Detroit-based LIFT signs 5-year technology agreement with U.S. Army – The Detroit News

Lightweight Innovations For Tomorrow, a Detroit-based Department of Defense-supported manufacturing institute,has signed an agreement with the U.S. Army to lead new technology programs that willsupport ground vehicle equipment.

LIFT, which isoperated by the American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute on Rosa Parks Boulevard, has a new five-year agreement with the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center in Warren that calls for the institute to deliver technology until 2025.

Nigel Francis, LIFT CEO and executive director(Photo: LIFT)

LIFT said under the agreement, it willresearch how to use more-lightweight materials for better fuel efficiency and will look at ways to improve manufacturing processes.

The organization said the "researchand development will lead to prototypes, directly relevant to enhancing the mission-effectiveness of military personnel and the materials, components, systems and supporting platforms in use by the armed forces.

Our core mission as an institute is to develop technologies to enhance the effectiveness and better protect the warfighter, and this agreement gives us the opportunity to continue that mission for years, Nigel Francis, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director ofLIFT, said in a statement. This partnership also continues Michigans strong heritage of innovation and manufacturing in support of the Department of Defense.

LIFT said it has now secured more than $174 million in funding for technology and talent development in support of the U.S. industrial and defense manufacturing bases since its since its founding in 2014.

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Detroit-based LIFT signs 5-year technology agreement with U.S. Army - The Detroit News

UVC technology takes off as the new way to disinfect – CNET


For the foreseeable future we'll be disinfecting with a vengeance. But the amount of time and materials it takes to do that are tedious and coerce us to take shortcuts. Now what?

Ultraviolet light is effective against many microbesand requires no cleaning liquid, wipes, towels or even much technique on the part of the user. You just turn it on and come back later. But it can be harmful to eyes and skin if it's potent enough to work, and also lacks strong safeguards, which is part of the reason UVC sterilization is mostly found in institutional settings.

Now playing: Watch this: Use UVC ultraviolet light to kill viruses


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Vioguard is trying to bend that curve toward home use. ItsCubby Plus is a home version of what started as a self-sterilizing keyboard for medical settings. It's essentially an electronic device drawer that closes for 60 seconds, bathing whatever's inside it in UVC light. When it reopens, every microbe on your devices should be inactivated, though there is a slight asterisk around SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The Vioguard Cubby Plus is a tray-style cabinet that bathes devices in UV light for a prescribed amount of time to kill bacteria and viruses.

"Right now all of the testing we're doing is done on surrogates that respond and react similarly to COVID-19," says Mark Beeston, VP of sales and marketing for Vioguard, saying that actual lab-grade test samples of the virus are hard to come by. "According to a study done by Emory [University], we know that those viruses are pretty weak." Beeston says the 60-second cycle in its product is up to four times times longer than the exposure needed to kill many viruses and is up to the task of killing the hard-to-tackle Clostridioides difficile virus.

UVC light inactivates virtually all viruses on surfaces it can illuminate, though the amount of time needed to do so with vary by the UVC emitting device.

The prevention-minded household might be intrigued by such a powerful disinfecting drawer, but put off by the Cubby Plus's $899 price, especially when the similar Phonesoap HomeSoap ultraviolet device can be had for under $200. Beeston says the difference is speed of operation and functional assurance: The Cubby Plus uses the same technology that earned the company's Defender self-sanitizing keyboard an FDA de novo clearance. The Cubby Plus 60-second cycle time is also much faster than the 10 minutes required by the HomeSoap sterilizer. Still, $899 may be more than most people paid for any device they might want to disinfect in a Cubby Plus.

Hear more about Vioguard's pricey but impressive technology in the video interview above with CNET's Brian Cooley.

Now What is a video interview series with industry leaders, celebrities and influencers that covers trends impacting businesses and consumers amid the "new normal." There will always be change in our world, and we'll be here to discuss how to navigate it all.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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UVC technology takes off as the new way to disinfect - CNET

Technology will drive 2020 hurricane readiness and response –


The 2020 hurricane season officially began a few weeks ago, but it was preceded by two named storms and dire predictions from many experts for a particularly active year of storms. More daunting still, the 2020 season overlaps the first wave of the global COVID-19 pandemic, complicating hurricane preparedness and prompting the Federal Emergency Management Agency to urge preparedness and issue operational guidance for adapting response and recovery plans to the pandemic. A mix of tried and true and innovative, new technologies will play a key role in ensuring local, state, tribal and federal agencies are ready, responsive and able to recover.

Interoperable communications for cross-functional collaboration

Effective emergency response hinges first and foremost on reliable and interoperable voice communications. The use of secure Project 25 land mobile radio networks and devices has long been the standard for mission-critical voice communications, allowing collaboration across disparate agencies and law enforcement, firefighter, EMS and other first responders involved in the aftermath of a hurricane. The radio networks generally remain operational when cellular networks do not, allowing the coordination of evacuations, search, rescue and recovery operations and other vital activities in impacted areas.

The complexities of the pandemic make it more important than ever that response agencies inventory radios and communications devices to account for surge use, perform preventative maintenance checks and refuel generators that keep communications networks and 911 call centers operational during and after a hurricane. They should also preposition recovery assets, including equipment and personnel, to minimize the movement of resources in the midst of a storm and allow personnel to focus on disaster response.

Cloud-based technologies for mission continuity

To help prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the medical community has emphasized that individuals must social distance. This fact doesnt change during a hurricane, and thats where the cloud comes in. While there will always be a need to deploy some individuals to provide on-site emergency support, the cloud enables agencies to minimize the human footprint by allowing many non-essential employees to support recovery efforts from remote locations. This includes supervisors who can monitor situations remotely.

The pandemic has hastened agencies' migration to cloud-based computer-aided dispatch or backup CAD systems for mission continuity and anytime, anywhere connectivity. The move to the cloud delivers maximum reliability and resilience and is a key consideration in any disaster planning scenario in which staff may be dislocated for an extended period of time.

Command center software for streamlined intelligence

Software that supports public safety ecosystems helps streamline and mobilize the flow of intelligence during a disaster, when saving seconds can save lives. Key features of command center software can be deployed remotely via the cloud or on-premise. For example, the Department of Emergency Communications in Alexandria, Va., recently enabled 911 call takers to work from remote centers and even from home in response to the pandemic using a solution that is essentially a call center in a box. Several other agencies are taking the same approach as they prepare for a potential second wave of COVID-19 or other emergencies. The City of Alexandria is now getting calls from other agencies who want to make remote work a component of their disaster planning and resiliency.

Preparation that provides remote technology and training will serve these agencies well should storms increase in intensity and frequency, even in areas that have historically been less vulnerable.

Video and analytics for situational awareness

Severe storms with high winds have exposed flaws in wireless mobile broadband networks, but to the extent that they remain operational, they can carry high-speed data, location information, images and video to users in the field for enhanced situational awareness. Fixed video cameras mounted on buildings, street posts and businesses along with smart analytics can alert personnel to threats and provide critical information, such as the levels of rising water. These technologies can also deliver the data needed to properly evaluate a situation for more effective allocation of people and resources, assess damage and track and locate valuable debris. Drones can also be deployed to quickly assess impacts to flooded, dangerous or remote areas to bring greater intelligence to emergency response.

The region that surrounds Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue, Neb., for example, is prone to tornadoes and flooding. The base uses fixed security cameras and software to record and analyze aircraft landings and take-offs, but also for increased situational awareness during emergencies and natural disasters. In 2019, Offutt experienced mass flooding at the base due to record-setting snowfall, and water levels rose so fast and so high that many base monitoring systems were shut down. However, officials were able to track water levels remotely from cameras on the air traffic control tower and share real-time and recorded video with base security teams.

Emergency managers at all levels of government are grappling with hurricane readiness and response against the backdrop of COVID-19, preparing to keep their people and communities safe from overlapping threats. Now is the time to have people trained, processes and policies validated and technology tested and updated so they can save vital time, accurately inform response and mitigate health risks to responders in the moments that matter most.

About the Author

Mark McNulty is corporate vice president and general manager, U.S. federal government markets, with Motorola Solutions.

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Polarization in 5G technology supply (Analyst Angle) – RCR Wireless News

The U.K. government has banished Huaweis 5G network kit. Supply must cease before 2021 and operators must rip out and replace all installed equipment by 2027. This is tightening of its previous policy instigated as recently as January 2020to exclude high-risk vendors from an operators 5G core network functions and allowing no more than 35 percent share elsewhere in the purportedly non-sensitive radio access network. Security concerns and political pressure have increased with new U.S. sanctions introduced around the end of June on the technologies used to design and manufacture chips employed in Huaweis equipment.

This is another major step in bifurcation of the technology supply ecosystems between the U.S. and China. These new U.S. sanctions will encourage further development of a rival end-to-end supply ecosystem orchestrated by China and over which the U.S. will no longer have any sway. This may also be a boon to authoritarian regimes elsewhere because Huawei will become unbridled in its ability to supply them. In 2018, ZTE was punished by the US with component supply sanctions and a fine for selling equipment to Iran and North Korea. China does not interfere with or deter foreign nations from snooping on or censoring content accessible to their citizens, nor does it weigh-in on issues such as abuse of human rights in those countries.

Globalizing technology supply ecosystems ruptured many years ago in Internet services platforms with the exclusion of Google and Facebook from China in response to operating conditions imposed by the Chinese government. Fissures in corresponding hardware and software supply chains for the fixed and mobile Infrastructure and even in devices are now increasing due to US-government sanctions affecting numerous countries. For now, global standardization in technologies remains at a high-water mark, despite some manipulation by China.

Googlesfirst forays intoChina were short-lived.Its search engine was introduced in 2006, but then abruptly withdrawn from the mainland in 2010 in face of a major hack and amid controversy over search results censorship. Facebook also used to operate in China, but was banned following the Urumqi riots in 2009. The Chinese government claimed that independence activists used the platform asa communication toolduring the riots, which resulted innearly 200 deaths.

While the above two Internet platforms, along with Amazon and other American companies have ruled the roost in their respective service markets in most or many nations worldwide, Chinese government policies, including censorship and with the construction of the Great Firewall have fostered development of home-grown platforms including Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. These companies are willing to adhere to government strictures and resultantly dominate in the provision of such services in mainland China.

Apart from in America, where major operators have been careful their network equipment procurement does not to disqualify them from obtaining government contracts, mobile operators elsewhere worldwide have generally been able to buy fixed and mobile network equipment from whichever vendor they wish. For example, while the major U.S. operators do not use Huawei equipment, BT in the U.K. has been purchasing fixed network equipment from Huawei for 20 years. Huawei is also a major supplier in 4G and 5G for the U.K.s mobile operators.

Concerns about network security have increased with 5G expected to extensively connect things as well as people. There are various threats and ways in which security can be breached. Huawei is considered susceptible to demands from the Chinese government to use the network equipment it supplies abroad for spying.

The U.S. is also using tariffs and sanctions to wage a trade war with China.

While China is still a major technology manufacturing base for many vendors based elsewhere, much of this is relatively low-tech assembly work that can be easily relocated. For example, Ericsson manufactures its equipment in various countries.

Since 2015, China has been pursuing its strategy to increase the strength and depth of its domestic technology supply chain with its Made in China 2025 initiatives. These are shifting China from being a low-end manufacturer to a high-end producer with emphasis on technological innovation and major domestic investments including R&D and with extensive state support.The strategic plan dictated the proportion of Chinas technology markets and product components that need to be made in China. MIC 2025 aimed for Chinese technological self-sufficiency enabling its companies to compete most effectively abroad. MIC 2025 sought to raise the domestic content of core components and materials to 40 percent by 2020 and 70 percent by 2025.

According to former U.K. spy agency MI6 head John Sawers, the crucial change on the technical side that makes him conclude the U.K. should bar Huawei entirely is that the new U.S. sanctions will result in reliable non-Chinese suppliers to Huawei, such as Taiwan Semiconductor, to be replaced with riskier alternatives. In semiconductor fabrication, Chinas leader SMIC has seen its stock price surge due to increasing domestic demand, but it is also reportedly five years behind world leader TSMC technologically. TSMC is used extensively by Qualcomm, Apple and Huaweis HiSilicon among many others because of its leadership in producing the smallest and most exacting chip designs that also enable the highest performance and result in the lowest costs.

Contention between China and various other countries is significantly on the increase.

Sawers additionally believes China is pursuing wolf warrior diplomacy against its critics over Covid-19 disinformation. As also reported in the FT, to counter western accusations the disease originated in China, Beijings emissaries have intimidated their detractors, including a threat to boycott Australian produce if Canberra pursues an investigation into Covid-19. Conspiracy theories were tweeted by the Chinese that the U.S. created the pandemic to hurt China.

One country, two systems is no more. The U.K. is at loggerheads with Beijing over the imposition of a sweeping national-security law in Hong Kong that runs roughshod over the agreement the two made when the UK withdrew from governance of the territory in 1997. Human rights and freedoms are supposed to be upheld in Hong Kong until 2047. However, in addition to new measures limiting free speech and subjecting Hong Kong citizens to extradition for trial on the mainland, the Great Firewall is also already descending upon the territory.

The U.K. has responded by offering a path to citizenship for up to 3 million Hong Kong Citizens holding British National Overseas passports. This is being regarded as a gross interference in Chinas internal affairs, according to Chinas ambassador to Britain, Liu Xiaoming.

TSMC and modem chip company MediaTek being based in Taiwan presents a significant technological and economic incentive for capture by China with its political aspirations to unify Taiwan with the mainland, as it is with Hong Kong. The corollary of this is significant risk for the U.S. and its suppliers, despite initiatives for TSMC to build a foundry in the U.S.

The globalization of technology standards is no more evident than in mobile communications. The 1G analog standards were largely national France, Germany, the U.K. and Scandinavia had different standards. While these were harmonized in Europe with 2G GSM, the U.S. adopted several 2G standards including a couple that were based on TDMA and another that was based on CDMA technology. While two different CDMA-based standards competed for operator adoption in many nations, China also implemented another CDMA-based standard it favored called TD-SCDMA, for which there were never any takers elsewhere.

For the time being it seems that mobile standards, including 4G and 5G are truly global. While China initially favoured LTE-TDD over LTE-FDD which was being deployed in most nations, both modes of 4G are employed extensively all over the world.

In standards setting, Chinese companies were pressured by Chinese authorities to support Huaweis favored Polar Coding in the selection of channel coding for 5G. This appeared to be an attempt to bolster Huaweis apparent contribution to the standard, including its patented intellectual property. There was no performance advantage versus the alternative channel coding method considered.

All designers, manufacturers and operators are complying with the same 5G specifications, regardless of who contributes the technology to the standards and whether deployments are in the US, China or anywhere else.

This one piece of globalization seems set to persist for now, while other major parts of the supply ecosystem are polarizing along the lines of U.S. versus China.

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Polarization in 5G technology supply (Analyst Angle) - RCR Wireless News

Technology has become most crowded trade ever, the ‘longest long of all-time,’ according to a BofA survey – CNBC

FAANG stocks displayed at the Nasdaq.

Adam Jeffery | CNBC

Three out of four fund managers say going long U.S. tech and growth is the most crowded trade, and nearly the same amount believe the stock market is overvalued, the latest Bank of America fund managers survey finds.

At 74%, it is the highest reading ever in the monthly survey to say a particular trade is overdone, and BofA strategists called tech and growth the "longest 'long' of all-time." The July survey comes as the Nasdaq and many tech names have gone into a reversal after hitting all time highs Monday.

Stocks like Amazon, Facebook, Tesla andAdobe, notched new highs Monday before sliding to close lower Monday. The Nasdaq continued to decline and wasdown nearly 2% Tuesday.

The 71% of the managers who say stocks are overvalued, however, is below a recent reading of near 80%.

A majority, 72%, expect stronger global growth, the highest since 2014, but their conviction for the strength and duration of the recovery is low. Just 14% now believe the recovery will be a V-shaped bounce, while 30% now see a W-shaped recovery, up from 21% in June. A U-shaped recovery is expected by 44%, consistent with last month.

Fund managers have raised their cash level to 4.9% from the survey average of 4.7% , as investors say they are cautious on the virus, the macro picture and the U.S. election. A second wave of Covid-19 is seen as the biggest risk to markets by 52%.

While investors have seen the presidential election as a risk, 34% plan to take no action in the run up to the November vote. Another 31% are reducing risk exposure, 15% are buying volatility and 13% are selling the U.S. dollar.

Asset allocations remain long health care, the U.S., technology, and bonds. They are short energy, the U.K., banks, and industrials. The allocation to commodities, at about 5 percentage points, is now the highest since July, 2011.

The best contrarian trade was see as going short tech, while the best contrarian longs are energy and banks.

There were 210 fund managers participating in the survey.

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Technology has become most crowded trade ever, the 'longest long of all-time,' according to a BofA survey - CNBC

The Penny Hoarder Integrates’s SearchIQ Technology to Improve Search Results and Functionality – Business Wire

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE), the search marketplace outside of traditional incumbents, announced today that The Penny Hoarder, one of the nations largest personal finance websites, integrated Ad.nets SearchIQ technology to power site search and improve user experience for its millions of monthly readers. SearchIQ offers mobile optimization, customer result ranking, semantic search analysis, rapid content delivery and real-time analytics to deliver critical insights to The Penny Hoarder that inform editorial content.

The SearchIQ search bar immediately improved the accuracy of our search results, and will help our millions of readers easily discover new and existing personal finance content that they rely on, said Kyle Taylor, CEO of The Penny Hoarder. Additionally, the advanced analytics provide our editors better real-time visibility into the type of content our readers consume to ensure we are continually meeting their needs.

The partnership with The Penny Hoarder also improves Ad.nets robust intent-driven performance marketing capabilities, providing the company insight into consumer purchasing intent to help its Fortune 500 advertisers find new customers in the right place and at the right time. Ad.nets solution is powered by its smart pricing algorithm that combines audience targeting and keyword search to run cost-efficient and measurable advertising campaigns for brand and agency partners.

We are thrilled to provide The Penny Hoarder with the latest in scalable search technology, delivering a better user experience to its visitors while also gleaning important data that further enhances our intent-based marketing products, said Jon Waterman, CEO of SearchIQ continues to strengthen an important differentiator for, allowing our advertisers to extend their reach and gain access to new customers they cant find through the major search engines.

For more information on Ad.nets search technology and advertising platform, visit,

About extends the campaigns of advertisers from traditional search engines and leverages a proprietary technology stack to help brands acquire new customers in an efficient and scalable manner. Founded nearly 20 years ago and headquartered in Los Angeles, is led by an internet search pioneer. The company is committed to developing additional solutions and ensuring exceptional service to be at the forefront of the digital advertising needs of advertisers ranging from Fortune 500 brands to SMBs.

About The Penny Hoarder

The Penny Hoarder is one of the largest personal finance websites reaching millions of readers each month across the country. Its purpose is to share actionable articles and resources to teach people how to earn, save and manage their money. To learn more about The Penny Hoarder, visit

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The Penny Hoarder Integrates's SearchIQ Technology to Improve Search Results and Functionality - Business Wire

Pattern Raises Additional $9M to Fast-track New Technology for the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance – BioSpace

Led by Illumina Ventures, the Series B-1 round will accelerate development and validation of transformational bacterial testing technology

AUSTIN, Texas, July 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Pattern Bioscience, Inc. today announced $9M in additional funding to accelerate the development and clinical validation of its Digital CultureTM rapid bacterial identification and susceptibility testing (ID/AST) technology.

Illumina Ventures led the Series B-1 funding and was joined by the lead investor from Pattern's previous two rounds, Omnimed Capital. As part of the transaction, Nick Naclerio, Founding Partner of Illumina Ventures, will join Pattern's Board of Directors. The funding will supplement the company's previously announced CARB-X award as the company works toward FDA clearance of its patented clinical microbiology diagnostics platform.

"Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today and its effects are compounded by the current global pandemic. We desperately need a fundamental shift in the way common bacterial infections are treated," said Nick Naclerio, Founding Partner of Illumina Ventures. "Pattern is poised to unlock a new paradigm in targeted antibiotic treatment through faster and smarter diagnostics."

Digital CultureTM is a single cell analysis platform that uses digital cell reactors combined with machine learning to rapidly diagnose complex bacterial infections. The platform, which produces millions of measurements per run, will zoom into the real-time antibiotic response of individual bacterial cells within the first critical hours of illness.

Pattern's phenotypic testing platform is uniquely suited to address all common bacterial infections, including complex infections such as pneumonia, that elude other rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing technologies. This is particularly important during COVID-19, when more patients are hospitalized and in need of mechanical ventilation. Ventilated patients are at high risk of developing bacterial pneumonia and are often treated with antibiotics days before current antibiotic susceptibility tests can be completed. Pattern's faster bacterial tests can reduce the risk of antibiotic misuse and enable focused treatment, improving patient outcomes and reducing selective pressures that lead to drug resistance.

"These funds will allow us to bring our life-saving technology a step closer to market," said Pattern Co-founder and CEO Nick Arab. "With COVID-19 pulling us deeper into the antibiotic resistance crisis, there is an even greater need for rapid tests that can take the guesswork out of critical treatment decisions for complex infections. Illumina Ventures and Omnimed share this vision and we're excited to have their support for Pattern's next phase."

About Pattern

Pattern Bioscience is a privately held in vitro diagnostics company founded in 2016 to help combat the problem of antibiotic resistance. Pattern is developing a next-generation clinical microbiology platform based on its patented phenotypic single-cell technology that can rapidly identify pathogens and determine their antibiotic response without the need for traditional time-consuming culture steps. Pattern's Digital CultureTM technology relies on functional endpoints that encompass all possible resistance mechanisms, resulting in more comprehensive and reliable diagnoses compared to rapid genotypic tests. The platform will deliver more reliable diagnoses days faster than the current standard of care.

About Illumina Ventures

Illumina Ventures is an independently managed, healthcare-focused venture firm in a strategic partnership with Illumina, with the vision to unlock the power of the genome. As an early-stage, value-add investor, Illumina Ventures helps entrepreneurs develop breakthrough science and technologies into market-leading companies to transform healthcare. The firm focuses on investment in life science tools, therapeutics, diagnostics, and personal wellness. For more information, visit

About Omnimed Capital

Omnimed Capital specializes in venture capital and private equity healthcare investments. Omnimed's investment strategy is grounded in the view that healthcare is transitioning toward personalized care and prevention tailored to specific circumstances, diseases and patient individualities. The principals of Omnimed, a Concorde Company, have invested in numerous successful healthcare services and medical technologies.

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SOURCE Illumina Ventures

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Pattern Raises Additional $9M to Fast-track New Technology for the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance - BioSpace

A great technology wave is cresting over America because of the pandemic and its largely a good thing – MarketWatch

If history can teach us anything, its that pandemics have a long-lasting and severe effect on the economy. But theres another lesson: Human ingenuity and adaptation march on.

The deadly coronavirus may have shut down a large number of American businesses and forced many people to work from home, but its also the driving force behind the acceleration of technological adoption.

New technologies are being rapidly adopted. Even after theres a vaccine for the coronavirus, those trends will be here to stay, remodeling society for years to come.

With offices closed around the world, many people are working from home for the first time. For others, remote work has been part of work life for some time.

In all cases, this trend has shown that many businesses can thrive even when employees dont come into the office every day. The amount of time, energy and money saved on commuting and real estate alone is an incentive enough for many companies to completely rely on a remote workforce.

This change sent ripples of disruption across many industries. The fact that people can now work wherever their laptop is fundamentally changed labor-migration dynamics. There is no need to relocate to city centers when you can work from the comfort of home. Downtown properties are losing tenants, and in some cases their values are plummeting. In suburbs and rural areas, the opposite is happening: Property values are rising as a growing number of people decide to stay and work from home, enjoying peaceful life only small towns can provide.

None of this would be possible without the help of video conferencing. Video-conferencing software has been around for a long time, but never has its use surged as high as in the Covid era. Teleconferencing app Zoom ZM, -0.11% is a case in point, one which I covered in detail in an earlier article. Suffice to say that for the company, the arrival of the pandemic was nothing short of lucrative.

The number of Zoom meetings jumped from a pre-Covid 10 million daily-meeting participants in 2019 to a whopping 300 million in April 2020. There is a huge potential in apps facilitating remote communication, and many competitors, such as Facebook FB, +0.30% and Microsoft MSFT, +0.61%, are already vying for a bigger piece of the video-conferencing cake.

Workers arent the only ones profiting from remote practices. Since location no longer plays a role in choosing candidates for a position, a lot of companies have tapped into the global online labor market. Now more than ever, opportunities have arisen for skilled workers who otherwise wouldnt even dream of landing a job in a company thousands of miles away.

Obvious winners of this trend are companies mediating freelancer services, such as Upwork UPWK, -4.73% and Fiverr FVRR, +4.09%. As time passes, their value will only surge as freelancing becomes the new norm for U.S. and global markets. According to some projections, the majority of the U.S. workforce will consist of freelancers by 2027.

In mid-April, almost 1.6 billion students were affected by the coronavirus epidemic due to school closures in 190 countries. The necessity of being proficient in the language spoken by international employers, as well as having the skills to stand out in a huge global market, is pushing demand for ed-tech businesses sky high.

From a $107 billion market in 2015, the ed-tech industry is expected to triple to $350 billion by 2025 as more people look for learning resources online. Analysts predict the surge is largely caused by Asias growing youth population.

BYJUS, based in Bangalore, India, is the worlds most valuable ed-tech platform. Its userbase has grown by 7.5 million after it started offering free access to content. In April alone, gross revenue reached $46 million.

Another ed-tech platform whose userbase has increased to unprecedented levels is Duolingo. According to Business Insider, the number of new signups worldwide and in the U.S. grew by 108% and 148%, respectively, in March 2020. Theres now talk of an IPO.

A Nielsen investigation uncovered six key consumer thresholds that tie directly to concerns about the Covid-19 outbreak and shape the way retailers are adapting to the new environment. Consumers want to shop online, prefer home delivery, and are looking for seamless online experiences. Retailers have recognized these needs and responded by completely digitizing the shopping experience.

The result? As of April 21, U.S. and Canadian e-commerce orders have grown by 129% year-over-year, while global online retail orders have achieved an impressive 146% growth.

Even the concept of online shopping is being revamped.

As the Covid-19 pandemic has kept consumers at home, brands and retailers like Walmart WMT, +1.92%, LOral LRLCY, +0.79%, Kendra Scott, and Suitsupply have introduced virtual tools to engage with shoppers.

According to a Coresight Research report and pre-Covid-19 projections from Statista, the reality-technology market, which includes augmented reality and virtual reality, is forecast to reach $18.8 billion in 2020.

Another industry is getting a boost from the Covid-19: Autonomous vehicles. In China, the pandemic has created opportunities for the autonomous-driving industry and intelligent solutions. Baidu BIDU, -1.83% has released 104 driverless vehicles, which will help with disinfecting, logistics, cleaning and transportation in 17 Chinese cities.

Apollo, Baidus autonomous-vehicle platform, has partnered with Neolix, a local self-driving startup to deploy unmanned vehicles that disinfect all roads in commercial areas in Shanghai.

Additionally, vehicles can serve as a nighttime security robots and sound the alarm if they detect behavior that disregards coronavirus-prevention guidelines, such as not wearing masks or holding mass gatherings.

Apollo has also partnered with another company, iDriverPlus, to provide autonomous vehicles for 16 hospitals for nationwide Covid-19 treatments. Each hospital is allocated one or two disinfectant and delivery vehicles the aim is to minimize person-to-person transmission and alleviate the shortage of medical staff.

Baidu is accelerating plans to incorporate its technology into peoples everyday lives. In April 2020, the company started its Baidu Apollo Robotaxi service, offering free rides to denizens of Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province. The service covers industrial, residential and commercial districts across a 130-square-kilometer area.

In the U.S., Waymo, Alphabets GOOG, +0.61% GOOGL, +0.57% self-driving technology company that has been working on autonomous taxis, has also been developing self-driving trucks and delivery vehicles. The company has recently raised $750 million from investors and signed deals with UPS UPS, +1.38% and Walmart.

But Waymo is not the only one raising new financing.

Lets not forget Michigan-based autonomous delivery startup Refraction AI, sidewalk robot maker Kiwibot in California, self-driving technology company Optimus Ride in Boston and Irelands Manna Drone.

As firms continue to cut overhead and bolster efficiency in an increasingly competitive market, remote work and workflow automation are becoming the norm. As you probably know, behind every good automation algorithm is artificial intelligence (AI). In the Coronavirus-affected world, artificial intelligence plays a greater role than ever before, especially in the medical-technology industry. Complex algorithms are used for everything from tracking the infection and predicting infection patterns to accelerating research that could lead to worlds first novel Coronavirus vaccine.

According to Wired, a 2019 study covering 19 countries artificial intelligence health-care markets estimated a 41.7% compound annual growth rate, from $1.3 billion in 2018 to $13 billion in 2025, in six major growth areas: hospital workflow, wearables, medical imaging and diagnosis, therapy planning, virtual assistants, and, lastly but most significantly, drug discovery. Covid-19 will accelerate those trends rapidly.

Did you know that BlueDot, the artificial-intelligence platform created by Toronto-based BlueDot Inc., actually warned its creators of an anomaly in the Chinese city of Wuhan nine days before the World Health Organization released its now-famous statement? AI registered a cluster of unusual pneumonia cases in Wuhan, which later became known as the epicenter of the Coronavirus outbreak.

In China, Alibaba BABA, -1.22% announced its AI algorithm that can allegedly diagnose suspected cases within 20 seconds (almost 45 times faster than human detection) with 96% accuracy. The AI then alerts autonomous vehicles, which are sent to the location, saving people unnecessary exposure.

Nvidia NVDA, +3.23% has designed a new line of AI-driven supercomputing systems, the DGX A100, which will help government researchers at Argonne National Lab screen potential Coronavirus therapeutics faster, up to 1 billion drugs in under 24 hours. Without the added computing power, they would need close to a year to screen the same number of therapeutics.

Nvidia also announced other new services it plans to offer to hospitals across the country. Using its line of specialized GPUs, it has managed to reduce the time needed to analyze an entire human genome from around 30 hours to less than 20 minutes. The company is also teaming up with more than a dozen industry partners and 50 hospitals around the globe to help better protect frontline medical staff through the use of applications and services developed via Nvidia Clara Guardian Application Framework.

Artificial intelligence cannot do much if it is not fed torrents of actionable data. Companies making this data available will be the ones reaping the benefits alongside Nvidia and its ilk.

Kaggle, a machine-learning and data-science platform, is one such company. Its mission is to host the Covid-19 Open Research Dataset, or CORD-19, which compiles relevant data and adds new research into one centralized hub. The new data set is machine readable for AI learning purposes.

As of publication, more than 128,000 scholarly articles have been published on Covid-19, the coronavirus, SARS, MERS and other relevant terms. The Covid-19 research challenge, which started March 16 and is also hosted on Kaggle, aims to provide a broad range of insights into the pandemic its natural history, transmission data and diagnostic criteria for the virus, and lessons from previous epidemiological studies to help global health organizations stay informed and make data-driven decisions.

AIs potential goes beyond just treatment and diagnosis it can speed up paying insurance bills, getting appointments and other processes. But most important, AI is now being provided more data than ever. This aggregated data will be used for the creation of health profiles and benchmarks for individuals and entire populations; any anomalies in these profiles will provide crucial warnings, potentially leading to similar outbreaks in the future.

Keeping nurses and doctors safe is of vital importance during a pandemic to prevent the health-care system from collapsing due to increased number of patients and staff shortages.

The International Council of Nurses estimated that until May 2020, at least 90,000 health-care workers were infected, and more than 260 nurses died in the novel Coronavirus pandemic. A shortage of trained medical staff can be as dangerous as putting their lives at risk. This can also have fatal consequences for those seeking urgent medical aid.

The solution? Telehealth, the distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. It helps mitigate these risks for patients and doctors alike because it provides quick turnaround and a risk-free environment for patient examination. It also enables clinicians to consult with other specialists via conference calls while talking to patients.

Tele-health became especially sought-after during the Covid pandemic; one tele-medicine company, Teladoc TDOC, -4.22%, has doubled its appointments to 20,000 a day since early March.

Hospital systems are also reporting massive spikes in virtual visits. Ochsner Health in Louisiana, a coronavirus hotbed, said its conducted more than 120,000 virtual consultations by June 2020, compared with 3,300 in all of 2019.

Another good example is digital-health-management company Livongo LVGO, +3.90%, a company so hot, its stock value has more than tripled since February. One Medical ONEM, -0.81% also does business in that area, offering in-person and virtual services.

Virtual mental health is an emerging niche. Mindstrong, a mental-health-care company, announced in May a successful round of financing, raising $100 million. LifeStance, another mental-health-services provider, pulled in $1.2 billion in April.

Sometimes teleconferencing isnt enough. Thats where robot-assisted surgery can provide not only enough distance between a patient and a surgeon, but also superior results and a faster recovery compared with traditional surgery.

Even before the pandemic, many analysts expected significant annual growth of surgical robots market in the 2019-to-2025 period. Growth is now expected to surpass $16 billion by 2025.

Alphabets subsidiary Google, Johnson & Johnson JNJ, +1.86%, Stryker SYK, +2.72% and Medtronic MDT, +2.02% have invested billions of dollars into a new wave of surgical robots.

As the world adapts to a new post-pandemic normal, there is likely to be an increase in demand for these procedures and companies manufacturing surgical robots. In times when medical staffs lives are worth their weight in gold, remote surgical procedures are a godsend.

The same can be said for robots that clean hospitals and disinfect rooms for patients.

San Antonio, Texas-based Xenex has developed a full-spectrum UV germ-zapping robot to help battle hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), and is now in a position to potentially help slow the spread of the coronavirus within medical facilities. Ultimately, the company wants to establish a new standard method for disinfection in health-care facilities worldwide.

The number of orders for Xenexs $125,000 disinfecting robot keeps growing, especially in Asia and Italy. Revenue was up about 20% in 2019, but company CEO Morris Miller projects growth will be anywhere from 400% to 600% in 2020.

These are just some of the examples of how Covid-19 has not only plunged the world into chaos, but also fundamentally transformed it. Technologies Ive outlined in this article arent exactly new in fact, most have been in development. Some have been struggling, and some have seen slow but consistent growth until the coronavirus epidemic.

The deadly virus caused a paradigm shift in human behavior that has highlighted the necessity, importance and value of these technologies in a modern society that is now more than ever turning from analog into digital.

Jurica Dujmovic is a MarketWatch columnist.

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A great technology wave is cresting over America because of the pandemic and its largely a good thing - MarketWatch

Technology Sector Earnings: Q2 And The Rise Of Tech Sub-Industries – Forbes

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Key Takeaways:

As tech companies begin reporting Q2 earnings, the current market environment might best be summed up by that Dickens line about being the best of times and the worst of times.

On the one hand, shares advanced fiercely through the quarter against a backdrop of state reopenings. But earnings almost certainly took a huge hit, and COVID-19 appears to be making a resurgence in pockets of the nation.

While earnings across the broader market are expected to plunge in Q2analysts are forecasting a 44.6% decline in the S&P 500 according to the most recent FactSet reportthis not-so-great news didnt seem to bother many investors. The S&P 500 Index (SPX) and Dow Jones Industrial Average ($DJI) have recouped most of their losses resulting from the "coronavirus crash" last March.

Interestingly, rising above these two major indices, both still in the negative, the tech-heavy Nasdaq NDAQ (COMP) outperformed both with an astounding 22% rise year to date, much of it probably having to do with Information Technology, specifically the companies that helped drive the new stay-at-home economy (see chart below).

So, what are analysts expecting for tech at large this coming Q2 earnings season?

FIGURE 1: SHINY TECH. Though all the major indices staged a comeback after the initial virus-led ... [+] selloff, the rebound in the tech-heavy Nasdaq (COMPcandlestick) outshined the broader-market S&P 500 (SPXpurple line). Data sources: S&P Dow Jones Indices, Nasdaq. Chart source: The thinkorswim platform from TD Ameritrade.

One of the biggest fundamental drivers behind techs outperformance this last quarter had little to do with the normal business cycle; instead, it had everything to with the COVID-19 pandemic, which blew a hole in the decade-long economic recovery.

Yet not every industry in the Technology sector was impacted in the same way. If you take a look at the stats, according to Morningstar data, year-to-date performance is mixed, with software (up 25.22%) and hardware (13.35%) the sectors top performers. The semiconductor industry sits smack dab in the middle (5.05%), while worst-performing goes to communications equipment, down -8.53%.

So, whats separating the outperformers from the underperformers? Two words: cloud and subscription, according to CFRA. Why these two? Cloud-based services can often scale from small to enterprise-level businesses, while subscription means you can just stream needed tools and services online (as opposed to physically going somewhere to pick them up).

This might all make sense if you think about it. To survive the Great Lockdown, businesses had to go remote. Those able to pull this offand those that serve this growing trendgenerally fared better than those that didnt. Following that logic, companies that provided those serviceslike Nasdaq components Microsoft MSFT (MSFT), Zoom Video (ZM), and also Salesforce CRM (CRM) and Slack (WORK)likely fared better as well.

Apple AAPL (AAPL) doesn't quite fall into this categorythough the lockdown did fuel demand for at-home entertainmentbut it still helped buoy the tech hardware industry as its largest market cap behemoth. All of these companies outpaced the Nasdaq (except CRM, which trails behind it by a few percentage points). Lets take a closer look.

When looking at the tech sector in light of the COVID-19 economy, you almost have to view it from a sub-industry level, namely, specific products that might have helped people and businesses get through the last pandemic lockdown phase. This sub-industry characteristic, in this case virtual tech, might have played a weightier role than other aspects within other categories.

When MSFT reported earnings in late April, the software giant beat analyst revenue and earnings estimates, sending its shares into all-time record-high territory. Not surprisingly, MSFTs cloud applicationsAzure and Teamssaw increased usage as businesses andschools shifted to "remote" mode.

Video-conferencing company ZM is a relative newcomer and softwares shining star as its year-to-date share performance is about 300%outperforming most other stocks in the same category. ZMs Q1 report in June showed a major earnings beat (more than double consensus, according to Refinitiv) and growth of 169% year over year, according to ZM's press release. The company also made a significant increase to its fiscal year guidance, nearly doubling it.

Although demand for WORKs technologies increased during the pandemicwith its revenue growing 50% during its first quarterits Q1 results, though beating analyst consensus (according to Refinitiv), just werent as spectacular as its rival ZM. Shares tumbled, and WORK now trades 15% below its June highs.

And while CRMs revenue grew 30% year over year, slightly beating third-party analyst estimates in its last reporting period in May, its guidance for Q2 was softer than most analysts had expected. Despite CRMs soft guidance, and initial slide post earnings, its shares have risen over 18% from its post-earnings low.

AAPL appears to have been negatively impacted by the pandemic, though it still topped analyst earnings and revenue consensus in its last reporting period. Overall, analysts seem to be having a hard time predicting results for the coming quarter, according to a CNBC report. And it doesnt help much that AAPL didnt issue guidance last time out.

That might not mean much if you look at the sustained demand for Mac computers, iPads, the next cycle of iPhones (with upgraded security features), and coming 5G cycleall of which, according to CFRA analysts, may be enough to support AAPL sales through a COVID-driven slump, which they see as largely transitory.

One big question on analysts' minds, though: If cloud and streaming got a boost from the work-at-home economy, how might reopenings change technologys playing field in the months to comeespecially amid the growing likelihood of coronavirus surges and further lockdowns?

Although analysts, according to FactSet, see a 44.6% decline in Q2 S&P 500 earningsthe biggest year-over-year decline since 2008, by the waytheir most recent forecast sees the index rising to 3500 sometime within the next 12 months. However, they also see the Technology sector as one of the broader markets biggest underperformers. Perhaps this is an indicator that any coming economic recovery might be already reflected in tech share pricessome of it anyway.

Compare that with CFRAs Outlook report which forecasts a -9.2% decline for the second quarter, a -5.1% dip in Q3, but finally a 0.5% recovery in the last quarter of 2020, leading to strong growth in 2021. Looking deeper into its Q2 forecast, CFRA also sees, on a sub-industry level, companies producing interactive home entertainment, software applications, and semiconductor equipment among the top performers for this upcoming quarter.

Tech shares have been on an incredible run these past few months, which can be a double-edged sword. Any earnings that fall short or, any or forward guidance that dials back expectations, could reverse some of these recent gains. It's like the old adage about great power and great responsibilityas share prices power ahead, the responsibility becomes greater toat some pointdeliver earnings growth to support them.

TD Ameritrade commentary for educational purposes only. Member SIPC.

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Technology Sector Earnings: Q2 And The Rise Of Tech Sub-Industries - Forbes

Samsung Starts Work On 6G Technology, Expects Early Introduction Of Future Mobile Tech – Swarajya

South Korean tech giant Samsung has started working on the sixth next generation cellular technology and it expects completion of the 6G standard and its earliest commercialisation date could be as early as 2028.

Mass commercialisation of 6G may occur around 2030, Samsung said on Tuesday (14 July), adding that both humans and machines will be the main users of 6G.

Samsung, which released a white paper entitled "The Next Hyper-Connected Experience for All," said 6G will be characterised by provision of advanced services such as truly immersive extended reality (XR), high-fidelity mobile hologram and digital replica.

The development comes even as the world is still far from realising the full potential of the fifth generation cellular technology, commonly known as 5G.

Samsung said its vision for 6G is to bring the next hyper-connected experience to every corner of life.

To accelerate research for 6G, Samsung Research, the advanced R&D hub within Samsung Electronics' SET Business, founded its Advanced Communications Research Center in May of last year.

"While 5G commercialisation is still in its initial stage, it's never too early to start preparing for 6G because it typically takes around 10 years from the start of research to commercialization of a new generation of communications technology," Sunghyun Choi, Head of the Advanced Communications Research Center, said in a statement.

"We've already launched the research and development of 6G technologies by building upon the experience and ability we have accumulated from working on multiple generations of communications technology, including 5G.

"Going forward, we are committed to leading the standardization of 6G in collaboration with various stakeholders across industry, academia and government fields," Choi said.

Whereas 5G requirements mainly focused on performance aspects, Samsung defines three categories of requirements that have to be met to realize 6G services -- performance, architectural and trustworthiness requirements.

Examples of 6G performance requirements are a peak data rate of 1,000 Gbps (gigabits per second) and air latency less than 100 microseconds, 50 times the peak data rate and one-tenth the latency of 5G, Samsung said.

The architectural requirements of 6G include resolving the issues arising from the limited computation capability of mobile devices as well as implementing AI right from the initial phase of technology development and enabling the flexible integration of new network entities.

The trustworthiness requirement addresses the security and privacy issues arising from the widespread use of user data and Artificial Intelligence technologies.

The Samsung white paper also introduces candidate technologies that could be essential to satisfy the requirements for 6G.

These include the use of the terahertz (THz) frequency band, novel antenna technologies to enhance the coverage of high frequency band signals, advanced duplex technologies, the evolution of network topology, spectrum sharing to increase the efficiency of frequency utilisation and the use of AI in wireless communications.

(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)

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Samsung Starts Work On 6G Technology, Expects Early Introduction Of Future Mobile Tech - Swarajya

Integral Molecular Expands its Reporter Virus Technology to Enable Broad Testing for Coronavirus Protection Against Emerging Strains Including D614G -…

PHILADELPHIA, July 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Integral Molecular has launched an expanded panel of SARS-CoV-2 Reporter Virus Particles (RVP), which includes spike protein variants such as D614G and spike protein from other related coronaviruses. These variants will test the breadth of protection afforded by COVID-19 therapeutics and vaccines against newly emerging or resistant strains of the virus. Virus neutralization testing using RVPs is being adopted by vaccine companies for screening sera from clinical trials to provide rapid and safe testing under standard BSL-2 laboratory conditions.

Viruses mutate and change over time and these mutations can compromise the efficacy of drugs or vaccines through resistance. For example, the D614G variant of SARS-CoV-2, mutated at position 614 of the spike protein, has quickly become the dominant form of the virus in many parts of the world and may have a higher transmission rate than the original virus. As novel or resistant strains emerge, it is critical to keep pace with the changing virus, test for effectiveness against evolving strains, and adapt therapeutics and vaccines accordingly.

"To get ahead of this pandemic, we need to start planning now for how the virus will look tomorrow," said Benjamin Doranz, President and CEO of Integral Molecular. "Our reporter virus system is extremely agile and RVPs have been rapidly engineered to incorporate emerging sequence variants to provide timely support for drug and vaccine development."

SARS-CoV-2 is closely related to other coronaviruses that also cause severe illnesses, including SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) virus. Integral Molecular's suite of pseudotyped coronavirus RVPs enables neutralization tests against all three coronaviruses and can be used to identify broadly neutralizing vaccines or therapeutics that have the potential to protect against multiple pathogens.

About Integral Molecular

Integral Molecular ( is the industry leader in discovering and characterizing therapeutic antibodies against membrane proteins, an important group of drug targets found on the surfaces of cells and viruses. Integral Molecular's technologies have been integrated into the drug discovery pipelines of over 300 biotech and pharmaceutical companies to help discover new therapies for cancer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders and viral threats such as SARS-CoV-2, Ebola, Zika, and dengue.

Press Contact:Integral Molecular, Inc.Soma Banik, PhD, Director of

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Integral Molecular Expands its Reporter Virus Technology to Enable Broad Testing for Coronavirus Protection Against Emerging Strains Including D614G -...

Ascend Creates New Mask Technology To Protect Against COVID-19, And It’s Made In North Escambia –

Ascend Performance Materials has developed a new mask technology that protect against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and the material to make it is manufactured at the companys North Escambia facility on Old Chemstrand Road.

The masks, a nanofiber and a microfiber nonwoven version each branded under the Acteev Biodefend line for medical devices, deliver a one-two punch of antiviral properties plus top-level barrier protection against microbes, harmful airborne particles and fluid splatter, according to the company.

The material that goes into this material is made in Pensacola. Weve submitted a filing with the FDA to market technology in a surgical mask that lab tests show to be99% effective against SARS-CoV-2, Nicki Britton, Ascends global communications manager, told Its a new way of achieving efficacy our scientists and engineers have invented a process for embedding active zinc ions into soft nylon, resulting in a fabric that is both antiviral and comfortable. The mask designs we filed also achieve top level filtration.

Weve been working on this technology for several years. When the pandemic hit we went shifted our business to answer this immediate need. Our products are manufactured in the U.S.A., Britton said.

Ascend has filed the necessary paperwork with the FDA to market the masks and is hoping for approval soon.

Acteev technology has been shown in laboratory tests to deactivate SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and other pathogens including H1N1, betacoronavirus OC43, human coronavirus 229E and Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria such as staphylococcus and E. coli, according to Vikram Gopal, Ph.D., Ascends chief technology officer. The testing was conducted following the protocols of ISO, ASTM or other international standards organizations.

The proposed masks also meet the requirements to qualify as Level III standards, as tested by independent laboratories as well as Ascend scientists. Level III is the highest tier for physical barrier and safety properties, according to the common international testing standard.

Dr. Gopal said the combination of superior physical properties and antiviral protection is a breakthrough in medical device technology, as many masks succeed either at antiviral protection or at filtration and barrier effectiveness but not at both.

Previous technologies rely on the materials within a mask to retain an electrical charge to achieve filtration efficiency, Dr. Gopal said. But when antimicrobial agents are added, those materials lose their charge and begin to fail as barriers.

Acteev masks, however, achieve antiviral effectiveness through active zinc ions embedded within the polymer structure of polyamide 66, a hygroscopic nylon material whose equilibrium moisture keeps the zinc ions active.

With Acteev, we have cracked the code of balancing top physical performance with antiviral protection, Dr. Gopal said.

The technology, covered by more than 15 patent families, has been tested in multiple end forms, including knit and woven fabrics; engineered plastics; and nanofiber meltblown, microfiber meltblown and spunbond nonwoven materials.

Photos courtesy Ascend Performance Materials for, click to enlarge.

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Ascend Creates New Mask Technology To Protect Against COVID-19, And It's Made In North Escambia -

New technology will help Grand River increase COVID-19 testing capacity –

Staff at Kitchener's Grand River Hospital have a new instrument that will help them process more swabs a day, as testing for COVID-19 continues.

The Seegene Starlet can test 94 swabs every couple of hours.

Eventually, it will allow the hospital to test up to 1,500 swabs each day, meaning faster results.

"Currently, we can process around 66 swabs per day, and most of these are from patients in hospital and health care workers," John Vanderlaan, Grand River's Manager of Microbiology said in a release.

"The hospital and clinics collect approximately 700-800 COVID swabs from the community at the drive-thru COVID test clinic, and from patients in hospital and health care workers. We had been sending most of these swabs to public health or Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital to be processed where it can take 3-6 days to get a result."

With a second wave of the coronavirus anticipate in the fall, the hospital is trying to increase its capacity to do more in-house testing.

The new instrument is being integrated with hospital systems, which will also mean faster results.

Grand River is set to receive a second Seegene Starlet in early August.

They're hoping to be able to process around 1,500 tests a day by late August or early September.

In addition to Mount Sinai Hospital, the technology is also being used at SickKids in Toronto.


New technology will help Grand River increase COVID-19 testing capacity -

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and TV SD Announce Publication of Industry First Complete Safety Guidelines – Business Wire

PLAYA VISTA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hyperloop Transportation Technologies announced today the first ever completed certification guidelines for Hyperloop systems will now be available to the public. The guideline was published in collaboration with HyperloopTT by the internationally recognized TV SD Group, an industry leading testing, certification, auditing, and advisory services organization. As the European Commission and the United States call for sustainable transportation infrastructure projects, such as Hyperloop, to aid in economic recovery following the pandemic, this guideline paves the way for regulation and adoption. The original guideline was created in 2019 and was shared with governmental transportation and infrastructure organizations in the European Union and United States.

TV SD reviewed the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA) of the HyperloopTT system and used it as the basis for developing a guideline that defines the key safety requirements for the design, construction, and operation of these systems. The TV SD guideline took into consideration existing regulations and experience from rail, metro systems, cable cars, amusement rides, aviation, and the process industry, and aligned them to the specific requirements of Hyperloop technology.

Taking a holistic approach, the complete safety guideline defines a host of aspects including the core safety requirements for the transport capsules, the drive system, the environmental control and life support system (ECLSS), the tubes, and the evacuation procedure in case of emergency.

Our generic guideline is our significant contribution to making an innovative technology like Hyperloop safe and reliable, says Ferdinand Neuwieser, CEO TV SD Industrie Service GmbH.

This is a major milestone for the Hyperloop movement. We are prepared to build the safest form of transportation ever created by humankind, said Andres De Leon, CEO HyperloopTT. The work of our teams in collaboration with the experts at TV SD has created a solid foundation for leading the industry and positioning Hyperloop as an ideal safe and sustainable high speed infrastructure project for the near future.

Todays publication represents the full and complete set of safety guidelines. The guideline can be downloaded in PDF format from the TV SD website for a fee of EUR 1,000:

About TV SD

Founded in 1866 as a steam boiler inspection association, the TV SD Group has evolved into a global enterprise. More than 25,000 employees work at over 1,000 locations in about 50 countries to continually improve technology, systems and expertise. They contribute significantly to making technical innovations such as Industry 4.0, autonomous driving and renewable energy safe and reliable.

About HyperloopTT

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT) is an innovative transportation and technology company focused on realizing the Hyperloop, a system that moves people and goods at unprecedented speeds safely, efficiently, and sustainably. Through the use of unique, patented technology and an advanced business model of lean collaboration, open innovation and integrated partnership, HyperloopTT is creating and licensing technologies.

Founded in 2013, HyperloopTT is a global team of more than 800 engineers, creatives and technologists in 52 multidisciplinary teams, with 40 corporate and university partners.

HyperloopTTs European Research and Development Center is the testing site of the worlds first and only full-scale system and passenger capsule. In 2019, HyperloopTT released the first comprehensive feasibility study analyzing a Hyperloop system, which found that the system is economically and technically feasible and will generate a profit without requiring government subsidies.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, CA and Toulouse, France, HyperloopTT has offices in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, UAE; Bratislava, Slovakia; So Paulo, Brazil; and Barcelona, Spain. HyperloopTT has signed agreements in the United States, UAE, France, Germany, India, China, Korea, Indonesia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Ukraine.

For more information or media inquiries, contact or visit

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies images and assets can be found here

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Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and TV SD Announce Publication of Industry First Complete Safety Guidelines - Business Wire

CB Technology aims to more than double turnover as it targets acquisitions –

Livingston electronics firm CBTechnology aims to more than double its turnover to 25 million by 2025 as it targets acquisitions.

The Maven Capital Partners-backed company today reports that revenue grew by 31% in the year to March 31, to 10.67 million. Profits were by 64% to 1.35 million.

It says it has reaped the rewards of increasing headcount from 47 to 71 in two years and investing in more efficient production methods, including cellular, flow and lean manufacturing techniques.

The firm was founded in 1999 and once serve mainly oil & gas clients, specialising in electronic monitors and other technology that was robust enough to be used in subsea drilling. It now serves diverse sectors and has partnered with other manufacturers on the development of medical instruments and data transfer and storage technology for telecoms.

Turnover has more than trebled since 2015 when Glasgow private equity house Maven backed a management buy-in. CB, which was founded in 1999, is now the largest independent EMS (electronics manufacturing services) business in Scotland.

Managing director John Cameron, who led the MBI, said: Theres a huge amount of hard work across the company that goes into producing financial results like these and Im incredibly proud of our team. While other companies in our sector are growing in single digits or struggling to grow at all, our business has grown by more than 30% in each of the past three years.

Thats thanks to our focus on working in partnership with our customers to fulfil their needs and responding to changes in their sectors.

Its also due to our high-quality operational, technical and supply chain staff and to our world-class management team. Were the world leader when it comes to downhole electronics and weve been successfully translating that expertise into other sectors in recent years.

CBTechnology has retained all its staff and temporary workers during the coronavirus lockdown and continued to pay 100% of their wages. As a key supplier to UK companies operating the critical infrastructure and medical sectors, CBTechnology is aiming to play a key role in the UKs economic recovery.

Cameron added: Having the backing of Maven gives us the firm financial foundations not simply to survive the coronavirus storm but to continue to grow in the years ahead.

We have the expertise and the capacity to help original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and our other customers navigate their way through the months ahead too.

Our know-how and financial strength mean we will continue to be a reliable and trusted partner within our clients supply chains and play our part in helping to rebuild the wider economy.

We have both the speed and the flexibility that our customers need to recover and reshape their business, and also to capitalise on opportunities that arise during the recession and beyond.

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CB Technology aims to more than double turnover as it targets acquisitions -

Global Automotive Tail Gate Market to 2024 – Technology Landscape, Trends and Opportunities – – Business Wire

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Technology Landscape, Trends and Opportunities in the Global Automotive Tail Gate Market" report has been added to's offering.

The operating technologies in automotive tail gate have undergone significant change in recent years, with manual to gesture controlled tailgates. The rising wave of new technologies, such as hand-free tailgate, hydraulic operated tailgate, and power operated tailgate are creating significant potential for automotive tail gate in various vehicle platforms as it offers access to the vehicle boot area.

In this market, various operating technologies such as manual, hydraulic operated and power operated tailgate are used in passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and heavy commercial vehicles. Increasing use of lightweight materials, rise in demand for luxury vehicles, and consumer concern over the vehicle esthetic appearance are creating opportunities for various automotive tail gate technologies.

This report analyzes technology maturity, degree of disruption, competitive intensity, market potential, and other parameters of various technologies in the automotive tail gate market.

The study includes technology readiness, competitive intensity, regulatory compliance, disruption potential, trends, forecasts and strategic implications for the global automotive tail gate technology by application, technology, and region.

Key questions answered:

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. Technology Landscape

2.1.Technology Background and Evolution

2.2.Technology and Application Mapping

2.3.Supply Chain

3. Technology Readiness

3.1.Technology Commercialization and Readiness

3.2.Drivers and Challenges in Automotive Tail Gate Technologies

3.3.Competitive Intensity

3.4.Regulatory Compliance

4. Technology Trends and Forecasts Analysis from 2013-2024

4.1.Automotive Tail Gate Opportunity

4.2.Technology Trends (2013-2018) and Forecasts (2019-2024)

4.2.1.Hydraulic Operated

4.2.2.Power Operated


4.3.Technology Trends (2013-2018) and Forecasts (2019-2024) by Application Segments

4.3.1.Passenger Cars Operated Operated

4.3.2.Light Commercial Vehicles Operated Operated

4.3.3.Heavy Commercial Vehicles Operated Operated

5. Technology Opportunities (2013-2024) by Region

5.1.Automotive Tail Gate Market by Region

5.2.North American Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.2.1.United States Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.2.2.Canadian Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.2.3.Mexican Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.3.European Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.3.1.The United Kingdom Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.3.2.German Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.3.3.French Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.4.APAC Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market:

5.4.1.Chinese Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.4.2.Japanese Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.4.3.Indian Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.4.4.South Korean Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

5.5.ROW Automotive Tail Gate Technology Market

6. Latest Developments and Innovations in the Automotive Tail Gate Technologies

7. Companies/Ecosystem

7.1.Product Portfolio Analysis

7.2.Market Share Analysis

7.3.Geographical Reach

8. Strategic Implications


8.2.Growth Opportunity Analysis

8.2.1.Growth Opportunities for the Automotive Tail Gate Market by Technology

8.2.2.Growth Opportunities for the Automotive Tail Gate Market by Application

8.2.3.Growth Opportunities for the Automotive Tail Gate Market by Region

8.3.Emerging Trends in the Automotive Tail Gate Market

8.4.Disruption Potential

8.5.Strategic Analysis

8.5.1.New Product Development

8.5.2.Capacity Expansion of the Automotive Tail Gate Market

8.5.3.Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Automotive Tail Gate Market

9. Company Profiles of Leading Players

9.1.Magna International

9.2.Robert Bosch

9.3.Plastic Omnium

9.4.Seoyon E-Hwa

9.5.Rockland Manufacturing Company

9.6.Zhejiang Yuanchi Holding Group

9.7.Gordon Auto Body Parts

9.8.Huf Hlsbeck & Frsts

9.9.Woodbine Manufacturing

9.10.Go Industries

For more information about this report visit

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Global Automotive Tail Gate Market to 2024 - Technology Landscape, Trends and Opportunities - - Business Wire

Kollective Technology to Demonstrate Scalability of Microsoft Teams and Stream Live Events at Microsoft Experience and Technology Centers Worldwide -…

BEND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Leading Software-Defined Enterprise Content Delivery Network (SD ECDN) provider Kollective Technology today announced that it was selected by Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) to demonstrate the scalability of Microsoft Teams for live events at Microsoft Experience and Technology Centers worldwide.

Designed to create comprehensive and immersive technology experiences for Microsoft customers looking to adopt innovations that accelerate their Digital Transformation initiatives, Microsoft Experience and Technology Centers highlight the latest in Modern Workplace use cases, including live video broadcasts. By selecting Kollective as the certified ECDN of Experience Centers, Microsoft can now easily showcase how Teams can deliver company-wide, global live events with the help of ECDN technology.

Kollectives ECDN platform, utilizing browser-based peering technology, scales Teams live events without the need to install software or invest in additional network infrastructure. Leveraging the Kollective Demo Portal, Experience Center visitors can not only learn how ECDNs scale live events but also immediately start a free trial, enabling them to evaluate peer-assisted video delivery within their own Microsoft 365 tenant. Real-time analytics, included with every trial, provides teams with insights that easily demonstrate how peering technology optimizes user experience and live event reach while minimizing network impact.

We are excited Microsoft selected Kollective to bring ECDN technology to customers embarking on their digital transformation journeys, said Kollective CEO Dan Vetras. Our solution enables enterprise organizations to maximize the ROI of their Microsoft 365 investment by optimizing networks to reliably deliver live and on-demand video content.

At Experience Center Asia, through enabling the use of Kollective Technology for Microsoft Teams live events, we not only showcase our commitment to partners and innovation, we also clearly demonstrate to the market how the Future of Work may look like, said Microsofts Rebecca Hick, Director of Experience Center Asia.


Kollective is the leading provider of enterprise content delivery networking (ECDN) infrastructure. Kollectives cloud-based, software-only platform leverages existing network infrastructure to deliver content faster, more reliably and with less bandwidth. With numerous pre-built integrations to applications such as Microsoft Teams, Kollective customers can easily and securely scale the best technologies to the edge of their global networks. Over 135 organizations, including many of the largest companies in the world, trust Kollective to securely scale live streaming video, video on-demand, and software updates to every device at the network edge.


Microsoft (Nasdaq MSFT @microsoft) enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

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Kollective Technology to Demonstrate Scalability of Microsoft Teams and Stream Live Events at Microsoft Experience and Technology Centers Worldwide -...

Transitioning to technology in turbulent times | 2020-07-14 | Dairy Foods –

Transitioning to technology in turbulent times | 2020-07-14 | Dairy Foods This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. This Website Uses CookiesBy closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Learn MoreThis website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more.

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Pattern Raises Additional $9M to Fast-track New Technology for the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance – PRNewswire

AUSTIN, Texas, July 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Pattern Bioscience, Inc. today announced $9M in additional funding to accelerate the development and clinical validation of its Digital CultureTM rapid bacterial identification and susceptibility testing (ID/AST) technology.

Illumina Venturesled the Series B-1 funding and was joined by the lead investor from Pattern's previous two rounds, Omnimed Capital. As part of the transaction, Nick Naclerio, Founding Partner of Illumina Ventures, will join Pattern's Board of Directors. The funding will supplement the company's previously announced CARB-X awardas the company works toward FDA clearance of its patented clinical microbiology diagnostics platform.

"Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today and its effects are compounded by the current global pandemic. We desperately need a fundamental shift in the way common bacterial infections are treated," said Nick Naclerio, Founding Partner of Illumina Ventures. "Pattern is poised to unlock a new paradigm in targeted antibiotic treatment through faster and smarter diagnostics."

Digital CultureTM is a single cell analysis platform that uses digital cell reactors combined with machine learning to rapidly diagnose complex bacterial infections. The platform, which produces millions of measurements per run, will zoom into the real-time antibiotic response of individual bacterial cells within the first critical hours of illness.

Pattern's phenotypic testing platform is uniquely suited to address all common bacterial infections, including complex infections such as pneumonia, that elude other rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing technologies. This is particularly important during COVID-19, when more patients are hospitalized and in need of mechanical ventilation. Ventilated patients are at high risk of developing bacterial pneumonia and are often treated with antibiotics days before current antibiotic susceptibility tests can be completed. Pattern's faster bacterial tests can reduce the risk of antibiotic misuse and enable focused treatment, improving patient outcomes and reducing selective pressures that lead to drug resistance.

"These funds will allow us to bring our life-saving technology a step closer to market," said Pattern Co-founder and CEO Nick Arab. "With COVID-19 pulling us deeper into the antibiotic resistance crisis, there is an even greater need for rapid tests that can takethe guesswork out of critical treatment decisions for complex infections. Illumina Ventures and Omnimed share this vision and we're excited to have their support for Pattern's next phase."

About Pattern

Pattern Bioscience is a privately held in vitro diagnostics company founded in 2016 to help combat the problem of antibiotic resistance.Pattern is developing a next-generation clinical microbiology platform based on its patented phenotypic single-cell technology that can rapidly identify pathogens and determine their antibiotic response without the need for traditional time-consuming culture steps.Pattern's Digital CultureTM technology relies on functional endpoints that encompass all possible resistance mechanisms, resulting in more comprehensive and reliable diagnoses compared to rapid genotypic tests. The platform will deliver more reliable diagnoses days faster than the current standard of care.

About Illumina Ventures

Illumina Ventures is an independently managed, healthcare-focused venture firm in a strategic partnership with Illumina, with the vision to unlock the power of the genome. As an early-stage, value-add investor, Illumina Ventures helps entrepreneurs develop breakthrough science and technologies into market-leading companies to transform healthcare. The firm focuses on investment in life science tools, therapeutics, diagnostics, and personal wellness. For more information,

About Omnimed Capital

Omnimed Capital specializes in venture capital and private equity healthcare investments. Omnimed's investment strategy is grounded in the view that healthcare is transitioning toward personalized care and prevention tailored to specific circumstances, diseases and patient individualities. The principals of Omnimed, a Concorde Company, have invested in numerous successful healthcare services and medical technologies.

SOURCE Illumina Ventures


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Pattern Raises Additional $9M to Fast-track New Technology for the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance - PRNewswire

Insights Into the Consumer Water Purifier Industry, 2020-2025 by Technology, End-use, Mobility, Distribution Channel and Region -…

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Consumer Water Purifier Market - Forecasts from 2020 to 2025" report has been added to's offering.

The global consumer water purifier market was valued at US$17.344 billion in 2019.

The market for consumer water purifiers is projected to witness healthy growth over the course of the next five years majorly on account of the rising concerns regarding the benefits of clean drinking water especially in the underdeveloped economies where the purchasing power is comparatively low. The rapid growth in the number of deaths due to water-related diseases is one of the leading causes for the inclination of the people towards water purification systems. According to the statistics from the World Health Organization, around 3.4 million people die each year due to water-related diseases, and the WHO states these can be mitigated to some extent with the use of various inexpensive purification systems.

Furthermore, the rapid urbanization in the developing economies of the region coupled with a rise in the middle-class population in various countries including India, China, Brazil, and Indonesia among others are also some of the key factors propelling the demand for water purification systems, thereby driving the market growth during the next five years. Furthermore, the improvement in standards of living is also driving the demand for water purifiers in the undeveloped and developing economies as well. Also, the availability of clean water and safe water by municipalities of various countries has also led to a decent increase in the adoption of water purifiers, this, in turn, is also projected to positively impact the consumer water purifier market growth.

Rapid technological advancements is driving the market growth significantly

The rapidly growing consumer requirements have led to the constant participation by the key market players for the development and launch of new products with an aim to expand their market share and gain a competitive edge over other players. For instance, recently in February 2020, Havells India Limited, one of the leading FMEG Company based out of India, announced the launch of its latest Delite Alkaline High Recovery, eco-friendly water purifier with 50%+ water recovery. In addition, during the same month, Livpure announced the launch of a new product line up for its water purifier segment.

Similarly, in August 2019, Kent RO Systems announced the launch of a new purifier product KENT Ace Star RO Water Purifier. Furthermore, the investments by new market players in the market for entering into new business segments are also considered to be a prime factor supporting the market growth during the next five years. For example, in September 2019, Xiaomi Corporation announced the launch of its latest product offering Mi Smart Water Purifier for its sale in India.

Also, booming investments in the form of R&D and rising inclination of key market players for the development of new products in concern with various social issues. For instance, in December 2019, Kent announced its latest technology that is aimed towards zero wastage of water; the company also states that not even a single drop of water will be wasted.

Furthermore, in October 2016, Blue Star, a globally known manufacturer of air conditioners, commercial refrigeration systems announced its entry into a new business segment of residential water purifiers. All these factors are collectively contributing to the consumer water purifier market growth throughout the forecast period.

The market is also poised to grow on account of the rising government focus towards the development of commercial infrastructure that includes, hotels, airports, metros, shopping malls, movie theatres, and commercial buildings such as offices. The booming initiatives by the governments of various countries is also propelling the opportunities for the key manufacturers and vendors to invest more in the market and gain a competitive edge over other players.

For instance, Saudi Arabia and UAE have their main focus in the development of commercial infrastructure which is indicated from the fact, there are various initiatives taken by the government of major countries like Saudi Vision 2030, UAE Vision 2021 and UAE Vision 2023 that include the construction of new hotels, airports, and metros. This, in turn, is also expected to add up to the requirements of commercial water purifiers, thus driving the market growth during the next five years.

Asia Pacific to hold a considerable market share

The Asia Pacific region is projected to hold a considerable market share throughout the forecast period. The major factor bolstering the share of the APAC region includes the presence of a considerably large population base across the region especially in countries like India and China among others. Furthermore, the growing middle-class population and rapid urbanization in the developing countries of the region is also a key factor bolstering the growth during the next five years. Also, the presence of key players of the market in the region is further supplementing the market growth throughout the forecast period.

Competitive Insights

Prominent key market players in the consumer water purifier market include Eureka Forbes, KENT RO, TATA, and A.O Smith among others. These companies hold a noteworthy share in the market on account of their good brand image and product offerings. Major players in the consumer water purifier market have been covered along with their relative competitive position and strategies. The report also mentions recent deals and investments of different market players over the last two years.

Market Segmentation

By Technology

By End-use

By Mobility

By Distribution Channel

By Geography

Companies Profiled

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