By Jafree Ozwald
To experience enlightenment right now, takes absolute total surrender to What Is. The natural basic pure simple Isness of existence. To experience this, start with letting go of all efforting to get somewhere better than here now, and start playing like a curious kid again. What is here now is the God Source, what could be better than that?
Deep curiosity will bring you closer to enlightenment. You have to drop the mind however somehow. You already have unlimited divine potentiality and exquisite imagination happening inside the mind. Use the mind, just dont be used by it. Let your mind fly free. Fly along beside it. Yet do not get attached to any feeling, thought or desire. Only then you can know true freedom and truly be the master of your mind.
The greatest cosmic joke of all is this. On the deepest level of existence, your unlimited presence is already divine, it is already abiding in The Highest Enlightened State. This is who you really are. Pure Presence, unencumbered by the mind.
Realize this core truth and youll see that you are already free from all your imaginary sufferings. You are FREE to leave this experience of suffering at any time. You already have an out of jail pass. You can open your mind and let the sky, the Universe, with its all-loving, accepting, sensual energy take you in! Let this Enlightened Universe cradle you like a baby. Relax and let yourself be supported by its majesty.
The greatest action you can do to become enlightened today is to just relax. Not kind of let go, relax half ass, or relax for a few minutes. Relax deeper into yourself, more than you ever have in your entire life. Let go of all tensions on every level.
You have the power inside you to let go of whatever your minds clinging to. This clinging inside you is perpetuating your suffering. Dont be afraid to be separated or unattached to anything. You are already connected in the most intimate ways to everything. Just relax with whatever you cannot relax with.
When you just cannot relax, spend your time welcoming the feeling of real magical freedom into your body. You are a magical being. Your thoughts are always creating your reality. You can imagine anything you want!
Life is eternal. You will get the chance to have another body, another life, after you die. Your spirit is forever. You are a spiritual being who cannot be killed. Feeling into the truth of this timelessness, this spacious existence is soooo deeply liberating. The door opens to enlightenment when all attachment to the material world has resigned.
This ego of yours is here for one purpose, to melt into the ocean of existence. So everyday when you wake up choose to dissolve, surrender and melt into this living state of bliss. You will quickly transcend any block that comes your way. This is a benefit of Enlightenment!
All rivers of thought come from and return to the ocean of Existence. They were never separate thoughts that were privately yours. This is the nature of reality. When you live in the flowing river of thought, knowing there are infinite bandwidths to listen to, you discover your true spiritual essence and your lifes awakening mission.
You are here to have a highly enjoyable experience of being human. You were given a body to feel profound sensual pleasures. You were given skin so you could be sensually touched, taste buds to enjoy drinking and eating, ears to hear music and sensual sounds, eyes to see the Divine beauty all around you, and a nose to smell sacred fragrances around you. Enjoy living in this body, do not resist enjoying it.
Breathe, relax, and accept all the amazing freedom that is available to you. You are human AND divine! Play while youre still alive. Choose to be young at heart, let go of your burdens and explore life! This freedom is available today. It is yours nowyou can reach out and take it.
Feel the pain that is created from clinging to heavy contracted thoughts and feelings. Feel how these old illusions make you feel and believe that youre separate from an Infinite Loving Source. Only through feeling this pain will you realize this is not the path to enlightenment and youll begin to naturally effortlessly choose to be free from your suffering. Just commit yourself to being honest with your experience of life and play!
Enlightenment is already yours. You dont have to do anything to deserve it. You are already worthy of it. You were born worthy. You are already with whatever energetic/spiritual connection that Buddha and Christ had. This is found through meditation, the merging of your higher Self with your lower Self.
Another golden key to enlightenment is learning to live the quality of trust. This is about surrendering everything over to God. The all intelligent Universe is ultimately in charge of itself. It wont always give you whatever your ego wants if there is something better for your enlightenment available.
Know yourself. Realize that your ego is a wanting machine that cannot be turned off. Its job is to desire, so that you move, take action, to grow and become divinely creative. The Universe never makes mistakes, the deepest darkness makes the stars bright.
Embrace and move through every imprisoned feeling that arises inside you. Release whatever arises in you, and relax into the oceanic experience of your being through your day. Explore what its like to truly let go of everything and just BE!
Believe it or not, letting go is easier than you think! Its absolutely easy and effortlessness to relax your grip on life. Its your mind and ego who is holding on to something and creating your suffering. Simply experience the vast infinite Universe in this moment and drop any clinging you have to it. The moment you drop your suffering, a part of you dies and is reborn.
You might as well ask, How can you tell that the sun is shining upon your face? You cannot see the Sun light hitting your face, yet you feel it and the warmth is delicious to your soul. This is what Enlightenment is like. It will be so obvious that you cannot miss it.
Enlightenment is remembering that you are the Sun. It is your innermost being. It is the Source of existence, your existence. Your Universe will not exist if you do not exist.
There is an awesome Universal intelligence right here, right now, that is guiding you every step along the way. Ask it to guide you into your deepest enlightened state of being. Through this deep and simple surrender into what is here now, you will find that you were always guided everyday, and the greatest Universal intelligence exists inside you.
The more you can surrender to life, the more open you become to experiencing this supreme enlightened consciousness that is the core of your very being. It is your essence. Enlightenment is your natural state of being and is seen, felt and known when the mind is not clinging to anything.
Now is the only time that there is. The past and future are fabrications of the mind. Without the mind you experience this entire Universe unfolding perfectly, magically. The now contains your doorway to enlightenment. No other time will do.
Open your eyes, spread your wings, disappear into the wondrous Light of your inner most being. Your spiritual essence is here now to be experienced. All of your lifetimes have been merely a great preparation for you to wake up to realizing and exploring this great experience, right now. Now is the only time you can relax and truly know that you are as brilliant, bright, and beautiful as a newly born Sun.
Enlightenment is an awakening to the Light in you. It also happens at the speed of light! Enlightenment may take you many months, years, or lifetimes of deep self-inquiry, inner exploration, and letting go. Yet, this experience is the main purpose why you came here. You have all the time you need to experience it. Just be very careful and watch out for everything in the world that will distract you from this purpose.
All your problems, issues, distractions, negative feelings/thoughts, and judgments are your fuel that are propelling you forward into this light of your Divine Consciousness. The world will always deliver to you the perfect people, situations and stumbling blocks that you are needing to stand up in this light.
Your life is always bigger than what the mind can imagine.
Within each chaotic moment there is something called the Spiritual Cyclone. When you bring all of your attention into the present moment you can feel it. It is the most enlightening, wondrous, divine and orgasmic cyclone of energy because at its very center there resides a deep stillness and divine awareness. This is no ordinary awareness, this is looking at the world through peace-filled eyes and an open heart bursting with appreciation.
How to access this enlightened spiritual space when trapped within the chaos and suffering? Look towards the stillness that is found in the very center of your innermost core and being. It is only in this place you will discover peace. A powerful spiritual knowledge always exists here that will make you completely aware that there is nothing to fear.
Abide in this center for the next 24 hours and you will see. Commit to living daily from this space and you will feel a deep surrender to this divine creative Universe. You will find yourself automatically manifesting a rich life, full of meaning, clarity, depth and bliss in every connection with everyone you meet. Eventually, you will discover that YOU are never separate from The Divine Enlightened Source. Be patient and yet persistent with the process of surrender. One day you will see that everywhere you go is the infinite source of love, intelligence and power. Simply dive deep withinthe clouds will soon part and you will truly see.
Enlightenment is a continual freeing of your old thinking patterns that opens you to a cosmic presence and loving energy everything. Its realizing that God is here now always. It is seeing each person, circumstance and outcome in the most positive ways.
How to know when you meet a person who is on the path to enlightenment? The enlightened person will always remind you of the powerful God-Being you already are. They will always help you discover that no matter how stuck you may feel on the inside, there is an unforeseen path that is limitless, loving and free. The enlightened person will not say they are enlightened for they know this is an infinite path and they will be forever in the enlightening process. You will know them by the sparkle in their eye and the warmth of their heart. The true enlightening being knows that true power comes from the connection with the Universal Source inside.
When you are on the path to enlightenment you are 100% devoted to God. This is not just an external God, but an internal God-Source as well. Its a connection that brings you a deeper healing, love, freedom, trust and a knowingness that YOU are much more than your body and mind. Its a devotion that asks for nothing in return. Its purpose is simply for the spiritual connection with Source. This devotion brings such a deep clarity of life purpose and absolute success in everything you do, every day of your life.
Enlightenment is about empowering others and yourself to discover that inner peace is your most natural state. This inner peace breeds the greatest self-confidence and transformation in ones energy and perspective. It is the most effortless, easy, and essential core of who you are. Enlightenment is about reaching out to others with a great compassion and acceptance, no matter how negative they are. We are all alchemists by nature, meaning our ego is here to transform itself into what is more light, joyful, loving and free. One who discovers this hidden truth within themselves, can find it in those who are hiding their God-Source from the world.
Enlightenment is being free from your past, from all your karma. You are fully in this moment, 100% aware and relaxed, totally open, deeply available to life, and feeling everything that arises 24 hours a day.In the enlightened state you are ONE with the Ocean of Existence. You feel and know there is no separate you. This knowingness creates a rediscovery in each moment that the real YOU is perpetually found within everything and everyone. You see that the world is your mirror. Youre aware of your reflection everywhere you go, and feel an intimate oneness with the entire Universe.
Sitting quietly, simply doing nothingbut being present to your infinite presence the grass, trees and you continue to grow and reveal their sweet divinity.
I have a little enlightening homework assignment for you. I want you to look deeper inside yourself for the next 7 days to see that you are an Infinite Being. I want all your friends and family to look at you next week and realize how amazing you are truly are. It will be so wonderful for them to experience something truly magnificent in you. What if every person on the street begins to feel your warmth and divine presence when you walk by, as if you were a relaxing gentle breeze gliding along the Ocean shore.
I want you to realize how easy it is for YOU to joyfully live out your highest dreams and aspirations. I want you to LIVE each day as if THIS WAS the greatest day of your existence!! What if you decided to remind yourself everyday that your life is a magical journey which you are continuously creating? What if you started to believe that you are ALWAYS connected to an ever-powerful and loving magical source of energy ALL the time? What do you need right now to feel a deeper sense of power and relaxation inside?
Just who do you want to be tomorrow? Perhaps your future is not set in stone. Just maybe it is ALL yours to create, imagine, and decide to manifest however you want it to be. What if you repeatedly imagined your future every morning EXACTLY as you wanted it to be? I bet it would soon become your reality.
What would today be like if you knew there is a brilliant conscious light inside everything and everyone?
I want you to do something very very radical right now. I want you to stop and think about that ONE fear that has been running and controlling your life most of the time. Replace that fear with an invincible love for yourself and forgiveness. Whatever your fear is, it is not worth clinging to. It is here to teach you how to let go, and how to love again. Your fear is just an illusion your mind made up! It is not as important as LOVE, so let it go and dive back into loving something else!
Why is it important to find, catch and release this fear? You can experience the whole perfection of the Universe right now when this fear is freed. So you can be totally free! Once you realize the depth this fear has been running behind the scenes of the show, you will let it go. Then your mind will have the energy to start generating all kinds of thoughts that are beneficial to you and the people around you.
An unlimited supply of freedom is available inside you right now. It is waiting for you to become courageous enough to let go of your suffering and taste it!
Do you want to have even more fun? Go tell your neighbor how amazing they are. Flow out a constant river of appreciation to everyone you meet for the next 24 hours and see what happens! I dare you. Why wouldnt you have the guts to do this? So what if people think you are a crazy fool. If you are experiencing an overflowing river of aliveness then they are the one who is missing the point of life. I want you to practice this feeling of freedom and reaching out to connect with everybody on the planet. There is already so much life and love around you. If you dont see this, you are looking in the wrong direction! This divine loving energy is flowing through everything, God is hereNow!
Let go of everything that is stopping you right now from being at peace. Make this a conscious choice every moment of every day. Being in this divine Source of love for life is to consistently choose to come home to the peace within yourself.
Know that deep within your heartat the very core, YOU are perfect, whole and complete exactly as you are. This moment right now is your golden opportunity to enter the divine. After you enter, you will be wide awake.You will know the absolute Truth, that you are without flaws.
This door to exploring this flawlessness inside you is always open. Take this precious day of your life and move through this door. Your life is precious, so very precious. Do not waste it on trivial matters. Open this door, discover the wonders at the core of your being. This is time and the place to reveal your greatest most enlightened Self. This is the peak experience of your existence. YOU!!
You are an infinite ocean of consciousness, an immortal being who knows no boundary or limitation. Surrender to that!
By Emmett Fox
This is a story of a man who became a prisoner for some misdeed that angered the King of his particular country. He was arrested and shut up in a dungeon beneath the castle. A ferocious-looking jailer carrying a long key escorted the man down a dark stairway. The door of the cell was opened, and the man was thrust into a dark hole. The door shut with a bang, and there he was.
He lay in that dark dungeon for twenty years. Each day the jailer would come, the big door would be opened with a great creaking and groaning, a pitcher of water and a loaf of bread would be thrust into the cell and the door closed again.
After twenty years the prisoner decided that he could not stand it any longer. He wanted to die but he did not want to commit suicide, so he decided that the next day when the jailer came he would attack him. The jailer would then kill him in self- defense, and thus his misery would be at an end.
To prepare for the next day, he decided to examine the door carefully. When the prisoner went to the door, he caught the handle and turned it. To his amazement the door opened, and upon investigation he found that there was no lock and never had been. For those twenty years he had not been locked in except in belief. At any time during that period, he could have opened the door and been free.
He thought it was locked, but it was not. He groped along the corridor and felt his way upstairs. At the top of the stairs two soldiers were chatting, and they made no attempt to stop him. He crossed the great yard without attracting attention. The armed guard on the drawbridge at the great gate paid no attention to him, and he walked out a free man.
He went home untouched and lived happily ever after. He realized that he could have left at any time throughout those long years since his arrest if he had known enough, but he did not. He was a captive, not of stone and iron, but of false belief. He was not locked in; he only thought he was imprisoned.
In may be safe to say that we all are prisoners, to some extent, of own making. We may find ourselves imprisoned by anger, resentment, remorse, or the belief that there are no other options for us in our lives and jobs that we are locked into doing what we are currently doing.
What kind of prison might you be living in that you would like to get out of? Remember, the prison is in our thoughts and the key to our release is the desire to be freed from limiting thoughts
>>>>> Enlightening Affirmation for Today <<<<<
Just for today I am soft, open and receptive to life! I am leaving my inner prison of fear, doubt and worryand entering a new life devoted to total freedom in this amazing Divine Existence!
Many blessings to you,Jafree
Perhaps you are already awake and have realized that we are all riding on the wave of experiencing a global enlightenment.
As the world has stepped into the 21st Century and we are all realizing that weve reached our outer physical limits of exploration and are needing to find the inner world as our endless route of discovery. The inner world is this territory and is being prepared for ALL of us to move deeper into and discover our own divine consciousness and develop our true God given manifesting powers. This global awakening leaves only one place left for everyone to explore the God Source of our very nature and being.
The real truth is that the future is so amazingly bright, flawless and perfect already that our limited minds/Egos cannot imagine its perfection happening to us. Thus we create a darkness inside to protect us from that which we fear exists. These fears only really exist in our own minds interpretation of the Light and our imagination.
In Reality, the MIND is causing all our problems and delusions. There is only Light, and lesser degrees of Light. There is no thing thats 100% evil, wrong, bad or void of God. The mind will make you and everyone around you believe there is darkness here. There is actually soooo much light and consciousness inside each one of us that if one courageous person came out of hiding he/she would change the way the entire world thinks forever.
How long can you wait to experience THIS truth of your existence? How long can you personally pretend life is meaningless and comes to a dead end? How can you NOT believe its a miraculous magical ride all the way home? It is up to you. New communities of awakened beings are popping up ALL around our society, in every country around the World. Now is the time to jump on the Awakening Train and take action with the knowledge you have been given and share your life energetically and generously with the people on this planet today.
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