AOC Says Her Twitter Account Broke After She Made Fun of Elon Musk

Another day, another Elon Musk feud on Twitter — except now, he's the owner of the social network, and he's beefing with AOC.

Latest Feud

Another day, another Elon Musk feud on Twitter — except now, he's the owner of the social network, and he's beefing with a sitting member of Congress.

The whole thing started innocently enough earlier this week, when firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY, and better known by her initials, "AOC") subtweeted the website's new owner.

"Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that 'free speech' is actually a $8/mo subscription plan," the New York Democratic Socialist tweeted in a post that, upon Futurism's perusal, appeared to load only half the time.

Sweat Equity

Not one to be shown up, Musk later posted a screenshot of an AOC-branded sweatshirt from the congressperson's website, with its $58 price tag circled and an emoji belying the billionaire's alleged affront at the price.

In response, Ocasio-Cortez said she was proud her sweatshirts were made by union labor, and that the proceeds from their sales were going to fund educational support for needy kids. She later dug in further, noting that her account was "conveniently" not working and joking that Musk couldn't buy his way "out of insecurity."

Yo @elonmusk while I have your attention, why should people pay $8 just for their app to get bricked when they say something you don’t like?

This is what my app has looked like ever since my tweet upset you yesterday. What’s good? Doesn’t seem very free speechy to me ?

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 3, 2022


To be clear, any suggestion that Musk personally had anything to do with any Twitter glitches on AOC's part would seem ludicrously petty. But then again, this is a guy who once hired a private detective to investigate a random critic.

Occam's razor, though, suggests that it was probably AOC's mega-viral tweet that broke the site's notoriously dodgy infrastructure. Of course, that's not a ringing endorsement of the site that Musk just acquired for the colossal sum of $44 billion.

More on Twitter: Twitter Working on Plan to Charge Users to Watch Videos

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AOC Says Her Twitter Account Broke After She Made Fun of Elon Musk

China Plans to Send Monkeys to Space Station to Have Sex With Each Other

Chinese astronauts are reportedly planning to let monkeys loose on their brand-new space station to have them have sex with each other.

Chinese scientists are reportedly planning to send monkeys to its new Tiangong space station for experiments that will involve the animals mating and potentially reproducing, the South China Morning Post reports.

It's a fascinating and potentially controversial experiment that could have major implications for our efforts to colonize space: can mammals, let alone humans, successfully reproduce beyond the Earth?

According to the report, the experiment would take place in the station's largest capsule, called Wentian, inside two biological test cabinets that can be expanded.

After examining the behavior of smaller creatures, "some studies involving mice and macaques will be carried out to see how they grow or even reproduce in space," Zhang Lu, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, said during a speech posted to social media earlier this week, as quoted by the SCMP.

"These experiments will help improve our understanding of an organism’s adaptation to microgravity and other space environments," he added.

Some simpler organisms, including nematodes and Japanese rice fish, have been observed reproducing in space.

But more complex life forms have struggled. In 2014, a Russian experiment to see whether geckos could produce offspring in space failed when all the critters died.

And the failure rate for mammals, so far, has been total. Soviet Union scientists got mice to mate during a space flight in 1979, but none of them gave birth after being returned to Earth.

In other words, getting monkeys to reproduce on board a space station will be anything but easy. For one, just dealing with living creatures in space can pose immense challenges. The astronauts will "need to feed them and deal with the waste," Kehkooi Kee, a professor with the school of medicine at Tsinghua University, told the SCMP.

Then there's the fact that astronauts will have to keep the macaques happy and comfortable, something that experts say will be challenging since long term confinement in the spartan environments of space habitats could cause immense stress for the simians.

And even if astronauts successfully set the mood for the monkeys, the physics of sex in space are predicted to be challenging.

"Firstly, just staying in close contact with each other under zero gravity is hard," Adam Watkins, an associate professor of reproductive physiology at University of Nottingham, wrote in a 2020 open letter highlighted by the SCMP. "Secondly, as astronauts experience lower blood pressure while in space, maintaining erections and arousal are more problematic than here on Earth."

With its new space station in nearly full operation, China isn't shying away from asking some big questions — but whether these experiments will play out as expected is anything but certain.

READ MORE: Chinese scientists plan monkey reproduction experiment in space station [South China Morning Post]

More on sex in space: Scientists Say We Really Have to Talk About Boning in Space

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China Plans to Send Monkeys to Space Station to Have Sex With Each Other

Hackers Just Took Down One of the World’s Most Advanced Telescopes

ALMA is one of the largest and most advanced radio telescopes in the world. And for reasons still unknown to the public, hackers decided to take it down.

Observatory Offline

The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Observatory in Chile has been hit with a cyberattack that has taken its website offline and forced it to suspend all observations, authorities there said.

Even email services were limited in the aftermath, illustrating the broad impact of the hack.

Nested high up on a plateau in the Chilean Andes at over 16,000 feet above sea level, ALMA is one of the most powerful and advanced radio telescopes in the world. Notably, ALMA helped take the first image of a black hole in 2019, in a collaborative effort that linked radio observatories worldwide into forming the Event Horizon Telescope.

Thankfully, ALMA's impressive arsenal of 66 high-precision antennas, each nearly 40 feet in diameter, was not compromised, the observatory said, nor was any of the scientific data those instruments collected.

In High Places

What makes ALMA so invaluable is its specialty in observing the light of the cooler substances of the cosmos, namely gas and dust. That makes ALMA a prime candidate for documenting the fascinating formations of planets and stars when they first emerge amidst clouds of gas.

Since going fully operational in 2013, it's become the largest ground-based astronomical project in the world, according to the European Southern Observatory, ALMA's primary operators.

So ALMA going offline is a distressing development, especially to the thousands of astronomers worldwide that rely on its observations and the some 300 experts working onsite. Getting it up and running is obviously a top priority, but the observatory said in a followup tweet that "it is not yet possible to estimate a date for a return to regular activities."

As of now, there's no information available on who the hackers were, or exactly how they conducted the attack. Their motivations, too, remain a mystery.

More on ALMA: Astronomers Think They Found the Youngest Planet in the Galaxy

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Hackers Just Took Down One of the World's Most Advanced Telescopes

Chinese Spaceplane Releases Mystery Object Into Orbit

After launching into orbit three months ago, China's top-secret spaceplane has released a mysterious object, which is now circling the Earth behind it.

Spaceplane Buddy

After launching into orbit roughly three months ago, China's top-secret spaceplane has released a mysterious object, which is now circling the Earth behind it, SpaceNews reports.

There's very little we know about China's "reusable experimental spacecraft," except that it launched atop a Long March 2F rocket back in August. We don't know its purpose, what it looks like, or what cargo it was carrying during launch — but it's an intriguing development, nonetheless, for China's reusable launch platform.

Mysterious Object

The object was released between October 24 and October 31, according to tracking data being analyzed by the US Space Force's 18th pace Defense Squadron.

We can only hazard a guess as to what the mysterious object's purpose is. According to Harvard astronomer and space tracker Jonathan McDowell, it "may be a service module, possibly indicating an upcoming deorbit burn."

Based on the size and weight of payloads Long March rockets usually carry, China's mysterious spaceplane is likely similar to the Air Force's X-37B spaceplane, which is similarly shrouded in mystery and currently on its sixth mission.

We also don't know when the Chinese model will make its return back to Earth, but given recent activity at the Lop Nur base in Xinjiang suggests, it may land there in the near future, according to the report.

It's a puzzling new development for China's secretive spacecraft — but it does raise the possibility of a renewed interest in spaceplanes, a potentially affordable and reusable way to launch payloads into orbit.

More on the spaceplane: China Launches Mysterious "Reusable Test" Spacecraft

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Chinese Spaceplane Releases Mystery Object Into Orbit

US Gov to Crack Down on "Bossware" That Spies On Employees’ Computers

In the era of remote work, employers have turned to invasive

Spying @ Home

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic drove a wave of working from home, companies have been relentless in their efforts to digitally police and spy on remote employees by using what's known as "bossware." That's the pejorative name for software that tracks the websites an employee visits, screenshots their computer screens, and even records their faces and voices.

And now, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an agency of the federal government, is looking to intervene.

"Close, constant surveillance and management through electronic means threaten employees' basic ability to exercise their rights," said NLRB general counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, in a Monday memo. "I plan to urge the Board to apply the Act to protect employees, to the greatest extent possible, from intrusive or abusive electronic monitoring and automated management practices."

Undoing Unions

In particular, Abruzzo is worried about how bossware could infringe on workers' rights to unionize. It's not hard to imagine how such invasive surveillance could be used to bust unionization. Even if the technology isn't explicitly deployed to impede organization efforts, the ominous presence of the surveillance on its own can be a looming deterrent, which Abruzzo argues is illegal.

And now is the perfect moment for the NLRB to step in. The use and abuse of worker surveillance tech in general — not just bossware — has been "growing by the minute," Mark Gaston Pearce, executive director of the Workers' Rights Institute at Georgetown Law School, told CBS.

"Employers are embracing technology because technology helps them run a more efficient business," Gaston explained. "… What comes with that is monitoring a lot of things that employers have no business doing."

Overbearing Overlord

In some ways, surveillance tech like bossware can be worse than having a nosy, actual human boss. Generally speaking, in a physical workplace employees have an understanding of how much privacy they have (unless they work at a place like Amazon or Walmart, that is).

But when bossware spies on you, who knows how much information an employer could be gathering — or even when they're looking in. And if it surveils an employee's personal computer, which more often than not contains plenty of personal information that a boss has no business seeing, that's especially invasive.

Which is why Abruzzo is pushing to require employers to disclose exactly how much they're tracking.

It's a stern message from the NLRB, but at the end of the day, it's just a memo. We'll have to wait and see how enforcing it pans out.

More on surveillance: Casinos to Use Facial Recognition to Keep "Problem Gamblers" Away

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US Gov to Crack Down on "Bossware" That Spies On Employees' Computers

Huge Drone Swarm to Form Giant Advertisement Over NYC Skyline

Someone apparently thought it was a great idea to fly 500 drones over NYC as part of an ad experiment without much warning.

Droning On

Someone thinks it's a great idea to fly 500 drones over New York City to create a huge ad in the sky on Thursday evening. Because New Yorkers certainly don't have any historical reason to mistrust unknown aircraft over their skyline, right?

As Gothamist reports, the drone swarm is part of a "surreal takeover of New York City’s skyline" on behalf of — we shit you not — the mobile game Candy Crush.

Fernanda Romano, Candy Crush's chief marketing officer, told Gothamist that the stunt will "turn the sky into the largest screen on the planet" using the small, light-up drones.

Though this is not the first time the Manhattan skyline has been used as ad space — that distinction goes to the National Basketball Association and State Farm, which did a similar stunt this summer during the NBA draft — local lawmakers are ticked off about it nonetheless.

"I think it’s outrageous to be spoiling our city’s skyline for private profit," Brad Hoylman, a state senator that represents Manhattan's West Side in the NY Legislature, told the local news site. "It’s offensive to New Yorkers, to our local laws, to public safety, and to wildlife."

Freak Out

Indeed, as the NYC Audubon Society noted in a tweet, the Candy Crush crapshoot "could disrupt the flight patterns of thousands of birds flying through NYC, leading to collisions with buildings" as they migrate.

Beyond the harm this will do to birds and the annoyance it will undoubtedly cause the famously-grumpy people of New York, this stunt is also going down with very little warning, considering that Gothamist is one of the only news outlets even reporting on it ahead of time.

While most viewers will hopefully be able to figure out what's going on pretty quickly, the concept of seeing unknown aircraft above the skyline is a little too reminiscent of 9/11 for comfort — and if Candy Crush took that into consideration, they haven't let on.

So here's hoping this event shocks and awes Thursday night city-goers in a good way, and not in the way that makes them panic.

More drone warfare: Russia Accused of Pelting Ukraine Capital With "Kamikaze" Drones

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Huge Drone Swarm to Form Giant Advertisement Over NYC Skyline

That "Research" About How Smartphones Are Causing Deformed Human Bodies Is SEO Spam, You Idiots


You know that "research" going around saying humans are going to evolve to have hunchbacks and claws because of the way we use our smartphones? Though our posture could certainly use some work, you'll be glad to know that it's just lazy spam intended to juice search engine results.

Let's back up. Today the Daily Mail published a viral story about "how humans may look in the year 3000." Among its predictions: hunched backs, clawed hands, a second eyelid, a thicker skull and a smaller brain.

Sure, that's fascinating! The only problem? The Mail's only source is a post published a year ago by the renowned scientists at... uh..., a site that sells, as its name suggests, virtual phone numbers.

If the idea that phone salespeople are purporting to be making predictions about human evolution didn't tip you off, this "research" doesn't seem very scientific at all. Instead, it more closely resembles what it actually is — a blog post written by some poor grunt, intended to get backlinks from sites like the Mail that'll juice TollFreeForwarding's position in search engine results.

To get those delicious backlinks, the top minds at TollFreeForwarding leveraged renders of a "future human" by a 3D model artist. The result of these efforts is "Mindy," a creepy-looking hunchback in black skinny jeans (which is how you can tell she's from a different era).

Grotesque model reveals what humans could look like in the year 3000 due to our reliance on technology

Full story:

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) November 3, 2022

"To fully realize the impact everyday tech has on us, we sourced scientific research and expert opinion on the subject," the TollFreeForwarding post reads, "before working with a 3D designer to create a future human whose body has physically changed due to consistent use of smartphones, laptops, and other tech."

Its sources, though, are dubious. Its authority on spinal development, for instance, is a "health and wellness expert" at a site that sells massage lotion. His highest academic achievement? A business degree.

We could go on and on about TollFreeForwarding's dismal sourcing — some of which looks suspiciously like even more SEO spam for entirely different clients — but you get the idea.

It's probably not surprising that the this gambit for clicks took off among dingbats on Twitter. What is somewhat disappointing is that it ended up on StudyFinds, a generally reliable blog about academic research. This time, though, for inscrutable reasons it treated this egregious SEO spam as a legitimate scientific study.

The site's readers, though, were quick to call it out, leading to a comically enormous editor's note appended to the story.

"Our content is intended to stir debate and conversation, and we always encourage our readers to discuss why or why not they agree with the findings," it reads in part. "If you heavily disagree with a report — please debunk to your delight in the comments below."

You heard them! Get debunking, people.

More conspiracy theories: If You Think Joe Rogan Is Credible, This Bizarre Clip of Him Yelling at a Scientist Will Probably Change Your Mind

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That "Research" About How Smartphones Are Causing Deformed Human Bodies Is SEO Spam, You Idiots

Jeff Bezos’ Housekeeper Says She Had to Climb Out the Window to Use the Bathroom

Jeff Bezos' ex- housekeeper is suing him for discrimination that led to her allegedly having to literally sneak out out of his house to use the bathroom.

Jeff Bezos' former housekeeper is suing the Amazon founder for workplace discrimination that she says forced her to literally climb out out the window of his house to use the bathroom.

In the suit, filed this week in a Washington state court, the former housekeeper claimed that she and Bezos' other household staff were not provided with legally-mandated eating or restroom breaks, and that because there was no "readily accessible bathroom" for them to use, they had to clamber out a laundry room window to get to one.

In the complaint, lawyers for the ex-housekeeper, who is described as having worked for wealthy families for nearly 20 years, wrote that household staff were initially allowed to use a small bathroom in the security room of Bezos' main house, but "this soon stopped... because it was decided that housekeepers using the bathroom was a breach of security protocol."

The suit also alleges that housekeepers in the billionaire's employ "frequently developed Urinary Tract Infections" that they believed was related to not being able to use the bathroom when they needed to at work.

"There was no breakroom for the housekeepers," the complaint adds. "Even though Plaintiff worked 10, 12, and sometimes 14 hours a day, there was no designated area for her to sit down and rest."

The housekeeper — who, like almost all of her coworkers, is Latino — was allegedly not aware that she was entitled to breaks for lunch or rest, and was only able to have a lunch break when Bezos or his family were not on the premises, the lawsuit alleges.

The Washington Post owner has denied his former housekeeper's claims of discrimination through an attorney.

"We have investigated the claims, and they lack merit," Harry Korrell, a Bezos attorney, told Insider of the suit. "[The former employee] made over six figures annually and was the lead housekeeper."

He added that the former housekeeper "was responsible for her own break and meal times, and there were several bathrooms and breakrooms available to her and other staff."

"The evidence will show that [the former housekeeper] was terminated for performance reasons," he continued. "She initially demanded over $9M, and when the company refused, she decided to file this suit."

As the suit was just filed and may well end in a settlement, it'll likely be a long time, if ever, before we find out what really happened at Bezos' house — but if we do, it'll be a fascinating peek behind the curtain at the home life of one of the world's most powerful and wealthy men.

More on billionaires: Tesla Morale Low As Workers Still Don't Have Desks, Face Increased Attendance Surveillance

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Jeff Bezos' Housekeeper Says She Had to Climb Out the Window to Use the Bathroom

Global Stem Cell Banking Market Research Report 2022: Market to Reach $11.5 Billion by 2026 – Adult Stem Cell Research Gains Traction, Accelerating…

Global Stem Cell Banking Market Research Report 2022: Market to Reach $11.5 Billion by 2026 - Adult Stem Cell Research Gains Traction, Accelerating Research Funding -  Business Wire

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Global Stem Cell Banking Market Research Report 2022: Market to Reach $11.5 Billion by 2026 - Adult Stem Cell Research Gains Traction, Accelerating...

Diabetic foot treatment: Here’s all you need to know about stem cell therapy – Hindustan Times

Diabetes is nothing less than a pandemic as according to the World Health Organization, about 422 million people have diabetes worldwide. High blood sugar levels affect different organs and tissues of the body leading to a compromised quality of life for example, you might have experienced or heard of tingling sensation, numbness, or pain in the legs/feet of patients with diabetes which as per the health experts, occur due to nerve and blood circulation-related problems caused by the negative effects of high glucose levels on cells and tissues.

Foot-related problems occur commonly in patients with diabetes like if we hurt our toe/foot and have an open wound or cut, the nerve endings from the affected part send signals to the brain and cause pain. In case a person with uncontrolled and long-standing diabetes, the sensation of pain may not be transmitted properly due to nerve issues, leading to the patient ignoring the problem and in such cases, even a small cut can progress to a large size wound (as we know wound healing is affected in diabetic patients).

Infection can spread from the feet through the blood to other parts of the body as well and in the feet specifically, increased severity of the issue can lead to gangrene, ultimately necessitating amputation of the toes/foot. It is therefore important to look out for issues such as cuts, bruises, red spots, warm areas, swelling, blisters, corn, etc. in the feet to identify any issue at the earliest and initiate treatment.

From an advanced treatment perspective, Dr Pradeep Mahajan, Regenerative Medicine Researcher at Navi Mumbai's StemRx Bioscience Solutions Pvt Ltd, talked about regenerative medicine for diabetic foot in an interview with HT Lifestyle. He explained, Regenerative medicine is about using biological molecules to enhance the healing potential of the body. These molecules are cells, growth factors, exosomes, peptides, all of which function to enhance the function of other cells in the body, reduce inflammation, regulate the immune system, provide a constant pool of healthy cells, and clear tissue damage, among other functions.

He highlighted that the treatment for diabetic foot includes a combination of mesenchymal stem cells, growth factors that improve nerve health and blood vessel formation, oxygen therapy, as well as allied stimulation-based treatments. He said, We have seen successful outcomes in diabetic foot conditions following cell-based therapy. Patients experience relief from abnormal sensations in the feet, better wound healing and pain along with better control of diabetes.

Dr Mahajan added, When we target the pathology, we get more definitive treatment outcomes. Our patients with diabetic foot do not progress to develop gangrene. In fact, they even achieve better control of blood glucose levels, which prevents further complication and improves their quality of life. The key is a regenerative (not symptomatic) treatment along with lifestyle modifications.

Originally posted here:

Diabetic foot treatment: Here's all you need to know about stem cell therapy - Hindustan Times

Growing Prevalence & Recurrence Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Expected To Growth Of The Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Market Designer Women…

The Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Market is replete with new growth opportunities and expansion avenues. There has been an increase in the use of products and services falling under the ambit of Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy, giving a thrust to the growth of the global Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy market. The unprecedented use of these products can be attributed to the increasing paying capacity of the masses.

Furthermore, in the absence of robust or utilitarian alternatives, the demand within the global Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy market is projected to reach new heights of recognition. It is worthwhile to mention that the global Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy market is treading along a lucrative pathway due to favorable government legislations.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed narratives related to growth and expansion across several key industries. Therefore, the Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy market is also battling the cons of supply chain disruptions and procurement issues. Over the course of the next quarter, market players could be investing in new technologies to recover from the shocks of the pandemic.

The global market for rheumatoid arthritis stem cell therapy is highly fragmented. Examples of some of the key players operating in the global rheumatoid arthritis stem cell therapy market include Mesoblast Ltd., Roslin Cells, Regeneus Ltd, ReNeuron Group plc, International Stem Cell Corporation, TiGenix and others.

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Growing Prevalence & Recurrence Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Expected To Growth Of The Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Market Designer Women...

Catherine S. Diefenbach, MD, Talks Future of CAR T-cell Therapy Following Liso-Cel Approval in Second-Line LBCL – Cancer Network

Catherine S. Diefenbach, MD, spoke about refining understanding of CAR T-cell therapies after the approval of lisocabtagene maraleucel for patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma.

Lisocabtagene maraleucel (liso-cel; Breyanzi) was recently approved for the second-line treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL), including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified; high-grade B-cell lymphoma; primary mediastinal LBCL; and grade 3B follicular lymphoma.1 CancerNetwork spoke with Catherine S. Diefenbach, MD, director of both Hematology and Translational Research and the Clinical Lymphoma Program of Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone Health, about data from the phase 3 TRANSFORM trial (NCT03575351) that led to the approval and how the indication for this and other similar therapies may be expanded in the future with better understand regarding how to tailor the therapy.2

There are a couple of steps that are going to be important. One is to get a better idea of who benefits so we can tailor this therapy to the patients who are going to benefit the most. We need to get better at understanding the mechanisms of relapse and nonresponse to CAR T-cell therapy so that we [avoid subjecting] patients to this toxic therapy who are unlikely to benefit and/or design a next-generation CAR T-cell treatment that is going to allow more patients to have a durable response and be cured than what is currently approved. We need to get better at managing the toxicity of CAR T cells because this is still a fairly toxic therapy, and design next-generation CAR T cells that are less toxic. We need to get better about improving access so more patients can have access to CAR T cells. There are still many issues around insurance and payments for commercial CAR T cells. From a drug development, a clinical, and a public health standpoint, theres still much work that we can do to optimize this therapy.

This is an exciting time in lymphoma. We have a new therapy that was approved initially in the third line thats now moving to the second line and other exciting therapies that are nearing approval. We have more ways than ever to cure patients with lymphoma or extend the lives of people with incurable lymphoma. The challenge going forward is going to understand who benefits from which therapy and understand how to optimize response for all patients with these exciting therapies that we now have. This is an absolutely wonderful and transformative development.

Here is the original post:

Catherine S. Diefenbach, MD, Talks Future of CAR T-cell Therapy Following Liso-Cel Approval in Second-Line LBCL - Cancer Network

Next-day manufacture of a novel anti-CD19 CAR-T therapy for B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: first-in-human clinical study | Blood Cancer Journal…

Preclinical evaluation of FasT CAR-T cellsFasT CAR-T (F-CAR-T) proliferation in vitro

To characterize the in vitro proliferative capacity of F-CAR-T cells, F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T cells were manufactured in parallel (Supplementary Methods, and Fig. S1) using T-cells from 6 B-ALL patients. To investigate the ex vivo proliferation of F-CAR-T, frozen CD19 F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T cells from each patient were thawed and stimulated with irradiated CD19-expressing K562 cells. The number of CD19-targeting CAR-T cells was then determined during the course of cell expansion in vitro. As shown in Fig. 1A, upon CD19 antigen stimulation, F-CAR-T proliferation was much more robust compared to C-CAR-T proliferation. On day 17 post co-culture, F-CAR-T expanded 1205.61226.3 fold (MeanSD), while C-CAR-T expanded only 116.437.2 fold (MeanSD), (p=0.001). To characterize the mechanism underlying the superior proliferative ability of F-CAR-T, we purified CD19+ CAR-T cells from both F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T. The expression of genes involved in cell proliferation, cell cycle, and apoptosis was analyzed using Nanostring (detailed gene sets are in Table S2). Gene expression profiles showed higher F-CAR-T expression scores for genes associated with cell cycle regulation (F-CAR-T vs. C-CAR-T, p<0.01) and lower expression scores for apoptosis-related genes (F-CAR-T vs. C-CAR-T, p<0.05) in F-CAR-T cells (Fig. S2A).

A Ex vivo cell proliferation of F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T derived from B-ALL patients (n=6) (***P=0.001, F-CAR-T vs. C-CAR-T, d17, unpaired student two-tailed t-test). B Tscm, Tcm, and Tem were characterized by surface staining of CD45RO and CD62L and analyzed with flow cytometry (***P<0.001 comparing F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T). C T-cell exhaustion was characterized by PD-1, LAG3, and TIM-3 staining; Statistical analyses of the percentage of PD1+ LAG3+ Tim3+ (***P<0.001, comparing F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T), unpaired student two-tailed t-test). D RTCA assay was used to examine the specific killing of HeLa-CD19 cells. Growth of target HeLa-CD19 or HeLa cells were monitored dynamically. E CD19+ target Nalm6-Luc cells or F Raji-Luc cells were co-cultured with either F-CAR-T or C-CAR-T for 6h. Target cell killing efficacy was calculated by luciferase activity. NS, P>0.05 F-CAR-T vs. C-CAR-T (unpaired student t-test, two-tailed). F-CAR-T FasT CAR-T, C-CAR-T conventional CAR-T, Tcm (CD45RO+CD62L+) T central memory cells, Tem (CD45RO+CD62L) T effector memory cells, Tscm (CD45ROCD62L+) T stem cell memory, PD1 programmed cell death protein 1, TIM-3 T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing-3, LAG3 lymphocyte-activation gene 3, RTCA real-time cell analyzer, E:T effector cells: target cells, NT normal T-cell.

Phenotypes of unstimulated F-CAR-T from three healthy donors were analyzed by flow cytometry. The CD45ROCD62L+ population was 45.7%2.2% which was comparable to the un-transduced T-cells (data not shown). Upon stimulation with CD19+ tumor cells for 9 days, C-CAR-T central memory cells (Tcm, CD45RO+CD62L+ and effector memory cells (Tem, CD45RO+CD62L) were 56.62%11.97% and 40.48%9.70%, respectively, among the C-CAR-T cells (Fig. 1B and Figs. S2B and S2). In contrast, Tcm cells (87.92%4.36%) was predominant in F-CAR-T, with only a small fraction of Tem (7.84%3.79%). In addition, F-CAR-T cells demonstrated more abundant T stem cell memory (Tscm) (3.841.22% vs 2.342.48%, p<0.05) than C-CAR-T cells. We also examined the exhaustion status of the stimulated CAR-T cells. A higher percentage of PD-1+LAG3+Tim3+T-cells were detected in the C-CAR-T (11.19%2.54%) compared to F-CAR-T (3.59%2.51%, p<0.001) (Fig. 1C). Together these data indicated that the F-CAR-T exhibited a younger phenotype and was less exhausted compared to C-CAR-T.

We used a real-time cell analyzer (RTCA) assay to measure the cytotoxicity of F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T against CD19+ cells in vitro. F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T killing of Hela-CD19 target cells were comparable using this assay (Fig. 1D). Similar levels of IFN- and IL-2 production were also observed (Fig. S2D). In a luciferase-based cytotoxicity assay, CD19+ B leukemia cell lines, Raji and Nalm6, were both effectively killed to similar or better levels at different E:T ratios (Fig. 1E, F).

To compare the in vivo cytotoxicity of F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T, severe immunodeficient NOG mice were engrafted with Raji-luciferase cells. One week after the tumor grafts were established, F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T were intravenously injected at various doses. The engrafted tumors progressed aggressively in control groups with either vehicle alone or control T-cells (Fig. 2A). In contrast, F-CAR-T or C-CAR-T treatment greatly suppressed tumor growth in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 2A). In the high dose group (2106/mice), both F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T eliminated the tumor rapidly. However, in the low dose group (5105/mice), F-CAR-T showed more effective tumor-killing compared to C-CAR-T. On day 20, mice in the low dose F-CAR-T group became tumor-free, while C-CAR-T treated mice exhibited tumor relapse (Fig. 2A). We examined the CAR-T cell expansion in vivo after infusion. As shown in Fig. 2B, both F-CAR-T and C-CAR-T began to expand in the peripheral blood 7 days after infusion. C-CAR-T cell numbers reached their peak on day 14 and receded on day 21. In contrast, the F-CAR-T cell number peaked on day 21 and declined to a baseline level on day 28. F-CAR-T not only persisted longer but also underwent 26 folds greater expansion than C-CAR-T (Fig. 2B).

A Raji-Luc cell engraftment NOG mice were given high dose (2106/mice, n=3) and low dose (5105/mice, n=3) F-CAR-T/C-CAR-T along with control groups. Tumor growth was monitored with IVIS scan once every 3 days; B CAR-T expansion in peripheral blood of mice was analyzed by flow cytometry (n=6). ***P<0.001 for F-CAR-T HD vs. C-CAR-T HD; F-CAR-T LD vs. C-CAR-T LD; F-CAR-T HD vs. F-CAR-T LD; C-CAR-T HD vs. C-CAR-T LD (two-way ANOVA statistical analysis); C Schematic of the Nalm6 (1106) xenograft model, CAR-T (2106) infused 1 day after cyclophosphamide (20mg/kg) treatment. Bone marrow infiltration of F-CAR-T was analyzed 10 days after CAR-T infusion (n=3); D CD45+CD2 F-CAR-T vs. C-CAR-T in peripheral blood of mice were analyzed by flow cytometry; *P<0.05 (unpaired student two-tailed t-test). IVIS in vivo imaging system, PB peripheral blood, i.v. intravenous, HD high dose, LD low dose, Cy cyclophosphamide; *p<0.05; #: number.

We examined the BM infiltration of F-CAR-T cells after infusion into Nalm6-bearing mice (Fig. 2C). A larger population of CAR-T cells was observed 10 days after infusion in BM in F-CAR-T infused group than that in the C-CAR-T group (p<0.05) (Fig. 2D), suggesting F-CAR-T cells possessed a better BM homing capability than C-CAR-T.

The chemokine receptor CXCR4 is known to be critical for BM homing of T-cells [25, 26]. Indeed, a higher percentage of CXCR4+ T cells were detected in F-CAR-T than in the C-CAR-T. Interestingly, this phenotype was more pronounced for CD4+ T cells than CD8+ T cells (Fig. S3A). In a two-chamber system, more F-CAR-T cells could be detected in the lower chamber than their C-CAR-T counterparts (Fig. S3B).

Between Jan. 2019 and Oct. 2019, 25 pediatric and adult patients with CD19+R/R B-ALL were enrolled onto our phase 1 trial, including two patients who had relapsed following a prior allo-HSCT. Patient characteristics are detailed in Table 1. The median age of patients was 20 (range: 344) years old. Twenty patients were >14 years old, and five were 14 years old. The median percentage of pre-treatment BM blasts was 9.05% (range: 0.1982.9%). As our pre-clinical studies demonstrated that F-CAR-T cells had a superior expansion capability as compared to C-CAR-T, we infused a relatively low doses of F-CAR-T cells, ranging from 104105 cells/kg: 3.0104 cells/kg (n=2), 6.5 (5.867.43)104 cells/kg (n=9), 1.01 (1.01.16)105 cells/kg (n=12), 1.52(1.471.56)105 cells/kg (n=2), (Fig. S4). The median time from apheresis to the infusion of CD19+F-CAR-T cells was 14 days (range: 1220). Although the manufacturing time of F-CAR-T was next day, the quality control time and detailed final product releases including sterility testing require a minimum of 710 days to complete. In addition, transportation of cell products requires approximately two days. Of the 25 patients who received CD19 F-CAR-T infusion, 22 (88%) received bridging chemotherapy between apheresis and lymphodepleting chemotherapy to control rapid disease progression (Table S3).

F-CAR-T cells were manufactured successfully for all patients. The mean transduction efficiency of F-CAR-T was 35.4% (range: 13.170.3%) (Fig. S5A). Both CD4+/CAR+ (mean, 49.6%; range: 13.673.2%) and CD8+/CAR+ (mean, 41.5%; range: 20.677.7%) subsets were present in the CD3+CAR+ T cell subsets of all products. The mean proportion of Tscm, Tem, and Tcm cells in the CD3+CAR+ T cell subsets of all products was 23.3% (range: 3.5545.3%), 33.2% (range: 17.267.9%), and 36.1% (range: 20.758.1%), respectively (Fig. S5B). F-CAR-T products exerted significant IFN- release and cytotoxic effects against the CD19+ cell line HELA-CD19 (Fig. S5, C, D).

All 25 infused patients experienced adverse events (AEs) of any grade, with 25 (100%) experiencing grade 3 or higher adverse events. No grade 5 events related to F-CAR-T treatment were observed (Table 2).

CRS occurred in 24 (96%) patients with 18 (72%) grade 12 CRS,6 (24%) of grade 3, and no grade 4 or higher CRS (Fig. S6). In the >14 years old group, 16/20 (80%) patients developed mild CRS, and only 2/20 (10%) developed grade 3 CRS. For 14 years old patients, 2/5 (40%) had mild CRS, yet 3/5 (60%) experienced grade 3 CRS (Table S4). ICANS was observed in 7 (28%) patients, with 2 (8%) grade 3 ICANS occurring in patients >14 years old and 5 (20%) grade 4 ICANS all occurring in patients 14 years old. No grade 5 ICANS was developed (Fig. S7 and Table S4). The most frequent presentation of CRS was fever, particularly a high fever of >39C. The first onset of CRS symptoms occurred between day 3 and 8 post-CAR-T infusion with a median onset at day 4 (range: 110 days). The most common symptoms of ICANS were seizure (5/7) and depressed consciousness (5/7). The median time to ICANS onset from CAR-T cell infusion was 7 days (range: 58), and the median time to resolution was 2 days (Fig. S7). All CRS and ICANS events were managed including early intervention when fever of 39C persisted for 24h. Sixteen (64%) patients received tocilizumab with a median total dose of 160mg (range: 160320mg). Twenty-one (84%) patients received corticosteroids including dexamethasone (median total dose, 43mg; range: 4127mg) and or methylprednisolone (median total dose, 190mg; range: 401070mg). The vast majority of these patients discontinued corticosteroids within 2 weeks. The change in IL-6, IFN-, IL-10, and GM-CSF levels after infusion are selectively shown in Fig. S8. The peak levels of these four cytokines were observed between day 710. Among all 21 cytokines examined, only post-infusion IL-6 levels were associated with moderate to severe CRS and/or ICANS (Figs. S9 and S10).

Superior in vivo proliferation and persistence of F-CAR-T compared to C-CAR-T cells were observed regardless of dose levels. The median peak level was reached on day 10 (range: 714 days) with 1.9105 transgene copies/g of genomic DNA (range: 0.225.2105 transgene copies/g of genomic DNA) by qPCR and 83 F-CAR-T cells per l blood (range: 42102 F-CAR-T cells per l blood) by FCM (Fig. 3A, B). No significant differences were observed among the different dose groups in the mean F-CAR-T copies peak (Fig. 3C). Importantly, there was no significant difference in the mean F-CAR-T copies peak between patients who received corticosteroids compared to those who did not (Fig. 3D).

A F-CAR-T cells in peripheral blood by qPCR. Purple, dose level 1; black, dose level 2; blue, dose level 3; red, dose level 4; B F-CAR-T cells in peripheral blood by flow cytometry. Purple, dose level 1; black, dose level 2; blue, dose level 3; red, dose level 4; C Comparison of the mean peak copy number of F-CAR-T cells in peripheral blood at each dose level. Statistical significance was determined by the MannWhitney test. D Comparison of the mean peak copy number of F-CAR-T cells in peripheral blood with or without steroids. Statistical significance was determined by the MannWhitney test.

Fourteen days after F-CAR-T cell infusion, all patients achieved morphologic CR including 2/25 with CR and 23/25 CR with incomplete hematologic recovery (CRi), which further improved to 11/25 CR and 14/25 CRi 28 days post F-CAR-T (Table 1 and Fig. 4). More importantly, 23/25 (92%) had the minimal residual disease (MRD)-negative remission on day 14 and day 28 after F-CAR-T treatment. Patients achieving remission through CAR-T were given the option to proceed to allo-HSCT. With a median time of 54 days (range: 4581 days) post F-CAR-T infusion, 20 of 23 patients with MRD-negative status decided to pursue consolidative allo-HSCT including one patient who received a 2nd transplant. As of 18 October 2021, with a median follow-up duration of 693 days (range: 84973 days) among the 20 patients who had received allo-HSCT, one patient relapsed on day 172 and died 3 months after relapse, and four patients died from transplant-related mortality (TRM) including infection (n=3) and chronic GVHD (n=1) on day 84, day 215, day 220, and day 312, respectively. The other 15 patients remained in MRD-negative CR with a median remission duration of 734 days (range: 208973) except for one who became MRD-positive on day 294 with CD19+ disease. Among the other three patients (F05, F06, F16), one remained in MRD-negative CR on day 304, one remained in MRD-negative CR until day 303, received allo-HSCT but died from an infection on day 505, and one was lost to follow-up after day 114. Two patients who had MRD-positive CR after infusion withdrew from the study on day 42 and day 44, respectively, to seek other studies.

Clinical outcomes and consolidative allo-HSCT for the 25 patients who were treated with F-CAR-T therapy are shown. On day 28, 23/25 patients achieved MRD-negative CR/CRi. With a median time of 54 days (range: 4581) post F-CAR-T infusion, 20 of 23 patients with MRD-negative status received consolidative allo-HSCT. Among the 20 patients, 1 patient (F23) relapsed on day 172 and died 3 months after relapse. Four patients (F04, F09, F11, F12) died from transplant-related mortality (TRM) including infection (n=3) and chronic GVHD (n=1) on day 84, day 215, day 220, and day 312, respectively. The remaining 15 patients were in MRD-negative CR except for one (F18) who became MRD-positive on day 294. Among the other 3 patients (F05, F06, F16), 1 remained MRD-negative CR on day 304, 1 remained in MRD-negative CR until day 303, received allo-HSCT, and subsequently died from an infection on day 505. One patient was lost to follow-up after day 114. MRD minimal residual disease, CR complete remission, Allo-HSCT allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

F-CAR-T/T ratio in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was evaluated by FCM in 13/25 patients with available samples (Table S5). Between days 10 and 32, 9 patients were found to have considerable F-CAR-T penetration in their CSF, ranging from 40.65 to 79.2%, including 4 who developed severe ICANS. Among the other 4 patients, F-CAR-T cell abundance in the CSF ranged from 1.29% to 3.57%, and none experienced severe ICANS. Patients with higher levels of CAR-T in PB on day 10 consistently had higher levels of CAR-T in CSF with the exception of patient F15. Notably, CAR-T cells were still detectable in the CSF on day 101 with a 2.36% CAR-T/T ratio in patient F06, who also had undetectable circulating CAR-T cells at the same time.

In addition, concentrations of seven cytokines (IL-1b, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-, TNF-, MCP-1, and GM-CSF) in CSF samples from the above 10 of 13 patients were measured. Specifically, IL-1b was not detected in any of the 10 patients, and only one patient had detectable GM-CSF. For the other five cytokines, patients with severe ICANS had higher IL-6 levels in contrast to patients without severe ICANS, and the difference between the median level of IL-6 among these two groups of patients was statistically significant (Fig. S11). We did not observe significant differences among the other 4 cytokines between the two groups of patients. No clear relation between the CSF cytokine levels and the F-CAR-T/T % was observed.

Read more:

Next-day manufacture of a novel anti-CD19 CAR-T therapy for B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: first-in-human clinical study | Blood Cancer Journal...

Akari Therapeutics Announces First Patient to Complete Course of Treatment in the Phase III Part A Clinical Trial of Investigational Nomacopan in…

NEW YORK and LONDON, July 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Akari Therapeutics, Plc (Nasdaq: AKTX), a late-stage biotechnology company focused on developing advanced therapies for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, today announced that a patient has completed the course of investigational nomacopan treatmentin the open-label, multi-center Phase IIIPart Aclinical trial in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant-related thrombotic microangiopathy (HSCT-TMA). Nomacopan is a bispecific recombinant inhibitor of complement C5 and leukotriene B4 (LTB4).

Three patients with severe (nephrotic range proteinuria and elevated soluble C5b-9) HSCT-TMA have been enrolled in the clinical trial. One patient completed more than 60 days of nomacopan treatment and subsequently was discharged from the hospital. Another patient died from multi-organ failureunrelated to nomacopan treatment.Dosing has begun in the third patient.

This is promising news for children and families facing hematopoietic stem cell transplant-related TMAs who have unmet needs that are significant and urgent because there are no approved treatment options, said Rachelle Jacques, President and CEO of Akari Therapeutics. Recruitment into a study of treatment for a rare and emergent complication of stem cell transplants in children has inherent challenges, and it is testament to the passion and commitment of everyone involved that this important Phase III clinical trial is progressing on behalf of patients and their families.

Nomacopan was granted Orphan Drug and Fast Track designations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for pediatric HSCT-TMA. Data from the Phase III Part A study of nomacopan in HSCT-TMA will inform the pivotal Phase III Part B study that will be the basis for potential regulatory submissions in the U.S. and Europe.

The six-year-old patient who was discharged wastreated at a clinical trial site in Manchester, England by investigator Rob Wynn, M.D. Thrombotic microangiopathy following a stem cell transplant procedure is a rare but devastating complication made even more tragic because there are currently no approved treatments, said Professor Rob Wynn, of Royal Manchester Childrens Hospital, part of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. As we advance this important clinical trial and offer treatment to children in Manchester where formerly there was none, we are bringing new hope to families who are in desperate need, and to other clinicians who very much want to offer a treatment option.

Thrombotic microangiopathy following a stem cell transplant procedure is a rare but serious complication of HSCT that appears to involve complement activation, inflammation, tissue hypoxia and blood clots, leading to progressive organ damage and death. The mortality rate in patients who develop severe transplant-related TMAs is 80%.1 Currently, there are no approved treatment options in the U.S. or Europe.

Sites are open and recruiting in the U.S, U.K., and Poland for the Phase III Part A clinical trial of investigational nomacopan in pediatric patients who have undergone allogeneic or autologous HSCT and develop HSCT-TMA within a year of transplant. Patient dosing is underway in the multi-center, open-label study that has a recruitment goal of seven pediatric patients over six months old.

The primary study endpoints are either independence of red blood cell transfusion or urine protein creatinine ratio of 2 mg/mg maintained over 28 days immediately prior to any scheduled clinical visit up to Week 24. According to the study protocol, patients may discontinue therapy sooner than 24 weeks, if one, or both, of the primary endpoint components has been met and the treating clinician determines there is no longer a need for continued treatment with nomacopan. Patients who have achieved the primary endpoint and are no longer receiving nomacopan will have a follow-up clinic visit 30 days after the last dose, at 24 weeks and for long-term follow-up at one and two years.


About Akari Therapeutics

Akari Therapeutics, plc (Nasdaq: AKTX) is a biotechnology company focused on developing advanced therapies for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Akari's lead asset, investigational nomacopan, is a bispecific recombinant inhibitor of C5 complement activation and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) activity. The Akaripipeline includes two late-stage programs for bullous pemphigoid (BP) and thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), as well as earlier stage research and development programs in eye and lung diseases with significant unmet need. For more information about Akari, please visit

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward- looking statements reflect our current views about our plans, intentions, expectations, strategies and prospects, which are based on the information currently available to us and on assumptions we have made. Although we believe that our plans, intentions, expectations, strategies and prospects as reflected in or suggested by those forward- looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that the plans, intentions, expectations or strategies will be attained or achieved. Furthermore, actual results may differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements and will be affected by a variety of risks and factors that are beyond our control. Such risks and uncertainties for our company include, but are not limited to: needs for additional capital to fund our operations, our ability to continue as a going concern; uncertainties of cash flows and inability to meet working capital needs; an inability or delay in obtaining required regulatory approvals for nomacopan and any other product candidates, which may result in unexpected cost expenditures; our ability to obtain orphan drug designation in additional indications; risks inherent in drug development in general; uncertainties in obtaining successful clinical results for nomacopan and any other product candidates and unexpected costs that may result there; difficulties enrolling patients in our clinical trials; failure to realize any value of nomacopan and any other product candidates developed and being developed in light of inherent risks and difficulties involved in successfully bringing product candidates to market; inability to develop new product candidates and support existing product candidates; the approval by the FDA and EMA and any other similar foreign regulatory authorities of other competing or superior products brought to market; risks resulting from unforeseen side effects; risk that the market for nomacopan may not be as large as expected risks associated with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; inability to obtain, maintain and enforce patents and other intellectual property rights or the unexpected costs associated with such enforcement or litigation; inability to obtain and maintain commercial manufacturing arrangements with third- party manufacturers or establish commercial scale manufacturing capabilities; the inability to timely source adequate supply of our active pharmaceutical ingredients from third party manufacturers on whom the company depends; unexpected cost increases and pricing pressures and risks and other risk factors detailed in our public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including our most recently filed Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC. Except as otherwise noted, these forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any of these statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after this press release. We caution investors not to place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.

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Investor Contact:Mike MoyerLifeSci Advisors(617)

Media Contact:Eliza SchleifsteinSchleifstein PR (917)

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Akari Therapeutics Announces First Patient to Complete Course of Treatment in the Phase III Part A Clinical Trial of Investigational Nomacopan in...

Global Lupus Market is Expected to Reach USD 4.3 Billion With CAGR of 12.41% By Forecast 2027 Says Maximize Market Research (MMR) – Digital Journal

The Global Lupus Market Is Estimated To Grow To USD 4.3 Billion With A CAGR Of 12.41 Percent By 2027.

TheGlobal Lupus Markethas gained traction in the last decade, and from 2022 to 2027, it is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3 percent. Market revenue will have increased to USD 4.3 billion by the end of 2027, up from USD 1.88 billion in 2020.

Global Lupus Market Scope and Dynamics:

Due to factors such rising healthcare costs, a growing female population, rapid urbanisation, supportive government measures, rising rates of SLE disease, etc., the industry has been expanding over the past few years. Different groups and the government are doing a number of actions to educate people about SLE. Several research institutions are offering medicines and treatments to SLE patients with government funding. Government-funded trials for several novel medications are now underway. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US frequently publish SLE disease statistics and alert the public to the diseases serious side effects, particularly in the female population.

The market is anticipated to expand quickly over the forecast period as a result of a number of current trends, including an increase in clinical trials, the use of stem cell therapy, increased public awareness, etc. One of the most promising emerging areas of medicine for the treatment of Global Lupus, particularly for patients who do not respond well to more conventional forms of treatment, may be stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy is becoming more popular since it is a cutting-edge method for treating Global Lupus, which will boost the growth of the Global Lupus market.

One of the key elements anticipated to restrain the growth of the global Global Lupus therapeutic market over the forecast period is the negative effects of medications used to treat the disease. For instance, almost all patients receiving treatment for SLE report one or more side effects such nausea, vomiting, bone toxicity, and other symptoms, according to a paper published in the peer-reviewed, open access journal Global Lupus Science and Medicine in March 2018.

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Global Lupus Market Region Insights:

Geographically, the North America are expected to lead the Global Lupus market due to the growing need for better treatment choices, the diseases increasing prevalence, government initiatives for it, and the availability of reimbursement. In addition, the regions developed healthcare system and easy access to biologics are anticipated to support market growth.

The Global Lupus market is expected to place Europe in second place. The growth of R&D initiatives and the increased incidence of Global Lupus in the area are both credited with driving the market in this region.

China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, and the rest of Asia-Pacific make up the Asia-Pacific Global Lupus market. Due to the rising Global Lupus prevalence, the growing healthcare industry, and the increasing geographical development of major market participants, the Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to have the quickest growth.

Global Lupus Market Segmentation:

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Key Players in Global Lupus Market:

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Maximize Market Research provides syndicated and custom B2B and B2C business and market research on high-growth emerging technologies, opportunities, and threats for companies in the chemical, internet of things, food and beverage, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, electronics and communications, aerospace, and defense. Maximize Market Research is best positioned to assess, estimate, and anticipate market size along with the competitive landscape of industries as businesses across the globe are battling to keep up with the pace of changing market, along with changing industrial, and technical conditions.

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Global Lupus Market is Expected to Reach USD 4.3 Billion With CAGR of 12.41% By Forecast 2027 Says Maximize Market Research (MMR) - Digital Journal

Jasper Therapeutics to Participate in the William Blair 42nd Annual Growth Stock Conference –

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jasper Therapeutics, Inc. ( JSPR), a biotechnology company focused on enabling cures with stem cell therapies, today announced that the Company is participating in the William Blair 42nd Annual Growth Stock Conference, to be held in Chicago from June 6-9, 2022.

Ronald Martell, Jaspers Chief Executive Officer, is scheduled to present on Thursday, June 9th at 8:00AM CT, with a breakout session to follow at 8:40AM CT. A live webcast of the presentation will be available at and at the Companys Investor Events webpage.

About Jasper TherapeuticsJasper Therapeutics, Inc. is a biotechnology company focused on the development of novel curative therapies based on the biology of the hematopoietic stem cell. The company is advancing two potentially groundbreaking programs. JSP191, an anti-CD117 monoclonal antibody, is in clinical development as a conditioning agent that clears hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow in patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation. It is designed to enable safer and more effective, and potentially curative, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplants and gene therapies. A clinical study of JSP191 as a novel, disease-modifying, therapeutic for patients with lower risk MDS is also planned to begin in 2022. In parallel, Jasper Therapeutics, Inc. is advancing its preclinical mRNA hematopoietic stem cell grafts platform, which is designed to overcome key limitations of allogeneic and autologous gene-edited stem cell grafts. Both innovative programs have the potential to transform the field and expand hematopoietic stem cell therapy cures to a greater number of patients with life-threatening cancers, genetic diseases and autoimmune diseases than is possible today. For more information, please visit us at

Forward-Looking StatementsCertain statements included in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are sometimes accompanied by words such as believe, may, will, estimate, continue, anticipate, intend, expect, should, would, plan, predict, potential, seem, seek, future, outlook and similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the potential of the Companys JSP191 and mRNA engineered stem cell graft programs. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this press release, and on the current expectations of Jasper and are not predictions of actual performance. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as, and must not be relied on by an investor as, a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction or a definitive statement of fact or probability. Actual events and circumstances are difficult or impossible to predict and will differ from assumptions. Many actual events and circumstances are beyond the control of Jasper. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including general economic, political and business conditions; the risk that the potential product candidates that Jasper develops may not progress through clinical development or receive required regulatory approvals within expected timelines or at all; risks relating to uncertainty regarding the regulatory pathway for Jaspers product candidates; the risk that prior study results may not be replicated; the risk that clinical trials may not confirm any safety, potency or other product characteristics described or assumed in this press release; the risk that Jasper will be unable to successfully market or gain market acceptance of its product candidates; the risk that Jaspers product candidates may not be beneficial to patients or successfully commercialized; patients willingness to try new therapies and the willingness of physicians to prescribe these therapies; the effects of competition on Jaspers business; the risk that third parties on which Jasper depends for laboratory, clinical development, manufacturing and other critical services will fail to perform satisfactorily; the risk that Jaspers business, operations, clinical development plans and timelines, and supply chain could be adversely affected by the effects of health epidemics, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; the risk that Jasper will be unable to obtain and maintain sufficient intellectual property protection for its investigational products or will infringe the intellectual property protection of others; and other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time in Jaspers filings with the SEC. If any of these risks materialize or Jaspers assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. While Jasper may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Jasper specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Jaspers assessments of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.


John Mullaly (investors)LifeSci Advisors617-429-3548[emailprotected]

Jeet Mahal (investors)Jasper Therapeutics650-549-1403[emailprotected]

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Orthobiologics Market is Predicted to Expand at a CAGR of 4.7% during the Forecast Period, notes TMR Study – GlobeNewswire

Wilmington, Delaware, United States, July 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Transparency Market Research Inc.: The value of the global orthobiologics market was clocked at US$ 5.01 Bn in 2021. The orthobiologics marketoutlook predicts the market to rise at a CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period, from 2022 to 2031. The global orthobiologics market is expected to attain a value surpassing US$ 7.4 Bn by 2031. Until afew years ago, orthobiologics have been a common practice in sports medicine andorthopedic surgeries. Demand analysis of orthobiologics estimates that developments in regenerative medicine, an increasing number of sports andsports-relatedinjuries, rising demand for less invasive procedures, andconstant infusion of innovative products and treatmentsare all expected to propel the global orthobiologics market.

Musculoskeletal tissue engineering and regenerative medicineresearch, however, have slowed down as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. However,strong development potential in developing nations and a rise in demand for cutting-edge therapies are expected to create considerable prospects for companies in the growth of the orthobiologics market.

The global orthobiologics market is being driven by the increase in orthobiologics product and usage oforthopedic device. In addition to that, there is increasingincorporation of biochemistry andbiology in the treatment of soft tissue andbone injuries. Orthobiologic drugs help natural healing mechanism of the bodyto workmore quickly. They can hasten the healing of injured ligaments, tendons, andmuscles. It alsoassistsin repairing osteoarthritis damage. The materials used to develop orthobiologics are those that are normally present in the human body.

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Stem Cells Market: The global stem cells market is expected to reach the value of US$ 25.68 Bn by the end of 2028.It is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2021 to 2028.

Placental Stem Cell Therapy Market: The placental stem cell therapy market stood at US$ 0.5 Bn in 2019 and is expected to cross a revenue of US$ 4.4 Bn by the end of 2030.

Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell Alopecia Treatment Market: The global platelet rich plasma & stem cell alopecia treatment market is expected to reach a value of approximately US$ 450.5 Mn by the end of 2026, expanding at a high single digit CAGR during the forecast period.

Soft Tissue Allografts Market: The global soft tissue allografts market was valued at US$ 3.55 Bn in 2018, and is projected to reach ~ US$ 6.2 Bn by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of ~ 6.5% from 2019 to 2027.

Bone Growth Stimulators Market: The global bone growth stimulators market is anticipated to reach more than US$ 2 Bn by the end of 2031. The global market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2022 to 2031.

Small Bone and Joint Orthopedic Devices Market: The global small bone and joint orthopedic devices market was valued at US$ 5.5 Bn in 2018 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 6.3% from 2019 to 2027.

Metastatic Bone Disease Market: The global metastatic bone disease market was valued at US$ 12,450.0 Mn in 2017 and is anticipated to reach US$ 24,886.8 Mn by 2026, expanding at a CAGR of 8.1% from 2018 to 2026.

Bone Grafts and Substitutes Market: The global bone grafts and substitutes market is expected to cross the value of US$ 4.4 Bn by the end of 2028. It is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2021 to 2028.

About Transparency Market Research

Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyze information.

Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.

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Orthobiologics Market is Predicted to Expand at a CAGR of 4.7% during the Forecast Period, notes TMR Study - GlobeNewswire

TC BioPharm Announces Formation of Scientific Advisory Board with Renowned Cell Therapy Experts –

EDINBURGH, Scotland, May 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- TC Biopharm (Holdings) PLC ("TC Biopharm" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: TCBP) (NASDAQ: TCBPW), a clinical stage biotechnology company developing platform allogeneic gamma-delta T cell therapies for cancer and viral indications, announced today announced the formation of a scientific advisory board (SAB) to advance its gamma-delta T cell therapy, OmnImmune, for the treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).

"We are honored to have these remarkable and accomplished cell therapeutics and scientific leaders join TC BioPharm's Scientific Advisory Board," said Bryan Kobel, CEO of TC BioPharm. "These individuals have made significant contributions and pioneered breakthroughs in cell therapy research and therapeutics, and together, they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience for TC BioPharm, as we work to develop our proprietary therapies to treat blood cancers and develop our platform into other oncological areas. We wil continue to expand our SAB to bring other expertise in cell therapy modalities to reflect our ongoing R&D efforts as well. TCBP looks forward to the input of these outstanding individuals as we advance our platform technology in allogeneic gamma deltas and their contribution to our ongoing research and development efforts in a number of project areas."

Members of the TC BioPharm Scientific Advisory include;

Mark Bonyhadi, Ph D., will lead the SAB. He is a senior advisor to Qiming Venture Partners USA and former Vice President of Research at Juno Therapeautics (acquired by Celgene). Dr. Bonyhadi has more than 30 years of experience in biopharmaceutical leadership roles in the US, specifically in the research and development of commercially viable approaches to take cell and gene therapies, as well as regenerative medicines, from the lab to the clinic and for subsequent commercial development. Prior to his role as vice president of Research at Juno Therapeutics Inc (acquired by Celgene Corporation), he was Director of Global Business Development for Cell Therapy at Invitrogen (which merged to become Life Technologies and was subsequently acquired by Thermo-Fisher) and prior to that, Vice President ofResearch at Xycte Therapies and a Senior Scientist at SyStemix, Inc. He was formerly the chair of the Industry Liaison Committee for the American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (2015-2016). He is also the inventor on 11 patents and an author on 40 publications. He currently is a member of the scientific advisory board for Akron Biotech and also serves as a Non-executive Director at TCBP and as a Non-executive Director at Integra Therapeutics.

Uma Lakshmipathy, Ph D., has two decades of experience in cell biology, stem cells and translational research. She is currently the Director of R&D in Science and Technology and Head of Patheon Translation Services in Pharma Services Group at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Her work is focused on developing end-to-end, standardized processes and analytics for cell therapy and support translational services destined towards cGMP manufacturing. She has a strong foundation in development of clinical-grade reagents and processes, viral and non-viral methods of cell modification and, analytical platforms for comprehensive cell therapy product characterization. As a junior faculty at the Stem Cell Institute, University of Minnesota, she was involved in ex vivo gene repair of disease mutations in adult stem cells. She has a doctoral degree in Molecular Biophysics from the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology in India, postdoctoral experience in DNA double strand break repair from University of Minnesota Medical School and has authored several scientific publications, books and patents.

Erin Adams, Ph D., is the Joseph Regenstein Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Chicago and an expert in molecular immunology. She explores the molecular cues that the human immune system uses to distinguish between healthy and diseased tissue. Her primary focus is on unconventional, tissue resident effector cells in the human immune system including T cells, MR1-restricted and CD1-restricted T cells. Her laboratory research seeks to understand the role of these cells types in the immune response process and what signals regulate their activity in tissue homeostasis and disease. She has received multiple honors, including being named a Searle Scholar, a Kavli Fellow and awarded a Cancer Research Foundation Junior Investigator Award.

About TC BioPharm (Holdings) PLCTC BioPharm is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of gamma-delta T cell therapies for the treatment of cancer and viral infections with human efficacy data in acute myeloid leukemia. Gamma-delta T cells are naturally occurring immune cells that embody properties of both the innate and adaptive immune systems and can intrinsically differentiate between healthy and diseased tissue. TC BioPharm uses an allogeneic approach in both unmodified and CAR modified gamma delta t-cells to effectively identify, target and eradicate both liquid and solid tumors in cancer.

TC BioPharm is the leader in developing gamma-delta T cell therapies, and the first company to conduct phase II/pivotal clinical studies in oncology. The Company is conducting two investigator-initiated clinical trials for its unmodified gamma-delta T cell product line - Phase 2b/3 pivotal trial for OmnImmune in treatment of acute myeloid leukemia and Phase I trial for ImmuniStim in treatment of Covid patients using the Company's proprietary allogenic CryoTC technology to provide frozen product to clinics worldwide. TC BioPharm also maintains a robust pipeline for future indications in solid tumors and other aggressive viral infections as well as a significant IP/patent portfolio in the use of CARs with gamma delta t-cells and owns our manufacturing facility to maintain cost and product quality controls.

Forward Looking StatementsThis press release may contain statements of a forward-looking nature relating to future events. These forward-looking statements are subject to the inherent uncertainties in predicting future results and conditions. These statements reflect our current beliefs, and a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in this press release. We undertake no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The reference to the website of TC BioPharm has been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such website is not incorporated by reference into this press release.

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Global Adrenoleukodystrophy Treatment Market Trends, Growth, Opportunities and Forecast to 2029 Designer Women – Designer Women

Theadrenoleukodystrophy treatment marketis expected to witness market growth at a rate of 10.25% in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. Data Bridge Market Research report on adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market provides analysis and insights regarding the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecast period while providing their impacts on the markets growth. The rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases globally is escalating the growth of adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market.

Adrenoleukodystrophy refers to a rare genetic condition that causes the buildup of long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) in the brain. ALD is led by a mutation in the ABCD1 gene on the X chromosome. The three types of adrenoleukodystrophy including Adrenomyelopathy, Childhood cerebral ALD and Addisons disease. Childhood cerebral ALD is known to progress rapidly in children between the ages of 3 and 10.

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This adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localized market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market contact Data Bridge Market Research for anAnalyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.

Global Adrenoleukodystrophy Treatment Market Scope and Market Size

The adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market is segmented on the basis of types, treatment, route of administration, end-users and distribution channel. The growth among segments helps you analyze niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets.

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Adrenoleukodystrophy Treatment Market Country Level Analysis

The adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market is analyzed and market size information is provided by country, types, treatment, route of administration, end-users and distribution channel as referenced above. The countries covered in the global adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market report are U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Lithuania, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Rest of Europe in Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in Asia-Pacific (APAC), South Africa, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Kuwait, Israel, Egypt, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA).

North America dominates the adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market due to the well-established healthcare infrastructure and presence of key market players within the region. Asia-Pacific is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period of 2022 to 2029 because of the rise in awareness about rare diseases in the region.

The country section of the report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as new sales, replacement sales, country demographics, disease epidemiology and import-export tariffs are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of sales channels are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.

Competitive Landscape and Adrenoleukodystrophy Treatment Market Share Analysis

The adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies focus related adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market.

Some of the major players operating in the adrenoleukodystrophy treatment market report are bluebird bio, Inc., Orpheris, Inc., MedDay Pharmaceuticals, MINORYX THERAPEUTICS SL, Pfizer Inc., Amgen Inc., AstraZeneca, Abbott, agtc, ReceptoPharm, Inc., The Myelin Project, SOM Biotech SL, Viking Therapeutics, Nutra Pharma Corporation, Genetix Biotech Asia Pvt. Ltd., Magenta Therapeutics, NeuroVia, Inc., Novartis AG, CELGENE CORPORATION, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Sanofi among others.

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Mayo Clinic Q and A: Stem cell therapy for arthritis …

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Whats the latest information on using stem cell therapy to treat an arthritic shoulder that causes excessive pain?

ANSWER: New efforts in regenerative medicine, including stem cell therapy, could dramatically affect orthopedic surgery over the coming years. Much of this hope is pinned on using stem cells to treat degenerative conditions such as shoulder arthritis. Although it shows promise, stem cell treatment for arthritis isnt widely available at this time, as its still being researched.

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of all human tissue. Stem cells hold potential as treatment, in part, because they can communicate valuable information about tissue growth and healing to other cells in the body. Arthritis involves joint degeneration due to loss of the cartilage that cushions bones. Recently researchers have begun to look to stem cells for orthopedic conditions such as shoulder arthritis. Progress using stem cells to treat arthritis already has been reported, with the ultimate goal of using stem cells to regrow cartilage.

When discussing stem cell therapy, its important to understand that pure stem cells are not currently available to U.S. patients outside of a clinical research study. A handful of clinical research trials, monitored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are ongoing at this time to study stem cell treatment for arthritis. The early findings from these trials are encouraging.

Unfortunately, the excitement surrounding emerging stem cell therapy has led some patients and health care providers to overlook the lack of scientific evidence to support its use at this time. Stem cell therapies currently used outside clinical studies do not contain pure stem cells. Instead, they are a mix of a variety of cells, of which only a very small percentage are stem cells. It is possible that many of these treatments do not contain enough stem cells to help.

It is also important to recognize that many stem cell therapies now marketed directly to patients are conducted without the required biologics license from the FDA. Also, some forms of mislabeled stem cell therapies do not contain any living stem cells. Such practices are cause for concern, as these treatments can mislead patients and the public, and delay the scientific progress needed to turn stem cell therapies into cures.

What the research into stem cells and arthritis shows is that there are opportunities for stem cell treatment to be used as injection therapy alone and in addition to orthopedic surgical procedures. Successful stem cell therapies thus far have resulted mostly in pain relief and improvement in function or quality of life. Only a few limited early studies have demonstrated improvement in new cartilage or bone formation needed to cure arthritis. Exactly how that cartilage regrowth occurs, or even how pain relief is achieved, is still unknown. That means if you have a stem cell procedure, it will be used to treat the symptoms of arthritis only. The ability to cure the disease entirely is not yet available.

No major research studies have specifically investigated stem cell treatment for shoulder arthritis. Much of what is known about stem cells in arthritis comes from research into knee degeneration. Its not known if the successes treating knee arthritis will prove to be similarly beneficial when used for the shoulder. Therefore, current recommendations to treat shoulder arthritis remain the judicious use of gentle pain relievers, exercise and occasional steroid injections. In severe cases, shoulder replacement can provide long-lasting pain relief.

With demonstrable safety and mounting evidence of the effectiveness of stem cell therapy for some orthopedic conditions, potentially all orthopedic disease could be treated with stem cell therapy in the future. But, first, doctors and patients will have to wait until the scientific evidence catches up to the excitement around this promising option. Dr. Shane Shapiro, Orthopedic Surgery and Center for Regenerative Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida

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