Spiritual Life Coach- How to find spiritual life coaching- Review spiritual coaching – Video

Spiritual Life Coach- How to find spiritual life coaching- Review spiritual coaching
Spiritual Life Coach, Martyn Williams, http://enlightenmenthow.com/ Explains ways to live an enlightening life, loaded with pleasure, happiness, clearness and love with all of the hardships...

By: Enlightenment How

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The Top 15 Ways to Achieve Spiritual Enlightenment – I AM …

Spiritual Enlightenment transcends religion. It transcends thought. It transcends mind and its senses. And it conveys a level of wisdom and knowledge about life and the universe that is unparalleled. The concept of enlightenment implies complete understanding of life and the universe, which usually is accompanied by a detachment of all things impermanent and a complete awareness of everything that is, at the moment that it is.

Pretty cool, huh? Yeah. Its what gave the Buddha his mojo, what gave Muhammad his immense understanding, and what gave Jesus (and Thomas) the power to heal people and perform other miracles (dont forget Peter walked on water too). If you want to understand more about spiritual enlightenment, please read the article I posted that explains more about spiritual enlightenment here. This article is going to talk about the disciplines used world-wide to attain spiritual enlightenment.

I passed through the portal of the enlightenment experience about 12 years ago. I call it the enlightenment experience, because thats what it was an experience. It was an experience of my regular senses shutting down, to be replaced with amazing visions, sounds, realizations, epiphanies, and a melding with an intelligence and love so overwhelming it literally changed my life and granted me a wisdom of which I was not worthy beforehand. It was brought on by a deep focused meditation after a short prayer. If you would like to hear more about my enlightenment experience, watch the video (or read the transcript) I made about the first time I encountered it.

So how does one become enlightened? Well theres not a set process. It just sorta happens. That said, it rarely happens to someone if theyre not looking for it. So intention is a good ingredient. But beyond that, there are quite a few commonalities among enlightenment stories globally and parallels within spiritual disciplines designed to bring on enlightenment that suggest we can make a few educated guesses on how to more easily get you there. Lets first discuss my pet theory, then we can review how the worlds disciplines to achieve enlightenment support it.

My theory on how to attain spiritual enlightenment is simple: Stop all conscious thought in your mind, and the experience of enlightenment will occur. I suppose I could have made it sound much more mystical by saying cease the noise that exists within your mind, and you will hear the truth that lies just beyond but I think you get the gist. In fact, from a scientific perspective, I believe that enlightenment is caused by certain chemicals that get released within the body during waking conscious hours when brain activity in certain areas of the brain is reduced below a presently non-defined threshold. Well discuss some evidence later in this article that supports this pretty strongly. For now, lets take alook at the disciplines that typically lead to spiritual enlightenment, and then see how they individually stack up to this basic hypothesis. The different disciplines / methods include:

Meditation (various forms discussed below) Prayer Chanting Yoga Martial Arts Fasting Sweat Lodges / Physical Distress Dancing / Quaking / Shaking Pilgrimages Sensory Depravation Near Death Experience Depression / Despair Self Flagellation Psychedelics Spontaneous Enlightenment

There are a number of different types of meditation. Even some of the different disciplines in this very article can be considered forms of physical meditation. But regardless of the flavor of meditation, all types of meditation are connected with calming the mind and bringing conscious attention into oneself so as to reduce the focus on stuff going on outside of you. How does that fit our hypothesis? If you shut down external distractions, it becomes easier to reduce internal distractions, which is of course a baby step to ceasing all thought and attaining enlightenment. Here are the different types of meditation:

I. Mindfulness Meditation, is the popular term for a form of meditation called Vipassana (vih-PAH-sah-nah), and it comes from the Buddhist tradition. It is probably the most popular form of meditation taught in the West, although it is usually not directly tied to Buddhism when it is taught. Vipassana focuses on being present wherever you are, letting your mind run freely, and simply observing whatever thoughts arise without judgement, and with full acceptance. Fans of Eckhart Tolle are familiar with this type of meditation. Its about 2500 years old if not much, much older. The practice of observing ones thoughts lets that person not be controlled by those thoughts, which then results in a detachment or separation of those same thoughts. Eventually, the process of not having your conscious attention drive new thought threads based on the spurious thoughts that fly through your mind (now doing so unmolested in meditation) allows the mind to eventually calm and quiet itself. Having the mind be calm and quiet is one step from having all conscious thought cease. Regardless of you ever being able to get to the point where conscious thought ceases, Vipassana has been shown through multiple studies to have dramatic positive effects on body and emotional health.

II. Sitting Meditation,called Zazen among Zen practitioners, is also very popular, although it is not always performed under the Zen umbrella. Zen, of course, is a form of practical Buddhism designed to lead directly to enlightenment through a conscious ceasing of all thought in the mind (sound familiar?). Zen koans are riddles that are designed not to have mindful answers to them, so that meditating on them may cause the mind to hiccup and stop thinking altogether. Good example: What is the sound of one hand clapping? How could you think your way into a solution to that riddle? Zazen is your opportunity to practice that process.

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The Top 15 Ways to Achieve Spiritual Enlightenment - I AM ...

The 3 Stages of Spiritual Enlightenment | In5D.com

Last updated on April 23, 2014 Posted on January 30, 2010 at 9:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

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Spiritual enlightenment is the fundamental goal of most spiritual practices that you undertake. Enlightenment marks the culminating point of your practice you feel unity of soul with everything, all the mental and physical engagements are left aside. Spiritual enlightenment is the possession of highly evolved souls. Spiritual masters from all over over the world experience spiritual enlightenment, and help others on their own paths.

Spiritual enlightenment is often categorized into levels for practical purposes. The highest stage of spiritual enlightenment marks the attainment of unity with God or being one with everything. But can still there are certain levels through which the individual needs to evolve. In a similar way that man has evolved from more primitive animals, the human conciousiness or soul also evolves. For our practical purpose, put them in stages and analyze the state of being in each stage:

At the very first level of enlightenment, the individual starts experiencing reality as it is. It means that your mind ceases to interfere with what you are experiencing. We are engaged in continuous talk, gossip, analyzing the environment around us, planning about future, or worrying about the past. When you are in a state of spiritual enlightenment you are completely in the present moment. You stop judging and labeling the world. Your mind is calm, quite and still. You are very awake, and aware of the current moment right now.

At the second stage of enlightenment, you feel apart of yourself in everything around you. You feel a connection with every object and individual in the world. The borders between yourself and the world around you dissipate. Your soul begins to merge with Supreme Soul. You feel that you are not individual anymore and not separate from anything. You feel that you are in everything and everything is just a part of the Supreme Soul from where you also have emerged. Many people describe this feelings of completeness and love.

The third stage of enlightenment, you no longer feel connected to everything but realize you are everything. You the experience the oneness of God and are not separate from anything in the universe. This stage of enlightenment is a direct experience of oneness.

Spiritual enlightenment is the fruit that sets you free, as you lose all wants and wishes to receive the fruits of your actions. You feel the bliss of completeness and true love. At first it gives you the feeling that you need "Light". At the next stage, you feel that you are merging in "Light". And in the final stage you and the "Light" are one.

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The 3 Stages of Spiritual Enlightenment | In5D.com

NEWBIES! Day14: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment – Video

NEWBIES! Day14: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment
Your detox plan, like you should be unique, but here are a few hard and fast rules to follow for a general juice detox. I have been juice fasting for 9 years...

By: Lynnette Astaire

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NEWBIES! Day14: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment - Video

Religious belief takes many forms in the Las Vegas Valley

By Ashley Ooz-Wright, Special to The Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014 | 2 a.m.

With more than 500 houses of worship in the valley, Las Vegas frequently and perhaps counter-intuitively makes the list of U.S. cities with the most churches per capita.

Tucked among mainstream believers who worship at churches, temples, mosques and other religious sanctuaries are scores of locals who quietly practice religions that largely go unnoticed. And for good reason.

Plagued by stereotypes and misconceptions, local followers of fringe religions say they have experienced discrimination and persecution because of their beliefs. As a result, most choose to keep a low profile and generally worship alone at home or in small groups. Their exact numbers are unknown.

What followers are trying to achieve is largely the same as those who practice more mainstream faiths: salvation. The guiding principles behind a good number of the valleys fringe religions involve leading a peaceful and productive life for which believers say they will be rewarded after death.

Goddess Spirituality

Alonzo Wright/Special to the Sunday

In the Nevada desert, near Indian Springs, sits the temple of Goddess Spirituality.

To learn more about the temple, go to sekhmettemple.com or call 702-569-0630.

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Religious belief takes many forms in the Las Vegas Valley

Ojai shops reflect the town's artistic soul

Ojai, a scenic little agricultural city, has for the better part of a century lured individuals pursuing spiritual enlightenment and artists seeking inspiration and calm. Now a new crop of makers and merchants is traveling the 90 miles north of Los Angeles to bask in Ojai's groovy, quirky sensibility while introducing contemporary tastes and broader aesthetic points of view. Fortunately, this fresh retail mix meshes with Ojai's long-standing supportive community of art galleries and independent boutiques. Most of the shops are clustered on or near the main drag of Ojai Avenue.

Carolna Gramm

Given that the town vibe can evoke a patchouli-soused era, it might not seem an obvious destination for an Italian-raised former model who starred in a Chanel No. 5 commercial directed by Ridley Scott in the 1980s. And yet Carolna Gramm has felt at home in this city of 8,000 for 13 years. While managing the Regalo Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tasting Room, which she has filled with accessories culled from her own collecting and interior design work, she opened her own shop, Carolna Gramm, in the historic Spanish Colonial Revival arcade on Ojai Avenue. "I can't let antiques go. I need to be surrounded by things," she explained.

P Space

Ojai's open-mindedness allows a range of styles to flourish. At P Space, graphic designer and former CalArts professor P. Lyn Middleton sells her one-of-a-kind serving platters, dishes and other ceramics that feel both earthy and modern. Master potter Larry Carnes completes Middleton's asymmetrical pieces in his high-fired gas kiln down the road. The bright storefront, shared with an architecture firm, is east of the arcade and in front of Hip Vegan Caf, which makes wraps filled with tempeh, beans and vegetables; salads and bowls; and juices and teas.

Modern Folk Living

Also in the spirit of cooperation, Middleton's goods are mixed in among the irresistible displays at Modern Folk Living. Wanda Weller Sakai, previously director of design for Patagonia, creates what she describes as a "digestible" retail environment nestled within an erstwhile Buddhist center meditation room. Sakai's tastes favor eco-sensitive and domestically produced accessories, including boldly graphic hand-painted ceramics from Kat Hutter and Roger Lee of Los Angeles' Mount Washington neighborhood, candles from Le Feu de L'Eau, and pillows emblazoned with feather and arrow motifs from Coral & Tusk, along with clothing.

Tipple & Ramble

Around the corner on North Montgomery Street, Sun Goldsteen transformed a cooking school into Tipple & Ramble, a "hybrid space" stocked with household and food-oriented accouterments: flatware, Turkish towels, patterned virgin wool blankets from Mexico and oversize pillows covered in vintage Pendleton blankets and made by Goldsteen. Customers soon will be able to lounge in Acapulco chairs from Aniceto Polanco in Compton and dine at Granada Tile-topped tables that Grayson Beckner crafts in Ventura when Goldsteen launches wine-and-cheese service and pop-up dinners in the smartly appointed alfresco area.

Fig Curated Living

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Ojai shops reflect the town's artistic soul

A journey from private school to ashram to boardroom

Joshua M. Greene Joshua M. Greene, a documentary film maker, author of acclaimed books and adjunct professor of Religious Studies, Hofstra University, will speak at the Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island, 38 Old Country Road, Garden City, on October 19 at 11 am.

What he learned in India that connected his Ethical Culture Fieldston private school education to his life today as a filmmaker and corporate executive.

The New York Times describes Joshua Greene as "a storyteller who traces journeys to enlightenment." After thirteen years in Hindu ashrams, he returned to the U.S. and began a career as educator, author and filmmaker. His books include Witness: Voices from the Holocaust; Justice at Dachau; and Here Comes the Sun: The Spiritual and Musical Journey of George Harrison.

Mr. Greene is a documentary filmmaker and Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies at Hofstra University. The New York Times describes him as "a storyteller who traces journeys to enlightenment." In 1982, after twelve years in Hindu monasteries, he returned to the U.S. and produced a series of Emmy award-nominated children's films for The Disney Channel. In 1995 he became Director of Programming for Cablevision, the nation's fifth largest cable provider. From 1999 to 2002 he served as Senior Vice President at Ruder Finn, New York's largest public relations firm, where he advised faith communities on their role in peacekeeping initiatives.

In 2000 Mr. Greene was appointed Director of Strategic Planning for the United Nations Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. Since then, he has authored several acclaimed books including Witness: Voices from the Holocaust (Simon & Schuster), which he produced as a feature film for PBS; Justice at Dachau (Random House), the story of the largest yet least known series of Nazi trials in history, produced as a shortform documentary for Discovery; Here Comes the Sun (John Wiley), a bestselling biography of George Harrison; and Gita Wisdom: An Introduction to India's Essential Yoga Text (Mandala Publishing). His editorials on war crimes tribunals have run in the International Herald Tribune and in numerous U.S. periodicals.

Greene teaches a popular weekly philosophy series at Jivamukti Yoga School in New York. He sits on the boards of the American Jewish Committee, the Holocaust Memorial and Educational Center of Nassau County, and the Coalition for Quality Children's Media. He lives with his wife on Long Island.

The Ethical Society is located at the western end of Old Country Road, next to the blue water tower.

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A journey from private school to ashram to boardroom

NO SEX! Day8:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment – Video

NO SEX! Day8:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment
You can do most things while on the juice detox but there are few things you shouldn #39;t. Here #39;s a short list of detox dont #39;s 🙂 I have been juice fasting for...

By: Lynnette Astaire

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NO SEX! Day8:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment - Video

INSPIRATION! Day12:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment – Video

INSPIRATION! Day12:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment
The late Lisa Left Eye Lopes of TLC inspired me to began juice fasting and the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead inspires me to support the new movement. Please leave your favorite juice fasting...

By: Lynnette Astaire

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INSPIRATION! Day12:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment - Video

JUICERS! Day13: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment – Video

JUICERS! Day13: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment
Need to buy a juicer?! I cover every budget to 0$ to billionaire. I have been juice fasting for 9 years now and this is my 30th fast! After seeing my mother get breast cancer for the second...

By: Lynnette Astaire


JUICERS! Day13: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment - Video

TMI! Day11: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment – Video

TMI! Day11: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment
I stink - one of the many detox effects AKA healing crisis. My all natural fix for stinky pits is.....................................ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar! I #39;ve also added a few of the...

By: Lynnette Astaire

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TMI! Day11: Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment - Video

SKIN DETOX! Day9:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment – Video

SKIN DETOX! Day9:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment
Love the skin you #39;re in - and detox it too for a full body cleansing. I have been juice fasting for 9 years now and this is my 30th fast! After seeing my mot...

By: Lynnette Astaire

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SKIN DETOX! Day9:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment - Video

The Dalai Lama Talks Chinese Reforms, Tibetan Challenges

The 14th Dalai Lama speaks in New Zealand on December 5, 2009. The religious leader is now 79, and says he can imagine being the last Dalai Lama: "Twenty-six hundred years of Buddhist tradition cannot be maintained by one person," he tells Jrg Eigendorf. Hannah Peters/Getty Images hide caption

The 14th Dalai Lama speaks in New Zealand on December 5, 2009. The religious leader is now 79, and says he can imagine being the last Dalai Lama: "Twenty-six hundred years of Buddhist tradition cannot be maintained by one person," he tells Jrg Eigendorf.

Tibet has "remained a mysterious country," says the Dalai Lama, and the mystery extends even to himself. Ever since the spiritual leader fled to Dharamsala, India, after being forced by the Chinese to leave his home country in 1959, his only information about Tibet has come from eyewitness accounts. He tries to meet with every refugee who makes it through the Himalayas.

And therefore it was neither the photographer York Hovest, nor the reporter Jrg Eigendorf, but the Dalai Lama himself who asked the first questions during their interview in Dharamsala. He wanted to know the details about Hovest's time in Tibet. Whether there were still monks in the monasteries where the Dalai Lama once studied and took his exams. How exactly the surveillance cameras of the Chinese worked. And whether it was not somehow possible to plant a few trees 5,000 meters above sea level. Page by page, he went through Hovest's book, 100 days in Tibet.

But in the end it was still an interview.

Your Holiness, do you think that you can return to your homeland one day?

Yes, I am sure of that. China can no longer isolate itself, it must follow the global trend toward a democratic society. I can already feel that change among Chinese students. I heard there are more than 200,000 Chinese students studying abroad nowadays. A few years ago when I met students, they were serious and reserved. Today they smile. Those are signs of change.

Is this the reason you have become almost conciliatory toward China during the past few months?

A new era has begun with the presidency of Xi Jinping. He wants to create a more harmonious society than the one under his predecessor, Hu Jintao. In former years, it was the era of economic growth, which has created a lot of resentment and envy.

Deep down in their hearts, 95 percent of all Tibetans still feel and think very Tibetan. They are strongly connected to their culture.

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The Dalai Lama Talks Chinese Reforms, Tibetan Challenges

BUDGET DETOX! Day7:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment – Video

BUDGET DETOX! Day7:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment
Im THE queen of the juice detox on a budget! I started as an art college student in NYC so I #39;ve got a few tricks to not break the bank. I have been juice fasting for 9 years now and this...

By: Lynnette Astaire

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BUDGET DETOX! Day7:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment - Video

Marley is reaching for a higher spiritual state

Ziggy Marleys all about keeping it positive. Thats why his latest album, Fly Rasta, is a celebration of everything the Jamaican reggae artist is known to love: Mother Nature, Rastafarianism, peace and the herb (as he personally calls it), of course. But what Fly Rasta really is, is a deeper extension of Marley himself.

For me (Fly Rasta) means to elevate the mental state and reach a higher spiritual state, he said. I ventured out into the universe musically, and tried to go as far as I can.

That is a long way for Marley, whos been performing for nearly his entire life. As the eldest son of the legendary Bob Marley, he started recording with his father and younger siblings at just 11 years old. Now hes also an advocate for widespread causes from the environment to human rights and the legalization of marijuana. You could say music and activism are in Ziggys blood, but he will humbly tell you thats just who he is.

Im my own psychologist, he explains. I learn to adopt and change according to what I feel is right in my life figure out these two voices in my head, the normal voice and the psychologist voice and make sure things are right and positive.

You can call it consciousness, the voice of God, there are so many different terminologies for it. That consciousness does come out in the music thats a side of me thats reflected the most. Thats the side of me that I want to promote and be more. Not on the ego side, but the conscious side.

As such, Marley doesnt think much about accolades. Hes a six-time Grammy winner whos not connected emotionally to that kind of stuff. The Love Is My Religion singer was just nominated again for a 2014 International Reggae and Music Award, but this time with a couple other Marleys son Daniel Bambaata Marley and nephew Jo Mersa Marley, both recording artists who experimenting with reggae, dancehall and rap in their own right.

Ziggy tries not to give the kids much advice about the industry, but rather be supportive as they find their own way.

Ive learned by action, said Marley, who is actually a father of six. That means hard work, perseverance and discipline, and in life showing respect for all the people the greatest example is to lead by example. That is a thing I learned from my parents. They led by example.

After touring Canada, the singer goes onto the United States for another 20-some dates. Hes also busy with his non-profit foundation United Resources Giving Enlightenment (URGE), which works with underprivileged children in Jamaica and Ethiopia.

Marleys eager to reunite with his family on stage and in the studio, but it clearly wont be happening anytime soon.

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Marley is reaching for a higher spiritual state

HANGRY! Day3:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment – Video

HANGRY! Day3:Juice Detox Fast for Nutrition,Weightloss,Creative Blocks,Spiritual Enlightenment
Today is day two of my juice detox fast and I am HANGRY - here #39;s the secret that will keep me - and you sane. I have been juice fasting for 9 years now and t...

By: Lynnette Astaire

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