Call Of Duty: Ghosts GAMEPLAY! – MASS EVENT Space Station Hacking Targets US With "RODS" (COD Ghost) – Video

Call Of Duty: Ghosts GAMEPLAY! - MASS EVENT Space Station Hacking Targets US With "RODS" (COD Ghost)
Call Of Duty: GHOSTS Gameplay - Campaign "Mass Event" E3 #9675; Titanfall Gameplay - #9675; PS4 Price Release Date! - ttp://

By: MrTechBeast

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Call Of Duty: Ghosts GAMEPLAY! - MASS EVENT Space Station Hacking Targets US With "RODS" (COD Ghost) - Video

Europe’s largest spaceship now connected to International Space Station

Washington, June 16 (ANI): ESA's fourth Automated Transfer Vehicle, Albert Einstein - the heaviest spacecraft ever launched by Europe, completed a flawless rendezvous with the International Space Station on Saturday.

The Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) is now connected to the Space Station.

Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General of ESA said that with the fourth ATV now ready to support and supply the Space Station with essential supplies and scientific experiments, ESA again proves itself to be a reliable partner in the international station upon which the future can be developed.

The 20-tonne ferry flew autonomously and docked with the 420-tonne complex with a precision of a few cm as both circled Earth at 28 000 km/h.

The rendezvous and docking were performed autonomously by ATV's own computers, closely monitored by flight controllers from ESA and France's CNES space agency at the ATV Control Centre in Toulouse, France, and by Luca Parmitano and his crewmates on the Station.

Like its predecessors, ATV-4 is much more than a simple supply vessel: it is a space tug, a tanker, a freighter and a temporary habitation module.

To compensate for the natural decay in altitude of the Station's orbit caused by atmospheric drag, it is loaded with 2580 kg of propellant to perform regular reboosts.

It can even move the entire space complex out of the path of hazardous space debris.

ATV also provides attitude control when other spacecraft are approaching the Station.

In its tanks, it carries 860 kg of propellant, 100 kg of oxygen and air, and 570 kg of drinking water, all to be pumped into the Station's tanks.

Here is the original post:

Europe's largest spaceship now connected to International Space Station

Three Chinese Astronauts Dock to Nation’s Space Station

This story was updated at 2:16 p.m. ET.

A Chinese space capsule carrying a crew of three docked with the nation's orbiting space module today (June 13), two days after launch.

State media reports that Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang and Wang Yaping the second female Chinese astronaut to fly in space automatically docked their Shenzhou 10 spacecraft to the Tiangong 1 module at 1:11 a.m. EDT (0511 GMT). The astronauts entered the orbiting module at 4:17 a.m. EDT (0817 GMT), beginning a 12-day stint onboard the space laboratory.

At 15 days in space, this mission is scheduled to be the longest spaceflight for a Chinese crew in the history of the country's space program.

"The Shenzhou 10 spacecraft has been successfully launched and precisely put into orbit, which means that our country's fifth manned space mission has succeeded in the first phase," said China's president, Xi Jinping, according to state-run news agency Xinhua. "At this very moment, I am sharing the same feeling with everyone. I am very happy and excited."

During their time on Tiangong 1 (also known as the Heavenly Palace 1), the spaceflyers will dock their spacecraft to the module once more using manual docking procedures and perform experiments. The crew is also expected to send down a science lesson to Chinese school children on Earth at some point during their stay.

Shenzhou 10 is the last of three missions designed to help master space-based docking and rendezvous technology, officials have said.

The mission is expected to help the Chinese space agency gain necessary experience that can be applied to building and operating a larger space station by 2020. The eventual 90 ton orbiting station will have three capsules: a core unit and two laboratories, according to Xinhua.

Tiangong 1 has orbited Earth since Sept. 2011, and is scheduled to remain operational for another three months. The module has played host to eight other Chinese astronauts before the Shenzhou 10 mission, with the first crew docking in June 2012.

China's first astronaut, Yang Liwei, was sent to orbit in 2003, making China the third nation after Russia and the United States to launch astronauts to space using its own vehicles.

Excerpt from:

Three Chinese Astronauts Dock to Nation's Space Station

Off and No Longer Running: Space Station’s First Treadmill to be Jettisoned with Trash

UPDATE: This article was updated at 4: 23 p.m. EDT to reflect an error in information provided by NASA:

The space station's original treadmill has not yet run its course.

The "Treadmill Vibration Isolation System" (TVIS), which was used by both astronauts and cosmonauts to exercise aboard the International Space Station for more than 12 years was not jettisoned on Tuesday (June 11) onboard a spent Russian cargo freighter, as earlier reported.

A NASA spokesperson confirmed Tuesday afternoon that the information earlier provided to by the space agency was in error.

The device, which is no longer in use, will instead leave the station and be discarded with the next Russian unmanned resupply vehicle, Progress M-18M (50P), which as of Tuesday was scheduled to undock on July 26. After its departure, the cargo craft and its contents including the TVIS treadmill will be destroyed during its descent back into Earth's atmosphere.

The TVIS was replaced aboard the station by a Russian-built unit that was first put into use recently and by a more advanced U.S. treadmill named after television comedian Stephen Colbert.

The original article, unedited, follows below:


A space apparatus that for more than a dozen years enabled both astronauts and cosmonauts to literally run around the Earth bid farewell to its home on orbit Tuesday (June 11). The International Space Station's original treadmill is now on its way to its fiery destruction aboard a spent Russian cargo freighter.

The now-discarded exercise device, called the "Treadmill Vibration Isolation System," or TVIS (pronounced "tee-viss"), was used by the orbiting outpost's first 34 resident crews from November 2000 until March of this year, when it was replaced by a new Russian-built unit. The 12-year-old running machine (and sometimes marathon track) was previously succeeded by a more advanced U.S. treadmill that was famously re-named after the television comedian Stephen Colbert.

See the article here:

Off and No Longer Running: Space Station's First Treadmill to be Jettisoned with Trash

Off and No Longer Running: Space Station’s First Treadmill Jettisoned with Trash

UPDATE: This article was updated at 4: 23 p.m. EDT to reflect an error in information provided by NASA:

The space station's original treadmill has not yet run its course.

The "Treadmill Vibration Isolation System" (TVIS), which was used by both astronauts and cosmonauts to exercise aboard the International Space Station for more than 12 years was not jettisoned on Tuesday (June 11) onboard a spent Russian cargo freighter, as earlier reported.

A NASA spokesperson confirmed Tuesday afternoon that the information earlier provided to by the space agency was in error.

The device, which is no longer in use, will instead leave the station and be discarded with the next Russian unmanned resupply vehicle, Progress M-18M (50P), which as of Tuesday was scheduled to undock on July 26. After its departure, the cargo craft and its contents including the TVIS treadmill will be destroyed during its descent back into Earth's atmosphere.

The TVIS was replaced aboard the station by a Russian-built unit that was first put into use recently and by a more advanced U.S. treadmill named after television comedian Stephen Colbert.

The original article, unedited, follows below:


A space apparatus that for more than a dozen years enabled both astronauts and cosmonauts to literally run around the Earth bid farewell to its home on orbit Tuesday (June 11). The International Space Station's original treadmill is now on its way to its fiery destruction aboard a spent Russian cargo freighter.

The now-discarded exercise device, called the "Treadmill Vibration Isolation System," or TVIS (pronounced "tee-viss"), was used by the orbiting outpost's first 34 resident crews from November 2000 until March of this year, when it was replaced by a new Russian-built unit. The 12-year-old running machine (and sometimes marathon track) was previously succeeded by a more advanced U.S. treadmill that was famously re-named after the television comedian Stephen Colbert.

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Off and No Longer Running: Space Station's First Treadmill Jettisoned with Trash

Old Space Station Treadmill to be Dumped from Orbit

Its always a chore when, at home, a big hulking piece of equipment needs to be dumped. Do you break it up and put it in the trash? Try to sell it for space parts on eBay? Refurbish it? Recycle it? Make special arrangements with a hazardous waste company? Leave it in your front lawn in the hope someone might pilfer it?

On the International Space Station, however, the choices for disposing outdated equipment are few, inevitably ending with the ultimate garbage disposal technique: atmospheric reentry.

Space Station Astronauts Log One Million Photos

Thats exactly the fate waiting for the faithful old space station treadmill a.k.a. the Treadmill Vibration Isolation System, or TVIS that kept the first 34 astronauts resident in the orbital outpost fit and healthy for the past 12 years. Superseded by the Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill (COLBERT) so named in honor of comedy talk show host Stephen Colbert the TVIS will be loaded on board the returning Progress M-18M (50P) cargo vehicle. Progress will then detach on July 26 and commence its fiery reentry over the Pacific Ocean.

The TVIS went into operation on November 2000 but it ran its last lap in March 2013, so now its just taking up space. Although this piece of kit would likely fetch quite an impressive bid on eBay, the astronauts and cosmonauts have no means of delivering the piece of keep fit kit to any prospective buyer, so theyll just have to toss it into the atmospheric incinerator with the rest of their junk. Oh well.

via collectSPACE

Image: Keep fit memories: Leroy Chiao, Expedition 10 commander and NASA ISS science officer, equipped with a bungee harness, exercises on the Treadmill Vibration Isolation System (TVIS) in the Zvezda Service Module of the International Space Station (ISS) on April 10, 2005.

Original post:

Old Space Station Treadmill to be Dumped from Orbit

ISS – International Space Station Footage from the Space Shuttle! Video – Video

ISS - International Space Station Footage from the Space Shuttle! Video
ISS - International Space Station Footage from the Space Shuttle! Video From NASA: "ISS Configuration This fly-around video shows the International Space Station from space shuttle Endeavour...

By: Bright Enlightenment


ISS - International Space Station Footage from the Space Shuttle! Video - Video

Call of Duty Ghosts: Space Station Hacking, Shoot while Mantling, WiiU, Lean (COD Ghost E3M13 ) – Video

Call of Duty Ghosts: Space Station Hacking, Shoot while Mantling, WiiU, Lean (COD Ghost E3M13 )
Thanks for watching guys, I #39;m bringing you BF4 gameplay today! #9675; Xbox Conference Recap! #9675; PS4 Conference Recap!

By: TmarTn

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Call of Duty Ghosts: Space Station Hacking, Shoot while Mantling, WiiU, Lean (COD Ghost E3M13 ) - Video