TSI has officially doubled all of the Sink or Swim Business Contest prizes. The grand prize is now $5,000 up from $2,500, and the other prizes have gone up proportionately. The total prize pool is now $10,000! Word about this increase is still getting out, so we've also gone and extended the draft deadline by two full weeks! The total number of registered contestants is still low, so high quality entries will be very competitive.
Category Archives: Sea steading
Global Wave Heatmap
One of the main criteria in our location study is the worst-case wave height. Oceanography student Martin emailed us the KNMI Wave Atlas, which is a global heatmap of wave & wind data, trends, and variability, based on data from 1957 - 2006, at 1.5x1.5 degree resolution.
The Seasteading Institute Fall 2010 Newsletter
The Seasteading Institute Fall 2010 Newsletter
Table of Contents
In the World
- Election 2010 - Virtual Democracy Means Everybody Wins
What’s New at The Seasteading Institute
Documentary on micronations, featuring seasteading, premiering 9/11 at Toronto Film Festival
Jody Shapiro's new documentary "How To Start Your Own Country" features Patri Friedman in a centerpiece interview. Set to premiere September 11 at the Toronto Film Festival, it focuses on micro-nations, principalities, and freedom movements across the world and uses comedy to raise serious questions about what it means to be a country, a topic that will only become more relevant as the seasteading movements gains momentum.
Short video from UCSD
Short video with clips from a talk Patri gave at UCSD for YAL and some thoughts from host Simeon Morris on student reactions and the idea of seasteading:
TSI August 2010 Newsletter
The Seasteading Institute August 2010 Newsletter
Table of Contents
In the World
- Immigration - A Case for Experimentation
TSI News
Seasteaders to attend the 2010 Singularity Summit
Several TSI members plan to attend the Singularity Summit this year in 2010. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, maybe you'll be interested in meeting up with us there!
Ideas wanted: Seasteading Book PR
Would love help coming up with media contacts for the upcoming seasteading book - people who could review it & get the word out especially. Ideally we can find a wide variety of people in a variety of forums, each of whom has written something that indicates they are philosophically aligned with seasteading. Would be awesome if those of y'all who read a lot of blogs/press or network a lot with media types would bookmark this page and make use of it over the coming months :). This is an experiment in crowdsourcing more of our research - we'll see how it goes!
It’s The Love Boat…For Ideas: Reason/TSI cruise
Check out this great promo from Reason's Hit-n-Run blog for the Reason/TSI cruise
Sink or Swim 2010 Business Contest
The Seasteading Institute, together with HumanIPO and Premium Advice are proud to announce Sink or Swim, the first seasteading business plan competition. Draft submissions will be accepted until Oct 8th, 2010. With $5,000 in prizes, TSI aims to inspire participants to envision what a successful business aboard a seastead would look like. For more information, please check out our contest website.
Latest Seasteading Talk Video: Mises Brazil
The Mises Institute Brazil has posted the video of my talk at the first Mises Brazil conference earlier this year, to 200+ people. They gave me a long time slot, so rather than the short introductory talk I give to audiences like TEDx, I got to include a bunch of structural activism discussion as well as just seasteading. This is the longest and most-recent talk video available for seasteading, so...enjoy!
The Seasteading Institute July 2010 Newsletter
- The Seasteading Institute July 2010 Newsletter -
Table of Contents
TSI News
- State Of The Floating Micro-Nation Movement: Patri’s Mid-Year Update
- Sign up for the 2011 Reason Cruise
In the World
- The BP Oil Spill - A Political Engineering Problem Solved by Seasteading
Call to Action
Secession Week 2010 at Let A Thousand Nations Bloom
Just like last year, we're celebrating July 4th at our sister blog Let A Thousand Nations Bloom with a Secession Week blogging event in honor of America's Secession from the UK. We'll be posting on different aspects of secession all week.
Ephemerisle 2010 Cancellation
We regret to tell our community that after much discussion this week, we are canceling Ephemerisle 2010 due to insurance costs. The estimate for insurance-related expenses has risen from an early estimate of $55,000 to a total of $135,000, with much of the jump happening a week ago. This caused us to take a long, hard look at Ephemerisle's budget and the ROI of the event as a whole.
Ephemerisle: A Floating Festival of Freedom on Humanity’s Next Frontier, July 22-25
Here's our libertarian-focused promo for Ephemerisle, please link to it and spread the word!
Ephemerisle: Evolving Society on Humanity’s Next Frontier, July 22-25
Sorry for the downtime!
As some of you noticed, the site was down over the weekend due to a scheduled upgrade at our hosting provider. Our apologies for not warning you about this in advance. All better now.
Recycling the gyre
Some holiday weekend humor:
Our more analytical explanation of why we aren't recycling the gyre.
Apparently the webcomic above will be making fun of us next week - I hope they do a good job!
Spoiler Alert: on Monday, I will also be talking about Seasteading, but I will be uninhibitedly making fun of some of the players on the scene.
Container Cities
Reader hd passes on a link about shipping container homes from Urban Space Management, a group of builders in London who are building entire communities, schools, and farmer’s markets using old freight containers:
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/65C9OLvmjpI&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen
Recommended Reading for The Seastead View Of Politics
Hey everyone, I just wanted to remind those who don't follow our sister blog Let A Thousand Nations Bloom that it has a great list of recommended reading for background in my unique angle on political theory and public choice, with writing by Mancur Olson, David Friedman, Arnold Kling, and many others, including myself.
Recommended Seastead Political Reading Here
I also created an <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Frichpub%2Flistmania%2Ffullview%2FR