What is Lightning Network? And How to Use It in 2020 – Decrypt

In brief

Bitcoin has been hampered by its own popularity. Thanks to the way the blockchainis designed, the speed of transactions is slow and the cost of transactions has gone up.

Researchers, developers, and the Bitcoin community have been trying to come up with a way of allowing Bitcoinand other cryptocurrenciesto accommodate more transactions. Their best efforts to date have focused around something called the Lightning Network. Can it fix the cryptocurrency's scaling problems? We find out below.

There are two limitations we need to explain when it comes to blockchain before we can explore how people are trying to fix it.

The first is speed.

In a blockchain, blocks are essentially groups of transactions collected together. As part of a blockchains design, there are only so many transactions that can be included in a block.

If your transaction doesnt make it into the current block, it joins a queue. That queue can take anywhere from a few minutes to potentially a day or more to process, depending on how many other transactions are queued in the mempool.

That limits the blockchains use as a medium to process quick transactions, like buying a cup of coffee. No one wants to wait around for the network to verify youve got the cash.

The second limitation is cost.

Bitcoins network, and others, arebuilt upon a consensus protocol called proof of work.

This is where miners expend energy trying to solve a difficult puzzle. To help offset the cost of equipment and energy used in that calculation, miners charge transaction fees.

When the system is small, and the number of transactions that need verifying are few and far between, the network works well and transaction costs are low. As the network grows, however, so does the cost of transaction fees, since there is limited space in each newly mined block. As a result, only the highest fee transactions are processed highly during times of high load.

Bitcoin's scalability challenge became apparent towards the end of 2017 when millions of people jumped on the Bitcoin bandwagon and it struggled to cope with the number of transactions. At its peak in December 2017, the average cost to process one transaction on the Bitcoin blockchainwhether it was for $1 or $1,000was $37. That makes Bitcoin un-economical as a form of currency, since the transaction fee would be higher than the actual payment for many small transactions. Thats where the Lightning Network comes in.

We've got a whole article explaining more about Bitcoin's limitations.

The Lightning Network is a second-layer solution built on top of the Bitcoin network, meaning that it is built separately to the Bitcoin network but interacts with it. Its made up of a system of channels that allow people or companies to move money between one another without needing to use the blockchain to verify the transaction.

In theory, it could allow thousands or even hundreds of thousands of transactions to take place instantly, making it great for small transactions.

It bears similarities to the current settlement system used by companies like Visa and Mastercard. When you pay for something its not instantly settled.

Instead, theres a quick verification of funds from the buyer and the request from the sellergiving the green light for a transaction to take place.

The settlement of the funds happens laterin some cases days or weeks later.

The Lightning Network is run by a network of nodes that process payments, and transactions are commonly made using QR codesinstead of complex public keys.

The bottom line is that it allows for faster payments, with lower fees.

The Lightning Network has its origins in musings by Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, but was formalized by researchers Joseph Poon and Thaddeus Dryja who published awhitepaper for the Lightning Network on January 14, 2016.

In it, they argued that a network of micropayment channels could fix the scalability issues of the Bitcoin network, rather than changing the Bitcoin network itself to allow more transactions.

Lightning Labs, a blockchain engineering lab, helped to launch a beta version of the Lightning Network in March, 2018alongside a host of individuals and other companies including ACINQ and Blockstream. It was funded via a $2.5 million seed investment round, which included notable investor Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (who has recently been getting more involved). The Lightning Network was the first attempt at a second-layer solution, but others followed.

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter is a big fan of the Lightning Network and has personally invested in the project!

The Lightning Network speeds up transactions, while reducing costs, by skirting the main Bitcoin blockchain. It is an unstructured network set up around it.

Channels are the ad hoc, peer-to-peer connections through which payments are made. Any number of payments can be sent in a channel.

The network is maintained by nodes that route payments. Nodes are run by everyday peopleor corporationsrunning a program on their desktops, laptops, or Raspberry Pis. This keeps the Lightning Network decentralized.

To start using the Lightning Network, any amount of Bitcoin needs to be locked up in a payments channel. Then, it can be spent across the Lightning Network, until the channel is closed.

When someone wants to receive a transaction, they create whats known as an invoice. These are a long alphanumeric string of digitswhich is often represented using QR codes. The person who wants to make the payment simply needs to scan this invoice with their Lightning Wallet and confirm (by providing a digital signature) that they want to make the payment.

When a payment is made, the confirmation is sent across the network to the person who originally made the request. This is known as a peer-to-peer network and means the processing of payments is not reliant on any one party. This typically happens in just a few secondshence the name Lightning.

Since payments are not made on the Bitcoin blockchain, they are not subject to long wait times and high fees. This means that much smaller payments, or micropayments, can be made for as little as one satoshi (one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin). This makes it more suitable for everyday transactionswhile larger transactions can be made on the Bitcoin network.

Once someone has finished using the Lightning Network, they can close their channel and exit the network. This means they can use their Bitcoin again on the standard Bitcoin network.

For a more complex, technical introduction to the Lightning Network, check out Lightning Labs CEO Elizabeth Starks guide on Coincenter.

Lets say you want to transact with your local coffee shop. First, youd need to send some Bitcoin to a wallet that requires more than one signature or key to release the funds.

These are commonly referred to as multisig wallets. These multisig wallets require more than one signature in order to release funds. In the case of the Lightning Network, it allows people to enter into an agreement that ensures they receive the agreed payment. In effect, creating a balance sheet.

Every time you buy a cup of coffee you create a new balance sheet and sign it with your public key to reflect whats left in your wallet, and whats in the coffee shops wallet.

If you dont want to buy coffee anymore from that coffee shop, you can close the channel, and the resulting balance sheet is committed to the blockchain as a permanent record.

Payment disputes can also be settled by referring to the last signed balance sheet between the two parties.

What happens if you dont have a direct channel with the next place you want to buy something from? The network will find the shortest route between you and the shop via others in the network.

Although it was originally designed for Bitcoin, the technology is currently being adapted and developed for a range of cryptocurrencies which include Litecoin, Stellar, Ether, and Ripple.

Its already live! The first version was launched on Bitcoin in March 2018 and has started popping up in different places. One of the most recent is Twitter!

You can connect to the Lightning Network either by running a node or by using a Lightning wallet. Here are our top picks:

Bitcoin Lightning Wallet on Android

If you dont want the full-node experience, you can download the Bitcoin Lightning Wallet app on your Android phone, which sorts everything out in the background and lets you connect to the Lightning Network. With this, you can open a Lightning channel and start making transactions to other users. Its also non-custodial, meaning you look after your own keyskeeping your Bitcoin in your hands. (We tried it out by paying for ataxi ride).

Read our review of the Bitcoin Lightning Wallet.

Blue Wallet on iOS and Android

If you want to use the Lightning Network but dont want to look after your own funds, Blue Wallet is a custodial service that runs a node for you. It allows you to send and receive Lightning payments, but doesnt let you withdraw your Bitcoin from the Lightning Network.

It also has a Lapps marketplace. Lapps is a portmanteau for Lightning apps and are apps that use the Lightning Network, the way decentralized applications (or dapps) run on regular blockchains. So far, there are only a few Lapps, such as Bitrefill for paying phone bills, and ZigZag for exchanging cryptocurrencies. As Lightning picks up steam, expect the number of Lapps to grow, too.

Casa Node

To get the full Lightning Network experience, you can try running a full node. Sounds complicated? It isnt, actually. The folks at Casa have put everything you need in one box, so all you have to do is plug the Casa Node into itself, weirdly enough, and youre up and running.

So what does this mean? Well for a start youre now supporting the Bitcoin network and the Lightning Network by checking that transactions are legitimate. It also means you can connect it to your computer and make transactions from your own node. This literally makes you your own bank; you are the only person owning and controlling your funds. Scary, huh?

Read our full review of the Casa HODL node.

Eclair Lightning Node

If youre feeling more ambitious, you could set up a full Lightning Node. This takes a lot more computer know-how to run. It means downloading Eclair onto your computeror a homemade Raspberry Piand running it. You are then routing transactions on the network and can make your own transactions.

Eclair also offers a mobile version for Android users called Eclair Mobile. This is a stripped-down Lightning node, which means you stay in control of your Bitcoin. You can connect it to your own Eclair Lightning Node if youre running one. Theres only one catch: you cant receive payments to it. Eclair explains why in this blog post.TL;DR its safer and easier for them.

Lightning Joule

Once youve set up your own node, what next? Are you stuck with using a desktop app? Lightning Joule is a browser extension that lets you connect your Lightning Node to your browser so that you can easily make payments within Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Brave. Its a convenient hack.

For a start, you can make payments to anyone else who has a Lightning wallet set up. But theres more to the Lightning Network than just that. As it is a digital currency, it is easily integrated into websites without the need for third parties to get involved.

Although the vast majority of crypto companies dont yet accept Lightning transactions, the number of platforms that do is slowly growing. Nonetheless, a wide range of popular Lightning-capable platforms are currently operating, ranging from cryptocurrency exchanges like Bitfinex and MercuriEX, online retailers and merchants like Bitrefill, as well as a wide range of casinos, and other service providers.

If you are looking for somewhere local, then you might be able to find something nearby on Accept Lightning or on the Lightning Network Stores.

Here are some examples of things you can do with the Lightning Network:

Get some satoshis with a Lightning Faucet

You can get some more Bitcoin. Faucets have long been a way to distribute small amounts of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and its no different with the Lightning Network. This Lightning Faucet lets you test sending and receiving from a Lightning wallet; you can withdraw a maximum of 100 satoshis every 4 hours, which is just over $0.01. Got to start somewhere though.

Buy a Dominos pizza

Feeling hungry? Before you reach for your debit card, why dont you try ordering your pizza with the Lightning Network. Thats right, Lightning Pizza will order a Dominos pizza on your behalf once youve paid them in Bitcoinbut only if youre in the US, though. Of course, its not the only way to buy pizza with Bitcoin.

Tip people in Satoshis on Twitter

Do you wish social media was more rewarding? Well now it is. You can tip other peopleand they can tip youin Bitcoin using the Lightning Network. Simply integrate Tippin.me and it puts a little lightning symbol on every tweet.

You will need your own wallet to send tips (see above). All the cool kids are doing it, like Jack Dorsey, cofounder of Twitter.

Its hard to grasp something that involves thousands of little parts, making millions of interactions with each other. Its a bit like trying to picture everything going on in your brain. So, to make this a bit easier, we have used a number of visual diagrams. This is what the Lightning Network looks like from above.

A great resource for Lightning Network data is 1ML, a search and analysis engine. It provides data on which stores accept Lightning payments and information about current nodes. But it also features a spectacular visualization of the Lightning Network, showing all the nodes and how they are connected to one another. Check it out below.

For the more topologically minded of you, here is a map showing the locations of many of the Lightning Network nodes and how they are connected. You can see that there are three main areas where they are concentrated but that some exist in the far-flung reaches of the world. Expect this map to become much more cluttered as time goes on.

If that wasnt trippy enough, heres a 3D view of the Lightning Network that you can explore. And if you want to dive even deeper inside the network, you can don VR glasses to get the full experience.

This visualization makes the Lightning Network look like some kind of futuristic planet. This is the view from one persons node. The larger the areas, the more Bitcoin in the Lightning channels. Interestingly, the large blue area on the right is called DeutscheTestnetBank, whoever that might be.

The Network faced its first major hijack on March 20, 2018 when a distributed denial of service attack took down around 200 Lightning nodes, about 20% of the network at the timemeaning that the network struggled to process any transactions. After preventative measures were put in place, it grew to reach a total of 7,000 nodes.

Since then, the Lightning Network has continued to grow. As of our most recent update (September 2020), there are just shy of 13,900 Lightning nodes and over 37,000 channels in operation. The total network capacity of the Lightning Network now sits at 1,098 BTC (or around $11.4 million at current values).

Each Lightning node is responsible for interacting with other nodes to help transact money, while the channels are essentially the highways that enable money to be moved between nodes on the network. The more nodes and channels there are, the easier it is for larger transactions to complete successfully.

Overall, the total network capacity has grown by 40.7% in the last year, while the average capacity of each channel has grown 22% to reach $331 over the period. Due to a lack of pathways for some transactions, the Lightning Network still remains of limited use for large transactions in most cases.

A recent episode of The Pomp Podcast does an excellent job of covering the current progress and limitations of the Lightning Network, and features key insights from Jack Mallers, the founder of one of the most commonly used Lightning walletsZap.

The popularity of cryptocurrencies and transacting on them has, within just a few short years, put increasing stress on the blockchains theyre built on.

While there have been smaller changesand some cases forksto help the networks better cope with demand, the Lightning Network, if successful could help open the door to widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies and their applications.

In August 2020, the Lightning Network was updated to include support for the Wumbo function. In the early days of Lightning, the developers limited how much Bitcoin could be kept inside a Lightning payment channel to 0.1677 BTC; Wumbo channels enable nodes to service larger transactions and higher volumes. Crypto exchange Bitfinex is among those who've announced support for Wumbo channels.

The Lightning Network is spreading beyond Bitcoin, too. Blockstream has created its own implementation of the Lightning Network called c-Lightning which is built in the C programming language, familiar to most developers. Litecoin has its own version, toothe Litecoin Lightning Networkwhich is small compared to the Bitcoin version, but is slowly growing.

For more resources on the Lightning Network, check out Jameson Lopps resources page here.

Read this article:

What is Lightning Network? And How to Use It in 2020 - Decrypt

TECH TALK:The next step in the evolution of finance – The Jerusalem Post

For the last century, the financial world has remained largely unchanged. The very instruments that drive our financial prosperity have evolved minimally compared with virtually every other sphere, from the way we communicate and navigate, to the way we consume goods and services and receive medical care. The initial groundwork for modern financial instruments, like stocks, were set in the 17th century. The European creation of these instruments culminated in what we now consider to be traditional asset classes, like equities, commodities, foreign exchange, and fixed income.

The financial crisis of 2008 highlighted the need to adapt the global financial system to the 21st century, and over the past weeks weve seen the latest development in that process with the Israeli-led INX Exchange announcing the first digital asset IPO to ever be cleared by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

What exactly does that mean? Lets rewind to 2008.

Following the 2008 financial crisis that exposed the true power that Wall Street had, and still has, to influence the overall economy, a person going by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto developed something we now know as Bitcoin, a secure digital currency based on cryptography and blockchain. The novel form of currency was grounded in the desire to create greater financial participation and a trustless system that would take economic control out of the hands of Wall Street and put it into the hands of masses. Bitcoin spawned the creation of other digital currencies, such as Ethereum and Litecoin. It also spawned the concept of digital assets.

As crypto and blockchain thrived, many companies in the budding industry used Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), a tokenized version of Initial Public Offerings. to raise funds. They would offer tokens as a sort of investment in their company a form of crowdfunding, but such ICOs werent regulated by national governments and, as such, led to numerous exit scams. Nevertheless, the idea of offering blockchain-based ownership to investors caught on, as the distributed ledger offered security and efficiency unrivaled by current systems on which people invest in stocks and other assets.

Finally, this new asset class, called a security token, has been cleared by the SEC.

ENTER INX, the digital assets exchange led by an Israeli entrepreneur

Around 2017, a wave of ICOs kicked off a new era. Many of these offerings turned out to be fraudulent. Only 48% of ICOs were successful that year, meaning the investors of the other 52% lost every penny they invested. ICOs, which had lost the trust of investors, were missing the backing of a centralized authority that could regulate the market. More recently, Security Token Offerings (STO) emerged as a potential candidate to bridge the gap between centralized regulation and blockchain financial instrumentation. But these were not available to retail investors until now.

The SECs nod to security tokens through INX follows the natural path of financial evolution that weve seen historically. Equities sold by Dutch sea merchants in the 17th century were banned until 1825 after they failed to pay dividends in 1720. What was missing was regulation. Analogously, ICOs introduced an entirely new asset class, but these were quickly banned or dismissed, because they failed to have the legitimate backing of SEC-registration or institutions of the like.

What remains to be seen is how many large corporations and retail investors will join the fray. Should the large corporations, such as Tesla, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and others, list their assets or projects on INX, the platform will get a massive boost.

Read more:

TECH TALK:The next step in the evolution of finance - The Jerusalem Post

Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Would Be Impressed With DeFi: Crypto Daily – The Daily Hodl

A popular crypto analyst and influencer says he believes Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous Bitcoin creator, would be impressed with decentralized finance (DeFi).

The host of YouTubes Crypto Daily, who goes by his first name Cameron, says despite derogatory comparisons, DeFi is far from the defunct Bitconnect project which was a Bitcoin lending and exchange platform that promised high yields to investors.

Its easy to say something new and scary is just a Ponzi because you fear what you dont understand, but putting your money to work to earn transaction fees instead of sitting idle is not just another Bitconnect, and you are doing yourself a disservice in thinking so.

Cameron says DeFis revenue models empower crypto holders by putting their capital to work, the way exchanges and banks do behind-the-scenes.

If you like to stack sats, you can stack more sats by wrapping your Bitcoin onto Ethereum and putting it to work. I know that might be very painful to hear for die-hard maximalists, but what do you think banks are doing with your money? Do they just sit on top of it all? No, they put it to work. Why are we not allowed to do the same? Why are we not allowed to be our own banks? Isnt that the whole point?

Cameron says the emerging DeFi scene actually upholds many of the ideals held by Satoshi Nakamoto, and will boost the price and usability of both BTC and Ethereum in the long run.

Bitcoin is decentralized finance. It started all of this. I can only imagine Satoshi himself would be impressed that we are replicating more of what banks already do and which can be done on top of and all within Bitcoin in hopefully not too distant future.

As for crypto exchanges, which represent the traditional way coins are bought and sold, Cameron says they will have to play catch-up in order to prevent their decentralized counterparts from taking over.

[Exchanges] need to offer us a better deal, or we will just do it ourselves. We dont need them anymore. I actually cant believe its taken crypto this long to start doing this. All this money involved, all these years of development, and this is what we have to show for it. We earn money by a coin going up. Wouldnt you rather these coins generate some value too? I expect even more, to be honest. You should expect even more!

Excerpt from:

Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Would Be Impressed With DeFi: Crypto Daily - The Daily Hodl

Liz Louw: Writing the story of Bitcoin – CoinGeek

How do you explain Bitcoin to a general audience? That was writer Liz Louws challenge as she set out to produce What is Bitcoin?, an ebook for the London-based Bitcoin investment company Bitstocks.

Liz is not the first to confront the problem. She quotes Satoshi Nakamoto himself, who found that writing a description for this thing for general audiences is bloody hard. Theres nothing to relate it to.

As a digital marketing and content strategist, writing about business was already one of Lizs professional skills, but this job meant more to her than just another assignment. The book represents the fruit of at least three years of research and is not the kind of impersonal, objective piece that she is sometimes asked to turn out, she says.

Liz decided to address the complexities of the subject by looking for narratives. So to help readers understand the principles of Bitcoin she went back to the story of Craig Wrights work for casinos, before he wrote the White Paper as Satoshi Nakamoto.

How could he solve the problem of making the gaming in online casinos auditable, and making players confident that the system was fair? The principles of Bitcoin were designed to answer those questions. Centrally, designing a system that was open, public was key to the solution: its simplicity that is the breakthrough.

When it came to maintaining the computer network behind Bitcoin, again, it is the principle of honesty that makes Satoshis system work: the marvel of Satoshis creation is that it enforces honesty through an incentive scheme that makes it more worthwhile to play by the rules than to play dirty.

Having looked at the origins of Bitcoin and the way it works, Lizs book ends with ideas about the future. She writes about Bitcoin enabling the fourth industrial revolution the other three being, in order, machines powered by water and steam, electricity, electronics and information technology.

In particular, Liz describes a grand vision of what the data-recording capabilities of Bitcoin will enable: sooner or later, we will get to the stage where we can interact with computers with access to all of the data that humans have emitted throughout the entire history of humanity. Everything humanity has ever produced will be on the record, available for us to interact with.

Liz hints at some big announcements to come from Bitstocks that will build on this idea a pivot from money to data, it seems. Were starting to refer to Gravity [Bitstocks app] as a data bank. The buying and trading of Bitcoin, thats the first offering we have, she says, but there is much more being built behind the scenes.

You can request Lizs free eBook though this link: What is Bitcoin?

Hear the whole of Liz Louws interview in this weeks CoinGeek Conversation podcast:

You can also watch the podcast video on YouTube.

Please subscribe to CoinGeek Conversations this is the second episode of the podcasts fourth season. If youre new to it, there are plenty of previous episodes to catch up with.

Heres how to find them:

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New to Bitcoin? Check out CoinGeeksBitcoin for Beginnerssection, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about Bitcoinas originally envisioned by Satoshi Nakamotoand blockchain.

See the rest here:

Liz Louw: Writing the story of Bitcoin - CoinGeek

Latest Bitcoin price and analysis (BTC to USD) – Yahoo Finance

Bitcoin is currently holding firm above the psychological level of support at $10,000 despite facing a wall of sell-pressure since the turn of the month.

At the time of writing the worlds largest cryptocurrency by market cap is trading at $10,190 after bouncing from $9,981 earlier today.

While the level of support remains relatively strong, Bitcoin needs to break above $10,600 to trigger a bullish reversal, which would be a continuation of the trend dating back to late July.

However, a distinct lack of trade volume and momentum means that the most likely scenario is a break below $10,000 to test that $9,100 level that suppressed price action for four months between April and July.

BTCUSD chart by TradingView

Falling to this point certainly isnt as bearish as some might think, as these levels didnt get a bullish re-test following the breakout in July.

From a macro perspective Bitcoin closed its highest weekly candle since January 2018 last month, which suggests that a significant rally by the end of this year is still on the cards.

If it can continue to consolidate above $9,100 over the coming weeks it would add emphasis to the bullish narrative, which ties into the recent block reward halving and flailing US Dollar.

Another pivotal point to look out for is the daily 200 exponential moving average, which is currently residing at $9,670. This has been a notable point of support and resistance throughout Bitcoins lifespan, thus providing an important spot for a bounce.

For more news, guides and cryptocurrency analysis, clickhere.

Current live BTC pricing information and interactive charts are available on our site 24 hours a day. The ticker bar at the bottom of every page on our site has the latest Bitcoin price. Pricing is also available in a range of different currency equivalents:

US Dollar BTCtoUSD

British Pound Sterling BTCtoGBP

Japanese Yen BTCtoJPY


Australian Dollar BTCtoAUD

Russian Rouble BTCtoRUB

In August 2008, the domain name bitcoin.orgwas registered. On 31st October 2008, a paper was published called Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. This was authored by Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin. To date, no one knows who this person, or people, are.

The paper outlined a method of using a P2P network for electronic transactions without relying on trust. On January 3 2009, the Bitcoin network came into existence. Nakamoto mined block number 0 (or the genesis block), which had a reward of 50 Bitcoins.

If you want to find out more information about Bitcoin orcryptocurrenciesin general, then use the search box at the top of this page.Heres an article to get you started.

As with any investment, it pays to do some homework before you part with your money. The prices of cryptocurrencies are volatile and go up and down quickly. This page is not recommending a particular currency or whether you should invest or not.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author should not be considered as financial advice.

View original post here:

Latest Bitcoin price and analysis (BTC to USD) - Yahoo Finance

Kering Teams Up With Pyer Moss Designer on New Creative Platform WWD – WWD

PARIS Kerby Jean-Raymond has joined forces with Kering chief executive officer Franois-Henri Pinault to promote what is being billed as the next generation of innovators.

The Pyer Moss founder and the French luxury conglomerate on Thursday revealed the creation of a platform dubbed Your Friends in New York that will merge disciplines from fashion and music to art, philanthropy and wellness to reinvent how consumers discover and interact with brands.

The platform aims to bring together brands, artists and the community in various formats including multiday events that will also serve as the next evolution of Pyer Moss fashion shows.

Jean-Raymond has challenged industry conventions by showing on his own schedule, addressing political and social issues, and blending in performance elements in runway shows that have electrified New York Fashion Week.

The initiative will house divisions devoted to events and experiences, an incubator-inspired program, philanthropic initiatives and a merchandise label. The platform unofficially launched in March, but the announcement was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

It is important to me to create and work on ventures that are future forward, involve the community at large and that will continue to help others grow in the fashion and art space, Jean-Raymond said in a statement.

Pyer Moss RTW Spring 2020Masato Onoda/WWD

The two men initially met in 2019. Your Friends in New York was subsequently conceived by Jean-Raymond, with Kering as partner. Its first initiative was financed by a personal donation by Jean-Raymond, and a supporting donation from Kering, in favor of marginalized communities impacted by COVID-19.

I was impressed by his unique perspective of creativity, innovation, business and social issues. What struck me immediately was his willingness to invent a new, singular model, freeing himself from the usual constraints of the fashion system, said Pinault, who is also chairman of Kering.

It was only natural for Kering to support this project that seeks to empower new artistic talents, to encourage the diversity of creativity and to give a voice to the younger generation of innovators, he added.

The incubator portion of the program will provide support for emerging designers and help them to grow and explore innovative and disruptive new business models, while the community outreach will include mental health services for children and residents of public housing.

In a statement on Instagram, Jean-Raymond said he was inspired by successful entrepreneurs ranging from Snap Inc. ceo Evan Spiegel to Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym used by the person or persons who developed Bitcoin.

What are they passionate about, even when the world has titled them successful. For example, what new sounds are Rick Rubin and Just Blaze experimenting with that they arent ready to share with the world? What inventions are Evan Spiegel and Mark Zuckerberg holding onto in their garage? What script is Spike Lee hoping to do that he doesnt think will get supported? he wrote.

For Elon Musk, during his early days building PayPal, his mind was on SpaceX and Tesla my mind has been here, and Id like to introduce you to my venture Your Friends In New York. We promise to be imperfect but always willing to try, he added.

Read more from WWD:

Pyer Moss Is Giving the Fashion Industry Its First Social Distancing Event

Kerby Jean-Raymond Returns to NYFW And His Brooklyn Roots

Lena Waithe Talks Upcycling, Sneaker Culture and Pyer Moss

WATCH: Inside Paris Digital Fashion Week

Follow this link:

Kering Teams Up With Pyer Moss Designer on New Creative Platform WWD - WWD

Bitcoin Mining Market 2019 Break Down by Top Companies, Countries, Applications, Challenges, Opportunities and Forecast 2026 BTC.com, Antpool,Slush…

CMFE Insights broadcasts a new report titled as Global Bitcoin mining Market, into its massive depository of reports. The circulation converses about the modest drivers that are impelling the development of the business and the troubles rising against the market by large. It also includes the crucial outlines that are trending in the Global Bitcoin mining Market. The Global Bitcoin mining Market is expected to grow at a massive CAGR of over the forecast period 2020-2027.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto and started in 2009 when its implementation was released as open-source software.

The Global Bitcoin mining Market, an analytical study was recently published by CMFE Insights. This statistical data has been scrutinized by using effective exploratory techniques such as primary and secondary research. It considers various applicable sales strategies, which are beneficial in improving the performance of the businesses. The demanding structure of the Global Bitcoin mining Market is fueling the growth of the industries. Additionally, it focuses on some significant restraining factors, which gives a clear idea about threats and challenges involved in running a business.

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Top Key Players Profiled: BTC.com, Antpool,Slush ,F2pool

In the research study, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East & Africa have been acknowledged at the noticeable regional markets for Global Bitcoin mining Market. On the basis of various vital market verticals such as the industrial volume, product estimating, manufacturing volume, dynamics of demand and supply, revenue and growth of rate in the market in each of the regions.

It provides futuristic market prospects in terms of the upcoming years. The report contains all the necessary veritable of most recent innovations, such as Porters five force model analysis and advanced profiles of elite industry participants. The report additionally drafts a survey of minor and full-scale factors charging for the new candidates in the Global Bitcoin mining Market and the ones as of now in the market along with a systematic value chain exploration.

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Table of Content:

Global Bitcoin mining Market Research Report 2020-2026

Chapter 1: Industry Overview

Chapter 2: Global Bitcoin mining Market International and China Market Analysis

Chapter 3: Environment Analysis of Global Bitcoin mining Market.

Chapter 4: Analysis of Revenue by Classifications

Chapter 5: Analysis of Revenue by Regions and Applications

Chapter 6: Analysis of Global Bitcoin mining Market Revenue Market Status.

Chapter 7: Analysis of Market Key Players

Chapter 8: Sales Price and Gross Margin Analysis of Global Bitcoin mining Market.

Chapter 9Continue To TOC

To Get More Information, Enquiry At: https://www.cmfeinsights.com/enquiry-before-buying.php?id=119729

See the article here:

Bitcoin Mining Market 2019 Break Down by Top Companies, Countries, Applications, Challenges, Opportunities and Forecast 2026 BTC.com, Antpool,Slush...

The Rise of DeFi, Potential and Risks – FinSMEs

The word was never the same in 2009 when Satoshi Nakamoto revealed his plans for a digital coin that would be based on everything the current currencies lacked.

Bitcoin today has fundamentally changed how financial systems work. Based on an innovative data maintaining technology, Bitcoin offered cheap, economical, swift and highly secure means of transferring value of money from one person to another.

However great it is,Bitcoin was never intended to act as a whole replacement to thecurrent economic and financial setup, just as a digital currency.Today, people all over the world have realized that blockchain, thetechnology behind all cryptocurrencies, has a lot more potential inday to day finances and money matters.

Amongothers, Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, as it is known,is a phenomenon in which the power of decentralized networks isleveraged to transform traditional financial products into thedistributed data age. The networks create a trustless environmentthat does not require any middleman such as banks or other financialinstitutions.

In the last couple ofyears, DeFi has risen to prominence. The concept started during theheydays of the last crypto rush, where thousands of platform werelaunched to serve a variety of purposes. One of these services wascreating decentralized banks and financial firms. Today, people havethe option of obtaining loans, creating savings accounts and tradeusing DeFi services.

DeFi have become extremelypopular due to the advantages offered:

DeFi seem to be the bestthing that can happen to people in general. However, it is notwithout its risks. With hundreds of DeFi platforms, a person may notbe able to find the right services desired on a platform he or she isregistered on. The tokens used have price volatile in their nature,leading to a possibility that the token held, bought or lent willdevalue.

In the end, where DeFi hasrisks, it offers enormous benefits to the public.

Go here to read the rest:

The Rise of DeFi, Potential and Risks - FinSMEs

Lost Bitcoin: 3.7 million Bitcoin are probably gone forever – Decrypt

The Bitcoin supply is capped at 21 million. This means that unless there are drastic changes to Bitcoin's supply mechanism, there will never be more than 21 million BTC in circulation.

Due to Bitcoin's controlled supply mechanism, only around 18.5 million Bitcoin have already been minted (or 88.1% of the max supply). Despite this, because a good chunk of the Bitcoin supply has been lost beyond recovery, the actual amount of BTC available to use or trade is much lower than the circulating supply suggests.

Overall, one-fifth of Bitcoin hasn't been moved for half a decade, and there are three main reasons why.

Bitcoin's mysterious creator Satoshi Nakamoto may have mined around 1.1 million BTC in the first few months of its existence. Since then, it appears that Satoshi hasn't touched his stash, indicating he, or she (they? it?), cannot or will not move these coins into the circulating supply.

Because of this, the general consensus is that Satoshi's Bitcoin holdings are out of circulationthereby reducing the available supply by around 5.9%.

On those occasions when some Bitcoin is moved from a wallet that hasn't been touched since the cryptocurrency's early days, it frequently prompts (misinformed) speculation that Satoshi has returned. It's been known to cause fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin, since it opens up the possibility that the market could be flooded by large amounts of Bitcoin that was previously thought to be locked away forever.

One of the main ways Bitcoin is removed from circulation is by simply being lost. Since Bitcoin owners need access to their private keys or recovery phrase to transfer their Bitcoin, anybody that loses access to these will also lose the ability to spend their funds.

Though most of the time this only results in the loss of a small sum, there have been several examples where thousands of bitcoin were lost in a single sweepincluding one unfortunate accident which saw a man discard a hard drive containing 7,500 BTC.

Bitcoin owners who've passed away account for some of the inaccessible Bitcoin. When the 30-year old founder of Canadian cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX died, he also took with him the private keys to around $190 million worth of various cryptocurrencies, including close to 1,000 BTC. One Reddit user recently found an old computer belonging to his late brother, who owned 533 Bitcoinbut the device's hard drive was missing.

Although it's impossible to say exactly how much Bitcoin has been directly lost as a result of negligence or plain misfortune, it is likely to be in the tens of thousands at the very least.

If you take a more relaxed approach and consider any Bitcoin that hasn't moved for more than five years to be lost, then around 20% of all Bitcoin fits into this category. According to a recent report by blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis, around 3.7 million BTC hasn't been touched for at least half a decadethat's around $40.6 billion worth of Bitcoin that might never be moved again.

A large chunk of Bitcoin has also been intentionally sent to one of various 'burn addresses'. These are essentially Bitcoin vanity addresses with no known private key, which means that any BTC sent to the address is likely gone forever.

Over the years, a number of burn addresses have been used for a variety of purposes, including the 1CounterParty address which was used as part of Counterparty's 2014 Proof-of-Burn event. So far, well over 2,700 BTC have been sent to the more than 100 suspected burn addresses, removing around $30 million worth of Bitcoin from circulation.

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Lost Bitcoin: 3.7 million Bitcoin are probably gone forever - Decrypt

The Nitty Gritty of Bitcoin Trading | Invision Game Community – Invision Game Community

Bitcoin is a digital currency, that is used, traded, and distributed electronically, without the involvement of any moderator. Bitcoin is a well-spread peer-to-peer web. No single institution or person regulates it. Bitcoins cant be published, and their amount is very restricted, just about only 21 mln Bitcoins can ever be formed.

The Origin and History

One of the most prominent financial stories of the earlier year has been the implausible emergence of Bitcoin. The cybernetic currency was intended to reform peer-to-peer dealings; it doesnt require a medium in between like just like a bank or credit card web, any kind of exchange of private and confidential information, or any kind of transaction charges. Bitcoin was first announced as an open-source software program by a not so renowned programmer, or a team of programmers, under the code-named Satoshi Nakamoto, way back in 2009. There has been a lot of rumors about the real individuality and profile of Bitcoins creator. However, all of the people cited in those false stories have overtly refused to be Nakamoto. Nakamoto himself once claimed to be a 37-year-old man living in Japan. However, because of his flawless English accent and his software manuals not being translated in Japanese, there are fair qualms about his origin. Around mid-2010, Nakamoto moved on to other things, keeping Bitcoin in the hands of a few budding members of the Bitcoin team such as Satoshi and Gavin Andresen. It has been projected that Nakamoto possesses around one mln Bitcoins, which quantifies to roughly about $3.6 bln as of September 2017.

The Working Principle of Bitcoin

The main supporting pillar of Bitcoin is the blockchain technology. It is used to document the transactions on the network. A blockchain is fundamentally a publicly dispersed ledger; it archives every Bitcoin business ever made on a block. It allows Bitcoin digital wallets to estimate and gauge their balance that has been disbursed till now so that new businesses can be corroborated, thereby assuring the fact that they are controlled by the spender. The frankness and the successive order of the blockchain are executed with cryptography. When that blocks memory is jam-packed, it is added in chronological order to the chain of blocks. This ledger -is freely accessible on any computer in the Bitcoin grid and authenticates all bitcoin transactions, keeps the blockchain, and communicates dealings to other network computers. These processers are called nodes. As the database is stowed on a network of computers, rather than on an exclusive server, hacking or theft of Bitcoin data is practically impossible for budding and new cybercriminals. A hacker would have to breakdown into the mainstream of nodes instantaneously, a practical and nearly undoable task. There is also only a prearranged number of Bitcoins that can ever be generated, meaning that the currency cannot be undervalued in the forthcoming years by a central bank supplying more of these cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin Trading: The Important Aspects

There are quite a few reliable and competent online trading software likebitcoinsystem.app that enables the user to trade Bitcoins without any hassle and challenge.

Every time Bitcoins price upsurges, new stockholders and speculators desire their segment of profits. It is enormously simple for anyone to trade Bitcoin as the barricade for entry is so low and accessible. The primary reason why one should invest in Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies in a universal platform, is that because it is unparalleled in terms of the seamless transaction, safety, and pace. Several aspects make Bitcoin trading not only exhilarating and but also one of its kind. Moreover, Bitcoin is not fiat currency; i.e., it is not under the regulation of one single government. So, as an alternative to one single economy having dominion over the value of the asset, Bitcoins price has responded to a wide choice of events. Bitcoin operates round the clock. Dissimilar to stock markets, Bitcoin is open throughout. The reason being stock markets are definite to the country they work in and typically reflect the business hours of that countrys timeline. There are hundreds of exchanges around the world that operate round the clock, and anyone can acquire the Bitcoin on most of the global exchanges.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, in general, are ill-reputed for its fast and recurrent price oscillations. This instability, non-protection to buyers, and risk of unprecedented technical flaws still place Bitcoin trading at a doubtful place.

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The Nitty Gritty of Bitcoin Trading | Invision Game Community - Invision Game Community

Crypto Twitter hackers busted after currency sent to verified accounts – CalvinAyre.com

By now, almost everyone has heard of the massive Twitter hack that was perpetrated a couple of weeks ago, and the ease with which the scammers were able to access the giant social media platform. As the criminals sought to collect as much cryptocurrency as they could, they were stopped relatively quickly, but not before being able to pick up around $144,000. In the end, the criminals were found to be three teenagers, and their own actions led to their undoing. With more cryptocurrency companies following established financial regulations, tracing the crypto transactions to their roots was extremely easy.

The three perpetrators 17-year-old Graham Ivan Clark and 22-year-old Nima Fazeli of Florida, and 19-year-old Mason Sheppard from the U.K. led a spear-phishing campaign that allowed them to convince a Twitter employee into giving up his access to the network. That allowed them to create posts through legitimate accounts, such as those owned by Elon Musk, former U.S. President Obama and others. What they didnt count on is the advanced nature of current blockchain analysis tools, which are now sophisticated enough to almost immediately be able to trace movements on any blockchain.

Although the scammers tried to move some of their ill-gotten funds through online gambling sites, nothing they did escaped the tracking mechanisms. These also were able to follow the trails to at least one account created on the Coinbase exchange, which had been registered using the criminals legitimate personal data. After that, putting all the pieces of the puzzle together was childs play.

The belief that the digital currency ecosystem is completely private and anonymous is a fallacy that continues to be perpetrated by those who havent bothered to actually educate themselves on how Bitcoin works. Across the globe, countries have taken initiatives to ensure better transparency on blockchains, as well as to adhere to established financial regulations that govern the fiat segment. Granted, fiat had a huge head start in being better managed, but the crypto space has rapidly caught up over the past couple of years.

There have been plenty of instances where would-be criminals thought they would be safe by operating through a blockchain, only to find out that law enforcement is now smarter and better equipped to unravel the mysteries. This is precisely what Satoshi Nakamoto had hoped for when he first presented Bitcoin, positioning it as a legitimate alternative to fiat that would work within the same regulatory and legal boundaries as traditional currencies. His vision is proving to be not only possible, but viable and functional.

Bitcoin SV (BSV) has long held the belief that Bitcoin, as it had originally been presented, didnt need to be completely rewritten, as has been seen with projects like Bitcoin (BTC) and others. Those alternatives have completely ignored the essence of Bitcoin, which is why BSV can, and always has been, considered the only true BSV. The swiftness with which the Twitter scammers were brought to justice shows that everything Satoshi laid out in the Bitcoin white paper is possible, and BSV is ensuring that his vision continues.

See original here:

Crypto Twitter hackers busted after currency sent to verified accounts - CalvinAyre.com

George Gilder talks Bitcoin and ‘Who is Satoshi Nakamoto’ on London Real TV – CoinGeek

Acclaimed economist, writer, book author, investor and technology visionary George Gilder was interviewed by Brian Rose and it was aired on London Real TV recently.

Gilder is one of the leading economic and technological thinkers of the past 40 years, even touted as a technology prophet for this predictions that have eventuated many years later.

The topics discussed ranged from economics, artificial intelligence, geopolitics, global issues, big tech, Bitcoin to who he believes is behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

Brian Rose brought up the reason why George Gilder managed to find himself in London.

Youre in London to talk at CoinGeek, host Brian Rose said.

CoinGeek! CoinGeek 2020! Gilder responds.

Gilder certainly made his presence felt at the bi-annual event giving a magnificent presentation, participated in a fireside chat with Dr. Craig S. Wright and was also an avid learner in the front row.

Two significant problems that Bitcoin solves

Gilder highlights the two significant problems the world economy faces which is the collapse of internet security and the scandal of money.

Regarding the collapse of internet security, he envisions a singular blockchain to act as a new security layer for the internet where personal identities can be immutability anchored into this structure.

Regarding the scandal of money, he highlights statistics that currency trading equates to US$5.1 trillion a day amounting to 25 times all global GDP and 75 times all global trade of goods and services. The result which has only led to more trade wars, waste of computational power and entrepreneur skills.

With global money working then there would be less conflict by default, solving the central banks hacking of world money and stealing from the future. This in turn will offer reliable and offer more dependable information to entrepreneurs.

He believes a single blockchain technology can solve both of these problems which is the underlying technology that underpins the economic system of Bitcoin.

Who does Gilder believe is the creator of Bitcoin?

Brian initiated the discussion to Gilder as to who he believes is the inventor and the creator of Bitcoin behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

Youre meeting to talk with the man who you think is the real Satoshi Nakamoto, Rose stated.

Satoshi Nakamoto, probably, Craig Wright this Australian rogue really invented blockchain [Bitcoin]. It is pseudonymous this Satoshi Nakamoto, people dont know quite who he is, but it seems at least Craig Wright was central to this whole development, Gilder answered.

Gilder has publicly stated his opinion on this several times in the past.

Having had the personal honour of being at the CoinGeek Conference in London, my favourite moment was seeing Gilder sit in the front row with his pen and notepad taking notes throughout Dr. Craig S. Wrights presentation and proceeded to follow with a standing ovation.

The mutual respect between the two men cannot be denied.

How do we transition to this world of a singular blockchain?

Gilder believes the transition to a single global blockchain is already underway, and once will eventually be a standard that resembles gold. A world where money around the world is measured by the same measuring stick, without the idea of money being a feature of sovereignty and a property of nation states similar to the gold standard up until 1971.

As long as people imagine that money is a measuring stick. It is not a speculative asset, as long people think that they get rich by HODL they are going to fail.

Touted as a technology futurist who has an impeccable track record, he placed his bet on who he thinks has the best chance of success.

Many of them have failed, more than half of them have failed. Ultimately, one of them is going to get it right, maybe Satoshi [Craig] is going to get it right, Gilder concluded.

Hear what George Gilder has to say about Bitcoin when he speaks at CoinGeek Live this fall. Free registration is available at CoinGeekConference.com.

The original Bitcoin created by Dr. Craig S. Wright under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto can be found under the ticker BSV.

New to Bitcoin? Check out CoinGeeksBitcoin for Beginnerssection, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about Bitcoinas originally envisioned by Satoshi Nakamotoand blockchain.

See the article here:

George Gilder talks Bitcoin and 'Who is Satoshi Nakamoto' on London Real TV - CoinGeek

Ethereum (ETH) Is Continuation of Satoshis Vision, Says Founder Vitalik Buterin – CryptoComes

Vitalik Buterin, the Russian-Canadian prodigy who co-founded Ethereum, claims that his brainchild is not opposed to Bitcoins elusive creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, in his latest tweet. In fact, Buterin says that Ethereum is actually a continuation of Satoshi'svision.

With this statement, Buterin shows his commitment to fighting the tribalism that is prevalent within the cryptocurrency community.

After co-founding Bitcoin Magazine in 2012, Buterin went on to work on his own project that would expandcryptos use cases far beyond financial transactions. This ended up becoming the second-largest blockchain that recently celebrated its fifth anniversary.

Back in June 2017, Ethereum came close to surpassing Bitcoins market cap, securing a 31 percent market share. With Ethereum starting to significantly outperformBitcoin this year due to the DeFi explosion, the flippening narrative is picking up steam again. This inevitably led to heated debateabout what isactually driving the recent market rally.

This year, Buterin himself took a couple of veiled and not-so-veiled swipes at the bellwether coin himself. Back in May, he argued that Bitcoin was more centralized than Ethereum, which ruffles the feathers of Bitcoin maximalists.

After Bitcoiners joined forces with Tron CEO Justin Sun, Buterinmade a clumsy historical comparison between their bizarre alliance and the Axis powers.

On the heels of the mushrooming growth of synthetic BTC-backed ERC 20 tokens, Buterin also made a controversial remark that Ethereum could end up in first place:

Another thing that could happen is that there's just more and more demand for this, and Ethereum becomes that of the primary place where Bitcoin activity happens.

Speaking about the unknownidentity behind the nameSatoshi Nakamoto, whose vision Ethereum is supposed to represent, Buterin opined that it helps to detach the project from its creator and prevent someone from misinterpreting his ideas:

All that's remaining if that whole process is the thing itself then I think no one can go, and try to and if interpret any of your other behavior.

Notably, self-proclaimed Satoshi Craig Wright, the main backer of the infamous Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) fork, sued Buterin for calling him "a fraud,"but the lawsuit went nowhere.

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Alex covers all things crypto from major projects, which are fighting tooth and nail to gain the upper hand in the burgeoning industry, to the latest regulatory trends around the world. Hes a firm believer that Blockchain has the potential to reshape pretty much every business out there, and cryptocurrencies are only a stepping stone to the upcoming decentralized revolution.

See the original post:

Ethereum (ETH) Is Continuation of Satoshis Vision, Says Founder Vitalik Buterin - CryptoComes

TAAL Files Second Patent for Layer 1 Token Technology to Enable Smart Contracts Built on Bitcoin SV and in Direct Competition to Ethereum ERC-20…

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -TAAL Distributed Information Technologies Inc. (CSE: TAAL) (FWB: 9SQ) (OTCQB: OTC: TAALF) ("TAAL" or the "Company") announces that its operating subsidiary has filed a second patent application (the "Patent Application") with the United Kingdom patent office with respect to its newly acquired Layer 1 token blockchain technology for the BSV (Bitcoin SV) network.

Layer 1 tokens are validated by computers operating on the blockchain directly, unlike more common Layer 2 token systems which require separate Layer 2 protocol servers. Processing transactions directly on the network is synergistic with TAAL's vision and roadmap for its core business of blockchain transaction processing as it allows different ways of creating more transactions and thus facilitates an expansion of the fee market available to TAAL. The fee market is an important pillar of TAAL's revenue strategy.

Bitcoin SV has proven scalability in both transaction volume/capacity and block size that has been demonstrated on the BSV stress test network (1 gigabyte sustained) and BSV main network (360 megabyte peak) that is unequaled by any other blockchain technology. Jerry Chan, TAAL's CEO, said "We are proud to be involved in delivering this ground-breaking initiative to market and look forward to working with our enterprise clients and development partners to expand the ecosystem for smart contract technology on the Bitcoin SV platform."

Layer 1 tokens, to this point, has been primarily the domain of Ethereum, whose ecosystem of Layer 1 tokens is currently recognised as the largest in the blockchain industry, and this technology opens the door for the migration of legitimate tokens that require enterprise level scaling to the Bitcoin SV network.

In April 2020, TAAL entered into a US$1m licensing deal with nChain Group Holdings Limited ("nChain") to secure access to critical IP to support its development of transaction processing capabilities. This patent builds on top of nChain's extensive intellectual property portfolio and creates an array of opportunities for innovative and disruptive solutions which are at the heart of the blockchain technology delivered by Satoshi Nakamoto when he published his Bitcoin white paper in 2008.

The Patent Application will underpin the launch of associated technologies and platforms and reinforces Bitcoin SV's position as the leader for enterprise use cases.

In consideration of acquiring the intellectual property underlying the Patent Application, TAAL's operating subsidiary has entered into a royalty agreement with the inventor.

Developers and enterprise clients wanting to discuss use cases and/or access to this Layer 1 token technology should contact TAAL via [emailprotected].

About TAAL Distributed Information Technologies Inc.

TAAL is a Canadian-based technology company leading in enterprise scale blockchainbased information management and security through Bitcoin SV and other SHA-256 based digital asset platforms.

The CSE, nor its Regulation Services Provider, accepts no responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Certain statements included in this news release constitute "forward-looking information" as defined under applicable Canadian securities legislation. The words "will", "intends", "expects" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking information, although not all forward-looking information will contain these identifying words. Specific forward-looking information contained in this news release includes, but is not limited to statements regarding: the expansion of the transaction processing fee market, the launch of technologies and platforms associated with Layer 1 tokens and the viability of the BSV network as an alternative to the Ethereum network. These statements are based on factors and assumptions related to historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments. Since forward-looking information relates to future events and conditions, by its very nature it requires making assumptions and involves inherent risks and uncertainties. TAAL cautions that although it is believed that the assumptions are reasonable in the circumstances, these risks and uncertainties give rise to the possibility that actual results may differ materially from expectations. Material risk factors include the future acceptance of Bitcoin SV and other digital assets and risks related to information processing using those platforms, the ability for TAAL to leverage intellectual property into viable income streams and other risks set out in Item 20 Risk Factors of TAAL's Form 2A Listing Statement dated July 31, 2018 and elsewhere in TAAL's continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR at http://www.sedar.com. Given these risks, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information contained herein. Other than as required by law, TAAL undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking information to reflect new information, subsequent or otherwise.

SOURCE Taal Distributed Information Technologies Inc.


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TAAL Files Second Patent for Layer 1 Token Technology to Enable Smart Contracts Built on Bitcoin SV and in Direct Competition to Ethereum ERC-20...

Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto? An Introduction to Bitcoin’s …

The true identity of the creator of Bitcoin is one of the biggest mysteries in the modern world. Over the years many theories have popped up about who Satoshi Nakamoto really is, including a time traveler, a space alien, a rogue artificial intelligence or a front for groups such as the NSA, CIA and Yakuza. This article will present only the known facts about him and the more likely candidates who people suspect may be be the elusive figure.

Also Read: 10 People Who Might Be Satoshi Nakamoto

The name Satoshi Nakamoto is an alias used by the person or entity who created Bitcoin to hide their true identity. He claims to be Japanese, born on April 5, 1975 and reside in Japan but people doubt this due to his native-level command of the English language as well as his preference of working hours more consistent with the U.K. time zone than Asia. Satoshi is a Japanese boys name that means one with wise ancestry and he is presumed to be male.

Nakamoto was the first to solve the double-spending problem for a decentralized digital currency, creating a new asset, the likes of which the world had never seen before: Bitcoin. In October 2008, Satoshi published the original whitepaper, describing his blueprint for a A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. In January 2009 he released version 0.1 of the source code and launched the cryptocurrency by mining the genesis block. The founder continued to work on the software project for about another year and a half before disengaging from active development.

Nobody knows why Satoshi Nakamoto really decided to disappear without ever revealing himself or even cashing out some of the billions of dollars his early minted coins are now worth. This has provided fertile ground for speculation, educated guesses and outright conspiracy theories. Researchers have pored over the few data points left by the mysterious figure, trying to analyze his vocabulary, his way of writing and other clues to find some hints to his true identity.

Lets have a look at some of the names that have been put forward as possible Satoshis.

Dorian Nakamoto is the man with the friendly face most people now associate with the creator of Bitcoin. He was outed as Satoshi in March 2014 by Newsweek Magazine, which created a media frenzy around him and greatly disrupted his life. Dorian has denied having any connection to the development of cryptocurrency but eventually embraced a role of a mascot of sorts for the community.

The evidence cited by the magazine includes the fact that Dorian was actually born with the name Satoshi. He was trained as a physicist at Cal Poly University and worked as a systems engineer on classified defense projects and a computer engineer for technology and financial information services companies. Nakamoto also has libertarian tendencies and encouraged his daughter to have a business not under the governments thumb. And when he was first asked about Bitcoin, Nakamoto mistakenly thought it was a question about one of the classified projects he did for U.S. military contractors and said: I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it. Its been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection. For a more detailed look at Dorian as Satoshi Nakamoto see here.

Hal Finney was a cryptographic pioneer, cypherpunk activist and the first person ever to receive a bitcoin transaction. Coincidentally or not, he also was a neighbor of Dorian Nakamoto. A Caltech engineering graduate and a developer for the PGP Corporation, he had the required skills to create a cryptocurrency from scratch and was the first person to improve the Bitcoin source code after Satoshi.

Finney died in August 2014 and was cryopreserved by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. Hopefully one day the technology to revive him will be invented and he can provide more clarity on the issue if it has not been resolved by then. For now you can see all the many facts pointing to Hal being Satoshi here.

Nice Szabo, self-described Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contracts pioneer, was in contact with like Hal Finney and his name often comes up as a possible Satoshi despite his claims otherwise. People who think he may be the creator of Bitcoin point out his proposal for a decentralized currency called bit gold from 2005 which uses similar concepts to those eventually perfected by Bitcoin. For a breakdown of the facts pointing to Nick Szabo being Satoshi see here.

Craig Wright is mostly thought of as a conman these days but there was once a time when some of the most prominent names in the crypto community thought he was Satoshi. This abrasive character is an Australian academic and businessman who first emerged in December 2015 with reports in Wired and Gizmodo. Since then he tried to force people to accept him as the creator of Bitcoin in various unconvincing ways, such as lawsuits against his critics. For the latest developments in the Craig Wright claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto saga see here.

Paul Le Roux is a much scarier Satoshi candidate who came to light from the legal cases around Wright. Le Roux is a former encryption software programmer and vicious cartel boss turned informant to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. After he was arrested in September 2012 for conspiracy to import narcotics, the criminal mastermind admitted to participating in seven murders. See this link for more on why Satoshi Nakamoto could be Paul Le Roux.

Other less discussed possible Satoshi candidates include cypherpunk pioneer Ian Grigg, Japanese mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki and tech mogul Elon Musk.

Elon Musk is mainly involved in the cryptocurrency sphere as a meme lord and casual troll, but he too had to deny being the creator of Bitcoin. As the founder of Paypal, Tesla, Spacex and a multitude of other companies in different fields, Musk probably has the ability to learn whatever skills he needs to create a cryptocurrency from scratch.

In November 2017 a former intern at Musks rocket company by the name of Sahil Gupta presented the case that his old boss was really the founder of Bitcoin. A Yale University computer science student at the time, he claimed that Musk had both a preference and an excellent grasp of the C++ programming language like Satoshi did.

Gupta also pointed out that the stability of the financial system was a major global concern in 2008, and Musk is someone who identifies the most urgent problems of our time and dedicates his time to solving them, suggesting he had the drive to solve the lack of trust in banks by creating a currency that doesnt need them. He also claimed the tech mogul had a deep understanding of economics and cryptography needed to write the Bitcoin whitepaper.

Musk, who is already a billionaire many times over thanks to Paypal and Tesla, also wouldnt be tempted to cash out his old coins in a hurry. But the massive stash of BTC and BCH could be used to kickstart the Martian economy once he is out of reach of the IRS on the surface of the red plant. So perhaps he is Satoshi after all and is just using humor to misdirect?

What do you think about the possible identity of the creator of Bitcoin? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock.

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Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto? An Introduction to Bitcoin's ...

Satoshi Nakamoto – Bitcoin Wiki

For the unit, see satoshi (unit).

Satoshi Nakamoto is the founder of Bitcoin and initial creator of the Original Bitcoin client. He has said in a P2P foundation profile[1] that he is from Japan. Beyond that, not much else is known about him and his identity. He has been working on the Bitcoin project since 2007.[2]

His involvement in the Bitcoin project had tapered and by late 2010 it has ended. The most recent messages reportedly indicate that Satoshi is "gone for good"[3].

He left some clues about why he is doing this project with the inclusion of the following text in the Genesis block, "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks".

Some interesting quotes:

Yes, [we will not find a solution to political problems in cryptography,] but we can win a major battle in the arms race and gain a new territory offreedom for several years.

Governments are good at cutting off the heads of a centrally controllednetworks like Napster, but pure P2P networks like Gnutella and Tor seem to beholding their own.[4]

His identity and nationality are unknown.

He is entirely unknown outside of Bitcoin as far as anyone can tell, and his (never used) PGP key was created just months prior to the date of the genesis block. He seems to be very familiar with the cryptography mailing list, but there are no non-Bitcoin posts from him on it. He has used an email address from an anonymous mail hosting service (vistomail) as well as one from a free webmail account (gmx.com) and sends mail when connected via Tor. Some have speculated that his entire identity was created in advance in order to protect himself or the network. Perhaps he chose the name Satoshi because it can mean "wisdom" or "reason" and Nakamoto can mean "Central source".

Ultimately the design of Bitcoin and its use of cryptographic proof and fully open implementation is one that makes its creator, in a sense, irrelevant and only of interest for historical reasons.

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Satoshi Nakamoto - Bitcoin Wiki

Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi Nakamoto is an amalgamation of …

Satoshi Nakamoto is an amalgamation of (Tominaga Nakamoto) and Ash Ketchum (; Satoshi).

The name wasnt something that I spent months and months on deciding, and it doesnt mean anything related to what you see on the wikis. Rather, it was an attempt at privacy.

Id met Tim May back in the 80s when I was involved with DECUS under a number of SunOS groups. There were of course the black sheep groups such as the cypherpunks. For a start, I understand that anarchy is a utopian pipe-dream. Unfortunately, when you get groups of people who have little interaction with the real world, they are starting to believe stories and myths of a society that can exist without order. Worse, they start to believe in computerised order, the singularity, and that code is law. A few of us got on, but for the most part I was ridiculed by people who refused to understand that risk is a probabilistic ideal and can never be perfected and removed. More importantly, I was ridiculed by people with no idea of people or society.

There is a lot to be said for a classical Western education.

The moniker, Satoshi Nakamoto, was simply a way of being able to work and have some privacy in my life.

It was both a homage to Tominaga Nakamoto and a play on the second. The Economist had an article in 1988, and it featured the phoenix of rising money; in order to make some fun out of it, I used Ash (aka Satoshi) from the Pokemon fame.

Funny enough, most of the lawyers I speak to get it. When you actually explain the technology behind Bitcoin, those who have a grounding in law and economics start to see the system. Privacy and anonymity are polar opposites. I am Wesleyan. If you understand that, youll start to understand my philosophy on wealth. If you read Andrew Carnegies The Gospel of Wealth, and not just the title without moving forward, you may start to understand my long-term plans. Unlike Andrew Carnegie, I dont plan to retire in my 50s, nor in my 60s, nor in my 70s, nor even in my 80s.

There is a lot of work remaining to get Bitcoin to where I want it to be. I expect at least 30 years of work to do so. At that point, I am hoping it will be sufficiently advanced so that others can carry it forward. Having said so, within the year it will be locked with the protocol fixed and the asinine changes removed.

From here, once it is set in stone, it will remain set in stone.

Code is not law. Those lazy of thought and mind enough to believe that they can abrogate the responsibility that they have to the society they live in deserve all they get. In a democracy, you have the right to seek change. It does not mean people will agree with you. If you dont like the law, work to change it. The great men of history are not great because they sought to throw away the law, they are great as they sought to align it to freedom.

It is simple to say that things should be different.

It is difficult to stand up and take the brunt of the attacks that come to one who stands against the status quo. It is simple to say things should be different, but it is incredibly hard to have the courage to stand up and fight for change. There are many ways to seek change in our society.

Anarchy is not one of them and never can be. It is simply the path to destruction. It is the path to totalitarian control, a path that those who promote it seek. They do so as wolves leading lambs.

I knew that eventually I would no longer be able to be secret. I knew that my past and my involvement would start to come out, but I had hoped for a longer period of time. The irony that few saw is concealed in the name.

Tominaga was a merchant and philosopher. He wrote during the Tokugawa period of Japan.

The time for remaining in the shadows has passed. Tominaga taught us that concealment is the beginning of the habit of lying and stealing.

He was an anti-traditionalist, a logician, and an early capitalist in the days of mercantilism. He once said, our age today is one of corruption by liars and robbers. We remain in such an age. Money has been corrupted. We create synthetic systems of synthetic systems designed with nothing more than a goal to move numbers between systems. Money from Main Street to Wall Street and away from where its needed.

We see the same again in what we call crypto.

The frauds and the charlatans seek to pump false gains, and they say that what they do is about democratising freedom, and in fact they seek to remove the controls that protect the average person so that they can better engage in their Ponzi schemes and scams. Nobody wins by having ICOs. They are no different to the dematerialised penny shares that floated around the Internet in the 90s as web IPOs. Unfortunately, all too many of us are too young to remember or were not exposed enough to the Internet at the time.

People know very little about my life. My belief system aligns well with Nakamoto Tominagas. He promoted the doctrine of simplicity and honesty. It is not, as some such as Gandhi have promoted, the abandonment of technology but rather the use of technology as capital. Rather than seeking simply to escape from work, we find ways to improve what we are doing and extend it, to create more, to build, and to evolve.

The irony of those attacking and calling what Im doing a lie is that they do not even seem to understand the value of truth.

I always liked the Japanese way of thinking, the only philosophical theories of the Indian and Chinese Buddhists too profound and abstract to infiltrate into the minds and thoughts of the common people within early Japan. It led to a simplification but also, for quite some time, a difference in how intellectuals were perceived. As with the Roman Republic, the people at the time were not anti-intellectual but rather avoided the trap of intellectual society as they created based on logic and simple truths.

Tominaga was the Eastern Voltaire.

Nakamoto always said, concealment is the start of lying and stealing. I will say, anonymity in its truest form is the heart of crime and deception. Those seeking to tell you that anonymity is in any way like privacy are seeking to draw you into the shadows. They are the wolves who seek your fleece.

To create Bitcoin, I used the very system of thought it is designed to collapse. Those with socialist tendencies, and yes, anarchy is in all forms aligned to socialism, tend to think in terms of religious mysticism. If you have read Nakamoto Tominagas surviving works, you may come to understand the same. All of what I have said and done is hidden in plain sight. Such was the nature of my company, Panoopticrypt. It means, all that is hidden.

When you understand the difference between privacy and anonymity and how the latter destroys the former, you start to understand the deceptive call that the mystic makes on society in the pervasive and insidious call to a utopia.

Although I liked Tim, I knew in the 90s that I needed to find something else. I knew it would be my life goal, after reading Wei Dais juvenile and ill-conceived call for b-money:

I am fascinated by Tim Mays crypto-anarchy. Unlike the communities traditionally associated with the word anarchy, in a crypto-anarchy the government is not temporarily destroyed but permanently forbidden and permanently unnecessary. Its a community where the threat of violence is impotent because violence is impossible, and violence is impossible because its participants cannot be linked to their true names or physical locations.

Bitcoin was designed to scale to create something more than the casino that is finance. It is not the exchange that people called the market that allows growth in the creation of capital but rather the exchange of goods between individuals for consumption. A market is not the casino we call the exchange. Such lies need to end.

My revolution is not cypherpunk.

I took all they had, and I created something more. Bitcoin destroys anonymity in all its forms. It allows privacy, takes all that such people sought to do, their foolhardy desire to create a utopia, and changes it allowing Main Street, those that seek to work and create. The proletariat. The middle class. The average person seeking to create a life. It builds a society for them.

It is nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune but as you take arms and oppose them. Not to die or to sleep, not to end. To see not calamity and long life, the whips and scorns of time are hard and challenge the patient merit as the unworthy take acts of pale thought against us.

The bare bodkin is insufficient to pierce the armour of the man with a passion to change the system corrupting us. Social media need no longer make conscious cowards of the soul, for when we go forward we will know that those who seek to attack us must face reality and cannot hide in the shadows of the great pith and little movement.

In the present world of finance, what Tominaga would have called a world of decadence, a place where many people are cheating and stealing and creating ICOs, it is intolerable that in allowing those who teach the lies, the utopian view that code is law and that a world can exist without order, we should let it occur and not stand to oppose it. Those people who say that they are bringing freedom as they seek what they call a democratisation of finance protect the corruption that seeps through it rather than oppose vices.

They all imitate a habit of secrecy. They create rules and hierarchies. They enact systems that are deplorable but operate through secret instructions and techno-mystical religious dogma designed not to create, not to build capital but to enable the transmission of secrecy. They tell you they seek truth, yet in reality they obscure and they cheat.

Bitcoin ends all of it. Not in minutes, not in days, and not quickly. None of it occurs in Internet time.

The path forward is already set in stone. And right now, I dont care whether you believe me. I have my own way of doing things, and most importantly, the first part is to understand that code is not law.

In the period coming up in the growth and development of what Im creating, you come to understand who I am and what I have created and why. In time, there wont even be any doubt, but it is my time and my way to choose.

Most importantly, Im not going to do anything in any way that aligns with the lies that are taught by the crypto community. I am going to teach you how flawed, how insidious, and how evil the heart of code as law really is. Im going to teach you about the frauds that they propagate, the lies that they use, and the totalitarian ends that they seek to bring as they try to enslave you.

The end of the long road that one steps on in seeking a world where code acts as law is one without humanity. Code is inflexible, there is no heart or soul in code. The strength of the law is that it can be flexible. It is not fixed and unalterable, and can bend.

I was a part of the movement that was the cypherpunks. Not because I agreed but because it needed to be stopped. When you understand Bitcoin, when you understand a sound system of money that acts to allow exchange privately but with an immutable evidence trail, you will start to understand why I created Bitcoin.

I created Bitcoin to ensure that the world the ignorant seek to create, the totalitarian utopia by those seeking a world based on an inflexible code-is-law algorithmic system, never evolves.

I spent 20 years designing Bitcoin. I started in 1998, and went through more iterations than I can ever hope to imagine and remember before finally coming up with something that worked. Welcome to freedom; it comes through a system that consumes utopians and spits them out. The system within Bitcoin is stronger than you believe, and it was designed to not work in many other ways. It takes nave idealism, and crushes it if it does not evolve into something of considered thought.

It no longer matters whether you like it; Bitcoin was carefully considered, and no blockchain-based system ever allows you to create the totalitarian utopia that is the ultimate dystopia of a world where code is law and order is crushed in anarchy.

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Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi Nakamoto is an amalgamation of ...

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Examining Nine Potential …

@TKThomas Kuhn, CFA

Crypto, Markets, Trading

Hes not the messiah, hes a very naughty boy! The Fed

Theidentityof the revered Satoshi Nakamoto has been a mystery since Bitcoins inception in 2009. Nakamoto is often imagined as a Ted Kaczynski type character a reclusive, complicated man with great intelligence and strongly held anti-establishment political beliefs. If the comparison is fair, then the Bitcoin whitepaper is to Satoshi what the manifesto is to the Unabomber, in Satoshis anarcho-capitalist act of subversive genius.

For reference, 4 of his proofs can be found herei,ii,iii,iv

Shininchi Mochizuki certainly seems like he is capable of the genius behind Bitcoin, and his perseverance and personality seems to fit the model, as a reclusive contributor who uses systematic logical structures to revolutionise the world.

Nakamoto called the police to remove Newsweek from his property adding I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss itIts been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection. For Newsweek this was a smoking gun.

Nakamoto version Dorian is described as collecting model trains with a career shrouded in secrecy, having done classified work for major corporations and the U.S. Military. The mind boggles at such hinting. Mr Nakamoto the human does share some personality characteristics with who we imagine Satoshi to be. He is reported to be a libertarian, promoting independence from government, taxes and authority, a dedicated worker performing secretive security work. The Newsweek article Is somewhat compelling and he fits the archetype. He is also linked to another man on the list, living only blocks away from Hal Finney, himself a friend of Nick Szabo.

There are other comical explanations. A litigious Australian man,Craig Steven Wrightfeels deeply invested in the Bitcoin protocol, claiming to be Satoshi. His public performances belie a sense of resentment and superiority to the Blockchain community. There is also a sense of the firebrand preacher in Wright, of Fire, of trust-less de-centralised transactions, and of brimstone. It betrays his history as a religious man, of a NSW Uniting church Trustee and who had originally intended on being a man of the cloth.

"'Hello' He Lied"

His relationship toDavid Kleimanand their status as pioneers in Bitcoin Mining provides evidence that at the least, both men were significantly involved in the very early stages of Bitcoin.

Of things that are known and agreed upon about the early stages of Bitcoin, it can be established thatHal Finney, a pre-bitcoin cryptographic pioneer, was the second person after Satoshi to use and interpret the Bitcoin protocol. In the original test of the system, Finney was the recipient of ten coins, an amount worth almost $200,000 USD at the peak in November 2017. Finney corresponded with Nick Szabo and lived close to Dorian Nakamoto. Perhaps Satoshi the reclusive genius archetype is more than a lone individual?

The pirate-like Paul le Roux is another name put forward from time to time. Le Roux was born a year after Elon Musk, next-door to South Africa. When Elon Musk founded X.com in 1999, le Roux created E4M in the same year. The software was a free, open-source disk encryption software program for Microsoft Windows. This encryption service promised to keep data on computers safe, later updated anonymously to the more famous encryption service software TrueCrypto circa 2004.

If le Roux is Satoshi, it would mean he was beginning a planned expansion into illegal activities during the Global Financial Crises, creating Bitcoin in between drug-dealing, arms trafficking and money laundering. If he sounds busy that year, consider that Elon Musk had been CEO, majority owner and head rocket designer at SpaceX as well as starting Tesla and a solar panel installer at the same time.

So if the reason why Satoshi Nakamoto has not been heard of for so many years is because he is in jail, we can expect to hear from him circa 2041, when le Roux exits jail he earned as a result of his criminal history including drugs, murder and arms dealing, potentially casually creating digital gold in between sending mercenary hit-men on gold trading expeditions across Africa and Europe.

If true, it would take a convicted criminal, set on a similar path to Elon Musk from a similar place, and write him back with Musk as an individual who fundamentally changed human civilisation.

Middle name: Solotshi?

In Satoshis own recorded written history, He disapproves of His image as a mysterious shadowy figure and stops responding to one developer who accepted an invitation to speak at the CIA headquarters as a Bitcoin advocate. The mysterious Satoshi once again retreated to the shadows, hoping to disassociate themselves, or any other person, indeed any other single and living, breathing organism as the individual identity known as Satoshi who is behind the magical internet money known as Bitcoin. Is it possible that this was a role thrust upon, and denied by Nakamoto, Dorian?

In any case, it is likely that for such asystematicthinker, (who seeks to disassociate their real, individual identity from their ideas) that the idea of Bitcoin is manifested by its own virtues, of its own systematic design. In this conceptualisation, Bitcoin is a product of almost supernatural forces, not so much by the animal spirits of the market or the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith as by a transcendent act of self-creation in its creative but systematic technological protocol. In the perspective of it being a pure and systematic abstract idea that matches significant and real problems in the physical world, Bitcoin is created by Bitcoin.

Then is Bitcoin not invented, but discovered like gravity? Like relativity?

Perhaps one way of conceptualisingwho Satoshi is, may be that he is none of these people at all, or perhaps all of them (or remove who you will). The Bitcoin protocol represents the achievements of mankind, where the corruption of political power on central banking and manipulation of the money supply elicit a response, a solution! The corrupted system had threatened the existence of the modern financial system, and by virtue of that, a break-down of any global order at all. A sea-people-like civilisation threatening event.

Out of this threat came a large and interconnected set ofhighly capable and motivated peoplewho sacrificed their time and energy to take a risk on possibly having a solution to the problem of centralised forms of money. It is without a doubt that (most of) these (great) individuals deserve our respect. We will always hypothesise about the individual identity of the man we call Satoshi. But for each of these men who are not Satoshi, we are still left with contributions ofgenius, from people who take on the problems of the world, who work towards universal solutions for global problems, who do it on the shoulders of their forebearers with little conventional reward. There are many, many real people with identifiable names who are working on this project today who fit this description. This archetype represents some of the greatest sacrifices and greatest achievements of human endeavour. And even though it can go devastatingly wrong in the case of a man like Ted Kaczynski, for every Unabomber, there is at least one Satoshi.

Not a bad list of candidates!

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Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Examining Nine Potential ...

Recalled the famous word of Satoshi Nakamoto – Somag News

Fidelitys digital asset arm, Fidelity Digital Assets, which has over $ 7 trillion of assets under its management, recalled a famous phrase by Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin.

Fidelity Digital Assets (FDA) mentioned Satoshi Nakamoto in a report evaluating the interest and investment in Bitcoin.

As is known, the FDA is linked to Fidelity through parent company Fidelity Management & Research (FMR). One of the worlds largest financial services companies, Fidelity manages an estimated $ 7 trillion of assets.

According to the findings of the research, the FDA stated that Bitcoin is a popular and desirable value-keeping tool, although it has not been researched much by its investors. In addition, it was reported that investors saw Bitcoin a value-saving tool that will be used by many more people in the future.

This perspective of people on BTC reminds the famous word of Satoshi Nakamoto, which he also added to the report of the FDA:

It might make sense to take a little, if he holds it. If a sufficient number of people think like this, then this would be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Although Bitcoin investors are concerned about volatility, they believe BTC will be a value-keeping tool in the long run.

As FDA has stated in its thesis, volatility is expected to continue to decrease as more people buy Bitcoin.

The investors, who were asked by the FDA about their thoughts, believe that the next wave of awareness and adaptation will be provided by external factors. These external factors mean that governments and central banks have unprecedented acceptance of Bitcoin.

The factors that will be effective in the long-term adaptation are the new generation people who take BTC with some of the legacies that will remain with them from their families, or that people switch to Bitcoin again in order to protect themselves from inflation occurring slowly and solidly all over the world.

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Recalled the famous word of Satoshi Nakamoto - Somag News

The Impact of Inflation on Crypto Adoption – Finance Magnates

By simple definition, inflation is an increase in the price level of a selected basket of goods and services produced in an economy. The inflation rate is a concept that measures the percentage change in the prices over a certain period of time. Inflation impacts the purchasing power of a nations currency, higher inflation means a decrease in purchasing power. Rising prices affect the cost of living, the cost of financing, and the cost of doing business in a particular country. Some countries are battling with hyperinflation, Venezuela ranked number 1 with a skyrocketing inflation rate of 19,906% in 2019, according to the latest data released by Statista. Zimbabwe came at the second spot with an inflation rate of 255%. Argentina ranked third with a 53% inflation rate. A higher inflation rate had a negative impact on their respective currencies. The Venezuelan Bolivar depreciated more than 1000% in less than a year against the US dollar. Argentinian Peso depreciated around 50% in the last 1 year.

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Hyperinflation and a weak national currency opens the door for digital innovation, and whats better than the cryptocurrencies? For all those people who dont know what crypto is all about, it all started with a research paper in 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper with the title Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. Nakamoto developed Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer version of electronic cash to allow payments to be sent from one party to another without the involvement of a third party. Bitcoin, also known as the Digital Gold gained popularity with the time and many cryptocurrencies emerged after Bitcoin with specific purpose and usability. Ethereum, Tether, XRP, and Bitcoin Cash to name a few. As of writing, the overall market cap of cryptocurrencies stands at around $310 billion. One Bitcoin is now worth more than $10,000 as the market cap of Bitcoin alone is around $200 billion.

So, the question here is that whats the relation between inflation and cryptocurrencies? Well, inflation is helping crypto adoption significantly. (John Boyd, Ross Levine & Bruce Smith 2001) published a research paper in 2001 with the title of The Impact of Inflation on the Financial Sector and discovered that the inflation rate of above 15% caused a significant drop in financial sector performance and pushed investors to find other investment alternatives. Back then, there were only two options for those investors, Gold and the US Dollar (also known as safe-haven assets), but now the popularity of Bitcoin and other crypto assets is causing a rapid adoption of cryptocurrencies in the countries suffering from high inflation rate.

Venezuelas national currency, the Venezuelan Bolivar depreciated by more than 1000% against the US Dollar in less than a year. The inflation rate in the country is skyrocketing and that helped non-traditional investment tools to take center stage. Crypto adoption in Venezuela is booming, according to the latest report, there are more than 20,000 businesses in Venezuela accepting crypto as a mode of payment including a Burger King branch in the capital city of Caracas. Hyperinflation makes it difficult for local shops and merchants to store Venezuelan Bolivar, thus making cryptocurrencies a much more stable medium of exchange. Data from LocalBitcoins, a peer-to-peer bitcoin marketplace shows that the trading volume of Bitcoin in Venezuela touched an all-time high in July 2020.

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Argentina suffered from a high inflation rate of 53%, weak economic policies, political turmoil, and debt default accelerated the currency depreciation. Argentinian Peso, the national currency of the South American nation lost more than 50% of its value in 1 year. Weak Peso helping crypto adoption in the country. Bueno Aires, the capital of Argentina and the most visited city in South America is not just another tourist hotspot, its gradually becoming the Bitcoin hotspot as more than 100 merchants in Bueno Aires now accept Bitcoin. There are 11 Bitcoin ATMs in the city. Bitcoin trading volume in Argentina reached a record high this month.

Inflation played a major role in crypto adoption, most of the countries suffering from rapid inflation reported higher trading volumes in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Depreciation of national currency encouraged investors and even small businesses to store value in crypto assets in order to hedge against the devaluation of local currency. The growing popularity of crypto assets during these difficult times shows a roadmap to even greater adoption in the future.

Bilal Jafar is Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reefew

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The Impact of Inflation on Crypto Adoption - Finance Magnates