Bitcoin SV Could Be Scam or Real Bitcoin: Conservative Pundit Mike Cernovich – U.Today

Conservative commentator Mike Cernovichrecently became involved in a dramatic civil war between different Bitcoin forks.

In a recent Twitter thread where he promises to share his take on any random subject, Cernovich says that Bitcoin SVcould be an outright scam or the real Bitcoin, something that self-proclaimed Satoshi Craig Wright desperately wants you to believe.

Cernovich's thread got instantly swarmed with tweets from the BSV community with some of them suggesting that theInfoWars host should consider interviewing Wright on his podcast.

Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) was created as a result of a chain split from Bitcoin Cash that took place on Nov. 15, 2018. The main reason behind their loud divorce was the size of the Bitcoin block -- while the Bitcoin Cash camp, which is helmed by Bitcoin Jesus "Roger Ver," wanted to maintain the 32 MB size, Wright and gambling tycoon Calvin Ayre decided to bump up the limit to 128 MB.

The BSV community believes that Wright (aka Satoshi) intended to gradually increase the size of the block to increase Bitcoin's scalability. While big blocks can store more transactions, they also make the Bitcoin network more decentralized, which is why the initiative vehemently opposed by the Bitcoin Core camp that wants to maintain a maximum size of 2 MB.

Cernovich himself seems to be a Bitcoin proponent. Back in July, he opined that Trump criticizing crypto was actually a positive thing for the top coin because he actually attacked Facebook's Libra.

2019 turned out to be extremely turbulent for BSV. It got delisted from Binance and Kraken after Wright's legal battles with non-believers, which made the coin's price plunge by more than 50 percent. Shortly after that, the BSV was pushed back to the top 10 after a few suspicious pumps that were most likely caused by fake news.

While Bitcoin processes around 303,000 transactions on a daily basis, a little-known weather app accountsfor pretty much all transactions on the Bitcoin SV network.

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Bitcoin SV Could Be Scam or Real Bitcoin: Conservative Pundit Mike Cernovich - U.Today

Cryptocurrencies Work Thanks to Key People, Not… – Coinspeaker

The outsiders may believe fancy Telegram graphs showing Bitcoins decentralization levels and metrics. However, many of that stats supply data from a parallel reality. Because you cannot claim full decentralization when the majority of the industry is maintained by the same three to five companies. The will of the investors, not the cyberpunk spirit, changes the price of coins or destroys companies.

There are at least seven influential people in the crypto space, including investors and educators. They have enough power to substantially change the price of mainstream coins. Let us take a look at the list.

Xiaolai Li is a famous Chinese Bitcoin investor. He is behind projects like EOS, MANNA, PressOne, QTUM, recently hacked VeChain, etc. Many of the blockchain projects you thought were independent gained traction thanks to the venture capital of this man. He is referred to as a Chinese blockchain godfather.

His substantial investments helped projects claiming decentralization or consensus through different protocols. Those include PoW, PoS, DPoS, and others. He is famous for leaking a series of dark secrets in July 2018 during a wiretapped telephone call. Li explains to someone that Binance is a scam exchange, which gained popularity thanks to the Chinese officials selective hunt on exchanges.

He continued to NEO which is a worthless project. Li claimed that investors believed in shiny promises and bought into nonsense. The founder of NEO Da Hongfei holds a very little amount of NEO, according to Li.

He also describes a way of performing sophisticated investment fraud. His plan includes using celebrity status to promote scam projects. Newbie investors and the retail public should buy-in the hype. Then, Li cuts leeks, because as he says there are a ton of projects with tokens that backed by literally nothing.

Lis crypto investment company BitFund is one of the biggest VC companies fueling the space.

Barry Silbert is considered a huge investor in Bitcoin, Ethereum Classic and a bunch of other coins. He is the owner of the news website CoinDesk. Barry is the head of Digital Currency Group. And the DCG is a group of companies that constitute a large part of the blockchain space. If you think of it, Barry may own half the industry.

He is using CoinDesk to promote Ethereum Classic and expose Buterins mistakes. However, do not think that Barry and Vitalik are in a real war. The more probable scenario is that they just play a game with the audience of incoming traders. The war between ETH, ETC may be orchestrated, as well as the war between BTC and BCH.

Roger Ver is a major investor behind many of the early crypto projects. Despite Bitcoin Core proponents and the so-called BTC maximalists call Roger a bad person and the enemy of Bitcoin, he is one of the biggest advocates and also investors of Bitcoin. He is now supporting Bitcoin Cash, Zcash and several other assets.

Roger is a great orator, he can present himself and persuade. But he is usually introvert while on the parties. Instead of getting drunk and dancing with other blockchain business folks, Roger prefers to sit with his notebook and read e-mails. He is one of the very few persons of such size who answer e-mails in 12 hours. Roger can give advice or even a job, help promote crypto products.

He always packs his thoughts with a bunch of unbeatable facts. Uses his public speaking talent to convince people to join the Bitcoin Cash drift. He is one of a few people who can beat smallblockers with extraordinary facts in debates, using BCH and different blockchains as the ground of his views. Ver lives in a Japanese apartment and is practicing martial arts.

Erik is CEO of ShapeShift, and he tends to support all of the coins because he is running a service that is depending on the token exchange market. Thats why he supported both ETC and BCH forks.

First, ShapeShift worked as an anonymous means of exchange of one coin for another. After regulatory pressure, Erik Voorhees had introduced KYC procedures. Mainstream press outlets such as The Wall Street Journal published accusations that ShapeShift laundered criminal money.

But Erik Voorhees claimed his service was not as involved as the article says. Voorhees noted that even if a small part of the exchanges volume belongs to teenage hackers, the majority of the funds are legal. Also, the volume that was laundered is significantly tinier than the volume of funds washed by American mainstream banks. They were laundering much more of the criminal cash over the same period.

Voorhees is a friend of Roger Ver and Barry Silbert. Despite these three may play different roles in the crypto field, they still do the same thing. Specifically, men promote cryptocurrencies, foster competition, adoption and creation of work opportunities for people living in areas with a bad economy.

Andreas is known as the Bitcoin guru. He is an author of Mastering Bitcoin and Mastering Ethereum books, a public speaker and an educator. He spends much of his time promoting Bitcoin and travels around the world to gather large audiences. During the speaking, Andreas explores the good and bad sides of crypto, the impact on society, and tech details. Andreas likes to pack his speech with jokes.

Andreas is well known for avoiding bribes. When it comes to a war between coins, Andreas usually takes a neutral position and allows the things flow. He can give a detailed technical analysis of what has happened. But Andreas deliberately avoids going into politics or preferences.

Many tried seducing him to promote shitcoins in exchange for large sums ranging from $25,000 to $250,000. However, it is very hard to bribe Andreas to put his name on a bad project or assist in a crime.

Andreas is a prominent writer with a huge fanbase. He has a collection of nerdy perks. Gathered over 2 million dollars in Bitcoin donations. His connections across the globe can scare the crap out of any high-level accountant working for Yakuza. Joe Rogan invited Andreas to join his Podcast and discuss cryptocurrencies biggest flaws and benefits. So eventually, when you need balanced information without coin shilling and such, watch Antonopoulos YouTube channel.

Adam Back is a professional financial cryptographer, Bitcoin Core developer and CEO of Blockstream. He is mentioned in the original Bitcoin Whitepaper written by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. Back is known as the inventor of cryptographic protocol HashCash, a modern proof of work scheme that is used in Bitcoin and several other brilliant software pieces.

Interestingly, he is one of the leading Bitcoin developers and the CEO of Blockstream. A controversial company that gained trust across space but not among people who keep pointing on a conflict of interests. Several Blockstream developers are working as Bitcoin developers. The solutions needed for Bitcoins development somehow became Blockstream-dependant. According to researchers, Back had a leading role in receiving investments for Blockstream, ASINQ, and eclair, including money from Bitfinex. In his Twitter, Adam actively supported USDT and Bitfinex. He compares them to mainstream banks and uses BFX to promote his products. This works for years. Presumably, because major bitcoin holders dont care where the price rise comes from until it keeps happening.

He is the Bitcoins GitHub maintainer who can appoint other maintainers. He has over 5000 commits in the code, which makes him one of the most attentive developers. The mysterious man didnt visit any major blockchain conferences. He lives somewhere in the Netherlands and is joining meet-ups and conferences via voice calls.

Some people say that he has the ultimate control over the networks code. Without his permission, developers cannot add new code to the main repository. Wladimir is a character with the power to appoint the developers with commit access keys. There are typically five virtual thrones.

We have to admit that strong characters are still playing key roles. In the history of Bitcoin and altcoin development, decentralization didnt even start. Without key persons, the most decentralized blockchains will go into oblivion.

Nietzsche is the unofficial, dark philosopher, pagan and trickster. He appears to be a classic immoral life-hacker, pointing on the role of strong will in the life of persons and nations.

According to Nietzsche, its bad to agree on everything. Progress is possible thanks to big people, their will and fight for changes. He claims that it is not the empires, but separate spirits changed the worlds history. Nietzsche wrote that without passion, talent and wisdom, everything is inevitably boring and collapsing.

When we say that Bitcoin has huge hash power, the whole idea is opposition to fiat money and leadership. A set of improvements held by blockchain provide incentives to continue the war for the remittance market. But the ideas need people who can spread them, investors and coders. So the industry is highly dependable on that kind of people, not on the hash power or the blockchain.

Its the people who stand behind research, promotion, and installation of the mining software, rigs, and farms. Look at TON blockchain, it can handle millions of transactions per second thanks to Dr. Nikolai Durov. Monero depends on Ricardo Spagni and Moneromoo, and Cardano looks abandoned without Charles Hoskinson. Many coins depend on people who do the next code release or coordinating development. So Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash are highly dependable too. Computers are getting faster and the old crypto protocols must be rewritten.

People believe in automated dApps, DAOs, ICOs, DEXes and stablecoins, while most of those projects lie. Young investors read price predictions and stare at weird graphs made by people who do not know what they teach about. But when we look closer at almost any DEX or a trading channel, we see a high influence of humans and their errors. Most of the exchange hacks happened thanks to human errors of a different kind.

This is a big problem for the future. People desire to achieve privacy over convenience, this is a clear demand. Waiting for some kind of a decentralized community to appear by itself? This means you dont understand human psychology. Yes, democracy delusion is the same as decentralization one. Without direct, substantial leadership efforts, the industry will not have traction, financial incentives, and development.

Jeff Fawkes is a seasoned investment professional and a crypto analyst covering the blockchain space. He has a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing and is passionate when it comes to how technology impacts our society.

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Cryptocurrencies Work Thanks to Key People, Not... - Coinspeaker

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is here to stay: Sydney Ifergan – The Cryptocurrency Analytics

Bitcoin Cash is borne out of a Bitcoin hard fork that happened in August 1, 2017. The main proposition of the hard fork was to enhance block size so that the network can handle more number of transactions at lesser time and at more affordable rates. Once the transaction gets faster and more affordable, people will be able to use the crypto coin again as everyday currency.

One of the leading figures from the Bitcoin community who worked towards the BCH hard fork is Roger Vera a.k.a. Bitcoin Jesus. Ver has had been one of the strongest patrons of Bitcoin ever since its inception. But when he saw Bitcoin was increasingly straying away from its original mission, he knew its about time to demand a hard fork. And, thus, BCH was formed with a much higher 8 MB block size than the Bitcoins 1 MB size.

Ver probably did the right thing by demanding for BCH as otherwise we would have got probably stuck to sloth transactions that would have become further slower over time. BCH has shown promise ever since its first launch two and half years back. It must be stressed here that the BCH community is an extremely dynamic team that keeps on updating the coin to ensure a more advanced system for the users.

Further increase in block size

The BCH community has not stopped with 8 MB block size. Rather, Ver and his BCH fellowmen has enhanced the block size further to 32 MB to improve the capacity of the coin. As of now, the BCH network can accommodate around 150-160 transactions per second while Bitcoins limit is just 7.

Faster processing speed

Transactions are usually seen by the network very quickly if you are online (so, the person you are sending the amount to knows funds are coming). Confirming the TX so it cant be stolen back by a thief takes more like 10 minutes. Same for BTC and BCH unless there are more than 7 TX/sec. Moreover BCH is fast and BTC can take weeks or it can fail completely. During the 10 minute (Or longer period for BTC) wait BCH is safer than BTC due to the RBF code in BTC. For any significant TX you should wait for one or more confirmation(s).

Lower fees

BCH transfer fees are just 0.0002 USD per transaction. In regards to Bitcoin, its a much higher 1 USD.

Record result in stress test

Last year in September BCH protocol miners created record by processing a whooping 2.2 mn transactions in just 24 hours.

At present Bitcoin Cash is the 5th largest cryptocurrency in the world and the coin is here to stay. I have full faith in Roger Ver and his projections about BCH. He is confident that BCH price would increase by around 100,000% in near future and i think that he is working really hard towards the goal. I have personally been involved in some ICO projects with him and naturally I know a thing or two about his great initiatives with BCH.

A lot of people who feel that BitcoinCash is taking away the spotlight from BTC dont understand one basic fact- BCH was forked out to relive the original principles of Bitcoin. In no way, the coin has any intention to undermine the value and importance of Bitcoin. I do believe in the great efforts as put up by Roger Ver and his team to upgrade BCH to increase its scalability and safety. He is one of the main persons who are actually working on large scale adoption of Bitcoin and crypto assets in general.

Adress: bitcoincash:qzyhcrnqaec8mdrhm2hyr5njfdhwvzrpqgwavsw6mv

See the rest here:

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is here to stay: Sydney Ifergan - The Cryptocurrency Analytics

CoinFlex hires former Binance head of trading as its new CSO. – Coinnounce

According to the Block report, Leslie Tam has joined crypto derivatives exchange CoinFlex as new chief strategy officer. Previously, Leslie was in-charge of the over-the-counter (OTC) trading operations for Binance, which is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world. He held an executive position as head of the VIP coverage and head of trading.

Leslie Tam will have a broad mandate and will lead the expansion of the firm into new territories as well as new products. Before Binance, Tam had led Bank of Merrill Lynch Hong Kongs institutional client group. CoinFlex is the first physically-delivered cryptocurrency futures exchange and has an 8.6% market share for BTC futures, according to the Block.

In October, CoinFlex launched physically delivered futures contracts that will be settled based on whether Facebooks Libra launches by the end of 2020 or not. CoinFlex received $10 million for Bitcoin futures from CEO Roger Ver, Polychain Capital, NGC Ventures, and Divergence Digital Currency in a funding round. Libra is currently facing regulatory scrutiny from around the, but the company is still positive for the launch of cryptocurrency next year.

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CoinFlex hires former Binance head of trading as its new CSO. - Coinnounce

Bitcoin Cash will go up post-halving, claims Roger Ver – AMBCrypto

In a recent interview, Bitcoin Cashs Roger Ver, hailed by many as Bitcoin Jesus in the community, spoke about the use of cryptocurrencies in times of financial crises, the upcoming Bitcoin halving and the challenges cryptocurrencies face today.

During the interview, Ver said that he thinks financial crises are not inevitable, adding that they are caused by small groups of people manipulating the worlds money supply. He also said that if we brought cryptocurrencies to the world, we would have a lot less of these financial crises.

With regard to the use of cryptocurrencies in times of recession, Ver said that people prefer stable, reliable, and traditional hard assets, while also claiming that the public doesnt view cryptocurrencies as something like that as of now. While conceding that he would love to see more cryptocurrency adoption among people, Ver added that this isnt likely to happen soon. However, Ver said that he is hopeful of adoption rising in the near future.

With respect to the upcoming Bitcoin halving event, the early Bitcoin investor said that basically nothing much happened at all the first two times. According to Ver, thats likely to be the case this time.

I think itll be kind of like Y2000. Everybody was all worked up about it, and then nothing happened.

However, Ver did mention that the halving would push the price of Bitcoin Cash upwards, before advising viewers to buy more of BCH now. He also added that as more halvings happen, the inflation rate would fall. Ver also claimed that the rise in price and market cap with growing adoption would lower the amount of inflation per year.

The CEO also spoke about how user awareness is the biggest challenge for cryptocurrencies right now, adding that a lot of people have the misconception that cryptocurrencies are meant to be held, not spent.

The only reason you would save anything is that you can spend it later, right? Or so itll have more value later. But what actually causes that, is adoption in commerce. A lot of people dont understand that, or havent had it pointed it out to them. Theres no point in holding a cryptocurrency that you cant spend.

Further, Ver explained how the ability to pay dividends to the equivalent of anonymous bearer shares on the Bitcoin Cash network is one of the most important inventions in cryptocurrencies over the last few years. Subsequently, he spoke about a tool which enables users to pay dividends to holders of Bitcoin Cash-based tokens.

The dividends can be paid either in Bitcoin Cash directly, or any other Bitcoin Cash-based tokens. That enables all sorts of things like receiving interest on stablecoins while maintaining custody at the same time.

Ver also said that there is a whole lot more potential upside from an investment and holding standpoint for Bitcoin Cash, more than for any other cryptocurrency. As time passes, there will be more security token offerings leveraging the Bitcoin Cash platform, Ver concluded.

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Bitcoin Cash will go up post-halving, claims Roger Ver - AMBCrypto

A Tale of Three Coins: The Ongoing Saga of BTC, BCH and BSV – Finance Magnates

The launch of Bitcoin in 2009 was undoubtedly a defining moment for the modern financial industry. The biggest of all cryptocurrencies, BTC is the brainchild of a visionary computer scientist (possibly) who launched the coin under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto published the legendary Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008, and the coin was officially launched on January 3, 2009.

Bitcoin was launched with the vision to present a new P2P decentralized electronic cash based on state-of-the-art blockchain technology. Bitcoin isnt governed by any government or a central authority or even a financial institution. Bitcoin has a limited supply (21 million), and the coins are generated through a process called mining. Bitcoin miners have to solve challenging computational problems and are rewarded with newly generated Bitcoins upon successful completion of these problems.

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As Bitcoin is backed by a decentralized infrastructure, no single authority can control or own the coin. All BTC transactions are stored in a global decentralized blockchain ledger, which is immutable and guarded by cutting-edge encryption. Thus, BTC transactions cant be censored or altered ever, which makes it safer than regular fiat money. During its historic launch, Bitcoin also promised faster transactions worldwide and at lower fees compared to regular cash transaction systems.

Bitcoin was launched with a block size limit of 1 MB. The initial developers stuck to the 1 MB limit to eliminate risks of spam transactions that might jam pack the whole BTC network. But that very limitation started creating issues in the Bitcoin network over time.

With Bitcoin rising in popularity, the volume of transactions began to increase dramatically over time. And that 1 MB block size seemed to be inadequate to handle the growing numbers of transactions every day. Bitcoin could only manage 4.4 transactions a second, and that limit left numerous users waiting in line. Many of them were forced to pay higher fees to get their transactions prioritized over others.

The crisis created an uproar in the BTC community, with one group demanding an immediate hard fork. It wanted to enhance block size through a hard fork so that the network could handle more transactions per second and keep the costs low. Roger Ver, popularly dubbed Bitcoin Jesus, was the spearhead of the Bitcoin community group that demanded an increase in block size. His argument was that Bitcoin had strayed from its primary vision and was fast becoming a reserved currency with such expensive transaction fees. He wanted Bitcoin to stay the everyday currency that was outlined in the original BTC whitepaper.

The debate finally culminated in a Bitcoin hard fork in 2017, which led to the creation of Bitcoin Cash or BCH. Roger Ver, the former CEO of, is one of the chief advocates of Bitcoin Cash. BCH was developed with an 8 MB block size to handle an increased amount of transactions per second compared to BTC and all that with far lower fees. As a result, BCH seemed to be affordable as a regular currency for payments of goods and services. Over time, the limit of BCHs block size has been raised to 32 MB.

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In 2018, the BCH community witnessed a serious civil war between two competing camps that led to a split in BCH and the formation of Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Version). The first group was led by Ver and Bitmains Jihan Wu while the other one (that advocated for SV) was headed by computer scientist Craig S Wright, as well as business tycoon Calvin Ayre. According to Wrights group, BCH too strayed from its original values and was fast becoming a reserved currency. It calls for an immediate split to create a version that would embody the actual vision of Nakamoto, as outlined in his BTC whitepaper.

Bitcoin SV was launched in November 2018 with a huge block size limit of 128 MB. The massive block size allows it to handle ever more transactions per second compared to Bitcoin Cash.

There is no denying of the fact that the civil war is still on between the BCH and BSV camps. Roger Ver is still emphasizing on the huge potential of Bitcoin Cash while Craig Wright is urging to look beyond BCH and focus on the SV coin. The Bitcoin Jesus recently declared that BCH holds all the potential to witness a 100,000 percent rise in the near future. On the other hand, Craig Wright is tirelessly advocating for the authenticity of SV.

But, despite all the debates and controversies, one thing is clear: both coins show immense potential in the contemporary crypto space. At present, BCH is the 4th largest cryptocurrency, while Bitcoin SV is the 5th one.

Both BCH and Bitcoin SV show a bright future and are doing an excellent job in BTC adoption and are poised for a brilliant growth in the coming months. Both coins have got solid ground to claim and maintain their niche in the crypto scene. After all, both are working with the same goal in mind increase BTC adoption and improve the BTC network. it would only be better if both camps join hands to work together. Their liaison will help to bring in the best parts of platforms, which can culminate to bring the ultimate BTC.

Last but not least, one thing is undeniable, and that is that BTC is still and will always remain the publics favorite. No hard fork like BCH or BSV (despite their own unique appeal) can ever rival the supreme command of Bitcoin over the crypto industry and the financial market overall. We cant forget that every hard fork we have witnessed to date was all about upholding the original ethos of Bitcoin.

Sydney Ifergan is the CEO of The Currency Analytics

Original post:

A Tale of Three Coins: The Ongoing Saga of BTC, BCH and BSV - Finance Magnates

‘Bitcoin Jesus’ Roger Ver Supports Arrested Ethereum Dev, Calvin Ayre Accuses Him of Treason – U.Today

The former Bitcoin Jesus Roger Ver tweeted to supportthe Ethereum research team member Virgil Griffith. He has beenarrested for travelling to North Korea in April this year to partake in the local blockchain and cryptocurrency conference wherehe reportedlyshowed the audience how the Ethereum blockchain could be used for averting the impact of the US sanctions.

Roger Ver tweeted:

People opposing sanctions are opposing war.

In the comment thread, the venture investor Calvin Ayre who is a major supporter of the Bitcoin SV chain and the self-proclaimed Satoshi Craig Wright wrote that Roger Ver is going against his own government and that is normally considered treason. With capital punishment to follow, he adds.

Calvin Ayre and Roger Ver are on the opposites sides of the war field, since back in November 2018, Ayre supported Craig Wright in conductingthe Bitcoin Cash hard fork and the Bitcoin SV creation. That event made the Bitcoin price plunge and caused a long lasting bloodbath in the crypto market.

Virgil Griffith was arrested by FBI for providing data to North Korea on how to evade the US sanctions.

The press release from the US authorities states:

As alleged, Virgil Griffith provided highly technical information to North Korea, knowing that this information could be used to help North Korea launder money and evade sanctions. In allegedly doing so, Griffith jeopardized the sanctions that both Congress and the president have enacted to place maximum pressure on North Koreas dangerous regime.

Earlier this year, when Griffith announced his intention to go to the conference in North Korea and asked whether anyone wanted to join him, Vitalik Buterin replied to him: Enjoy.

A prominent Tron supporter and the CCO of BeatzCoin, Misha Lederman, assumes that the current situation may do serious harm to the reputation of Ethereum which will be hard to correct.

See the rest here:

'Bitcoin Jesus' Roger Ver Supports Arrested Ethereum Dev, Calvin Ayre Accuses Him of Treason - U.Today

Crypto Fans Often Clash on Twitter Now, They Can Battle in a Game – Cointelegraph

Everyone has an opinion on which cryptocurrency represents the future the one that has the most utility or the one that has the most promise. Now, a new game is being built for fans of these crypto projects giving them a chance to settle their differences once and for all.

Whether a player is Bitcoin versus Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum versus EOS, or EOS versus Tron, Chain Clash hopes to create an engaging environment where clans of crypto fans can battle it out in 3D fights. Avatars represent the members of each clan, and they can either have a human or an android appearance. Influencers and celebrities like Brock Pierce, Roger Ver and Crystal Rose are also getting on board tasked with representing the cryptocurrencies and communities theyre passionate about, and fighting to give them an upper hand.

The goal is to feature the most recognizable people from the crypto space over time which can be collected and trained by the users, thus demonstrating the potential of their respective communities, the team adds.

According to Chainwise and DNA Block the companies behind Chain Clash cutting-edge scanning and rendering technology is being used to represent real-world people during the 3D fight scenes throughout the games. The platform also says that its avatars are collectibles that can be traded freely and better still, they continually improve. Chain Clash is set to be the first of a series of games featuring these avatars, with an interactive fighting game in the works and set to make its debut next year.

According to the developers behind Chain Clash, a common question is this: Why should players care if their favorite crypto isnt in the game yet? To begin with, five coins are going to be battling it out with their own clans: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, EOS and Tron. It doesnt necessarily mean that other digital currencies arent going to be added in the near future and the team says a lot of debate went into deciding the clans thatll be available at launch.

Each clan will be adorned with its own colors and logo prints and as time goes on, more advanced, sophisticated and specific looks for clan avatars will develop. This is going to be coupled with unique genetics that will determine future development whenever new experience is accrued. As a Medium blog post explains: Their fundamental predisposition to gain strength, resilience, agility or wisdom strongly depends on the attributes of the clans blockchain. Think of it this way: Can you imagine a Bitcoin avatar being very agile and speedy? Really? Think again.

The team notes that there are different fight moves of which the effectiveness depends on the respective attributes and the fight strategy the opponent has chosen. Luckily, the two fundamental mechanics leveling and training allow players to strengthen their avatars. When an avatar gains more experience, it will reach a new level and increase its attributes. Besides this, an avatar can go through training and be boosted through a variety of available in-game items, which users can earn or buy from the market.

With crypto fans constantly clashing on Twitter about the pros and cons of the coins on the market, Chain Clash says it wants to bring these rivalries into the game space and figure out which community enjoys the most support overall.

A private beta helped to shed some light on the state of play at the moment. Although there were some fluctuations in the levels of support, Bitcoin dominated activity with 37.8% of clashes, followed by Tron and EOS on 22.5%.

A presale is set to begin on Nov. 4, and it will run all the way until Dec. 3. Avatars are going to be available in five varying levels of rarity common, rare, epic, legendary and mythic. Super-rare celebrity avatars are being thrown into the mix, along with in-game items.

Disclaimer. Cointelegraph does not endorse any content or product on this page. While we aim at providing you all important information that we could obtain, readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company and carry full responsibility for their decisions, nor this article can be considered as an investment advice.

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Crypto Fans Often Clash on Twitter Now, They Can Battle in a Game - Cointelegraph

Learn about Bitcoin before your grandmother does – Yahoo Finance

Yuri Cataldo and Steve Good co-hosts of The Coin Chat podcast were doing the rounds in Malta earlier this month.

Their candid YouTube show on all things cryptocurrency and finance has hosted some of the industrys biggest names from John McAfee to Roger Ver.

They also interviewed US presidential candidate Andrew Yang about his thoughts on blockchain, Bitcoin, and the general economy.

Now theyve taken their years of combined experience in financial services and blockchain to help explain it to the masses in the form of a new book that demystifies the complex world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

The books title, Be Left Behind, was presumably chosen to instil some kind of FOMO in potential readers. However, the pair explain that many people are curious about cryptocurrency and want to find out more, but because it feels like an incomprehensible world, they give up before getting started.

Worse than that, says Yuri, they feel that the cryptocurrency craze has already passed them by, that theyve missed the boat. Somehow, they got left behind. Were here to tell people that its not too complicated to learn and nothing has passed them by.

He laughs, They also need to start learning about it before their grandmother does because its going to be really important for their future.

Steve nods his head, Were here to tell people to read this book and stick with us, just like thousands of our followers do. If you do, not only will you understand these concepts, but youll learn how you can invest and how to keep your coins safely stored.

They say that if people have questions, such as what is Bitcoin?, how do I get started?, or even is Bitcoin safe?, they had the very same doubts in the beginning. Everyone has to start somewhere, says Yuri, we were beginners once too.

Be Left Behind is currently available for pre-order and is set to be released soon.

The manuscript is done and signed off, the book cover is done, all the quotes are done. We have quotes from Tim Draper, from Tom Lee from Fundstrat, and many more, which lends the book social proof from our peers, says Steve.

Weve had overwhelming support from industry leaders willing to put their names on the book and give their amazing support and feedback.

In fact, Tim Draper, a key influencer in the cryptocurrency space and founder of Draper Associates, said:

This book will help you understand the basics of Bitcoin and will pay for itself again and again. Steve and Yuri answer the $250,000 question on why you dont want to be left behind.

This book is for the Bitcoin curious, Steve continues. Its the foundations that tell you what is a wallet, whats a cryptocurrency, what is a blockchain, how do I keep my coins safe, how do I keep my data privacy safe in general, how do I buy it, how do I sell it?

Steve explains that they also go a bit further to explain to people how they should safeguard their identities online and the best way to protect their data and passwords and improve their cyber habits.

We talk some more about the danger of being loose with your data and how people should be more aware of the risks as companies use data points to manipulate consumers.

We need more educational material to help get more people on board. We have to make it easier for them, to know what it is, how to get started, and whether its for them. Be Left Behind is an unbiased source, so we dont recommend that anyone use a particular exchange or wallet or provider.

I ask Steve and Yuri what motivated them to write the book and host their podcast in the first place. They say that initially, it was their friends telling them they should do it because people need to learn about this stuff.

So, for people who want to take their first steps into cryptocurrency, Be Left Behind has been written as a go-to source for all their questions. And according to Crypto Beadles, Brock Pierce, Thomas Lee, and many more, this is a good place to start.

The post Learn about Bitcoin before your grandmother does appeared first on Coin Rivet.

Originally posted here:

Learn about Bitcoin before your grandmother does - Yahoo Finance

Video: Bruce Fenton on the Bitcoin Foundation, Satoshi Roundtable… – Bitcoin Magazine

Bruce Fenton is definitely a distinct personality in the Bitcoin space. After working as a stock market broker for about two decades, he chose to walk away from his Wall Street career and take a leap of faith with Bitcoin.

Its been a wild ride, I wouldnt trade it for the world. In my opinion, Bitcoin is the most powerful and important open-source project out there, said Fenton, an enthusiastic superhero fan.

As he spoke, he sat next to a large Batman action figure that points to the duality of his own work. Much like Bruce Wayne, Fenton lives a double life. He works as the director of his own companies, Atlantic Financial and Chainstone Labs, during the day. However, its at night that he puts on his mask to defend sound money, freedom of transactions and privacy.

This ardent advocacy may stem from Fentons origins with the original cryptocurrency. When he first entered the Bitcoin space, the same kind of financial incentives that exist today were not apparent.

I worked with some of the wealthiest organizations in the world, and when I got into Bitcoin I went from a very high income to basically no income, he explained. And it wasnt like now, with lots of startups. Coinbase and BitPay were some of the early ones which appeared several months after I started.

According to Fenton, it was the intellectual brilliance of the early Bitcoin community that first drew him into the space. To him, the journey has been truly exciting and transformational.

I think what attracted me at first was the electric excitement of going to these Bitcoin events, he said. The first couple of events that I attended were life-changing because I found this weird eclectic mix of strange people: hackers, anarchists and real geniuses. I could quickly tell that they knew their stuff and they were excited about it, and that got me excited about it too.

Fentons biggest adjustment has been that of switching from a hierarchical and authority-driven background to a whole new world which eliminates statuses and tries to build a fairer system.

I came from a world where everything was about authority, so I kept trying to find out whos the leader, he recalled. Then I realized that Bitcoin belongs to everybody and that was a big mind shift in my previous job I was dealing with kings, cabinet ministers and billionaires all the time.

Experience has taught Fenton that attempts to centralize power and influence in Bitcoin are anathema to its very DNA and will end up as failures. Nonetheless, he spoke fondly of the Bitcoin Foundation, a nonprofit Bitcoin advocacy group that he led from 2015 to 2016.

The Foundation is an interesting animal because it evolved a lot over time, Fenton said. In the early days, people were trying to make it an official organization thats in charge. We didnt have people like Andreas Antonopoulos to do public speaking and raise awareness, the media was confused and looking for spokespeople, so the Foundation was convenient at the time.

Highlighting just how misunderstood Bitcoin was during the Foundations earlier days, Fenton recalled some humorous moments from his time there.

The Foundation got a lot of crazy letters in the early days: they got a Cease and Desist from the State of California which said stop all bitcoins just because they didnt know better and thought the protocol can be controlled by this centralized entity, he said. People would call the Foundation and say someone hacked me, I want my coins back. But now you no longer make these mistakes because even the media knows that you have no centralized power over the protocol.

But despite his history of advocacy work, Fenton explained that hes not interested in representing Bitcoin in a public debate with regulators or legislators. However, he did take a moment to step into the shoes of a public speaker who advocates for the freedom enabled by Bitcoin, making a short and concise argument for free code and exchange of ideas.

If I were to testify in Congress about Bitcoin, I would define it as an idea which is expressed in code, Fenton explained. People have the right to write down ideas, express them in code, give them away and run them on a computer. Nobody has any authority to mess with this.

But for all of his own strong views, Fenton did point out that he enjoys listening to different perspectives and tries to remain friendly despite great differences in opinions.

In my nature, I try to make more friends than enemies, he said. This extends to the Bitcoin space and I hope is something for which Im known.

That being said, Fenton considers himself a Bitcoin maximalist. Its a label regularly applied to him by altcoiners, though other Bitcoin maximalists often dismiss him as an altcoiner. Nonetheless, Fenton believes that maximalists are the reason why Bitcoin is so successful and keeps on getting more robust at the protocol level and in price.

Maximalists might not be that diplomatic, but theyre also protecting my bitcoins because I know theyll never compromise, he said. I know that Im not going to lose sleep at night worrying about the price or about the code being changed.

The sixth Satoshi Roundtable event, an annual gathering established by Fenton, is set to take place between February 7 and February 10, 2020. According to its website, 175 leading Bitcoin industry members will be attending. However, the events selectivity and focus on privacy are controversial within the community.

One misconception is that its closed, Fenton explained. Its just limited in space, due to the reality of logistics. We only have a couple hundred seats. The main purpose is to not do something like Consensus, which is noisy and busy.

Fenton added that community members who want to participate in the Satoshi Roundtable for the first time can simply reach out and try to get a seat, particularly those whove been there before and havent pitched some kind of scam.

As a way of proving the open and inclusive nature of the gathering, Fenton pointed to one unlikely guest who nonetheless garners a lot of enthusiasm in the Bitcoin space.

We never kicked anybody out to make room for someone else, but we always tried to make room for the people who can add the most to the conversation, he said. William Shatner is coming this year. He doesnt have some huge street cred when it comes to Bitcoin code, but he has an interesting life and hes a celebrity.

In regards to the secretive nature of the gathering and the fact that the outside world doesnt find out much about whats being discussed, Fenton nodded to the fundamental need for privacy.

We try to respect the privacy of participants, which sometimes gets misinterpreted as secrecy, he said.

Between 2015 and 2017, Fenton took various stances regarding the scalability of Bitcoin. But regardless of his preferences and biases, he kept an open mind and an open door for debate.

Further Reading: The Long Road to SegWit

I think I was successful in not being too strong in taking a stance, he said. I was definitely open minded to the point of annoying people. At the time, I was arguing for both sides of the issue. In hindsight, I mostly argued on the corporate NYA/SegWit2X side.

Interestingly, despite spending some time arguing in favor of the block size increase via SegWit2X, Fenton did not sign the New York Agreement (NYA) and merely participated in the discussions.

I didnt support the NYA, but I did argue for it because I was still learning for myself. I think that one of my strengths is to be a debater type of person. So I think that I have a strength in taking peoples opinions and putting them in a way that makes me argue a case for somebody else, he added.

In his transition from arguing for bigger blocks to understanding why Bitcoin shouldnt be changed, Fenton has received a lot of support from other community members who understood that security is a greater priority than cheap transactions. Correspondingly, he went on to thank some of the industry leaders who helped him change his mind.

Adam Back is probably the best example, as he was kind enough to spend a lot of time with me and people like me, he recalled. I remember one time we spoke on the phone for three and a half hours. All the time he tried to explain to me and convince me whats different about open source and why this works. Eric Lombrozo, Nick Szabo and Jameson Lopp really informed my opinion too Thank God I never signed that New York Agreement!

According to Fentons recollection of the early days, many people came into Bitcoin and had misconceptions about free and fast transactions.

It was all about merchants and convincing them to accept Bitcoin, he said. And then Roger Ver gave a speech in which he said, If this continues, then were going to pay 30 cents for a fee, and some people listening were appalled.

Fenton is also convinced that both sides of the debate were acting in good faith and wanted what they genuinely thought was best for Bitcoin. In the end, he concluded that the Bitcoin maximalist understanding is the point of view which he also favors. However, he maintains a diplomatic stance in relation to big blockers.

Now I agree with the Bitcoin maximalists that security is most important and the base layer shouldnt be changed, but I respect the people on the other side too, he said.

Fenton believes that the existence of Bitcoin Cash as a divisive project which onboards big block advocates is a net positive, but he dislikes the way in which the fork tries to call itself Bitcoin. He doesnt regard chain forks as evil creations that should not exist, but natural consequences of the open-source environment that can be educational.

"Forks are great because thats the nature of open source, he said. And I do believe that all of these projects help Bitcoin because we learn what doesnt work and there will always be a minority group that just wants to do something different. The nature of the software license is that anybody can do anything with it, and they can try to run their own code. If its something that becomes successful and has market value over time, then that will be good. Otherwise, its just a learning experience.

In regards to Bitcoin privacy, Fenton believes that its very important. However, hes convinced that many of the technical discussions regarding the right implementation of this privacy should be left to the engineers.

From an overall priority standpoint, I think that privacy should be way up there, he said. Security must always be first, but privacy should be second or third.

Philosophically speaking, Fenton takes his views about privacy from his reading of cypherpunk literature, calling A Cypherpunks Manifesto the origin and ethos of what Bitcoin is.

But even though he appreciates the cypherpunk values, Fenton is against a hard fork that might force additional privacy measures and appears to be open to second layers that fulfill privacy requirements more easily.

"I believe in a base layer that cant be changed and is as close to immutability as can be, and also enables people to build privacy on top of it, he clarified.

Fenton also believes that privacy should exist by default for all users, and it shouldnt just be an optional feature which reduces the anonymity set of everybody involved and doesnt really solve problems. In order to make his case for private data protection, he told a short story about his early days in stock brokerage.

When I became a stock broker in 1992, I could open an account over the phone just by getting a name and an address, he explained. It wasnt until later that they added social security number and ID requirements. The government just slammed its fist down to add extra verification, and now roughly 20 years later, its like the government has some birthright to do complete KYC/AML. The economy worked just well for decades before this, most of the stuff has no economic value and is put in place for extra control.

He also argued that mandatory KYC/AML requirements havent really brought the expected results and crime still exists in spite of them.

Imagine if you didnt have all these arbitrary rules for money transmitting in bitcoin, he said. The industry would be a lot bigger, it would be easier for people to move money around.

All told, Fentons history, opinions and current involvement in Bitcoin make him one of the most captivating figures in the space. As the technology grows, theres little doubt that his own story will follow along with it.

Read the original:

Video: Bruce Fenton on the Bitcoin Foundation, Satoshi Roundtable... - Bitcoin Magazine

The origins of Bitcoin: BTC deviates from Bitcoin protocol – CoinGeek

This series looks back on the history of Bitcoin. Read parts one, two, three, four, five,six, seven, and eight.

Bitcoin may be 11 years old, but it wasnt really until the major price explosion of 2017 that global interest truly began. Media outlets hyped the price increases as BTC went from $100 to almost $20,000, and there was suddenly a spike in global interest of using cryptocurrency as an investment vehicle, a solution for which it was never intended. At the very least, the attention brought digital currency more mainstream, which has helped it to grow and be better understood, and regulated, for what it truly is.

2017 saw one of the biggest jumps in acceptance of crypto as a form of payment. Japan led the way at the time, seeing the number of ecommerce retailers willing to receive crypto payments increase over 4.5 times from the level seen a year earlier. BitPay reported that the number of transactions it saw climbed 200% in a year, adding that crypto was being found more as a means of conducting business-to-business supply chain payments.

Norway and Japan both began to recognize the legitimacy of Bitcoin in 2017, with both countries acknowledging its capabilities as a form of payment. Russia joined, as well; however, that decision has now been tossed out the window as the country later took a hardline approach against digital currencies.

By June 2017, BTCs price had increased to $3,000 and people began to wonder where everything would go from there. Suddenly, everyone became a crypto expert, commentator and analyst. Several pundits began to report that the levels would reach as much as $100,000. While the year-end price was astronomical compared to January prices, the exorbitant prices were never realized.

The following month (July), saw transaction fees periodically spiking into the three-digits, crypto users wanted an alternative that would make exchanging digital assets more affordable. BTC was already suffering from its inability to recognize how large block sizes could work on the blockchain and developers werent willing to listen to reason. Because of this, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was born as a BTC forked off to create a new protocol, but even this wasnt an ideal solution and ultimately resulted in the second death of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Cash developers removed the superimposed hard cap that the Bitcoin Core team had implemented, raising the block size from 2MB to 8MB and consequently increasing the block cap to 32MB in the coming months. However, since the increase there were still debates on the speed in which to scale Bitcoin and achieve the true vision laid out by Satoshi a decade before. Opinions of some BCH influencers at the time, namely Roger Ver and Jihan Wu, had an anarchist view of Bitcoin, one that was decentralized from government and completely anti-regulation to suggest that people should be able to use the cryptocurrency to buy whatever they wanted.

With the crypto market as a whole now seemingly out of control, regulators began to clamp down. Across the world, financial regulators began putting checks in place that would help the ecosystem shed its Wild West image, led by South Korea, Japan and others. These measures helped weed out many of the questionable operations that were running rampant, and help bring a level of civility to the space. No longer would it be possible to maintain an anything goes attitude or business modelcompanies would have to develop their plans in accordance with financial rules and regulations, just like Satoshi had always intended since he first released the Bitcoin whitepaper.

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Continued here:

The origins of Bitcoin: BTC deviates from Bitcoin protocol - CoinGeek

Who are the Main People in Bitcoin? – BlockPublisher

Despite the multiple negative thoughts surrounding Bitcoin, there is an equally large number of huge personalities and brilliant minds behind it and, even now, developing it and working for it to reach even greater heights.

Pieter Wuille is a developer who joined the Bitcoin team in May 2011. He has made over 650 commits to the Bitcoin source code over on Github.

Barry Silbert is one of Bitcoins most active investors. He is the founder of the Digital Currency Group, a company focused on developing the Bitcoin infrastructure and environment. They do this by helping investing companies to grow and invest, as well as helping multiple other companies in their startup phase.

Roger Ver is claimed and credited to be one of the first people to ever invest in a Bitcoin startup. He, almost singlehandedly, was behind the takeoff of the first generation of Bitcoin. Called Bitcoin Jesus by some, he adamantly believes that Bitcoin technology is one of the best suited for the idea that all transactions should be done through mutual human consent.

Andreas Antonopoulos is a man who decided to make Bitcoin more understandable for the average Joe. He is an engaging public speaker, and has, on multiple occasions, made a large number of speeches aimed to ease the public into the realm of cryptocurrencies. He is also the author of Mastering Bitcoin, a guide toward understanding the crypto.

Some of the other people who have a huge hand in Bitcoin take their part through their donations. Some of the largest contributors to the Bitcoin cause are:

The Winklevoss Twins consisting of Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss invested over $11 million in Bitcoin back in 2013.

Tony Gallippi is the founder and chairman of Bitpay, the leading predecessor of Bitcoin. He is said to have invested around $20 million into the crypto.

The biggest and most influential personality in Bitcoin is obviously Satoshi Nakamoto, the original developer or team of developers behind Bitcoin. Some developers estimate the holdings of Nakamoto to be around 1 million Bitcoin.

It is thanks to all of these people that Bitcoin has reached the height that it has now. They are certainly men and women of the future and will pave the way to the future of transactions and commerce.

This post was last modified on November 16, 2019 11:08 pm

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Who are the Main People in Bitcoin? - BlockPublisher

Bitcoin Money’s Q3 efficiency became terrifying right here’s what occurred – 101Newsindustry

Bitcoin Cash BCH is a household name in the cryptocurrency world. Its never far from being in the top five cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. But in the grand scheme of things, its not that old. Bitcoin Cash was created in August 2017. In response to Bitcoins scalability challenges, its blockchain was hard forked to create

Bitcoin Money BCH is a family title within the cryptocurrency world. Its never removed from being within the discontinue 5 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. Nonetheless within the remarkable plot of issues, its no longer that passe. Bitcoin Money became created in August 2017.

Primarily based on Bitcoins scalability challenges, its blockchain became tense forked to create a recent coin, known as Bitcoin Money. Its creators wanted to create a cryptocurrency that acted as conclude to a digital version of cash as doable. It wanted to lower the comparatively high transaction charges associated with Bitcoin to own day after day employ of cryptocurrency a more achievable actuality.

Bitcoin Money tries to total this with greater block sizes, meaning more transactions will be mined per block, in theory reducing confirmation cases and rising the price of transactions.

Nonetheless, this didnt closing for that long. Additional infighting and disagreements supposed Bitcoin Money itself forked in August 2018, ensuing in two quite a lot of blockchains. Bitcoin ABC (supported by Roger Ver and Bitmains Jihan Wu) and Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (from Craig Wright).

Primarily based on the stance most cryptocurrency commerce desks took, Bitcoin ABC continued to be identified as Bitcoin Money. Bitcoin ABC/Money continues to make employ of the BCH designate ticker while Bitcoin SV uses BSV.

As its most likely youll perhaps request, given its conclude relationship to the OG cryptocurrency, BCHs market efficiency is rarely too removed from Bitcoin. Nonetheless lets take a think at how Bitcoin Money has performed lately.

Bitcoin Money first got right here to market in slow 2017, simply in time for the inferior bull hotfoot that lasted till February 2018.

As with most cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin Money is yet to tag the highs it saw in 2017 all over again, and has most ceaselessly been on a downward vogue ever since.

Bitcoin Money had one up swing in trading designate throughout April 2018, where its designate shot up from $643 to $1,683 over the course of the month. A yr later, at the discontinue of April 2019, Bitcoin Money became trading at round $293, a staggering 83-p.c fall.

The cryptocurrencys efficiency for most of 2019 has been considerably uneventful. On June 16, Bitcoin Money reached its 2019 high, when it became trading at $487.

Bitcoin Money had a distinct discontinue to Q2, but that vogue didnt proceed into Q3.

All over the valuable two weeks of July 2019, Bitcoin Moneys trading designate dropped from round $403 on July 1, to round $283 on July 16.

Within the context ofcryptocurrencyvolatility, this 30-p.c fall is a considerably minor designate correction. All over the iciness of 2017 to 2018,BitcoinMoney saw its designate tumble by over 75 p.c.

After this market correction, Bitcoin Money recovered sufficient to commerce sideways for most of August.

On August 5, Bitcoin Money reached a month-to-month high of $333, a famous 18-p.c own better on the low it saw simply just a few weeks earlier.

Nonetheless, that became as ultimate because it would salvage for the digital coin in Q3. For the the relaxation of the quarter Bitcoin Money had just a few designate fluctuations, but it would conclude a protracted manner down on where it opened.

On the discontinue of August, one other albeit minor designate correction saw the cryptocurrencys designate fall by 11 p.c from $304 on August 27 to $270 on August 31.

Bitcoin Money did internet page up to stave off the doom and gloom for a short time longer though. Within the valuable three weeks of September a protracted-established designate rally saw the coins designate upward push from its discontinue of August low to a month-to-month high of $322 on September 18.

Sadly, on September 19Bitcoin, Moneys designate began to tumble as the coin witnessed one other huge market correction.

On September 26, Bitcoin Money became trading at simply over $216, a 33-p.c fall on where it became trading simply per week earlier.

Bitcoin Money showed no indicators of making improvements to within the closing days of the quarter. On September 30, the coin became trading at $223, forty five-p.c down on where it opened Q3.

Perhaps basically the most famous news forBitcoinMoney closing quarter got right here in September, when it became announced became looking out for to open a derivative for the cryptocurrency.

The timing of this news if truth be told coincided with the diminutive rally Bitcoin Money saw in September, nonetheless, it wasnt sufficient to support any form of sustained enhance.ABitcoinMoney futures contract could well perhaps be a protracted manner off, and would favor to beat a huge sequence of regulatory hurdles before launching. Bakkt has performed it for Bitcoin, so its no longer out the search files from that others will apply.

In early July, Scottish quite quite a lot of punk-infused brewery Brewdog announced that it would be offering shares in its firm, thru its long-running fairness for punks plot, in commerce for cryptocurrency including Bitcoin Money.

Within the identical week, Swiss fintech company Amun AG announced a Bitcoin Money commerce traded product, listed on the Switzerland-basically based stock commerce Six.

Neither of these announcements appear to comprise had any distinct enact on the cryptocurrencys trading designate within the short time-frame.

Its been a shaky start up to the closing quarter of the yr for Bitcoin Money. for most of October it has been trading sideways and not using a famous designate swings.

Nonetheless, this weeks news thatcryptocurrencyminingmainstay Bitmain had fired idea to be one of its co-founders, who became also the largest stakeholder within the commerce, is more seemingly to garner curiosity from Bitcoin Money fans.

The announcement became made internally to Bitmain by the firms head Jihan Wu, a longtime supporter of Bitcoin Money. Within the hours following the news, Bitcoin Moneys designate increased by 10 p.c.

Indeed, while this will seemingly be ultimate news within the short time-frame for Bitcoin Moneys trading designate, the long time-frame impact remains dangerous.

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Cryptocurrencies can fluctuate widely in designate and are, due to this truth, no longer appropriate for all investors. Trading cryptocurrencies is never any longer supervised by any EU regulatory framework.

Past efficiency is never any longer a ticket of future results. Heres no longer funding advice. Your capital is in difficulty.

Printed October 29, 2019 13:25 UTC

Excerpt from:

Bitcoin Money's Q3 efficiency became terrifying right here's what occurred - 101Newsindustry

Manipulations, Turns, Exchanges and 20 Crypto Jokes – Cryptonews

Well, it was seven days of twists and turns, and were not necessarily talking about crypto prices. Tezos rallied on news from major exchanges, an analyst discussed why DOGE is doing better than most altcoins, and a report said that a single whale manipulated 2017 Bitcoin rally, though multiple industry players dismissed it. Roger Ver says Bitcoin Cash may be worth 99,900% more, Stellar price skyrocketed following the burn, and while Ripple's customer base went up 50%, the CEO believes there are too many cryptos and that a bulls coming for the market, but XRP dropped among worst performers.

And as that was happening, Trezor denied links to Venezuela, the British government presented new crypto tax rulings; the EU finance ministers might discuss a new draft that advocates a common approach to cryptos; Russias crypto law took a confusing turn, but it might stop legal trading in BTC, ETH and other altcoins; China changed its opinion on BTC mining; and Hong Kong published a framework for crypto exchanges. In the meantime, North Korea is turning young talent into elite crypto hackers.

Among a number of exchange news, we learned that BitMEX found malicious groups trying to collect email addresses, DX.Exchange closed temporarily while waiting for a merger or sale, Bittrex and FTX are each facing a lawsuit, and users of Einstein Exchange and cant access their funds. Weve also learned why crypto business rushes to Turkey, that a law megafirm accepted its first crypto payment, and that there are blockchain-powered kettles and hairdryers.

And now, the jokes. Enjoy!


Let's start with a then-and-now comparison - crypto edition.


And the neighbours are clapping from their bedrooms too.


So, what's it like they ask...


Look, priorities are priorities.


Found 'em!


Add a bit of the devil one, please.


All's good.


A rare live footage in their natural surroundings?


The face of optimism.


But few are those who dare venture there.


I know it's among jokes, but I hope it's an actual joke.




Is this supposed to make one depressed? Just me?


For future generations to learn about.


The realisation is apparently very slimy.


There you go, simple and clear: "a guide to help people interpret the bitcoin price chart back to 2013".


Here's another type of interpretation.


Paid his dues. That's all he could pay.


Have you ever wondered what's it like for dogs?


And for pondering over weekend, here's how crypto and blockchain got into every part of our daily lives. Wait for it.

Read more:

Manipulations, Turns, Exchanges and 20 Crypto Jokes - Cryptonews

Roger Ver Apparently Thinks Bitcoin Cash Value Could Increase 100,000% – Cointelegraph

Bitcoin Cash's Roger Ver took to Facebook to announce that he is giving away Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to further spread the adoption of the fourth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

On Nov. 4, the Bitcoin Cash proponent and former CEO of, Roger Ver, said that he will send $5 worth of BCH to all of his Facebook friends, which could easily become worth $5,000 some day an increase of 99,900%.

If people are not already part of Vers network of Facebook friends, Ver will still send them $1 in BCH, which as well could easily become worth $1,000 some day. Ver asked interested parties to post a Bitcoin Cash address below the Facebook post.

Ver, who recently told Cointelegraph that he has been involved in the crypto space since Bitcoin (BTC) was less than $1 per coin, is attracting some attention to his give-away, as he claims that BCH could easily see a massive gain of almost 100,000 percent. At press time the post is closing in on 900 comments, with many of them including wallet addresses.

As the current price of BCH sits at $290.88, for one of the recipients to reap the returns purported by Ver, the price would need to shoot up to $290,880 per coin. Ver did not pinpoint a specific date or reason for the astronomical price increase.

In August, appointed Stefan Rust as the companys new chief executive officer as Roger Ver left the post. Rust stated that he will continue working on the development of the companys new products and services that promote peer-to-peer electronic cash. Commenting on the appointment, Rust said:

Im hugely excited to take on the role of CEO working alongside Roger. Together we can now turbocharge the awesome team and great brand that is [...] We will play an integral part in making money work for everybody as society undergoes such an enormous and pivotal change. Its going to be a wild ride, so dont miss it!


Roger Ver Apparently Thinks Bitcoin Cash Value Could Increase 100,000% - Cointelegraph

Roger Ver Claims Bitcoin Is Not Censorship-Resistant. Here’s Why – U.Today

Roger Ver believes that Bitcoin is not censorship-resistantgiven that one has to convert it to government-controlled fiat money before spending it.

In such a way, Ver, formerly known as "Bitcoin Jesus," highlights one of the main shortcomings of the cryptocurrency that started it all -- poor scalability. Due to a double-whammy of slow transactionsand high volatility, Bitcoin can hardly act as a viable method of payments. This led to the creation of Bitcoin Cash, a hard fork that increases the block size from onemegabyteto eightmegabytes.

Ver was one of the earliest Bitcoin investors and later became an influential voice within the cryptocurrency community. However, the block size debate made him abandon the cryptocurrency that made him a fortune and turn to Bitcoin Cash due to its fast and cheap transactions that can be suitable for merchants.Back in August 2018, Ver revealed that BCH comprised the lion's share of his cryptocurrency portfolio, and he's now focused on expanding the list of retailers who accept Bitcoin Cash around the globe.

In fact, practically anyone can pay with Bitcoin in stores, but it's is only possible with apps such as Flexa's Spedn that allow instantly converting the orange coin to fiat money. Starbucks will also start accepting Bitcoin paymentsin 2020 via the Bakkt app, but the coffee giant will not touch actual BTC. Hence, it flies in the face of Bitcoin maximalists who believe that Bitcoin is the answer to government censorship.

As reported by U.Today, Ver also claimed that the growing "store-of-value" narrative that surrounds Bitcoin relies on its usefulness as a means of payment.

See more here:

Roger Ver Claims Bitcoin Is Not Censorship-Resistant. Here's Why - U.Today

Lightning Network User Confused By Protocol: Lost 30000 USD – Bitcoin News

The Lightning Network has long been touted by its proponents as a speedy, low-cost solution to Bitcoins scaling issues. A series of security scares and UX issues have called that vision into question however. The latest LN slip-up saw a user lose 4 BTC in one fell swoop.

Also read: Hidden Lightning Network Bug Allowed Spending of Fake Bitcoins

An unfortunate LN user claims to have lost 4 BTC after force-closing a channel using an older invalid state. Cue a cascade of alternately sardonic and sympathetic comments on the thread where redditor ZipoTm confessed their calamity.

How did this travesty befall the hapless ZipoTm? Well, on Lightning, the distribution of funds occurs when a channel is closed, with the protocol deferring to the most recently signed balance sheet. Or as one redditor explained, If you force close using an older invalid state, they can take the money while its timelocked if their node is online.

At current prices, that mistake cost ZipoTm a cool $30,000. Force-closing on an open payment channel would have taken but a second, but the effects were irreversible and catastrophic. ZipoTm isnt a tech newb, either, confessing Im working as a system administrator, have some server knowledge and I bet that everybody who has bigger nodes will face the same issues.

This is the second embarrassing issue to have beset the Lightning Network in as many months. September saw the disclosure of a hidden bug that allowed the spending of fake coins on the network. The revelation prompted Bitcoin Unlimiteds Peter Rizun to chide: Many people pointed out how LN channel balances were claims on real bitcoins, and not actually real bitcoins themselves, and that problems like this would surface. LN proponents retorted that it was impossible for channel balances to be unbacked. LN proponents were wrong.

With the Lightning Conference having taken place in Berlin over the weekend, and given the recent release of lnd v0.8.0-beta, the LN brain trust must be alarmed by the timing of the latest disaster story. Even if ZipoTm was at fault, the tale proves that despite being ultra-quick, Lightning Network is not yet production-ready in any shape or form and its developers will have their work cut out to restore confidence in the technology.

Roger Ver weighed in on the story, quoting a tweet from Lightning Network earlier this month warning users Dont put more money on Lightning than youre willing to lose. Perhaps the calmness which ZipTim exhibited suggests he was willing to lose $30k but that seems a stretch. One redditor could scarcely accept the apparent apathy, writing: Tell me thats not your whole stack? Id be nowhere near this calm.

To fulfill its promise as Bitcoins scaling savior, more rigorous Lightning Network testing is required. However, it is not always possible to legislate for the carelessness of users. A fully-working Lightning Network would appear to be some way off, but lessons can be learned in the interim. Perhaps the most important is to avoid locking up a substantial amount of bitcoin in a technology which is far from flawless at this juncture.

Do you think LN will ever be ready for public use? Let us know in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock.

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Kai's been manipulating words for a living since 2009 and bought his first bitcoin at $12. It's long gone. He's previously written whitepapers for blockchain startups and is especially interested in P2P exchanges and DNMs.

Go here to read the rest:

Lightning Network User Confused By Protocol: Lost 30000 USD - Bitcoin News

Sunday Digest: Bitcoin Price And The Week’s Top Stories – Bitcoinist

If you feel like your personal freedoms are being eroded by [insertyour government here] becoming increasingly undemocratic in the name of the public good, then thank [insert your choice of deity here] that you dont live in Eritrea unless you do live in Eritrea. Either way,you can improve your monetary sovereignty at least, by investing in andholding Bitcoin.

The start of the week saw bitcoin price clinging on to $8400 with its fingernails, as some analysts predicted a swift return to $7700 lows.

Bitcoins failure to overcome resistance saw its dominance rating fall by a percentage point, as altcoins took the opportunity to catch up.

In the current climate we are looking for any indicator to give us a clue when the price will pick up again, so why not network activity? Or perhaps we should pin our hopes on another Halloween pump to lift us out of the current consolidation period?

And then, naturally, we were hit by another drop. Not as low as the $7700 predicted, but back below $8000. And this time altcoins led the downwards charge, wiping out gains against bitcoin from earlier in the week.

But of course, none of this is anything to worry about. As anyone whose introduction to Bitcoin preceded the 2017 bull-run will tell you, 40% corrections happen regularly before a serious rally starts.

Litecoin founder, Charlie Lee, celebrated the altcoins 8th birthday by dismissing recent rumors of the Litecoin Foundations imminent bankruptcy.

Facebooks Libra is facing the scrutiny of almost everyone these days. On Monday, it was the turn of a G7 taskforce to express its concerns.

In order to deflect all this attention, Libra decided it needed a financial industry insider to be seen managing the project. Someone like an ex-Federal Reserve boss, suggested project lead, David Marcus.

Grayscale won the first US approval for cryptocurrency-based security when the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) gave its digital large-cap fund the green light.

Satoshi entered the Oxford English Dictionary, with the definition: The smallest monetary unit in the Bitcoin digital payment system, equal to one hundred millionth of a bitcoin.

Binance announced that it would allow futures trading with up to 125x leverage, urging customers to use this with caution. Reactions from the crypto community suggested that nobody had a clue how to use 125x leverage with caution, so it looks like nobody will be able to take Binance up on the offer.

Despite being called out as a Pumpkin Man earlier this week, (Dr) Craig S Wright isnt the feature act of our final story for once.

That honor goes to Nouriel Roubini, commonly known as Dr. Doom, but also not a real doctor. At the CC forum in London, Doom (as his friends know him), debated both Roger Ver and Bobby Lee. Although the term debated is debatable, as Roubini simply spouted his standard tired old tropes.

So gather round folks. Its time for a debunking.

What do you make of this weeks bitcoin and crypto news? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

Image via Bitcoinist Media Library

Original post:

Sunday Digest: Bitcoin Price And The Week's Top Stories - Bitcoinist

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Breaks Above $8,200 While Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV) Post Even Higher Gains – U.Today

There is a good chance that the cryptocurrency market is finally reviving given that Bitcoin, the top digital asset by market capitalization, has surged by four percent over the last 24 hours. According to CoinStats data, the coin that started it all is trading at $8,243with its market cap inching closer to the $150 blnlevel.

Considering that Bitcoin has already had a few fakeouts, bears might dismiss this recent price uptick as another flash in the pan. However,Alistair Milne, the CIO of the Altana Digital Currency Fund, recently took to Twitter to allege that this time might be different. His graph shows that Bitcoin has managed to break out of another descending triangle, which could mean a trend reversal.

As of now, the bearish sentiment is gradually waning. John Bollinger earlier assumed that Bitcoin had good potential for a head-fake trade. In layman's terms, it's simply a move in the opposite direction, which could also be described as a bear trap if to consider all $6,000 and $2,000 predictions.

Bitcoin has been range-bound for almost a month at the lower-$8,000 level. Such prolonged periodsof volatility usuallymean that BTC is ready for another volatile move.

While top altcoins mostly remain dormant, Bitcoin's controversial forks are on a roll. Bitcoin SV (BSV) is leading the pack with a seven percent price increase while Roger Ver's favorite Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is also up by six percent.

Will the Bitcoin price manage to touch $9,000 by the end of the month? Share your take in the comments!

Originally posted here:

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Breaks Above $8,200 While Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV) Post Even Higher Gains - U.Today

BTC, BSV, BCH Update, HOT and NEW See Gains, Oct. 21 Bitcoin is stable and still – Bitrates

Bitcoin is stable and still hovers around the fibonacci levels, BSV adds 21% on the week, HOT and NEW also see double digit gains.

Bitcoin is currently trading above $8,200 as selling pressure has continued for the last weeks. The move is still contained by the 50-61.8% Fibonacci levels, so we are still looking at a correction of the move that began in December 2018. The price action is still heavy and the market dynamics are the same. The only hope of real gains from here will be a crisis in the current financial system, which has been mentioned in previous posts. The mass population is still switched off to cryptocurrencies and only panic or fear of missing out on gains will see them embrace the market.

Support for BTC is around the $7,500 level and this will be the critical level going forward. The first key resistance will occur near $11,000. A move above $8,500 this week could see a potential move to $10,000 in the next week or two.

Bitcoin SV was 21% higher on the week and 16% of that move occurred in the last 24 hours. Looking at the price action of the move and it looks more like a technical correction from the recent sell-off. The positive week was the third straight gain and brings BSV back above the $100 level, which will be the focus going forward. A move to $130 is possible as the market makes its mind up about the value of BSV.

Bitcoin SV has been a volatile coin due to the Bitcoin Cash fork and the project isnt helped by the drama that surrounds its creator, Craig Wright. Wright aimed another attack at Binance CEO, CZ Zhao, calling him a money laundering piece of scum. The high-profile spat between the pair saw BSV delisted from the exchange earlier in the year.

Bitcoin SV was created after a hard fork from Bitcoin Cash. BCH has its own frontman in Roger Ver and his announced that it had acquired the Japanese blockchain startup O3 labs. O3 previously worked with NEO and Ontology and will now build apps for

BCH leads BSV with a market cap of $4.2 billion versus $1.88 billion. In terms of mass adoption, BCH may have created a masterstroke with the web domain. If market newbies want to get involved in crypto then a google search of Bitcoin would draw many to the apps of BCH.

Holochain saw a positive week with a 20% gain and this finds the HOT token at number 37 in the list of cryptocurrencies by market cap.

Over the last few weeks, the projects have built a testing simulation of their p2p network and DHT implementation, ssim1h. Sim1h is a tool that can simulate an entire P2P network on a single centralized device. The test environment will operate ahead of the full solution, lib3h. Holochain lets users own and control their own data build applications.

HOT was trading at $0.00225 in June of this year but has retreated alongside the general market to trade now at $0.0009. The 20% move this week is a bounce from the recent low and could signify a potential bottom, however, the volume would need to build after the recent selling before any real follow-through is possible. HOT currently has a market cap of $156 million.

The Newton project is now at number 82 in the list of coins after a 27% move on the week. The NEW coin has a market cap of $46 million and currently trades at $0.0038.

Newton is seeking to disrupt areas such as digital identity, personal credit, advertising, and the supply chain. NewPay is the digital wallet for NEW and the project also wanted it to interact with NewMall, an e-commerce platform. Users consumer behavior would be saved and earn incentives known as NewForce. The goal is to disrupt traditional e-commerce platforms to give consumers control and to cut costs for merchants.

In market news, Samsung SDS, which is a subsidiary of tech giant Samsung, announced a joint venture for a blockchain traceability product. The tie-up with Pega and Mahindra will target industries including banking, insurance, and public services.

Fidelity Digital Asset Services has now undergone a full rollout of its trading and custody products. The platform had been operating a test phase with limited clients. The companys CEO told the Financial Times:

Fidelity started adding clients in the first quarter and is now engaged in a full rollout of its custody and trading services for digital assets a boon to what is a fragmented and complicated industry.

Fidelity currently manages $2.8 trillion assets in the traditional financial sector. Alongside the recent Bakkt launch, the door is now open for professional investors to enter the crypto space.

Disclaimer: information contained herein is provided without considering your personal circumstances, therefore should not be construed as financial advice, investment recommendation or an offer of, or solicitation for, any transactions in cryptocurrencies.

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See the original post:

BTC, BSV, BCH Update, HOT and NEW See Gains, Oct. 21 Bitcoin is stable and still - Bitrates