Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3’s Cosmo Is Based On The Tragic … – /Film

To understand how poor Laika ended up on a rocket with no plans for an earthly return, it's important to understand the context of space travel in the 1950s. By the time Laika went on her one-way mission, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were years into the Cold War, a conflict that would last decades and involve espionage, bloodshed, and perhaps most surprising, lots of cultural competition. Both nations wanted to prove their mettle (and the validity of their respective political ideologies) by being the first to put a man on the moon, but before humans could safely make it to space, animals were sent in their place.

According to the Royal Museums Greenwich, the first known animals in space were fruit flies, which were sent 67 miles into the air in 1947 by Americans who were curious about how cosmic radiation might impact biological structures. Soon, scientists started using mammals like dogs and monkeys in order to figure out exactly what astronauts would need to be prepared for when leaving Earth, as well as what spacesuits and other onboard technology could do to mitigate the effects of space travel.

While it's tough to imagine an alternative method of rudimentary research that wouldn't kill lots of astronauts in the process, the use of animals in early space travel experiments is no doubt extremely upsetting. Many animals died over the course of the Space Age, but few stories are as tragic as Laika's. According to Smithsonian Magazine, the dog, who is often cited as part Samoyed but in images also appears to be part terrier, was chosen from among several stray dogs from Moscow for the mission aboard Sputnik 2. Like Cosmo, she had special gear for her travels, including a diaper-like affixed bag, a harness, and electrodes to capture readings on her vitals throughout the journey, per NASA.

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Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3's Cosmo Is Based On The Tragic ... - /Film

Star Wars: Visions season 2 episodes rated in the best way possible – Polygon

There is a new season of Star Wars: Visions out on Disney Plus which means we are ready to break down each short by how many stars, wars, and visions is in each one.

I did this last time around, when the first season of Star Wars: Visions came out. This time, nine different animation studios from around the world participated with nine completely different shorts. While the first season really focused on the Jedi-Sith of it all, this new season reaches to the far corners of the galaxy far, far away and looks at many different facets of the Star Wars universe. Bring on the stars, the wars, and, most importantly, the visions.

Studio: El Guiri

Image: El Guiri/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: The bulk of this one takes place on a distant planet outpost, so we dont see too many stars. However, the final moments involve Lola, the main character, blasting away into space, the full expanse of the galaxy unfolding before her.

Wars: Lolas old Sith master finds her and hunts her down with a group of Sith cronies. Its not a full-on war exactly, but it is a very heated battle.

Visions: The art style in this one is gorgeous. Lola is a painter and she manipulates her paint (presumably using force powers). The style looks handpainted and renders the Light and Dark sides of the Force with such vivid colors so damn cool. The showdown between Lola and her former master is especially triumphant, when Lola finally wields her lightsaber and embraces both the Dark and Light of her own power.

Does it work? The visuals in Sith are incredibly evocative from the very beginning, when Lola wakes up in an almost stark white room. At the beginning of the short, its unclear where the Sith fit in, since Lola just appears to be a painter determined on finishing a mural. The darkness creeps up here quite literally as Lola cant quite get rid of the darkness in her paint. Sith uses every bit of its visuals to push the story forward. And painting using the Force? Amazing, talented, wonderful, just plain awesome. I want more eclectic uses of the Force!

Studio: Cartoon Saloon

Image: Cartoon Saloon/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: Once again, most of the action is centered on one planet, so we dont really get a big space travel montage or anything. However, the four teens speed across the planet to find a mysterious cave and the starscape above them is expansive and beautiful a flex from Wolfwalkers studio Cartoon Saloon to show off striking backgrounds.

Wars: Daal, the girl whos been most bent on finding the cave, has a brief faceoff with the mysterious ghost in the cave. But other than that, its pretty light on the war end of things.

Visions: Cartoon Saloons house style just really says young people chasing the truth of a myth and facing some hard truths along the way. The story itself is bittersweet and the visuals from the gorgeous starscape to the tight, claustrophobic cave encounter only augment it.

Does it work? This is the type of emotional, poignant storytelling I want more of from Star Wars! And we get a lot of it in this season. This is just the first of three shorts revolving around Force-sensitive kids who need to make some tough choices. All of them are good, but this is probably the most devastating one for various reasons: One, its not actually clear if Daals possible new master is a Sith or a Jedi; two, the friends she leaves behind are still going to be working in a factory for probably the rest of their lives; and three, even though her best friend urges her to take a chance and never look back, she does and... ow.

Studio: Punkrobot

Image: Punkrobot/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: Well, its right here in the name! The alien species native to the featured planet believes that their deceased comrades become stars. So the two remaining survivors, a little girl named Tichina and her older sister Koten, try to look at the stars in order to see their dead mother. However, the Empires big mining facilities spew smoke that clouds the night sky, while the traditional paintings of these people need starlight to glow and will otherwise fade away. Even if this story takes place entirely on a planet, its still very much about stars.

Wars: The Empire colonized this planet and almost completely wiped out the indigenous population, save for two young survivors. While Koten is mostly focused on surviving, Tichina believes that they can fight back against the Empire.

Visions: Seeing these two girls struggle to survive in the ruined wasteland of their beloved home really hammers home the brutality of the Empires imperialist conquests. The animation is done in this cool stop-motion except for the sick cave painting sequences which glow like the stars above.

Does it work? Is there anything more Star Wars than standing up to the Empire against increasingly unlikely odds? In the Stars is ultimately a triumphant story, though man is it a harrowing journey to get there. Koten and Tichina are desperate when the short begins, which makes their eventual victory all the more fulfilling.

Studio: Aardman Animation

Image: Aardman/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: No stars here! This one takes place on a metropolitan planet, so its all city buildings and narrow streets instead.

Wars: Instead of an actual war, the conflict comes from a race! Well, its also a lot about mother-daughter relationships and sticking it up to the posh mean girl at pilot school, but mostly a cool race through the city.

Visions: This is a charming almost slice-of-life story that has more to do with being a teenager with an embarrassing mother than it has to do with the Force, the Empire, or any other big powerful Star Wars thing. And its refreshing as hell!

Does it work? Known for Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run, Aardman Animation excels at big goofy expressions, physical humor, and just generally using the stop-motion medium to its full potential. You wouldnt necessarily think Star Wars could lend itself to a sweet and hilarious story about a girl and her mom, but I Am Your Mother pulls it off.

Studio: Studio Mir

Image: Studio Mir/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: The journey in question does involve a fair bit of space travel. The stars, however, are not super highlighted. Instead, the big visuals come from the forgotten temple where the final battle takes place.

Wars: This one is set against the backdrop of a war its not clear which one, but if there is one constant in the Star Wars universe (besides stars) it is wars. As a child, pilot Ara was raised in a temple on a distant planet, which used the trickling rainfall from two towering statues to channel visions. Ara senses that one of these statues belongs to the Dark side, and she believes that beheading it will tip the scales on the side of Light. Meanwhile, the Jedi assigned to her mission, a young man named Toul, has some unresolved baggage with the Sith who killed his master.

Visions: I simply love a Star Wars story that plays with the notion of the Dark Side and the Light Side not being totally opposite. The climactic fight at the battle is truly epic, with some fantastic set pieces and lightsaber moves.

Does it work? Journey to the Dark Head is probably the most traditional Star Wars of all these shorts, starting with a prophecy, set in the midst of a war, and ending with a big battle between a Jedi and a Sith. Still, the characters themselves are refreshing the broody young Jedi and the scrappy pilot just have a lot of spark on their own and with each other and that alone is enough to really carry the short.

Studio: La Cachette

Image: La Cachette/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: Not a lot here since 95% of this short takes place in a towering dance hall. Think that scene in Revenge of the Sith where Palpatine and Anakin talk about Darth Plagueis (and also watch Squid Lake).

Wars: The Empire is everywhere in this story. The dance hall is actually run by a spy, who uses her performances to plant trackers on the Stormtroopers. She harbors a vendetta against a certain Imperial officer. The rest of the staff are also spies, working to lure Imperial soldiers with the promise of liquor and a good time so that they lower their inhibitions.

Visions: One of the most intriguing things about this short is the dancing and how that translates into the climactic fight. Loie, the principal dancer and head spy, does an impressive routine using aerial silks. When she fights the Stormtroopers, she uses those silks as weapons. Her protege, Htis, has a similar balletic fighting style. Its fun to see a Star Wars fight that doesnt rely on lightsabers or blasters.

Does it work? Seeing this side of the Rebellion one relying on subterfuge and reconnaissance instead of fighter pilots and guns is incredibly fascinating. From the dance hall to the dancers themselves, The Spy Dancer paints an evocative picture of how espionage would work in this setting. The characters are also very compelling, especially Loie, a seasoned spy who has a personal reason to hate the Empire and a mission she wants to fulfill.

Studio: 88 Pictures

Image: 88 Pictures/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: Once again, this short takes place on a singular planet and a desert one at that! (Star Wars does love its deserts). Not many stars, even when it turns to night.

Wars: All we really know is that the Empire is conquering this planet and that they are looking out for Force sensitive children to capture. Its not an explicit war, so much as it is a reminder of the Empires omnipresence.

Visions: The animation has this lovely painterly quality, with certain shadows and lighting looking particularly cool. But the best part is towards the end, where a character you would not really expect to be a Jedi whips out a lightsaber and fights the Sith inquisitor who has come to collect Rani.

Does it work? This is the second of three shorts about Force-sensitive kiddos being whisked away from the lives theyve known. Theyre all good and really make you think about the ramifications of the whole Jedi youngling system. This one takes on a specific edge, as it is the only one where the Empire itself poses a great threat by homing in on the relationship between Rani and her older brother, Charuk. Charuk has fought tooth and nail to bring his sister to the place where their father said she would be safe the place where they will eventually have to part ways. Its very bittersweet, and the little game theyve concocted about being bandits in order to motivate them on their lonely travels gets a callback when they say goodbye one last time.

Studio: DArt Shatjio

Image: DArt Shatjio/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: There are some shots of the night sky, but nothing long lasting enough to make the Star score go up.

Wars: There is a vague sense that the prisoners thrown into the pit were probably captured because of the Empires conquests. Like with the previous short, there isnt really an outright mention of war, but its felt.

Visions: The best shots of this one happen when the prisoners in the pit look up at the sky above them. Its chilling, especially when juxtaposed with the more glamorous shots of a nearby city.

Does it work? This one is the darkest of all the shorts, with an on-screen good guy death that is particularly heartrending. But at the same time, because the protagonists are so low (literally: they are in a pit), the eventual victory feels particularly cathartic. Like In the Stars, this one focuses on people rising up and triumphantly overthrowing the Empire. Unlike In the Stars, there are a lot of characters so it takes on a more macro view, which may or may not work depending on if you like more relationship-driven narratives.

Studio: Triggerfish

Image: Triggerfish/Lucasfilm Ltd.

Stars: Even though this short takes place on one planet, there are impressive skyscapes but its a little more on the blue skies and clouds side than stars.

Wars: Very light on the war front here! The focus is on a bear-like alien species that mines kyber crystals for lightsabers. Except, all the kyber has been corrupted by Sith and need to be cleansed by Jedi.

Visions: Aaus Song is done in this wonderful stop-motion style that lends itself to cozy and adorable characters as well as utterly gorgeous landscapes and scenery. Additionally, Aaus Force abilities being in tune with music and her singing is just really cool to see.

Does it work? The last short of the kids with Force powers saying goodbye to their previous lives! This one is way more optimistic than the others, since there is no looming Empire or even a shitty work house to leave. Aau has a supportive family network who encourage her to harness her powers and take to the sky. Ultimately, it is a deeply hopeful story a perfect note to end the season on.

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Star Wars: Visions season 2 episodes rated in the best way possible - Polygon

Harry Styles new road trip music video Satellite is full of US travel … – New Zealand Herald

Harry Styles' new music video for Satellite shows a robot getting its fill of US travel. Photo / Lloyd Wakefield

The robot star of Harry Styles latest music video embarks on a journey across the US for love - and that cinematic trip could inspire the travels of keen fans.

In the video for Satellite, a song from the British pop musicians album Harrys House, a tiny robot vacuum cleaner is awakened by the power of love, after hearing that the Mars Curiosity rover has been living alone on the faraway planet for 10 years.

In an effort to reach Curiosity, the anthropomorphised robot starts on a journey across the US. It starts its trip at a (secretly filmed) Love on Tour Show, before grinding to a halt next to the pop star while stargazing. Along the way, the robot stops at some notable US destinations - heres the itinerary to see key spots in its journey.

Love on Tour Show at the Kia Forum LA

In the first section of the video, the small robot comes to life backstage at one of Styles shows at the Kia Forum in Inglewood, California, where the musician played 15 times to sold-out crowds. It moves into the arena itself, gliding across the stage and navigating the crowds and discarded feather boas once the show wraps up. The music video was filmed secretly, with fans in the background unknowingly playing roles as background extras.

The Kia Forum (previously called The Forum) is a huge multi-use space in California, that hosts concerts, basketball, ice hockey, boxing matches, tennis and political events. Its known for its unique architectural structure, with huge, recognisable columns lining the outside of the venue. The robot is seen leaving the venue, with the columns and Harrys House sign lit behind them.

Las Vegas Boulevard

After navigating the LA freeways, petrol stations and truck stops, the little robot starts to head east. It stops for a glance at the neon lights of the bright Las Vegas boulevard, marvelling at the colours of the Pink Flamingo hotel and casino sign.

The Pink Flamingo, which was opened in 1946, was also a filming location for the 1960 and 2001 Oceans 11 films, and Elvis 1964 Viva Las Vegas musical. The flashing lights of Las Vegas itself make for a bewildering road trip stop and are certainly worth a picture.

Monument Valley

A large part of the robots trek sees it driving through the stunning red sands desert of Monument Valley, which stretches across the Utah-Arizona state line. Its characterised by the sandstone buttes, the steep pillars that reach up to 300 metres above the deeper parts of the valley. The robot also takes Route 163 along this journey, the scenic road that takes travellers through the picturesque Southwest.

Monument Valley has also been featured in classic John Ford and Clint Eastwood cowboy flicks but is perhaps more famous for its starring role in Forrest Gump.

Kennedy Space Centre

The robots journey comes to an end at the Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida and sits next to Harry Styles gazing up at the sky, as its battery finally runs out. The Space Centre is the main launch site for NASA, and has been in use since 1968. The Space Centre also has a visitor complex, which offers further opportunities to learn about space travel, historically significant missions and engage with actual astronauts.

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Harry Styles new road trip music video Satellite is full of US travel ... - New Zealand Herald

The Unflappable John Mather – Cal Alumni Association – CALIFORNIA

Two months before NASA unveiled the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope to the world last summer, some 50 astronomers and engineers anxiously gathered in the missions control room at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore for the moment of truth. Finally, after a 35-year-long, seemingly insurmountable journey through technological adversity, threatened cancellations,anda pandemic, the newly calibrated $10 billion observatory was about to reveal how well it workedor didnt.

Among those awaiting that first test shot was John Mather, the missions senior project scientist, Nobel laureate, and senior astrophysicist at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center. The team had focused the observatorys massive 21-foot hexagonal mirror on a single star surrounded by utter blackness. But when countless lights suddenly peppered the image, there were audible gasps. My God, there were just galaxies everywhere! Mather says. It was such a wonderful surprise and relief. Then they broke out the champagne and a bottle of Cognac from 1906, the year James Webb was born.

It was an emotional moment for the normally unflappable scientist, whod spent nearly three decades helping to shape and champion the missions science objectivessome requiring technology that had yet to be invented. The most sophisticated astronomical instrument in history is designed to capture infrared light from 13.6 billion years ago, enabling views of the early universe some 200 million years after the Big Bang. The data it collects over the next decade will give us a new understanding of how galaxies, stars, and planets formed in the early cosmos, whether planets orbiting nearby stars (exoplanets) might support life, and the makeup of our solar system.

This is all part of one thing, which is How did we get here? says Mather, now 76. The Big Bang happens; galaxies, stars, and planets grow; they all get enriched with chemical elements. And so here we are. Where did everything here come from? Were living our own history by looking at the rest of the universe.

The JWST was arguably the most inspiring science story of 2022. Its launch the previous Christmas and flawless unfolding of its sun shield and primary mirror en route to an orbit 1 million miles away were remarkable feats of engineering. The breathtaking images that followed revealed stunning insights into the nature of the cosmos. For Mather, it was yet another summit in a storied half-century career in infrared astronomy and cosmology that included the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics (with Berkeley Professor Emeritus George Smoot) for capturing data supporting the Big Bang model. He has also advised NASAs Science Mission Directorate, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Science Foundation; earned five dozen awards; engaged in some three dozen scientific papers; and coauthored the book The Very First Light.

For these achievements, UC Berkeley Foundation and the Cal Alumni Association have granted Mather, Ph.D. 74, the UC Berkeley Alumnus of the Year Award for extraordinary advances to the betterment of society, to be presented at the Berkeley Charter Gala on May 11. Hes inspired not only numerous Berkeley faculty and students, but even the most amateur astronomers and citizens worldwide, says Achievement Awards cochairman Ahmad Anderson 83. His contribution makes us think about life and existence and what we can do to sustain that on Earth.

Since 1995, Mather has led the JWST science team from the observatorys gestation through its harvest of vibrant images. Hes helped to choose its members, decide which objectives to pursue, and how to achieve them. Every day, I worked with engineers to say, OK, this is what we want to do. How can we do it together? he says.

He really trusted his team to perform, says Mike McElwain, a JWST observatory project scientist who has worked under Mather since 2013. He let us take responsibility and not all leaders do that. But it forced us to work harder. He isnt afraid to take on really challenging projects. If physics doesnt rule something out, then he knows it can be done.

Mather is a lanky 6 4 presence who radiates calm brilliancea big mind who drops folksy phrases like my golly, tackles Herculean obstacles with optimistic persistence, and doesnt worry about issues beyond his control. Most of the time Im a pretty cool character, he says. My having an opinion about it doesnt make any difference to the hardware.

As illustration, take his Zen reaction to the JWST launch. Once in space, the craft emerged from the rocket fuselage, unfurling like a butterfly from a cocoon as it embarked upon 50 major deployments with 178 release mechanisms. Engineers practiced the incredibly involved process for more than a half-dozen years with the real telescope in a vacuum, in cavernous dust-free clean rooms, and via computer simulations. Now the moment had come. If anything went wrong, the space telescope would be space junk. While the launch and deployment had most folks holding their breath, Mathers take was, Its all working according to plan.

Such Jedi traits guided him from a rural New Jersey childhood through a rarified career. Hes obviously very smart, but hes also confident, good-natured, and down-to-earth, says Michael Werner, a close friend since their Berkeley days who went on to become project scientist for the Spitzer Space Telescope. He doesnt put on airs or pretend he did it all himself. Hes grateful for the opportunities hes been given and supportive of the people hes worked with over the years. Hes really a model of a scientific statespersonvery generous with his time, and gracious and helpful to younger scientists.

Going for something cool

Mather grew up on an experimental farm run by Rutgers University, where his father was an agricultural science statistics professor. As a child, he delighted in all types of science. He was often fascinated by the danger it presented when countering beliefs of the day, like 17th century astronomer Galileo Galilei enraging the Catholic Church by insisting the Earth orbited the sun. Despite an early aptitude and indulging in summer physics and math programs, it wasnt until he won a statewide high school physics contest that he realized he might be something special. That was my decision point, he says. I thought, You really could go for something cool.

Not that other distractions wouldnt occasionally pull his focus. After graduating from Swarthmore College in 1968, he took a summer job at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with plans to attend graduate school at Princeton University, which had yet to go coed. But my friends thereall guyssaid, If youre not married, dont come; there are no women here, says Mather. He stayed at Berkeley and informed Princeton why. The next year, Princeton accepted women.

Despite that perk, Berkeley in 1968 proved a massive culture shock when the nerdy country kid from a small bucolic college found himself in a city awash in protests, police violence, and the looming threat of the Vietnam War.

My draft number came up, but I failed the physical because I was extremely nearsighted, which was OK with me. I didnt want to go, he says. It felt like our country was under attack from the insidethe people who did not want to go to Vietnam and fight versus the people who thought if you didnt go, you were a traitor. It was hot feelings at the time.

The tumult was such that it almost lured him from physics when he thought he might be a more effective activist as an attorneyonly to recoil at the law school class catalog. I realized, Oh, I dont want to know any of this! I better stick to what I like already.

Outside of his studies, Mather found refuge with a Big Bang Theorylike group of housemates that included a couple of physics students, an aspiring psychologist, a writer, a former nuclear reactor piping engineer, a high school buddy whod left the Air Force, and a drooly Great Dane named Khan. He could reach a pound of butter in the middle of the dining table without getting onto it, says Mather. They roomed together in their affectionately dubbed Walnut House, an old brown-shingle home on Walnut Street that now exists only in memories.

By 1970, hed yet to refine his direction in physics. Faced with choosing a thesis project, Mather joined a research group led by Paul Richards, Ph.D. 60, now a Berkeley professor of physics emeritus. They, along with Werner, then a postdoc, were devising projects to measure cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), the cooled remains of the first light from the Big Bang that had been discovered a few years earlier. Mather and Werner built a far-infrared spectrometer in a successful attempt to measure the spectrum of CMBR from the White Mountain Research Centers Barcroft Station in Eastern California.

We had a lot of fun together doing experiments, says Werner, who remembers Mathers curiosity was such that once, just for kicks, he crafted a method to measure seismic activity from underground atomic tests then taking place in Alaska.

The following year, Mather and Richards teamed with another lab member, a Ph.D. student named David Woody, now a radio astronomer and assistant director of Caltechs Owens Valley Radio Observatory. Woody and Mather shared a cosmology class taught by the late Charles Townes, then a Berkeley professor who shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in quantum electronics. Woody 68, Ph.D. 75, remembers Mather being so bright that whenever he volunteered an answer, I had to figure out why it was right.

They built a microwave spectrometer to measure CMBR from a high-altitude balloon they launched in Palestine, Texas, that could gather data above the atmospheric water vapor that would absorb their signal. The pair drove down in a U-Haul truck carrying their equipment, and Woody laughs at the memory of the towering Mather, then an inch taller than he is now, struggling with average-size motel beds on the way. He had to put a suitcase at the foot of the bed so he could rest his feet.

Not only did their work inform Mathers thesis, but building instruments for remote and hostile locations grounded his next steps. Graduating in 1974, Mather continued this research as a National Research Councilpostdoctoral fellow at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York. There, he led the proposal for the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), a satellite designed to take more precise CMBR measurements.

It was during this time that he met Jane Hauser, a classical ballet teacher he encountered in a personal growth workshop, who would become his wife of 42 years before passing away last November. Hauser brought an artistic flair to Mathers world, often coaching and encouraging him in writing and speaking. The pair shared a life of travel, learning, collaborating, and daily hugs.

She loved her work and wanted a man who loved his work, so he would understand hers, he says. Everything I am, everything I do, everything I own has her mark.

When NASA greenlit a more formal study of COBE two years later, Mather moved to Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. There he became COBE project scientist and the principal investigator for one of its instruments, the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS), leading a team of more than 1,000 scientists and engineers. The satellite, launched in 1989, provided the compelling evidence of the Big Bang theory that eventually earned Mather and Smoot their Nobel.

Their measurements of radiation from the early universe revealed a spectrumsimilar in form to the glow of an incandescent bulb, but at wavelengths invisible to our eyesthat matched predictions of what light from the Big Bang would look like now. Their measurements further showed that the radiation wasnt equally bright in all directions, but instead varied with infinitesimally warmer and cooler spots. These resulted from density variations in dark matter and gas, the other components of the universe. Without those density variations, gravity could not have pulled together the primordial material into galaxies, stars, and planets. We wouldnt be here without those spots, says Mather. The Nobel Foundation heralded their findings as the starting point for cosmology as a precision science.

Mather remained with the COBE mission until it ended in 1993 and joined the JWST missionthen called Next Generation Space Telescopetwo years later as it was ramping up to peer beyond the view of the Hubble Space Telescope. (Its official name, honoring James WebbNASAs administrator from 1961 to 1968came in 2002.) It would be a turbulent journey. NASA woefully underestimated the costs, time, and technology to make it viable, initially allotting just $500 million to develop the telescope for an anticipated 2007 launch. When ensuing cost overruns and construction delays threatened to shut it down in 2011 and 2019, Mather helped rally staff by keeping a steady eye on the prize.

His composure was just what was needed when the crap hit the fan, says astrophysicist Garth Illingworth, the last of the telescopes three original architects still involved in the mission. (The trio began brainstorming the telescope in 1986.) He remained a strong, positive voice for the science, and a reminder of why we were building it and the broad questions it would answer.

To Mather, there was simply no other option. There was no competition for this observatory; no other way you could get this information, he says. I just had faith it would all work out. And even if it didnt, I wasnt going to give up.

The study of the cosmos is a continuum. COBE and its successor satellites, along with the great space telescopes like Spitzer and Hubble, helped set the framework for JWST to continue unlocking clues to our origin. Scientists can use physics to accurately calculate how the universe developed to the point where those first stars and galaxies began to grow, and cosmic storms occurred. But once stars begin to form, the physics becomes too complicated to accurately predict how galaxies grow. The JWSTs observations of first light will provide a key step in unraveling that mystery. Scientists theorize that the first stars formed differently than later ones because the nascent universe contained just hydrogen and helium. Those stars made new elements and ultimately exploded, providing the abundance of those elements we have todaythe very stuff that were made of. With the JWST already pinpointing previously unknown unusually bright galaxies, cosmologists are rethinking what the first stars and galaxies are like and what kind of science to conduct, as new discoveries continue to raise even more questions.

Theres a direct connection logically from those spots that we measured [with COBE] to our existence, says Mather. If we could understand that process, that would be like understanding a great secret.

The Next Chapter

Like the JWST, Mather too is entering a new phase. Still tender from Hausers passing (She was very unique and I loved her dearly, he says gently), hes finding renewal in the creative process of brainstorming his next venture. With the mission in good shape, hes stepping away to envisage a new way to examine exoplanets. I am much more interested in how you build equipment and get it to work in space than I am in the details of what we are going to look at, he says. The Hybrid Observatory for Earth-like Exoplanets (HOEE), which hes developing with his lead researcher, Eliad Peretz, combines giant ground-based telescopes with an orbiting 300-foot star shade that would block glare from a host star to reveal its exoplanets reflected light. Spectral analysis of that light would decipher the exoplanets atmospheric makeup and whether it might support life. Of course, its so nearly impossible that were not building yet, he says. Were still at the imagination stage.

This is Mathers playground; the lure of scientific possibility and willing the improbable into reality that has fueled his abundant discoveries. Just wondering whats gonna happen, he muses. After all, he adds with a smile, I could have another quarter century. You never know.

Susan Karlin covers space science, autonomous vehicles, tech design, and the future of aviation for Fast Company and others.



The Unflappable John Mather - Cal Alumni Association - CALIFORNIA

10 Best Campy Sci-Fi Movies From the ’80s – Collider

The '80s was a decade of big hair, bold make-up, and vibrancy. But the decade also popularized the genre of science fiction in film, as every studio was desperate to produce the next Star Wars. As a result, this was the period where the world was gifted with various variations of over-exuberant story-worlds of wild space adventures.

Nowadays, some film snobs may perceive these to be tacky due to their gimmicky costumes and embellished acting; but for many, these movies are bizarrely comforting. They bring out one's inner child when movies were all about entertainment and thrill. Sure, they were boisterous, but at least they were fun. That's probably why most of these movies have gained a loyal cult following; there's no other decade or genre that captures the sentimentality and nostalgia like '80s sci-fi.

Famed warrior, He-man (Dolph Lundgren), crashes onto Earth from his planet Eternia. With the help of his friends, including two earthly teenagers, He-man must defeat the villainous Lord Skeletor (Frank Langella) and save the universe.

RELATED: 10 Classic '80s Movies That Just Get Better With Age

Mixing cheesy action with screwball comedy, Masters of the Universe doubles down on the nostalgia for its depiction of the beloved toy-turned-animated character and its classically kooky '80s visuals. With its comically extravagant costumes, scary-looking prosthetics, and a ton of over-the-top acting all one needs to do is sit down and enjoy.

Having finally reached the high score of his favorite arcade game, Starfighter, Alex Rogan (Lance Guest) soon realizes that the game has more than meets the eye. Recruited by Starfighter's designer, Centauri (Robert Preston), it's revealed that the game is a test to find the best pilots who can defend the world from an immanent alien attack.

Where many remember Tronfor its technological achievements, The Last Starfighter'searly use of CGI often goes unnoticed between the depictions of space travel, planet rendering, and intergalactic battles - the visuals hold up to this day, even with its gimmicky-ness. Either way, there's nothing more nostalgic than arcade games and cartoonish space imagery.

After Princess Lyssa (Lysette Anthony) is kidnapped by the Beast, her betrothed Prince Colwyn (Ken Marshall) leads a team of warriors to embark on a mission to find a powerful weapon and save the Queen-to-be.

Krull was the film that tried to mix space adventures with epic swashbuckling - sadly, things went awry as it became one of the biggest box-office bombs of the decade. Yet even with its comically dramatic tone and goofy visuals and costumes, it still has its charm. Plus - with a cast that includes the likes of Liam Neeson and the late Robbie Coltrane, it's hard to resist seeing their early work.

Set in the future when water is scarce, Princess Karina (Mary Crosby) is on a mission to find her father after his sudden disappearance. Now, having been sold space pirates, the Princess tasks them to assist her on her adventure.

Co-written by the same screenwriter of Krull, The Ice Pirates is another early '80s classic that surprisingly features several big-name actors such as Anjelica Huston, Ron Perlman, and John Carradine. Like other films of the period, its wacky costumes, caricature-like characters, and over-saturated visuals almost make it a parody of the world of Star Wars. Plot-wise, it may not be the most concise, but it's still great fun.

Paul Atreides (Kyle MacLachlan), the heir of a noble family, must lead a fight against the villainous Harkonnens, who are plotting a war against his House and their new desert homeland, Arakkis.

RELATED: From 'The Shining' to 'Labyrinth': 10 Best '80s Cult Classics That Critics Hated

Nowadays, when people think of Dune, they mostly think of Timothe Chalamet and the masterful world-buildingof Denis Villeneuve. Sadly, for David Lynch, his adaptation has yet to hit that same level of reverence, although its recently gained cult status has given it its edge. From Sting wearing space Speedos to balloon-like villains to the rotoscoped shields - Dune may not have the most clear-cut story, but it definitely holds some memorable visuals.

Obsessed over finding a way to reach a parallel universe, crazed scientist Dr. Pretorious (Ted Sorel) and his team finally achieves this by developing a machine that stimulates the pineal gland. The only problem - it introduces them to hostile lifeforms from the other dimension.

As a sci-fi horror, From Beyond does a masterful job of portraying the gore and grotesque. But this isn't surprising given that this movie is practically a spiritual sequel of Stuart Gordon's other '80s horror-comedy, Re-animator. Expect the visceral stomach-churning effects that teeter the line of the uncanny valley. Seeing Pretorious' gruesome transformation will keep you awake at night, but at least it captures the beauty of experimental '80s cinema.

A carnivorous fuzzy alien race escapes their prison by stealing a transport ship. They soon land on an Earthly farm, only to be followed by inept bounty hunters, leaving the humans to fend for themselves.

Where many mostly associate fuzzy alien invasions with Gremlins, Critterscan be regarded as its violent counterpart. Scaring and scarring kids in their childhood, watching this now will easily send one back to the good old days. A time when funny-looking puppets, with glowing red eyes and a creepily sharp grin could lead a wonderful sci-fi '80s B-movie.

As the planet Akir is threatened by the evil warlord Sador (John Saxon), a young farm boy (Richard Thomas) seeks out a group of mercenaries to save the lives of his people.

RELATED: 10 Old-School Action Movies That Will Still Have You On Edge

Where Seven Samuraiand The Magnificent Sevenare often revered in cinematic history and pop culture, its outer-space equivalent, Battle Beyond the Stars, isn't necessarily kept in the same club. However, to its credit, it's a wonderful piece of camp escapism that features goofy-looking aliens and oddly shaped spaceships. What else do you need from a classic space opera? Most of the time, they're so bad that it's good.

Buckaroo Bonzai (Peter Weller), a man of many talents, is caught in a battle where he must save the world from the evil aliens of Planet 10 known as the Red Lectroids. Luckily, he has the help of his allies, the Hong Kong Cavaliers.

Unsurprisingly, this movie is just as wild as its title suggests. Practically spoofing the phenomenon of sci-fi absurdity, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension is simply great wacky fun with its action and brilliantly smart humor. Its magic also stems from the talent of its stellar cast that includes not only Weller but other big names such as John Lithgow, Jeff Goldblum, and Christopher Lloyd.

Flash Gordon (Sam J. Jones), a football quarterback, and his friends land on the planet Mongo and must defeat the nefarious Ming the Merciless (Max von Sydow), who plans to destroy Earth next.

As one of the best space operas of all time, Flash Gordonis a film that many hold dear in their hearts. Much of this can be attributed to its unique style and how it's literally a comic book strip brought to life. It's bold and it's boisterous

and we're not just talking about the outlandish costumes. Every character is just as colorful as their clothes. Plus, who could ever forget its iconic soundtrack that was the brilliant brainchild of the legendary band Queen?

KEEP READING: The 10 Best Sci-Fi Movies of All Time, According to the AFI

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10 Best Campy Sci-Fi Movies From the '80s - Collider

RM Sotheby’s officially launches its brand in the Middle East – Arab News

LONDON: Emirati astronaut Sultan Al-Neyadi, who a week ago became the first Arab to perform a spacewalk, followed that up on Thursday by becoming the first person to practice jiu-jitsu in space.

Al-Neyadi, who is serving aboard the International Space Station, uploaded a video to his social media channels in which he is seen performing the martial art while wearing a UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation Gi, the traditional, kimono-style attire worn by the sports practitioners.

The clip quickly racked up thousands of views in the UAE and beyond. In it, Al-Neyadi explained how the martial art, which is a key pillar of the physical education syllabus in schools in the UAE, has helped foster the skills of discipline, focus and adaptability among young people, and how those skills helped him prepare for the six-month space mission and after he arrived at the space station.

I love jiu-jitsu. I have been doing jiu-jitsu for so many years, said Al-Neyadi. Jiu-jitsu helped me so much in my preparation for this mission and getting adapted to the environment on the International Space Station.

Recalling his training sessions in a centrifuge, which help astronauts prepare for the stresses on their bodies during space travel, Al-Neyadi said: When I was encountering my weight times two, three or even up to eight times, the first sensation was (like) feeling an opponent on top of my chest.

One of the first things I learned in jiu-jitsu was to regulate my breathing, so this is exactly what I did during the centrifuge experience. I think jiu-jitsu really helped me overcome that experiment.

Now in his second full month aboard the space station, Al-Neyadi said his lifelong passion for jiu-jitsu is paying great dividends in the confines of the orbiting laboratory, 420 kilometers above the Earths surface.

When I arrived here, I was surprised to find we mainly use our feet to stabilize ourselves, he explained. One of the fundamentals is that we use our toes to establish a foundation, so the pressure is on the ground; the contact should be on your toes, not your heels.

Thats why doing a jiu-jitsu posture when I am in space, with my toes positioned under a handrail, I feel very stable. I am using my toes to translate (my movement) everywhere and do all sorts of tricks. I can jump from one place to another, using my toes to stabilize myself. Ive been doing a lot of front rolls and back flips.

Abdel Moneim Al-Hashemi, the chairperson of the UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation, president of the Asian Ju-Jitsu Union and senior vice president of the International Jiu-Jitsu Federation, said he is proud of Al-Neyadis achievements.

His bravery, intelligence and humility are a credit and inspiration to the UAE, and all our citizens and residents, he said. He is an example for the Arab and Muslim world, and to a global nation of jiu-jitsu athletes. He has put the sport of jiu-jitsu on an entirely new map, taking us from mats to stars.

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RM Sotheby's officially launches its brand in the Middle East - Arab News

Oppenheimer Gets Up Close & Personal With His Explosive … – Screen Rant

Director Christopher Nolan's upcoming film Oppenheimer debuts a new poster that sees star Cillian Murphy standing in front of his explosive creation. Oppenheimer is a biopic telling the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer and his involvement in the Manhattan Project, which led to the creation of the first nuclear bomb. Murphy leads the film in the title role alongside a stellar cast including Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Florence Pugh, Kenneth Branagh, and Gary Oldman.

Universal shared a new poster for Oppenheimer that sees Murphy posed front and center with the infamous atomic bomb positioned behind him.

The film will be released on July 21, following a year-long promotional campaign that began with a sneaky trailer attached to last summer's Nope. Now, with the film's release only a few months away, Oppenheimer is seeing its marketing ramp-up.

Nolan is known for films like Inception, The Prestige, and Christian Bale's Dark Knight trilogy. However, he's also known for building complex plots that stoke deep contemplation, like Interstellar and Tenet. While Nolan has also tackled true events before with 2017's Dunkirk, even that movie had a disjointed narrative, breaking the story up between different times and places. So while Oppenheimer may appear like a biopic, it could play out uniquely, with comments from CinemaCon pointing toward it being a thriller.

Nolan is also skilled at putting emotionally moving stories at the heart of his thrilling action set pieces. Interstellar offered up numerous tear-inducing scenes throughout its epic space travel, and Inception's heady plot was grounded by a man simply trying to get back to his children after his wife's death. So while Oppenheimer tackles grand themes, highlighting the creation of the first nuclear bomb, the film will likely carry emotional weight, examining the ramifications of such a weapon.

Oppenheimer also has Nolan reteaming with actors from his previous films, which the director has a penchant for. Murphy and Oldman have both appeared in The Dark Knight trilogy, Damon appeared in Interstellar, and Branagh played the villain in Tenet. So while Nolan likes to keep his films shrouded in mystery, he has laid the groundwork for another stand-out production. Further details surrounding Oppenheimer will be forthcoming as its release date nears.

Source: Universal

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Oppenheimer Gets Up Close & Personal With His Explosive ... - Screen Rant

The Dune: Part Two trailer is here but how many more films will we get? – The Guardian

Week in geek

A first look at the forthcoming Dune sequel pulls us back into the strange sandpit. But how much farther into Frank Herberts psychedelic universe is Denis Villeneuve likely to venture?

Spoiler alert: this article includes plot details from several of Herberts Dune novels, including the ending of the first

It has often been noted that George Lucass 1977 film Star Wars was greatly influenced by Frank Herberts Dune. The desert-covered central planet; the blending of religion and magic to the point where they are virtually indistinguishable; the depiction of a galaxy where democracy has failed and gilded nobles battle for control of solar systems: all are present in both works of sci-fi-fantasy. And yet Dune is not Star Wars, even if Part Two, the first trailer for which dropped this week, will without doubt provide audiences with the burgeoning sagas most Star Wars-like moment so far.

In 2021, the first part of Denis Villeneuves Dune adaptation managed the remarkable feat of keeping us interested despite focusing almost entirely on the horrifying fall of House Atreides at the hands of the putrid and relentless Harkonnens, and leaving any sense of hope and future glory seemingly buried deep beneath the sand dunes. In the book, there is always a sense that the Atreides forebears as rulers of Arrakis are going to get their comeuppance, because scion Paul is clearly going to end up as the Bene Gesserits predicted messiah and probably take over the known universe. In the film there are fewer hints but it matters less, because the sci-fi eye candy on display is like nothing wed seen before on the big screen.

Interestingly, the new trailer shows us little of the spectacle we can expect in the finale of Dune: part two, when Christopher Walkens Emperor Shaddam IV descends with all his armies on Arrakis, only to discover he really should have stayed at home. Instead we see more of Zendayas Chani, witness the transformation of Rebecca Fergusons Lady Jessica into the Fremans tattooed, spice-loving Reverend Mother, and are introduced to Florence Pughs shifty Princess Irulan (daughter of the Emperor). Theres also a glimpse of the spectacular scenes from the book in which Paul Atreides first rides a giant sandworm.

Given the softly, softly approach to bringing Dune back to the big screen employed by studio Warner Bros, which was only prepared to film the novel one segment at a time, many fans of the book will just be pleased to see that Villeneuve didnt end up pulling a Ralph Bakshi. Part two looks fittingly expansive, and there is still the prospect of the blockbuster denouement to come which should make Luke blowing up the Death Star look like an episode of Doctors in terms of spectacle. And given that Dune earned more than $400m at the global box office, there is every chance its more feelgood and morally satisfying sequel should take the saga well past the 1bn mark. This is not a film whose chances we should worry about.

Its the future of the series Im more concerned about. Dune is a very weird novel but its sequels only get stranger and more unorthodox the deeper Herbert gets into his weird and wonderful galaxy of human computers, psychedelia-inspired space travel and gene-modifying witch clans.

If the Star Wars saga was Dune, Return of the Jedi would have seen Luke decide it was a grand idea to turn to the dark side after all, then spend the rest of the movie regretting it. And without wishing to give too much away for those who havent read the novels, by book four (God Emperor of Dune), the main character is a part-human, part-sandworm megafreak who has been alive for more than 3,500 years. If Villeneuve and Warner Bros are still making movies about Dune at that point, it will be remarkable. If anyone is still watching, it will be a miracle.

Wisely, Villeneuve has only committed so far to a willingness to adapt Herberts first sequel, Dune: Messiah which, while lacking the climactic cosmic battle that defines its predecessor, is at least packed with the political intrigue, high drama and millennia-spanning sorcerous conspiracies that drew fans to Arrakis in the first place.

It may be wise for the Canadian film-maker to draw the line there, perhaps after another two brilliant movies, before he finds the Mentats in white coats have turned up to take over the editing suite.






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The Dune: Part Two trailer is here but how many more films will we get? - The Guardian

Around The World Exhibition: A Journey Through The Best Of … – Little Day Out

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When Jules Verne published the novel Around the World in 80 days in 1873, he could never have imagined that 150 years later, it would inspire Alliance Franaise de Singapours exhibition Around the World, which showcases the best of French transportation across the ages.

The exhibition takes visitors on a journey through transport-related innovations that emerged from France. This spans different modes of travel from land to sea to air, and even space.

On from now till 15 July 2023, the Around the World exhibition delves into different eras of transportation, casting the spotlight on French engineering and innovation.

When visitor first arrive at the Itinerary Office at the start of the exhibition, they can pick up an exhibition passport and boarding pass.

These are important, not only for visitors to take notes, but because they allow visitors to be in the running to win air tickets to France by completing a code on the boarding pass.

Also on display at the start of the small exhibition is Jules Vernes Extraordinary Voyages, which includes the novel Around the World in 80 Days.

Inside the land transportation gallery, visitors can learn about French innovations such as the TGV high-speed train.

While many Singaporeans associate the Michelin brand with food, the companys core products are represented at this section too. Amongst its innovations on display is a puncture-proof tire.

Take a peak into the luxury and romance of sea travel by imagining what it must have been like to sail onboard the SS France. There is a detailed model of this ocean liner in the sea section of the exhibition, along with records of other sea-related innovations by the French.

France has a long association with air travel. This began as far back as the 1780s when the Montgolfier brothers took to the air in a hot air balloon, right up to the 20th Century with the development of the record-setting Concorde.

Amongst the artefacts on display at the air gallery are the tableware and toiletry bag gifted to passengers on board the Concorde. An Air France menu also shows how delicacies like caviar and truffles were served onboard the supersonic plane as it flew between Paris and New York.

Space is the final frontier at the Alliance Franaise de Singapour exhibition. One highlight here is a VR experience. This places visitors into the shoes of Thomas Pesquet, the French European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut who spent six months in the International Space Station.

To complement the Around the World exhibition, Alliance Franaise de Singapour is also be holding the MOVE! Programme which will feature a series of talks, film screenings and activities.

Families with young children can look forward to selection of films that includes the film adaptation of Jules Vernes timeless masterpiece, Around the World in 80 Days, a chuck glider making workshop, and storytelling sessions at the Alliance Franaise library that will immerse kids into world of aviation.

Get details about the Around the World exhibition and the MOVE! programmes at Alliance Franaise.

The exhibition can be found at the gallery on the second floor of Alliance Franaise.

The gallery is open from Tuesdays to Fridays, 1 pm to 7.30 pm, and on Saturday 9 am to 5.30 pm. Admission is free.

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Around The World Exhibition: A Journey Through The Best Of ... - Little Day Out

Space tourism and economy market size is projected to surpass $900 billion by 2030 – Finbold – Finance in Bold

Global space tourism or human spaceflight for recreational purposes was estimated in 2021 to be roughly worth around $598 million. In 2021, the space tourism sector made giant leaps with four complete space missions for recreational purposes, including a mission where only civilian passengers were on board.

With technological advances and more interest from the public, by 2030, space tourism is expected to become a $4 billion industry, while the entire space economy is projected to be worth $900 billion by 2030, according to a dossier published by Statista.

These numbers indicate that the projected growth for the space tourism market could develop at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.1% from 2022 to 2030. This high growth is pushed by high-net-worth individuals and a few companies taking the lions share of investments, like SpaceX, which had an influx of capital at a tune of $6.87 billion in 2021.

One of the significant breakthroughs that will enable further growth of space tourism is reusable vehicles, which should reduce the cost of space travel in the long run and help grow the suborbital flight market.

At the moment, Virgin Galactic offers space flights at a bargain price of $450,000, so expecting to go on a space flight soon may disappoint some enthusiasts.

Setbacks felt in the travel and tourism industry due to Covid-19 have also spilled over into the space industry, especially tourism. These impacts will probably prolong the time of space missions and the flow of investments, while the damage done to supply chains could have even more far-reaching effects on the entire industry in the long term.

Furthermore, customer demand damage that the pandemic did, along with the rise in inflation and rates, could further dampen peoples enthusiasm for space travel. Despite this, these two stocks may stand to benefit from the investments pouring into the space sector.

Ultimately, government budgets will play a key role in how fast the growth returns on track and continues this critical mission for humankind to explore space.

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Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

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Space tourism and economy market size is projected to surpass $900 billion by 2030 - Finbold - Finance in Bold

Nichelle Nichols remembered for her contributions to representation in media and space travel WABE – WABE 90.1 FM

On the Monday edition of Closer Look, critically acclaimed author, filmmaker and Afro-futurist scholar Ytasha Womack discusses the legacy of trailblazing actress Nichelle Nichols. Nichols died Saturday, July 30, aged 89.

Known by many for her role as Nyota Uhura in the originalStar Trek series, Nichols played a pivotal role in the fabric of media during the Civil Rights Movement. The first Black woman to play a lead role in a television series and among the first women depicted as a scientist in space, her innovative contributions to the field opened a realm of possibility for women, people of color and youth. Nichols later became a key figure in recruiting women and minorities to work with NASA and helped mold the future of space travel.

You cant think about science fiction without her name coming up, without her image being one of significance, Womack said. Shes so multi-faceted. She took her role seriously and understood the impact. I think thats something creatives can be inspired by.

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Nichelle Nichols remembered for her contributions to representation in media and space travel WABE - WABE 90.1 FM

Billionaire Jared Isaacman Always Wanted to Be an Astronaut. Now Hes Leading a Civilian Space Mission. – Robb Report

Ever since Jared Isaacman attended the Aviation Challenge summer camp at age 12, his goal was to flyfast. The New Jersey native, 39, is founder and CEO of Shift4; in 2020, his companys IPO made him a billionaire, but hed become a serious pilot long before then. He earned his pilots license in 2005, at age 22, and just four years laterafter moving through single- and multi-engine instrument ratings to jetsIsaacman broke the round-the-world speed record in a Citation CJ2. Attaining an experimental type rating allowed him to pilot L-39 Albatros and A-4 Skyhawk fighter jets and ultimately to form an aerobatic squadronthink Thunderbirds or Blue Angelscalled the Black Diamond Jet Team. Composed of Isaacman and six other pilots, the group flew more than 100 air shows between 2011 and 2014. We flew seven fighter jets, 18 inches apart, doing formation loops, rolls and other maneuvers, he says. The team included former USAF Thunderbirds and civilians like myself. It was a great brotherhood.

Isaacman cofounded Draken International in late 2011 and built it into the worlds largest private air force, with more than 100 fighter jets used to train pilots from all the main US military branches. Isaacmans favorite: The A-4N Skyhawk, which is basically the bad-guy jet that Viper and Jester flew in the original Top Gun.

But his latest obsession is space. Last year he funded the first all-civilian orbital mission, a three-day trip using SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets for transport. Isaacman and his Inspiration4 crew raised over $240 million for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, in Memphis, including $100 million from Isaacman himself. Next: Polaris Dawn, a new, five-day mission scheduled to lift off later this year. We caught up with the record-breaking civilian astronaut to talk mission prep and the future of citizen space travel.

Did you really ever expect to get to space as a civilian astronaut?

My passion for aviation and seeking out the most demanding and challenging flying I can do is in part because I did want to be an astronaut, starting when I was in kindergarten. But I did think that flying fighter jets and air shows would be as good as it gotI never imagined I would have a chance to lead a mission to orbit.

How will Polaris Dawn be different from Inspiration4?

With Inspiration4, I initially had no idea I would lead the first civilian mission to orbit Earth. The idea came together in a matter of weeks. Once I knew it was a first, I took the responsibility seriously. We assembled a strong crew and had meaningful objectives in space alongside what we wanted to accomplish here on Earth

Such as?

We wanted to show how nongovernment astronauts could be happy, healthy and productive in space. If Inspiration4 was successful, we knew it would open the door to more interesting missions. Now that the door is open, theres a lot for us to build in space to truly open up this frontier. Polaris is a series of technically demanding developmental missions that will conclude with the first flight of the brand-new launch vehicle Starship.

With Polaris Dawn, well fly higher than any human being has gone since we last walked on the moonthe highest Earth orbit ever flown. Well also test the first new spacesuit designed in 50 years with an EVA [extra vehicular activity, aka a space walk], as well as new operation protocols for pre-breathing [astronauts breathe pure oxygen before a space walk to avoid decompression sickness] and deploying cube satellites [miniature satellites used for remote sensing and telecommunications]. Finally, well communicate over a new constellation of laser-based Starlink satellites [being tested to ensure viability for outer-space communications]. Those will be key to long-range spaceflight.

How did you choose the crew?

The Polaris missions involve a lot more risk than Inspiration4, so the crew needed to meet the mission objectives. Polaris is a joint program with SpaceX, so we assembled two talented engineers at SpaceX that we knew from Inspiration4: Sarah Gillis, the SpaceX lead astronaut trainer, and Anna Menon, a SpaceX managing engineer and mission director of mission control who previously worked as a biomedical operator at NASA. We also have Scott Kidd Poteet, who I flew with for over a decade and who worked previously at Draken. He served as the mission director for Inspiration4.

Are there other missions planned after Polaris Dawn?

Polaris IIs objectives will be designed based on what we learn from Polaris Dawn and the un-crewed test flights of Starship. Polaris III will be the first crewed flight of Starship and the super-heavy booster. This vehicle is bigger and more powerful than the Saturn V rocket that put human beings on the moon a half century ago. We will test-fly it, and if successful, Starship will be the vehicle that will return human beings to the moon and ultimately bring the first humans to Mars. Starship could someday be the 737 of human spaceflight.

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Billionaire Jared Isaacman Always Wanted to Be an Astronaut. Now Hes Leading a Civilian Space Mission. - Robb Report

Space Travel Calculator | Relativistic Rocket Equation

Now that you know whether interstellar is travel possible and how fast can we travel in space, it's time for some formulas. In this section, you can find the "classical" and relativistic rocket equations that are included in the relativistic space travel calculator. There could be four combinations since we want to estimate how long it takes to arrive at the destination point at full speed as well as arrive at the destination point and stop. Every set contains distance, time passing on Earth and in the spaceship (only relativity approach), expected maximum velocity and corresponding kinetic energy (if you turn on the advanced mode), and the required fuel mass (see Intergalactic travel - fuel problem section for more information). The notation is:

Relativistic space travel calculator is dedicated to very long journeys, interstellar or even intergalactic, in which we can neglect the influence of the gravitational field, e.g., from Earth. We didn't include in the destination list our closest celestial bodies like Moon or Mars because it would be pointless. For them, we need different equations that also take into consideration gravitational force.

Newton's universe arrive at destination at full speed

It's the simplest case because here T equals t for any speed. To calculate distance covered, at constant acceleration during a certain time, you can use the following classical formula:

Since acceleration is constant, and we assume that the initial velocity equals zero, you can estimate the maximum velocity using this equation:

and the corresponding kinetic energy:

Newton's universe arrive at destination and stop

In this situation, we're accelerating to the half-way point, reaching maximum velocity and then decelerating to stop at the destination point. Distance covered during the same time is, as you may expect, smaller than before:

Acceleration remains positive until we're half-way there (then it is negative - deceleration), so the maximum velocity is:

and the kinetic energy equation is the same as the previous one.

Einstein's universe arrive at destination at full speed

The relativistic rocket equation has to consider the effects of light speed travel. These are not only speed limitations and time dilation, but also how every length becomes shorter for a moving observer, which is a phenomenon of special relativity called length contraction. If l is the proper length observed in rest frame and L is the length observed by a crew in a spaceship, then:

L = l / .

What does it mean? If a spaceship moves with the velocity of v = 0.995c, then = 10 and the length observed by a moving object is ten times smaller than the real length. For example, the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy equals about 2,520,000 light years with Earth as the frame of reference. For a spaceship moving with v = 0.995c, it will be "only" 252,200 light years away. That's a 90 percentage decrease or 164 percentage difference!

Now you probably understand why special relativity allows us for intergalactic travel. Below you can find the relativistic rocket equation for the case in which you want to arrive at the destination point at full speed (without stopping). You can find its derivation in the book by Messrs Misner, Thorne (Co-Winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics) and Wheller titled Gravitation, section 6.2. Hyperbolic motion. More accessible formulas are in the mathematical physicist's, John Baez, article The Relativistic Rocket:

t = c/a * sh[a*T/c] = [(d/c) + 2*d/a],

T = c/a * sh[a*t/c] = c/a * ch[a*d/c + 1],

d = c/a * [ch(a*T/c) - 1] = c/a * [(1 + (a*t/c)) - 1],

v = c * th[a*T/c] = a*t / [1 + (a*t/c)],

EK = mc * ( - 1)

The symbols sh, ch and th are respectively sine, cosine, and tangent hyperbolic functions, which are analogs of the ordinary trigonometric functions. In turn, sh and ch are the inverse hyperbolic functions that can be expressed with natural logarithms and square roots, according to the article Inverse hyperbolic functions on Wikipedia.

Einstein's universe arrive at destination point and stop

Most websites with relativistic rocket equations consider only arriving at desired place at full speed. If you want to stop there, you should start decelerating at the halfway point. Here, you can find set of equation estimating interstellar space travel parameters in situation when you want to stop at destination point:

t = 2*c/a * sh[a*T/(2*c)] = [(d/c) + 4*d/a],

T = 2*c/a * sh[a*t/(2*c)] = 2*c/a * ch[a*d/(2*c) + 1],

d = 2*c/a * [ch(a*T/(2*c)) - 1] = 2*c/a * [(1 + (a*t/(2*c))) - 1],

v = c * th[a*T/(2*c)] = a*t / (2 * [1 + (a*t/(2*c))]),

EK = mc * ( - 1)

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Space Travel Calculator | Relativistic Rocket Equation

History of Space Travel

The first earthling to orbit our planet was just two years old, plucked from the streets of Moscow barely more than a week before her historic launch. Her name was Laika. She was a terrier mutt and by all accounts a good dog. Her 1957 flight paved the way for space exploration back when scientists didnt know if spaceflight was lethal for living things.

Humans are explorers. Since before the dawn of civilization, weve been lured over the horizon to find food or more space, to make a profit, or just to see whats beyond those trees or mountains or oceans. Our ability to explore reached new heightsliterallyin the last hundred years. Airplanes shortened distances, simplified travel, and showed us Earth from a new perspective. By the middle of the last century, we aimed even higher.

Our first steps into space began as a race between the United States and the former Soviet Union, rivals in a global struggle for power. Laika was followed into orbit four years later by the first human, Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin. With Earth orbit achieved, we turned our sights on the moon. The United States landed two astronauts on its stark surface in 1969, and five more manned missions followed. The U.S.s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched probes to study the solar system. Manned space stations began glittering in the sky. NASA developed reusable spacecraftspace shuttle orbitersto ferry astronauts and satellites to orbit. Space-travel technology had advanced light-years in just three decades. Gagarin had to parachute from his spaceship after reentry from orbit. The space shuttle leaves orbit at 16,465 miles an hour (26,498 kilometers an hour) and glides to a stop on a runway without using an engine.

Space travel is nothing like in the movies. Getting from A to B requires complex calculations involving inertia and gravityliterally, rocket scienceto "slingshot" from planet to planet (or moon) across the solar system. The Voyager mission of the 1970s took advantage of a rare alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune to shave off nearly 20 years of travel time. Space is also dangerous. More than 20 astronauts have died doing their job.

That hasnt stopped people from signing up and blasting off. NASAs shuttle program has ended, but private companies are readying their own space programs. A company called Planetary Resources plans to send robot astronauts to the Asteroid Belt to mine for precious metals. Another company named SpaceX is hoping to land civilian astronauts on Marsthe next human step into the solar systemin 20 years. NASA and other civilian companies are planning their own Mars missions. Maybe youll be a member of one? Dont forget to bring your dog.

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History of Space Travel

Is Interstellar Travel Really Possible? | Space

Paul M. Sutter is an astrophysicist at The Ohio State University, host of Ask a Spaceman and Space Radio, and author of "Your Place in the Universe." Sutter contributed this article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

Interstellar space travel. Fantasy of every five-year-old kid within us. Staple of science fiction serials. Boldly going where nobody has gone before in a really fantastic way. As we grow ever more advanced with our rockets and space probes, the question arises: could we ever hope to colonize the stars? Or, barring that far-flung dream, can we at least send space probes to alien planets, letting them tell us what they see?

The truth is that interstellar travel and exploration is technically possible. There's no law of physics that outright forbids it. But that doesn't necessarily make it easy, and it certainly doesn't mean we'll achieve it in our lifetimes, let alone this century. Interstellar space travel is a real pain in the neck.

Related: Gallery: Visions of Interstellar Starship Travel

If you're sufficiently patient, then we've already achieved interstellar exploration status. We have several spacecraft on escape trajectories, meaning they're leaving the solar system and they are never coming back. NASA's Pioneer missions, the Voyager missions, and most recently New Horizons have all started their long outward journeys. The Voyagers especially are now considered outside the solar system, as defined as the region where the solar wind emanating from the sun gives way to general galactic background particles and dust.

So, great; we have interstellar space probes currently in operation. Except the problem is that they're going nowhere really fast. Each one of these intrepid interstellar explorers is traveling at tens of thousands of miles per hour, which sounds pretty fast. They're not headed in the direction of any particular star, because their missions were designed to explore planets inside the solar system. But if any of these spacecraft were headed to our nearest neighbor, Proxima Centauri, just barely 4 light-years away, they would reach it in about 80,000 years.

I don't know about you, but I don't think NASA budgets for those kinds of timelines. Also, by the time these probes reach anywhere halfway interesting, their nuclear batteries will be long dead, and just be useless hunks of metal hurtling through the void. Which is a sort of success, if you think about it: It's not like our ancestors were able to accomplish such feats as tossing random junk between the stars, but it's probably also not exactly what you imagined interstellar space travel to be like.

Related: Superfast Spacecraft Propulsion Concepts (Images)

To make interstellar spaceflight more reasonable, a probe has to go really fast. On the order of at least one-tenth the speed of light. At that speed, spacecraft could reach Proxima Centauri in a handful of decades, and send back pictures a few years later, well within a human lifetime. Is it really so unreasonable to ask that the same person who starts the mission gets to finish it?

Going these speeds requires a tremendous amount of energy. One option is to contain that energy onboard the spacecraft as fuel. But if that's the case, the extra fuel adds mass, which makes it even harder to propel it up to those speeds. There are designs and sketches for nuclear-powered spacecraft that try to accomplish just this, but unless we want to start building thousands upon thousands of nuclear bombs just to put inside a rocket, we need to come up with other ideas.

Perhaps one of the most promising ideas is to keep the energy source of the spacecraft fixed and somehow transport that energy to the spacecraft as it travels. One way to do this is with lasers. Radiation is good at transporting energy from one place to another, especially over the vast distances of space. The spacecraft can then capture this energy and propel itself forward.

This is the basic idea behind the Breakthrough Starshot project, which aims to design a spacecraft capable of reaching the nearest stars in a matter of decades. In the simplest outline of this project, a giant laser on the order of 100 gigawatts shoots at an Earth-orbiting spacecraft. That spacecraft has a large solar sail that is incredibly reflective. The laser bounces off of that sail, giving momentum to the spacecraft. The thing is, a 100-gigawatt laser only has the force of a heavy backpack. You didn't read that incorrectly. If we were to shoot this laser at the spacecraft for about 10 minutes, in order to reach one-tenth the speed of light, the spacecraft can weigh no more than a gram.

That's the mass of a paper clip.

Related: Breakthrough Starshot in Pictures: Laser-Sailing Nanocraft to Study Alien Planets

This is where the rubber meets the interstellar road when it comes to making spacecraft travel the required speeds. The laser itself, at 100 gigawatts, is more powerful than any laser we've ever designed by many orders of magnitude. To give you a sense of scale, 100 gigawatts is the entire capacity of every single nuclear power plant operating in the United States combined.

And the spacecraft, which has to have a mass no more than a paper clip, must include a camera, computer, power source, circuitry, a shell, an antenna for communicating back home and the entire lightsail itself.

That lightsail must be almost perfectly reflective. If it absorbs even a tiny fraction of that incoming laser radiation it will convert that energy to heat instead of momentum. At 100 gigawatts, that means straight-up melting, which is generally considered not good for spacecraft.

Once accelerated to one-tenth the speed of light, the real journey begins. For 40 years, this little spacecraft will have to withstand the trials and travails of interstellar space. It will be impacted by dust grains at that enormous velocity. And while the dust is very tiny, at those speeds motes can do incredible damage. Cosmic rays, which are high-energy particles emitted by everything from the sun to distant supernova, can mess with the delicate circuitry inside. The spacecraft will be bombarded by these cosmic rays non-stop as soon as the journey begins.

Is Breakthrough Starshot possible? In principle, yes. Like I said above, there's no law of physics that prevents any of this from becoming reality. But that doesn't make it easy or even probable or plausible or even feasible using our current levels of technology (or reasonable projections into the near future of our technology). Can we really make a spacecraft that small and light? Can we really make a laser that powerful? Can a mission like this actually survive the challenges of deep space?

The answer isn't yes or no. The real question is this: are we willing to spend enough money to find out if it's possible?

Learn more by listening to the episode "Is interstellar travel possible?" on the Ask A Spaceman podcast, available on iTunes (opens in new tab) and on the Web at Thanks to @infirmus, Amber D., neo, and Alex V. for the questions that led to this piece! Ask your own question on Twitter using #AskASpaceman or by following Paul @PaulMattSutter and

Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook.

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Is Interstellar Travel Really Possible? | Space

Space travel | Dune Wiki | Fandom

"There is a fifth force which shaped religious belief, but its effect is so universal and profound that it deserves to stand deserves to be written thus: SPACE TRAVEL!"unknown[src]

Space travel played a major role in the evolution and expansion of humanity throughout the known universe. Two forms of space travel existed: faster than light space travel, and conventional space travel.

Supposed early draft for Jodorowskys Dune

For several thousand years, faster than light travel (FTL travel or space-folding) was conducted exclusively by the Spacing Guild, using Spacefolder vessels piloted by Guild navigators that folded space-time and moved almost immeasurable distances in the blink of the eye.

This form of travel, while extremely expensive, was also not safe as one in ten ships that used space folding engine disappeared, at least during the early years of the technology's use before the advent of Navigators. It was utilized for both commercial and military purposes. Space-folding made use of two key factors:

Eventually, at some point between the fall of the Atreides Empire and the discovery of the Dar-es-Balat hoard, Ixian navigation machines broke the guild monopoly on foldspace by providing a means of safely navigating foldspace without a navigator.[1][2]

The old FTL conventional space travel was used mainly for travel within the confines of a star system (not for interstellar travel). However, before the discovery of the new faster-than-light travel method, it was also used for long-distance space travel. The old method was described as "outracing photons". Even after space-folding became the primary means of interstellar travel, many Imperial warships still kept their old FTL drives as an alternative to the much faster but less reliable Holtzmann engines.

A calculation for velocities obtainable with old FTL conventional space travel can be made from the book "The Butlerian Jihad" by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. Before the Battle of Earth, the unified Armada is stated to have gathered at Salusa Secundus. This planet is stated in this wikipedia to be located in theGamma Waiping system which is about 130.8 light-years form Earth, again according to this wikipedia. In the book"The Butlerian Jihad" Xavier Harkonnen states that the Armada takes over a month to reach Earth while traveling at its maximum sustainable speed. Using terrestrial time periods (days, weeks, months) for simplicity's sake, we get1,591.4c for a month,1,136.72c for six weeks, and795.7c for two months (c being equal to the speed of light).

The connection between faster than light travel and the Holtzman Effect is not explicitly mentioned by Frank Herbert. It is a connection made in the prequel novels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.

In the 'Legends of Dune' trilogy, the pair describe the time shortly before and during the discovery of space-folding. In these works the discovery of space-folding is attributed to Norma Cenva, who goes on to become the first prescient folded space navigator. Prior to this, although described in 'The Machine Crusade' as "outracing the old faster than light method", vessels still took weeks or months to cross between even the closest stars.

Excerpt from:

Space travel | Dune Wiki | Fandom

Intergalactic travel – Wikipedia

Hypothetical travel between galaxies

Intergalactic travel is the hypothetical crewed or uncrewed travel between galaxies. Due to the enormous distances between the Milky Way and even its closest neighborstens of thousands to millions of light-yearsany such venture would be far more technologically demanding than even interstellar travel. Intergalactic distances are roughly a hundred-thousandfold (five orders of magnitude) greater than their interstellar counterparts.[a]

The technology required to travel between galaxies is far beyond humanity's present capabilities, and currently only the subject of speculation, hypothesis, and science fiction.

However, theoretically speaking, there is nothing to conclusively indicate that intergalactic travel is impossible. There are several hypothesized methods of carrying out such a journey, and to date several academics have studied intergalactic travel in a serious manner.[1][2][3]

Theorized in 1988,[4] and observed in 2005,[5] hypervelocity stars move faster than the escape velocity of the Milky Way, and are traveling out into intergalactic space.[6] There are several theories for their existence. One of the mechanisms would be that the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way ejects stars from the galaxy at a rate of about one every hundred thousand years. Another theorized mechanism might be a supernova explosion in a binary system.[7] Intergalactic travel using these stars would involve entering into an orbit around them and waiting for them to reach another galaxy.[8][9]

Another proposal is to artificially propel a star in the direction of another galaxy.[10][11]

While it takes light approximately 2.54 million years to traverse the gulf of space between Earth and, for instance, the Andromeda Galaxy, it would take a much shorter amount of time from the point of view of a traveler at close to the speed of light due to the effects of time dilation; the time experienced by the traveler depending both on velocity (anything less than the speed of light) and distance traveled (length contraction). Intergalactic travel for humans is therefore possible, in theory, from the point of view of the traveler.[12] For example, a rocket that accelerated at standard acceleration due to gravity toward the Andromeda Galaxy and started to decelerate halfway through the trip would arrive in about 28 years, from the frame of reference of the observer.[13]

The Alcubierre drive is a hypothetical concept that is able to impulse a spacecraft to speeds faster than light (the spaceship itself would not move faster than light, but the space around it would). This could in theory allow practical intergalactic travel. There is no known way to create the space-distorting wave this concept needs to work, but the metrics of the equations comply with relativity and the limit of light speed.[14]

A wormhole is a hypothetical tunnel through space-time that would allow instantaneous intergalactic travel to the most distant galaxies even billions of light years away. Wormholes are allowed by general relativity.[15]

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Intergalactic travel - Wikipedia

Astronaut study reveals effects of space travel on human bones – Reuters

WASHINGTON, July 2 (Reuters) - A study of bone loss in 17 astronauts who flew aboard the International Space Station is providing a fuller understanding of the effects of space travel on the human body and steps that can mitigate it, crucial knowledge ahead of potential ambitious future missions.

The research amassed new data on bone loss in astronauts caused by the microgravity conditions of space and the degree to which bone mineral density can be regained on Earth. It involved 14 male and three female astronauts, average age 47, whose missions ranged from four to seven months in space, with an average of about 5-1/2 months.

A year after returning to Earth, the astronauts on average exhibited 2.1% reduced bone mineral density at the tibia - one of the bones of the lower leg - and 1.3% reduced bone strength. Nine did not recover bone mineral density after the space flight, experiencing permanent loss.


"We know that astronauts lose bone on long-duration spaceflight. What's novel about this study is that we followed astronauts for one year after their space travel to understand if and how bone recovers," said University of Calgary professor Leigh Gabel, an exercise scientist who was the lead author of the research published this week in the journal Scientific Reports.

"Astronauts experienced significant bone loss during six-month spaceflights - loss that we would expect to see in older adults over two decades on Earth, and they only recovered about half of that loss after one year back on Earth," Gabel said.

The bone loss occurs because bones that typically would be weight-bearing on Earth do not carry weight in space. Space agencies are going to need to improve countermeasures - exercise regimes and nutrition - to help prevent bone loss, Gabel said.

"During spaceflight, fine bone structures thin, and eventually some of the bone rods disconnect from one another. Once the astronaut comes back to Earth, the remaining bone connections can thicken and strengthen, but the ones that disconnected in space can't be rebuilt, so the astronaut's overall bone structure permanently changes," Gabel said.

The study's astronauts flew on the space station in the past seven years. The study did not give their nationalities but they were from the U.S. space agency NASA, Canadian Space Agency, European Space Agency and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

Space travel poses various challenges to the human body - key concerns for space agencies as they plan new explorations. For instance, NASA is aiming to send astronauts back to the moon, a mission now planned for 2025 at the earliest. That could be a prelude to future astronaut missions to Mars or a longer-term presence on the lunar surface.

"Microgravity affects a lot of body systems, muscle and bone being among them," Gabel said.

"The cardiovascular system also experiences many changes. Without gravity pulling blood towards our feet, astronauts experience a fluid shift that causes more blood to pool in the upper body. This can affect the cardiovascular system and vision.

"Radiation is also a large health concern for astronauts as the further they travel from Earth the greater exposure to the sun's radiation and increased cancer risk," Gabel said.

The study showed that longer space missions resulted both in more bone loss and a lower likelihood of recovering bone afterward. In-flight exercise - resistance training on the space station - proved important for preventing muscle and bone loss. Astronauts who performed more deadlifts compared to what they usually did on Earth were found to be more likely to recover bone after the mission.

"There is a lot we still do not know regarding how microgravity affects human health, particularly on space missions longer than six months, and on the long-term health consequences," Gabel said. "We really hope that bone loss eventually plateaus on longer missions, that people will stop losing bone, but we don't know."


Reporting by Will Dunham, Editing by Rosalba O'Brien

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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Astronaut study reveals effects of space travel on human bones - Reuters

X-38: The Space Plane That Could Have Broken All the Rules – 19FortyFive

Had the NASA designed X-38 crew return vehicle (CRV), with its wingless lifting body, ever become operational, it would have become the first reusable human spacecraft produced since the Space Shuttle (which was first built in the 1970s). The X-38 was canceled however, a victim of NASA budget cuts and still, in the twenty years since, no reusable human spacecraft has been developed.

Developing reusable spacecraft would have helped keep the costs of space exploration down. The monetary costs of space exploration, perhaps the most daunting undertaking in human history, have always been high; developing new technologies and procedures to explore the cosmos is not cheap. At the peak of the Space Race, in the 1960s, the years preceding President John F. Kennedys promise to land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth, NASAs budget spiked. Before 1961, NASAs budget had never exceeded one percent of all federal spending. In 1966, however, NASAs budget hit 4.41 percent of federal spending still an all-time high.

The impetus for the spending spree, of course, was the threat of Soviet primacy; nothing inspires Congress to spend money as casually as war. Once the Soviets Space Race efforts tinkered out, once it became clear the Soviets could not land a man on the moon, Congress quickly constrained NASAs budget. By 1975 the year the Apollo program was canned NASA was again receiving less than one percent of all federal funding. In the nearly five decades since, NASAs budget has only briefly skimmed above one percent. During the twenty-first century, NASA has been gutted; today, without much threat of international competition for the cosmos, NASA receives less than one half of one percent of federal funding which is why a veritable, practical program like the X-38 was cut just before an orbital prototype was to fly.

The X-38 was designed to give astronauts a way to escape the International Space Station (ISS) in the event of an emergency. Space logistics are complicated. And space travel is dangerous. Emergencies happen. Astronauts die, I wrote. The X-38 was designed to mitigate the logistical challenges of space travel, and hopefully, avoid catastrophe.

Before the X-38 and since it was canceled ISS inhabitants have relied on time-intensive methods for getting back to Earth. In the past (when the X-38 was being developed), the Space Shuttle would ferry astronauts from the ISS back to Earth. Launching and operating a Space Shuttle, however, was one of the most complex and challenging technological feats humankind has ever accomplished, requiring lead time and logistical foresight. So, in the event that an ISS inhabitant becomes violently ill, or cracks their skull (probably hard to do in zero gs but you get the idea) or if the ISS itself becomes compromised and is no longer able to support human life everyone would have had to wait around for a Space Shuttle to be launched before being rescued. Not ideal. The X-38 was developed to bypass a logistics scheme that was so inherently life-threatening. No, the X-38 would be standing by, permanently, for use as an escape vehicle, in case of emergency.

Heres how the CRV worked.

The X-38 was designed to dock with the ISS, I wrote for 1945. Should the need arise, the ISS crew could enter the X-38 through a hatched docking system. Once the X-38 was initiated the CRV would autopilot the crew back to Earth using a deorbital propulsion system (DPS). The DPS, which would include eight thrusters, would adjust the X-38s attitude and retrofire until the X-38s speed was sufficiently reduced to allow for Earths gravitational pull to grasp the X-38, dragging the vehicle and the crew back down into Earths atmosphere.

After reentry, the DPS would have been jettisoned, no longer needed, as the X-38 would glide back to the Earths surface using a steerable parafoil (with a surface area equivalent to that of a Boeing 747s wings). Since the X-38 was a lifting body aircraft, it would typically need high speeds to land properly. The parafoil was developed to help slow the X-38 down and make landing a little bit safer. The landing, like the rest of the trip down from the ISS, was conducted on autopilot. Ideally, that is. If needed, the X-38 crew could override autopilot and assume manual control of the CRV. And for particularly dire circumstances, the X-38 was outfitted with seven high-altitude low opening (HALO) parachutes.

The entire escape process undocking from the ISS to reentry to glide landing was expected to take between two and three hours, I wrote.

The sad thing about the X-38s cancellation is that the program was well underway; two atmospheric prototypes had been built and tested. Thats right. On three different occasions, the X-38 prototypes were drop tested from the external hardpoint of a B-52 mothership. The X-38 performed as planned, gliding through Earths atmosphere at transonic speeds before landing at a manageable 60 miles per hour. The successful atmospheric tests prompted NASA to build an orbital prototype. The prototype was 90 percent complete when budget cuts were announced, and the X-38 program was scrapped.

Harrison Kass is the Senior Defense Editor at 19FortyFive. An attorney, pilot, guitarist, and minor pro hockey player, he joined the US Air Force as a Pilot Trainee but was medically discharged. Harrison has degrees from Lake Forest College, the University of Oregon, and New York University. He lives in Oregon and listens to Dokken. Follow him on Twitter @harrison_kass.

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X-38: The Space Plane That Could Have Broken All the Rules - 19FortyFive

Millions in grant money head to UCF for space research – Orlando Sentinel

An army of Knights are among the researchers charging their way into final frontier with innovative projects shaping the future of space travel.

Perhaps its unsurprising due to the University of Central Floridas history tied to the American space program. As need for more aerospace engineers rose, the space university opened its doors to education in 1968 the same year the Apollo 8 mission took humans into the moons orbit.

Since then, students and professors have taken full advantage of being only 35 miles from Kennedy Space Center collaborating with NASA, developing new technologies and techniques straight out of science fiction. In the last 18 months, UCF has had 71 space-related research projects approved and awarded with grants exceeding $10 million, according to UCF spokeswoman Zenaida Kotala.

Some of the research projects include:

3-D printed sensors for astronauts to monitor ships integrity

A device that would create a landing pad for a rocket as it lands

Developing cost-effective and logistically feasible way to mine lunar ice

The projects vary widely but nearly half of them, 31, are moon-research related.

Most recently, UCFs Kawai Kwok was one of eight UCF recipients to receive the NSF Career award for his research proposal of examining flexible yet strong material capable of performing as a satellite solar sail, and then being able to roll up from the satellites base as easily as measuring tape.

Its called snapping instability structures Kwok said and his idea all started with a stroll through his garden.

Kwok was admiring a ladybug as it flew by. The gentle insect landed on a flower, compacted its wings and nimbly navigated its surroundings. Other than achieving flight, insect wings will conform to the body as the organism sees fit. If it needs to soar, the wings expand. If it needs to crawl under a window, the wings will contract and allow the bug to take on a slimmer form.

University of Central Florida Assistant professor Kawai Kwok demonstrates a bendable propeller, at the Structures & Materials Design Laboratory, on Wednesday, June 22, 2022. Kwoks work focuses on developing shape-changing structures. These kinds of structures can be used on space missions, for drone work and for solar sails and blades among other applications.(Ricardo Ramirez Buxeda/ Orlando Sentinel) (Ricardo Ramirez Buxeda/Orlando Sentinel)

Thats exactly the kind of behavior we have been looking for many years in the engineering community. How do we have a structure that can drastically change the shapes? said Kwok, a 38-year-old assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

For the last six years, Kwok has been researching composite lightweight structures for aerospace applications.

His most recent idea of exploring snap instability is what earned him a $500,486 NSF CAREER grant, which will allow Kwok and some of his select students to explore different applications of carbon fiber composites or other lightweight material that might be able to mimic the behavior of insect wings.

Although, creating material that is both thin and a very strong isnt easy.

Currently, Kwok and his students are working on a .5-meter-long propeller made of a carbon fiber composite. So far, the light and bendable propeller can maintain integrity spinning at 3,000 RPM. Next Kwok wants to move up to a 1-meter-long propeller the results of which could benefit drone technology. The U.S. Navy has already expressed interest in Kwoks work.

I guess [the] dream would be [to] design propellers or wings that unfold from a drone. The Navy [would like] to be able to launch a swarm of drones in compact in small tubes, Kwok said.

For the time being, the research is in its early stages and may not end up using carbon fiber, which is cooked up in a small lab at the UCF Engineering Building

Were not just looking at carbon fiber composites. Were trying to see if we can mix a larger variety of materials with different functions and properties, he said.

Ideally, Kwoks snap instability structures would take on similar characteristics to that of measuring tape, being able to expand greatly while also maintaining structural integrity for technologies such as solar sails for solar-powered space travel. Its an idea thats hasnt truly moved beyond that of science fiction. One of the reason solar sails are hard to create is because they need to be large enough to capture an area of about 20 to 40 meters, to capture photons from the sun, but also maintain an extremely light weight.

How to fold them into in a way that can can be structurally sound in space? Hopefully, well find that answer, Kwok said.

When it comes to the moon UCF shines with its lunar geological expert and planetary scientist Kerri Donaldson Hanna, who has her hands full with numerous moon-related research projects. First, theres project Lunar Trailblazer, which is a satellite capable of scanning and producing high-resolution maps of water on the moon. Donaldson Hanna and her team of students are creating spectral instruments for the NASA satellite.

UCF Assistant Professor Dr. Kerri Donaldson Hanna, shows parts of a spectrometer at her lab in the UCF Physical Sciences Building, on Monday, May 16, 2022. Hanna is a heading the lunar mapping project. "Trailblazer" is a satellite that will be launched in the next 2 to 3 years and will be used to identify water-ice, hydroxl and molecular water on the moon.(Ricardo Ramirez Buxeda/ Orlando Sentinel) (Ricardo Ramirez Buxeda/Orlando Sentinel)

Water has been long suspected on the moon since the Lunar Prospector probe first detected a high level of hydrogen in the north and south poles in 1999. It is speculated that water-ice exists in the permanent shadows of lunar craters, but there are few actual detections of frozen water. Trailblazer seeks to change that by scanning as low as crater floors and as high as mountain peaks using powerful instruments capable of measuring all the way down to 3.6 microns and creating a large database of water sites for future colonization.

Donaldson Hannas work in Trailblazer has a foundation in two other critical projects she worked on that furthered scientific understanding of lunar geology: NASAs Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment and Moon Mineralogy Mapper. The latter flew aboard Indias Chandrayaan-1 and discovered water.

Furthering the goal of finding water, Donaldson Hanna is also working as co-investigator on the Lunar Compact InfraRed Imaging System project. She along with an undergraduate student, Adam Bedel, are selecting filters for a thermal camera onboard the XELENE lunar lander, designed by aerospace manufacturer Masten Space Systems. Their work will be used to help make thermal maps of the south polar region of the moon. The images provided by XELENE should give scientists a better understanding of which regions are cold enough to retain water.

Additionally, NASA announced earlier in June that Donaldson Hanna and another UCF planetary scientist, Adrienne Dove, will be exploring an unknown and mysterious region of the moon Gruithuisen Domes. The area is found on the western part of the moon and appears to be the result of a rare form of volcanic eruption. But thats left NASA scientists confused as such geological structures on Earth require oceans of liquid water and plate tectonics to form.

Enter Donaldson Hanna and Dove who will lead a $35 million mission that would land a spacecraft over the Gruithuisen Domes and provide answers.

Theres potentially a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be discovered, which will not only help us inform future robotic and human exploration of the moon, but may also help us better understand the history of our own planet as well as other planets in the solar system, Donaldson Hanna told the Orlando Sentinel in June.

UCFs medical campus is the closest med school to Kennedy Space Center, putting it in a unique spot of scientific opportunity. As a result, UCF Health has arranged a partnership with Axiom Space supporting human research studies in future flights including the Axiom 2 mission slated for next year.

From left, Ax-1 pilot Larry Conner, commander Michael Lopez-Alegria, mission specialist Mark Pathy and mission specialist Eytan Stibbe don their spacesuits on March 17, 2022 ahead of their 10-day flight to the International Space Station. (SpaceX)

UCF professors partnered with Israeli researchers to study four private astronauts to better understand microgravitys effect on the human body, specifically studying changes to the astronauts eyes and brains.

Currently, researchers are analyzing data from the April launch that saw a SpaceX Crew Dragon contracted by Axiom Space fly up for a stay on board the International Space Station.


Fix your telescope on all space-related news, from rocket launches to space-industry advancements.

UCFs Dr. Ali Rizvi and Dr. Joyce Paulson are analyzing the microgravity environments effect on the blood-brain barrier, or the coated protection around a brain that filters out harmful toxins. Scientists have looked at ways around this barrier since it acts as an obstacle to delivering certain medications that need to reach the central nervous system. The end goal is to to treat degenerative diseases like Alzheimers or dementia. Previous research has shown the blood barrier can be changed in a microgravity or zero-gravity environments creating larger pores in the barrier and possibly allowing medication to reach the nervous system.

UCF Health professors are collaborating with Israeli researchers to better understand the human body in a microgravity environment by studying the four space participants.

Additionally, another group of UCF scientists is examining the astronauts eyes and how microgravity may affect the fluid within an ocular structure in a phenomenon known as spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome or SANS. Previous studies have focused on SANS but UCFs research has a new tool at its disposal.

UCF professor Dr. Mehul Patel along with researchers at Israels Rabin Medical Center are using a new imaging device that will shed light on the structure of the eyes, blood flow and how spaceflight might change them.

After the 17-day trip in space, the astronauts were evaluated within 48 hours of their return. Currently, scientists are reviewing the data for any possible changes.

This is one of the exciting parts of doing the study, Patel said. Were going to be able to see microscopic changes, perhaps, for the first time ever, in someone that has left Earth.

See the original post here:

Millions in grant money head to UCF for space research - Orlando Sentinel