The Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association Announces a Strategic Partnership with Jupiter Orphan Therapeutic –

Jupiter Orphan Therapeutics forms strategic partnership with The Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association.

JOTs CEO Christer Rosen added, We are excited to partner with the Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association and increase our investor base with more local entities that it is easy to also meet with in person and give update of our continuing progress. Although we dont need money at the moment due to the recently received NIA grant we want to explore the opportunity to raise capital and thereby be able to accelerate our clinical programs.

About: Jupiter Orphan Therapeutics

JOT's long-term focus is to develop a treatment for Alzheimer's Disease while in parallel developing one or more treatments for rare diseases. JOT's product, JOTROL, is enabling the use of one product for multiple diseases. JOT expect, subject to financing, to submit an IND application to FDA in the 2nd half of 2021 for a Phase II trial in Alzheimer's Disease patients as well as another IND application for Friedreichs ataxia, a rare disease.

JOTROL is a unique formulation with resveratrol as active ingredient, patents are issued in USA and Europe. JOTROL is the first and only effective solution to the well documented bioavailability issues with resveratrol. FDA has determined that the first JOT Investigational New Drug (IND) submission status is Safe to Proceed.

Visit for additional company information.

About: The Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association

The Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association ( is a trade organization for hedge fund, financial professionals and ultra- high-net worth investors in South Florida. Membership is open to active hedge fund managers/ professionals, ultra-high net worth investors, family offices, financial traders, investment bankers, academics, financial institutions, FOFs, foundations, allocators, as well as selected service providers including third-party marketers, data providers, prime brokers, administrators, auditors, lawyers, risk managers, and financial technology firms.

Since launching in the autumn of 2013 with an original core of five members, the association has grown to over 1600 members and has become the voice and go-to source for the South Florida investor financial community.

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The Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association Announces a Strategic Partnership with Jupiter Orphan Therapeutic -

Six natural pain relievers readily available in your kitchen – The Standard

We are constantly advised against taking too many pain relieving medication as this can lead to some life threatening conditions.

More often than not we are plagued with stomach pains or headaches, probably from all the stress we have to deal with at work, not to mention the back pains from our poor sitting postures all day, every day.

As a result we are left with no option but to turn to pain killers for fast relief.

While this might seem convenient, your body will lose its natural way of fighting away pain which might leave you over-dependent on prescribed medication.

Before it gets that far, it is important to find more natural ways of boosting your immunity and helping your body fight away occasional pain triggers.

Here are some natural pain relievers readily available in your kitchen:

Whether you use it as a whole grain or in its powder form, turmeric is an amazing food compliment that will make dishes like rice and stew taste much better.

Did you also know that turmeric can relieve chronic pain and inflammation?

Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that speed up the healing process.

Nothing smells and tastes as good as finely chopped ginger. It is the perfect ingredient to add to most of your meals ranging from beverages to stews.

Ginger is widely used for muscle pain and nausea, it contains anti-inflammatory properties that speed up pain relief and it can boost joint and muscle function.

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Another ingredient that you should never run out of in the house is garlic, although it is mainly used as a cooking condiment it also has amazing pain relieving properties.

Using some garlic paste, rub it on a sore area especially on your back for a few minutes and relax.

Other than for inflammations, garlic can also be used for earaches and stomach bugs.

Have you ever walked into a massage parlour and wondered why they use aromatherapy?

For obvious reasons plant extracts are relaxing and make the experience more worthwhile but actually massage oils infused with plant extracts like peppermint can help in relieving muscles pains and tension.

Peppermint contains menthol responsible for the cooling effect on sore and aching muscles.

You probably prefer your grapes in a glass of wine but the fruit may actually help relieve back pain.

Grapes contain an antioxidant called resveratrol, which helps defend your back against cartilage damage.

It will also block and prevent the growth of enzymes responsible for tissue deterioration.

Last but not least are cloves, if you love Swahili dishes like pilau then you are aware of how important these are to your rice recipes.

Cloves may play an amazing role as a cooking condiment but it is a perfect toothache pain reliever as well.

They contain an active ingredient eugenol, which is a natural anesthetic that helps to numb and reduce pain caused by toothaches.

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Six natural pain relievers readily available in your kitchen - The Standard

Navigating the Sea of CBD and Its Use In Horses The Horse –

What we know about CBDs efficacy and potential use in horses

Perhaps the most important fact I can relay about CBD, or cannabidiol, to horse owners is that only one report on its effects in horses has been published. Ever.

Erin Contino, MS, DVM, Dipl. ACVSMR, and Katherine Ellis, DVM, MS, both of Colorado State Universitys (CSU) Orthopaedic Research Center, in Fort Collins, co-authored that case report involving a single horse. They used CBD to help the owner treat cutaneous (skin) hypersensitivity and mechanical allodynia (a painful sensation caused by an apparently innocuous stimuli, like light touch) in the 4-year-old Quarter Horse mare.

In this case the owner and veterinarians didnt know the inciting cause, but they thought it was an insect sting that resulted in a persistent, severe hypersensitivity.

This mare had a four- to five-month history of sensitivity to touch near the withers and shoulder region, says Contino. She would violently twitch and sometimes even strike and kick out during grooming of that area . She had a few episodes of unprovoked frantic bucking on the longe when tacked up and could not tolerate wearing a blanket. It was getting to the point that the mares owner was concerned about her becoming dangerous even in her stall.

Over several months they treated the mare with a gamut of medications: anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin E, magnesium, the nerve pain medication gabapentin, and aquapuncture with vitamin B12.

With no improvement, the owner was growing increasingly concerned and frustrated, Contino says. Additional diagnostics and treatment avenues were broached, but the owner, based on her own personal experiences with the product, ultimately elected to try CBD. The owner sourced pure crystalline powder CBD via a noncommercial avenue. The mare received 250 milligrams by mouth twice daily to start, a dose Contino selected after consulting with colleague Chelsea Luedke, MS, DVM, cVMA, of nearby Heritage Equine Clinic, who had used CBD in several of her own clinical cases for a variety of painful conditions.

Within 36 hours of beginning treatment, says Contino, the mare exhibited a surprising and impressive improvement in her clinical condition. She would permit light and firm touch over her neck, withers, and shoulder and before long could be longed and tacked without exhibiting any adverse behaviors, she says.

After 60 days Contino slowly tapered the dose to a maintenance amount of 150 milligrams by mouth once daily.

While this positive outcome might make horse owners want to run out and buy CBD, which is widely available and easy to get, it would first be prudent to learn more about this hemp plant derivative .

Cannabidiol is one of more than 100 cannabinoids that can be isolated from the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabinoids, including CBD, are plant- derived compounds called phytochemicals that give plants their vibrant colors and smells and help protect against insects and the suns UV rays. Phytochemicals purportedly provide beneficial health benefits to animals consuming them. Common examples of phytochemicals include anthocyanins found in berries and red wine that might be associated with lower blood pressure and resveratrol found in red wine, grapeseed extract, and dark chocolate that functions as an antioxidanta compound that squelches cell-damaging molecules called free radicals in our bodies.

While C. sativa is the only species of cannabis plant, different varieties of C. sativa produce different cannabinoids. Both hemp and nonhemp varieties contain CBD; however, some nonhemp varieties also contain up to 30% THCa potent psychoactive cannabinoid (the main one found in marijuana). Hemp contains little to no THC and is largely cultivated for its fiber, seeds, and CBD-laden oil.

Manufacturers can cold-press and sell CBD oil as-is or isolate the CBD component to produce a variety of consumer ready equine products, such as tinctures, balms, pellets, and powders.

This article continues in the September 2020 issue of The Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care. Subscribe now and get an immediate download of the issue to continue reading. Current magazine subscribers can access the digital edition here.

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Navigating the Sea of CBD and Its Use In Horses The Horse -

FAMU awarded two new grape patents The Famuan – Famuan

FAMUs Vineyard at the Viticulture Center.Photo courtesy

FAMUs College of Agriculture & Food Sciences has been granted two new grape patents. This is a huge accomplishment for the university and, more specifically, for the FAMU Center for Viticulture and Small Fruits Research.

The researchers at the center have named these two new strains of muscadine grape plants: the Floriana and Florida Onyx grape plants.

These are the two newest additions to the grape industry.Muscadine grapes originated in the southeastern region of the United States and are typically used in making artisan wines, juices and jelly.

Cypress Bend Vineyards wrote about the benefits of the muscadine grapes, stating that they are fat free, high in fiber and they are high in antioxidants, especially ellagic acid and resveratrol. Ellagic acid has demonstrated anticarcinogenic properties in the colon, lungs and liver of mice. Resveratrol is reported to lower cholesterol levels and the risk of coronary heart disease.

According to a press release issued by FAMU and the Viticulture Center, Floriana is described as a self-fertile wine grape vine that is highly productive, resistant to Pierces disease (PD) and low cases of the fruit ripening rot and able to produce fine red wines.

The most distinguished characteristics of Floriana is its high-quality wine, rich and stable red color, and consistent high yield.

Florida Onyx is described as a pistillate (female) grape vine that is highly productive, resistant to Pierces disease (PD), low fruit ripening rot and relatively low wet scar.

The most outstanding characteristics of Florida Onyx are its large, deep black-red colored berry with extremely pleasant fruit flavor.

According to, the FAMU Center for Viticulture and Small Fruits Research was established by the Florida Legislature in 1978, making it the oldest specialized viticulture research program in the southeastern United States.

The center was established with Florida Senate Bill 898, identified as the Florida Viticulture Policy Act, to provide leadership, undertake research, extension and development activities that will contribute to industry growth and development.

Grapes are the second biggest fruit crop (by acreage) in the country and second in the world to bananas. Muscadine grapes and wines are produced in 12 states. The economic impact of the muscadine grape and wine industry have grown tremendously due to an increased market demand of wine and healthy foods, according to

Floridas wine and grape industry has been one of the nations great agricultural success stories with huge economic benefits, making this a major step in research for FAMU.

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FAMU awarded two new grape patents The Famuan - Famuan

pTeroWhite: a solution for skin brightening, sun protection and anti-ageing – Cosmetics Business


Ingredients | Skin Care

Application of pTeroWhite cream twice daily for 8 weeks was safe, and improved skin texture tone, and helped in keeping skin moisturized, supple and young

Pterostilbene a natural ingredient, a more stable analogue of resveratrol, has been shown to be helpful in the management of several age-related disorders and aging symptoms by modulating age-related physiological mechanisms viz., antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-glycation pathways (1). Preclinical evaluations have shown that the pterostilbene enriched extract has potential antioxidant ability by the virtue of its radicle scavenging activity. The extract effectively scavenged the DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl) free radical and the activity was comparable to resveratrol and kojic acid. The extract also inhibited the activity the tyrosinase enzyme in vitro and inhibited melanin production and UV induced damage in vivo in the melanocytes (2).

A clinical study evaluated the anti-aging and skin brightening effect of pTeroWhite cream in healthy volunteers. The study was carried out in 38 healthy volunteers by dermatological assessment, non-invasive instrument assessment, and imaging assessment. The cream effectively improved skin brightness, elasticity, reduced the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and improved skin texture as compared to baseline. The study concluded that application of pTeroWhite cream twice daily for 8 weeks was safe, and improved skin texture tone, and helped in keeping skin moisturized, supple and young (3).

The company ensures the sustainable supply of the active ingredient through its award-winning 10-year reforestation program in India to cultivate 166,600 kino samplings on 250 acres of forest land.

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pTeroWhite: a solution for skin brightening, sun protection and anti-ageing - Cosmetics Business

Elderly will be hardest group to protect with vaccine – University World News


Because the immune system naturally weakens with age, vaccine manufacturers, by and large, will not use an elderly population for phase I [trials] because they want to show that its safe and they want to show that its efficacious, John Nicholls, clinical professor of pathology at the University of Hong Kong and coronavirus expert, told University World News.

An analysis of 26 studies from around the world by researchers at Dartmouth College in the United States published last month found that the risk of dying from COVID-19 rises substantially from 0.4% for individuals aged 55 to 15% for those aged 85.

Ageing weakens the immune system making the body more vulnerable to infectious diseases, and intensifies inflammation when infections do occur. The ageing human body also loses the ability to acquire immunity through infection or vaccination, meaning that vaccines effective in younger adults may not protect people over 55.

You basically run out of nave immune cells that react to a pathogen the body has never seen before, said Nicholls.

Vaccine manufacturers may have too much to lose by trialling vaccine candidates on vulnerable populations too soon. They need to produce a vaccine and theyre not going to try it out on a 55- to 70-year-old population because theres definitely less chance of getting an immune reaction and an immune response, said Nicholls.

According to Nicholls, matters are worse for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, because it enters human cells through a gateway protein that usually triggers inflammation, which is already elevated in the elderly.

The bodys defence mechanism goes into overdrive. Thats why you get this nasty reaction [with COVID-19] of diffuse lung damage, said Nicholls.

Trials that include the elderly

Experts agree that not enough has been done to find out how the elderly could respond to vaccines, even at the preclinical stage.

Phase I clinical trials test a vaccine candidate for safety and adverse reactions, usually with around 100 participants. The elderly are often left out of clinical trials. They have comorbidities and theres more of a chance that theyll have adverse reactions, Nicholls said.

Two of the vaccine candidate frontrunners, one being developed by the University of Oxford with UK-based pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, and the other by US biotech giant Moderna, have enrolled adults over age 55 in their trials.

The Oxford programme, which includes older adults in Phase II and Phase III trials but excludes them from Phase I, was paused for a week in September in Phase III after a participant experienced inflammation on both sides of one section of the spinal cord. It has not been confirmed whether the event was due to the vaccine.

So far, Moderna is the only manufacturer to have tested their candidate vaccine on 20 adults aged over 55 in Phase I clinical trials and did so after demonstrating safety in adults aged 18-55.

Risky population groups

Phaik Yeong Cheah, an associate professor at the University of Oxford and head of the department of bioethics and engagement at the Bangkok-based Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, explained: Studies get their inclusion and exclusion criteria to be as representative as possible of the population that they want to use the eventual drug or vaccine on, but they also have to narrow it down quite a bit because they dont want to include people who are risky and prone to side effects.

Cheah highlighted the persistent challenge of companies not recruiting participants from high-risk groups for clinical trials. If somebody gets really ill and dies, then youll kill the new drug [or vaccine]. So theres no incentive to try it, she said.

High-risk populations, in addition to the elderly, include young children, pregnant women and those with comorbidities more than one disease present in a person at the same time.

The downside is that when there is a vaccine, it is only valid for the population groups that participated in the clinical trials, Cheah added.

Fears over Guillain-Barr syndrome a rare attack on the nerves by a persons own immune system that can paralyse the body discouraged many people from taking up the influenza vaccine, which may have exacerbated the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic. Research, including an eight-year study in Taiwan of individuals over 50, has yet to prove an association between the influenza vaccine and the syndrome.

Transmission in the elderly

Nicholls said the types of COVID-19 vaccine currently undergoing trials will reduce cases of severe pneumonia but will not stop transmission, so vaccinated individuals exposed to the virus could transmit it to members of high-risk populations, while themselves being protected from developing the disease. Thats why the vaccine has to be put in together with social distancing, he said.

A vaccine delivered via a nasal spray already used for some existing influenza vaccines would cause the immune system to produce a type of antibody that stays in the nasal passages and intercepts viruses entering through the nose, preventing transmission.

Teams in the United States, Canada and the Netherlands are working on nasal vaccines for COVID-19, but a higher risk of severe inflammation from these vaccines, which are a live attenuated virus, discourages most manufacturers. A live attenuated vaccine is the live [virus] but its basically been tampered with. People are worried that if its not attenuated enough, then it may end up causing disease, said Nicholls.

The good news is that, in the elderly, you can try to boost your immune system, Nicholls said.

A recent review by immunologists at the universities of Palermo and Molise in Italy, Kings College London in the UK, and Harvard University in the US, highlighted evidence that suggested probiotics, micronutrients such as zinc and vitamin E and several chemicals in some foods such as resveratrol in red wine and omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils could give more protection, either by stimulating the immune response and-or lowering inflammation, though these effects will vary with different people.

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Elderly will be hardest group to protect with vaccine - University World News

Value of Resveratrol Market Predicted to Surpass US$ by the of 2019 2029 – Crypto Daily

In 2029, the Resveratrol market is spectated to surpass ~US$ xx Mn/Bn with a CAGR of xx% over the forecast period. The Resveratrol market clicked a value of ~US$ xx Mn/Bn in 2020. Region is expected to account for a significant market share, where the Resveratrol market size is projected to inflate with a CAGR of xx% during the forecast period.

In the Resveratrol market research study, 2020 is considered as the base year, and 2019-2029 is considered as the forecast period to predict the market size. Important regions emphasized in the report include region 1 (country 1, country2), region 2 (country 1, country2), and region 3 (country 1, country2).

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Global Resveratrol market report on the basis of market players

The report examines each Resveratrol market player according to its market share, production footprint, and growth rate. SWOT analysis of the players (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) has been covered in this report. Further, the Resveratrol market study depicts the recent launches, agreements, R&D projects, and business strategies of the market players including

Key Players

The global Resveratrol market is competitive. Some of the key players in global resveratrol market include of DSM Nutritionals, Sabinsa Corporation, MAYPRO Industries, Interhealth, Laurus Labs Limited, Evolva, JF-NATURAL, Great Forest Biomedical, Resvitale LLC, Xieli Pharmaceutical, Endurance Product Company, and others. Many supplements manufacturers are taking interest to invest in global resveratrol market.

Opportunities for Market Participants

The global resveratrol market is growing and thus opening many opportunities for existing as well as emerging players. Manufacturers are investing in R&D as resveratrol has been a part of various research projects about its health benefits, in treatment or prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic disorders, etc. With the increasing use of resveratrol in cosmetics and personal care products the manufacturers are trying to develop and launch application specific products. The growing trend of move to natural proves to open many opportunities for the utilization of natural resveratrol in various products.

Global Resveratrol Market: A Regional Outlook

The global resveratrol market can be regionally segmented as North America, East Asia. Latin America, Europe, South Asia, Middle East & Africa and Oceania. North America, East Asia, and Europe are the key producer of resveratrol. The resveratrol market in East Asia region is expected to grow at a rapid pace over the forecast period. The increasing demand for natural and healthy products from European as well as North America region is expected to help the growth of resveratrol market over the forecast period.

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The Resveratrol market report answers the following queries:

The Resveratrol market report provides the below-mentioned information:

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Research Methodology of Resveratrol Market Report

The global Resveratrol market study covers the estimation size of the market both in terms of value (Mn/Bn USD) and volume (x units). Both top-down and bottom-up approaches have been used to calculate and authenticate the market size of the Resveratrol market, and predict the scenario of various sub-markets in the overall market. Primary and secondary research has been thoroughly performed to analyze the prominent players and their market share in the Resveratrol market. Further, all the numbers, segmentation, and shares have been gathered using authentic primary and secondary sources.

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Value of Resveratrol Market Predicted to Surpass US$ by the of 2019 2029 - Crypto Daily

Resveratrol Market In-Depth Analysis on the Future Growth Prospects and Industry Trends Adopted by the Competitors | (2020-2027) – The News Brok

The Global Resveratrol MarketIndustry Report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Resveratrol Market by CMI. The Resveratrol market is supposed to demonstrate a considerable growth during the forecast period of 2020 2027. The company profiles of all the key players and brands that are dominating the market have been given in this report. Their moves like product launches, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions and the respective effect on the sales, import, export, revenue and CAGR values have been studied completely in the report. The scope of this Resveratrol market report can be expanded from market scenarios to comparative pricing between major players. The emerging trends along with major drivers, challenges and opportunities in the market are also identified and analysed in this report.

Resveratrol help organizations to develop cogent, coherent plans of action to improve their performance.

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Resveratrol Market report provides a thoroughly researched abstract of the key players with considerable shareholdings at a global level regarding demand, sales, and income by providing better products and services. Research Report outlines a forecast for the Resveratrol market between 2020 and 2027. In terms of value, the Resveratrol industry is expected to register a steady CAGR during the forecast period.

The report offers a systematic presentation of the existing trends, growth opportunities, market dynamics that are expected to shape the growth of the Resveratrol market. The various research methods and tools were involved in the market analysis, to uncover crucial information about the market such as current & future trends, opportunities, business strategies and more, which in turn will aid the business decision-makers to make the right decision in future.

The report begins with a brief introduction and market overview of the Resveratrol industry followed by its market scope and size. Next, the report provides an overview of market segmentation such as type, application, and region. The drivers, limitations, and opportunities for the market are also listed along with current trends and policies in the industry.

The key players profiled in this report include:

SkinCeuticals, Evolva SA, DSM Nutritionals, Jeunesse Global, VitaMonk, Helix Healthstore, Terraternal, Andorra Life, ResVitale, LLC, Endurance Products Company, RevGenetics, SiChuan Xieli Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and others.

Regions included:

o North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)

o Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)

o Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)

o South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)

o Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

Detailed Segmentation:

By Application:CosmeticsDietary SupplementsPharmaceuticalOthersGlobal Resveratrol Market, By Dosage Form:TabletCapsuleLiquid

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Key Benefits:

o This study gives a detailed analysis of drivers and factors limiting the market expansion of Resveratrol

o The micro-level analysis is conducted based on its product types, end-user applications, and geographies

o Porters five forces model gives an in-depth analysis of buyers and suppliers, threats of new entrants & substitutes and competition amongst the key market players

o By understanding the value chain analysis, the stakeholders can get a clear and detailed picture of this Resveratrol market

The research study can answer the following Key questions:

Table of Contents

Report Overview: It includes the Resveratrol market study scope, players covered, key market segments, market analysis by application, market analysis by type, and other chapters that give an overview of the research study.

Executive Summary: This section of the report gives information about Resveratrol market trends and shares, market size analysis by region and analysis of global market size. Under market size analysis by region, analysis of market share and growth rate by region is provided.

Profiles of International Players: Here, key players of the Resveratrol market are studied on the basis of gross margin, price, revenue, corporate sales, and production. This section gives a business overview of the players and shares their important company details.

Regional Study: All of the regions and countries analyzed in the Resveratrol market report is studied on the basis of market size by application, the market size by product, key players, and market forecast.

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Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Southeast Asia.

About Author:

Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions. We are headquartered in India, having office at global financial capital in the U.S. Our client base includes players from across all business verticals in over 150 countries worldwide. We are uniquely positioned to help businesses around the globe deliver practical and lasting results through various recommendations about operational improvements, technologies, emerging market trends and new working methods.

Mr Raj ShahCoherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave,#3200 Seattle, WA 98154, U.S.Phone +1-206-701-6702[emailprotected]

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Resveratrol Market In-Depth Analysis on the Future Growth Prospects and Industry Trends Adopted by the Competitors | (2020-2027) - The News Brok

Resveratrol Market analysis with Leading Key Players and Regional Analysis 2025 – News by aeresearch

The Resveratrol market report offers an all-inclusive analysis of this industry vertical with emphasis on the key growth drivers, limitations, and opportunities shaping the market dynamics in the upcoming years.

As per the report, the market is projected to show decent growth, recording a CAGR of XX% over the analysis period (2020-2025).

Fluctuations in supply and demand share due to enforcement of stringent lockdown measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic have left several businesses in disarray. In addition to uncertainty of profit in the short term, some industries are expected to face grueling challenges even once the economy arises from the pandemic.

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Essentially, almost all organizations across various sectors have renewed their budget to restore profits for the coming years. Our complete analysis of this business vertical is designed to help you chart a plan of action and make well-informed decisions.

Furthermore, the research document offers an extensive assessment of the various industry segmentations to help you identify the revenue prospects of the market.

Key inclusions of the Resveratrol market report:

Resveratrol Market segments covered in the report:

Regional scope: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa, South East Asia

Product terrain: Synthetic, Plant Extract and Fermentation

Applications spectrum: Dietary Supplement, Cosmetic, Food and Beverage and Others

Competitive landscape: DSM, Great Forest Biomedical, InterHealth, Evolva, JF-NATURAL, Sabinsa, Chengdu Yazhong, Laurus Labs, Maypro, Shaanxi Ciyuan Biotech, Changsha Huir Biological-tech, Xi'an Gaoyuan Bio-Chem and Xi'an Sinuote

A rundown of all business-related facets, including marketing strategies, market concentration ratio, and commercialization rate.

This Resveratrol Market Research/analysis Report Contains Answers To Your Following Questions:

The scope of the Report:

The report offers a complete company profiling of leading players competing in the global Resveratrol marketSize with a high focus on the share, gross margin, net profit, sales, product portfolio, new applications, recent developments, and several other factors. It also throws light on the vendor landscape to help players become aware of future competitive changes in the global Resveratrol market.

Reasons to Buy the Report:


Chapter 1 Industry Overview

Chapter 2 Production Market Analysis

Chapter 3 Sales Market Analysis

Chapter 4 Consumption Market Analysis

Chapter 5 Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 6 Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 7 Major Product Analysis

Chapter 8 Major Application Analysis

Chapter 9 Industry Chain Analysis

Chapter 10 Global and Regional Market Forecast

Chapter 11 Major Manufacturers Analysis

Chapter 12 New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis

Chapter 13 Conclusions

Chapter 14 Appendix

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Resveratrol Market analysis with Leading Key Players and Regional Analysis 2025 - News by aeresearch

National Nutrition Week 2020: Medicinal Properties Of Food You Cannot Miss – NDTV

2020 National Nutrition Week: Eating healthy, homemade and natural foods is important for your health

National Nutrition Week is observed every year from 1st September to 7th September and can be considered a significant period to raise awareness on the therapeutic effects of foods. Food, in its most natural or raw form, can have considerable medicinal properties helping to keep chronic diseases at a bay. Hippocrates (460-377 BC), the well-recognized father of modern medicine, stated "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" to predict the relationship between appropriate foods for health and their therapeutic benefits. The truth in this saying is widely recognized even today and is gaining momentum.

The term "nutraceuticals" is an amalgamation of "nutrition" and "pharmaceutical" which precisely signifies a nutrition supplement obtained from natural food to prevent, manage, or treat diseases. Functional foods are health-benefiting foods in their raw or cooked form and not necessarily consumed in the form of diet supplements.

Also read:6 Nutritionist Recommended Homemade Detoxifying Teas You Must Try

Macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and micronutrients like vitamins, and minerals, along with phytochemicals, all contribute significantly to human health and well-being. Mentioned below are significant plant compounds and their subsequent therapeutic benefits on health:

1. Lycopene: Found in tomatoes, pink grapefruit, guava, papaya, and watermelon. Lycopene possesses strong antioxidant activity and may protect against the formation of cancer mainly prostate, bladder, and cervical cancer. Lycopene containing fruits and vegetables exert cancer-protective effect via a decrease in oxidative and other damage to DNA.

2. Phenolic acids: Found in berries, cherries, apples, kiwi, wheat, oats, and legumes. Phenolic acids have strong anti-inflammatory properties and are readily absorbed from the foods. They help prevent cell damage and reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL), thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.

3. Resveratrol: Found in grapes, peanuts, cocoa, blueberries, and raisins. Resveratrol helps manage blood pressure, help reduce high cholesterol levels, and prevent the risk of heart diseases and cancer. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and can inhibit the growth of cancerous cells. The skin of dark grapes contains the highest amount of resveratrol.

Raisins contain resveratrolPhoto Credit: iStock

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4. Saponins: Saponins are reported to possess antitumor and anti-mutagenic activities and can lower the risk of human cancers, by preventing cancer cells from growing. Saponins are phytochemicals that can be found in peas, soybeans, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, alfalfa, and clover. Saponins can boost the immune system and can also help lower cholesterol levels.

5. Ellagic acid: Found in strawberries, cranberries, walnuts, pecans, pomegranates, and the best source, red raspberry seeds. It is also found in peaches and pomegranates. Ellagic acid and resveratrol are two important components to reduce the risk of cancer and coronary heart diseases. It can prevent various infections and can help your body to detoxify naturally.

6. Anthocyanins: Anthocyanins are the pigments that give cranberries their rich, red color. These are also found in blueberries and blackberries. Anthocyanins function as strong antioxidant compounds, counteract inflammation in the body and lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Anthocyanins can help you manage your weight better because of their strong anti-obesity effects. They also possess antibacterial properties and can keep bacterial infections at a bay.

Also read:What Is Emotional Eating? Our Nutritionist Shares Tips On How You Can Stop Doing This

For a long time, natural products obtained mainly from plants have been used as a prominent source of therapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases. Diet alone may not replace medicines in all possible circumstances but it can definitely build the foundation of a strong and healthy body system that requires the least dependency on medicines.

(Nmami Agarwal is nutritionist at Nmami Life)

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

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National Nutrition Week 2020: Medicinal Properties Of Food You Cannot Miss - NDTV

Skin Health from the Inside Out – WholeFoods Magazine

The global nutricosmetics market could grow by $1.51 billion during 2020-2024, according to a report from Technavioand the company found that the COVID-19 pandemic will create additional demand in this sector (1).

The trend fits within the greater shift toward supporting overall wellness. While the end goal of nutricosmetics may be beauty, nutricosmetics go beyond aesthetics, working to support whole-body health and addressing the internal cause of poor skin, hair, and nail health. Heres a look at whats trending.

Collagen is one of the trendiest ingredients in the Nutricosmetics sector: The global collagen market is expected to hit $6 billion by 2026, according to a report from Global Market Research (2). And while much of that will be used in food, healthcare, and cosmetics, the dietary supplements segment for collagen is still expected to register more than 8.9% CAGR from 2020 to 2026. Today, collagen is one of the hottest ingredients, especially as new applications are being studied and introduced, according to Samantha Ford, M.S., Director of Business Development at AIDP. And theres a good reason for all this fuss: Ford notes that collagen plays an essential role in maintaining skin tone, suppleness, and elasticitywhich is necessary, Ford adds, as collagen synthesis in the human body reduces at a rate of 1.5% per year after the age of 25, and its levels may have fallen by as much as 30% by the age of 45. This loss of collagen results in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and in dry skin.

When it comes to actually stocking collagen products, the first consideration is type: There are over 28 types of collagen, but 80% to 90% of that found in the human body are types I, II, and III, Ford explains. For skinand for all the benefits listed aboveproducts should contain type I collagen, the most abundant collagen in the human body and in skin.

The second consideration would be how much. This is one of the questions we hear most from our fans, says Jenn Randazzo, M.S., R.D., C.L.T., Director of Education at Vital Proteins. While its easy for individuals to determine their specific macronutrient needscarbs, protein, and fatits incredibly challenging to do the same for collagen. Thats why weve recently developed our Vital Proteins Collagen Calculator [available at], a one-of-a-kind tool that uses scientific research to generate a unique amount of collagen based on a persons age, weight, and daily protein intake. For retailers, stocking products offering a range of collagen amounts will help ensure that customers can choose the product that meets their needs.

There are plenty of products in the collagen space to stock. Youtheorys collagen comes in powder, tablets, and liquid; they offer serving sizes backed by science. Bluebonnet, too, offers powders and tablets as part of their Beautiful Ally line, with different serving sizes to meet different needs. Vital Proteins offers Collagen Water, as well, for those looking for a dose of collagen in a convenient format. And there are plenty morethere isnt enough space in one article to list all the companies selling collagen. Choose brands you trust, that are capable of explaining the science behind their dosages and formats, and that have a good track record of trustworthy products and ethical production processes.

Consumers may also seek out branded collagen ingredients on the label. One option is Naticolproduced from 100% fish skin and scales through a validated process, Ford notes that it is bioavailable and clinically backed: Clinical trials demonstrate improved skin appearance, hydration, and elasticity with as little as 2.5g of Naticol daily.

Theres also Verisol; it, too, works at 2.5g per dosea lower dose than many other collagens, according to Nick Bitz, N.D., Chief Scientific Officer at Youtheory, which occasionally uses the branded ingredient in their products. One of those products: Beauty Powder, which offers other useful ingredients, like hyaluronic acid.

For vegans, collagen can be tough to come by. Randazzo notes that there are vegan nutrients that can support collagen production: For those seeking to boost their bodys collagen production with vegan-friendly products, she says, Id recommend checking out our new Beauty Capsule Collection. Its a line of beauty-centric supplements made with plant-based ingredients that can be easily incorporated into daily life. The line includes Beauty Boost, which contains biotin and vitamin C to boost collagen production, according to the companys website.

Fortunately, companies are trying to make strides in the vegan collagen spaceGeltor, for one, has created Collume, a biodesigned, vegan protein created through a sustainable fermentation process, according to the companys website. JLand Biotech Co. has created Reallagen, a vegan collagen made by fermenting yeast. This may be whats next, as companies try to keep up with consumer demand for plant-based productsso keep an eye out for brands making use of these innovations.

Theres a reason why the Nutricosmetics shelf isnt solely populated with collagen: Collagen doesnt do everything. Your customers will want to consider other ingredients, too, ranging from the trending to the up-and-coming.

Possibly the second most well-known nutraceutical ingredient is hyaluronic acid (HA). According to information on Hyalogics website, HA is a long-chain sugar molecule that has an amazing affinity for water (3). Each molecule of HA can bind up to 1,000 times its weight in water, and half the bodys supply of HA resides in the skin. When taken as a dietary supplement or as a topical serum or cream, HA resupplies the skin with essential hydration it needs to maintain peak health, according to the companys materials. And like collagen, the body loses the ability to make HA as it ages, making dietary supplementation necessaryand not just for aesthetic purposes: Nourished and hydrated skin is also capable of forming a more effective barrier, Hyalogics website notes. The skin is the bodys first defense against the outside world, and keeping it hydrated is vital to this organs ability to function at peak performance.

There are back-end ways to support hyaluronic acid production, too. Jarrow Formulas sells Mythocondro, a vegan formula. Its made with chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, both produced by bacterial fermentation, according to Thomas Bowman, Ph.D., a member of Jarrow Formulas Scientific Panel. Chondroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine are essential components for building connective tissue glycosaminoglycans and essential for the production of hyaluronic acid, Dr. Bowman explains. And, of course, that formula has added valuelike hyaluronic acid itself, chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine are great for joints.

Theres also resveratrol. Gene Bruno, M.S., M.H.S., R.H.(AHG) writes in a blog post for Reserveage that nutraceuticals-lovers are excited about resveratrol because it has demonstrated antioxidant propertiesand it activates the SIRT 1 gene, associated with longevity (4). Antioxidants fight free radicals, which damage macro-molecules like lipids, proteins, and DNA; such damage can initiate changes that promote the aging process, Bruno says.

Bruno emphasizes that an important consideration, when it comes to resveratrol, is what type of resveratrol a product contains. There are two primary isomers of resveratrol, trans- and cis-. To be clear, trans-resveratrol has been unequivocally shown to have much greater activity than cis-resveratrol. So when buying a resveratrol product, make sure to verify that it contains trans-resveratrol. Dont buy it if just resveratrol is listed. This may prove an easy rule-of-thumb for knocking substandard products out of the running for shelf space.

Nor is that all resveratrol doesa second article from Reserveage notes that resveratrol is also anti-inflammatory, as per a randomized, placebo-controlled study, which found that 40mg resveratrol taken for six weeks significantly reduced oxidative stress, as well as levels of several inflammatory markers (5). Resveratrol, in other words, is an added-value ingredientcustomers looking for a product worth their hard-earned dollars will appreciate resveratrol for the multifunctional, full-body support it offers.

Sulfur is another solid choice for those looking to get more bang for their buck, says Tim Hammond, VP Sales & Marketing at Bergstrom Nutrition. Customers may already be asking for it, even if they dont realize itits often found in the chemical form methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM. Sulfur is essential for the general health and function of the body, Hammond explains. It is part of the basic building blocks of protein and hundreds of metabolic processes, including the production of the molecular building blocks of skin, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, and keratohyalin. OptiMSM is a proven source of sulfur that supports the cross-linking of proteoglycans and collagen, as well as serving as a building block for keratin. By maintaining healthy collagen cross-linking, MSM and sulfur inhibit the hardening of the skins tissue, supporting the skins overall health and maintenance. This provides the skin with flexible, supple, and resilient characteristics through disulfide bonds.

More perks: MSM is also a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation, which is a leading cause of skin damage that degrades the skins structural matrices, Hammond notes. Plus, MSM increases the barrier function of the Extra Cellular Matrix, enabling a greater exchange of water and nutrients in the dermis.

Moving on to ingredients that arent quite as buzzy with consumers, you may want to bring chlorella to your customers attention this algae has some unique properties. Jennifer Jimenez, VP/COO of Sun Chlorella, explains: One of the main components of chlorella, with regards to skin health, is Chlorella Growth Factor, or CGF. CGF is rich in nucleic acids and has the ability to target cells to support its repair and revitalization. Currently no other plant or food on earth contains CGF! And the difference it makes is visible, Jimenez says: One thing that we often hear from our long-time Sun Chlorella users is that they often receive compliments on their youthful appearancepeople can never guess their true age. Other helpful nutrients in chlorella include vitamin D, B12, and chlorophyllBody purification is supported with chlorophyll, Jimenez notes. When your system is not taxed with essential functions like removing harmful toxins from your body, it then has time to prioritize non-essential tasks like beautiful, healthy looking skin!

Something to consider when stocking chlorella: how its made. Sun Chlorella uses a proprietary processing method called DYNO-Mill technology, which is superior to other processing methods, Jimenez maintains. Using only pressure and speed, this process pulverizes chlorellas cell wall without the use of heat or chemicals to preserve chlorellas delicate nutrients. Our chlorella is also spray dried to avoid damage to the quality and nutrients, as well as tested before and after to ensure quality and purity remain the same. Due to this proprietary processing method, Sun Chlorella is the most digestible brand on the market. Jimenez adds that Sun Chlorella uses hermetically sealed packaging and food-grade plastic to protect the product in the bottle, as well.

One more nutrient to call out: zinc. Known for its role in immunity, this essential mineral also has a spot reserved in the nutraceutical industry, according to Trisha Sugarek MacDonald, B.S., M.S., Sr. Director of R&D/National Educator at Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation. Zinc is vital to a multitude of biological functions in the body, Sugarek MacDonald explains. It not only helps to metabolize vitamin A and collagen, but it is also vital for maintaining the proper concentration of vitamin E in the blood. Further, zinc is known for its antioxidant protective role, supporting cells against free-radical damage that can be caused by diet, pollution, and the aging process.

For consumers focused on hair and nails, biotin is a go-to. Sugarek MacDonald explains: Biotin functions within cells as a coenzyme for multiple reactions including taking part in fat and protein metabolism. Its deficiency might lead to hair loss. Thanks to the presence of sulfur, it influences the state of skin integument (the outer layer), lowers sebum secretion (an oily or waxy matter to lubricate and waterproof the skin and hair of mammals), and activates hair growth. Hair is made of keratin, which is built from amino acids and is formed as a result of the reaction of cell enzymes and biotin. Biotin contributes to the production of healthy hair and nails since it is an essential ingredient in the process of hair and nail growth. Bluebonnets Beautiful Ally Biotin 10,000 mcg Vegetable Capsules contain yeast-free biotin in its purest crystalline form.

Thats a whole lot more biotin than is in a daily multivitaminbut theres a reason for that. The literature shows evidence of improvement in hair and nail growth after biotin supplementation at a dosage range of 10-30mg/day in individuals with known biotin deficiency, Sugarek MacDonald says. While rare, deficiency of biotin can lead to hair loss, skin rashes, hair loss, and brittle nails. While those suffering these symptoms should talk to a healthcare provider, those who determine that their symptoms are caused by a biotin deficiencyor those looking to bring back brittle nailsmay find it worth their time to discuss a biotin supplement with their doctors.

And while biotin deficiency may be rare, brittle nails are not, Richard Passwater Jr., Product Education Manager at Bio Minerals, the maker of BioSil, a line from Natural Factors, notes: About 20% of the general population and about 40% of postmenopausal women have brittle nails. His suggestion: ch-OSA, choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid, branded as BioSil. A clinical study investigating BioSils impact on nail health was presented at 93 Annual Italian Dermatology Society Congress in May 2018, Passwater explains. A group of dermatology researchers from the University ofBolognaMedical conducted astudyon women (average age 59.2 years old, range 52-65) who had rough, brittlenails. 70% of the women also hadverticalnailridges and 30% also had problems with splitting of thenailplate. In this 6-monthstudy, 100% of the women taking two ch-OSA capsules per day reduced the roughness and brittleness of theirnails and 83% reduced the vertical ridges. The researchers felt all of the women taking ch-OSA improved the quality of theirnails; determining 44% completely improved and 56% much improved.

Of course, this is just a small selection of the many beneficial nutrients that could be discussed here. For more coverage on the topic, search nutricosmetics on

See the article here:
Skin Health from the Inside Out - WholeFoods Magazine

The Mother of All Preventative Medicine Anti-Aging: A Review of "Lifespan" by David Sinclair – Pager Publications, Inc.

For the first time in history, humankind has transitioned from predominantly treating infectious disease to treating chronic disease. These lifelong, quality-of-life-reducing ailments account for 70% of all American deaths and 75% of the United States annual health care costs. The proactive approach to reducing chronic disease incidence is through prevention for example, encouraging those with a family history of hypertension to reduce their sodium intake and those at-risk for dementia to exercise to combat cognitive decline.

However, what if instead of treating piecemeal risk factors, we could prevent the root cause of most chronic diseases?

The incidence of chronic disease is strongly correlated with aging. According to the Information Theory of Aging, aging results from a progressive loss of genetic material due to gradually worsening cellular repair mechanisms. This cellular erosion leads to a nearly interminable list of diseases, including but certainly not limited to cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative disease.

In his book Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Dont Have To, Dr. David Sinclair spotlights the field of aging science and prophesizes a forthcoming paradigm shift in the practice of medicine. David Sinclair, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Genetics and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Sinclair discusses how the guiding principle among the scientific anti-aging community is that aging is a preventable and potentially curable disease. By uncovering the molecular and epigenetic mechanisms behind aging, Sinclair asserts that we can delay, reverse and conquer this seemingly inescapable process.

Dr. Sinclair assimilates a body of research that illuminates a cohort of proteins that play a role in the aging process: sirtuins, mTOR, NAD and AMPK. The genes that code for these proteins share similar homology and function across the phylogenetic tree, from yeast to humans. Sirtuins are enzymes that remove acetyl groups from histones and other proteins in order to repackage, silence and activate a variety of genes. These worker bees modulate inflammation, energy efficiency and DNA repair. Sinclair details how sirtuins are activated in times of stress, causing the cell to cease haphazard reproduction and focus on repair. The downstream effects of sirtuins are plentiful and powerful: protecting the body from age-related diseases like Alzheimer disease, osteoporosis, cancer, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, asthma, macular degeneration and a host of others.

mTOR, NAD and AMPK pathways have similar roles and are related to energy efficiency and cellular/DNA repair. Aging distorts these pathways, resulting in age-related diseases. These pathways are ordinarily activated by stress; seeing as a stressful environment communicates to the body to cease cellular reproduction and to repair itself. Since these pathways are involved in cellular repair and govern the aging process, by finding ways to modulate these pathways, we may be able to combat aging at the cellular level.

Sinclair compiles a large body of literature on the process of hormesis a regenerative state induced by carefully exposing the body to a controlled amount of stress. Some of these hormetic tools are calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and cryotherapy. Similarly, researchers have identified an array of pharmaceuticals that trigger these anti-aging pathways, including metformin (a diabetes drug that controls blood sugar levels), resveratrol (an antioxidant found in grapes/wine) and NR/NMN (precursors to NAD).

Sinclair concedes that there is a dearth of attention and resources being allocated to anti-aging research. He argues that the chief reason that these anti-aging considerations have yet to receive a spotlight is that aging is not classified as a disease itself. By shifting the concept of aging from an insurmountable inevitability to a solvable inconvenience, it is possible to initiate the institutionalization of anti-aging medicine. One of the best places to start this change in semantics would be at the level of undergraduate medical education.

Undergraduate medical education is at least partially receptive to the shift from acute disease treatment to chronic disease management, but the resulting implementations have seen mixed results. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) cites how medical schools are integrating instruction in geriatrics, pain management and palliative care to better prepare medical students to combat the growing prevalence of chronic diseases. Similarly, in recent years there has been a growing emphasis on the social determinants of health. In 2015, the MCAT was updated to include behavioral and social science sections in the hopes of procuring future physicians with strong behavioral management skills.

Although these adjustments are well-intentioned, they continue to evade the root cause of age-related issues and most chronic diseases: aging itself. It would be advantageous to integrate aging pathophysiology and anti-aging interventions early in the training of a physician. As medical schools begin to more fully integrate preventative medicine into their curriculum, it would be worthwhile to include sessions on anti-aging practices.

One of the most striking findings discussed by Dr. Sinclair is that many of these anti-aging interventions are widely accessible lifestyle interventions. It may be beneficial for medical schools to encourage students to self-experiment with these lifestyle changes to experience the benefits organically. I have personally tried out forms of intermittent fasting and HIIT and have noticed improvements in my energy levels, mental clarity and metabolic biomarkers which are consistent with the literature showing similar results. A shift in the traditional medical curriculum would help organically reposition the cultural climate around aging from a widely-accepted certitude to a preventable process, engendering more attention and funding to the field, allowing for a clearer understanding of the related pathways and the discovery of more fine-tuned interventions.

Dr. Sinclair provides insights that challenge the future of the healthcare system. The implications of this research shape best practices in medicine as well as the ways in which clinicians should be trained. Altogether, Lifespan is an easily-digestible, curious window into an encouraging future that merits a read by any current or future clinician.

Image Credit: Old & Young(CC BY 2.0)byrockindave1

Contributing Writer

Albany Medical College

Marc is a second-year medical student at Albany Medical College in Albany, New York in the Class of 2023. In 2019, he graduated from Union College as Salutatorian with a Bachelor of Science in economics and biology. He also holds an MBA in Healthcare Management from Clarkson University. Marc enjoys reading, running, and exploring local restaurants. In the future, Marc hopes to intertwine his medical training with his business experiences to improve the management of chronic diseases.

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The Mother of All Preventative Medicine Anti-Aging: A Review of "Lifespan" by David Sinclair - Pager Publications, Inc.

Assessing the Fallout From the Coronavirus Pandemic Trans-resveratrol Market Competitive Scenario, Financial Overview, and High-Profit Margins 2018…

A recent study published by Fact.MR on the global Trans-resveratrol market offers an in-depth understanding of the overall prospects of the market. The study also broadly covers the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the Trans-resveratrol market and offers insights related to how market participants should align their business operations to mitigate losses and retain their foothold in the current market landscape. Further, the summary of the key findings of the research along with the megatrends influencing the growth of the Trans-resveratrol market is highlighted in the presented study. The market introduction and definition is included to help our readers understand the basic concepts of the study on the Trans-resveratrol market.

As per the report, the Trans-resveratrol market is set to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% over the forecast period (20XX-20XX) and reach a value of ~US$XX towards the end of 2029. The regional trade analysis along with the leading importers and exporters is included in the study. In addition, the supply-demand analysis and the key developments in the Trans-resveratrol market are highlighted in the report. Although the Trans-resveratrol market is slated to grow at a consistent pace during the forecast period, the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to dent the growth of the market particularly in 2020.

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Segmentation of the Trans-resveratrol Market

This chapter of the report highlights the current market size (US$) and includes the volume analysis and forecast for various geographical regions.

The application analysis in the report offers a clear understanding of how the Trans-resveratrol is used in different applications.

This chapter of the report throws light on the supply-demand pattern for the different products within the Trans-resveratrol market.

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Assessing the Fallout From the Coronavirus Pandemic Trans-resveratrol Market Competitive Scenario, Financial Overview, and High-Profit Margins 2018...

Resveratrol Market 2020 share, trend, segmentation and forecast to 2026- DSM, Evolva, Sabinsa, InterHealth, etc – Cole of Duty

This report also covers the impact of COVID-19 on the global market. The pandemic caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally, including the business sector. This has brought along several changes in market conditions.

The ResveratrolMarketanalysis summary by Reports monitor is a thorough study of the current trends leading to this vertical trend in various regions. Research summarizes important details related to market share, market size, applications, statistics and sales. In addition, this study emphasizes thorough competition analysis on market prospects, especially growth strategies that market experts claim.

TheTop Leading players operating in the market: Covered in this Report: DSM, Evolva, Sabinsa, InterHealth, Maypro, Laurus Labs, JF-NATURAL, Great Forest Biomedical, Shaanxi Ciyuan Biotech, Chengdu Yazhong, Changsha Huir Biological-tech, Xi'an Gaoyuan Bio-Chem, Xi'an Sinuote, Resveratrol & More.

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The research report provides a detailed analysis of the current and historical market trends, development patterns, and the correlations between the market dynamics and forecasts, as well as the hard-hitting market facts. The global Resveratrol market has been segmented on the basis of technology, product type, application, distribution channel, end-user, and industry vertical, along with the geography, delivering valuable insights. The report also takes into account the market drivers, restraints, challenges, threats, and the potential growth opportunities, influencing the growth pattern of the key market segments. The section also focuses on the key micro- and macroeconomic factors impacting the growth of the overall Resveratrol market.

Breakdown Data by TypeSyntheticPlant ExtractFermentationResveratrol Breakdown Data by Application:Dietary SupplementCosmeticFood and BeverageOthers

Global ResveratrolMarket: Regional Segmentation

North America(United States, Canada, and Mexico)Europe(Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)Asia-Pacific(China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)South America(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

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Resveratrol Market 2020 share, trend, segmentation and forecast to 2026- DSM, Evolva, Sabinsa, InterHealth, etc - Cole of Duty

Experts Now Show the Evidence-based Tricks to Increase Brain Power – Newswire

It is important to understand that some natural remedies have been found beneficial for brain health. One is Acai berry.

( -- May 29, 2020) Orlando, FL -- Multiple studies have been investigating on the ways to protect and enhance brain power.

According to researchers, one of the best ways to do it is to quit smoking. Smoking has long been associated with the development of a myriad of health issues.

The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study in 2010.

The scientists of this research tracked 21,123 smokers from 1978 to 2008. It has been found subjects who smoked more than two packs of cigarettes a day doubled the rate of dementia when they were older.

Experts further stress the importance of getting quality sleep. It is recommended to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night to get some cognitive health benefits.

Choosing the right foods is also essential as there are ingredients and components in them that enhances and protects mental functioning. These include vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, berries, and omega-3s.

It is also worth noting that protein is recommended and it can be found in eggs, meat, peas, and beans. Protein has high levels of amino acids like tyrosine, which can in turn cause neurons to produce the essential neurotransmitters norepinephrine anddopamine.

Experts remind that these neurotransmitters are linked with mental alertness.

It is important to understand that some natural remedies have been found beneficial for brain health. One is Acai berry, which has long been gaining increasing attention among scientists due to its disease-fighting, health enhancing agents.

In some studies, acai has been found to offer protection to the brain against damage as it ages. This means it could be extremely helpful for individuals who want to increase their protection against diseases linked with aging.

Several research studies have also revealed that such protection was also observed in lab rats. This therapeutic berry has been found to have antioxidants that counteract the dangerous, damaging effects of inflammation as well as oxidation in the brain cells.

It is worth realizing that inflammation and brain cell oxidation have been found to have negative impacts on memory and learning.

In one study, it has also been discovered that acai use led to improvements in the memory of aging rats.

Scientists reveal that one of its mechanisms is to stimulate the housekeeping response in brain cells. Today, more and more people are consuming supplements like Purest Vantage Resveratrol to experience the therapeutic goodness of acai.

Purest Vantage Resveratrol is not just equipped with acai, but also other therapeutic ingredients like extracts of green tea, grape seed, and red wine (

Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.

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Experts Now Show the Evidence-based Tricks to Increase Brain Power - Newswire

Global Weapon Scope Market Business Outlook with COVID-19 Scenario -Aimpoint, Bushnell, Leupold & Stevens, EOTech, Burris – Cole of Duty

The recently published research report entitled Global Weapon Scope Market sheds light on critical aspects of the market like market size estimations, company and market best practices, market dynamics, market segmentation, competitive landscaping and benchmarking, opportunity analysis, economic forecasting, industry-specific technology solutions, guideline analysis, and in-depth benchmarking of vendor offerings. The report provides a clear understanding of the current and future scenarios and trends of the global Weapon Scope market. The report tracks an array of important market-related aspects which can be listed as follows; the demand and supply chain, the competitive landscape, leading industries shares, profit margin, and profiles of leading companies of the global market.

This report takes into account the current and future impacts of COVID-19 on this industry and offers you an in-depth analysis of Global Trans Resveratrol Market.


Competitive Analysis:

The section offers great insights such as market revenue and market share of the global Weapon Scope market. The report explains a competitive edge over players competitors. Leading as well as prominent players of the global market are broadly studied on the basis of key factors. The report offers a comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on sales by the player for the period 2015-2020. The report includes the forecasts, analysis, and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates, and profiles of the leading industry players. Company profile section of players such as Aimpoint, Bushnell, Leupold & Stevens, EOTech, Burris, Schmidt &Bender, Nikon, Vortex Optics, Night Force, Trijicon, Tasco, BSA Optics, NcSTAR, US optics, Night Optics Usa, Mueller, Pulsar, Holosun, Kahles, Meprolight

Product segment analysis: Telescopic sight, Collimating optical sight, Reflex sight

Application segment analysis: Hunting, Military and Law enforcement, Other

To comprehend global Weapon Scope market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide market is analyzed across major global regions: North America (United States, Canada, Mexico), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe), Central & South America (Brazil, Rest of South America), Middle East & Africa (GCC Countries, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa)

Moreover, the report elaborates different internal and external factors of the global Weapon Scope market. It uses numerous graphical presentation techniques such as graphs, tables, charts, pictures, and flowcharts. The report further focuses on market dynamics, growth drivers, developing market segments, and the market growth curve based on past, present, and future market data. The up-to-date, complete product knowledge, end-users, industry growth will drive profitability and revenue. Various important factors such as market trends, revenue growth patterns market shares, and demand and supply are included in the market research report for every industry.


The Key Highlights of The Report:

Customization of the Report:This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team ([emailprotected]), who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs.

Originally posted here:
Global Weapon Scope Market Business Outlook with COVID-19 Scenario -Aimpoint, Bushnell, Leupold & Stevens, EOTech, Burris - Cole of Duty

Global Dinnerwares Market Outlook 2020: Industry Trends, Analysis, Opportunities, Sales, Segmentation, Revenue and Forecast to 2026 – Cole of Duty

The recently published research report entitled Global Dinnerwares Market sheds light on critical aspects of the market like market size estimations, company and market best practices, market dynamics, market segmentation, competitive landscaping and benchmarking, opportunity analysis, economic forecasting, industry-specific technology solutions, guideline analysis, and in-depth benchmarking of vendor offerings. The report provides a clear understanding of the current and future scenarios and trends of the global Dinnerwares market. The report tracks an array of important market-related aspects which can be listed as follows; the demand and supply chain, the competitive landscape, leading industries shares, profit margin, and profiles of leading companies of the global market.

This report takes into account the current and future impacts of COVID-19 on this industry and offers you an in-depth analysis of Global Trans Resveratrol Market.


Competitive Analysis:

The section offers great insights such as market revenue and market share of the global Dinnerwares market. The report explains a competitive edge over players competitors. Leading as well as prominent players of the global market are broadly studied on the basis of key factors. The report offers a comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on sales by the player for the period 2015-2020. The report includes the forecasts, analysis, and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates, and profiles of the leading industry players. Company profile section of players such as Libbey, EveryWare Global, Arc International, Sisecam, Bormioli,

Product segment analysis:

Application segment analysis: Commercial Use, Residential Use,

To comprehend global Dinnerwares market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide market is analyzed across major global regions: North America (United States, Canada, Mexico), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe), Central & South America (Brazil, Rest of South America), Middle East & Africa (GCC Countries, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa)

Moreover, the report elaborates different internal and external factors of the global Dinnerwares market. It uses numerous graphical presentation techniques such as graphs, tables, charts, pictures, and flowcharts. The report further focuses on market dynamics, growth drivers, developing market segments, and the market growth curve based on past, present, and future market data. The up-to-date, complete product knowledge, end-users, industry growth will drive profitability and revenue. Various important factors such as market trends, revenue growth patterns market shares, and demand and supply are included in the market research report for every industry.


The Key Highlights of The Report:

Customization of the Report:This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team ([emailprotected]), who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. You can also get in touch with our executives on +1-201-465-4211 to share your research requirements.

About Us

Magnifier Research is a leading market intelligence company that sells reports of top publishers in the technology industry. Our extensive research reports cover detailed market assessments that include major technological improvements in the industry. Magnifier Research also specializes in analyzing hi-tech systems and current processing systems in its expertise. We have a team of experts that compile precise research reports and actively advise top companies to improve their existing processes. Our experts have extensive experience in the topics that they cover. Magnifier Research provides you the full spectrum of services related to market research, and corroborate with the clients to increase the revenue stream, and address process gaps.

Contact UsMark StoneHead of Business DevelopmentPhone:+1-201-465-4211Email:[emailprotected]

Global Dinnerwares Market Outlook 2020: Industry Trends, Analysis, Opportunities, Sales, Segmentation, Revenue and Forecast to 2026 - Cole of Duty


The recently published research report entitled Global Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) (CAS 61790-12-3) Market sheds light on critical aspects of the market like market size estimations, company and market best practices, market dynamics, market segmentation, competitive landscaping and benchmarking, opportunity analysis, economic forecasting, industry-specific technology solutions, guideline analysis, and in-depth benchmarking of vendor offerings. The report provides a clear understanding of the current and future scenarios and trends of the global Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) (CAS 61790-12-3) market. The report tracks an array of important market-related aspects which can be listed as follows; the demand and supply chain, the competitive landscape, leading industries shares, profit margin, and profiles of leading companies of the global market.

This report takes into account the current and future impacts of COVID-19 on this industry and offers you an in-depth analysis of Global Trans Resveratrol Market.


Competitive Analysis:

The section offers great insights such as market revenue and market share of the global Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) (CAS 61790-12-3) market. The report explains a competitive edge over players competitors. Leading as well as prominent players of the global market are broadly studied on the basis of key factors. The report offers a comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on sales by the player for the period 2015-2020. The report includes the forecasts, analysis, and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates, and profiles of the leading industry players. Company profile section of players such as Arizona, Westrock, Forchem, Georgia-Pacific, Harima, Chemical Associates, Florachem, IOP, OOO Torgoviy Dom Lesokhimik, Lascaray, Segezha Group, Eastman, Pine Chemical Group, Foreverest Resources,

Product segment analysis:

Application segment analysis: Fuel and Fuel Additives, Surfactants, Mining and Oilfield Chemicals, Coating and Inks, Rubbers, Other

To comprehend global Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) (CAS 61790-12-3) market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide market is analyzed across major global regions: North America (United States, Canada, Mexico), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe), Central & South America (Brazil, Rest of South America), Middle East & Africa (GCC Countries, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa)

Moreover, the report elaborates different internal and external factors of the global Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) (CAS 61790-12-3) market. It uses numerous graphical presentation techniques such as graphs, tables, charts, pictures, and flowcharts. The report further focuses on market dynamics, growth drivers, developing market segments, and the market growth curve based on past, present, and future market data. The up-to-date, complete product knowledge, end-users, industry growth will drive profitability and revenue. Various important factors such as market trends, revenue growth patterns market shares, and demand and supply are included in the market research report for every industry.


The Key Highlights of The Report:

Customization of the Report:This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team (, who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. You can also get in touch with our executives on +1-201-465-4211 to share your research requirements.

About Us

Magnifier Research is a leading market intelligence company that sells reports of top publishers in the technology industry. Our extensive research reports cover detailed market assessments that include major technological improvements in the industry. Magnifier Research also specializes in analyzing hi-tech systems and current processing systems in its expertise. We have a team of experts that compile precise research reports and actively advise top companies to improve their existing processes. Our experts have extensive experience in the topics that they cover. Magnifier Research provides you the full spectrum of services related to market research, and corroborate with the clients to increase the revenue stream, and address process gaps.

Contact UsMark StoneHead of Business

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Resveratrol Market Global Innovations, Competitive Analysis, New Business Developments and Top Companies Global Forecast to 2026 Cole Reports – Cole…

A leading research firm, Adroit Market Research added a latest industry report on Global Resveratrol Market consisting of 90+ pages during the forecast period and dietary supplements market report offers a comprehensive research updates and information related to market growth, demand, opportunities in the global resveratrol market.

Top Leading Key Players are:

Jeunesse Global, DSM Nutritionals, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc., Ltd., Resveratrol Enhanced Pty Ltd, Hill Pharmaceutical Co., Andorra Life, Terraternal, ResVitale LLC, Endurance Products Company, ASN Pharmaceutical LLC, Xieli Pharmaceutical, RevGenetics, GlaxoSmithKline and Evolva among others.

Request sample copy of this report at:

The resveratrol market report provides in-depth analysis and insights into developments impacting businesses and enterprises on global and regional level. The report covers the global resveratrol market performance in terms of revenue contribution from various segments and includes a detailed analysis of key trends, drivers, restraints, and opportunities influencing revenue growth of the global consumer electronics market. This report studies the global resveratrol market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the global resveratrol market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.

The resveratrol market report mainly includes the major company profiles with their annual sales & revenue, business strategies, company major products, profits, industry growth parameters, industry contribution on global and regional level. This report covers the global resveratrol market performance in terms of value and volume contribution. This section also includes major company analysis of key trends, drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities, which are influencing the global resveratrol market. Impact analysis of key growth drivers and restraints, based on the weighted average model, is included in this report to better equip clients with crystal clear decision-making insights.

Read complete report at:

Global Resveratrol Market is segmented based by type, application and region.

Based on Type, the market has been segmented into:

Form Segment, (Liquid supplements,Powdered form,Red wine pill), Type Segment, (Grape seed extract,Natural resveratrol,Japanese knotweed extract), Distribution channel Segment, (Drug stores,Departmental stores,Hypermarket/supermarket,Online stores,Others)

Based on Application, the market has been segmented into:

Application Segment, (Cosmetics,Pharmaceuticals,Dietary supplements,Others)

The resveratrol market research report mainly segmented into types, applications and regions. The market overview section highlights the resveratrol market definition, taxonomy, and an overview of the parent market across the globe and region wise. To provide better understanding of the global resveratrol market, the report includes in-depth analysis of drivers, restraints, and trends in all major regions namely, Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East & Africa, which influence the current market scenario and future status of the global resveratrol market over the forecast period.

The resveratrol market report provides company market size, share analysis in order to give a broader overview of the key players in the market. Additionally, the report also includes key strategic developments of the market including acquisitions & mergers, new product launch, agreements, partnerships, collaborations & joint ventures, research & development, product and regional expansion of major participants involved in the market on the global and regional basis.

Enquire more about this report at:

About Us :

Adroit Market Research is an India-based business analytics and consulting company incorporated in 2018. Our target audience is a wide range of corporations, manufacturing companies, product/technology development institutions and industry associations that require understanding of a markets size, key trends, participants and future outlook of an industry. We intend to become our clients knowledge partner and provide them with valuable market insights to help create opportunities that increase their revenues. We follow a code- Explore, Learn and Transform. At our core, we are curious people who love to identify and understand industry patterns, create an insightful study around our findings and churn out money-making roadmaps.

Contact Us :

Ryan JohnsonAccount Manager Global3131 McKinney Ave Ste 600, Dallas,TX75204, U.S.A.Phone No.: USA: +1 972-362 -8199/ +91 9665341414

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Resveratrol Market Global Innovations, Competitive Analysis, New Business Developments and Top Companies Global Forecast to 2026 Cole Reports - Cole...

Global Resveratrol Market with Coronavirus (Covid-19) Impact Examination | similarly Industry is Blasting Globaly with Top manufacture DSM, Evolva,…

Latest News 2020: Resveratrol Market analysis by COVID19 Impact Analysis With Top Manufacturers Analysis

TheResveratrolreport showcases the Resveratrol markets comprehensive study and reliable market statistics. The report offers complete information to the clients about the market and its outlook. The report can be considered as a useful source of data that will enhance the decision-making capability in terms of Resveratrol market business development. The research study includes inclusive study of all the leading market players in the Resveratrol industry such asDSM, Evolva, Sabinsa, InterHealth, Maypro, Laurus Labs, JF-NATURAL, Great Forest Biomedical, Shaanxi Ciyuan Biotech, Chengdu Yazhong, Changsha Huir Biological-tech, Xian Gaoyuan Bio-Chem, Xian Sinuote. The profiling of these giant industry players include its market share, new product developments, strategic methods, sales, mergers and acquisitions, and much more.

Get Sample of this Research Report@

Moreover, the research data includes the major market segmentations{Synthetic, Plant Extract, Fermentation }; {Dietary Supplement, Cosmetic, Food and Beverage, Others}. Any market depends upon these common segmentations such as application, end-use industry, service and solution, component, and majorly on the regional significance. The Resveratrol market study is inclusive of all these factors and also comprise of drivers, restraints, opportunities, and market challenges. The research report includes more of graphical representations in order to make the information more clear and crisp.

The qualitative data represented in the report are supported by secondary points. Any kind of analysis within the report is obtained from reliable sources. The market analysis is not only limited to the past and the present trends but also encompasses the future impact. Months of efforts in analyzing the databases and interviewing the market experts has led to the Resveratrol market statistics.

Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at::

Some TOC Points:1 Scope of the Report2 Executive Summary3 Global Sales Management Tools by Company4 Sales Management Tools by Regions


The Resveratrol market report is an unbiased evaluation of the Resveratrol market. Many terms and conditions were included while evaluating the data. Our experienced panel of research analysts has left no stones unturned while studying the market trends and future opportunities.

Our clients are offered with a highly reliable source of data through the medium of Resveratrol market report. This study will help them in obtaining pioneering business approaches to sustain their stand in the market.

If Any Inquiry of Resveratrol Report@

Originally posted here:
Global Resveratrol Market with Coronavirus (Covid-19) Impact Examination | similarly Industry is Blasting Globaly with Top manufacture DSM, Evolva,...