3 Themes Emerging in Speech Technology – No Jitter

We would all rather be convening in-person for Enterprise Connect, but like other industry events, the 2020 edition will be virtual, running from Aug. 3-6. Im returning with another state of the market update on speech technology in the enterprise, and as a preview, Ive got a few highlights to share.

My presentation was initially developed for the in-person event back in March, and while COVID-19 took that option away, it also had an impact on the collaboration space, as weve all had to adapt to working from home. Zoom is the most visible beneficiary of this change, but in general, business has been good for collaboration vendors, and with that, were seeing more speech technology use cases.

Theme 1: Innovation Versus Disruption

Ive been using the term New Voice for a few years now to describe speech-based applications that have moved beyond telephony. Aside from talking in-person, telephony has long been the dominant channel for voice in the workplace. That pillar remains firmly in place, but its utility has been declining for years, and in the world of digital work, other voice applications have gained traction. Most of these are for person-to-person communication, but with advances in AI-driven speech technology, new layers are being added where voice has entirely new and different use cases.

To understand whats driving these changes, its important to distinguish between innovation and disruption. Its easy to use these terms interchangeably much like communication and collaboration but I see them being on a spectrum. In some cases, innovation leads to disruption, and in others, disruption leads to innovation, and I see both happening with speech tech, especially in the current pandemic climate.

During my talk, Ill be exploring this further, and providing examples of both. For decision-makers, my message is to understand how these forces are different and the causal relationship between them. Both forces are driving speech tech in the enterprise, and Ill talk about an added layer that provides a common set of implications to watch for.

Whether the force is innovation or disruption, both share an over-arching driver that I find holds for most technologies, speech tech included. That driver would be how both of these forces generally manifest themselves in the consumer world first, and from there, enterprise adoption follows. This has major implications for who will emerge as leaders in this space, and theres a strong case to make that it wont be familiar names we know from UCaaS.

Theme 2: Enterprise Use Cases

I cant say which 2020 applications may meet with similar success, but as the summary table below shows, my focus has moved on from real-time transcription to other use cases. All of these are quite promising, and together they reflect how rich the possibilities have become, largely thanks to advances in AI.

Some of these companies will be familiar from my 2019 talk, and I wanted to revisit Otter in particular. Last year, I felt they had the coolest transcription offering, and if you get my newsletter, youll know that I use Otter for my podcasts. Ill be talking about them mainly to show how far theyve taken things from basic real-time transcription to a deeper value proposition around what they call dark data.

Ill be talking about each use case below in detail, emphasizing how the company mentioned is just one leading example in most cases. For most of these applications, there are several companies both start-ups and majors doing good work, and I could have just as easily cited any of them. I view this as further validation for how quickly the speech tech space is evolving.

Theme 3 Setting Objectives for Decision-Makers

This topic warrants a workshop of its own, but the main message here is that no matter how compelling these applications may be, IT needs to build a business case. As with anything driven by the shiny ball of AI, its easy to see these speech tech use cases as silver bullets for a litany of problems. Even with this small set of use cases cited above, the benefits need to be clearly articulated and tied to a specific set of objectives.

In my talk, Ill distinguish between business-level objectives automation and cost reduction and those that are employee-based namely productivity and engagement. All of these are valid, but speech tech applications will impact them in distinct ways. These distinctions matter because the benefits that come with each use case can give rise to unintended consequences.

To mitigate this, it will be important for decision-makers to assess both the benefits and risks. Ill be addressing key considerations here, including privacy implications and the always-there AI dark side. Last year, I provided several examples that are still relevant today as is most of that talk but even then, I was only scratching the surface for where AI can do more harm than good.

Were certainly seeing it all around us now, as cybercrime gets bolder and broader, enterprises and contact centers being rich targets for these actors the risks are very real. I hope that stokes your curiosity rather than scare you away, and that you'll join me to learn about the state of speech tech in the enterprise.

This post is written on behalf of BCStrategies, an industry resource for enterprises, vendors, system integrators, and anyone interested in the growing business communications arena. A supplier of objective information on business communications, BCStrategies is supported by an alliance of leading communication industry advisors, analysts, and consultants who have worked in the various segments of the dynamic business communications market.

Original post:

3 Themes Emerging in Speech Technology - No Jitter

Global Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market (2019 to 2024) – Technology Landscape, Trends and Opportunities – GlobeNewswire

Dublin, July 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Technology Landscape, Trends and Opportunities in the Global Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The material technologies in automotive spare wheel recess have undergone significant change in recent years, with steel, aluminum, and glass-mat-reinforced thermoplastics (GMT) to polyamide 6. The rising wave of new material technology, such as polyamide 6 is creating significant potential for automotive spare wheel recess in various vehicle platforms due to stiffness of the recess, and storage of the spare tire.

Spare wheel recess suppliers are using various material technologies, such as steel, aluminum, GMT (glass-mat-reinforced thermoplastics), and highly reinforced polyamide 6, to make different type of spare wheel recess products. High demand for replacement tires, increasing demand for passenger car and commercial vehicles, increasing research and technological developments, rising demand for energy efficient and high quality tires, and reduction in rubber are creating opportunities for various automotive spare wheel recess technologies.

This report analyzes technology maturity, degree of disruption, competitive intensity, market potential, and other parameters of various technologies in the automotive spare wheel recess market.

The study includes technology readiness, competitive intensity, regulatory compliance, disruption potential, trends, forecasts and strategic implications for the global automotive spare wheel recess technology by material technology, application, and region.

Some of the automotive spare wheel recess companies profiled in this report include Iochpe-Maxion, Superior Industries International, Accuride Corporation, Steel Strips Wheels, Hitachi Metals, Enkei, Citic Dicastal, Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel, Borbet, Mangels Industrial, and Mefro Wheels Industries.

Key Questions Answered:

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. Technology Landscape2.1. Technology Background and Evolution2.2. Technology and Application Mapping2.3. Supply Chain

3. Technology Readiness3.1. Technology Commercialization and Readiness3.2. Drivers and Challenges in Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technologies3.3. Competitive Intensity3.4. Regulatory Compliance

4. Technology Trends and Forecasts Analysis from 2013-20244.1. Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Opportunity4.2. Technology Trends (2013-2018) and Forecasts (2019-2024)4.2.1. Steel4.2.2. Aluminum4.2.3. GMT (glass-mat-reinforced thermoplastics)4.2.4. Highly reinforced polyamide 64.3. Technology Trends (2013-2018) and Forecasts (2019-2024) by Application Segments4.3.1. Passenger Vehicles4.3.1.1. Steel4.3.1.2. Aluminum4.3.1.3. GMT (glass-mat-reinforced thermoplastics) Highly reinforced polyamide 64.3.2. Light Commercial Vehicles4.3.2.1. Steel4.3.2.2. Aluminum4.3.2.3. GMT (glass-mat-reinforced thermoplastics) Highly reinforced polyamide 64.3.3. Heavy Commercial Vehicles4.3.3.1. Steel4.3.3.2. Aluminum4.3.3.3. GMT (glass-mat-reinforced thermoplastics) Highly reinforced polyamide 6

5. Technology Opportunities (2013-2024) by Region5.1. Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market by Region5.2. North American Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.2.1. United States Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.2.2. Canadian Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.2.3. Mexican Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.3. European Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.3.1. The United Kingdom Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.3.2. German Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.3.3. French Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.4. APAC Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.4.1. Chinese Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.4.2. Japanese Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.4.3. Indian Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.4.4. South Korean Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market5.5. ROW Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technology Market

6. Latest Developments and Innovations in the Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Technologies

7. Companies/Ecosystem7.1. Product Portfolio Analysis7.2. Market Share Analysis7.3. Geographical Reach

8. Strategic Implications8.1. Implications8.2. Growth Opportunity Analysis8.2.1. Growth Opportunities for the Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market by Material Technology8.2.2. Growth Opportunities for the Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market by Application8.2.3. Growth Opportunities for the Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market by Region8.3. Emerging Trends in the Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market8.4. Disruption Potential8.5. Strategic Analysis8.5.1. New Product Development8.5.2. Capacity Expansion of the Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market8.6. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market

9. Company Profiles of Leading Players9.1. Iochpe-Maxion9.2. Superior Industries International9.3. Accuride Corporation9.4. Steel Strips Wheels9.5. Hitachi Metals9.6. Enkei, Citic Dicastal9.7. Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel9.8. Borbet, Mangels Industrial9.9. Mefro Wheels Industries

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/9t0798

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Global Automotive Spare Wheel Recess Market (2019 to 2024) - Technology Landscape, Trends and Opportunities - GlobeNewswire

Transportation takes a leading edge with smart technology – TechHQ

The world is becoming increasingly urban. By 2050, 7.5 billion people will be city dwellers1. This means that cities around the world are experiencing unprecedented population growth: Tokyo is now home to over 372 million people, and Mumbais population is to rise to 42 million by 20503.

This is driving the need for smart solutions to meet urban challenges. This year, 2020, there will be $124bn invested in smart cities globally4. Many of the challenges being met by urban administrators are inextricably linked with those facing the transportation industry. Boston Consulting Group says that by the end of 2020, we will see a three-fold increase in global IoT transport and logistics spend to $30bn5.

The driving force behind the growth of smart solutions is to create environments that improve citizen experience, lower the cost of delivering services, and embrace sustainability. With the increasing digitization of transportation, emerging technologies are proving to be critical in advancing smart solutions: Edge computing, Computer Vision and 5G are among those delivering immediate impact:

In order to harness the full potential of new smart technologies and the ever-increasing amounts of data transportation industries must embrace edge computing.

Today, 90% of all data is created and processed inside traditional centralized data centers or clouds. That is beginning to change. According to Gartner6, by 2025, 75% of data is going to be processed at the Edge.

All keys areas of transport are now leveraging the power of data and unlocking the potential of smart technologies through Edge computing. Combining Edge and IoT means the transportation industry is able to drive efficiency, reduce costs, improve safety, enhance security, and make faster decisions.

Lets look at some of the main forms of transportation to see how this is being done.

Urban mass transit systems have exploded in number and scope in recent decades as the worlds population has urbanized. Globally, there were 53bn mass transit passengers in 2017 an increase of 17% over a five-year period7 and numbers are still rising. For example, London rail trips are expected to increase by 80% by 20508.

Bus, tram, and metro train operators around the world are now investing in Edge technology, so they can make smart decisions in real-time. Connected public transportation systems are able to decrease passenger waiting time by 30%9. Public bus operators are able to improve service levels and passenger experience through fleet tracking, smart fare collection, and live video monitoring.

The number of cars on the road is set to reach the 2 billion mark by 204010, so countries around the world are investing in smart technologies to manage the increased traffic flows. This includes AI-enabled traffic and weather detection, sensor-empowered interactive road lights, and smart pavements that can monitor changing road conditions.

Smart technologies can help shave 30 minutes off the average daily commute9. Other benefits include: 10-15% improvement in emergency service arrival time, and smart refuse collection, which is expected to grow by 23% between 2017-20229.

As airports and aircraft become digitally connected through Edge IoT technology, many potential opportunities to improve air travel become an everyday reality. By harnessing Edge technology, 5G, and computer vision, many airlines are now able to drive significant operational efficiency. There are many use cases here, including: visual inspection-based pre-emptive maintenance that reduces downtime and delays, smarter scheduling and runway utilization, and cost-savings through smarter fuel usage.

Safety and security can be significantly enhanced through Edge computing. Combining computer vision, computer audition, and analytics at the Edge can facilitate less disruptive and more rigorous safety and security. For example, facial recognition can be employed at smart gates to help tackle crime, and smart technology can be used to improve health screenings at airports.

And there is huge potential for improving customer experience. By using Edge computing and smart technologies, the whole passenger journey can be connected and made smoother; from parking and arrival at the airport, through check-in, boarding, and inflight entertainment to arrival and baggage claim.

Rail is among the most energy-efficient modes of transport. While the rail sector carries 8% of the worlds passengers, it represents only 2% of total transport energy demand11. And with smart technology, greater efficiencies can be achieved as passenger volumes increase.

One of the biggest efficiencies that can be realized by operators is through rail automation. This is rapidly advancing 23% of cities with a metro network now have at least one fully automated line12.

Security is a primary concern for all rail companies, and a growing number of operators are now embracing Edge computing-enabled smart technology to improve preventative measures. In London, Transport for London (TfL) operates over 12,000 cameras on platforms and trains to help tackle crime13. Real-time monitoring can also help prevent train and track failures, provide accurate real-time data and analytics, and facilitate pre-emptive maintenance.

As the pace of digitalization of the shipping industry increases, it is adopting technologies such as Edge computing and AI to drive efficiencies and safety. Governments across the world are supporting the deployment of innovative technologies and have launched initiatives to promote cross-border collaboration.

Shipping companies are seeing significant efficiencies from the use of remote diagnostics, pre-emptive maintenance and from maximizing uptime. Shipping security is being taken to a new level with the introduction of Edge-to-Cloud technology, data and network protection, and advanced threat analytics. And safety is being improved with the introduction of human augmentation and semi-autonomous vessels.

Dell Technologies is a global leader in Edge IoT technology and is playing a central role in driving digital transformation in all key areas of transportation. It is working with transportation organizations across the globe to leverage the potential of Edge computing by focusing the power of technology close to the data source. To learn more, please visit: DellTechnologies.com/Edge

Processing data at the Edge creates true business opportunity. Analytics, streaming video, cloud services, and next-generation applications such as computer vision are driving the need to bring computing power and storage closer to end-users.

For transportation organizations, Edge computing is the next big shift in the architecture of distributed computing networks, representing a massive wave of opportunities in efficiency, safety, security, performance, and customer experience.

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Transportation takes a leading edge with smart technology - TechHQ

Wyss Institute’s tough gel technology licensed to Amend Surgical for oral surgery applications – PRNewswire

The technology, created in the lab of Wyss Core Faculty member David Mooney, Ph.D. and developed by Postdoctoral Fellow Benjamin Freedman, Ph.D. and former Postdoctoral fellow Jianyu Li, Ph.D., is a biocompatible hydrogel-based material that strongly binds to biological tissues, even in difficult, wet environments such as the oral cavity. After conducting initial validation and optimization of the tough adhesive, Amend Surgical plans to explore its use in products that release drugs or other active agents during wound closure, and patches that promote dentin restoration.

"We are really enthusiastic about the application of our tough adhesive technology in dental surgery, as it has the potential to dramatically transform current clinical practice," said Freedman.

Robby Lane, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Amend Surgical, expressed similar enthusiasm. "Both our engineering and clinical teams were involved in the evaluation of this important technology, and we are eager to begin commercialization. We envision that the tough adhesive could provide clinicians both a wound barrier and an effective means to protect bone grafts in a single, easy-to-apply product, and could potentially eliminate the need for sutures used in conjunction with most dental barriers," Lane said.

The company intends to ultimately manufacture the tough adhesive at its facility in Alachua, Florida, where it already employs a complementary manufacturing process.

Lane first learned about the tough gel adhesive during a meeting with Erika Bechtold, Ph.D., Director of Technology Commercialization at Harvard OTD, when they met at an industry conference in 2019. It was evident the technology would complement Amend Surgical's biomaterials portfolio, and discussions and site visits soon followed, culminating in the license agreement spearheaded by OTD.

"We knew that the tough gel adhesive had enormous potential in a variety of internal and external wound closure applications, and the license with Amend Surgical in the oral surgery space is a great first application to leverage all of the unique advantages and features of this technology, beyond even its ability to bind to wet surfaces. It shows great promise for development into a range of possible products that would benefit both patients and their physicians," said Bechtold.

First described in Sciencein 2017, the tough gel adhesive maintains its binding strength for multiple weeks after application, even over tens of thousands of cycles of repeated motion. It can also be engineered to include therapeutics such as antimicrobial molecules and/or contract in response to body heat, thus helping to prevent infection and close wounds faster. It is fully biocompatible and non-toxic, and much easier to apply to a wound than traditional closure methods.

"It has been gratifying to watch this technology transform from a project in the lab into an innovation with real potential to help patients recover from surgery more comfortably. I'm proud of the work the team has done to successfully get it to this point, and look forward to further collaboration opportunities with Amend Surgical to see it make an impact in the clinic," said Mooney, who is also the Robert P. Pinkas Family Professor of Bioengineering at Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

"This agreement exemplifies how the Wyss Institute's model of technology translation accelerates the pace of innovation and commercialization, bringing novel solutions to real-world problems with the help of industrial partners who are also willing to commit to an idea that has the potential for enormous impact," said the Wyss Institute's Founding DirectorDonald Ingber, M.D., Ph.D., who is also theJudah Folkman Professor of Vascular Biologyat Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, and Professor of Bioengineering at SEAS.


Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard UniversityLindsay Brownell,[emailprotected], +1 617-432-8266


The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University(http://wyss.harvard.edu)uses Nature'sdesignprinciples to develop bioinspired materials and devices that will transform medicine and create a more sustainable world. Wyss researchers are developing innovative new engineering solutions for healthcare, energy, architecture, robotics, and manufacturing that are translated into commercial products and therapies through collaborations with clinical investigators, corporate alliances, and formation of new startups. The Wyss Institute creates transformative technological breakthroughs by engaging in high risk research, and crosses disciplinary and institutional barriers, working as an alliance that includes Harvard's Schools of Medicine, Engineering, Arts & Sciences,Design, andEducation, andin partnership with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston Children's Hospital, DanaFarber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston University, Tufts University,CharitUniversittsmedizinBerlin, University of Zurich and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Harvard University's Office of Technology Development(OTD) (http://otd.harvard.edu) promotes the public good by fostering innovation and translating new inventions made at Harvard University into useful products that are available and beneficial to society. Our integrated approach to technology development comprises sponsored research and corporate alliances, intellectual property management, and technology commercialization through venture creation and licensing. More than 70 startups have launched to commercialize Harvard technologies in the past 5 years, collectively raising more than $2.5 billion in financing. To further bridge the academic-industry development gap, Harvard OTD manages the Blavatnik Biomedical Accelerator and the Physical Sciences & Engineering Accelerator.

SOURCE Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University


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Wyss Institute's tough gel technology licensed to Amend Surgical for oral surgery applications - PRNewswire

World Wide Technology Selects Rubrik Cloud Management Platform to Protect its Critical Infrastructure – Business Wire

ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--World Wide Technology (WWT), a market-leading $12 billion technology solution provider, today announced that it selected Rubrik, the industrys leading cloud data management solution provider, for data management and protection of its Advanced Technology Center (ATC) core infrastructure.

The ATC is a large B2B lab environment running VMware and vCloud director. The ATC is a platform built on a collection of virtualized physical infrastructure, containing products from hundreds of vendors, that is digitized to create a collaborative innovation ecosystem for educating WWT engineers, customers and partners about solutions WWT develops and implements for organizations.

When we evaluated Rubrik, we were impressed with the simplicity of its web-based user interface and the ease of configuring RPOs (recovery point objectives) and scheduling through Rubriks SLAs (service level agreements). Rubriks ability to protect vCloud Director vApps and vApp templates was critical to the decision, said Michael Taylor, Chief Technology Officer, WWT. The support and the service we received from Rubrik has been top notch. It shows that they are dedicated to us, not only as a partner, but as a customer.

With the ATC, customers are able to compare and test technology solutions prior to deployment. Following an ideas-to-outcomes process, WWT lab specialists guide customers through design, build and deploy exercises based on the industrys most innovative, multi-vendor solutions - all with an eye toward helping their customers exceed their global digital business objectives.

Rubrik is keenly aware that the critical services delivered in the ATC are tied directly to ensuring that the solutions WWT offers exceed the business outcomes their customers expect, said Wendy Bahr, Chief Commercial Officer, Rubrik. When Rubrik was selected to protect this core asset, it affirmed our forward thinking vision for cloud data management.

Rubriks cloud data management solution provides a simple and powerful policy-driven API-first platform, allowing businesses to stop managing backup jobs and instead simply specify the backup frequency and retention policy associated with the data. This set-it-and-forget-it SLA policy engine automates backup, archive, and replication for physical, virtual and cloud workloads, making it the ideal choice for the ATCs extensive VMware and vCloud Director environment. In additional, Rubriks high-speed instant recovery feature is essential for restoring WWTs customers test environments should they crash, either accidentally or intentionally in order to test recovery.

About World Wide Technology

World Wide Technology (WWT) is a technology solution provider with $12 billion in annual revenue that provides digital strategy, innovative technology and supply chain solutions to large public and private organizations around the globe. While most companies talk about delivering business and technology outcomes, WWT does it. Based in St. Louis, WWT employs more than 6,000 people and operates approximately 4 million square feet of warehousing and integration space in more than 20 facilities throughout the world.

For more information about World Wide Technology, visit http://www.wwt.com.

Connect with WWT: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

About Rubrik

Rubrik, the Cloud Data Management Company, enables enterprises to maximize value from data that is increasingly fragmented across data centers and clouds. Rubrik delivers a single, policy-driven platform for data recovery, governance, compliance, and cloud mobility. For more information, visit http://www.rubrik.com and follow @rubrikInc on Twitter.

Rubrik is a registered trademark of Rubrik, Inc. Other marks may be trademarks of their respective owners.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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World Wide Technology Selects Rubrik Cloud Management Platform to Protect its Critical Infrastructure - Business Wire

Savi Technology Providing Asset Tracking & In-Transit Visibility Capabilities to U.S. Department of Defense – Business Wire

ALEXANDRIA, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Savi, an innovator in supply chain visibility software and sensor technology, received a contract award from the Army Contracting Command-Rock Island to provide U.S. government agencies and allied partners with state-of-the-art hardware, software and integration services for worldwide asset tracking and in-transit visibility.

Savi is the sole awardee for the active RFID (aRFID) V contract, which has a $45 million ceiling for Savi to equip the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and other government agencies with a comprehensive, cutting-edge array of hardware and software products and support services. Products include aRFID tags, readers, Iridium satellite communications (SATCOM) and portable deployment kits (PDKs).

Part of the Internet of Things (IoT), Savis aRFID infrastructure provides always on information on the location and condition of in-transit supplies and equipment to enable critical situational awareness for emergency response or military operations. These smart technologies and connected devices support mission readiness in even austere, hostile environments, enabling warfighters, first responders and military logisticians to efficiently manage and track personnel, equipment and sustainment cargo around the world.

For more than 30 years, the DoD has trusted Savi to support its complex and critical logistics needs around the world and we are proud to continue this strong partnership, said Rich Carlson, Savis CEO. Our asset tracking technology and in-transit visibility services, along with our pioneering leadership in military RFID systems, will provide warfighters with the logistics tools they need to fulfill the mission.

Savi is the only company to be selected as a prime contractor on all five of the RFID-named contracts (RFID-I, -II, -III, -IV) and has now been named the sole provider four times (RFID-I, RFID-II, aRFIDIV and aRFID-V). Over the course of the first four RFID and aRFID contracts, Savi has supplied DoD branches including the Army, Air Force, Army National Guard and the Marine Corps with over 1 million IoT devices, ensuring readiness, enhancing route safety, supporting mission requirements and improving operations to both protect warfighters and use taxpayers money efficiently.

aRFID-V is critical to AMIS delivery of world-class in-transit visibility capability to support warfighters movements, including efficient global asset planning and the movement and tracking of personnel, equipment and sustainment cargo worldwide, said Keith Baylor, Product Lead, PL AMIS.

ABOUT SAVISavi is an innovator in supply chain visibility and sensor technology, providing real-time information about the location, condition and security of in-transit goods and assets. Using big data and analytics, Savi gives shippers, carriers, 3PLs and governments actionable insights to optimize supply chains before, during and after transit, reducing costs and inventory while improving service. Some of the worlds largest and most complex supply chain networks including pharma, chemicals, electronics and heavy machinery manufacturers and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and government agencies trust Savi to support their supply chains. To learn more, visit http://www.savi.com.

See original here:

Savi Technology Providing Asset Tracking & In-Transit Visibility Capabilities to U.S. Department of Defense - Business Wire

Bamboo Technology teams with Stealthcare to fight cybersecurity threats to its government, corporate and NGO clients in the UK – Yahoo Finance

The new Stealthcare relationship bolsters Bamboo's security profile as a leading Managed Service Provider in the UK

CLEVELAND, July 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --International cybersecurity leader Stealthcarehas announced a new partnership with Bamboo Technology Groupthat gives this UK-based Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) a tactical advantage when it comes to providing its clients with enhanced cyber intelligence and predictive analytics now needed to combat increasingly sophisticated cyberthreats.

In contrast to most reactive cybersecurity platforms, Stealthcare's Zero Day Live Platformcombined with its human intelligence expertise, gives Bamboo the ability to deliver both offensive and defensive cybersecurity services to its government, corporate and not-for-profit client base.

In making the announcement, Lorrin White, Bamboo Technology's managing director, said,"Cybersecurity today means we have to infiltrate the enemy camp to get the intelligence we need to combat the threats and Stealthcare is on the leading edge of being aware of these threats before anyone else. With Stealthcare as our partner, we now offer our customers a proactive solution to pre-empt threats or attacks and take the necessary preventative action to protect themselves in advance."

Bamboo Technology Group has over 20 years of experience across the communications, technology and cyberspace universe, and is one of only a handful of a Service Providers for major networks in the UK. During its two decades, Bamboo Technology has come to be recognized as an industry leader by building up an impressive wealth of knowledge.

White emphasized, "Our relationship with Stealthcare is especially valuable now that the International Commissioner's Office (ICO) has begun to crack down on organizations that are not abiding by, or meeting GDPR compliance regulations.Stealthcare's human intelligence tradecraft and ZDL Platform markedly reduce the risk and close the gap on GDPR compliance for our clients at a time when it is most urgent."

Stealthcare CEO Jeremy Samide added, "Integrating Bamboo's knowledge of the connectivity world with Stealthcare's cyberthreat assessment strategies, as well as our defensive and offensive cyber capability, establishes Bamboo as a powerhouse in the MSP environment."

A decade in development, Stealthcare's Zero Day Live platform was launched three years ago and has since been recognized as the most complete cyberthreat intelligence and aggregation platform on the market. Samide added, "Our threat intelligence predictions give clients the advance warning needed to defend against sophisticated and dangerous cyberattacks ranging from state-sponsored groups to those launched by lone wolves and terrorist organizations. With our involvement, Bamboo can offer its government clients the offensive capabilities needed to impede cyberattacks and intelligence gathering ploys by rogue states and bad actors trying to interfere with elections, military operations, and other government activities."

For a brief slide show on Bamboo's newly expanded cyber capability visit: https://bit.ly/3iLEe0B #cyber#ZeroDayLive#transformation#digital

Stealthcaredeveloped the world's most complete cyber threat intelligence and aggregation platform, Zero Day Live (ZDL). ZDL is the force multiplier desperately needed for survival within today's government and private sector environments.

Media contact: Richard Pirozzolo, 617-959-4613, dick@pirozzolo.com

View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bamboo-technology-teams-with-stealthcare-to-fight-cybersecurity-threats-to-its-government-corporate-and-ngo-clients-in-the-uk-301097295.html

SOURCE Stealthcare

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Bamboo Technology teams with Stealthcare to fight cybersecurity threats to its government, corporate and NGO clients in the UK - Yahoo Finance

Technology access and mental health among top concerns outlined in Tennessee Educator Survey – WBIR.com

The annual survey added COVID-19 specific questions for educators to answer amid the pandemic.

TENNESSEE, USA The Tennessee Department of Education released the results of the 2020 Educator Survey on Tuesday after an unusual end to the school year.

The pandemic forced an adjustment to the usual questions. The responses from teachers and administrators show the concern among educators for their students.

Over half of school teachers and leaders responded to the regular questions on the survey, due May 1.

Forty percent of teachers and 44 percent of school leaders across the state responded to the COVID-19 portion of the survey. Their main concerns centered around student mental health and access to technology.

More than half of responding teachers listed they're worried about barriers to accessing remote learning or students missing crucial services like meals and counseling as one of their top three concerns.

In the open-ended questions, responses and frequently used words differed slightly based on the area the school district is in.

For example, schools serving more low-income households were more likely to mention food-related words, like food insecurity and hungry. Districts serving fewer low-income families were more likely to mention words related to health, both emotional and physical.

Overall, "internet" and "access" were two of the most relevant words throughout the comments.

Two-thirds of educators in more rural communities reported that better internet access is needed to support remote learning. That's compared to about half of educators in urban and suburban communities.

Teachers and principals expressed their concerns about how this digital divide may widen existing educational disparities.

In the end, educators said they care about the well-being of their students and want to see success across the board.

In addition to COVID-19 related responses, the TDOE report:

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Technology access and mental health among top concerns outlined in Tennessee Educator Survey - WBIR.com

Kiwi Power Launches Its Advanced Energy Technology and Grid Flexibility Solution into North America with ENGIE as a First Client – Business Wire

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kiwi Power, a leading global energy technology company, is bringing its distributed energy resource (DER) optimization technology and expertise to North America. Building on the strong relationship with its first client ENGIE North America, the company has expanded its sales presence in the region. Kiwi Power enters the market offering advanced virtual power plant (VPP) software combined with expertise serving energy flexibility into markets for more than ten years and across ten countries.

Kiwi Power is named a world leader in virtual power plant (VPP) technology and energy market optimization in Q1 2020 by Guidehouse Insights, formerly Navigant, and No. 1 for execution. The company offers a simple, yet powerful solution that enables electricity suppliers, energy storage and renewables asset owners, distribution grid operators and independent aggregators to maximize the value of energy assets, secure new revenue streams, and supply cleaner and more affordable power.

Kiwi Powers project with ENGIE North America is now operational in Texas delivering price-based trading and demand response activities for ENGIE North America in the ERCOT market. Part of a larger deployment between the two companies, the relationship builds on a pilot program started last summer in ERCOT for price arbitrage. The project simply and powerfully integrates market signals and analytics to enable DERs and energy demand that follows changes in real-time electricity prices. Kiwi Power and ENGIE also enable DERs to bid into the Texas (ERCOT) ancillary markets with plans to expand into the PJM market.

As renewable generation, energy storage and distributed energy resources continue to penetrate global electric grids, value is migrating away from the supply of power and toward the supply of flexibility, said Jay Zoellner, CEO of Kiwi Power. Kiwi Power is thrilled to now be serving clients in the United States and Canada, providing each with the confidence they need to participate in this new energy world through our technology, expertise and low-barrier-to-entry commercial model.

As an independent power producer, the work we are doing with Kiwi Power bolsters ENGIE North Americas existing objectives and areas of strength, said Vikram Kulkarni, Vice President of Sustainability Solutions at ENGIE North America. We were impressed with the simplicity and power of the Kiwi Power solution and see it as a competitive advantage to expand our energy flexibility presence in North America at scale.

In Ontario, Canada, Kiwi Power is working with public utility Lakeland Power and other affiliates of Lakeland Holding Ltd., which forms the foundation for a strategic relationship in Ontario.

Our relationship with Kiwi Power will enable Lakeland Power to work very closely with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to create economic solutions for our future energy flexibility needs, said Vince Kulchycki, Chief Operating Officer of Lakeland Holding Ltd. Kiwi Power is an expert in the space and has proven to be an extremely valuable and reliable partner.

We developed our own technology and expertise solutions in the UK, recognized as one of the most advanced electric grids in the world, to successfully operate as a DER aggregator, energy storage asset operator and direct market participant. The expertise we have gained working with clients in ten European countries is embedded into our technology, and uniquely qualifies us to help North American clients establish competitive and soundly designed DER management businesses, said Stephan Marty, Chief Commercial Officer of Kiwi Power, Our approach simplifies distributed energy for our clients.

Kiwi Power North American sales are active today. To get in touch, please visit http://www.kiwipowered.com/markets-northamerica.

About Kiwi Power

Kiwi Power is a leading global energy technology company specializing in virtual power plant (VPP) technology and implementation. Recognized by Guidehouse Insights, previously Navigant, as a leader among VPP providers and ranked No. 1 on execution, we bring more than a decade of expertise from our European practice into the North American market. Our simple, powerful technology solution, combined with a flexible commercial model, empowers our clients with the confidence to participate in the growing flexibility markets and maximize the value of their distributed energy resources. For more information, visit https://www.kiwipowered.com/.

About ENGIE North America

ENGIE North America Inc. offers a range of capabilities in the United States and Canada to help customers decarbonize, decentralize and digitalize their operations. These include comprehensive services to help customers run their facilities more efficiently and optimize energy and other resource use and expense; clean power generation; energy storage; and retail energy supply that includes renewable, demand response, and on-bill financing options. Nearly 100% of the companys power generation portfolio is low carbon or renewable. Globally, ENGIE S.A. relies on their key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to customers. With 170,000 employees, customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress. For more information on ENGIE North America, please visit our LinkedIn page or Twitter feed, http://www.engie-na.com and http://www.engie.com.

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Kiwi Power Launches Its Advanced Energy Technology and Grid Flexibility Solution into North America with ENGIE as a First Client - Business Wire

Global Precision Guided Ammunition – Market and Technology Forecast to 2029 – ResearchAndMarkets.com – Business Wire

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Global Precision Guided Ammunition - Market and Technology Forecast to 2029" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

Precision Guided Ammunitions are expected to be high in demand as they reduce the extent of destruction of collateral damage and it is, therefore, possible to protect non-combatants during the war. The development of PGMs has to some extent mitigated the difficult moral decisions which militaries had to make during the second world war with respect to carpet bombing. During the gulf war, the casualties suffered by civilians and soldiers due to precision-guided munitions was much lower compared to the previous wars in which the United States was involved.

Over the years, the U.S. military has relied on PGMs to execute ground, air, and naval military operations. PGMs have become ubiquitous in U.S military operations; funding for these weapons has increased dramatically from FY1998. In FY2021, the Department of Defense (DOD) requested approximately USD 4.1 billion for more than 41,337 weapons in 15 programs. DOD projects requested for approximately USD 3.3 billion for 20,456 weapons in FY2022, USD 3.9 billion for 23,306 weapons in FY2023, USD 3.9 billion for 18,376 weapons in FY2024, and USD 3.6 billion for 16,325 weapons in FY2025.

The total Global market for Precision Guided Ammunitions is estimated at around USD 31-32 Billion in 2020 and the market is expected to grow to around USD 67-68 Billion by 2029. The CAGR of the market is accounted for at around 9%. Tactical Missiles are expected to account for around half of the market.

Report Scope

Reasons to Buy

Key Topics Covered

1 Introduction

1.1 Objective

1.2 Market Introduction

1.3 Market Scope

1.4 Methodology

1.5 Scenario-based Forecast

1.6 Who will benefit from this report?

1.6.1 Business Leaders & Business Developers

1.6.2 PGM Professionals

1.6.3 Policy Makers, Budget Planners and Decision Makers

1.6.4 Civil Government Leaders & Planners

1.6.5 Financial analysts, Investors, Consultants

1.7 Language

2 Executive Summary

2.1 Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) Market Trends and Insights

2.2 Top Five Major Findings

2.3 Major Conclusion

2.4 Important Tables and Graphs

3 Current Market Overview of the Global Precision Guided Munitions Market

3.1 Market Overview

3.1.1 Current Market Overview

3.1.2 Precision Weapons and National Security Decision Making

3.1.3 Precision Attack vs Light Infantry

3.2 Types of Precision Guided Munitions

3.2.1 Inertial Guided Weapons

3.2.2 Radio Controlled Weapons

3.2.3 Infrared Guided Electro-optical weapons

3.2.4 Laser Guided Weapons

3.2.5 Radar Guided Weapons

3.2.6 Satellite Guided Weapons

3.2.7 Moving Target Artillery Round (MTAR)

3.2.8 Cannon and Mortar launched guided projectiles

3.3 PGM Components

3.3.1 Seeker or Guidance Unit

3.3.2 Tracker or control Unit

4 Market Technologies

4.1 Precision Guidance Kit - Modernization (PGK-M)

4.2 Guided Small arms

4.3 Advanced Guidance Concepts

4.4 Chip Scale Atomic Clock

4.5 Precision Inertial Navigation System

4.6 Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordinance (EXACTO)

4.7 Shortwave Advanced Infrared

4.8 Loitering Munition

4.9 Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile

4.10 Massive Ordnance Penetrators (Bunker Busters)

5 Market Trends

5.1 Introduction

5.2 JDAM

5.3 Small Diameter Bomb

5.4 Small Diameter Bomb 2

5.5 AGM-114 Hellfire

5.6 AGM-169 JAGM




5.10 GMLRS


5.12 PrSM

5.13 Tomahawk

5.14 SM-6

5.15 NSM

5.16 M-982 Excalibur

5.17 Conclusion

5.18 EU Programs

5.18.1 Vulcano

5.18.2 SMArt 155

5.18.3 Katara

6 Market Dynamics

6.1 Drivers

6.1.1 Increased defense spending

6.1.2 Increased global conflicts

6.1.3 Human Rights

6.1.4 Rising asymmetric warfare

6.1.5 Military modernization

6.1.6 Technological Advancements

6.1.7 Indigenous Developments

6.2 Challenges

6.2.1 Integration Issues

6.2.2 High Lifecycle Cost

6.2.3 Training

6.2.4 Rise in electronic warfare

6.3 Restraints

6.3.1 Regulations

6.3.2 High Procurement Cost


7.1 Political

7.2 Economic

7.3 Social

7.4 Technological

8 Porter's Five Forces

8.1 Buyer's Bargaining Power

8.1.1 Buyer switching cost

Excerpt from:

Global Precision Guided Ammunition - Market and Technology Forecast to 2029 - ResearchAndMarkets.com - Business Wire

Sheba to test less-than-one-second coronavirus detection technology – The Jerusalem Post

Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer is piloting a coronavirus-testing technology that is believed to be able to detect viruses in a fluid sample in less than a second.Newsight Imaging, a Ness Ziona-based start-up firm, on Tuesday told The Jerusalem Post it has received Sheba Medical Centers IRB Ethics (Helsinki) Committee approval to conduct a pilot program for rapid COVID-19 detection tests using its portable and cost-effective spectral device.Newsight is yet another outstanding example of how ARC@Sheba Medical Center and the Israeli start-up ecosystem are working in tandem to reinvent existing technology to battle the scourge of COVID-19, said ARC Innovation Center at Sheba chief Dr. Eyal Zimlichman.The device, which is about the size of a computer mouse, can identify and classify evidence of a virus in the body in less than a second, using a sample of fluid blood serum or saliva inserted into a disposable test cuvette, a release explained.In spectroscopy, a sample is tested with a broadband light source, Newsight CEO Eli Assoolin said. The light that returns from the sample is analyzed to determine its wavelength content.We collect the spectral signature after the light is absorbed in the sample, and then we can analyze the content of it, he said, noting that spectral-analysis technology has already been used to identify certain human diseases and abnormalities.Basically, on one side, you have the source of light, and on the other side, you have the sensor chip a sensitive and fast camera that can see different wavelengths. In the middle, you put the sample, Assoolin said.Sheba doctors in the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department are already working with the company, and initial feasibility studies of the device have been successful.One study found that it can separate between alpha-coronaviruses (Alpha-CoV) and beta-coronaviruses (Beta-CoV) at almost 100% accuracy. Studies conducted on people infected with Dengue virus were also found to be extremely accurate.We proved that we can differentiate between people who are sick and those who are not, Assoolin said.Now, Sheba and Newsight are starting to test COVID-19.Newsight has been around for four years. Its machine-vision products are already integrated in dozens of different devices and solutions in the automotive, robotics and advanced industrial-manufacturing fields.Although hyperspectral cameras are widely used in hospitals, they have found a limited market due to their high cost, which generally ranges from $50,000 to well over $1 million. Newsights innovation is that it has taken this technology and implemented it in a single, cost-effective silicon chip that can be used at any point of care even peoples homes, Assoolin said.Moreover, the chip is artificial-intelligence ready, meaning, the data set generated by the chip can be used to train two models one that identifies infected people and one that identifies people without the virus. Then, Assoolin said, if you take an anonymous sample, the algorithm will determine which model is a better fit.Newsight and ARC@Sheba plan to establish a joint incubator company and then pursue approval by the US Food and Drug Association.We will get FDA approval and commercialize as fast as possible, Assoolin told the Post. But, he added, he imagines many on the market will be willing to test the solution even before that happens. The company has already sold a license to develop virus- and bacteria-detection devices based on its technology to an artificial-intelligence company in Hong Kong.We are really excited that we are doing something like this not just from a business standpoint, but because we feel we are doing something for humanity, Assoolin said.

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Sheba to test less-than-one-second coronavirus detection technology - The Jerusalem Post

Putting technology at the heart of customer experience in hospitality – Intelligent CIO ME

The hospitality industry needs to embrace new technology to improve the guest experience. Rohit Gupta, VP Europe Products and Resources at Cognizant, explains how the UK hospitality industry should embrace digital processes.

The guest experience has always been at the heart of the hospitality industry. As new technology becomes available, we are already seeing hotels across the world embrace innovation to further enhance and personalise that experience, for example, hotels in Singapore are trialling facial recognition for faster check-ins.

Traditionally, the UK industry has benefitted from workforce abundance, particularly from the EU, which makes up approximately one fifth of the total hospitality workforce. Consequently, it has been slow to adopt emerging technologies, due to management seeing little need to free up employee time. This means that jobs in the industry are often mundane and repetitive which is worrying considering research shows that one of the main reasons hospitality employees in the UK would decide to leave the industry is due to the lack of career prospects. Technology can better the working environment for employees by increasing transparency and reducing the time spent on banal tasks. This ultimately improves job satisfaction and, in turn, would boost employee retention rates, which currently stand at 15% below the national average.

Beyond this, COVID-19 has now added to the requirements of todays customer and employee experience, making safety and hygiene a bigger priority for businesses than ever before. As a result, the hospitality industry is turning to digital to provide the experience that customers not just want but need.

There is no time to waste hospitality businesses in the UK need to recognise that Digital Transformation is vital, especially in a post-COVID world.

Understanding guest behaviour to yield true value out of digital processes

A typical connected experience should empower guests with access and control. Using a mobile app, for example, guests can check-in and out, use a digital room key, control the room temperature, make a restaurant reservation, order room service, request extra towels and more all from their fingertips. Yet, despite the promise of apps providing ultimate convenience, guest adoption is proving a challenge. A primary reason may be that todays connected experiences are still largely one size fits all, lacking a personalised value proposition for guests. Each guest values different things: some a room upgrade, some a free gym, others a spa to relax in. The same traveller may have different preferences based on their reason for travel business, leisure etc. prompting different wants and needs.

The key lies in using smart technology, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), to unlock vast amounts of data to understand guest behaviour and drive automated decisions that ultimately deliver meaningful experiences. Some of the key technologies that the hotel industry should be considering include:

Take, for instance, common frustrations such as calling the front desk to report a problem with a room or requesting assistance and being put on hold, or worse, getting no response at all. Instead, an integrated AI-enabled messaging platform that uses asynchronous communication can engage immediately and interact with guests on a personal level. Because it is integrated with other systems, it can access the necessary information to resolve common requests. Automation can also drive operational efficiency, reduce costs and boost employee morale by reducing time spent on repetitive and mundane tasks. This frees up time for staff to focus on personalising and enhancing the guest experience and solving complex issues more effectively.

Recognising new priority areas to maintain growth

While adhering strictly to data privacy regulations and COVID rules, the UKs hospitality sector must continue to develop digital capabilities to meet the expectations of digital natives, gather data to find out what guests want, discover patterns within guest journeys and free up employee time from admin tasks to focus on ones that improve job satisfaction. Only then, can they boost the customer experience and deliver memorable stays for all guests.

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Putting technology at the heart of customer experience in hospitality - Intelligent CIO ME

Apple promises to become fully carbon-neutral by 2030 – The Guardian

Apple has pledged to become a carbon-neutral operation by 2030, a commitment that covers its entire supply chain and the lifecycle of all its products, including the electricity consumed in their use.

The company is aiming to achieve the goal by means including:

Low-carbon product design, using recycled materials where possible, and developing new techniques such as a carbon-free aluminium smelting process.

Use of renewable energy, including projects funded by and built for Apple directly, which in total provide 1GW of capacity to the companys corporate operations.

Carbon removal, through forest planting in Colombia, China, Kenya and the US.

The chief executive, Tim Cook, said: The innovations powering our environmental journey are not only good for the planet, theyve helped us make our products more energy-efficient and bring new sources of clean energy online around the world.

Climate action can be the foundation for a new era of innovative potential, job creation, and durable economic growth. With our commitment to carbon neutrality, we hope to be a ripple in the pond that creates a much larger change.

The majority of the progress, Apple says in its 2020 environmental progress report, will be made by cutting its carbon emissions directly. But the last 25% will come from carbon removal solutions such as forest planting and mangrove swamp restoration.

The company is investing some of a recently announced $100m (78.5m) fund for a racial equity and justice initiative on minority-owned businesses that can help clean up its supply chain. Systemic racism and climate change are not separate issues and they will not abide separate solutions, said Lisa Jackson, Apples environmental lead.

In January, Microsoft announced a plan to become carbon-negative removing more greenhouse gases from the atmosphere than it emits by 2030, and a goal of erasing all of its historical emissions by 2050.

In doing so, the company committed to deploying carbon capture and sequestration technology, a more hi-tech but untested approach than tree planting.


Apple promises to become fully carbon-neutral by 2030 - The Guardian

Hengtong Checks Flood Damage with Speed and Technology – PRNewswire

Devastated by the recent torrential rains, Jiangxi escalated the Emergency Response from Level IV all the way to the highest Level I within one week in early July, during which period its many transport and communication infrastructures were almost wrecked.

Receiving the urgent call for assistance on July 13, Hengtongraced against time and finished producing and delivering the supply in shortest order, which will hopefully help restore the communication system for the flood-devastated area.

Hengtong is shoring up the flood repair work in more ways.

With downpours unseen for decades, this year's seasonal rains, or the "Plum Rains" in the vernacular, are posing a critical danger of flood to the Yangtze River basin. The city of Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, saw since July 18 its Yangtze River water level overtaking the historical highest registered in 1954.

No better is the case around the Taihu Lake, the third largest fresh water lake in China and the cradle of Hengtong. A significant reservoir for Yangtze, the water exceeded the security level and reached the the fourth highestin history as early as on July 17.The Water Resources Department of Jiangsu Provinceraised the Flood Alert to Red (the highest level)for the lake.

Born on the shore of Taihu, Hengtong is paying back to the "mother lake" in the smart form of an aqua-sensing system that keeps observation on the health of the water body.

A demonstration project for environment protection, this system is contributing to the local flood prevention and control work with a network of 9 stations observing usingbig-data-based analysis of the water's quality, level, speed and rate of flow, etc.

All statisticscan be checked ona mobile device, this system provides handy tools to rein in the deluge in a scientific and targeted manner, with the local counter-flood capacity thus lifted.

Whatare "Plum Rains"

Plum Rains, or Yellow Plum Rains, is the nickname given to the annual rainy season in South and East China. Mostly along the Yangtze River basin, it also extends down toTaiwan Province and up to Japan where it is called Bai-u. When its heyday hovers over the Yangtze River areafromJuneto July, the plums have rightly turned yellow and ripened, which gives theseason apleasant flavor.After the Plum Rains come the dog days of summer.

SOURCE Hengtong Group


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Hengtong Checks Flood Damage with Speed and Technology - PRNewswire

FSRA leveraging data, analytics and technology to improve regulatory effectiveness: Call for Members to Join New Technical Advisory Committee for Auto…

TORONTO, July 21, 2020 /CNW/ -The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)is looking for members to join its new Technical Advisory Committee for Auto Insurance Data and Analytics Strategy (Advisory Committee). This special purpose committee will provide expert insight to FSRA as we seek to improve regulatory efficiency and effectiveness by using data, analytics and technology.

The new Advisory Committee will also provide expert advice and deliver on outcomes that will help to inform the development and implementation of FSRA's Auto Insurance Data and Analytics Strategy.

Expected Outcomes:

FSRA is seeking representation from a variety of stakeholders to form the Advisory Committee including, but not limited to, insurance companies and other financial services providers, data aggregators, regulatory reporting agencies, government agencies and regulators, academic and research institutions, and fintech companies, and public/consumer interest representatives.

For more information about the new Advisory Committee please visit: Terms of Reference for Technical Advisory Committee for Auto Insurance Data and Analytics Strategy

If you would like to participate on the Advisory Committees, please make a submission on or before Monday, August 10, 2020 to: [emailprotected].

Submission Requirements:FSRA will consider submissions that meets the following criteria:

FSRA is continuing to work with those we regulate to ensure financial safety, fairness and choice for consumers and members. Learn more @ fsrao.ca

SOURCE Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario

For further information: For Media Inquiries: Malon Edwards, Senior Communications Officer, Corporate Communications, Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, C: 647-296-5479, Email: [emailprotected]


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FSRA leveraging data, analytics and technology to improve regulatory effectiveness: Call for Members to Join New Technical Advisory Committee for Auto...

School of Science and Technology classroom instruction will be online for the first four weeks – KIIITV.com

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas The School of Science and Technology has announced that classroom instruction will be online only for the first four weeks of the school year.

Starting Monday, September 21 students will be able to return to the classroom or continue remote learning.

The first day of school is scheduled Monday, August 24. The school will be using SCHOOLOGY instead of Google Classroom.

The school says, our administrators will continue serving our at-risk population with all their needs remotely with great care.

The school also announced the addition of a new campus for the 2020-2021 school year. The new campus will be located on Airline Dr.

For the latest updates on coronavirus in the Coastal Bend, click here.

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School of Science and Technology classroom instruction will be online for the first four weeks - KIIITV.com

TechCrunch talks virtual events and event technology – TechCrunch

As you may have heard, were taking our entire events lineup fully virtual in 2020. This is of course in response to COVID-19. Were working hard to make sure that, despite limitations, this years events will be some of the best weve ever produced. To make that happen, were partnering with virtual event masterminds like Bizzabo and Grip to bring our vision to life.

Now, were sure you have many questions on how it will all work. To answer your questions, well be hosting an Ask-Me-Anything series where we cover everything from what the attendee experience will look like, sponsorship opportunities, the technology stack that will be powering it all and more.

In this series, well interview the founders that built our event platforms as well as a few event experts who have had virtual event experience. Well ask them to share their POV on virtual events as well as how they will work for TechCrunch in the coming months.

Joey Hinson, the Director of Operations at TechCrunch, will take you through the platform that we assembled for Disrupt, Mobility and Space. In this AMA, youll have the chance to see the virtual venue, how virtual networking works and what the end to end experience will look like at our upcoming events. If youre thinking about attending, sponsoring or youre an event geek, this AMA is for you.

Register now!

Well interview Alon Alroy from Bizzabo, the registration platform behind TechCrunch events. We will discuss the future of virtual events and what Bizzabo has in store for the next chapter of event technology. Registered attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions via Slido.

Register now!

Tim Groot, the founder of virtual networking solution Grip, will dig into how TechCrunchs virtual networking platform, CrunchMatch will be brought to life, what networking looks like when taken fully virtual and how to integrate if youre a partner. Registered attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions via Slido.

Register now!

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TechCrunch talks virtual events and event technology - TechCrunch

Walmart Canada to Spend $3.5B on Technology and the Customer Experience – Retail Info Systems News

Walmart Canada plans to invest $3.5 billion over the next five years to simplify the online and in-store shopping experience, including the creation of 150 stores of the future.

In addition to re-invented smarter stores, the investment will lead to a faster e-commerce experience, two new distribution centers to speed up the flow of products, an enhanced omni-experience and modern digital tools to ensure associates can best serve customers. It will also create hundreds of Canadian construction jobs and forge new partnerships with Canadian technology companies, according to the retailer.

Millions of customers choose to shop with us in-store and online every day and thats a tremendous honor, said Horacio Barbeito, president and CEO, Walmart Canada. Todays significant investment will position us for future growth and make Walmart Canada even better for our associates and our customers. We are doubling down on our focus on the customer experience not just to keep up but to lead and to be the very best in Canada.

Part of the investment will go to creating modernized stores of the future. Walmart Canada, which operates more than 400 stores nationwide, will renovating more than 150 stores over the next three years over one-third of the store network. The new investments are in addition to more than $1 billion invested into remodeling and opening stores over the past five years, and will utilize digitization to create smarter stores. For example, renovated stores will boast expanded electronic shelf labels, shelf scanners to monitor product volumes, and robotics and computer vision cameras to minimize touches and maximize efficiency and accuracy.

Additionally, a new checkout experience will aim to reduce touchpoints. Walmart Canada is adding tap-to-pay, a new bigger self-checkout experience and Check Out With Me mobile payment technology to allow associates to checkout customers anywhere in the store.

In addition to the renovations, the retailer will expand Walmart Pickup to approximately 270 stores or 70% of locations by end of 2020. Its also investing in new technology to speed up the pickup experience, including advanced notification, and plans to improve fulfillment center operations to increase speed and traceability. Its piloting hybrid locations supercenters with micro fulfilment centers in their backroom to increase the speed of fulfilment for pickup and delivery.

Of the investment,$1.1 billionwill go to build two new distribution centers and renovate an existing distribution center, creating hundreds of construction jobs.

A next generation 550,000-square-foot distribution center inVaughan, ON, is slated to open in 2024. The facility will leverage next generation automation and technology working with Vanderlande. Another new 300,000-square-foot distribution center currently under construction in Surrey, BC, is slated to open in 2022. For this DC Walmart Canada is working with Witron on the sites distribution logistics technology. Additionally new automated systems are slated to go live in early 2021 in an existing Cornwall, ON, distribution center aimed at managing apparel, health and beauty, and other small general merchandise items. The systems will feature machine learning, Cobot Technology which can work in concert with associates to improve the accuracy and efficiency of operations.

The retail business is as dynamic as ever and this investment ensures were developing a supply chain that is the envy of the world, said John Bayliss, Senior Vice President, Logistics and Supply Chain, Walmart Canada. The better the supply chain, the quicker our customers can get the products they want. This investment will transform our supply chain and create hundreds of Canadian construction jobs along the way.

Walmart Canada also plans a slew of investment in new tech in the DC. New next generation warehouse management systems are omni capable in meeting the future needs of both physical stores and e-commerce. Its investing in telematics and internet of things sensors across over 2,200 trailers to give real-time information around the quality and freshness of its deliveries, and is launching artificial intelligence software in partnership with o9 to more accurately predict and better plan volume.

Walmart Canada is also scaling the blockchain transportation payments platform with Toronto based DLT Labs a blockchain solution for transportation payments system.

DLT Labs is proud to be Walmart Canadas technology partner in bringing the worlds largest blockchain solution into production for transportation management and payments,"said Loudon Owen, CEO, DLT Labs."This innovation has already virtually eliminated the challenge of invoice reconciliation that pervades the transportation industry, reducing discrepancies that could reach 70% of all invoices to well under 2% with our technology, delivering profound operational improvements and cost savings.

In addition, new machine learning training software will support improved training and safety on the front lines of Walmart'sDC and fleet operations with Axonify, a Waterloo based micro-frontline learning company.

We need to do everything we can to delight our customer every single time they choose to shop with us, whether its online or in the store, said Sam Wankowski, Chief Operations Officer, Walmart Canada. Were challenging ourselves to be better and be relentlessly focused on excellent omni-customer service and experience. This means better stores, quicker service and doing what Walmart does best focusing on customers, always at Walmarts everyday low prices.

Read the original here:

Walmart Canada to Spend $3.5B on Technology and the Customer Experience - Retail Info Systems News

DOE Invests $118 Million in 21st Century Technologies for Carbon-Neutral Electricity and Hydrogen Produced from Coal – MyChesCo

WASHINGTON, D.C. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $118 million in federal funding to support the Coal FIRST (Flexible, Innovative, Resilient, Small, Transformative) Initiative. Under this cost-shared research and development (R&D), DOE is awarding a total of $37 million to seven projects and releasing a new funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for $81 million.

Coal FIRST power plants will convert coal, biomass, and waste plastics to generate clean and affordable carbon-neutral electricity and hydrogen. Coal FIRST power plants will be capable of flexible operations to meet the needs of the grid; use innovative components that improve efficiency and reduce emissions; provide resilient energy to Americans; are small compared to todays conventional utility-scale coal-fired plants; and will transform how energy generation technologies are designed and manufactured.

Coal is one of our Nations most abundant natural resources and has been providing well-paying jobs and powering the U.S. for decades, said Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette. Thats why, as the global energy mix evolves, were investing in the next generation of coal technologies that will lay the groundwork for clean, reliable 21st century coal-to-energy plants. The Trump Administration sees a bright future for the new, next stage of coal.

Coal FIRST energy plants will incorporate carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies and be able to generate carbon-neutral electricity or hydrogen. Hydrogen can enable the transition of the electricity, manufacturing, and transportation sectors toward a low-carbon footprint. These plants will be flexible to provide affordable electricity and hydrogen to keep the United States competitive globally.

Deploying new coal-to-energy plants requires a different way of thinking, and our Coal FIRST program is doing just that, said Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg. Through this innovative R&D initiative, were transitioning from the large coal plants of the past to smaller, flexible, and more efficient power plants that will meet the needs of a changing electric grid.

Under the first FOA, Critical Components for Coal FIRST Power Plants of the Future, DOE has selected seven projects to receive approximately $37 million in federal funding for cost-shared R&D. To view the full list of selected projects and their descriptions,click here.

Additionally, DOE is releasing a new FOA, Design Development and System Integration Design Studies for Coal FIRST Concepts. On a competitive basis, DOE intends to award $81 million in federal funding for cost-shared R&D projects. More details regarding the application for FOA 2180 are availablehere.

To learn more about the programs within the Office of Fossil Energy, visit theOffice of Fossil Energy website.More information about the National Energy Technology Laboratory is available on theNETL website.

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DOE Invests $118 Million in 21st Century Technologies for Carbon-Neutral Electricity and Hydrogen Produced from Coal - MyChesCo

RCA and OPPO present live talk on humanising technology – Dezeen

The Royal College of Art and OPPO teamed up with Dezeen to host a panel discussion about how design students from the RCA are making technology more human.

The panel explored a recent design collaboration between OPPO and students from the RCA's Design Products MA programme, who worked together on an exhibition of projects that address how technology can be further integrated into everyday life.

Responding to the exhibition's theme of "Humanising Technology", students worked closely with the OPPO London Design Centre, the brand's design hub, to develop projects that allow technology to "flow seamlessly into one's life".

Moderated by Alon Meron, Design Products tutor at the RCA, the panel discussed the philosophy behind the theme of the exhibition, which the head of the OPPO London Design Centre Jintong Zhu explained is about "humanising technology, not making humans more technological".

[OPPO] believes technology should adapt to human life and not the other way around," Zhu explained during the talk. "It shouldnt scream for attention but be naturally integrated into products through design and create intuitive experiences for end users.

The panel also discussed the benefits of technology brands and the educational sector collaborating, which Meron puts down to students challenging the norm in corporate environments in order to push design forward.

As students it is almost your duty to ask the difficult questions and try to expose everything that is not sustainable or just plain wrong about the world we live in," Meron stated during the panel.

The panel also addressed the importance of sustainability in design and how the RCA took their yearly graduate show online in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Panellists included Paul Anderson, dean of the RCA's School of Design and Ashley Hall, professor of Design Innovation and head of postgraduate research at the RCA's School of Design.

Also on the panel was Zhu who is an RCA School of Design alumni, and Roberto Ruffoni, design research manager at the OPPO London Design Centre.

Matthieu Muller, a graduate of the Design Products postgraduate course this year, also joined the panel, as well as Anne-Marie Heck, who graduated from the programme in 2019 and took part in the first collaboration between the RCA and OPPO.

This is the second year that OPPO has collaborated with students from the Design Products masters programme.

The first collaboration saw the students' work exhibited in the Ventura Future exhibition during Milan design week 2019, which led to Heck being offered an internship at the OPPO London Design Centre.

Projects from this year collaboration include a clothes hanger by Eric Saldanha, that uses UV light to clean and kill any secondary bacteria left on garments.

Among other projects in the exhibition is Animate by Matthieu Muller, a set of electronic building blocks that allow children to create moving objects and figures and aims to introduce technology as a tool for self-expression.

Also in the show is Nect by Lilin Jiao, a conceptual project that imagines how groups of home appliances could form electronic networks that can be used to charge other devices like mobile phones.

The projects designed by the students are included in RCA2020, the Royal College of Art's graduate show which was brought online in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

You can view the full list of projects in the exhibition at the RCA's online show.

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RCA and OPPO present live talk on humanising technology - Dezeen