Are you a transhuman? (1989), he described what he saw as the signs of the emergence of the transhuman person, in his terminology indicating an evolutionary link towards posthumanity. (A terminological aside: an early use of the word transhuman was in the 1972-book of Ettinger, who doesnt now remember where he first encountered the term. The word transhumanism may have been coined by Julian Huxley in New Bottles for New Wine (1957); the sense in which he used it, however, was not quite the contemporary one.) Further, its use is evidenced in T.S. Elliots writing around the same time. And it is known that Dante Alighieri referred to the notion of the transhuman in historical writings.

In the 1970s and 1980s, several organizations sprung up for life extension, cryonics, space colonization, science fiction, media arts, and futurism. They were often isolated from one another, and while they shared similar views and values, they did not yet amount to any unified coherent worldview. One prominent voice from a standpoint with strong transhumanist elements during this era came from Marvin Minsky, an eminent artificial intelligence researcher.

In 1986, Eric Drexler published Engines of Creation, the first book-length exposition of molecular manufacturing. (The possibility of nanotechnology had been anticipated by Nobel Laureate physicist Richard Feynman in a now-famous after-dinner address in 1959 entitled There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom.) In this groundbreaking work, Drexler not only argued for the feasibility of assembler-based nanotechnology but also explored its consequences and began charting the strategic challenges posed by its development. Drexlers later writings supplied more technical analyses that confirmed his initial conclusions. To prepare the world for nanotechnology and work towards it safe implementation, he founded the Foresight Institute together with his then wife Christine Peterson in 1986.

Ed Regiss Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition (1990) took a humorous look at transhumanisms hubristic scientists and philosophers. Another couple of influential books were roboticist Hans Moravecs seminal Mind Children (1988) about the future development of machine intelligence, and more recently Ray Kurzweils bestselling Age of Spiritual Machines (1999), which presented ideas similar to Moravecs. Frank Tiplers Physics of Immortality (1994), inspired by the writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (a paleontologist and Jesuit theologian who saw an evolutionary telos in the development of an encompassing noosphere, a global consciousness) argued that advanced civilizations might come to have a shaping influence on the future evolution of the cosmos, although some were put off by Tiplers attempt to blend science with religion. Many science advocates, such as Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, and Douglas Hofstadter, have also helped pave the way for public understanding of transhumanist ideas.

In 1988, the first issue of the Extropy Magazine was published by Max More and Tom Morrow, and in 1992 they founded the Extropy Institute (the term extropy being coined as an informal opposite of entropy). The magazine and the institute served as catalysts, bringing together disparate groups of people with futuristic ideas. More wrote the first definition of transhumanism in its modern sense, and created his own distinctive brand of transhumanism, which emphasized individualism, dynamic optimism, and the market mechanism in addition to technology. The transhumanist arts genre became more self-aware through the works of the artist Natasha Vita-More. During this time, an intense exploration of ideas also took place on various Internet mailing lists. Influential early contributors included Anders Sandberg (then a neuroscience doctoral student) and Robin Hanson (an economist and polymath) among many others.

The World Transhumanist Association was founded in 1998 by Nick Bostrom and David Pearce to act as a coordinating international nonprofit organization for all transhumanist-related groups and interests, across the political spectrum. The WTA focused on supporting transhumanism as a serious academic discipline and on promoting public awareness of transhumanist thinking. The WTA began publishing the Journal of Evolution and Technology, the first scholarly peer-reviewed journal for transhumanist studies in 1999 (which is also the year when the first version of this FAQ was published). In 2001, the WTA adopted its current constitution and is now governed by an executive board that is democratically elected by its full membership. James Hughes especially (a former WTA Secretary) among others helped lift the WTA to its current more mature stage, and a strong team of volunteers has been building up the organization to what it is today.

Humanity+ developed after to rebrand transhumanism informing Humanity+ as a cooperative organization, seeking to pull together the leaders of transhumanism: from the early 1990s: Max More, Natasha Vita-More, Anders Sandberg; the late 1990s: Nick Bostrom, David Pearce, James Hughes; the 2000s: James Clement, Ben Goertzel, Giulio Prisco and many others. In short, it is based on the early work of Extropy Institute and WTA.

In the past couple of years, the transhumanist movement has been growing fast and furiously. Local groups are mushrooming in all parts of the world. Awareness of transhumanist ideas is spreading. Transhumanism is undergoing the transition from being the preoccupation of a fringe group of intellectual pioneers to becoming a mainstream approach to understanding the prospects for technological transformation of the human condition. That technological advances will help us overcome many of our current human limitations is no longer an insight confined to a few handfuls of techno-savvy visionaries. Yet understanding the consequences of these anticipated possibilities and the ethical choices we will face is a momentous challenge that humanity will be grappling with over the coming decades. The transhumanist tradition has produced a (still evolving) body of thinking to illuminate these complex issues that is unparalleled in its scope and depth of foresight.

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What is Transhumanism?

transhumanism | Definition, Origins, Characteristics …

Transhumanism, social and philosophical movement devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies. Such technologies would augment or increase human sensory reception, emotive ability, or cognitive capacity as well as radically improve human health and extend human life spans. Such modifications resulting from the addition of biological or physical technologies would be more or less permanent and integrated into the human body.

The term transhumanism was coined by English biologist and philosopher Julian Huxley in his 1957 essay of the same name. Huxley referred principally to improving the human condition through social and cultural change, but the essay and the name have been adopted as seminal by the transhumanist movement, which emphasizes material technology. Huxley held that, although humanity had naturally evolved, it was now possible for social institutions to supplant evolution in refining and improving the species. The ethos of Huxleys essayif not its lettercan be located in transhumanisms commitment to assuming the work of evolution, but through technology rather than society.

The movements adherents tend to be libertarian and employed in high technology or in academia. Its principal proponents have been prominent technologists like American computer scientist and futurist Ray Kurzweil and scientists like Austrian-born Canadian computer scientist and roboticist Hans Moravec and American nanotechnology researcher Eric Drexler, with the addition of a small but influential contingent of thinkers such as American philosopher James Hughes and Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom. The movement has evolved since its beginnings as a loose association of groups dedicated to extropianism (a philosophy devoted to the transcendence of human limits). Transhumanism is principally divided between adherents of two visions of post-humanityone in which technological and genetic improvements have created a distinct species of radically enhanced humans and the other in which greater-than-human machine intelligence emerges.

The membership of the transhumanist movement tends to split in an additional way. One prominent strain of transhumanism argues that social and cultural institutionsincluding national and international governmental organizationswill be largely irrelevant to the trajectory of technological development. Market forces and the nature of technological progress will drive humanity to approximately the same end point regardless of social and cultural influences. That end point is often referred to as the singularity, a metaphor drawn from astrophysics and referring to the point of hyperdense material at the centre of a black hole which generates its intense gravitational pull. Among transhumanists, the singularity is understood as the point at which artificial intelligence surpasses that of humanity, which will allow the convergence of human and machine consciousness. That convergence will herald the increase in human consciousness, physical strength, emotional well-being, and overall health and greatly extend the length of human lifetimes.

The second strain of transhumanism holds a contrasting view, that social institutions (such as religion, traditional notions of marriage and child rearing, and Western perspectives of freedom) not only can influence the trajectory of technological development but could ultimately retard or halt it. Bostrom and British philosopher David Pearce founded the World Transhumanist Association in 1998 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to working with those social institutions to promote and guide the development of human-enhancement technologies and to combat those social forces seemingly dedicated to halting such technological progress.


that future information networks and human-machine interfaces would lead to novel conditions with new qualities: a new reality rules. But there was a trick to knowing the singularity. Even if one could know that it was imminent, one could not know what it would be like with any specificity. This

human sensory reception

Human sensory reception, means by which humans react to changes in external and internal environments. Ancient philosophers called the human senses the windows of the soul, and Aristotle described at least five sensessight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Aristotles influence has been so enduring that many people still speak of the


Cognition, the states and processes involved in knowing, which in their completeness include perception and judgment. Cognition includes all conscious and unconscious processes by which knowledge is accumulated, such as perceiving, recognizing, conceiving, and reasoning. Put differently, cognition is a state or experience of knowing that can be distinguished from

Originally posted here:

transhumanism | Definition, Origins, Characteristics ...

Fact check: UK deaths linked to COVID-19 did not stop in June – Reuters

A video being shared on social media makes the false claims that deaths linked to COVID-19 have stopped, the vaccine will be untested and that it will modify your DNA.

Reuters Fact Check. REUTERS

Shared 1,900 times on Facebook, the live video (here) shows a man speaking outside the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham, UK.

The man makes multiple claims in the nearly one hour-long video, a selection of which will be covered in this fact check.


Speaking into a microphone, the man questions the mad urgency to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 because deaths from the disease allegedly ceased back in June (timecode 0:55).

However, this is not true. On June 1, the UK had recorded 38,263 deaths within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test (here). By Nov. 29 this had risen to 58,443.


Immediately after this, the man questions why pharmaceutical companies and governments are rushing out a vaccine that hasnt even been tested properly.

While there has been an unprecedented global effort to find a vaccine to mitigate devastating impact the pandemic has had on society, this does not mean the vaccine will not be properly tested.

In a previous Reuters fact check, the MHRA, which is an executive agency of the UK governments Department of Health and Social Care, confirmed that any vaccine that is distributed will go through the necessary safety checks (here).

Based on the available published reports from the clinical trials, we dont currently anticipate any specific safety concerns with COVID-19 vaccines. We expect the general safety profile to be similar to other types of vaccines., the agency told Reuters at the time.

A COVID-19 vaccine will only be deployed once it has been proven to be safe and effective through robust clinical trials and approved for use.


The man goes on to claim that the COVID-19 vaccine will alter a persons DNA. Its transhumanism, youll no longer be regarded as a human being, he claims (time code 3:55).

As a previous Reuters fact check explains, the vaccine will not genetically modify human DNA (here).

False. Deaths from COVID-19 did not cease in June. Any vaccine that is approved for distribution will have gone through the necessary clinical trials. The COVID-19 vaccine does not have the ability to alter a persons DNA.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here.

Go here to see the original:

Fact check: UK deaths linked to COVID-19 did not stop in June - Reuters

Dublin Theatre Festival reviews: The Great Hunger, and To Be A Machine – Irish Examiner

The Great Hunger


Four Stars

The Abbeys promenade production around the grounds of IMMA is the only live show to survive the dreaded Phase 3 Covid-19 protocols at this years Dublin Theatre Festival.

It divides the 14 stanzas of Patrick Kavanaghs titular long poem between individual performers, with troubadours leading the small, masked audience through the autumn evening.

We set out between two lines of illuminated trees, lured the stark, unmistakable voice of Lisa ONeil. Then, Liam Carney appears between the potato drills: old Patrick Maguire, the peasant farmer, clay made flesh. He stayed with his mother till she died/At the age of ninety-one.

By then, he was sixty-five". This is his tragedy; through it, Maguire personifies in Kavanaghs indictment the poverty, conservatism, and sexual frustration of the rural Ireland he knew.

While the satirical target might not be as obvious as it was when Kavanagh wrote The Great Hunger in 1942, the poem lends itself to dramatisation, thanks to Kavanaghs deft portraiture and his ability to conjure a telling scene.

It also, of course, speaks to the universal. Lines like Sometimes they did laugh and see the sunlight or something was brighter a moment have a sudden poignancy now.

Meanwhile, of the performers, Derbhle Crotty in particular shines in an intimate, captivating scene. Her aliveness to the words, her movement, her expressiveness are a wonder a reminder of the great hunger within us all for the kind of moments only theatre can deliver.

To Be a Machine

Project Theatre

Four Stars

Last year, Dead Centre gave audiences an empty stage for their ghost play Becketts room. This time, things are reversed: an actor is present, but the theatre is empty.

Game of Thrones star Jack Gleeson is the man in the room, playing the writer Mark OConnell in a faithful exploration of the ideas in his acclaimed book on transhumanism, To Be a Machine. The framing of the show gives ample scope for playful echoes and illustrations of OConnells themes.

To begin with, for instance, we are asked to upload videos of ourselves in advance of the performance. We see them on the night: electronic, disembodied versions of ourselves on individual tablet screens where the audience would be.

No better way, then, to discuss such things as the US company Alcor, which preserves its customers disembodied heads in the hope of reanimation; or whole brain emulation and the philosophical questions such a technology would raise.

Both shows end on October 10; for more, check out

Read more here:

Dublin Theatre Festival reviews: The Great Hunger, and To Be A Machine - Irish Examiner