Vasily Maximov / ReutersRussia's space agency ground personnel check the Soyuz TMA-14M capsule shortly after its landing, southeast of the town of Zhezkazgan in central Kazakhstan.
Two Russian cosmonauts anda NASA astronaut landed safely ina snow-covered Kazakh steppe onThursday after a167-day mission aboard theInternational Space Station (ISS).
See the Photo Gallery: Russian Cosmonauts Return to Earth From ISS
Acapsule carrying NASA station commander Barry "Butch" Wilmore andRussian flight engineers Alexander Samokutyaev andElena Serova landed ina vertical upright position shortly after sunrise at0807 (0207 GMT), some 147 kilometers southeast ofthe town ofZhezkazgan incentral Kazakhstan.
"Everything is going onby thebook," said aNASA television commentator. "Expedition 42 is back onEarth."
Extracted fromthe capsule, which was charred onre-entry, thethree were seated insemi-reclined chairs fora breath offresh air andfirst medical checks, bundled up inblankets toprotect them fromfrigid temperatures.
"Everything is great, thank you. Theguys are great andworked very well," said asmiling Serova while afemale doctor measured her pulse andblood pressure.
"Congratulations onthe recent holiday," arescue andrecovery team officer said toSerova, referring tothe International Women's Day marked onMarch 8.
Serova made her first space flight andbecame thefirst Russian woman toserve onthe ISS, a$100 billion project of15 countries. Wilmore andSamokutyaev completed their second flights.
"Everything is fine. I am drinking real tea with lemon," Samokutyaev said with asmile.
See the article here:
Russian-U.S. Space Trio Return to Earth After 6 Months at ISS