BCC works with director of LME to fight worker exploitation – Cleaning & Maintenance

The British Cleaning Council (BCC) has held a virtual meeting with the director of Labour Market Enforcement (LME), as part of its drive to ensure the voice of the cleaning and hygiene sector is heard at the highest levels.

The BCC wants to work with Matthew Taylor to ensure any remote or remaining concerns on modern slavery, pay below the minimum wage and worker exploitation continues to be prevented within the industry. As a result of the meeting, Taylor has agreed to organise a workshop for the sector later in the year, to advise as to how the LME intend to look into worker exploitation in the sector and non-compliance with the law and how these issues can be addressed.

BCC deputy chairman, Jim Melvin (pictured with BCC chairman, Paul Thrupp), said: It was a very useful discussion with Mr Taylor, which helped raise the profile of the cleaning and hygiene sector within Government and ensure it is better understood. Our membership of reputable and responsible businesses has always been concerned about any risk of worker exploitation and the payment of illegally low wages within our industry. We continue to promote the undoubted professionalism and high standards within the industry whilst also wanting to prevent workers in the cleaning and hygiene sector being exploited. We are pleased to have had the opportunity to discuss the industry to Mr Taylor and his team and we look forward to working with him in the future to assist in the removal of any of these practices. In the meantime, the BCC would strongly encourage anyone with concerns about worker exploitation in our sector to report it.

For details of how to complain about not being paid the National Minimum Wage, employment agencies, gangmasters or working hours, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pay-and-work-rights-complaints

Originally posted here:

BCC works with director of LME to fight worker exploitation - Cleaning & Maintenance

In an age of masks, the mask is off – People’s World

Phelan M. Ebenhack via AP

In this day and age, with escalating mask requirements by either state, local, or private entities like Wal-Mart, the mask has become a symbol of our broken time.

Yet, in a day and age where masks are becoming more and more a requirement for everyday living due to the COVID-19 crisis, the mask of humanity, justice, rationality, and peace is being torn off the collective face of the American government and politics and replaced with the sneer of the reality television host and the dead eyes of federal troops from unknown agencies.

Take for example billionaire capitalist Elon Musk boldly stating that the political and economic system of the U.S. capitalists can overthrow any government they want. Take for example Trump touting an absolute quack who mentions demon sperm. Take for example the use of mercenaries to suppress the protests in Portland, Oregon. The list goes on and on, but there can be no doubt the simple image of a peaceful, loving republic that would base its decisions on shrewdness and compassion has gone out the proverbial window.

Never before has so much been showcased in American history that could not be considered anything but absolute political decline, though of course, the crimes of the United States should not be news to anyone with a barely working understanding of history, a history that goes deeper and uglier than most Americans may realize or wish to realize.

The United States is in danger of hitting a moment of terminal decline much like a cancer patient, stage four, on their last round of chemo that the patient takes not because of a feeling that things will turn around, but because the show must grimly go on.

The United States potential decline is on a historical scale. The nation is already experiencing a round of deaths that rival a World War.

In the aviation industry, a common phrase shared amongst pilots is the first step to surviving a plane crash is to understand your plane is crashing. The danger is real, the clock is ticking. The margin of error is tiny.

What is to be done, to quote a famous Russian revolutionary? What can we do during such a time when the proverbial national plane is crashing?

The thing we can do is to recognize first that the danger can no longer be disguised. Yes, this country does not care for the poor, otherwise, it would not be haggling over hundreds of dollars per person as opposed to the billions paid out in bailout money that cant be properly traced.

Yes, a national strategy to combat the pandemic was abandoned because Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Trump, said that only blue states run by Democratic Governors were being hit by the virus and thus not worthy of support and easy targets of political blame.

Yes, we do have billionaires like Musk who are openly congratulating themselves on coups supported by our so-called democratic government in order to steal the resources of another country and to murder those who stand its way.

Yes, we do have secret police in the streets of Portland.

Yes, the commander in chief is supporting insanity and his son-in-law is a brutal crook who thought more of how to hurt political opponents than to save lives.

The idea of the United States as we were told about as children does not match up with what we see today.

The mask has come off. We see the face of the beast. What is to be done?

History rarely has been kind to the indecisive and the hesitant. The locomotive of history has started up and will result in either one of two things. As Friedrich Engels once said: Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism.

While those words were spoken many years ago, it seems as apt today as it did during the 19th century. Though we are not nearly at the level of barbarism as it was during Engelss day when chattel slavery and crushing poverty were the rule for the so-called industrialized world, it cannot be seen that we are marching forward to a better day and age with massive increases in wealth inequality and declines in life expectancy.

It can be seen that we are approaching a historical moment of reckoning. Fascism is capitalism in decay and with a record 33 percent drop in GDP, capitalism is very much in decay.

It is time to rise up. The plane is crashing. Something needs to be done. And the only solution is a movement of the people to take back control of our lives.

A massive turnout of voters on Nov. 3 to defeat Donald Trump and all his enablers in Congress, the Senate and the state legislative bodies across the country is an essential first step. If we can do that we will better be able to wage the fight that we will have to continue.

As with all op-eds published by Peoples World, this article represents the opinions of its author.

See the article here:

In an age of masks, the mask is off - People's World

‘Caste’ Explodes The Myth Of American Exceptionalism – HuffPost

In her new book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, Isabel Wilkerson, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, recalls once seeing a small, barely noticeable welt in the corner of a room in her home and deciding it was nothing. But over the years, the welt became a wave that widened and bulged, until the ceiling was bowed. The tiny flaw in the homes structure could only be ignored for so long before it threatened the integrity of the whole.

America is like that old house, Wilkerson observes, and the owner of an old house knows that whatever you are ignoring will never go away.

For many Americans, the country now seems to be in that catastrophic phase. The rot cannot be ignored. Tens of thousands have died from the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19; the economy has been devastated by the pandemic, and millions have lost work and face eviction due to the lack of government aid. Protesters have filled the streets of American cities, decrying police brutality against Black people, while police and federal agents respond with rubber bullets, tear gas, and beatings.

The interlocking systems that structure American life no longer seem stable but why?

Some may say its the advent of President Donald Trump, a destructive aberration from our usual political leaders. Others believe the roots lie far deeper. Wilkerson, for example, argues that a caste system as central to [our nations] operation as are the studs and joists that we cannot see in the physical buildings we call home has both structured American society and led inexorably to its decay.

Wilkerson, the author of the acclaimed The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of Americas Great Migration, traces this caste system back to the colonization of America and the creation of the American slave trade, which arose out of the demand for cheap, virtually limitless labor. Unlike white indentured servants, she writes, African slaves lacked ongoing ties to family or organized labor movements back in England, which could provide aid in eventually seeking wages and freedom. Over time, colonial law began to privilege white indentured servants, at first exempting Christians (at the time roughly synonymous with Europeans) from lifetime enslavement.

As enslaved Africans began to convert to Christianity, however, the rationale evolved and hardened into one of racial difference. Americas rigid caste system, Wilkerson argues, was developed to justify and perpetuate a brutal form of chattel slavery. It made lords of everyone in the dominant caste, she writes. Slavery so perverted the balance of power that it made the degradation of the subordinate caste seem normal and righteous.

After the abolition of slavery, the caste distinction remained vital to the white population who feared losing the psychological wage of a superior rank a fear that has remained powerful in American politics and daily life. Jim Crow enshrined caste into law, but caste, as Wilkerson describes it, is not strictly legal; it also plays out in unequal application of criminal law, or widespread perceptions of Black people as poor or uneducated that shape how they are treated by medical workers, teachers, banks, employers, and police.

This is not exactly new, of course; what Caste proposes is a framework for understanding it not as Americas odd preoccupation with race, but as just one example of a caste system much like others we are familiar with.

Wilkerson turns again and again to metaphors to pin down what caste means exactly, arguing that its not exactly race (though in the U.S. it is inextricable from it), nor is it class. It is, she says, the wordless usher in a darkened theater, flashlight cast down in the aisles, guiding us to our assigned seats for a performance. Or it is the play itself, in which the actors wear the costumes of their predecessors and inhabit the roles assigned to them. The people in these roles are not the characters they play, but they have played the roles long enough to incorporate the roles into their very being. Caste is like a corporation that seeks to sustain itself at all costs.

Wilkerson focuses most of her attention, rightly, on the tremendous suffering inflicted by caste on the lowest subordinate group in a system, and on Black Americans in particular. Using studies, historical research, and anecdotes from daily life, she argues that it is caste expectations that frequently exclude Black people from high-status jobs and that scapegoat them for crime and other social ills. These expectations inflict stress especially, she argues, on Black people who defy caste by climbing into higher social classes, which has profound health implications.

Socioeconomic status and the presumed privilege that comes with it do not protect the health of well-to-do African-Americans, she points out. In fact, many suffer a health penalty for their ambitions The stigma and stereotypes they labor under expose them to higher levels of stress-inducing discrimination in spite of, or perhaps because of, their perceived educational or material advantages.

In the current moment, with rioters protesting police killings of Black people, and the coronavirus tearing through Black and brown communities, Wilkersons caste opus is often clarifying. She traces how caste relegates most lower-status people to the type of essential work that forces them to leave home, endangering their health, even as many predominantly white office workers remain safely isolated while working remotely. She examines how it undergirds every interaction between people of different castes, especially as the election of Barack Obama, and then Donald Trump, drove a resurgence of caste policing.

After the 2016 election, she writes, the surveillance of black citizens by white strangers became so common a feature of American life that these episodes have inspired memes of their own. White people calling the cops on Black people entering their own homes or waiting at a Starbucks, she argues, is a distant echo of an earlier time when anyone in the dominant caste was deputized, obligated even, to apprehend any black person during the era of slavery.

In an era of increasingly widespread anti-capitalism, it can be surprising how matter-of-fact Wilkerson is about class hierarchy. Class mostly appears in the book as either a function of caste or a foil to it: Black people are mostly confined to low-wage labor and lower social classes, while some rise to the upper classes but face frequent assumptions that they are unfit to be in upper-class spaces. To limn the precise reach of race-based caste, Wilkerson focuses on those who defy caste-assigned class, especially wealthy Black people. In several anecdotes, including some drawn from her own life, Wilkerson remarks on a Black person being treated rudely despite being expensively dressed, owning a house, or participating in a white-collar professional gathering. The episodes are revealing; they speak to the reality that class does not account for all racial disparities, and that caste functions with and through class rather than being identical to it.

This makes sense, as the project of the book is to tease out what caste is. But the question of class hierarchy lingers tantalizingly. Wilkerson often suggests that hierarchies are natural, provided that the sorting happens through personality, grit, and intelligence rather than caste. She devotes one rather eccentric chapter to the concept of alphas, digging into the science of wolf pack hierarchies to argue that one harm of caste is to force people from dominant castes to behave as alphas and to suppress natural alphas from lower castes into subordinate roles. In her disproportionate interest in the individual experience of upper-class people from lower castes, like herself, and her apparent acceptance of class as a reasonable hierarchy, Wilkerson neglects to explore the full implications of how the intersection of caste and class disadvantage poor Black people. As long as class hierarchies are embraced, one is left wondering how injustices like those inflicted by caste might ever be fully eradicated.

If a future utopia fails to materialize in Wilkersons dissection of caste, her macro-level analysis of the caste system itself is more fruitful. Her exploration of why caste provides a rickety framework for society as a whole is particularly illuminating, exposing how Americas vulnerability to the pandemic arose is rooted in the neglect and vilification of the lower castes. Both the ebola and the coronavirus pandemics, she argues, exemplify the dangers of creating scapegoat lower classes on whom to offload societal anxieties. By treating these illnesses as exotic diseases faced by poor, underdeveloped nations populated by lower-caste people, white Americans failed to realize that they could easily fall victim to the same virus. This was a problem for Africa, seen as a place of misfortune filled with people of the lowest caste, not the primary concern of the Western powers, she writes of the anemic involvement of the U.S. in finding treatments for ebola during the epidemic in West Africa. This dynamic continues to play out today, as white Americans defy masking and social distancing guidance perhaps partly because COVID-19 originated in China and has disproportionately sickened Black and brown people, allowing white people to dismiss it as a disease of the lower castes very likely fueling outbreaks that leave Americans of all races dead.

The myth of American exceptionalism is enduring though frequently debunked. The nations centuries-old pattern of imperialism and violent racial subjugation has always been presented to the world as natural and inescapable, where other countries systematic oppression and genocide of certain groups are framed as human rights violations, a function of the United Statess wealth and influence rather than its morality.

Wilkerson matter-of-factly punctures this inflated image not just by examining the unique cruelties of American caste, but by refusing to present it as utterly exceptional. She compares the American racial caste to the lingering, millennia-long Indian caste system and the accelerated, chilling, and officially vanquished caste system implemented in Nazi Germany. The similarities between the systems are clearly laid out and convincing; Nazis, as she notes, even researched Jim Crow law as a model for instituting legal restrictions on Jews.

Yet the comparison has already drawn outrage. Bari Weiss referenced the argument, which Wilkerson advanced last month in a New York Times feature adapted from the book, in her public resignation letter as an example of the hostile working environment she claimed she faced at the Times. The paper of record is, more and more, the record of those living in a distant galaxy, one whose concerns are profoundly removed from the lives of most people, she wrote. This is a galaxy in which, to choose just a few recent examples, the Soviet space program is lauded for its diversity; the doxxing of teenagers in the name of justice is condoned; and the worst caste systems in human history includes the United States alongside Nazi Germany.

For immigrants separated from their children and held in detention centers, or Black people funneled into the prison industrial system at hugely disproportionate rates, this characterization of American caste may not seem distant from their own lives at all. But it is distant from the American self-mythology, honed over centuries, which positions the United States as a country uniquely devoted to freedom, tolerance and justice.

People bridle instinctively at stigmatizing comparisons. Wilkerson points out that [t]he dominant caste resists comparison to lower-caste people, even the suggestion that they have anything in common or share basic human experiences, as this diminishes the dominant-caste person and forces the contemplation of equality with someone deemed lower. Many may balk, as Weiss did, at the idea that Americas racial caste system can be put in the same category as that of Nazi Germany. But Wilkersons brutal accounting of the unimaginable cruelty inflicted under slavery, Jim Crow and the following decades makes a powerful case that white Americans resist being shocked and a bit peeved and acknowledge the truth revealed by her comparisons.

American exceptionalism is a lie. To fix our broken country, we have to learn not just from our own crimes, but from how much like other evil-doers we actually are.

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Read more from the original source:

'Caste' Explodes The Myth Of American Exceptionalism - HuffPost

Bengaluru: 110-year-old woman recovers from COVID-19 infection in just five days – Times Now

Bengaluru: 110-year-old woman recovers from COVID-19.  |  Photo Credit: AP

In a rare instance, a 110-year-old woman, named Siddamma, recovered from the deadly COVID-19 infection in Chitradurga. After being admitted to a nearby hospital on July 27 (Monday), the elderly woman has certainly led the way in dealing with the virus, on the back of high immunity, to emerge on top of the disease in just five days.

The centenarian woman has, thus, been discharged from the hospital and headed back home on August 01 (Saturday) itself. This news comes as a huge boost for many in the country as the number of cases continues to rise in many parts. Talking about the state of affairs in Karnataka, it continued to witness a high rise in COVID-19 cases with as many as5,172 people being tested positive (as on August 01). Thus, the state has been seeing over 5,000 cases for quite some time now. So far, the state of Karnatakahas witnessed 1,29,287 cases of COVID-19 patients.

On the other hand, if one has to see the positive side, 3,860 people have beencured and discharged from the hospitals. Overall, 53,648 people have been discharged in the state. Talking about the death toll in the state, it has surged to 2,412 following 98 people losing the battle versus theCOVID-19.

Meanwhile, Bengaluru now accounts for13,494 active containment zones. In total, the tally has crossed the 20,000-mark.

There are several restrictions in containment zones. A person cannot go out whereas no one can also enter the containment zone as well.Around five houses on our road were sealed and we were not able to go outside even to get groceries. The civic body did not supply them to us. After a few days, one of the residents in our area broke the seal and ensured that there was space for one person to step out to buy essentials, a resident of a containment zone was quoted as saying by The Hindu.

Excerpt from:

Bengaluru: 110-year-old woman recovers from COVID-19 infection in just five days - Times Now

Aircraft Ailerons MARKET (IMPACT OF COVID-19) TO SEE MASSIVE GROWTH BY 2026| Saab AB, Sealand Aviation, ShinMaywa Industries, TATA, Bombardier and…

It is our aim to provide our readers with report for Aircraft Ailerons Market, which examines the industry during the period 2020 2026. One goal is to present deeper insight into this line of business in this document. The first part of the report focuses on providing the industry definition for the product or service under focus in the Aircraft Ailerons Market report. Next, the document will study the factors responsible for hindering and enhancing growth in the industry. After covering various areas of interest in the industry, the report aims to provide how the Aircraft Ailerons Market will grow during the forecast period.

The major vendors covered:

Saab AB, Sealand Aviation, ShinMaywa Industries, TATA, Bombardier, Asian Composites Manufacturing (ACM), Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI). and more

The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 on Aircraft Ailerons Market.

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The Aircraft Ailerons Market report between the years 2020 2026 will highlight the current value of the industry. At the same time, there is also an estimate of how much this line of business will be worth at the end of the forecast period. As it is our goal to maintain high levels of accuracy at all times, we will take a look at the CAGR of the Aircraft Ailerons Market. We make sure that all the information available in this report has excellent levels of readability. One way we achieve this target is by Aircraft Ailerons Market segmentation. Going through the report for 2020 2026 will bring our readers up-to-date regarding this industry.

While examining the information from this document, one thing becomes clear, the elements which contribute to increase in demand for the product or service. At the same time, there will be a focus on what drives the popularity of these types of products or services. This report is for those who want to learn about Aircraft Ailerons Market, along with its forecast for 2020 2026. Information regarding market revenue, competitive partners, and key players will also be available.


As discussed earlier, there is segmentation in the Aircraft Ailerons Market report, to improve the accuracy and make it easier to collect data. The categories which are the dividing factors in the industry are distribution channels, application, and product or service type. With this level of segmentation, it becomes easier to analyze and understand the Aircraft Ailerons Market. At the same time, there is emphasis on which type of consumers become the customers in this industry. When it comes to distribution channels, the Aircraft Ailerons Market report looks at the different techniques of circulation of the product or service.

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Regional Overview

In this part of the Aircraft Ailerons Market report, we will be taking a look at the geographical areas and the role they play in contributing to the growth of this line of business. The areas of interest in this document are as follows Middle East and Africa, South and North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. From the Aircraft Ailerons Market report, it becomes clear which region is the largest contributor.

Latest Industry News

From this Aircraft Ailerons Market report, the reader will also get to learn about the latest developments in the industry. The reason is that these products or services have the potential to disrupt this line of business. If there is information about company acquisitions or mergers, this information will also be available in this portion of the Aircraft Ailerons Market report.

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Aircraft Ailerons MARKET (IMPACT OF COVID-19) TO SEE MASSIVE GROWTH BY 2026| Saab AB, Sealand Aviation, ShinMaywa Industries, TATA, Bombardier and...

Value of Birch Water Market Predicted to Surpass US$ by the of 2017 – 2025 – Market Research Correspondent

Evaluation of the Global Birch Water Market

The presented study maps the growth trajectory of the global Birch Water market by thoroughly assessing the various factors that are expected to influence the future prospects of the Birch Water market. According to the report published by PMR, the Birch Water market is poised to attain a value of ~US$ XX Mn/Bn by the end of 2029 with a CAGR growth of ~XX% during the forecast period (2019-2029).

A complete evaluation of the trends, market drivers, opportunities, and challenges faced by market players operating in the Birch Water market is provided in the report. Further, an overview and introduction of the Birch Water market is included to ensure that the readers have a seamless experience while going through the contents of the report.

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Critical insights included in the report:

Competitive Outlook

The competitive outlook assessment provides an in-depth understanding related to the business proceeding of top-tier market players in the global Birch Water market. The product portfolio, sales strategy, marketing & promotional strategy, and sales footprint of each market player is scrutinized thoroughly in the report. Some of the leading players evaluated in the report include:

The report segments the global Birch Water market on the basis of region, product type, and end use.

Key Players:

The key player in the birch water market includes Nature On Tap Ltd, Sibberi Ltd., Sapp, Inc., BelSeva, Sealand Natural Resources Inc., TreeVitalise, Treo Brands LLC among others.

The report covers exhaustive analysis on:

Regional analysis for Birch Water Market includes:

The report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and regions.

Report Highlights:

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Regional Analysis

The market scenario in each region along with a comprehensive assessment of the micro and macro-economic factors that are forecasted to impact the market growth in these regions is included in the report.

End Use Assessment

The market study offers accurate and in-depth analysis of the various end uses of the Birch Water along with a yearly comparison of the market share and revenue growth of each end use.

Important queries addressed in the report:

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Value of Birch Water Market Predicted to Surpass US$ by the of 2017 - 2025 - Market Research Correspondent

Summer Travels: How To Protect Your Hair In The Sun, Ocean And Pool – Forbes

Beautiful woman with blue eyes lies in a blue lagoon

Summer days are filled with sunshine, swimming and spending time by the ocean. Unfortunately, the excessive exposure to sun, salt water and chemicals can sometimes wreak havoc on our hair causing dryness or a change in color. I spoke toMark Ryan Salonowner and celebrity hair stylist Ryan Trygstad about how to protect your hair in the sun and ocean so that summer hair doesnt mean damaged hair.

What Impacts Hair Negatively


Chlorine is the worst for hair, says Trygstad. If your hair is dry or colored, chlorine attaches to it and alters it it can even make blonde hair turn green. Additionally, chlorine can give hair a dry or metallic feeling. Trygstads tip to prevent your hair from experiencing damage through chlorine? Always pre-wet your hair with bottled water, then the hair shaft is filled and wont absorb chlorine. If you cant pre-wet your hair,R&Co Sun Catcher Leave-In Conditionerwill help protect and soften, seal, and detangle your hair. If your hair sustains significant damage from chlorine during the summer, there are also crystal treatments to pull the chlorine out of your hair but this process can also be drying. When it comes to chlorine its better to prevent than to treat, so keep that in mind before you dip into the pool.

Interestingly, water can play a big role in how our hair looks and feels when we go to a new location. Trygstad told me about some interesting changes hes witnessed in his career blondes getting a more yellow tone in their hair in England or his sister in Michigan developing a more brassy and copper tone in her hair over time due to minerality levels in the water there. In Florida the mineral levels in water are so high that people often get aMalibu C Hard Water Remedybefore getting their hair colored so that the mineral content doesnt interfere with the subsequent color.


The sun can dry your hair out especially when exposed over days or weeks. A lot of people love the sunkissed look their hair gets especially when it goes naturally a few shades lighter, however in the process hair often loses moisture. There are two restorative products that Trygstad loves to repair summer hair. One isMilbons Plarmia Hair Serum Treatmentwhich features emollient oils and nurturing proteins to provide superior hydration to dull, stressed hair. This product is compatible with all types of hair and can help with everything from repair to growth. Ive had clients whove never been able to grow their hair and this does it for them, says Trygstad. Another favorite of his isUltimate Resetby Shu Uemura which is a nourishing mask containing Japanese sourced rice extract to promoting stronger, softer hair.

Hair Bands and Friction on Hair

Summer is also a time when people partake in sports like surfing, paddleboarding, and snorkeling, and those with longer locks often pull their hair into tight ponytails. Instead of using plastic or thin hairbands, Trygstad says people should opt forGoody screw elasticsorhair ring ties. You wont get a tension break with these hair ties, he says. Also, braids are often a gentler alternative to ponytails which can lead to nice hair texture later in the evening.

Trygstad also recommends gently combing wet hair with the addition of a detangler or leave-in conditioner and a wide comb. People wonder why their ponytail keeps getting thinner its because they are ripping their hair with a brush when its wet, says Trygstad.

With a little planning ahead, the right products and gentleness on your hair, you can prevent the damage that often comes with summer travel and go through the season with healthy, beautiful hair.

Continue reading here:

Summer Travels: How To Protect Your Hair In The Sun, Ocean And Pool - Forbes

The art of pump reliability: seal solutions for longevity and easy installation – Utility Magazine

Installation and maintenance of pumps within the water and wastewater industry comes with many challenges. Seal fatigue and breakdown inevitably leads to pump downtime, and with it the related substantial costs of labour and maintenance. Thankfully, advances in technology have brought proven solutions that can dramatically reduce seal installation time, pump maintenance and the likelihood of asset failure.

While mechanical seals only represent a small proportion of the overall acquisition cost of a pump, their failure can amount to significant expenditure.

The key to reliability lies in maximising pump life, and this can be effectively achieved with two simple, yet highly effective, solutions.

The use of split seals and active throat bushing technology offers considerable improvement for overall equipment reliability.

Used together, they enhance the seal environment with minimal or no-flush water requirements and dramatically decrease the efforts (and costs) spent on pump maintenance.

Split seal technology

They perform the same role as standard mechanical seals and can be utilised in the same locations (on rotating equipment).

However, by far the greatest advantage offered is that there is no disassembly of the installed pump required to fit a split seal and no additional expertise is needed.

Other advantages include:

Chesterton is the leader in split seal technology with the largest installed base globally.

Active throat bushing technology

The environment around the seal has a direct impact on its lifespan and reliability, with the two biggest issues being contamination and heat.

The traditional approach is an external flush generally water with the hope that this provides cooling, prevents abrasives from degrading the seal and reduces the build-up of solids.

Despite such efforts, its common for seals to fail, mainly due to ineffective cooling and poor lubrication.

Active throat bushing is a cutting-edge technology that addresses both the heat and contaminant issues in one simple solution as follows:

The advantages of this technology are far-reaching:

For water and wastewater processing, the advantages of these dual technologies are nothing short of remarkable.

Both are proven and in use on a global scale, offering substantial savings on energy, running costs and asset maintenance. Such value-driven solutions are an essential element for the optimal operation of a plants critical assets.

Chesterton solutions for water and wastewater treatment operations have been implemented around the world with documented success and recognition.

This partner content is brought to you by Chesterton. Visit chestertonrotating.chesterton.com/en-us/IndustryApplications/Pages/WaterAndWasteWater.aspx to discover the Chesterton portfolio of products that effectively decrease sealing installation time and pump maintenance, ensuring asset productivity thats crucial in todays competitive market.

Original post:

The art of pump reliability: seal solutions for longevity and easy installation - Utility Magazine

Melanie Cox Named to Board of Revolve Group, Inc. – Apparel News

Melanie CoxPhoto: Revolve

Revolve Group, Inc., an influential e-tailer of fashions for young women, announced July 29 that Melanie Cox would join the board of directors of the Cerritos, Calif.based company.

Cox has served as chief executive officer of the retailer Wet Seal and has also worked at senior executive positions for Urban Outfitters, Gymboree and Scoop NYC. According to Michael Mente, Revolves co-founder and co-CEO, Cox also has a track record of advising private equity and corporate clients on retail business trends through her company, MBC Consulting.

Melanie is a proven leader with deep apparel-industry experience, Mente said. Her experience successfully guiding public and private companies in our industry is a great complement to our already strong board. I am excited to tap into Melanies breadth of industry knowledge and am confident that her contributions to our board will be invaluable in shaping Revolves future strategies for growth and unlocking shareholder value.

Cox replaces Jennifer Baxter Moser, managing director of the private-equity group TSG Consumer, who has served as a Revolve director since 2012.

Revolve was founded in 2003 by Mente and Mike Karanikolas, who continues to serve the company as a co-CEO.

See the original post here:

Melanie Cox Named to Board of Revolve Group, Inc. - Apparel News

Pipe leaks could be tied to March quake – Baker City Herald

The Idaho earthquake that rattled Baker City happened almost four months ago but one of its effects might have been percolating ever since.

Baker City Public Works crews have recently repaired two leaks in a main water pipeline buried beneath Carter Street.

Although the link is not definitive, its possible that shaking from the March 30 quake near Stanley, Idaho, weakened a joint in the 12-inch-diameter pipe and led to the leak that caused water to pool along the curb on the north side of Carter Street between Seventh and Eighth streets.

The site is near the pedestrian crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks.

When we get an earthquake like that, movement of the earth, it moves those pipes just a little bit and sometimes it can kind of break a seal and water can find its way out, Fisk said on Monday. So it could have been that but were not sure.

The March 30 quake, which had a magnitude of 6.5, rattled windows and caused chandeliers to sway in Baker City, about 128 miles from the epicenter.

City crews have fixed three leaks on the Carter Street pipe since the earthquake, Fisk said.

We really havent had any others, its just been that area, he said. We had one on Estes Street (one street north of Carter) as well and its a 6-inch cast-iron line.

Although the timing of the leaks suggests the quake might have been responsible, the pipeline, which is several decades old, leaked occasionally before the temblor as well, said Michelle Owen, the citys public works director.

Owen said the city will look to replace the pipeline, possibly including the project in a future fiscal year.

It impacts a lot of people so we really have to determine the best way to replace it, she said.

The cast-iron pipe would be replaced with one made of ductile iron, a stronger material that the city uses in many such replacements.

Early last week city crews repaired a leaking valve along Carter Street.

But with water continuing to puddle on the surface, crews dug up the pipe and found the second leak. They repaired that on Friday morning.

The crew went out and dug up that pipe and was able to pound some packing back in to stop the leak, Fisk said. And they put whats called a bell clamp on that leak so its now sealed and not leaking.

Workers had to remove the concrete curb on the north side of Carter Street.

Fisk said the city plans to build a new curb there before winter.

Continued here:

Pipe leaks could be tied to March quake - Baker City Herald

Blood on Their Hands | Letters to the Editor – The Chief-Leader

To the Editor:With the massive increase in shootings and senseless murders of innocent bystanders, some stick out.

Brandon Hendricks 17 years old, a basketball star who just graduated high school and was going to attend St. John's University, was killed June 29. Anthony Robinson on July 5 was holding his 6-year-old daughter's hand walking down the street when he was gunned down. I don't want to try to imagine the kind of nightmares she will have for the rest of her life.

Shatavia Wells on July 7 was shot 8 times for asking someone to stop throwing firecrackers around children and died July 17. Davell Gardner, 1 year old, was fatally shot in the stomach while sitting in a stroller July 12.

What is so painfully sad is that in between theses dates, many others, some children, were shot and killed. And Cuomo and de Blasio still allow this lawlessness to run rampant.

Amid all this loss of life, on July 16 de Blasio holds a press conference with a BLM sign replacing the city seal, and this clown of a Mayor states, "We have fewer people in our jails than any time since WW ll, and we are safer for it, and better for it."

The truth is, the numbers are low because of the failed bail-reform bill, which has given criminals an unlimited get-out-of-jail-free card.

He wants to send advocates out to handle small problems instead of the NYPD. Eric Adams, former NYPD Captain and current Brooklyn Borough President, supports that idea. But now he wants the Anti-Crime Unit back, especially after Shatavia Wells followed his instructions June 21 that communities should stop calling 311/911 for fireworks complaints, but rather "talk to the young people or the people on your block who are using fireworks and warn them of the dangers."

President Trump has promised to send Federal agents to several problem cities, including New York. Cuomo his brain cells kicking in, calls Trump and tells him we have it handled. So Cuomo and de Blasio both grow a pair and kick the protesters out of City Hall Park. Yetsee how long they have allowed the death and destruction to continue.

What I want to know is, why are people not protesting in front of Gracie Mansion and de Blasio's Brooklyn house, why are they not protesting in front of the Governor's Mansion? City and state officials have blood on their hands, and not just for the senseless shootings. They sat back and watched the rioters and looters destroy black and white businesses. They have violated their oath of office to serve and protect and provide safety and security.

All the victims of these turnstile criminals deserve justice. Children, and women and mensome senior citizenshave lost their rights, and in many cases their lives. This cannot stand. They should not be considered acceptable losses in a war.

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Blood on Their Hands | Letters to the Editor - The Chief-Leader

Beneath the surface: A fresh perspective on marine captivity – Varsity Online

Dawn Brancheau pictured with an orca named Kayla in captivity at SeaWorld, Florida. Brancheau was later killed by another such orca. SeaWorld, Orlando

Our understanding of the word has changed drastically since the emergence of COVID-19.

Keeping us from seeing our families, splitting up groups of friends and taking away our freedom it now represents ten weeks of the most significant restrictions on British life in living memory. Feelings of loneliness have almost doubled and mental health charities have raised concerns of worrying long-term implications. We understand the negative effects of confinement and are aware of its role as an incubator of psychoses, seeding illness in otherwise healthy individuals.

So why have we allowed other species to suffer such intense degrees of isolation?

Research proves that, like us, animals suffer when held in captivity especially if they are confined in a manner that renders them unable to perform important species-specific behaviours. Possessing the second-biggest brains among all ocean mammals, a vastly enlarged limbic system controlling their behavioural and emotional responses and incredible intelligence, orcas are among the worst effected by human-imposed lockdowns a fact which is made only more tragic by the circumstances of their imprisonment since 1961.

SeaWorld have made several claims regarding the manner in which their orcas are kept.

They claim that their living conditions are not harmful. They state that their orcas live longer when held in captivity than in the wild due to veterinary care. They tell visitors that the orcas are housed in their familial pods, dismissing the dorsal-fin collapse experienced by 100% of males in captivity as a normal part of ageing experienced by 25% of all orcas.

These are SeaWorlds claims.

The facts say otherwise.

The statements that SeaWorld have made regarding their treatment of these magnificent animals are false: the concrete tanks that they are kept in are 34 feet at their deepest, despite orcas frequently diving up to 1000 feet in the wild; and in order to mimic their natural movements, orcas must swim over 3000 lengths of their pool daily. Orcas have complex needs that cannot be met in captivity and research shows that they live just as long (if not longer) than humans, in the wild. Similarly, dorsal collapse is not a problem outside of captivity, occurring in fewer than 1% of wild orcas.

Brancheaus death was the 150th recorded violent incident between a human and a captive orca since 1967.

Despite wild orcas forming life-long bonds within their pods, former SeaWorld employees confirmed that the groupings of orcas within the park are no more than an artificial assemblage decided by management. In the wild a calf would never leave its mothers side, even into adulthood yet they are frequently taken from their mothers to be sold for profit. This traumatizes the mothers and their still-dependent calves. One of the most callous examples of this unethical practice can be seen in SeaWorlds separation of calf Takara from her mother Kasatka, who wailed, screamed and cried out long after her child was snatched away from her. Analysis of her vocalisations showed them to be long-range: a heart-wrenching last-ditch attempt to contact her calf something no orca had tried before.

These orcas have been expressing their frustration at the oppressive conditions in which they are confined for decades. Orca pods are tightknit matrilineal groups, led by older females that model behaviours to younger animals, a dynamic which is impossible to achieve in the confines of captivity. While superficially similar, orcas from separate pods couldnt be more socially distinct, using different behavioural cues and languages to communicate. Confusion caused by forced interactions often results in hostile and unnaturally aggressive behaviour between orcas. Neuroscientist Lori Marino explains that forcing orcas that have grown up in different regions into close proximity results in hyper-aggression and violence. This negligence led Kandu, a 14-year-old female to a slow and painful death; fracturing her mandible, puncturing an artery in her head, and ultimately bleeding out as a result of an attempted ramming on 25-year old female Corky.

The documentary Blackfish follows the life of male orca Tilikum. Although there is no record of an orca doing any harm to any human in the wild, Tilikum was involved in the deaths of three people; Keltie Byrne (a trainer at Sealand of the Pacific), Daniel Dukes (a man trespassing in SeaWorld Orlando), and SeaWorld Orlando trainer Dawn Brancheau.

Orcas in the wild are known for being amazingly friendly, understanding, and intuitively wanting to be your companion.

Given the frequency and clarity of the warning signs that preceded them, these deaths are further indicators of SeaWorlds egregious conduct; Brancheaus death was the 150th recorded violent incident between a human and a captive orca since 1967.

Tilikum made his first kill in 1991, while performing at Sealand of the Pacific. Here, Tilikum would be trained alongside an established orca, with both animals receiving punishment if he made a mistake. At night, the whales were locked together in a small floating steel box, where the females would take out their pent-up frustrations on Tilikum, repeatedly scratching him with their teeth, gouging his flesh, and causing him to bleed. Nadine Kallen was witness to the attack on Keltie Byrne, a 20-year-old championship swimmer and part-time Sealand employee. For ten minutes she watched as Keltie was submerged for varying intervals, screaming for her life. Nadine insisted that Keltie was pulled under by Tilikum. It was very easy to tell, she explained: he was the whale with the flopped over fin.

Sealand closed after the incident, as the attack on Keltie was deemed so highly stimulating that it was likely to be repeated. Nevertheless, Tilikum was bought by SeaWorld, arriving at the park in 1992. They needed a male for breeding.

Tilikum struck again in July of 1999 this time killing Daniel Dukes, a man who voluntarily entered his tank at night while trespassing at SeaWorld. Dukes naked and dismembered body was found draped over Tilikums back in the morning. Tilikum had bitten off his genitals and was parading him around the tank. Its hard to believe Dukes wasnt found until the morning: why didnt one of the four night-watch trainers required to check on Tilikum twice an hour see the body in the water or hear Dukes floundering and splashing as he drowned? Dukes death will be forever remembered as SeaWorlds first major incident.

They all have a bad life, theyre all emotionally destroyed and psychologically traumatised, so they are all ticking time bombs.

Other orcas began lashing out in similarly anguish-driven attacks. In 2002, Tamarie (a SeaWorld trainer) was attacked by Orkid and Splash, luckily escaping with just a broken arm Orkid has shown clear escalation and despite not having progressed to killing a person, she has been involved in 17 attacks on humans. In 2006, Kasatka attacked former trainer Ken Peters as a shocked audience watched on. She dragged Peters under by his left foot for more than thirty seconds, releasing him briefly before plunging him down again for more than a minute. Peters was able to scramble to safety in spite of his crushed feet, but if he wasnt such an experienced diver, things couldve ended very differently. On Christmas Eve of 2009, Alexis Martnez lost his life. He was a trainer at Loro Parque, a zoo in Tenerife, before the attack in which he was pulled underwater and rammed in the chest by Keto, one of four orcas the park had been loaned by SeaWorld.

He didnt survive.

The story of Dawn Brancheau, Tilikums final fatality, is perhaps the most harrowing occurring two months after the death of Martnez, to the day. Dawn was a senior trainer, respected by her peers and a stickler for following safety procedures. She was midway through a bonding session with Tilikum when he grabbed her by the arm and barrel-rolled, dragging her into the water. He slammed into Dawn repeatedly, letting her go for brief periods before grabbing her again and shaking her violently, as her colleagues rushed to help. Even after they managed to raise him out of the water, he refused to give her up. Tilikum had scalped Dawn, and as staff attempted to free her, prising open his jaws, part of her arm came off in his mouth.

Sadly, her heart had stopped.

Tilikum had killed her.

The deaths of Keltie Byrne and Dawn Brancheau are almost 20 years apart, and nothing has been learned. With orcas able to pass on behaviours that can persist for generations its worrying that 54% of the remaining whales at SeaWorld share genes with Tilikum.

59 orcas remain in captivity, in parks and aquariums throughout the world and they all have a bad life, theyre all emotionally destroyed and psychologically traumatised, so they are all ticking time bombs..

With this in mind, it may be hard to believe that orcas in the wild are known for being amazingly friendly, understanding, and intuitively wanting to be your companion. To evoke aggression from such majestic and peaceful animals is utterly devastating.

Visiting sea parks, visiting zoos, riding dolphins all of these allow for the torment of these animals to continue under the guise of entertainment.

The COVID-19 lockdown has shown us all the pain isolation can bring.

May it also teach us compassion towards those who have suffered it far longer.

Varsity is the independent newspaper for the University of Cambridge, established in its current form in 1947. In order to maintain our editorial independence, our newspaper and news website receives no funding from the University of Cambridge or its constituent Colleges.

We are therefore almost entirely reliant on advertising for funding, and during this unprecedented global crisis, we have a tough few weeks and months ahead.

In spite of this situation, we are going to look at inventive ways to look at serving our readership with digital content for the time being.

Therefore we are asking our readers, if they wish, to make a donation from as little as 1, to help with our running cost at least until we hopefully return to print on 2nd October 2020.

Many thanks, all of us here at Varsity would like to wish you, your friends, families and all of your loved ones a safe and healthy few months ahead.


Beneath the surface: A fresh perspective on marine captivity - Varsity Online

Conservative leaders to headline Texas Youth Summit in September – Bluebonnet News

High school and college age young people will have a chance to attend a fun and interactive conference with Congressman Dan Crenshaw, Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, Allie Beth Stuckey, The Deplorable Choir, and Tanner Roberts during the second annual Texas Youth Summit hosted by Christian Collins.

The schedule of the event is 6-9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18, and noon-5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, at Grace Woodlands Church in The Woodlands.

According to the announcement of the event, Collins, founder of Texas Youth Summit, is working with area leaders to host this experience for young people, which is focused on equipping and engaging our youth on the Conservative principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, American Exceptionalism, and the Judeo-Christian values our country was founded on. High School and College age students receive free entrance to this event. Students will be required to submit a short application to receive their ticket, and students under 16 must bring a parent.

The summit is designed for students to learn more about how young people can make a difference in the world of politics. The future leaders of America will be able to engage a great lineup of speakers, including Collins, a college teacher, author of the book Second Wind, and host of the podcast The Christian Collins Show.

Other featured speakers will be Congressman Dan Crenshaw, former Navy Seal and TX-2 Congressman, author of the best-selling book Fortitude, and host of a weekly podcast We Hold These Truths; Candace Owens, founder of the Blexit movement, author of Blackout, Fox News Contributor, and host of a weekly podcast The Candace Owens Show; and Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, author of the best-selling book, The MAGA Doctrine, and host of the weekly podcast The Charlie Kirk Show.

In addition, the lineup includes Allie Beth Stuckey, also known as The Conservative Millennial, Fox News contributor, author of Youre Not Enough, and host of the weekly podcast Relatable; The Deplorable Choir, conservative comedic singers and authors of the book Home of the Brave, and Tanner Roberts, conservative speaker and author of Dumb Politics.

While the Texas Youth Summit is for youth only, adults can be donors of the event and major donors will enjoy a private reception with the distinguished speakers. All donations received will be used not only for this upcoming event, but to support Conservative Youth throughout the year. This will include additional events, scholarships, and important training seminars.

Registration and information can be found at https://www.texasyouthsummit.com/events

Contact: txyouthsummit2020@gmail.com

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Conservative leaders to headline Texas Youth Summit in September - Bluebonnet News

Franklin Templeton Names APAC Head and Reshuffles Region – finews.asia

The firm has announced a slew of senior appointments, which will be effective on July 31, when its acquisition of Legg Mason is expected to be finalized.

Franklin Templeton has appointedVivek Kudva as its new head of Asia Pacific (APAC), including India, the investment management firm announced on Tuesday.

Based in Mumbai,Kudva will be responsible for leading the firms retail and institutional distribution across the region, and will report toAdam Spector, the newly appointed head of global advisory services.

Kudva brings more than three decades of industry experience and expertise in asset management and banking to the role. He joined Franklin Templeton in 2006, and was most recently managing director, India and EMEA. Previously, he spent two years as general manager of the National Bank of Oman, and 21 years at HSBC.

Legg Mason Acquisition

The investment manager announced in February that had entered into an agreement toacquire Legg Mason for $50.00 per share of common stock in an all-cash transaction.

Thetransaction is expected to close on July 31, 2020, and will create a combined $1.5 trillion AUM firm.

The combination of our two distribution platforms will enhance organic growth in the region as we expand our presence in key markets such as Japan and Australia. In addition, we see tremendous growth potential in China as the country continues to further liberalize and open up its market,Kudvasaid about the merger.

Senior Leadership Team

Thesenior leadership team with expanded responsibilities in the combined organization within the APAC region, effective July 31, includes:

See the rest here:

Franklin Templeton Names APAC Head and Reshuffles Region - finews.asia

The Lynn Shelton That Marc Maron Knew – The New York Times

Was it a different dynamic on Sword of Trust, which, though you starred in it, was ultimately her film?

By that time, we were wrestling with feelings that were deeper than creative and friendship. She was separated [from her husband, the host and actor Kevin Seal] and the tension had become more intense. Wed been working on a script together for years and we just werent getting it done. Shes like, Im going to write you a movie. Im like, Yeah, OK, sure. And she did. She and Mike OBrien came up with an idea she decided, because she drove past a pawnshop, that I would be a pawnshop owner and she willed it into existence.

What was the day-to-day experience like on the film?

I was cranky and difficult. It was hot down there [in Birmingham, Ala.]. I felt fat. It was very daunting for me, because I was on set with a lot of monster improvisers. And after a day or two, I said to Lynn, if you dont reel them in, Im going to be this dumb straight man to a bunch of over-the-top characters. Im going to be filled with resentment and Im not going to be able to ease into this. And Lynn made an interesting choice to act in that movie [as the troubled ex-girlfriend of Marons character]. That scene when she comes to pawn that ring [chokes up], the emotions were real. Its really Lynn holding me open, which is something she did in real life, too. Once it got to a point where she had resolved some stuff in her relationship and we were able to acknowledge a real love for each other, I actually said to her there was drama here I said, Look, if we dont try this, whatevers going on here, Im going to regret it for the rest of my life. And so, we did.

Were you hesitant to acknowledge your relationship on the podcast?

It took a long time and Ive learned a lot of lessons around that. My audience has been through several relationships with me. When you talk about somebody, they dont have a voice in it. So choose what youre doing there. Once Lynn and I were able to start seeing each other, we kept a low profile for like three to six months and then she started to ease into the conversation. I think she was getting upset with it. She was like: When can we be who we are? Enough already. And Im like, Yeah, youre right. This quarantine was not the greatest of situations but it accelerated things. It enabled us to double up our time together. She had moved all her stuff down here and we were together all the time. We were cooking and talking and eventually we started working on the script again.

See more here:

The Lynn Shelton That Marc Maron Knew - The New York Times

Backcountry CEO Appointed to Revolve Board – Shop-Eat-Surf.com

Revolve Group, Inc. (NYSE: RVLV) today announced the appointment of retail industry veteran Melanie Cox to its board of directors, as well as the audit and compensation committees, effective immediately. Cox is CEO of Backcountry, a leading online retailer of premium outdoor sports gear and apparel. Drawing on more than 25 years of industry experience, Cox has served in CEO, president and chief merchandising executive roles for several prominent retail brands where she had a significant positive impact.

Prior to Backcountry, Cox served in various senior leadership roles, including as CEO and interim CEO of womens fashion retailers Wet Seal and rue21, respectively. Earlier in her career, Cox served in senior-level roles at Urban Outfitters, Gymboree, Scoop NYC and Contempo Casuals (acquired by Wet Seal). She is also the founder of MBC Consulting, where she advised private equity and corporate clients on retail industry trends, risk assessment, strategic direction and identifying market opportunities including mergers and acquisitions.

Melanie is a proven leader with deep apparel industry experience, said co-founder and co-CEO Michael Mente. Her experience successfully guiding public and private companies in our industry is a great complement to our already strong board. I am excited to tap into Melanies breadth of industry knowledge and confident that her contributions to our board will be invaluable in shaping REVOLVEs future strategies for growth and unlocking shareholder value.

I am thrilled to join the REVOLVE board and excited to contribute to the companys continued success, said Melanie Cox. Mike, Michael and their talented team have built REVOLVE into a globally recognized brand serving a loyal and growing customer base. Powerful e-commerce tailwinds, generational shifts and global expansion opportunities create a long runway to further capitalize on their success in the years ahead.

Cox is replacing Jennifer Baxter Moser on the board. Moser, a managing director at TSG Consumer and a REVOLVE director since 2012, submitted her resignation from the board on July 28, 2020.

On behalf of the board and leadership team, I want to thank Jenny for her dedicated service and outstanding contributions to our success during the past eight years, said co-founder and co-CEO Mike Karanikolas. Her considerable talents and deep insights into the REVOLVE core customer demographic have played a critical role in the development of our margin-accretive portfolio of owned brands, our industry-leading marketing strategy and the launch of REVOLVE Beauty, which has become our fastest-growing product category in recent months.

I feel honored to have been part of the REVOLVE journey over the past eight years, said Jennifer Baxter Moser. I have been a passionate REVOLVE fan from the very beginning, and I am so proud to see what Mike, Michael and the team have created. What began as a bootstrapped startup has emerged as an industry leader and a brand that is shaping the future of fashion. They have been innovators in every aspect of the business. I know they will continue to do great things and I am excited to watch their continued success.

About Revolve Group, Inc.

Revolve Group, Inc. (RVLV) is the next-generation fashion retailer for Millennial and Generation Z consumers. As a trusted, premium lifestyle brand, and a go-to online source for discovery and inspiration, we deliver an engaging customer experience from a vast yet curated offering of apparel, footwear, accessories and beauty styles. Our dynamic platform connects a deeply engaged community of millions of consumers, thousands of global fashion influencers, and hundreds of emerging, established and owned brands.

We were founded in 2003 by our co-CEOs, Michael Mente and Mike Karanikolas. We sell merchandise through two differentiated segments, REVOLVE and FORWARD, that leverage one platform. Through REVOLVE we offer a highly curated assortment of premium apparel and footwear, accessories and beauty products from emerging, established and owned brands. Through FORWARD we offer an assortment of iconic and emerging luxury brands. For more information, visitwww.revolve.com.

Here is the original post:

Backcountry CEO Appointed to Revolve Board - Shop-Eat-Surf.com

Birch Sap market is expected to pick up in healthy CAGR by 2020-2026 Top companies | Sealand Birk (UK), TreeVitalise (UK), Treo Brands (USA) – Market…

Birch Sap Market 2020

The latest report added by Contrive Datum InsightsonBirch Sapindustry comprehends the analysis of COVID-19 impact on the global market. The report studies market overview with regards to historic and current scenario. Prominent players in the global market are expected to strategize their marketing activities in a superior acceptable manner to enhance their market base. Further, the Birch Sap-research study identifies constantly changing market dynamics that are expected to influence market growth to an extent. Additionally, market performance and key factors are evaluated in this report to help make informed business decisions.

COVID-19 has impacted global market economy with over 190 countries witnessing the impact. There has been a noticeable impact on the global market growth with an increase in global unemployment rate. It has estimated that the virus could affect the global economy growth by 2.0% if current conditions persist. Around 13-32% is expected to befall in global trade. The full impact will not be known until the effects of the pandemic peak. The pandemic crisis is challenging governments to implement monetary and fiscal policies that support credit markets and sustain economic activity.

Request for a custom sample @https://www.contrivedatuminsights.com/request-sample/19063

The prominent players covered in this report:, BelSeva (Belgium), Sibberi (UK), Sealand Birk (UK), TreeVitalise (UK), Treo Brands (USA)

Key players are expected to enhance their marketing capabilities over the forecast period owing to certain market conditions. The report presents certain elements that will reflect whats and hows of such changes in the market. Further, the report studies various aspects of the global market such as upstream raw materials, downstream demand, and production value of leading players subject to market growth.

Impact of COVID-19:

On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into


On the basis on the end users/applications

Food and Beverages IndustryCosmetics and Personal Care IndustryOthers

The period considered to estimate the market size of the Birch Sapis as follows:

History Year: 2015-2019 | Base Year: 2019 | Estimated Year: 2020 | Forecast Year 2020 to 2026

Market Segmentation:

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Primary Objectives of Birch Sapmarket Report:

Key questions answered in this report:-

To summarize the report presents dynamic market overview, the competitive landscape in line with demand and supply analysis, market growth rate along with a future prediction for the forecast years. The report studies BCG, SWOT and PESTLE to analyze market profitability and growth rate. The report also helps investors to analyze investment feasibility and return analysis.

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Birch Sap market is expected to pick up in healthy CAGR by 2020-2026 Top companies | Sealand Birk (UK), TreeVitalise (UK), Treo Brands (USA) - Market...

4Runner rolls out pricing, Special Edition and new look for 2021 models – Automotive World

The Toyota 4Runner is the family-hauling, boat-towing, hill-climbing SUV thats been getting it done since 1984. With its core DNA as a body-on-frame, do-anything vehicle fully intact, the 4Runner crosses into 2021 with a new Special Edition, several TRD Pro enhancements and LED headlights across the full lineup. Pricing for 2021 models has been announced, as well as some minor changes from the 2020 lineup.

With a striking new debut, 4Runner TRD Pro model will carry on the new color tradition with the introduction of Lunar Rock for 2021. Replacing Army Green in the TRD Pro color pallet, Lunar Rock will turn heads as customers enjoy all the on and off-road features offered in the lineup.

The TRD Pro badge on any Toyota truck or SUV signifies the brands most off-road-capable vehicles. Adding to the 4Runner TRD Pro makeover, the 2021 model brings in new black TRD alloy flow form wheels wrapped in Nitto Terra Grappler tires. Stronger and more rigid, these wheels have taken DNA cues from the current style to retain the family look while offering a more aggressive spoke design and deeper dish. The switch to flow form also allows for unique adjustments in other areas to increase ride handling and performance, specifically shock absorber tuning.

Completing the list of changes for 2021, the 4Runner TRD Pro includes re-tuned 2.5-inch Fox Internal Bypass Shocks to help complement its already off-road-capable hardware. Delivering the best of both worlds, this tuning provides an improvement in trail driving isolation and high-speed performance without compromising on-road comfort and steering response. The front Fox shocks are paired with TRD-tuned coil springs, yielding an inch of front lift for improved trail-tackling capability. Out back, the 2.5-inch Fox shocks also feature piggyback-style remote reservoirs to maintain damping performance in the most demanding off-road terrain. Overall, Toyotas mantra of Lets Go Places really comes to life with this enhanced TRD Pro model.

Some might say the eyes are the window to the soul, and the 2021 4Runners purpose and position has never been clearer with the introduction of LED lights to the lineup. A first for the 4Runner lineup, all grades will now have LED headlamps as standard equipment. Limited, Nightshade and TRD Pro grades will also receive LED high beams. All grades will also have LED fog lights as standard equipment, with TRD Pro maintaining its current RIGID LED fog lamps in 2021.

Toyota 4Runner buyers love the great outdoors, and in fact, sit at the top of their segments for participation in outdoor activities like camping, fishing, and hiking. To celebrate and support all that fresh-air fun, Toyota is introducing the 2021 4Runner Trail Special Edition. With an emphasis on extra storage, convenience and unique styling,

the 4Runner Trail will be based on the SR5 grade model and will be offered in either 2WD or 4WD. Available Trail color choices include Army Green, Cement, Midnight Black, and Super White.

All Trails feature black exterior badging, plus black seating with tan stitching. In all versions, standard all-weather floor liners help catch the outdoor elements that come in on occupants feet.

The 4Runner Trail comes ready to carry campers into the woods with dark gray TRD Off-Road wheels, a Yakima LoadWarrior rooftop cargo basket for added utility and gear-hauling capability. Inside, it boasts a custom 40-quart cooler and sliding cargo tray.

Custom-made for Toyota in the U.S., the 4Runner Trails cooler is quite a versatile piece of equipment, featuring:

The cooler comes color-keyed with Cement or Army Green exterior 4Runner colors, while on Super White and Midnight Black 4Runner Trails the cooler is Cement colored.

SOURCE: Toyota

Read the original here:

4Runner rolls out pricing, Special Edition and new look for 2021 models - Automotive World

Va. leaders ask for help with COVID-19 outbreak in Farmville, outbreaks hit mental health hospitals, horse racing back at Colonial Downs, and more…

NEWS TO KNOWOur daily roundup of headlines from Virginia and elsewhere.

Gov. Ralph Northam and Virginias U.S. senators have asked federal health officials for assistance dealing with a coronavirus outbreak at a privately run immigrant detention facility in Farmville. Washington Post

Two Virginia mental health hospitals have temporarily halted new admissions due to COVID-19 outbreaks in an already overcrowded system. Richmond Times-Dispatch

About 8 in 10 Virginians say they usually wear masks when they leave home, according to a Hampton University poll. Daily Press

A Virginia Beach couple say they were told to quarantine because a nurse their insurance company had sent to their home had tested positive for COVID-19. WAVY

After losing his seat in Congress, GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman says hes considering a run for governor, possibly as a third-party candidate.The Virginia Republican Party is so broken, he told Bloomberg Radio.Bloomberg

The NAACP branch in Arlington wants the county to change its seal and logo that features Arlington House, the former home of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The NAACP called the image a racist plantation symbol. ARLnow

A former Virginia State Police helicopter technician wont face jail time for falsifying a maintenance log that authorities said could have caused a crash. Richmond Times-Dispatch

Disability rights advocates have filed a lawsuit over the states absentee voting procedures, arguing the hard-copy forms dont accommodate people who are blind, vision-impaired or have trouble writing. WRIC

Horse racing is back at Colonial Downs, but with no fans and smaller purses for participants.Richmond Times-Dispatch

The ACC released its pandemic-era college football schedule, which includes more in-conference games and the addition of Notre Dame. Roanoke Times

Virginia Tech cornerback Caleb Farley announced hell opt out of the upcoming season, becoming the first major college player to do so. Though the competitor in me badly wants to play this season, I cannot ignore whats going on in my heart and I must make the decision that brings me the most peace, he said. NBC Sports

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Va. leaders ask for help with COVID-19 outbreak in Farmville, outbreaks hit mental health hospitals, horse racing back at Colonial Downs, and more...

Granite Island penguin population in peril prompting specialists to hunt foxes at night – ABC News

Specialists with firearms and night vision will hunt foxes on Granite Island over the coming fortnight in an effort to save what is left of a once burgeoning little penguin population south of Adelaide.

A fox attack that killed up to nine penguins earlier this month has reduced the population to as few as 12 birds, with fears another attack could wipe out the population altogether.

A bait laid by the Department of Environment and Water (DEW) has since been taken by a predator, but sightings of a fox crossing the causeway has prompted further action including the island's closure at night on Monday to Thursdays.

"We'll have people over there with firearms looking for the foxes, so it's just a temporary closure while we make sure there are no foxes over there," DEW Conservation and Wildlife director Lisien Loan told ABC Radio Adelaide.

"Since the bait was taken we've seen no evidence of a fox but after this more recent sighting we are getting some of our specialist pest controllers down there who can use night vision and thermal imagery to double check there's none on the island.

"We've also installed an ultra-sonic fox deterrent on the causeway [to Victor Harbor], so that emits a high frequency that dogs and foxes do not like."

She said it had been 14 years since foxes were last on the island.

Ms Loan said the last official count of penguins in 2012 recorded 30 on the island, although it was reported last year that the population had increased to 44.

It is a dramatic reduction from more than 1,000 at the start of the century, a decline that has been attributed to a variety of causes, from seal and fox predation, to climate change, fishing and human interference.

Victor Harbor City Council Mayor Moira Jenkins said, between the department and volunteers counting the penguins, it was estimated there were between seven and 12 penguins left.

"We really want to be able to protect them," she said.

"It's just so sad."

She said several members of the public had reported seeing foxes on the causeway and the council was keen to work with the Government to erect a fox-proof gate.

Ms Loan said DEW was in talks with the Department of Infrastructure about installing a fox-proof fence with a "spring-loaded gate" on the causeway.

The State Government also has plans to demolish the heritage causeway altogether and replace it with a concrete and steel structure a proposal that has prompted a protest petition that has been signed by nearly 9,000 people.

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Granite Island penguin population in peril prompting specialists to hunt foxes at night - ABC News