Ulysses in the 31st Century ULYSSES 31 TEST PILOT CHAPTER 1 – Video

Ulysses in the 31st Century ULYSSES 31 TEST PILOT CHAPTER 1
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:57More inFilm Animation

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Ulysses in the 31st Century ULYSSES 31 TEST PILOT CHAPTER 1 - Video

Halo 4 – Space Station Defense – Video

Halo 4 - Space Station Defense
My second map in Halo 4, it #39;s on #39;Impact #39; and the desired game-type for it is SSD-Flood. Since the setting for this map is in space, the players will experience less gravity and if you fall into the room under the base, you will lose your radar/shields due to the radioactive rock. The download to both the map and game-type can be found in my fileshare in Halo 4. Map - Space Station Defense Game-type - SSD-Flood Music - Griphop by. Kevin MacleodFrom:iThePoliceViews:4 1ratingsTime:03:33More inGaming

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Halo 4 - Space Station Defense - Video

Dead Space 2 Playthrough – Part 3 – Hacking In Space – Video

Dead Space 2 Playthrough - Part 3 - Hacking In Space
Part 4: Part 3 of me playing through Dead Space 2, hope you enjoy and please like, comment, favorite and subscribe! Checkout: http://www.youtube.com Dead Space: http://www.youtube.com About the game: In Dead Space trade; 2, you join Isaac Clarke, the Systems Engineer from Dead Space, as he wakes up three years after the horrific events on the USG Ishimura. The Ishimura was a Planetcracker-class starship besieged by grotesque reanimations of its dead crew, known as "Necromorphs." After unearthing a strange artifact known as the Marker, Isaac finds himself on the Sprawl, a giant space station in orbit around Saturn. Unable to remember how he got here and plagued with demented visions of his dead girlfriend Nicole, he must survive another nightmarish outbreak of Necromorphs as he fights his way towards an answer he hopes will end all the chaos. System Requirements: Processor: 2.8 GHz processor or equivalent Memory: 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista or Windows 7) Hard Disk Space: At least 10GB of hard drive space for installation, plus additional space for saved games Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better (7300, 7600 GS, and 8500 are below minimum system requirements), ATI X1600 Pro or better (X1300, X1300 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements), 256MB Video Card and Shader Model 3.0 required DirectX: DirectX 9.0c I do not own rights to the game used in the video.From:YamiAngerViews:0 0ratingsTime:12:02More inGaming

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Dead Space 2 Playthrough - Part 3 - Hacking In Space - Video

BIS proposes an early space station

The idea for a manned space station left pulp science fiction for scientific authenticity when Harry Ross, on Nov. 13, 1948, described such a facility in a paper to the British Interplanetary Society.

According to historical documents provided by Mark Stewart, BIS honorary archival librarian/editor, the "station was based on a concept" that Herman Potocnik described in his 1928 book "The Problem of Space Travel: The Rocket Motor." Potocnik was an Austrian Imperial Army officer who became an engineer. Hermann Oberth, who published "The Rocket Into Planetary Space" in 1923, urged Potocnik (writing under the pseudonym H. Noordung), to base his ideas of the future not on fanciful science fiction but on solid engineering principles.

The design that Ross and Ralph Smith, both members of the BIS Technical Committee, created "had a mirror to collect solar energy and was to spin on its axis to provide artificial gravity," said Space Travel: A History (Harper & Row/1985).

The BIS documents stated that for power, "water or mercury would be heated in a ring-main of pipes at the circular focus of the mirror," which would drive "eight turbo-generators housed in blisters spaced around the circumference of the living quarters." Personal residences would house "a permanent staff of 24" working on site.

On the same date, Ross also described a mission to land the first man on the Moon. Smith, "who played a leading part in early B.I.S. design studies," said the publication "The British Interplanetary Society: Aims and Objects/Regulations for Membership," produced the drawings. One was of an air purification plant. Two years earlier, Smith and Ross had conceived of a "man-carrying rocket designed to test human reactions to a short period of spaceflight." They "submitted" it to the U.K. Ministry of Supply on Dec. 23, 1946.

In 1949, Ross designed a Lunar Spacesuit "based on a work started in 1940," the BIS historical documents said. "He had examined the problem of a lunar suit for 12-(hour) use with a temperature compensating range from 120 degrees Celsius during the day down to minus 150 degrees Celsius at night." The exterior "was to be a highly burnished metallic film to reflect as much heat as possible." The helmet would be a " thermos-flask" design to give good heat insulation," with "a large-angle vision port."

At the October 1951 First Annual Symposium on Space Travel, in New York, Dr. Wernher von Braun broached an orbiting station. From the gathering grew "an eight-part series on space travel" for Collier's Magazine, said "Dark Side of the Moon: The Magnificent Madness of the American Lunar Quest" (New York University Press/2006). The website haydenplanetarium.org said the 1952-54 articles "birthed an indelible vis7ion for the public's imagination and fascination with space."

Von Braun "weaved a fantastic tale about a massive Earth-orbiting space station that would serve as a docking port for cosmic taxis," said "Dark Side of the Moon." "According to the dream its constant rotation would generate artificial gravity, making it livable for an extended period. The station would serve as a foundation for lunar expeditions, and eventually for trips to Mars."

Chesley Bonestell, whom The Washington Post in 1985 called "the acknowledged "dean of space art," produced the paintings, which included Earth-orbiting stations. The same ideas were placed before the public in Walt Disney's three-part, mid-1950s Man in Space series.

In 1955, film producer George Pal released "The Conquest of Space," in which astronauts "attempt a flight to Mars," Ley said in the May 1955 Astounding Science Fiction. "The United States Air Forces takes on the job of building first 'The Wheel,' the space-station orbiting Earth 1,080 miles out, and then the ship capable of the Mars trip" that launches from the station.

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BIS proposes an early space station

Space Junk Passes ISS At Safe Distance

November 17, 2012

Image Credit: NASA

redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports Your Universe Online

A scheduled debris avoidance maneuver was cancelled after tracking data showed that an unknown piece of space debris would pass by the International Space Station (ISS) at a safe distance, NASA officials have announced.

The decision to forgo the maneuver, which would have steered the ISS clear of the space junks path, was made by American and Russian flight controllers after they received updated tracking data revealing that the debris would miss the station by 1.7 miles placing it in the green regime, a safe distance away from the complex, and much further from the station than previous tracking passes displayed, the US space agency said in a statement.

Furthermore, Flight Director Holly Ridings determined that the ISS crew members would not have to retreat to their respective Soyuz modules for protection from the potential threat, which made its closest approach to the station at 12:54pm Eastern time on Friday.

NASA reports that none of the crew members were in any danger, and that three of them Expedition 33 Commander Suni Williams and Flight Engineers Yuri Malenchenko and Aki Hoshide had spent Friday morning preparing to depart the ISS and return home to Earth. Williams, Malenchenko, and Hoshide are scheduled to depart from the space station at 5:26pm Sunday, and land in Kazakhstan at 8:53pm Eastern that evening.

The home-bound Expedition 33 trio climbed into their Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft for more checks Friday, NASA explained. They tested the vehicles motion control system and conducted final descent training. At the end of their mission they will have spent 127 days in space and 125 days aboard the station.

Williams and Flight Engineer Kevin Ford will participate in a change of command ceremony Saturday at 2:15pm Eastern, and Ford will assume the role of Expedition 34 commander. He and Flight Engineers Oleg Novitskiy and Evgeny Tarelkin will remain on board the facility.

This is Williams second mission on the ISS. She was a member of the Expedition 14 crew from December 2006 through June 2007. Malenchenko has been to the station on four occasions, including stints as a member of the team that prepped the station for its first permanent crew in September 2000 and as the commander of Expedition 7 in 2003. This marked Hoshides first residency onboard the ISS. His only previous spaceflight experience came in June 2008, as a member of the crew of the space shuttle discovery, according to NASA.

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Space Junk Passes ISS At Safe Distance

Space station command changes

Published: Nov. 17, 2012 at 7:29 PM

HOUSTON, Nov. 17 (UPI) -- Suni Williams handed over command of the International Space Station Saturday to fellow U.S. astronaut Kevin Ford.

Williams, Aki Hoshide of Japan and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko were scheduled to leave Sunday in a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. They were expected to land Monday, local time, in Kazakhstan after 127 days in space, Florida Today reported.

On Friday, ground crew for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration determined that an orbiting piece of space junk would miss the space station. Plans for a "debris avoidance maneuver" by having a Russian supply ship fire its engines were abandoned.

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Space station command changes

*Forensic Evidence – UFO passes International Space Station – Video

*Forensic Evidence - UFO passes International Space Station
Watch *NEW* Forensic Evidence Here!: http://www.youtube.com The outer space or empty space , also simply called space , refers to the relatively empty regions of the universe outside the atmospheres of celestial bodies. Space is used outside to distinguish it from airspace (and terrestrial areas). The outer space is not completely empty of material (ie, not a perfect vacuum ) but containing a low particle density, gas predominantly hydrogen as well as electromagnetic radiation . Although it is assumed that outer space occupies almost the entire volume of the universe and has long been considered mostly empty, or filled with a substance called ether , now known to contain most of the matter in the universe. This matter is made #8203; #8203;of electromagnetic radiation, cosmic particles, neutrinos without mass and even forms of matter not well known as dark matter and dark energy . In fact in the universe each of these components contributes to the total area , according to estimates, in the following proportions: cold condensed matter (0.03%), stellar matter (0.5%), neutrinos (massless particles, 0.3%), dark matter (25%) and dark energy (75%). The physical nature of the latter is still little known. Only known by some of its properties that print gravitational effects in the period of revolution of the galaxies , on the one hand, and the accelerated expansion of the universe or cosmic inflation on the other. There is no clear boundary between Earth #39;s atmosphere and space, as the density of ...From:Forensic EvidenceViews:0 2ratingsTime:06:42More inEducation

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*Forensic Evidence - UFO passes International Space Station - Video

Suni’s Days for Students at ‘Air and Space’ – Video

Suni #39;s Days for Students at #39;Air and Space #39;
Aboard the International Space Station, departing Expedition 33 Commander Suni Williams of NASA and Flight Engineer Kevin Ford of NASA field questions from students gathered at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum during an in-flight educational event Nov. 15. Deputy Secretary of Education Tony Miller and NASA Associate Administrator for Education Leland Melvin were among the dignitaries in attendance for the event.From:NASAtelevisionViews:587 22ratingsTime:01:15:04More inScience Technology

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Suni's Days for Students at 'Air and Space' - Video

Space Station KLASS – Video

Space Station KLASS
This is a space station Liam and I made In Minecraft for Science class. It took about 20 Hours to make it, to shoot, edit, and render the video, and to upload it. The space station itself is about 150 Long by 50 Wide by 50 High and contains about 12 modules.From:CapitanWafflemanViews:1 0ratingsTime:05:43More inEducation

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Space Station KLASS - Video

GI Joe

GI Joe Cobra Cartoon Collection IX
GI Joe Cobra Cartoon Collection IX The Pyramid of Darkness Season 1: Episodes 1.01-1.05 After Cobra takes control of the Joes #39; space station and uses its weapons system to attack Joe headquarters, they use the space station to power four large cubes that prevent the use of electrical devices on Earth. Part I: The Further Adventures of GIJoe Part II: Rendezvous in the City of the Dead Part III: Three Cubes to Darkness Part IV: Chaos in the Sea of Lost Souls Part V: Knotting Cobra #39;s CoilsFrom:PunchorKissFilmsViews:2 0ratingsTime:27:08More inFilm Animation

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GI Joe

Day 15: #vlomo12 [15] International Space Station (ISS) fly over the Southern Tier NY – Video

Day 15: #vlomo12 [15] International Space Station (ISS) fly over the Southern Tier NY
Day Fifteen (15) for #vlomo 2012. ISS SIGHTINGS FOR Thu Nov 15/05:55 AM, DURATION 6 (MIN), MAX ELEV 48 (DEG), APPROACH 15 above WSW (DEG-DIR), DEPARTURE 11 above NE (DEG-DIR) On Audioboo: audioboo.fm On VoiceBo: voicebo.comFrom:RichTVTiogaViews:3 0ratingsTime:02:54More inPeople Blogs

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Day 15: #vlomo12 [15] International Space Station (ISS) fly over the Southern Tier NY - Video

Space Station Silicon Valley Rat O Matic 16400 score plus gold statue part 1 – Video

Space Station Silicon Valley Rat O Matic 16400 score plus gold statue part 1
Here #39;s part 1 of my score run of 16400 on rat o matic, of course I got the statue as well. This level can actually take awhile to beat, not just the high score.From:KunioNESViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:46More inGaming

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Space Station Silicon Valley Rat O Matic 16400 score plus gold statue part 1 - Video

Abandoned Project: Heavy Doctor Who 3 – Video

Abandoned Project: Heavy Doctor Who 3
I lost everything I recorded, and i realized too late that I had no idea how to end the story. Basicly, Heavy is trapped in the tardis and is sent to completely random places. The Master uses strange telikinetic powers ( lift things with mind) to destroy engineer buildings including a train carrying tanks of fuel which explode and kill civilians. He makes Heavy watch with a camera. Heavy finds himself in a cybermen space station and finds Soldier who teleported out of the ship in episode 2 before it exploded. They use their technology to go back to planet Gottam only to find a Dalek fleet. I did not know what to do after this, and the dalek fleet I built in gmod is lost :(. I will upload a random video soon, but because of gmod 13 update it is halfway done, but ill upload it anyway and finish the rest. I found an awesome too called HAT tool which makes animating alot easier, but that is gone until someone updates it to gmod 13. If I feel like it I could start over and redo this in the future.From:StupidJediViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:01More inFilm Animation

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Abandoned Project: Heavy Doctor Who 3 - Video