What Forgiveness Means for Black People – Huffington Post

Monique Ruffin I am a blogger, life coach, astologer, mom and adventurer This post is hosted on the Huffington Post's Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.

Satie Gossett recently joined me on my radio show, Rise with Monique Ruffin, to discuss his short film, Forgiveness. In Forgiveness, a black boy writes a letter to the president of the United States that asks for the long overdue acknowledgment of slavery and the effects that racism have on African Americans through the centuries. In this young mans mind, a simple apology to black Americans from a sitting president is the first step to healing our country.

If we view our lives through a spiritual lens, we are spirits having a human experience. If that experience is lived in a black body in America, that body lives out a narrative of oppression. Forgiveness is a key component of the pathway to freedom from this oppression, but it must begin within the one seeking to forgive. On the spiritual journey of growth and evolution, forgives serves as a deep exploration of ones relationship with the self.

Transformation is a stressful process. To turn carbon into a diamond takes a great deal of pressure. Without the outside forces and resistances placed on it, the carbon would not have the necessary heat to take a new form. This process is mirrored in the transformation of the black American soul. The racism that runs through American history, and that continues today, provides the pressure on the black spirit to evolve in its spiritual growth. The stresses and hardships can be exploited for the benefit of the souls enlightenment.

Those on the spiritual path make a point of living their lives beyond the material world, seeking deeper meanings to enhance their evolution eventually transcend many of the conditions that limit them. Forgiveness is a necessary practice in the spiritual journey.

For me, one of the greatest challenges to living a life as a spiritual being is to always remember that we are all connected. In our day-to-day reality, separation is experienced, but it is not a true representation of our wholeness. Although all the trees in the forest stand apart, the rich and intricate root system beneath the surface depicts the interconnectedness and unified sources of the forest. The same is true for humans: we are one appearing as many. In spiritual terms, my sister and I are one in the same. Any perceived harm done is truly a harm from oneself on oneself. And so forgiveness is an inside job.

I have struggled with the concept of oneness throughout my life as a spiritual seeker. It has frequently been difficult to see myself in the reflection of white America. My spiritual walk asks me to take responsibility for my creations, all of them. What does that mean? It means that I must ask myself, How do I participate in creations of racism in this nation? This is not an attempt to place blame in any one direction, but an opportunity to find solutions through responsibility.

Spirituality ultimately brings one back to the Self, with the understanding that, so within as without. Because everything is truly energy, our inner frequency creates our outer reality. It cant lie or be deceived. The mirror can only show you yourself. Whatever we experience in our lives is a direct reflection of our inner world.

Accordingly, forgiveness for a person on a spiritual journey is an act of self-love and understanding. We must forgive ourselves for what we perceive we are experiencing because we are in fact the co-creators of that experience.

Everything we experience that is unlike goodness, love, and joy is sourced in a loss of memory. We have forgotten our natural states of being and therefore keep generating painful and traumatic experiences to get our attention and help us awaken and remember ourselves. The problem or disconnect occurs when we focus our attention solely on the outer experience as victims rather than the inner reality as co-creators.

Self-knowledge is the pathway to the deepest freedom because it allows us to identify the belief systems and practices that keep us in a cycle of pain. For years, I watched myself play in fields of negative and self-loathing thoughts and behaviors. These negative patterns didnt start with me, but were passed to me through my family lineage, in the form of addiction, abuse, and mental and emotional health issues. The responsibility of healing, however, rests with me, because I was the one who was curious enough to explore the negativity, and I was the one that was interested in learning how to heal it. It meant being willing to throw away nearly every tool my family had given me to cope.

The moment I began considering the black American experience through a spiritual lens my resistance started melting away, and I realized this is the process my soul created to help me wake up to my divine nature. I believe this is true for all people, but Ive experienced that one must be curious and willing to do the inner excavation in order to reconcile the inner self with the outer manifestation. Always, we must accept, rather than fight against, or reject, or alter, what is. Such acceptance is a required tool if we are to grow toward the freedom that we desire.

Forgiveness is needed until its not any longer. Until we spend more time focused on how we co-create our reality and less time looking to where we can assign blame, forgiveness is the key to unlock our inner chamber. Self-forgiveness is the process through where we consider the world and take responsibility for the hatred, separation and fear we perceive. Its as simple as that. I forgive myself for believing anyone out there has greater power in my life than I do. I forgive myself for seeing anyone superior to me. I forgive myself for forgetting my divine sovereign nature. I forgive myself for co-creating painful experiences. I open myself to the original intention of my life and allow all that does not inspire me to fall away.

Join me each Wednesday at 7 a.m. PST on Rise with Monique Ruffin at 12radio.com", where my guest and I will explore spiritual solutions to the many challenges we face during this transformational time in our country.

Continued here:

What Forgiveness Means for Black People - Huffington Post

This woman’s abortion story will challenge your beliefs no matter … – Religion News Service

No matter which side of the abortion debate youre on, Kassi Underwood will challenge your beliefs.

In her book, May Cause Love: An Unexpected Journey of Enlightenment After Abortion, she admits her abortion was emotionally painful, which pro-lifers will like. But she claims her abortion led to enlightenment and brought her closer to God, which sounds progressive. She grieved her abortion and the loss of her baby, which may resonate with conservatives. But she was guided through her grieving process by a Buddhist abortion therapist, which feelsprogressive.

Underwood doesnt seem to mind that her story makes both sides squirm because she doesnt even like there are sides. She believes that both the pro-life and pro-choice camps get things wrong and have caused damage by politicizing the issue. Here we discuss how her story overturns common myths, and why she believes abortion has a spiritual purpose.

RNS:What kinds of emotional wounds did abortion leave?

KU: I cant think of any emotional wounds abortion left; my pregnancy and abortion highlighted the wounds that had been with me since before I got pregnant. I could point to my childhood to explain where I came up with the ideas that caused me pain, but I take all the credit for making them up.

I made up the idea that I had to be sexually pure in order to be loved and that my primary purpose in life was motherhood. God is a cosmic matchmaker, always setting me up with painful experiences that contain the possibility of total healing. So I had an abortion and saw old emotional wounds and learned new tools for living. Thirteen years later, it seems God was saying, Hey, quit telling me my will for your life. You have no IDEA what I have in store for you. Truly, I did not and still dont.

Image courtesy of HarperOne

RNS:Why did you wait six years to start healing?

KU: I tried to start right away. I checked my colleges counseling center for a post-abortion support group, but no luck. So I read abortion poetry by Gwendolyn Brooks and Anne Sexton in my dorm and decided the only way to find support was to talk about it openly. I connected with the pro-choice messaging because I felt supported and understood to some extent. I rehearsed my story until the words seemed made of stone: I dont regret it. I feel good. It was hard. The end.

Three years later, my ex had a baby with someone else and named her the same name I had mentioned for the baby that we didnt have. I felt like Id been struck by lightning, but it wasnt acceptable to be pro-choiceandfeel devastatedandwonder whether Id made the right choice after all. It took three more years for the pain to motivate me to search for another way. I created a roadmap to recover my true experience and the possibility of a new life.

RNS: You say that American society often prevents healing after abortion. How so?

KU: The most obvious reason is that war isnt healing. My abortion happened nearly 13 years ago. I still hear people yelling the exact same slogans today: same fight, different decade. How many times have you turned on the television and watched a woman speak honestly about her abortion with no political agenda? Or a woman talking about self-discovery after abortion?

We have cultural trauma around this. Thats why its so hard for people to talk about and hear new ideas about abortion, why people tune out discussions or nervously change the subject. Many offerings for support after abortion are fraught with political intrusions or people assuming to know exactly why we are suffering, what will make us feel better, and what our opinion of abortion should be when we leave. Whats missing is space for authentic conversations and deeper examinations of our experiences in the context of our entire lives and our culturewith the possibility of being happy and free.

RNS:What role does grief play in healing?

KU: To be healed is to be freed from fear. Grief is the tunnel we walk through to release fear. As I write in my book, a Buddhist therapist for abortion named Ava Torre-Bueno gave me a crash course in grief. All death involves loss. All change involves loss. My abortion was a loss. But heres what Ava said that got me: all choice involves loss.

Regret and what ifs are defense against grieving. Per Avas suggestion, I started a grief practice of allowing feelings for 30seconds per day. The tunnel of grief ends. A brilliant new reality is on the other side. Im finished grieving my abortion, plus Im pretty good at grieving on the spot. I can go straight to sobbing, then Im done.

RNS:You say that abortion has a spiritual purpose. What do you mean by this?

KU: I cant claim to know the spiritual purpose of abortion for the entire American family, but I have a hunch that its here to bring us closer to God, both as individuals and as a community. The way I understand it, my relationship with God is no different than my relationship with you. On the spiritual plane, theres no difference between you, me, God. On the physical plane, big difference. On the spiritual plane, no difference. No separation.

It is my contention that the manifestation of any extreme also contains the possibility of bringing its opposite to fruition. So its worth considering that if abortion contains the potential for tearing our country apart a potential that has been fully realized at this point then it also contains the potential for powerful human connection. Understanding the collective spiritual purpose of abortion is something we will all have to learn together, as soon as enough of us have decided that war doesnt work. The question is, when will we begin?

Kassi Underwood is the author of May Cause Love: An Unexpected Journey of Enlightenment After Abortion

RNS:Your subtitle is about enlightenment after abortion. What do you mean by that word and how is it connected to your story?

KU: Enlightenment means compassion. Compassion means to suffer with. Before my pregnancy, Id judged people whod had abortions, so when I found out I was pregnant, I vowed never to judge again. That lasted approximately two milliseconds.

The story I tell in my book is a series of moments in which I judged people and then realized:Im just like them.I am literally suffering with them. I write about visiting a Roman Catholic retreat run by pro-life protestors, where I spent the weekend in a state of badly hidden rage. I was judging them for judging me. Talk about suffering with. I had judgments I didnt even know I had.

I felt compassion for the baby all along, it was a large part of why I chose abortionthere were elements of my life to which I did not want to subject another human being. But I still worried. It was amazing to realize, ultimately, that the baby wasnt suffering. I was. I had chosen to suffer. I made up the idea that this spirit-baby might not forgive me, as if it were sitting in therapy sessions in the afterlife, talking about how Id screwed it up. Once I realized this nonphysical entity wasnt blaming me for the way Id handled three nightmarish weeks in 2004, I felt that it had compassion for meor maybe I finally had compassion for myself.

RNS:How do you classify your views politically: pro-life, pro-choice, or something else?

KU: I want you to know how much I appreciate that you asked. I do have a political view, but I dont have a name for it. I think well look back on the abortion war as one of the greatest embarrassments in human history and an incredible source of pain for so many people. I hope well realize that the media story being told about abortion is not in agreement with reality.

Women have had abortions throughout recorded history, dating back to 2500 B.C.E. Jesus never said the word. When the United States made abortion illegal from 1867 to 1973, the rate remained approximately the same as today. Not everybody whos had an abortion wanted one. Many women feel fine after, yet many suffer greatly.

Theres much more to say, but a poster that hung on my apartment wall the year after my abortion sums it up: We will meet, all of us women of every land, we will meet in the center, make a circle, we will weave a world web to entangle the powers that bury our children.

RNS: Your experience with abortion is not like the typical story told bythe media. How so?

KU: I think every experience with abortion is unique. I just tried to be honest.Historically, the pro-choice and pro-life movements haveused people whove had an abortion to market what theyre selling. The pro-lifers sign reads, I regret my abortion; while the pro-choicers sign says, I dont regret my abortion. Its all very high school cafeteria: pick a lunch table or sit alone. Thats a tough place to be after an abortion.I had to get scary-depressed to admit that my experience was bigger than the story I allowed myself to tell.

See original here:

This woman's abortion story will challenge your beliefs no matter ... - Religion News Service

‘Orchards End’ Owner To Seek Commercial Space for Expanded Wellness Program Launched at Oenoke Ridge Home – New Canaanite

Saying the immediate popularity of a holistic wellness program she had intended to offer only friends on her own property has prompted her to develop the idea further, the founder of Orchards End Health told officials she will not pursue a special permit to operate at her Oenoke Ridge Road residence.

Instead, Elsa Sykes told town officials in a formal letter sent Friday that she is actively seeking a location that will allow clients to experience a comprehensive program.

I am pleased with the private sanctuary I created with my personal wellness center and it will be an amazing journey creating an environment that provides these essentials for a health to a larger audience, she said in a Feb. 10 letter sent to the town planner, Planning & Zoning enforcement officer and Health Department sanitarian following a site visit last week.

The fact that the chain of events has forced me to pivot and rethink where to focus the growth of my program is potentially a good thing. By not seeking a home-based business special use permit, and instead looking to obtain commercially zoned space, I will be able to help more people in our community and draw people looking for such an experience from anywhere. As excited as I was to share the program with a small group of individuals by invitation only, I am even more excited about helping anyone that comes to me seeking to improve their health and enrich their life through natural foods and mind, body and spiritual enlightenment.

P&Z commissioners discussed the operation briefly and in general terms at a public meeting two weeks ago, after an anonymous complainant brought it to their attention. An attorney retained by Sykes said at first that a special permit application would be filed with P&Z on her behalf.

Yet Sykes now said she intends to take what shes developed so far and use her website as a launchpad for a streaming, subscriber model health and wellness program, she said in the letter.

The program Im creating includes videos, coaching webinars, a wellness journal I created, and a blueprint for creating a holistic lifestyle no matter where you live.

So many people are run down, overwhelmed and stuck, Sykes said in the letter. They know things need to change but arent quite sure where to beginall that we have to juggle and fit in to our lives can be completely overwhelming. My program is designed to help people achieve successful transformation by eliminating the body of toxic food and toxic thoughts. By changing old patterns of thinking while ridding the body of harmful substances, people can manifest results faster and obtain and sustain a holist lifestyle. If you dont heal the inside, you cant heal the outside.

Though she never intended to create a center at her home that would be open to the public, the popularity and success of our program among friends coupled with the launch of my website sparked allegations that we were a commercial venture, Sykes said.

I take responsibility for this, however, that fact still stands that I have not operated in the past, nor do I want to in the future, run a public spa out of my home property.

She referred to someones anonymous complaint that appears to accuse Sykeswronglyof failing to obtain building permits for a renovation of outbuildings on her 6.26-acre property.

The Jan. 23 complaint letter, signed A Concerned Neighbor, said: They are conducting a Day Spa with yoga, a UV infrared sauna, food prep classes and even massages. As a neighbor who lives nearby, and one who has renovated my own home by first obtaining a building permit, I thought you should know about their activities. I hope you will look into this, inspect the property and make sure everything is on the up and up.

Sykes in her letter thanked the town officials for visiting her property and for their support in helping to dispel rumors about activities there.

My husband and I love it here in New Canaan and we thoroughly enjoyed restoring our home, Sykes said.

In case you wondered about the name Orchards End for our wellness program it came from my search through records at the Historical Society. According to the records, the original manor was named Orchards end and was built between 1927-1929 as a summer house for Rush Taggart, chief counsel for Standard Oil, and associate of Lewis Lapham, the owner of Waveny. Like Waveny, Orchards End was designed by William Tubby, who also designed Greenwichs Dunnellen Hall and New York Citys five Carnegie Libraries. Also like Waveny, in spite of the Jacobean styling, Orchards end used modern construction (masonry over a steel frame) in conjunction with brick and limestone to give it a true country estate feel.


'Orchards End' Owner To Seek Commercial Space for Expanded Wellness Program Launched at Oenoke Ridge Home - New Canaanite

Economism Dampens The Revolutionary Spirit Of Marxism – South Asian Link

By Dr. Sawraj Singh

We were in the Periyar National Park in Kerala taking the early morning boat trip. We met two young German girls. They told us that they were doing doctorate in philosophy in a German university. We invited them to join us for breakfast in our hotel. We started talking about Marxism. They told us that the biggest reason for the set back to Marxism in Europe was that for all practical purposes, Marxism was limited to economism and had lost its human aspect. They felt that only 50% of Marxism was economics and the other 50% was focused on alienation of people brought by capitalism. Once Marxism was reduced to only economism, it lost its revolutionary spirit and became ineffective. I was surprised to see these girls in their twenties understand Marxism better than many seasoned Marxists in Punjab. I was addressing a group of intellectuals in Ludhiana, the biggest city in Punjab. I was talking about fusing Marxism with Sikhism so that we can find some common ground between the two major intellectual groups in Punjab, the Marxists and the Sikh intellectuals. A university professor said that he has twenty five Marxist friends. All of these friends settled their children in America. He said that he had to conclude from this that American capitalist system works better than Marxism and Marxism has failed. I answered that it is not Marxism but the Marxists who have failed. They have not grasped the essence of Marxism which is revolutionary humanism. Marx and Engels were dedicated humanists who were very concerned about the degradation and the dehumanization brought about by capitalism. They presented their theory as a solution for the degeneration of the society as well as of the human relations and the human values as a result of the unbridled greed of capitalism. Some of our comrades have become great admirers of the western capitalism for keeping the western cities so clean and for maintaining law and order. However, Marx and Engels were living in the nineteenth century Europe. There are some written accounts about the filth in the European cities at that time. One could not walk through those cities without soiling ones shoes with human excreta and urine. As far as the respect of the law and order shown by the capitalists at that time, again there are some accounts about the capitalists hiring goons and bullies who herded the people and forced them to work in their factories without any compensation and without providing any living accommodation to these people. These people lived on the street and used the roads as toilets. We can get some idea about this phenomenon by looking at the railway tracks in some of the Indian cities where people still use them as toilet facilities. The railway lines were not available in the earlier part of the nineteenth century in Europe as the railways came to Europe in the later part of the nineteenth century. Because of these unsanitary conditions in Europe, epidemics of infectious diseases were very common at that time. It was the result of the struggle by the working class that the capitalists agreed to provide basic amenities to the workers. This struggle was inspired by the ideas of thinkers like Marx and Engels. However, the capitalists cleaned the people only physically. Mentally, people have become more polluted. They are more selfish, greedier, more impatient, more intolerable and more arrogant. Their physical health might have improved? Their mental health has become much worse. Fear, insecurity and anxiety are hall marks of capitalism. All these push people to depression. Depression is so prevalent in capitalist system that it is hard to find a person who has no symptom of depression at all. We only call those people depressed whose depression is so severe that they are having difficulty to cope with it. There are many more who are somehow coping with their depression, with medications or with homemade remedies. Besides antidepressants, people are using sleeping medications and anti anxiety medications. Out of the home made remedies, alcohol is the most commonly mistakenly tried for depression. Actually, alcohol is a depressant and makes depression worse. Alcohol is becoming very popular in the Punjabi community and is widely abused to cope with stress. Many Punjabi women in the western have also started drinking alcohol. Even in Punjab it is no longer a rarity to see women drinking. I have personally witnessed many tragedies, both in North America and Punjab, when alcohol was consumed to fight depression. Some Marxists or pseudo Marxists have either mistakenly or deliberately distorted Marxism and reduced it to economism. However, the Sikh philosophy is very clear that material wealth alone cannot bring happiness. According to Sri Guru Granth Sahib, if you have too much material wealth then you live in the fear and anxiety of losing it and if you do not have enough then you wander around to get it. True happiness comes from a balanced state. True happiness cannot be obtained by collecting more wealth or by watching dances and plays (entertainment), or by increasing your land and property. True happiness comes by singing praises of God (spiritual enlightenment). In the present context we can include TV, movies, smart phones, computers and internet in the category of entertainment. However, the message of Sri Guru Granth Sahib will remain eternal that true happiness will come from a balance between the material and spiritual aspects of life.

Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at sawrajsingh@hotmail.com.

Originally posted here:

Economism Dampens The Revolutionary Spirit Of Marxism - South Asian Link

The Tao of Keanu Reeves, From ‘Whoa!’ to ‘John Wick’ – RollingStone.com

The appeal of Keanu Reeves philosopher, lover, martial artist, musician, motorcycle enthusiast, movie star is that he carries himself lightly, even in the movies that require him to turn from "cool breeze" (the Hawaiian translation of his first name, for those of you playing at home) to howling tempest. He's the type of guy who's had to deny being Buddhist, even though he's played the Buddha onscreen because it's just widely assumed that he would swing that way religiously. ("I haven't take refuge in the dharma," he has assured us.)

But there's always been a slight philosophical bent to his roles. He's "The One" in The Matrix because he's chosen, not because he has the ego to assert himself. His time-traveling stoner Theodore "Ted" Logan has learned the study of fundamental knowledge from some of the greats (literally). He's been photographed contemplating the meaning of the universe in a sandwich. And even in 2014's John Wick, playing a super-assassin haunted by his past, he's not big on material possessions. He would have lived alone in peace forever if Russian thugs had merely stolen his car instead of murdering his puppy for sport. You simply do not do that to even the most enlightened of men.

With John Wick: Chapter 2 bringing the reluctant warrior back into action this week (and letting him utter such platitudes as "The blade is in your aorta, pull it and you will die. Consider this a professional courtesy"), it's worth marveling at both the Taoist principles and more Westernized concepts that flow through his words of wisdom both in his interviews and some of his more mind-blowing bits of dialogue. The movies are Keanu. Keanu is the movies. Whoa.

On Women "It's always wonderful to get to know women, with the mystery and the joy and the depth. Men don't have that they just have really smelly underwear, or at least that's what I've found. Anyway, if you can make a woman laugh, you're probably seeing the most beautiful thing on God's Earth." via CBS News

"The correct term is Babes, sir." Point Break (1991)

"Oh you beautiful babes from England, for whom we have traveled through time: Will you go to prom with us in San Dimas? We will have a most triumphant time!" Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)

"I believe in love at first sight. You want that connection, and then you want some problems." via Entertainment Weekly

"Now we can record our love." Parenthood (1989)

"November is all I know, and all I ever wanna know." Sweet November (2001)

On Living Modestly "Money doesn't mean anything to me. I've made a lot of money, but I want to enjoy life and not stress myself building a bank account. I give lots away and live simply, mostly out of a suitcase in hotels. We all know that good health is much more important." via Hollywood-dot-com

"It's when you start doing things for free that you start to grow wings." My Own Private Idaho (1991)

"Every moment is precious. I'm trying to travel. I want to go to Paris. It's probably just a pipe dream. I'd like to read some books. Take some voice lessons." Interview Magazine

"To learn is to change. The path to enlightenment is in the middle way. It is the lie between all opposite extremes." Little Buddha (1993)

"I'm a meathead. I can't help it, man. You've got smart people and you've got dumb people." via The Guardian

"How great is it for you that I'm not intimidated by your brilliance?" Something's Gotta Give (2003)

On Living the Creative Life: "I was overwhelmed at what I had to do it was like, Oh, no! Can I do this? I was afraid. But Gus [Van Sant] and River [Phoenix] made me fit in. Said, Let's do one bitchin' movie." Interview Magazine

"I know I want to have truthful acting. Maybe that can turn into a truthful life." - Post-Gazette.com

"I guess if you collect some of those strings and hold them in one hand, it can tend to look like a bouquet." The Guardian, on asked if there was some Zeb theme guiding his career

"You're sayin' the FBI's gonna pay me to learn to surf?!?" Point Break (1991)

On Spirituality: "Do I believe in God, faith, inner faith, the self, passion, and things? Yes, of course! I'm very spiritual ... Supremely spiritual ... Bountifully spiritual ... Supremely bountiful." via The Daily Beast

"I have been born to reach Enlightenment and free all creatures from suffering." Little Buddha (1993)

"In The Bible, you lose. We're destined to lose, dad!" The Devil's Advocate (1997)

"Energy can't be created or destroyed, and energy flows. It must be in a direction, with some kind of internal, emotive, spiritual direction. It must have some effect somewhere I do think there must be some kind of interaction between your living life and the life that goes on from here." via AP/Today.com

"God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything." Constantine (2005)

"Vaya con dios." Point Break (1991)

"Catch you later, God!" Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (1991)

On Being and Nothingness "I'm Mickey [Mouse]. They don't know who's inside the suit." via Vanity Fair

"I can carry nearly eighty gigs of data in my head." Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

"You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?" The Matrix (1999)

"My body is." The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008), upon being asked if he is human

"Oftentimes, when we think of 3-D, we think of things coming out of the screen, but actually, you've got this zero, this negative space, what they call negative space, which is the scene, what's being filmed in the positive space of the audience. As you can have things come out, you can have all of this depth." via Collider

"I think your experiment just got a mind of its own." Chain Reaction (1996)

"I realized I didn't hate the cabinet door, I hated my life ... My house, my family, my backyard, my power mower. Nothing would ever change; nothing new could ever be expected. It had to end, and it did." A Scanner Darkly

"Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever." The Replacements (2000)

"It was just bottomless, man. You could go as far as you could go, you know?" - Interview Magazine

"Whoa." The Matrix (1999)

On Making a Good, Solid Kung Fu Movie "I want to make a good, solid kung fu movie. Good story, good plot but let's get some good kung fu going!" via MTV News

"You owe me a life." Man of Tai Chi (2013)

"I know kung fu!" The Matrix (1999)

On Being Back "People keep asking me if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back. [Pause] So you can either hand over your son or you can die screaming along with him." John Wick (2014)

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View post:

The Tao of Keanu Reeves, From 'Whoa!' to 'John Wick' - RollingStone.com

Grant distribution sets record high – Frederick News Post (subscription)

Delaplaine Foundation Inc. has announced its 2016 grant cycle concluded with the awarding of 120 grants to 114 nonprofit organizations for a record high of $1,435,000 in grants funded, marking the largest annual grant distribution in the foundations 15-year history, according to Marlene B. Young, foundation president and trustee.

We received applications with requests well in excess of $2 million during our most recent grant cycle. The board is pleased to note that with the nearly 200 applications that were received, we approved funding that resulted in 74 percent of dollars awarded going to qualified Frederick County nonprofits whose missions closely align with that of our Foundation. The foundation focuses on programs and projects that promote, the arts, health and human services, higher education, historic preservation and spiritual enlightenment. We are always looking for new, innovative programs that mesh with our mission in addition to supporting others that reinforce our long-term focus, Young said.

She noted that the foundation has awarded $12.3 million dollars in grant funding since its founding in 2001.

As a private philanthropic organization, we believe that we and other funders are uniquely positioned to make a profound difference by advancing community enrichment through promoting collaboration in identifying and meeting needs, first in our local community and then beyond, said George B. Delaplaine Jr., foundation chairman. We are committed to being a force for lasting impact through strategically focused grant funding.

Delaplaine Foundation has advanced the annual deadline for grant application submission to Oct. 1 for 2017.

For additional information, to submit a grant application, or to see a full list of organizations who have received funding from Delaplaine Foundation Inc., visit http://www.delaplainefoundation.org.

The rest is here:

Grant distribution sets record high - Frederick News Post (subscription)

A response to ‘Rukunegara as preamble’ – Malaysiakini – Malaysiakini (subscription)

I refer to the letter today Rukunegara as preamble - rectifying misconceptions by Chandra Muzaffar.

Dr Chandra Muzaffar is indefatigable in seeking the anchoring of the Rukunegara (RN) in the supreme law, by making it the preamble to the constitution.

Absolutely pointless, Doc!


First, Chandra Muzaffar refers to widespread fears that the Special Position of the Malays and East Malaysian Natives will be affected. He shows why those fears are ill-founded.

Surely a more fundamental issue is - why is it, 60 years after independence, there still is a need for any kind of discrimination for a particular ethnic group?

The five eminent judges in 1957 who were led by Lord Reid, felt a need for special assistance for the Malays then because they were obviously lagging behind the rest.

But today?

Next, why the perceived need to add the Rukunegara to the Federal Constitution to make the constitution a document that unites the people? No need to prattle on about sincerity, moan the cleavages in society, preach about a just society where wealth isnt equitably shared, as basic reasons why the Rukunegara should be grafted onto the constitution.

No need to fight to champion inclusion of the Rukunegara and to claim its going to transform Malaysia.

It wont! Only Dr Chandra Muzaffar would then be able to luxuriate in fantasies that hes achieved something late in his life.

No, no, you can be fairly certain that instead, making just one simple change to the constitution will immediately win the support of millions of Malaysians of all races. And help unify the nation as never before.

Here it is: add three little words: based on need before the relevant clauses of Article 153.

This would appropriately correct the Federal Constitution lovingly crafted 60 years ago by those five foreigners and then extensively amended by our Parliament over the years. Prof Shad Faruqi, Emeritus Prof of Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) Malaysia, once estimated no less than 600 amendments had been made since independence.

This proposed change would have the effect of excluding already affluent bumiputra from any affirmative action.

Is that so terrible?

And think of the soul. Isnt it spiritually enriching to abstain from demanding rights that your country provides because they say the people need it when you already know you personally dont?

I believe that many voluntarily do not demand special privileges because they are already wealthy. Such are indeed well on the way to spiritual enlightenment.

According to statements made, the vast majority of bumiputras still need affirmative action of this kind.

Very well, continue it but only for those who need it!

Logical conundrum

You see, there is a logical conundrum here.

Those people who say the Malays need it seem to point to some mythic, congenital, DNA-type neediness. They cannot get away from using the word need but shrink desperately from any refinement or definition of said need.

It is always couched in terms of a blanket need, as if all Malays, every bumiputra on the face of the globe, is afflicted by this undeterminate virus of need. Doesnt that mean neediness is in their DNA? Not true!

Why this timidity over naming the thing? Any economist worth his salt will be readily able to define economic need, perhaps in terms of household income or personal income, or personal immovable assets like a home.

Of course, if such a change ever gets off the ground, the appropriate definition of economic need will have to be framed by a committee of experts.

We have no shortage of noted economists such as Prof Kamal Salih (who co-authored the UN-commissioned 2013 Malaysia Development Study) Dr Terrence Gomez, Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Prof Danny Quah (Prof of Economics at the LSE till 2016) Dr Munir Majid, and well-known sociologist Dr Loo Cheng Ghee, among others. We have got the brains but we unfortunately put them to use, if at all, to support kleptocrats.

What does this mean in terms of numbers? Assume 90 percent of bumiputras are in the needy category, based on this new definition. The definition might be a simple one such as currently used for allocation of PR1MA housing or Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) handouts. Let's just say it's framed as Household income of RM 20,000 per annum or less.

The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has data on all those who pay taxes and so they can be a good source of statistics of bumiputra income.

Excluding foreigners, the Statistics Dept 2013 population projections estimates that there are about 28.5 million citizens, of which approximately 67 percent are bumiputra. If 90 percent qualify, under this new definition, that means (0.90 X 0.67 X 28,500,000) or 17,185,000 bumiputras will qualify for continued so-called affirmative action under Article 153.

But, more importantly, a smaller number of (0.10X 0.67X 28,500,000) or 1,909,500 bumiputra whose income exceeds that minimum threshold, will no longer qualify. Those non-qualifying bumiputra will have to join the 10 million other citizens, mainly all the Indians and Chinese, who have never received such consideration anyway.

Virtuous cycle

What this would mean is that a virtuous cycle would be set up:

1. The available amount of state aid would now be distributable over a smaller group of truly needy bumis, therefore the benefits would be targeted better and each could receive more.

2. The resentment felt by non-bumiputra would be greatly diminished because their taxes were now being distributed in a more equitable and transparent manner. Social engineering will continue based on need, and not only on race, which has been a divisive factor for years.

3. Ninety percent of all bumiputra would experience no changes whatsoever in relation to their entitlement to special privileges; they truly need it and would continue to receive it. Thus, no social disruption would occur as a result of having a transparent, widely disseminated index of need

4. Affluent bumiputra, used to getting benefits based only on race, will need to work a little harder to maintain their standard of living. In effect, they will have to work as hard as the non-bumiputra have been doing all along, which should also help improve Malaysias productivity.

5. The 1.9 million bumiputra who have already reached a higher standard of living will have to modify many aspects of their usual ways of doing business. Many will already be competitive, driven individuals, because by now, there are hundreds of thousands of well-qualified bumiputra engineers, neurosurgeons, architects, economists, bank officers, actuaries, doctors, graduate teachers and so on.

But there are also thousands of bumiputra politicians, mostly in the ruling parties, for whom agitating for continuing privileges as they are, politicising anything that changes the most minute aspect of a discriminative system based on racial exceptionalism, is all they know how to do. They cannot think out of the box! But the world is changing faster and faster and will not wait for anyone.

Its a travesty to base a system of social re-engineering solely on race and then, to fight fiercely for its maintenance and brand those who propose a review as having seditious tendencies.

We must bite the bullet.

We owe this, firstly, to the truly poor and disadvantaged bumiputra because they are being ill-served by a system that has inevitably been corrupted while pretending to defend them.

In this tentative analysis, I used a figure of 1,909,500 bumiputra whose household income might theoretically exceed a nominal figure of RM 20,000 per annum. The actual cutoff point must be determined by collective, sincere efforts by a team of experts and then by a preferably bipartisan council of politicians and others. But the principle remains, whatever particular numbers are finally adopted - to have a rational basis for helping bumiputra based on economic need.

If it can be implemented, then it also addresses the often unfair assertion about bumiputra - that they got where they are because of special privileges.

This approach, to me, seems to make more sense than merely incorporating the Rukunegara into the constitution and believing that everything will work out well.

We have to face our devils, confront them and pool our collective intelligence and energies to fight them.

And yes, we can!

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A response to 'Rukunegara as preamble' - Malaysiakini - Malaysiakini (subscription)

Angelos & Barry, comedy review: A ramshackle hour of quirky laughs – Evening Standard

There are double acts and then there is Angelos and Barry, who take the two-hander concept in bizarre directions in this smutty, nutty onstage spin-off of the fictional duos podcast.

Barry from Watford is a wheezy 82-year-old who is trying to persuade the nation to join his new power generation and find spiritual enlightenment. Angelos Epithemiou, best known as the scruffy scorekeeper from Shooting Stars, is currently his only disciple. Not surprising as this deluded geriatric guru has a habit of half-masting his trousers to scratch his psoriasis.

It takes time to tune into their wavelength, but if you succeed there is plenty to relish here. The nearest comparison is probably early Little Britain, before Lucas and Walliams sandpapered away their rough edges.

The most accessible moments are when these mismatched misfits wryly reference old school humour, channeling Kenneth Williams or delivering oddly sentimental vaudevillian ditties. There is also some risky audience participation trying to find a date for unlikely sex addict Angelos which hit paydirt on press night.

Full credit to seasoned performers Dan Renton Skinner (Angelos) and Alex Lowe (Barry) who leave their dignity at the door and make their fetid creations strangely believable. You may not want to sign up to their cult but if you like your laughs on the quirky side you may enjoy an hour in their ramshackle company.

Until Feb 18, Soho Theatre;sohotheatre.com

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Angelos & Barry, comedy review: A ramshackle hour of quirky laughs - Evening Standard

If I Could Do It All Over Again, I’d Probably Have A Few Possessions – The Onion (satire) (blog)

When I think back to my time on earth, I have few regrets. The path I took, the simple life of a monk, allowed me to achieve the highest state of enlightenment. As one who renounced worldly attachments, I was free to lead a contemplative existence and to then share my wisdom with others. That said, I have to admit that if I were to do it all over again, I would probably choose to have at least a few possessions.

Not too many, of course. Maybe 10 possessions20, tops.

To be sure, desiring earthly possessions only binds one to this life, and all beings must free themselves from the shackles of materialism to reach nirvana. Thats why, if I were to have a few belongings, Id limit them to just some essentials: a fan, perhaps, to cool myself with, or a candle, so I could continue my study of ancient texts when the sun goes down. Its not as if owning a candle wouldve halted my spiritual awakening. How could it? Its just a candle, right?

Ive always said that it is not objects themselves but our unwavering devotion to them that stands in the way of karmic progress and, ultimately, true awakening. With that in mind, I cant help but wonder if it really wouldve been such a big deal if Id had a pen or two to write withnot coveting pens or obsessing over them or anything like that, just having a reliable writing implement thats great for copying down spiritual insights. If I lost the pen, Id be absolutely fine with that, but theres nothing about being liberated from the stranglehold of temporal attachment that says I shouldnt be able to make a mark on a piece of paper.

And come to think of it, a canteen wouldve been a huge help. I probably wouldve attained perfect enlightenment soonera lot soonerif I hadnt had to stop meditating beneath the Bodhi tree and walk to the river Niranjana every single time I got thirsty.

I understand, perhaps better than anyone, how vital meditation is to finding the freedom that awaits us at the end of the eightfold path. And you know what wouldve made meditating a hell of a lot easier? A tent. Nothing big or ornate, just a humble cloth shelter to help keep the rain and wind off my body. Its not as though a tent wouldve stopped me from teaching my disciples to forsake earthly things. I would just say, Dispossess yourself of all things, except a tent. And maybe a blanket. Pillows, an obvious worldly luxury, would be forbidden.

Oh, you know what else wouldve been great? A tea kettle. I would have killed for a tea kettle.

A sweater or a jacket really wouldnt have been the end of the world either, and theres also a lot to be said for a decent pair of shoes. And what harm would there have been in having, say, a flute? Itd be nice to unwind with some music at the end of a long day of rigorous reflection. Again, Im talking about very modest possessions here. Nothing you couldnt easily fit in a satchel, which, yes, wouldve been nifty as well.

How about a little carving of a monkey? Honestly, I think it wouldve been fun to have had that to look at from time to timea wooden one, nothing carved from precious stones or anything. I cant imagine not being able to break free from the eternal cycle of death and rebirth because of a tiny monkey figurine, can you?

If Im being completely honest, its not just the lack of possessions I regret. I also probably spent way too much of my time on earth meditating. Just sitting there on the hard ground doing nothing but pondering the infinite day after day when there are so many wonderful things to see and do in the world. I couldve meditated just once a week and probably been perfectly fine. What a waste. I lived 80 years, and frankly, I blew it. I should have just tried to enjoy myself.

Seriously, why suffer?

See original here:

If I Could Do It All Over Again, I'd Probably Have A Few Possessions - The Onion (satire) (blog)

Onam Indian Incense Sticks has been featured in Mr. Checkout What’s Hot Catalog for Direct-Store Delivery … – Digital Journal

Here are just a few of our most popular 9" - 14ct packages.

Onam Incense sticks are pleasantly smooth and slow burning, all natural and are available in a vast array of aromatic fragrances. Our products are available in a full range of sizes and package quantities. Onam is an Award winning manufacturer and exporter of Incense stick, with a history of over 80 years experience in the industry. The Onam brand is distributed all across India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and now expanding to the U.S.A...

Prepare to be mesmerized by the mystique of India!

Introducing Onam, one of Indias foremost pioneers and award winning manufacturers of Incense sticks!

We are very excited to announce the entry of our products into the United States market. Onam, is a family owned incense manufacturer originally founded in 1932 and, after many years, with the relentless passion of perfecting our craft, we created the Onam brand in 1972. Today Onam brand incense fragrances are very unique and are a premier industry player, with our products being sought out across India, Southeast Asia, The Middle East, Western Europe and South America.

The uniqueness of Onam products

Our unique, original and exciting fragrances developed in our in-house fragrance lab such as Vaishak, Black Pearl, Dark Angel, and Sindh, to name a few, are evocative of the mystical and ancient Indian rituals and multi-cultural celebrations.

Our relaxing and calming fragrances tap into the world of aromatherapy to be used for relaxation and rejuvenation for those practicing meditation, yoga and/or spiritual enlightenment.

Onam brings a vibrant range of fragrances devoted to the religious minded, with packaging customized to various faiths. For example, for the Christian community we have packaging for devotion to Jesus Christ, St. Jude, St. Joseph St. Michael and other saints. For the Hindu community, our incense packaging reflects Shiva, Ganesh, Durga, Saraswathi, Lakshmi and other deities.

Our contemporary range consists of floral and spice bouquets such as Lavender, Cinnamon, Rose, Musk, exotic Sandal and other fragrances.

Sustainable manufacturing process

We use eco-friendly manufacturing to produce incense sticks that are smooth, slow burning and made of all natural products - bamboo, natural grass, natural gum powder, charcoal, sawdust, essential oils and normal perfume grade material that are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. We have self-manufactured and patented counting machines developed through Onam Robotics and 90% of our packaging is fully mechanized, packaging 1.5 million sticks per day and expanding.

Onam is the proud recipient of multiple National awards for excellence, including, The A.R. Bhat Entrepreneurship Award (presented by the President of India) and numerous certificates of Merit for Outstanding Export performance.

At Onam, we dont rest on our laurels. We take great pride in our reputation, in our products and continually strive to better our product quality and range which is fired by our passion to infuse memorable and fragrant moments to customersone incense stick at a time!

Distributed by Publicly Related

Media Contact Company Name: Onam Agarbathi Private Limited Contact Person: Dale Thompson Email: reachdalethompson@gmail.com Phone: USA: 903-870-7984, India: +91 959-109-9886 Country: United States Website: http://mrcheckout.net/onam-indian-incense-sticks/

See the rest here:

Onam Indian Incense Sticks has been featured in Mr. Checkout What's Hot Catalog for Direct-Store Delivery ... - Digital Journal

Christ Consciousness: Why You Have The Same Capabilities As Jesus – Collective Evolution

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Religion tends toencourage hierarchy and praise. Christians, for example, look up topriests and they pray to Jesus Christ and God. Now, dont get me wrong prayer can be a wonderful tool forfurther connecting with ourselves, and it can provide us withcomfort and guidance. However, seekinganswers outside the Self and froman external God is notnecessarilyempowering yourself.

What if I told you that you have the exact same powers within you as the character in the Bible Jesus Christ once did? If youlook at his teachings carefully, youll see that Jesus was in fact a Son of God and channelled God through himself. However, many Christians believe Jesus was theonlyson of God, which isnt true.

God is simply all that is, consciousness, source, oneness etc. Its what everything is made up of. Its not a higher power, it IS us. Thus, you too possess the same God-like capabilities as Jesus, and everyone else.

Christ consciousness is essentially another term for enlightenment. Itis the state of finding the universal truth by completing the Ascension process, in the same way Jesus Christ once did. While the biblical version of Jesus is likely not true to form, since many of the stories were copied from thousand year old stories,its likely he still existed, and was a great teacher for people.

According to the teachings ofPatanjali, Christ consciousness, or Samadhi, is the final step of the eightlimbs of yoga. It can be achieved through the other sevenlimbs, including meditation and complete withdrawal from the senses, which is referred to as Pratyahara.

If youve never meditated before, withdrawing from your senses may seem impossible. You may be thinking, We live in a three-dimensional world where we use our senses to function; theyre what make usus.

Well, Descartes once said, I think therefore I am, but I promise, if you silence your mind, you still exist. We know that our thoughts dont make us who we are, so couldnt the same be said for our senses?If youre blind or deaf, are you still you? The senses dont make youyoubecause its what lies within that truly defines us.

Simply put, the true essence of your being cannot be seen, touched, heard, tasted, or smelled because these are all third dimensional qualities. Youre a soul that incarnated into your body to have a human experience. Jesus Christ realized this and tried to share it with the masses.

However, the thirddimensional reality has numerous distractions that encourage us to look anywhere but withinfor our answers, which is exactly what many people did when they discovered Jesus powers, the same way that many people still do with religion. People started to praise him and still do, considering him somewhat of a deity and referring to him as the Son of God.

This isnt wrong; Jesus is God because we are all God. Yes, you were created by God, but for that same reason you are God. You dont need to look upwards to pray, but rather inwards. Jesus discovered this by connecting with the Divine, the same way we all can, too.

Numerous spiritual teachers today, likeEckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, and so on, encourage us torecognize the truth about religions. Theyre not as different as they seem, as they all encourage us to look inward and find the universal truth of our inherent divinity.

As Eckhart Tolle wrote, All religions are equally false and equally true, depending on how you use them. You can use them in the service of the ego, or you can use them in the service of the Truth. If you believe only your religion is the Truth, you are using it in the service of the ego. Used in such a way, religion becomes ideology and creates an illusory sense of superiority as well as division and conflict between people. In the service of the Truth, religious teachings represent signposts or maps left behind by awakened humans to assist you in spiritual awakening, that is to say, in becoming free of identification with form.

Recommended:The Christ Blueprint: 13 Keys To Christ Consciousness

Religions clearly provethat most of the global population want to believetheres something more than what we see in the thirddimension. Religion can provide people with hope that theres divinity outside this realm, and thats beautiful; however, real divinity also lies within us. Its when we start to let go of rigidity and disempowerment within religion that creates division and superiority that often feeds our egos, and instead recognize the basic teachings in all religions that can assist us in connecting.

Well get into some interesting notes about the Bible below, but first lets jump into some quotes.

This can be seen throughout christianity, as numerous devoted Christiansdont understand much of what the Bible says. For example, lets look at the following quote by Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

The me Jesus referred to isnt himself, but rather the Self within you. You dont find God through Jesus, you find Godwithin yourself. This is precisely what Jesus Christ did and what you can do, too, and this theme can be found all throughout the Bible.

John 10:30 reads: I and the Father are one. Ephesians 4:6 reads: One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. You are one with Source and one with all of your surroundings.

In Matthew 16: 24, Jesus says: If anyone wants to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. When Jesus told the people to deny themselves, he was referring to the illusion of the Self, or the ego. You are not your physical body, but rather the soul within. By denying it, you can access the real Self, the Christ consciousness.

St. Pauls understanding of the image of the cross in Galatians 2:20 reads: I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. St. Paul probablygrasped Christ consciousness, understanding that once enlightenment occurs there is no divisive sense of selfbut rather an intense connection to all beings and the Divine. The cross is merely asymbol of the human experience, one that is usedin many religions, of the figurative death we endure when we abandon the ego, which thenresurrects us and awakens us to our true Self, the Divine within.

Its important to note that its been speculated that a lot of information wasdeliberately omitted from the Bible or influenced by higher ups in the church. Its difficult to verify whether or not some of the quotes in the Bible were even from Jesus himself or if they were strategically added or edited by leaders at the time, specifically the Council of Nicea, to disempower their followers.

After all, if people realized that Jesus was simply preaching unconditional love andencouraging others to access the divine powers we hold within, how could the church continue to rule the people? Many believe that much of the language within the Bible that refers to the nature of Jesus relationship to God was actually created byConstantine, who took power over the Roman Empire in A.D. 306, and the Council of Nicea.

The Council of Nicea essentially decided to call Jesus THE son of God as opposed to simply a song of God. It was the council that decided tocreate this divide, not Jesus himself.

When you take a look at some of the overarching systems that influence society, like religion and government, its clear we wish to be led. Theres nothing necessarily wrong with this, as a good leader or mentor can help us accomplish great things. But when it comes to spirituality, I think that many of ususe leaders to distract usfrom our true spiritual nature.

This obviously plays a huge role in the Christian faith, as practitioners look to anillusory Godfigure for the answers instead of within. However, this can be seen throughout all religions and even within New Age spirituality.

Many people look up to monksand enlightened beings, seeking answers through them rather than through the Self. Within the New Age community, many people who feel that theyre on the path toward enlightenment may use spirituality to create division between themselves and those they feel are less spiritual than them.

Its clear that the true enemy here is division, that which we are not. Division plays such a prominent role in society, whether that be as a result ofpolitics,the media, religion, the ego, or whatever else. If we want to reach Christ consciousness, we need to see through the illusion of separatism.

Another way to help trigger the Ascension process is through information disclosure and knowledge. It is said that our DNA is like a library full of information waiting to be unlocked, whichcan be obtained through meditation or through the physical realm. Being fully conscious of your surroundings and yourselfwill raise your vibration and, through the law of attraction, allow you to come into knowledge when youre ready for it.

Many of us may have different definitions of enlightenment and Christ consciousness and thats perfectly fine. Using Earthly words to describe something so divine is a tall order anyway. Not everyone will attain Christ consciousness during this lifetime either, and thats okay, too. We all incarnate here for different purposes. Theres no one path toward enlightenment, so theres no point in worrying whether or not youll experience enlightenment during this lifetime. However, odds are that if youre reading this article, youre already on your way!

One of the biggest problems cancer patients face is that their doctors aren't telling them everything they need to know and patients don't know the right questions to ask.

Our friend (and 13-year cancer survivor) Chris Wark just finished creating a free guide for cancer patients and their loved ones called 20 Questions For Your Oncologist.

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Christ Consciousness: Why You Have The Same Capabilities As Jesus - Collective Evolution

Human spirit triumphs in ‘Tommy’ at the Warner – Connecticut Post – CT Post

Photo: Mandi Martini / Contributed Photo

Tommy will be performed at the Warner Theatre in Torrington, Saturday, Feb. 4, through Sunday, Feb. 12.

Tommy will be performed at the Warner Theatre in Torrington, Saturday, Feb. 4, through Sunday, Feb. 12.

Human spirit triumphs in Tommy at the Warner

Its a good thing it was the 1960s before video games when The Who was working on its iconic album, Tommy. The English rock bands famous tune, Pinball Wizard, just wouldnt have had the same ring to it, if it had been called Video Game Wizard.

Tommy, mostly composed by guitarist Pete Townshend, tells the tale of a deaf, dumb and blind boy who discovers hes a phenomenal pinball player. But it actually goes much deeper; Townshend has said he was inspired to write it by the teachings of Meher Baba, a spiritual leader who preached love and kindness.

That 1969 album went on to inspire a 1975 film and a 1992 Broadway musical. The stage show remains popular and will be performed at the Warner Theatre in Torrington Saturday, Feb. 4, through Sunday, Feb. 12. Sharon Wilcox is the shows director and choreographer.

Peter Townshends tale of a young boys journey from pain to triumph is the most electrifying evening of rock n roll ever to play in a theater, she said. After witnessing the accidental murder of his mothers lover by his father, who just returned from a German prisoner-of-war camp, Tommy is traumatized into catatonia, and as he grows, he suffers abuse at the hands of his sadistic relatives and neighbors.

Warner Theatre, 68 Main St., Torrington. Saturday, Feb.4-Sunday, Feb. 12. Friday, Saturday 8 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m. 860-489-7180, warnertheatre.org

As an adolescent, hes discovered to have an uncanny knack for playing pinball, and when his mother finally breaks through his catatonia, he becomes an international pinball superstar.

Wilcox said Tommy eventually succeeds in casting off his emotionally imposed handicaps, yet finds himself just as isolated, in the role of messianic hero to the youth of Britain and the world.

Tommy seeks to teach his fans about the revelations he had when he was blind revelations of spiritual enlightenment. He tells them they cant achieve it through drinking and getting high, but they want a quick fix. So the zillions who worshipped him, turn against him.

Tommy faces a hard but profound truth. He learns that only through himself not through his parents or his fans can he uncover his own value and purpose in life.

Wilcox said she considers herself very lucky because this is her second time directing Tommy. The first was at Thomaston Opera House back in 2005.

I had such a wonderful experience that first time, after gaining more directing experience over the past 12 years, I thought it was time to try my hand at it again and put what I have learned to good use, she said.

Discussing the challenges of this production, Wilcox said if theres one thing shes learned as a director, its, You are only as good as the cast you assemble. If you cast a show correctly, thats 90 percent of your job right there. In this case they needed three people to play Tommy at different ages, as well as ensemble members.

Our (present-day) Tommy is played by Noel Roberge, who incidentally was Drew Boley in Rock of Ages last February. He is an incredible singer and performer, and I think this music is suited perfectly to his voice. He shares the role with Brendan Harris, who plays Tommy at age 4, and Trevor Rinaldi, who plays Tommy at age 10.

Wilcox said anyone who is a fan of The Who and of classic rock music will enjoy this show. And anyone who loves musicals in general should see it because its a spectacle of lights, sound, dance, great music and fantastic singing voices.

However, she said, Tommy is not a show for kids because there are some exceptionally brutal scenes, such as Fiddle About (in which Tommy is molested by his Uncle Ernie), as well as a scene with Cousin Kevin (Tommys sadistic relative).

But they have to happen to Tommy in his journey, she said. He has to overcome them. Thats what makes great drama.

lkoonz@newstimes.com; Twitter: @LindaTKoonz

Read this article:

Human spirit triumphs in 'Tommy' at the Warner - Connecticut Post - CT Post

The truth about whether fads like goat and beer yoga are as daft as they sound – The Independent

Naked yoga. Yoga with goats and dogs. Yoga with beer. Yoga in a room so hot that parts of you that you didnt know existed are sweating. Before you feel like you have seen every variation on this ancient practice, another bizarre combination surfaces.

Yoga originated in North India some 5,000 years ago. So one might be excused for wondering how introducing a dog or a goat of a can of lager into the fold is necessary. Some would even argue that, particularly among Western teachers, turning yoga into a commercialised fad is culturally offensive.

But while yoga seems like a relatively simple practice, focused around breathing exercises and sturdily holding postures, its has a highly complex and varied history, explains Dr James Mallinson, a senior lecturer in Sanskrit and Classical Indian Civilisation at SOAS University of London, who recently co-write a book on the topic entitled Roots of Yoga.

As yoga is used by a range of cultures and religions, from Hindus to Buddhists and Jainists, there is no one correct or pure form of the exercise, he says. Although he is sceptical about modern updates.

What often gets lost is that the exercise was used as a means to an end. The moves prepare the body for being still and meditating for long periods of time. The ultimate goal is reaching enlightenment and nirvana. Some highly spiritual traditions of yoga claim that, along the way, a person can gain magical powers such as flying, shrinking and growing into a giant.

Other forms of yoga dont involve any postures at all.

The foundational texts of yoga, the yoga sutras, only mention seated postures for meditation. And even texts that list lots of postures find the one that works best are ones you must hold for hourson end so you can still your mind. Its not really about the body but about the mind," explains Dr Mallinson.

"Its such a big multifarious tradition you can find precedence for almost anything,"he adds.

Ritualistic traditions of the 6th century did include alcohol, to enable the mostadvanced and devoted yogis to become possessed by a super-powerful goddess. You should watch out. With beer yoga, you might get more than you bargained for, jokes Dr Mallinson.

However, most mainstream traditional Indian yoga prohibits alcohol, he adds, and combining the two could be viewed as offensive.

As for the involvement of four-legged friends, Dr Mallinson points to how master yogis were believed to have power over animals, and were depicted in the jungle peacefully beside lions and tigers. But thats not because animalsmakeyou feel good or because they are fluffy, he adds sarcastically.

There are other more esoteric physical techniques about stilling the breath and vital fluids of the body. For example khecari mudra involves putting your tongue above your palate and to taste the nectar of your immortality.

The most notable way that modern yoga has branched from its ancient roots is the focus on sculpting and preen the body.

Its not all about postures that are difficult and bendy, he stresses.

Asked whether yoga has been commercialised beyond all recognition, Dr Mallinson says he is open-minded to how people want to follow the tradition. But he adds he purposefully distances himself from new-fangledclasses. He predicts teachers in the future will go back to basics.

I think over the last 20 years yogahas mushroomed and people are becoming more self aware, particularly in America where it is growing faster. One valid criticism is that its currentlyrather selfishand narcissistic so people are adding a sociallycompassionatedimension and trying to combine it with social work.That would be a nice development: its not all about you, but trying to use a practice to develop compassion rather than make yourself beautiful.

Im wary of condemning things that make people relaxed, happy and peaceful. Yoga has acquired its own globalised momentum and nothing can be done to put that genie back in the bottle."

The rest is here:

The truth about whether fads like goat and beer yoga are as daft as they sound - The Independent

Satori – Wikipedia

Satori (?) (Chinese: ; pinyin: w; Korean: o; Vietnamese: ng) is a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding".[web 1] It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru.

In the Zen Buddhist tradition, satori refers to the experience of kensh,[2] "seeing into one's true nature". Ken means "seeing," sh means "nature" or "essence."[2]

Satori and kensh are commonly translated as enlightenment, a word that is also used to translate bodhi, prajna and buddhahood.

Satori is often used interchangeably with kensh.[2]Kensh refers to the perception of the Buddha-Nature or emptiness. According to some authors, kensh is a brief glimpse, while satori is considered to be a deeper spiritual experience.[citation needed]

Distinct from this first insight, daigo-tettei is used to refer to a "deep" or lasting realization of the nature of existence.[2]

According to D. T. Suzuki,

Satori is the raison d'tre of Zen, without which Zen is no Zen. Therefore every contrivance, disciplinary and doctrinal, is directed towards satori.

This view is typical of Rinzai, which emphasizes satori. The St school rejects this emphasis, and instead emphasizes "silent illumination" through the practice of zazen.

Satori is considered a "first step" or embarkation toward Buddhahood:

Ch'an expressions refer to enlightenment as "seeing your self-nature". But even this is not enough. After seeing your self-nature, you need to deepen your experience even further and bring it into maturation. You should have enlightenment experience again and again and support them with continuous practice. Even though Ch'an says that at the time of enlightenment, your outlook is the same as of the Buddha, you are not yet a full Buddha.

The student's mind must be prepared by rigorous study, with the use of koans, and the practice of meditation to concentrate the mind, under the guidance of a teacher. Koans are short anecdotes of verbal exchanges between teachers and students, typically of the Song dynasty, dealing with Buddhist teachings. The Rinzai-school utilizes classic collections of koans such as the Gateless Gate. The Gateless Gate was assembled by the early 13th-century Chinese Zen master Wumen Hui-k'ai ().

Wumen struggled for six years with koan "Zhaozhous dog", assigned to him by Yuelin Shiguan (; Japanese: Gatsurin Shikan) (11431217), before attaining kensh. After his understanding had been confirmed by Yuelin, Wumen wrote the following enlightenment poem:

A thunderclap under the clear blue sky

All beings on earth open their eyes; Everything under heaven bows together; Mount Sumeru leaps up and dances.

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Satori - Wikipedia

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Kundalini Yoga: An Awakening of Prana – New Delhi Times

By Dr. Pramila Srivastava

Yoga is as old as time and has remained intact for thousands of years in one form or another, despite the kingdoms falling and rising, and cultures coming and going. There are some yoga techniques that are for physical wellness and some help a person attain spiritual enlightenment through meditation. One such yoga that helps you meditate your way to spiritual enhancement and to attain the ultimate power is Kundalini Yoga.

Kundalini yoga is a system of meditation focusing on the release of the Kundalini energy. The objective of this technique is the awakening of the higher self by using the methods of Kundalini yoga; to disconnect with the selfish ego and get directed towards the proliferation of our positive thoughts for the divine light to enter our mind and soul in order to enlighten it. Kundalini is basically a spiritual energy or life force located at the base of the spine, which is usually conceptualised as a coiled-up serpent. It exists in our bodies with the chakras and nadis. It is right where our mental and emotional patterns, which make our existence, exist. There is an energy in our bodies, which keeps changing forms and that new form is known as Kundalini, which is synonymous to Shakti.

Once Kundalini is awakened, it means that we are beginning the journey towards God. When we awaken this energy, we let go of the self-ego and we let the higher power give us peace of mind. The awakening of Kundalini cleanses the soul and mind, and gives us a better understanding of the ultimate spiritual power. It helps us move from the root chakra to the crown chakra. Chakras are wheels along with prana (energy) that spread energy throughout the body. Kundalini helps in meditating and the process of meditation with an awakened Kundalini becomes effortless. At the first step of Enlightenment, only a few ropes are untangled and we are able to find our way to only the top chakra (Saharara), but with more frequent practice of meditation, more elements of the enlightenment process start to work, hence Kundalini connects us with the divine power and the experience becomes more heavenly.

Kundalini yoga helps to reconnect with the inner self by approaching every aspect of life with a strong sense of individual strength, which opens doors to new possibilities. Also, it inspires you from within to break the barriers that hold our personality down and gives clarity to see the world in a shining light. Kundalini Yoga brings the positive out of our bodies for the attainment of the enlightenment, but it can also bring the unconscious thoughts which can bring out the intense emotions that could directly affect our path to inner peace. Thus, it is always suggested that Kundalini yoga must be practiced under the supervision of an expert who can guide us through the process; but, once a person gets a hold of this technique he or she could easily pursue the path to the Divine. Kundalini Yoga can reawaken the nervous system which can help attain all the existent spiritual energies. If we follow the process of spiritual attainment, it can make us more exuberant, more compassionate towards others, more loving and passionate.

In a world full of negativities and challenges, there needs to be a solution which would help us get out of the vicious circle of life and Kundalini Yoga is one of those solutions. One can achieve the peace of mind and soul with appropriate guidance. One must make such practices a part of his or her life for the advancement of oneself and others.

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Kundalini Yoga: An Awakening of Prana - New Delhi Times

SOUND ‘ROUND: Queens of the club at the Super Bowl – Monitor


Madonnas first album released this century is likely her last great endeavor. After spending the previous decade selling sex and spiritual enlightenment to mixed results, the only thing shes peddling here is great tunes 10 of em lined up neatly in a row. The methodology is a familiar one for her. The softer, introspective side of Euro-rave meets dime store American dance hall. In short, its high art masquerading as disposable pop masquerading as high art masquerading as ... Producers Mirwais and William Orbit largely succeed in helping her play up the musical duality. Club-friendly anthems are given a worldly touch thanks to Arabic motifs, and symphonic flourishes gussy up a country-pop ditty so enthralling it makes Shania Twain sound like Maybelle Carter. No matter the mood or tempo, Madonna masters the material like the supreme shapeshifter she is. You always believe whatever act shes playing: whether its music for musics sake, relishing the joys of new romance or vowing to never sell out. Theres always a theatrical element with her, but here its one hell of a show. Thats not to say she doesnt mean what she says. The most enjoyable track drives home a universal ethos that nicely sums up her career: Dont tell me what to do. Yes, maam. GRADE: A

Key Tracks: Dont Tell Me / Music / What It Feels Like For A Girl


Madonna performed the Super Bowl XLVI halftime show at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis (New York Giants 21, New England Patriots 17). The set featured cameos from Nicki Minaj, LMFAO and Cee-Lo Green. But it was rapper M.I.A. who stole the show after giving the camera the middle finger. The NFL sought over $16 million in various fines, with both parties reaching a confidential settlement in 2014.


The purveyors of pop ditched her hyper-glam pretentions as soon as her infamous meat dress began attracting flies. Things have returned to normal, for now. A quick glance at the charts provides not one act whose offstage persona matches their musical smarts. Even Gaga has toned it down. What a shame. But it was never Stefani Germanottas cartoonish character that drew me in, rather a bag of unbeatable hooks that remains just as potent and pleasurable nearly a decade later. These eight songs comprise the second disc of her re-released debut and work just dandy on their own. The beats are heavy and mean enough to contain her Broadway sympathies and Gagas artistic vision is as focused as it has ever been. Much like her New York home, the music is a melting pot that borrows plenty from other subgenres, be it Hispanic flamenco, Brit pop or New Orleans swing. The great unifier is a steady thread of synth that brings her neo-noir daydreams to life. The subject matter is simpler but just as compelling boys that drive her crazy. Guilty parties include that bastard Alejandro and her old man. No coincidence the best song comes when she tires of their games and goes out dancing with Beyonc. Talk about one hell of a girls night out. GRADE: A-

Key Tracks: Telephone / Alejandro / Bad Romance


Lady Gaga will perform Sunday at the Super Bowl halftime show in Houston. Like every other modern act to take the stage, Gaga will be allotted a 12 minute set. This will be Gagas second time performing at the big game, however. She sang the national anthem before last years Super Bowl between the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers.

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SOUND 'ROUND: Queens of the club at the Super Bowl - Monitor

Optimus Prime is still being a dick in new Transformers: The Last Knight teaser – A.V. Club

Michael Bay seems to be hell bent on making it clear that his Transformers movies arent just about giant toys fighting other giant toys. For his latest entry in the franchise, The Last Knight, hes turned Optimus Prime into a real jerk, the kind who thrashes poor Bumblebee repeatedly. If we understand the previous teaser and poster, he became some kind of robo-evangelical between The Last Knight and Age Of Extinction. So, okay, enjoy your newfound spiritual enlightenment or whatever, Optimusjust dont be such a dick about it.

Mark Wahlberg and Anthony Hopkins watch this clash of titanium titans from a safe distance, which is probably for the best, since Optimus Prime doesnt seem to give a shit about anyone anymore. But maybe well learn it was all a clever ruse when the movie hits theaters in June.

Previous Coming Distractions Charlie Hunnams up a creek in the new Lost City Of Z trailer

Next Coming Distractions Check out an exclusive trailer for Johnnie Tos dazzling new thriller Three

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Optimus Prime is still being a dick in new Transformers: The Last Knight teaser - A.V. Club

Meet the wandering ‘monks’ who shun home comforts and even … – The Sun

After being declared ritually dead, many live seculded life of mediation and hashish smoking

THESE fascinating pictures give a glimpse into the lives of Nepals reclusive holy men known as Sadhus.

They have left all materialistic and sexual pleasures behind to live a life devoted to God.

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Their appearances vary from brightly coloured face paints, and decorations, to minimalistic practical clothing.

But they all represent the fundamental values and meanings of Hinduism.

Sadhus in Nepal are also well-known for smoking pot to gain a high level of meditation.

Danish photographer Jan Moeller Hansen visited the ancient capital city of Kathmandu between 2013 and 2016 and documented the mysterious holy wanderers.

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Chatting with a Sadhu is said to be either wildly puzzling or deeply insightful.

Most speak Hindi, only few speak English.

But if you now want to join these fellas you will have to do more than attend a language class.

First the trainee holyman undergoes religious instruction after cutting all ties with his former life.That means binning your smartphone or tablet.In fact you must own no luxuries at all.

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After waving goodbye to family and friends and the society they live in there is one more drastic step.

People becomeholymen after being declared ritually dead they even attend their own funerals.

They must then seek a guru to perform guruseva which means service and learn the ways of the Sadhu.

But then you have to decide which of the many sects in Nepal to join.

Each has their own rituals and rites of passage before allowing an individual to become a fully fledged Sadhu.

Women can also become Sadhus and are known as Sadhvi. There are less of them but they nonetheless well regarded and follow the same quest for spiritual enlightenment.

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Sadhus are a wandering group. They often take pilgrimages to numerous religious festivals around Nepal.

Most celebrated of all is the festival of Sadhus in Nepal called Shivaratri which honours the Hindu deity Shiva.

During this time visitors to the remote and mountainous country can see many Sadhus in Pashupatinath, which contains Nepals oldest and most revered Hindu temple.

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Originally posted here:

Meet the wandering 'monks' who shun home comforts and even ... - The Sun

Why Detox Diets Don’t Work – Paste Magazine

This new year is still fresh. But before we even get too deep into 2017, theres an important subject to talk about: Dont begin by falling victim to a detox because its a hoax.

As new years resolutions go, its common for many people to cleanse themselves and eliminate toxins from their bodies. But we humans already have two amazing organs that are doing this job for us: our liver and kidneys. The kidneys and liver are quite effective at filtering and eliminating most ingested toxins, says Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D of The Mayo Clinic. In fact, if you think that by ingesting digestive enzymes, shakes or laxative-based teas will help speed up this process, the reality is theres no scientific evidence to prove it does assist.

The Myth:

According to Christy Brissette, M.S., R.D., and President of 80 Twenty Nutrition, the idea of detoxifying and cleansing the body and mind is not a new concept it goes back thousands of years and is still part of many religious practices such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But unlike religious fasting to attain spiritual enlightenment, the detoxes we are exposed to are done in hopes of losing weight or ridding oneself of toxins weve accumulated over the holidays. It is why we often see a plethora of new or revised detoxes (sometimes advocated by the latest celebrity or influencer) that promise that youll feel better and get what is perceived as a reset button for the body to begin the new year refreshed and rejuvenated.

Whether you hear the terms cleanse or detox, Brissette explains that theyre used interchangeably: With a cleanse, it usually involves ingesting a special product to go with the diet, items such as juices, soups and even charcoal nowin the hopes that it will not only clean your insides but that it will also assist with weight loss. In fact, Brissette says that there is often this mentality that our body is dirty and that there is a buildup of toxins we need to eliminate. Moreover, Brissette says that detoxes continue to pique the interest of many people, even those who are not regular dieters, because of the claims that this method of cleaning is completely natural and quick.

The Truth:

The Placebo Effect Detoxes and cleanses that claim to be quick, effective and natural appear to work because of the placebo effect. Brissette explains, Firstly, youve adopted the mentality that youre going to eat healthy, so when you switch from heavy indulgences to salads, nuts and fibrous foods, youre going to feel betterregardless if youre on a cleanse or not. A detox plan will also tell you to cut out alcohol, refined sugars and junk food. Any time you eliminate any of these foods, youre obviously going to feel less fatigued and have more energy. In actuality, the detox has nothing to do with you feeling better. Its just a matter of supporting what your body needs: healthy food and water.

Purging Fat From The Body The myth that your body is congested from all the fatty and rich foods consumed over the holidays doesnt exist. Brissette says that there is no evidence or research to prove this is true. Your liver and kidneys are natural filters. You dont need to clean them. If anything, we need to focus on healthy eating year-round.

Detoxes Are NOT Safe More dangerous is the fallacy that natural detoxes are safe. Oftentimes detoxes and cleanses will encourage a low-calorie diet along with the consumption of special herb shakes, laxative teas and other supplements. But this can cause more harm to your body than help it. Brissette says that if you use laxative-based products for an extended period of time, your body will begin to rely on them for bowel movement. Brissette also notes that overconsumption of laxative teas is not only stressful on the digestive system, but that youll also be dehydrated and lose electrolytes, sodium and potassium. The latter two are essential for regulating your blood pressure and heart rate. In extreme cases, if you lose too much sodium and potassium as a result of diarrhea or dilution (via excess consumption of fluids), you can actually suffer or even die from a cardiac arrest. Brissette advises that before considering any form of dieting or detox, you should always consult your physician or a dietitian.

Losing Weight And/Or Fat Despite celebrity endorsements and faux-doctors claiming that the miracle of a detox will assist with weight loss, the reverse is actually true: youll gain weight. You wont lose weight or fat, even though it may seem like you are. In fact, these individuals are most likely depleted of essential nutrients and proteins. This results in decreased muscle mass and a slower metabolism because your body thinks it has entered a state of starvation and is now trying to conserve calories rather than burn them off. Inevitably, doing this kind of detox will make you ravenous. When you succumb to your cravings and overeat, the now slowed metabolism will cause you to gain extra weight, and as a result, youll be heavier than when you began.

Realistic Practices For Good Health:

We all lead busy lives and have respective game plans to manage the chaos, so the same mentality should be adopted when it comes to our eating habits. But this doesnt mean obsessive calorie counting or shortcut detoxes which make unrealistic promises. Generally speaking, the pressure of a new years resolution is a fast-track to failure. Whats more realistic is small sustainable changes overtime, which will result in long-term, positive effects. Always strive to eat fiber-rich foods such as beans and lentils, healthy protein such as almonds and complex carbs such as whole grain bread and pasta.

How To Eat Well: Its easy to fall into mindless eating traps; from social engagements to working at your desk, the first step is to have an awareness of what youre putting into your mouthto chew and savor your food. And if you are constantly plagued with distractions, Brissette suggests keeping a simple food journal that tracks not only what you eat but notes when youre most hungry. This way, youll be ready and have a quality snack on hand, such as walnuts or almonds. This will not only prevent that 3pm energy lull, but you wont be tempted to make a trip to the coffee shop or vending machine for that cookie or bag of chips. Whether you like to snack or have several small meals a day, Brissette advises the following: Structure eating times around your schedule. And dont go more than 4 hours without eating something; otherwise, you may fall victim to a hunger attack and eat anything in sight.

Eating Healthy Should Not Mean Suffering: Eating should always be a joyful and pleasurable experience. Anything fat-free, low-fat or low carb will not offer satiation. Brissette explains: For instance, if youre having a salad for lunch, opt for full-fat dressing made with olive oil. Not only will this healthy fat keep you satisfied, but it will aid in the absorption of the leafy greens and vegetables youre eating.

Rather than succumb to the extremes of fad detoxes that can put your body into shock and make you miserable, Brissette endorses her 80/20 rule: 80 percent of the time, eat whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans and lentils; and 20 percent of the time, allow yourself that splurge on your favorite beer or burger.

Trust the wisdom and design of your body; thank your liver and kidneys for a job well done, and for the new year, try Brissettes mindful method of eating and avoid being ensnared by a detox trap.

Tiffany Leigh is a Toronto-based food, travel, and science writer.

Read this article:

Why Detox Diets Don't Work - Paste Magazine