‘Orchards End’ Health and Wellness Organization To Seek Special … – New Canaanite

A special permit application will be filed on behalf of a new health-and-wellness enterprise on Oenoke Ridge Road, according to an attorney representing the organization.

Discussed at a Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Tuesday, Orchards End seeks to to bring preventative and restorative lifelong health solutions to souls looking to enrich their lives through mind, body and spiritual enlightenment, according to its mission statement. Services include personal and group training classes, yoga, acupuncture, meditation, nutrition counseling, massage and holistic health seminars.

Attorney David Rucci of New Canaan-based Lampert Toohey & Rucci, LLC said Orchards End of 544 Oenoke Ridge road is not an ongoing commercial enterprise.

Our special permit application will specifically describe the activities at the property as far as any nonresidential use, he told NewCanaanite.com.

The applicant will file for a special permit as a Major Home Occupation, described in the New Canaan Zoning Regulations as follows (see page 24): The use of a dwelling for a home-based business involve two or more non-resident employees or six or more patron, client or associate visits per week.

A major home occupation is a permitted accessory use and requires a special permit, under Section 3.3.C.3 of the zoning regulations (see page 49).

According to its website, Orchards End is a retreat-like environment that provides essentials for a healthy body, both on the inside and the outside, using only natural methods, teachings and products that set individuals on the path to greater fulfillment and responsibility for their health.

Town officials say theyre planning a site visit to Orchards End next week.

Founder Elsa Sykes said a nonprofit organization has been established under Orchards Ends name, and that the organization launched in October with a free health-and-wellness reboot, offered as a gift to friends.

What we are trying to do is something good for the community and for friends and in no way, shape or form is this a commercial business or spa, Sykes said.

Asked about price points listed on the website, Sykes said some of the professionals who have offered one-off services at Orchards End collect a fee but that no money goes to the organization itself for those services.

With sessions held in a renovated cottage and barn on the 6.26-acre property, the October event was a success, Sykes said, focused on a program where you eliminate toxic foods, inflammatory foods from diet.

You focus on getting healthy in mind-body-spirit, she told NewCanaanite.com. It was said that this is something the community really needs, so we did not do anything for the subsequent months. I once led a [session for a] group of women at no cost and we decided that in March we would launch another reboot program where they could do the diet and we would have a lot of educational talks and it would be very limited in the number of people participating, out of respect for the neighborhood.

Sykes said she is pursuing a new entrance/egress driveway coming off of Oenoke Ridge Road that would serve the accessory structures used by Orchards End. Rucci confirmed that the new drive would be part of the special permit application, likely to come before P&Z in March.

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'Orchards End' Health and Wellness Organization To Seek Special ... - New Canaanite

Why do Mystics Love the Church? – Patheos (blog)

Just as the Holy Trinity is, at heart, communal, so too is Christian mysticism an inherently communal spirituality.

For a long time now, Ive been fascinated bypeople who self-define as spiritual but not religious (or spiritually independent, or none or some variation thereof) in other words, people who see the Church or institutional religion as overly legalistic, spiritually stifling, hidebound, more concerned with enforcing morality than seeking enlightenment. I dont speak out of judgment, for at times in my life, Ive been there myself.

Part of what fascinates me is how many SBNR folks, despite their dislike of Church, nevertheless adore the mystics.

I once got into a fascinating discussion with a man involved inceremonial magic who saw St. John of the Cross as a spiritual master. I asked him if he had heard of Meister Eckhart, and his face lit up. He may not have cared much for papal encylicals or catechisms, but he knew his mystics.

The popular new age author Carolyn Myss wrote a book about St. Teresa of AvilasInterior Castle. Indeed, you can visit the large new age bookstore here in Atlanta, and it has a modest but clearly visible Christianity section, where you can pick up the writings of Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Indeed, some Christians (particularly among conservative evangelicals) point to the fact that new agersrevere the mystics as evidence that the mystics themselves are dangerous! Which strikes me as another variation of denouncing Jesus because tax collectors and prostitutes followed him (a criticism which led Jesus to wryly remark that doctors treat sick people, not healthy ones!).

But what fascinates me is that, among the great Christian mystics of the past up to and including Thomas Merton, as well as living contemplatives like Richard Rohr or Thomas Keating faith communityis always regarded as an essential part of the spiritual life.

In other words, SBNR folks might love the mystics, but the mystics themselves were not SBNR far from it!

Julian of Norwich insisted that all of her visions pointed to accepting everything that Holy Mother Church teaches. This is significant because Julians writing could easily be misinterpreted as promoting universalism (the idea that everyone automatically gets saved). Julian herself insists that she is not in any contradicting church teaching, even though she also admits she struggles with the doctrine of hell (something I think any compassionate person would struggle with).

Meister Eckhart, when accused of heresy, insisted that he might be guilty of error, but never heresy. An error could arise because of a fault in his thinking, whereas heresy (deliberately rejecting church teaching) requires a defect of the will. In other words, Eckhart is saying I may not be right all the time, but Im always committed to being a faithful member of the Church.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, Church-friendly Mystic (painting by Rubens, public domain)

So two questions come up for me. First, why do people who dont love the church, love the mystics? And second (and more important), why do mystics love the Church?

I think mystics (and mysticism) appeal to the spiritual-but-not-religious seeker because, after all, their spirituality is so real, authentic, genuine. Reading the mystics is inspirational, in the best sense of the word. They truly point to the breathtaking possibility that we can find enlightening truth, illuminating joy, profound intimacy and even union with God. Thats heady stuff, and no wonder those who seek to find their own spiritual center would be drawn to it.

Furthermore, mysticism not Christian mysticism, but mysticism in general can easily be interpreted, especially in our culture, as asolitary spiritual pursuit. The pagan mystic Plotinus described the spiritual life as the flight of the alone to the Alone. Since we live in a Lone-Ranger culture that practically idolizes individualism, its easy for people immersed in our culture to ignore the communal, social,ecclesial (i.e. church-centered) nature of most orthodox Christian mysticism. They just look for all the alone-to-the-Alone stuff and ignore the rest.

But thats sloppy scholarship. We need to let the mystics speak for themselves, and again and again, they argue for a spirituality where love your neighbor is as important as love God. In other words, a spirituality where the community matters as much as solitude.

So on to our second question: Why do mystics love the Church? To answer this, lets look at Karl Rahner, the acclaimed20th century theologian who also was very much a mystic of his time. In an essay reprinted inKarl Rahner: Spiritual Writings, the author speaking in the voice of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the 16th century mystic who founded the Society of Jesus talks about why great spiritual teachers love the church, even if they maintain a critical perspective on it.

Truly, I am not ashamed of this allegiance to the Church. Once converted, I wanted to serve the Church with my whole life, although even this service was for God and for humanity, not for a self-seeking institution.

In other words, when Ignatius (and, by extension, Rahner) served the Church, he was serving God and humanitythroughthe community of faith, andnot simply submitting to an institution.

Rahner goes on

The Church as infinite dimensions, because it is the community, filled with Gods spirit, of people who have faith, who are pilgrims in hope, who are loving God and humanity.

Church people may not be perfect (indeed, they/we most certainly are not), but they/we are united in love for God, which makes this Church a community worth participating in.

But you would totally misunderstand this allegiance to the Church that I had were you to take it as an egocentric love of power, fanatically setting ideological boundaries and leaving conscience defeated, or as an identification of myself with a system that had no reference to anything beyond itself.

The author goes on to insist that his love for the Church was motivated by a desire to love, serve, and help others. He continues:

All love for this institutional Church would be slavery to idols, complicity in a horrendous self-centered and self-enclosed system, if it were not inspired and informed and limited by this desire. But this also means (and the history of my mystical journey bears this out) that love for this Church, however unconditional in a certain sense it may have been, is certainly not the be-all and end-all of my existence but a derived reality, originating in immediacy to God, and depending on this intimacy for its import, its limit, and its nature

In other words, a mystic loves the churchalways as an outgrowth of his or her response to the love of God. Otherwise, the Church could become an idol (and I suspect many SBNR folks reject institional religion because they see how many of the institutions most ardent defenders are, in fact, idolizing it, rather than truly worshipping God).

Rahner, still speaking as Ignatius, finally offers a mystical approach to the Church, saying this his love for the Church grew out of the Churchs spiritualnature as the Mystical Body of Christ.

It was in this mystical union of God with the Church for all that the two are radically to be distinguished that the Church was and remained for me transparent to God, and the specific place of this ineffable relationship I had to the eternal mystery.

Rahner goes on to make an intelligent argument for why a person can disagree with, or criticize, the Church, while still remaining a loyal member of it(which reminds me of one of my favorite books, Philip Kaufmanns Why You Can Disagree and Remain a Faithful Catholic).

Rahners viewpoint may not represent every mystic in Church history (the mystics are a notoriously non-uniform bunch). But he certainly gives us plenty of thought. Here is a summary of what I see are his most important points:

As I read Rahner, it struck me that, for a Christian mystic, participation in the faith community(in some form) is a natural outgrowth of the love of God. So when SBNR folks say they want nothing to do with organized religion, but they still are drawn to the mystics, I want to encourage them to read the mystics and to study their teachings. I think the more seriously someone takes the mystics, the more likely God will use mystical wisdom to draw that person into the imperfect love that characterizes the earthly/mystical Body of Christ.

Stay in touch! Connect with Carl McColman on Facebook:

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Why do Mystics Love the Church? - Patheos (blog)

The Light Network Announces Release of Second Book in the Light … – Satellite PR News (press release)

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The innovative self-help / spiritual publisher launches the second book of a three-part series, which is filled with profound and radiant messages of light and love. OJAI, Calif. Feb. 6, 2017 In the midst of all the current darkness in the world in the way of wars, political issues, and environmental chaos, The Light Network announces the release of its second book in a series, The Light: A Book of Knowing: How to Shine Your Light Brighter and Live in the Spiritual Heart. The book was created for those who are ready to embark on a spiritual journey, or who may have already begun, and are looking for a new level of enlightenment in these dark times.

I am so excited about readers gaining a greater insight into enlightenment, and shining their own inner lights brighter as they learn from this book, said Keidi Keating, author of The Light series. When we change ourselves, the whole world will begin to change around us, so my hope in writing this series is that it can bring us a step closer to individual and world peace.

The Light: A Book of Knowing shares with its readers a collection of teachings and wisdom from more than 20 heart-centered luminaries and great spiritual teachers. Each chapter features teachings by a different lightworker, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Bruce Lipton, Deva Premal and Miten, Joe Vitale, Dada J.P. Vaswani, Pujya Swamiji, Anita Moorjani, and Jeff Foster. Sharing radiant messages of light and love, the book helps readers take their spiritual awakening to the next level through a collection of powerful insights, teachings, and exercises.

Previously, Keidi Keating released the first book of the spiritual self-help series, The Light: A Book of Wisdom. The book focused on topics such as peace, forgiveness, healing, finding purpose, health, well-being, destiny and more. All proceeds from the selling of the book went toward seven charities chosen by the publisher.

The Light: A Book of Knowing is available in paperback and for Kindle on Amazon, and may be ordered at http://a.co/6yMKx8g. The third and last book in the series, The Light: A Book of Truth, is expected to be released in 2018. To request multiple copies of the new book, email Keidi at info@thelightnetwork.com.

Media Contact The Light Network Keidi Keating info@thelightnetwork.com Read Full Story The Light Network Announces Release of Second Book in the Light Series | More news from this source

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The innovative self-help / spiritual publisher launches the second book of a three-part series, which is filled with profound and radiant messages of light and love. OJAI, Calif. Feb. 6, 2017 In the midst of all the current darkness in the world in the way of wars, political issues, and environmental chaos, The Light Network announces the release of its second book in a series, The Light: A Book of Knowing: How to Shine Your Light Brighter and Live in the Spiritual Heart. The book was created for those who are ready to embark on a spiritual journey, or who may have already begun, and are looking for a new level of enlightenment in these dark times.

I am so excited about readers gaining a greater insight into enlightenment, and shining their own inner lights brighter as they learn from this book, said Keidi Keating, author of The Light series. When we change ourselves, the whole world will begin to change around us, so my hope in writing this series is that it can bring us a step closer to individual and world peace.

The Light: A Book of Knowing shares with its readers a collection of teachings and wisdom from more than 20 heart-centered luminaries and great spiritual teachers. Each chapter features teachings by a different lightworker, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Bruce Lipton, Deva Premal and Miten, Joe Vitale, Dada J.P. Vaswani, Pujya Swamiji, Anita Moorjani, and Jeff Foster. Sharing radiant messages of light and love, the book helps readers take their spiritual awakening to the next level through a collection of powerful insights, teachings, and exercises.

Previously, Keidi Keating released the first book of the spiritual self-help series, The Light: A Book of Wisdom. The book focused on topics such as peace, forgiveness, healing, finding purpose, health, well-being, destiny and more. All proceeds from the selling of the book went toward seven charities chosen by the publisher.

The Light: A Book of Knowing is available in paperback and for Kindle on Amazon, and may be ordered at http://a.co/6yMKx8g. The third and last book in the series, The Light: A Book of Truth, is expected to be released in 2018. To request multiple copies of the new book, email Keidi at info@thelightnetwork.com.

Media Contact The Light Network Keidi Keating info@thelightnetwork.com Read Full Story The Light Network Announces Release of Second Book in the Light Series | More news from this source

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The innovative self-help / spiritual publisher launches the second book of a three-part series, which is filled with profound and radiant messages of light and love. OJAI, Calif. Feb. 6, 2017 In the midst of all the current darkness in the world in the way of wars, political issues, and environmental chaos, The Light Network announces the release of its second book in a series, The Light: A Book of Knowing: How to Shine Your Light Brighter and Live in the Spiritual Heart. The book was created for those who are ready to embark on a spiritual journey, or who may have already begun, and are looking for a new level of enlightenment in these dark times.

I am so excited about readers gaining a greater insight into enlightenment, and shining their own inner lights brighter as they learn from this book, said Keidi Keating, author of The Light series. When we change ourselves, the whole world will begin to change around us, so my hope in writing this series is that it can bring us a step closer to individual and world peace.

The Light: A Book of Knowing shares with its readers a collection of teachings and wisdom from more than 20 heart-centered luminaries and great spiritual teachers. Each chapter features teachings by a different lightworker, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Bruce Lipton, Deva Premal and Miten, Joe Vitale, Dada J.P. Vaswani, Pujya Swamiji, Anita Moorjani, and Jeff Foster. Sharing radiant messages of light and love, the book helps readers take their spiritual awakening to the next level through a collection of powerful insights, teachings, and exercises.

Previously, Keidi Keating released the first book of the spiritual self-help series, The Light: A Book of Wisdom. The book focused on topics such as peace, forgiveness, healing, finding purpose, health, well-being, destiny and more. All proceeds from the selling of the book went toward seven charities chosen by the publisher.

The Light: A Book of Knowing is available in paperback and for Kindle on Amazon, and may be ordered at http://a.co/6yMKx8g. The third and last book in the series, The Light: A Book of Truth, is expected to be released in 2018. To request multiple copies of the new book, email Keidi at info@thelightnetwork.com.

Media Contact The Light Network Keidi Keating info@thelightnetwork.com Read Full Story The Light Network Announces Release of Second Book in the Light Series | More news from this source

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The Light Network Announces Release of Second Book in the Light ... - Satellite PR News (press release)

Stellaris strives for Utopia in first major expansion – PC Invasion – PC Invasion (blog)

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Posted By: Peter Parrish February 2, 2017

The much-discussed (in dev diaries and the like) first major expansion for Stellaris has been officially announced by Paradox today, and named as Utopia. It will be accompanied by a free update, Banks, taking the game to version 1.5.

Utopias feature set will enable your space dwelling civilisation to reach new heights of self-awareness, technological prowess or spiritual enlightenment. Youll be purchasing new options for developing your empire, and constructing huge projects called Megastructures to further the goals of your species. More about Megastructures can be read here.

So-called Ascension Perks (more on those here), will let you guide your race down different evolutionary pathways; a biological path, a psionic path or a synthetic path. Heres the overview of the features, changes, and mechanics Utopia will bring to Stellaris.

Neither a release date, nor price, appear to have been issued yet. Going by previous Paradox DLC releases, its likely to be $15-20.

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Stellaris strives for Utopia in first major expansion - PC Invasion - PC Invasion (blog)

Enlightenment: The Spiritual Meaning of Light in Angels …

By Whitney Hopler

Light has significant spiritual meanings associated with both angels and miracles. Angels often appear as beings of light, and they use lights electromagnetic energy when traveling to and from Earth and heaven. Miraculous events, such as apparitions, often feature light appearing in supernatural ways.

A Symbol of Life and Love

Light plays a foundational role in creation. Many creation stories say that God created light before anything else. For example, the Bible famously records in Genesis 1:3 that on the first day of creation: God said, Let there be light, and there was light. Ever since God made light, energy from light has fueled life on our planet. Earths ecosystem depends on light from the sun, as plants use sunlight to make food for themselves in their leaves, while animals and people higher up the food chain get energy from plants.

So, spiritually, light is sometimes a symbol of life that comes from a loving creator who cares for creation.

Just as all living things on Earth need sunlight to grow physically, people need the light of loving relationships with the creator God to grow spiritually.

Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals who is famous for his reverence for all of creation, wrote a prayer praising God for the sun and its light: Praise be to God for all his creatures, and especially our brother the sun who brings us the day and brings us the light. How beautiful he is! How splendid! Oh, God, he reminds us of you.

Angels, whom Muslims believe are made of light, love people with a pure love that comes from God. As Gods messengers, angels constantly deliver Gods messages of loving encouragement to people.

Light appearing during a miracle often indicates that God is at work in the situation, lovingly caring for the people whom he is blessing in a miraculous way (such as by answering a prayer in ways that wouldnt be possible without his intervention). Miraculous apparitions also make use of light, and may feature spectacular, supernatural light effects.

A Symbol of Wisdom

Light is often associated with wisdom. The word enlighten means to give knowledge or understanding (especially spiritual insights) to someone. When people are inspired by new creative ideas, they speak about a light bulb turning on for them. If theyve gained a better perspective on a situation, they say that they can look at it in a new light. Spiritually, light stands for truth from the good side of the spiritual realm overcoming lies from the evil side of the spiritual realm. People who are spiritually enlightened have the wisdom to choose truth over deception in their everyday lives.

People often use prayer and meditation tools that have to do with light such as candles and crystals when communicating with angels, because angels radiate electromagnetic energy just as light does. A system of angel colors, which corresponds to differently colored light rays in the electromagnetic spectrum, matches angels whose energy vibrates at certain frequencies to light rays that vibrate at those same frequencies. Some people seeking wisdom and help from the angels about different issues in their lives use it to connect with angels specializing in different types of missions. One ray in particular red focuses the most on wisdom, and is led by Uriel, the archangel of wisdom.

The worlds major religious texts use light as a symbol for wisdom, encouraging readers to develop closer relationships with God to light their spiritual paths through the darkness of a fallen, sinful world. Just as light reflects off mirrors to help people see themselves, faithful people can engage in spiritual reflection to see the state of their souls, motivating them to seek more spiritual wisdom. The process of God giving wisdom to those who seek it is a miraculous one, since it changes people for the better in profound ways.

A Symbol of Hope

Light is also a spiritual symbol of hope. In many of the worlds religions, light signifies salvation from the darkness of sin. Believers gain confidence from knowing that letting their light of faith shine in a dark world can bring about real change for the better in their lives. The faithful often light candles when praying for hope to create change in situations that seem hopeless.

Several major religious holidays use light to celebrate the power of spiritual hope. On Christmas, Christians decorate with electric lights to symbolize Jesus Christ as the light of the world, the savior. During Diwali, Hindus celebrate the hope of spiritual victories through fireworks displays and candles. The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah celebrates the hope that the Jewish people derived from the ancient Hanukkah miracle of lights.

Light overpowers darkness in the physical realm, since the photons in light can dispel darkness but darkness cannot dispel light. This principle can be seen simply by entering a dark room and turning on a flashlight there. The light will be visible in the midst of the darkness even if theres just a small amount of light in a great amount of darkness. This same principle applies spiritually, as the light of hope is always stronger than the darkness of discouragement and despair.

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Enlightenment: The Spiritual Meaning of Light in Angels ...

Bodhi – Wikipedia

Bodhi (Sanskrit: ; and Pali) in Buddhism is the understanding possessed by a Buddha regarding the true nature of things. It is traditionally translated into English with the word enlightenment, although its literal meaning is closer to "awakening." The verbal root "budh" means to awaken.

Bodhi is presented in the Nikayas as knowledge of the causal mechanism by which beings incarnate into material form and experience suffering. Although its most common usage is in the context of Buddhism, the term buddhi is also used in other Indian philosophies and traditions.

Bodhi is an abstract noun formed from the verbal root *budh- (to awake, become aware, notice, know or understand) corresponding to the verbs bujjhati (Pli) and bodhati or budhyate (Sanskrit).

The feminine Sanskrit noun of *budh- is buddhi.

The soteriological goal of Indian religions is liberation or moksha (also called mukti). Liberation is simultaneously freedom from suffering and the endless round of existences. Within the Sramanic traditions one who has attained liberation is called an arhat (Sanskrit; Pali: arahant), an honorific term meaning "worthy" acknowledging the skill and effort required to overcome the obstacles to the goal of nirvana.

According to the Buddha[citation needed] the path to liberation is one of progressively coming out of delusion (Pali: Moha). This path is therefore regarded as a path of awakening. Progressing along the path towards Nirvana one gains insight into the true nature of things. A Buddha is one who has attained liberation and an understanding of the causal mechanism by means of which sentient beings come into existence. This mechanism is called pratitya samutpada or dependent origination. The knowledge or understanding of this is called bodhi.

In the suttapitaka, the Buddhist canon as preserved in the Theravada-tradition, a number of texts can be found in which Gautama Buddha tells about his own awakening.

In the Vanapattha Sutta (Majjhima, chapter 17) the Buddha describes life in the jungle, and the attainment of awakening. After destroying the disturbances of the mind, and perfecting concentration of mind, he attained three knowledges (vidhya):

Insight into the Four Noble Truths is here called awakening. The monk (bhikkhu) has

...attained the unattained supreme security from bondage.

Awakening is also described as synonymous with Nirvana, the extinction of the passions whereby suffering is ended and no more rebirths take place. The insight arises that this liberation is certain:

Knowledge arose in me, and insight: my freedom is certain, this is my last birth, now there is no rebirth.

So awakening is insight into karma and rebirth, insight into the Four Noble Truths, the extinction of the passions whereby Nirvana is reached, and the certainty that liberation has been reached.

The Buddhist tradition gives a wide variety of descriptions of the Buddhist Path (magga) to liberation. Tradition describes the Buddha's awakening, and the descriptions of the path given in the Sutta Pitaka.[web 1][web 2] By following this path Buddhahood can be attained. Following this path dissolves the ten fetters and terminates volitional actions that bind a human being to the wheel of samsara.

The Theravada-tradition follows the Path to purification described by Buddhaghosa in his Visuddhimagga. It features four progressive stages culminating in full enlightenment. The four stages are Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami and Arahat.[web 3]

Three types of buddha are recognized:

The term bodhi acquired a variety of meanings and connotations during the development of Buddhist thoughts in the various schools.

In early Buddhism, bodhi carried a meaning synonymous to nirvana, using only some different metaphors to describe the insight, which implied the extinction of lobha (greed), dosa (hate) and moha (delusion). In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from greed, hate and delusion.

In Mahayana-thought, bodhi is the realisation of the inseparability of samsara and nirvana, and the unity of subject and object. It is similar to prajna, to realizing the Buddha-nature, realizing sunyata and realizing suchness.

Mahayana discerns three forms of bodhi:

Within the various Mahayana-schools exist various further explanations and interpretations.

In the Tathagatagarbha and Buddha-nature doctrines bodhi becomes equivalent to the universal, natural and pure state of the mind:

Bodhi is the final goal of a Bodhisattva's career [...] Bodhi is pure universal and immediate knowledge, which extends over all time, all universes, all beings and elements, conditioned and unconditioned. It is absolute and identical with Reality and thus it is Tathata. Bodhi is immaculate and non-conceptual, and it, being not an outer object, cannot be understood by discursive thought. It has neither beginning, nor middle nor end and it is indivisible. It is non-dual (advayam) [...] The only possible way to comprehend it is through samadhi by the yogin.

According to these doctrines bodhi is always there within one's mind, but requires the defilements to be removed. This vision is expounded in texts such as the Shurangama Sutra and the Uttaratantra.

In Shingon Buddhism, the state of Bodhi is also seen as naturally inherent in the mind. It is the mind's natural and pure state, where no distinction is being made between a perceiving subject and perceived objects. This is also the understanding of Bodhi found in Yogacara Buddhism and the mind's natural and pure state as in Dzogchen.

To achieve this vision of non-duality, it is necessary to recognise one's own mind:

... it means that you are to know the inherent natural state of the mind by eliminating the split into a perceiving subject and perceived objects which normally occurs in the world and is wrongly thought to be real. This also corresponds to the Yogacara definition... that emptiness (sunyata) is the absence of this imaginary split

During the development of Mahayana Buddhism the various strands of thought on Bodhi were continuously being elaborated. Attempts were made to harmonize the various terms. The Buddhist commentator Buddhaguhya treats various terms as synonyms:

For example, he defines emptiness (sunyata) as suchness (tathata) and says that suchness is the intrinsic nature (svabhava) of the mind which is Enlightenment (bodhi-citta). Moreover, he frequently uses the terms suchness (tathata) and Suchness-Awareness (tathata-jnana) interchangeably. But since Awareness (jnana) is non-dual, Suchness-Awareness is not so much the Awareness of Suchness, but the Awareness which is Suchness. In other words, the term Suchness-Awareness is functionally equivalent to Enlightenment. Finally, it must not be forgotten that this Suchness-Awareness or Perfect Enlightenment is Mahavairocana [the Primal Buddha, uncreated and forever existent]. In other words, the mind in its intrinsic nature is Mahavairocana, whom one "becomes" (or vice versa) when one is perfectly enlightened.

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Bodhi - Wikipedia

Spiritual Awakening, And Spiritual Enlightenment

Since you found your way here, you must be aSeeker Of Truth, someone whos serious about how to achieve Enlightenment, Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, Illumination, Mystical Consciousness, Presence, etc.

But how do you get there from where you are now right now?

Thats the critical question.

There are generally two obstacles on the journey to getting there.

Problem 1.What is enlightenment, the spiritual awakening, and spiritual enlightenment in the first place?

Some people have a solid intellectual understanding of what Higher Consciousness means.

Some have no idea what it means. Its just an attractive target and they want the Experience.

Some people think they know what these terms mean, but they dont really.

Problem 2.I Understand what enlightenment and spiritual awakening are intellectually, but Im not experiencing it. I dont know how to achieve enlightenment and I want to.

Thats a far more common problem.Is it yours?

I can help you solve both problems.

I can show you how to achieve enlightenment; what spiritual awakening and spiritual enlightenment really are, what they really arent, and how to open into a direct and consistent Experience of The Real Thing.

To find out, click on the Video Series link below and watch the free video series that begins there:

Video Series


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Spiritual Awakening, And Spiritual Enlightenment

Teachings on Spiritual Enlightenment – Spiritual …

One could be said to be the realization of what you are beyond the mind. Or rather, it is the realization of what you are not. This sense of being a "me" as a solid, limited thing separate from everything else crumbles. The idea that you are your thoughts, desires, fears, emotions falls away into the infinite consciousness that is the essence of everything.

You feel and experience yourself as formless consciousness, as everything is experienced as this same formless consciousness. It all becomes one. Everything is felt to be made out of formless consciousness.

People make sculptures out of sand. They make dolphins, mermaids, castles but it is all made of sand. In the same way, everything is felt to be made of consciousness. The boundaries that seemed to separate you from everything else are blurred to the point where you cannot tell where you end and something else begins.

Then what is left is your natural state of unconditional peace, love and joy. You still have thoughts and emotions just as you did before, but the essence of all of it is formless peace.

When you realize it, you will see why it is called your natural state- because it feels pure, free and simply put, the way you naturally are beyond your identification with your mind.

The second aspect of spiritual enlightenment is energy. This energy of pure consciousness, felt as peace, bliss and love begins to radiate through you. It begins to permeate your body, your thoughts, your emotions, your breath, your actions. You become full of light, radiating light, radiating bliss, thus the definition "spiritual enlightenment."

The third aspect is love. There is a devotional experience that naturally occurs. You feel a sense of deep love and connection to God/Guru/Presence, whatever it is for you. You fall madly in love with it. Perhaps this aspect is the most blissful of the three. It brings unfathomable joy and ecstasy.

Spiritual Enlightenment is not a change in your mental or intellectual perception, it is an energetic shift and awakening that happens at the very depth of your being.You cannot simply think your way into it. Something happens at the level of energy that completely transforms you.

If you ever had the opportunity to sit with a fully enlightened master, you know that just by sitting in their presence, automatically, you experienced deep, blissful states of meditation. Regardless of the words spoken, something much deeper happened. Enlightenment for that period of time, seemed to be automatically awakened inside you just by sitting in their presence.

And if you could remain in such enlightened presence, everything that keeps you from experiencing the truth begins to dissolve, until this presence, this peace and bliss becomes what you are.

But most westerners are uncomfortable with having a "Guru" or simply don't have the time or option to find someone who is fully enlightened and can transmit such presence to them on a daily basis.

This is why I have developed Audio CDs that transmit such enlightened presence to you. Through very special audio equipment, I record this energy vibration of enlightenment often called "shaktipat," "kundalini shakti," or "deeksha" and turn it into sound. This enables you to experience enlightened states of awareness & bliss often within minutes which you probably could not have experienced after decades of practice on your own.

I often get the question "Can't I just do it on my own?"

And the question is, why would you want to struggle on your own for years when you could begin to experience it now? In fact the very attempt to "do it on my own" can often reinforce the ego, the sense of being a separate doer.

Too many people seeking freedom end up stuck in their ideas and knowledge about enlightenment. Their ideas and knowledge end up being a hindrance to their awareness rather than being helpful. But this enlightened energy passes awakens you at the very core of your being. It awakens you from the inside out.

Simply by playing one of these CDs, a true state of enlightened awareness is awakened in you, beyond any teaching or belief system.

I am not here to tell you that these CDs are the only way to Spiritual Enlightenment. But I am inviting you to have a listen to some of the samples and see for yourself. Because if have a listen to the samples and read some of the testimonials from people who meditate to the CDs, you will probably find like so many others that this music can change your life. These CDs have already awakened so many to unconditional peace and can awaken the same peace and bliss in you. Even just by listening to the samples.

See the original post here:

Teachings on Spiritual Enlightenment - Spiritual ...

Spiritual Enlightenment Personal Experience Path Essay …

Enlightenment is something what we have been born for! The entire process of a soul atman manifesting a body right from the first manifestation as an amoeba and until the last leg of the journey (the total journey of 8.4 million manifestations) was the requisite of our soul atman for without it our soul atman could not have survived.

To bring back itself to its glorious pristine form every soul atman desires that the body in the last leg of its cosmic journey as a human being reaches stage of enlightenment and finally gains salvation. In every stage of life as a human being our soul atman (within the body) prompts us from within to expedite the journey and gain enlightenment and the earliest.

Only after gaining enlightenment does one reach the level of salvation and that too in the human form alone. And sooner salvation is achieved... the soul atman (purified of all the dross contained within) goes back to the kingdom of God (known as Vaikuntha in Hinduism). The journey for the soul atman finally ends.

Gaining enlightenment in one's life is the crux of life itself. The end goal is not limited by the desires or the wants of the body. It is a dictate from God Almighty that one finally gains enlightenment at the end of the journey. The 8.4 millionth manifestation announces one reaching the stage of enlightenment. Beyond enlightenment there is nothing more to achieve. Having gained enlightenment our soul atman finally liberates itself from the cycle of birth and death. No more manifestations... the journey finally comes to rest.

The journey of the soul atman from the first manifestation to the last is completed by the soul atman in a maximum of 8.4 million manifestations... a total journey of 96.4 million earthly years. A long journey indeed for the soul atman within us! Reaching the manifest stage of life as a human being announces that a journey of 7.3 million manifestations has already been completed. In the form of a human being alone we have 1.1 million types of manifestations. One be born a King in the present manifestation and in the next one can be born a farmer... everything depending upon the doctrine of residual karma.

But to cut across the earthly cycle... every human being is required to take control of all the five senses and the mind. Only then one can hope to reach the level of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Performing the right yoga and following the path of Neti (as practiced and advocated by Maharishi Ramana)... one is able to negate the impurities contained within. Celibacy plays a very dominant role for reaching stage of enlightenment within present life. Unless and until celibacy is practiced for a continuous period of 12 years minimum... enlightenment within present life cannot be gained. Practicing absolute celibacy is an essential requirement for every true seeker of spirituality.

Absolute celibacy can always be practiced while remaining in Grihastha Ashram (living the life of a householder). One only needs to curtail the wanton desires and sensual attachments. It is not a must that to practice absolute celibacy sexual abstinence is necessary. It was possible for me to do it. I realized God in 1993. I started in search of God at the age of 11 years. I finally succeeded in gaining Self Realization after 25 years of intense yoga meditation and practice of Neti and celibacy.

God has been kind to me... I have always looked forward to life in a truthful way always and ever. The whole world (6000 million people) apart can never sway me from the path of truthfulness I have always practiced and followed. Death carries no meaning for me for having gained Self Realization the fear of death has been overcome by me.

The death of body does not mean anything to me. I have purified myself and come out unscathed. Until the moment I realized God in 1993... I had no inkling what was meant by Self Realization, what was the true meaning of Kundalini getting awakened... and where I had reached. It was only after God gave me direct dictation after Self Realization that I understood what I had gained in life. Having reached my 8.4 millionth manifestation... the journey of life being over for me... the present life being my last manifestation... I have but to guide the humanity nay those serious seekers of spirituality about what real life is all about!

I had never had a chance to understand Bhagavad Gita in the earlier stages of my life. The moment I realized God it was as if I had written Bhagavad Gita in one of my earlier manifestations. My Kundalini awakened unknown to me... some say it is a miracle! Not actually for I really worked hard for it.

Proceeding on the path of absolute truthfulness is really tough indeed. Wanton desires always trying to dissuade you from the right path, sensual pleasures always inflicting upon you the choicest of attractions and what not! The strict regimen of patience and persistence carried me through. There were at times many critical failures in life. But reaching the end of the journey within present life was my only goal. I had to become enlightened and come face to face with God come whatever may! I finally did it!

Here I would like to mention that my ego having dissolved rather merged in the supreme ego, I have but to retain the I (of me) until the body is there! It is only when I leave the body... this I would also get released for ever. The I presently being used is not the I of the ego but only a nomenclature to address a body the world knows as Vijay Kumar!

Enlightenment is something which cannot be expressed in words. Enlightenment has to be experienced to understand the gains behind it. No further manifestations... I have become free forever... what a noble goal of life it has been for me all throughout. My family includes my wife and two daughters. At times they have suffered... but in their sufferings they have learnt those lessons of life which are not yet available to people like Bill Gates and Bill Clinton. My daughters are amongst the chosen few who have learnt the basics and understand what spirituality and enlightenment truly stand for.

They may not follow the path I have followed... but when I discuss with them anything related to spirituality and enlightenment... the glow on their faces tells all. Inherently they definitely support that the goal of every human being is gaining enlightenment but before doing that these two young girls want to enjoy the best part of their lives. God bless them!

Self Realization that I have achieved also means gaining enlightenment. The English desire water, the followers of Islamic dharma want Paani and Hindus desire Jala. All need to drink water and that is the end. The enlightenment is never spiritual or personal. But only people traveling the spiritual path are able to reach this goal of life. The path to enlightenment is not a hazardous one... it is only the perspective how we look at it.

For a blind... the tail of an elephant, his leg and trunk may have different meanings. But in the field of spirituality all these three parts belong to the same individual. It is the doctrine of Anekantavada which clears this mess. Like celibacy Anekantavada also forms a very crucial part of the journey of enlightenment.

Enlightenment is normally gained by one or two persons in a century or so. Right from the stage of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed the chain is not very long. In the last about 150 years only two persons have gained enlightenment. They were Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana.

Why the journey of enlightenment is considered as a tough one is explained further. One may have to leave the precincts of your house... a stage may come that you may no longer be able to recognize your children and your wife for every child living on Mother Earth becomes your child but not otherwise (your wife practically becomes like a sister for you).

The journey of enlightenment is a complete detachment from worldly life... there is no doubt about it. Only those who have the capability to travel the path of truthfulness with full honesty and sincerity may attempt to travel the path. In the present kali yoga I repeat it is really difficult to achieve this fait accompli but not impossible! To put an end to the matter I simply have to say that a single thought of God gives me so much pleasure (bliss) that even six pegs may not suffice.

Enlightenment is truly a journey not for the rich... it is a journey for those who are rich in character and full of patience and persistence. Madame Curie who gave away her life while searching for radium in pitchblende may be the right candidate but Bill Gates a bitter failure. He demands royalty for the intelligence bestowed upon him by the grace of God. May God bless those who start in search of enlightenment in their present life!

Be it age of spiritual enlightenment, personal experience of buddha, path to enlightenment, center for spiritual enlightenment quote definition essay, meditation and instant personal enlightenment woman, buddhism and enlightenment concept theory... everything bogs down to... whether or not we gain self realization in this life!

By: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani"

Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains the concept of Enlightenment. For more on enlightenment visit - enlightenment. Send Your Query - click here Ref.

Enlightenment Related Links...

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Spiritual Enlightenment Personal Experience Path Essay ...

Teachings on Spiritual Enlightenment – bliss-music.com

There is only one thing ever to point to for your own freedom.

And it's not a thing, it is this moment.

This is where your focus should rest. Not today, not this hour, not this minute nor this second, it is much more simple than that.

It is right now, this very moment. To allow everything to be as it is just now. To let yourself be present with what is right now.

And right now you exist. Right now, there is a feeling of being. In this moment without referring to your thoughts there is this undeniable sense that you are.

Notice this. Not "you are a person" or "your are" anything at all. But simply being. It is indescribable, indefinable, but it is here. If thoughts come, let them come, let them go. If feelings are there let them be. Don't resist anything.

Don't even resist the resistance. Because if you resist this moment, if you think it should be other than it is, then you are at war with this moment. And no matter how hard you try and manipulate your world in this moment to be the way you would like it to be, it will only be the way that it is.

So you either are resting in this moment or you are fighting this moment.

You are living as "is-ness" or your are living as "I want." To be here in and as this moment, or to be lost in your thoughts. You can't have both. Freedom or limitation. This present moment, or your endless commentary about who you think you are, where you have been and where you are going.

Can you let everything be in this moment? Can you stop trying to change and control your world and instead, simply rest with me right now? Just for this second, can you let go and rest in what is here and now?

Don't worry if you are doing it right or wrong. Just be here with me. Notice this moment. Notice that in this moment you exist. That you cannot deny this feeling that existence is happening. Very simple.

Are you still here? If not, just come back, let go of your thinking and keep coming back and all is peaceful again What else is there besides now? Isn't it allthoughts outside of now? Isn't it all your imagination outside of now?

Let all of that go for just this moment. This is all that there is and the only thing. This moment is freedom itself, bliss itself, love itself. So incredibly intoxicating. So nurturing. This moment is you. And the is-ness goes on forever. So easy and so simple. Too simple for thinking. It's too subtle to be figured out or defined. It is you and you alone.

And if you find this hard, simply ask yourself "Who am I?" In this moment, who are you? This question simply takes out the thinking you and all that is left is this feeling of being, of just watching. All that is left is this moment. Ask this over and over. "Who am I? Who am I?" The question takes you immediately back to now.

Or you can just surrender. Surrender to everything that is happening right here and right now. Let all of your fixing, wanting, needing, controlling go. What will be left is just this moment. Just you. If there is emotion let the emotion be. If there is pain, let the pain be. Feel it completely in this moment, don't label it, judge it or resist it.

If you let it be completely you will see that there is something quite profound in the pain, something incredibly beautiful and nurturing. You pass right through this solid feeling of you into something that has no boundaries. Where you are love itself. You are bliss itself. You are presence itself. You are consciousness.

Are you still here? Are you still present?Breathe with me here. Sit with me here. Stop trying to fix what needs not fixing. Stop trying to get into a meditative state, or to be peaceful. Just be, and in the being, the one that resists is no more.

And if you rest here, you will see that everything is happening by itself. That thoughts come by themselves, breathing happens by itself. That everything is moving along just fine without you pretending to control everything. And then you can rest in this moment, you can dive deeply, unceasingly into this moment and disappear into the sweet nectar of silence.

Sign Up & You Can Receive The Free Weekly Teaching On Meditation & Awareness (a $47 value) That Will Directly Help You Deepen Your Experience Of Unconditional Peace

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Questions for Spiritual Enlightenment:

Spiritual Enlightenment could be said to be the realization of what you are beyond the mind. Or rather, it is the realization of what you are not. This idea of "me" full of desires and fears and suffering no longer defines you.

And what is left is your natural state of unconditional peace, love and joy.

When you realize it, you will see why it is called your natural state- because it feels pure, free and simply put, the way you naturally are beyond your identification with your mind.

Such words like these point to the truth, but they are not enough.

Because eventually, the words again become knowledge, they become something you "know" and in that knowing, you no longer go where they point to.

And so everyone goes from one teaching to the next, changing their techniques, their beliefs, their practice and still nothing happens, they remain stuck in the mind. You have glimpses of the truth and then it disappears again.

Spiritual Enlightenment is not a mental or intellectual shift, it is an energetic shift.

If you ever had the opportunity to sit with a fully enlightened master, you know that just by sitting in their presence, automatically, you experienced deep, blissful states of meditation. Regardless of the words spoken, something much deeper happened. Enlightenment for that period of time, seemed to be awakened inside you just by sitting in their presence.

And if you could remain in such enlightened presence, everything that keeps you from experiencing the truth begins to dissolve, until presence, peace and bliss becomes what you are.

But most westerners are uncomfortable with having a "Guru" or simply don't have the time or option to find someone who is fully enlightened and can transmit such presence to them on a daily basis.

This is why I have developed Audio CDs that transmit such enlightened presence to you, enabling you to experience enlightened states of awareness often within minutes which you probably could not have experienced after decades of practice on your own.

I often get the question "Can't I just do it on my own?"

And the question is, why would you want to struggle on your own for years when you could begin to experience it now?

Too many people seeking freedom end up stuck in their ideas and knowledge about enlightenment. Their ideas and knowledge end up being a hindrance to their awareness rather than being helpful.

But simply by playing one of these CDs, a true state of enlightened awareness is awakened in you, beyond what you think you know.

I am not here to tell you that these CDs are the only way to Spiritual Enlightenment. But I am inviting you to have a listen to some of the samples and see for yourself.

Because if have a listen to the samples and read some of the testimonials from people who meditate to the CDs, you will probably find like so many others that this music can change your life. These CDs have already awakened so many to unconditional peace and can awaken the same peace and bliss in you. Even just by listening to the samples.

I would suggest you first check out

The Ocean Euphoric Meditation CD

(Click the Above Link or Photo)

Ocean Euphoric Has Just Been Updated with The Latest Shakti Sound Technology Making It Incredibly Powerful

If you are advanced in your meditations and feel ready for a deep & healing enlightened transmission on CD, then check out

The Calling Kundalini Awakening CDs

(Click the Above Link or Photo)

Or have a listen to the newest Meditation CDs with the latest Shakti Sound Technology in this Youtube video:

(For more information on the music in this video visit The Infinite Sky Meditation Music for Spiritual Awakeningweb page)

Or if you prefer to meditate in silence or already have Ocean Euphoric and The Calling Check out Shakti Silence

By listening to the CDs, enlightened transmission happens by itself, then it is simply your responsibility to remain present. To allow yourself to experience what is here in this moment, without judging it, or defining it, or describing it, just simply feeling it, as sensation.

Proven thousands of times over, these CDs will awaken in you your true nature of unconditional peace, bliss & love, making the whole process of spiritual transformation much easier.

Below are some writings that you might find helpful.

Please feel free to email any sincere questions about meditation & spiritual awakening questions@bliss-music.com



Click On the Titles Below

Recent Yogamates Interview With Kip Mazuy

The Path of Kundalini Shakti (Shaktipat)

Realizing the Nameless

3 Steps to Spiritual Awakening

The Experience of Infinite Joy (New 1-14)

Meditation & The Nature of Attention

The Bliss of Pure Being

Turn Your Attention to Bliss

Transcending Duality (New 5-15)

Wide Awake Awareness: The Joy of Being Nobody (New 4-15)

In Nothingness there is Pure Peace (New 2-14)

The Art of Nondoing (New 8-14)

Being Nothingness (New 3-14)

Non Dual Awareness (New 1-15)

Natural Meditation: Allowing the Natural Human Expression to Be (New 8-15)

Surrendering The Ego: Consciousness is Always Here (New 2-15)

Meditation: Turn Your Attention to Consciousness (New 4-15)

"I Am" Leads to The Isness of This Moment (New 2-15)

The Path of Awareness in Meditation (New 7-14)

Meditation Technique: Take Refuge in the Feeling of Peace (New 6-15)

Life is Nature & Nature is in Harmony with Silence * (New 4-15)

Falling in Love with Peace: The Easy Way to Deep Meditation (New 4-15)

Witnessing Thoughts in Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation Exercise

Enlightenment & The Power of Now

An Introduction to Conscious Awareness

The Benefits of Spending Time Alone (New 2-14)

What is Self Realization

All About Kundalini Awakening

Spiritual Ecstasy

3 Levels of Consciousness

The Purpose of Spiritual Teachings

Read the original:

Teachings on Spiritual Enlightenment - bliss-music.com

97 Spiritual Enlightenment Stories : In5D Esoteric …

Below are nearly 100 stories of spiritual enlightenment. please look past any religious overtones and appreciate the spiritual meaning of each story.

Story #1 A martial arts student went to his teacher and said earnestly,I am devoted to studying your martial system. How long will it take me to master it?

The teachers reply was casual,Ten years.

Impatiently, the student answered,But I want to master it faster than that. I will work very hard. I will practice every day, ten or more hours a day if I have to. How long will it take then?

The teacher thought for a moment,20 years. Story #2 Two traveling Zen monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across. One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other bank. She thanked him and departed.

As the monks continued on their way, the one was brooding and preoccupied. Unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!

Brother, the second monk replied,I set her down on the other side, while you are still carrying her.

Story #3 When the Zen spiritual teacher and his disciples began their evening meditation, the cat who lived in the monastery made such noise that it distracted them. So the teacher ordered that the cat be tied up during the evening practice. Years later, when the teacher died, the cat continued to be tied up during the meditation session. And when the cat eventually died, another cat was brought to the monastery and tied up.

Centuries later, learned descendants of the spiritual teacher wrote scholarly treatises about the religious significance of tying up a cat for meditation practice.

See original here:

97 Spiritual Enlightenment Stories : In5D Esoteric ...

The 3 Stages Of Spiritual Enlightenment : In5D Esoteric …

Spiritual enlightenment is the fundamental goal of most spiritual practices that you undertake. Enlightenment marks the culminating point of your practice you feel unity of soul with everything, all the mental and physical engagements are left aside. Spiritual enlightenment is the possession of highly evolved souls. Spiritual masters from all over over the world experience spiritual enlightenment, and help others on their own paths.

Spiritual enlightenment is often categorized into levels for practical purposes. The highest stage of spiritual enlightenment marks the attainment of unity with God or being one with everything. But can still there are certain levels through which the individual needs to evolve. In a similar way that man has evolved from more primitive animals, the human conciousiness or soul also evolves. For our practical purpose, put them in stages and analyze the state of being in each stage:

At the very first level of enlightenment, the individual starts experiencing reality as it is. It means that your mind ceases to interfere with what you are experiencing. We are engaged in continuous talk, gossip, analyzing the environment around us, planning about future, or worrying about the past. When you are in a state of spiritual enlightenment you are completely in the present moment. You stop judging and labeling the world. Your mind is calm, quite and still. You are very awake, and aware of the current moment right now.

At the second stage of enlightenment, you feel apart of yourself in everything around you. You feel a connection with every object and individual in the world. The borders between yourself and the world around you dissipate. Your soul begins to merge with Supreme Soul. You feel that you are not individual anymore and not separate from anything. You feel that you are in everything and everything is just a part of the Supreme Soul from where you also have emerged. Many people describe this feelings of completeness and love.

The third stage of enlightenment, you no longer feel connected to everything but realize you are everything. You the experience the oneness of Creator Source and are not separate from anything in the universe. This stage of enlightenment is a direct experience of oneness.

Spiritual enlightenment is the fruit that sets you free, as you lose all wants and wishes to receive the fruits of your actions. You feel the bliss of completeness and true love. At first it gives you the feeling that you need Light. At the next stage, you feel that you are merging in Light. And in the final stage you and the Light are one.


Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, In5D.com

It is important to remember that when it comes to spiritual enlightenment, you cannot enlighten anyone else for this is a sole (and soul) journey. You can always help others along their path or even light the candle that piques their curiosity, but the only one you can truly enlighten is yourself. When it comes to enlightening others, all you can do is to plant the seed and hope the garden is watered with knowledge.

See the rest here:

The 3 Stages Of Spiritual Enlightenment : In5D Esoteric ...

Shambhala royal family welcomes baby girl

The Shambhala community in Halifax is welcoming its newest member, and possibly its future leader.

Khandro Tseyang, wife of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, gave birth to a baby girl Friday morning.

Dzedron Okar Yangchen Ziji Mukpo was born at the IWK Health Centre at 4:49 a.m, weighing seven pounds, 15 ounces.

The child will be known as Jetsun Dzedron, which means Princess Lamp of Beauty.

With her usual dignity and strength, the sakyong wangmo, Khandro Tseyang, gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, said Dr. Mitchell Levy, the familys personal physician, in a news release.

Mother, father and the newest addition to the Mukpo family are all doing well.

Jetsun Dzedron is the third of the couples daughters. Jetsun Drukmo and Jetsun Yundra were also born at the IWK in 2010 and 2013, respectively.

Shambhala is a school of Tibetan Buddhism.

Rooted in meditation and the concept of universal human kindness, Shambhala is accepting of anyone seeking a heightened state of spiritual enlightenment.

Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Shambhalas global and spiritual leader, lives in Halifax with his wife, who is referred to as the sakyong wangmo.

Originally posted here:

Shambhala royal family welcomes baby girl

My friend, the tax collector

In the height of tax season here in the US, Im reminded of the Bible story about a man named Zacchus, who was a tax collector a publican in Jericho. Its likely that he didnt have many friends. Tax collectors in biblical times were not popular. The system was corrupt. The collector could set a rate higher than the Roman government required, and the higher the rate the more money he could keep for himself. Zacchus was a rich man, so evidently he had done very well for himself, but through questionable means.

One day, Christ Jesus was traveling through Jericho. Zacchus desire to catch just a glimpse of that holy man was so great that he climbed a sycamore tree to see over the crowd. When Jesus singled him out to tell him that he must spend time at his house that day, Zacchus received him joyfully and not only this. Zacchus was so inspired by Jesus recognition of him that he vowed to give half his wealth to those who needed it. He even promised to repay fourfold everything he had taken dishonestly (see Luke 19:1-9).

Such a profound change in character indicates to me that the dawning of Christly enlightenment in individual thought brings an enrichment of meaning and purpose into our lives that nothing else can. It opens a range of opportunities to love and help others. We begin to find treasures of spiritual qualities in ourselves and our fellow man that we may not have seen before.

The issue is not about how rich we are, nor what our background includes. Its about the kind of change Zacchus experienced. The Scriptures and their companion book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, who founded this newspaper and Christian Science, show the relevance of the story of Zacchus today. A thoughtful study of these books reveals that the Christ, the divine nature which is expressed in man, Gods image and likeness is always with us. We comprehend man made in Gods likeness as we grow in our understanding of Gods nature of pure goodness. Our encounter with the holy presence of the Christ comes today in the form of transforming spiritual inspiration.

Understanding, even in a degree, mans spiritual identity and individuality lifts us above worldly fears, furies, and frustrations. With Zacchus, it started with a desire to see Jesus, but he was really being drawn to the transforming influence of the Christ, which Jesus represented. His first step was to climb upward to see above the crowd, and later as he stood in the presence of Jesus, his life was profoundly transformed. The change was not so much self-improvement as it was self-discovery. Jesus recognition of him as a loved, pure child of God allowed him to recognize his own value and worth as Gods expression.

Sometimes, whether in the midst of material wealth or lack, our hearts yearn to know we are loved and valued. But we, too, can take that first step that lifts us above the crowds of fear and limitation, and begin to glimpse mans true God-given nature. It may appear as a change of character, but its really mans innate Christlike nature becoming apparent. A new you which is the forever you that God created is emerging. Self-improvement is good, but self-discovery is infinitely better. And anyone who shows by example what it means to feel this enriching, transforming touch of Christ, like Zacchus, is someone I would be glad to call a friend.

Originally posted here:

My friend, the tax collector

Mozart's Magic Flute: A spiritual journey for all ages

(MENAFN - Muscat Daily) This week the Royal Opera House Muscat (ROHM) will host the first interactive opera of its kind in the region for children and family! We have chosen Mozart's sublime Singspiel lit. sung play written in 1791 Mozart's final year due to its suitability for all ages.

The work is a spiritual journey towards Enlightenment truth purification and quest for knowledge but for children it is also a fairytale about magic triumph of good over evil tolerance over hatred and clemency over vengeance.

The opera is an allegory set in no real locality or historical period but Ancient Egypt is evoked through the character of the wise Sarastro mysticism and his three temples. Mozart's The Magic Flute is a story of gripping power fantasy fairytale and magic. Surely magic is no stranger to opera; the first operas ever written in Italy by Jacopo Peri and Claudio Monteverdi for example were all based on the magical power of Orpheus' musical instrument the lyre. In The Magic Flute Tamino's flute is able to tame the wild animals by the sound of his playing.

A symbolic opera

As a fairytale the opera centers on binary polar opposites; good vs evil light vs darkness real vs fantasy spiritual vs temporal. The characters are a bizarre mixture of various backgrounds; Papageno is a 'bird catcher' who lives by eating and drinking. He catches birds for the starry Queen of the Night and thus counters the noble origin of Tamino a Javanese prince. Likewise the wise Sarastro is priest of the Sun and stands in opposition to the evil Queen of the Night. But if the Queen is the source of evil her daughter Pamina is her antithesis; the strongest force for good and a complement to Tamino. Falling short of Enlightenment the earthy Papageno and his mate Papagena are happy with their sensual pleasures of food and drink and unlike Tamino and Pamina they do not aspire to higher values of wisdom truth and spirituality.

As usual Mozart gives prime importance to his female characters. They are often the power that directs the action and even in the spiritual vain our spiritual path involves the rediscovery and guidance of feminine wisdom. To this end Tamino and Papageno are incomplete without Pamina and Papagena. Only with them side by side are they able to be led back to their true spiritual destination. Together they represent God's manifestation of a complete image. In the duet between Papageno and Pamina (Bei Mnnern welche Liebe) we hear 'Husband and wife and wife and husband reach towards the divine.' The duet epitomises the opera's moral story of Love which is the result of growth trial and overcoming. It's a sign of mutual relationship and the merging of two lives into one.

The music of Mozart is designed to appeal to all ages but its complex layers of symbolism and numerology can equally be enjoyed by amateurs and connoisseurs. Symbolism and numerology play important role in The Magic Flute; the opera has three ladies three spirits three trials; and three temples (nature reason and wisdom). Likewise its music is centered on keys with three flats (C minor and E-flat major) and the overture commences with three majestic opening chords.

Educational project

This production by the Teatro Sociale di Como in Italy is especially designed for family and children. The opera is in abbreviated form that caters to children's attention span and it is made relevant in the form of a child's dream obsessed with his video game. The protagonist is a boy who also must confront his own monsters and demons. In this production our students and children will sing and accompany Tamino in his journey towards light.

The opera is interactive in many ways; as a part of our education and outreach mission at the Royal Opera House Muscat we have collaborated with several schools public and private and worked over the last five months with hundreds of students and their teachers to familiarise them with the plot and the music of the opera. During their performances they will interact with the characters sing and actively participate in carrying the action. We are thrilled to host more than 2400 students in three of our morning performances that do not appear in our published program along with college students and various non-profit organisations. Their participation in the show goes beyond the passive attendance to the more engaging part of performing.

See the original post:

Mozart's Magic Flute: A spiritual journey for all ages