Florissant man celebrates 95th birthday and a life of service with family and friends – STLtoday.com

After the war, Hoffman worked at Joy Manufacturing for 25 years and then Ford Motor Co. for the same amount of time.

Hoffman has five children, 10 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. One daughter, Terri Regnier, said her father was the fun dad. He coached her and her siblings sports teams and loved taking the kids and their friends to the Melvin Price Locks and Dam in Alton.

He would bring his boat and wed all pile in and water ski, Regnier said. He probably taught between 20 and 30 kids how to water ski. He could get four kids up at one time.

Pattie Jelen, another daughter, has fond memories of chopping down Christmas trees with him, piling on him with her brothers and sisters, and learning to read by sitting in his lap while he read the newspaper.

Even now, he loves being around children. Regnier teaches at St. Marks Mini School in Florissant, and Hoffman or Papa Charlie, as the kids call him visits three times a week. He said he fixes their toys, plays games with them, and helps out in the classroom.

Hoffman self-published a book in 2014 called My Life as a U.S. Merchant Marine in World War II. It recounts his experiences during the war, as well as some of his early life. He is working on a new book with the information he left out of his first one about the war, as well as stories from after his service.

Read the rest here:

Florissant man celebrates 95th birthday and a life of service with family and friends - STLtoday.com

LNP Scoreboard: Youth and recreational sports results from July 13 – LancasterOnline

Here is a listing of youth and recreational sports results reported to LNP on July 13.

To report scores, email sports@lnpnews.com.



Section One

Penn Manor Comets 6, Lampeter-Strasburg White Sox 5

Manheim Lions 8, Elizabethtown Black 7

Hempfield Black 11, Garden Spot Spartans 7

Section Two

Mount Joy Blue 11,Lampeter-Strasburg Black 1

Elizabethtown Navy 5,Manheim Township Thunder 1

Donegal Indians 7, Elizabethtown Black 1

Lititz VFW 14,Lampeter-Strasburg Blue 1

Solanco Black 16, Cedar Crest 4

Section Three

Penn Manor Blue 11, Mountville Orioles 8


Section One

Lampeter-StrasburgCardinals 11, Hempfield 7

Penn Manor 4, Manheim VFW 3

Logan Zinn notched the game-winning hit.

Donegal Indians 12, Solanco Gold 3

Section Two

Lancaster Rec 19, Cocalico Blue 3

Mountville Phillies 9,Manheim Township Lightning 8

Section Three

Manheim TownshipChargers 13, Penn Manor White 9

Mount Joy 11, Manheim VFW 9

Donegal Black 16, Solanco Grey 8

Hempfield 7, Mountville Tigers 5


Section One

Manheim Township Streaks 17, Manheim VFW 5

Section Two

Mountville Nationals 7, Lancaster SALSA 6

Garden Spot Spartans 13, Penn Manor White 5

Manheim VFW 15, Mount Joy 1



Weavertown 27, Calvary Monument 2

Leacock Presbyterian 14, Trinity 9


AO Sports Med. 16, GE Richards 7

Good Food, Inc. 17, Strasburg 2


At Overlook Golf Course

Friday, July 17

7:30 a.m. Chris Fairbanks, Jim Haus, Mark Naimoli

7:42 a.m. Trey Kuntz, Michael Turner, Scott Lumbatis

7:54 a.m. Zachary Ichter, Nathaniel Martin, Shane Glackin

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8:06 a.m. Richard Riva, Garbriel Bertini, Jon Ressler

8:18 a.m. Jordan Hagel, Will Quinn, Jeffrey Wintersteen

8:30 a.m. Andrew Fink, John Kitsock, Jason Lichty

8:42 a.m. Chris Fieger, Marc Oliveri, Thomas Michaels

8:54 a.m. Fredrick Taggart, David Denlinger, Rocky Bare

9:06 a.m. Matt Goudie, Jarred Texter, Logan Hess

9:18 a.m. Steve Brenner, Brian Groff, Derek McCarty

9:30 a.m. Matt Harnish, Jonathan Glick, Brady Frampton

9:42 a.m. Ron Weaver, Mason Wills, Michael DiSante

9:54 a.m. Hamilton McNaughton, Seth Johnston, Dan Marz

10:06 a.m. Chris North, Austin Lauver, Greg Osborne

10:18 a.m. Rob Campbell, Brock Fassnacht, Daniel Fieger

10:30 a.m. Jason Przystup, Shaun Fedor, John Barry

10:42 a.m. Marlin Detweiler, Corey Wenger, Bucky Kenneff

10:54 a.m. Paul Martin, Jim Mastromatteo, John Hughes

11:06 a.m. Mathias Wanner, Matthew Berkenstock, Joe Klazas

11:18 a.m. Frank Dano, Matt Kreider, Robby Gilbert

11:30 a.m. Darl Yoder, Keith Rodgers, Marty Sowa

11:42 a.m. Ian Albright, Eric Spence, Nathan Hertzog

11:54 a.m. Craig Kliewer, Terry Hertzog, Zachary Drescher

12:06 p.m. Kyle Harvey, Greg Monk, Benjamin Smith

12:18 p.m. Tyler Wassell, Connor Sheehan, Corey Gast



At Four Seasons Golf Club

Thursday, July 16

9:30 a.m. Logan Wagner, Connor Strine, Garrett Engle, Trevor Snyder (Boys Gold)

9:40 a.m. Ben Wilson, Colton Yenser, Brock Smith, Jonathan Glick (Boys Gold)

9:50 a.m. Jack Novis, Derek McGlaughlin, Jared Foltz, Alex Williams (Boys Gold)

10 a.m. Simon Domencic, Sean Cliff, Ben Feeman, Dante Billoni, Dante (Boys Gold)

10:10 a.m. Bobby Nicholson, Trey Rios, Matthew Wilson, Evan Jozwiak (Boys Gold)

10:20 a.m. Tanner Fackler, Jeet Patel, Tyson Mitchell, Reagan Flynn (Boys Gold)

10:30 a.m. Tyler Swartz, Brant Bomberger, Brady Wiggins, Jacob Geiter (Boys Gold)

10:40 a.m. Elle Overly, Keegan Dings, Kayla Maletto, Hannah Barrett (Girls Gold)

10:50 a.m. Tristan Groff, Jillian Fidler, Taylor Hicks, Greta Plechner (Girls Gold)

11 a.m. Sebastian Elias, Jesse Shue, Joseph Sembrot, Mark Gates (Boys Silver)

11:10 a.m. Nicholas Stramara, Jamesson Radwanski, Joseph McGinty, Ian Stefanchik (Boys Silver)

11:20 a.m. Hayden Hampshire, Austin Bortz, Isaiah Hansen, Zachary Lessley (Boys Silver)

11:30 a.m. Carter Winters, Gavin Badger, Brad Hoffman, Aiden Doyle (Boys Silver)

11:40 a.m. Drew Wilson, Alexandre Truong, Brody Mellinger, K. Holt Albertson (Boys Silver)

11:50 a.m. Ian Kennett, Lachlan Keith, Vivek Patel (Boys Silver)

Noon Gavin Bereschak, Dylan Ackerman, Jack Klazas, Kyle Ebersol (Boys Silver)

12:10 p.m. Logan Barr, Christopher Hager, Caiden Frazier, Nicholas Edelman (Boys Silver)

12:20 p.m. Martin Liu-Pahl, Kiran George, Justin Kemper, Ethan Rader (Boys Silver)

12:30 p.m. Landon Reylek, Nathan Williams (Boys Silver); Braedan Stringer, Christopher Everly (Boys Bronze)

12:40 p.m. Piper G. Smith, Mary Emma Guldi, Claire Hill (Girls Silver)

12:50 p.m. Kennedy Dings, Maggie Eckroat, Madeleine Kemmick (Girls Silver)

1 p.m. Savannah Miller, Lucy van Harskamp, Jilian Kloc (Girls Silver)

Go here to read the rest:

LNP Scoreboard: Youth and recreational sports results from July 13 - LancasterOnline

Freda Green – The Daily Standard

Monday, July 13th, 2020

Freda Green

Freda Green, age 82, of Celina, Ohio, passed away on July 12, 2020 at 12:40 pm at the Gardens in Celina. She was born on July 6, 1938 to the late Fred & Nellie (Myers) Cain in Celina, Ohio. On May 13, 1961 she married Robert Green who preceded her in death on December 12, 2009.

Freda is survived by her three children: Jeanette (Henry) Johnson of Geneva, Indiana, Ron (Cindy) Green of Celina, Ohio, and Karen Hierholzer of Coldwater, Michigan; her nine grandchildren: Keith & Luke Johnson, Joe, Josh, Jessica, Brad & Jake Green, and John & Bob Hierholzer; eleven great grandchildren a sister-in-law, Emma Cain of Panama City, Florida, and many nieces & nephews.

She was preceded in death by her husband, parents and a brother Bill Cain.

Freda was a graduate of Celina High School and went on to work many years of service in retail, primarily at Barrs in Celina. Freda adored her family and most important to her was spending time with them. Freda was very involved in Bible Studies and truly enjoyed spending time with her Bible Study Group.

Private burial will be held by family.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Mercer County Veterans Services at 200 W. Livingston St. Celina, OH 45822.

Cisco Funeral Homes are honored to care for Freda and her family. To pay your respects and to leave online condolences and memories, visit http://www.ciscofuneralhome.com or visit the Cisco Funeral Homes Facebook page.

Funeral services have been entrusted to Cisco Funeral Homes in Celina & St. Marys.

Go here to read the rest:

Freda Green - The Daily Standard

Ron Onesti: The sport of showbiz kings – Chicago Daily Herald

I always wondered what it was like to golf with those Hollywood legends who are identified with the sport almost as much as they are with showbiz!

I mean, I love to golf. Part of my daily workout routine is to hit a bucket o' balls at the local public course, then a half hour of putting practice. You would think I am pretty good because of that sort of regimen. Let's put it this way -- my handicap is the fact that I play the game! I am far from good, but at least I don't embarrass myself on the course (not very often!).

I am a player who goes out to enjoy the outdoors and the "get away from it all" aspect of the game, as well as the camaraderie with guys I play with. Who I am not is that focused player who hits a regular 300-yarder and gets upset with a bogey. I loved Bogey on the silver screen (especially in "Casablanca") and I love him on the course, too (one shot over par on ANY hole is a huge win for me)!

I remember a couple of entertainers who never went anywhere without a club in their hand: Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. When I think about it now, it seems sort of strange. Whether it was on a television variety show or USO military Christmas tour, those two were always "armed" with a driver, and not the kind behind the wheel of a Jeep!

And they always dressed the part. Bing always wore that same Stetson hat, the era's version of khaki pants, and a light sweater. Hope, always sporting a baseball cap, much of the time in tribute to a branch of the military.

One of my favorite pictures of the Great One, Jackie Gleason, shows him with his close buddy, golf legend Arnold Palmer (yes, the one who mixed lemonade and iced tea together). Jackie has a Newsboy hat on and that " and awayyyyy we go" look on his face. You gotta be old (like me) to remember that!

Speaking of Gleason and golf, who can forget the timeless "Honeymooners" skit when Ralph is all dressed up in plaid and knickers, and Ed Norton is trying to help him learn how to swing? Norton reads from the book: "Plant your feet firmly and address the ball." Ralph not understanding what is meant, Norton shows him what HE thinks it means. So Norton plants his feet firmly and says directly to the ball, "Hello Ball!" It never gets old.

Then there was the King of Cool, Dean Martin. I am lucky to be able to call Dean's daughter, Deana, my big sister. And she would regularly talk about her dad and his daily game. He would never rehearse his television shows, playing 18 to 36 holes during the day instead. When he was in Vegas, he would try to get out of hanging with Frank all night, just so he could get on the course early the next morning. He loved it.

And who can forget Johnny Carson and his theme song? It was written by a legend who has become "Uncle Paul" to me: Paul Anka. Paul told me the story that "Johnny's Theme" began as a song he wrote earlier in his career. When Carson contacted his friend to help him write a theme song for his new job, when taking over for Jack Paar on the "Tonight Show," they collaborated and came up with the iconic tune. He and Johnny would make about $200,000 a year each with royalties on the song, and it was played about 1.4 million times during Carson's 30-year stint, only to be retired when Johnny called it quits in 1992. And the song always ended with Johnny's famous golf swing!

Fast forward to rock 'n' rollers who also love the game. Probably the most famous rocker/golfer would have to be Alice Cooper. As we grew up with this devilish demon of death metal from my era, it was hard for us young fans to imagine him in his top hat, a snake around his neck, on the ninth green. But the reality is he satisfied his addictive personality with the sport when he got out of rehab. He credits the game with saving his life. Pretty powerful stuff!

Other guys who have frequented The Arcada and also like to bang their balls on a golf course include my close buddy Bret Michaels, Vince Neil of Motley Crue, Robby Kreiger of the Doors, Don Felder of the Eagles, Vince Gill, Stephen Stills and even Dweezil Zappa! There must be a scientific connection between a guitar and a 5 iron.

Yes, golf and show biz go hand in hand. It has definitely helped me get through a few select times when my head was about to explode! As I get older, Titleist has gotten as cool as Fender.

And while all this pandemic stuff is going on and we have no ticket sales to speak of, the only green I see these days is the one I see at the driving range!

Ron Onesti is president and CEO of The Onesti Entertainment Corp. and The Historic Arcada Theatre in St. Charles. Celebrity questions and comments? Email ron@oshows.com.

Read more:

Ron Onesti: The sport of showbiz kings - Chicago Daily Herald

Ron Paul: Is the Texas COVID ‘Spike’ Fake News? – OpEd – Eurasia Review

On July 2nd, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating the wearing of face masks across the state, whether indoors or outdoors, when six feet cannot be maintained between people. In the governors decree, he cited a rise in Covid cases, a rise in test positivity, and a rise in hospitalizations as justification to force people to cover their faces in public.

The move is not only a violation of the civil liberties of all Texans. Abbott may have based his executive order on inaccurate information about a rise in Covid cases due to the Texas State Department of Health Services changing the definition of what constitutes a Covid case.

Thanks goes to Collin County Judge Chris Hill for blowing the whistle on what appears to be a move in mid-May to redefine what was a Covid case to open the door to a massive increase all to match the mainstream media line that a second wave was on the way.

In a Commissioners Court hearing for Collin County on May 18th, it was revealed that while previously the determination of a Covid case was a confirmed test result, the definition was suddenly changed to count probable cases as cases. At the same time, the threshold for determining probable was lowered to a ridiculous level.

As Judge Hill said at that May 18th meeting, If you have a subjective fever and you have a headache and you live in Collin County, you now meet the qualifications to be a probable COVID patient. It is remarkable how low the standard is now.

Even worse, once a probable case was determined based on possibly unrelated subjective criteria, up to 15 people in possible contact with that probable case were also listed as probable cases. And probable cases were considered cases.

Repeat that farce across Texas and is it any wonder there was a spike in cases?

Also, Governor Abbotts claim that hospitals were being over-run by Covid patients was refuted by the Houston hospital directors themselves, who said they were nowhere near actual capacity and in fact were about the same level as they were last year.

The basis for Abbotts unconstitutional executive order has been shown to be false. Will he admit his mistake?

It is encouraging to see so many local and county officials across Texas announcing they will refuse to enforce Governor Abbotts unconstitutional face mask order. Thankfully the spirit of freedom and love of liberty is still alive in Texas.

The second wave is driven by propaganda. Across the country, Covid testing increased from about 150,000 to more than 700,000 per day. You cant drive through Houston without seeing a flurry of signs advertising Free Covid test! Results in 15 minutes! Last week Reuters reported that tests shipped around the country by the federal government were contaminated.

Deaths from coronavirus even the deaths with coronavirus rather than deaths from coronavirus are down more than 90 percent since the peak in April. The decline in deaths continues. That means we are closer to the herd immunity that will finally kill this virus. Yet Governor Abbott and others across the country see this as a reason to lock the country back down.

This article was published by RonPaul Institute.

Read more here:

Ron Paul: Is the Texas COVID 'Spike' Fake News? - OpEd - Eurasia Review

Reader: Police have more important things to do than mask patrol – Midland Daily News

To the editor:

In answer to the letter Ms. Culberson wrote, there are quite a few people due to medical conditions who cannot wear the masks. Did that ever occur to you, or were you too busy thinking only of yourself? You ought to be more worried about the rioters, looters, killers which are taking the country apart. COVID-19 is just the beginning of government control. Ron Paul said this, "Many physicians and scientists have said masks are worthless and potentially harmful. Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question."

I am sure the police have much more to do than run around to the grocery stores and look for people who are not wearing a mask or walking the wrong way down the aisle to give them a ticket. Next time when you are in the store and you see someone walking the wrong way down an aisle, just tell them to walk backward.



Read the rest here:

Reader: Police have more important things to do than mask patrol - Midland Daily News

Great Grouping: Parishioners from four Catholic churches volunteer to feed the hungry – Ellwood City Ledger

Since October, Good Samaritan in Ambridge, along with Our Lady of Peace in Conway, Saint John the Baptist in Baden, and Saints John and Paul in Franklin Park work collectively as the "Great Grouping," a reorganization of parishes in the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh thats expected to be completed next year. Volunteers operate a food bank, cook a hot meal once a week, and work with the YMCA to supply schoolchildren with meals.

AMBRIDGE Vehicles line the parking lot of Good Samaritan Parish on Glenwood Avenue at least 15 minutes before its food pantry opens. People come not only to receive boxes of canned goods; fresh fruit and produce; bread; milk; butter; juices; and frozen meat, but also for Tuesday evenings bonus: a free, hot, take-out meal.

Ron Genauldi of Ambridge, driving an older-model Chevy van, comes once a week. Immediately, a volunteer rushes to greet him.

Genauldi asks about the hot meal, which this night is chicken enchilada, Mexican rice, and mixed fruit cubes.

Hell take one.

"How about a box of produce?"

Genauldi says hes still eating the last one he got.

"I think the ministrys great for the community, especially Ambridge, especially the people that dont know they need to be down here to get some free food and some help in any way they can because they need it whether they know it or not and its a friendly place, too," he says.

Many do need it now.

Last month, The Times reported the areas April jobless rate largely due to the novel coronavirus lockdown was the highest since the collapse of the steel industry in the 1980s. Roughly 15,900 Beaver County residents were out of work. The countys unemployment rate was 18.7 percent the regions second highest up from its March jobless rate of 6.4 percent, according to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Labor and Industry. More than 2 million Pennsylvanians have filed for unemployment since mid-March.

And thats when Good Samaritan and three area Catholic churches ramped programs to serve the needy, not only in Ambridge, but surrounding communities. Some come as far as Ohio.

Since October, Good Samaritan, along with Our Lady of Peace in Conway, St. John the Baptist in Baden, and SS. John and Paul in Franklin Park work collectively as the "Great Grouping," a reorganization of parishes in the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh thats expected to be completed next year.

"Its not as arrogant as it sounds," said Cindy Deschaine of Economy, director of faith formation for the three valley churches of the self-named group. "Thats what we call ourselves. We dont have a name yet. We wont get that until next year. When the pastor went to every church, everybody would say to him, Oh, youre going to love it here. Were so great."

With the groupings various community outreach programs especially for the food insufficient the churches accomplish great things.

Good Samaritans Society of St. Vincent de Paul a lay organization that offers services to the communitys most vulnerable previously operated a food pantry, but assisted only about 20 to 30 families three times a year, Deschaine said usually at the holidays.

When the pandemic hit, the Great Grouping realized need would escalate and assumed, tweaked and expanded operations.

"We started with what they had on their shelves and put a plea out to our parishes," said Deschaine, and filmed a video posted on Facebook.

"Thats what started the donations rolling in," she said. Within three days, enough canned, boxed and other non-perishable items were received to enable volunteers to launch the new pantry.

"It was that quick of a turnaround," she said, complimenting parishioners for their generosity of not only food, but money.

"Over 200 volunteers signed up to get it off the ground. It was amazing amazing and beautiful," she said. "Now, we give out 170 to 200 boxes a week."

The pantry had buy-in from other churches and community, too.

New Hope Lutheran Church in Cranberry Township also provides food, and volunteers grocery shop for items to "fill in the gap."

"Every time we need something, it shows up," she said. "If I told you we needed jelly now, by the time I go to the pantry somebody would drive by with jelly to drop off. God truly does work in such wonderful ways for everything we do."

Each church in the grouping has a collection site and every day two volunteers from Saints John and Paul pick up whats donated and deliver to Good Samaritan where its sorted and readied for boxing.

Economy Ambulance Services hosted a food drive.

A Society of St. Vincent de Paul member delivers to elderly and shut-ins who cant come in person.

Deschaine said the grouping also works with the Center for Hope in Ambridge, which also operates a food bank.

The pantry at Good Samaritan operates from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. every day except Sunday, and from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays, simultaneously with the hot meal distribution.

The pantry and hot meals are open to anyone no questions asked, Deschaine said.

"God teaches us to give without question You have to look at each person as God sent them to you because he wanted you to help them," she said. "When you run out, come back. We dont have any checks or balance. When you need it, you come."

And Deschaine does not think anyone abuses the system.

"In the Catholic faith, we lean a lot on saints to help us lead by example," she said. One is St. Teresa of Calcutta who served the sick and poor.

When COVID-19 hit, volunteers prayed to St. Teresa every morning, said Deschaine, "to help us remember that were not there to judge another person. Were there to be that face of God to them and after truly a week, maybe two, I dont feel weve been taken advantage of at all. Everyone is here because God wants us to help them."

Each box feeds a family of four for a week, she said. Boxes are filled with cereal, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, soups, canned meats, vegetables and fruits, ramen noodles, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese. Many are brand-name products.

"Everybody gets a Little Debbie snack because we want everybody to have a smile," Deschaine said. "Thats the first thing they see when they open the box."

Plus, each box contains a trash bag and roll of toilet paper.

"Its all about preserving human dignity," she said.

As part of the federal Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, the USDAs Agricultural Marketing Service partnered with national, regional and local suppliers impacted by the closing of food-service businesses to buy and package family-sized boxes of produce, dairy and meat products for distribution to food banks, non-profits, and community and faith-based organizations serving those in need.

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Purdue expected that the first round of the Farmers to Families Food Box Program would deliver up to 40 million boxes throughout the country by June 30, according to the USDA.

Great Grouping is a recipient of the program, Deschaine said, through which it receives milk, eggs, butter, meat, bread, and fresh produce from local providers including Monteverdes Inc. in Pittsburgh; Schneiders Dairy Inc. in Whitehall; and Turner Dairy Farms in Penn Hills.

Grace Struss of New Brighton has visited once a week since June, this night picking up three dinners, a box of fresh produce, bread, and juice.

"Its very kind and giving of them," she said of Great Grouping volunteers. "We appreciate it. Theyre so helpful."

Her reaction is typical of most, Deschaine said.

Some, who never expected to find themselves in a food line, cry.

Others promise a monetary donation when unemployment checks arrive like the woman who gave Deschaine $20.

"Not that we want people to pay us back," she said. "Seeing the face of God in them is what we hope that were that face for them."

Deschaine said volunteers "definitely form relationships with the people that come through. We know who they are; what the kids names are. There have been some beautiful experiences."

One autistic boy who comes with his grandmother brings her flowers. Through their conversations, she knows his interests and favorite movie.

"We play out the lines from the movie when he comes through the line," she said.

"Its more than just giving food. Were giving fellowship to others in a very dark time in our worlds history, in our countrys history."

Good Samaritan hosted a fish fry on Friday nights until the pandemic reeled it in.

But the church still had food supplies and cooks offered to make meals and give them out, said Deschaine.

SS. John and Paul has a group called Meal Makers that prepares meals for those who are sick, facing unexpected or planned surgery, or other instances when meals are needed.

Members wanted to assist with the weekly take-out meals, too, offered Tuesdays to "anyone in need whether you are laid off, not working, or just need a little help."

Different groups in the Great Grouping Christian Mothers or choirs, for example volunteer to prepare the meal. This day Meal Makers signed up to cook, package and pass food to those who walk or drive up in the parking lot.

Nina Faber and her 14-year-old daughter, Evelyn, of Marshall Township were food runners Tuesday.

"This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to people that are in need, particularly during this time of COVID. Were all struggling," Nina said. And its a chance for her daughter to "give back and experience what it feels like to help others."

This was the first time the pair volunteered, but theyve signed up for several more times throughout the summer. "Im kind of excited by it. They make it very easy," she said,.

"I think its an amazing way to give back," Evelyn said. "And its really good to help others during this time."

Eventually, when people can gather communally, meals will be served in Good Samaritans dining hall.

And Good Samaritan became a grab-and-go meal distribution site for children when schools were shut down during the pandemic. The church partnered with the YMCA of Beaver County. Lunch is available for pick up at schools; breakfast and dinner at the church from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meals vary based on whats donated, Deschaine said. About 225 students are served.

Janet Roberto, director of outreach at Saints John and Paul, was among those loading food and produce boxes into trunks of cars and handing out hot meals Tuesday.

Why does she volunteer?

"Thats just who God made us to be. I dont know how not to," she said. "I dont mean that to sound arrogant at all. Its our responsibility just to love people where theyre at and help them. Thats just what were meant to do. Were all in this together. Theres no way around it."

To watch a video of the food pantry and hot meal distribution, visit http://www.timesonline.com.

Go here to see the original:

Great Grouping: Parishioners from four Catholic churches volunteer to feed the hungry - Ellwood City Ledger

Ron Paul Blasts ‘Fraud’ Dr. Fauci, Says Trump ‘Or the …

Former Republican Congressman and Libertarian superstar Ron Paul is calling for President Donald Trump to fire fraud Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease specialist leading President Trumps medical response to the coronavirus.

Paul asserted that if Trump doesnt get rid of Dr. Fauci, the people have to fire him

He should be fired, but if you dont do it in the literal sense, the people have to fire him, Paul said on his YouTube show the Liberty Report. They have to fire him by saying, Hes a fraud.

Fauci Should Be Fired

If Not By Trump, Then By The American People

Watch the whole show: https://t.co/R0BxsKHghJ pic.twitter.com/s66hlzgPrK

Ron Paul (@RonPaul) April 9, 2020

TRENDING: Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying 'All Lives Matter,' National Media Fully Ignores

The plan that they have is when things are getting back to normal, people can return to their work, and they do things, and go to the golf course if they get a stamp of approval, Paul said. Your liberties are there if you get a proper stamp from the government.

Its an excuse to have total control over the people, the Texas Libertarian continued.

Paul has been extremely outspoken about his belief that the coronavirus is a big hoax being used to strip Americans of their constitutional rights.

People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus pandemic could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit financially or politically from the ensuing panic, Paul wrote last month, according to a report from the Daily Caller.

Pauls son, Sen. Rand Paul, contracted the virus and has already recovered.

Watch the full episode below:

Original post:

Ron Paul Blasts 'Fraud' Dr. Fauci, Says Trump 'Or the ...

Fact check: Ron Paul claims coronavirus deadlier than flu …

The claim: The nations top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is 10 times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis. Ron Paul, former Texas congressman and candidate for president.

Paul, who is a doctor, made the claim in a column posted on his website. He also called Fauci the chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration.

PolitiFact ruling: False. We wont know for some time what the actual death rate is for people who contract the current coronavirus, COVID-19. But based on figures that are available, its indicated to be at least 10 times higher than the death rate from the flu.

Texas Take: Get political headlines from across the state sent directly to your inbox

Discussion: Pauls post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.

Fauci is taking the seasonal influenza death rate to be approximately 0.1 percent and the coronavirus to be about 1 percent, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at Johns Hopkins Universitys Center for Health Security.

PolitiFact is a fact-checking project to help you sort out fact from fiction in politics. Truth-O-Meter ratings are determined by a panel of three editors. The burden of proof is on the speaker, and PolitiFact rates statements based on the information known at the time the statement is made

While it is early in the outbreak, there is enough data to say that 1 percent is likely a fairly reasonable approximation with some scientific basis in data.

In some contexts, public health experts have said its too early in the coronavirus outbreak to know exactly what its death rate is.

While the numbers arent all precise, there is a basis for what Fauci said.

Based solely on the numbers, youre more likely to die if you get the 2019 coronavirus than if you get the flu. (Several factors apply, such as age and health.)

A study of 44,672 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in China diagnosed as of Feb. 11, 2020, from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention found a fatality rate of 2.3 percent. Other figures and studies published in early to mid-March by the World Health Organization have placed the fatality rate at 3.4 percent and 3.9 percent.

The flu death rate is much lower.

In its latest weekly report on the 2019-20 flu, for the week ending March 7, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there have been 36 million flu illnesses and 22,000 deaths. Thats a rate of 0.06%.

The case fatality ratio dividing reported deaths by reported cases is only a snapshot and the rate can vary considerably during an outbreak, the WHO said.

We will not have a clear CFR until the outbreak is over, WHO said in a statement, adding that the CFR can change if it is discovered that there are many more milder cases than originally thought, and can vary by country based demographic factors, such as age.

Read more here:

Fact check: Ron Paul claims coronavirus deadlier than flu ...

Paul WS Anderson’s ‘Monster Hunter’ Moves All the Way to 2021 – Bloody Disgusting

Weve been talking a bit about Paul W.S. Andersons video game adaptation Monster Hunter here on BD the past few days, and wouldnt ya know it, weve just learned the film has been delayed. Originally scheduled for theatrical release on September 4, 2020, Sonys Screen Gems has now moved the Milla Jovovich-starring film all the way out of 2020 and into early 2021.

Monster Hunter will now release on April 23, 2021.

[Related] Paul W.S. Anderson Teases the 60-Foot Tall Monsters Milla Jovovich Battles in Monster Hunter

Heres the official plot rundown

Behind our world, there is another: a world of dangerous and powerful monsters that rule their domain with deadly ferocity. When Lt. Artemis (Milla Jovovich) and her loyal soldiers are transported from our world to the new world, the unflappable lieutenant receives the shock of her life. In her desperate battle for survival against enormous enemies with incredible powers and unstoppable, revolting attacks, Artemis will team up with a mysterious man who has found a way to fight back.

Tony Jaa,Tip T.I. Harris, Meagan Good,Diego Boneta,Josh HelmanandRon Perlman star alongside Jovovich in the adaptation of Capcoms video game series.


Paul WS Anderson's 'Monster Hunter' Moves All the Way to 2021 - Bloody Disgusting

Taste Fore The Tour goes virtual – KARE11.com

Take part in a silent auction or donate to receive a celebrity cookbook.

Taste Fore The Tour event brings together sports fans, chefs, celebrities and restaurants in the fight against hunger.This year's 2nd annual event will be completely virtual.

The event benefits VEAP, a basic needs organization whose programs include access to healthy foods, social services housing stability and supportive services. VEAP is based in Bloomington and serves the Twin Cities area.

For this year's event, a silent auction can be accessed online through July 26. Auction items include a signed Patrick Mahomes helmet, a fishing outing with Ron Sschara, Tiger Woods signed photo collage of his wins and more. All proceeds will go to VEAP.

If you like to cook, donate $30 and you'll receive a cookbook filled with recipes from celebrities including Lindsey Vonn, Laura Schara and Carly and Jason Zucker. $30 will feed someone in need for an entire month.

To participate, visit tasteforethetour.com, or text VEAP to 56651.


Taste Fore The Tour goes virtual - KARE11.com

Local golf results, July 11, 2020 | Results – The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

Chipeta Mens League

First Flight Gross 1. Byron Miller 29; 2. Marshal Way 31; 3. (tie) Garrett Smith, Torrey Steves 32.

First Flight Net 1. (tie) Paul Keddy, Brian Hartbauer 28; 3. Colby Koerner 29; 4. Trent Steves 30.

Second Flight Gross 1. Levi Basler 35; 2. Chad Beldon 38; 3. John Crawford 39; 4. Justin Eller 40*.

Second Flight Net 1. Dave Eller 28; 2.(tie) Don Olbert, Trevor Woolley 29; 4. Jason Smith 30.

First Flight Gross 1. Mat Wakefield 26; 2. Paul Keddy 29; 3. Torrey Steves 31*.

First Flight Net 1. Trent Steves 25; 2. Ken Buterbaugh 27; 3. Byron Miller 28.

Second Flight Gross 1. Chad Beldon 33; 2. (tie) Bob Hilgenfeld, Colby Koerner 34.

Second Flight Net 1. (tie) Dick Griffin, Zach Nelson, Syd Schramm, Don Iles 27.

Closest to the pin: Paul Keddy (No. 4); Byron Miller (No. 7); Mat Wakefield (Nos. 10, 16)

Chipeta Ladies League

Gross 1. Christy Davidson 36; 2. Linda Heath 43; 3. Jenann Wakefield 45.

Net 1. Sandy Brubaker 32; 2. (tie) Ann Thomas, Kelly Mattson 34.

Adobe Creek Couples League

Four-Person Roll the Dice Scramble

1. Steven Schwartz/Melissa Harni/Larry Mallett/Mae Mallett 30; 2. Dave Kirsch/Deb Kirsch/James Danner/Michelle Danner 31; 3. Steve Slipka/Nancy Slipka/Mat Wakefield/Jenann Wakefield 32; 4. (tie) Paul Daniels/Jennifer Daniels/Mike Gregg/Wynona Mahaffey, Bob Jackson/Jan Jackson/Mark Debogorski/Darcalee Debogorski 34.

Closest to the pin: Dave Kirsch (Men No. 6); Wynona Mahaffey (Women No. 6)

Chip-in: Bob Jackson (No. 5)

Redlands Mesa Womens League

First Flight Gross 1. Tammy Warnke 83; 2. Cindy Granum 85.

First Flight Net 1. Frances Baer 67; 2. Robin Reed 73.

Second Flight Gross 1. Leah Gonyeau 96; 2. Julia Conrad 99.

Second Flight Net 1. Marjorie Genova 77; 2. Lynda Stahl 78.

Third Flight Gross 1. Christina Bybee 103; 2. Rena Carver 107.

Third Flight Net 1. Lorrie Van Dyke 68; 2. Lori Curtis 70.

First Flight Gross 1. Frances Baer 40; 2. Tammy Warnke 42.

First Flight Net 1. (tie) Cindy Granum, Jackie Skelton 34.

Second Flight Gross 1. Leah Gonyeau 43; 2. Julia Conrad 48.

Second Flight Net 1. Marjorie Genova 35; 2. Lnyda Stahl 37.

Third Flight Gross 1. Christina Bybee 48; 2. Rena Carver 50.

Third Flight Net 1. Lorrie Van Dyke 28; 2. Lori Curtis 31.

Adobe Creek Senior Mens League

Red, White & Blue Two-Man Scramble

Gross A Flight 1. Bryan Cross/Hal Kellerby 69; 2. (tie) Randy Cain/Jim Schneider, Larry Reeves/Steve Urbach 70; 4. Kent Henrie/Jim Church 72.

Gross B Flight 1. Larry Walker/Don Riggle 72; 2. Vince Gulino/Mark Greff 74; 3. (tie) Tom Holman/Ron Miller, Andy Eliopolus/John Turner 75.

Gross C Flight 1. Kevin Eubanks/Paul Kuchyt 78*; 2. Joe Burns/Bob Taylor 78; 3. Tim Bevan/Gary Wilson 80; 4. (tie) John Colosimo/Steve Colosimo, Keith Schaefer/Denzil Snow, Tim Boothe/Lou Bracket 81.

Closest to the inp: Ken Buterbaugh (Mesa No. 3); Bob Taylor (Mesa No. 6); Mike Weidrich (Desert No. 2); Tom Keenan (Desert No. 5)

Tiara Rado Day Ladies League

First Flight Gross 1. Kelly Hall/Lucille Glynn +3; 2. (tie) Julia Conrad/Linda Barrett, Cheryl Bullinger/Margorie Genova +9.

First Flight Net 1. Shirley Webb/Barb Vermedahl -7; 2. (tie) Terri Knode/Bobby Ordahl, Kathy Short/Lynda Stahl Even.

Second Flight Gross 1. Terri Martinez/Catherine Lucero +15; 2. Joyce Stonehocker/Marsha Oliver +25.

Second Flight Net 1. Kay Campbell/Catherine Lucero -11; 2. (tie) Patty Bradshaw/Joyce Taylor, Nancy Nolan/Katie Hill -1.

Kyms League

Gross 1. Mark Garcia/Noah Larsen/Torrey Steves/Brian Hartbauer 58; 2. Sonia Butler/Lee Butler/Allen Canetti/Jeff Murray 70.

Net 1. Norma Vendegna/Eloy Vendegna/Brandon Gregg/Clint Trujillo 54; 2. Elaine Schramm/Syd Schramm/Trent Steves/Koby Steves 63.

Closest to the pin: Eloy Vendegna (No. 15); Torrey Steves (No. 17)

Longest putt: Clint Trujillo (No. 13)

Read the original:

Local golf results, July 11, 2020 | Results - The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

Torrence, Johnson, Line and Krawiec Lead the Way as NHRA Returns – Autoweek

Two-time Mello Yello champ Steve Torrence earned the top spot in Top Fuel for the 25th time in his career, thanks to a solid 3.779 blast in his Capco Contractors dragster during Saturdays second qualifying session at the E3 Spark Plugs NHRA Nationals. Torrence managed to outrun all of his competitors, and a late afternoon thunderstorm, to claim the green low qualifier hat.

Torrence, who was the low qualifier five times last year and started from the No. 2 spot in his most recent appearance in Phoenix five months ago, will face off with Luigi Novelli in Sundays opening round. Clay Millican and points leader Doug Kalitta entered the final session in the No. 1 and No. 3 spots, respectively, but did not get a chance to improve before the rain hit.

One of the highlights of the Indy race has been the return of eight-time world champion Tony Schumacher after a two-year layoff. Schumacher, driving a Global Electronic Technology branded dragster, landed in the No. 7 spot with a 3.877 and will be paired with DSR teammate Leah Pritchett on Sunday morning.

Tommy Johnson Jr., winner of the most recent NHRA event in Phoenix nearly five months ago, qualified No. 4 at the first two events and is the qualifying leader in Funny Car after opening Saturdays action with a 3.983 in his MD Anderson Cancer Center Dodge. Johnson did not improve in the second session, but his 4.122 provided a competitive baseline heading into Sundays final eliminations. Johnson has the top spot for the 19th time in his career, but his reward for the top spot will be a round one matchup against his DSR teammate, Ron Capps.

To be able to carry that momentum from Phoenix into this race and not miss a beat is great, said Johnson. It looks good. Weve had a really good race car and it continues to be. Its going to be a tough day tomorrow because conditions are going to be so much different but its good to know we have a good baseline and well go from there. Testing on Friday was so valuable, you cant put a price on it. We probably wouldnt have qualified if we hadnt tested, because we had issues with our new body. We also found a problem with one of our controllers for the clutch and the fuel system. To find those issues on Friday and come out and run so good on Saturday just shows you that we needed a couple of runs to work everything out after being off for four months.


Jonnie Lindberg entered as a substitute driver in the Motorcraft Ford while Bob Tasca III continues his recovery from a bout with COVID-19. He has an excellent shot to score points for his new team with a pair of solid runs, including a second-best 3.987 and a 4.032. Lindberg has appeared in four final rounds in his nitro career but has yet to win a Wally as a professional. Hell face Bob Bode in Sunday mornings opening round.

Current points leader Fast Jack Beckman was in danger of missing the field for just the eighth time in 327 starts but the Infinite Hero team rallied with a competitive 4.050 run to move into the top half of the field. Beckmans heroics relegated Jim Campbell and Terry Haddock to the outside of the 16-car field.

A mechanical malfunction prevented Jason Line from making his second run during Pro Stock qualifying, but the Summit driver needed just one run to secure the top spot for the 56th time in his career. Line, who opened his 2020 campaign with a runner-up at the Winternationals and a semifinal in Phoenix, kept that momentum going with a 6.626 that was not bettered by any of the other 21 Pro Stock drivers on the ground at Lucas Oil Raceway Indianapolis. Five-time champion Jeg Coughlin Jr., who, like Line, has announced this as his final season as a full-time Pro Stock driver, earned the No. 2 spot with a 6.635, while reigning champ Erica Enders also racked up a few bonus points with a third-best 6.637.

I finally shifted right, Line joked. Actually, I have to give Greg [Anderson] the credit for that because he worked way harder than I did, said Line. Obviously this is a strange time and none of us really knows how to handle it. We just did the best we could. Were much better than we were when we left off from [testing in March]. I made a good run. Of course we didnt get to make two but we got it fixed and were ready for tomorrow.

The battle for the final spots in the Pro Stock field was a seesaw battle, with the bump spot changing hands several times before Alan Prusiensky finally secured his spot in the field with a 6.700 in his Hemi-powered Dodge. Rookie drivers Kyle Koretsky and Troy Coughlin Jr. made the field with runs of 6.66 and 6.67, respectively, while fellow debutante Mason McGaha just missed with a 6.706 best in his Harlow Sammons Camaro. The new two-qualifying session format helped make for a few intriguing round one match-ups, including a battle between world champs Enders and Bo Butner.


In the first event of the season for Pro Stock Motorcycle racers, Eddie Krawiec picked up the 47th low qualifier award of his career with a 6.897 on his Screamin Eagle Harley-Davidson FXDR. Krawiec, who also sits on 47 career wins, held off a late charge by three-time world champion Matt Smith to claim the top spot. Krawiec last led a Pro Stock Motorcycle field at the 2019 Norwalk event more than a year ago. He will be paired with David Barron in Sundays opening round.

Its great to be back to racing, said Krawiec. To come out the way we have today I believe the downtime efforts are showing. We just need to shift focus to race day now and keep the bikes running consistently and fast each round.

Krawiecs teammate, reigning champ Andrew Hines, finished as the No. 3 rider in the field and Scotty Pollacheck is fourth on his Strutmasters.com EBR. One of the most intriguing matchups of the first round will feature No. 6 qualifier Angie Smith against the White Alligator Suzuki of Jerry Savoie, who qualified in the bottom half of the field with an 11th quickest 7.054.

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NHRA E3 Spark Plugs NHRA Nationals at Lucas Oil Raceway Brownsburg, Ind. Sundays first round pairings


1. Steve Torrence, 3.779 seconds, 321.19 mph vs. 16. Luigi Novelli, 8.836, 91.78; 2. Doug Kalitta, 3.804, 316.30 vs. 15. Lex Joon, 5.221, 135.63; 3. Terry McMillen, 3.812, 316.75 vs. 14. Antron Brown, 4.397, 185.82; 4. Billy Torrence, 3.859, 316.08 vs. 13. Terry Totten, 4.286, 203.12; 5. T.J. Zizzo, 3.862, 310.41 vs. 12. Cory McClenathan, 4.120, 228.58; 6. Clay Millican, 3.866, 314.02 vs. 11. Doug Foley, 3.999, 268.28; 7. Tony Schumacher, 3.877, 292.90 vs. 10. Leah Pruett, 3.934, 306.33; 8. Shawn Langdon, 3.919, 314.02 vs. 9. Justin Ashley, 3.922, 270.64. Did Not Qualify: 17. Kyle Wurtzel, broke.


1. Tommy Johnson Jr., Dodge Charger, 3.983, 317.72 vs. 16. Ron Capps, Charger, 4.555, 184.70; 2. Jonnie Lindberg, Ford Mustang, 3.987, 318.24 vs. 15. Bob Bode, Mustang, 4.436, 221.74; 3. Jack Beckman, Charger, 4.050, 298.47 vs. 14. Mike McIntire, Toyota Camry, 4.425, 199.11; 4. J.R. Todd, Camry, 4.056, 282.95 vs. 13. Alex Miladinovich, Camry, 4.382, 246.53; 5. Alexis DeJoria, Camry, 4.083, 310.48 vs. 12. Dale Creasy Jr., Charger, 4.317, 235.43; 6. Matt Hagan, Charger, 4.090, 289.07 vs. 11. Daniel Wilkerson, Mustang, 4.194, 256.80; 7. Cruz Pedregon, Charger, 4.097, 304.53 vs. 10. Tim Wilkerson, Mustang, 4.168, 254.47; 8. Paul Lee, Charger, 4.110, 267.80 vs. 9. Blake Alexander, Mustang, 4.146, 259.36. Did Not Qualify: 17. Jim Campbell, 4.905, 167.72; 18. Terry Haddock, 5.073, 153.51.


1. Jason Line, Chevy Camaro, 6.626, 206.10 vs. 16. Alan Prusiensky, Dodge Dart, 6.700, 205.10; 2. Jeg Coughlin, Camaro, 6.635, 206.89 vs. 15. Bruno Massel, Camaro, 6.692, 206.64; 3. Erica Enders, Camaro, 6.637, 206.86 vs. 14. Bo Butner, Camaro, 6.684, 205.72; 4. Greg Anderson, Camaro, 6.638, 206.70 vs. 13. Troy Coughlin Jr., Ford Mustang, 6.678, 206.16; 5. Matt Hartford, Camaro, 6.642, 206.29 vs. 12. Val Smeland, Camaro, 6.677, 206.51; 6. Aaron Stanfield, Camaro, 6.653, 206.61 vs. 11. Kyle Koretsky, Camaro, 6.662, 205.60; 7. Kenny Delco, Camaro, 6.654, 206.95 vs. 10. Chris McGaha, Camaro, 6.661, 206.92; 8. Alex Laughlin, Camaro, 6.658, 205.94 vs. 9. Deric Kramer, Camaro, 6.660, 207.05. Did Not Qualify: 17. Mason McGaha, 6.706, 206.39; 18. Fernando Cuadra Jr., 6.721, 204.32; 19. Cristian Cuadra, 6.728, 204.60; 20. John Gaydosh Jr, 6.737, 205.01; 21. Fernando Cuadra, 7.888, 130.00.

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Torrence, Johnson, Line and Krawiec Lead the Way as NHRA Returns - Autoweek

The ‘second wave’ is driven by propaganda – The Highland County Press

By Dr. Ron PaulFormer CongressmanThe Ron Paul Institutehttp://ronpaulinstitute.org/

On July 2, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating the wearing of face masks across the state, whether indoors or outdoors, when six feet cannot be maintained between people. In the governors decree, he cited a rise in Covid-19 cases, a rise in test positivity and a rise in hospitalizations as justification to force people to cover their faces in public.

The move is not only a violation of the civil liberties of all Texans. Abbott may have based his executive order on inaccurate information about a rise in Covid cases due to the Texas State Department of Health Services changing the definition of what constitutes a Covid case.

Thanks goes to Collin County Judge Chris Hill for blowing the whistle on what appears to be a move in mid-May to redefine what was a Covid case to open the door to a massive increase all to match the mainstream media line that a second wave was on the way.

In a Commissioners Court hearing for Collin County on May 18, it was revealed that while previously the determination of a Covid case was a confirmed test result, the definition was suddenly changed to count probable cases as cases. At the same time, the threshold for determining probable was lowered to a ridiculous level.

As Judge Hill said at that May 18 meeting, If you have a subjective fever and you have a headache and you live in Collin County, you now meet the qualifications to be a probable COVID patient. It is remarkable how low the standard is now.

Even worse, once a probable case was determined based on possibly unrelated subjective criteria, up to 15 people in possible contact with that probable case were also listed as probable cases. And probable cases were considered cases.

Repeat that farce across Texas and is it any wonder there was a spike in cases?

Also, Governor Abbotts claim that hospitals were being over-run by Covid patients was refuted by the Houston hospital directors themselves, who said they were nowhere near actual capacity and in fact were about the same level as they were last year.

The basis for Abbotts unconstitutional executive order has been shown to be false. Will he admit his mistake?

It is encouraging to see so many local and county officials across Texas announcing they will refuse to enforce Governor Abbotts unconstitutional face mask order. Thankfully, the spirit of freedom and love of liberty is still alive in Texas.

The second wave is driven by propaganda. Across the country, Covid testing increased from about 150,000 to more than 700,000 per day. You cant drive through Houston without seeing a flurry of signs advertising Free Covid test! Results in 15 minutes! Last week, Reuters reported that tests shipped around the country by the federal government were contaminated.

Deaths from coronavirus even the deaths with coronavirus rather than deaths from coronavirus are down more than 90 percent since the peak in April. The decline in deaths continues. That means we are closer to the herd immunity that will finally kill this virus. Yet, Governor Abbott and others across the country see this as a reason to lock the country back down.


The 'second wave' is driven by propaganda - The Highland County Press

Ron Paul: Media Is Lying About ‘Second Wave’ Of Coronavirus – FITSNews

by RON PAUL || For months, The Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 death count on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts. The coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead. The narrative was intended to boost governors like Cuomo in New York and Whitmer in Michigan, who turned their states authoritarian under the false notion that destroying peoples jobs, freedom, and lives would somehow keep a virus from doing what viruses always do: spread through a population until eventually losing strength and dying out.

The death count was always the headline.

But then all of a sudden early in June the mainstream media did a George Orwell and lectured us that it is all about cases and has always been all about cases. Death, and especially infection fatality rate, were irrelevant. Why? Because from the peak in April, deaths had decreased by 90 percent and were continuing to crash. That was not terrifying enough so the media pretended this good news did not exist.

With massive increases in testing, the case numbers climbed. This is not rocket science: the more people you test the more cases you discover.

Unfortunately our mainstream media is only interested in pushing the party line. So the good news that millions more have been exposed while the fatality rate continues to decline meaning the virus is getting weaker is buried under hysterical false reporting of new cases.

Unfortunately many governors, including our own here in Texas, are incapable of resisting the endless lies of the mainstream media. They are putting Americans again through the nightmare of forced business closures, mandated face masks, and restrictions of Constitutional liberties based on false propaganda.

In Texas the second wave propaganda has gotten so bad that the leaders of the four major hospitals in Houston took the extraordinary step late last week of holding a joint press conference to clarify that the scare stories of Houston hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid cases are simply untrue. Dr. Marc Boom of Houston Methodist said the reporting on hospital capacity is misleading. He said, quite frankly, were concerned that there is a level of alarm in the community that is unwarranted right now.

In fact, there has been much reporting that the spike in Texas cases is not due to a resurgence of the virus but to hospital practices of Covid-testing every patient coming in for any procedure at all. If its a positive, well that counts as a Covid hospitalization.

RELATED || Coronavirus Death Toll Dramatically Lowered Again

Why would hospitals be so dishonest in their diagnoses? Billions of appropriated federal dollars are being funneled to facilities based on the number of Covid cases they can produce. As Ive always said, if you subsidize something you get more of it. And thats why we are getting more Covid cases.

Lets go back to the original measurements used to scare Americans into giving up their Constitutional liberties: the daily death numbers. Even though we know hospitals have falsely attributed countless deaths to Covid-19 that were deaths WITH instead of FROM the virus, we are seeing actual deaths steadily declining over the past month and a half. Declining deaths are not a great way to push the second wave propaganda, so the media and politicians have moved the goal posts and decided that only cases are important. Its another big lie.

Resist propaganda and defend your liberty. That is the only way well get through this.

(Via: Gage Skidmore)

Ron Paulis a former U.S. Congressman from Texas and the leader of the pro-liberty, pro-free market movement in the United States. His weekly column reprinted with permission can be foundhere.

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Ron Paul: Media Is Lying About 'Second Wave' Of Coronavirus - FITSNews

"Throwing a hissyfit": Rand Paul criticized for accusing Dr. Anthony Fauci of promoting undue fear – Salon

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky was highly critical of Dr. Anthony Fauci and other health experts when he spoke Tuesday for a coronavirusSenatehearing.During the hearing, the GOP senator argued in favor of schools reopening and accused health officials of being arrogant know-it-alls an assertion that Paul is being slammed for on Twitter.

Arguing in favor of schools reopening, Paul asserted, "We need to not be so presumptuous that we know everything . . .Perhaps our planners might think twice before they weigh in on every subject. Perhaps our government experts might hold their tongue before expressing their opinion."

He also said: "We shouldn't presume that a group of experts somehow knows what's best for everyone."

During the hearing, Fauci who serves as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and is part of President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force defended his recent warning about professional sports. Fauci recently said that it would be risky for professional football to resume this fall in the U.S., and he stood by that warning during the hearing telling Paul and other senators, "It would be very hard to see how football is able to be played this fall."

Paul, who is the son of former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, accused Fauci of promoting "undue fear" and said, "We shouldn't presume that a group of experts somehow knows what's best for everyone. We just need more optimism."

Fauci, however, warned that the U.S. might be seeing 100,000 new cases of coronavirus per day "if things don't turn around" and stressed, "It could get very bad." And the expert immunologist went on to say that he was "quite concerned about what we are seeing evolve right now in several states" a reference to all the new coronavirus cases being reported in Sun Belt states such as Arizona, Florida, Texas and California.

"We've got to make sure when states start to try and open again, they need to follow the guidelines that have been very carefully laid out with regard to (reopening) checkpoints," Fauci told senators.

Twitter has been full of reactions to Paul's assertions. Twitter user Mike Naughton, @MikeNau99524529, posted, "Rand Paul and Trump refuse to grow up and listen to honest adults." And @sarahklop accused Paul of "throwing a hissy fit. About baseball."

@PJDeGenaro said of Paul, "Libertarians are just people who never grew the hell up. 'Wah! I want to play baseball NOW! I want to go to a restaurant NOW! I want to shoot guns indiscriminately and not wear a seatbelt! Wah!' I can't believe anyone voted for this guy."

@AclomaxAllen wrote, "Two things about Senator Paul. It's frightening that Rand Paul is a US Senator. It's frightening that Rand Paul has a medical degree."

See more reactions here.

Here is the original post:

"Throwing a hissyfit": Rand Paul criticized for accusing Dr. Anthony Fauci of promoting undue fear - Salon

Twitter alternative Parler surges in popularity but it’s buggy – SiliconANGLE

In the culture wars in the U.S., Twitter Inc. has often been targeted thanks to limiting content and also not limiting content, the latter specifically tweets from President Donald Trump.Some accuse Twitter of having a left-wing bias in banning accounts from those on the right of politics, most recently Carpe Donktum, a conservative who is best known for posting pro-Trump memes.

Various attempts have been made over the years to establish alternatives to Twitter, often with a free speech focus, such as Gabin 2016, but it never took off. Now anewer player in the field Parler, launched in 2018 is surging in popularity amid the culture wars and accusations of bias against Twitter. The site is said to have increased its user base by 50% to 1.5 million users in the last week, primarily driven by conservatives looking for Twitter alternatives.

Parler offers a hybrid free speech platform with limitations. While not banning political speech, Parler will ban users when they break U.S. law such as inciting violence.

Despite attemptsby someto label it as far-right, Parler, which in the last week has topped free app download charts on both iOS and Android, has attracted somewhat of a mixed audience. While it can be said to have a right-leaning bias so far it has also attracted those on the left, particularly so-called trans-exclusionary radical feminists, radfems and others who are seeking an alternative to Twitter.Notably among users of Parler are Senator Ted Cruz and formerU.S. representative and presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Signing up to Parler is easy enough. A phone number is required, with two-factor authentication sent by SMS text to complete the process.

Parler looks like Twitter be it with a different color scheme and different terms. A retweet or a share is called an echo, while loving a post is a vote similar to Reddit. Anyone who has used Twitter or Facebook will easilyget Parlers setup.

That said, there are some issues with the service. On the user experience side, theres no recommendation engine to suggest users people should follow when joining. Thatmeans you have to seek out people to follow.

The biggest issue, though, is that the site and its app are buggy. The Android app occasionally crashes for no obvious reason. Perhaps because of growing pains, logging in through a web browser can take time. For nearly a minute while writing this review, I was stuck waiting for a captcha to log into my account.

Whether Parler can be successful or not depends on a range of issues. The basics are certainly there, but it needs to do more to scale up without issues and thats where it appearsto be having issues.

Their ultimate success may not be in their hands alone, however. Theresspeculation that President Trump may join the service in favor of Twitter. If its having growing pains now with an increased user base, its going to have a lot more if Trump joins.

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Twitter alternative Parler surges in popularity but it's buggy - SiliconANGLE

GOP candidates in Maine’s 2nd District praise Trump but still have differences – Bangor Daily News

Maine Republicans have about two weeks to choose between three 2nd Congressional District candidates who have spent much of their campaigns praising President Donald Trump but have carved out different areas of interest.

The hopefuls vying to challenge freshman Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Golden real estate agent Adrienne Bennett of Bangor, former state Sen. Eric Brakey of Auburn and former state Rep. Dale Crafts of Lisbon have all built their race around supporting President Donald Trump, often praising him for a strong economy that faltered due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The candidates have shown up at protests led by conservatives blasting Gov. Janet Mills economic restrictions stemming from the coronavirus. Brakey was the only one who did not support the $2 trillion stimulus package passed by Congress and signed by Trump. That libertarian streak carries over into differences with the others on foreign policy and policing.

Those issues are sure to matter to Republicans who put fiscal issues such as taxes and spending at the top of their list this winter in a Bangor Daily News reader survey on election priorities. Behind that was jobs and the economy and national security. Here are the differences between those candidates, taking those priorities and recent events into account.

Brakey has differentiated himself as more of a libertarian, breaking with Bennett and Crafts on foreign policy and federal spending. Brakey came to Maine in 2012 when he worked on the Republican presidential campaign of Ron Paul. His support for more libertarian candidates continued in 2016, when Brakey chaired Kentucky Sen. Rand Pauls primary campaign before eventually supporting Trump in the general election.

That change in alliance is something his opponents try to hit him on frequently, but Brakey has plenty of views that align himself with the president. He is supportive of Trumps stated goal to pull U.S. troops out of the Middle East. It put him directly at odds with Crafts during a February debate. Crafts said that a retreat would cause economic and international instability.

But Brakey has deviated from his support of the president on the CARES Act, which sent billions of dollars in aid to states and corporations, as well as relief money to small businesses and individuals. The $2 trillion bill drew the ire of Brakey, who has made criticism of government spending and the deficit a central part of his platform.

He told the Sun Journal in March that the bill was paid for by stealing from our retirements with inflation and the futures of our children with debt and that the relief checks sent in the mail wouldnt cover the costs to taxpayers in the long run.

Bennett and Crafts pounced on that stance, saying the bill was critical for Americans to weather the pandemic. While both reiterated their support for the bill during the June 10 debate, Crafts and Bennett agreed that federal spending should be reined in.

The three candidates have vocalized support for police, but Brakey has gone furthest in backing accountability measures. Like most Republicans, the candidates responses to protests over instances of police brutality and racism across the country after the deaths of Black people including George Floyd in Minneapolis have been to indicate support for police.

But they take different approaches to police reform while vocalizing support for law enforcement. During a June 10 NEWS CENTER Maine candidate forum, Bennett called for stakeholders to find common ground and identify problems. She argued that the issue should be approached from a budgeting perspective of needs versus wants.

Crafts took a more general approach, saying some sort of reform should happen when a police officer has had multiple complaints lodged against him, as was the case with Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin who knelt on Floyds neck for nearly nine minutes before he died. He also said any industry is going to have bad apples and called activist calls to defund police ludicrous.

Brakey, who did not attend the forum, called Floyds death an unacceptable tragedy in a statement. He said he supports banning no-knock raids and policies that protect rotten apples.

The candidates experiences have shaped the issues they want to tackle in office. The three candidates are different in age and background. Brakey, 31, is a longtime political operative. Bennett, 41, is a former TV reporter best known for her tenure as a spokesperson to former Gov. Paul LePage. Crafts, 61, is a businessman who served four terms in the Legislature and has used a wheelchair since he was paralyzed in a 1983 crash.

Bennett has styled herself an unconventional politician shaped by her poor upbringing in rural Waldo county and having her daughter at a young age. During the Lewiston forum, she indicated interest in transportation and infrastructure policy in Congress.

Brakey has leaned on his time in the Legislature, often pointing to a bill he sponsored that removed concealed carry permit requirements in Maine. He has made personalizing health care a part of his platform, including expanding health savings accounts and putting Medicaid money into them. In February, he said he would seek a role shaping health policy in Congress.

Crafts, meanwhile, has built his platform on his history as a businessman and a legislator, which won him the endorsement of LePage as he announced his candidacy last fall. He has expressed interest in serving on fiscal committees to leverage that experience.


GOP candidates in Maine's 2nd District praise Trump but still have differences - Bangor Daily News

Is the ‘second wave’ another coronavirus hoax? – The Highland County Press

By Dr. Ron PaulFormer CongressmanThe Ron Paul Institutehttp://ronpaulinstitute.org/Just a week or so ago the mainstream media and thousands representing the medical community told us we must throw out the stay-at-home orders and go to the streets to protest the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police. The Covid-19 virus will not bother people who are protesting this injustice, they said. The virus only attacks people leaving their homes to protest the stay-at-home orders.

Now, after thousands of businesses many of them black-owned have been reduced to rubble and innocent people in the inner cities no longer have anywhere to shop for the basic necessities of life, the mainstream media has backed off of its non-stop coverage of the protests. Suddenly last week they all simultaneously embraced a new fear story to terrify the masses: a second wave of coronavirus was among us. It was targeting those states that dared to open up their economies and begin a return to relatively normal lives.

Texas, Florida and California were singled out to scare the rest of the country into thinking that if you dare leave your homes you will catch coronavirus and die. There was a spike in coronavirus cases they claimed. Funny, just a month or so ago they were demanding that we massively increase testing, which would produce just that spike in coronavirus cases they are now using to scare authorities into reinstating the incredibly destructive stay-at-home orders.

In the county here in Texas that includes Houston, the young judge who somehow seized the power to shut down the third largest city in the United States warns us that she may again shut down Harris County to fight this second wave of cases. She even threatened to again pour millions of dollars into a field hospital at a Houston football stadium that did not see a single patient in the first wave of coronavirus. Its hard not to wonder which politically-connected companies are reaping millions in contracts for an obviously un-needed hospital. Thousands of hospital beds in Houston are vacant, while cancer patients have been refused their screenings and desperately needed treatments.

As former Congressman David Stockman points out, the actual coronavirus numbers do not in any way support the media assertion that a second wave of infection is cresting over Texas. Stockman informs us that in Texas the reported infected case rate of 256 per 100,000 is just 10 percent of the real hot spot rate of 2,477 per 100,000 in the five boroughs of New York City; and its mortality rate of 6.2 per 100,000 population is just 3 percent of New York Citys 196 per 100,000 rate.

There are no hot spots in Texas. Its just more media hype.

Its funny that they dont dare mention Georgia, which has also opened its economy and has seen no spike at all.

The same people who were demanding more testing are now screaming that we must shut the economy down again because these tests which are notoriously unreliable are showing more coronavirus cases. This is a disease that 99.9 percent of the people who are infected with survive! But 40 million people out of work and the thousands of lives that will end due to the shutdown are never mentioned.

There is something else going on here, and it is in no way related to public health.

Read more here:

Is the 'second wave' another coronavirus hoax? - The Highland County Press

Trump is right to bring the troops home – The Highland County Press

By U.S. Sen. Rand PaulR-Kentuckyhttps://www.paul.senate.gov/

In 1988, a certain congressman from Texas ran for president on a platform of bringing home our troops from around the world. Even then, more than 30 years ago, U.S. troops were in over 100 countries, and tens of thousands were still in Europe.

That Texas congressman was my father, Ron Paul, who 20 years later ran again for the presidency and was still calling to begin bringing American troops home from around the world an absolute necessity if the budget is ever to be brought under control. Were going broke and we still have 75,000 troops in Germany?

In his best-selling book, "The Revolution," my father wrote: We can either withdraw gracefully, as I propose, or we can stay in our fantasy world and wait until bankruptcy forces us to scale back our foreign commitments.

This month, President Trump called for a modest reduction of American troops in Germany, reducing them from 34,500 to 25,000 (a great start that will hopefully lead to further reductions there). The Republican neocon caucus responded exactly as you would expect. Youd think the Berlin Wall was still in place and two million Russians were about to invade Germany. Utter nonsense.

With the Cold War now 30 years moribund, the hysteria over removing troops is ludicrous. Meanwhile the very real threat of bankruptcy and menacing debt grows each day. Just this year, the United States will add $4 trillion to the national debt. Can the Germans afford to defend themselves? Without question. Germany actually balances its annual budget every year.

Yet, the U.S. still has about 170,000 troops in about 150 countries at great expense in both lives and treasure. Often that puts our soldiers on the front lines of civil wars whose origins we barely even comprehend. The U.S. also becomes allied with governments, such as Saudi Arabia, that are barbaric, despotic, and anti-American. And yet the cycle continues because the war caucus vows to never, ever let our troops come home.

President Trump is also advocating ending our nations longest war in Afghanistan. It couldnt happen soon enough. The American taxpayer is paying $50 billion a year to build roads and bridges in that country, while our own nations infrastructure crumbles.

President Trump has also discussed having fewer troops in South Korea, and has actually forced Seoul to pay more for our presence. Possibly the best aspect of the Trump presidency, though, has been his willingness to challenge the bipartisan neoconservative consensus on forever war.

Yet critics, including myself, will admit the Trump presidency has not always practiced what its preached here. While Trump has consistently advocated for fewer troops in Europe, he has re-introduced U.S. troops into Saudi Arabia, a mistake that eventually will lead to more war or terrorism or both.

But today, give credit where credit is due. Trump, the disrupter, is right to bring the troops home. And I say dont stop until we once again have a military whose primary job is to defend America.

Read more:

Trump is right to bring the troops home - The Highland County Press