The Unmasked Ball: Trump Creates His Own Pandemic-Free Reality – The New York Times

Donald J. Trump could not truthfully appear at the Republican National Convention as a president who got America safely through the Covid-19 pandemic.

But he could play one on TV.

Thursday night, Mr. Trump slowly walked down the steps of the White House with his wife, Melania, just he as came down the escalator of Trump Tower in 2015 treating it, in much the same way, like his personal property. He walked to a campaign lectern with a presidential seal and looked out on a crowd of faces. Unmasked faces.

Denied a traditional convention in a Charlotte hall, he created his own at home. And denied a reality in which the virus had faded away the way he said it would in its early days, he created that too, by stage-directing it.

Mr. Trumps 70-minute renomination speech dwelled, for a few minutes here and there, on the pandemic and his administrations response. But its setting, like much of his convention, told a simpler story visually: That the coronavirus didnt exist, or at least was no big deal.

The chairs were packed in tightly on the White House lawn. Hundreds of people in the crowd had not been tested for the coronavirus upon attending.

The mostly maskless guests were seated cheek by jowl for hours, like the teeming crowd for the big finale of a pandemic reality show: The Celebrity Appestilence.

In the midst of a plague that has reshaped American life for half a year, the R.N.C. spent as much time effacing its evidence as the Democrats did highlighting it. The imagery of masks, already politicized, maps easily on our partisan differences. The premise, that I wear a mask to protect you and vice versa, meshes badly with the Republican rhetoric of individualism.

The video intro for the final R.N.C. night made that point clear. Over a photo of Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Kamala Harris wearing masks, it warned of Democrats telling you what to wear.

But the imagery has recurred all week. In the White House Rose Garden audience for Melania Trump, hardly a mask could be seen on any attendee. Likewise at the Fort McHenry speech by Vice President Mike Pence, the head of the coronavirus task force, who mingled afterward with attendees face to face, breath to breath.

Thats the advantage of, as Mr. Trump called it Thursday, an invisible enemy. It doesnt show up on camera.

No incumbent wants to run on a crisis, at least one thats not under control. One way of addressing this is to emphasize that you have a plan to get back to better times and point to successes in executing it. The other is to rush through that part, or ignore it altogether.

This is a technique first articulated by the political strategy guide Seinfeld. The R.N.C. decided to yada yada yada the coronavirus. This administration accomplished great things through 2019, yada yada yada, well do great things in 2021.

Just so, Mr. Trump sandwiched the virus discussion among his preferred topics, as if it were a speed bump. The tastier portions of the speech boasting of his wins and savaging his opponents seemed to engage his interest more, and the crowds.

About that crowd. It was, whatever the public health implications, bracing to hear a mass of people chanting Four more years!, or anything, in the cursed year 2020. The invited group had more a garden-party energy than the Lock her up! throng that hailed Mr. Trump in 2016. But the president, denied his rallies since a botched attempt to revive them in June, seemed refreshed by the live cheers.

This was fortunate, because his speech often fell into the flat, book-report cadence Mr. Trump resorts to when reading from the prompter. It was not an intimate, fireside-chat address like Mr. Biden gave last week, nor an incendiary rally-hall rave.

Around an hour into it, Mr. Trump began ad-libbing, splashing little flourishes for zest like ketchup on a steak. He baselessly accused the Obama administration, again, of spying on his 2016 campaign, and taunted his doubters by saying, The fact is, Im here whats the name of that building?, with a turn toward the peoples palace that he was using as his launchpad.

The zinger captured one of the many contradictions in a speech that had a tougher case to make than Mr. Trump made in 2016, when he claimed that he alone could fix the problems of someone elses presidency.

Now, citing unrest in the streets as Americans protested racism and police violence, he wanted to warn of the dangers of a Bidens America that, in fact, were flourishing in his own America. He was an incumbent who wanted to boast of accomplishments, yet run as a challenger.

It was a lot, and by the end, he drooped at the podium, swallowing the same sort of kicker a promise to make America stronger that he delivered throatily four years ago.

But in the end, he could enjoy another perk of his position, a massive fireworks display engulfing the Washington Monument, which for a few minutes became the Trump 2020 monument.

The image contrasted with the modest fireworks, over a parking-lot tailgate, that ended Mr. Bidens convention. That display was a respite, in the middle of what Mr. Biden treated as a long fight against Covid with many losses to mourn. Mr. Trumps, true to brand, was bigger, a celebration, a declaration of victory.

The victory wasnt real, but the image was. If Mr. Trumps promises of a vaccine by years end come true, or dont, it will most likely be after the election. If any attendee comes down sick, it will be after the chairs are put away and the cameras shut down.

Either way, Mr. Trump will have already gotten his crowd, his moment, his image. Seeking a second lease on that White House lawn, he relied on what he has known his whole media-focused career: That on TV, if not in life, dreams can come true.

See the article here:

The Unmasked Ball: Trump Creates His Own Pandemic-Free Reality - The New York Times

The Bi-Annual IT Ops Ready Virtual Summit – AiThority

Featured Speakers Include Executive Producer and Host Mike Rowe and Retired Navy SEAL and Podcaster Jocko Willink

BigPanda, Inc., provider of the first Event Correlation and Automation platform powered by AIOps, announced IT Ops Ready, a virtual summit taking place on September 30 and October 1, 2020. Over the course of the two-day summit, IT Ops, DevOps, NOC and SRE speakers will discuss the factors that set them up to successfully manage the past six months, how they are getting ready for critical projects on their 2021 roadmaps, and insights on how their teams are able to stay ready for anything.

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The professionals we serve want ways to come together, especially now, said Cari Jaquet, VP of Marketing, BigPanda. The feedback from our first virtual summit in April was so positive, we are keeping the same format for this and future summits: no vendor endorsements, no sales pitches and no death by PowerPoint. Just conversations with real leaders and practitioners explaining how they stay ready for change, disruption and the unknown.

Who should attend?Heading into a final quarter of the year, and surrounded by uncertainty, the theme for this virtual conference isIT Ops Ready IT Ops, NOC, DevOps and SRE teams need to be ready for anything, and each session will help answer questions these professionals are asking, including:

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When:Wednesday, Sept. 30, and Thursday, Oct. 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time.

Each day of the event will include four hours of keynotes and breakout sessions, along with opportunities for attendees to network in the BigPanda Lounge and Resource Library, play trivia and win prizes. The first 250 registrants will get a BigPanda swag pack and lunch passes for both days of the conference. Pleaseclick hereto register now.

Why attend?In addition to speakers from a dozen household brands and industry thought leaders, attendees will enjoy:

In addition, BigPanda and Blackrock3 will announce the winners of the first-ever 2020 Incident Commander award. The awards acknowledge IT heroes who rise above alerts and outages to perform their jobs like true Incident Commanders. This is a community-based award program with nominations and voting for winners completely crowd-sourced.

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Read the rest here:

The Bi-Annual IT Ops Ready Virtual Summit - AiThority

Get Your Kids Helping In The Kitchen – Southlake Style

Kids of all ages will love to help in the kitchen!Everything from breakfast to baking possibilities are on the table! See tasks by different ages that kids can easily help with, followed by some simple and nutritious recipes.

Count Ingredients

Wash fruits and vegetables

Add ingredients to a bowl

Put paper liners in muffin tins

Rinse dishes

All of the above plus:

Help gather ingredients

Pour from measuring cups

Mix ingredients in a bowl

Mixand knead yeast dough

Rollbread or pie dough

Usecookie or biscuit cutters

Spreadbutter on bread



All of the above plus:

Measureand pourdry ingredients

Crackand whiskeggs

Usespecialized hand tools such as a can opener, juicer or garlic press


Peelfruits or vegetables

Usea paring or other small knives

Mixcookie dough or brownie batter

Frostcupcakes and icing cookies

Createtheir own recipe books

All of the above plus:

Use specialty appliances such as panini press, waffle maker, pasta maker and griddle

Use a food processor, blender and stand mixer

Putfoods in the oven and removethem

Workwith timers and thermometers

Bakequick breads and muffins

Adjust recipes using multiplication and division

If you are stuck inside on a rainy day,try making this Bread in a Bagrecipe. Or, on a sunny day, have kids help make a fun lunchtime picnic with thisEgg-cellent Egg Saladrecipe.

Yields: 2 mini loaves or 1 large loaf

1 cupall-purpose flour

1 cupwhole wheat flour

3 tbsp white sugar

1 .25 package of rapid rise yeast (2 tsp)

1 C warm water

3 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp salt

In a resealable plastic bag place 1cup all-purpose flour, sugar and yeast and add in warm water.

Squeeze the air out of bag and seal.

Squish with your hands until well mixed together.

Let it rest for 10 minutes at room temperature. Abubble will form.

Open the bag and put in cup all-purpose flour and cup wheat flour. Add oil and salt.

Seal the bag again and squish until well blended.

Add 1 cup of whole wheat flour. Seal and continue mixing in the same manner until well blended.

Remove dough from bag and put onto a lightly floured surface.

Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes or until smooth.

Divide dough in half and place each half into a greased mini loaf pan or make one large loaf.

Cover with a towel and allow to rise for about 30 minutes.

Bake in a 375-degree oven for 25-30 minutes or until bread is golden brown.

Serves 4-6

Eggs: 8

Mayonnaise: cup

Salt & Pepper: Add to Taste

Place eggs in a medium saucepan and fill with water (so eggs are fully covered). Bring eggs to boil. Place lid on top and remove from heat.Let sit for 13 minutes.

Place eggs in an ice bath or run under cold water to chill eggs.

Peel and chop hard-boiled eggs. Kids can help chop eggs with a butter knife.

Mix eggs, mayonnaise and seasoning.

Chill for up to 3 hours.

Serve with crackers or make into sandwiches.

Original post:

Get Your Kids Helping In The Kitchen - Southlake Style

Letter: We need cops, along with respect for law and order – Yakima Herald-Republic

To the editor On defunding cops: Reporters show lots of cop cars and even SWAT teams called out for one or two individuals. This makes me think: What about the rest of the town or city while this is going on? Many may be called in on overtime or volunteers suiting up to help. My cousin used to be a Navy SEAL and would suit up for backup as a volunteer to help out.

We seem to disrespect our laws, especially when using drugs or alcohol.

In 1950s Astoria, Ore., had the Andy Griffith approach, which worked most of the time. Some bar brawls required Mutt and Jeff: Two cops, one tall and the other short and heavyset, who would go in, and men came flying out of the bar. They know how to use night sticks to break things up.

We need cops to stay safe. But we need to respect law and order. Destroying public buildings raises our taxes and takes money from programs that help cover the poor and needy. Think about it.

Read more:

Letter: We need cops, along with respect for law and order - Yakima Herald-Republic

Damage assessment brings President to Orange – The Record Newspapers –

With Reporting from Mark Dunn

President Donald Trump made a quick 90-minute stop in Orange County Saturday afternoon at the end of a tour of Hurricane Laura storm damage in Louisiana and Texas.

The visit was anticipated and predicted by The Record Newspapers website a day earlier, but went unannounced by the White House except to local Republican Party officials and invited key civil and political personnel.

His time in Texas' most southeastern city was strictly private, local media members were told.

Trump joined Orange County Judge John Gothia, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, U.S. Reps. Dr. Brian Babin and Randy Weber and other state and local officials to discuss the successes in storm preparations and the problems that linger in Texas after the Category 4 storm did its worst damage across the state line in Louisiana.

High winds ripped down many trees and rooftops locally and a third of all Orange County homes and businesses are currently without electricity, including the Orange County Convention and Expo Center, where the leaders met.

Built to do double duty as the Orange County Emergency Operations Center, the Expo Center is being operated by generators that were part of the building's design when it was constructed more than a decade ago.

President Donald Trump traveled aboard his Marine One helicopter and the Texas leaders who traveled to meet him flew aboard two $70 million U.S. Marine Osprey Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) aircraft. They landed at Orange County Airport a few minutes after 3 p.m. Saturday after a stop in Lake Charles, Louisiana, to view first-hand damage from Category 4 Hurricane Laura.

Trump then traveled via motorcade from the location on Texas 87 to the Orange County Expo and Convention Center on FM 1442. The event was private and only a limited number of media members pre-approved by the White House and few, if any, of them local, were allowed in.

The stream that carried some of his remarks over the internet went off at 4:30 p.m.

Trump wore his usual weekend outfit, white pants and white golf shirt topped by a black windbreaker with the Presidential seal and a red cap, this one with "USA" on the front and "Trump" on the back.

He sat at the head of a U-shaped set of tables and chairs, in front of a backdrop of United States and Texas flags separated by an Orange County seal, and behind a Presidential seal.

Others with a seat at that table's wings extending from the President besides the previously named leaders were Pete Gaynor, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security Chief Chad Wolf, Texas Department of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd, Mayor Becky Ames of Beaumont and Orange County Sheriff Lane Mooney.

Orange Mayor Larry Spears Jr. was missing at the meeting. He reportedly tested positive for COVID-19 during the wait for the President to arrive.

Several other Orange County mayors, county commissioners and other dignitaries were assigned secondary seating for what essentially was a campaign event in advance of the Nov. 3, 2020 election.

According to the latest poll available on the website FiveThirtyEight, Trump currently trails Democrat Joe Biden 48 percent to 47 percent among likely Texas voters in the race for the White House. That poll was conducted among 764 Texans a week ago by North Carolina's Public Policy Polling, which rates a "B" rating from the website.

Trump landed in Lake Charles at about 12:45 p.m. to visit with supporters there about the government's response to Hurricane Laura, a Category 4 storm that hammered southwest Louisiana with winds up to 140 mph early Thursday morning.

Wind gauges in Orange captured gusts of 100 mph, and a huge swath of the Gulf Coast, from Port Arthur to Mississippi, has suffered power outages.

At the airport, police vehicles from as far away as Houston lined the entryway from Texas 87 and the area was patrolled "by guys with guns," one reporter said. A gun-packing man dressed in camouflage ordered a staffer of The Record News to leave, saying the press was restricted to the later gathering at the Expo Center.

Trump supporters lined Texas 87 near the airport, and FM 1442, near the Expo Center, summoned by national or local Republican Party social media posts. They were ready with flags and campaign signs set to greet the President's motorcade, but first had to endure some heavy rain showers.

School buses from Bridge City Independent School District and West Orange Cove Consolidated Independent School District were parked end to end on the airport's fence line, to block the public's view and/or for safety reasons to block sight of the taxiway and tarmac.

At 1:30 p.m., as Trump began a tour of a storm damaged neighborhood in Lake Charles, Precinct 3 Constable Brad Frye was working to gut out his office at the Orange County Airport. Both his and the office of Precinct 3 Commissioner Kirk Roccaforte, located at the county airport, lost their roofs to Hurricane Laura.

Back in Lake Charles, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and U.S. Senator John Kennedy showed Trump around the storm's devastation as workers scurried in the background cutting up huge fallen trees with chainsaws, according to a livestream from KPLC TV.

Over at the Orange County Expo Center, security was again turning back most of the media members who gathered there. A representative of Orange County's biggest circulating published news source, the Record Newspapers, was turned away along with a crew from Trump-friendly Sinclair Broadcasting station KFDM Channel 6 and a reporter from Beaumont radio station KLVI. They were told that only invited press members would be allowed to hear or photograph the president's speech.

The young aide who was refusing the access explained the White House had pre-approved "a local pool reporter and five state pool reporters."

An Orange radio station owner was among those who received an invitation from the White House to enter the Expo Center. Like the government officials allowed inside, he had to take a rapid COVID-19 test upon entry to the building.

Orange City Hall was the site of a Thursday GOP-managed press conference that included Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and an all-star roster of Texas politicians and government chiefs, including U.S. Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. The list included two U.S. Representatives (Dr. Brian Babin and Randy Weber), State Senator Robert Nichols and State Reps. Dade Phelan and Joe Deshotel.

That followed a flyover of east Texas by the governor to look at damage from the hurricane. He declared, "Of all the areas we saw, the worst we saw was Orange. We saw more rooftops ripped off, more shingles missing, more big pieces of metal wrapped around trees."

Abbott praised Trump's reaction to Laura, which included approving the pre-placement of people and material and for declaring a national disaster in 62 Texas counties all ahead of the storm's making landfall. The two-term governor who was previously Texas' Attorney General said in nearly two decades in elected office, "Never before have I seen an administration respond as quickly as President Trump has been."

Orange County, which may be without electricity for another two weeks or more because of the wind blowing over trees onto power lines and blowing over poles that downed transformers, has recorded no storm deaths.

Texas had at least five storm deaths, a Hemphill man crushed by a tree and four in Jefferson County killed by carbon monoxide poisoning caused by running a gas-powered generator indoors.

Excerpt from:

Damage assessment brings President to Orange - The Record Newspapers -

Placing Of The Cincture (Sash) Of The Most Holy Mother Of God –

n August 31 the Greek Orthodox Church commemorates The Placing of the Cincture (Sash) of the Most Holy Mother of God.

The event is honoured by the Greek Orthodox Church on the last day of August, which is the month dedicated to Panagia.

The Placing of the Venerable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos in a church of Constantinoples Chalcoprateia district took place during the reign of the emperor Theodosius the Younger. Before this, the holy relic, entrusted to the Apostle Thomas by the Mother of God Herself, was kept by pious Christians at Jerusalem after Her Dormition. During the reign of Emperor Leo the Wise (886-911), his wife Zoe was afflicted with an unclean spirit, and he prayed that God would heal her.

The empress had a vision that she would be healed of her infirmity if the Belt of the Mother of God were placed upon her. The emperor then asked the Patriarch to open the coffer. The Patriarch removed the seal and opened the coffer in which the relic was kept, and the Belt of the Mother of God appeared completely whole and undamaged by time. The Patriarch placed the Belt on the sick empress, and immediately she was freed from her infirmity. They sang hymns of thanksgiving to the Most Holy Theotokos, then they placed the venerable Belt back into the coffer and resealed it.

In commemoration of the miraculous occurrence and the twofold Placing of the venerable Belt, the Feast of the Placing of the Venerable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos was established. Parts of the Holy Belt are in the Vatopedi monastery on Mount Athos, in Trier monastery, and in Georgia.

Today the faithful pray to Panagia and the Holy Belt for healing and for help.

Xronia Polla!

Continued here:

Placing Of The Cincture (Sash) Of The Most Holy Mother Of God -

HCA nurses in Nevada and 3 other states will protest unsafe PPE equipment and staffing Tuesday – KLAS – 8 News Now

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) Registered nurses at HCA hospitals in Nevada, Florida, Kansas, and Missouri will hold public actions Tuesday to highlight ongoing practices they say put nurses and other caregivers in jeopardy and increase the spread of COVID-19 to others.

According to National Nurses United (NNU), at all the hospitals, HCA is requiring RNs to reuse single-use N95 respiratory masks after decontamination, which is a policy that is not proven to be safe or effective for protection against COVID-19.

It is shameful for HCA to put our lives, and the lives of our patients, our co-workers, and our families at risk due to their failure and unwillingness to make workplace safety the highest priority, not a budget item to be constantly squeezed and cut, said Leslie Rogers,an RN at Research Medical Center in Kansas City, Mo., where the nurses will be joined by RNs from Menorah Medical Center in Overland Park, Kan.

HCA has had six months to fully prepare, to be a model for how to safely care for patients, and to ensure that our dedicated frontline caregivers have every protection we need so we can be here taking care of our patients, not at home sick with this deadly virus, or worse, said Meghan Jacobsen, also a Mountainview RN.

Additionally, RNs at Blake Medical Center in Bradenton, Fla., Fawcett Memorial Hospital in Port Charlotte, Fla., and Mountainview Hospital in Las Vegas are also alarmed at what they call dangerous short staffing, and in some cases cuts in additional staff.

When we are with fewer nurses and the loss of other staff, we are running between patients and have far less time to give each patient the timely, individualized care they need, said Blake Medical Center RN Yulanda Bakare.

Short staffing is a prescription for missing subtle changes in a patients condition, and increasing the potential for mistakes, becoming infected, and passing the virus to other patients and other staff, said Mountainview RN Nicole Koester.

With at least 180,000 lives now lost to COVID-19, among them 1,500 health care workers and nearly 200 RNs, including HCA nurses, we need HCA to commit to the highest standard of safety measures, and not disregard our voices and concerns, said Research RN Angels Davis.

At Research, nurses have been given two choices: They are told to turn in their N95 masks daily for decontamination and reuse, or be given five masks and five paper bags and cycle through them wearing each mask 25 times. The nurses say this is being done with the dubious theory that a five-day break will allow the virus to no longer be a threat so the mask can be reused.

Neither alternative offers proper protection, says NNU. Decontamination must effectively inactivate the pathogen, not degrade the performance of the respirator, including filtration, structural integrity, and face seal, and not introduce an additional hazard to the worker wearing the respirator, notes NNUs Lead Industrial Hygienist Jane Thomason. We have not seen any decontamination method meet these three criteria. Several methods currently in use may be harmful by one or more criteria.

Our nurses report that the reprocessed masks theyve encountered have horrible odors, are deformed in critical areas like the facepiece and the nose bridge, and that the straps have lost their elasticity, says NNU President Zenei Cortez, RN. Theres no way a reprocessed mask will perform like a new one.

NNU has also studied the scientific literature on the five day-five mask approach. It has found that putting an N95 in a paper bag for five days does not reliably decontaminate the N95. Research has shown that the virus that causes COVID-19 can survive for extremely long periods outside the human body, including for at least 21 days on N95 respirators.

The nurses say the RNs are also struggling with broken down powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) face shields that they have to share and are increasingly filthy through reuse.

Disposable parts of PAPRs should also not be reused, says NNU, as repeated donning and doffing (putting them on and taking them off) risks damaging the PAPR, which would render it no longer effective. With the isolation room, the seal is necessary to maintain the negative pressure. If it doesnt close properly, viral aerosols can circulate into hallways and other patient rooms.

The protests scheduled for Tuesday are as follow:

Las Vegas, Nev.Mountainview Hospital

3100 N. Tenaya Way, 7:15 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Bradenton, Fla.Blake Medical Center

2020 59th Street W, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

Port Charlotte, Fla.Fawcett Memorial Hospital

21298 Olean Blvd, 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Kansas City, Mo.Research Medical Center

2316 E. Meyer Blvd., 5:45 p.m.

Read more:

HCA nurses in Nevada and 3 other states will protest unsafe PPE equipment and staffing Tuesday - KLAS - 8 News Now

CharJenPro AirFoams Pro: Premium Memory Foam Ear Tips for AirPods Pro. Stays in Your Ears. No Silicone Ear tip Pain. The Original from Kickstarter. (2…

Product Description

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Our CharJenPro AirFoams Pro are the most comfortable memory foams ear tips.


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Micro Mesh Protection: Protects from dust, debris, ear wax getting into the speaker.

Conforms and expands to your inner ear and alleviates any pain from silicone ear tips.

Includes 2 sizes: Small/Medium & Medium/Large. Fit all ear sizes from small, medium, and large.

Stays in your ears without slipping out. Replace slippery painful silicone ear tips.

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If you wear Medium silicone tips, both Small/Medium and Medium/Large fits.If you wear Small silicone tips, please wear the Small/Medium sized tips.If you wear Large silicone tips, please wear the Medium/Large sized tips.

Exercise without them falling out. Listen to music and podcasts hours on end. Great for any situation.

Fits perfectly in the charging case

Unlike other foam tips, you do not need to compress them to fit inside the charging case.

The Ear Tip Seal test software will have varying results as these are made of foam and not silicone material. But no worries, as AirFoams Pro still provides great seal and sound. The real test is your actual hearing.

[Please note] Foam tips ONLY. DOES NOT include wireless earbuds or AirPods Pro. PLEASE FOLLOW THE PROPER INSERTION METHOD.[Superior mesh wax protection] Keeps wax from entering AirPods Pro. Includes 2 sizes: Small/Medium & Medium/Large. Note: Because of the nature of the material used and the usage in ears, foam will slightly discolor overtime.[Super soft] Conforms and expands to your inner ear and alleviates any pain from silicone ear tips. [Doesnt fall out] Great seal and ultra comfortable to wear for many hours.[Fits perfectly in the charging case] No need to compress the foam. The Ear Tip Seal test software will have varying results as these are made of foam and not silicon material. But no worries, as AirFoams Pro still provides great seal and sound.

Post Views: 22

Here is the original post:

CharJenPro AirFoams Pro: Premium Memory Foam Ear Tips for AirPods Pro. Stays in Your Ears. No Silicone Ear tip Pain. The Original from Kickstarter. (2...

Stars and bars removed from Remington’s seal – Fauquier Now

Town officials covered the Confederate banner with the state flag as a temporary solution after the councils July 20 vote.

The six-member panel unanimously agreed to make the change at its July 20 meeting.

Its just one of those things, Councilman Stanley L. Heaney Sr. said of the plan to create a new seal that doesnt include the sometimes-called rebel or Dixie flag. Its time to do it. You know, with all this stuff in the news about the removal of and damage to Confederate-soldier statues.

Mr. Heaney added: People are vandalizing the (signs) coming into town scratching on them, beating them. Its just going to be an ongoing thing.

Designed by former Councilman Tom Reese Jr. and adopted in 1985, the existing Remington seal shows a locomotive pulling a car over a bridge that spans the Rappahannock River and an anchor flanked by the American and Confederate flags.

Remington then known as Rappahannock Station and the surrounding area played major roles in the Civil War, with Confederate and Union armies often crossing the river and camping there.

The town has a population of about 670.

Town signs include the Remington seal. Until they get replaced, Virginia state flag stickers will continue to cover the Confederate flags. Town police officer patches and town vehicle stickers incorporate the Remington seal and also will be replaced.

In time for its Aug. 17 meeting, the council wants town residents and business owners to submit alternative designs that it eventually will narrow to three.

From that list, town residents and business owners only will get to choose the winning entry, Councilman and Vice Mayor Devada R. Allison Jr. said.

We havent fully worked out the details of how were going to have town residents and business owners make that decision, Mr. Allison said.

But the council probably will come up with a selection process at its August meeting, he said.

The new design could be unveiled at Remingtons Fall Festival on Oct. 10, Mr. Allison said.

As far as we know, the fall festival is still going on, the councilman said. Thats the way I hope it goes down. But its a crazy time were in at the moment. So at this point who knows.

The council decided to change the seal under no organized outside pressure, Mr. Allison said.

He spoke of informal conversations he had on the street and in passing with people who expressed concerns because the seal contains the Confederate flag, he said.

I think with the way our nations going and the healing process, I think it was time, Mr. Allison said of his support for changing the town seal. I just think its time that we make sure that everybody knows Remington is a place where everybodys welcome, as long as youre here to respect and be kind to one another, as this town is.

Councilwoman Susan L. Tiffany recalled a discussion she had with Councilman Van M. Loving and Town Administrator Sharon Lee about making a change to the seal in late June.

But we knew we had to have a council meeting to bring it up, Ms. Tiffany said.

The councilwoman also talked with Stephanie Litter-Reber, who lives just outside of town, about the existing seal.

Mrs. Litter-Reber, who represents Lee District on the Fauquier County School Board, gave the council at its July a detailed history of the seal and its meaning based on phone a conversation with Mr. Reese.

In a prepared statement, she also told the council that the seal has served us well for 35 years. But, since most of the people driving through our town do not know the history or symbolism that went into its design, its viewed as a sign that our town accepts hatred, which couldn't be further from the truth.

In a July 20 email to the town, Mr. Reese, who lives near Midland, backed the replacement or redesign of the seal that he created.

I recommend that any offensive parts of the seal be removed and that, possibly, a brand new design be adopted by the town, he wrote.

ContactDon Del or 540-270-0300.

Read this article:

Stars and bars removed from Remington's seal - Fauquier Now

Albemarle safety ambassadors begin work this week – The Daily Progress

SUBMITTEDAn Albemarle County Ordinance makes masks mandatory in public, limits restaurants to 50% occupancy indoors and restricts certain public and private in-person gatherings to a maximum of 50 people until Sept. 29.

Albemarle Countys COVID-19 safety ambassadors will start visiting local businesses this week to make sure they understand the countys new regulations to help stem the viruss spread.

The Board of Supervisors in July passed an ordinance that makes masks mandatory in public, limits restaurants to 50% occupancy indoors and restricts certain public and private in-person gatherings to a maximum of 50 people.

Ambassadors will be working with business managers on areas for improvement and do not have enforcement authority.

County Executive Jeff Richardson told the board at its meeting last week that the program is supposed to be proactive, education oriented and about positive engagement.

We have devised materials that our ambassadors will take through the business community, to the various businesses in Albemarle County, he said. The focus will be talking with store owners, business owners, retail Management and doing walkthroughs and observations theyre going to be our eyes and ears on the ground, looking at how things are going.

According to a news release from the county, the ambassadors will be wearing blue polo shirts and white cloth face coverings with the county seal, and will carry a county-issued identification card, business card and an introduction letter from Richardson.

Read more:

Albemarle safety ambassadors begin work this week - The Daily Progress

Tips on road maintenance in a property owner association – The Mountaineer

I have heard from a number of people who live in homeowner and property owner associations and the concerns they have regarding roads, as well as water runoff and the issues which can be related with them.

Having recently been involved in the review and selection process of evaluating solutions for road work, it pays to spend time talking to contractors in the area.

I found some to be knowledgeable and intent on making sure we understood the nuances of the options available and the anticipated useful life of the corrections. It was a learning experience.

Doing research can involve a fair amount of time, phone calls and face-to-face visits (socially distanced of course). In my opinion, you must review repair options as the cost of the repairs can be significant.

The options available are effectively related to the duration of their effectiveness, or how long they will last before additional maintenance is required. The communication and correspondence I have had with other associations is restricted to asphalt roads, versus concrete or gravel.

Contacting contractors for bids will take some time. If you use an internet search exclusively, you will find contractors sites who are no longer in business, are not in the area, or advertise they Do it all and actually only focus on certain type of road repairs and particular size of the project.

A smaller community can have a challenging time finding a contractor who is willing to make the trip out to give you a bid. I found creating a set of slides, using the tools of Google Maps was very helpful as a point of reference. On the slides we showed a shot of the entire community with the distances noted, using the Measure distance tool.

Using the slides as a guideline makes it clear which streets are involved in the repair and the approximate linear distance.

With any community, when it comes to spending money and special assessments, you will encounter a full range of emotion, from logical to laughable. If the association has been fiscally responsible and has a reserve for this type of maintenance, good for you.

Finding a solution which is acceptable to a majority of the Association is the objective. If there are empty lots in the lots in the association, the special assessment must be applied to all lots uniformly. As all lots will benefit from the road work.

For asphalt roads, you can have the existing surface repaired and recoated with a new layer of asphalt, repair problem areas and crack sealing, or repair problem areas, crack seal and coating or resealing.

The contractors we have had discussion were clear the areas which are in need of repair must be repaired prior to the new layer of asphalt or even to be resealed. Surface repair entails digging out the existing roadway segment prior to the repair and layer of asphalt.

The guidance of all of the contractors focused on making these repairs first as the material under the failing surface asphalt will replicate the weakness and hasten the degradation of any surface work.

Whether its rain or snow, water will find the weakness in a roadway and as we found out with culverts. When they are functioning, you take no notice of them, when they are not, you might be surprised with what you find.

Preventive maintenance and being aware of the infrastructure of your community will help you better plan for a functional system. Assuming everything is working can lead to an unfortunate circumstance. In the case of our community, we found Frost Paving to have the solution which suited our needs.

Read this article:

Tips on road maintenance in a property owner association - The Mountaineer

Chris Daughtry dishes on Live from Home Tour to benefit The Birchmere – WTOP

Chris Daughtry presents his virtual "Live from Home Tour" on Aug. 18 to benefit 19 venues across the country, including The Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia.

WTOP's Jason Fraley previews Daughtry's 'Live From Home Tour'

Hes one of the most successful American Idol alumni to rock out on his own terms.

Next week, Chris Daughtry presents his virtual Live from Home Tour on Aug. 18 to benefit 19 venues across the country, including The Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia.

Were all itching to get back out on the road, Daughtry told WTOP. I never realized how much of my identity was wrapped up in touring until two weeks into quarantine and Im like, Who am I? This identity crisis. Its been great being at home and spending time with the kids and my wife but we wanted to do something to feel engaged with the fans.

So, he decided to launch this unique series to keep venues afloat during the pandemic.

We thought itd be awesome if we were able to pair up with these venues because we know how important they are to the community and to the music industry, Daughtry said. The Birchmere is such a legendary club and it just seemed really cool to be a part of that legend. We want to see these businesses hopefully stay in business and keep going.

You can stream the concert for $10 a ticket or more for bonus packages.

We have a soundstage set up in Nashville that were renting out, so well do the whole thing from there, Daughtry said. It wont be prerecorded, it will be live, so if theres any hiccups, youre gonna see every bit of them, but we want to keep it loose. We want the fans to feel engaged. Its certainly weird for us because we cant see them.

The interactive event includes a Q&A, song requests and VIP meet and greet.

Theyll be able to submit questions like you do on Instagram Live, so well be able to see those in real time, Daughtry said. As far as the set list, we wanted to certainly keep it fresh and bring back songs that we havent played since our first tour. Hopefully everybody walks away having fun and experience some joy to break up the monotony.

Ironically, Daughtry hasnt spent this much time at home since he was living outside of Greensboro, North Carolina, before auditioning for Season 5 of American Idol in 2006.

I was working at a car dealership doing the daily grind, playing clubs on weekends to try to get my name out there, Daughtry said. Where I lived at the time, there was a lot of market for cover bands but they didnt want any original music, so it was always kind of tough to get a gig, surprisingly. Going on that show certainlyturned the pages.

Daughtrys gravelly voice and rock star presence became so popular with the judges that fans were shocked when he placed fourth. Still, like Jennifer Hudson and Adam Lambert, the runners-up often achieve more success than the actual winners, asDaughtry remains the third top-selling Idol alum behind only Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.

Nothing was given to me, it didnt fall in my lap, I had to work my ass off, Daughtry said. Even after the show, it was a lot of work. I didnt have days off. When everybody else was hanging out and partying on the Idol tour, Im back in the hotel room writing and recording. I believe you get in this world what you put out and I always try to do my part.

It paid off, as his self-titled debut album Daughtry went straight to No. 1 in 2006, becoming the fastest selling debut rock album in Nielsen SoundScan history and featuring a string of hits with Its Not Over, Home, Over You and What About Now.

I had three of the songs on that record already written, Daughtry said. Home was one of them, I wrote that before I even went on Idol, and then Breakdown and Gone, I had those roughed out in the years prior to Idol, but I did a lot of the work afterward.

The album won four American Music Awards and earned four Grammy nominations.

Still yet to win a Grammy, but working on that, Daughtry said, laughing.

He proved he was no one-album-wonder as his sophomore effort Leave This Town (2009) also debuted at No. 1 off the strength of the hit single No Surprise.

There was no pressure on that first record; I came in fourth, nobody cared so the next record, everyone was looking over my shoulder, Daughtry said. There was a lot of second guessing, a lot of pressure, but I kind of dug my heels in. They didnt think we had the record and I was like, I think Im done writing. Im kind of burnt out here.'

Since then, he has shown that he has a lot left in the tank, churning out three more albums with Break the Spell (2011), Baptized (2013) and Cage to Rattle (2018).

I just have more life to write about now, so the subject matter is a little more mature as a songwriter, Daughtry said. Looking back, I was still really green during that first record. I feel like Ive learned so much working with other writers and producers over the years. Being on tour forever has certainly made me a better performer, a better singer.

Hes currently working on a new album called Nothing Lasts Forever (2021).

Were working on a new album now, which were really excited about, Daughtry said. We dont know when its coming out because we were kind of deep into making it when everything got shut down. So, we do have the first few songs lined up, I think coming soon, but as far as the record, that probably wont be done until next year.

Most recently, he appeared on The Masked Singer under the alias The Rottweiler singing SiasAlive, bringing him full circle back to reality TV singing competitions.

It was extremely different from Idol in the sense that I was under this veil of anonymity, Daughtry said. I didnt realize I was in the same competition with Seal and Patti LaBelle. [Its] hard to breathe in this heavy, hot costume, then you add choreography. It was the most challenging thing Ive ever done on stage, but at the same time, the most liberating.

WTOP's Jason Fraley chats with Chris Daughtry (Full Interview)

Here is the original post:

Chris Daughtry dishes on Live from Home Tour to benefit The Birchmere - WTOP

This Mrs Hinch-inspired washing machine cleaning hack works and saves money – Real Homes

If you've been scouring the web for a new washing machine cleaning trick (that's not vinegar and baking soda), then your search is over. We have this Mrs Hinch-inspired cleaning hack that will clean, disinfect, and remove that annoying mildewy residue inside the rubber seal.

What can be quite annoying about washing machine cleaning hacks is the need to use multiple products for different parts of the machine: one of the drum, another for the rubber seal and door, and sometimes even a third one for the tray and tray compartment. But there is a product that can tackle all of the different parts of your washing machine that need cleaning, while also being suitable for lots of other surfaces that are prone to mildew and mould.

Mrs Hinch has sworn by the Astonish bathroom cleaner for years, but there's another Astonish cleaning product that will do wonders around your home. The Astonish Mould and Mildew Blaster is an astonishingly (sorry) effective product against mould and mildew buildup in bathrooms, kitchens, and... your washing machine.

Astonish Mould and Mildew Blaster | 4.34 at Amazon

Not only does it remove mould and stains, but it also disinfects, effectively killing 99.9 per cent of bacteria on whatever surface you're tackling with it.

What we really like is the convenient spray application of the foam cleaner. You can spray it inside the rubber seal and into the hard-to-reach drawer compartment, as well as the drawer itself. Then, spray a little all inside the machine, and set it on a short, hot wash cycle. We promise you you'll be amazed by how clean and fresh your machine will be. The product is strong, so don't do too long a wash to avoid overdoing it.View Deal

Read more:

This Mrs Hinch-inspired washing machine cleaning hack works and saves money - Real Homes

Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Revenue, Gross Margin, Market Share, Manufacturing Process Analysis 2020-2026 | Sealand Aviation, ShinMaywa…

LOS ANGELES, United States:The report titled Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market is one of the most comprehensive and important additions to QY Researchs archive of market research studies. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market. The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market. Market participants can use the analysis on market dynamics to plan effective growth strategies and prepare for future challenges beforehand. Each trend of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market is carefully analyzed and researched about by the market analysts.The market analysts and researchers have done extensive analysis of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market with the help of research methodologies such as PESTLE and Porters Five Forces analysis. They have provided accurate and reliable market data and useful recommendations with an aim to help the players gain an insight into the overall present and future market scenario. The Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts report comprises in-depth study of the potential segments including product type, application, and end user and their contribution to the overall market size.

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In addition, market revenues based on region and country are provided in the Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts report. The authors of the report have also shed light on the common business tactics adopted by players. The leading players of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market and their complete profiles are included in the report. Besides that, investment opportunities, recommendations, and trends that are trending at present in the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market are mapped by the report. With the help of this report, the key players of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market will be able to make sound decisions and plan their strategies accordingly to stay ahead of the curve.

Competitive landscape is a critical aspect every key player needs to be familiar with. The report throws light on the competitive scenario of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market to know the competition at both the domestic and global levels. Market experts have also offered the outline of every leading player of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market, considering the key aspects such as areas of operation, production, and product portfolio. Additionally, companies in the report are studied based on the key factors such as company size, market share, market growth, revenue, production volume, and profits.

Key Players Mentioned in the Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Research Report: Saab AB, Sealand Aviation, ShinMaywa Industries, TATA, Bombardier, Asian Composites Manufacturing (ACM), Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), Zenith Aircraft, LAM Aviation, Strata Manufacturing

Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Segmentation by Product: High WingMid WingLow Wing

Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Segmentation by Application: Wide-body AircraftNarrow-body Aircraft

The Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market report has been segregated based on distinct categories, such as product type, application, end user, and region. Each and every segment is evaluated on the basis of CAGR, share, and growth potential. In the regional analysis, the report highlights the prospective region, which is estimated to generate opportunities in the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market in the forthcoming years. This segmental analysis will surely turn out to be a useful tool for the readers, stakeholders, and market participants to get a complete picture of the global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts market and its potential to grow in the years to come.

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Table of Contents:

1 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Overview1.1 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Product Overview1.2 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Segment by Type1.2.1 High Wing1.2.2 Mid Wing1.2.3 Low Wing1.3 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size by Type (2015-2026)1.3.1 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size Overview by Type (2015-2026)1.3.2 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Historic Market Size Review by Type (2015-2020) Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share Breakdown by Type (2015-2026) Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share Breakdown by Type (2015-2026) Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2015-2026)1.3.3 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size Forecast by Type (2021-2026) Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share Breakdown by Application (2021-2026) Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share Breakdown by Application (2021-2026) Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2021-2026)1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Type (2015-2020)1.4.1 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Breakdown by Type (2015-2026)1.4.2 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Breakdown by Type (2015-2026)1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Breakdown by Type (2015-2026)1.4.4 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Breakdown by Type (2015-2026)1.4.5 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Breakdown by Type (2015-2026)

2 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Competition by Company2.1 Global Top Players by Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales (2015-2020)2.2 Global Top Players by Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue (2015-2020)2.3 Global Top Players Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Average Selling Price (ASP) (2015-2020)2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type2.5 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Concentration Rate (2015-2020)2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales and Revenue in 20192.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) (based on the Revenue in Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts as of 2019)2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market2.8 Key Manufacturers Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Product Offered2.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion

3 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Status and Outlook by Region (2015-2026)3.1 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20263.2 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size Market Share by Region (2015-2020)3.2.1 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Region (2015-2020)3.2.2 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Region (2015-2020)3.2.3 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2015-2020)3.3 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size Market Share by Region (2021-2026)3.3.1 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Region (2021-2026)3.3.2 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Region (2021-2026)3.3.3 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2021-2026)3.4 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.4.1 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.4.2 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.5 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.5.1 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.5.2 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.6 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.6.1 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.6.2 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.7 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.7.1 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.7.2 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.8 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.8.1 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue YoY Growth (2015-2026)3.8.2 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales YoY Growth (2015-2026)

4 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts by Application4.1 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Segment by Application4.1.1 Wide-body Aircraft4.1.2 Narrow-body Aircraft4.2 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales by Application: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20264.3 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Historic Sales by Application (2015-2020)4.4 Global Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Forecasted Sales by Application (2021-2026)4.5 Key Regions Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size by Application4.5.1 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts by Application4.5.2 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts by Application4.5.3 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts by Application4.5.4 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts by Application4.5.5 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts by Application5 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size by Country (2015-2026)5.1 North America Market Size Market Share by Country (2015-2020)5.1.1 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2015-2020)5.1.2 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2015-2020)5.2 North America Market Size Market Share by Country (2021-2026)5.2.1 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2021-2026)5.2.2 North America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2021-2026)5.3 North America Market Size YoY Growth by Country5.3.1 U.S. Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)5.3.2 Canada Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)6 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size by Country (2015-2026)6.1 Europe Market Size Market Share by Country (2015-2020)6.1.1 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2015-2020)6.1.2 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2015-2020)6.2 Europe Market Size Market Share by Country (2021-2026)6.2.1 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2021-2026)6.2.2 Europe Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2021-2026)6.3 Europe Market Size YoY Growth by Country6.3.1 Germany Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)6.3.2 France Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)6.3.3 U.K. Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)6.3.4 Italy Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)6.3.5 Russia Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)7 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size by Country (2015-2026)7.1 Asia-Pacific Market Size Market Share by Country (2015-2020)7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2015-2020)7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2015-2020)7.2 Asia-Pacific Market Size Market Share by Country (2021-2026)7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2021-2026)7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2021-2026)7.3 Asia-Pacific Market Size YoY Growth by Country7.3.1 China Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)7.3.2 Japan Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)7.3.3 South Korea Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)7.3.4 India Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)7.3.5 Southeast Asia Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)8 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size by Country (2015-2026)8.1 Latin America Market Size Market Share by Country (2015-2020)8.1.1 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2015-2020)8.1.2 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2015-2020)8.2 Latin America Market Size Market Share by Country (2021-2026)8.2.1 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2021-2026)8.2.2 Latin America Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2021-2026)8.3 Latin America Market Size YoY Growth by Country8.3.1 Mexico Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)8.3.2 Brazil Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)8.3.3 Argentina Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)9 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Size by Country (2015-2026)9.1 Middle East and Africa Market Size Market Share by Country (2015-2020)9.1.1 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2015-2020)9.1.2 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2015-2020)9.2 Middle East and Africa Market Size Market Share by Country (2021-2026)9.2.1 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales Market Share by Country (2021-2026)9.2.2 Middle East and Africa Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Revenue Market Share by Country (2021-2026)9.3 Middle East and Africa Market Size YoY Growth by Country

10 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Business10.1 Saab AB10.1.1 Saab AB Corporation Information10.1.2 Saab AB Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.1.3 Saab AB Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.1.4 Saab AB Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.1.5 Saab AB Recent Development10.2 Sealand Aviation10.2.1 Sealand Aviation Corporation Information10.2.2 Sealand Aviation Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.2.3 Sealand Aviation Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.2.4 Saab AB Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.2.5 Sealand Aviation Recent Development10.3 ShinMaywa Industries10.3.1 ShinMaywa Industries Corporation Information10.3.2 ShinMaywa Industries Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.3.3 ShinMaywa Industries Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.3.4 ShinMaywa Industries Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.3.5 ShinMaywa Industries Recent Development10.4 TATA10.4.1 TATA Corporation Information10.4.2 TATA Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.4.3 TATA Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.4.4 TATA Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.4.5 TATA Recent Development10.5 Bombardier10.5.1 Bombardier Corporation Information10.5.2 Bombardier Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.5.3 Bombardier Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.5.4 Bombardier Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.5.5 Bombardier Recent Development10.6 Asian Composites Manufacturing (ACM)10.6.1 Asian Composites Manufacturing (ACM) Corporation Information10.6.2 Asian Composites Manufacturing (ACM) Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.6.3 Asian Composites Manufacturing (ACM) Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.6.4 Asian Composites Manufacturing (ACM) Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.6.5 Asian Composites Manufacturing (ACM) Recent Development10.7 Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI)10.7.1 Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) Corporation Information10.7.2 Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.7.3 Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.7.4 Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.7.5 Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) Recent Development10.8 Zenith Aircraft10.8.1 Zenith Aircraft Corporation Information10.8.2 Zenith Aircraft Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.8.3 Zenith Aircraft Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.8.4 Zenith Aircraft Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.8.5 Zenith Aircraft Recent Development10.9 LAM Aviation10.9.1 LAM Aviation Corporation Information10.9.2 LAM Aviation Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue10.9.3 LAM Aviation Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.9.4 LAM Aviation Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Products Offered10.9.5 LAM Aviation Recent Development10.10 Strata Manufacturing10.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Competitors10.10.2 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Product Category, Application and Specification10.10.3 Strata Manufacturing Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2015-2020)10.10.4 Main Business Overview10.10.5 Strata Manufacturing Recent Development

11 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis11.1 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Key Raw Materials11.1.1 Key Raw Materials11.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price11.1.3 Raw Materials Key Suppliers11.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure11.2.1 Raw Materials11.2.2 Labor Cost11.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses11.3 Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Industrial Chain Analysis11.4 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis11.4.1 Industry Trends11.4.2 Market Drivers11.4.3 Market Challenges11.4.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis

12 Market Strategy Analysis, Distributors12.1 Sales Channel12.2 Distributors12.3 Downstream Customers

13 Research Findings and Conclusion

14 Appendix14.1 Methodology/Research Approach14.1.1 Research Programs/Design14.1.2 Market Size Estimation14.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation14.2 Data Source14.2.1 Secondary Sources14.2.2 Primary Sources14.3 Author Details14.4 Disclaimer

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Ailerons for Commercial Aircrafts Market Revenue, Gross Margin, Market Share, Manufacturing Process Analysis 2020-2026 | Sealand Aviation, ShinMaywa...

7 Of The Best Mom Hacks We Learned From TikTok | Moms – Moms

Sure, we love the dance and comedy videos. But we also love all the amazing mom hacks you can find on TikTok!

Unless you've been living off the grid, there's a good chance you've heard about the social media and video sharing platform TikTok. It's been in the news lately! The TikTok youth successfully trolled the President at one of his campaign rallies, and then he threatened to ban the app in the United States. Whether that actually happens remains to be seen. But what we do know is that the platform has gotten incredibly popular across all age groups, and doesn't show any signs of slowing down. The brilliance of TikTok is that all the content is short, easy-to-digest videos, so you end up scrolling for an hour before you realize how long you've been zoned out.

The content is all over the place, too, so there's something for everyone. There are dance videos, comedy, serious information shared in small clips, and just regular people sharing snippets of their day or events in their life. But one of the best, and most underrated, segments of TikTok? Mom hacks! The app is full of moms sharing their hacks, and we are here for it. Anytime we can cut corners or simplify our lives in some way? Sign us up. These are seven of the best mom hacks on TikTok, hopefully they make your life a bit easier, too!

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We don't turn our noses down at boxed mac and cheese. In fact, if not for boxed mac and cheese, there are quite a few nights our kids would have refused to eat anything at all! But if you're worried about your kids getting more veggies, take a cue from Tikok user MichPlusTwo and hack your boxed mac.

Toss out the cheese powder and add pureed carrots and celery (or whatever veg you want) to the cooked pasta. Return the pot of pasta and veg to the stove with a little of the pasta water, and throw in a few slices of cheddar cheese and a couple tablespoons of butter. Stir, and voila! Semi-homemade mac and cheese packed with veggies.

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Long car rides with kids can very easily go sideways, but if you're prepared, you can avoid the usual hangry/THAT'S NOT FAIR meltdowns. Take the advice of TikTok user ThoroughlyBeautiful and pack equal snack bags for each kid pre-trip. Put a variety of snacks and treats in a gallon Ziploc or tote, one for each kid.

But make sure that each bag contains the EXACT same snacks - you know as soon as Kid A sees Kid B with something, they're going to want it. Surprise, it's in their bag too! Plus the snacks bags double as trasj keepers until you reach your next stop.

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Our kids love grapes. And we're totally cool with them eating as many as they want! What we're not cool with is standing at the kitchen counter and painstakingly quartering a bunch of grapes so they can be eaten safely.

TikTok user ThoroughlyBeautiful comes through again with this genius hack. Get you a grape slicer and cut the time spent cutting those grapes in half, at least. This one on Amazon is super easy to use and clean. Bonus: it can also be used with cherry tomatoes!

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Sure, highchairs are typically used for feeding. But let's be real - plenty of times, we use them to keep babies and toddlers contained while we're cleaning or making dinner or trying to sit and enjoy a meal ourselves. Instead of trying to cram as much as you can into the 15 minutes of peace you usually get from your babe in their highchair, try this hack from TikTok user TheBastFamily and create a highchair sensory bag.

You'll need a gallon Ziploc, some plastic confetti, water, and sturdy tape. Add the confetti and water to the Ziploc, then seal ittightly. Tape the bag to the highchair tray (make sure to tape around the edges and across the seal), and watch as your baby is endlessly fascinated by a literal bag of glitter water.

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Teething can be such a hard stage to get through - for babies and parents! o it's always nice to have a few mom hacks for teething babies in your back pocket. This one from TikTok user KatKamalani is really ingenious. Instead of buying a bunch of teething toys or meds, all you need is a mango!

Peel the mango andremove most of the flesh from the pit (boom, there's your afternoon snack). Leave about a quarter to half an inch of flesh on the pit, them just give the whole shebang to your baby. They'll sit there and gnaw on the mango pit for hours, it's amazing.

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Those little freeze-dried yogurt melts are addicting, but the bags are small and the way our kids plow through them, it's just not practical. Cop this hack from TikTok user AlliahHarmon and make your own!

You can use yogurt, or you can use a baby food puree pouch. Dot a freezer-safe plate with whatever you choose, freeze for 15-20 minutes, and boom! You've got your own yogurt or fruit and veggie melts ready to go.

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Sometimes, the only thing that brings a teething baby relief is something frozen to gnaw on. But again, no need to go out and buy a bunch of teething rings to freeze when you can make your own and have them at the ready. Do what TikTok user MommyAcademy does! You'll need six baby washcloths and a small muffin tin.

Wet each washcloth, then roll it horizontally and twist it into a little ball. Place the wet washcloths in the muffin tin and put them in the freezer. When your teething babe starts to get fussy, just pull one out for them to chew on!

READ NEXT:10 Amazing Meal Prep Hacks For New Moms

Next Student With 'BLM' Face Mask Told To Remove It During Graduation

Jayme is a single mom of two little girls in Southern California. Because being a single, work-from-home mom isn't stressful enough, she also has two dogs (but only one of them is crazy!). Jayme has been writing professionally for just over two years, and while she covers a lot of topics, her wheelhouse is parenting and trending news, both of which provide a wealth of material on a daily basis. She speaks her mind, cusses too much, and always sticks up for what she believes in. Her opinions are always her own, but let's be honest, they're usually always right. You can find more of her work on Mommyish, Care, and Mommy Nearest.


7 Of The Best Mom Hacks We Learned From TikTok | Moms - Moms

These 4 Measures Indicate That Sea & Land Integrated (GTSM:5603) Is Using Debt Extensively – Simply Wall St

Some say volatility, rather than debt, is the best way to think about risk as an investor, but Warren Buffett famously said that Volatility is far from synonymous with risk. Its only natural to consider a companys balance sheet when you examine how risky it is, since debt is often involved when a business collapses. We can see that Sea & Land Integrated Corp. (GTSM:5603) does use debt in its business. But should shareholders be worried about its use of debt?

Debt assists a business until the business has trouble paying it off, either with new capital or with free cash flow. In the worst case scenario, a company can go bankrupt if it cannot pay its creditors. However, a more frequent (but still costly) occurrence is where a company must issue shares at bargain-basement prices, permanently diluting shareholders, just to shore up its balance sheet. By replacing dilution, though, debt can be an extremely good tool for businesses that need capital to invest in growth at high rates of return. The first thing to do when considering how much debt a business uses is to look at its cash and debt together.

View our latest analysis for Sea & Land Integrated

You can click the graphic below for the historical numbers, but it shows that as of March 2020 Sea & Land Integrated had NT$735.2m of debt, an increase on NT$518.1m, over one year. However, it does have NT$144.9m in cash offsetting this, leading to net debt of about NT$590.3m.

We can see from the most recent balance sheet that Sea & Land Integrated had liabilities of NT$639.4m falling due within a year, and liabilities of NT$541.2m due beyond that. Offsetting this, it had NT$144.9m in cash and NT$385.2m in receivables that were due within 12 months. So its liabilities total NT$650.4m more than the combination of its cash and short-term receivables.

This deficit is considerable relative to its market capitalization of NT$838.1m, so it does suggest shareholders should keep an eye on Sea & Land Integrateds use of debt. This suggests shareholders would be heavily diluted if the company needed to shore up its balance sheet in a hurry.

We measure a companys debt load relative to its earnings power by looking at its net debt divided by its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) and by calculating how easily its earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) cover its interest expense (interest cover). The advantage of this approach is that we take into account both the absolute quantum of debt (with net debt to EBITDA) and the actual interest expenses associated with that debt (with its interest cover ratio).

Weak interest cover of 0.87 times and a disturbingly high net debt to EBITDA ratio of 5.7 hit our confidence in Sea & Land Integrated like a one-two punch to the gut. This means wed consider it to have a heavy debt load. However, the silver lining was that Sea & Land Integrated achieved a positive EBIT of NT$4.7m in the last twelve months, an improvement on the prior years loss. When analysing debt levels, the balance sheet is the obvious place to start. But you cant view debt in total isolation; since Sea & Land Integrated will need earnings to service that debt. So if youre keen to discover more about its earnings, it might be worth checking out this graph of its long term earnings trend.

Finally, a business needs free cash flow to pay off debt; accounting profits just dont cut it. So it is important to check how much of its earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) converts to actual free cash flow. During the last year, Sea & Land Integrated burned a lot of cash. While that may be a result of expenditure for growth, it does make the debt far more risky.

On the face of it, Sea & Land Integrateds interest cover left us tentative about the stock, and its conversion of EBIT to free cash flow was no more enticing than the one empty restaurant on the busiest night of the year. But at least its EBIT growth rate is not so bad. Overall, it seems to us that Sea & Land Integrateds balance sheet is really quite a risk to the business. So were almost as wary of this stock as a hungry kitten is about falling into its owners fish pond: once bitten, twice shy, as they say. The balance sheet is clearly the area to focus on when you are analysing debt. However, not all investment risk resides within the balance sheet far from it. For example, weve discovered 3 warning signs for Sea & Land Integrated (2 are a bit concerning!) that you should be aware of before investing here.

At the end of the day, its often better to focus on companies that are free from net debt. You can access our special list of such companies (all with a track record of profit growth). Its free.

PromotedIf you decide to trade Sea & Land Integrated, use the lowest-cost* platform that is rated #1 Overall by Barrons, Interactive Brokers. Trade stocks, options, futures, forex, bonds and funds on 135 markets, all from a single integrated account.

This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. *Interactive Brokers Rated Lowest Cost Broker by Annual Online Review 2020

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Originally posted here:

These 4 Measures Indicate That Sea & Land Integrated (GTSM:5603) Is Using Debt Extensively - Simply Wall St

Louis Bremer Nominated for Special Operations Office | Connecting Vets – Connecting Vets

The Senate held a confirmation hearing for a number of potential political appointments this week but perhaps most controversial was former SEAL officer LouisBremer for the position of assistant secretary of defense for special operations/low-intensity conflict.

TheHarley-riding, tequila-drinking Navy SEAL and White House fellow who buys companies on occasion" -- as his Instagram account proclaimed up until his nomination came up -- is expected by the lawmakers to help clean up special operations culture after a series of scandals have roiled across the community ranging from murders to drug use to war crimes.

Without question, wehold our warfighters to a very high standard. If I'm confirmed I will make sure those standards are appropriately enforced, Bremer told Senators at the hearing.

But it remains unclear how Bremer will drain the swamp while appearing to be knee-deep in it.

Senators questioned him about a photograph of him hugging disgraced provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos who was fired from his job at Breitbart for defending pedophilia. Yiannopoulos has also been exposed as an anti-semite according to internal Breitbart e-mails obtained by Buzzfeed as well as a video in which Yiannopoulos sings "America the Beautiful" while white nationalist leader Richard Spencer and friends stand in front of him giving the Nazi salute.

When asked about the photo he posted with Yiannopoulos, Bremer answered, "listen, those were posts that I regret, they were flippant, they were in my capacity as a private sector." He then attempted to assure Senators by explaining to them that he has since deleted all of his social media accounts except for LinkedIn. "People know that I'm a serious person...ethics is a very big thing," he said.

Bremer is a managing directoratCerberus Capital Management which owns the Tier 1 Group -- of which he also sits on the board.

Sen.Tim Kaineasked Bremer about press reports including in the Washington Post that the Saudis who murdered JamalKhashoggi may have been trained by the Tier 1 Group. Bremer replied that he was not aware of any press articles on the matter but he did know that they trained Saudis through a State Department program. Bremer claimed to be unaware of the Washington Post article and that he was hearing this accusation for the first time at the hearing.

After continued questioning and denials that Tier 1 Group did any sort of investigation into the veracity of these press reports, Bremer offered that he would "check."

"I will give you my commitment to check the record. Likely we did some type of investigation."

"I just don't recall the specifics of it, I'm not trying to hide any investigation we may have done or not done," he continued. "I'm involved in a lot of corporate matters, a lot of different boards."

"I find it incredibly hard to believe thata five-person board ofthis company did not have some kind of fire drill when this allegation arose," Sen. Angus King said.

The senators also expressed their concern about ethical issues in the special operations community and how reforms could be implemented.

"Ethics should be a big part of their (SOF)training, it should start onday one, it should be inculcated into the DNA of every SOF operator," Bremer said."It is going to take a concerted effort over multiple years to turn this narrative around because ultimately it tarnishes the vast majority of SOF operators who are out there doing their work honorably."

Members of the Department of Defense already receive annual ethics training.

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Reach Jack Murphy:jack@connectingvets.comor@JackMurphyRGR.

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Louis Bremer Nominated for Special Operations Office | Connecting Vets - Connecting Vets

Feds offer more protections to seals than humans – Boston Herald

Maines first shark-caused human fatality came as a shock to residents and vacationers alike, but the odds of that occurring in Massachusetts waters increase virtually daily, thanks to conservation efforts that have swelled both seal and shark populations.

Authorities have confirmed that a 63-year-old woman from New York City was killed by a great white shark on Monday while swimming with her daughter off Harpswell, Maines Bailey Island.

Julie Dimperio Holowach became the first known person to die from a shark attack in Maines history, Patrick Keliher, the states Marine Patrol Commissioner, said at a Tuesday press conference.

Holowach, wearing a wetsuit, was swimming with her daughter about 20 yards from the shore when she was attacked. Thankfully her daughter escaped injury.

A fragment of a shark tooth found in the area of the attack was later positively identified by a Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries official as belonging to a great white.

The only other confirmed shark attack in Maine occurred 10 years ago near Eastport.

Swimmers and boaters were urged to use caution near Bailey Island, and avoid swimming near schooling fish or seals.

Thats certainly easier to do along the Maine coast.

But off Cape Cod beaches? Not so much.

Years of federal protection efforts have caused a proliferation of grey and harbor seals on the Cape and South Shore, especially off the coast of Chatham.

And that in turn has attracted the sealsprimary predator, sharks, in mounting numbers.

Its actually amazing that since 2012, there have only been three shark attacks off Wellfleet and Truro, on the outer Cape. Two years ago, 26-year-old Arthur Medici was killed while boogie-boarding at Newcomb Hollow Beach in Wellfleet the first shark attack fatality in 82 years in Massachusetts.

While its difficult to assess how many sharks invade the Cape during the summer season, experts agree the seal population has reached staggering proportions.

Sharon Young, the marine issues field director for the Humane Society of the United States, told the Associated Press in a July 2019 interview that nearly 300,000 seals go back and forth between Canada and the U.S.

The Marine Mammal Protection Act allows states to assume the responsibility for conservation and management of a species once it reaches its optimum sustainable population.

However Young conceded that controlling Cape Cods seal population would be a daunting likely impossible task.

Thats because the 10,000 (seals) that are on a specific beach today are not the same 10,000 that might be there tomorrow.

Thats essentially the same answer aMassachusetts citizens group seeking ways to protect Cape Cod beachgoers from great white sharks received last year.

Peter Howell, a founder of the Seal Action Committee, wanted Congress to amend the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act so seals and other species can be removed from the laws list of protected animals if their populations have sufficiently rebounded.

Democratic Congressman Bill Keating, who represents Cape Cod, said at the time delisting seals from the protection act wouldnt change things. He reiterated Humane Society Field Director Youngs assertion that the migration of gray seals from Canada would quickly replace any vacuum.

So, beachgoers, seals and sharks are here to stay guests no less of the federal government which apparently values their welfare over its human constituentslives and limbs.

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Feds offer more protections to seals than humans - Boston Herald

$2M to local roads through allocation fund – News – Bedford Now

By Elena Meadows Journal Correspondent


More than $2 million will be funneled to local roads through the St. Joseph County Road Commissions allocation fund.

In a collaboration between the road commission and 12 of the countys 16 townships, the road commission contributes 50 percent toward improvements such as chip-seal and hot-mix asphalt. Townships contribute the other 50 percent.

"That is how you improve your local road network," road commission managing director John Lindsey told road commissioners at their meeting Wednesday.

Township contributions toward the program range from $10,000 to $159,400, as budgets allow.

Among the townships not participating this year, Sturgis Township is saving for a bigger project in 2021 and Burr Oak Township canceled participation due to COVID-19.

Lindsey made special note of 1.49 miles of asphalt overlay work recently performed in Fennells subdivision of Fawn River Township. The road commission put in half, taxpayers paid for a large portion through a special assessment district and the township funded the remainder.

Also on Wednesday, road commissioners discussed graffiti that had been painted near the intersection of Pulver and Floating Bridge roads in Flowerfield Township. Commissioners directed staff members that, as time permits, they should paint over any writing on roads the county maintains.

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$2M to local roads through allocation fund - News - Bedford Now

The Trailer For Hulu’s New Comedy Woke Is Like Sorry to Bother You in All the Best Ways – POPSUGAR

New Girl's Lamorne Morris stars in Hulu's upcoming comedy series Woke, and if you're still reeling over the ending of Sorry to Bother You, you might want to check it out ASAP. The series follows Keef (Morris), a cartoonist on the verge of success whose life gets turned upside down after police roughly detain him for a crime he didn't commit. Before the incident, Keef preferred to "keep it light" and ignore the thinly veiled racism all around him. But the misunderstanding leaves him rightfully shaken, and he sets out to incite some much-needed social and political change with the help of his cartoons come to life.

Keef's new outlook on the world following his encounter with the police causes him to hear voices and talk to inanimate objects that take on the appearance of characters from his cartoons. These voices encourage him to take action in response to the instances of police brutality and systemic racism that permeate his everyday life and challenge those around him to do the same. Inspired by the life of cartoonist Keith Knight, Woke confronts the struggles the Black community faces in America today and takes a look at the importance of identity and culture through a comedic lens.

Morris will star alongside T. Murph, Blake Anderson, and Saturday Night Live's Sasheer Zamata. Woke premieres on Hulu on Sept. 9. In the meantime, enjoy the full series trailer above!

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The Trailer For Hulu's New Comedy Woke Is Like Sorry to Bother You in All the Best Ways - POPSUGAR