Global Online Doctor Consultation Market Year: 2020-2026 Forecasts and its Details Analysis With Regional Overview. – PRnews Leader

Global Online Doctor Consultation Market Report describes the basic elements of the industry and market stats, the recent advances in technology, business plans, policies, possibilities for development and risks to the sector are being described. The two key segments of the report, namely market revenue in (USD Million) and market size (k MT) are presented in this report. The Scope of Online Doctor Consultation industry, market concentration and presence across various region are described in detail.

The prominent Online Doctor Consultation industry players are covered in the next section, their business profiles, product information, and market size. Also, the SWOT analysis of these players, business plans & strategies are covered. It covers the product definition, classification, type and price structures.

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Major players covered in this report:

Doctor on Demand (U.S.)YandexHealth (Russia)Babylon (U.K)Sanitas (Spain)Pager (U.S.)PING AN HEALTHCARE AND TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED(China)LiveHealth Online (U.S.)DocsApp (Phasorz Technologies Pvt. Ltd) (India)ArtsenZorg (The Netherlands)ALIBABA HEALTH Information Technology Limited (China)dr.consulta (Brazil)Mediktor (Spain)Virtua Consult Health Inc. (U.S.)Wengo (France)Jameda (Germany)Doctorcareanywhere (U.K)Constamed (The Netherlands)eVaidya Pvt. Ltd. (India)MDLIVE Inc. (U.S.)CallHealth (India)WeDoctor (China)KRY (Sweden)Eclinic247 (Singularity Healthcare IT Systems Pvt. Ltd.) (India)Lybrate, Inc. (India)Tencent Doctorwork (China)ViViDoctor (Belgium)Chunyu Doctor (China)Practo (India)VSee (U.S.)Teladoc (U.S.)JustDoc (India)

Market Segmentation:

By Type:

Video chatAudio chatOthers

By Application:

CardiologyDermatologyNeurologyGynaecologyTrauma careOphthalmologyOrthopaedicsPsychiatryPathologyGeneral surgeryGeneral consultationOthers

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In this report Online Doctor Consultation manufacturing value and growth rate from 2015-2019 will be provided at regional level. The nitty gritty evaluation of segments and sub-segments of emerging industries are clerified. It covers Online Doctor Consultation industry plans & policies, financial status, cost structures and analyzes of the value chain. The Online Doctor Consultation competitive perspective of the countryside, the production base, the evaluation of the production method and the upstream raw materials are assessed.

The gross margin, consumption pattern, growth rate of Online Doctor Consultation is studied precisely. The top industry players are covered on a regional level and country level with the analysis of their revenue share from 2015-2019. Furthermore, forecast Online Doctor Consultation industry status is determined by analysis of expected market share, volume, value and development rate. The forecast Online Doctor Consultation industry view is presented from 2020-2026.

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Table of Contents:

Global Online Doctor Consultation Market Size, Status and Forecast 2026

1 Online Doctor Consultation Industry Overview

2 Online Doctor Consultation Competition Analysis by Players

3 Company (Top Players) Profiles

4 Global Online Doctor Consultation Market Size by Type and Application (2015-2019)

5 United States Online Doctor Consultation Development Status and Outlook

6 EU Online Doctor Consultation Development Status and Outlook

7 Japan Online Doctor Consultation Development Status and Outlook

8 Online Doctor Consultation Manufacturing Cost Analysis

9 India Online Doctor Consultation Development Status and Outlook

10 Southeast Asia Online Doctor Consultation Development Status and Outlook

11 Market Forecast by Regions, Type and Application (2020-2026)

12 Online Doctor Consultation Market Dynamics

12.1 Online Doctor Consultation Industry News

12.2 Online Doctor Consultation Industry Development Challenges

12.3 Online Doctor Consultation Industry Development Opportunities (2020-2026)

13 Market Effect Factors Analysis

14 Global Online Doctor Consultation Market Forecast (2020-2026)

15 Research Finding/Conclusion

16 Appendix

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Global Online Doctor Consultation Market Year: 2020-2026 Forecasts and its Details Analysis With Regional Overview. - PRnews Leader

AROUND THE BEND: Here are the latest bits and pieces of news from Provincetown, Truro and Wellfleet – Wicked Local Provincetown


...Washashore Festival in the works for 2021:Provincetown Brewing Co. hasbig plans for Indigenous Peoples Weekend moving forward. "2020 may have been a wash, but starting 2021 get ready for Washashore Festival," the brew company says on their Facebook page."Our dream for this weekend is to create an annual gathering celebrating the union of live music, good beer and the everlasting singularity of Provincetown. Our village at the end of the world has long been a safe haven for rebels, adventurers, free spirits, artist and liberated souls of all stripes. Washashore Festival is committed to uplifting and reflecting Ptowns unique heart with performers that embody free expression, individuality, beauty, acceptance and joy."

...Truro Recreation Department announces anti-bullying stance: The department has announceditssupport ofUnity Day, Oct. 21, "Wear and Share Orange" as part of the #UnityDay2020 campaign. Unity Day is typically held annually on either the third or fourth Wednesday of National Bullying Prevention Month in October. The call to action is this to wear and share the color orangeas a tangible representation of the supportive, universal message that our society wants to prevent bullying, and is united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion,according to PACER Center.For info:

...Businesses looking for an energy assessment can call Cape Light Compact: To help Cape Cod and Marthas Vineyard businesses, Cape Light Compact, the local Mass Save sponsor, is offering increased incentives on energy efficient upgrades. Businesses can take advantage of these increased offerings either by signing up for a no-cost business energy assessment or by purchasing direct from a qualified distributor.The Compact is offering up to 100% incentives available on recommended energy efficiency improvements, which could include lighting, refrigeration, water-saving devices and more. This special offer is available for customers who sign up by Nov. 30. To To sign up for the business energy assessment or to find out more, visit or call 1-800-797-6699.

...10 free tickets to Payomet shows in October: First responders and other essential workers are invited to attend any Payomet Performing Arts Center show in October for free. The nonprofit has set aside 10 free tickets for each show.Call the box office at 508-487-5400 to confirm availability. To learn about the shows, visit

Go here to read the rest:

AROUND THE BEND: Here are the latest bits and pieces of news from Provincetown, Truro and Wellfleet - Wicked Local Provincetown

US Election 2020: The Fight of the Machines – Fair Observer

Donald Trump is a cult leader with a following of millions.In the minds of cult followers, their leader, by definition, can do no wrong all his actions are automatically right.The leader has a prophetic vison and a direct line to the divine. They are not bound by the rules and laws that lesser people have to follow. Jim Jones, David Koresh and Donald Trump all fit this description in the opinion of their followers.

Trumps following is vastly greater than Jones or Koresh, partly because he is a US president but also because social media and the artificial intelligence (AI) that backs it has vastly magnified his powers, possibly beyond the point that even he realizes. For Trumps disciples, social media filters out any contrary news about their chosen one and feeds them undiluted negativity about his opponents.Trumps devoted followers exist in a bubble where Democrats are flesh-eating pedophiles or Marxist revolutionaries, and where Trump has been chosen by God to save America.


For the evangelicals, Trump has been sent to fulfill the prophecies of Revelation and usher in the end times.No amount of fact-checking or reality will penetrate. For his followers, Trump is always right, incapable of doing wrong and uniquely gifted to lead them to the promised land. Those who do not understand this are either souls waiting to be saved or, more likely, those that have chosen Satan and the path to hell. Any potential pro-Trump opinion or even nascent tendency is picked up by social media algorithms and magnified and echoed back to the individual over and over, sucking them into a rabbit hole of Trumpian fantasy.

Trump may be a fraud and a con man, but he has seized the leadership of this cult. His leadership, which in earlier years would have been mocked as an embarrassment, is instead viewed as messianic by his cult. This superhuman power enables him to command his followers to disbelieve anything in the fake news media, defy law and ignore social norms. He has already threatened disorder if he loses the election. America is a tinderbox of racial tension, social discord, dramatic inequality, a deadly pandemic and economic collapse. Like Jones and Koresh, Trump has the capability to precipitate disaster, but on a far greater scale.

The force multiplier behind this cult is the AI run by Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and all the other social media giants. The super-computers which run the AI algorithms discern our likes, emotions, prejudices, tastes, political views and sexuality. The databases they collect are huge, and the AI profile of each of us detailed and perceptive. These computers are always on, always connected, and the algorithms employed are far more powerful than we realize. They overwhelm the human ability to filter the stream of self-reinforcing messages and subtle exploitation of our subconscious, wherever you fall on the political spectrum. The continuous social media feed that surrounds each of us in a bubble of reality is in fact highly subjective, tailored individually and continually reinforces our own beliefs and prejudices. Cult members exist in an individually crafted matrix. The singularity may have already arrived.

The singularity is the point in the future when AI overtakes human intelligence and becomes self-replicating. This was thought to signal the rise of the machines and an existential threat to human existence think of Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator. Stephen Hawking warned that the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.

The AI revolution has enabled both the Trump cult and its opponents to flourish to the point where society has fragmented into warring factions who believe the others are out to destroy them. Instead of the machines fighting us, the machines have devised a way to make us fight each other, and the November election is shaping up to be a key battle.

The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observers editorial policy.

Read the rest here:

US Election 2020: The Fight of the Machines - Fair Observer

On the Uses and Disadvantages of Historical Comparisons for Life –

In 1946, a twelve-year-old Jewish girl named Krystyna arrived in New York City from Poland. Her survival had been improbable. In the Warsaw Ghetto her mother had dressed her up in high heels and a kerchief so that they would be taken for forced labor together. Krystyna had known that deportation meant death. She imagined her friends as having fallen into a black hole.

In the ghetto there was only black and white. Seventy years later, Krystyna remembered looking down from the bridge and seeing brightly-colored flowers at a market on the Aryan Side. She remembered, too, the day that she and her mother escaped from the ghetto, and her stepfathers aunt on the Aryan Side who turned them away. She remembered the cruelty at the orphanage where she stayed for a time, and the bombing of an apartment building as she hid in its basement during the Warsaw Uprising.

In New York, in response to a classmates question, Krystyna began to speak about the war. A girl interrupted, and accused Krystyna of lying: nothing so horrific could have actually happened in real life. Krystyna did not defend herself. It made her feel better to know that her new classmates did not, could not believe her after all, if what she had lived in Polish was untranslatable into this new language, if something so terrible could not be imagined in America, perhaps she had finally come to a safe place.[i]

In early autumn 2016, Krystyna, now eighty-two years old, wrote to me: her breast cancer had returned; she had decided to refuse treatment. She preferred death to seeing Donald Trump become president.


Krystyna died on 8 October 2016. A month later, in New Haven, Connecticut, I walked with my six-year-old son and four-year-old daughter to a neighborhood high school to vote in the presidential elections.

At the school we stood in chaotic, snaking lines for two hours. Students circulated through the crowd, taking orders for coffee and muffins. These teenagers running the bake sale were incomparably better organized than the adults running the polling station. A Ukrainian political scientist friend came to join us, as a kind of anthropological fieldtrip. An Americophile, he was excited to be in the United States for the election of the first woman president. The disorder, and above all the long wait, stunned him.

I never thought Id say this, he told me, but we do a better job in Kyiv.

Some fifteen hours later, I was shaken from my paralysis by a 1:30 a.m. Facebook post from a Slavicist friend: Everyone, stop drinking. You have to get up in a few hours and explain to your children what has just happened.

Later that morning, as I was lying on the floor of my office at Yale, the first person to call was Slava Vakarchuk, the Ukrainian rock star. He telephoned from Kyiv, offering his moral support. He understood how I must feel, he said: this was how he had felt in 2010, when he realized that Ukrainians had actually voted for Viktor Yanukovych, that they had done this to themselves.

No one I knew was happy. Some were more hysterical than others, though. Many began to say: This is very bad, but well get through it. Our democratic institutions are the strongest in the world; we have checks and balances. Thank God for checks and balances. Now checks and balances became a yoga mantra: Inhale. Checks and Balances. Exhale. Checks and balances. . .

Then there were the neurotic catastrophists, including many Slavicists like myself. I knew that there was no such thing as inborn liberalism, as if Americans were a priori inheritors of some divinely-bestowed immunity against an infectious disease. It felt absurd: we were like the people on the Titanic insisting, But our ship cant sink! What I knew as a historian of Eastern Europe was not what would happen. What I knew was what could happen. What I knew was that there was no such thing as a ship that could not sink.


In Greenwich Village I met Slavenka Drakuli, a Croatian novelist friend who had written about the bloody end of Yugoslavia. Slavenka tried to reassure me: Dont worry: it took Miloevi a few years to convince us that we wanted to kill one another. For now you can relax, well have a glass of wine. You still have some time to get your kids out of the country. In Slavenkas Yugoslav experience, the ground for mass atrocity could not be made ready instantaneously. People did not yet know that they wanted to kill one another. If you were a fascist dictator, you had to first prepare them.

In the meantime, our house in New Haven became a Soviet kitchen: vodka, tears, and the eternal Russian questions: Chto delat? Kto vinovat? What is to be done? Who is to blame?

Books came into being in our kitchen. My husband, Tim Snyder, wrote On Tyranny, a resistance manual: Defend institutions. Be wary of paramilitaries. Take responsibility. Investigate. Believe in Truth.[ii] Our philosopher friend Jason Stanley wrote How Fascism Works, a guide to discerning signs: Mythologization of the past. The naturalization of hierarchies. Cults of victimhood. Insecurities about masculinity. A fictitious world. Social Darwinism. The rhetoric of Us v. Them.[iii]

Some among our colleagues protested the alarmism suggested by the f-word: because the press remained uncensored; because political prisoners were not being taken; because we had checks and balances. The historian Helmut Smith pointed out that Gleichschaltung in Nazi Germany had taken place in a much more all-encompassing way: journalists and military generals alike were rapidly brought into line; civil society was quickly gutted, and spaces for resistance soon evaporated.[iv]

How many boxes, then, did we need to check in order to justify using the word fascism? Six out of twelve? Eight? Ten? Every single one?

Law professor Samuel Moyn argued that comparison with European fascism of the 1930s both obscured what was novel in the present and deflected our domestic responsibility. Abnormalizing Trump disguises that he is quintessentially American, the expression of enduring and indigenous syndromes, Sam wrote. The comparison to the 1930s, it seemed to Sam, obscured the ways in which American democracy had long co-existed with a dark underside of war-making and support for terror abroad, and mass incarceration and extreme inequality at home.[v]

The historian Peter Gordon, Sams friend, took a different position. [S]ome of my colleagues on the left remain skeptical about the fascism analogy, Peter wrote, because they feel it serves an apologetic purpose: by fixing our attention on the crimes of the current moment, we are blinded to longer-term patterns of violence and injustice in American history. Peter rejected the argument as specious not because the longer-term patterns were not real, they were real, but rather because the fact that things have always been bad does not mean they cannot get worse.[vi]

Jason argued that fascist tendencies existed along a continuum. The Polish adjective faszyzujcy, formed from the present active participle, captures the sense of moving in the direction of or inclining towards fascism. It is distinct from the adjective faszytowski, which translates as fascist. English (unlike German) does not have a word equivalent to faszyzujcy; the limitations of English grammar obstruct the subtle-but-nontrivial distinction. Fascist is often invoked, on both sides of the argument, as if it had a talismanic power to resolve ambiguity.

Arguments about who has the right to use fascism and concentration camps (and genocide, a legal term) are about recognition. At stake is Anerkennung in G.W.F. Hegels sense, what the master in the master-slave dialectic desired from the slave: affirmation through recognition from the Other.[vii] Today recognition of suffering is often mediated through reference to the Holocaust. It serves as the necessary third term. Do we need this word, this comparison to the Nazi camps art curator Vera Grant asked in our zoom discussion in order to recognize the inhumanity at the American border today?[viii]

Ill point to a step Trump has taken hes usingICE to round up children, hes surrounding himself with loyalists and generals, hes using the apparatus of government to dig up dirt on a political rival and the response is always Sure, thats bad, but its not a big enough step to justify the F-word, Jason Stanley told New Yorker writer Andrew Marantz. Im starting to feel like the its-not-a-big-enough-step people wont be happy until theyre in concentration camps.[ix]

In spring 2018, ICE our Immigration and Customs Enforcement started tearing refugee children from their parents and throwing them in cages. I wrote to Stephen Naron, director of the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. I wondered I asked him whether this might be the moment to compile testimonies about children being taken away from their parents during the Holocaust?

On 17 June 2019, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke about the detention camps along the southern United States border as concentration camps.[x] The backlash was immediate. One week later the Holocaust Museum issued a statement: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum unequivocally rejects efforts to create analogies between the Holocaust and other events, whether historical or contemporary.[xi]

It was a radical statement: Forbidding thinking of one phenomenon in relation to another one amounted to forbidding thinking tout court. The Holocaust Museums ban on analogies was effectively a ban on thinking as such.

Stephen and I returned to the collage documentary film idea, now with the hope of provoking a conversation that could be an Aufhebung of the is Trumpism fascism? debate. It seemed to me that public discussion had tended to relate to historical comparison in a reductionist way: Either X is just like the Holocaust, in which case we are facing theultimateevil; or X is not like the Holocaust because either (a) the Holocaust will forever remain the unique embodiment of absoluteevil, or (b) the present situation is not bad enough (yet). In the cases of both (a) and (b), we should calm down.

But the Kierkegaardian Either/Or is a trap. The question about historical comparison should not be a yes or no question, but a how question. Nothing is ever exactly the same as anything else. It was the ideas of ceteris paribus (all other things being equal) and rational actors that brought about my early disillusionment with political science. Both struck me as fallacies: People behave irrationally all the time. And all other things are never equal. This is one reason why it is impossible to do a control study on real life.


This September my ten-year-old sons class took a field trip to a nature preserve. My son was especially taken by the wild pigs. He came home and presented a passionate discourse on the reasons why it was preferable to be a wild pig as opposed to a human.

Friedrich Nietzsche would have agreed. His 1874 essay, The Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life, began with cows luxuriating in their presentism. We could only envy them their happiness, whose source Nietzsche wrote was a lack of self-consciousness about temporality.[xii] Man, on the other hand, is constantly aware of the past, and this awareness serves to remind him what his existence fundamentally is an imperfect tense that can never become a perfect one.[xiii] Consciousness of the past plagues, emasculates, at times overwhelms us. Only the strong can handle a lot of history.[xiv] Take Schiller and Goethe, Nietzsche told us. In relation to such dead men, he wrote, how few of the living have a right to live at all![xv]

Intimidation by greatness has its parallel in intimidation by vileness: the sentiment that in relation to the Holocaust, no one has a right to speak at all. Nach Auschwitz ein Gedicht zu schreiben ist barbarisch, Theodor Adorno wrote after the war.[xvi] To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbarism. Are assertions of both beauty and horror, then, equally impermissible?

What is at stake in singularity? For Hans Ulrich (Sepp) Gumbrecht, the epistemological commitment to singularity is bound up with a moral commitment to responsibility. The anxiety is that comparison relativizes, and thereby mitigates; singularity is existentially necessary for full consciousness of guilt. In Sepps case, the guilt is a guilt-by-contiguity: born in 1948, he himself is among those described by German chancellor Helmut Kohl as having been graced by a late birth. Die Gnade der spten Geburt. Perhaps what motivates Sam Moyns polemic is a similar anxiety: historical comparison even, paradoxically, to fascism threatens a singularity presumed to ground responsibility.

Yet must comparison lighten responsibility? And if so, why? What, then, do we conclude about metaphor? Translation? Is our understanding of others not dependent precisely upon analogy, metaphor, translation?

In her dissertation on Einfhlung, a feeling-into-the-Other, which the philosopher-turned-Carmelite nun Edith Stein wrote under Edmund Husserl, empathy is predicated on analogy: Because this [foreign psychic life] is bound to the perceived physical body, it stands before us as an object from the beginning. Inasmuch as I now interpret it as like mine, Stein wrote, I come to consider myself as an object like it. I do this in reflexive sympathy when I empathetically comprehend the acts in which my individual is constituted for him.[xvii]

Heuristic devices departures from univocality are tools of understanding. What then, is the relationship between the epistemological (what can we know and understand?) and the ontological-turned-ethical (how can we reach empathy?). For Edith Stein the prerequisites for empathy were above all epistemic. Sepp suggests something more radical a kind of empathy that is less a cognitive Einfhlung and more an affective Mit-Leid, a suffering-with. This Mit-Leid allows for a distancing from the Enlightenment teleology of progress that envisioned humankind acquiring knowledge and moving towards the future, leaving that past behind. There is much in the idea of a broad present, inundated with the past, unable to leave the past behind, that feels oppressive in a way not unlike what Nietzsche described. Yet, Sepp suggests, there is another side: perhaps in breaking from the historicist chronotope we might be breaking as well from a brainy but bodiless cogito,and so gaining the possibility of an empathy dependent neither upon comparison in particular nor upon knowledge in general. Perhaps in this newly thickened present, something akin to Walter Benjamins Stillstellung, we might experience an embodied lingering that provides space for being-together-with-the-past-and-with-one-another.


Even, though, if we were to abandon the diachronic comparison-across-time shaped by a historicist temporality, a lingering in the present might still demand translation across a synchronic plane. Spike Lees 2018 film BlackKkKlansman tells the story of Ron Stallworth, a black Colorado policeman who infiltrated the Klu Klux Klan in the 1970s. In the film, Stallworth tells his colleagues that he can portray himself as white on the phone. The police chief is skeptical. Some speak the Queens English, some speak jive, says Stallworth, I speak both. His bilingualism is met with incomprehension because he is surrounded by people who do not understand code-switching. Americans are poor at grasping the meaning of translation. Our exceptionalism is bound up with our monolingualism, which is not only a linguistic deficit but also an imaginative one: our inability to imagine that life that takes place in other languages can also be real.

Translation demands an ability to inhabit the voice of another. Among the books to come into being (although not primarily in my kitchen) since the 2016 elections is Amelia Glasers Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine. In response to the sufferings of Ukrainians, Palestinians, African Americans and others, Yiddish poets re-inscribed Jewish texts, translating trauma into empathy, and rendering other victims of oppression metaphorically Jewish. This history of Yiddish poetry reminds us that thinking through analogies translating untranslatable suffering is inextricably bound up with empathy.[xviii]

It reminds us, too, that Jewish history itself invites universalist as well as particularist readings. The range of these readings is on display in the Passover seder options in New York City alone. The story of the Exodus the liberation from slavery, the forty years of wandering in the desert, the waiting for the generation formed by slavery to die out and a new generation to come of age long ago transcended Judaic specificity to become one of the great boundary-less metaphors.

In 1980, as Solidarity took form in communist Poland, its chaplain, Jzef Tischner, wrote Thinking from within a Metaphor. Tischner began with the epistemological problem: how could we reach truth? How could we know that the world was real, and not merely a projection of our consciousness? How could we know our very existence was not merely a semblance of reality? The epistemological question was so haunting, Tischner explained, because our deepest pain, shared by all, was the pain of radical uncertainty. The history of epistemology was laden with metaphors: Saint Augustine conceived cognition as giving birth, something of its own kind. . . neither reflection nor creating out of nothing.[xix] Plato asked us to imagine a cave, where the shackled prisoners mistook the shadows on the walls for reality. Ren Descartes hypothesized an evil demon, who had put false thoughts into his mind with the malicious intent to deceive.

[R]adical metaphorization of the visible world, Tischner wrote, means degrading it from the position of an absolutely existing world. Conversely, thinking in the complete absence of metaphors meant adhering to the principle of univocality of language as if it were a prohibition to go outdoors which binds the virus-infected. For Tischner, this metaphor-less thinking, this claim to total affirmation of the world in its singularity, was a thinking in which realism becomes not only a philosophy but already a disease.[xx]


Tischner wrote as a philosopher. And philosophers tend to move along the planes of the singular and the universal. Historians, in contrast, tend to move along the plane of the intermediary third term neither singular nor universal: class, religion, nation, race, generation. The philosophies of Immanuel Kant and Hegel were very different. They agreed, though, on an essential point: nothing is unmediated. For Hegel there was always a third term. For Kant the Ding-an-sich was unreachable. Reality would always be mediated by the structures of the Ich denke, the I think.

Husserl could not accept this. He wanted immediacy, pure seeing, absolute certainty. And when the Nazis took power and he was cast out of his own university as a non-Aryan, he deeply believed that if his project of epistemological clarity could be achieved, it would save the world from barbarism. Husserl, a German philosopher born a Habsburg Jew in Moravia, died in April 1938, six weeks after the Anschluss. His erstwhile assistant Edith Stein was taken from her Carmelite convent by the Gestapo and gassed in Auschwitz as a Jew. Husserls phenomenological method involved both Anschauung, an intuition of an empirical object, and Wesensschau, an intuition of an eidos, a universal essence. We could intuitively perceive, for instance, the particular, empirical instantiation of a given apple, while at once intuitively extracting from this specific perception an essence of appleness identical among all apples, whatever their empirical differences.

A seemingly abstruse philosophical method could prove inspiring for historians: how can the effort of exhaustive description of something that is irreducibly particular give us insight into universal essences? Any historical situation contains elements of both the singular and the universal. Can we, then, extract the universal from the particular, and better understand the relationship between them? No moment is ever exactly the same as any other, just like no human being is exactly the same as any other. Nevertheless, there are essences we can distill, things we learn from the past.

We learn that life in a given time and place can appear utterly normal but can turn on a dime. We are able to normalize the abnormal with astounding rapidity. What is utterly unimaginable one day can become the new status quo a few months later.

Die Grenzen verschieben sich, commented my friend Ema, as we drank coffee by the Danube this August. The borders recede. I was describing to her the America I had just left. Ema understood: she and her husband, Serbs whose second mother tongue is Hungarian, had come to Vienna from Vojvodina in former Yugoslavia. Ema had come in the 1990s, during the wars of ethnic cleansing; while a university student in Vienna she had volunteered as an interpreter for Bosnian refugees.

The borders recede. And we can carry on.

Indi Samarajiva graduated from college in Montreal. A little later he moved back to Sri Lanka, just as the ceasefire in the civil war fell apart in 2008. I used to judge those herds of gazelle when the lion eats one of them alive and everyone keeps going, he writes, but no, humans are just the same. As the current American president campaigned for reelection, Indi Samarajiva looked through old photographs: Theres a burnt body in front of my office. Then Im playing Scrabble with friends. Theres bomb smoke rising in front of the mall. Then Im at a concert. Theres a long line for gas. Then Im at a nightclub. . . we used to go out, worry about money, fall in love life went on.[xxi]

In spring 1943, during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the Polish poet Czesaw Miosz watched as the ghetto burned. On his side, the Aryan Side, children played on a carousel close to the ghetto wall. And Miosz thought of the Campo dei Fiori, where during the Inquisition the cosmologist Giordano Bruno had been burned at the stake. Before the flames had died/ the taverns were full again,/ baskets of olives and lemons/ again on the vendors shoulders, he wrote. He thought of Giordano Bruno as the carousel went round and round to a carnival tune.

At times wind from the burningwould drift dark kites alongand riders on the carouselcaught petals in midair.That same hot windblew open the skirts of the girlsand the crowds were laughingon that beautiful Warsaw Sunday.[xxii]

We learn that those people who maintain an uncanny moral clarity regardless of all conditions and those who take some sadistic pleasure in harming others are both outliers. Most people, most of the time, behave in a way shaped by the social situation in which they find themselves.[xxiii]

There is always a scapegoat, the anthropological philosopher Ren Girard tells us. It is one of many instances where philosophical problems reveal themselves to be of immediate concern in social life.[xxiv] The particular persons in this role vary, but the role itself remains remarkably constant. Are there other such roles? In the Netflix miniseries Unorthodox, nineteen-year-old Esty runs away from her ultra-orthodox enclave in Brooklyns Williamsburg. The rabbi dispatches the Chassidic thug Moishe to bring her back. In Berlin, terrorized by Moishe, Etsy turns to her estranged mother, who long ago fled their community in Williamsburg. It is only then that Etsy learns that her mother did not abandon her by choice, that Etsy was taken from her. How was it possible?

Theres always a Moishe, Etsys mother tells her.

In Rahul Panditas text Moishe is the local ruffian from whom a young boy one day borrowed a small amount of money to buy some food. Islamist extremists had driven the boy from his home in the Kashmir Valley; in exile his family was destitute and had nothing to give him. The boy was unable to repay the debt; the local ruffian stabbed him to death with a screwdriver.

During the Second World War the Austrian-born Diana Budisavljevi saved thousands of children from fascist Ustashe camps in Croatia. Perhaps we learn, too, that there is always a Diana Budisavljevi? [xxv] An Irena Senderlowa? A Harriet Tubman? A Chiune Sugihara? The person like Brett Warnkes Mexican immigrant student Jonathan, who wanted to become an American border guard in order to save people like his mother, who had died alone in the desert abandoned by the coyote?

We learn that inhumanity, like humanity, approaches in small steps. Slavenka attended the trials of Yugoslav war criminals in the Hague. These could have been people she knew, perhaps former classmates of her daughter. As in Germany, in Croatia you first stopped greeting a person of the other nationality perhaps only because you were afraid that others would see you acknowledging him, she wrote. She tried to describe how it had all happened: [I]t is essential that we understand that it is we ordinary people and not some madmen who made it possible. We were the ones who one day stopped greeting those neighbors of a different nationality an act that the next day made possible the opening of concentration camps. We did it to each other.[xxvi]

An avalanche of killings never started as a huge thing, Krzysztof Czyewski, the theatre director who co-founded the Borderland Foundation in Poland, said. Auschwitz was something connected to daily life and small events. Thats how it starts. You never know how it will end up.

We learn that there are moments when there are no innocent choices, and that the consequences of actions are boundless and unforeseen. Radu Vancu invokes Paul Celans Wolfsbohne: Mutter, wessen Hand hab ich gedrckt, da ich mit deinen Worten ging nach Deutschland? Poor Paul/ desperately wanted to know if he may have shaken the hand/ of his mothers killer. You may have done it, Paul. You can never be sure, Radu writes.

And it is true: You can never be sure.


Everything is translation, the Ukrainian translator and psychoanalyst Jurko Prochasko once said. Everything is translation, which is never transparent. There is no seamless comparison, no seamless metaphor, no seamless translation. Husserls transcendental ego that could achieve unmediated knowledge was a fantasy of pure transparency.

Unmediated, perfect understanding of the Other is a utopian and perhaps, too, a totalitarian delusion. But that perfect understanding is not possible does not mean that no understanding is possible. Husserls counterpart and antipode, Sigmund Freud, tells us that there is no possibility of perfect understanding of even our own selves, let alone someone elses. Freud was unequivocal: there is no such thing as absolute clarity; the self is always hidden from the self. Yet the existence of art and literature is a leap of faith that some kind of understanding of the Other is possible. Otherwise Paul Celans poetry would not exist. Nor would the novel. Their existence is an act of faith that we can read ourselves into the life of another person.

Perfect opacity might be as much a fantasy as perfect transparency. Maybe, in the end, some kind of translation is all too possible. Krystynas desire to find herself in a place where horror was incomprehensible where she herself, with her experiences, was incomprehensible was an attempt to flee from the human condition. When she understood that there was no such place, she made a final escape. The rest of us remain to grapple.

Marci Shore teaches European cultural and intellectual history. She received her M.A. from the University of Toronto in 1996 and her PhD from Stanford University in 2001. Before joining Yales history department, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia Universitys Harriman Institute; an assistant professor of history and Jewish studies at Indiana University; and Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Visiting Assistant Professor of Judaic Studies at Yale. She is the author of The Taste of Ashes: The Afterlife of Totalitarianism in Eastern Europe (Crown, 2013), Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generations Life and Death in Marxism, 1918-1968 (Yale University Press, 2006) and the translator of Michal Glowinskis Holocaust memoir The Black Seasons (Northwestern University Press, 2005). Her newest book is titled The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution (Yale University Press); she is also at work on a longer book project titled Phenomenological Encounters: Scenes from Central Europe.

[i] See Kristine Rosenthal Keese, Shadows of Survival: A Childs Memoir of the Warsaw Ghetto (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2016).

[ii] Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (New York: Tim Duggan Books, 2017). See also Timothy Snyder, Him, Slate, November 18, 2016.

[iii] Jason Stanley, How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them (New York: Random House, 2018).

[iv] Helmut Smith, No, America is not succumbing to fascism, Washington Post, September 1, 2020.

[v] Samuel Moyn, The Trouble with Comparisons, NYRDaily, May 19, 2020.

[vi] Peter E. Gordon: Why Historical Analogy Matters, NYRDaily, January 7, 2020.

[vii] See Jay Bernsteins remarkable lecture course on The Phenomenology of Spirit, recorded by Todd Kesselman and Scott Shushan; notes by Lucas Ulrich, Sonia Ahsan and Devan Musser.

[viii] Eneken Laanes spoke about Baltic attempts to translate suffering by reaching for Holocaust metaphors in Soviet Holocaust? Negotiating the memories of the Soviet Mass Deportations in Baltic Films at the conference The Other Europe: Changes and Challenges since 1989, Yale University, September 11-12, 2020.

[ix] Andrew Marantz, Studying Fascist Propaganda by Day, Watching Trumps Coronavirus Updates by Night, The New Yorker, April 17, 2020.

[x] Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Ocasio-Cortez Calls Migrant Detention Centers Concentration Camps, Eliciting Backlash, New York Times, June 18, 2019,

[xi]Peter Eli Gordon, Samuel Moyn, Stephen Naron, Helmut Smith, Timothy Snyder, Jason Stanley, and I all signed an open letter to the director of the Holocaust Museum initiated by historians Andrea Orzoff and Anika Walke calling for the statements retraction. See An Open Letter to the Director of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, New York Review of Books, July 1, 2020. See also Timothy Snyder, It Can Happen Here, Slate,July 12, 2019,

[xii] Friedrich Nietzsche, The Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life, in Untimely Meditations, ed. Daniel Breazeale, trans. R. J. Hollingdale (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 57-123. Original title: VomNutzenund Nachtheil der Historie fr das Leben.

[xiii] Nietzsche, The Uses and Disadvantages, 61.

[xiv] Nietzsche, The Uses and Disadvantages, 62.

[xv] Nietzsche, The Uses and Disadvantages, 106.

[xvi] Theodor Adorno, Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1998), 30.

[xvii] See Edith Stein, On the Problem of Empathy, trans. Waltraut Stein (Washington, DC: ICS Publications, 1989), 88.

[xviii] Amelia M. Glaser, Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2020).

[xix] Jzef Tischner, Thinking from within a Metaphor, trans. Anna Fra, Mylenie z wntrza metafory, Mylenie wedug wartoci (Krakw: Znak, 1993), 490-505. Written in 1980.

[xx] Tischner, Thinking.

[xxi] Indi Samarajiva, I Lived through Collapse. America is Already There, Gen,September 26, 2020.

[xxii] Czesaw Miosz, Campo dei Fiori, trans. David Brooks and Louis Iribarne, Poetry Foundation.

[xxiii] Much of social psychology in the second half of the twentieth century focused on this point. See Lee Ross, The intuitive psychologist and his shortcomings: Distortions in the attribution process, Advances in experimental social psychology 10 (1977): 173220. See also Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (New York: HarperCollins, 1974), the short documentary film, Milgram Experiment, and Philip Zimbardos The Stanford Prison Experiment.

[xxiv] See Ren Girard, The Scapegoat, trans. Yvonne Freccero (Baltimore: John Hopkins, 1989).

[xxv] A 2019 docufiction film, Dnevnik Diane Budisavljevi (The Diary of Diana B.) by Dana Budisavljevi, is based on this story.

[xxvi] See Slavenka Drakuli, They Would Never Hurt a Fly: War Criminals on Trial in the Hague (London: Abacus, 2008), 170-71.

This is the introduction to the larger forum engaging artists and authors, from very different places and writing in very different genres, in a conversation on the uses and disadvantages of historical comparisons for life. The idea initially arose in response to the American presidential administrations family separation policy on the southern border. A short documentary film, The Last Time I Saw Them serves as a point of departure. The intention is to provoke a discussion that could be an Aufhebung of the is Trumpism fascism? debate: what can and what can we not understand by thinking in comparisons with the past?

Find the Table of Contents listing all contributions here.

The project is a collaboration between the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale University, the Democracy Seminar, and the Transregional Center for Democratic Studies (TCDS) at the New School for Social Research.

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On the Uses and Disadvantages of Historical Comparisons for Life -

That’s all folks, the singularity is near. Elon Musk’s cyber pigs and brain computer tech – Toronto Star

Goodbye Dolly. Hello Gertrude and Dorothy.

Joining the first sheep that was ever cloned as a sign of our science fact future, this past week, celebrity entrepreneur Elon Musk gave a presentation about Neuralink, his company that is focusing on creating technology that links with brains. As part of it, he introduced pigs who had the prototype devices implanted in them. The internet dubbed them Cyber Pigs and portions of readings from Gertrudes brain were played.

Brain computer technology is at a point where the potential medical implications are so exciting many players are pursuing different approaches to the field. The ethics of using this technology are sometimes best explained in science fiction like Black Mirror and The Matrix.

To discuss the latest in brain computer technology and the Neuralink presentation, we are joined by Graeme Moffat. He is a Senior Fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, and also the Chief Scientist and cofounder of System 2 Neurotechnology. He was formerly Chief Scientist and Vice President of Regulatory Affairs with Interaxon, a Toronto-based world leader in consumer neurotechnology.

Listen to this episode and more at This Matters or subscribe at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts.

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That's all folks, the singularity is near. Elon Musk's cyber pigs and brain computer tech - Toronto Star

Microsoft’s New Deepfake Detector Puts Reality to the Test – Singularity Hub

The upcoming US presidential election seems set to be something of a messto put it lightly. Covid-19 will likely deter millions from voting in person, and mail-in voting isnt shaping up to be much more promising. This all comes at a time when political tensions are running higher than they have in decades, issues that shouldnt be political (like mask-wearing) have become highly politicized, and Americans are dramatically divided along party lines.

So the last thing we need right now is yet another wrench in the spokes of democracy, in the form of disinformation; we all saw how that played out in 2016, and it wasnt pretty. For the record, disinformation purposely misleads people, while misinformation is simply inaccurate, but without malicious intent. While theres not a ton tech can do to make people feel safe at crowded polling stations or up the Postal Services budget, tech can help with disinformation, and Microsoft is trying to do so.

On Tuesday the company released two new tools designed to combat disinformation, described in a blog post by VP of Customer Security and Trust Tom Burt and Chief Scientific Officer Eric Horvitz.

The first is Microsoft Video Authenticator, which is made to detect deepfakes. In case youre not familiar with this wicked byproduct of AI progress, deepfakes refers to audio or visual files made using artificial intelligence that can manipulate peoples voices or likenesses to make it look like they said things they didnt. Editing a video to string together words and form a sentence someone didnt say doesnt count as a deepfake; though theres manipulation involved, you dont need a neural network and youre not generating any original content or footage.

The Authenticator analyzes videos or images and tells users the percentage chance that theyve been artificially manipulated. For videos, the tool can even analyze individual frames in real time.

Deepfake videos are made by feeding hundreds of hours of video of someone into a neural network, teaching the network the minutiae of the persons voice, pronunciation, mannerisms, gestures, etc. Its like when you do an imitation of your annoying coworker from accounting, complete with mimicking the way he makes every sentence sound like a question and his eyes widen when he talks about complex spreadsheets. Youve spent hoursno, monthsin his presence and have his personality quirks down pat. An AI algorithm that produces deepfakes needs to learn those same quirks, and more, about whoever the creators target is.

Given enough real information and examples, the algorithm can then generate its own fake footage, with deepfake creators using computer graphics and manually tweaking the output to make it as realistic as possible.

The scariest part? To make a deepfake, you dont need a fancy computer or even a ton of knowledge about software. There are open-source programs people can access for free online, and as far as finding video footage of famous peoplewell, weve got YouTube to thank for how easy that is.

Microsofts Video Authenticator can detect the blending boundary of a deepfake and subtle fading or greyscale elements that the human eye may not be able to see.

In the blog post, Burt and Horvitz point out that as time goes by, deepfakes are only going to get better and become harder to detect; after all, theyre generated by neural networks that are continuously learning from and improving themselves.

Microsofts counter-tactic is to come in from the opposite angle, that is, being able to confirm beyond doubt that a video, image, or piece of news is real (I mean, can McDonalds fries cure baldness? Did a seal slap a kayaker in the face with an octopus? Never has it been so imperative that the world know the truth).

A tool built into Microsoft Azure, the companys cloud computing service, lets content producers add digital hashes and certificates to their content, and a reader (which can be used as a browser extension) checks the certificates and matches the hashes to indicate the content is authentic.

Finally, Microsoft also launched an interactive Spot the Deepfake quiz it developed in collaboration with the University of Washingtons Center for an Informed Public, deepfake detection company Sensity, and USA Today. The quiz is intended to help people learn about synthetic media, develop critical media literacy skills, and gain awareness of the impact of synthetic media on democracy.

The impact Microsofts new tools will have remains to be seenbut hey, were glad theyre trying. And theyre not alone; Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have all taken steps to ban and remove deepfakes from their sites. The AI Foundations Reality Defender uses synthetic media detection algorithms to identify fake content. Theres even a coalition of big tech companies teaming up to try to fight election interference.

One thing is for sure: between a global pandemic, widespread protests and riots, mass unemployment, a hobbled economy, and the disinformation thats remained rife through it all, were going to need all the help we can get to make it through not just the election, but the rest of the conga-line-of-catastrophes year that is 2020.

Image Credit: Darius BasharonUnsplash

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Microsoft's New Deepfake Detector Puts Reality to the Test - Singularity Hub

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ashes Of The Singularity 4K Benchmarks Leaked? – Wccftech

A single measly point of data for the upcoming NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080's performance improvement over the 2080 Ti leaked out earlier today courtesy of _rogame (via Videocardz). Before we begin - a warning. This represents a single point of data - of a particularly controversial title featuring drivers that may or may not be optimized yet. Take it with a grain of salt and always wait for third party reviews before making a decision. With that out of the way, let's dig into it.

The RTX 3080 features a 100% improvement in CUDA cores compared to the RTX 2080 Ti (8704 cores vs 4352 cores) and this is something that should easily translate into slightly less than double the gaming performance (assuming a slight dip in clocks and increased thermal limiting) in most titles with very little optimization. This, however, for some reason, does not appear to be the case in this single data point. The RTX 3080 coupled with an i9 9900K (which is a very capable CPU) produces just over 88 frames in 4K with a score of 8700.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Flagship Is 68% Faster On Average Than RTX 2080 In OpenCL & CUDA Benchmarks, Up To 2X Faster In Some Cases

I do wish to iterate again here that there could be multiple reasons why this is not even close to being indicative of final performance: for one we dont know the clock speed this was run at. We don't even know for sure if this is the actual RTX 3080 (AotS scores are not impossible to fake). In fact this score is just about the same as a highly overclocked RTX 2080 Ti which leads us to believe that this is actually an RTX 2080 Ti masquerading as an RTX 3080.

_rogame was also able to get some stock numbers to compare this score against:

As you can see this particular RTX 3080 scores around 27% more than a bone stock RTX 2080 Ti, which is a performance increase that can be achieved just by using very high clock rates and a closed-loop liquid-cooled. The performance shown here absolutely does not make sense considering the RTX 3080 rocks a 100% more CUDA cores. If this score is true, then there is something very wrong happening in this test, either through the driver stack or through the software stack. Our money however, is on this benchmark being fabricated.

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NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ashes Of The Singularity 4K Benchmarks Leaked? - Wccftech

Early-stage VC StartupXseed hits first close of new fund – VCCircle

Early-stage venture capital firm StartupXseed Ventures LLP has hit the first close of its second fund that will focus on deep-technology startups, according to multiple media reports.

The fund has raised Rs 65 crore ($8.84 million at current exchange rates) and expects to mop up the full Rs 150 crore over the next six to nine months, The Economic Times reported.

This new fund comes almost four years after StartupXseed raised its first fund, which had a targeted corpus of Rs 100 crore.

The second vehicle has received commitments from several family offices and professionals from the information technology sector.

It will focus primarily on investments in the deep-technology segments, including semiconductors, cybersecurity, drones and aerospace. It will also look to invest in the artificial intelligence and machine learning sectors.

The fund will look to make around 15 investments with ticket sizes ranging between Rs 3 crore and Rs 10 crore, StartupXseed managing partner BV Naidu and co-founding partner Ravi Thakur said, per the report.

The firm was founded by Naidu, Thakur, TV Mohandas Pai (through Aarin Capital) and Ramakrishna V.

VCCircle has reached out to the venture capital firm on the details of this new fund and will update this report accordingly.

The vehicle will also look at potential investments in the financial- and health-technology sectors, and says it aims to deploy the entire corpus over the next 24-30 months.

Our goal from the first fund was to stabilise the process, identify the thesis of our process and provide post-investment support, Naidu said. StartupXseed says it has made around 12 investments from Fund-I and has recorded three exits so far.

Two of these are complete exits from bot management solutions provider ShieldSquare and fabless semiconductor firm Siliconch Systems. It has also recorded a partial exit from the human resources-focussed software-as-a-service (SaaS) firm Darwinbox.

Last month, StartupXseed took part in a Rs 8 crore (around $1.07 million) pre-Series A funding round in SmarterBiz, an AI-based customer experience platform. Other portfolio companies include Bellatrix Aerospace and Singularity Dynamics.

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Early-stage VC StartupXseed hits first close of new fund - VCCircle

David Beckhams Esports Organization is Set to Participate in Rocket League – The Game Haus

Over the last few years, Rocket League has been one of the most popular esports titles. Having amassed a significant following since its release in July 2015, Forbes believes that the vehicular soccer game is poised to be the next major title in competitive gaming. Crucially, there are many reasons behind the titles unprecedented success. That said, Rocket Leagues cross-platform compatibility and multi-console accessibility have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in its recent development.

Because of that, on an esports level, the title has since become associated with world-renowned names in both mainstream entertainment and sport. As well as being a sponsor for pay-per-view WWE events, Rocket League has also peaked the interests of Champions League-winning footballer, David Beckham. So, lets take a look at the 45-year-olds plans for competitive Rocket League.

According to a report by Front Office Sports, the recently-created team is co-owned by Beckham, the former Manchester United and Real Madrid winger. Although new to competitive gaming, the organization looks set to explore some of the sectors most popular titles, such as FIFA, Fortnite, and Rocket League. From a general standpoint, Beckhams involvement in esports is a natural fit. Having spent the bulk of his career playing in footballs most famous competitions, the six-time Premier League winner knows what it takes to succeed.

At the time of writing, Guild Esports are still very much in the development stage as they seek to acquire a team of high-caliber players. To date, Beckhams organization currently has two players on their roster in the form of Joseph Kidd and Thomas Binkhorst, who both used to represent Team Singularity. During his time at Team Singularity, Kidd was part of the side that beat AS Monacos esports team 3-0 in a competitive Rocket League event.

According to their profiles at esports earnings, Beckhams team has acquired two players with a lot of experience in Rocket League. As of August 26th, 2020, Binkhorst is ranked as the 58th best player in Holland regarding the Psyonix publication. Kidd, on the other hand, is listed at 231st for UK gamers.

Although Guild Esports have yet to achieve anything on a competitive level, Beckhams involvement, albeit in an ownership capacity, is a testament to Rocket Leagues appeal. Despite now being released five years ago, the title continues to grow in popularity. TwitchTracker states that the Psyonix game averages 57,323 viewers on Twitch, the worlds leading live streaming service for video games.

Source: Unsplash

Both in-game and in the mainstream, Rocket League is enjoying a period of expansion. As well as more teams entering the fray,Psyonixdecision to expand NA and EU to ten teams means that organizations will need to be on form to achieve future success. This, combined with the emergence of well-backed brands, will only ensure that the title retains its relevancy and becomes even more significant to the esports industry in the next decade.

Furthermore, the involvement of Beckham may also be central to expanding the markets audience base. In recent years, esports has adapted to cater to growing interest, as evident from the rise of esports betting. Having taken the world by storm, several trusted bookmakers now offer in-depth markets on some of the industrys most popular titles, such as FIFA and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. For example, operators like Betway and bet365 are considered to be two of the best esports betting sites currently on the market, as their extensive offerings are coupled with sign-up bonuses.

While it remains to seen whether Beckhams Guild eSports can hit the heights on the competitive stage, their involvement is unquestionably positive for the sector. Ultimately, this expansion is symbolic of the appeal that Rocket League has been able to generate since its release. As a result, the future is undoubtedly bright for the Psyonix publication.

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David Beckhams Esports Organization is Set to Participate in Rocket League - The Game Haus

Kiki’s Vacation Wins the Casual Gaming Weekly Vote at Game Development World Championship – Gamasutra

[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related resource GamesPress.]

For immediate release on September 7th.

Kiki's Vacation by Mexican development team HyperBeard has won the weekly voting on Game Development World Championship Fan Favourite category for Casual Gaming Week. The game is available for iOS and Android devices.

"Kiki's Vacation sets you off to the breezy paradise of Kokoloko Island in a relaxing idle adventure! Join Kiki as she befriends the locals, explores the islands' secrets, finds romance (*wink*wink*) and discovers herself in the process!" -HyperBeard describes Kiki's Vacation.

The HyperBeard team will move on to the next round in the Fan Favourite category of the GDWC -Game Development World Championship. They will face the other weekly vote winners in the final voting event at the end of the GDWC 2020 season.

Runners up were:

2nd place: Fall Master by Sambrela from Georgia

3rd place: Wobbly Dot by Piron Games from United Kingdom

The Rest of the Nominees in alphabetical order:

- Popcorn 3D by Jolly Llama Games

- Terminal Singularity by Moustache Cabal from Bulgaria

- World Wreckers by Lea Creative Industries from Seychelles

The GDWC team sends congratulations to the HyperBeard team and big thanks to all Nominees and voters. The weekly votes take place each week, from Monday to Saturday and there are always six new exciting games to check out and vote for. This week's vote is already live on the event website at

Game Development World Championship Website:

Kiki's Vacation Win Announcement:

Kiki's Vacation GDWC page:

Kiki's Vacation Trailer:

For more information contact:

Olli Mntyl, The GDWC Manager


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Kiki's Vacation Wins the Casual Gaming Weekly Vote at Game Development World Championship - Gamasutra

The world of Artificial… – The American Bazaar

Sophia. Source:

Humans are the most advanced form of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with an ability to reproduce.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a theory but is part of our everyday life. Services like TikTok, Netflix, YouTube, Uber, Google Home Mini, and Amazon Echo are just a few instances of AI in our daily life.

This field of knowledge always attracted me in strange ways. I have been an avid reader and I read a variety of subjects of non-fiction nature. I love to watch movies not particularly sci-fi, but I liked Innerspace, Flubber, Robocop, Terminator, Avatar, Ex Machina, and Chappie.

When I think of Artificial Intelligence, I see it from a lay perspective. I do not have an IT background. I am a researcher and a communicator; and, I consider myself a happy person who loves to learn and solve problems through simple and creative ideas. My thoughts on AI may sound different, but Im happy to discuss them.

Humans are the most advanced form of AI that we may know to exit. My understanding is that the only thing that differentiates humans and Artificial Intelligence is the capability to reproduce. While humans have this ability to multiply through male and female union and transfer their abilities through tiny cells, machines lack that function. Transfer of cells to a newborn is no different from the transfer of data to a machine. Its breathtaking that how a tiny cell in a human body has all the necessary information of not only that particular individual but also their ancestry.

Allow me to give an introduction to the recorded history of AI. Before that, I would like to take a moment to share with you my recent achievement that I feel proud to have accomplished. I finished a course in AI from Algebra University in Croatia in July. I could attend this course through a generous initiative and bursary from Humber College (Toronto). Such initiatives help intellectually curious minds like me to learn. I would also like to express that the views expressed are my own understanding and judgment.

What is AI?

AI is a branch of computer science that is based on computer programming like several other coding programs. What differentiates Artificial Intelligence, however, is its aim that is to mimic human behavior. And this is where things become fascinating as we develop artificial beings.


I have divided the origins of AI into three phases so that I can explain it better and you dont miss on the sequence of incidents that led to the step by step development of AI.

Phase 1

AI is not a recent concept. Scientists were already brainstorming about it and discussing the thinking capabilities of machines even before the term Artificial Intelligence was coined.

I would like to start from 1950 with Alan Turing, a British intellectual who brought WW II to an end by decoding German messages. Turing released a paper in the October of 1950 Computing Machinery and Intelligence that can be considered as among the first hints to thinking machines. Turing starts the paper thus: I propose to consider the question, Can machines think?. Turings work was also the beginning of Natural Language Processing (NLP). The 21st-century mortals can relate it with the invention of Apples Siri. The A.M. Turing Award is considered the Nobel of computing. The life and death of Turing are unusual in their own way. I will leave it at that but if you are interested in delving deeper, here is one article by The New York Times.

Five years later, in 1955, John McCarthy, an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Dartmouth College, and his team proposed a research project in which they used the term Artificial Intelligence, for the first time.

McCarthy explained the proposal saying, The study is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. He continued, An attempt will be made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves.

It started with a few simple logical thoughts that germinated into a whole new branch of computer science in the coming decades. AI can also be related to the concept of Associationism that is traced back to Aristotle from 300 BC. But, discussing that in detail will be outside the scope of this article.

It was in 1958 that we saw the first model replicating the brains neuron system. This was the year when psychologist Frank Rosenblatt developed a program called Perceptron. Rosenblatt wrote in his article, Stories about the creation of machines having human qualities have long been fascinating province in the realm of science fiction. Yet we are now about to witness the birth of such a machine a machine capable of perceiving, recognizing, and identifying its surroundings without any human training or control.

A New York Times article published in 1958 introduced the invention to the general public saying, The Navy revealed the embryo of an electronic computer today that it expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write, reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence.

My investigation in one of the papers of Rosenblatt hints that even in the 1940s scientists talked about artificial neurons. Notice in the Reference section of Rosenblatts paper published in 1958. It lists Warren S. McCulloch and Walter H. Pitts paper of 1943. If you are interested in more details, I would suggest an article published in Medium.

The first AI conference took place in 1959. However, by this time, the leads in Artificial Intelligence had already exhausted the computing capabilities of the time. It is, therefore, no surprise that not much could be achieved in AI in the next decade.

Thankfully, the IT industry was catching up quickly and preparing the ground for stronger computers. Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel, made a few predictions in his article in 1965. Moore predicted a huge growth of integrated circuits, more components per chip, and reduced costs. Integrated circuits will lead to such wonders as home computers or at least terminals connected to a central computerautomatic controls for automobiles, and personal portable communications equipment, Moore predicted. Although scientists had been toiling hard to launch the Internet, it was not until the late 1960s that the invention started showing some promises. On October 29, 1969, ARPAnet delivered its first message: a node-to-node communication from one computer to another, notes

With the Internet in the public domain, computer companies had a reason to accelerate their own developments. In 1971, Intel introduced its first chip. It was a huge breakthrough. Intel impressively compared the size and computing abilities of the new hardware saying, This revolutionary microprocessor, the size of a little fingernail, delivered the same computing power as the first electronic computer built in 1946, which filled an entire room.

Around the 1970s more popular versions of languages came in use, for instance, C and SQL. I mention these two as I remember when I did my Diploma in Network-Centered Computing in 2002, the advanced versions of these languages were still alive and kicking. Britannica has a list of computer programming languages if you care to read more on when the different languages came into being.

These advancements created a perfect amalgamation of resources to trigger the next phase in AI.

Phase 2

In the late 1970s, we see another AI enthusiast coming in the scene with several research papers on AI. Geoffrey Hinton, a Canadian researcher, had confidence in Rosenblatts work on Perceptron. He resolved an inherent problem with Rosenblatts model that was made up of a single layer perceptron. To be fair to Rosenblatt, he was well aware of the limitations of this approach he just didnt know how to learn multiple layers of features efficiently, Hinton noted in his paper in 2006.

This multi-layer approach can be referred to as a Deep Neural Network.

Another scientist, Yann LeCun, who studied under Hinton and worked with him, was making strides in AI, especially Deep Learning (DL, explained later in the article) and Backpropagation Learning (BL). BL can be referred to as machines learning from their mistakes or learning from trial and error.

Similar to Phase 1, the developments of Phase 2 end here due to very limited computing power and insufficient data. This was around the late 1990s. As the Internet was fairly recent, there was not much data available to feed the machines.

Phase 3

In the early 21st-century, the computer processing speed entered a new level. In 2011, IBMs Watson defeated its human competitors in the game of Jeopardy. Watson was quite impressive in its performance. On September 30, 2012, Hinton and his team released the object recognition program called Alexnet and tested it on Imagenet. The success rate was above 75 percent, which was not achieved by any such machine before. This object recognition sent ripples across the industry. By 2018, image recognition programming became 97% accurate! In other words, computers were recognizing objects more accurately than humans.

In 2015, Tesla introduced its self-driving AI car. The company boasts its autopilot technology on its web site saying, All new Tesla cars come standard with advanced hardware capable of providing Autopilot features today, and full self-driving capabilities in the futurethrough software updates designed to improve functionality over time.

Go enthusiasts will also remember the 2016 incident when Google-owned DeepMinds AlphaGo defeated the human Go world-champion Lee Se-dol. This incident came at least a decade too soon. We know that Go is considered one of the most complex games in human history. And, AI could learn it in just 3 days, to a level to beat a world champion who, I would assume must have spent decades to achieve that proficiency!

The next phase shall be to work on Singularity. Singularity can be understood as machines building better machines, all by themselves. In 1993, scientist Vernor Vinge published an essay in which he wrote, Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended. Scientists are already working on the concept of technological singularity. If these achievements can be used in a controlled way, these can help several industries, for instance, healthcare, automobile, and oil exploration.

I would also like to add here that Canadian universities are contributing significantly to developments in Artificial Intelligence. Along with Hinton and LeCun, I would like to mention Richard Sutton. Sutton, Professor at the University of Alberta, is of the view that advancements in the singularity can be expected around 2040. This makes me feel that when AI will no longer need human help, it will be a kind of specie in and of itself.

To get to the next phase, however, we would need more computer power to achieve the goals of tomorrow.

Now that we have some background on the genesis of AI and some information on the experts who nourished this advancement all these years, it is time to understand a few key terms of AI. By the way, if you ask me, every scientist who is behind these developments is a new topic in themselves. I have tried to put a good number of researched sources in the article to generate your interest and support your knowledge in AI.

Big Data

With the Internet of Things (IoT), we are saving tons of data every second from every corner of the world. Consider, for instance, Google. It seems that it starts tracking our intentions as soon as we type the first alphabet on our keyboard. Now think for a second how much data is generated from all the internet users from all over the World. Its already making predictions of our likes, dislikes, actionseverything.

The concept of big data is important as that makes the memory of Artificial Intelligence. Its like a parent sharing their experience with their child. If the child can learn from that experience, they develop cognizant abilities and venture into making their own judgments and decisions. Similarly, big data is the human experience that is shared with machines and they develop on that experience. This can be supervised as well as unsupervised learning.

Symbolic Reasoning and Machine Learning

The basics of all processes are some mathematical patterns. I think that this is because math is something that is certain and easy to understand for all humans. 2 + 2 will always be 4 unless there is something we havent figured out in the equation.

Symbolic reasoning is the traditional method of getting work done through machines. According to Pathmind, to build a symbolic reasoning system, first humans must learn the rules by which two phenomena relate, and then hard-code those relationships into a static program. Symbolic reasoning in AI is also known as the Good Old Fashioned AI (GOFAI).

Machine Learning (ML) refers to the activity where we feed big data to machines and they identify patterns and understand the data by themselves. The outcomes are not as predicted as here machines are not programmed to specific outcomes. Its like a human brain where we are free to develop our own thoughts. A video by ColdFusion explains ML thus: ML systems analyze vast amounts of data and learn from their past mistakes. The result is an algorithm that completes its task effectively. ML works well with supervised learning.

Here I would like to make a quick tangent for all those creative individuals who need some motivation. I feel that all inventions were born out of creativity. Of course, creativity comes with some basic understanding and knowledge. Out of more than 7 billion brains, somewhere someone is thinking out of the box, verifying their thoughts, and trying to communicate their ideas. Creativity is vital for success. This may also explain why some of the most important inventions took place in a garage (Google and Microsoft). Take, for instance, a small creative tool like a pizza cutter. Someone must have thought about it. Every time I use it, I marvel how convenient and efficient it is to slice a pizza without disturbing the toppings with that running cutter. Always stay creative and avoid preconceived ideas and stereotypes.

Alright, back to the topic!

Deep Learning

Deep Learning (DL) is a subset of ML. This technology attempts to mimic the activity of neurons in our brain using matrix mathematics, explains ColdFusion. I found this article that describes DL well. With better computers and big data, it is now possible to venture into DL. Better computers provide the muscle and the big data provides the experience to a neuron network. Together, they help a machine think and execute tasks just like a human would do. I would suggest reading this paper titled Deep Leaning by LeCun, Bengio, and Hinton (2015) for a deeper perspective on DL.

The ability of DL makes it a perfect companion for unsupervised learning. As big data is mostly unlabelled, DL processes it to identify patterns and make predictions. This not only saves a lot of time but also generates results that are completely new to a human brain. DL offers another benefit it can work offline; meaning, for instance, a self-driving car. It can take instantaneous decisions while on the road.

What next?

I think that the most important future development will be AI coding AI to perfection, all by itself.

Neural nets designing neural nets have already started. Early signs of self-production are in vision. Google has already created programs that can produce its own codes. This is called Automatic Machine Learning or AutoML. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, shared the experiment in his blog. Today, designing neural nets is extremely time intensive, and requires an expertise that limits its use to a smaller community of scientists and engineers. Thats why weve created an approach called AutoML, showing that its possible for neural nets to design neural nets, said Pichai (2017).

Full AI capabilities will also trigger several other programs like fully-automated self-driving cars, full-service assistance in sectors like health care and hospitality.

Among the several useful programs of AI, ColdFusion has identified the five most impressive ones in terms of image outputs. These are AI generating an image from a text (Plug and Play Generative Networks: Conditional Iterative Generation of Images in Latent Space), AI reading lip movements from a video with 95% accuracy (LipNet), Artificial Intelligence creating new images from just a few inputs (Pix2Pix), AI improving the pixels of an image (Google Brains Pixel Recursive Super Resolution), and AI adding color to b/w photos and videos (Let There Be Color). In the future, these technologies can be used for more advanced functions like law enforcement et cetera.

AI can already generate images of non-existing humans and add sound and body movements to the videos of individuals! In the coming years, these tools can be used for gaming purposes, or maybe fully capable multi-dimensional assistance like the one we see in the movie Iron Man. Of course, all these developments would require new AI laws to avoid misuse; however, that is a topic for another discussion.

Humans are advanced AI

Artificial Intelligence is getting so good at mimicking humans that it seems that humans themselves are some sort of AI. The way Artificial Intelligence learns from data, retains information, and then develops analytical, problem solving, and judgment capabilities are no different from a parent nurturing their child with their experience (data) and then the child remembering the knowledge and using their own judgments to make decisions.

We may want to remember here that there are a lot of things that even humans have not figured out with all their technology. A lot of things are still hidden from us in plain sight. For instance, we still dont know about all the living species in the Amazon rain forest. Astrology and astronomy are two other fields where, I think, very little is known. Air, water, land, and celestial bodies control human behavior, and science has evidence for this. All this hints that we as humans are not in total control of ourselves. This feels similar to AI, which so far requires external intervention, like from humans, to develop it.

I think that our past has answers to a lot of questions that may unravel our future. Take for example the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, which we still marvel for its mathematical accuracy and alignment with the earths equator as well as the movements of celestial bodies. By the way, we could compare the measurements only because we have already reached a level to know the numbers relating to the equator.

Also, think of Indias knowledge of astrology. It has so many diagrams of planetary movements that are believed to impact human behavior. These sketches have survived several thousand years. One of Indias languages, Vedic, is considered more than 4,000 years old, perhaps one of the oldest in human history. This was actually a question asked from IBM Watson during the 2011 Jeopardy competition. Understanding the literature in this language might unlock a wealth of information.

I feel that with the kind of technology we have in AI, we should put some of it at work to unearth our wisdom from the past. It is a possibility that if we overlook it, we may waste resources by reinventing the wheel.

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The world of Artificial... - The American Bazaar

What’s the magic behind Matthew Stafford’s mastery of the Lions’ offense? – Detroit Lions Blog- ESPN – ESPN

ALLEN PARK, Mich. The ball looked it like it could have been intercepted easily. Jeff Okudah was in perfect position in the end zone. He read everything right. He was where he was supposed to be. It didnt matter.

Not even close.

Matthew Stafford put the ball where only his receiver, Marvin Hall, could catch it. It was a window so small realistically only the football could have fit through for the play to work. You could say this is only one play in a training camp and might not be indicative of how Stafford played in practice throughout August.

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Except this wasnt a singularity. It happened to Amani Oruwariye against Kenny Golladay. It happened to Jahlani Tavai and ended up in the hands of Marvin Jones. Combine that with Staffords arm strength -- which remains among the best in the league -- and theres reason to think the 12-year veteran might be on the cusp of a season in which he fulfills the potential thats surrounded him since he was drafted, both in his physical abilities and his knowledge of exactly where to throw the ball and when.

Hes a wizard, man, said backup quarterback Chase Daniel, who has known Stafford since high school. Its impressive. His recall of plays, a photographic memory, all that stuff you want in a quarterback. Its impressive and makes you want to work harder and its why hes been one of the best quarterbacks in the league going on 12 years now.

It isnt a practice thing, either. Hes done it during games, too -- either with the help of Calvin Johnson earlier in his career or throws that make you wonder how he pulled it off the past few seasons, including a pass through three Kansas City defenders for a touchdown to Golladay in Week 4 last season.

I wish more people could appreciate it, backup quarterback David Blough said.

At the time, Blough still was learning about his new teammate. A rookie out of Purdue who was traded to Detroit from Cleveland at the roster cuts deadline, Blough only watched Stafford from afar on television and what he remembered of him growing up just outside Dallas himself when Stafford was in high school.

The next day, in the quarterback meeting room, Blough got to see a small bit of Staffords personality. He almost shrugged it off as hes just doing his job although Blough said you might get a wink from him as hes saying it.

This always has been who Stafford is -- from top-rated high school recruit to top-rated college quarterback and then the No. 1 pick in the 2009 draft. Hes thrown a 5,000-yard season and holds a bevy of fastest-to NFL records.

Hes led 28 fourth-quarter comebacks, tied with Brett Favre for No. 11 in history. Hes No. 18 in all-time passing yards, with 41,025, and if he has at least a 4,000-yard season hell pass Dan Fouts and Drew Bledsoe to be No. 16 all-time. His 256 touchdowns are No. 19 all-time and hes 35 touchdown passes away from moving into the top 15.

He is also, at age 32, perhaps playing better than he ever has. Before he suffered broken bones in his back last season, sending him to injured reserve, he was playing at a Pro Bowl level in the first year in Darrell Bevells offense, completing 64.3 percent of his passes for 2,499 yards, 19 touchdowns and five interceptions.

Had he played a full season, he might have reached 5,000 yards for the second time. While hes played in other offenses before -- becoming prolific in Scott Linehans Air Raid offense early in his career and then more efficient in the Jim Caldwell/Jim Bob Cooter system for five years after that -- its possible Bevells offense fits him better than the others.

It meshes a mix of play-action and focus on the run game with enough attempts at bigger, explosive plays that take advantage of Staffords arm and the skills of Golladay and Jones to win contested catches.

When were out there at quarterback, were empowered to throw, Blough said. Take shots, take shots, take shots. [Bevell] keeps calling them and I think Matthew feels encouraged by that and confident.

While it appears he has mastery over Bevells system, and Stafford is reaching a point in his career where almost any offense is going to be something he picks up quick, Bevell has noticed some small, subtle changes entering another season with Stafford, something that could make a great quarterback even better.

He might be even a little bit quicker on some of the decisions hes making, Bevell said. We really have put an emphasis on his speed. Starting with last year when we got here and how your feet correspond to the plays, I think hes done a nice job with that.

I mean, hes just a special talent in terms of throwing the football. It just looks so effortless. He can just flick it, and the balls flying out of his hands. Hes always been impressive that way.

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Its something his teammates have known and his coaches have learned as theyve worked with him. Its something the public has understood in fits and starts, but if Stafford can stay healthy in 2020 and manage his team through an abnormal season in a global pandemic, its possible he might be able to do one thing that could get him more recognition.

Win the Lions first since division title sine 1993, when Stafford was 5 years old.

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What's the magic behind Matthew Stafford's mastery of the Lions' offense? - Detroit Lions Blog- ESPN - ESPN

(G)I-DLE are the only major K-pop girl group writing their own music – i-D

(G)I-DLE, the six-member K-pop girl group, are weighing up what they love and admire about each other. Shuhuas eccentric thoughts, Soojins eye-catching dancing skills... offers their leader and rapper Soyeon, who is herself whip-smart, elfish and, when she needs to be, steely. Yuqis confidence, adds Miyeon. She really knows how to love herself. Describing what it is that makes Minnie, Shuhua, Soojin, Soyeon, Yuqi and Miyeon unique charisma, beauty, humour, dreamlike auras, the double whammy of sexy-but-cute their words take flight like tiny jewel-coloured birds, darting and uplifting.

That (G)I-DLE see each other not just as bandmates but as role models and muses comes through in every interview they do. As a multinational group (Thai, Taiwanese, Chinese, Korean) working through cultural differences and the hardships of being far from home, theyve formed an affectionate, protective sisterhood. And as a self-producing girl group who write their own music a very rare entity in K-Pop and have input into every part of their creative process, they utilise this closeness to their advantage; the tiniest details about each individual member serve as inspiration. All the while, their fandom (NEVERLAND) sprawls further across the world with every new record.

The tightness of their bond makes their onstage presence prismatic boldly reflecting the dozens of shifting, individual elements that make up each young woman outwards as a complex singularity. At the very core of (G)I-DLE, however, the shared, primary foundation has always been self-belief. Its what lead Soyeon to write their debut-securing first single (()) _ LATATA; what propelled Yuqi, Shuhua and Minnie to leave their countries to try their luck in South Koreas idol industry in the first place; and what gave them the only rookie group competing alongside five senior acts the confidence and skill to wind up in third place on the survival show, Queendom, causing a stir with their regal, fearless finale performance of LION.

But when in conversation with the group, it becomes clear that theyre also united by a shared ambition, vulnerability, and the inclination to push beyond traditional expectations of them as women in K-pop. In fact, they refuse to acknowledge that these boundaries even exist. We havent hit #1 on the digital charts yet, Yuqi says, thats something I really want to achieve, and I hope we can be more acknowledged musically! Miyeon, who recently revealed that (G)I-DLE are set on creating their own genre, says that theyre still working towards it... were consistently trying to achieve that goal. Soyeon agrees, adamant that even when they do, it too will contain no barriers and have no end.

In 2020, the group have already celebrated their two year anniversary and released three singles: the formidable Oh My God (from their third Korean EP, I Trust); Im The Trend (written by Minnie and Yuqi); and their latest, DUMDi DUMDi, a lighthearted summer bop. Casually highlighting (G)I-DLEs effortless duality, their second Japanese EP consisting of translated, re-recorded versions of tracks including Oh My God and a brand new deep cut, Minnies heartbreaking Tung Tung (Empty) dropped at the of August, making (G)I-DLEs 2020 a creatively abundant one, despite the looming global pandemic.

We spoke to the group to discuss Tung-Tung and more

DUMDi DUMDi is definitely a change of pace for a (G)I-DLE lead single why was now the right time to drop something so upbeat and breezy?Minnie: We always try to do something new. The concept of this comeback was also interpreted in our own style, which I hope many people liked. (G)I-DLE turned bright and fresh for the summer!

The video shoot looks like it was a lot of fun. What do you remember most about it?Yuqi: We were soaked the whole time from shooting the pool scene and the bubble party scene. Shooting those scenes was a bit tough, but they turned out very nicely.

Soojin: The bubble party scene is the most memorable. Make sure to check out that scene from the music video!

Soyeon, on Im The Trend you wrote: I have everything that you want to resemble / My charms that endured through the tough Produce 101, Unpretty Rapstar, Queendom. How do you think these shows helped you become the leader you are today?Soyeon: I learned that if you survive through the struggles, you will eventually make it. Im a goal pursuer, I am competitive, and I am not easily wavered. Its more appropriate to say that Im the type of person who can enjoy competition shows, than to say that being on competition shows helped me. And as a leader, this personality of mine comes in handy.

Youve described yourself as having been a quiet kid. When do you recall this other side of you the fierce, competition-loving Soyeon appearing?Soyeon: I am pretty quiet. Rather than wanting to win over someone, I just wanted to be the best since I was young. Honestly, I am not sure what kind of influence my parents had on me adopting this kind of mindset but they always had faith in me!

Queendom was a tough show looking back, how has it impacted (G)I-DLE long-term?Miyeon: I was scared and concerned about being on a competitive show. But every time we prepared a performance and got on stage, the belief that I will be fine as long as I am with my teammates became stronger. Once Queendom was over, I started to think that the six of us can do anything together, and I became confident enough not to fear any adventures.

Its clear that (G)I-DLE have a true bond whats something that helps keep you close as a team?Miyeon:We spend a lot of time talking. We dont need to consciously make time for it, we just talk amongst ourselves a lot, opening up even the trivial parts of our lives without discomfort. All six of us like to eat, so we get together to have good food, too.

Minnie, Yuqi and Soyeon as all three of you are songwriters, how do your working styles differ?Minnie: I concentrate on my feelings at the moment. For You was the most challenging to write because it was actually my first time creating a song on my own. I made that song when I was very lonely and struggling, I felt so alone then that I wanted to tell somebody. The feelings got more intense as I wrote the lyrics, it was overwhelming. I hope listening to this song will relieve peoples sad and lonesome hearts.

Soyeon: I consider the lyrics the most important. The line You changed as if you took a drug from HANN (Alone) is one Im proud of. It illustrates your partner turning into a totally different person the moment your relationship comes to an end.

Minnie, tell me about your new song Tung-Tung (Empty)...I wrote the song utilising the Korean word tung-tung and the message of the song is my heart which used to be full of you is now empty (tung-tung). I hope the audience finds the loneliness relatable as its a track I put my best efforts into. The harmonies and string instruments are key points also, so pay attention to them as you listen!

Soyeon, as the groups main songwriter and someone who always strives to be the best, have you ever had a fear around the possibility that a song might not be a success? How do you see past intrusive thoughts like that?I see failure as something that will not happen. And if it does, it will be just a moment, and Im sure Id be able to overcome it shortly.

And, finally, what would you like to say to NEVERLAND right now?Minnie:Dear NEVERLAND, I always thank you for all the love you have given us until now, and I love you.Miyeon:If NEVERLAND werent here, (G)I-DLE wouldnt be here either. Thanks to NEVERLAND being by our side and supporting us all the time. We will do our best for them!

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(G)I-DLE are the only major K-pop girl group writing their own music - i-D

‘The World To Come’: Review | Reviews – Screen International

Dir. Mona Fastvold. US. 2020. 98 mins.

It would be easy to sell The World to Come as the female Brokeback Mountain, but that would be to traduce the richness, singularity and command of Mona Fastvolds beautifully executed and acted drama. The story of female friendship blossoming into passionate love in a severe 1850s American rural setting, this is an austere but lyrical piece underwritten by a complex grasp of emotional and psychological nuance, and a second feature of striking command by Norwegian-born director Mona Fastvold, following up her 2014 debut The Sleepwalker (she has also collaborated as writer on Brady Corbets features).

Understatement and interiority are the watchwords for a film which uses suggestion and period language very subtly

Scripted with heightened literary cadences by Ron Hansen and Jim Shepard, the film is well crafted in every respect, and marks an acting career high for Katherine Waterston, as well as a fine showcase for the ever more impressive Vanessa Kirby. Fastvolds maturely satisfying piece, picked up internationally by Sony Pictures, should find acclaim on the festival circuit, and upmarket distributors will hopefully find a way to highlight its appeal to discerning audiences on the big screen, where its stark elegance will truly flourish.

The film is framed with handwritten date captions as a diary kept in the 1850s in rural upstate New York by Abigail (Waterstone), the young wife of farmer Dyer (Casey Affleck). Their relationship lies under the shadow of the recent death of their young daughter, and grief along with the normal rigours of life in the remote countryside is keeping them emotionally apart, with the thoughtful Abigail and the gentle but taciturn Dyer unable to communicate their feelings, as seems par for the course in a rural marriage at this period. One day, however, Abigail exchanges glances with a new neighbour, Tallie (Kirby), in a subtle hint of what could be classified love at first sight. When Tallie pays a neighbourly visit, the two instantly bond, exchanging confidences, with Abigails reserve gradually conquered up by Tallies candour and ironic knowingness about womens domestic lot something she is familiar with, being married to the possessive Finney (Christopher Abbott).

Working over the seasons, beginning with a descent into a harshly forbidding winter, Fastvold teases out the shifts in the characters lives, at first establishing a tone of pensive reserve, then setting a note of heightened peril (mortality, after all, really means something in this environment), notably in an extraordinary blizzard sequence. As the action enters another year, warmth comes into the two womens lives; at last their slow-simmering romance catches fire in tentative declarations followed by a first kiss, and the fond words, You smell like a biscuit. There are flashes of overt sexual content, but used extremely sparingly and telegraphically towards the end, while Fastvold shows the meaning of Abigails passion in subtle touches like a moment where she lies back on a table, fully dressed, in a quiet swoon of rapture.

Acted with finely calibrated subtlety, the film uses close-ups sparingly but to resonant effect, contrasting the cautiousness with which Abigail reveals her self and the warmer, more openly expressive face of Tallie. Waterstone and Kirby pull off something very finely balanced, conveying the enormity of their characters emotions while speaking a stylised, formal, sometimes playful language: the script will be music to lovers of 19th-century American writing (Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, Edith Wharton). As the two husbands, Affleck and Abbott contrast sharply both playing deeply enclosed, solemn men, but of different emotional literacy, one with a capacity for moral generosity, the other shockingly without.

Understatement and interiority are the watchwords for a film which uses suggestion and period language very subtly. Poetry plays a part in the central relationship, but theres a poetic ring to the prose too, both in the dialogue and in Abigails journal (both screenwriters are novelists, Ron Hansen having explored this period in The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, the film of which starred Casey Affleck as Ford). This is also very much a film about the power and necessity of writing, as suggested by a line that compares ink to fire: a good servant and a hard master.

Ink on paper is also sometimes suggested by the look of the winter sequences, colours bled to monochrome. Shot on 16mm by Andr Chemetoff, the film at once captures the look of period photography and establishes a feeling of contemporary realism, with no alienating sense of historical distance. The grainy texture of the images, combined with Jean Vincent Puzoss meticulous design, somewhat recalls the American period films (Meeks Cutoff, First Cow) of Kelly Reichardt, with something of the severe grace of Terence Daviess best work.

There is also a distinctive score by David Blumberg, foregrounding woodwinds - notably in the blizzard sequence, which has a feel of free jazz without being incongruous for the period (improvising legend Peter Brtzmann is featured on bass clarinet). The closing song, featuring singer Josephine Foster, catches the period feel perfectly over manuscript-style end credits.

Production companies: Seachange Media, Killer Films, Hype Films

International sales: Charades,

Producers: Casey Affleck, Whitaker Lader, Pamela Koffler, David Hinojosa, Margarethe Baillou

Screenplay: Ron Hansen, Jim Shepard

Based on the story by Jim Shepard

Cinematography: Andre Chemetoff

Editor: David Jancso

Production design: Jean Vincent Puzos

Music: David Blumberg

Main cast: Katherine Waterston, Vanessa Kirby, Casey Affleck, Christopher Abbott

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'The World To Come': Review | Reviews - Screen International

Before or After the Singularity – PRESSENZA International News Agency

Scientific theories developed by independent and non-networked groups came to the following conclusion: Something will happen around the world that will change human history in a special way. While the predictions may not match exact dates, they all have one thing in common it will happen this century and within a few decades.

The event or the sum of the events per se was named SINGULARITY and has unique characteristics: The development of the events does not generally accelerate within the scope of their properties, but changes abruptly or collapses and starts again.

These predictions could be made on the basis of curves that encompass the development of natural ecosystems as well as the various significant milestones in the universal history of mankind from the beginning of time.

Researchers like Alexander Panov, Ray Kurzweil and many others were able to bring those considerations together by bringing together fundamentally different variables such as energy sources, automation, artificial intelligence, mode of production and consumption, etc., etc., etc.

However, the majority of theories portray science and technology as the creator of this future and not as a by-product of the evolution of our species.

We are of the opinion that the change takes place out of ones own awareness of humanity in its human and spiritual dimension, and that as a consequence of this change external changes also occur which technology, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering do not exclude, but them instead puts it in the foreground and makes it the vehicle and support for this change.

In summary, the SINGULARITY is a wonderful tool for theoretical analysis for us to imagine a world to which we are striving and also to prevent the dangers that such a change could bring.

In what other way could we seriously speak of this chaotic future? Its like were on a ship and were drawn to the enormous gravity of a black hole, a zone where time and space warp. Would we be able to know at what point in time or what distance we would reach the central vortex of the black hole? Were not trying to do futurology even less under these conditions.

But analyzing things from this point of view, with a warning in mind, is an excellent way of imagining the world that we may expect in the future.

Our area of interest focuses on human existence and this is the basis of our analysis, which of course does not claim to be scientific accuracy. We may also later be able to question current science with its alleged thoroughness and infallibility.

We strive for the evolution of mankind, we want a revolution in their consciousness and values. We reject the reification of the human being and the apocalyptic view of the future. We do not deny that machines are useful if they help to relieve people of work. We speak out against any kind of concentration of power and demand the expansion of human freedom, which can neither be restricted nor replaced by soulless algorithms.

As you can see, the future can hold many nuances Our goal is to exchange ideas with those who are interested in these topics.

What is your vision of the future?

Translation from German by Lulith V. by the Pressenza volunteer translation team. We are looking for volunteers!

Carlos Santos is a teacher and has been active in a humanist movement all his life. For the last decade he has devoted himself to audiovisual implementations as a director, producer and screenwriter of documentaries and feature films within his production company Esencia Humana Films. Email:; Blog:

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Before or After the Singularity - PRESSENZA International News Agency

New Zealand Is About to Test Long-Range Wireless Power Transmission – Singularity Hub

A famous image of inventor Nikola Tesla shows him casually sitting on a chair, legs crossed, taking notesoblivious to the profusion of artificial lightning rending the air meters away. By then, Tesla and raw electricity were like an old married couple.

The experiments, conducted in Colorado, led to one of Teslas most audacious proposals: To power the world without wires. He made headlines with plans for a world wireless system, and won funding from JP Morgan to build the first of several huge transmission towers.

But Teslas wireless energy dream died soon after. JP Morgan canceled additional funding. The tower was demolished. Later scientists were skeptical Teslas plans (which were a bit vague) would have worked.

Meanwhile, Teslas peer Guglielmo Marconi pursued a parallel dream with far greater success: The wireless transmission of information on radio waves. Todays world is, of course, awash in wireless information.

Now, if New Zealand startup Emrod has its way, Tesla and Marconis dreams may merge. The company is building a system to wirelessly beam power over long distances. Earlier this month, Emrod received funding from Powerco, New Zealands second biggest utility, to conduct a test of its system at a grid-connected commercial power station.

The company hopes to bring energy to communities far from the grid or transmit power from remote renewable sources, like offshore wind farms.

The system consists of four components: A power source, a transmitting antenna, several (or more) transmitting relays, and a rectenna.

First, the transmitting antenna transforms electricity into microwave energyan electromagnetic wave just like Marconis radio waves, only a bit more energeticand focuses it into a cylindrical beam. The microwave beam is sent through a series of relays until it hits the rectenna, which converts it back into electricity.

With safety in mind, Emrod is using energy in the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band, and keeping the power density low. Its not just how much power you deliver, its how much power you deliver per square meter, Emrod founder, Greg Kushnir, told New Atlas. The levels of density were using are relatively low. At the moment, its about the equivalent of standing outside at noon in the sun, about 1 kW per square meter.

But if it works as intended, the beam wont ever contact anything but empty air. The system uses a net of lasers surrounding the beam to detect obstructions, like a bird or person, and it automatically shuts off transmission until the obstruction has moved on.

The technologypower transmission via microwave energyhas been around for decades. But to make it commercially viable, you have to minimize energy losses. Kushnir said metamaterials developed in recent years are the difference-maker.

The company uses metamaterials to more efficiently convert the microwave beam back into electricity. The relays, which are like lenses extending the beam beyond line-of-sight by refocusing it, are nearly lossless. According to Kushnir, most of losses happen at the other end, where electricity is converted into microwave energy. Overall, he said the systems efficiency is around 70%, which is short of copper wires but economically viable in some areas. And its those areas the companys aiming for.

we dont foresee in the near future a situation where we could say all copper wire can be replaced by wireless, Kushnir said. Inherently, itll have lower efficiency levels. Its not about replacing the whole infrastructure but augmenting it in places where it makes sense.

The companys prototype can currently send a few watts of energy over a distance of about 130 feet. For the Powerco project, theyre working on a larger version capable of beaming a few kilowatts. The plan is to deliver the new system to Powerco in October, test it in the lab for a few months, and then, if all goes to plan, try it out in the field. The tests will aim to validate how much power the system can transmit over what distance.

Though the current model is modest, Kushnir says it should scale.

We can use the exact same technology to transmit 100 times more power over much longer distances, he said in a press release. Wireless systems using Emrod technology can transmit any amount of power current wired solutions transmit.

Ray Simpkin, Emrods chief scientific officer, told IEEE Spectrum that the company is also looking into whether they could beam power across 30 kilometers of water from the New Zealand mainland to Stewart Island. He said the system could cost as little as 60 percent of an undersea cable.

Ultimately, the technology may help power rural areas or transmit energy from offshore wind farms, both cases where its expensive to build physical infrastructure to tap or feed the grid. In other cases, say in national parks, a mode of wireless transmission could have less impact on the environment and require less maintenance. Or it might be used to provide power after natural disasters in which physical infrastructure has been damaged.

Its not Teslas world wireless system, but it just might make long-distance wireless power a commercial reality in the not-too-distant future.

Image source:Killian Eon /Pexels

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New Zealand Is About to Test Long-Range Wireless Power Transmission - Singularity Hub

Neuralink’s Wildly Anticipated New Brain Implant: the Hype vs. the Science – Singularity Hub

Neuralinks wildly anticipated demo last Friday left me with more questions than answers. With a presentation teeming with promises and vision but scant on data, the event nevertheless lived up to its main goal as a memorable recruitment session to further the growth of the mysterious brain implant company.

Launched four years ago with the backing of Elon Musk, Neuralink has been working on futuristic neural interfaces that seamlessly listen in on the brains electrical signals, and at the same time, write into the brain with electrical pulses. Yet even by Silicon Valley standards, the company has kept a tight seal on its progress, conducting all manufacturing, research, and animal trials in-house.

A vision of marrying biological brains to artificial ones is hardly unique to Neuralink. The past decade has seen an explosion in brain-machine interfacessome implanted into the brain, some into peripheral nerves, or some that sit outside the skull like a helmet. The main idea behind all these contraptions is simple: the brain mostly operates on electrical signals. If we can tap into these enigmatic neural codesthe brains internal languagewe could potentially become the architects of our own minds.

Let people with paralysis walk again? Check and done. Control robotic limbs with their minds? Yup. Rewriting neural signals to battle depression? In humans right now. Recording the electrical activity behind simple memories and playing it back? Human trials ongoing. Linking up human minds into a BrainNet to collaborate on a Tetris-like game through the internet? Possible.

Given this backdrop, perhaps the most impressive part of the demonstration isnt lofty predictions of what brain-machine interfaces could potentially do one day. In some sense, were already there. Rather, what stood out was the redesigned Link device itself.

In Neuralinks coming out party last year, the company envisioned a wireless neural implant with a sleek ivory processing unit worn at the back of the ear. The electrodes of the implant itself are sewn into the brain with automated robotic surgery, relying on brain imaging techniques to avoid blood vessels and reduce brain bleeding.

The problem with that design, Musk said, is that it had multiple pieces and was complex. You still wouldnt look totally normal because theres a thing coming out of your ear.

The prototype at last weeks event came in a vastly different physical shell. About the size of a large coin, the device replaces a small chunk of your skull and sits flush with the surrounding skull matter. The electrodes, implanted inside the brain, connect with this topical device. When covered by hair, the implant is invisible.

Musk envisions an outpatient therapy where a robot can simultaneously remove a piece of the skull, sew the electrodes in, and replace the missing skull piece with the device. According to the team, the Link has similar physical properties and thickness as the skull, making the replacement a sort of copy-and-paste. Once inserted, the Link is then sealed to the skull with superglue.

I could have a Neuralink right now and you wouldnt know it, quipped Musk.

For a device that small, the team packed an admirable array of features into it. The Link device has over 1,000 channels, which can be individually activated. This is on par with Neuropixel, the crme de la crme of neural probes with 960 recording channels thats currently used widely in research, including by the Allen Institute for Brain Science.

Compared to the Utah Array, a legendary implant system used for brain stimulation in humans with only 256 electrodes, the Link has an obvious edge up in terms of pure electrode density.

Whats perhaps most impressive, however, is its onboard processing for neural spikesthe electrical pattern generated by neurons when they fire. Electrical signals are fairly chaotic in the brain, and filtering spikes from noise, as well as separating trains of electrical activity into spikes, normally requires quite a bit of processing power. This is why in the lab, neural spikes are usually recorded offline and processed using computers, rather than with on-board electronics.

The problem gets even more complicated when considering wireless data transfer from the implanted device to an external smartphone. Without accurate and efficient compression of those neural data, the transfer could tremendously lag, drain battery life, or heat up the device itselfsomething you dont want happening to a device stuck inside your skull.

To get around these problems, the team has been working on algorithms that use characteristic shapes of electrical patterns that look like spikes to efficiently identify individual neural firings. The data is processed on the chip inside the skull device. Recordings from each channel are filtered to root out obvious noise, and the spikes are then detected in real time. Because different types of neurons have their characteristic ways of spikingthat is, the shape of their spikes are diversethe chip can also be configured to detect the particular spikes youre looking for. This means that in theory the chip could be programmed to only capture the type of neuron activity youre interested infor example, to look at inhibitory neurons in the cortex and how they control neural information processing.

These processed spike data are then sent out to smartphones or other external devices through Bluetooth to enable wireless monitoring. Being able to do this efficiently has been a stumbling block in wireless brain implantsraw neural recordings are too massive for efficient transfer, and automated spike detection and compression of that data is difficult, but a necessary step to allow neural interfaces to finally cut the wire.

Link has other impressive features. For one, the battery life lasts all day, and the device can be charged at night using inductive charging. From my subsequent conversations with the team, it seems like there will be alignment lights to help track when the charger is aligned with the device. Whats more, the Link itself also has an internal temperature sensor to monitor for over-heating, and will automatically disconnect if the temperature rises above a certain thresholda very necessary safety measure so it doesnt overheat the surrounding skull tissue.

From the get-go of the demonstration, there was an undercurrent of tension between whats possible in neuroengineering versus whats needed to understand the brain.

Since its founding, Neuralink has always been fascinated with electrode numbers: boosting channel numbers on its devices and increasing the number of neurons that can be recorded at the same time.

At the event, Musk said that his goal is to increase the number of recorded neurons by a factor of 100, then 1,000, then 10,000.

But heres the thing: as neuroscience is increasingly understanding the neural code behind our thought processes, its clear that more electrodes or more stimulated neurons isnt always better. Most neural circuits employ whats called sparse coding, in that only a handful of neurons, when stimulated in a way that mimics natural firing, can artificially trigger visual or olfactory sensations. With optogeneticsthe technique of stimulating neurons with lightscientists now know that its possible to incept memories by targeting just a few key neurons in a circuit. Sticking a ton of wires into the brain, which inevitably causes scarring, and zapping hundreds of thousands of neurons isnt necessarily going to help.

Unlike engineering, the solution to the brain isnt more channels or more implants. Rather, its deciphering the neural codeknowing what to stimulate, in what order, to produce what behavior. Its perhaps telling that despite claims of neural stimulation, the only data shown at the event were neurons firing from a section of a mouse brainusing two-photon microscopy to image neural activationafter zapping brain tissue with an electrode. What information, if any, is really being written into the brain? Without an idea of how neural circuits work and in what sequences, zapping the brain with electricityno matter how cool the device itself isis akin to banging on all the keys of a piano at once, rather than composing a beautiful melody.

Of course, the problem is far larger than Neuralink itself. Its perhaps the next frontier in solving the brains mysteries. To their credit, the Neuralink team has looked at potential damage to the brain from electrode insertion. A main problem with current electrodes is that the brain will eventually activate non-neuronal cells to form an insulating sheath around the electrode, sealing it off from the neurons it needs to record from. According to some employees I talked to, so far, for at least two months, the scarring around electrodes is minimal, although in the long run there may be scar tissue buildup at the scalp. This may make electrode threads difficult to removesomething that still needs to be optimized.

However, two months is only a fraction of what Musk is proposing: a decade-long implant, with hardware that can be updated.

The team may also have an answer there. Rather than removing the entire implant, it could potentially be useful to leave the threads inside the brain and only remove the top capthe Link device that contains the processing chip. The team is now trying the idea out, while exploring the possibility of a full-on removal and re-implant.

As a demonstration of feasibility, the team trotted out three adorable pigs: one without an implant, one with a Link, and one with the Link implanted and then removed. Gertrude, the pig currently with an implant in areas related to her snout, had her inner neural firings broadcasted as a series of electrical crackles as she roamed around her pen, sticking her snout into a variety of food and hay and bumping at her handler.

Pigs came as a surprise. Most reporters, myself included, were expecting non-human primates. However, pigs seem like a good choice. For one, their skulls have a similar density and thickness to human ones. For another, theyre smart cookies, meaning they can be trained to walk on a treadmill while the implant records from their motor cortex to predict the movement of each joint. Its feasible that the pigs could be trained on more complicated tests and behaviors to show that the implant is affecting their movements, preferences, or judgment.

For now, the team doesnt yet have publicly available data showing that targeted stimulation of the pigs cortexsay, motor cortexcan drive their muscles into action. (Part of this, I heard, is because of the higher stimulation intensity required, which is still being fine-tuned.)

Although pitched as a prototype, its clear that the Link remains experimental. The team is working closely with the FDA and was granted a breakthrough device designation in July, which could pave the way for a human trial for treating people with paraplegia and tetraplegia. Whether the trials will come by end of 2020, as Musk promised last year, however, remains to be seen.

Rather than other brain-machine interface companies, which generally focus on brain disorders, its clear that Musk envisions Link as something that can augment perfectly healthy humans. Given the need for surgical removal of part of your skull, its hard to say if its a convincing sell for the average person, even with Musks star power and his vision of augmenting natural sight, memory playback, or a third artificial layer of the brain that joins us with AI. And because the team only showed a highly condensed view of the pigs neural firingsrather than actual spike tracesits difficult to accurately gauge how sensitive the electrodes actually are.

Finally, for now the electrodes can only record from the cortexthe outermost layer of the brain. This leaves deeper brain circuits and their functions, including memory, addiction, emotion, and many types of mental illnesses off the table. While the team is confident that the electrodes can be extended in length to reach those deeper brain regions, its work for the future.

Neuralink has a long way to go. All that said, having someone with Musks impact championing a rapidly-evolving neurotechnology that could help people is priceless. One of the lasting conversations I had after the broadcast was someone asking me what its like to drill through skulls and see a living brain during surgery. I shrugged and said its just bone and tissue. He replied wistfully it would still be so cool to be able to see it though.

Its easy to forget the wonder that neuroscience brings to people when youve been in it for years or decades. Its easy to roll my eyes at Neuralinks data and think well neuroscientists have been listening in on live neurons firing inside animals and even humans for over a decade. As much as Im still skeptical about how Link compares to state-of-the-art neural probes developed in academia, Im impressed by how much a relatively small leadership team has accomplished in just the past year. Neuralink is only getting started, and aiming high. To quote Musk: Theres a tremendous amount of work to be done to go from here to a device that is widely available and affordable and reliable.

Image Credit: Neuralink

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Neuralink's Wildly Anticipated New Brain Implant: the Hype vs. the Science - Singularity Hub

Baby Boomers 7 Possible Legacies, Guided by W.B. Yeats, Joan Didion and the Book of Revelations – Forbes

The center wasnt holding. It was a country of bankruptcy notices and public auction announcements and common-place reports of casual killings and misplaced children and abandoned homes and vandals who misspelled the four-letter words they scrawled.

-Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Joan Didion (1964)

Cycles of History: Post World War I, the 1960s and now

Joan Didion, wrote her essay Slouching Towards Bethlehem in 1964 from Haight-Ashbury, ground zero for the cultural shockwave unleashed when the oldest Baby Boomers became eligible for the draft, found their parents lifestyle stifling and discovered the pleasuresand painsof drugs, sex and rock and roll.

Writer Joan Didion and novelist John Gregory Dunne sitting in the library of their Malibu, ... [+] California, home. (Photo by Henry Clarke/Conde Nast via Getty Images)

Her reference to the center wasnt holding directly connects the 1960s in America to the instability after the end of World War I in 1918, which inspired W. B. Yeats to write his famous poem, The Second Coming:

Turning and turning in the wideninggyre.

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

Widening gyre refers to his theory of history as a series of cycles of order and disorder from the birth of Christ to his Second Coming.If Irish mysticism isnt your thing, think of Mark Twains (maybe) words, History doesnt repeat itself, it rhymes. Or,Kondratievs long wave theory of cycles of 40-60 years.

The idea of history as a "gyre" is drawn from Irish mysticism and Hinduism.

In 1918, the war to end all wars led instead to a period of extended political and economic instability that laid the foundation for Yeats torment. And the violent Easter Rising of 1916, leading to the independence of the Irish Republic in 1919,brought it home. The Pandemic of 1918 infected 500 million people and killed 50 million, and brought Yeats young wife near death.

We Baby Boomers Pass Through Yeats Widening Gyre

From Joan Didions hippies to our ongoing pandemic, it feels like we Baby Boomers are moving through Yeatswidening gyre.Perhaps it is as simple as when many of our parents were born (mine 1911, 1914); when we were becoming adults in the 1960s and 1970s; and now we see the Great White Light in the lessening distance about 50 years later.

Or maybe we Baby Boomers are finally coming to terms with our lost innocence. Watch the movie documentary, Woodstock. What you will see and hear...almost smell, touch and beautiful, dirty, dizzy late adolescents who are smiling, high, frothy with the ooze of young sensuality, misinterpreted as some kind of new utopian societal order. We believed we were going to bring peace and love to the world. Great rock and roll though.

At our confident midlife, we thought the world was yielding to our generational intelligence, insight and will. Our working life witnessed an unprecedented period of economic expansion, riding the powers of globalization and innovation in technology and health care. If the alchemy of technical smarts and money could achieve something, mostly we have.

Then, what initially seemed like an era of the spreading of our values of democracy and human rights shifted towards autocracy, the increasing economic hegemony of China and America shifting towards President Trumps populism and America First. We can take claim, though, for major progress in womens and gay rights.

Assessing Our 7 Legacies Past, Present, Future

We Baby Boomers are beginning to reflect about our legacies might be. Its too early to know, of course. But its not too early to speculate, to outline the first draft of possibilities. We will take our guidance from Yeats and Didion whenever we can.

War: The Vietnam war wasnt our idea. We can take claim to ending it and the military draft. America didnt initiate significant aggressive military action for 25 years after.But, after Al Qaedas attacks on U.S. soil on 9/11/2001, we decided not only to retaliate against Afghanistan but to forget the sins of colonialism and imperialism and engage in nation-building in the graveyard of empires.Our unilateral attack against Iraq only proved that we had forgotten the lessons of Vietnam. Maybe if we had a military draft in 2003, we might have hesitated long enough to realize that we were invigorating a new power with WMD (weapons of mass destruction) in Iran by destroying its worst enemy.

JFK and Mrs. Kennedy, in a pink outfit prepared for motorcade into city from airport, Nov. 22. After ... [+] a few speaking stops, the President was assassinated in the same car.

Violence:The assassinations of John F. Kennedy (November 22, 1963), Malcolm X (February21, 1965), Martin Luther King (April 4, 1968), Robert F. Kennedy(June 6, 1968) left us stunned and wounded and with a leadership vacuum we can sense even today.

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned

The violence of the 1960s also deepened a deep cultural rift between those Americans favoring various forms of gun control and those who hold that the Second Amendment provides expansive rights for individual citizens to own and carry guns. The National Rifle Associations turn to lobbying for gun rights in the late 1970s has thwarted many Congressional attempts for stronger gun control. Despite the Second Amendments ambiguity in wording and intent- A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed an individuals right to guns.

Today, we remain the most heavily armed citizenry in the world, by a huge margin. We account for 393 million (about 46 percent) of the worldwide total of civilian held firearms, on average over 1 gun per person, about 10 times most other countries.

Racism: We Baby-Boomers inherited a long, mean history of racism, often enabled by violence,which has been part of America from our very beginning. Born in Revolution, we expanded with genocidal fervor against Native Americans who occupied land we coveted, and built the economy of our largely agricultural South with African slaves.

Even after we fought the Civil War, certainly because of slavery whatever other causes one might posit,racial segregation continued, most prominently due to Jim Crow laws. Until 1965, Jim Crow laws notoriously constrained any political and economic gainsby black people, enabled bythe Supreme-Court-mandated separate but equal doctrine in 1896.

We Baby Boomers were born and growing up just as the Civil Rights Movement emerged in the late 1950s, enabled by multiple rulings by the Warren Court finding segregation unconstitutional. Some of may remember dramatic events ranging from Emmett Tills murder and Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott in the mid 1950s to the Freedom Riders, voter registration drives and the March on Washington in the first half of the 1960s.

The Civil Rights Act became law in 1964, the Voting Rights Act in 1965. But the progress made was not enough to stop the Long, Hot Summer of race riots in over 100 cities throughout our country in 1967. The federally sponsored Kerner Commission later determined the causes of the riots included police brutality, white racism, and socioeconomic discrimination in multiple forms.

But as our gyre winds around again, the Supreme Court in 2013 struck down an essential clause of the Voting Rights Act because it bears no logical relationship to the present day.And we live today in the sad wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin and the killings of George Floyd, Trayvon Martin and so many other Black men.

Participants in the March on Washington conclude their march from the Lincoln Memorial to the Martin ... [+] Luther King Jr. Memorial August 28, 2020 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Will Black Lives Matter be our platform to end our countries 400 year history racism against Blacks?

Wealth:Despite great prosperity, we Baby Boomers have presided over dramatic growth in the socioeconomic gap that is now threatening our American social contract. Our wealthiest 0.1% take in almost 200 times the income of the bottom 90%, reflecting levels unseen since the Gilded Age before World War I.S&P 500 firm CEOs were paid 287 times as much as average U.S. workers in 2018, compared to 42 times as much as the average U.S. worker in 1980.

Through our new monetary policy of flooding the world with cash at zero interest rates and a fiscal policy spending unprecedented numbers of trillions of dollars, we are now spending our childrens and grandchildrens money. But its okay because, after all, The Giving Pledge still lets billionaires leave their kids 50%!

Drugs: We Baby Boomers have had a drug to enhance every period of our lives. Sex? Birth control pills approved by the FDA in 1960.When we grew anxious and depressed with our adult responsibilities, we had Prozac and its progeny, anti-depressants too numerous to list. Our sex life dragging in midlife?ED drugs, starting with Viagra in 1998.

To get high? Pot and LSD for our college years; cocaine when we had money and gotbusy in our 20s and 30s.Remember how fun college was? Lets legalize pot as medicine as we age.

And, as our forebears in the gyre, from the Roaring Twenties and the Lost Generation after World War (read Hemingways Moveable Feastits life as punctuated by alcohol), we loved to party and alcohol for most is remains our chosen drug.

Tragically,many of our poor, some returning soldiers and now even members of our working class have sought heroin in the 1960s and later, crack cocaine in the 1970s and 1980s, and now pain-killing legal opioids leading back to illegal heroin, fentanyl.We passed Just Say No years ago.

Climate Change:

Like Scrooge in Dickens The Christmas Carol, we have been given a view of our future. In our case, its looking warm. We know, and have known for a long time, that a global temperature change of more than 1.5C would be catastrophic for human civilization. Its effects will range from the destabilization of agricultural systems to drastic sea-level rise, to tragic losses in biodiversity. In 2019, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that limiting global warming to 1.5C would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society Global net human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would need to fall by about 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net zero around 2050. Statements like these are fairly banal to read these days, but even so, it has become abundantly clear that a world without emissions is beyond the reach of the Boomer imagination.

A gas flare from the Shell Chemical LP petroleum refinery illuminates the sky on August 21, 2019 in ... [+] Norco, Louisiana. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence is, in simplest terms, computer technology that emulates human intelligence. What we have now is called specialized artificial intelligence or machine learning.We have not yet achieved the much more human-like AI that would be needed to achieve the Singularity, defined as when technology develops beyond human control; or, when human and machine are fully integrated; or, when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence.

We need to return now to Joan Didionsessay, Slouching Towards Bethlehem,whose title leads us to the second stanza of Yeats Second Coming, which we will need to help us decide about where we stand onAI and the Singularity.

Surely somerevelationis at hand;

Surely theSecond Comingis at hand.

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out

When a vast image out ofSpiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert

A shape withlion body and the head of a man,

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it

Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again; but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towardsBethlehemto be born?

The Second Coming by W. B. Yeats, (1919)

Yeats rough beast refers to the Anti-Christ in the last book of the New Testament, Revelations, who isset for the final showdown andthe Second Coming of Christ. You can think of the rough beast as Evil or your worst nightmare come to life right before your eyes.

Is the Singularity the work of the Anti-Christ?

Ray Kurzweil speaks onstage at 'Ray and Amy Kurzweil on Collaboration and the Future ' during 2017 ... [+] SXSW Conference and Festivals (Photo by Katrina Barber/Getty Images for SXSW)

Ray Kurzweil, one of the Singularitys leading theorists, tells us we shouldnt fear its arrival around 2045. The late Steven Hawkings thought AI posed a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.Elon Musk worries that AI might overtake human intelligence by 2025.

Who do you think is the Anti-Christ?

The Antichrist, miniature from the Latin manuscript III 177 folio 44, 12th Century. (Photo by ... [+] DeAgostini/Getty Images)

Wall Street? Well, its our gyres Whore of Babylon (Revelation: 17:1-8), whose infinite appetite for cashits profits have risen from 10% to close to half in the United States while we Boomers watchedwill certainly seek it to charge tolls on the road to the Singularity.

Biomedicine? A Chinese scientist cloned a human embryo in recent years Wont the Singularity need a post-modern Dr. Frankenstein to plant the circuit in our brains?

Perhaps, the FAANGsFacebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Alphabet, i.e., well-positioned with technology, expertise, cash, self-interest and brands, although their Chinese competitors are strong and determined to win.The social media segment gives loud voice to the worst of us but seems quite blind to that bare truth. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg views concerns about AI as irresponsible. People who dont trust Facebook, he says, dont understand it.

In the moments just before the Singularity, a Wall Street mergers bankercant miss the biggest deal ever! - approaches you with a digital device and asks, Please press the Accept button. You are only agreeing to give us your mind. You get to keep your soul.

Press Disagree Boomers. If we save humanity twice,We will be the Greatest Generation!

Read the rest here:

Baby Boomers 7 Possible Legacies, Guided by W.B. Yeats, Joan Didion and the Book of Revelations - Forbes

Could Quantum Computing Progress Be Halted by Background Radiation? – Singularity Hub

Doing calculations with a quantum computer is a race against time, thanks to the fragility of the quantum states at their heart. And new research suggests we may soon hit a wall in how long we can hold them together thanks to interference from natural background radiation.

While quantum computing could one day enable us to carry out calculations beyond even the most powerful supercomputer imaginable, were still a long way from that point. And a big reason for that is a phenomenon known as decoherence.

The superpowers of quantum computers rely on holding the qubitsquantum bitsthat make them up in exotic quantum states like superposition and entanglement. Decoherence is the process by which interference from the environment causes them to gradually lose their quantum behavior and any information that was encoded in them.

It can be caused by heat, vibrations, magnetic fluctuations, or any host of environmental factors that are hard to control. Currently we can keep superconducting qubits (the technology favored by the fields leaders like Google and IBM) stable for up to 200 microseconds in the best devices, which is still far too short to do any truly meaningful computations.

But new research from scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), published last week in Nature, suggests we may struggle to get much further. They found that background radiation from cosmic rays and more prosaic sources like trace elements in concrete walls is enough to put a hard four-millisecond limit on the coherence time of superconducting qubits.

These decoherence mechanisms are like an onion, and weve been peeling back the layers for the past 20 years, but theres another layer that left unabated is going to limit us in a couple years, which is environmental radiation, William Oliver from MIT said in a press release. This is an exciting result, because it motivates us to think of other ways to design qubits to get around this problem.

Superconducting qubits rely on pairs of electrons flowing through a resistance-free circuit. But radiation can knock these pairs out of alignment, causing them to split apart, which is what eventually results in the qubit decohering.

To determine how significant of an impact background levels of radiation could have on qubits, the researchers first tried to work out the relationship between coherence times and radiation levels. They exposed qubits to irradiated copper whose emissions dropped over time in a predictable way, which showed them that coherence times rose as radiation levels fell up to a maximum of four milliseconds, after which background effects kicked in.

To check if this coherence time was really caused by the natural radiation, they built a giant shield out of lead brick that could block background radiation to see what happened when the qubits were isolated. The experiments clearly showed that blocking the background emissions could boost coherence times further.

At the minute, a host of other problems like material impurities and electronic disturbances cause qubits to decohere before these effects kick in, but given the rate at which the technology has been improving, we may hit this new wall in just a few years.

Without mitigation, radiation will limit the coherence time of superconducting qubits to a few milliseconds, which is insufficient for practical quantum computing, Brent VanDevender from PNNL said in a press release.

Potential solutions to the problem include building radiation shielding around quantum computers or locating them underground, where cosmic rays arent able to penetrate so easily. But if you need a few tons of lead or a large cavern in order to install a quantum computer, thats going to make it considerably harder to roll them out widely.

Its important to remember, though, that this problem has only been observed in superconducting qubits so far. In July, researchers showed they could get a spin-orbit qubit implemented in silicon to last for about 10 milliseconds, while trapped ion qubits can stay stable for as long as 10 minutes. And MITs Oliver says theres still plenty of room for building more robust superconducting qubits.

We can think about designing qubits in a way that makes them rad-hard, he said. So its definitely not game-over, its just the next layer of the onion we need to address.

Image Credit: Shutterstock

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Could Quantum Computing Progress Be Halted by Background Radiation? - Singularity Hub

Diversity As A CEO Priority During This Singular Time In Our History – Forbes

As I speak with CEOs every day, so many are truly pained and deeply want racial harmony. In considering the state of diversity today, I thought it would make sense to talk with one leader who has a history of building true movements: Edie Fraser, CEO, Women Business Collaborative. Edie has already built Million Women Mentors (MWM) with 2.5 million commitments.

Robert Reiss: Talk about diversity today.

Edie Fraser: Robert, Diversity is a number one issue for the private sector, right up there with return on investments and CEO Leadership. This moment is singular and provides an opportunity to create sustainable change. The time is NOW! Platitudes are no longer acceptable.Talent is key and so, too, are investments in diverse suppliers and our communities. I was engaged in the civil rights movement early and have spent my career working to accelerate the position of women and minorities in business. It has been nearly only 17 months since we founded Women Business Collaborative (WBC) together as a non-profit, focusing on increasing parity and power and with it 25% advancement of diversity changes in every action initiative taken. The private sectors awareness of the disparities in corporate America have only heightened in 2020. It is business that is showing courage to take action, and the private sector must ACT NOW!

WBC Edie Fraser team

Focus on the importance of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) on our economy and our national wellbeing. COVID-19 and the recession combined with tensions over the continued racism in America have created an unprecedented economic and human crises and highlighted inequities further fueling unrest.In corporate America, our CEOs and Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs) and CHROs are crucial to successfully navigating the current social challenges along with the others in the Executive Suite. Bottom up and top down, all must work together to change what has been the status quo. We want results.

Reiss: You mentioned the singularity of this moment in time. What strikes you as different from preceding periods of political and social unrest?

Fraser: 2020 is different because we are moving beyond statements of support into real actions, investments, and accountability. Platitudes are no longer acceptable. This moment is for change. Consumers and employees are demanding companies look beyond shareholder interests and prioritize people. Financial results will be better because they do. The Pandemic, recession and racism aren't just impacting a small number of people; impacts are widespread and leaders great leaders see that real investments in change are the next essential step.

This summer Blackrock CEO Larry Fink committed to insisting on Board diversity and senior talent and investments; Oprah replaced her likeness on the Cover of Oprah Magazine for the first time.Different examples in different industries with various needs and approaches but all are examples of real actionable leadership that aligns with their brand.

As business leaders, we know that if something is critical to our success, we measure it.DE&I is no different. Consumers have shown they are looking for real action such as more diversified hiring and promotion practices, diversifying suppliers, and insisting on internal reviews of cultures holding back people of color. The companies that prioritize all aspects of diversity will come out ahead. McKinsey & Company's 2019 Diversity Matters: How Inclusion Wins Report found that gender diverse teams are 25 percent more likely to financially outperform their competitors and ethnically diverse teams were 36 percent more likely.

Reiss: What does CEO activism look like?

Fraser:As protests erupted, most CEOs took that time to listen and reflect.The heard about long-term racism.To repeat: it is imperative we move from statements of support and listening to action.CEO activism includes some key tenants to start a clear connection between the statement, the brand, and actions.Activism includes transparency and accountability. CEOs and their teams set bold goals and lead by example.

Reiss: Which CEOs do you see as leaders for DE&I efforts right now?

Fraser:Many are committing action. Satya Nadella at Microsoft continually comes out on top of DE&I rankings. As one of the fastest-growing sectors, technology companies are under pressure to create a more substantial presence of women and people of color. Since 2014, Microsoft is in the 3 percent of Fortune 500 companies to report full workforce demographic data and supplier data. CEOs who are making commitments then hold themselves accountable by reporting the metrics. Robert, WBC with you and Becky Shambaugh, just interviewed Kaiser Permanente CEO Greg Adams and he shared, Diversity is holistic in talent and community, and now Kaiser has made a commitment of $1.7 billion to Black and Hispanic suppliers.

Diversity is a most pressing issue right now. Companies tracking and reportingemployee satisfaction. DiversityInc. released its annual Top 50 Companies for Diversity list in May. At the top was Marriott International and CEO Arne Sorenson, a leader for diversity in the hospitality industry. Eli Lilly and Company was number three on the list with CEO Dave Ricks leading the way for inclusion in healthcare. Mastercard's Ajay Banga made the number six spot leading the financial service industry. (5/8/2020) Goldman Sachs' David Solomon, another leader in the financial service industry, recently released a list of aspirational goals emphasizing women and Black professionals in V.P. roles (8/6/2020).

The latest appointment of Linda Rendle as CEO at Clorox takes the number of women leading Fortune 500 companies to 38 and growing. Yet we lack women of color both at the CEO Level and in boardrooms. The momentum for DE&I across the board makes us focused. CEOs and CDOs need to work together with their teams to keep bring people to the table, move pipeline talent upward and insist that thosewho historically have not had the opportunity to be there get the new seats. Candidates have the skills.

Reiss: You mentioned the growing number of women leading Fortune 500 firms. As you are so dedicated to accelerating the position of women in business how do you believe we continue that progress?

Fraser: We cannot let the conversation off the table. We created WBC because there were manywomen business organizations working in silos. To change the numbers, we needed collaboration. In many instances, organizations were competing. WBC is thrilled to have 41+ women business organizations today aligned to drive change on more women and women of color as CEO, boards and capital firms and more entrepreneurs successful and with capital support.

We are seeing progress, in the past months, more women were appointed to corporate boards, 130 Black women are running for office, we had a record number of women leading Fortune 500 firms, and still there is so much work to be done. The Boardlist recently announced that it is extending its services to men of color.(8/11/20) That type of expansion is so imperative. We must see the progress, celebrate it, and then ask ourselves how we can take what we know works and use it to help more people.

This slow pace of change has been prompted calls to action. The current social unrest in our country calls for proactive, vigilant leadership working toward achieving results. It is THE TIME for accountability and impact. Together we will work tirelessly to inspire companies to share clear results. We must succeed.

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See the original post here:

Diversity As A CEO Priority During This Singular Time In Our History - Forbes