SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING: Silver linings from a dark cloud of a year – Wicked Local Pembroke

Was I deceived? or did a sable cloud

Turn forth her silver lining on the night?

I did not err, there does a sable cloud,

Turn out her silver lining on the night

And casts a gleam over this tufted grove.

- John Milton, 1634

We can all recite the litany of woes and ills visited upon us in this remarkable year of 2020. We recite it so often now, usually in disbelief, as in, How can so much bad happen in such a short period of time?

COVID-19 and a global pandemic. Shut down and lock down. Economic collapse. The death of George Floyd and the ensuing days and nights of rage and anger and heartbreak. A November election shaping up to be ugly and divisive and tribal and unprecedented.

And the year is only 190 days old or so! 2020 is barely half over. Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? Heres a first-class ticket on the Titanic! Or as the perpetually downhearted and pessimistic donkey Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh might conclude, Were doomed.

Or maybe not.

Maybe we might be able to actually glean some silver linings from that which has been a train wreck of a year so far. Maybe we might actually find some good among all the bad, some hope among all the pessimism, and some courage among all the fear.

I want to do that. I need to do this: to find hope.

To see hopeful places and movements and ideas and people amidst all the wreckage. I have to do this, to be an explorer for the positive in the midst of all the negative. My faith compels me: my belief in the basic goodness of human beings and my belief in a God who is constantly pushing Creation towards redemption and renewal and rebirth. Im not denying whats broken. Not imagining it never happened. No. But always, to look for the light where it is tempting to only see the shadows.

I can do that. We can do that.

And so, I am grateful that the pandemic has reminded me of one great truth: how much we humans really need one another: for care and mutual support and love and laughter. Since mid-March when I first shut the front door and stayed in, Ive actually connected more deeply and more consistently with those I love.

There was the surprise 85th Zoom birthday party for my Mom last month. Thirty-five folks from across the country showed up to wish her the happiest of birthdays. Who could have imagined that party last January? Or my weekly Zoom connections: with my choir friends on Wednesday evenings every single week, as we laugh and joke and check in. How are you? Or my weekly Zoom meeting with grad school friends, friends Ive loved for more than 30 years. We never gathered so frequently pre-COVID.

COVID has actually connected me more to others, not less. I hear the same from other folks about socially distanced beer and wine gatherings in a neighborhood driveway. Precious time with children now that youth sports are on hold. We actually eat dinner together every night now, they tell me. In the church I serve we actually have seen an increase in folks coming to worship and classes and fellowship who knew the virtual might sometimes trump the face to face?

Silver lining: staying connected, one to another.

And I am hopeful, that the rising up of millions of my fellow citizens in anger and frustration at the sin of racism, filling the streets, pushing for real change, seizing this singular moment to imagine and hope; that maybe this time America will have the courage to face itself in honesty. To begin to redress that most original of civic sins: dismissing the other because they are different than you.

Who could have imagined Black Lives Matter signs appearing on suburban lawns and church yards, or folks of all ages and religions and classes and races, so many people, taking a stand, taking a knee? Statues representing an oppressive and violent history toppling over? Corporations committing to more diversity of voices and employees. Mississippi finally taking the Confederate flag off its state flag?

I know this movement is still in its infancy, that it will be mighty hard to actually move beyond symbolic acts and protests to actually achieve real and lasting societal change a just society but hope for this I must. We must. It will take long and hard work to begin to undo 400 years of injustice but what if we have finally begun this journey as a country?

Silver lining: waking up to the truth of who America is while also dreaming of who she might become someday, one great day.

Give me hope. Show me a silver lining in the midst of the storm clouds. Enough with the bad. Look for the good. Its out there. We just need to look for it with eyes of faith.


The Rev. John F. Hudson is senior pastor of the Pilgrim Church, United Church of Christ, in Sherborn (pilgrimsherborn.org). If you have a word or idea youd like defined in a future column or have comments, please send them to pastorjohn@pilgrimsherborn.org or in care of The Press (Dover-Sherborn@wickedlocal.com).

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SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING: Silver linings from a dark cloud of a year - Wicked Local Pembroke

Pete Buttigieg talks to House of Deputies on faith, politics and ‘the spirituality of the everyday’ – Episcopal News Service

[Episcopal News Service] Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, an Episcopalian who made his religion a prominent aspect of his campaign in this years Democratic presidential primary, spoke to The Episcopal Churchs House of Deputies via Zoom on July 15 about living his faith as a public leader, answering deputies questions about everything from his military service to his two rescue dogs.

Buttigieg spoke to about 400 deputies and alternates as part of a series of Zoom webinars hosted by the House of Deputies one half of The Episcopal Churchs General Convention dealing with the ministry of governance to which deputies have been called.

Buttigieg was invited to speak by the Very Rev. Brian Grantz, a deputy and the dean and rector of South Bends Cathedral of St. James, where Buttigieg worships and where he married his husband Chasten in 2018.

In introducing Buttigieg, Grantz testified to the sincerity of the man who has sat in the same seat on Sunday morning in the fourth pew from the back, Sunday after Sunday after Sunday for 10 years and recalled a conversation he had with Buttigieg during his first term as mayor, in which Buttigieg shared that he viewed public office as a diaconal ministry.

Buttigieg told the deputies he misses that pew at the cathedral, which is closed due to COVID-19. Like many Episcopalians, hes found the loss of in-person worship difficult.

Ive found it really challenging, he said. As somebody who is maybe politically progressive but Im liturgically conservative, I depend on the rhythms of liturgy, and, and as were all finding, there are parts of it that we can grasp powerfully through technology and others that just arent there across the computer screen.

Buttigieg shared stories from his presidential campaign, his time as mayor and his winding journey into The Episcopal Church. Raised by parents who came from Roman Catholic and Episcopalian backgrounds, Buttigieg began attending an Anglican church while studying at Oxford University and ended up at St. James when he moved back to South Bend. He found a sense of spiritual grounding there. His newfound identity as an Episcopalian, he said, became real when it was listed on the dog tags he was issued before being deployed to Afghanistan, where he served as a naval intelligence officer.

Buttigieg addressed the importance of bringing faith into the public sphere, and he spoke to how a reluctance to live ones faith publicly can leave it to be defined by others.

Those who are on my side of the aisle, those who view themselves as more progressive are sometimes allergic to talking about faith in a way that Im afraid has made it feel as if God really did have one political party, Buttigieg said. And so it was very important to me to assert otherwise, but also to talk about the political implications of the commandments to concern ourselves with the well-being of the most marginalized and the most vulnerable.

The United States is suffering from a lack of trust in institutions, and understandably so, Buttigieg said, pointing to systemic racism in everything from law enforcement to the medical establishment. Faith communities have a crucial role to play in rebuilding that trust, he told deputies, adding that the resolutions they pass establish a kind of moral authority that comes from outside of the traditional political space. Resolutions on specific national issues can break through political partisanship and keep the conversation focused on policies, he said.

With his mayoralty and his presidential candidacy behind him, Buttigieg will teach at the University of Notre Dame in the coming academic year on the subject of rebuilding trust in political institutions.

He really understands his public service as a vocation, House of Deputies President the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings told Episcopal News Service. I think the big takeaway for me was that your faith and your values and your politics are of the same cloth. Theyre not separate. It was clear to me that his understanding himself as a person of faith, as a Christian, as an Episcopalian, that thats not just a separate piece of his life but its part of the whole fabric of his life.

Deputies got to hear about his much quieter post-campaign life at home with Truman and Buddy a wayward Lab mix of some kind and a one-eyed puggle on a weight loss journey and his husband Chasten, whose cooking, Buttigieg said, he has come to appreciate as part of the spirituality of the everyday.

Were connected with the everyday in a whole new way, he said. I never was somebody very connected to the Earth certainly the lawn. And now we have just these moments of interaction with, literally, birds and butterflies sounds like a clich, just things that happen in your own backyard. You dont always pause to think about, let alone imagine, that the presence of God is there. What could be funnier than watching a bird take a bath? And I just never sat still long enough to do it in my own backyard.

Byron Rushing, vice president of the House of Deputies, appreciated that Buttigieg was not there to give a stump speech but to offer lessons from his own life and show what ministry can look like for laypeople in The Episcopal Church.

I think most of the people on that call got a sense of what it is to be an Episcopalian and see this public policy as your ministry, Rushing, who served for 36 years in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, told ENS. And have dogs and be married and have a backyard!

Buttigieg, Rushing said, is an example of the ministry of the baptized, and a reminder that laypeople are called to ministry in their lives, not just in their churches.

They realize, Oh, wait a minute. Yes! What I do is my primary ministry. Thered be no Episcopal Church if there wasnt Monday through Saturday, Rushing said.

And as much as Buttigieg reveres his vocation as a politician, he extended his admiration to the deputies as they undertake the sometimes-thorny work of church governance.

I have been pleased to be involved in the church and to be involved in politics, but I would not dare get anywhere near church politics, he said.

Egan Millard is an assistant editor and reporter for Episcopal News Service. He can be reached at emillard@episcopalchurch.org.

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Pete Buttigieg talks to House of Deputies on faith, politics and 'the spirituality of the everyday' - Episcopal News Service

SPIRITUAL MATTERS: Love leads the way and backs us up – Daily Examiner

I VALUE my independence!

How often have we heard these words or others in similar vein?

While many people are quite gregarious and outgoing, others are more comfortable in their own skin with who they are and prefer minimal social interaction.

The experience of one young woman serves to illustrate the fact that we really do need each other if we are to stay safe while negotiating the pathway through life.

Linda was travelling alone up a dangerous highway from Alberta to the Yukon. It was late autumn, and Linda didnt know that its unwise to travel alone on such roads particularly in a rundown Honda Civic, and especially as the bitter-cold winter months begin to flex their clammy claws. So she set off quite happily on her lone adventure.

The first evening she found a room in the mountains near the summit of a high pass, and asked for a 5am wakeup call so she could get an early start. She couldnt understand why the receptionist looked surprised at her request. But as she awoke to dense early morning fog shrouding the mountains, she understood.

Not wanting to look foolish, she got up and went to breakfast. Two truckers were already seated in the tiny restaurant and kindly invited Linda to join them. She hesitated, then accepted their offer.

Where are you headed? one of the truckers asked. Whitehorse, Linda replied.

In that little Civic? No way! This pass is dangerous in weather like this.

Well, Im determined to try, was Lindas gutsy, if not very informed, response.

Then I guess were just going to have to hug you, the trucker suggested.

Linda drew back. Theres no way Im going to let you touch me!

Not like THAT! the truckers chuckled. Well put one truck in front of you and one behind. That way, well get you safely through the mountains.

So all that foggy morning, Linda followed the red dots of the lead trucks tail-lights while feeling reassured by the presence of the big escort behind her as their small convoy snaked its way through those rugged mountain passes with sheer drops on either side.

Even an independent young woman like Linda felt grateful and appreciative of the care and company of the two burly truckers whod befriended her. Appreciated their special hug.

In this COVID-19 era, many of us rue the passing of the normal, friendly hug or handshake by way of greeting or farewell. The scriptures encourage us to greet each other with a brotherly or sisterly hug. This has been a social norm entrenched in the fellowship of Christian community for yonks. Now thats a no-no. Frowned upon. Denied us. We must keep our distance! And that flies in the face of our essential human nature.

This new norm is particularly hard when life deals us a bitter hand. Caught in the fog in our dangerous passage through life, Christians value the warmth of a caring hug. And not just Christians either. Human beings were created to express love both in the giving and the receiving.

Travelling with those who know the way and can lead safely while others bring up the rear, we experience great blessings and feel gently encouraged as we negotiate the perilous road of life over rugged and challenging ranges. And even the most independent among us must learn to place our trust in each other and in the One who holds our life and future in his hands!

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SPIRITUAL MATTERS: Love leads the way and backs us up - Daily Examiner

Spiritual Reflections: Looking fear in the eye during times of uncertainty – SW News Media

A friend of mine would always remind me that there is nothing more constant in life than change. However, I do not think that any of us could foresee that our lives would be changed in the way they have, or that we would be faced with a time when so much is unknown.

Our foundation can begin to feel unstable when there are more questions than we have answers for.

Most of us like to know the answers to our questions and what the path ahead will look like; not knowing what is coming next makes us uncomfortable. But like most things, not knowing has two sides, and we can choose where we want to put our focus.

The gift in uncertainty is that there is room for the unexpected and miraculous to occur. Even though the conscious part of our brains wants to know the answer and have it all figured out, we can choose to focus ourselves. Just by being aware of our need to know, we can still choose something different.

Once we understand that we have control over what we think, this helps to release the need to control. When we can release the need to know the solution, it opens space for something magical to happen. What we are doing is opening a space within our heart to something bigger than us, and trust that there are powers at work on our behalf and in our best interests.

On the flip side, we can give in to the fear that comes with these uncertain times. Fear has a bad reputation, as it is always made out to be a bad thing. That is simply not true, as fear has a purpose in our lives and that is to keep us safe; physically and emotionally.

There are times in our life when we are in immediate danger, such as when a car is coming toward us, or someone is threatening us. Those are the times that require immediate action on your part. However, more often, the fear we have is in our heads. Im not saying that the fear is not real, but I am saying that we have ruminated about it so much that it is out of control and have lost perspective. This kind of fear is paralyzing us cold in our tracks.

If we can recognize that fear is like a warning system in our car, reminding us that something is trying to get our attention. That is our signal to determine if we are in immediate danger, or if we can pause a moment to determine the source of fear and give it perspective.

We can let go of our need to know what comes next and calm our fears by remembering who God created you to be and the gifts you have been given.

Remember you are resilient.

Call on your faith to guide you.

Call on what you know.

Trust that things are working in your favor.

Imagining the best path forward.

You are called to have faith in what you cannot see, trust in that which is bigger than you and believe in the magic if the universe.

Sandy Thibault is a life coach, author, speaker and owner of Safari of the Spirit Life Coaching in Savage. She is the author of Selmas Spirit A Journey of Peace and Forgiveness and her new book, Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life 52 Ways To Inspire You to Action. For more information go to her website, safariofthespirit.com.

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Spiritual Reflections: Looking fear in the eye during times of uncertainty - SW News Media

Some single ladies are spiritually married to deities, woods Lawrence Tetteh – GhanaWeb

Entertainment of Saturday, 18 July 2020

Source: 3 News

International televangelist, Lawrence Tetteh

International televangelist Lawrence Tetteh has decoded the reason why some people find it difficult to find their partners when they are of age.

Speaking on New Day on TV3 on Friday, July 17, the Founder and President of Worldwide Miracle Outreach said some may have entered into mysterious relationships while young and these may be having an effect on them now.

He told host Berla Mundi that some are even spiritually married to deities including rivers, animals and trees and same prevent them from physically getting hooked up.

Rev. Dr. Tetteh said no one should be deluded spirituality does not exist.

When you sleep you dont know where you are going and as a matter of fact the things that happen in our dreams in most cases manifest in the physical, he said.

I know ladies who by the orgasm and the sensational (feeling) and the affection they have in their dreams through sex, (they) dont even have in normal sex with human beings. It means spiritually you are connected.

As a matter of fact, anything that happens physically has already happened spiritually, he stressed.

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Some single ladies are spiritually married to deities, woods Lawrence Tetteh - GhanaWeb

Have a Healthy Summer | Spiritual and Physical Wellness – ChicagoNow

By Sheri McIntosh, Saturday at 12:25 pm

Usually in the summer we can live a healthier lifestyle. COVOID-19 has made this summer different. Do not let COVOID-19 stop you from taking care of your overall health. You can take precautions to reduce your risk of contracting COVOID-19 and still live healthy.

Most of us have more time available to us now than in the past. We can use that time to create healthy meals. We can experiment with healthy recipes. I used cauliflower rice instead of brown rice in one of my recipes. I am not saying that I will never eat brown rice again; however, I now know I can switch to a healthier option.

This time of the year there are several fruits in season. Instead of eating a surgery dessert, you can eat a peach, nectarine, plum, or watermelon and cantaloupe slices. You can try making different types of salads incorporating fruit.

Since we are limited in the restaurants we can patronize, now is the time to try recipes at home. You can add spices to your meals. I add cumin, allspice, garlic and turmeric to skinless chicken. I add rosemary to my veggie pasta. Not only will the spices give your food extra flavor they also have health benefits. For instance, cumin helps with indigestion, rosemary boosts memory and turmeric helps reduce inflammation.

Now is the time to load up on vegetables. Corn, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, squash are all in season during the summer. If you can buy local. Search the Internet for recipes that incorporate summer vegetables.

Do not let COVOID-19 make you inactive. Although gyms have reopened in a lot of places, I am not ready to go back yet. I have an elliptical and a bicycle at home that I ride. I also use free weights and go outside to walk. I set fitness goals and track them for the week.

My determination is that on the other side of the COVOID-19 pandemic I will be better than I was before it started. I know it will take effort on my part. I will need to adjust and be flexible. Things are different now; however, each of us have control over our lives to pursue our goals and be our best selves.

Excerpt from:

Have a Healthy Summer | Spiritual and Physical Wellness - ChicagoNow

‘SHEREN’ Explores Two Years of Cleon Grey’s Spiritual Journey – HYPEBEAST

Some art books recall the careers of storied artists while others delve into humankinds creative legacies. Cleon Greys SHEREN (Sharing) is far more personal; this new tome draws from the artists past two years on Earth to collect his experiences, thoughts, memories and personal moments in one tangible body of work.

Alongside photographer Adrienne Raquel, Grey departs his basement apartment in the South Bronx for an expedition across New Mexico, culminating in self-discovery and rumination that explores his 30 years of existence. Musings on relationships, family, America and Black identity inform Sheren, accompanied by intimate, color-soaked imagery provided by Raquel and Grey himself. Exclamations like DRAGONFRUIT, YOU GOT MY SOUL and I WANT TO WAKE UP punctuate the prose and photos, granting readers an lucid view of Greys unfurling psyche.

The goal of my entire existence is to try to do something that creates a feeling or an emotion in someone, Grey explains. I feel thats what were all here to do.

Order a limited edition hardcover copy on SHERENs website for $35 USD.

For more thoughtful art books, view The Time is Nows anti-racist fundraiser, which includes raffle prizes from the likes of Antwaun Sargent and Shaniqwa Jarvis.

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'SHEREN' Explores Two Years of Cleon Grey's Spiritual Journey - HYPEBEAST

Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek take the spiritual way in hospital, say devoted to God – Republic World – Republic World

Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachhan are currently being treated for COVID-19 at Mumbai's Nanavati Hospital. Earlier in the day, Amitabh posted a picture of Radha and Lord Krishna. To this, Abhishek also posted the prayer emoji.

Taking to his Instagram and Twitter account, Amitabh Bachchan posted an image of Radha and Lord Krishna's idol. Adding a caption to the post, he wrote, " (Devoted myself to the feet of God). He also posted the same image on Twitter with the same caption.Take a look at the post here:

Also Read:Abhishek Bachchan's Co-workers From Dubbing Studio Test Negative For COVID-19: Reports

Also Read:COVID-19 Test Results Of Amitabh Bachchan's Staff Members Revealed, Details Here

Probably in reply to this, Abhishek Bachchan posted something on Twitter. He put up a "". Check out Abhishek's tweet here:

Also Read:Saiyami Kher Says Abhishek Bachchan 'did Not Take Advantage Of His Surname' On Choked Sets

This comes after both Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan tested positive for COVID-19. They are currently undergoing treatment at Nanavati Hospital in the isolation ward. Among the other Bachchans, Aishwarya and Aradhya also tested positive and are self-quarantining at home. Meanwhile, Jaya Bachchan and the rest of the household staff have tested negative.

However, BMC has still decided to seal off the four Bachchan bungalows, Jalsa, Pratiksha, Janak, and Vatsa. They have also been declared as containment zones. The organisation has also thanked Abhishek Bachchan for complying with the protocols of COVID-19 treatment.

Also Read:Shahid Afridi Sends Wishes To Amitabh, Abhishek Bachchan, Hopes For A Speedy Recovery

It is being speculated that Abhishek Bachchan contracted the disease while working in a dubbing studio. He had gone there to complete the last-minute details of his latest release, Breathe: Into the Shadows. However, reports say that the owner of the studio has confirmed that none of the employees havetested positive for COVID.

Also Read:'Amitabh & Abhishek Bachchan Stable, Don't Require Aggressive Treatment': Hospital Sources

As per hospital statements, Abhishek Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan are on the same diet as other COVID patients. Reports claim that according to their diagnosis, they do not require "aggressive treatments". Both Abhishek and Amitabh will undergo "supportive therapy". Sunday's reports from the hospital state that they are in stable condition and have only mild symptoms.

Also Read:John Cena Shares Pic Of Amitabh, Abhishek Bachchan After The Two Test COVID-19 Positive

Both Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan have been quite active on social media letting their fans know about their health updates. While Abhishek is posting regular updates, Amitabh seems to be taking a more spiritual approach and is posting images of gods. Take a look:

Also Read:Abhishek Bachchan Shares Update On Aishwarya, Aaradhya, Parents' Health From Hospital

Also Read:Abhishek Bachchan In June Said He's Nervous For Family After Returning From Dubbing Studio

Also Read:Pawan Kalyan Prays For Amitabh And Abhishek Bachchan's Speedy Recovery

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Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek take the spiritual way in hospital, say devoted to God - Republic World - Republic World

Lisa Bonet And Jason Momoa’s Astrological Sign Compatibility Is Otherworldly – Women’s Health

George PimentelGetty Images

Theres a slim chance Jason Momoa could ever really hide anything from wife Lisa Bonet, and vice versa. Given their connection, theyre likely to tap into whatever the other is feeling.

Sure, you could chalk this up to being in love and all that, but youd be skipping over another big factor: astrology. Jason and Lisas moons, the planets that rule emotion and inner personality, are positioned opposite each other, explains intuitive astrologer Rachel Lang. The unique placement of their moons means theres a deep spiritual connection between them. When Lisa feels something, Jason likely picks up on those vibes, she says, and the same is true for Lisa with Jason. They will usually know if the other one is holding anything back.

This lunar interaction has allowed the couple to build a solid foundation of trust, so its unlikely either of them would ever try to hide anything from the other in the first place. What makes their moons worth noting at all is the way theyve allowed Jason and Lisa to be vulnerable with each other, which Lang says supports a nurturing home environmentone where commitment is top priority. Because their moons are in fixed signs, Lang can be sure neither of them is going anywhere because they are loyal and protective of one another.

Astro stats like these would be enough to convince anyone Lisa and Jason are on rock solid foundation and in it for the long haul, but Lang says their charts only get more impressive from here. Ahead, every detail that makes Lisa and Jasons marriage goals.

Lisas Mars is in aspect with two of Jasons planets: Uranus and Pluto," says Lang. "And Jasons Mars is in a challenging square aspect with Lisas Uranus and Pluto. All this to say, theyre good passion-wise.

Let's dig a little deeper: Lisas Uranus is in square aspect from Jasons Mars which tells Lang this is a couple that needs to give one another space to be themselves. As well as they get along, freedom and independence are actually crucial to their passion. They need variety in their lives and need to make room for it consistently. Time on their own allows them to keep their relationship fresh. If they dont get this alone time they could become easily irritated with one another, Lang says. The key to managing these occasional hiccups are common goals and creative visionswhich, for these two, is no biggie.

When they set their minds to achieving something together, whether thats activism or humanitarian causes, says Lang, Jason and Lisa always get it done. Connecting on this level helps them thrive as a couple.

Stefanie KeenanGetty Images

There are too many favorable planetary positions to list when it comes to Jason and Lisa, but Lang highlights her favorites.

The most notable is Jasons Sun in quintile aspect with Lisas Moon, says Lang. It makes them harmonious. Its what connects them on a deep spiritual level. And its the reason Lisa and Jason have similar aesthetic tastes and feel a strong sense of loyalty to the other.

Because Lisas Venus is in a favorable sextile with Jasons, Lang knows their romantic relationship is backed by friendship. And when it comes to how attracted they are to one another, theyre good in that respect too, because of the way Jasons Sun interacts with Lisas Venus. Its a desire that's meant to last.

And finally, Jasons Moon in Lisas fifth house of romance points to a compatibility in parenting styles, says Lang. They share the same commitment when it comes to life at home, meaning they're on the same page when it comes to raising their children, putting family first, and how they spend money.

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[Jason] likely felt an immediate sense that this relationship would be something more serious than others he had in the past, says Lang. His Venus, Mercury, and Sun are all in aspect to Lisas Saturn. Saturn is the glue that helps a relationship stick, and with these three planets involved, these are strong indicators of commitment, says Lang.

Lisa's more practical personality will sometimes clash with Jason and his playfulness, but because the relationship is based in love, friendship, and a spiritual bond, Lang says, any challenges are easily mediated and their commitment never wavers.

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Lisa Bonet And Jason Momoa's Astrological Sign Compatibility Is Otherworldly - Women's Health

Former Addict Recounts Journey to Find Strength, Spirituality and Self-Love in New Memoir – GlobeNewswire

The Art of Determination by Isla Stone

JOHANNESBURG, July 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In her debut memoir, The Art of Determination, Isla Stone discloses personal, profound journal entries that chronicle her experiences with rehabilitation, empowerment and remarkable spiritual growth.

In her youth, Stone was sexually assaulted by a family member and endured abuse from her stepfather, which created a shaken and battered tone for her life. Trying to escape her internal demons, Stone turned to drugs and alcohol to numb her pain, which also led to toxic relationships with various men, who also struggled with addictions.

Seeking treatment for addiction in a rehabilitation center marked the beginning of a huge shift in Stones life. She began to focus on meditation and other healthier means to allow her to relinquish her fears and find self-acceptance, alignment and connection to a Higher Power.

Life is as amazing as it is difficult, Stone said. With The Art of Determination, I hope to reach people that have reached rock bottom like I did. I have made mistakes and went through heavy thought processes to work through issues that others can learn from.

As an author and a Reiki healer, Stone continues to put healing at the forefront of her life and hopes to inspire others to find their own unique spiritual healing. Through her book, Stone teaches readers that it takes time for things to improve but that they are worthy of a beautiful life and they can control how people affect them.

The Art of DeterminationByIsla Stone ISBN:978-1-9822-4483-5 (softcover); 978-1-9822-4484-2 (e-book)Available at theBalboa Press Online Bookstore,AmazonandBarnes &Noble.

About the author

Isla Stone is a Reiki master and currently runs her own energy healing practice. After her mother committed suicide, she sought closure and saw a medium. This medium inspired her to become a Reiki healer and now she enjoys working with clients to help them find their spiritual healing. Through her debut memoir, The Art of Determination, Stone chronicles her journey from a dark past, to a future filled with self-love, determination and spirituality. Stone hopes to help people, from her clients to readers, find healing from within since she has seen that power firsthand. Stone grew up and currently resides in the beautiful and diverse city of Johannesburg, South Africa. To find out more about Stone and her book, please visit her website: http://www.islastone.co.za.

About Balboa Press

Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with the worldwide self-publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit balboapress.com. To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 877-407-4847 today.

See the article here:

Former Addict Recounts Journey to Find Strength, Spirituality and Self-Love in New Memoir - GlobeNewswire

Spiritually Speaking: Properly wearing the armor of God – The Philadelphia Tribune

With everything going on in our world today, my question to you is how does one put on the full armor of God in the midst of pandemic, the continuation of overt racism, state sanctioned discrimination and even murder? The Bible says, Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. Ephesians 6:11. This passage may not tell you how to put on the armor, but it certainly lets you know why you need it.

Thats kind of why I pose the question. I wish I could say most of this is original but its not. Im paraphrasing most of it but I think its important to understand when people talk about warfare, Satans power in the physical world or, just plain battling against sin, this is what theyre talking about.

Spiritual warfare as my Bible says (for believers), is fought in the mind, in the emotions and in the will. It is in these areas that we do battle and most times we think were struggling with ourselves, our own weaknesses of flesh and blood, and discipline and integrity, pride and envy. When in actuality, were really struggling against the devils schemes. Lets not overlook or be complacent about where a lot of this is coming from.

At these rather intense times, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that Satan and his forces have already been defeated and to a large extent disarmed. We give him power when we forget this simple little fact. Our emotions take over and in a state of complete exasperation, judgement gets clouded and actions happen in the spur of a moment. Ive said on many occasions that the fight is fixed in our favor but we do have to go through the mental reality of this in order maintain control and think ourselves into the solutions we so desperately need to navigate what some believers term a temporary existence called life.

Here is something that sums it up pretty well straight out of my Bible. How do we put on spiritual armor? We do so by daily absorbing scripture as truth, living in obedience to God, sharing the gospel and trusting Christ. Thats how to put armor on, study the Word, live according to biblical principles and believe that we live in a place infused with Jesus protection. That knowledge will protect us as we come under spiritual attack. It doesnt protect us from spiritual attack. But it does it makes us less vulnerable, less susceptible to the devils schemes i.e. better able to handle what comes at us.

You see in this world Satan is free to tempt, deceive and entice, but he has no authority over you. My Bible says when we overcome temptation in the spiritual sense; we play out the victory in the physical world. We win emotionally. We win physically. Pure and simple we win.

The point here is youve got to recognize that a lot of what youre going through is the direct result of coming under attack and not because of some great flaw within you. Success or better yet victory, necessitates controlling the mind game. When you put on the armor of which I speak you know this. Its like knowing that its going to rain and taking an umbrella.

But you have to pay attention to the signs of bad weather in order to be prepared. You cant be prepared for the devil properly unless you know Jesus Christ personally. He is your and my umbrella so to speak.

And please dont take my word for it. Just read the Bible. The streets are dangerous. Please be safe and aware of who you are and whos coming at you. Protect yourself.

May God bless and keep you always.

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Spiritually Speaking: Properly wearing the armor of God - The Philadelphia Tribune

What Is Shadow Work And Why Is It Crucial To Spiritual Practice? – Patheos

Image from Pixabay

Shadow work is a term that is frequently used in various spiritual traditions, including pagan and witch communities.

But what is it really?

First lets start off with what its not.

Youll occasionally see some people state that shadow work is about getting in touch with your dark side, which sounds like its trying to turn you into a Sith Lord like Darth Vader or confront your inner mass murderer or something. Thats not it.

Nor is it about trying to turn yourself into a being of pure love, positivity, and light. If anything, that would be spiritual bypassing and a total avoidance of doing actual shadow work altogether. You shouldnt be burying negative emotions and thoughts or treating them as things to be avoided.

In addition, its not about shaming people as beings of darkness or whatever. No one is accusing you of being Anakin Skywalker. But truth be told, he and the entire Jedi Council couldve stood to have done a TON of shadow workhowever thats a whole other blog post rant.

This sounds a LOT simpler than it is. The reality is that we are all deeply flawed people with our own personal baggage. Shadow work is about confronting that personal baggage and working on unpacking, putting away, or throwing it out entirely.

Im not going to lie, its challenging and painful as hell. If you have mental health issues such as PTSD, its especially painful as you will have to deal with your triggers head on. I speak from personal experience here. However its a good way to heal from trauma and handle personal growth.

You dont need to be traumatized in order to need to do it. You just need to be human with your own baggage to unpackwhich means literally EVERYONE. Personal development is essential in all instances and areas of life.

And once again, its not about shame or blame. Its about taking on the responsibility of dealing with your issues.

It does not matter whether or not you are a Neophyte, a Third Degree, an Adeptus Minor, or even an Ipissimus. Its not even remotely relevant how many years of experience you have been involved in any spiritual tradition. Being a priest or priestess does not exempt you from needing to do it. If anything, the further you go the more of it you need to do.

You will always have baggage to unpack, issues to confront, and stuff to deal with. This is all part of being human.

Its also best that you tackle this on your own and at your own pace versus be dragged kicking and screaming if you dedicate yourself to a particular deity, especially on some level of priesthood. If you think its painful on your own, imagine a being who is Decidedly Not Human shoving you into the deep end in order to get you to the state you need to be in to be an adequate tool for the job.

This is how people break. I dont recommend it. Do the thing NOW, on your own, before you get shoved into the deep end. And if youre already in that state of being dragged there, please do yourself a favor and dont fight it. Do the work. And keep on doing it.

It doesnt even have to be a deity who could potentially drag you into doing this either. What could force you into doing shadow work could be a traumatic or life changing event. Or something drastic that clues you into something being wrong such as explosive breakups with friends and/or relationships. Any and all of these things could occur.

Being in touch with yourself is crucial. Working on your issues is super critical.

And no, it will never end. It is a lifelong process. I cant promise that it will get any easier, but I can guarantee that it is super rewarding. And while it wont get easier, things in your life WILL get easier as a result of doing it. This includes everything from your magical efficacy to your personal relationships.

Including the relationship you have with yourself, which is essential.

Its never too soon to start. As for too late? Thats when you find yourself taking your issues out on others and losing good people in your life as a result. And you dont always get second chances.

Continued here:

What Is Shadow Work And Why Is It Crucial To Spiritual Practice? - Patheos

Some single ladies are spiritually married to snakes, woods Lawrence Tetteh – GhanaWeb

Entertainment of Saturday, 18 July 2020

Source: 3 News

International televangelist, Lawrence Tetteh

International televangelist Lawrence Tetteh has decoded the reason why some people find it difficult to find their partners when they are of age.

Speaking on New Day on TV3 on Friday, July 17, the Founder and President of Worldwide Miracle Outreach said some may have entered into mysterious relationships while young and these may be having an effect on them now.

He told host Berla Mundi that some are even spiritually married to deities including rivers, animals and trees and same prevent them from physically getting hooked up.

Rev. Dr. Tetteh said no one should be deluded spirituality does not exist.

When you sleep you dont know where you are going and as a matter of fact the things that happen in our dreams in most cases manifest in the physical, he said.

I know ladies who by the orgasm and the sensational (feeling) and the affection they have in their dreams through sex, (they) dont even have in normal sex with human beings. It means spiritually you are connected.

As a matter of fact, anything that happens physically has already happened spiritually, he stressed.

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Some single ladies are spiritually married to snakes, woods Lawrence Tetteh - GhanaWeb

John Lewis and C.T. Vivian belonged to a long tradition of religious leaders in the civil rights struggle – Alton Telegraph

Lawrence Burnley, University of Dayton

(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.)

Lawrence Burnley, University of Dayton

(THE CONVERSATION) With the deaths of Rep. John Lewis and the Rev. Cordy Tindell C.T. Vivian, the U.S. has lost two civil rights greats who drew upon their faith as they pushed for equality for Black Americans.

Vivian, an early adviser to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., died July 17 at the age of 95. News of his passing was followed just hours later by that of Lewis, 80, an ordained Baptist minister and towering figure in the civil rights struggle.

That both men were people of the cloth is no coincidence.

From the earliest times in U.S. history, religious leaders have led the struggle for liberation and racial justice for Black Americans. As an ordained minister and a historian, I see a common thread running from Black resistance in the earliest periods of slavery in the antebellum South, through the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s in which Lewis and Vivian played important roles and up to todays Black Lives Matter movement.

As Patrisse Cullors, a founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, says: The fight to save your life is a spiritual fight.

Spiritual calling

Vivian studied theology alongside Lewis at the American Baptist College in Nashville, Tennessee.

For both men, activism was an extension of their faith. Speaking to PBS in 2004, Lewis explained: In my estimation, the civil rights movement was a religious phenomenon. When wed go out to sit in or go out to march, I felt, and I really believe, there was a force in front of us and a force behind us, cause sometimes you didnt know what to do. You didnt know what to say, you didnt know how you were going to make it through the day or through the night. But somehow and some way, you believed you had faith that it all was going to be all right.

Fellow civil rights activists knew Vivian as the resident theologian in Kings inner circle due to how profound he is in both his political and biblical exegesis, fellow campaigner Rev. Jesse Jackson recalled.

Rejecting other world theology

Faith traditions inform the civil rights and social justice work of many Black religious leaders. They interpret religious teachings through the prism of the injustice in the here and now.

Speaking of Kings influence, Lewis explained: He was not concerned about the streets of heaven and the pearly gates and the streets paved with milk and honey. He was more concerned about the streets of Montgomery and the way that Black people and poor people were being treated in Montgomery.

This focus on real-world struggles as part of the role of spiritual leaders was present in the earliest Black civil rights and anti-slavery leaders. Nat Turner, a leader in the revolt against slavery, for example, saw rebellion as the work of God, and drew upon biblical texts to inspire his actions. Likewise fellow anti-slavery campaigners Sojourner Truth and Jarena Lee rejected the otherworld theology taught to enslaved Africans by their white captors, which sought to deflect attention away from their condition in this world with promises of a better afterlife.

Incorporating religion into the Black anti-slavery movement sowed the seeds for faith being central to the struggle for racial justice. As the church historian James Washingtonobserved in 1986, the very disorientation of their slavery and the persistent impact of systemic racism and other forms of oppression provided the opportunity indeed the necessity of a new religious synthesis.


The synthesis continued into the 20th century. Religious civil rights leaders like Lewis and Vivian, clearly felt compelled to make the struggle for justice a central part of a spiritual leaders role.

In 1965, Vivian was punched in the mouth by Dallas County Sheriff Jim Clark in an incident caught on camera and carried on national news. Vivian later said: Everything I am as a minister, as an African American, as a civil rights activist and a struggler for justice for everyone came together in that moment.

Though their activism was grounded in Christianity, Lewis or Vivian both forged strategic and powerful coalitions with those outside of their faith. In some ways, they transcended theologically informed ideologies with a world view more akin to Archbishop Desmond Tutus interpretation of Ubuntu that ones own humanity is inextricably bound up with that of others.

Lewis and Vivian personified this value in their leadership styles.

George Floyd

Racial justice remains integral to Black Christian leadership in the 21st century.

After the killing of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, it was the Rev. Al Sharpton whose words were carried across the globe, calling on white America to get your knee off our necks at Floyds memorial service.

In recent years, the Rev. William J. Barber II has been such a vocal and powerful presence in protests that some Americans consider him to be a the successor to past civil rights greats.

In an interview in early 2020, Barber said: There is not some separation between Jesus and justice; to be Christian is to be concerned with whats going on in the world.

John Lewis and Rev. C.T. Vivian lived those words.

Some of this information appeared in a previous article published on June 17

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here: https://theconversation.com/john-lewis-and-c-t-vivian-belonged-to-a-long-tradition-of-religious-leaders-in-the-civil-rights-struggle-142967.

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John Lewis and C.T. Vivian belonged to a long tradition of religious leaders in the civil rights struggle - Alton Telegraph

Blessings come from the Father through the Son – Statesboro Herald

The history of electrical power reportedly goes back at least to the 1700s. In 1879, the American inventor Thomas Edison was finally able to produce a reliable, long-lasting electric light bulb in his laboratory (www.tvakids.com/electricity/history.htm). Its significance is greater than many realize. Many of our conveniences and comforts depend on the power of electricity. One of the most common of these the incandescent light bulb is, of course, dependent on its source of power, that is, electricity.

Our thoughts today have to do with spiritual blessings found only in Jesus Christ. We are dependent on a spiritual connection with him for those blessings. Paul wrote, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing.... (Ephesians 1:3).

First, we need to understand that only in Jesus Christ is there salvation from sin and its consequences. Sin separates us from God in spiritual death; but in Christ, we are reunited to him.

Scripture clearly teaches that salvation is in Christ. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you[b] free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1-2). Because the world is separated from God by sin, and men are separated from one another through sins effects, ...in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, .... by the work of Jesus on the cross (2 Corinthians 5:19; Ephesians 2:16).

Paul wrote to the Galatian Christians, ... in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ (3:26-27).

The apostle Peter, in the company of John the apostle, stood before the Jerusalem council and was questioned about why they preached about Jesus. He reply was that ...there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12).

Secondly, only in Jesus is spiritual peace possible in a world of physical and spiritual conflict. Those who are in a world filled sin but without Christ cannot know this peace. Men may seek it through the things of the world, simply speaking, the world cant give it, even though the world may promise it. Jesus promised, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you (John 14:27).

This spiritual peace exists in spite of circumstances. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:5-7).

Peace comes from our confidence in Gods providential care and our hope for the future. Further, Not even death can overcome our peace in Christ (Psalm 23: 4; 1 Cor 15:55).

Third, in Christ, we can enjoy a new way of life. ...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come 2 Corinthians 5:17. The power for a new life in Christ is made possible by Gods Holy Spirit. ...we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live (Romans 8:12-13).

We began by talking about the importance of electric power. Far more important is spiritual power, available only through contact with Jesus. As with any source of power, this contact isnt theoretical. It is practical and available to all who will come to God the Father through obedience to Jesus the Son.

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Blessings come from the Father through the Son - Statesboro Herald

Seek the nectar of spirituality – The Sunday Guardian

Just visit a place of natural beauty, any place where there are mountains, flowing rivers, tall, lush green trees, birds on the wing, small white clouds floating in the sky and the sun shining. In such a place, you will feel like exclaiming: How wonderful is nature! But nature is not just a wonderful world. It is rather an amazing garden of spirituality. Indeed, everything in nature gives you a taste of spirituality. For example, when you see a honey bee hovering over a flower, you suddenly realize that it has a lesson to impart, for every part of nature is like a flower for you. In each part resides the nectar of spirituality. Take out this spiritual nectar and you will be motivated to turn yourself into a spiritual personality.

It should be borne in mind that spirituality is not a state of ecstasy. Ecstasy is a state of bliss or a semi-conscious condition. But spirituality is different from this,being marked by a high level of acute intellectual awakening, rather than a semi-somnolent stateof mind.

In the age of science, it is possible to place spirituality within the framework of a mind-based discipline. Being a science just like other sciences, spirituality should be associated not with meditation but rather with contemplation. The domain of spiritual science encompasses the contemplation of the qualitative aspects of nature, so that within its scope, it is things of a spiritual nature which are brought to light.

For a honey bee, its whole world is a world of flowers. It concentrates on flowers, takes the nectar from them and returns to its hive. The same is true of an awakened mind.

For an awakened mind, the whole world is a world of spirituality. It extracts spiritual content from everything. Our world is like a garden of all good things, and spirituality enables the individual to live in and benefit from this garden.


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Seek the nectar of spirituality - The Sunday Guardian

Spiritual hunger persists even in the face of physical hunger – Forward

Amos dedicated the bulk of his prophecy to railing against the well-heeled, calling them cows of Bashan: They drink [straight] from the wine bowls, And anoint themselves with the choicest oils But they are not concerned about the food/ruin (shever) of Joseph (Amos 6:6).

And yet, in Amoss climactic prophecy, he shifts his focus to from starving poor to the desire for spiritual nourishment: A time is comingdeclares my Lord GODwhen I will send a famine upon the land: not a hunger for bread or a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of the LORD (8:11).

Amos shift is shocking. Maslows famous pyramid of needs suggests that it is impossible to tend to psychological and emotional wellbeing, when more basic physiological and personal safety needs have not been secured. How can Amos worry about the spirit when the poor are being crushed by debt and worry for their daily bread?

Maslows hierarchy of needs.

This dilemma is especially resonant these days. Alongside the tragic loss of more than a million lives worldwide and millions more sickened, COVID-19 has blazed a trail of economic destruction. People have lost jobs and homes, children are going without education or food.

And yet despite these pressing concerns of health and money, this pandemic has also unleashed a storm of intellectual content. My inbox has swelled with invitations to Zoom conferences, new podcast series and more. And its not falling on deaf ears or inboxes; there is plenty of evidence that the wave of content is coming to meet a groundswell of demand.

As just one example, we at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies have found that hundreds are eager to join our weekly virtual classes. Despite the wealth of attractive offerings from other institutions, our summer program has seen unprecedented registration. We see similar indications in our full-time programs as well. Even before knowing what the US would face, most of last years students felt that continuing to study Torah was well worth the risk, and chose to shelter-in-place here in Jerusalem. We are clearly thirsty for Torah.I am sympathetic to Rabbi Yisrael Salanters critique that we spend too much time worrying about our own stomachs and other peoples souls rather than worrying about other peoples stomachs and our own souls. People are going hungry right now.

In addition to demanding that our governments provide relief, this is surely a time to be especially punctilious about Jewish laws demand that the average person gives 10% of their income to the poor, 20% if possible, as instructed by the Shulchan Aruch (YD 249:1). The authoritative Ashkenazi commentator, Rabbi Moses Isserles, adds explicitly that One may not use their tithes for anything else like candles for the synagogue, etc. They should be given to the poor. We should be giving as much as we can, perhaps drawing from our sadly unused entertainment or vacation budgets.

And yet, the Jewish community is also stepping up to relieve the spiritual thirst of which Amos speaks. Pardes has decided to take the unprecedented step of offering major scholarships, including living stipends, to eligible students to spend the coming year studying Torah in Jerusalem. We are just one of a number of institutions that are making special offers to laid-off Jewish educators and professionals as well as aspiring Jewish leaders, innovators and creators whose plans and dreams have been disrupted by the pandemic.

The Jewish community needs to show this group of people that the Jewish world not only wants to keep them safe, but it wants to invest in them and their Jewish futures. After studying at Pardes, these professionals, graduates and future leaders will return to the workforce with increased Jewish confidence, skills and ideas. They will be energized and ready to rebuild the Jewish community and the world-at-large.

The great German scholar Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg created a stir when he permitted using a portion of ones tzedakah funds for the purchasing of books for learning as long as you lend them to others. More than half a millennium later, Rabbi Eliezer Waldenburg justified this shocking practice on the basis of the requirement that we provide whatever is lacking to the poor person (Deut. 15:8). Spiritual nourishment is no less important than physical nourishment, argues Rabbi Waldenburg, evoking Amos.

Given the crisis of meaning created by this terrible plague in our midst, it is not surprising that the Jewish world is crying out for spiritual nourishment. That doesnt release us from the obligation to provide physical nourishment. But, by making it possible for a cadre of future Jewish leaders to quench their thirst for the word of God, especially in this time of economic insecurity, it will help us get through this crisis with both body and soul intact. This is the call of the prophet Amos.

Rabbi Meesh Hammer-Kossoy, Ph.D., is the Director of the Social Justice Track at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forward.

Here is the original post:

Spiritual hunger persists even in the face of physical hunger - Forward

How To Recognize Signs Of Spiritual Awakening In Your Life & What To Do About It – YourTango

How to know if you are going through a spiritual awakening and what to do about it.

How do you know if you are experiencing a spiritual awakening?The signs of a spiritual awakenings can actually be pretty messy, so a lot of people don't actually know what is going on.

Here are some clues to help you see if you are going through one, and what to do about it.

RELATED: What Are The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success?

You feel "stuck."

Usually, the first sign of a spiritual awakening is a "stuck" feeling. You may not know exactly what's going on, but you just feel like something is off.

Unfortunately, most people just stay in that feeling and don't change anything in their life. This is a big mistake.

When something feels "off," it's importantyou to listen to and trust yourselfandmake any necessary changes as soon as possible.

You outgrow people, places, jobs, and other elements of your life.

Maybe you felt content in your situation before. But as yougrowspiritually, you will outgrow lots of things. Let that be OK! Keep growing and moving forward.

Manytimes,this will show up first as your job not feeling right for you anymore. Whatever it is you feel stuck with, look into that deeply and think of changes you can make to adjust to your new spiritual growth.

So many tend to stay at this spot forever and never take that as a sign to continue growing. They just complain about hating their circumstances, but never make the changes to accommodate their soul's growth.

That is the worst thing you can do for your soul!

You start to gravitatetowards new people.

Another sign of spiritual growth is when you outgrow your friends. You may all of a sudden decide you can't stand a friend you've had for years. Or, youcan no longer put up with their behavior and habits.

As you grow and raise up in consciousness, you usually have to change out some of the people in your life. Let this be OK, as well!

Don't torture yourself by surrounding yourself with people that don't feel right to you anymore. Start finding new people that resonate with where you are now.

RELATED: 17 Signs You're In The Middle Of A Spiritual Awakening

Always take action on your intution.

Listening to and trusting your intuition is vital in this process.As you become conscious of something, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. Listen to what you're feeling and always take action on that feeling.

Forward movement is the only way to secure spiritual growth. "Just knowing" doesn't change the circumstances you must actually live through your actions, especially in the midst of a spiritual awakening.

Spiritual growth can be hard.

We often need to make difficult choices along the way, but it's always worth it.

Outgrowing circumstances and people can be painful, but staying where you no longer fit causeeven worse emotional issues.

You may start to justify your bad circumstances,place blame, or numb yourself in order to feel OK with a situation you shouldn't be OK with.

Don't justify or muddle your way through these painful feelings.Change your circumstancesto fit your growth!

Accept that you're leveling up.

Look at your spiritual awakening asa graduation of sorts. You have to outgrow things in order to grow. This is actually exciting! So, focus on the growth not what or who you have to leave behind.

Spiritual growth is different for everyone;there's no "one size fits all" option. We are all at different points on our personal journey.

Most importantly, you must listen to your soul and recognize when something feels wrong. Look at any areas of your life that you have outgrown, and work on changes so you can move on.

Spiritual growth often comes with a big life change or challenge.

Sometimes, it may feel like your world is falling apart. In reality, your life is just being restructured for your new level of awareness.

Always look deeper into all situations. The worst things that happen to us very often end up being the best thing that could have happenedbecause theycause the most growth.

So, look at every challenge as an opportunity for growth! Don't fight change, it only holds back your growth.

Make those hard choices, so you can cement your growth and not stay stuck in limbo forever!

RELATED: How To Tell If You're Chakras Are Blocked (& What To Do About It)

Let's make this a regular thing!

Kristine Carlson is a psychic medium, advanced soul realignment practitioner, life coach, and author. You can get a convenient, personal email reading, clearing, or personal coaching from Kristine on her website

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How To Recognize Signs Of Spiritual Awakening In Your Life & What To Do About It - YourTango

How B-Boy Neguin uses the immense power of breaking – Red Bull

Known and renowned in the world of breaking simply as Neguin, the Brazilian dancer born Fabiano Carvalho Lopes has proven a formidable force in the competitive arena. The Paran native brought immense talent, a broad skill set, and jaw-dropping moves to both RedBull BC One and RedBull Dance Your Style, winning the USA honour in 2019.

Though he grew up immersed in capoeira, discovering hip-hop culture in his teens introduced him to the style he would become known for. Breaking is the most complete art form, dancing-wise, Neguin says, embracing the technical and cultural aspects of the streetwise style.

Today, the world-traveled pro synthesizes his myriad of influences, the physical and the spiritual, with a new video clip. In it, Neguin expresses himself, his Blackness, and his devotion to nature in time with a poem that speaks to our current cultural moment amid global protests against racial bias and inequity. The reflective selection allows him to showcase what hes known for with grace, power and profound beauty.

People need to feel and understand what I go through, he says, so they can relate to the message that I'm passing along and also understand how to take responsibility to make sure we make the world a better place. We got the chance to speak with Neguin about his life, career and this point in his journey.

How was dance introduced to you in your youth?

I was lucky enough to start with my Brazilian culture. Capoeira, which is a Brazilian martial art, is a holistic approach it's dance, it's music, it's self-defense. There's so many elements together. I started at three years old. 10 years later, I wanted to know what other cultures had the same powerful meaning. So, I got into hip-hop culture. Of course there was nobody at the time in my hometown that they could dance hip-hop or anything, so I kind of mixed it up with the knowledge that I was getting from capoeira. That actually became my signature. I was learning about hip-hop culture, specifically breaking. I wanted to bring something new to the table when it comes to the dance. Other than that, Brazil has a variety of these elements, samba, frevo, even like the rave scene.

Was it difficult to learn breaking given that you didn't have a community of breakers around you in the beginning?

The similarities to capoeira in breaking are amazing. Theyre so complete in every way you look at it, moving wise, for example. If a person is spinning on their head for 25 to 50 rounds, it's like the same gravitational force as a hurricane or a tornado. Science cannot really explain it, but for us breakers, we're deciphering how complex we are with it and how we feel. Your brain senses that you respect everything that you are doing. It's healing, in a way. So, to talk about breaking, you dance so many different ways upside down, back on the ground. You can dance anywhere, anytime. It's really the freedom that this art form has.

This video of you dancing contains a really beautiful poem. What does it mean to you and how does this speak for you?

This, for me, was about the experience that I have dealing with so much racism and prejudice throughout my whole life. Here in Brazil, where I come from, it's predominantly white. I was probably the only black kid in school. I felt racism from an early age and I knew how to deal with that. Putting that in a film in this particular moment, it was necessary. We know there's a problem over there that's bigger than us and we all have to be accountable for it. But we have to be together in this. The poem, it was about delivering a little bit of the message, expressing who am I, what is to be Neguin, what is to be someone like me. I put together the text and I spoke to a friend of mine. We put the words together in the poem and decided that it was OK for him to actually have his voice on it. Because I can express myself through the dance, with my friend Juliana. It was a collective idea.

Neguin poses for a portrait in Boston at the RedBull BC One All Star Tour

Kien Quan/RedBull Content Pool

How did it feel for you to match the ideas and sentiments of this poem with dance?

Lets say I'm angry about something. So I might just flip, and that flip represents a lot of energy that Im holding. I kind of explode and release it at the same time. When you see me running, it's the freedom of running in nature and being able to chase after something joyful in your life. So I took every piece that was like, OK, this is how I would express that. And we're together in this, myself as a black person, Juliana as a white female, a person that's in front of me. How can we connect? I grabbed her hand with my hand and were together, holding each other.

Over the years, have other cultures influenced your dance style?

Absolutely. For the past 15 years, I've been traveling the world, over a hundred countries by now. Everywhere I go has different dance styles. I'm so fascinated about getting to learn different cultures and translate to today's. I went to Turkey and found traditional zeybek dancers. I learned and absorbed that into my style. Ive gone to Bali and seen the Balinese dancers there, the ladies. I learned something from their culture. Everywhere I go, I get a lot of influence from this collective global culture that I blend into my style.

Neguin conducts a workshop at the RedBull BC One Camp in Mumbai, India

Ali Bharmal/RedBull Content Pool

Given that global influence, how do you maintain sort of your own cultural identity and connection to Brazil in your approach to dance?

Actually, that's what you call ginga [the fundamentals of capoeira]. Once you experience Brazilian culture, you see that as like it's a very holistic way. Everything is connected to the lifestyle of Brazil. For instance, if you go into nature, youre going to be flipping on the grass. But it's not just flipping for us. We're going to the grass to celebrate life and enjoy the weather. Your body receives the energy from the ground by you flipping the grass.

In what ways has your personal spiritual journey grown with you in your career in dance?

When I was a kid, I used to go a lot to the Amazon. I was always fascinated by the native Brazilians. I wanted to understand their culture and their spirituality. What I learned throughout the years is that everything is nature. So, if you get sick, you have medicine in nature, passed down as tradition for so many years. In a sense, it's bigger than religion in a way. As long as you connect with and respect nature, youre aligned with the universe.

Neguin teaches his workshop at the RedBull BC One 2019 Camp in Sao Paulo

Marcelo Maragni/RedBull Content Pool

How do you manage when a piece of choreography challenges you or takes you outside of your comfort zone?

As a breaker, as a B-boy, you have to be creative. That's the inner creation. Somebody can help you, somebody can direct you, but the free form of expression is something so powerful. Ive never found this hard, as a choreography to learn, because I understood how to take time and appreciate it. Airflare is very difficult to learn. So many amazing B-boys still cannot do airflare. So that can translate into a frustration. At the same time, Im like, You know what? The time is going to come. You have to have the discipline, to understand how your body is going to work, but you have to enjoy everything. At the end of the day, everything's about having a good time and experience.

What sort of mindset do you bring to breakdancing competitively?

First of all, while I might be competing with somebody against me, truly I'm competing with myself. You can be a winner, you can be a loser. You can win a competition, or you can lose in the first round. Things can go wrong, but at the end of the day, it self-reflects on who you are. Then you might face yourself. Am I truly a champion? Am I a loser, somebody that trains hard a lot but when it comes to the moment, I get scared? Its knowledge of self. So when I go to a competition, I go with the mindset that I know myself. I know what I'm going to do and how am I going to do it regardless how people think or how they're going to feel. I'm going to do me and with the positive energy that I have, it's going to bring something to something to the experience.

Neguin makes a stop in Chicago for the RedBull BC One All Star Tour

Kien Quan / RedBull Content Pool

Are there things that people might be surprised to learn about you unrelated to your dancing?

When people look at me competing, it's like Im a scary guy. They see powerful energy, so much you must be an angry person during the day. I'm actually the opposite. I'm super happy, very friendly. I'm down to earth basically. How I am in my everyday life, on a regular daily basis, Im just a very simple person. I talk to the homeless, I talk to fans, I respond to everybody on social media. I like to connect with people.

You toured with Madonna during her MDNA tour, which is different from a lot of your other experiences. What was it like dancing in front of those large concert audiences?

I love to show off, but in a very positive sense. I have to show the world the light that I have. Some people are shy to express themselves, like it's not a comfortable thing for them. If I'm the so-called dancer/artist and I have the opportunity to highlight my talents, my gifts with thousands of people, I'm going to see that with so much joy. A lot of people say, I'm going to go on stage, there's so many people watching me, I'm going to get nervous. For myself it was the opposite. I want to reach as many people as I can with my art, because what I represent is very powerful. It's civilization. I enjoyed touring with her because it was, she was cool with this type of format. Because I'm not competing, but I'm simply performing shows.

What is it that continues to drive you as a dancer? What gives you that rush and keeps you so satisfied doing what you're doing?

I'm so grateful to be able. I'm healthy and, let's say, God gave me this gift, this opportunity to do what I do and inspire people. So for me, it's to be able to inspire as many people as I can. It is the most amazing thing when you bring something that can have an impact on somebody else's life in a positive way. Sometimes its not about just the dance, but as a voice, as a peer or leader. I might teach a workshop somewhere in Russia, where teenagers are smoking or drinking, a poison in their body. So I tell them like, if you want to be a champion, you have to have a healthy lifestyle. So I think that's what keeps me going, just as a messenger to bring something more positive to this world.

See original here:

How B-Boy Neguin uses the immense power of breaking - Red Bull

City Lights: See if Laughter Is the Best Medicine or Browse a Spiritual Abstract Exhibition – Washington City Paper

If the past few months in quarantine have made it hard for you to laugh, youre not alone. The world around us is shifting tremendously in some ways that are necessary and could potentially lead to a new paradigm in our everyday lives. In the group of unexpected changes we face in work and play, the world of comedy is at the center. Zoom calls have become the new improv stage for virtual stand-up shows, and sometimes, if the audience is just mute enough, comics are just monologuingwhich is entirely bad. Grassroots Comedy is striving to be a balm for weary times with their sixth episode of Well, Well, Well, a comedy show where comics share their deep insights on wellness. In this upcoming episode, comedians act as a conduit for the sustainability of communities around us, compounded with topics of mental and emotional wellness. Proceeds will go to frontline agency Bread for the City, which works to uproot racism and provide food, clothing, medical care, and legal and social services to reduce the burden of poverty. Is comedy leading the charge in societal change? Will comedy save us all? Remains to be seen, but laughing for a cause could be a great start. The show begins at 8 p.m. on July 16. Registration is available at eventbrite.com. $5 minimum donation. Mikala Williams

Yuno Baswir's paintings teeter compellingly between order and chaos. Baswir, who has a new online and in-person exhibit at Studio Gallery DC, creates his new series of 24 inch by 36 or 48 inch acrylics by painting his canvases flat on a table. Each starts with a steady background color, ranging from royal blue to lavender to lime; Baswir then superimposes that layer with a broad cluster of small, white, circular shapes made by hand using a special tool. The circular shapes are organized in irregular but pleasing patterns that suggest vibrating atoms or television static. Baswir imbues his paintings with spirituality. I intentionally and consciously use the act of painting to remember and praise The Most High, he says. The round shapes were inspired by prayer beads, and by the look of the gathering of hundreds of thousands of human beings in one place for the one purpose of worshiping and praising their Creator. The paintings can be seen online at Studio Gallerys website and the artists website, and also in person at the gallery by appointment on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and without appointment on Fridays and Saturdays from 1 to 6 p.m. The exhibition is available at studiogallerydc.com and yunodelwizarbaswir.com. Call (202) 232-8734 for in-person appointments. Free. Louis Jacobson

Go here to see the original:

City Lights: See if Laughter Is the Best Medicine or Browse a Spiritual Abstract Exhibition - Washington City Paper