Letter: What does any of this have to do with the Second Amendment? – Seacoastonline.com

June 10 To the Editor:

In the news the past month or so:

A 57-year old retired NYC police officer is shot accidentally by a friend trying to break up a dispute outside a pizza parlor.

A 6-year old boy, a passenger in his mother's car, is shot in a road rage incident.

Another young boy, retrieving his bike from the sidewalk near his home, is shot by a neighbor.

Several dozen are killed or wounded over a weekend in gang-related shootouts in Chicago.

An 18-year old from Ohio is found carrying an AK-47 in a NYC subway.

A woman in Texas shoots a beauty shop owner in a dispute about the cost of her pedicure.

A 5-year old boy is accidentally shot by his mother who was aiming at a dog.

Eight people are killed in Atlanta, followed by shootings in a supermarket in Colorado, an office building in California, a FedEx office in Indianapolis, a rail yard in San Jose. A total of 39 people.

Somebody….anybody….Please! Can anyone tell me what any of this has to do with the Second Amendment?

Anthony McManus


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Letter: What does any of this have to do with the Second Amendment? - Seacoastonline.com

The entwined histories of guns and race in America – The Economist

Jun 12th 2021

The Second. By Carol Anderson. Bloomsbury; 272 pages; $28 and 18.99

A BLACK MAN with a gun has been white Americas nightmare since before the republic was founded. Slave uprisings, black soldiers fighting in the countrys wars, even African-American motoristsall have spurred fear and violence backed by white-supremacist authority. In The Second, a compact yet sweeping history of guns and race in America, Carol Anderson argues that the right to keep and bear arms has never been about an abstract liberty to carry guns. Its primary role has been black exclusion and debasement.

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The Second Amendment, Ms Anderson writes, was born in sin. The word slavery never appears in the constitution. Racism is not explicitly inscribed in the Second Amendment. But, she claims, it was at the heart of the guarantee. When the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention (of whom 25 were slave-owners) drafted a replacement for the Articles of Confederation in 1787, they knew they needed the assent of southern states. The amendment, Ms Anderson says, was a bribe to the South using the control of black people as the payoff. Slave-owners, terrified that their suffering property would rise up, could be sure of arming themselves.

Other scholars offer more nuanced accounts of the amendments origins, but there is little question that its well-regulated militia carried a glint of racial dominance. It was buttressed by the Uniform Militia Act of 1792, which required white males aged 18 to 45 to join state militias and buy guns. By contrast, a free black Virginian caught carrying a firearm in 1832 earned 39 lashes. The same punishment applied in Florida and could be enforced by white citizen patrols on the spot. In 1846 Georgias Supreme Court found that the Second Amendment protected the right of the whole people, old and young, men, women and boysto keep and bear arms of every description. But it declined to strike down a law barring any free persons of colour from owning them. Several other states had similar prohibitions.

This double-barrelled interpretation contributed to centuries of brutality against defenceless black Americans. Ms Anderson recounts a South Carolina militias grisly response to a slave uprising in 1739 in which the enslaved were tortured, shot, hanged and gibbeted alive. White militias made Swiss cheese of [black] mens backs, especially those who had surrendered during a massacre in Colfax, Louisiana, in 1873. President Theodore Roosevelt ordered the dishonourable discharge of 167 black soldiers in 1906, on the baseless suspicion that some in their ranks had shot whites in Brownsville, Texas.

The emptiness, for black Americans, of the right to bear arms is amply documented in Ms Andersons vivid retelling. No landmarks of racial progressneither Reconstruction in the 19th century, nor the civil-rights movement of the 20thmade a difference. Nor has the National Rifle Association (NRA), the zealous defender of gun rights that came to the fore in the 1960s, targeted this prejudice. In 1967 the NRA helped draft a bill in California to disarm the Black Panthers, a black self-defence organisation that had broken no firearms laws. Ms Anderson notes that the association has been slow to respond to police violence against black men in recent years, including in 2016 when an officer shot and killed Philando Castile in St Paul, Minnesota, after Castile disclosed that he was (legally) carrying a gun.

Yet as a contribution to the contemporary debate over gun rights, The Second comes up short. The book makes no mention of Justice Clarence Thomass long concurrence in McDonald v Chicago (2010), which covers much of the same historical ground. Like Ms Anderson, Justice Thomas, himself African-American, lamented as tragic the white supremacy that has persistently denied gun rights to black citizens. But the right to bear arms, in his eyes, remains key to their salvation. Ms Anderson could have grappled with that reading to hone her contrary view: that the amendment is so inherently, structurally flawed that it can never be a pathway to civil and human rights for black Americans.

This article appeared in the Books & arts section of the print edition under the headline "Double standard"

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The entwined histories of guns and race in America - The Economist

Thomas Gallatin: ATF Whittles Away at Second Amendment The Patriot Post – Patriot Post

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently released a proposed firearms regulation that would effectively make millions of Americans criminals while doing next to nothing to stop actual crime. The new rule, should it be accepted, would effectively outlaw certain types of arm braces for pistols devices that brace the firearm against the shooters arm to help with accuracy. The ATFs claimed rationale for banning pistol braces is that its increased accuracy makes the firearm more lethal. Thats one way to spin it.

Undoubtedly, pistol braces do make for greater shooting accuracy, but why exactly is that a bad thing? The accuracy of a firearm actually makes it a safer and more suitable weapon for a law-abiding gun owner. The ATFs argument exposes a flawed mindset one that considers first and foremost the potential criminal use of a firearm rather than that which is beneficial for legal operation.

Columnist Kevin Williamson observes, There isnt really any good reason to restrict short-barreled rifles: Shorter barrels usually result in less power and inferior accuracy they generally are less deadly than their full-sized counterparts. Shorter rifles are easier to conceal, but not as easy as a handgun.

And his colleague at National Review, Michael Brendan Dougherty, notes, The personal-defense weapon has a real appeal to gun owners looking for a suitable firearm for home defense or a gun to keep in a truck. The shorter barrel makes it easier to move around the interior of a home or in a car. And the arm brace, often adjustable, makes it easier to fire more accurately. Shooting a pistol accurately in an adrenalized situation is actually pretty tough to do. But if you put that smaller pistol-caliber bullet in a slightly larger gun, and you have a brace that gives you more points of contact, you are likely to fire more accurately.

However, even more significant is the attitude inherent behind this newly proposed regulation. To the gun grabbers, there are simply never enough limitations on the Second Amendment. The ATF should be asking the exact opposite question, which is how to provide greater protection of and access to the Second Amendment.

Data on the criminal use of firearms simply doesnt support or justify the creation of this latest regulation. Instead, this is yet another instance of needless government encroachment on our civil rights. It erodes the Second Amendment by nibbling away at a seemingly fringe issue. Creating a new rule will do little to address actual legitimate criminal behavior, while giving the government yet another crime fighting tool at the expense of the law-abiding citizen.

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Thomas Gallatin: ATF Whittles Away at Second Amendment The Patriot Post - Patriot Post

Newhouse Opposes Tax on Disabled Veterans, Calls on ATF to Withdraw Proposed Stabilizing Brace Guidance – Dan Newhouse

WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) joined Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) and 139 Members in sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Acting Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Marvin Richardson regarding the proposed guidance on Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached Stabilizing Braces.

ATF has repeatedly stated, the brace concept was inspired by the needs of disabled combat veterans who still enjoy recreational shooting but could not reliably control heavy pistols without assistance. Consequently, ATF agrees that there are legitimate uses for certain stabilizing braces.

If this is the stance of the ATF, then this is not an attempt to curb gun violence as suggested by this proposed guidance, but a direct tax on disabled combat veterans. Should this guidance go into effect, a disabled combat veteran who has chosen the best stabilizing brace for their disability is now a felon unless they turn in or destroy the firearm, destroy the brace, or pay a $200 tax, wrote the lawmakers. Furthermore, it could make millions of law-abiding citizens felons overnight. It is unclear if someone currently in possession of a pistol with a stabilizing brace is expected to apply the test to the lawfully possessed firearm or if there is some other expectation to clarify the classification. Additionally, and more troubling, is the omission of any outlined process for disabled veterans to report a disability exempting them from this unconstitutional process.

They continued, We are disturbed a government agency would issue guidance that would tax and take away the ability of tens of millions of Americans, including disabled veterans to enjoy constitutionally protected rights. In fact, the ATF seems committed to attacking the constitutionally protected rights of all law-abiding citizens.

Read the full letter here and below.

Dear Attorney General Garland and Acting Director Richardson:

We write to you today to express our deep concern regarding the recent Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) notice for proposed guidance on "Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached 'Stabilizing Braces.'" This proposed guidance is alarming and jeopardizes the rights of law-abiding gun owners and disabled combat veterans across the country.

The ATF has repeatedly stated, "the brace concept was inspired by the needs of disabled combat veterans who still enjoy recreational shooting but could not reliably control heavy pistols without assistance. Consequently, ATF agrees that there are legitimate uses for certain 'stabilizing braces."' If this is the stance of the ATF, then this is not an attempt to curb gun violence as suggested by this proposed guidance, but a direct tax on disabled combat veterans. Should this guidance go into effect, a disabled combat veteran who has chosen the best stabilizing brace for their disability is now a felon unless they turn in or destroy the firearm, destroy the brace, or pay a $200 tax. Furthermore, it could make millions of law-abiding citizens felons overnight. It is unclear if someone currently in possession of a pistol with a stabilizing brace is expected to apply the test to the lawfully possessed firearm or if there is some other expectation to clarify the classification. Additionally, and more troubling, is the omission of any outlined process for disabled veterans to report a disability exempting them from this unconstitutional process.

We are disturbed a government agency would issue guidance that would tax and take away the ability of tens of millions of Americans, including disabled veterans to enjoy constitutionally protected rights. In fact, the ATF seems committed to attacking the constitutionally protected rights of all law-abiding citizens.

The Second Amendment is the right that allows us to defend our other rights. If we are to uphold the Constitution, this right cannot be infringed.

We urge you to take action to correct this injustice immediately by withdrawing this proposed guidance.


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Newhouse Opposes Tax on Disabled Veterans, Calls on ATF to Withdraw Proposed Stabilizing Brace Guidance - Dan Newhouse

Biden won’t rule out cracking down on Second Amendment rights with executive orders – LawOfficer.com

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President Joe Biden reportedly wont rule out using executive orders to crackdown on Americans constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights.

The revelation was made during a White House press conference on Tuesday in response to a statement that Biden put out last week calling for banning semi-automatic firearms in addition to other gun control measures, Daily Wire reported.

What is your timetable for action on what the president calls common sense measures? a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. And whats the realistic hope that you have this will pass both houses?

Well, we havent proposed a package at this point, Psaki responded. So its hard for me to make a prediction about its likelihood of passing. But I will say that the president is somebody throughout his career who has advocated for smart gun safety measures. He is not afraid of standing up to the NRA. Hes done it multiple times and won on background checks and a range of issues. And it is a priority to him on a personal level, but I dont have a prediction for you, or preview for you on a timeline of a package, and certainly not what it will look like and how it goes through Congress.


Later in the press conference, a second reporter asked Psaki,Does the president still plan to take executive action on gun control?

Next came the disclosure that its feasible.

The president has a range of actions at his disposal, Psaki responded. He hasnt ruled out either of those options.

The question came after Biden called on Congress late last week to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.

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Biden won't rule out cracking down on Second Amendment rights with executive orders - LawOfficer.com

Joe Biden’s ‘commonsense gun law reforms’ are the lies of the anti-2nd Amendment left – Washington Times


President Joe Biden, on the anniversary of the horrible tragedy called the Parkland school shootings, promised his administration would forever protect innocent Americans from similarly senseless crimes and soon enough, with Democrats holding majorities in both House and Senate, pass commonsense gun law reforms.

What he means by that, of course, is the end of the Second Amendment as we know it.

This administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call, Biden said.

We will take action to end our epidemic of gun violence and make our schools and communities safer, Biden said.

Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all guns sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets, Biden said.

These are the lies of the left.

The truth, in rapid-fire fashion, is this: Americas epidemic of gun violence is not in the schools, but rather in the streets in the gang-banging, drug-infested streets of mostly Democrat-controlled communities. And if Biden and Democrats really wanted to stem the tide of gun-related violence with a commonsense approach, theyd first go after the guns being carted by lawbreakers i.e., gang-bangers and drug-dealing scum and not those carried by legal owners.

Its not the Second Amendment to blame for Americas gun-related crimes and deaths.

Its the culture.

Or, more to the point, its the blind eyes the Democrats turn to the lawbreakers, so as not to rock politically incorrect boats lawbreakers who then shoot up the culture.

[H]omicides in major cities including Baltimore are not race neutral, wrote John Hudgins, an associate professor of sociology at Coppin State University, in an April 2020, Baltimore Sun piece. Of the more than three hundred people killed in the streets of Baltimore last year, just about all of them were African Americans. The shooters (killers) were most likely black as well.

Hudgins went on to write that stop-and-frisk and mass incarcerations are civil rights hot points but commonsense controls that recognize the real sources of gun violence are nonetheless needed.

Commonsense controls that target illegal weapons, for instance, he said.

His viewpoint coincides with statistics from The Trace that found 3,010 people in 2020 were injured and killed in mass shootings the disproportionate share of which struck black neighborhoods. Why is this?

Its certainly not because of a lack of laws.

After all, its already illegal to shoot to kill; its already illegal to commit crimes with firearms. So the problem, to paraphrase Bill Clinton on the economy, is the culture, stupid.

In 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau found that while the percentage of White children under the age of 18 who lived with both parents was 74.3%, the percent of black minors living with both parents was 38.7%.

The nonprofit Kids Count reported similarly for 2019 that roughly 64%, or two-thirds, of minor-aged Blacks were raised in single-parent homes. Kids Count also reported 42% of Hispanics in 2019 were raised in single-parent homes, compared to only 24% of Whites. With 64% of all Black youth and 42% of all Hispanic youth in the country being raised by single mothers single mothers who have to work, who have to work more than one job, who arent as attentive to the raising of their children as they might be with a father in the home its no wonder the Black communities are breeding grounds for gangs. Its no wonder Hispanic communities face the same issues.

In 1996, the National Youth Gang Survey found the ethnic backgrounds of gang members in America were as follows: 44% Hispanic, 35% Black, 14% White, and 7% Asian or other. And the ages of these gang members? As the National Gang Center reported, between 1996 and 2011, between 35% and 50% of Americas gang members younger than 18 years old.

These are not shocking statistics.

These are well known, well reported, well documented.

Its like the open secret of Americas crime rate the vastly ignored truths of Americas gun crimes.

So commonsense gun law reforms, as put forth by Biden and the Democrats? Seriously. Theres nothing commonsense about it.

If Democrats truly wanted to address gun violence in America, they would address the problems of those who choose guns and violence as viable ways of life. They wouldnt seek to regulate the ones who dont need regulation in the first place.

They wouldnt seek to needlessly restrict Second Amendment rights to needlessly claim the God-given right to self-defend. Theres nothing commonsense about that at all.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at[emailprotected]or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast Bold and Blunt byclicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter byclicking HERE. Her latest book, Socialists Dont Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall, is available byclickingHERE.

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Joe Biden's 'commonsense gun law reforms' are the lies of the anti-2nd Amendment left - Washington Times

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces The Second Amendment Preservation Act – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces The Second Amendment Preservation Act (Dave Workman photo)

WASHINGTON, D.C. -(Ammoland.com)- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced the Second Amendment Preservation Act which is a bill that would prevent federal funds from being used to enforce any measure, law, regulation, or guidance from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) issued after November 1, 2020.

After the Presidential election, the Biden transition team contacted the ATF to see what their top priorities will be for the new administration. Acting ATF Director Regina Lombardo and Acting Assistant Director Marvin Richardson responded that their top priorities were pistol braces and unserialized firearms. As soon as it appeared that Biden won the election, the ATF started tackling their biggest concerns.

The ATF raided Polymer80 and started showing up at firearms dealers that sold unfinished frames. They radically changed what they considered firearms after the Biden victory. According to the agency, a kit with a jig and a frame was enough to consider it a gun. The ATF believed anyone selling the kits was selling unregistered firearms. Bidens win emboldened the ATF.

Then right before Christmas, the ATF submitted a letter to the National Registry, which would make almost every pistol brace on the market into a stock. They were about to turn millions of Americans into felons overnight. Only because of the massive public outcry and enraged Congress members did the ATF pull their letter. No one believes that the ATF will stop trying to change the definition of pistol braces and unfinished frames.

What Rep. Greenes bill will do is stop the ATF in their tracks. Without funding, they will not be able to enforce changes to long-held definitions of devices as they did with bump stocks to make de facto gun laws. Rep. Green believes only Congress can make laws, and the law enforcement agency has overstepped its bounds.

The bill has won praise from firearms advocacy organizations like Gun Owners of America (GOA). The group endorsed Rep Greene during her campaign, citing her commitment to defending the Second Amendment. Greene is a gun owner and a staunch supporter of the right to bear arms.

President Biden has promised to take on gun owners and pursue the most aggressive gun control agenda in history, Aidan Johnston, Director of Federal Affairs for GOA, stated. Hes vowed to attack the gun rights of seniors, ban the distribution of 3D printed gun files, and target pistol braced firearms and 80 percent receivers. However, the Second Amendment Preservation Act cuts at the heart of the enforcement of any legislation by any agencythrough cutting its fundingand prevents any of Bidens measures from going into effect.

This legislation harmonizes with the clear mandate of shall not be infringed in the Second Amendment and gives gun owners a tool to peaceably fight back against unconstitutional gun control measures, Johnston concluded.

Rep Greene has been a lightning rod for Democrats attacks on the Hill. Greene was an ardent Trump supporter and not your average politician. Democrats went as far as to try to remove her from committees and wanted to prevent her from being seated. Greene fought back and refused to bend a knee to the establishment.

The bill will face a tough road through Congress, but Rep Greene vows to keep pushing for pro-gun bills.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at http://www.crumpy.com.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces The Second Amendment Preservation Act - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Gun totin’ Republican Lauren Boebert to speak at CPAC 2021, which is taking place in a gun-free zone in Orlando – Orlando Weekly

Republicans at the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando will more than likely be giving fiery speeches about how President Joe Biden and the Radical Left will attempt to strip away their Second Amendment rights, but in reality it will be a hotel policy that does that very thing.

Unfortunately for gun-loving CPAC attendees, the conferencerunning from Feb. 25-28will be held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, which has strict policies in place for firearms.

Firearms are not allowed at all in the convention center," a hotel security representative told Creative Loafing Tampa Bay. The rep added that guests at the hotel are allowed to have guns in their room, but they must remain locked away in the safe.

Adding to an already robust list of pro-gun speakers, on Tuesday afternoon CPAC announced the addition of congresswoman, Altamonte Springs native and gun-totin' restaurant owner Lauren Boebert, who was recently denied access to the House Floor for setting off a metal detector after refusing to leave her Glock at home, and once vowed to work every day to end ALL gun free zones.

Our indispensable Second Amendment ensures future generations will continue to enjoy the blessings of Liberty, tweeted CPAC chair Matt Schlapp. Colorado's newest representative and staunch 2A advocate Lauren Boebert joins us in Orlando for CPAC 2021.

This wouldnt be the first time that CPAC has been a gun-free zone. The 2016 and the 2018 conferences were also absent of firearms, and notably featured security measures like Boeberts worst enemy: metal detectors.

CPAC could not be reached for comment.

This story first appeared in our sister newspaper Creative Loafing Tampa. Stay on top of Central Florida news and views with our weekly newsletters, and consider supporting this free publication. Our small but mighty team is working tirelessly to bring you Central Florida news, and every little bit helps.

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Gun totin' Republican Lauren Boebert to speak at CPAC 2021, which is taking place in a gun-free zone in Orlando - Orlando Weekly

Douglas Andrews: Second Amendment in the Crosshairs The Patriot Post – Patriot Post

In 2008, the District of Columbia v. Heller decision finally affirmed what the Founders knew all along: that the Second Amendment refers to an individual right to keep and bear arms, rather than a collective one meant strictly for militias. Like nearly every other amendment in the Bill of Rights, the Second was meant to empower individuals, not government.

The notion, wrote David Harsanyi in 2018, of individual ownership of firearms was so unmistakable and so omnipresent in colonial days and beyond that Americans saw no more need to debate its existence than they did the right to drink water or breathe the air. Not a single Minuteman was asked to hand his musket over to the Continental Congress after chasing the British back to Boston. If they had been, the Revolution would have been short-lived, indeed.

Still, the Heller decision hasnt deterred the Left from its desire to restrict the gun rights of the citizenry. Like a hardy perennial, the gun grabbers keep reappearing even as cooler election-conscious heads within the Democrat caucus always seem to prevail.

But this time just feels a bit different. Joe Biden has a pen and a phone, and the radical elements of his party seem especially emboldened by both his diminished cognitive capacity and by the fierce urgency of now. One need only consider the continued presence of thousands of National Guard troops in our nations capital to be reminded of the Lefts willingness to use the power of the state to intimidate the people and to let them know whos boss.

According to gun control advocate Peter Ambler following a virtual meeting with White House officials Susan Rice and Cedric Richmond, President Biden is committed to taking executive action and working with Congress to put in place reforms that will keep this countrys kids and communities safe. Todays meeting was a strong affirmation of that commitment.

Biden himself seems like he wishes he could take the National Rifle Association out behind the gym and beat the hell out of [it], if we can redirect the inciteful rhetoric he aimed at then-President Donald Trump in 2018.

When asked whether Biden will resort to executive action, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, First I will say that the president addressing gun violence in the country and putting in place additional safety measures is something that the president has a personal commitment to, and his history on this issue is evidence of that. He has obviously taken on the NRA twice and won and he is happy and eager to do that in the future.

So much for Joe Bidens promise to work as hard for those who didnt vote for me as those who did.

Notably on Sunday, Biden used the third anniversary of the Parkland school assault to challenge congressional Democrats to act: I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.

This is a strategic redux of Bill Clintons so-called Assault Weapons Ban, which was enacted in 1994 prior to Republicans retaking Congress, and which does not preclude executive action in combination with congressional action.

Both the NRA and the clear language of the Second Amendment are in Joe and Kamala Harriss crosshairs. And because this president has shown no reluctance to dictate via executive action what hes unable to enact legislatively, this story bears watching.

As Justice Joseph Story noted in his classic Commentaries on the Constitution, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is the palladium of the liberties of a republic. Our Founders were clearheaded in its meaning when they ratified the Second Amendment, and we must be no less clearheaded in our zeal to defend it today.


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Douglas Andrews: Second Amendment in the Crosshairs The Patriot Post - Patriot Post

Behind NRAs fall, the high cost of betrayal – The Christian Science Monitor

Amid litigation, investigation, and the threat of dissolution, the NRAs gravest threat may be estranged members like Mike Chapdelain.

From a small shooting sports group to one of the nations most powerful lobbying outfits, the association rose to power through its enormous grassroots base. As the politics of gun control changed, the NRA maintained its influence by representing something beyond the Second Amendment. To many, it became a symbol of freedom a David forever fighting their political Goliaths.

But then the NRA itself became Goliath. In the past four years, a saga of lawsuits, scandals, and most recently, bankruptcy filing has painted the association as insular and self-interested. Even if it survives, says Adam Winkler, a gun rights expert, it has lost the faith of many in the gun rights community, who feel abandoned by their once saving grace. It is a parable of how even the mightiest organizations can be taken down by a betrayal of trust.

I felt like I was betrayed pretty good, says Mr. Chapdelain of Green Valley, Arizona, who had been a 40-year member. I think a lot of members [feel] like that.

Mike Chapdelain watched from home as National Rifle Association President Oliver North abruptly resigned at the 2019 convention in Indianapolis.

Usually a display of unity, the weekend-long event had become ground zero for an internal power struggle between Mr. North and longtime NRA leader Wayne LaPierre. Mr. North had lost, but, to Mr. Chapdelain, the NRA had as well.

A 40-year NRA member and maintenance technician in Green Valley, Arizona, Mr. Chapdelain felt internal alarm bells clamor as he watched the feud unfold. He opened his computer and his research got pretty ugly real quick.

Mr. Chapdelain found widespread allegations of graft, greed, and impropriety among the NRAs leadership. But it wasnt until later reports detailing how Mr. LaPierre received a lavish pay raise amid the turmoil that he had finally had enough. A paying NRA member since graduating high school, Mr. Chapdelain canceled his membership.

I felt like I was betrayed pretty good, he says. I think a lot of members [feel] like that.

Even amid litigation, investigation, and the threat of dissolution, the NRAs gravest threat may be estranged members like Mr. Chapdelain.

From a small shooting sports group to one of the nations most powerful lobbying outfits, the association rose to power through its enormous grassroots base. As the politics of gun control changed, the NRA maintained its influence by representing something beyond the Second Amendment. To many, it became a symbol of freedom a David forever fighting their political Goliaths.

But then the NRA itself became Goliath. In the past four years, a saga of lawsuits, scandals, and most recently bankruptcy filing, has painted the association as insular and self-interested. Even if it survives, says Adam Winkler, a gun rights expert at the University of California at Los Angeles School of Law, it has lost the faith of many in the gun rights community, who feel abandoned by their once saving grace. It is a parable of how even the mightiest organizations can be taken down by a betrayal of trust.

The NRA survived all of these years as the political winds have changed [and] the issues in the gun debate have changed, says Professor Winkler. Now, the NRA is definitely suffering from the hubris that comes with success.

Former National Rifle Association President Oliver North, shown in Indianapolis on April 26, 2019, said in court filings that he was thwarted at every step as he tried to raise alarm bells about alleged misspending at the gun lobbying group.

In the 150 years since its founding, success for the NRA has largely meant loyalty.

The NRA has worked for decades to cultivate and enlarge, to the extent they could, a very strong, loyal, and vociferous grassroots base all around the country, says Robert Spitzer, a political scientist and expert on gun politics at the State University of New York, Cortland. That really has been the key to the NRAs strength and durability compared to other groups.

Developing such a large base today around five million members requires attending to its goals, and historically the NRA has done just that. After more than a century focused on accuracy and outdoorsmanship, the organization reoriented its mission toward gun rights advocacy in the late 1970s, when a new generation of members demanded it enter politics.

In the decades since, says Professor Spitzer, its earned a near-monopoly on the gun lobby by prioritizing its political work and adopting an aggressive, uncompromising posture. As gun control laws grew more popular and gun owners grew more anxious, the NRA styled itself as a defender of freedom for salt-of-the-earth Americans.

That message crescendoed in 2016, when the NRAs enormous campaign spendinghelped sow Republican power in Washington.

They conquered the worlds that they had declared were important, says Rich Feldman, a former NRA lobbyist and firearms advocate.

But when left without a foil, the NRA began to splinter.

Starting in 2017 a four-year harvest of scandals, allegations of graft and self-dealing among leadership, and damaging litigation has threatened the crucial bond between members and management.

You claim to represent these very middle-class, working-class folks who are scraping by ... and then youre out there chartering private planes and living the life of a multimillionaire, says Mr. Feldman. Its the reality versus the illusion.

For the Rev. Kenn Blanchard, host of the podcast Black Man with a Gun, that illusion faded long ago, as he worked with the NRA in the 1990s. At first excited to lobby and advertise with the organization, Mr. Blanchard says he grew disenchanted with the NRAs insatiable political wing and elitist management.

Theyre about themselves, he says. Theyre about self-preservation more than anything else.

Yet Mr. Blanchard is still an NRA life member, and plans to remain one. The NRA still has deep roots in Americas gun culture, he says, and four years in the wilderness wont change that. Many states require an NRA certification to become a firearms instructor. The groups endorsement still matters come November.

Everything thats in the gun world is touched by them, says Mr. Blanchard.

That includes other gun rights groups.

The NRA has long been a lightning rod in the firearms community, allowing other advocacy groups to operate with less scrutiny, says Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. Disaffected NRA members can join other, less embattled groups. But that time of shelter may be over.

Obviously, its not good for the firearms rights community to have the NRA filing bankruptcy, says Mr. Gottlieb. Of course, most of us in various groups around the country are trying to pick up the slack as quickly as we can.

Last week, New Yorks attorney general asked a judge to dismiss the bankruptcy filing, saying the NRA was trying to evade oversight. A lawyer for the NRA called it another transparent move in a partisan crusade to shut down the NRA, and added, it welcomes the opportunity to litigate these contrived claims and the motives which led to their filing.

NRA members are then left with a choice: take their advocacy elsewhere or, as Mr. Blanchard says, hope this too shall pass.

Dave Dellaquila, a life member in Nashville, Tennessee, made his choice years ago after watching management waste the money of too many trusting blue-collar Americans. Mr. Dellaquila plans to leave the NRA but only after making it accountable to the members through internal reform.

Most recently, thats involved filing challenges to the NRAs bankruptcy seeking to stop improper debts from being annulled and to appoint an independent trustee to take control of its finances.

The organizations recent missteps, experts say, come from a lack of internal guardrails. If the NRA wants to earn back the trust of its estranged members, accountability may be the place to start.

Scott Gray, a heating and air technician in Nashville, became a member at the height of his interest in firearms, back in his days visiting gun shows each year and never missing an NRA tent.

Ten years later, in the early 2000s, he cancelled that membership, after increasingly feeling like the NRA was an ineffective advocate. To him, the organization seemed like it was distracted, and he felt ignored. If Congress could pass an assault rifle ban, he says, then the NRA wasnt spending his money wisely.

But even though Mr. Gray isnt as involved in the gun community as he once was, he has an open mind as do the other gun owners he knows.

Some people feel like the bankruptcy would be the best thing for them, says Mr. Gray. That way they would restructure and go back to their roots and not their lush lifestyles and asking for donations.

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To him, that means refocusing on members rights, and being the attentive guard dog the NRA was always meant to be.

People dont mind giving to them, says Mr. Gray. Its just they want to see results.

The rest is here:

Behind NRAs fall, the high cost of betrayal - The Christian Science Monitor

Barrasso ‘Won’t Let Joe Biden Threaten the Right of People’ – K2 Radio

As White House officials are meeting to discuss gun violence prevention, Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming says that attacking the 2ndAmendment Rights of law-abiding citizens isnt the answer.

According to The Hill, Biden Administration officials are meeting with advocates backing gun law reforms, such as strengthening background checks.

Gun sales are on the rise in the U.S., with some believing its due to Biden making his intentions about gun laws very well-known during his presidential campaign.

The Hill reports that during Bidens campaign, he vowed to pass legislation banning the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and buy back the ones already in circulation.

President Bidens campaign website also said that he would enact universal background check legislation.

John Feinblatt, the President of Everytown for Gun Safety, had nothing but encouraging words about his recent meeting with President Biden.

This meeting provided more evidence that the Biden Administration is committed to being the strongest weve ever seen on gun safety, Fleinblatt stated. With COVID making gun violence worse and armed extremists literally holding our democracy at gunpoint, the time for action is now and we fully expect to see it soon.

Of course, any laws that the President tries to enact must also be passed by Congress which has proven difficult on such divisive issues as gun control.

Any laws regarding gun control will inevitably run up against Republican Senate members and, if Senator Barrassos words are any indication, thats going to be an uphill battle.

In a tweet posted Tuesday morning, Senator Barrasso said that he wont let Joe Biden threaten the right of people in Wyoming to keep and bear arms. We all agree that we must wind ways to control violent crime & keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Attacking the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens isnt the way to do that.

Though Democrats control the house, all 50 Democratic members of the Senate would need to support the idea of gun legislation, and they would need to be joined by at least 10 Republican Senators, before any sort of legislation could actually pass.

See the original post here:

Barrasso 'Won't Let Joe Biden Threaten the Right of People' - K2 Radio

North Idaho Rep. Heather Scott discusses gun rights, insurrection, free speech – KREM.com

"The concern is they are going to get rid of that international tie to call you a domestic [terrorist], Scott said.

BONNER COUNTY, Idaho A live meeting with constituents over Zoom had Rep. Heather Scott,, R-Blanchard, talking about gun rights, the federal prosecution of insurrectionists and warning those in the call against public education, as reported by our news partner the Bonner County Daily Bee.

One of the biggest topics of the night, gun rights, was brought up in several questions throughout the video call.

Some constituents expressed concerns over whether President Joe Biden might sign an executive order restricting gun rights.

I do not see any [executive orders] on guns, but apparently, Biden has made some comments that he wants Congress to take up gun legislation, Scott said. That's what we're all afraid of. They're coming for our guns and I keep telling people, by the time they come for our guns it's going to be too late.

Scott encouraged those on the call to look into the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, a group that describes itself as a no-compromise gun rights organization. Others, Scott said, are not.

You can forget about the NRA, she said.

In response to a question about red flag laws laws that would allow police or family members to petition the state to temporarily remove firearms from someone deemed to be a danger to themselves or others Scott said there are many attempts to push them through, which have been largely unsuccessful.

Still, Scott said, she believes there is an ongoing threat to gun rights.

Scott also discussed federal prosecution of insurrectionists at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. on Jan. 6, acknowledging the Sandpoint man who was arrested Friday in connection with the insurrection.

I don't know if he did something bad there or if he just went to protest, but he's been [charged] with an insurrection. This is a huge problem, she said. We don't have to agree with everything government says or does. And so but they are going to start tightening the screws on American citizens and free speech.

Although there are currently no federal offenses designated for domestic terrorism without connection to a foreign entity, Scott said shes concerned that if one is added it would allow the government to infringe on citizens rights.

The Biden administration says he's going after domestic terrorists. The concern is they are going to get rid of that international tie to call you a domestic [terrorist], she said. What that will do is that will make every single person that says something they don't like a domestic terrorist.

Scott criticized Gov. Brad Little on multiple occasions, saying that he, and many of the state legislators are not truly conservative and claimed many politicians to be influenced by globalism and corporate interests through lobby groups.

The governor is part of the [National] Governors Association, she said. The National Governors Association, guess who they have a new partnership with? The World Economic Forum It's the globalists that are basically running the governors.

Scott went on to make the unsubstantiated claim that the group, or globalists, were responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic and are planning a cyber attack.

They are the ones that came out with COVID. And they are the ones that are coming out with a cyber attack, she said. They just said COVID is going to be nothing compared to the cyber attack coming.

Throughout the meeting, Scott said she believes Idaho is not conservative, and that within the Idaho Legislature she estimates there are probably three conservatives in the Senate, and maybe 20, 25, in the House.

She also blamed other legislators for a lack of legislative progress; namely Republican representative Fred Wood, for not hearing bills by more conservative legislators.

[He] will not hear any bills about vaccinations or the health districts or anything, she said.

In response to questions about education, Scott said she believes college to serve only as indoctrination.

I would not send my kids to college, I would find another route, she said. I feel the same way about public schools, unfortunately.

One caller asked whether there would be consequences for Gov. Little banning hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 and the deaths from the virus during that time.

Hydroxychloroquine, which was touted as a treatment for COVID-19 by former President Donald Trump, despite a lack of evidence.

It's just not, it's not going to get better, she said. We're not going to just do this and it's all going to be fixed. It's going to take a lot more than that. And I hope it doesn't take blood but I'm, I'm beginning to wonder.

The Bonner County Bee is a KREM 2 news partner. For more from our news partner,click here.

Read more:

North Idaho Rep. Heather Scott discusses gun rights, insurrection, free speech - KREM.com

Biden Administration Confirms COVID-19 Liability Protections for Federal Contractors, Employees and Volunteers – Lexology

On February 16, 2021, Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Norris Cochran, published in the Federal Register the Sixth Amendment to the Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Act [PREP Act]. 86 Fed. Reg. 9516-9520 (Feb. 16, 2021). This is the second amendment to the Declaration issued since President Biden took office and continues the Trump Administrations practice of providing broad liability protection for those responding to COVID19.

The Declaration originally was issued on January 31, 2020, by former HHS Secretary Azar. Pursuant to the PREP Act, the Declaration allows the Secretary to extend liability immunity to covered persons for taking allowed actions with respect to covered countermeasures, in prescribed circumstances, all as declared by the Secretary. A covered person is immune from suit and liability under Federal and State law for all claims of loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration or use of a covered countermeasure, which includes FDA-authorized COVID19 vaccines and tests. See 42 U.S.C. 247d6d(a)(1). Under the PREP Act, covered persons include manufacturers, distributors, program planners, qualified persons, and their officials, agents and employees. 42 U.S.C. 247d-6d(i)(2).

In the Sixth Amendment to the Declaration, the Acting Secretary augmented the covered persons protected from liability with an additional category of qualified persons. Although the Unites States is, by statute, a covered person, the structure of the statutory provision defining covered person does not make clear that direct contractors and employees of the United States are similarly covered. See 42 U.S.C. 247d-6d(i)(2). To clear up that ambiguity, the Sixth Amendment provides that a qualified person includes any Federal government employee, contractor or volunteer who prescribes, administers, delivers, distributes or dispenses a Covered Countermeasure, if the federal department or agency has authorized or could authorize that person even if those authorized duties or responsibilities ordinarily would not extend to members of the public or otherwise would be more limited in scope than the activities such employees, contractors or volunteers are authorized to carry out under this declaration. 86 Fed. Reg. at 9519 (Feb. 16, 2021).

This expanded liability protection is fully consistent with and will support President Bidens National Strategy for the COVID19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness, which envisions federal vaccination sites and deploy[ing] thousands of federal staff, contractors and volunteers to support state and local vaccination efforts. See National Strategy, pp. 9, 52.

Read more from the original source:

Biden Administration Confirms COVID-19 Liability Protections for Federal Contractors, Employees and Volunteers - Lexology

Biden’s assault on 2nd Amendment sparks fears of Civil War – One America News Network

Joe Biden spoke during the First State Democratic Dinner in Dover, Delaware, on March 16, 2019. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Joe Biden is ramping up his push to eliminate Second Amendment rights under the pretext of public safety. In a statement on Sunday, Biden marked the anniversary of the Parkland shooting in Florida, saying he would take new steps to take guns away from Americans.

His plans include a ban on private ownership of military style rifles, tougher background checks and growing bureaucratic obstacles to buying legal guns. Meanwhile, Biden has proposed little to contain the inflow of illegal weapons into the U.S.

Many Americans said if Biden wants their guns, he may come and get them.

Im very worried about this country, where its going, gun dealer Scott Pickett said. If it keeps heading down the same way, theyre going to push people into another Civil War.

Biden baselessly claimed tougher gun control would reduce crime. However, gun violence is at its highest in cities like Chicago and New York that have stringent gun control already in place.

See original here:

Biden's assault on 2nd Amendment sparks fears of Civil War - One America News Network

We Fight Two Fights: Second Amendment Rights are Lost without Political Action – USA Carry

I am endlessly amused when I hear a gun owner tell me, I am not political, or, I stay out of politics. In a perfect world, our liberties would be secure enough that we could ignore politics at our convenience. However, we dont live in a perfect world and there are political forces hell-bent on taking your constitutional rights away from you. If you believe in maintaining the tools and skills to defend yourself from evil, then congratulations on preparing for that fight, should it come to you. However, you need to be an active combatant in a second fight: the fight to maintain your liberty.

There is only one firearms-related venue in which I hold my tongue on politics, and that is when teaching people how to shoot. I dont want to turn off new shooters and I applaud them for arming themselves and seeking training regardless of how they vote or what they think. Beyond that, however, I am quite blunt:

If you believe in being armed so that you can defend yourself and your loved ones from violence then you should also be engaged in fighting those who would strip you of that right.

Who is out to take your rights from you? Well, one particular American political party has infringement of the Second Amendment written right into their party platform. I will leave it at that. If you believe in constitutional liberty, that particular party is your adversary. Let us not mince words. If you favor that party over the other because there are different issues that mean more to you, no problem, but be honest with yourself; you are supporting those who seek to strip you of your right to keep and bear arms. True, some on the other side of the aisle seek to do the same, but as a party platform, the choice should be clear to you if you want to protect your 2A rights, and arguably most other Constitutional rights.

So, as a law-abiding gun owner who believes in the founding principles of this nation, what should you be doing to defend those principles? If your answer is to post a come and take it meme on social media, you are not helping. Fighting with your ignorant friends on Facebook or with strangers in a comment section is not particularly constructive. Instead, we must be engaged in a rabid fight in the political and cultural war in a way that matters if we want to preserve our freedoms, and, indeed, win back what has already been lost. How do we do this?

As a gun owner, you should belong to the national gun rights groups as well as your state-level groups. With the NRA in turmoil right now, I will leave joining it to your discretion, but I highly recommend joining Gun Owners of American and Second Amendment Foundation at the national level. Beyond this, join your state-level group. Much of the fight for our rights happens at the state level, so supporting your state group is just as important as supporting the national groups.

Beyond just joining and paying the annual member dues, contribute what you can, when you can. I find that too many shooters who spend thousands of dollars a year on ammunition are not inclined to kick in a hundred bucks to actually protect their rights by supporting the 2A groups. Really? Remember that the anti-gun organizations are well funded by certain billionaires who invest millions upon millions of dollars into the sole mission of disarming you, the law-abiding citizen. We have no such sugar daddies on our side, so it is up to you and me.

Send emails, letters, and most importantly, call your state and federal level representatives. Speak to who picks up, or leave a message. Politely demand that your representatives uphold the constitution and reject anti-gun legislation. The single thing that can override a politicians goal of trampling liberty is the thought of not getting re-elected. When these politicians receive phone calls in favor of rights rather than against them at a ten-to-one ratio they read the cards on their own re-election. Dont let up on this pressure. While the anti-gun radicals have the money, we have the numbers, if we would simply be active.

Be sure to turn out at peaceful rallies that are held to support the Second Amendment. Be sure to turn up when your county or city council has meetings on the subject. Be at the state capital to lobby and make it clear that you and your fellow gun owners are not going to accept further infringements on your rights. The activists for the groups that wish to disarm you always show up. They have big money and organization behind them. We need to show up tenfold compared to what they do. When it comes to electing representatives, be willing to volunteer to help the ones who respect the Constitution. Knock on doors, make phone calls, donate money, do anything you can do to help win this fight.

The best way to cure an emotionally driven fear of firearms is to take the individual suffering from it to the shooting range. Never once have I taken a first-time shooter, no matter their political leaning, to the range that did not have a good time. The best way to fight gun control is to fix the ignorance that too many citizens have on firearms. While those who lead the anti-gun movement are ruthlessly tyrannical, the average sucker that votes in favor of their agenda is simply ignorant. Take people shooting and have civilized conversations with them to give them the facts. It is not rocket science; the places in the United States with the strictest gun laws are the most crime-ridden murder capitols. Arm yourself with the facts and share them.

There are over one hundred million gun owners in the United States, probably well more than this since most gun owners dont volunteer such information to pollsters. If even ten percent were active in preserving our rights, there would be no gun control at all. Time to get motivated and to motivate your fellow gun people. If we take action, we win. If you sit on the sidelines, we lose our rights for ourselves and for our children. Dont let that happen.

Read the original post:

We Fight Two Fights: Second Amendment Rights are Lost without Political Action - USA Carry

Fennville official with Proud Boys ties to resign – HollandSentinel.com

Carolyn Muyskens|The Holland Sentinel

FENNVILLE A city commissioner who brought controversy and international media attention to Fennville due to his ties to a far-right organization called the Proud Boys is expected to leave public office early.

According to Fennville city administrator Amanda Morgan, MorganBolles hasnot submitted hisresignation,but he made the city commission aware Monday, Feb. 15, he wouldbe resigning from the commission sometimethis springdue to plans to move out of the city. City commissioners are required to live in the city limits to hold the office.

Bolles was appointed to the Fennville City Commission shortly after the November 2019 city elections in which he ran as a write-in but failed to win a seat to replace another commissioner who had resigned that same month.

In December that year, The Sentinel reported his apparent affiliation with the Proud Boys organization. Bolles was photographed at a Second Amendment rally in Lansing in September 2019 carrying a Michigan Proud Boys flag.

The Proud Boys, whichcalls itself a "Western chauvinist" drinking club for men, is known for its members' affinity for white nationalist views.

More:Fennville commissioner defends hate group affiliation

More: More photos, charges surface with Fennville commissioner

The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled it a hate group, and Canada designated the Proud Boys as a terrorist organization earlier this month.The group also isbanned on Facebook and Instagram.

Proud Boys members have also been charged with conspiracy in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

When Bolles was seated on the city commission in December 2019, he defended the Proud Boys as an anti-racist, pro-freedom organization.

However, in a publicFacebook post in June 2020, Bolles said he was no longer affiliatedwith the group and had not been for "a long time."

"Also, to clarify I have had no connection with the Proud Boys in a long time and my interactions with them were minimal at best," Bolles wrote." [...]I cut any ties I had with them over lifestyle and idea differences."

The statement was in stark contrast to what Bolles said in December 2019 when he defended his affiliation with the group. During a city commission meeting,Bolles said the Proud Boys are anti-racist, promote entrepreneurship, are pro-freedom, limited government, and want to venerate the house wife."

... Thats not a demand that women stay at home, but the ones that do want to stay home, we should praise them for wanting to stay home take care of our children not going to a babysitter or anything like that, Bolles said.

The Fennville City Commission drew criticism for appointing Bolles, who was one of two candidates to apply for the position, but commissioners said they were unaware of the Proud Boys connection or of his criminal history, which included a misdemeanor assaultconviction and a traffic violation related to a crash in which he fell asleep at the wheel andkilled a Sentinel delivery driver.

Fennville City Commissioner Jim Hayden, who maintains a local blog on city issues, wrote ofBolles' announcement Monday. Hayden was among those who called for Bolles' resignation over his association with the Proud Boys.

However, he distanced himself from the council bearing responsibility for the situation, saying he was strongly against vetting applicants for the commission, and that it was themedia's role to vetBolles.

A message seeking comment from Bolles was not immediately returned.

Bolles' term on thecity commissionexpires in November.

The city commission will be tasked with appointing someone to fill the position. The appointmentprocess involves a call for applications, a brief interview of applicantsduringa commission meeting and a vote by the commission to appoint the new member.

It is against the citys charter to do background checks on people who apply to fill vacant commission seats, Fennville Mayor Tom Pantelleria said in 2019. Commissioners discussed potentially looking into the legality of conducting a vetting process for future appointees, but came to the general consensus that would put too much of a limit on who could serve.

Contact reporter Carolyn Muyskens at cmuyskens@hollandsentinel.com and follow her on Twitter at @cjmuyskens.

Read more:

Fennville official with Proud Boys ties to resign - HollandSentinel.com

Resolution to support Rep. Jack Bergman on Grand Traverse County agenda – Traverse City Record Eagle

TRAVERSE CITY A local government board is set to consider adopting a resolution lauding U.S. Rep. Jack Bergman, who represents the First Congressional District.

The resolution in front of Grand Traverse County Commissioners aims to recognize Bergmans accomplishments and service, including his support for the Second Amendment, high-speed internet and cuts to government regulations, as well as his stated opposition to any bill that would eliminate the ban on taxpayer-funded abortions.

The resolution was brought forward for Wednesdays meeting by Commission Vice-chair Ron Clous, who recently put the county in the international spotlight when he displayed a rifle during public comment at a livestreamed meeting.

It is on the meetings consent agenda, which allows for a group of routine, procedural and non-controversial items to be voted on together without discussion.

Any commissioner can pull an item off the consent agenda, which is what Commissioner Bryce Hundley plans to do.

Hundley said Bergmans actions leading up to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol; his decision to sign onto a lawsuit filed by Texas challenging election results in Michigan and three other states; and immediately after, when Congress reconvened and Bergman voted to overturn the election are shameful.

To have my own Congressman support the Texas lawsuit against Michigan, to have voted the way he did after a coup attempt ... Im furious with Jack Bergman, Hundley said.

Hundley said he is angry that Clous thought the resolution would pass unnoticed on the consent agenda and that he brought it forward, especially after his decision to grab his gun during a meeting drew international headlines.

One month later the same guy puts this on the agenda, Hundley said, likening it to a poke in the eye or a spit in the face of the community. The guy theyre calling a hero was trying to nullify the votes of 81 million Americans and I wont have it.

Clous did not return a call for comment from the Record-Eagle.

Commissioner Darryl V. Nelson said he has not made up his mind on how hell vote on the resolution, saying there may be reasons for it that hes not aware of.

I dont know why we are dipping our toe into that water at this point, Nelson said. I would rather we focus more on county business at this time.

Hundley also is angry the board will take up time debating another symbolic resolution.

I think Ive been pretty clear in my two years on the board that divisive resolutions that have no impact and serve no purpose have no business being on the county agenda, Hundley said. We have other important things to do and its harmful to our community.

The board passed a Pandemic Resolution in January that states the county board does not support the sheriffs department or the county prosecutors office spending any money to arrest or prosecute anyone for violating state orders regarding COVID-19 guidelines. It also calls on residents and businesses to act responsibly and use their own good judgement regarding the pandemic.

In April the county board passed a resolution declaring its support for regional economic reopening in which a letter was sent to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer asking her to roll back public health restrictions that have caused emotional and financial havoc to the business community.

The board also passed a resolution in March declaring public funds may not be used to restrict Second Amendment rights or to enforce any measures contradicting it.

In Aug. 2019 commissioners said yes to a resolution supporting construction of a new gas and oil pipeline by Enbridge and leaving Line 5 in place until its completion.

More recently, a resolution to censure Clous for his gun display was turned down on a 3-3 vote, while no action was taken on another Resolution of Redress that would have declared the display of weapons while a member of the public is speaking inappropriate.

Hundley said he expects the Bergman resolution to pass and he and other board members and residents who dont support it will be seen as having sanctioned it.

It will pass and it will be the county that celebrates this guy, he said.

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See more here:

Resolution to support Rep. Jack Bergman on Grand Traverse County agenda - Traverse City Record Eagle

Cox signs bill allowing Utahns to carry concealed weapons without permits – fox13now.com

SALT LAKE CITY Just as he said he would do, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signed a bill Friday that will allow Utah residents to carry concealed weapons without a permit.

The controversial bill passed through the Utah Senate earlier this week.

READ: Utah's economic development engine could get an overhaul

The law, which will go into effect in May, allows anyone 21-and-older to carry a concealed weapon without a required FBI background check or four-hour training course.

Cox told FOX 13 last month that he intended to sign the bill.

"With the passage of this bill, Utah joins 17 other states with some form of permitless concealed carry," Cox said Friday. "This bill protects Second Amendment rights, reduces permitless open carry (which is already legal), and includes significant funding for suicide prevention.

Gun rights advocates, including the National Rifle Association, supported the bill.

There is no reason a law-abiding person should have to ask for permission to carry a firearm for self-defense, said Jason Ouimet, the executive director of NRA-ILA. "The passage of this bill demonstrates Utah's commitment to protecting the Second Amendment rights of its citizens."

READ: Utah House panel passes bill on device adult content protections

The new law will still allow gun owners who want to concealed carry out-of-state to get a permit.

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Cox signs bill allowing Utahns to carry concealed weapons without permits - fox13now.com

Topeka receives over $500,000 in CARES funding to help small businesses – The Topeka Capital-Journal

Blaise Mesa|Topeka Capital-Journal

Small businesses in Topeka could look forward to more local relief after city council unanimously voted to add almost $600,000 to its business relief fund.

The governing body voted to amend the 2019 Consolidated Action plans budget to add the additional CARES Act money at Tuesday nights meeting. Small business grants will receive $529,131 from the budget amenedment, according to documents attached to the meeting's agenda.

The city was required to amend the 2019 action plan to utilize the funds.

Preference is given to minority and women owned businesses, said Corrie Wright, Housing Services director, last week when she spoke to city council. The additional funds will be a great asset to the community.

This is the second amendment to the 2019 action plan with the current business relief funding projected to soon run out.

CATES Act funds have to be used to prevent, prepare for or respond to the pandemic, Wright said. Businesses must show a need, demonstrate a loss due to the virus and the business owner or 51% of its employees must be low to moderate income to be eligible.

The additional funding could help 26 businesses in Topeka.

Council member Mike Lesser told the Capital-Journal local business relief programs are hoping to help businesses that may have been ineligible for other programs. Lesser is also a member of the Joint Economic Development Organizations local business task force that is working on additional COVID-19 relief.

The citys relief program has different requirements for the money because it relies on federal funds, but JEDOs program has less restrictions because its funded locally.

What we dont want to do is have the same people eligible and leave the same people out, he said.

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Topeka receives over $500,000 in CARES funding to help small businesses - The Topeka Capital-Journal

Lauren Boebert vowed to ‘end all gun-free zones,’ now she’ll speak at CPAC 2021 in Orlando, which is a gun-free zone – Creative Loafing Tampa

Photo via CPAC

Republicans at the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando will more than likely be giving fiery speeches about how President Joe Biden and the Radical Left will attempt to strip away their Second Amendment rights, but in reality it will be a hotel policy that does that very thing.

Unfortunately for gun-loving CPAC attendees, the conference running from Feb. 25-28 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, which has strict policies in place for firearms.

Firearms are not allowed at all in the convention center," a hotel security representative told Creative Loafing Tampa Bay. The rep added that guests at the hotel are allowed to have guns in their room, but they must remain locked away in the safe.

Adding to an already robust list of pro-gun speakers, this afternoon CPAC announced the addition of congresswoman and gun totin' restaurant owner Lauren Boebert, who was recentlydenied access to the House Floor for setting off a metal detector after refusing to leave her Glock at home, and once vowed to work every day to end ALL gun free zones.

Our indispensable Second Amendment ensures future generations will continue to enjoy the blessings of Liberty, tweeted CPAC chair Matt Schlapp. Colorado's newest representative and staunch 2A advocate Lauren Boebart joins us in Orlando for CPAC 2021.

This wouldnt be the first time that CPAC has been a gun free-zone. The 2016 and the 2018 conferences were also absent of firearms, and notably featured security measures like Boeberts worst enemy: metal detectors.

CPAC could not be reached for comment.

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Read the original:

Lauren Boebert vowed to 'end all gun-free zones,' now she'll speak at CPAC 2021 in Orlando, which is a gun-free zone - Creative Loafing Tampa