Justice Kavanaugh: Friend or Foe to the Second Amendment? – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Justice Brett Kavanaugh was among the SCOTUS judges that shot down the NY gun case.

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. ~ Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from the Birmingham Jail; often miscited in abbreviated form as: Justice delayed is justice denied. Various renditions of the quotation have come down through the ages, recited by many learned and famous men. The origin of the quotation likely came from William Penn (1644 to 1718), who asserted, To delay Justice is injustice.

Blacks Law Dictionary says this about the concept, justice: In jurisprudence. The constant and perpetual disposition to render every man his due. . . . In the most extensive sense of the word it differs little from virtue; for it includes within itself the whole circle of virtues. . . . But justice, being in itself a part of virtue, is continued to things simply good or evil, and consists in a mans taking such a proportion of them as he ought. Bouvier. Commutative justice is that which should govern contracts. It consists in rendering to every man the exact measure of his dues, without regard to his personal worth or merits, i. e., placing all men on an equality. . . .

Some good Americans think the principal Petitioner, the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA) prevailed in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., vs. Petitioners V. City Of New York, 590 U.S ____ (2020), simply because New York Cityevidently fearing loss if the case were decided on the meritscapitulated, redrafting New York City regulations and New York State Statute, permitting New York City holders of restricted handgun premise licenses to lawfully take their firearms out of the City. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the mootness issue and found for the City against NYSRPA.

Nonetheless, can this case legitimately be considered a win for NYSRPA? Holders of such New York City restricted handgun licenses are not permitted to use the firearm for self-defense outside of the residence or business to which the license confers or deigns a right (more a privilege) of use for self-defense? And questions remain as to limitations on the import of travel to and from the residence or business establishmentquestions that could only have been resolved were the case to be decided on the merits.

Some Second Amendment scholars with whom AQ has since spoken believed the New York City case was not a good Second Amendment case to be decided by the Court, not least of all because it allowed the City to exploit the problems, predictably. These scholars believe that Kavanaugh, having urged, in his concurring opinion, for another Second Amendment caseamong those presently pending on a writ of certiorarito be taken up by the Court means that the Court will, shortly, take up another Second Amendment case. The idea, then, is that the NYC case was important for that reason alone.

Be that as it may, it still does not explain why, if Justice Kavanaugh agreed with Chief Justice Roberts and the liberal wing of the U.S. Supreme Court in ruling in favor of New York City, against the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA) in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., vs. Petitioners V. City Of New York, 590 U.S ____ (2020), on the mootness issue.

Why didnt Justice Kavanaugh just add his name to that of the liberal wing of the Court and to that of Chief Justice Roberts, in deciding in favor of the City, and leave it at that?

Did Justice Kavanaugh feel a jurisprudential need to write a concurring opinion, knowing that going along with the liberal wing is not what would be expected of him, given his past deference to the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, in his well-reasoned, comprehensive dissent in Heller II?

Did Associate Justice Kavanaugh feel he needed to write a concurring opinion, knowing that siding with Chief Justice Roberts and the liberal wing of the High Court, against the conservative wing, comprising, Justices, Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch, would lead the American public, to infer, not unreasonably, legal and logical inconsistency and incongruous intellectual dishonesty on Kavanaughs partsomething impossible for him to hide? Perhaps. But no one really knows because no reporter or commentator has even bothered to hazard a guess as to Justice Kavanaughs motives or motivation for drafting a concurring at all.

Does Justice Kavanaugh know for a certainty the High Court will in fact take up for review another and more significant Second Amendment case and did he intend to use a concurring opinion specifically to inform the legal community and the public of that fact?

No commentator, to date, to our knowledge, has explored these questions and that leaves us in a quandary as to Kavanaugh's intentions.

For example, on April 27, 2020, Amy Howe, independent contractor, and reporter, who writes regularly for the SCOTUS blog, simply reiterated the simple fact that:

Justice Brett Kavanaugh filed a concurring opinion in which he explained that he agreed with the majority that the gun owners original claims are moot and that the new claims should be addressed first by the lower courts. But Kavanaugh also indicated that he agreed with Alitos general analysis of Heller and McDonald v. City of Chicago, in which the court made clear that the Second Amendment applies fully to the states, and that he shares Alitos concern that some federal and state courts may not be properly applying Heller and McDonald. Kavanaugh posited that the Supreme Court should address that issue soon, perhaps in one of the several Second Amendment cases with petitions for certiorari now pending before the Court.

In her follow-up article, dated April 28, 2020, on SCOTUS blog, Amy Howe, reiterated the fact that:

The courts electronic docket reveals that Kavanaughs suggestion may come to fruition soon: By the end of the day yesterday, the Supreme Court had distributed for consideration at Fridays conference 10 cases that had apparently been on hold for the New York case.

Is this a cause for rejoicing simply because writs of certiorari in several Second Amendment cases have been filed with the Supreme Court and are pending a vote? The idea that the Supreme Court should address the issue whether Courts are properly applying Heller and McDonald doesnt mean that the Supreme Court will address that issue.

Possibility is not the same thing as probability, and even less, certainty. And, if the Court does agree to hear another Second Amendment case, when might that be? And, if soon, will the Court actually address the issue whether Appellate Courts had properly applied Heller and McDonald? Lastly, how would such a case be decided? These are not spurious questions. They are serious ones and unsettling ones, worthy of speculation. And the point of this speculation is that the New York City gun transport case was the first case to come down the pike ten years after McDonald, involving a core Second Amendment issue (with the exception of the seeming quasi Second Amendment Voisine case)

Keep in mind, there have been many Second Amendment cases that came before the High Court on writs of certiorari, in the intervening years between the seminal rulings in Heller and McDonald and the negative decision in the New York City gun transport case. Each of those cases should have been reviewed but were not reviewed. What happened to those petitions?

Those cases the Supreme Court failed to review reflect, to a one, the fact that U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, around the Country, blatantly and defiantly ignored case precedent clearly and categorically laid down in Heller and McDonald.

In future segments, we will begin our comprehensive analysis of what to our mind is Justice Kavanaughs bizarre concurring opinion in the New York City gun transport case, and we will address the mootness issue head-on.

We will strive to decipher Kavanaughs concurring to ascertain if Kavanaughs decision, siding with the Chief Justice Roberts and the liberal wing of the Court, is merely an anomaly or if it portends something ominous: an entire rethinking of Kavanaughs philosophy pertaining to the Second Amendment? Our aim, in forthcoming articles, will be to determine whether Americans can trust Brett Kavanaugh to remain true to his Oath to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States.

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel' website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information, visit:www.arbalestquarrel.com.

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Justice Kavanaugh: Friend or Foe to the Second Amendment? - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Flanked from the right – Montana Free Press

House District 35, which aligns with Richland County along the Montana-North Dakota state line, is in political terms about as red as Montana gets.

Voters in the district gave President Donald Trump 81% of their votes in the 2016 election, more than all but one other House district in the state. The last legislative candidate to run in the district as a Democrat, Chris Trumpower in 2016, won less than one vote in five.

Even so, as the districts incumbent state representative, Joel Krautter of Sidney, asks voters for a second term in the Montana House Krautter is emphasizing bipartisanship. His campaign website features a railroad bridge across the Missouri River.

Thats a deliberate message, Krautter said in an interview last week. As he sees it, eastern Montanas sparse population and correspondingly small legislative delegation requires its representatives to be coalition builders.

For us to be able to get anything done in Helena, we have to be able to work together with other legislators, he said.

Krautter, 32, is one of several centrist Solutions Caucus Republicans in the Montana Legislature facing challengers from the hard-right wing of the party in this springs primary election. As a young lawmaker who earned a reputation as an aisle-crosser during the 2019 session by hobnobbing with Democrats and voting with the Solutions Caucus to pass bipartisan legislation like the renewal of Montanas expanded Medicaid program, hes among the most vulnerable.

His challenger in the June 2 GOP primary, Savage Public School trustee and Double L Fencing owner Brandon Ler, has seized on Krautters record to argue the district isnt getting the representation its conservative voters deserve. In addition to the Medicaid renewal vote, a sore spot for limited-government conservatives across the state, Ler has cited bipartisan legislation that raised some taxes and authorized public debt for infrastructure projects.

I believe that Richland Countys true values have not been accurately represented in the statehouse, Ler said at a May 14 candidate forum hosted by the Sidney Chamber of Commerce.

Ler, who didnt respond to calls and messages requesting an interview for this article, has campaigned on being less a bridge builder and more a reliably conservative vote in Helena.

While every representative should vote their conscience, we need a representative whose conscience is consistently conservative. And thats me, he told attendees at a GOP Lincoln-Reagan dinner in Sidney, according to a video of a stump speech posted to his campaign Facebook page in February.

You can count on me not giving two pennies for what Democrat legislators across the state care about. I care about what you think, he said.

Krautter, on the other hand, says his bridge-building has delivered results for his district. He says he supported the Medicaid bill, authored by Solutions Caucus Republican Ed Buttrey, because it was supported by the rural hospital in his district.

As Ler points out, Richland County did vote down a 2018 ballot measure that would have permanently renewed the Medicaid expansion and funded the states share of its cost by raising tobacco taxes a defeat Medicaid expansion opponents point to as evidence local voters didnt care for the program. Krautter argues the Buttrey bill was a significantly different proposal, tapping other funding sources and renewing the program with several provisions Krautter considered reforms. Renewing Medicaid expansion, he says, has helped keep rural hospitals afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Krautter also points to his House Bill 656, which tweaks the distribution of Montana oil and gas tax revenue to direct more money to municipal governments during oil booms. Long-term, the Montana League of Cities and Towns estimated it could mean that Sidney and other municipalities in counties with oil production could see an extra $1 million to $5 million a year.

It was something people told me they wanted me to work on, and I got it accomplished, Krautter said.

HB 656 passed the Montana Senate unanimously and the Montana House on an 89-11 vote, with opposition from some hard-line Republicans. It was signed into law by Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock May 9.

If hed taken a partisan approach to that legislation, Krautter said, it wouldnt have made it past Bullocks veto pen.

I dont think a hardline approach would have been as effective for my district, he said.

Among the entities leveling attacks against Krautter this election cycle, according to political practices filings, is the Kalispell-based political action committee Doctors for a Healthy Montana, managed by Rep. Matt Regier, R-Columbia Falls, and Dr. Annie Bukacek, a vaccine-skeptic Flathead County Board of Health member who has questioned official COVID-19 death tolls to suggest that public health responses are designed to subjugate citizens. The committee, which describes itself as pro-life and claims Medicaid expansion has expanded abortion access, has reported spending against several Solutions Caucus Republicans in disputed GOP primaries including Krautter, Senate District 44 candidate Nancy Ballance and Rep. Eric Moore, who represents several rural counties in southeastern Montana.

In Sidney, the groups filings indicate it plans to spend a total of $1,500 on a billboard Explaining Rep. Joel Krautters vote for taxpayer-funded abortions through HB658.

On April 7, Krautter filed a political practice complaint alleging the name of the committee is misleading, given that three of its four initial donors were sitting legislators and not physicians, contrary to state law that requires political committee names to reflect the economic interests of a majority of their backers. Commissioner of Political Practices Jeff Mangan ruled in Krautters favor May 15.

Krautter also said hes firmly pro-life and pointed to his perfect marks on the conservative Montana Family Foundations 2019 legislative score card. The foundation commissioned a legal analysis concluding that Montanas expansion program does in fact make abortions more accessible because enrollees can be eligible for family planning services through Planned Parenthood, but didnt factor the expansion renewal bill into its 2019 legislative scores.

Ler and Krautter, both of whom say theyre gun owners, have also traded barbs over gun rights. In a May 20 Facebook post, Ler responded to a mailer apparently questioning his second amendment bona fides by posting a photo to his campaign Facebook posing with his young children and a kitchen table filled with firearms.

Joel Krautter is shaking in his penny loafers that Im going to win this election, Ler wrote.

During the 2019 session, Krautter was one of the Capitols more visible bipartisans. At one point, Montana Historical Society photographer Tom Ferris snapped a picture of Krautter and Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney, now a Democratic candidate for governor, showing off Montana flag socks in the governors office, their dress pants pulled up and their shoes propped on a conference table.

Krautter said last week that he saw the exchange as a moment of light-hearted camaraderie across party lines.

Im always glad to be trying to bring back some of that collegiality that I think is missing from politics today, he said. You hear about all the time as far as back in the good old days where Republicans and Democrats could disagree on policy and still get a drink after the floor debate ended. Now, it seems like theres so much toxicity in politics that you cant even sit down with someone of the other party without being accused of compromising something.

Krautter bristled at the suggestion that he may be cozier with Democrats than some of his constituents might prefer, saying he thinks they just want an effective advocate in Helena.

It just seems like theres a hyper-sensitivity going on right now about whos a true Republican, he said. Its all of this suspicion and all of these accusations of traitors among us, and its just totally toxic to the Republican Party and getting things done for my district and for Montana.

He continued: Its very much like the John Birch Society, when in the 1950s they were accusing President Eisenhower of being a communist.

Republican-In-Name-Only attacks on conservatives with a bipartisan streak are nothing new in Montana politics. In Krautters case, however, they carry extra punch because he was in fact a Democrat briefly in his youth a piece of personal history some of his critics have used to make political hay.

A University of Montana law graduate who moved to Sidney to take a job at a local law firm in 2014, Krautter completed his undergraduate studies at Liberty University, the evangelical Christian university in Virginia founded by televangelist Jerry Falwell Sr.

During his sophomore year at Liberty, Krautter helped found a college Democrats chapter there. A 2008 election night story from Lynchburgs News & Advance newspaper described him and a classmate celebrating President Barack Obamas victory.

The Montana Daily Gazette, a right-wing media site run by Sidney pastor Jordan Hall, seized on that anecdote and a Washington, D.C. internship with former Montana Sen. Max Baucus to attack Krautter as insufficiently loyal to the Republican cause, producing a post titled A Documented Timeline of Rep. Joel Krautters Service to the Democratic Party.

It was just kind of a time when I was exploring my political beliefs but still wanted to be active in the political process, Krautter said. He was hanging out with the college Republicans by his senior year, he said, and volunteered for Mitt Romneys campaign in 2012.

His change in perspective, he said, was driven by his conclusion that liberal social welfare programs are less effective at helping low-income people live more prosperous lives than business-minded proposals favored by Republicans.

I want to help people have the best lives possible, he said, and I just saw that Democrat policies I didnt think were doing a good job of that.

Krautters time at Liberty also saw him elected its class president in 2011 and produced what he describes as an ongoing friendship with the universitys current president, Jerry Falwell Jr., who wrote a letter endorsing Krautter while he was campaigning for the Montana House in 2018.

Ive known Joel for over a decade since he was a student at Liberty University and have been able to see his leadership in action on many occasions, Falwell wrote. Joel is an effective leader because he excels at building relationships, which is an essential asset to have in a legislator.

See the original post:

Flanked from the right - Montana Free Press

Ben Sasse has been strong supporter of Second Amendment, pro-life – Grand Island Independent

Ben Sasse is right for Nebraska!

During this time of pandemic, rather than playing political partisanship, Ben has worked hard for common sense solutions for Nebraskans and all of America. He fought for the small business Paycheck Protection Program, of which Nebraskans have had the highest percentage of any state. He also supported the tax deadline extension and battled to keep D.C.s regulation stranglehold off rural health care providers.

Ben is a strong supporter of the agricultural economy and is endorsed by the Nebraska Farm Bureau.

As one of the most conservative voters in the Senate, the values of the majority of Nebraskans and the strength of state and local governments will be a red line.

He is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and pro-life values. Sen. Sasse was a sponsor for the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and is endorsed by Nebraska Right to Life and Nebraska Family Alliance.

Ben was asked to serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee to get judges like Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Nebraskans Steve Grasz and Brian Buescher to the federal courts.

Ben has my support and vote.

Read the original post:

Ben Sasse has been strong supporter of Second Amendment, pro-life - Grand Island Independent

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re-elect Sheriff Kaber – Herald and News

Re-elect Sheriff Kaber

Throughout the last several years the Governor, State Legislature, and many other elected leaders have waged assault on our Second Amendment rights. Money from labor unions far and wide have influenced the Governor and many members of the super majority in Salem who seem to worry more about armed law-abiding citizens than they do armed career criminals.

I, like many of my fellow Klamath County residents, place a very high value on my Second Amendment rights. I expect my local elected leaders to stand up and defend my rights. Sheriff Chris Kaber has a proven track record supporting our rights and standing up to those who seek to infringe on them. He continues to be a very vocal opponent of the legislative overreach in Salem.

Sheriff Kabers opponent however, is a union leader while a deputy and before his law enforcement career was a union lobbyist who only stands with big union fat cats in supporting the type of candidates who have sought to erode the peoples Second Amendment rights.

Its clear to me that a vote for Corporal Krag is a vote for Governor Kate Browns ideals. Our rights are far too important to trust a union leader with the role of County Sheriff and for that reason I will support re-electing Sheriff Chris Kaber who has proven he stands for the rights of the people of Klamath County!

Thomas Brewster

Klamath Falls

The rest is here:

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re-elect Sheriff Kaber - Herald and News

3 Key Constitutional Questions We Have to Answer in Our Fight Against the Coronavirus – TIME

The coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe has drastically altered American life. Much of the nation is still at home under shelter-in-place orders, businesses are closed, and more than 26 million people are now out of work. But along with the new, practical questions redefining the our lives When is it safe to see my family? How can I get my stimulus check? What cleaning products work best to keep my house safe? the virus impact is also raising complicated constitutional questions that are highlighting the countrys deep ideological divisions in the midst of the crisis.

As federal and state governments have had to shutter large swathes of the economy to slow the spread of the virus, some Americans feel they have gone too far, infringing on rights enshrined in the Constitution, such as the right to bear arms or to practice freedom of religion. The fight is playing out in courts around the country, where numerous lawsuits have been filed on questions ranging from whether religious gatherings are being singled out in social distancing restrictions to whether shuttering abortion clinics as nonessential medical providers violates womens right to the procedure.

President Donald Trump has tweeted the need to liberate some states from strict public health measures, but he also criticized Georgia for loosening restrictions too soon. In a White House briefing on April 17, Trump seemed to empathize with the sentiment of citizens chafing at restrictions, even as as his own advisors said the re-opening too quickly could be catastrophic. I think some things are too tough, he said.

Here are three emerging constitutional battles in the war to beat the coronavirus.

Restrictions on religious gatherings including limiting the number of people that are allowed to attend services have become a major issue in several states. In recent weeks, multiple lawsuits have been filed throughout the country arguing that the restrictions violate the First Amendments guarantee to freely exercise religion.

Churches and advocacy organizations have already filed lawsuits against governments in several states, including Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, and California. In Kansas, for example, the state placed a limit of 10 people at religious gatherings; the governors office says six deaths and 80 coronavirus cases in the state have been linked to religious gatherings. But a judges order has blocked enforcement of the governors order at two churches in the state, saying that churches and religious activities appear to have been singled out among essential functions for stricter treatment. The judge is considering whether he should issue a broader injunction, and other cases like it throughout the country are also ongoing.

The Trump Administration has taken a keen interest in these religious freedom cases. The Justice Department has filed a statement of interest in a similar case in Mississippi, siding with a church that claims authorities unfairly targeted it for enforcement when members of the congregation were fined for attending a drive-in service on April 8.

Attorney General William Barr says the religious freedom questions are an overall priority for the Justice Department during the pandemic. Whatever measures are placed against religion have to be placed against all comparable commercial and other activities, Barr told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on April 21. You cant single out religion for special burdens. In a call with more than 500 faith leaders hosted by the White House on April 23, Barr was very concerned, according to a source on the call, about situations where religious gatherings are restricted at a different level than other activities. This is the heart of the First Amendment, Barr said, according to the call participant, who also noted the attorney general said he has been in contact with U.S. attorneys throughout the country about other cases about similar issues.

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Second Amendment issues are cropping up in states that have ordered non-essential businesses to close and deemed gun retailers non-essential.

Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, for example, had ordered the closure of gun shops as part of the states efforts to slow down the virus transmission. Several lawsuits have been filed by gun groups, shops and owners challenging the closures, including one brought by the National Rifle Association in New York that claims Governor Andrew Cuomo effectively and indefinitely suspended a key component of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution by classifying gun shops as non-essential and forcing them to close.

On March 28, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published guidance designating workers supporting the operation of firearm, or ammunition product manufacturers, retailers, importers, distributors, and shooting ranges as part of the essential critical infrastructure workforce. The guidelines are advisory in nature, according to the document, and should not be considered, a federal directive or standard.

Nevertheless, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, which were both facing separate lawsuits over the closures, subsequently reversed their decisions and allowed gun stores to reopen. It wouldnt have been my definition, but thats the definition at the federal level, Democratic New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said on March 30, announcing the reopening of gun stores.

In the midst of these debates, Trump has offered his support to gun sales, lambasting another states imposition of gun control measures during coronavirus, though they were not a direct response to the pandemic. What theyve done in Virginia with respect to the Second Amendment is just a horrible thing, he said in the April 17 briefing. (Virginias governor signed gun control measures into law in April, though most of the bills had been discussed and introduced before the coronavirus pandemic spread through the United States.)

Several states have temporarily banned non-essential medical procedures to help preserve medical supplies in the face of nationwide shortages. But states including Texas, Alabama, Ohio, Arkansas, Iowa and Oklahoma also put abortion in that category, leading to court challenges from abortion rights groups who say halting the service is opportunistic and unconstitutional.

The novel coronavirus managed exactly what anti-abortion activists struggled for nearly five decades to accomplish: it is the biggest threat to legal abortion in America ever imagined, Robin Marty, the communication director for Yellowhammer Fund, an abortion fund in Alabama, wrote in TIME.

Advocacy organizations and abortion providers have filed lawsuits in Alabama, Iowa, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas, arguing that the orders violate the landmark abortion precedent set in the case Roe v. Wade that protects womens right to abortions.

Using this pandemic to ban abortion access is unconstitutional, Nancy Northup, President and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, said in a statement. Abortion care is time-sensitive and essential health care that has a profound impact on a persons health and life, which is why it is protected as a constitutional right.

In early April, injunctions were granted in Ohio, Alabama and Oklahoma, allowing the procedures to go forward. The Iowa suit was dropped after the state clarified that not all surgical abortions would be banned. Some abortions can also resume in Texas after the governor loosened his original restrictions in a new order in late April.

Please send tips, leads, and stories from the frontlines to virus@time.com.

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Write to Tessa Berenson at tessa.berenson@time.com.

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3 Key Constitutional Questions We Have to Answer in Our Fight Against the Coronavirus - TIME

Guilford Commissioners Give Thumbs Up to Gun Rights – The Rhino TImes

The Constitution of the United States of America makes it perfectly clear that Americans have the right to bear arms however, in case there was any question about that, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners just weighed in on the matter and affirmed the countys support of the Second Amendment that grants people that right.

At the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Thursday, April 16 meeting, six of the nine commissioners declared their support of the amendment, but three commissioners questioned the rationale behind the gun-owner friendly motion.

Republican Commissioner Alan Branson brought the motion to the board and read it at the meeting, and he argued that, in this day and age when the Second Amendment often comes under attack, the county board would be wise to publically acknowledge its support.

The resolution, which recounts a little of the history of the amendment and the court proceedings upholding it, speaks of the boards wish to express a deep commitment to protecting all of the rights in the Constitution. It stated that the Board of Commissioners declares that Guilford County government will use all powers and authority to defend and protect the rights of all of our citizens, and it implores the North Carolina Legislature and the United States Congress to use all of their powers and authority to protect our citizens freedom under the Constitution and specifically the Second Amendment.

All five of the boards Republican Commissioners approved the resolution, as did Democratic Commissioner Kay Cashion; however, the other three Democrats Commissioners Carolyn Coleman, Carlvena Foster and Skip Alston did not. Those three didnt object to the Second Amendment, but they questioned why the commissioners would even take the vote.

Coleman asked, Id like to ask why is this necessary do we not afford enough Second Amendment rights through the Constitution as it is?

Branson replied, We certainly do, maam, but there have been certain instances throughout different states not specifically North Carolina, but states that adjoin us that have had opportunities to challenge this recently, and I think its just a good idea to reaffirm that we support our Second Amendment rights here in Guilford County.

Foster also questioned the move, stating, Im not getting the full understanding of why we are doing this either.

Alston had raised his concerns about the motion at an earlier meeting held to set the agenda for the April 16 meeting. Like the other two Democrats who voted no, Alston questioned why the Board of Commissioners should spend time reaffirming something that was ratified over two centuries ago.

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Guilford Commissioners Give Thumbs Up to Gun Rights - The Rhino TImes

Right-Wing ‘Boogaloo Boys’ Spend Pandemic On Facebook, Plotting To Kill Us All In A Civil War – Wonkette

People have been picking up all sorts of hobbies during the COVID-19 pandemic. We're making sourdough starters, we're knitting, we're making masks, we're making Tik Tok videos, we're playing Animal Crossing, hoping that at some point it will start to get interesting (I've picked so much fruit! Why did I spend so much money to pick fruit and chop trees?), etc. etc.

Others, however, are planning a Civil War. Or, as they are calling it, Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo. "Boogaloo' for short. Because they have to ruin everything.

While the whole "Let's do another Civil War and call it 'Boogaloo' thing started last year in response to people considering gun control measures to curb the near-constant mass shootings, it's really picked up steam during the last few months both because people have a lot of time on their hands and because they have "mounting frustrations" over being told to stay home so that other people don't get sick.

A recent study conducted by the Tech Transparency Project found 125 "Boogaloo" Facebook groups, nearly 60 percent of which were created since February. While most of the public pages mostly post memes, members in private groups "discussed tactical strategies, combat medicine, and various types of weapons, including how to develop explosives and the merits of using flame throwers." Many of them, it should come as no surprise, are virulent white supremacists.

The name and the proliferation of memes on the public "Boogaloo" pages make the whole idea seem like a viral internet joke that no one is taking seriously, but that is a calculated move. While there may be participants who do think of it as a joke, many of them take it extremely seriously. Earlier this month, 36-year-old Aaron Swenson was arrested after recording himself on Facebook Live driving around looking for a lone police officer to kill. Naturally, the Blue Lives Matter crowd was positively outraged by this (Kidding! The people in these groups are white and Republican so it's fine.).

The documents they share in their groups are also pretty damned serious.

Via Tech Transparency Project:

The document mentions "target selection," noting that assassinations of figureheads are "overrated" but "some people have to go." It discusses how to disrupt U.S. government supply lines, noting that "national guard depots, police stations and factories that produce munitions are all very solid targets." On propaganda, meanwhile, the document notes that the most important job is "to make the enemy (government forces) see that they are not fighting terrorists, they are fighting their own countrymen who simply love liberty."

That particular propaganda angle has become part of the Second Amendment debate over the last few years. Whenever a gun control measure is promoted and gun humpers start talking about how the Second Amendment actually gives them the right to overthrow the government if they want, we respond "You know they have like, tanks, right?" Well, they used to not really have a comeback for that, but lately, they've taken to responding with something like "You would want the government to deploy tanks on your fellow citizens?!? You monsters!," and then we stop interacting with them because it is going nowhere and we have other shit to do.

In many of these

The problem, of course, with this Civil War 2 scenario they've cooked up is that in order for it to actually be a Civil War, the rest of us would have to fight to keep them around.

GIF: Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka saying "Stop. Don't. Come back." Giphy

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm certainly not gonna do that. I've never even been in a bar fight, so it is highly unlikely that I will be taking up arms in order to keep a bunch of 4chan losers and wannabe Timothy McVeighs from "seceding." Who the hell is gonna do that? Who would bother? And if they try to Civil War us and we don't Civil War them back, isn't that just murder?

Additionally, in order to secede and have a Civil War, they need to have actual territory of some kind, which they do not. The "Boogaloo" people claim to have "sleeper cells" in every state (yes, they actually say "sleeper cells"), which is horrifying, but also rather unworkable in a Civil War scenario.

This is not to say that they're not dangerous, just that they're not planning a Civil War. Rather, they are planning mass murder. They are planning terrorism. If they were anyone other than a bunch of angry white dudes, they would almost definitely be in some amount of trouble right now, on account of how murdering people, planning to murder people and plotting terrorism is not only a violation of Facebook's ban of "Violence and Criminal Behavior," it is illegal.

Whether or not they actually get sent to prison for this, like they would if they were another class of people, we shall have to wait and see. In the meantime, Facebook might want to start cracking down on this shit.

[Tech Transparency Project]

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Read more here:

Right-Wing 'Boogaloo Boys' Spend Pandemic On Facebook, Plotting To Kill Us All In A Civil War - Wonkette

NSSF on NY Gov’s Comments: King Cuomo Should Look in the Mirror – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

By Larry Keane

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Three-term New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo recently bemoaned President Donald Trumps leadership during the coronavirus pandemic, stating We dont have a king in this country. We didnt want a king, so we have a Constitution and we elect a president.

Perhaps the Guv should look in the mirror before opening his mouth.

Gov. Cuomo has used his daily time in front of press conference bright lights to knock the president. But he has his own king-like history of overstepping as the Empire States top elected official. Thats especially true now during the pandemic, and especially when it comes to the Second Amendment and the Constitutional rights of New Yorkers.

One of Gov. Cuomos earliest actions to combat the spread of coronavirus in New York included shuttering hundreds of firearm manufacturers and retailers by deeming them non-essential, despite the fact that the Department of Homeland Security specifically included gun stores and those workers as essential in its guidance. The firearm and ammunition industry in New York has a significant footprint with 5,500 jobs generating $1.44 billion in economic impact. Across the nation, that figure is more than 330,000 jobs and $60 billion in economic impact. But Gov. Cuomo didnt think twice, instead using his authority to close them down. Its no wonder he ranks among the least popular governors in America.

Whats worse than unnecessarily leaving thousands of New Yorkers in the lurch? How about refusing their offer to help save the lives of their neighbors? Nope King Cuomo couldnt be bothered to even respond. Its not surprising. This is the same governor who despises pro-Second Amendment, law-abiding Americans, infamously mocking Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who arepro-assault-weapon? Because if thats who they arethey have no place in the state of New York.

Gov. Cuomos disdain for the Second Amendment is deep and his king-like antigun record is long. Most notably he utilized the never let a crisis go to waste mantra and forced New Yorks infamous gun-rights-restricting New York SAFE Act through in the middle of the night, the most restrictive anti-gun law in the country. It includes limits on magazine capacity that was too far even for a federal judge in New York who struck down the provision in 2013, and Gov. Cuomo was again denied by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in 2015. His SAFE Act also included red flag laws that deny due process and bans on Americas most popular-selling centerfire rifle the modern sporting rifle. Second Amendment rights groups across the state roundly disapproved. But once again, Gov. Cuomo displayed his animosity to the legal process and protecting the Constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, stating You become sort of lawsuit immune, when challenged on his order shuttering firearm businesses.

Even Gov. Cuomos neighbor to the south recognized the limits to his executive authority. New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy said he wasnt thinking of the Bill of Rights, when he initially shut down gun stores, before relenting when faced with a lawsuit.

But Gov. Cuomos antigun bona fides traces back to his time as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Clinton administration where he threatened to have over 3,200 public housing authorities sue members of the firearm industry for a crime committed in those housing projects. Congress quickly put a stop to his threatened litigation. He also violated antitrust law in 2000 by conspiring with several big-city mayors to politicize law enforcement purchasing by collectively refusing to buy from any handgun manufacturer that didnt sign a so-called code of conduct that sought to implement gun control that Congress would never pass. NSSF sued Cuomo and his allies in federal court prompting putting a stop to their illegal antitrust conspiracy.

Twenty-five years ago, New Yorks venerated Republican U.S. Congressman Gerald B. Solomon took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives and boomed in support of law-abiding gun owners. Now more than ever America needs more of that and Gov. Cuomo should take notice while running for a fourth term.

About The National Shooting Sports Foundation

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers. http://www.nssf.org

See original here:

NSSF on NY Gov's Comments: King Cuomo Should Look in the Mirror - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Letter to the Editor, April 26, 2020: Red flag legislation missing key components – Richmond.com

Red flag legislation

missing key components

With regard to Virginia's new red flag law, here is what should have been included:

Criminal penalties for those who bring false or frivolous charges.

An order is granted when a judge makes the determination, by clear and convincing evidence, that the person poses a significant risk of danger to themselves or others.

A judge is required to make a determination of whether the person meets the state standard for involuntary commitment. Where the standard for involuntary commitment is met, this should be the course of action taken.

If an extreme risk protection order (ERPO) is granted, the person should receive community-based mental health treatment as a condition of the ERPO.

Any ex parte proceeding should include admitting the individual for treatment.

A persons Second Amendment rights should only be temporarily deprived after a hearing before a judge, in which the person has notice of the hearing and is given an opportunity to offer evidence on his or her behalf.

A mechanism for the return of firearms upon termination of an ERPO, when a person is ordered to relinquish firearms as a condition of the order.

The ERPO process should allow an individual to challenge or terminate the order, with full due process protections in place.

The process should allow firearms to be retained by law-abiding third parties, local law enforcement or a federally licensed firearms dealer when an individual is ordered to relinquish such firearms as a condition of the ERPO. The individual also must have the ability to sell his or her firearms in a reasonable time without violating the order.

Just seizing guns without including the above will result in more killings because a sick person might borrow or a steal a gun to kill.

Former Special Agent, United States Secret Service.

Read more:

Letter to the Editor, April 26, 2020: Red flag legislation missing key components - Richmond.com

Full of hot air: What happens when a president fans the flames | Daily Sabah – Daily Sabah

With elections coming up in November, United States President Donald Trump has seized the opportunity the coronavirus has presented to widen the already deep fissures in American society. In part, he has achieved this through his usual rhetoric that, according to him, simply tells it like it is. In the past, Americans have had to tolerate politicians as they spent hours lacing convincing words together only to say nothing of consequence in the end. After decades of long-winded speeches, lets face it, some were ready for public figures who speak their unfiltered minds. Combine that with the obsession for the drama-horror that is reality TV and maybe you can sympathize with where lines were crossed come election time in 2016.

Running the U.S., however or any country for that matter requires a certain amount of finesse. Finesse and tact are not Trumps strong suits, to say the least. And to be honest, he has never claimed they were. This approach, however, becomes dangerous when Trump purposefully uses inflammatory rhetoric to make a point, push an agenda or rally his base. Strong words expressed by a figure in power can be persuasive. I assume that he is well aware of his constituency, thus the continued use of certain language and tactics.

By relying on knee-jerk responses to drum up support, the instant exposure Twitter offers has made the platform his favorite online stage, starring 280-character, impromptu, boorish rants, inflated praise and equally inflated insults. Between April 13 and April 16 of this year alone, his tweets included the insults fake, crazy, incompetent, weak, pathetic, third-rate, losers and hack, all primarily targeting politicians and members of the press. Inflammatory language is distracting. Its a look-over-here tactic for when you need to do something over there. In other words, it is a defense mechanism. Instead of simply outlining the wrongs he feels have been made against him, he accuses, insults and belittles his targets. A great ongoing example of this behavior is his feud with the media or as he likes to call it, the Lamestream Media.

Trump has throughout his tenure repeatedly claimed that others around him are liars who spread fake information or news. These statements often follow news coverage or professional statements that contradict what the president has in the works. A classic, recent example on April 13 was when he took to Twitter to proclaim: I am working hard to expose the corruption and dishonesty in the Lamestream Media. That part is easy, the hard part is WHY? Lets take a closer look at this Trump tweet, a genre that has become classic in and of itself. This post was in response to a New York Times article about a ban on flights from China as a counter-COVID-19 measure, and the newspaper was the target of his hard work to expose corruption and dishonesty. Of course, Trump has the right to disagree. The main issue from the get-go with this rather tweet-obsessed leader is how he expresses his oppositions. Lets look past the fact that the 73-year-old president of the U.S. is using terms like Lamestream and rather address the tone. The all-caps WHY can only be read as a shouted whine. There is no other voice that would appropriately reflect its connotation. The use of all caps on the internet connotes virtual shouting, while the why leads one to believe he has little control over what is going on. Although he mentions the source of his angst in the same thread, where there should be an intelligent rebuttal, we are simply confronted with defensive insults and a needy query from someone who should be assuming a confident, leading role. There are countless more examples that mirror this.

A case in point comes from April 21, on MSNBCs news show Morning Joe, featuring host Joe Scarborough, whose criticism of the presidents coronavirus strategy prompted Trump to tweet: Watched the first 5 minutes of poorly rated Morning Psycho on MSDNC just to see if he is as nuts as people are saying. Hes worse. Such hatred and contempt! I used to do his show all the time before the 2016 election, then cut him off. Wasnt worth the effort, his mind is shot! Calling a respected reporter and former congressman a psycho and nuts, whether you agree or disagree with his reporting, only to go on to claim the broadcaster harbors hatred and contempt without reflecting on ones own explicitly negative commentary is both ironic and dripping with immaturity.

Luckily, the press in the U.S. is in no danger of being persuaded by Trumps hissy-fit tweeting style. His staunch supporters, on the other hand, are another story entirely. Timelines show that the Trump administration had ample time to prepare for the inevitable coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. The president spent this time claiming that he had everything under control, that the virus wasnt a major threat and that the U.S. had plenty of supplies if it did somehow find its way to American shores. He was wrong on all counts. The country has been the worst hit, with more than 800,000 infections and a staggering 45,000-plus deaths. The virus is quickly bringing the U.S. economy to its knees and has left millions of Americans out of work. The rapid spread of the virus has led many states to impose confinement orders and shut down businesses in efforts to lessen the death toll and the burden on struggling health care facilities.

Helplessly watching as his campaign platform based on economic gains slowly withers away, Trump has pushed for life to return to normal. He even proclaimed that everything would be fine by Easter Sunday on April 12. He was sorely mistaken.

When governors across the U.S. spoke out against Trumps push to restart the economy and his claim during a news conference on April 13 that, "When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total," the determined president once again hit Twitter running. To rally and assumedly rile up his supporters, he wrote a series of tweets on April 17 reiterating the slogan LIBERATE MINNESOTA in support of the planned protest against state-imposed COVID-19 measures and paired it with LIBERATE MICHIGAN and then LIBERATE VIRGINIA and save your 2nd Amendment. It is under siege! The three states in need of liberation are run by Democratic governors who have, according to Trump and some of the states citizens, violated personal liberties with stay-at-home recommendations and the mandatory closing of businesses in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus.

These tweets hit two controversial nerves: the infringement of liberty and the Second Amendment. The concept of liberty holds a special place in the hearts of patriotic Americans, who associate it with their hard-won freedom from tyrants and foreign entities. The Second Amendment guarantees citizens the right to bear arms although the interpretations of just exactly how vary widely. Gun control has been an issue debated and thrown around in electoral campaigns for decades, with the electorate committed to one side or the other. In just a few words, Trump hit the right notes to encourage more citizens to rise up in actual revolt against their local governments. Many Americans now feeling the economic crunch the virus has caused want to believe what Trump is trying to hawk. Already frustrated with the lockdowns and the tumbling economys effect on jobs, they are vulnerable targets. Some heeded his call, and as a result, more protests against state governments have broken out across the country, with people waving placards with slogans like, Freedom without Fear, Land of the Free and Social Distancing = Communism.

State governors countrywide have spoken out against Trumps antagonistic tweets. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, said, To have an American president encourage people to violate the law ... is dangerous. Others from the presidents own party also spoke out, with Marylands Republican governor, Larry Hogan, in a CNN interview saying, To encourage people to protest the plan that you just made recommendations on, on Thursday, it just doesnt make any sense. He also went on to stress that Trumps encouragement of protestors who picketed the Statehouse in Annapolis a day earlier was not helpful.

Countries worldwide are facing an unprecedented health crisis, and how leaders respond influences how the public deals with the looming biological threat. As the leader of a country, Trumps use of Twitter over the past four years to spew insults, comfort his fragile ego and issue threats has been disgraceful. Even more concerning is how he uses it to incite most often negative action from the public. Most recently, we must ask ourselves how someone who represents the unity of 50 states can encourage its citizens to revolt against local governments, which are the very glue that holds the countrys democratic structure together. At what point does a president stop becoming a leader and start becoming a self-serving, dividing force? The office of the president of the U.S. was founded on the premise of preserving what the countrys Founding Fathers envisioned for a free and flexible yet unified democracy an establishment that is now being undermined by a persistent flood of petty Oval Office tweets.

*Senior copy editor at Daily Sabah

Excerpt from:

Full of hot air: What happens when a president fans the flames | Daily Sabah - Daily Sabah

Thank the Second Amendment: Armed hero stops possible mass shooting – Washington Examiner

How can you tell whether or not the liberal media will pick up an incident of gun violence and turn it into a national story? Its simple: If the shooting is successful, they will give it wall-to-wall coverage for a week. If it is stopped by an armed citizen, however, the liberal media will almost always pretend it never happened or glance over the story with only brief mention or coverage.

This oversight is perhaps a bit more understandable at the moment, given the national coronavirus crisis consuming the country and dominating media coverage. But its still absolutely worth highlighting the heroic story of a man who on Friday shot and stopped an armed shooter who opened fire on shoppers at a shopping center in Oklahoma.

A man with a concealed carry permit reportedly told arriving officers that he shot the woman after she started shooting at customers outside the shopping center, the Tulsa World reports. Video reportedly showed the woman was involved in an earlier altercation in the parking lot. The woman left the shopping center and returned about three minutes later, when she pulled a gun and opened fire, according to the news release.

Ultimately, the hero, who likely saved numerous lives, was questioned and released by the police.

Who knows how bad this could have been had an armed citizen not been around to stop the shooter before she actually hit anyone? Second Amendment advocate and editor Cam Edwards wrote for Bearing Arms. Sadly, because she didnt actually kill or injure anyone, this story isnt of nearly as much interest to the media as it would be otherwise, and this story will get virtually no national news coverage because there wasnt enough carnage inflicted. The media would much rather talk about lives lost than lives saved.

These stories of self-defense heroics may, unfortunately, not get much attention in the left-leaning press, but they do matter.

When the coronavirus pandemic eventually subsides, the political conversation will no doubt at some point turn once again to the issue of gun control after some horrific mass shooting makes national news. Its in that moment when well need to remember stories such as the one out of Tulsa this week, as well as the fact that concealed carry permit holders are one of the most law-abiding subgroups of citizens and that guns are used hundreds of thousands of times annually (if not millions) in self-defense.

So even amid all the coronavirus chaos, take a moment to be thankful for the Second Amendment. Without it, many lives may have been lost this week.

UPDATE: This article has been updated to reflect the fact that the incident occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma, not Tulsa, Florida.

Read the original post:

Thank the Second Amendment: Armed hero stops possible mass shooting - Washington Examiner

Letters to the editor – Opinion – Utica Observer Dispatch

3 steps can control coronavirus




If South Korea, Germany, Japan and yes, even China, have controlled Covid-19 with these three steps, so can the United States.

And until a better solution is found, dont take no for an answer!

Barry Damsky, Whitesboro

Social distancing is a must

President Trump thinks that truth is a precious commodity in short supply, which is probably why he uses it so sparingly. Hes simply not trustworthy.

Obamas set up White House epidemic monitoring agencies within NCS and DHS. They monitored and fought epidemics outside the US before they got here. Trump eliminated them and cut funds devoted to monitoring epidemics at CDC. He said he wasn't responsible for these cuts at all and that he was doing a great job, even as the number of ill has surpassed China. He reversed his view every few days and failed to act, so he blamed China. And Obama.

But this virus doesnt care how you fix the blame. It treats Republicans and Democrats, babies and grandmothers, the homeless and senators, New Yorkers and Texans all the samewere all hosts.

Without effective drugs, the only strategy is social-distancing, which must be enforced everywhere. Some states have no restrictions. Since testing availability is still spotty and it takes a couple of weeks for symptoms to appear, we dont know who is sick. This strategy demands federal leadership. We have name-calling and finger-pointing but no leadership and time is short.

Paul Schulman, Utica

President forgets were UNITED states

Our president is now proposing enacting a quarantine of New Yorkers to keep us from traveling to Florida since his "best bud, the governor of Florida, wants it because New York is a "hotspot. Where do I begin in response to this?!

This idea is from a governor who kept the beaches open as the rest of the nation, despite Trump's ignorant lethargy, acted in response to the coronavirus. This idea, pitifully lacking in thought, was never discussed with our governor before it was announced our Governor who has, from the beginning of this crisis, shown intelligence, vision and soul.

This president of the UNITED States of America clearly does not comprehend that we are all in this together; he does not comprehend that this virus is everywhere; he does not comprehend that this quarantine idea only divides our nation. I fear that this is only the beginning of a trend of targeting and blaming. An additional thought: Many New Yorkers travel to Florida annually, supporting the travel industry there. Perhaps that will change.

Terry Cardinal, New Hartford

Tenney strong 2nd Amendment supporter

This year, Central New York could see a re-election battle between a current and a former Member of Congress Anthony Brindisi and Claudia Tenney. While there are major differences between the two, one of the biggest, and most important, is their support or in one case, lack thereof, for the Second Amendment.

When Tenney was in Congress and the Assembly, she held a number of events supporting Remington Arms in Ilion, one of the biggest employers in New York. She even voted and cosponsored a number of bills to advance Second Amendment rights across the country. Anthony Brindisi on the other hand has been absent in the district when it comes to supporting the Second Amendment, and even voted to restrict gun rights in Washington (HR8) when he voted for a restrictive gun control bill that was passed off as a bill strengthening background checks.

A few weeks ago, Tenney even attended a meeting in Rome that focused on expanding Second Amendment rights in New York State, along with Second Amendment rights events held in Ilion and Boonville.

The 2nd Amendment seems to be the only amendment in the Bill of Rights that's constantly being infringed upon, regulated and being tested at every level of the court system in America. When I go to the polls in November, the Second Amendment will be my top issue, and I will remember which candidate stood for it, and which sat silently as it was attacked.

Bohdan Rabarsky, Utica

View original post here:

Letters to the editor - Opinion - Utica Observer Dispatch

Biden the Half Wit Dares Lecture the Public on the 2nd Amendment – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

U.S.A. -(Ammoland.com)- The problem for Americans is that Joe Biden, the presumptive U.S. Presidential nominee of the Democrat Party, can feasibly become U.S. President. That fact makes Biden less amusing, and more frightening. Among those who are markedly incompetent to serve as U.S. President, we find Joe Biden. But, if he were at least affable, we could laugh at this clown, rather than frown.

Americans know when politicians come across as crass, insulting, and derisive. A person cannot effectively serve as the leader of the Nation if that person treats the general public as contemptible lowborn plebeians. That was a major failing of Hillary Clinton, among a litany of others. Something she could not hide. And, Bidens low regard for the average American has also become clear. We saw Bidens churlish behavior recently, during his exchange with a Detroit auto plant worker.

Fox News later interviewed the Detroit auto plant worker, Jerry Wayne, regarding what became an apparent contentious argument with former Vice President Joe Biden about Bidens position on gun rights.

Jerry Wayne chatted with Fox & Friends and said Biden could have easily said Im not taking questions and I would have very respectfully walked away. But he wanted to listen to my question and I dont think that he was ready for it. Wayne also noted that he tried to ask Biden questions about how he was going to improve the situations of union workers like himself in the future.

We bare [sic] arms and we like to do that. If he wants to give us work and take us [sic] guns, I dont know how he will get the same vote, Wayne said. He also called it disturbing when Fox & Friends asked for his reactions to a clip of Biden expressing his view that assault weapons should be confiscated.

Were you surprised that you asked a simple question and Joe Biden just went off the deep end on you? Steve Doocy [host of Fox & Friends] asked.

Yeah. I thought I was pretty articulate and respectful, said Wayne. I didnt try to raise any feathers. And he kind of went off the deep end. I saw he was digging a hole. I just kind of let him talk for a while to dig a hole.

Politicians love to equivocate, and Biden is no exception. But equivocation is hardly a talent of these people. And they love to talk about the Constitution, even when it appears they lack an understanding of Constitutional law and especially lack an understanding of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. That should prevent them from proselytizing to the American public about a matter they know very little if anything about. But, then, they lack humility as wellanother disturbing and all too common failing among many politicians.

You would think a politician would be perspicacious enough to refrain from lecturing the public about matters that a politician knows little if anything about; let alone legislate over it, but a politician doesnt refrain from lecturing the public or from legislating in ways catastrophic to the well-being of the Nation.

Politicians, especially those on the Radical Left and new Progressive Left of the political spectrum, proceed along their merry way, seemingly having not a care in the world, either oblivious to the fact, or, perhaps, all too mindful of it, that the actions they take as legislators, compromising the citizenry's most sacred rights and liberties, diminishes them as Americans, undermines the Constitution, and creates a hell for the rest of us to live in.

Yet, there is no compromise (in the sense of negotiation), on a fundamental, immutable, inalienable, natural right; nor can there be compromise. The word compromise, here, denotes outright capitulation. That, of course, is what the Democrats want, and the Detroit autoworker, Jerry Wayne, was doing the public a favor in bringing to light the irrationality of Bidens remarks on the Second Amendment. Biden obviously wasnt able to respond effectively to the irrationality of his own position. How could he? His position is self-contradictory.

One cannot claim rationally to support the Second Amendment, when one wishes to take steps to erase it. Biden may have realized the inconsistency inherent in his position on the Second Amendment when Jerry Wayne, the Detroit autoworker, had pointedly and demonstrably presented the inconsistency out to him. But, instead of admitting this, or otherwise doing what politicians are generally good atdisengaging and talking about something else when they do not wish to answer a question directly or cannot answer a pointed question directed to themBiden lashed out, like a petulant child. This is a common failing of the Radical Left and Progressive Left elements of our society. They do not wish to debate; they would rather shout a person down. That is much easier for them.

Sincerity was never Bidens long suit; nor is controlling his anger. Bidens obvious disinclination to engage the public, despite his efforts to demonstrate the contrary, comes across plainly and painfully. His rancor and deceit, irascibility and dissembling, along with an inability or lack of desire to even try to control his temper should not be lost on anyone.

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel' website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information, visit:www.arbalestquarrel.com.

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Biden the Half Wit Dares Lecture the Public on the 2nd Amendment - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Biden Nears Nomination, Focuses Sights on the Second Amendment – America’s 1st Freedom

Credit: Photo courtesy ofGage Skidmore

Former Vice President Joe Biden is moving ever closer to the Democratic Partys presidential nomination, as he recently picked up wins in a handful of additional states to extend his lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Despite losing early contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, the former vice president had strong showings elsewhere, all while taking a more focused aim at the Second Amendment.

Recently, he used expletives to insult Second Amendment supporters headed to the polls in Detroit, Mich. When asked about why he was trying to rescind Second Amendment rights, Biden told the man, Youre full off s---. A Biden spokesman doubled down on this rhetoric by tweeting, Remember that its not only Donald Trump whos terrified of a Biden presidency. Its the NRA, who Joe Biden has beaten twice - to ban assault weapons and pass the Brady Bill.

Just a week earlier, Joe Biden tapped failed presidential candidate and former Texas Rep. Beto ORourke to take care of the gun problem with him. It wasnt long ago that ORourke was making headlines for proclaiming, Hell yes, were going to take your AR-15. ORourkes numbers dipped following this debate and he exited the race just over a month later.

Biden decided he wasnt done there, though. He also recently hired ORourkes former campaign manager, Jen OMalley Dillon, to the same position. It should come as no surprise that, like ORourke, she is no friend of our right to keep and bear arms. Following a tragedy in Texas that took eight lives (including the murderer), she tweeted, GET EVERYONE OF THOSE GODD--- GUNS OFF OUR STREETS.

The former vice president also picked up endorsements from anti-gun politicians and special-interest groups alike. This includes support from former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who made attacking the Second Amendment the cornerstone of his failed campaign. Biden also secured endorsements from the bulk of all other previous presidential hopefuls, including Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and, most recently, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii).

Biden also received the backing of the Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety, the Brady Campaign and former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.).

As this was being written, however, Sanders had still not conceded the race. That being said, Sanders has also made it clear throughout his decades in public office that he is an anti-gun opportunist who will cave to the demands of his partisan, anti-Second Amendment base.

Whoever the nominee ultimately is, both leading candidates have the Second Amendment in their sights; but whats most troubling is that the former vice president seems to be taking a more focused aim on the Second Amendment as his campaign progresses towards the nomination in July.

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Biden Nears Nomination, Focuses Sights on the Second Amendment - America's 1st Freedom

COVID-19: Threat to Second Amendment – NRA ILA

Click on a State to filter the articles list below

Nothing is more important than protecting ourselves and our families -- especially during these times of uncertainty. Yet, some anti-gun lawmakers are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to deny you and your loved ones your fundamental right to self-defense and your Second Amendment rights.

These anti-gun and anti-self defense extremists deem gun stores "non-essential," they shut down issuance of firearm permits, and, in some locations, they have created extreme delays for background checks required for firearm transfers. Some jurisdictions have even put added restrictions on firearm transfers, making it all but impossible for many law-abiding Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

All of this is happening against a backdrop of reported prisoner furloughs and law enforcement only arresting for the most serious of crimes.

Just like you, we know that's wrong.

That is why the NRA will keep a constant watch on what is happening nationwide and will work diligently to ensure that you are able to defend yourself and your family during these unprecedented times. In the past four decades, your NRA has led the way to pass Right-to-Carry, Castle Doctrine, and most important for the current crisis, protection against gun confiscation during declared emergencies. This time is no different.

We hope you find this website useful. Please use it to stay updated on what's happening in your town or state and across the country. If you need help or would like to alert us to something happening in your town or state, please contact us here or send us an email atCOVID19@nrahq.org.

During these difficult times, your NRA is keeping vigilant watch over your right to buy a gun and to make sure you are able to defend yourself andyourfamily. The NRA fights for all law-abiding gun owners, whether they can afford to donate or not. We understand times are tough. But, if you have the means, pleasehelp us keep fighting against those politicians who are determined to strip away our right to self-defense and their billionaire backers. Every dollar counts. We thank you in advance.

If you are unable to help us at this time, please drop us a line and let us know how you and your family aredoing. We are always grateful to hear from our members and supporters. Again, a big THANK YOU from all of us here at the NRA.

Stay safe.

Read this article:

COVID-19: Threat to Second Amendment - NRA ILA

Second Amendment | Contents, Supreme Court Interpretations …

Second Amendment, amendment to the Constitution of the United States, adopted in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, that provided a constitutional check on congressional power under Article I Section 8 to organize, arm, and discipline the federal militia. The Second Amendment reads, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Referred to in modern times as an individuals right to carry and use arms for self-defense, the Second Amendment was envisioned by the framers of the Constitution, according to College of William and Mary law professor and future U.S. District Court judge St. George Tucker in 1803 in his great work Blackstones Commentaries: With Notes of Reference to the Constitution and Laws of the Federal Government of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as the true palladium of liberty. In addition to checking federal power, the Second Amendment also provided state governments with what Luther Martin (1744/481826) described as the last coup de grace that would enable the states to thwart and oppose the general government. Last, it enshrined the ancient Florentine and Roman constitutional principle of civil and military virtue by making every citizen a soldier and every soldier a citizen. (See also gun control.)

Until 2008 the Supreme Court of the United States had never seriously considered the constitutional scope of the Second Amendment. In its first hearing on the subject, in Presser v. Illinois (1886), the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment prevented the states from prohibit[ing] the people from keeping and bearing arms, so as to deprive the United States of their rightful resource for maintaining the public security. More than four decades later, in United States v. Schwimmer (1929), the Supreme Court cited the Second Amendment as enshrining that the duty of individuals to defend our government against all enemies whenever necessity arises is a fundamental principle of the Constitution and holding that the common defense was one of the purposes for which the people ordained and established the Constitution. Meanwhile, in United States v. Miller (1939), in a prosecution under the National Firearms Act (1934), the Supreme Court avoided addressing the constitutional scope of the Second Amendment by merely holding that the possession or use of a shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length was not any part of the ordinary military equipment protected by the Second Amendment.

For more than seven decades after the United States v. Miller decision, what right to bear arms that the Second Amendment protected remained uncertain. This uncertainty was ended, however, in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), in which the Supreme Court examined the Second Amendment in exacting detail. In a narrow 54 majority, delivered by Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court held that self-defense was the central component of the amendment and that the District of Columbias prohibition against rendering any lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of immediate self-defense to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court also affirmed previous rulings that the Second Amendment ensured the right of individuals to take part in the defending of their liberties by taking up arms in an organized militia. However, the court was clear to emphasize that an individuals right to an organized militia is not the sole institutional beneficiary of the Second Amendments guarantee.

Because the Heller ruling constrained only federal regulations against the right of armed self-defense in the home, it was unclear whether the court would hold that the Second Amendment guarantees established in Heller were equally applicable to the states. The Supreme Court answered that question in 2010, with its ruling on McDonald v. Chicago. In a plurality opinion, a 54 majority held that the right to possess a handgun in the home for the purpose of self-defense is applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendments due process clause.

However, despite the use of person in that clause, the McDonald decision did not apply to noncitizens, because one member of the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas, refused in his concurring opinion to explicitly extend the right that far. Thomas wrote, Because this case does not involve a claim brought by a noncitizen, I express no view on the difference, if any, between my conclusion and the plurality with respect to the extent to which States may regulate firearm possession by noncitizens. Thomass conclusion was also supported by his view that the Second Amendment should be incorporated through the Fourteenth Amendments privileges or immunities clause, which recognizes only the rights of citizens.

The relatively narrow holdings in the Heller and McDonald decisions left many Second Amendment legal issues unsettled, including the constitutionality of many federal gun-control regulations, whether the right to carry or conceal a weapon in public was protected, and whether noncitizens are protected through the Fourteenth Amendments equal protection clause.

Read more from the original source:

Second Amendment | Contents, Supreme Court Interpretations ...

Georgia EPD Statement Regarding Second Amendment to the BD Judicial Consent Order – Covington News

Late yesterday following discussions between EPD and the federal Department of Health and Human Services, the Food and Drug Administration, and theU.S.Environmental Protection Agency regarding the COVID-19 pandemicand impending critical shortages of medical devices sterilized by BD, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) and Becton Dickinson and Company (BD)fileda joint motion to amendthe judicial consent order in Newton County Superior Court.Today the Court issued an order approving the amendment.

The amendment temporarily increases the number of medical devices BDis allowed tosterilize and allows BD to make temporary changes to its aeration time. This change increases the limits on product lots sterilized per month from 600 to 825 in Covington and from 603 to 685 in Madison and modifies the minimum heated aeration period for sterilized product from 24 to 20 hours at the Covington facility. These changes are necessary to ensure hospitals have enough sterilized medical devices available to treat the influx of COVID-19 patients. The equipment sterilized at these facilities of specific concern include Foley catheter procedural trays, Foley catheters, PICC line catheters, and acute dialysis catheters.

The second amendment changes are temporary and will only be in effect until 14 days after the Governor lifts the Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency for Coronavirus.BD is presently installingnew, more effective pollution control devices at its Covington and Madison plants, whichwill reduce emissions and will be placed in operation as soon as installation is complete.

This is the second amendment to the BD consent order. The original order was filed on October 28, 2019and was amended on January 15, 2020.The other requirements of the previous orders including but not limited to air monitoring remainthe same.The second amendment to the judicial consent orderis posted on the EPD ethylene oxide webpage athttps://epd.georgia.gov/ethylene-oxide-informationunder BD.

News Media Contact: Kevin Chambers404 651-7970


Excerpt from:

Georgia EPD Statement Regarding Second Amendment to the BD Judicial Consent Order - Covington News

Florida Alert! It’s Here! A Way for You to Help Save Your Guns & Gun Rights – NRA ILA

DATE:March 25, 2020TO:USF & NRA Members and FriendsFROM:Marion P. HammerNRA Past PresidentUSF Executive Director

Members and friends keep asking me what they can do to help -- well, keep reading. If you really and truly want to help save your gun rights and Freedom in America, I'm going to tell you how.

On Saturday, March 21 and Tuesday, March 24, we sent out Legislative Alerts reporting our successes on YOUR BEHALF during the recently ended Florida Legislative Session.

We fought Senator Bill Galvano (R), President of the Florida Senate to stop SB-7028, a gun control bill that Galvano -- as Senate President -- was trying to pass for anti-gun extremist, billionaire Michael Bloomberg (D).

In the March 21 ALERTwe reminded you that Bloomberg had given $500,000 (half-a-million-dollars) to Galvano and that Galvano -- a Republican -- had said that he would make no apologies for supporting gun control championed by Bloomberg, and said that he was grateful" for Bloomberg's support. We further reminded you that we had fought SB-7028 to a standstill and that SB-7028 had died when the Legislative Session ended.

In the March 24 ALERT we listed a couple dozen of some of the worst gun control bills that we had fought to kill and, we reported that we had tracked over 100 bills that had the potential to damage your Second Amendment gun rights and hunting rights.

We worked hard and spared no expense to protect your rights.

Now, I'm asking you to dig deep and use this LINK to help us keep fighting. During this COVID-19 pandemic emergency, I'm calling on you to step up and help us help you.

Enemies of NRA, enemies of the Second Amendment, enemies of Freedom are well funded by millionaire and billionaire zealots who seem to hate all we stand for and are willing to spend untold amounts of their millions and billions to destroy NRA and the Second Amendment.

While enemies of NRA have millions of dollars, NRA has millions of members and supporters -- So, PLEASE, do your part. No amount is too large or too small. Go here to DONATE NOW.

The Second Amendment protects Freedom. Lose your gun rights and you have no way to protect Freedom. Lose the means to protect Freedom and you are no longer Free.

PLEASE, do it for WAYNE, do if for ME, do it for YOU, do it for AMERICA -- DONATE TODAY Click here:


See more here:

Florida Alert! It's Here! A Way for You to Help Save Your Guns & Gun Rights - NRA ILA

State Representative Requests Opinion from Texas Attorney General on Exclusion of Gun Manufacturers & Retailers as "Essential…

Dear Texas NRA Member:

Today, State Representative Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock), Chairman of the Texas House Committee on Ways & Means, formallyrequested an opinionfrom Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) on whether city and/or county officials can prohibit the sale of firearms through an emergency order or declaration by excluding firearms manufacturers and retailers as "essential businesses." On Monday, the Mayor of the City of Lubbock, which is in Burrows' district, issued an order to close all "non-essential" businesses within city limits, with no exemption for gun stores. Other cities and counties, including Waco, Austin, Bexar County, Dallas County and Travis County, have issued similar orders (a copy of Harris County's "stay at home" order was not available as this alert went out.)

These actions by local elected officials could violate the state firearms preemption law, which restricts the authority of cities and counties to enact a patchwork of regulations affecting the sale and transfer of firearms across the State of Texas.

During an emergency, food, water, shelter and adequate medical care are paramount for survival, but so too is the ability of an individual to protect his or herself, as well astheir family, home, business and property. The lines of customers outside of firearm retailers across Texas in recent days is testament to the fact that they believe the ability to exercise their constitutional rights protected by the Second Amendment is essential, as they may find themselves facing situations where they need to be their own first responders.

Your NRA-ILA will continue to monitor this situation and will report to you on further developments.

See the original post here:

State Representative Requests Opinion from Texas Attorney General on Exclusion of Gun Manufacturers & Retailers as "Essential...

Letter: Protect the rights of gun owners – Concord Monitor

Published: 3/26/2020 12:01:29 AM

In this very critical time, with all of us concerned about the spread of a potentially deadly virus among our population, the time is ripe for possible public disorder, and the rights of our citizens to provide for their own self-defense is even more important now than in more tranquil times.

Among the reasons I believe that our state has a very low violent crime rate is that so many of our citizens are gun owners. And many of our senior citizens, myself among them, take comfort from the fact that they are well-trained firearm owners.

House Bill 1660 purports to protect the elderly, but as someone notionally within that class, I assure you that I do not need, seek or want any such protection from the state. There are already many laws on the books of our state that cover exploitation, neglect and abuse, so all we simply need to do is enforce existing laws. We do not need or want HB 1660, which erodes some of our most basic constitutional rights.

HB 1660 is, once again, an attempted first step toward confiscation of firearms from our law-abiding citizens without due process and without proper regard for their rights under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article 2-a of the New Hampshire Bill of Rights.

You have had the courage to veto similar legislation last session, and I urge you in the strongest possible terms to veto HB 1660 when it comes before you now.



The rest is here:

Letter: Protect the rights of gun owners - Concord Monitor