Marianne Williamson, Hollywood self-help guru, wants to heal Washington

Santa Monica, Calif. People here in the epicenter of Southern California enlightenment say miracles can happen anywhere, at any time, so tonight weve come with hopeful heart to an unassuming Unitarian Universalist church across from a rain-slicked Rite Aid parking lot. The sanctuary overflows with graybeard activists, insistent young vegans and various dharma seekers fixed on the words of a New Age guru who prefers not to be called a New Age guru.

Marianne Williamson, 61, a self-help author and spiritual sage, now wants mainly to be viewed as a credible independent congressional candidate for the seat that powerful Democrat Henry Waxman is vacating after 40 years. But the two-party system and a mocking media have conspired to reduce her to a footnote, she tells a couple of hundred vociferous supporters packing pews and lining walls.

The Democratic Party has simply decided that this is a Democratic seat, she says. That constitutes a serious force field, but she vows to subvert it. I feel metaphysically it is very important, because thats a sort of the political elitism that were making a stand against here, a stand for democracy.

Most politicians dont talk metaphysics. Well, wait. Theres Dennis Kucinich the former Ohio representative and hes up on the stage with Williamson, lending support and tutelage based on his years campaigning and on the Hill.

We tend to think we cant change things, Kucinich says. There is another reality that exists, thats waiting to be called forward in every moment. ... You are the ones who are calling forward a reality by the name of Marianne Williamson.

At one point, the clapping, whooping and cheering sustain for a full 30 seconds. Somebodys dog yips its approval.

How about electing some officials into our governmental leadership who understand what it means to live from the inside out? declares author John Robbins, a foe of Frankenfoods and GMO producers such as Monsanto. Who understand what it means to access and express the spirit of life?

Wouldnt that be a change? he shouts.

Wouldnt that be a miracle?

Capable of victory or not, Williamson is at least a plausible candidate, some analysts say. Helped by name recognition shes written 13 books since 1992, with sales of 3 million Williamson is poised to exploit an open June primary that will see Democrats, Republicans and independents running against one another in an unpredictable free-for-all. The top two vote getters, no matter their parties, will face off in the November general election.

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Marianne Williamson, Hollywood self-help guru, wants to heal Washington

South Floridians Suspend to Find Enlightenment

Eric Madrid is a 32-year-old shaman with a cropped beard, a protruding lower lip, and dark curls grown long in the back. Although he typically wears an all-black uniform, from flat-brimmed cap to high-top skate shoes, he's barefoot and stripped to his skinny jeans this January night.

Madrid attracts new acolytes by posting pictures of his escapades on Facebook.

He lies prostrate on a long cushioned massage table in the dining room of his 1930s Design District home, which boasts a stripper pole and an antique metal bathtub for decoration. In the corner, propped between the linoleum floor and the wall, is a canvas spray-painted with the phrase: "Be who you want to be, just choose."

Diabolic Mikey a handsome, insanely tattooed 28-year-old who looks like Matt Damon's evil twin slips on a pair of white latex gloves so he can stick his friend in the right pectoral using a six-inch, six-gauge skewer that looks like the tip of a syringe.

Courtesy of Fakir Musafar

Fakir Musafar brought Okipa, a Native American ritual, into the modern era.

Courtesy of Fakir Musafar

Fakir Musafar hangs from meat hooks.

He tries once to pierce the shaman's skin. Then again. The veins in Mikey's neck bulge and his ears turn red as he gives it a third go. The skewer bounces off Madrid's armor-like skin. Ten minutes later, on the fourth try, it penetrates his hairless chest.

Madrid's eyes well up with tears. He grips his stomach with his left hand and clenches his toes. Pushing with all his might, Mikey is able to make the skewer go through about four inches of his buddy's skin and pop out the other side. He slips what looks like a tiny coat hanger on the skewer and secures it with a screw and nut on top. Eventually, three of these are inserted and secured.

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South Floridians Suspend to Find Enlightenment

No shortcut to enlightenment: Sri M

There is no shortcut to enlightenment and it is a mental state when one knows the essence and source of ones being through constant seeking and experiences, Mumtaz Ali Khan or Sri M as he is popularly known, whose Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master: A Yogis Autobiography' is a best seller, has said.

He was speaking at a book release function and an interaction session titled Ullodullam (Heart-to-Heart) organised by a cultural collective here.

He said going by the teachings of Gita an enlightened person could be recognised with some characteristics.

He or she will always be in a state of tranquillity, he said.

Sri M said true seekers should be ready to give up his excess ego and all his negative emotions through good deeds to ready himself.

He or she should be ready to consider everyone equal to himself or herself irrespective of their worth, said Sri M, who also responded to questions from the packed audience at the Alakapuri Hall.

Asked why he was attracted to Hindu traditions of self seeking despite being born and brought up in a Muslim family, Sri M said it was probably because he found the way Quran was taught to believers less appealing.

I was not satisfied with answers, rather I was interested in seeking it for myself, he said.

I have however understood its (Qurans) essence to be the same as of other holy books, when I later came in touch with Sufism, he added.

Film director P.T. Kunhu Muhammed, writers P.N. Das, E.M. Hashim, and Khadeeja Mumtaz spoke on the occasion. Two books Akadarile Anantham by Mr. Das and Budha Manasam by Mr. Hashimm was released by Sri M on the occasion.

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No shortcut to enlightenment: Sri M

Tibetan Language no tool for "seperatism" but a lifeline for Tibetan identity: Dalai Lama

By Kalsang Rinchen

Tibetan spiritual leader speaks to Tibetans at NIH, Washington DC, March 7, 2014/Phayul Photo/Kalsang Rinchen

Around a thousand Tibetans from the Capital Area, Virginia, Maryland, New York and New Jersey packed an auditorium of the National Institute of Health where the Tibetan leader was to participate in a dialogue titled The role of science in human flourishing.

He said the Tibetans being in exile is not due to any natural calamity like earthquake but a visit from an uninvited guest who stayed against the hosts wishes and gradually tightened its hold.

He said the Tibetan language is the lifeline for the Tibetans, while expressing his appreciation for the sense of love for the Tibetan language and culture by Tibetans in Tibet and their sense of the Tibetan identity. The Tibetan language and culture has played a very vital role in the cohesiveness of the Tibetan community despite the political situation of the Tibetans, he said.

He said it is wrong to think that the issue of Tibet will be resolved with outside help from the UN or US, adding that dialogue with China can solve the issue of Tibet. I remember him (Nehru) telling me that the only way to resolve the issue was to talk with China and not by seeking support from outside including the UN, the 78 year old Nobel Laureate said recalling a conversation he had with the late Indian PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1956 and 1959.

The Dalai Lama said he was very much fascinated by the spirit of the Jews to work hard and be of benefit to their own society and community. He jokingly suggested that the Tibetans steal the Jews secret password to success. Dont just earn money for the livelihood of your family and yourself. Try to earn and save with will to help others, said the Tibetan leader. He said that it would be very good if Tibetans in exile can initiate projects to help Tibetans in Tibet.

The Tibetan leader said Tibetans should take pride in the Tibetan Buddhism, based on the Nalanda tradition, which he described as the only religion today that can explain with reasons various scientific concepts in the study of human mind.

Tibetan spiritual leader speaks at the National Cathedral, Washington DC, March 7, 2013/Phayul Photo/Kalsang Rinchen

The Tibetan leader said it is foolish to say money is not important. Do we have any millionaires here? he asked. If you cant become a multi millionaire, at least become a small millionaire, the Tibetan leader remarked, sending a packed auditorium of National Health Institute into a rapturous laughter, adding that those living abroad should help the poor and needy.

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Tibetan Language no tool for "seperatism" but a lifeline for Tibetan identity: Dalai Lama

Megan Quinn: European spiritual trail documentary comes to Boulder

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Megan Quinn Faith Columnist

A spiritual journey is winding itself throughout Europe and the story of its well-worn path is coming to Boulder.

The story is about the Camino, a spiritual pilgrimage of about 500 miles from Saint Jean Pied de Port in France through most of Spain to the city of Santiago de Compostela.

The Camino is more than a trail. It is a religious and emotional journey. The Camino is a spiritual pilgrimage trail first used in the Middle Ages, when pilgrims sought forgiveness for their sins and a path to heaven. Sometimes called the Route of St. James, the Camino is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site that hosts thousands of visitors each year. In 2010, more than 270,000 people walked at least part of the path, according to UNESCO.

Documentary filmmaker Lydia Smith has walked the trail, and is now on a more local journey to share her Camino experiences. Smith will come to Boulder and there will be several screenings of her film, "Walking the Camino," and discussions starting March 19.

"The film isn't about getting people to walk the Camino, but to walk their own Camino, walk their own path," Smith said by phone from Arizona, where she was on a much shorter journey to walk her dog before a film screening.

Several Camino pilgrims will visit Boulder to talk about their experiences in the next few weeks. Smith will attend the Boulder International Film Series screening at 7:30 p.m. March 19 at IFS, 1801 Colorado Ave.

Annie O'Neil, an L.A.-based traveler who completed the Camino in 2009, will attend a screening of the film on March 28. The film will run March 28 through April 3 at the Boedecker Theater at the Dairy Center for the Arts, 2590 Walnut St.

"Walking the Camino" follows six strangers from around the world as they attempt to cross most of Spain on foot, each with just a backpack and a pair of hiking boots.

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Megan Quinn: European spiritual trail documentary comes to Boulder

Blending science and spirituality

Amit Goswami, Ph.D., is no stranger to thinking on another level. Melding quantum physics with philosophy and spirituality, he has gained a following of those who believe that the key to enlightenment can be found in theories often relegated to the laboratory. Made famous by his appearance in the documentary What the Bleep Do We Know?, Goswami has taken his theories around the world.

Goswamis talk this weekend is titled "Quantum Creativity in the Time of Crisis and Paradigm Shifts.

VCREPORTER: What does it mean to be "quantum conscious"?

DR. AMIT GOSWAMI: It is the ability to live in two domains of reality, a domain of potentiality which is unconscious and a manifest domain where we have subject-object awareness.

What does it mean to go from the "primacy of matter to the primacy of consciousness"? Does this reflect a need to move from materialism?

Scientific materialism is based on the idea that all are matter and material interaction in space and time. Instead, quantum physics says there is the domain of potentiality outside of space and time where we now have experimental evidence that communication is instantaneous. This interconnectedness, details show, is our capacity of knowing consciousness. When consciousness chooses from the material possibilities, actuality collapses and we have subject-object awareness. So we say consciousness is primary, manifest matter is created from it.

In your book Quantum Creativity you discuss the aha! insight. What is the "aha!" insight?

A discontinuous transition in thought comes with a surprise, hence the aha. Quantum physics explains this as a quantum leap of thought. It is similar to the quantum leap that electrons make when they go from one atomic orbit to another.

How do you meld science with philosophy?

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Blending science and spirituality

Quantum Wake-up Call: The spiritual enlightenment of simplicity and ease Quantum Wake-up – Video

Quantum Wake-up Call: The spiritual enlightenment of simplicity and ease Quantum Wake-up Jennifer Hough shares a conversation around spiritual enlightenment and sim...

By: Jennifer Hough

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Quantum Wake-up Call: The spiritual enlightenment of simplicity and ease Quantum Wake-up - Video

Bhumi Cakrawan: embodiment of belief in Thai architecture

Indeed, core aspects of Thailand's artistic and architectural traditions have developed in service to Buddhist principles of daily conduct.

The objective of Buddhism is the liberation of the spirit from suffering. To attain this goal, Buddhists must observe the following: (1) the practice of the three precepts of perception, concentration and wisdom, (2) the display of compassion to others, and (3) the exercise of self-sufficiency.

The application of these precepts in daily life leads the practitioner towards the discovery of the four Noble Truths: suffering, cause of suffering, enlightenment, and the path to enlightenment.

A propitious environment can aid the follower in his or her spiritual development. Architecture can play a significant role in an individual's journey towards the four Noble Truths.

One of the main symbols in Buddhist architecture is the sacred pillar representing wisdom. This element is ubiquitous at various scales, from houses to villages and cities. The pillar is situated at the centre of a stable and calm perimeter, ideal for meditation.

In addition, this space should be oriented properly to enhance cosmic harmony.

The four cardinal directions have unique significances. East represents the rising sun and references creation and birth. Its value is activated by a structure's orientation towards a river or as host for an open entryway, to promote cosmic circulation.

South relates to compassion and grounds professional or economic activities, that is, rice fields in the city or the village, a workplace in the house. Additionally, work activities that do not harm others are a condition for a harmonious engagement with the environment.

West is where the sun sets and signifies death and the return to the Earth; the structure should face a forest or a garden in westerly directions.

North references development and should be oriented in the direction of schools or other institutions of learning. In a household, it is where the master bedroom should stand or where learned and revered ancestors reside.


Bhumi Cakrawan: embodiment of belief in Thai architecture

Greg Johnson: Dalai Lama softens view of capitalism

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Greg Johnson: Dalai Lama softens view of capitalism

A day signifying knowledge and enlightenment – PM

Maha Siva Rathri signifies the banishment of ignorance and the accumulation of knowledge. It is a significant day not only to Hindus but to those belonging to all faiths and communities, Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne said in a Maha Siva Rathri message.

The message added: "It is with much pleasure that I send this message of greetings on the occasion of Maha Siva Rathri Day, where Hindus the world over fast. Maha Siva Rathri Day celebrated by worshiping deities and fasting, can be defined as a day, on which expectations of not only Hindu devotees but also all Sri Lankans will become fruitful.

"Maha Siva Rathri Day which Hindu devotees celebrate by observing rituals, lighting lamps and singing Bhajans can be defined as a noble day which helps abandon the ignorance, be knowledgeable and defeat the sinful senses of lust, fury, desire and hatred.

"Expectations of all people living in Sri Lanka who belong to the five ethnic groups of Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Burgher and Malay and to four religions of Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and Islam will come to be realised when they live in harmony and unity irrespective of caste, creed, party or colour.

"When we study historical books such as Wrig, Yajur, Sama, Atharwan and religious legends, it is crystal clear that one's inner purity is more important than outer (physical) purity. Accordingly, all religious teachers had clearly and properly preached the importance of spiritual development over that of physical development irrespective of one's caste or creed.

"The government under the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa has launched massive development projects for the physical development of the country while introducing a sustainable spiritual development program to create a knowledgeable society with high morals. The main objective of this program is to forge a strong unity between the five ethnic groups leading to a strong nation.

"May this Maha Siva Rathri Day be a noble day which fades away all ignorance and enlighten the wisdom. I wish all Hindus a peaceful Maha Siva Rathri Day."

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A day signifying knowledge and enlightenment - PM

Dalai Lama Faces Tough Questions on Women, Gays at A-List Hollywood Gathering

Dan Steinberg/Invision/AP

Beneath the hulking fuselage of the Space Shuttle Endeavor, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama imparted hope, wisdom and humor at a luncheon event held Wednesday at the California Science Center.

Lupita Nyong'o, Naomi Watts and Jeremy Renner were among the crowd of several hundred who'd gathered for some afternoon enlightenment, hanging on to the Tibetan spiritual leader's every word as he responded to questions lobbed at him by moderatorAnn Curry. Also seated nearby wasSharon Stone, who had introduced the Dalai Lama, saying, "We have such incredible gratitude for all the goodness that you do."

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In traditional saffron robes and matching visor -- colors that corresponded nicely with the nearby University of Southern California's -- the Dalai Lama offered ruminations on a number of serious topics, including his thoughts on materialism, faith, same-sex relationships and a woman's place in the Buddhist clergy. On the latter point, he stressed that Buddhism has a long tradition of female monks, and saw no reason why one couldn't eventually take his place.

Which isn't to say there were no laughs. The impish humor of the man born TenziGyatso in 1935 kept creeping out throughout the hour-long conversation. He was escorted onstage by Larry King, and insisted the former CNN host take the chair of honor, explaining, "I'm younger." Later, obliging the wish of an audience member to learn the contents of his bag, he revealed that it contained two mini Toblerones, a toothbrush, a thermometer, two pairs of glasses and a wrapped sculpture of the Buddha dating to the 11th Century.

"Can we see it?" Stone asked. "No," he deadpanned.

Humor came from the audience as well. After a lengthy response in which he defined the true nature of human aggression ("90 percent mental projection") and implored humanity to forego self-absorption in favor of adopting "a sense of oneness among 7 billion human beings," the Dalai Lama playfully dared anyone to say otherwise. Jim Carrey was game, hamming it up from his table with a contentious, "Well, I know a guy..." With the audience in hysterics, the mock-confrontation built to the point where Carreystood up and held out his dukes.

Later, the Dalai Lama looked directly at the Oscar-nominatedNyong'o, who until then had been sitting perfectly still in rapt fascination, stunning as always in an orange-and-blue sun dress. "Where are you from?" he asked, and she responded, "Kenya." That led him to speak fondly of South African Bishop Desmond Tutu, whom he called "a wonderful person," adding that since Tutu's 2011 retirement, "we always feel something missing."

PHOTOS: 30 Oscar Dresses That Shine

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Dalai Lama Faces Tough Questions on Women, Gays at A-List Hollywood Gathering

Sexual orientation line is broken, lets move on

ENID, Okla. It has finally happened. An openly gay athlete has played a major American professional sport.

In case you missed it (and if you did you must have been high in the Andes seeking spiritual enlightenment for the past couple of days), journeyman NBA center Jason Collins, who came out last year in a Sports Illustrated interview, signed with, and played for, the Brooklyn Nets on Sunday.

Thus the sexual orientation line has been broken.

Now lets drop it, shall we?

That wont happen, of course. It seems once we in the mainscream media get hold of something we worry it like a dog with a well-loved bone.

The annual meat market that is the NFL Scouting Combine concludes today in Indianapolis. Sexual orientation became top of mind for the NFL because of Michael Sam, a 6-foot-2, 256-pound defensive end out of Missouri who hopes to become a high draft choice this spring.

Oh, yeah, and he just happens to be gay.

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Now it has. Lets move on, shall we?

Professional athletics is entertainment, pure and simple. We dont seem to worry too much about the sexual orientation of entertainers in other genres, why should sport be any different?

For example, one of the most popular shows on network television today is How I Met Your Mother. One of that shows beloved characters is the eccentric womanizing playboy Barney Stinson, played by talented actor Neil Patrick Harris who is gay.

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Sexual orientation line is broken, lets move on

Can any person experience Spiritual Enlightenment? Must I be special? (1 of 4) – Video

Can any person experience Spiritual Enlightenment? Must I be special? (1 of 4)
The Higher Self teachings on perfection continue in this video on Spiritual Enlightenment. Many questions about enlightenment are answered and advice to help...

By: Channel Higher Self

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Can any person experience Spiritual Enlightenment? Must I be special? (1 of 4) - Video

Annual Violence Prevention Summit held

SAN DIEGO - Hundreds of people participated in the annual Community Violence Prevention Summit in Chollas Creek.

Twenty years ago, Larry Blackman never thought he would be part of a solution to get people out of gangs.

A lifelong gang member, Blackman lost a number of friends and spent years in prison for his involvement with drugs, guns and violence.

"I escaped death on many occasions," he added. "There have been many attempts on my life. I know firsthand what it's like to be in gangs and make the wrong decisions when you're running the streets."

That is, until he discovered a spiritual enlightenment. Now, he is back on the streets in his neighborhood. Only this time, he is trying to convince other gang members to get out and do something positive.

"You have to be that living example," he said. "They have to see that change, then that gives them something to shoot for."

On Saturday, Blackman joined law enforcement officials and community activists at the Community Violence Prevention Summit to brainstorm and come up with solutions to keep gangs out of their neighborhoods. It is a partnership that the San Diego Police Department says is working.

In 2012, they say there were 12 gang-related murders. In 2013, there were only three.

Rosa Lozada, who is with Harmonium and was involved with organizing the summit, added, "It's about knowing the resources and efforts that are there and being part of this collectively because that's how we're going to make that largest change."

It is an effort that gives middle school students like Kassandra Elias, who attended the summit, hope that gangs will no longer be a threat in the future.

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Annual Violence Prevention Summit held