The Seasteading Institute February 2010 Newsletter

The Seasteading Institute December 2009 Newsletter

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Andre Gide

Table of Contents

  • Highlights

    • 2009 Conference Videos
  • Poseidon Project

    • Platform
    • Commercial
    • Residential
  • Donor Profile: John Chisholm

  • Awareness & Community

    • Membership Program
    • Events
    • Media
    • Book
  • Hiring

  • Membership

  • Special Thanks


Second Annual Seasteading Conference Videos

We're pleased to announce that all of the videos from the

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Engineering Parallels Between Ephemerisle & Seasteading

There are a wide variety of opinions in the seasteading community about whether Ephemerisle is a plausible path to full seasteading. Here's my pre-event pitch of why Ephemerisle is useful. Post-event, I have an additional thought.

Our Ephemerisle structure and setup basically worked as plan, with a few exceptions. One is that it took longer than we expected, and was not completed by the noon Friday starting time (although everything did come together for Saturday evening).

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Seasteading is the cure for post-Avatar Depression?

LA Snark reports on post-Avatar Depression (complete with television news report), and how to deal with it. Solutions include:

  • Make some real life friends.
  • Stop hanging out with negative people
  • Be interesting

And finally, most relevant to us:

Get outta Dodge. Seriously, pack up and leave. This is easier for some more than others, but if you’re bored out of your mind in your current life, sometimes sticking your roots (or tail) in a new, unfamiliar land can be exactly what you need.


M.U.L.E. – steading

Peter Boothe writes about this classic computer game from the mid-80s:

a nonviolent economics game with both zero-sum and positive-sum aspects where people compete to be the best possible homesteaders in a scifi environment made me think of you. The game is quite fun, and I recommend it.

The game can be downloaded free, and played online. Enjoy!

Seasteading Book

From Patri's blog:

Since hiring nthmost, eelcoh, xleste, radiantsun, and Max to work for TSI (offices are a bit busier these days!), I've been able to delegate lots of major projects and get lots of writing time in on the book, yay!

As a result, I'm getting close to the point where I'll be ready for feedback on the new version of the seasteading book. If you're highly interested in the topic and motivated to read rough prose and give substantial feedback, read and summarize relevant books in our area, that sort of thing, ...

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