Volokh Conspiracy: Permanent resident legal aliens have a Second Amendment right to possess guns

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Volokh Conspiracy: Permanent resident legal aliens have a Second Amendment right to possess guns

Resident working on second historic district amendment

Marika Lee, mlee1@communitypress.com 12 p.m. EDT September 17, 2014

The group behind the proposed Madeira historic district amendment might submit a second amendment to clarify the first. (Photo: Marika Lee/ The Community Press )

Madeira could have a second proposed amendment to protect the citys two historic houses and train depot.

Resident and Madeira Historical Society spokesman Doug Oppenheimer presented a draft of the new amendment to city council Sept. 8.

Oppenheimer distributed copies of a draft of the new amendment at the Sept. 8 city council meeting and Sept. 15 Planning Commission meeting.

The new amendment to the Madeira Charter would create a new Madeira zoning district called The Historic District and structures within it would have to meet the Historic District Guidelines. It would also create a Historic District Commission to oversee the district.

The first amendment calls for the Hosbrook House, Muchmore House and Train Depot to be included in the historic district. The properties are currently part of the Muchmore Historic Area, but the area does not have any special zoning or building restrictions.

Though the first charter amendment will be on the ballot in November, City Solicitor Bob Malloy said the city cannot enforce it because the city does not have a historic district.

If the first amendment is approved by voters it could be challenged by legal action or nullified or clarified by another amendment, Malloy said earlier this year.

I dont know if (the new amendment) would clear everything up. It will clear up some of the vagueness, City Manager Tom Moeller said. He added he has not yet looked over it with Malloy to understand its full impact.

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Resident working on second historic district amendment

NRA endorses Rick Scott

From a press release:

Fairfax, Va. On behalf of our five million members across the country, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is proud to endorse Rick Scott for reelection as Governor of Florida.

Based on his leadership on Second Amendment issues, Governor Scott has earned an A+ rating from the NRA-PVF in the 2014 general election. An A+ is the highest possible rating and is reserved for elected officials with an excellent public record on critical NRA issues who have also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.

Rick Scott has an unmatched record of support for the Second Amendment in Florida, said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF. Rick has signed more pro-gun bills into law in one term than any other governor in Florida history. Law-abiding gun owners in Florida have a true friend in Rick Scott.

In addition to the many bills Governor Scott personally signed into law, he also supports Floridas Castle Doctrine law and the hard-fought parking lot law. He respects and supports Floridas unique hunting heritage and recognizes it is a valuable tool for wildlife management and conservation. Governor Scott rejects expanded licensing and registration schemes, and so-called universal background checks.

We can continue to count on Rick Scott to stand up for our constitutional freedoms in Florida, added Cox. On behalf of the NRAs five million members, I want to thank Rick for his steadfast support of the Second Amendment and urge all NRA members, gun owners and sportsmen in Florida to vote Rick Scott for Governor on November 4.

Read the rest here:

NRA endorses Rick Scott

NRA Endorses Tom Corbett for Governor in Pennsylvania

press release from the NRA:

On behalf of our five million members across the country, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is proud to endorse Tom Corbett for Governor in Pennsylvania.

Based on his support of and commitment to the Second Amendment, Corbett has earned an A rating from the NRA-PVF in the 2014 general election. An A rating is reserved for a solidly pro-gun candidate who has supported the NRAs position on issues of importance to gun owners and sportsmen.

Tom Corbett has stood up to the gun control crowd and protected our Second Amendment freedoms in Pennsylvania, said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF. As Governor, he signed into law Castle Doctrine legislation expanding protection to law-abiding citizens for self-defense. Prior to that, when he served as Attorney General, Tom tripled the number of right-to-carry reciprocity agreements with other states allowing Pennsylvanians to better protect themselves and their families while traveling outside the Keystone state.

Gov. Corbett has a proven record supporting our fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms. He believes hunting is a valuable tool for wildlife management, a positive use of natural resources, and an American tradition that teaches young people responsibility and respect for the outdoors. In addition, Corbett signed pro-gun friend of the court briefs in the landmark Heller and McDonald cases asserting that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental, individual right for all law-abiding Americans.

We can continue to count on Tom Corbett to stand up for our constitutional freedoms in Pennsylvania, added Cox. On behalf of the NRAs five million members, I want to thank Tom for his steadfast support of the Second Amendment and urge all NRA members, gun owners and sportsmen in Pennsylvania to vote Tom Corbett for Governor on November 4.

See the original post:

NRA Endorses Tom Corbett for Governor in Pennsylvania

Jane Dueker Rants About Inability to Limit Second Amendment "after this G-d damn bill." (Audio) – Video

Jane Dueker Rants About Inability to Limit Second Amendment "after this G-d damn bill." (Audio)
Democrat Jane Dueker loses control of her vocabulary on live radio in St. Louis during a rant about her inability to limit Missourian #39;s Second Amendment righ...

By: Duane Lester

Read more from the original source:

Jane Dueker Rants About Inability to Limit Second Amendment "after this G-d damn bill." (Audio) - Video

NRA News Cam & Co | Holly Fisher on Guns and Her Sudden Internet Fame, August 30, 2014 – Video

NRA News Cam Co | Holly Fisher on Guns and Her Sudden Internet Fame, August 30, 2014
At the Defending the American Dream Summit in Dallas, Cameron Gray talks to Holly Fisher about the Second Amendment, her sudden Internet fame, and her new show "Reviving America with Holly...


See original here:

NRA News Cam & Co | Holly Fisher on Guns and Her Sudden Internet Fame, August 30, 2014 - Video

Nolan is for Second Amendment rights

Posted: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 6:00 am

Nolan is for Second Amendment rights

Stewart Mills III is trying to scare gun owners. Weve seen this trick before. Dont buy into it.

Ive been seeing some really angry mail pieces recently, accusing Rep. Nolan of not standing up for our Second Amendment rights.

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Nolan is for Second Amendment rights

Coeur d'Alene Stands by Gun Ban, But It May Get Sued for Doing So

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is urging members on itsFacebook pageto attend several upcoming city council meetings in Emmett, Fruitland, Lewiston and Mountain Home, as part of what it calls the "Preemption Project." The post said city councils and mayors are expected to overturn ordinances that are "outdated and out of compliance with Idaho's preemption law"a law that prohibits cities from regulating firearms.

The post continues, listing cities and counties that have overturned ordinances or where "full support is expected," which include Meridian, Gem County and Twin Falls County. The organization is also chipping away at others, like Star and Nampa, but it recently had its sights set on another city: Coeur d'Alene.

When the Coeur d'Alene City Council refused to overturn laws prohibiting firearms at parades and public assemblies, the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance threatened to sue, according to KTVB. A report from the Coeur d'Alene Press said the organization lacks the legal standing to file suit on its own, but members are working with an attorney to build a case.

The organization is celebrating a recent victory in Twin Falls County, where commissioners unanimously voted to overturn their firearms ordinanceallowing guns to be carried into county parks.

Originally posted here:

Coeur d'Alene Stands by Gun Ban, But It May Get Sued for Doing So

Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll speaks to New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Video

Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll speaks to New Jersey Second Amendment Society
Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll addressed the New Jersey Second Amendment Society about biometric gun requirements and other gun regulations Oct. 15.

By: tvjersey

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Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll speaks to New Jersey Second Amendment Society - Video