The 3 Stages Of Spiritual Enlightenment – In5D

Spiritual enlightenment is the fundamental goal of most spiritual practices that you undertake. Enlightenment marks the culminating point of your practice you feel unity of soul with everything, all the mental and physical engagements are left aside. Spiritual enlightenment is the possession of highly evolved souls. Spiritual masters from all over over the world experience spiritual enlightenment, and help others on their own paths.

Spiritual enlightenment is often categorized into levels for practical purposes. The highest stage of spiritual enlightenment marks the attainment of unity with God or being one with everything. But can still there are certain levels through which the individual needs to evolve. In a similar way that man has evolved from more primitive animals, the human conciousiness or soul also evolves. For our practical purpose, put them in stages and analyze the state of being in each stage:

At the very first level of enlightenment, the individual starts experiencing reality as it is. It means that your mind ceases to interfere with what you are experiencing. We are engaged in continuous talk, gossip, analyzing the environment around us, planning about future, or worrying about the past. When you are in a state of spiritual enlightenment you are completely in the present moment. You stop judging and labeling the world. Your mind is calm, quite and still. You are very awake, and aware of the current moment right now.

At the second stage of enlightenment, you feel apart of yourself in everything around you. You feel a connection with every object and individual in the world. The borders between yourself and the world around you dissipate. Your soul begins to merge with Supreme Soul. You feel that you are not individual anymore and not separate from anything. You feel that you are in everything and everything is just a part of the Supreme Soul from where you also have emerged. Many people describe this feelings of completeness and love.

The third stage of enlightenment, you no longer feel connected to everything but realize you are everything. You the experience the oneness of Creator Source and are not separate from anything in the universe. This stage of enlightenment is a direct experience of oneness.

Spiritual enlightenment is the fruit that sets you free, as you lose all wants and wishes to receive the fruits of your actions. You feel the bliss of completeness and true love. At first it gives you the feeling that you need Light. At the next stage, you feel that you are merging in Light. And in the final stage you and the Light are one.


Gregg Prescott, M.S.Editor,

It is important to remember that when it comes to spiritual enlightenment, you cannot enlighten anyone else for this is a sole (and soul) journey. You can always help others along their path or even light the candle that piques their curiosity, but the only one you can truly enlighten is yourself. When it comes to enlightening others, all you can do is to plant the seed and hope the garden is watered with knowledge.

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Tags: enlightenment, spiritual, spiritual enlightenment

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The 3 Stages Of Spiritual Enlightenment - In5D

The Spiritual Meaning of Light in Angels and Miracles

Light has significant spiritual meanings associated with both angels and miracles. Angels often appear as beings of light, and they use lights electromagnetic energy when traveling to and from Earth and heaven. Miraculous events, such as apparitions, often feature light appearing in supernatural ways.

Light plays a foundational role in creation. Many creation stories say that God created light before anything else. For example, the Bible famously records in Genesis 1:3 that on the first day of creation: God said, Let there be light, and there was light.Ever since God made light, energy from light has fueled life on our planet. Earths ecosystem depends on light from the sun, as plants use sunlight to make food for themselves in their leaves, while animals and people higher up the food chain get energy from plants.

So, spiritually, light is sometimes a symbol of life that comes from a loving creator who cares for creation. Just as all living things on Earth need sunlight to grow physically, people need the light of loving relationships with the creator God to grow spiritually.

Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals who is famous for his reverence for all of creation, wrote a prayer praising God for the sun and its light: Praise be to God for all his creatures, and especially our brother the sun who brings us the day and brings us the light. How beautiful he is! How splendid! Oh, God, he reminds us of you.

Angels, whom Muslims believe are made of light, love people with a pure love that comes from God. As Gods messengers, angels constantly deliver Gods messages of loving encouragement to people.

Light appearing during a miracle often indicates that God is at work in the situation, lovingly caring for the people whom he is a blessing in a miraculous way (such as by answering prayer in ways that wouldnt be possible without his intervention). Miraculous apparitions also make use of light and may feature spectacular, supernatural light effects.

Light is often associated with wisdom. The word enlighten means to give knowledge or understanding (especially spiritual insights) to someone. When people are inspired by new creative ideas, they speak about a light bulb turning on for them. If theyve gained a better perspective on a situation, they say that they can look at it in a new light. Spiritually, light stands for truth from the good side of the spiritual realm overcoming lies from the evil side of the spiritual realm. People who are spiritually enlightened have the wisdom to choose truth over deception in their everyday lives.

People often use prayer and meditation tools that have to do with light, such as candles and crystals,when communicating with angels, because angels radiate electromagnetic energy just as light does. A system of angel colors, which corresponds to different colored light rays in the electromagnetic spectrum, matches angels whose energy vibrates at certain frequencies to light rays that vibrate at those same frequencies. Some people seeking wisdom and help from the angels about different issues in their lives use it to connect with angels specializing in different types of missions. One ray in particular,red, focuses the most on wisdom and is led by Uriel, the archangel of wisdom.

The worlds major religious texts use light as a symbol of wisdom, encouraging readers to develop closer relationships with God to light their spiritual paths through the darkness of a fallen, sinful world. Just as light reflects off mirrors to help people see themselves, faithful people can engage in spiritual reflection to see the state of their souls, motivating them to seek more spiritual wisdom. The process of God giving wisdom to those who seek it is a miraculous one since it changes people for the better in profound ways.

Light is also a spiritual symbol of hope. In many of the worlds religions, light signifies salvation from the darkness of sin. Believers gain confidence from knowing that letting their light of faith shine in a dark world can bring about real change for the better in their lives. The faithful often light candles when praying for hope to create change in situations that seem hopeless.

Several major religious holidays use light to celebrate the power of spiritual hope. On Christmas, Christians decorate with electric lights to symbolize Jesus Christ as the light of the world, the savior. During Diwali, Hindus celebrate the hope of spiritual victories through fireworks displays and candles. The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah celebrates the hope that the Jewish people derived from the ancient Hanukkah miracle of lights.

Light overpowers darkness in the physical realm since the photons in light can dispel darkness, but darkness cannot dispel light. This principle can be seen simply by entering a dark room and turning on a flashlight there. The light will be visible in the midst of the darkness, even if theres just a small amount of light in a great amount of darkness. This same principle applies spiritually, as the light of hope is always stronger than the darkness of discouragement and despair.

God often assigns angels to work on missions of hope that help people in need and the results may be miraculous. No matter how dark peoples circumstances are, God can change them for the better by shining his light of hope into their lives.

See more here:

The Spiritual Meaning of Light in Angels and Miracles

Stages of Spiritual Enlightenment: Fatigue – Divine Openings

At one point in their spiritual enlightenment and personal development with Divine Openings, some people can hit heavy, heavy fatigue. The place I most get to observe it happening up close is in the 5 Day Silent Retreat, although it can very well happen while reading my book, Things Are Going Great In My Absence if you're really diving deep.

On about day two or three of the silent retreat, many people experience a super heavy, tired feeling, as if they weighed a thousand pounds, which can feel extra heavy since they rightly expect bliss in their spiritual enlightenment retreat. Bliss sometimes doesn't happen till day 5, when virtually everyone feels it.

As some begin to hit that fatigue, I explain that it's a valuable gift I call "the fatigue of the ages" the fatigue that comes on once you let go, after decades of holding on so tight.

We don't know how hard we've been working to hold things back, bury them, carry them, or prop them up.. until we stop. That's contrast for you--you only know cold by knowing heat--you really know the extent of tension after you achieve relaxation. (In a recent blog I talked about contrast being your friend in other ways.)

We feel the fatigue most when the contrast of letting go shows us how hard and painful resisting had been all along. You'll likely feel fatigue after a huge emotional release. Just give in to the fatigue and rest more. This fatigue should move VERY fast, no more than a few days.

If you're resisting a feeling or stuck in the story and can't move it, use the Diving In audios, where I guide you through the difficult feelings to new freedom and energy.

As you read Things Are Going Great In My Absence or do one of the Self-Paced, Online, Spiritual Enlightenment Retreats, before you feel bliss, you may feel this fatigue you never felt before. You must move through this, not resist it or power over it, if you're committed to your spiritual enlightenment, personal development, and total freedom.

After so many years of suppressing, running from, or "working on" old energies but not moving them, lots of people are walking around exhausted but thinking it's normal (everyone else is tired too, right?) and it's only when they begin to let go that they get an inkling of how tired they actually were.

After that comes a new deep relaxation. That first breakthrough from deep fatigue to relaxation and letting go is usually the biggest, and most dramatic shift, so you feel the most relief from it.

You get used to that level of relaxation and it soon feels normal, until you break through to a next, higher level. Let's say you relaxed about money, and it feels like a fabulous new world as money flows easily to you for the first time ever. But there is more to come, in good time, as you let go and relax in other areas.

One day maybe you hit a wall with your spouse, where you realize how much you've been suppressing feelings about relationship (compounded by suppressed or unresolved feelings about relationships all the way back to your childhood.) Intimacy is one of the most desired and feared of all experiences. The defenses can be deep and tender. But this wall you hit is a golden opportunity in your spiritual enlightenment.

You dive in to those feelings because you're committed to your spiritual enlightenment and joy, and you liberate even more of your energy. You feel a whole new higher level of relaxation and vitality after that.

There's no need to go digging for stuff to fix, ever in your personal development. Believe me, your daily life and feelings present to you exactly what you need to feel to unfold your spiritual enlightenment and liberate more energy, if you will just feel it thoroughly, and not resist it... daily .... forever.

We know, darlin', we know! Sometimes that's hard at first--old habits are incredibly strong, blind spots are stubborn, and defense mechanisms are incredibly hard to drop. If you need help breaking through, our Certified Divine Openings Guides can do that.

Once you get rolling, life is just a series of new openings, new openings, new openings. It stops being hard and starts being fun, even joyful.... even blissful at times.

Isn't evolution wonderful?

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Stages of Spiritual Enlightenment: Fatigue - Divine Openings

16 Signs of Spiritual Awakening That Progress to Spiritual …

Signs of spiritual awakening are like milestones to spiritual enlightenment.

Most people come to the spiritual field because of some pain and sorrow in their lives.

Even some very rich people and kings came to this field. They had everything in their lives. Then why did they pursue this field?

Even they had everything in their lives but they felt some emptiness. Some fears were there like the fear of death.

Nobody wants to die and your materialistic richness cannot save you from your death. That was the pain and sorrow in their lives. It is one of the other causes.

And ordinary people too have so many problems, pains, and sorrows in their lives.

To get rid of them, we pursue spirituality and when we actually pursue spirituality, we start progressing towards its ultimate end.

The ultimate end of spirituality is spiritual enlightenment. However, the way or path through which we reach there is called the spiritual awakening.

Spiritual awakening is not the destination. The destination is spiritual enlightenment and beyond. Beyond is not the topic of this post. We only discuss some signs of spiritual awakening here.

When someone is on the way that is the spiritual awakening, he feels a lot of transformations in his life.

He feels some progressive signs of spiritual awakening.

In todays post, we are going to discuss those progressive signs of spiritual awakening. Everybody on the way to enlightenment feels it. However, his way of describing them can be different.

I write on my blog for two types of people. One belongs to that category those want to live the mystery of life and enlightenment and other belongs to that category those want to explore the mystery of life and enlightenment.

There is a huge difference between the two. Todays post is for the first category that wants to live the mystery of life and enlightenment.

I hope at the end of this post, you must understand what I want to convey here.

Try to understand them deeply as might be you have these signs of spiritual awakening but your way of describing them is different. If you have any question, you can ask me in the comment box.

I shall be very grateful to you if you share this post on your social channels. At the end of this post, you can download a PDF of this article for your future recommendation.



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Lets start,

In aloneness, you start thinking mostly about spiritual awakening.

In your friend circle, you start talking about it. Sometimes your friends feel bored with it. You can notice it. Some friends will leave you.

You can want to live alone most of the time.

Or if you are with other people, you can want to talk only about spirituality. It is one of the progressive signs of spiritual awakening.

As a meditator, you start giving full attention to your work.

You start feeling good at your work. Your indulgence into your work has been increased.

Sometimes, you feel ecstasy and bliss during your work. You want to increase it so you can start more indulgence in your work.

You want to apply meditation in every act of your life. However, it depends upon the teachings of your guru or teacher.

Some guru suggests only some techniques of meditation and some guru say that it should spread on your whole life.

It depends upon the teachings of your guru.

But most gurus want to spread the meditation on the whole life. So, they suggest making every act of your life as meditation. Their method may be different. Some can attack your kitchen too.

They can suggest that you should eat this and you should not eat that. Interestingly they can enter into your washroom too.

They can suggest how to bathe. They can suggest that when you bathe, feel that water is not falling on you but on your body. You are separate from your body.

So: You start giving full attention to your present work.

Most probably you choose a guru and start following him.

It can be a living guru or a dead one. However, you choose to read his books or sermons.

It is because your mind wants to know more about it. Something happens to you but you dont know what it is. You want to know more about it.

Now you are reading this post, it means already something has happened inside you. You want to know more and more about it. You want to get it.

Your mind is very clever. Actually, your mind is a protective device for this body.

So as a protective one, it wants to know what it is that has happened to it. It wants to protect your body from it.

That something weird happened to your body is a warning signal for your mind.


It wants to make clarity about it. Your mind wants to go into it.

However, your mind is in fear. This thing is new for it. It wants to make it clear and safe. It becomes very sharp and that is one of the signs of spiritual awakening.

You listen to lectures or sermons of your guru or spiritual teachers.

Actually, our mind is greedy. When your guru says that kill the mind and what left will be your true essence that will be ecstasy and bliss,


The greedy mind wants to get that entity that is bliss and ecstasy.

Interesting thing is that your mind starts feeling ecstasy and bliss while listening to or reading the books related to spiritual awakening or during meditation.

And it is one of the signs of spiritual awakening. Greediness is one quality of mind to capture things in life. You can be greedy in spirituality too.

If you daily do meditation, then you can experience this sign of spiritual awakening. Meditation can be of any type.

Like you can run and can be in meditation. However, your full presence in the act is crucial.

You should know what you are doing. I mean your full indulgence in that work is very crucial

And the sign of spiritual awakening is:

Your sudden separateness from your body and mind.

It comes in a flash.

Interesting thing is that it does not come with a signal. It comes suddenly.

For example, if one day this sign comes suddenly and next day with a plan you will do the same meditation and will hope that the yesterday experience will come again, it is sure that it will not come.


It will come suddenly without telling you anything. And it will come with a sudden glimpse or flash.

It is one of the signs of spiritual awakening.

That can be six months or a year.

Before it, you were studying books and were doing meditation but suddenly you will completely forget about them.

It may be due to some urgent reasons for your life. In students, it may be exams and in other persons, some crucial work comes in their lives.

So, they forget about meditation completely for that period.

However, in your subconscious mind, signs of spiritual awakening are progressing and will appear in the future.

One cause is urgent work or something else urgent and second cause is that when you will do act or meditation techniques for a long time, they become boring.

A mind can never live in boring acts. Either it wants to change them or wants to make them interesting.

Your diversion from meditation after some time is natural. It is a good sign. It means you are actually doing meditation.

That is why now you start feeling some boredom out of them.

It is one of the signs of spiritual awakening.

After refreshment, you can again start doing acts and techniques that will lead to spiritual enlightenment. It is just natural.

First, it was confined to your meditation only but now it can spread on the other acts of your life too.

Like when you will walk, you will suddenly feel that you are separate from the walking act. Body is walking and you are separate from it. Your legs are walking. Your arms are swaying but you are separate from them.

Now, it comes for a long lapse of time and then goes away. Now it can be your volunteer activities.

For example, if you are walking and you suddenly remember that now you have time and you can do meditation with your walking.

So, you do it and suddenly you are separate from your body and mind. Your body is walking and you are watching it.

However, when you indulge into some busy chore for example, in front of you, a car is approaching towards you with a very fast speed, your whole act of separateness from body and mind will vanish away.

You will forget about it for that moment and maybe for the rest of your day. Your churning mind will dominate the stage of your life.

You can feel this one in several times of your day. It can come for a longer time when you are safe and not busy and it will vanish away when you are not safe and are busy.



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Your interest in studying books or listening to the spiritual subjects diminishes. You can read them but you feel that everywhere the same thing has mentioned.

Before that, you read the books with full interest but now you seldom read them.

Sometimes, you start reading and leave the book halfway. You think you know what this book is going to say.

It is one of the good signs of spiritual awakening.

Now you can go into witness or watcher state of your being where you feel separate from your body and mind. Now you know the technique so you dont need a book or a guru.

Read the rest here:

16 Signs of Spiritual Awakening That Progress to Spiritual ...

Is religion or Spiritual Enlightenment needed today …

Good Morning,

Religion and Spirituality. Which is better to have? Do we need both? The Bible talks about worship and spiritual worship. Why would we need both?

Regardless of what denomination we are; learning how to use our Bible; learning the scripture and God's word is important. Attending church, be it in the form of a church, temple or another place where we can receive lessons helps to give us a foundation on which to grow in a spiritual sense with the Lord.

Yet, there are many who do not attend a specified building and still have a spiritual walk with God. And you would probably ask, how can you have a spiritual walk if you do not have religion?

The Bible states in Matthew 18:20, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Then in Matthew 28:20, "teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

The Bible does not state anywhere that we must attend a designated place adorned with crosses, statutes of the disciples (apostles), or other "icons" in order to worship the Lord. Rather it says to teach everyone Gods word and his commandments.

Some will say, but if you go to church then you are fellowshipping with other followers of the Word; that you are in a place where God dwells and you must go to Church for otherwise you will not be saved.

Jesus said to us though, if we believe in Him and follow his teachings, that we will not die but instead have everlasting life.

In the book of Matthew, Chapter 7, verse 7, it is talking about prayer and the Golden Rule. It states, ""Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

Here is a precept in three words to the same purport: Ask, Seek, Knock (v. 7); that is, in one word, "Pray; pray often; pray with sincerity and seriousness; pray, and pray again; make conscience of prayer, and be constant in it; make a business of prayer, and be earnest in it.

Ask; represent your wants and burdens to God, and refer yourselves to God for support and supply, according to his promise. Ask as a traveler asks the way; to pray is to inquire of God.

We must not only ask, but knock; we must come to God's door, must ask importunately; not only pray, but plead and wrestle with God; we must seek diligently; we must continue knocking; must persevere in prayer, and in the use of means; must endure to the end in the duty.

So where is God's door? Many will say, it is the door to the church. Many other's will say, the door to God lies within us. All we need to do is open our hearts to God and ask Him to be with us and guide us and believe in Him and to build upon that foundation of asking Him to be a working part of our lives on a daily basis for the rest of our earthly lives until we die and our soul goes home to God's heavenly kingdom for ever lasting life.

Now you are probably thinking, huh?

In the Old Testament the Lord God had a temple for His people; however, in the New Testament He has His people for a temple.

Paul taught, You are the temple of God (I Corinthians 3:16). The reason he can say that is because we have been redeemed by the death of Jesus Christ. Because of redemption, the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in the redeemed.

In the old dispensation of the law, the tabernacle and later the temple were given over entirely to God for His sacred use. They were called holy because they were separated and used for His purpose and glory alone. It symbolized the house of God on the earth.

Under the new dispensation of grace, the Christian is now called Gods temple. The believer must yield his or her whole life without any reserve to God. Our bodies are sacred temples, holy unto the Lord. God has claimed by means of redemption our bodies, and what He claimed for His holy purpose we must yield to Him. I beg you, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1). We will do what the apostle admonishes as we remind ourselves that we are His holy temple. If we have learned that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, we not defile our body. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, the temple in the old economy was given over to the Lord God for His unique possession. When Moses dedicated the tabernacle to God, He filled it with His glory. When King Solomon completed the temple, The cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord (I Kings 8:10-11).

From the moment you believe on Christ as your Savior, the Spirit of God dwells in you (Rom. 8:9). "But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you" (Romans 8:11)

Paul clearly has in mind the glory of God filling the temple. Therefore, as the glory filled the temple of old, so the Holy Spirit dwells with the believer of Jesus Christ. He dwells in you. When a sinner has been born spiritually, God dwells in that holy place and that person can commune in fellowship with the Lor God in holiness. The Holy Spirit is a living person in the Godhead, who literally indwells us. The dwelling of the Holy Spirit in our bodies is a real indwelling of a real individual, spiritual person. That divine person is very God of very God; equal with the Father and the Son.

To the obedient disciple, Jesus promised that He and the Father will come unto him and make our abode with Him (John 14:23). That alone is the secret of the normal Christian life. We are to be God-possessed and indwelled by Him. Let us trust Him to do all that He has promised to do in and through us.

What I yield to God He accepts, cleanses, fills, and then uses me to His glory and honor. It is God within the soul of man, possessed today by faith, and throughout eternity.

The indwelling Holy Spirit, a living person, a divine presence, is Gods means of reconciling the world unto Himself (2 Cor. 5:17).

In the old dispensation, God took possession of His temple and indwelt it so He could bless His people and they in turn bless the world. The Holy Spirit invades the temple of your body, assumes residence in you, and begins the re-creation of Christ to the glory of the Father. One by one, as we yield to His sovereignty, He is changing the world. He gives us whole new strength and vitality. He brings us to the fullness of His life.

There is no greater pleasure to the Holy Spirit than to dwell in His temple and do extraordinary work through ordinary people who have learned to make themselves available to Him to reign with ungrieved sovereignty.

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Is religion or Spiritual Enlightenment needed today ...

Top Living Masters – Enlightened People

There are no Masters living in the world, for Mastery is attained beyond the world. There are advanced students. There are students of great accomplishment. But there are no Masters living in the world. Perfection is not found here, only contribution. Whoever remains in the world remains to learn the lessons of the world. The lessons of the world must be learned not only in your individual life, but in a life of contribution as well. Steps to Knowledge

If mastery cannot be found within the world, then who are these top living masters? They are advanced students skilled practitioners. They have surrendered to the source of Grace within themselves and become empty vessels from which Heaven can express itself.

They are not Gods, Avatars or perfect individuals. Understanding what enlightenment is allows us to see them for what they truly are:intermediaries between the state of physical separation and our inherent spiritual reality. Such people have great gifts to give. Nonetheless, they remain human beings.

This list of top living masters will be controversial. How can one possibly judge and evaluate someones spiritual contributions? We certainly do not have the vantage point to pass such judgements. Besides, even the smallest gift or the simplest gesture can be a great spiritual teaching if it comes from Spirit. Nevertheless, wewish to highlight these gracious individuals whohave inspired us to reach deeper within.

Important Notice:Before giving your time, money and/or energy to a spiritual guru or teacher, be absolutely sure to review them using a guru rating service. You are a unique expression of God and are important. Protect yourself from spiritual fraudsters.

Marshall Vian Summers is the most important man alive today. This is a bold statement but given the magnitude of the times we live in, bold statements are entirely appropriate.

He is far more than an enlightened guru or spiritual master here to remind us of our spiritual origins. He is the Messenger. God has spoken again. In humanitys great time of need, God has spoken again.It is nothing less than a new Revelation for humanity. As with Buddha, Jesus and the Muhammed, it continues the great series of transmissions from the Creator.

The most important part of this New Message is the Steps to Knowledge spiritual practice. It is a pathway for anyone who wants to reconnect with the inner source of truth within themselves. This is enlightenment. Preparation is needed to experience true purpose and meaning in life. Steps to Knowledge is a gift to all spiritual seekers especially those that have not been able to fully give themselves to humanitys existing spiritual traditions. To humanitys great benefit, millions will practice it one day.

Sadhguruis a prime example of what can be accomplished in the world if one walks with Spirit. Enlightenmentis about contribution.Everyone has a calling everyone has a certain design that can be used to uplift the human race. A being working in tandem with Spirit a veritable bridge between Heaven and Earth gives with power and potency. Sadhgurus life is a good demonstration of this.

Enlightened at a young age, he gave up his burgeoning public works construction business for the spiritual life. His bold industriousness could have made him a very wealthy man. Its this incredible daring and energy that makes him such a potent force for giving in the world. Aligned with the greater spiritual forces within, his creativity and talent for getting things done are used to good effect.

A great example is Sadhgurus Project Greenhands. This organizations aim is to increase his native state of Tamil Nadus forest cover to 33%. What does this have to do with enlightenment and spiritual advancement? Everything! Its all about giving the gifts you came here to give. What do you feel drawn to? Where can your talents be used?

Eckhart Tolle is without a doubt the most popular spiritual teacher of the modern age. His books are everywhere. He has brought spiritual practices like living in the moment and inner listening to a wide swath of people who normally would not give spiritual topics a second glance. Thank you Oprah! For this alone he deserves a mention on this list.

Spiritual advancement, enlightenmentand the fulfilment ofour spiritual purpose is a potential that rests within us all. It is not a privilege reserved for the monastic or small groups of adept practitioners. Many more people need to step up and give the gifts they came here to give. The future of humanity depends on it. Eckhart Tolle has done a fantastic job of bringing spirituality to the masses. This can be a useful bridge to more serious and complete spiritual practices.

Adyashantican articulatespiritual truths better than almost anyone. One cant help but feel a sense of peace around this mans gentle presence. This is a strength but can also be a weakness. The last thing the world needs is more spiritual seekers lulled into a sense of blissful complacency. That being said, his insights are a true contribution to humanitys spiritual heritage.

Zen was his initial spiritual practice but he had to leave it to achieve true spiritual union. This irony should not be lost on the practitioner. At some point, even the most useful ideas lose their usefulness and must be droppedat the gate. Spirit can never be defined or limited by our ideas, even ones found within the richness of the Zen tradition.

Originally posted here:

Top Living Masters - Enlightened People

Souls Enlightenment – Official Site

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Best Places To Travel For Spiritual Enlightenment …

Best Places To Travel For Spiritual Enlightenment Our planet is full of life and color. It is beautiful and filled with different energies. Therefore, there are certain places that have special energy fields. These places with strong energy fields are important for those who seek spiritual enlightenment. In these places every spiritual practice is more intensified. So, lets see which are the Best Places To Travel For Spiritual Enlightenment.

Rila (Bulgaria) it is a very well known energy center of the planet. This mountain range is surrounded by a strong energy field. This strong energy can be sensed by those who are more sensible or more awaken spiritually. The strong energy of Rila is the cause why one of the most awaken spiritual master of the last century, Beinsa Duno, started to transmit his teaching here. If you have the opportunity, spend a few days or even weeks in this place. Many people experienced enlightenment, revealing dreams and psychic abilities.

Uluru (Australia) it is the energy center of Australia. Many legends exist about the plateau. Different tribes used Uluru as source of energy for centuries. Their stories about the plateau are even visible on cave paintings from the area. This beautiful plateau is also called Tiukurpa, which means Dreamtime. This place has very strong energy.

Peak Kailash (Tibet) it is another energy center of the planet, and even the world. This place is sacred not only in Buddhism, but also in Hinduism. Both religions believe that the tip of the mountain is the home of the gods. This place is very powerful. It fills you with calmness and peace. It is a great place to meditate and connect with the cosmos.

Stonehenge (UK) it is the most famous on this list of Best Places To Travel For Spiritual Enlightenment. Nobody really knows it purpose. But many ancient civilizations used the megalithic monument for rituals and ceremonies. They felt the high energy field in the area. Therefore, this place is amazing. Visit the Stonehenge if you can. It will take you to another energy level. And it will show you how advanced spiritually our ancestors were.

Sanctuary Belintash it is and ancient sanctuary in Bulgaria. And it is an important point in Europe-s energy field. The other two points being the Cross Forest and the Karadjov stone. This beautiful place is surrounded by natural cosmic energy. Thousands of people visit this place annually. And they describe their miraculous paranormal experiences. It is a great place to travel to if you need and energy boost. And if you want to reach a higher frequency.

If you seek spiritual enlightenment, this list of The 5 Best Places To Travel For Spiritual Enlightenment should help you. Find out more information about these places. And choose the one that you can afford and the one that is more appealing to you.

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Best Places To Travel For Spiritual Enlightenment ...

5 Stages Of The Path From Awakening To Enlightenment …

There are truths, despite what our president would want us to believe. Subjective and objective domains for truth are largely distinct, and discerning the difference informs a spirituality that honors more than just our convenient worldviews.

The key is learning how to appropriately identify subjective versus objective truths. When we mix up these domains, we end up not living in alignment with the truth, which is not only anti-spiritual but leads to the demise of the Earth as well.

For myself, spirituality means aligning with what is true, or most likely true. This means looking at what is true through the lens of my unique experience and self-reflection (subjectively) and what is true in the world (objectively).

Living in accord with whats truemeans I have to confront lots of things that are tough to stomach andthat Id prefer werent true. Ipractice resiliency by enduringthis discovery process.Ittakes courage, humility, sensitivity, insight, intellectual rigor, emotional intelligence, and flexibilityin essence, all of me.

Why does it require all of me to be honest?

Because we humans have evolved to stick to our beliefs, even though many of them are false. We, in fact, experience a dopamine rush (a feel-good neurotransmitter in our brains) when we affirm our beliefs, even if they are wrong. So, confronting false beliefs about myself and the world means I have to endure some degree of feeling badly, some emotional turmoil, cognitive dissonance, and reorientation of my world. When I challenge many of my false beliefs, I encounter nothing short of transformation on all levels. Sounds like a bona fide spiritual path to me.

This being human is a guesthouse,Every morning a new arrival.A joy, a depression, a meanness,some momentary awareness comesas an unexpected visitor.


When we dont align with whats true about ourselves, interpersonally, and in the world, we develop false beliefs. And we like to assert these false beliefs. Using evidence and acknowledging reality can help us let go of our false beliefs. We receive this information subjectively through self-reflection and what others share with us (which we also need to sort through for false projections). We receive true information about objective reality by direct observation and through evidence.

Ascertaining inconvenient truths means we have to let go of our self-administered dopamine addiction (by lying to ourselves and others when wrong) and experience feeling badly temporarily. We have to accept new visitors tothe guesthouse of our psyche if we want to be more honest. If we cant do this, we cut ourselves short of our potential.

We cant be as loving and kind when were deluded about whats true, subjectively and objectively. If I cant accept that I am more self-serving than I think I am, I will continue to unconsciously put myself first at the expense of others. If I cant acknowledge that smoking cigarettes, synthetic chemicals in perfumes, or sprayingRoundUp is harmful, I am more likely to condone their use,which causes harm.

To change belief structures includes a collapse of our sense of self, trust, safety, belonging, and ourperceivedsurvival. This is also why many cling so dearly to their beliefs; even warcan seem like a better option than to adjust ourselves to reality. Reality seems pretty powerful this way! If we adopt reality as our guru, we have a powerful teacher on our side to wake us up. So, a willingness to embody our humanness can be a path to greater compassion and peace. Embodied spirituality means being fully humanaccepting and working skillfully with all our thoughts, emotions,physical issues, and relationships.

When we dont embody our spirituality, we dont take as good care of the Earth, which is the extension of our own bodies. In the age of environmentalcollapse,an earthy and embodied relationship to life that apprehends what is true helps us heal whats ill. Like missing a medical diagnosis, how can we treat what what we cant bear to admit and accurately diagnose?Honesty is therefore the first stepto healing and embodying our lives.

We, in fact, need nothing more than everyday honest living for spirituality to put us on a path of massive transformation.The more we can let go of spiritual loftiness and encounter our ordinary humanness, the more resilient and honest we become. Ironically, it is precisely this difficult growth that has given rise to many spiritual and religious paths thatabandon the ordinary, grounded world of embodied living, as complex as it is. These spiritual pathsthrive on what is highly likely untrue. They try to escape the pain of everyday living by denying whats painful,which is called spiritual bypassing.With skillfulness, wisdom, and support we can navigate whats honestly human while not bypassing.

Learning to welcome and tolerate all manner of emotions and inconvenient truths to our guesthouseallows us to align with reality, especially welcoming what makes us feel badly. Its important to align both with the good and the ugly because when we ignore the uglyand painful, it goes unhealed and untended. Our precious biosphere suffering under the weight of our pollution is a prime example. What we dont want to look at, we cant address.Turning our heads and hearts away fromit creates more pain and ugliness.

The New Age dictum, What you put your attention on grows, fails to acknowledge the importance of embracing whats ugly and painful. A wiser, more embodied version might go: The negative things you put your attention on allow you to see reality and address it before it takes over beyond the point of repair. Look at the plastic pollution issue or climate change as examples.Acknowledging both sides of the coin is more important than choosingonly the bright side of life in order to remain happy, which is short-lived when were in denial of the dark side.Wanting to remain happy at the expense of not seeing reality (except when we need a recharge break from honestly facing it) is fear in disguise that ultimately comes back to bite us.It also bites us in the moment because this denial cuts us off from our deeper heartsour compassion and empathywhich are stirred bypainful realities.

Wecant know everything, of course. Nor can we be right all the time. But we can be aligned enough with everyday reality (what matters at the end of the day)to make a difference and eliminate unnecessary suffering. We just have to be willing to beselfless enough to stop avoiding necessary pain to the degree we do.

Scientific consensus is the primary arbiter of whatsobjectivelytrue in the world; what wesubjectivelyexperience is not as good a measure of whats objectively true. I like apples is a subjective truth. No one can disprove this; its a personal truth. It is not the purview of science to disprove a subjective experience. Yet, if I claim that everyone likes apples just because I experience their yumminess, this is imposing a personal truth onto external reality. And, its not truewe know not everyone likes apples, and nothing is wrong with them for not liking them. Itisthe purview of science to demonstrate that not everyone likes apples,and simple common sense will do in a pinch.

Of course, there is bad science, like thejunk (dishonest) science produced by many corporationssuch as Big Pharma and Bayer-Monsanto with regard to GMOs.So, when I say science, I mean good, peer-reviewed (and not conflict-of-interest and corporate-funded), consensus science. And yes, many scientific truthsare always in flux, but many scientific discoveries do not change because they have stood the test of many challenges. Think about the law of gravity and the laws of thermodynamics. Many who want to protect their sense of self and ego deem all science to be manipulative, dishonest, and just another belief system. This is just not true. If it were, the device on which you are reading this article would not function because its constructed as a result of the collaboration of many scientific laws that have not been debunked and instead stood the test of time.

Consider another example: If I experience a vision during a medicine journey or receive a message in a dream one night that has personal meaning to me, I might conclude its true for everyone, or true in the world. Lets say a blue dragon with white polka-dots tells me that aliens are communicating to humanity by way of trees. Well, before I know if this is true or not, Id have to investigate its veracity. I dont deem it true simply because I had a subjective experience that conveyed it was. This way, I can tentatively receive this bit of intuitive knowledgeandseek to determine if its true. Intuition tips me off to what is possible, not necessarily what is true.

Confounding subjective and objective truth is one of the biggest faux pas we make, especially in spiritual circles.

Science shows us whats most likely true beyond our own intuition, beliefs, and biases. Even with sciences errors and itsdishonest publishing politics, good scientific consensus is still the best tool we have for determining whats true about the natural world, not our subjective experiences. We have to be skillful and aware not to automatically deem our subjective experiences as objective truths. This helps us align with reality, keep an appropriately open mind, andhelps everyone get along better because were not feuding over whats objectively true.

Wheneveryone feels entitled to their opinionwhats true for meweend up with lots of personal beliefs and memes that arent true. Personal truth or whats true for me is a subjective truth. Your like of apples doesnt mean anything about the external world, such asmyopinion of apples. If I dont trust politicians or my landlord, this doesnt mean they are untrustworthy. I need objective evidence to prove or verify my distrust. Or I can just own this hunch and honestly call itso, while knowing it might not be true. Thisdiscernment betweensubjective and objective truth helps prevent assumptions and dogmas. This also sounds pretty spiritual to me.

If someonesheds distressing light on a politicianI like or my best friend, Im likely to become defensive because my sense of self and orientation in the world, as well as my emotional security, are invested in these beliefs. If my belief structures are challenged, all of what that belief system keeps in placebecomes shaky. And this is just too scary for most of us, so much so thatwe defend against it or attack and assault others because of it.We often make the mistake of imposing whats true for me onto whats true for everyone or whats true in the world.

Whats true for me beliefs cant automatically be extended to external reality unless we have evidence beyond our own subjective perception to deem them so. If I believe the world is flat andthis is whats true for me, that doesnt fly. This is to make asubjective truth objectively factual. This is what leads to conflict and living in fantasy. Just look at religious and manyNew Age beliefsas examples. They are not different from our personal beliefs about the nature of reality that are also false and cause us to act in egoic, violent ways.

Good science to determine the mostly likely and factual objective knowledge offers us the opportunity to dismantle our egos and illusions. Science and critical thinking show us that many of our whats true for me opinions about the world are wrong. Notice I am not talking about personal feelings and preferences, but rather our statements of fact about the world.

Objective truths implicitly challenge us to change, to transform ourselves. It takesspiritual-emotional courageto accept these facts, which builds resiliency the more we practice aligning with what is both subjectively and objectively true. The sun appears to go down over the horizon; the Earth appears flat. Via science, we know these subjective observations are not true. Using my intuition to make such conclusions is a wrong use ofthis faculty. If my intuition tells me there is more to the story, then I can investigate it for other evidence. This, in fact, is how many scientific discoveries occur. Intuition and science are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are allies as long as we dontassumewhats subjectively true to be objectively true, and vice versa.

Many people dismiss science precisely because its conclusions fly in the face of what theyd prefer to believe. This results in intellectual dishonesty and spiritual delusion. Our emotional bents and grudgesespecially those resulting from our hurt and wounds that have generated anger, fear, pain and thus, biasprevent us from being intellectually honest, unless we recognize the dynamic by which we deceive ourselves and we set about to be more honest. This requires enduring the discomfort of being humbled and sacrificing a temporary dopamine rush for the truth.

To be able to accept truth therefore requires that we deal with our emotional baggage and triggers, because this is the primary driver for our intellectual dishonesty and spiritual laziness. Many of us would fall apart if we discovered that parts of our worldview are untrue. That could result in a spiritual emergency, akin to a healing crisis, which ultimately improves us and makes us more effective in the world.

This is why spiritual warriorshipaligning myself with what is most likely objectively and subjectively truerequires I be emotionally and intellectually rigorous and courageous. It means that I listen to scientific consensus and not discard it because Id like to believe something else. It means that I listen to the opinions of others and gain perspective on myself (while also honestly and humbly sorting out projections and displacements of other peoples biases). It means that I genuinely and honestly consider interpersonal facts about which I might have an incorrect opinion. And it means that I notice the whispers inside me that tell me when I am being dishonest or hiding from the truth, with white lies tolerated now and again.

Many spiritual paths involve giving over ones will and beliefs to a guru. Yet, that guru can be corrupt and deluded and conflate subjective and objective truths. For example, feeling one with all in meditation doesnt mean that we are all one in a black or white waywithout appropriate boundaries, individual needs, and different tolerances and sensibilities. In this sense, aligning ourselves with what is most likely true, subjectively and objectively, is a robust spiritual pathbecause, much like a guru, it forces us to align with truth and withstand the breakdown of some part of our existing paradigm. This is death and rebirth work, for sure. Again, this sounds pretty spiritual to me.

Detachment from reality by remaining stuck in ones self-centered and deluded beliefs doesnt help the planet or help us show up for one another. Consider our governments failure to acknowledge the widespread harm of key pesticides, or the neurotoxic chemicals in perfumes and scented products, despite the scientific evidence and the fact that many of these products arebanned in the EU and other, more sensible places than America. This creates crimes of global proportionbecause of the actions (and inactions) and resulting injury that a denial of the facts causes.Or consider a smaller-scale example. If someone doesnt appreciate you, despite evidence to the contrary they choosenot to see, they will treat you poorly and create unnecessary suffering for you and themselves.

To live an embodied spiritualitywhere we are in alignment with reality and whats as true as we can glean means we have to give up many of our fantasies and wishful thinking. It means we have to tend intimately to our emotional lives and the hidden aches and wounds thathide us from the truth. We find these hidden places when we descend into and become more conscious of our bodies (this is a key aspect of the body part of embodied spirituality). We have to practice critical thinking to align with external reality, whats known as intellectual honesty. Emotional and intellectual honesty are the pillars that producespiritual honesty.

When wepractice emotional healing, good thinking, and care for the greater good, we inhabit our bodies more fully. Belonging to ourselvesthis way connects us to the body of the Earth,so we can treat it with the same integrity with which wetreat ourselves . This way, spirituality begins with our (extra)ordinary humanness and self-healingandextends to the ordinary, extraordinary world around us in the same vein of integrity.

Its easy to live in a fantasy world, believing whats convenient, what feeds our biases, puffs up our superiority, denies what makes us uncomfortable, and propels our hate. These convenient, false beliefs also protect our core wounds and our need to belong in the world at any cost. The problem is that believing in whats untrue damages the world because it guides our actions and inaction.

Science and everyday evidence are beautiful because theybypass our bias and opinion; they dont care what we believe or what injures our ego. Theyre impartial. Sounds like the work of a good guru to me.When we gethumility, courage, honesty, good thinking, and passion all working in harmony and assuming their appropriate roles for truth-discerning, we get integration, which begets integrity. These psycho-spiritual capacities are the cornerstone of an embodied spirituality, which is simply to be an exquisitely integrated and aware human being who genuinely cares about oneself and the world . . . enough to be willing to suffer disillusionment to align with and serve it.

When we align our subjective and objective truths, we live in more harmony, not only with ourselves but with every other precious, living thing. What better pathcould we take thanto strive for an embodied, earthy lifein theage ofenvironmental collapse? For, the collapse of the natural world may indeed be due to our collective, personal collapse ofintegritytheabandonment ofour own embodiment.


Jack Adam Weber, L.Ac., M.A., is a Chinese medicine physician, having graduated valedictorian of his class in 2000. He has authored hundreds ofarticles, thousands ofpoems, and severalbooks. Weber is an activist for embodied spirituality and writes extensively on the subjects of holistic medicine, emotional depth work, and mind-body integration, all the while challenging his readers to think and act outside the box.His latest creation is theNourish Practice, a deeply restorative, embodied meditation practice as well as an educational guide forhealing the wounds of childhood. His work can be found, onFacebook, or onTwitter, where he can also be contacted for medical consultations and life-coaching.

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5 Stages Of The Path From Awakening To Enlightenment ...

Enlightenment Spiritual Center


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Our vision is to allow you to nourish your soul as you move forward on your own personal journey. You will have the opportunity to connect and heal physically, emotionally and mentally as you realize your lifes purpose.

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Become a part of the Arizona Enlightenment Centera place where strangers become friendsa place where you can re-connect with your family. We want to be a part of your transformation.

We provide the classes, workshops and experiences that will help you to raise your consciousness to a level that allows you to find peace and serenity in your life no matter what is going on in the rest of the world.

Please go to OUR VISION pages to see all the exciting plans and discover how you might become a part of this amazing journey.

Our new Centera one-stop shop for good health, wellness and mind-body-spirit connectiona place where you can live right, eat right and breathe right!

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Enlightenment Spiritual Center

Signs of Awakening to Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual enlightenment is unique for each person, and varies with the spiritual path, but here are some classic signs of how early to mid spiritual enlightenment unfolds with Divine Openings:

Divine Openings brings Practical EnlightenmentSpiritual Bliss ~ Practical Life Solutions

As well as bringing spiritual bliss and oneness with The Presence, Divine Openings brings practical spiritual enlightenment that works in daily life. Some paths bring bliss, but living on this earth is still hard. Lola Jones created Divine Openings to be practical. While mystical phenomena do happen at times, we don't chase it or glorify it.

Divine Openings helps you function at high levels in this world, have fulfilling work and thrilling relationships, and enjoy this Earth Life. You are able to stay unattached to details, people, things, and events, but passionate about life and people, not detached from them. You don't float off into la la land or wish to be in another dimension.

Divine Openings is deliberately designed to produce this practical spiritual enlightenment. If your heart desires it, Divine Openings helps you let it in. Your life works.

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Signs of Awakening to Spiritual Enlightenment

Movie Watcher’s Guide to Enlightenment Spiritual movies Guide


The Movie Watchers Guide to Enlightenment website lists movies for Enlightenment that can be helpful in Awakening to Truth. Metaphysical and forgiveness themes are the focus of these Spiritual movies.

True forgiveness entails completely laying aside the ego, which is the belief in linear time and space.

These spiritual movies can be used as a way of expanding consciousness and ultimately experiencing the depth and meaning of the Inner Self. These enlightening movies can be a means of getting in touch with and releasing limiting beliefs and resolving inner conflict.

Movies with a spiritual message need not be used as a means of escapism, distraction, or fantasy fulfillment, all of which are ego reinforcement. Movies are like modern-day parables; movies with a spiritual message offer a backdrop for experiencing deeper awareness and purpose, and help provide a detached, fearless Perspective from which it is apparent that all things work together for good.

For those who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see, enlightened movie-watching can offer many insights into the very heart of the Soul. We watch movies with a desire to let them be used by the Spirit to release the concepts of past and future. We watch them with an earnest desire for deeper understanding and meaning. Our intention has been to not repress the emotions we experience as we watch, but to release all unconscious beliefs and interpretations that prevent the constant experience of peace and joy. In releasing everything that does not serve inner peace and joy, we are transformed.

In this guide, we are grateful to share Enlightenment movies to which we have been intuitively drawn on our inward journey. We are happy to share the insights that have been revealed from the Spirit within. There is a method to watch movies in an enlightened way that leads to observing the events and scenes and scripts of the worldwith forgiving eyes. Forgiveness is synonymous with peace of mind and non-judgment.

Featured Video:Practical Applicationwith David Hoffmeister

The Movie Watchers Guide to Enlightenment (MWGE) is an onlinesearchable database of over 400 metaphysical reviewsof the bestspiritual movies for Awakening, including popular Hollywood movies such as Edge of Tomorrow, Lucy, Her, TheMatrix Trilogy, and Transcendence.

By watching your emotions during a movie and releasing what is arising, you can save time in this Awakening process. You dont have to play everything out in a linear manner in what seems to be a three-dimensional world. By using these top spiritual movies in this way, time can actually collapse into the quantum field or what we call quantum awareness. ~David Hoffmeister, your Guide

Wake up with the movies! Join us on and also visit our online ACIM Living Miracles TV.

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Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment Spiritual movies Guide

Zen Definition of Spiritual Enlightenment –

Summary: In this series, we will look to deepen our understanding of spiritual enlightenment, by studying the views from various different teachings and philosophies. In the first article of this series, we will explore the explanation of enlightenment given by the great modern day Zen Buddhist teacher, Charlotte Joko Beck.

Spiritual enlightenment is the greatest mystery and the greatest Truth available to man. Many explanations, descriptions, views etc., exist for enlightenment and each of these gives us some insight and understanding into what this great phenomenon is. In this series, I would like to provide these various definitions on enlightenment from various great teachings in order to help you understand better what it is for yourself.

We will start off this series with the Zen Buddhist definition of enlightenment and who better to quote, than one of my favorite Zen teachers Charlotte Joko Beck. Here is what this great Zen master had to say about what enlightenment is.

Enlightenment is the core of all religion. But we have quite often a strange picture of what it is. We equate the enlightened state with a state in which we have become quite perfect, quite nice and quiet, calm and accepting. And thats not it.

Im going to ask a series of questions about certain unpleasant states. I am not saying we should not have strong feelings or preferences about them. Nevertheless from these examples we can begin to get a clue; and when we have a clue we can see more clearly what were doing in practice. Here are the questions. (I have selected only a few that she asked).

Now I cant answer OK to any of of those. And if youre honest, I dont think that any of you can either. But to answer OK is the enlightened state, if we understand what it means for something to be OK. (She goes on to say).

What is the enlightened state? When there is no longer any separation between myself and the circumstances of my life, whatever they may be, that is it.

Understanding and remembering well the above zen definition for what enlightenment is, will immediately change the way you look at your life. Yes, immediately. What is being explained is that you stop running away from the moment, no matter what it contains, and start instead, embracing it, observing it, being OK with it. The more you are able to do that, the more enlightened you are.

This does not mean you will necessarily enjoy the moment, it may be full of hardship, but that is fine. You will see hardship as an opportunity to evaluate, test and make progress in your spiritual growth. Zazen, or Zen Meditation is one of the best techniques for developing this understanding and capability.

In Zen meditation, as you sit still for long periods of time, you learn to be OK and stay with the difficulties that inevitably arise, and that then translates into you being able to be OK with the difficulties that inevitably arise is your life. The person who is evolved in this way, will have few complaints and selfish interests, and thus, will be far more capable of giving, enjoying and loving.

So, the Zen teachings are very clear as to what enlightenment is. It is the state of residing in such great understanding and depth, that no matter what life throws your way, you are at peace with it, you are able to say, Thats OK, no problem.


Zen Definition of Spiritual Enlightenment -

What is New Age Enlightenment? | John Ankerberg Show

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; 2012 In the New Age Movement, enlightenment is one of those words that everyone respects. It suggests something very good. For anyone to say that it is something negative would seem harsh, for such a polite-sounding word should speak of something noble and sublime.What is New Age Enlightenment?Introduction and Influence

Enlightenment is realization of the truth of Being. Our native condition, our true self is Being, traditionally called God, the Supreme Being.[1]

The value of mystical and transformative states is not in producing some new experience, but in getting rid of the experience.[2]

In the New Age Movement, enlightenment is one of those words that everyone respects. It suggests something very good. For anyone to say that it is something negative would seem harsh, for such a polite-sounding word should speak of something noble and sublime.

But just what is enlightenment, this concept that allegedly describes a higher order of existence, a grander state of being, which for many New Agers represents the emerging prototype of a new species of humanity? This is the fundamental question, a question which in some ways answers other important questions about New Age metaphysics, occultism, and Eastern mystical religion in general. It is also an important question because the final goal of almost all serious New Age practice, as well as of many within occultism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, Sikhism, and other forms of mysticism is enlightenment, however it is conceptualized. And whatever occurs along these spiritual paths is designed to nourish the process of enlightenment; whatever is endured or achieved is inescapably linked in some fashion to that final goal. And if we can determine the nature of the goal, we can also learn something about the nature of the path.

Because it is in harmony with Hindu, Buddhist, and most mystical metaphysics, New Age enlightenment teaches the internal recognition by the individual that he or she is one essence with God or ultimate reality, with all that this implies. All mysticism is not the same, of course, nor are all categories of religious enlightenment, but sufficient commonalities exist to warrant extrapolation for the focus of our study here. For example, the development of monistic consciousness, the acceptance of spiritism and other forms of occultism, and a pragmatic amoralism typify the general process of mystical enlightenment. Our own research on many occult traditions and on some 25 Eastern mystical sects bears this out. Not all are equally potent or radical, but all set up shop in the same spiritual house, so to speak. Different rooms may be occupied, but the fundamental environment is consistent.

What enlightenment means in the New Age Movement can be gauged through editor John Whites text What Is Enlightenment?: Exploring the Goal of the Spiritual Path. White is an authority on consciousness exploration and related areas, having authored or edited numerous books, such as What Is Meditation?, Frontiers of Consciousness, The Highest State of Consciousness, Psychic Exploration, Other Worlds, Other Universes, and Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment. White holds degrees from Dartmouth College and Yale University, is on the boards of several academic and New Age organizations, and is an editorial contributor to a variety of national publications.

He writes, So widespread is the urge to know about enlightenment that, for the first time in history, people and organizations claiming to understand it have developed into a thriving field of commerce. The enlightenment industry is big business. Today, enlightenment is for everyone.[3] But the kind of enlightenment White discusses is not new; it is the age-old enlightenment of Eastern religion and occultism: that people are, in their true nature, one essence with God. As noted in the introductory quote: Enlightenment is the realization of the truth of Being. Our native condition, our true self is Being, traditionally called God.[4]

According to this view, the fundamental problem is that most people do not know that they are God. The common way of viewing things (that we are limited egos, personal selves) must thus be transcended until people recognize that they are enlightened as to their true nature. White emphasizes, But the critical point to be understood is this: the value of mystical and transformative states is not in producing some new experience but in getting rid of the experiencer. Getting rid, that is, of the egocentric consciousness which experiences life from a contracted, self-centered point of view rather than the free, unfettered perspective of a sage who knows he or she is infinity operating through a finite form.[5]

The false perception of ones limitations and isolation must be replaced with a new, direct experience of pantheism: The limitation is in youyour consciousnessand when that limitation is transcended, you perceive existence differently and therefore relate to it in a new way. Your sense of identity changes. You experience the cosmos as unified and intimately one with your own essential being, rather than experiencing yourself as a separate, isolated physical form apart from all the rest of existence.[6]

But through what means is individual perception so radically altered that the person now views his true nature, and the nature of the universe, as deity? This change in perception occurs by means of various occult practices found in both Eastern and Western spirituality. These practices lead the seeker of enlightenment into contact with the spirit worldwhat the Bible identifies as the realm of deceiving spirits or demons. As we will see, these practices permit the interfacing of the human and the demonic such that individual consciousness becomes manipulated toward delusions of personal god-hood. For example, as we have shown in our discussion on Eastern Gurus (The Problem of Personhood) elsewhere on this site, the goal of enlightenment is not only to alter ones perspective but to destroy ones basic identity so that it may be replaced with a new, alien consciousness.

Before we move into our analysis, it might be helpful to consider the individuals in Whites anthology who write about enlightenment. Many of these names will be familiar to readers of our other eBooks on New Age topics. Their backgrounds and interests here reveal the typical Eastern or occult orientation of New Age enlightenment:

Sri Aurobindo was the Hindu occultist who attempted a synthesis of Eastern and Western thinking. He said that the central spiritual experience was the descent of the Supermindan experience that parallels spirit influence or possession. He is perhaps best known for his two-volume text, The Life Divine.

Meher Baba was an Eastern guru who underwent periods of insanity and possession on his personal route to enlightenment, as indicated in the biography by Purdom, The God-Man.

Richard Maurice Bucke MD authored the occult classic Cosmic Consciousness. It was written in 1901, and has significantly influenced consciousness research and the field of transpersonal psychology. It was Buckes own brief mystical encounter that impelled him to write on mystical consciousness.

Allan Y. Cohen has his doctorate in clinical psychology from Harvard and has worked with radical LSD explorer Timothy Leary. He has had teaching and clinical positions at Harvard, the University of California, and the John F. Kennedy University. He co-founded and directed the Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation for 20 years, (a nonprofit institution specializing in substance abuse prevention). He is currently the Vice-Chair, Board of Directors at the Foundation for Autism Support and Training; the Director, Center for Advanced Planning, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist at the Moki Wellness Center. He is also a committed disciple of Sufi guru Meher Baba and has written widely in the field of mysticism.

Da Free John, aka Adi Da Samraj, was another controversial guru who was previously a disciple of radical Hindu gurus Swami Muktananda, Rudrananda, and Nityananda. Free Johns anarchistic spirituality centers upon such themes as God-possession, which is indistinguishable from classical demonization (for examples, see our eBook, A Christian Worldview of Meditation).

Lex Hixon was a devotee of meditation, which he practiced under the guidance of Swami Nikhilananda and Swami Prabhavananda of the Ramakrishna Order. He also practiced under Zen, Tibetan Buddhist, and Islamic meditation masters.

Aldous Huxley was the popular mystic who, in some ways, was one of the principal fathers of the consciousness research movement. His widely read books include The Doors of Perception, The Perennial Philosophy, Heaven and Hell, and Brave New World.

Gopi Krishna was a well-known yogi who sought to advance the cause of kundalini enlightenment around the world as an experience with divine energy (see our eBook, A Christian Worldview of Yoga). He is author of the spiritual autobiography Kundalini, the Evolutionary Energy in Man, in which he recounts his experiences with insanity and spirit possession as typical results of his kundalini experience. He has also written The Secret of Yoga, Higher Consciousness, and The Dawn of a New Science.[7]

Jiddhu Krishnamurti was the internationally known teacher whom Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society attempted to introduce to the world as the new Christ and World Teacher. Repudiating this role, he pursued his own path of occultism and wrote The Awakening of Intelligence, The First and Last Freedom, and Freedom from the Known. Mary Lutyens two-volume biography, Krishnamurti, indicates that Krishnamurti also became demonized on the path of enlightenment.

Dane Rudhyar was a prominent humanistic and transpersonal astrologer and occult psychologist who has been awarded several honorary degrees for his work. Among his best-known works are The Planetarization of Consciousness, Rhythm of Wholeness, The Astrology of Transformation, and the 1936 classic The Astrology of Personality.

Satprem was the disciple of Sri Aurobindo and author of a 13-volume set on the personal conversations he had with Aurobindos spiritual partner, The Mother.

Houston Smith was a professor of religion and philosophy at Syracuse University for 15 years. He is author of the well-known text, The Worlds Religions (originally titled The Religions of Man), which has sold over two million copies. He has produced documentary films on Sufism, Hinduism, and Tibetan Buddhism that have won international film festival awards. He has also written Forgotten Truth: The Primordial Tradition, and Beyond the Post-Modern Mind.

Evelyn Underhill was a well-known authority on mysticism and author of such books as The Mystic Way, Practical Mysticism, Man and the Supernatural, The House of the Soul, Essentials of Mysticism and Other Essays, and her classic text Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Mans Spiritual Consciousness.

Roger Walsh trained in medicine, psychiatry, and neuroscience, and he is a practitioner of Buddhist vipassana meditation. He has attempted to integrate modern forms of transpersonal psychology into therapy. He is the author of Essential Spirituality, coauthor of Beyond Ego: Transpersonal Dimensions in Psychology, and of the authoritative text Meditation: Ancient and Contemporary Perspectives.[8]

Alan Watts was the famous mystic and Western popularizer of Zen Buddhism and a promoter of psychedelic drug use. Among his books on mysticism are Psychotherapy East and West, The Supreme Identity, Behold the Spirit, The Way of Zen, Beyond Theology, and The Book.

Ken Wilber is regarded as among the foremost theorists in transpersonal psychology and has been a practitioner of Zen Buddhism for over 20 years, studying under several Zen masters. Although he completed his course requirements for the PhD in biochemistry, his interest in mystical states caused him to leave the academic world and devote his time to personal exploration in consciousness research. He is author of The Spectrum of Consciousness, No Boundary, The Atman Project, Up From Eden, and System, Self and StructureAn Outline of Transpersonal Psychology. He was also editor-in-chief of Revision: A Journal of Consciousness and Change.

The above describes the typical spiritual orientation of leaders of the search for spiritual enlightenment. Obviously, this modern search is nothing new; it is fundamentally a throwback to ancient pagan practices, usually reconstituted for contemporary Western consumption. Nevertheless, the essence and consequence of paganism remains. Indeed, modern enlightenment is an extended experimentation with occult states of consciousness. Thus, the severe consequences found in this modern search for supposedly higher states of being are not unexpected.[9]

The John Ankerberg Show

Founder and president of The John Ankerberg Show, the most-watched Christian worldview show in America.

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What is New Age Enlightenment? | John Ankerberg Show

Most Unique Spiritual Trips for Enlightenment – Pacsafe

As human existence has entered the Age of Enlightenment, travelers head around the world in search of a spiritual awakening. If seeking to find your inner-light and spread your wings, awaken your souls purpose through these spiritual trips for finding enlightenment.

Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage Walk, SpainThis famous pilgrimage attracts backpackers to walk 500 miles starting with a spiritual journey and ending in ones heart. A popular route, Camino Frances, starts at St. Jean-Pied-du-Port and ending in Galicia. The path holds over a thousand years of pilgrimage and over millions of footsteps and is known to be the longest Christian Pilgrimage.

Uptuyu Aboriginal Adventures, AustraliaThis indigenous tour offers travelers to head to Australia for an authentic Aboriginal experience. Tours take place in Broome and the surrounding regions to learn, discover and be hands-on ancient traditions. Book one of the epic journeys such as the, Seize the Moment tour to rest at the Kimberly wilderness setting, set amidst mineral springs the best of the outback landscape. With other explorations, visitors explore ancient rock galleries; learn about bush medicine and survival in the outback.

Studying Yoga, IndiaEnhance your karma and discover your lifes purpose through exposing your inner-world in India. Studying yoga, whether as a course or a holiday retreat, is available throughout the country. Rishikesh is known for its abundance with yoga ashrams, retreats and festivals. If searching for the traditional experience, head to small-town India to find longstanding ashrams. Goa is westernized and holds many retreats led by American, European, or Australian yogis.

The Powerful Vortexes, Sedona, ArizonaAs life ventures into the Age of Aquarius, New Age believers head to Sedona to visit one of four energy vortexes, which were first discovered in the 1950s. Vortexes are pulls of energy that provide either, or both, masculine and feminine energies. Bed Rock (masculine), Airport Mesa (masculine), Cathedral Rock (feminine), and Boynton Canyon (both) are the places where if one meditates, supposedly one can physically heal and spiritually awaken.

twildlife / iStock /

Meditation with Monks, BhutanTour operators offer self-made spiritual journeys to visit and explore various Buddhist temples around Bhutan. The popular Tigers Nest Monastery is perched on a cliff 800 meters above Paro Valley. Known as one of Bhutans most religious sites, legend has it that Guru Rinpoche flew to this location on the back of a tigress from Khenpajong where this place was to consecrate the Tiger demon.

Trekking in TibetTibet is known as one of the most religious, and spiritual, destinations in the world. Grounding ones feet in nature changes people naturally while enduring a highly physical challenge. Tour operators offer seven to 21 day trekking trips around Tibet and Nepal, with opportunities to visit sacred temples, sites, mountains and lakes. Visitors who are lucky enough may find the Dalai Lama conducting a presentation.

goikmitl / iStock /

Elizabeth Kovar

Elizabeth is a fitness professional, workshop presenter and freelance writer. She is an active traveler who treks the globe looking for interesting stories to write and places to photograph. Her most significant travel achievements include living and volunteering in Australia twice and studied yoga in India.

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Most Unique Spiritual Trips for Enlightenment - Pacsafe

Why Spiritual Growth Does Not Lead to Enlightenment

Enlightenment is in many ways more of a Western concept than a traditional Asian one. The Sanskrit wordbodhameans, depending on the context:being awake,knowing, understanding, wisdom, intelligence, perception,awakening, awareness, blossoming, opening,or expanding. Its an everyday word, not an abstract noun, and it doesnt imply some final state of perfection.

When used in spiritual contexts, it connotes being awake to and aware of ones real nature,of the true nature of reality, or both. The English word enlightenment implies (to most people) some kind of super-wisdom and/or a higher state of consciousness that elevates the one who has attained it above the mass of humanity. The Sanskrit word is sweeter, simpler, and more humble: it connotes waking up to the reality of what you really are (and always have been), and becoming generally more aware and open.Abidingin this awake, alive, open awareness is the goal of the spiritual life as conceived in the Yoga traditions.

In our culture, however, the pursuit of enlightenment (which really means abiding in direct awareness of reality) has become confused and mixed up with the self-help / self-improvement project. People talk about wanting to grow and become a better person, and often imagine that the terminal point of this growth process is something like enlightenment.This demonstrates a real lack of understanding of the nature of the spiritual path (as conceived in the Asian traditions, anyway). Not only is abiding-awakenessnotthe endpoint of the growth process, it doesnt even lie in that direction.

What??!Look, if you stop and think this through, youll see its obvious: according to all the Yoga traditions,your true nature is always already perfect,the core of your being is pure radiant divinity, and you are always already one with the infinite divine Consciousness which gives rise to and supports the entire universe. TAT-TVAM-ASI: you are That; here and now.

Therefore, realization of this truth does not depend on any degree of personal growth. Rather, it is a paradigm shift in which you stop identifying with the phenomenawithinAwareness(e.g., thoughts, emotions, body-image, etc.) and wake up to the fact that you are Awarenessitselfthe only constant in the ever-changing world of your experience.

And yes, it is possible to becomesoawake that you never fall back asleep again. You dont become a categorically different kind of person, you just finally see the truth so clearly and completely that you cantunseeit, and thus you dwell in a different paradigm from before.

Now, despite fanciful stories about sudden enlightenment, this doesnt happen overnight. Just as it can take you a while to wake up from physical sleep before youre fully awake and clear, in the same way, once youve touched into the truth of your Being, you have to keep touching in and deepening your awareness of Awareness for months or years before it becomes your default state. In that process, there is a kind of growth that is necessary:reaching a level of maturity where you know what you really want and your daily-life actions reflect your hearts deepest longing. In other words, you have to grow up enough to get out of your own way and make room for the awakening process to unfold. But this kind of growth is a necessary ancillary to awakening, not its cause.

So you have to ask yourself: are you subconsciously holding the belief that abiding in awakeness to your real nature has to wait until youve completed your therapy, or until your lifes not a mess, or until you can retire to a forest retreat, or until youve attainedsamdhi?Are you spending a lot of time and energy on a self-improvement project that yields only incremental gains, without first accessing the source of unconditional love within? If so, youre suffering. And youre not alone.

This is what looks really weird from where Im sitting: a lot of people doing self-improvement type spirituality are working really hard to acquire the traits that are natural byproducts of abiding in awakeness (bodha-stha). This is going at it back-to-front.Firstwake up to what you really are,thenintegrate that realization into all the aspects of your life. Waking up is actually the easy part compared to integration, but way harder than both is trying to integrate a realization you havent really had yet. Which is what most people in this game are trying to do. I know, youve had powerful experiences in which you tasted your divine essence; but this is really not the same as properlywaking up out ofthe belief that your thoughts, memories, and story have anything to do with who you really are.

Its this simple:you cannot heal the broken self as long as you believe that you are it.Or you can, but its ridiculously difficult. By contrast, if you wake up to and become centered in your real nature, then you can lovingly address any misalignments in the body-mind that need addressing. If youre willing to do the work of integration, every layer of your being becomes permeated with the powerful energy of awakeness. You start to thenembodythat awakeness, which is beneficial to all beings. If you dont do the work of integration, even if youre centered in your divine core, youre not really benefitting anyone else.

This is important. Some people wake up to their real nature and thendismissthe body-mind and its problems rather than work with them. This is called transcendentalism by my teachers (and spiritual bypassing by others), because such people seek to simply transcend the body-mind. By contrast, on the Tantrik path, we seek to allow the energy of pure Awareness (chit-shakti) to permeate all the levels of embodiment and aspects of daily life. This is called integration. But again, in order to do that, you have to be able to access the energy of Awareness at will, which takes practice.

So integration is therealspiritual growth, but it hasnothingto do with trying to recondition oneself to conform more closely to an ideal found in books on spirituality or in the mouth of a teacher (which is what most people call spiritual growth). Rather, it means doing whatever is necessary to open up the body-mind system in such a way as to allow the energy of awakeness to flow unimpeded and permeate every aspect of your life (when actualized, this is calledmah-vypti,the Great Pervasion, in Tantrik Yoga).

Dwelling in the midst of the sea of nectar, with my heart-mind immersed solely in the worship of You [as the substance of every experience], may I attend to all the common occupations of man, savoring the ineffable in every thing.Utpala Deva

This process of integration-and-embodiment involves a lot of looking. When you hold up a thought or self-image and look at it in the Light of Awareness (again, assuming you have access to that Light), you can clearly see to what degree it is misaligned with your deepest nature and discard it (by definition, theyre all misaligned tosomedegree; but the less misaligned thoughts can be useful for a particular purpose). For most people, this doesnt happen automatically; they need to actually do the work of looking & discarding; or, in the case ofsaskrasor unresolved experiences, looking &digesting; this is a crucial distinction. This explains why some people can be enlightened but unintegrated; and if they become teachers, they usually cause harm. Theres a difference between having access to the Light of Awareness (praksha) and doing the work of seeing what does and doesnt reflect that light in its fullness (this is calledvimarsha,or self-reflection).

Someone who has done a lot ofvimarshaand has therefore shed their self-images and digested a lot of their unresolved experiences dwells in a state of freedom calledmoksha.Such a person is calledjvan-mukta, liberated while still in the body. This is significantly less common than awakening or even abiding-awakening. It is the ultimate goal of the spiritual life, but its not an attainment since nothing has been attained; rather, something has been lost. Its a state of being truly unburdened and free. But even this is not a terminal state, since theres always moresaskras that can be digested and more integration that can be done. Still, there is a tipping point beyond which you could never go back to the state of bondage and delusion. Passing this tipping point is what caused the Buddha to say simply and humbly,ktya ktam: that which needed to be done is now done.

What would it look like for you to drop all self-improvement projects based in a sense of unworthiness and spend your practice time learning how to access and abide in your already-perfect innermost Self? This is not as easy as it sounds, since it means going beyond enjoying afeel-good ideaof your own divinity and accessing the real deal, which humbles and softens you more than it exalts and affirms you (you here meaning the body-mind-personality complex).

What if you stopped trying to be a better person and simply learned how to fully embody the being you already are?

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Why Spiritual Growth Does Not Lead to Enlightenment

50 Spiritual Awakening Quotes Celebrating Enlightenment

These spiritual awakening quotes will inspire self-improvement and long-term positive change.

Spiritual awakening involves moving beyond your limited reality and gaining a broader and clearer perspective. When you make the shift to a higher level of consciousness, you become more aware of reality as it exists beyond the confines of the self.

Having a spiritual awakening leads to self-realization and a well-adjusted existence. It leads you to a blissful and content life. No matter the circumstances of your life, youll enjoy a stress-free natural existence.

Just like a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, when you finally reach that state of spiritual enlightenment, youll be able to spread your wings and find your true self and your true path. It will allow you to experience a sense of inner peace, a feeling of purification, and have more compassion and empathy.

Though it can be a painful process as it requires you to make difficult choices on how you move forward and live with your new perspective, once your inner transformation to a higher level of consciousness is complete, youll be happy that you went through the whole experience.

To celebrate the shift to higher consciousness, below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and positive spiritual awakening quotes, spiritual awakening sayings, and spiritual awakening proverbs, collected from various sources.

1.) We are all equally capable of spiritual awakening. It may not seem that way, at times. Some of us are so caught up in the drama of our day-to-day existence that we have lost track of who we really are. But eventually, all of us will make the discovery of our true nature. Victor Shamas

2.) You are heir to a heavenly fortune, the sole beneficiary of an infinite spiritual trust fund, a proverbial goldmine of sacred abundance beyond all common measure or human comprehension. But until you assert your rightful inheritance of this blessed gift, it will remain unclaimed and forever beyond your reach. Anthon St. Maarten

3.) We are not the only ones affected by our recovery. The spiritual awakening heals the world one person at a time. Marta Mrotek

4.) You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. Swami Vivekananda

5.) Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations. Samuel Ullman

6.) It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up. Eckhart Tolle

7.) Within you lies opportunity to grow in spirit. Keep your feet on the earth, but lift your face towards the heavens. Surrender to the light with a tranquil mind, and a heart full of the love of God. White Eagle

8.) You can have a spiritual awakening and discover a new side of you at any age. And best of all, love can happen at any age. Life can just start to get exciting when youre in your 40s and 50s. You have to believe that. Salma Hayek

9.) In the place of stillness, rises potential. From the place of potential, emerges possibility. Where there is possibility, there is choice, and where there is choice, there is freedom! Gabrielle Goddard

10.) Be kind to yourself as you proceed along this journey. This kindness, in itself, is a means of awakening the spark of love within you and helping others to discover that spark within themselves. Tsoknyi Rinpoche

11.) Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha

12.) Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge. Eckhart Tolle

13.) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein

14.) The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love.- Marianne Williamson

15.) The awakening of the soul to its bondage and its effort to stand up and assert itself this is called life. Swami Vivekananda

16.) The real spiritual progress of the aspirant is measured by the extent to which he achieves inner tranquility. Sivananda

17.) The great awareness comes slowly, piece by piece. The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. The experience of spiritual power is basically a joyful one. M. Scott Peck

18.) The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It cant be organized or regulated. It isnt true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. Ram Dass

19.) Awakening is about liberating yourself from the prison that is the world of the mind and daring to be here as all that you are. Leonard Jacobson

20.) Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. C.G. Jung

21.) The solution to the problem of the day is the awakening of the consciousness of humanity to the divinity within. Hazrat Inayat Khan

22.) Awakening is dynamic. Constantly evolving in accordance with lifes realities. Unfolding from ego-self to compassionate self. From enclosed self to open self. From foolish self to enlightened self. Taitetsu Unno

23.) Many of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas Alva Edison

24.) Glorify who you are today, do not condemn who you were yesterday, and dream of who you can be tomorrow. Neale Donald Walsch

25.) In spiritual life there is no room for compromise. Awakening is not negotiable; we cannot bargain to hold on to things that please us while relinquishing things that do not matter to us. A lukewarm yearning for awakening is not enough to sustain us through the difficulties involved in letting go. It is important to understand that anything that can be lost was never truly ours, anything that we deeply cling to only imprisons us. Jack Kornfield

26.) Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes. He begins to understand that self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening. G. I. Gurdjieff

27.) It is reality that awakens possibilities, and nothing would be more perverse than to deny it.- Robert Musil

28.) Do not try to approach God with your thinking mind. It may only stimulate your intellectual ideas, activities, and beliefs. Try to approach God with your crying heart. It will awaken your soulful, spiritual consciousness. Sri Chinmoy

29.) The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best that is in us. It is only through our own personal awakening that the world can be awakened. We cannot give what we do not have. Marianne Williamson

30.) Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.- John ODonohue

31.) Times are difficult globally; awakening is no longer a luxury or an ideal. Its becoming critical. We dont need to add more depression, more discouragement, or more anger to whats already here. Its becoming essential that we learn how to relate sanely with difficult times. The earth seems to be beseeching us to connect with joy and discover our innermost essence. This is the best way that we can benefit others. Pema Chodron

32.) Through spiritual maturity you will see new ways to avoid unnecessary suffering; wiser ways to endure unavoidable hardships with grace, and opportunities to turn your pain into lessons of service and healing for others. Your hard journey has had a great purpose! Your pain was always a part of a plan to open your heart to love. Have faith. A miracle is happening in your life; the miracle of pain is transforming you to your highest self. Bryant H. McGill

33.) Do not be impatient with your seemingly slow progress. Do not try to run faster than you presently can. If you are studying, reflecting and trying, you are making progress whether you are aware of it or not. A traveler walking the road in the darkness of night is still going forward. Someday, some way, everything will break open, like the natural unfolding of a rosebud.- Vernon Howard

34.) True happiness comes not when we get rid of all of our problems, but when we change our relationship to them, when we see our problems as a potential source of awakening, opportunities to practice, and to learn.- Richard Carlson

35.) There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. Louis LAmour

36.) Upon awakening, let the words Thank You flow from your lips, for this will remind you to begin your day with gratitude and compassion. Wayne Dyer

37.) We need limitations and temptations to open our inner selves, dispel our ignorance, tear off disguises, throw down old idols, and destroy false standards. Only by such rude awakenings can we be led to dwell in a place where we are less cramped, less hindered by the ever-insistent External. Only then do we discover a new capacity and appreciation of goodness and beauty and truth.- Helen Keller

38.) The next time you find yourself in some way trying desperately to land safely, your compassion might be what finally gives you the courage you need to let go of the controls. In doing so, you might discover that each time you let go, it becomes easier and easier to re-enter the atmosphere of your own aliveness. Gradually youll come home to the flow of your own living presence, the warmth and space of your awakening heart.- Tara Brach

39.) First, we become aware of that which is Divine around us. Then we become aware of that which is Divine within us. Finally, we become aware that all is Divine, and that there is nothing else. This is the moment of our awakening.- Neale Donald Walsch

40.) He who is free in the body, but bound in the soul is a slave; but on the contrary he who is bound in the body, but free in the soul, is truly free. Epictetus

41.) The enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted. As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, the vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to good in your life. Michael Bernard Beckwith

42.) History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster. Douglas MacArthur

43.) Spiritual relationship is far more precious than physical. Physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul.- Mahatma Gandhi

44.) It isnt until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within that you can begin to take control.- Oprah Winfrey

45.) Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force that thoughts rule the world. Ralph Waldo Emerson

46.) Once you awaken you will have no interest in judging those who sleep. James Blanchard

47.) The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our lives. Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just dont know it. Marianne Williamson

48.) The essence of spirituality is, to be constantly aware of the oneness of all; at the same time to celebrate the uniqueness of the individual. Jaggi Vasudev

49.) I think a spiritual journey is not so much a journey of discovery. Its a journey of recovery. Its a journey of uncovering your own inner nature. Its already there.- Billy Corgan

50.) You think of yourselves as humans searching for a spiritual awakening, when in fact you are spiritual beings attempting to cope with a human awakening. Seeing yourselves from the perspective of the spirit within will help you to remember why you came here and what you came here to do.- Neale Donald Walsch

Spiritual awakening has many benefits. It leads to self-realization and can help you lead a blissful and content life.

When you finally reach that higher shift in consciousness and understanding, youll be able to enjoy a fulfilled, meaningful life. Hopefully, the above quotes will inspire you to wake up so that you live the life of your dreams and attain the success you desire.

Did you enjoy these spiritual awakening quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? Let us know in the comment section below.

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50 Spiritual Awakening Quotes Celebrating Enlightenment

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Book One of The Enlightenment Trilogy

Author: Jed McKenna

Publisher: Wisefool Press


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Author: Louise Villalon

Publisher: Lulu Press, Inc


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The Power of Now – Wikipedia

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a book by Eckhart Tolle. The book is intended to be a guide for day-to-day living and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and avoiding thoughts of the past or future.

Published in the late 1990s,[1] the book was recommended by Oprah Winfrey[2] and has been translated into 33 languages.[3] As of 2009, it was estimated that three-million copies had been sold in North America.[4]

The book draws from a variety of "spiritual traditions",[5] and has been described by one reviewer as "Buddhism mixed with mysticism and a few references to Jesus Christ, a sort of New Age re-working of Zen."[6] It uses these traditions to describe a "belief system based on living in the present moment".[7] Its core message is that people's emotional problems are rooted in their identification with their minds.[8] The author writes that an individual should be aware of their "present moment" instead of losing themselves in worry and anxiety about the past or future.[2]

According to the book, only the present moment is important,[5] and both an individual's past and future is created by their thoughts.[6] The author maintains that people's insistence that they have control of their life is an illusion "that only brings pain".[5] The book also describes methods of relaxation and meditation to aid readers in anchoring themselves in the present.[5] These suggestions include slowing down life by avoiding multi-tasking, spending time in nature, and letting go of worries about the future.[9] Some of the concepts contained in The Power of Now, such as the human ego and its negative effects on happiness, are further elaborated in the author's later books, in particular A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (2005).[7]

The chapters of the book are: "Introduction", "You Are Not Your Mind", "Consciousness: The Way Out of Pain", "Moving Deeply into the Now", "Mind Strategies for Avoiding the Now", "The State of Presence", "The Inner Body", "Portals into the Unmanifested", "Enlightened Relationships", "Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace" and "The Meaning of Surrender".[10] Various chapters emphasize a philosophy of destroying the destructive dominance of the mind and ego in an effort to overcome the pain body.[7] According to the author, his philosophy is directed towards people and their search for personal happiness and also has the potential to give insight into historical disasters like the justification of an evil political system such as Communism.[7]

In the book's introduction the author relates his past experiences of continuous anxiety with periods of suicidal depression. Later, when he was 29 years old, he had a personal epiphany and writes: "I heard the words 'resist nothing' as if spoken inside my chest." He relates that he felt as if he were falling into a void and afterwards "there was no more fear."[11]

In Chapter Two, Tolle tells the reader that they must recognize their personal ego "without the ego creating an antagonistic response to its own denial or destruction" and explains the purposelessness of the "mental pain and anguish" that people hold on to.[12] According to the book: "The pain-body consists of trapped life-energy that has split off from your total energy field and has temporarily become autonomous through the unnatural process of mind identification."[8] In this chapter the author writes: "pain can only feed on pain. Pain cannot feed on joy. It finds it quite indigestible".[8] The author goes on to write that "many people live with a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy. It is the cause of untold misery and unhappiness."[5]

In Chapter Three, the author writes: "In the normal, mind-identified or unenlightened state of consciousness, the power and creative potential that lie concealed in the Now are completely obscured by psychological time. You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You can find yourself by coming into the present. Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be."[8]

In Chapter Four, Tolle says that "tomorrow's bills are not the problem" and can be a "core delusion" that changes a "mere situation, event or emotion" into a reason for suffering and unhappiness.[13] The book also calls "waiting" a "state of mind" that we should snap ourselves out of.[13]

The book was originally published in 1997 by Namaste Publishing in Vancouver. It was republished in 1999 by New World Library, and this edition reached and remained on the New York Times bestseller list for years afterwards.[8] The book has been translated into 33 languages, including Arabic.[3][14]

In 2000, the book was listed as recommended reading in Oprah Winfrey's O magazine and, according to Winfrey, the actress Meg Ryan also recommended it.[2] A Christian author, Andrew Ryder, wrote a dissertation saying that "Tolle moves the traditional [Christian] teaching forward by illustrating how our obsession with the past and the future ... [prevents] us from giving our full attention to the present moment."[15] William Bloom, a spokesperson for the holistic, mind-body-spirit movement in the UK, wrote that "Tolle's approach is very body aware. He's done it in a nice accessible way for people."[8]

Some reviewers were more critical of the book. According to a review in the Telegraph Herald, the book is not very well-written but contains some good teachings.[5] Andrea Sachs wrote in TIME magazine that the book is "awash in spiritual mumbo jumbo" and "unhelpful for those looking for practical advice".[16] An article in The Independent said that "there is not very much new about The Power of Now" and described it as "a sort of New Age re-working of Zen."[6]

When Paris Hilton was incarcerated at the Century Regional Detention Facility in California in June 2007 she brought with her a copy of The Power of Now.[8] Singer Annie Lennox chose The Power of Now as one of her "desert island books", as did the comedian Tony Hawks.[8] Singer Katy Perry stated that she was inspired to write "This Moment", a song from her 2013 album Prism, after she heard the audio book of The Power of Now.[17]

Continued here:

The Power of Now - Wikipedia

Enlightenment | Enlightened Beings

By Jafree Ozwald

To experience enlightenment right now, takes absolute total surrender to What Is. The natural basic pure simple Isness of existence. To experience this, start with letting go of all efforting to get somewhere better than here now, and start playing like a curious kid again. What is here now is the God Source, what could be better than that?

Deep curiosity will bring you closer to enlightenment. You have to drop the mind however somehow. You already have unlimited divine potentiality and exquisite imagination happening inside the mind. Use the mind, just dont be used by it. Let your mind fly free. Fly along beside it. Yet do not get attached to any feeling, thought or desire. Only then you can know true freedom and truly be the master of your mind.

The greatest cosmic joke of all is this. On the deepest level of existence, your unlimited presence is already divine, it is already abiding in The Highest Enlightened State. This is who you really are. Pure Presence, unencumbered by the mind.

Realize this core truth and youll see that you are already free from all your imaginary sufferings. You are FREE to leave this experience of suffering at any time. You already have an out of jail pass. You can open your mind and let the sky, the Universe, with its all-loving, accepting, sensual energy take you in! Let this Enlightened Universe cradle you like a baby. Relax and let yourself be supported by its majesty.

The greatest action you can do to become enlightened today is to just relax. Not kind of let go, relax half ass, or relax for a few minutes. Relax deeper into yourself, more than you ever have in your entire life. Let go of all tensions on every level.

You have the power inside you to let go of whatever your minds clinging to. This clinging inside you is perpetuating your suffering. Dont be afraid to be separated or unattached to anything. You are already connected in the most intimate ways to everything. Just relax with whatever you cannot relax with.

When you just cannot relax, spend your time welcoming the feeling of real magical freedom into your body. You are a magical being. Your thoughts are always creating your reality. You can imagine anything you want!

Life is eternal. You will get the chance to have another body, another life, after you die. Your spirit is forever. You are a spiritual being who cannot be killed. Feeling into the truth of this timelessness, this spacious existence is soooo deeply liberating. The door opens to enlightenment when all attachment to the material world has resigned.

This ego of yours is here for one purpose, to melt into the ocean of existence. So everyday when you wake up choose to dissolve, surrender and melt into this living state of bliss. You will quickly transcend any block that comes your way. This is a benefit of Enlightenment!

All rivers of thought come from and return to the ocean of Existence. They were never separate thoughts that were privately yours. This is the nature of reality. When you live in the flowing river of thought, knowing there are infinite bandwidths to listen to, you discover your true spiritual essence and your lifes awakening mission.

You are here to have a highly enjoyable experience of being human. You were given a body to feel profound sensual pleasures. You were given skin so you could be sensually touched, taste buds to enjoy drinking and eating, ears to hear music and sensual sounds, eyes to see the Divine beauty all around you, and a nose to smell sacred fragrances around you. Enjoy living in this body, do not resist enjoying it.

Breathe, relax, and accept all the amazing freedom that is available to you. You are human AND divine! Play while youre still alive. Choose to be young at heart, let go of your burdens and explore life! This freedom is available today. It is yours nowyou can reach out and take it.

Feel the pain that is created from clinging to heavy contracted thoughts and feelings. Feel how these old illusions make you feel and believe that youre separate from an Infinite Loving Source. Only through feeling this pain will you realize this is not the path to enlightenment and youll begin to naturally effortlessly choose to be free from your suffering. Just commit yourself to being honest with your experience of life and play!

Enlightenment is already yours. You dont have to do anything to deserve it. You are already worthy of it. You were born worthy. You are already with whatever energetic/spiritual connection that Buddha and Christ had. This is found through meditation, the merging of your higher Self with your lower Self.

Another golden key to enlightenment is learning to live the quality of trust. This is about surrendering everything over to God. The all intelligent Universe is ultimately in charge of itself. It wont always give you whatever your ego wants if there is something better for your enlightenment available.

Know yourself. Realize that your ego is a wanting machine that cannot be turned off. Its job is to desire, so that you move, take action, to grow and become divinely creative. The Universe never makes mistakes, the deepest darkness makes the stars bright.

Embrace and move through every imprisoned feeling that arises inside you. Release whatever arises in you, and relax into the oceanic experience of your being through your day. Explore what its like to truly let go of everything and just BE!

Believe it or not, letting go is easier than you think! Its absolutely easy and effortlessness to relax your grip on life. Its your mind and ego who is holding on to something and creating your suffering. Simply experience the vast infinite Universe in this moment and drop any clinging you have to it. The moment you drop your suffering, a part of you dies and is reborn.

You might as well ask, How can you tell that the sun is shining upon your face? You cannot see the Sun light hitting your face, yet you feel it and the warmth is delicious to your soul. This is what Enlightenment is like. It will be so obvious that you cannot miss it.

Enlightenment is remembering that you are the Sun. It is your innermost being. It is the Source of existence, your existence. Your Universe will not exist if you do not exist.

There is an awesome Universal intelligence right here, right now, that is guiding you every step along the way. Ask it to guide you into your deepest enlightened state of being. Through this deep and simple surrender into what is here now, you will find that you were always guided everyday, and the greatest Universal intelligence exists inside you.

The more you can surrender to life, the more open you become to experiencing this supreme enlightened consciousness that is the core of your very being. It is your essence. Enlightenment is your natural state of being and is seen, felt and known when the mind is not clinging to anything.

Now is the only time that there is. The past and future are fabrications of the mind. Without the mind you experience this entire Universe unfolding perfectly, magically. The now contains your doorway to enlightenment. No other time will do.

Open your eyes, spread your wings, disappear into the wondrous Light of your inner most being. Your spiritual essence is here now to be experienced. All of your lifetimes have been merely a great preparation for you to wake up to realizing and exploring this great experience, right now. Now is the only time you can relax and truly know that you are as brilliant, bright, and beautiful as a newly born Sun.

Enlightenment is an awakening to the Light in you. It also happens at the speed of light! Enlightenment may take you many months, years, or lifetimes of deep self-inquiry, inner exploration, and letting go. Yet, this experience is the main purpose why you came here. You have all the time you need to experience it. Just be very careful and watch out for everything in the world that will distract you from this purpose.

All your problems, issues, distractions, negative feelings/thoughts, and judgments are your fuel that are propelling you forward into this light of your Divine Consciousness. The world will always deliver to you the perfect people, situations and stumbling blocks that you are needing to stand up in this light.

Your life is always bigger than what the mind can imagine.

Within each chaotic moment there is something called the Spiritual Cyclone. When you bring all of your attention into the present moment you can feel it. It is the most enlightening, wondrous, divine and orgasmic cyclone of energy because at its very center there resides a deep stillness and divine awareness. This is no ordinary awareness, this is looking at the world through peace-filled eyes and an open heart bursting with appreciation.

How to access this enlightened spiritual space when trapped within the chaos and suffering? Look towards the stillness that is found in the very center of your innermost core and being. It is only in this place you will discover peace. A powerful spiritual knowledge always exists here that will make you completely aware that there is nothing to fear.

Abide in this center for the next 24 hours and you will see. Commit to living daily from this space and you will feel a deep surrender to this divine creative Universe. You will find yourself automatically manifesting a rich life, full of meaning, clarity, depth and bliss in every connection with everyone you meet. Eventually, you will discover that YOU are never separate from The Divine Enlightened Source. Be patient and yet persistent with the process of surrender. One day you will see that everywhere you go is the infinite source of love, intelligence and power. Simply dive deep withinthe clouds will soon part and you will truly see.

Enlightenment is a continual freeing of your old thinking patterns that opens you to a cosmic presence and loving energy everything. Its realizing that God is here now always. It is seeing each person, circumstance and outcome in the most positive ways.

How to know when you meet a person who is on the path to enlightenment? The enlightened person will always remind you of the powerful God-Being you already are. They will always help you discover that no matter how stuck you may feel on the inside, there is an unforeseen path that is limitless, loving and free. The enlightened person will not say they are enlightened for they know this is an infinite path and they will be forever in the enlightening process. You will know them by the sparkle in their eye and the warmth of their heart. The true enlightening being knows that true power comes from the connection with the Universal Source inside.

When you are on the path to enlightenment you are 100% devoted to God. This is not just an external God, but an internal God-Source as well. Its a connection that brings you a deeper healing, love, freedom, trust and a knowingness that YOU are much more than your body and mind. Its a devotion that asks for nothing in return. Its purpose is simply for the spiritual connection with Source. This devotion brings such a deep clarity of life purpose and absolute success in everything you do, every day of your life.

Enlightenment is about empowering others and yourself to discover that inner peace is your most natural state. This inner peace breeds the greatest self-confidence and transformation in ones energy and perspective. It is the most effortless, easy, and essential core of who you are. Enlightenment is about reaching out to others with a great compassion and acceptance, no matter how negative they are. We are all alchemists by nature, meaning our ego is here to transform itself into what is more light, joyful, loving and free. One who discovers this hidden truth within themselves, can find it in those who are hiding their God-Source from the world.

Enlightenment is being free from your past, from all your karma. You are fully in this moment, 100% aware and relaxed, totally open, deeply available to life, and feeling everything that arises 24 hours a day.In the enlightened state you are ONE with the Ocean of Existence. You feel and know there is no separate you. This knowingness creates a rediscovery in each moment that the real YOU is perpetually found within everything and everyone. You see that the world is your mirror. Youre aware of your reflection everywhere you go, and feel an intimate oneness with the entire Universe.

Sitting quietly, simply doing nothingbut being present to your infinite presence the grass, trees and you continue to grow and reveal their sweet divinity.

I have a little enlightening homework assignment for you. I want you to look deeper inside yourself for the next 7 days to see that you are an Infinite Being. I want all your friends and family to look at you next week and realize how amazing you are truly are. It will be so wonderful for them to experience something truly magnificent in you. What if every person on the street begins to feel your warmth and divine presence when you walk by, as if you were a relaxing gentle breeze gliding along the Ocean shore.

I want you to realize how easy it is for YOU to joyfully live out your highest dreams and aspirations. I want you to LIVE each day as if THIS WAS the greatest day of your existence!! What if you decided to remind yourself everyday that your life is a magical journey which you are continuously creating? What if you started to believe that you are ALWAYS connected to an ever-powerful and loving magical source of energy ALL the time? What do you need right now to feel a deeper sense of power and relaxation inside?

Just who do you want to be tomorrow? Perhaps your future is not set in stone. Just maybe it is ALL yours to create, imagine, and decide to manifest however you want it to be. What if you repeatedly imagined your future every morning EXACTLY as you wanted it to be? I bet it would soon become your reality.

What would today be like if you knew there is a brilliant conscious light inside everything and everyone?

I want you to do something very very radical right now. I want you to stop and think about that ONE fear that has been running and controlling your life most of the time. Replace that fear with an invincible love for yourself and forgiveness. Whatever your fear is, it is not worth clinging to. It is here to teach you how to let go, and how to love again. Your fear is just an illusion your mind made up! It is not as important as LOVE, so let it go and dive back into loving something else!

Why is it important to find, catch and release this fear? You can experience the whole perfection of the Universe right now when this fear is freed. So you can be totally free! Once you realize the depth this fear has been running behind the scenes of the show, you will let it go. Then your mind will have the energy to start generating all kinds of thoughts that are beneficial to you and the people around you.

An unlimited supply of freedom is available inside you right now. It is waiting for you to become courageous enough to let go of your suffering and taste it!

Do you want to have even more fun? Go tell your neighbor how amazing they are. Flow out a constant river of appreciation to everyone you meet for the next 24 hours and see what happens! I dare you. Why wouldnt you have the guts to do this? So what if people think you are a crazy fool. If you are experiencing an overflowing river of aliveness then they are the one who is missing the point of life. I want you to practice this feeling of freedom and reaching out to connect with everybody on the planet. There is already so much life and love around you. If you dont see this, you are looking in the wrong direction! This divine loving energy is flowing through everything, God is hereNow!

Let go of everything that is stopping you right now from being at peace. Make this a conscious choice every moment of every day. Being in this divine Source of love for life is to consistently choose to come home to the peace within yourself.

Know that deep within your heartat the very core, YOU are perfect, whole and complete exactly as you are. This moment right now is your golden opportunity to enter the divine. After you enter, you will be wide awake.You will know the absolute Truth, that you are without flaws.

This door to exploring this flawlessness inside you is always open. Take this precious day of your life and move through this door. Your life is precious, so very precious. Do not waste it on trivial matters. Open this door, discover the wonders at the core of your being. This is time and the place to reveal your greatest most enlightened Self. This is the peak experience of your existence. YOU!!

You are an infinite ocean of consciousness, an immortal being who knows no boundary or limitation. Surrender to that!

By Emmett Fox

This is a story of a man who became a prisoner for some misdeed that angered the King of his particular country. He was arrested and shut up in a dungeon beneath the castle. A ferocious-looking jailer carrying a long key escorted the man down a dark stairway. The door of the cell was opened, and the man was thrust into a dark hole. The door shut with a bang, and there he was.

He lay in that dark dungeon for twenty years. Each day the jailer would come, the big door would be opened with a great creaking and groaning, a pitcher of water and a loaf of bread would be thrust into the cell and the door closed again.

After twenty years the prisoner decided that he could not stand it any longer. He wanted to die but he did not want to commit suicide, so he decided that the next day when the jailer came he would attack him. The jailer would then kill him in self- defense, and thus his misery would be at an end.

To prepare for the next day, he decided to examine the door carefully. When the prisoner went to the door, he caught the handle and turned it. To his amazement the door opened, and upon investigation he found that there was no lock and never had been. For those twenty years he had not been locked in except in belief. At any time during that period, he could have opened the door and been free.

He thought it was locked, but it was not. He groped along the corridor and felt his way upstairs. At the top of the stairs two soldiers were chatting, and they made no attempt to stop him. He crossed the great yard without attracting attention. The armed guard on the drawbridge at the great gate paid no attention to him, and he walked out a free man.

He went home untouched and lived happily ever after. He realized that he could have left at any time throughout those long years since his arrest if he had known enough, but he did not. He was a captive, not of stone and iron, but of false belief. He was not locked in; he only thought he was imprisoned.

In may be safe to say that we all are prisoners, to some extent, of own making. We may find ourselves imprisoned by anger, resentment, remorse, or the belief that there are no other options for us in our lives and jobs that we are locked into doing what we are currently doing.

What kind of prison might you be living in that you would like to get out of? Remember, the prison is in our thoughts and the key to our release is the desire to be freed from limiting thoughts

>>>>> Enlightening Affirmation for Today <<<<<

Just for today I am soft, open and receptive to life! I am leaving my inner prison of fear, doubt and worryand entering a new life devoted to total freedom in this amazing Divine Existence!

Many blessings to you,Jafree

Perhaps you are already awake and have realized that we are all riding on the wave of experiencing a global enlightenment.

As the world has stepped into the 21st Century and we are all realizing that weve reached our outer physical limits of exploration and are needing to find the inner world as our endless route of discovery. The inner world is this territory and is being prepared for ALL of us to move deeper into and discover our own divine consciousness and develop our true God given manifesting powers. This global awakening leaves only one place left for everyone to explore the God Source of our very nature and being.

The real truth is that the future is so amazingly bright, flawless and perfect already that our limited minds/Egos cannot imagine its perfection happening to us. Thus we create a darkness inside to protect us from that which we fear exists. These fears only really exist in our own minds interpretation of the Light and our imagination.

In Reality, the MIND is causing all our problems and delusions. There is only Light, and lesser degrees of Light. There is no thing thats 100% evil, wrong, bad or void of God. The mind will make you and everyone around you believe there is darkness here. There is actually soooo much light and consciousness inside each one of us that if one courageous person came out of hiding he/she would change the way the entire world thinks forever.

How long can you wait to experience THIS truth of your existence? How long can you personally pretend life is meaningless and comes to a dead end? How can you NOT believe its a miraculous magical ride all the way home? It is up to you. New communities of awakened beings are popping up ALL around our society, in every country around the World. Now is the time to jump on the Awakening Train and take action with the knowledge you have been given and share your life energetically and generously with the people on this planet today.

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