ESA Ministerial Conference 2014: ISS and Human Spaceflight & Operations – Video

ESA Ministerial Conference 2014: ISS and Human Spaceflight Operations
EN - Ministers in charge of space activities within the 20 ESA Member States (18 EU Member States plus Norway Switzerland) and Canada will meet in Luxembourg on 2 December to take key ...

By: Frdrick Moulin

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ESA Ministerial Conference 2014: ISS and Human Spaceflight & Operations - Video

Astronauts on the International Space Station Can Now Enjoy Espresso

TIME Science space Astronauts on the International Space Station Can Now Enjoy Espresso A prototype of Lavazza's and Argotec's "ISSpresso" machine. The final version of the coffee machine will be the first real Italian espresso machine on The International Space Station, and will coincide with a six-month mission by Italys first Italian female astronaut, Samantha Cristoforetti. Lavazza/AP The Italian engineered 'ISSpresso' can be sipped through a straw

If the only thing keeping you from joining the space program was a lack of decent coffee outside Earths orbit, you no longer have that excuse.

This week Italy sent astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti to the International Space Station with a specially designed espresso machine that works in zero-gravity.

Designed by Turin-based Lavazzo and engineering firm Argotec, the ISSpresso, pumps water under high pressure through the machine into a pouch, where it can be sipped through a straw.

Part of an international crew that arrived on the Russian Soyuz craft, Cristoforetti, 37, also a captain in the Italian air force, will be not only the first female astronaut from Italy to go into space, but also the very first astronaut in the history of the conquest of space to savor an authentic Italian espresso in orbit, the companies said in a statement. If slurping hot coffee through a straw sounds less than ideal, more innovations are on the horizon, thanks to researchers in Portland, where coffee obsession rivals that in Italy.

On Monday a team at Portland State University presented a paper, The Capillary Fluidics of Espresso, detailing a way to enjoy espresso in space in a manner similar to the one on Earth which is to say in a cup by replacing the role of gravity with the forces of surface tension.

Espresso, noted the team, which included a member of NASA and also a high school student, is distinguished by a complex low density colloid of emulsified oils. Due to gravity, these oils rise to the surface forming a foam lid called the crema . To some, the texture and aromatics of the crema play a critical role in the overall espresso experience. We show how in the low-g environment this may not be possible. We also suggest alternate methods for enjoying espresso aboard spacecraft.

Of equal importance, these impressive innovations mean that, should the ISS ever encounter life on other planets, aliens first experience of coffee will not be adulterated with pumpkin spice.

This article originally appeared at

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Astronauts on the International Space Station Can Now Enjoy Espresso

Boeing Clears First Hurdle to Send Humans to Space

Washington: NASA has approved the completion of Boeing's first milestone in the company's path toward launching crews to the International Space Station (ISS) from the US.

As part of a groundbreaking Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contract, the Certification Baseline Review is the first of many more milestones, including flight tests from Florida's Space Coast that will establish the basis for certifying Boeing's human space transportation system to carry NASA astronauts to the space station.

The review established a baseline design of the Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 spacecraft, United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, and associated ground and mission operations systems.

"The work done now is crucial to each of the future steps in the path to certification, including a flight test to the ISS. This first milestone establishes an expected operating rhythm for NASA and Boeing to meet our certification goal," said Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Programme.

On Sep 16, the agency unveiled its selection of Boeing and SpaceX to transport US crews to and from the space station using their CST-100 and Crew Dragon spacecraft, respectively.

"It was important for us to set a robust plan for achieving certification upfront. It is crucial for us to achieve our 2017 goal and the plan we have put in place will get us there," said Boeing Commercial Crew Programme manager John Mulholland.

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Boeing Clears First Hurdle to Send Humans to Space

LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham – 100% Guide Mission 3, Space Station Infestation, All Collectables – Video

LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham - 100% Guide Mission 3, Space Station Infestation, All Collectables
This is a 100% walkthough guide for mission 3 "Space Station Infestation". In the video I collect all of the Minikits, Character Tokens, Red Bricks, Bat-Mite...

By: deathmule


LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham - 100% Guide Mission 3, Space Station Infestation, All Collectables - Video