Tire Plugs or Tire Patches: Which Is Better? – Resident Press

Replacing the tires on your car can get expensive. You typically want all four treads to have equal wear, and when one tire goes, you need to think about whether its safe to replace one or if its time to replace all of them. Save yourself some trouble by asking,tire plugs or tire patches: which is better? and learning which will keep you safest on the road.

After your vehicle runs over a sharp object, whether a nail or a pointed rock, it will puncture the rubber and cause air to leak out. Normally, people will see this and determine that the tire is no longer suitable for use. But by pulling out the sharp object, you can insert a tire plug into the hole to seal the damage. The plug will adhere to the tire, creating a strong bond and making your tire usable once more.

While you can insert a plug to seal a puncture, it cannot heal every wound. You cannot properly repair a hole that is too big, and it will tear again. Know what damage you can safely seal and what will require a new tire.

Patching a tire is a more involved process that requires you to remove the tire from the rim and use a die grinder to cut a two-inch diameter hole around the puncture. The patch is then pushed from the interior of the tire to the exterior, forming a strong seal.

A patch is commonly regarded as the stronger of the two options, providing better, more reliable results and a stronger tire. But the downside is that it is a very hands-on process, requiring you to directly work on your tire and manipulate it further. A patch is not as quick and easy a fix as a tire plug, but it can provide astounding results for the effort.

You cant salvage every tire; there are times when you need to know when to replace a tire. If the hole is too big or the tire is damaged too badly, you may need a replacement. Even after you know whethera tire patch or a tire plug is better, you still need to acknowledge when both arent enough. Know when you need to change your tire if your current one is no longer safe.

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Tire Plugs or Tire Patches: Which Is Better? - Resident Press

Advisory: Report Dead Birds and Remove Feeders – greennewton.org

An illness is impacting birds in certain parts of the country. As a precautionary measure, MassWildlife is urging the public to report observations of dead birds and stop using bird feeders at this time.

In late May, wildlife managers in Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky began receiving reports of sick and dying birds with eye swelling and crusty discharge, as well as neurological signs. More recently, additional reports have been received from Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. While the majority of affected birds are reported to be fledgling common grackles, blue jays, European starlings, and American robins, other species of songbirds have been reported as well. No definitive cause(s) of illness or death have been determined at this time.

While there is always an increase in reports of dead birds at this time of year due to natural high mortality rates of young birds, MassWildlife is encouraging the public to report any observations of sick or dead birds (with unknown cause of mortality) as a precaution to help track this widespread mortality event. However, the mystery disease is not known to be in any of the New England states at this time. It is not necessary to report dead birds where strong evidence links the mortality to collision with glass or vehicles or predation by cats. Report observations and upload photos below.


As another cautionary measure, MassWildlife and Mass Audubon are also recommending the public to stop using all bird feeders and bird baths at this time. Birds congregating at bird feeders and bird baths can transmit diseases to one another. MassWildlife, as well as other wildlife agencies in the region, recommend taking the following precautions:

At this time of year, birds are able to find plenty of natural foods on the landscape without needing bird seed. MassWildlife advises that seed from bird feeders can draw the unwanted attention of squirrels, chipmunks, turkeys, mice, rats, and even black bears. Wild animals that become habituated to human-associated foods like bird seed can become a nuisance, spread disease, and cause problems. You can learn how to attract birds to your yard naturally throughout the year using native plants. Get tips here.


Advisory: Report Dead Birds and Remove Feeders - greennewton.org

SERMONETTE: The bread of life discourse in John 6 – Crow River Media

The Gospel John 6 is broken up into three segments, which build upon each other and conclude in the epic climax of Jesus teaching on the Eucharist. The opening of the chapter begins with the Feeding of the 5,000.

This miraculous event contains many significant elements. Like Moses before Him, Jesus provides food for the people of Israel. This is Jesus first miracle in John 6, and it will carry great significance going forward. The people who witnessed the multiplication of the bread and fish will follow Jesus to Capernaum and come face to face with one of Jesus hardest teachings.

This leads us to the next scene in John 6. John tells us that he and the other disciples were about 3 or 4 miles from the shore being buffeted by heavy winds when all of a sudden they saw Jesus walking towards them on the water. The disciples reeled back in fright, but Jesus said, It is I; do not be afraid (John 6:20).

Once again, Jesus imitates Moses by performing a miracle with water. Moses parted the Red Sea so that the people could cross over the dry land. In this scene we see Jesus complete and total control over nature. He defies the laws of nature, definitively manifesting His divine nature and power over the created world, which will serve as the means of understanding His teaching on the Eucharist.

Third, in the synagogue in Capernaum, Jesus addressed the crowds who had gathered to hear Him. Jesus quickly escalates the conversation by identifying Himself as the Messiah by saying that He has been given the Fathers seal and been sent by Him into the world.

Upon hearing this, the people ask for a sign to accompany such a bold claim. They say, Then what sign do you do, that we may see, and believe you? Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat (John 6:30-31). To which Jesus responds, Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven; my Father gives you the true bread from Heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven, and gives life to the world. I am the Bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst (John 6:32-33, 35).

At this point the people begin to murmur amongst themselves. Jesus was saying some pretty radical things, but He didnt stop there.

Jesus' teaching on the Eucharist was simply too hard for them to grasp. Even though they had seen Him multiply the loaves and the fish and feed the hungry crowd of 5,000 people.

Interestingly, the apostles do not abandon Jesus when He asks, Do you also want to leave? (John 6:67). Peter, proclaims, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God (John 6:67-69).

The Rev. Paul Wolf is pastor at St. Anastasia Catholic Community in Hutchinson and Stewart.

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SERMONETTE: The bread of life discourse in John 6 - Crow River Media

4 Global Wellness Trends That Are Going To Be Huge – Beauty Packaging Magazine

For many of us, looking after our health has taken on a whole new meaning self-care has come to the forefront of our priorities and we are looking to improve ourselves and live our best and most rewarding lives. Often, this has meant that weve turned our attention to other cultures and followed their lead, adopting their wellness practices into our own lives.

If youre wondering whats next? youll be happy to know that there is an abundance of global wellness trends on the horizon.

Translated as to nurture life, Yang Sheng is all about taking it slowand listening to our bodies. The ultimate aim of Yang Sheng is to create the perfect balance between mind, body, and soul.

In Yang Sheng teaching, it is taking notice of the small things in life that is the most important. The practice encourages people to work small and simple practices into their daily lives rather than tackling radical diets or impossible fitness regimes.

For example, when youre in the follicular phase (days 1 to 14) flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are recommended on the basis that they help to boost oestrogen production. After that, during the luteal phase (days 14 to 28), pumpkin and flax seeds should be swapped out for sunflower seeds and sesame seeds to help your body boost its progesterone levels.

The idea is that each type of seed will help to alleviate some of the less pleasant side effects of your period, but its all about finding the right balance for you. From finding the right tampons from your first period to eating the food that best helps relieve period pains, everyones cycle must be treated as unique. Seed cycling is just one example of how menstrual wellness trends are set to be huge.

This wellness trend originates from Japan and includes many different elements. The running theme is anything high-tech the gamer in you wont be able to resist this one!

Combining traditional ideas with innovative new techniques, J-Wellness focuses largely on community wellness and healthy ageing. Home to the second-highest number of centurions in the world (around 79,000 of its population are 100 or over) and the oldest living person in the world, Kane Tanaka, age 118 (as of 2021), theres no wonder that the rest of the world looks towards Japan when it comes to wellness and ageing.

One of the unusual features associated with J-Wellness is the use of social robots. These robots are designed to offer psychological support and improve wellbeing.

There are currently many designs being trialled in Japan. PARO, for example, is an AI-driven social robot created by Tsukubas National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology this bot resembles a furry seal and has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression by calming down dementia patients.(See the furry seal robot in the instagram post below.)

Hydrotherapy is the idea that exercising in, or simply relaxing in, water can help alleviate physical ailments such as arthritis. As well as this, natural hot springs and thermal baths (such as the famous bathhouses in Budapest), have been found to reduce stress, improve sleeping patterns, boost circulation, and health conditions.

Tourists have long flocked to the bathhouses of Budapest, but this wellness trend is becoming more and more global, giving a variety of countries an opportunity to embrace the wellness market. As they are home to natural hot springs, many Middle Eastern and North African countries have started developing their own hydrotherapy industries (including Tunisia, Algeria, Oman, and Saudi Arabia).

Delilah Kealy Roberts specializes in technology, travel and culture, and writes for many online and print publications as well as brands such asLil-lets.Lil-lets provides feminine hygiene products that operates principally in the UK, Ireland and South Africa.

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4 Global Wellness Trends That Are Going To Be Huge - Beauty Packaging Magazine

Bridge to be dedicated to Navy SEAL Steve ‘Turbo’ Toboz – Lock Haven Express

PHOTO PROVIDEDNavy Seal Steve Toboz Jr. is shown with wife, Linda, and daughter, Bianca, 9.

LOCK HAVEN Petty Officer Stephen Turbo Toboz Jr. will be honored on Saturday, Aug. 28, when the First Island Bridge over the Susquehanna River in Castanea Township is dedicated to the Navy Seal.

The ceremony, which will include unveiling of a sign naming the bridge for Toboz, will take place at the pavilion next to the bridge beginning at 1 p.m.

State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz, R-Clinton/Centre counties, will host the event, which is open to the public.

Stephen is truly a living legend and I am humbled to have the opportunity to permanently honor this decorated Navy SEAL and all-American warrior for his lifetime of extraordinary service and sacrifice, said Borowicz, who sponsored the unanimously adopted House Bill 925 which was signed into law as Act 40 of 2021 on June 30. Without question, Petty Officer Tobozs actions during the Battle of Roberts Ridge reflect the highest traditions of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group and his selfless courage under overwhelming fire are worthy of our nations enduring gratitude.

Toboz is a veteran of the United States Navy who proudly served his country for 20 years as a Navy SEAL. His inspiring profile biography below is excerpted from the book American Heroes by Oliver North:

In March 2002, in support of Operation Anaconda at Takur Ghar mountain in Afghanistan Petty Officer Stephen Toboz and his comrades charged into the snowy darkness and immediately set out to rescue their fellow SEAL, Petty Officer Neal Roberts.

Ordered to pull back by his team leader, Stephen was hit by a Taliban bullet that tore a fist-sized hole in his right calf. The projectile then spiraled down his leg, shattering the bones in his ankle and foot. Hours later when he was finally evacuated off the frozen hilltop, Turbo was still shooting back at those who had tried to kill him.

After multiple surgeries, figuring he would get better faster without it, Toboz ordered his doctors to amputate his leg below the knee. After being fitted with an ultramodern prosthetic limb, Stephen remarkably rejoined his team in Afghanistan. He says he did it because Neal Roberts was my closest friend and because my parents taught me patriotism, duty, and determination.

Today Stephen Toboz is retired, but he still trains SEALs as a civilian instructor. Since he no longer wears a uniform, unless his young students hear it from others who know the story, they might never know that Stephen Toboz has a metal leg and foot, or that he was awarded our nations third highest award for valorthe Silver Star.

Retired U.S. Navy Command Master Chief (SEAL) Stephen Mato Matulewicz will also speak in honor of Toboz. Matulewicz entered the U.S. Navy in 1983. After radiomen certification school, he reported to Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training. Upon graduation, he served with honor and distinction in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams for 24 years. Mato holds a Bachelor of Science Degree graduating with honors from Excelsior College in Albany, New York. He was awarded a Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Medal, Joint Commendation Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Afghanistan and Iraq campaign medals, and various other personal and unit awards.

In addition to Toboz, Matulewicz and Borowicz, scheduled featured speakers will include state Sen. Cris Dush (R-25), U.S. Congressman Fred Keller (R-12) and Rep. Col. Frank Ryan (R-Lebanon).

Residents of the 76th District interested in attending are encouraged to contact Borowiczs Lock Haven district office at 570-748-5480 for more information.

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Bridge to be dedicated to Navy SEAL Steve 'Turbo' Toboz - Lock Haven Express

Here’s why the Huawei Freebuds 4 are the best wireless headphones to buy right now – BollyInside – BollyInside

Most TWS earphones on the market are in-ear design, providing better physical noise cancellation with a better seal and they are also more stable as they fit better inside users ear canal

Sound quality is possibly the most important factor for most consumers to pick their earphones. The HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 is equipped with a 14.3mm dynamic driver, producing greater and more impressive bass sounds. In terms of bass performance, the HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 adopt a newly upgraded bass enhancement engine, bass tube and motherboard to form an independently sealed sound cavity.. Using the HUAWEI AI Life app, users can record surrounding sound with ease as well as Voice Mode to enhance voice pick and reduce environmental noise.

Most TWS earphones on the market are in-ear design, providing better physical noise cancellation with a better seal and they are also more stable as they fit better inside users ear canal so when we compare them to an open-fit design shows this type still has its edge. One of the major reasons for choosing open-fit earphones is its comfortable experience. Compared to in-ear earphones, open-fit earphones can provide a more comfortable experience. Moreover, open-fit earphones are now catching up in the active noise cancellation (ANC) technologies as some of them are already providing ANC features that usually only exist in high-end in-ear earphones. Looking at the open-fit earphones on the market right now, the most popular are the Apple AirPods 2, Samsung Galaxy Buds Live and the newly launched HUAWEI FreeBuds 4. So, let us compare them and find out why HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 comes out top.

Aside from the dynamic driver, the ANC technology also plays an important role. The earphones use an ergonomic simulation platform to objectively evaluate the comfort of the earphones. The HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 curvature and size are optimised and polished at the micro level, which fits the ears better, providing better comfort and noise cancellation thanks to an airtight seal. They also adopt a dual-microphone hybrid de-noising technology that helps improve noise cancelation. These microphones can help accurately pick up ambient noise and also features a new internal structure that can help avoid wind noise interference as well as improving sound pickup sensitivity for the internal microphone. To enhance noise cancellation effectively across different wearing scenarios, HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 are the first open-fit earbuds in the industry to uses Adaptive Ear Matching (AEM) noise cancellation technology.

Leveraging Huaweis all-scenario device ecosystem and accumulated expertise in wireless connectivity, the HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 bring various connection features. The HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 supports dual device connection with various kinds of devices such as smartphones, tablets, PCs, smartwatches, and smart TVs under Huaweis all-scenario devices. It also supports dual device connection with smart devices running on different operating systems like Android, iOS, and Windows systems, achieving simultaneous connection with smart devices of different operating systems and brands. In addition, the HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 comes with a smart interactive experience. You can effortlessly enable active noise cancellation, adjust the volume, answer calls, press play, and switch songs right from the earphone stems, with simple Swipe/Double-tap/Long press touch controls.

Wearing comfort is key to ensuring an optimal user experience. The HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 has been revamped with 13 size optimisations that further reduced its body size. It also brings three enhancements to its overall curvature for a better fit. These string of optimisations not only enables a more pleasant wearing experience for long periods but it also allows for strengthened ANC performance on the earbuds.

Airpods 2

Looking at the specs sheets of HUAWEI FreeBuds 4, Apple AirPods 2 and Samsung Galaxy Buds Live, the size of the dynamic driver is 14.3 mm, 14 mm and 12 mm respectively. HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 features the largest dynamic driver in this comparison, it should be capable of producing higher audio output and better bass performance.

Apple AirPods 2 does not come with this feature, it lost to HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 in the quiet listening session. The colour of the earphones represents your personality and more colour options cater for more users preferences. The HUAWEI FreeBuds 4 comes in Ceramic White and Silver Frost, which have always been the classic colourways for Huawei audio products, offering users a trendy and classic design. Meanwhile, the Apple AirPods only available in white. The Airpods 2 did a good job on the stability of connectivity, but they are limited to Apples system, the dual device connection only can be used between iOS system. News Summary:

The Huawei Freebuds 4 are the best wireless headphones to buy right now, and heres why Check all news and articles from the latest Security news updates.

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Here's why the Huawei Freebuds 4 are the best wireless headphones to buy right now - BollyInside - BollyInside

Boil-water advisory fully lifted in Montreal’s West Island – CBC.ca

The City of Montreal says a boil-water advisory inMontreal'sWest Island has now been fully lifted,more than a week after tests found water in the Dollard-des-Ormeauxreservoir had been contaminated.

As of Friday, residents in DDOcouldsafely use their taps, but people in Pierrefonds-Roxborohad to wait until Sunday evening, when the city sent out a notice saying their water was once again safe to consume.

In a statement to CBC, city spokeswoman Audrey Gauthier said construction work was being done to seal and reinforce the reservoir last week. She says the renovations combined with heavy rains allowed contaminants to seep through a crack in the structure one that wasn't visible to workers.

Gauthier says the city found the crack and filled it, securedthe rest of the reservoir anddisinfected the water inside it. She says in the past week, the water quality has been tested more than it usually is in a whole month, with samples being taken almost every hour.

Gauthier says the city neededto havetwo full days of lab results in both areas demonstrating the water wassafe to drink again before theadvisory could belifted.

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Boil-water advisory fully lifted in Montreal's West Island - CBC.ca

China Set to Expand Targets for Marine Environmental Protection – The Maritime Executive

From "blue carbon" to conservation, the marine environment is an important part of Chinas plans to become a maritime power Dapeng, Shenzhen (image courtesy sz.gov.cn)

PublishedAug 23, 2021 2:35 AM by China Dialogue Ocean

[By Shi Yi]

In 2017, the 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party set the goal of creating a Beautiful China by 2035. An important piece of this puzzle will be revealed in the special five-year plan (FYP) for the marine environment. There have been marine FYPs before, for fishing and the ocean economy, but this will be the first one dedicated to the environment.

President Xi Jinping is now more focused than ever on turning China into a maritime power. Hehas repeatedly made instructionson this and it has been included as part of thetwo centennial goals. Protecting the marine environment has been an integral part of this grand strategy.

The central government has been working on the marine environment FYP since March last year. To inform it, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) has instructed Jinzhou, Lianyungang, Shanghai and Shenzhen todrafttheir own pilot plans. Those four cities lie, from north to south, on the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea.

According to a report inthepaper.cnlate last year, over 6,000 locations have been surveyed for the drafting of the FYP, 784 of which are in coastal bays. The drafting was due to be completed in the first half of this year.

Beauty as a measure of conservation

Parts of Chinas coast have been damaged over the years by land reclamation, pollution and other factors. Over the past 70 years, human activity has gradually chipped away at Chinas natural coastlines, with onlyabout 33%of the coast remaining undamaged in 2014, according to research using satellite imagery. That has reduced marine biodiversity and prevented people coming into close contact with the ocean.

This means they have been near, but disconnected, from the ocean, or having only low-quality experiences of it,according to Guan Daoming, former director of the MEEs National Marine Environmental Monitoring Centre, which is in charge of technical aspects of drafting the FYP. Because of this, Huo Chuanlin, former deputy director of the MEEs Department of Marine Ecology and Environment,has saidthat the 14th FYP period (2021-2025) will mark the start of the Beautiful Bay push to ensure all 1,467 of Chinas bays are beautiful by 2035, in line with the overall 2035 Beautiful China goal.

The Beautiful Bay term is to operationalise the drive to improve the coastal environment and allow people to enjoy the sea, said Zhu Zhengguang, ocean policy manager at WWFs Beijing office.

Last year, the MEE named three model Beautiful Bays Dapeng in Shenzhen, Taizhou in Zhejiang and Taozi in Yantai. Dapeng Bay lies between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and enjoys Shenzhens highest forest coverage and best biodiversity. Chu Jun, assistant to the secretary-general of the Cross-border Environmental Concern Agency (CECA), says that the bay was designated as Shenzhens back garden early in the citys development, with its economic development given lower priority. This explains why it remains undamaged. In Dapeng New District, which is home to the bay, officials are not judged on economic performance. In 2005, when Shenzhen was taking the lead in implementingecological control lines, the forerunner to theecological redlinessystem,73.5%of Dapeng New Districts land area was included, putting strict limits on development.

Most of Chinas other bays also lie in very developed areas, but have not been so well protected from environmental issues. China has said it will now explore an integrated system for managing coasts, river basins and the ocean, to ensure sustainability of the ocean environment with the principle of landsea coordination." Zhu Zhengguang thinks that protecting the marine environment needs coordinated management across land and sea, with top-level planning for development and restoration of coastal areas.

Ecological restoration may have quantifiable targets

Although the city ofDalianin the northeast, and the province ofZhejiangon the Yangtze Delta, werent designated as pilots for drafting the FYP, that hasnt stopped them. Both have released their own marine environment protection FYPs, with Dalians still a public consultation draft for the moment. All FYPs have indices, either binding or anticipatory, which should make it possible to assess the success of the plans. Dalian and Zhejiang included both types of indices for marine species. These are based on rate of retention of natural coastline, length of restored coastline, and area of wetlands restored or protected.

Dalians plan sets anticipatory targets for numbers of spotted seal and black-faced spoonbill, both of which are local celebrity species and breed in the Bohai Sea. Wang Songlin, president and founder of the Qingdao Marine Conservation Society, said this is the first time marine planning has included specific numbers of a species. Theres a lot of consideration behind that, and its a gratifying step forward. The targets will mean ensuring the reefs and wetlands where the species breed are protected from human interference, and that they have better feeding grounds. But Wang still hopes to see more scientific and systematic biodiversity targets in the national or in any future marine plans, such as those found in the UN sustainable development goal 14, forlife below water.

Dalians five-year-plan for the marine environment includes targets for conserving populations of the black-faced spoonbill, a local celebrity (Image:Tanaka Juuyoh,CC BY 2.0)

The next five years will see China continue with ecological restoration projects designed to boost biodiversity. The upcoming marine environment FYP will set up restoration projects in 105 bays, improving 48 habitats for key species,saidZhang Zhifeng, also deputy director of the MEEs Department of Marine Ecology and Environment.

Some wetland restoration projects have come in for criticism. In Panjin, Liaoning, migrating birds have long used the intertidal zone as a stopping place, but almost all of this has been taken over by aquaculture farms. A project is trying to turn these farms back into beaches. But when Zhou Haixiang, a member of theChinese National Committee for Man and the Biosphere Programme, visited he found the restored areas tended to be further away from the coast and were still surrounded by the cofferdams used to enclose aquaculture farms, meaning tides did not rise and fall naturally. And many restoration projects focus on improving the scenery, rather than the environment, said Zhou.

Blue carbon: a rising tide?

Chinas commitment to carbon neutrality, made last September, has prompted more discussions on marine carbon sinks. Zhejiang, Dapeng New District and the Shandong city of Weihai are all preparing to develop blue carbon schemes. In itsmarine environment 14th FYP, Zhejiang said it would research marine carbon sink ecosystems province-wide, looking at their distribution, condition and potential, with four cities to run blue carbon trial projects.

Wang Hong, vice minister at the Ministry of Natural Resources and director of the State Oceanic Administration, recentlysaidthat alongside the IPCCs identification of mangrove swamps, seagrass meadows and salt marshes, China plans to add other marine carbon sinks such as fisheries and marine microorganisms that function asbiological pumps, storing carbon in the deep sea.

Zhao Peng, associate researcher at Hainan Universitys State Key Laboratory of South China Sea Marine Resource Utilisation, says that China has not yet done enough basic research and data-gathering on marine carbon. Carbon sequestration potential varies significantly across time and region, and depends on types of vegetation, climate and environmental impacts, so he thinks there isnt enough data yet to include marine carbon in Chinas work to comply with climate change treaties. Carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation is only one small part of the ecological services provided by marine ecosystems, he says. Marine carbon has an important role to play in ouradaptationto the negative effects of climate change. We should develop a comprehensive understanding of it, and avoid exaggeration.

Shi Yi is a senior researcher at China Dialogue. Before joining China Dialogue, she was an environmental journalist with The Paper, a major Chinese news website.

This article appears courtesy of China Dialogue Ocean, and it may be found in its original form here.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.

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China Set to Expand Targets for Marine Environmental Protection - The Maritime Executive

Science Week delayed but Coffs Dolphin Marine Park has big plans – News Of The Area

Ecogrom students will learn about dolphins in Week Six of the Animal Carer Program Stacey demonstrates how a dolphin tail is a unique shape, just like human fingerprints.

NATIONAL Science Week, celebrated this week, sees scientists at Coffs Dolphin Marine Conservation Park postponing their planned offer.

Twelve enthusiastic young students were due to start the new six-week EcoGrom Marine Animal Carer after-school program which has been delayed due to lockdown.

The program is designed for eight-16-year-olds.

Its an experience-focused, hands-on program based on NSW school syllabus science lessons and covers a different marine animal each week and the environmental issues they face.

Life Sciences Manager Tiga Cross told News Of The Area, In Week Four the kids get up close and meet an Australian Sea Lion.

They learn the differences between a seal and a sea lion and how everyone can protect our oceans from overfishing by choosing Marine Steward Council (MSC) approved fish products.

The kids usually go home smelling of fish but smiling.

Tiga added that the Park is currently closed to visitors and operating on a skeleton staff, but the animals are in their usual expert hands.

Unlike other businesses and organisations which can close down and minimise expenses, we have to keep the Park running to care for our resident animals.

We feed the animals and clean up after them and continue their physical and mental enrichment programs to ensure optimal welfare.

Plus, there are practical tasks such as making sure that the water quality is maintained.

And of course, we are constantly monitoring and nursing our sick and injured animals in our rescue facility.

Our rescue service, Dolphin Marine Rescue, continues to operate 24/7.

Its very challenging without visitors because the money that visitors spend in the park funds our day-to-day operations, conservation and education programs and rescue services and facilities.

Without visitors we rely on government support and donations which is not sustainable.

You can find out more about Dolphin Marine Conservation Parks education and conservation programs here: https://dolphinmarineconservation.com.au.


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Science Week delayed but Coffs Dolphin Marine Park has big plans - News Of The Area

Bookworms rejoice new releases are here! | Life | themountaineer.com – The Mountaineer

Check out these new books available at the Haywood County Public Library. Go to http://www.haywoodlibrary.org to put them on hold for yourself

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Soulmate Equation / Lauren, Christina The New York Times bestselling author of The Un-honeymooners returns with a witty and effervescent novel about what happens when two people with everything on the line are thrown together by scienceor is it fate? Perfect for fans of The Rosie Project and One Plus One.

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*Book and DVD descriptions provided by various sources.

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Bookworms rejoice new releases are here! | Life | themountaineer.com - The Mountaineer

Skybooms and Citations: What you can expect this July Fourth about fireworks. – Monterey County Weekly

If you swing by one of the ubiquitous booths that pops up this time of the year to buy so called "safe and sane" fireworks to celebrate the July Fourth holiday in loud fashion, congratulations. In some cities in Monterey County, you're a law-abiding citizen and allowed to blow up as many safe and sane fireworks as time and money allows.

But if you're importing the very loud, very bright and very illegal fireworks from outside the county and even outside the state, consider reserving a little spending money to pay the sizable fine that will be sent your way if you get caught.

In Monterey County, safe and sane fireworks are only allowed in Marina, Seaside, Salinas, Soledad, Gonzales, Greenfield and King City. How you know you're buying safe and sane fireworks is the state Fire Marshal's Office seal placed on the packaging.

Fireworks of any type are not allowed in any other area within Monterey County, including all unincorporated areas, state and county parks and federal property. They're also not allowed on any beach in the county.

Per the Monterey County Sheriff's Office, dangerous fireworks are defined as anything that explodes, launches, flies or doesn't bear the state Fire Marshal's seal, and it's illegal and a possible misdemeanor to possess or use dangerous fireworks in the state.

In Pacific Grove, all fireworks, including safe and sane, are illegal; the P.G. Police Department asks violations be reported to 647-7900 ext. 3. All fireworks are also banned in the city of Monterey, and violations can be reported to the Monterey PD's non-emergency line, 646-3914.

Seaside has what its calling a zero-tolerance policy on the possession and use of dangerous fireworks; and safe and sane fireworks, meanwhile, can only be sold and used in the city from noon June 28 to noon on July 6.

If you're caught with dangerous fireworks, you could face a fine of between $500 and $50,000, depending on the total gross weight of fireworks you have, and up to a year in jail.

Given the whole state is a tinderbox, though (thanks global warming), it might be best to skip the fireworks altogether and instead avail yourself of non-explosive events happening all over the county. Hit seemonterey.org for some of those events, or check out the Weekly's Hot Picks section for more.

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Skybooms and Citations: What you can expect this July Fourth about fireworks. - Monterey County Weekly

FBI Detroit Warns Public to Beware of Government Impersonation Scams FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation

The FBI Detroit Division has seen an increase in reports of scammers targeting Michiganders through unsolicited telephone calls in which the caller claims to be a representative of a government agency, including the FBI.

Be advised, federal agencies do not call or email individuals threatening arrest or demanding money. Scammers often spoof caller ID information, and these calls are fraudulent even if they appear to be coming from an agencys legitimate phone number. Recipients should hang up immediately and report the call.

There are many versions of the government impersonation scam, and they all exploit intimidation tactics. Typically, the caller advises the recipient of the call that charges have been, or soon will be, filed against them, and threatens to confiscate the recipients property, freeze their bank accounts, or have them arrested unless payment is made immediately. If the recipient questions the caller, the caller becomes more aggressive. The recipients are advised that it will cost thousands of dollars in fees or court costs to resolve the matter, and the caller typically instructs people to wire settlement money or provide payment via prepaid cards or gift cards to avoid arrest.

Nobody wants to be the subject of a law enforcement investigation, and scammers are using that to their advantage to try to intimidate people into handing over their money, said Timothy Waters, Special Agent in Charge of the FBIs Detroit Division. Its important to resist the urge to act immediately. Were asking you to contact law enforcement to verify if the person contacting you is who they say they are.

According to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), 12,827 people reported being victims of government impersonation scams in 2020, with losses totaling $109,938,030. Here in the Detroit Division, which covers the entire state of Michigan, 303 victims reported financial losses totaling $1,395,174.

The FBI will never:

Scams impersonating the FBI and other government agencies are a persistent problem and can also occur via email or text message. Common hallmarks of a scam email include misspellings, missing words, and incorrect grammar. Fraudulent emails may give the appearance of legitimacy by using pictures of the FBI Director and/or the FBI seal and letterhead.

Members of the public seeking to confirm that they have been contacted by an actual FBI employee are encouraged to call the FBI Detroit Division at 313-965-2323 and ask to be connected directly.

To avoid becoming a victim of this scam, be wary of answering phone calls from numbers you do not recognize. Do not send money to anybody that you do not personally know and trust. Never give out your personal information, including your Social Security number, over the phone or to individuals you do not know.

If you think you are a victim of this scam and suffered a financial loss, please immediately file a report with your local law enforcement agency and the FBIs Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at ic3.gov.

All types of fraud schemes and scams (even if there is no financial loss) should be reported to IC3. Filling a complaint allows analysts from the FBI to identify leads and patterns from the hundreds of complaints that are received daily. The IC3 then refers the complaints, along with their analyses, to the relevant law enforcement agency for follow up investigation and to aid in public awareness and crime-prevention education efforts.

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FBI Detroit Warns Public to Beware of Government Impersonation Scams FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation

Home Sweet Home Chicago (06/26/21) David Hochberg with MEGAPros Joe, Tom Jahnke with Builder Supply Outlet, Roy Spencer from Perma-Seal, and the VP…

The program Home Sweet Home Chicago that airs on WGN(AM) on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. is sponsored by David Hochberg, MegaPros, J.C. Restoration, Inc., Builder Supply Outlet, Dykstra Home Services, ComEd, Law Offices of David R. Schlueter, Rose Pest Solutions, Amy Kite, Perma-Seal, Lindemann Chimney Co., Robert R. Andreas & Sons, Inc., Mr. Floor, Lindholm Roofing, Donna Sattler, Fidelity National Title, Executive Green Carpet Cleaning, Rae Kaplan, Jill Van Riet, Next Door and Window, Peerless Fence Company, Joe Cotton Ford, Miracle Method, RJ Graham Plumbing, JC Licht, Opem Tax Advocates, and Silverthorne Home Builders.

Click for more on David Hochberg and to meet our sponsors.

See Videos of the Shows Experts Guests.

Click to visit the Team Hochberg website to leave a question for David or any of the Home Sweet Home Chicago experts.

Illinois Association of County Veterans Assistance Commissions Directory.

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Home Sweet Home Chicago (06/26/21) David Hochberg with MEGAPros Joe, Tom Jahnke with Builder Supply Outlet, Roy Spencer from Perma-Seal, and the VP...

Fieldpiece Instruments Launches Wireless Vacuum Gauge that is Rugged, Accurate, and Wireless – Business Wire

ORANGE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fieldpiece Instruments introduces a new wireless vacuum gauge, model MG44. Stepping in to replace the SVG3 vacuum gauge, the MG44 wireless vacuum gauge features a large LCD screen with three user-selectable data views as well as hi and low alarms, all housed in a durable no-slip grip case. With the addition of wireless capability, the new vacuum gauge allows HVACR professionals to view vacuum readings with the Fieldpiece Job Link System App, or on the SMAN Refrigerant Manifold.

We strive to continuously improve as we engineer new products, and that improvement is reflected in the users experience with this new wireless vacuum gauge, said Charlotte Loomis, Sr. Marketing Manager, Fieldpiece. The new gauge is rugged and accurate and the cylindrical design is easy to hold or to place in optimum locations. With its wireless functionality the user monitors live evacuation directly on the tool or remotely on their Job Link enabled device.

The new Wireless Vacuum Gauge MG44 can be used three ways: 1) as a standalone vacuum gauge 2) with a Job Link enabled device to monitor up to 1000 away from the gauge or have a Job Link live look-in consultation and 3) monitor the external gauge through the SMAN SM380V/SM480V digital refrigerant manifold. With this up to the minute information, the HVACR professional knows when an extra nitrogen purge is required, a leak is suspected, or if the process is proceeding normally. Professional Job Link reports can be generated from this data as well.

The large LCD screen on the unit can be easily seen in bright or low light and from a wide angle. The user can select one of three unique views, including a new Rate Meter that shows the real-time change per minute, a Bar Graph that has a range up to atmosphere, or the Rate that shows the rate that shows the change per minute.

The reversible angled coupler as well as the new cylindrical shape, makes it easy to orient the gauge so that it is out of the way and yet easy to see. Built for demanding field use, the patented, over-molded case design resists damage from physical impact and water ingress. The standalone vacuum gauge facilitates a reliable seal and is IP54 rated for water and dust resistance.

The wireless vacuum gauge is available at distributors now. For more information about the Wireless Vacuum Gauge MG44 please visit the product page https://www.fieldpiece.com/product-category/recovery-and-vacuum/.

ABOUT FIELDPIECE: Fieldpiece Instruments is an innovative technology company focused on helping industry professionals do their jobs easier, faster and better around the globe. We deliver on this promise through industry-leading devices with the broadest range of professional-grade tools and technology inspired by real-world application and field use. Fieldpiece is focused on serving the HVACR industry exclusively, enabling HVACR professionals to become Masters of the Trade. For more information, please visit http://www.fieldpiece.com, and be sure to follow Fieldpiece on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

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Fieldpiece Instruments Launches Wireless Vacuum Gauge that is Rugged, Accurate, and Wireless - Business Wire

Another seal silly season has begun – New Zealand Herald

NZ fur seal pups are often seen on 90 Mile Beach at this time of year. Photo / Ray Wiblin

Beachgoers around the country are being urged to admire NZ fur seal/kekeno from a safe distance, as the mammals come ashore for the winter.

Young seals, including newly weaned pups, and males of any age, leave their breeding colonies between May and September to explore and rest. They are most often found on rocky shores, but are curious and exploratory by nature, and can turn up in all sorts of unusual places, occasionally travelling up rivers or as far as 15km inland.

Laura Boren, senior adviser for the Department of Conservation, issued a reminder last week, however, that while they were "very charismatic," they were wild animals and should be treated with respect.

"It's really exciting that fur seals are doing well, and this time of year provides for some unique and special encounters with them, but it's important to remember this is all part of their normal behaviour, and they are really resilient animals. Watch and enjoy them from a distance, and follow our guidelines for when to call DOC," she said.

Seals were well adapted to life in the sea and along the rocky shoreline, and had a thick layer of fur and blubber to keep them comfortable in that environment. They were also very clever, and had the potential to become accustomed to humans and handouts very easily, prohibiting them from returning to a normal life at sea.

DOC had a hands-off approach with seals, and would only intervene if an animal was in obvious danger, such as getting too close to a road, tangled in debris, being harassed at a public beach or was seriously injured.

Sneezing, coughing and crying were all normal seal behaviours, and pups may be left alone for days at a time while their mothers foraged at sea.

DOC's advice was to never touch or handle a seal, as they could be very aggressive if threatened. It was also a breach of the Marine Mammals Protection Act. People should keep a distance of at least 20 metres, if possible, and not get between the seal and the sea.

"If you are walking your dog in areas where seals regularly haul out, or see a seal on your beach, put your dog on a lead until you are away from it," Boren said.

"If you see a seal that is severely injured, being harassed or in obvious danger, call 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468)."


The NZ fur seal has made a remarkable recovery since the species was hunted, some experts estimating the population fell as low as 10,000. The last count in 2001 estimated a total population of 200,000, which is believed to have increased considerably since then.

"This population rebound is something to be celebrated, but it does mean we will need to adjust to having more kekeno in our lives, on our beaches and near our cities," Laura Boren said.

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Another seal silly season has begun - New Zealand Herald

New disaster recovery fund proposed in post-pandemic strategy – Times of Malta

A new disaster recovery fund could help Malta face future crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a government document published on Wednesday.

The fund is part of the governments post-pandemic strategy that was unveiled on Wednesday (see PDF below) by Post-COVID Strategy Minister Owen Bonnici.

Announcing the governments plans at a press conference, Bonnici said it was important to learn from the pandemic and take action to increase Maltas ability to respond to future crises.

This document we are presenting today is not the work of one ministry but of an entire cabinet of ministers and a whole government, he said.And thanks to this collective effort we have come up with a strategy to ensure our country is secure and has solid foundations for the years to come.

To this aim, the government will draft a framework for the setting up and financing of a disaster recovery fund that can provide a safety net for unforeseen circumstances.

While no figure is given for the proposed fund, the strategy document says the government will work to enhance disaster-recovery capabilities and establish "long-term plans for more robust sea, land, air, energy and digital connectivity".

The government says it will also explore how to tap pools of retired professionals, which could be brought in to support specific situations and be continuously trained in emergency preparedness.

In 2015 a study had found that just one in 10 Maltese has faith in the countrys ability to cope with a large-scale disaster.

Malta will also begin to repair public finances, which underwent severe strain during the pandemic.

In particular, it will "work to sustain the National Development and Social Fund over the medium term".

The fund is financed from the sale of Maltese passports to wealthy investors. The scheme is currently the subject of possible EU court action.


According to the strategy document, the post-pandemic era began in 2020 when the COVID-19 virus first landed on the islands shores.

While we recognise that the crisis is not yet over, it is no longer at its height and now is the right moment to start planning for the future, the document reads.

The strategy document was drafted after some 80 meetings with stakeholders and is based on a number of expert reports, including on the state of the economy.

Bonnici said the strategy seeks to answer three key questions:

Straight off the bat, the document concedes that assessing the full impact of the pandemic on Maltese society is a sizeable task.

To this aim, the government plans to launch detailed studies to understand what assistance different segments of society need and how best to provide it.

Malta will also support students to catch up with lost learning.

To maintain the sense of community spirit that came to the fore during the pandemic, the strategy seeks to foster social cohesion and equity across Maltese society.

Illustrating how this can be done, the strategy says Malta will give vulnerable people greater access to training and employment opportunities and strengthen integration programmes.

Now, the document says, is the time to help businesses restart, restructure and transform their operations to a more sustainable model.

The government plans to develop programmes that guide and support businesses and workers to get future-ready and to help them embrace new technologies and working systems.

Malta will also refocus and integrate education, labour and economic policy, modernising educational curricula.

The government says it will foster public-private collaboration.

It also plans to facilitate business investment and channel funding into start-ups.

The strategy says it is important to learn from the pandemic and take action to increase Maltas ability to respond to future crises.

To this aim, the government will enhance disaster-recovery capabilities and establish long-term plans for more robust sea, land, air, energy and digital connectivity.

Malta will begin to repair public finances, which underwent severe strain during the pandemic.

It will also create a framework for the setting up and financing of a disaster-recovery fund that can provide a safety net in the years ahead.

Resilience to future shocks also relies on protecting the islands natural resources, the document says.

We will focus on systematic education, conservation and a shift towards a more sustainable way of living in harmony with the environment for the benefit of current and future generations, it says.

More concretely, the strategy calls for a push towards eco-tourism and heritage as a new direction for Maltas touristic offering.

The document says the government will also seek to instill a culture of ethical behaviour, from school-age upwards, to ensure all members of society can contribute to the common good.

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New disaster recovery fund proposed in post-pandemic strategy - Times of Malta

Wisconsin GOP candidate used leftover campaign cash to fund Jan 6 trip – Business Insider

A Republican congressional candidate from Wisconsin, who lost his 2020 race, allegedly used his leftover donor money to pay for a trip to the Capitol building on January 6, according to a Daily Beast report.

Derrick Van Orden, a former Navy SEAL and small-time actor, was reportedly left with $12,500 after narrowly losing to longtime incumbent Rep. Ron Kind in the November race for Wisconsin's 3rd congressional district.

He spent around a third of that $4,000 in transportation and accommodation while traveling to DC with his wife and a campaign staffer around the week of January 6, the Daily Beast reported.

Read more: Lots of congressional staffers make 'poverty wages' starting in the low $20,000s. 8 Capitol Hill aides break down how they stretch their paychecks to survive in one of the nation's most expensive cities

Jordan Libowitz, communications director for campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility, told the Beast: "Campaign accounts are not personal slush funds. They must be used for campaign-related activities. Attempting to overthrow an election you just lost is not a proper campaign activity."

"If he did use his campaign to pay for travel for him and his staff to attend the rally-turned-insurrection, it would raise serious questions about his compliance with campaign finance laws," he added.

In a public op-ed published a week after the riots, Van Orden insisted the trip was for work-related meetings and "to stand for the integrity of our electoral system," the Daily Beast reported.

"If those were campaign-related meetings, he should say so," Libowitz said. "If it was a personal trip as a private citizen, that's another matter."

Van Orden has previously admitted to attending the "Stop the Steal" rally on January 6 with several thousands of other Trump supporters, but insisted he never entered the grounds. However, social media posts of the day show Van Orden standing in a restricted area breached by protesters, the Daily Beast reported.

Van Orden announced in April that he's running for Congress again, and has already received major endorsements, including from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise.

The November 2020 race ended up being a close call Van Orden lost only by about 2.5 points to Kind, who has held the seat since 1997.

Both candidates attracted a record amount of campaign contributions during the race, according to federal disclosures. Kind raised around $3 million while Van Orden managed to pull in almost $2 million, the Daily Beast reported.

Van Orden is not the only congressional candidate who attended the Capitol riot.

Jason Riddle, who running in New Hampshire, said last week his Capitol riot-related arrest will likely help his campaign, Newsweek reported.

JR Majewski, who is running for Ohio's 9th congressional district, was also spotted breaching police barricades that day.

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Wisconsin GOP candidate used leftover campaign cash to fund Jan 6 trip - Business Insider

UNC Health Southeastern President and CEO Joann Anderson to retire effective Dec. 31 – The Robesonian


LUMBERTON The president and chief executive officer of UNC Health Southeastern plans to retire effective Dec. 31.

Wayland Lennon, chairman of the UNC Health Southeastern board of trustees, announced Wednesday that Joann Anderson plans to retire after having been associated with the health care system for 14 years. She joined then-named Southeastern Regional Medical Center in May 2007.

It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve UNC Health Southeastern and this community, Anderson said. I hope that, in a small way, I am leaving both in a better position than when I arrived. I was fortunate to become the fourth president and CEO, serving behind my predecessors who ensured a great health care system existed. My job was to build on what they started.

Anderson plans to continue her full duties and responsibilities as leader of the health system until the transition to new leadership is completed, according to the health care system. The UNC Health Southeastern board of trustees will collaborate with UNC Health to determine a successor. The formerly named Southeastern Health transitioned to a UNC Health managed system under a management services agreement and adopted a new name, UNC Health Southeastern, on Jan. 1.

We are saddened by Mrs. Andersons decision to retire but also excited for this new and certainly well-deserved chapter in her life, Lennon said. Through multiple devastating hurricanes to the COVID-19 pandemic, Joann remained steady and guided the health system skillfully and successfully. She has also been at the helm through numerous positive milestones for the organization, most recently the partnership with UNC Health, and it is for all these and more combined that she has made her mark on this heath system, our community and the region.

Anderson received a bachelor of nursing degree from Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky, and a masters degree in nursing from Bellarmine College in Louisville, Kentucky. Before joining UNC Health Southeastern, she served as CEO of Pikeville Medical Center in Pikeville, Kentucky.

Her experience and passion for health care delivery in a rural setting have contributed to the growth of UNC Health Southeastern to now include 30 primary and specialty care clinics in a four-county area, a freestanding ambulatory surgery center and clinic facility, and the Southeastern Health Mall, offering outpatient services.

She has built strong relationships in the community through collaboration and partnerships with local government, schools, and the Lumbee Tribe to promote and improve health, according to UNC Health Southeastern.

Her leadership during Robeson Countys response and rebuilding after Hurricane Matthew struck in the fall of 2016 demonstrated the essential role hospitals play in a disaster and what it means to be prepared to care, according to UNC Health Southeastern. Despite a weeklong power outage and historic flooding, the hospital remained open and operational, caring for staff and patients.

Anderson established a partnership with Campbell Universitys Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine to bring a medical residency program to UNC Health Southeastern and its network of clinics. In July 2016, she was recognized by the Southeastern Health board of trustees for leadership and diligence in the development of the Medical Education Program. A plaque in Andersons honor was permanently hung in the Medical Education Hallway at UNC Health Southeastern.

Anderson has volunteered her time to serve in leadership roles with NCHA and the American Hospital Association. She served with the NC Southeastern Partnership, promoting economic development for Robeson County and southeastern North Carolina. She is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and served as a NC Regent for ACHE for three years. She has represented UNC Health Southeastern on the state level as past chair of the North Carolina Hospital Association board of directors and as chair of the Coastal Carolinas Health Alliance board of directors. Nationally, she has represented Lumberton and UNC Health Southeastern as past chair for the American Hospital Associations (AHA) Section for Small or Rural Hospitals Governing Council, AHA Committee for Vulnerable Communities and as the AHA Regional Policy Board. She served on several local boards, including the Campbell University board of directors.

In July 2019, Anderson was honored with the North Carolina Healthcare Associations highest honor, the 2019 Distinguished Service Award.

Anderson is only the fourth chief executive officer of UNC Health Southeastern since it was opened in 1953.


UNC Health Southeastern President and CEO Joann Anderson to retire effective Dec. 31 - The Robesonian

GOP Congressional Candidate Used Campaign Funds to Take Part in Capitol Breach – Truthout

A Republican candidate for Congress reportedly used campaign funds to travel from Wisconsin to Washington, D.C., to attend the January 6 rally by then-President Donald Trump, subsequently taking part in the violent breach of the United States Capitol building on the same day.

According to reporting from The Daily Beast, Derrick Van Orden (R-Wisconsin), a former Navy SEAL and small-time actor who lost last fall in a close race to Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wisconsin), used his leftover campaign funds from that contest to send himself and staffers to the nations capital for Trumps rally.

In tweets prior to January 6, Van Orden wrote he had traveled there to stand for the integrity of our electoral system in spite of zero evidence of fraud in the presidential race. After the violent breach of the Capitol, Van Orden wrote an op-ed where he repeated those claims, and denied having taken part in the Trump loyalist-takeover of the building, saying he did not enter the Capitol grounds.

However, social media postings have since demonstrated that is untrue. Although theres no evidence to suggest he entered the building itself, images of Van Orden on that day show he did indeed cross police barricades that had been set up and was on the grounds of the Capitol during the breach.

Van Orden, who has announced he is running again in 2022, is not the only congressional candidate to have been involved in the Capitol breach. However, he is perhaps the most noteworthy, as hes been endorsed by several key Republican leaders, including House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-California).

Van Ordens use of his remaining campaign funds to pay for his travels may have violated Federal Elections Commission (FEC) laws regarding how such revenues can be utilized. According to the FEC website, if an expense is made that would exist irrespective of an elections outcome, then its likely an improper use of campaign funds.

Using campaign funds for personal use is prohibited, the FEC states.

Even if Van Orden claims his presence at the Capitol was part of his future campaign, his use of previous funds may still be illegal: The Republican candidate did not declare his pending run in 2022 until April of this year.

Campaign accounts are not personal slush funds. They must be used for campaign-related activities, said Jordan Libowitz, communications director for campaign finance watchdog Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility, to The Daily Beast. Attempting to overthrow an election you just lost is not a proper campaign activity. If he did use his campaign to pay for travel for him and his staff to attend the rally-turned-insurrection, it would raise serious questions about his compliance with campaign finance laws.

Van Orden lost to Kind in Wisconsins Third Congressional District last fall by a slim margin, with the Democrat winning 51.3 percent and the Republican challenger taking 48.7 percent of the vote. The district was carried by Trump in 2020 by around 5 percentage points. Kind has represented the district since 1997.

Van Ordens candidacy was rife with problems, most notably when readers discovered he sexually harassed female officers while he was serving in the military, which he bragged about in a 2015 memoir titled Book of Man: A Navy Seals Guide to the Lost Art of Manhood. In the book, Van Orden described how he exposed a male lieutenants genitals, which had come into contact with poison oak, to female officers.

Have you ever seen anything like this? I asked, Van Orden wrote, noting he had pulled the patients curtain back without telling the officers what they were about to see. They gasped in horror as they saw the LT in all of his glory.

Van Orden later issued a statement claiming the action had been part of a medical training for the female officers.

Read more:

GOP Congressional Candidate Used Campaign Funds to Take Part in Capitol Breach - Truthout

How the Clippers’ small-ball attack broke the Suns’ defense in Game 5 – The Athletic

The final blow for the Clippers appeared to be starting center Ivica Zubacs sprained right MCL keeping him out of Game 5.

Through four games of the Western Conference finals, Zubac led the Clippers in plus-minus (plus-25) and had arguably been the second-best Clipper. He held his own for stretches against Deandre Ayton, who admitted Zubac got the better of him in Game 3. The Clippers were minus-22 with Zubac off the floor, losing the small-ball and DeMarcus Cousins minutes. Their successful strategy against Utah wasnt working against Phoenix.

After a pivotal Game 4 slugfest went the Suns way, and the Clippers seemingly expending all of their remaining energy, Zubacs absence would be too much to overcome for the already short-handed Clippers. Logic dictated the Suns would close them out in five.

Phoenix was back home with an NBA Finals trip on the line. The energy ahead of Game 5 was electric. Beat LA! chants rained down during warmups. There were few in the arena not wearing some shade of orange. This was the Suns moment. The Suns would bash the Clippers inside with Ayton, the rare 7-foot center who could hang with wings and guards. Phoenix, which was 2-0 in elimination games this postseason, winning both games on the road, was primed to take care of business in an advantageous situation.

But similar to their series comebacks against Dallas and Utah, the Clippers shifting to small-ball lineups nearly full-time they were without a traditional center for 37 of the 48 minutes of Game 5 unlocked the floor for driving lanes for Paul George, Reggie Jackson and Marcus Morris Sr. to attack isolations and switches. The Clippers jumped out to a 20-5 lead and essentially led the rest of the game.

The result: A 116-102 Clippers win in Game 5 of the Western Conference finals, cutting the Suns series lead to 3-2 as it shifts to Los Angeles for Game 6. The Suns, once comfortably up 2-0 and then 3-1, now must refine their defense and counter the Clippers small-ball attack.

I think they spaced us out well running their small-ball lineup, which opened the paint, Devin Booker said. But as a team, we still have to guard with five people. Its never a one-on-one matchup. So all five have to be locked in, and even the bench has to be ready. So we have to show bodies and help each other out there.

The Clippers relentlessly attacked the Suns in transition and then surgically targeted them in the half court, seeking matchups against Booker, Chris Paul, Cam Johnson and Dario Saric.

The Suns were plus-58 in points in the paint through the first four games of the series. The Clippers outscored them 58-32 in the paint in Game 5 despite Zubacs absence.

Thats not something you would have expected, especially with them not having Zubac tonight, Suns head coach Monty Williams said.

The Suns made several runs, including taking a 62-61 lead with 8:27 left in the third quarter and getting to within four points with 6:58 remaining in the game. But each time Phoenix closed the gap, LA responded. Postgame, Williams said the Suns defense, particularly not guarding the ball, was the primary reason for the loss.

Four of the Clippers first nine shots were against Booker. The Clippers clearly made an effort to find him in transition and in pick-and-rolls. The Clippers scored 23 points and shot 10 of 14 on possessions that Booker was primary defender, according to ESPN Stats & Information. The 10 made field goals was the most against Booker this postseason.

The Suns first defensive possession set the tone for the game. With the Clippers in transition, Booker and Ayton botched their communication on the Jackson assignment. Jackson was Bookers man, so this is probably on Booker more than Ayton. Booker doesnt see Ayton is in the mix, so he steps up and points that he has Morris, who is screening for George.The miscommunication causes both defenders to step up against George.

Jackson is wide open on the left wing. Paul rotates over, but hes too late, as he doesnt want to give up an open 3-pointer to Patrick Beverley in the left corner either. Jackson, whos shooting 41.5 percent on 3s in the postseason, cans the triple.

We gave them a lot of open shots early, Paul said. They got their 3s going. I think thats a team that plays off confidence when theyre making shots. We gotta try to get the right people shooting.

The Suns more often than not allowed the wrong people to shoot. They were slow to adjust against Morris, who pounded Booker in the mid-post. They inexplicably lost Jackson off the ball and were late to help against him. And George had his way with whichever poor Suns defender was assigned to him or switched onto him, driving, pulling up and stepping back into basket after basket.

George caught fire in the third quarter, dropping 20 points en route to a playoff-career high 41 points. He roasted any and every Suns defender, drilling some ridiculously difficult shots.

He sought out Booker on switches and Ayton in drop coverage. In this clip, Ayton ends up on George in transition a risk in the cross-matching against smaller lineups and George easily glides by him for a layup.

When you have trouble guarding the ball straight up, it either puts you in rotations, or that guys gonna start scoring, Johnson said. So we just need to do a better job overall. We need to do a better job being in shifts and do a better job of playing team defense. Its just something we gotta get better.

This is another example. Beverley, who isnt known for his transition play, takes the ball coast to coast as no Suns defender picks him up until hes below the 3-point line. He blows by Paul, who gives a half-hearted effort, and is somehow able to get to the rim before Ayton rotates.

All five Suns defenders were in front of Beverley for a majority of this clip. They did the legwork of getting back inside the arc but didnt stop the ball, a basic basketball tenant. This is about as bad as transition defense gets.

I didnt think we showed them enough bodies, Williams said. Even when they were in one-on-one situations, I thought we were spread out. We looked at it halftime and you could see nothing instead of seeing Suns bodies and arms. Even when they were in isolation situations with Paul and Reggie and Morris, we didnt show them enough bodies.

A large part of the Suns success against the Clippers small-ball lineups was Ayton crushing them on the offensive glass and finishing around the rim. Even when the Clippers were making shots, the Suns could go at them on the other end. Thats why the Clippers countered with more Zubac. Ayton had been the best Sun in the series. But in Game 5, Ayton only scored 10 points (on 5-of-9 shooting) and grabbed 11 rebounds, three offensive. The Suns were minus-22 in his 37 minutes, the worst mark on the team.

The Clippers somewhat neutralized him by hitting first and throwing multiple bodies at him in the paint.

Watch Terance Mann battle with Ayton on his roll after switching onto him. He initially grabs him, a foul thats rarely called in a postseason setting, and then digs his leg into him as Ayton tries to seal and post in the middle of the key. Mann pushes Ayton away from the basket and into a fading hook shot that barely grazes rim.

Aytons nine offensive rebounds in Game 4 swung that game. Ayton getting only three offensive rebounds with Zubac out is an emphatic win for the Clippers defense.

Here, the Clippers do a solid job of gang rebounding. Nicolas Batum boxes out Ayton. Jackson, hanging around, tips the ball to George. The Clippers have three rebounders around Ayton. They were constantly pushing, grabbing and colliding with him in the paint. They dictated the physicality of the game.

I thought they put a lot of bodies on DA, Williams said. When he was diving, he saw two bodies, three bodies at times. When he was trying to get to the offensive boards, he had two guys boxing them out. That means that the corner guys can come in and get some offensive rebounds. He had an imprint on the previous game, and they did a really good job of sending bodies to him tonight. Hes gonna figure that out. Well show him on the film.

This was the Suns worst defensive performance of the postseason. They made a slew of mistakes. They werent on a string defensively. They will likely need to make some tactical adjustments ahead of Game 6, but their defensive improvement starts with cleaning up their shoddy transition defense and being more alert and on time with their help and backside rotations.

Phoenix was a top-six defense in the regular season and is second in the postseason. The Suns have fared well in the small sample of small-ball matchups in this series.

I think we still helped each other in that area even when they spaced us out in the previous games, Booker said of their paint defense earlier in the series. But you can blame it on everybody. A lot of straight-line drives and no help, at the same time. This is a five-man defense. Its been that way the whole season, and we have to be better.

But the Suns didnt look like themselves in Game 5. All postseason, they have been a low-mistake team that plays with poise. They had 14 turnovers in Game 5 and fouled at inopportune times. Perhaps they were nervous. Or maybe this was their collective inexperience catching up to them for one game. Closing out a Western Conference finals series is different than winning in the quarterfinals or semifinals. Each round gets harder.

The Clippers also are an incredibly resilient group. The Suns shouldve known this was coming. Clippers coach Tyronn Lue might be the best in-series adjuster in the league. George is playing like his peak Indiana and Oklahoma City days. The Suns are going to have to be more selective with how they switch against him or shade over with more help when they do.

Zubacs status for Game 6 is unknown. The Clippers will remain small if hes out, playing Cousins opportunistically against Saric.

Phoenix has two more opportunities to close out this series and advance to the Finals. The depleted Clippers might not have another hand left to play, barring Zubac or Kawhi Leonard returning. The onus is on the Suns to counter.

We will be better in the next game, Williams said.

Slater: Chris Pauls play is the Suns most pressing problemMurray: Paul George leads Clippers veteran movement in Game 5

(Photo: Matt York / Associated Press)

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How the Clippers' small-ball attack broke the Suns' defense in Game 5 - The Athletic