The key to healthy weight gain lies not only in how much you eat but also in the food choices you make. Eating unhealthy foods such as fries, desserts and junk food would result in an increase in fat mass, not lean muscle. Additionally, it is a sure-shot way to create future health problems like hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels and diabetes. In order to nourish the body as well as gain weight in a healthy manner, incorporate superfoods that are proteinrich, and high in fibre. Foods like nuts, nut butters, whole grains, eggs and cheese pack in a punch of both calories and nutrients and aid in healthy weight gain. However, since they are calorie dense, eating these superfoods in moderation is recommended, or else it will result in obesity and obesity-related ailments. For gaining weight, experts recommend 50% calories from carbohydrates, 25-30% calories from protein and the remaining 20-25 % calories from fats. Along with making the correct food choices, weight lifting exercises are essential for an increase in muscle mass, which is the right way to gain weight.


Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, whole grain bread, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta and brown rice are high-carbohydrate foods with a negligible amount of fats and proteins. They are abundant in vitamins, minerals, fi bre and antioxidants which benefi t other body functions. Along with proteins, carbohydrates are vital for muscle building since carbohydrates have a protein-sparing effect. Carbohydrates stimulate the release of insulin, which pushes amino acids into muscle cells to begin the process of muscle repair. In order to build muscle and gain weight, the body needs both calories and nutrients from these starchy foods. A cup of boiled corn kernels provides 143 calories, 31 grams of carbohydrate and 4 grams of fi bre.

NUTSNuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, pistachios and peanuts are some of the most nutrient-dense foods providing nutrients like B complex vitamins, vitamin E, healthy fats and antioxidants. Being high in protein and fi bre, they play a signifi cant role in maintaining stable blood glucose and lipid levels and are one of the best in-between snacking options. About 30 grams of nuts can provide approximately 160 to 190 calories.

PEANUT BUTTERPeanut butter brims with the goodness of healthy fats, vitamin E, fi bre and protein. An excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and oleic acid, it boosts HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) or good cholesterol levels and lowers LDL (LowDensity Lipoprotein) or bad cholesterol levels. Being a good source of skinfriendly nutrients like vitamin E, zinc and magnesium, peanut butter helps maintain smooth and supple skin. Peanut butter also aids muscle mass build-up. A tablespoon of peanut butter provides 94 calories with 8 grams of fat and 4 grams of protein.

CHEESEIn addition to being delicious, cheese is host to a bevvy of nutrients protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B12 and phosphorus. Being a rich source of calcium, cheese maintains bone health and lowers the risk of osteoporosis. The B-complex vitamins, zinc and vitamin A content in cheese assist in maintaining strong hair and healthy and glowing skin. Cheese contains casein and whey protein that help the body build muscle. A slice of cheddar cheese provides 113 calories along with 9 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein.

DARK CHOCOLATE (70% COCOA OR HIGHER)Dark chocolate improves blood fl ow, prevents the formation of blood clots and maintains a good lipid profi le thus boosting cardiovascular health. Dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine which has a positive effect on mood and cognitive health. The epicatechin and resveratrol compounds in dark chocolate possess antioxidant and anti-infl ammatory properties. With 100 grams providing 546 calories along with 31 grams of fat, dark chocolate can serve as an occasional treat.

EGGSEggs are a powerhouse of protein, zinc, vitamins A, D, B 12, phosphorus and folate. The high biological value of egg protein makes them a perfect post-workout food. Egg yolk is a source of omega-3 fats and choline which boost brain health. Additionally, it contains antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin which promote eye health. One large scrambled egg provides 90 calories, 6.7 grams of fat and 6.1 grams of protein.

BREAKFAST CEREALSThe combination of cereals with milk or yoghurt is the perfect way to start the day on a power-packed note with the right blend of carbohydrates, proteins and calcium. It is better to opt for dense, fi bre-rich breakfast cereals such as granola or muesli over fl aky or puffed cereals. Adding dried fruits and nuts like raisins, apricots, walnuts and almonds enhances the nutritional profi le and calorie content signifi cantly.

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Chocolate, Red Wine, And More: 5 Surprising Foods That May Help In Weight Loss – NDTV Food

Oats, daliya, quinoa, green leafy vegetables, and various kinds of fruits are some of the common things that we often add to our weight loss diet. Although many of us add these foods to our menu, we painstakingly eat them. Many are still not accustomed to their taste and may try to avoid them. However, when it comes to weight loss, your diet always doesn't need to be so boring. Many fun and delicious foods can also be added to your diet. But, if you are unsure of what can be eaten, here we bring you a list of some surprising foods that can aid in weight loss. Check them below:

(Also Read:10 Mistakes To Avoid When You Are On Weight Loss Diet)

Surprising, isn't it? Chocolate is a much-loved ingredient for many of us. But did you know that this can help in weight loss as well!? Researchers at Louisiana State University discovered that eating chocolate can increase the body's production of polyphenolic compounds that are good for the stomach, such as a fatty acid that switches off genes associated with inflammation and encourages the body to burn fat for energy.

Now, this is good news for all wine lovers! According to a study published in Nutrition Review, resveratrol and other antioxidants found in red wine may help with blood sugar regulation, heart health, and inflammation. Furthermore, moderate wine consumption could assist prevent excessive weight gain.

(Also Read:Weight Loss: 5 Healthy Diet Facts That Anyone Wanting To Lose Weight Must Know)

Popcorn has a low energy density, a lot of fiber, and few calories. These are all qualities of a food that can promote weight loss. Air-popped popcorn has 31 calories per cup, which is significantly less than many other common snack items.

Coffee is excellent for boosting your metabolism, as long as you drink it black without any artificial sweetener or creamers. Research in the journal Physiology and Behavior found that people who drank caffeinated coffee had an average metabolic rate of 16% higher than those who drank decaf.

Mustard is widely used in Indian cooking. According to research from the Oxford Polytechnic Institute in England, one teaspoon of mustard can increase your metabolism by up to 25% for hours after eating it. This may help you lose weight!

When you add these foods to your diet, make sure to have them in moderation as too much of anything can take a toll on your health.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Chocolate, Red Wine, And More: 5 Surprising Foods That May Help In Weight Loss - NDTV Food

Global Resveratrol Market 2022 Research Analysis DSM, Evolva, Sabinsa, InterHealth Ripon College Days – Ripon College Days

The recent report named Global Resveratrol Market from 2022 to 2028 has been released by The objective of the report is to cater the demand from varied verticals involved in the Resveratrol market. The report presents the examined and processed data from primary and secondary sources. The raw data is passed through different stages such as deduction, formulation and validation.

The report is specifically prepared for the clients aiming to expand their business or enter into the Resveratrol market. There are key components such as regional analysis, company profiling and segmentation analysis which will help the companies to move further with their strategies. Also, the new entrants can analyze the level of competition in the market and can also understand the barriers to entry.


Sections of the report

The Resveratrol market is fragmented into regions, in order to provide the exact market share and growth rate of the individual regions. The report discusses about the following countries:

The brief information about operating segments has been provided in the Resveratrol market. Two major segments included in the report are:

Apart from these, company profiling section has also been included in the final report. The market players involved in the manufacturing and distribution processes are:


The product/service that a firm has developed with the help of its R&D knowledge and technology, as well as their unique selling proposition, are the major differentiating factors.

Customization of the Report:

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Global Resveratrol Market 2022 Research Analysis DSM, Evolva, Sabinsa, InterHealth Ripon College Days - Ripon College Days

Pet nutrition: 5 healthy and tasty fruits for your pets – Hindustan Times

Fruits are full of fibre and antioxidants and as healthy for your furry babies as for you. However, care must be taken to choose the correct fruit for your dog or cat as a few can be toxic for them and cause adverse reaction. Experts say it is best to avoid any fruits that have small seeds or bits in them that may get stuck in your canine or feline companion's intestinal tracts. Otherwise most of the fruits can be included in your pet's diet from apple to watermelon. Fruits can also be the perfect snacks for them considering the sweet or deep fried stuff can cause many health problems in pets. (Also read: Is your pet ageing? Here are ways to take care of your senior pet)

"There are many seasonal fruits that are good for dogs and can be given in moderate amounts. Make sure to avoid the toxic ones. Grapes, cherries and avocados are fatal for dogs. Most importantly, make fruits fun. Make your dog work for these treats and associate happy times with fruits. You could also make healthy fruits into smoothies and freeze them in ice trays," said Dr Dilip Sonune, Veterinary Officer at Wiggles. (Also read: Mental health benefits of sleeping with your pet)

Ideal fruits for dogs, cats and parrots

What is also important to note is that many of these fruits are very high in sugar, like bananas and mangoes and so should be given in small quantities and less frequently. For both cats and dogs, one must steer away from avocado, cherries, grapes and tomatoes which can, in cases, even lead to sudden death of the animal. Berries in general are safe for cats to consume. Parrots can eat almost every fruit and it is a must to include at least 5-10% of fruit in your parrots diet," says Devanshi Shah, Founder & CEO, PetKonnect.

Here are 5 important fruits suggested by Dr Dilip Sonune, pet parents can give to their little companions.

Apples: Apples are extremely healthy for your pets. It consists of antioxidants and lots of Vitamin A and C. Apples contain a great source of potassium, flavonoids and phytonutrients which keep your pet healthy. It's advisable to wash apples properly and cut them into small pieces after peeling the core. Apple seeds contain cyanide and if pets consume that, it can not only be harmful but over time it can cause severe health issues as well.

Bananas: Pets can eat bananas as they are rich and high in potassium, carbohydrates, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and are low in calories too. They should be given in moderation and with the peel removed. Giving too much bananas can lead to constipation. Pets with kidney failure, blood pressure and severe heart conditions should not be given bananas.

Watermelon: Watermelons are fresh and a great fruit to give your pets. It contains high water content, essential minerals, vitamin A, B-6, C and Thiamin. Pet parents should be careful and remove all the seeds as it may cause blockages in the pets intestines.

Strawberries: Strawberries are low-calorie, full of antioxidants, high in fibre and Vitamin C and help in whitening your pets teeth. They also contain anti-aging properties. Strawberries should be given in limited amounts as they contain sugar which can be harmful for pets.

Blueberries: Blueberries are dogs' favorite. They contain natural elements like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help in reducing risk of diabetes, heart attacks, liver failure etc. The fruit also contains high levels of resveratrol which fight cancers in dogs. Tannis found in blueberries can prevent urinary tract infections and are good for eye health.

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Pet nutrition: 5 healthy and tasty fruits for your pets - Hindustan Times

Bad Fat? Red Wine Could Fight That, Researchers Believe – Wine Spectator

When it comes to alcohol and health, does it matter what you drink? A new study has found a link between moderate red wine consumption and decreased levels of visceral fat, the tricky-to-lose "bad fat" that builds up with age and increases risk of heart disease and stroke. The study also found that while white wine consumption had no impact on bad fat, it did increase bone mineral density, a key marker of health in older adults. People who drank beer or spirits had increased levels of visceral fat.

The study, published in February in the journal Obesity Science and Practice, was led by Brittany Larsen, a Ph.D. candidate in neuroscience at Iowa State University, and overseen by Dr. Auriel Willette. The team analyzed lifestyle and body composition data from 1,869 participants in the U.K. Biobank Study, a biomedical database built by collecting detailed health information from over 500,000 U.K. residents.

While many studies about the health effects of drinking focus on the quantity of alcohol consumed, but not the type, this study analyzed the distinct impacts of four different beverage classes: beer and cider, white and sparkling wine, red wine and spirits. "To best assess how alcohol may influence body composition, one must consider the patterns of usage for different types of alcohol rather than simply gauging alcohol consumption as a whole," the authors wrote.

There are two competing hypotheses about how alcohol affects body composition, they continue. In some studies, alcohol has been shown "to promote fat retention by reducing lipid oxidation." In other words, not only is alcohol a source of extra calories (the so-called "empty calorie" hypothesis), but it actually slows the rate at which the body burns fat. Another hypothesis is that alcohol can "hinder caloric absorption and increase energy expenditure when consumed concomitantly with meals, which may, in turn, encourage weight loss."

The Iowa State scientists argue that focusing on the type of alcohol consumed could clarify alcohol's apparently contradictory risks and benefits. Their research indicates that while spirits and beer may well be empty calories, wine is anything but, and even "appears to help curb appetite," Larsen told Wine Spectator. As the study succinctly puts it, "greater beer and spirit consumptions have been correlated with higher waist-to-hip ratio. Conversely, wine has largely shown null or inverse associations with waist-to-hip ratio."

Larsen and Willette say wine's polyphenols are likely responsible for its health benefits. Resveratrol, a well-known polyphenol found in red wine, "may reduce inflammation and discourage fat storage." They attribute white wine's bone-building effect to protocatechuic acid, a lesser-known polyphenol which "aids in the reduction of bone loss." White wine contains nearly twice as much protocatechuic acid as red wine, which could explain why red wine did not show similar bone-strengthening activity.

Likewise, red wine contains much more resveratrol than white wine, which may be why white wine had no effect on visceral fat. Polyphenols hold rich possibilities for future study, Larsen said. "It is absolutely possible that there are polyphenols that have yet to be discovered that could have instead been responsible for explaining this association between white wine consumption and greater bone mineral density."

The authors are transparent about the study's limitations. The subjects were all white residents of the U.K. between 40 and 80 years old. It's unclear how the study's findings apply to other demographicsthough Larsen believes that "the results would [likely] be similarly applicable to older individuals of other races." Alcohol consumption and lifestyle data were self-reported, and while the study controlled for factors such as sex, diet, exercise and tobacco use, other factors besides alcohol consumption could have contributed to the observed health outcomes.

What should wine drinkers and healthcare professionals take away from the study? When it comes to health, "not all alcohol is created equally," said Larsen. It's good to be specific when talking to patients and evaluating one's own drinking habits. "Older adults frequently hear that drinking alcohol is beneficial for their hearts," Larsen said, but "wine may actually be the [only] alcoholic beverage to potentially offer benefits."

Instead of basing guidelines on a standard number of drinks per week, it could help to break down alcohol consumption by type. In particular, moderate consumption of both red and white wine, with limited intake of beer and spirits, may offer maximum potential health upsides while minimizing risks.

"Consuming a mix of both types of wines in moderation [is] more likely to offer a greater range of benefits than drinking one type of wine consistently, as each type of wine does appear to offer unique health benefits to body composition in older adults," said Larsen. The authors caution, however, that current non-drinkers should not start drinking alcohol solely for the potential health benefits.

Want to learn more about how wine can be part of a healthy lifestyle? Sign up for Wine Spectator's free Wine & Healthy Living e-mail newsletter and get the latest health news, feel-good recipes, wellness tips and more delivered straight to your inbox every other week!

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Bad Fat? Red Wine Could Fight That, Researchers Believe - Wine Spectator

The Importance of Nutraceuticals in COVID-19: What’s the Role of Resveratrol? – DocWire News

This article was originally published here

Molecules. 2022 Apr 7;27(8):2376. doi: 10.3390/molecules27082376.


Since COVID-19 has affected global public health, there has been an urgency to find a solution to limit both the number of infections, and the aggressiveness of the disease once infected. The main characteristic of this infection is represented by a strong alteration of the immune system which, day by day, increases the risk of mortality, and can lead to a multiorgan dysfunction. Because nutritional profile can influence patients immunity, we focus our interest on resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound known for its immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory properties. We reviewed all the information concerning the different roles of resveratrol in COVID-19 pathophysiology using PubMed and Scopus as the main databases. Interestingly, we find out that resveratrol may exert its role through different mechanisms. In fact, it has antiviral activity inhibiting virus entrance in cells and viral replication. Resveratrol also improves autophagy and decreases pro-inflammatory agents expression acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. It regulates immune cell response and pro-inflammatory cytokines and prevents the onset of thrombotic events that usually occur in COVID-19 patients. Since resveratrol acts through different mechanisms, the effect could be enhanced, making a totally natural agent particularly effective as an adjuvant in anti COVID-19 therapy.

PMID:35458574 | DOI:10.3390/molecules27082376

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The Importance of Nutraceuticals in COVID-19: What's the Role of Resveratrol? - DocWire News

Easy ways to get creative with grapes – Times of Oman

Grapes not only taste great, they are good for you, too! Grapes are a natural source of polyphenols, which help protect cell health and promote cell function. Grapes also are a good source of Vitamin K, which is vital for blood clotting and healthy bones. Finally, the resveratrol in grapes positively influences immune function. That's a whole bunch of healthy for 90 calories per 3/4 cup serving.

Boost your breakfast. Try grapes with granola, yogurt and honey to get your morning off to a sweet start.Make salads more satisfying. Cut grapes in half, and add to your favorite green or grain salads for some added crunch and juicy goodness.Sweeten up snack time. Mix fresh grapes with nuts and dark chocolate, or freeze them to get mini popsicles. Make savoury more special. Grapes add a unique twist when paired with goat cheese on a pizza, or as a crostini appetizer topping alongside prosciutto and basil. Dazzle your desserts. You can make a gorgeous grape tart with just a few ingredients: a store-bought crust, a mixture of mascarpone cheese, powdered sugar and whipping cream and fresh grapes for the topping. So simple, but it will look like you spent all day in the kitchen.

Originally posted here:
Easy ways to get creative with grapes - Times of Oman

More brands hopping on the bidirectional beauty bandwagon –

Topicals with supplementstraditionally two fragmented industriesare increasingly being sold in combination. NutraScience Labs is one company thats embracing the bidirectional beauty trend something Gene Bruno calls the holy grail of skincare.

The combinations of beauty from the inside out and the outside in is the future and well, now it's the present, but that's the way that so many different brands I see are going. They recognize that that's how you get the best possible result. Instead of having to wait six to eight weeks to see something, you see something immediately. And conversely, if you're just using a topical you use it and then you dont see the long-term effects. Now you see both short-term and long-term and that is the wave of the future,Bruno said at Expo West.

Another trend that Bruno is seeing is the proliferation of gummies, as a generation raised on Flintstones vitamins is no longer 10 million strong and growingbut all grown up.

For years I was not a big proponent of gummies, but the technology in gummies has improvedto the extent that now you can make a gummy and have good stability. Now, the trick is only to make it taste palatable and we're pretty pleased because we've just introduced for the first time some gummy products, including collagen gummies for skin, keratin gummies for hair, and a resveratrol gummy which has many applications. It's a new foray for us into the gummy world, but we're really pleased because like all of our products clinically relevant doses of the right stuff and the right forms to give a good result. So we're really excited about this whole new direction and we still have all the encapsulated products and everything else we have, but it's just something new and already were getting some pretty good feedback, said Bruno.

When looking at consumer surveys, Bruno said capsules remain on top but gummies are trending upwards at an almost-meteoric rate compared to other, more traditional delivery methods.

We see that trajectory of gummies and alternative delivery forms increasing at such a rate. People love that alternative delivery form, especially like gen Z or Millennials. My generation, the Baby Boomers, not as much, but so many people are getting into that and so you have to keep up with the times.

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More brands hopping on the bidirectional beauty bandwagon -

Heres A List Of Essential Supplements That Women Need After Age 40 | – Femina


Human nutritional requirements are rapidly evolving. Our diets lack the nutrient values that our bodies require, despite the fact that everyone is now aware of and embraces healthy eating. Furthermore, as people age, they tend to eat less, making it more difficult to ensure that their diet is varied enough to include all of the nutrients they require. Experts believe that women's bodies change dramatically throughout their lives and require optimal nutrition.

Hormone-related alterations, for example, promote weakening of the bones in postmenopausal women. To boost appetite and maintain muscle mass, doctors recommend getting as much exercise as possible and eating nutrient-dense foods instead of energy-dense foods, such as lean meats, eggs, low-fat dairy foods, fish, liver, nuts and seeds, legumes, fruit and vegetables, whole grain loaves of bread and cereals, explains Sahil Mehta, Managing Director and Founder of MuscleXP who feels a healthy lifestyle requires a combination of well-balanced nutrition and frequent exercise.

Health supplements with natural ingredients can help one to stay fit and strong in the face of adversity. The purpose of a food supplement is to provide a little something extra to your usual diet. They ensure that the individual receives a measured amount of essential nutrients and compensate for the low nutritional content of the different foods consumed. They assist people in getting the most nutrition from their healthy diet in order to reach their health goals. There is strong scientific data demonstrating that dietary supplements are beneficial for maintaining health and managing particular health disorders, adds Mehta, citing the example of women planning a pregnancy requiring folic acid to lower the chance of specific congenital defects.

The following are some of the expert-recommended supplements and nutrients for women over the age of 40.Omega-3: Helps maintain joint health, reduces hot flashes, lowers bad cholesterol, and protects against certain conditions such as osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.Vitamin D: Pivotal to the absorption of calcium and maximising bone health, can reduce cognitive decline, lower the risk of all cancers, and act as an immunosuppressant in rheumatoid arthritis.Magnesium: Reduce the risk of oestrogen excess conditions (such as fibroids), lowers postmenopausal osteoporosis, and improves mood disorders.Vit B12: Prevent megaloblastic anemia, aid in cognitive function (memory issues, focus, and brain fog) during perimenopause or menopause, and lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration.Resveratrol: Associated with slowing down aspects of the ageing process, lowering inflammation and helping with symptoms related to perimenopause/ menopause.

Also Read: Substitute These Indian Superfoods For The Imported Ones

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Heres A List Of Essential Supplements That Women Need After Age 40 | - Femina

The Benefits of Berries Include Fiber and Fighting Inflammation –

Theres a solid reason why everything from sour candies and cereals to antacids and energy gels come berry-flavored. Its a crowd-pleasing, sweet flavor. But besides the undeniable deliciousness of artificially-flavored berry foods, the real deal is one of the best foods for runners. Blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberriesas well as their less-common but still-stellar siblings, acai and gooseberriesare all jam-packed with nutrition and are remarkably versatile.

Any and all of the types of berries are a boon for your body and brain, and support for your fitness goalsoffering plenty of reasons why runners should get more of them in their diets. Here, all the benefits of berries and how they promote your overall health and performance.

According to 2021 data from the American Society for Nutrition, a mere 7 percent of Americans eat enough of one very important carbohydrate: fiber. While whole grains and vegetables are strong sources of fiber, fruitsomething that 80 percent of American adults dont eat enough ofis also a major vehicle for this important nutrient. Not only does fiber keep us full, but it also aids in digestion, supports heart health, and lowers risk for several chronic diseases, according to research.

Berries are among the best sources of dietary fiber in the fruit category, explains Michelle Hyman, RD, a registered dietitian at Simple Solutions Weight Loss in New York City. They also contain antioxidants and phytonutrients. Some varieties, such as strawberries, are even surprisingly great sources of vitamin C.

The nutritional value of berries differs slightly based on the type, but each one packs mega health benefits. Here, the nutrition facts per 1-cup serving of some of the most common raw berries, according to the USDA.

Strawberry nutrition facts:

Blueberry nutrition facts:

Blackberry nutrition facts:

Raspberry nutrition facts:

Cranberry nutrition facts:

Getting your five-a-day of fruit and veggies from any source has been linked to lower risk of mortality, per a meta-analysis published in March 2021 in the journal Circulation. But berries specifically offer a slew of health benefits:

Fruit as a whole category is known to fight inflammation, Hyman says, which may be of benefit for individuals that participate in high-intensity training like running.

Vitamin C, quercetin (a flavonoid), and manganese function as antioxidants in the body, adds Mary Stewart, RD, a registered dietitian and the founder of Cultivate Nutrition in Dallas. This and the anthocyanins (polyphenols) that lend the vibrant color to berries makes them especially powerful at combating chronic inflammation caused by stress, unhealthy food choices, and lack of or too much physical activity.

In addition to being anti-inflammatory, berries offer antioxidant properties that can help combat fatigue and promote recovery, explains Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, a Dobbs Ferry, New York-based nutrition expert and avid runner.

Research suggests that blueberry powder supplementation can stave off the blood lactate response in running, potentially allowing you to go longer or at a higher intensity without fatigue, Largeman-Roth says. (Full disclosure: The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council funded the study.)

Berries, one of the best carbs for runners, are also among the most filling ingredients to add to your post-workout snack or smoothiethats thanks to their fiber content. Raspberries and blackberries are particularly potent in fiber, a key nutrient for weight management, gut health and reducing risk of chronic disease, Stewart says.

Berries of all kinds feed your gut with soluble fiber, which not only helps keep you fuller longer than, say, potato chips, because its slower to digest, but also blocks the absorption of some of the fat and cholesterol in your bloodstream.

Research proves that eating berries three times per week or more may lead to lower risk for type 2 diabetes and heart attacks. Adults who fall into the overweight and obese categories who eat 1 cup of blueberries each day for six months report notable improvements in heart health, reports a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in June 2019.

All berries come packed with vitamin C, no supplementation required, and strawberries are an especially good source. (A cup of strawberries actually has more vitamin C than an orange, according to the National Institutes of Health.)

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps support a healthy immune system and protect cells from free radical damage, Largeman-Roth says.

Speaking of free radicals, the antioxidants in berries, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol, has been correlated with lower risk for several cancers, including breast cancer, cancers of the GI tract, and oral cancers. This may be in part due to the antioxidants ability to detoxify carcinogens that may harm DNA during the cancer development process.

Crank up the color and the nutrition of any meal of the day with these unexpected ideas from Hyman, Stewart, and Largeman-Roth:

Just keep in mind: As with any food or beverage, portion size is key. Berries are a high-fiber food and although this is a great attribute when evaluating the nutrient density of a food, consuming too much fiber too fast can lead to digestive discomfort, like bloating or constipation, Stewart says. If youre new to consuming berries, start with a small serving of to 1 cup and drink plenty of water. Also, begin by incorporating berries into your diet after workouts, rather than before until you know how your digestive system responds.

Athletes, including runners, may experience exercise-induced oxidative stress and, therefore, consuming adequate amounts of anti-inflammatory foods like berries, will support in recovery, Stewart says.

If it fits your budget and you can find them, stock up on organic berries, Stewart suggests. Thats because strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are consistently ranked among the highest fruits in terms of pesticide residue, per the Environmental Working Group. This can be significantly improved by buying organic produce, Stewart adds.

Whether you buy them fresh or frozen, organic or non-organic, the goal is getting in your two to four servings of fruit per day, with berries being a top choice.

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The Benefits of Berries Include Fiber and Fighting Inflammation -

Experts Solutions To Deal With Forehead Lines – Doctor NDTV

Dermatologist Dr Jaishree Sharad shares a video where she talks about this skin problem.

Forehead lines get pronounced with age, stress, sun exposure and smoking

Forehead lines may not be a problem for the youth. But with ageing, these lines can get more prominent and can become a facial feature that not many people want to show. What to do if you want to avoid or resolve the issue of prominent forehead lines? Dermatologist Dr Jaishree Sharad shows us the way. She recently posted about the different ways in which this problem can be tackled. Here's what she wrote, "Lines that are seen on the forehead, straight horizontal lines are called forehead lines. These are usually seen when a person tries to raise his/her eyebrows. Forehead lines are not seen in younger individuals. They only get more pronounced with age, stress, sun exposure and smoking."

Here are the tips that can help you deal with forehead lines:

These are the basic ways in which one can treat forehead lines. But, the lines can still persist. Here's what Dr Jaishree Sharad wrote about it, "If the lines persist, there is no harm in taking tiny doses of Botox to reduce the lines. Never aim at making the lines disappear completely. You have got to keep the face looking natural and youthful."

Take a look at her video:

Earlier, Dr Jaishree Sharad had shared videos about the different causes and signs of ageing. She wrote, "Intrinsic ageing is a natural process of ageing. Extrinsic ageing occurs due to stress, pollution, smoking, sugar, alcohol, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, lack of sleep and sun exposure."

The dermatologists also made a video on how to deal with under-eye wrinkles. She wrote, "For under eye wrinkles, opt for creams or serums with peptides, vitamin C, resveratrol or retinol. Retinol is of course not safe during pregnancy and lactation. Dab a few drops of serum under the eye at bedtime after removing all eye make-up and thoroughly cleansing the face. Apply a moisturiser over the under-eye serum."

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

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Experts Solutions To Deal With Forehead Lines - Doctor NDTV

Health Benefits of Resveratrol And Should You Take It? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Youve heard an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a glass of wine or even a glass of grape juice could keep you feeling healthy in a variety of ways, thanks to a key ingredient known as resveratrol. Before you uncork your next bottle or seek out supplements, registered dietitian Julia Zumpano, RD, LD, breaks down what you should know about resveratrols benefits.

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Resveratrol is a polyphenol, a naturally occurring highly powerful antioxidant. Although you can find it in peanuts, blueberries and cranberries, its most prominent in the skin of grapes and shines through in natural grape juice and red wine.

Red wine is fermented with grape skins, so it contains resveratrol, says Zumpano. There is some resveratrol in white wine, but red wine contains three to 10 times more resveratrol compared to white wine.

Like other antioxidants, resveratrol contains various protective qualities that may help your body carry on a number of daily processes and fight off illness. And while thereve been numerous studies documenting a wide array of antioxidants potential benefits that include anti-aging effects, anti-cancer effects and more, many more studies need to be done on resveratrol alone. However, there are several properties of resveratrol that might make these benefits possible.

We know resveratrol is an anti-inflammatory because its an antioxidant, so it affects cells in your body by protecting them from damage. Most notably, it helps with brain and heart inflammation by providing a protective lining for your blood vessels and preventing insult or injury. This means it could have neuroprotective qualities and help preserve memory and brain function, as well as prevent heart disease and strokes.

Resveratrol and other antioxidants are kind of like Saran wrap for your cells, says Zumpano. They wrap around the cell like a nice layer, so when you have compounds floating around your bloodstream and the environment that are trying to attack and damage that cell, you have this extra layer of protection.

Zumpano says antioxidants help with multiple systems in your body. A diet high in antioxidant-rich foods promotes high levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and low levels of LDL (bad cholesterol). The foods that you eat affect your entire body your cells, bones, blood and organs. The higher the antioxidant content, the greater the entire body is protected from disease and suppresses inflammation, says Zumpano.

Polyphenols also appear to improve the function of blood vessels and may help slow down the formation of blood clots.Alcohol can also act as a blood thinner, so red wine, when consumed responsibly, can help reduce clot formation. Therefore, if you combine polyphenols and alcohol, you have an even greater blood-thinning effect.

Resveratrol has a fairly low toxicity level. Its reasonably well tolerated up to 5 grams per day. Studies have indicated nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal issues can occur when consuming higher doses. But these higher doses cannot be reached by diet alone and are usually reached when you consume supplements.

To benefit from resveratrol, Zumpano suggests working 1 gram of resveratrol into your diet each day, and that its important this comes from natural sources. A glass of wine or grape juice is OK, but turning to resveratrol supplements may not be the right path to take, as too much of a good thing can sometimes present negative effects. Supplements arent regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so you can never be certain you are getting the amount of resveratrol that a product claims it provides. Plus, anytime you can tap a natural source, youre bound to benefit from it.

There is a certain amount of resveratrol that your body cannot absorb and its difficult to determine that amount, says Zumpano. The case with most supplements is youre certainly going to absorb it and utilize it much better from a real dietary source.

Here is the original post:
Health Benefits of Resveratrol And Should You Take It? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Polyphenol Market Provides an In-Depth Insight of Sales, Revenue, Analysis of Growth Factors and Upcoming Trends, Opportunities by Types and…

Polyphenols are a structural class of mainly natural, but also synthetic or semisynthetic, organic chemicals characterized by the presence of large multiples of phenol structural units. . Global Polyphenol Market 2022 Worldwide Market Reports offers dynamic data of the Polyphenol Market. The report gives a start to finish examination of market size, share, future patterns, development openings and gauge to 2027. Likewise gives the inside and out examination the around the world, territorial and nation level. The Polyphenol Market is expected to mirror a positive development pattern in approaching years and this factor which is significant and steady to the business. Its huge vault gives an insightful outline of market that will serve to new and existing players to take significant choices.

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Table of Contents :

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The #1 Best Wine for Anti-Aging, According to Dietitians Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

There are undoubtedly reasons to make sure that you're not drinking too much alcohol, however, it turns out that having wine each day might not be the big guilty pleasure that you think it is. For some people, it could be a good thing to enjoy a glass of red wine, which can be quite beneficial when it comes to its anti-aging effects.

"The mechanism is the antioxidants in red wine," Richard Baxter, MD, told WebMD. "Antioxidants sop up damaging free radicals that play a role in aging and age-related diseases. In fact, Dr. Baxter was bold enough to say: "Drinking a glass of red wine a day is the single most important thing that you can do other than nonsmoking, from an anti-aging point of view."

Related: Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter for more of the latest health and food news!

"Although injections and creams are the best known anti-aging weapons, I'm here to tell you red wine is the real deal," says Nataly Komova, RD, nutritionist and fitness expert for JustCBD. "A glass of red wine pumps antioxidants including tannin, flavonoid, and resveratrol into our bodies, correcting the collagen and elastic fibers deficit."

Why is that helpful? "Sufficient collagen and elastic fibers help fight age-related diseases, allowing you to look younger," says Komova.

While that's already impressive, Rebecca Schilling, RDN, LDN at USA Rx, also says,"Red wine is recommended in popular science-based diets such as the MIND diet and the Mediterranean diet" due to the fact that it "has a high polyphenol content, which provides the desired anti-inflammatory effect we seek for slowing the aging process."

Beyond that, Dr. Rashmi Byakodi, a health and wellness writer and editor of Best for Nutrition says thatresearch has shown "resveratrol present in red wine prevents aging-related decline in cardiovascular function, including cholesterol level, and inflammatory response." Additionally, according to further research, "resveratrol at a particular range of concentration, inhibits apoptotic cell death, thereby providing protection from various diseases."

However, Schilling notes that there isn't enough evidence to suggest that non-drinkers start picking up the habit of drinking one glass of red wine a day. If you do already drink, Schilling stresses, "Moderation is key. Overconsumption of alcohol has the opposite effect you are seeking for anti-aging. My recommendation would be to keep it to a single glass of red wine at dinner time."

To find out more about why enjoying a little Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot at dinner can be a good idea, be sure to read 12 Surprising Health Benefits of Red Wine.

Excerpt from:
The #1 Best Wine for Anti-Aging, According to Dietitians Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

How spending just ten minutes a day on one of these simple life hacks can improve your mood and your h… – The Sun

THE secret of living to a ripe old age might actually be as easy as a walk in the park.

A study has found that just ten minutes of daily exercise could add years on.


Here, CLAIRE DUNWELL and ALICE McINTYRE reveal ten more quick ways you can increase your lifespan.

Go on, give them a try it wont take long.

A GLASS of wine every day wont just help you live longer, it can also keep you mentally sharp into old age, say researchers.

Red wine contains resveratrol, which is a chemical proven to provide antiageing benefits.

When it is drunk in moderation, it increases longevity, improves memory and also cuts the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases.

Dr Julia Jones, neuroscientist and founder of Neuron Wellness, says: Some studies also show it was actually the social aspects of drinking that produced the benefit.

YOU dont have to waltz around like youre on Strictly, just a little jig in the kitchen can help you dodge death.

A study of 5,000 older people by National Institutes of Health, in Maryland, discovered that adding ten minutes of physical activity a day prevented 111,174 deaths a year.

Dr Jones says: Dancing delivers multiple wellness benefits because its a highly complex task for the brain to juggle.

Music also boosts key brain chemicals that make us feel good, plus its social. Its a win-win wellness habit."

CANT resist having a cheeky power nap?

Far from being a lazy habit, a Greek study of more than 23,000 people showed that occasional nappers have a 12 per cent lower coronary mortality ratio.

Between ten and 20 minutes a day is the perfect cat nap. Any longer can leave us groggy.

So, enjoy some extra shut-eye just dont forget to set an alarm.

WE all remember to brush our teeth. But the same cant be said for flossing.

According to the Journal of Aging Research, adding a regular ten minutes of flossing to your dental routine can increase your lifespan.

Not only does it prevent tooth loss, it can also protect against gum disease, which can lead to conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and kidney failure.

GIVE yourself a real wake-up call with a cold shower.

Cold water improves circulation, which can help your body heal faster and keep your heart healthy.

Dr Jones says: Its is a simple way to put the body and nervous system under a bit of stress through temperature changes. This helps improve our in-built stress response and your skin feels great afterwards.

IF you are feeling under the weather, dont put off going to the GP.

According to a 2014 study by Harvard University in the US, 320 deaths a year could have been prevented by more access to healthcare.


Far from wasting your doctors time, a ten-minute consultation could save your life as they may spot risk-factors that lead to serious illness.

Seeing the same GP can also reduce your risk of going to hospital for heart disease and diabetes.

PUZZLES arent just for fun they are life extenders too.

A 2019 study by Exeter University and Kings College London found that doing daily mind games such as Sudoku or crosswords can keep your brain younger by as much as ten years compared with non-puzzlers.

Dr Jones says: Our brain loves novel complex tasks. Thats how it makes new neural pathways and keeps our cognitive reserve high.

Learning languages and musical instruments is also a superb brain health tool."


A FIERY curry could mean longer life, say scientists in China.

The study of nearly 500,000 people found those who ate spicy food once a week or more were ten per cent less likely to die in the seven-year follow-up period than people who ate it less than once a week.

Capsaicin, an ingredient found in spices, is said to have anti-obesity, antioxidant and also some anti-inflammatory qualities.


COUPLES who enjoy sex at least twice a week tend to have higher amounts of the antibody Immunoglobulin A (IgA) than couples who indulged less than once a week.

This was discovered in a study by Wilkes University in Pennsylvania.

IgA wards off illness, keeping the immune system strong.

Dr Jones explains: Testosterone and estrogen have anti-inflammatory effects.

Chronic inflammation accelerates biological ageing, so sex keeps you young.

US researchers reckon a good old chat over the garden fence or popping in for a cuppa can help you live longer.

A study by Brigham Young University in Utah found that forging just three social ties may reduce your risk of early death by more than 200 per cent.

Other studies also link a healthy social life to positive changes in heart, brain, hormonal and immune function, which may decrease the risk of chronic diseases.

Read more:
How spending just ten minutes a day on one of these simple life hacks can improve your mood and your h... - The Sun

Chocolates are fun, but your heart needs better help than that –

Valentines Day, the largest chocolate and flower day of the year happens tomorrow. Youre welcome to all the gents reading this, you've still got time to pick up something for your sweetheart.

In addition to flowers, chocolate, wine and heart-shaped pizzas, paradoxically February is also heart-health month. As much as wed like to believe consuming a box of dark chocolates and a bottle of red wine after dinner can be good for the heart, the palette is by far the body part experiencing the greatest benefits.

Now, before you all go labelling me as anti-chocolate and no fun, I am a chocolate lover. In fact Ive created several chocolate recipes that are not only delicious, but healthy. Something Ive been able to share and help my clients stay on track with their health goals and not feel deprived. And on the rare occasion, Ill have a glass of red wine.

Dark chocolate and red wine both contain resveratrol, a component that does promote heart health. What most people dont know however, is that the amount of resveratrol youd ingest over dessert with your sweetheart, isnt enough to make a significant difference in your health.

As youve heard (or read) me say before, we can get all the nutrients our body needs from food. Theres no question God gave us great stuff here on this planet. The question is, do we? An article published by the Kressler Institute in 2018 reported, More than half the calories Americans consume, come from nutrient-depleted, ultra-processed foods... and went on to say that Nearly one-third (31%) of the U.S. population is at risk for at least one vitamin deficiency or anemia.

United States stats are always easier to dig up, but trust me, Canadians are right there too.

Since were smack dab in the middle of heart month, let's look at three supplements that are known for building and supporting a healthy heart. Ive already mentioned resveratrol. Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10, and Omega 3.

As with any nutrient, taking a supplement should not be considered a replacement for the healthy foods that also contain the same nutrients. Supplements are to come alongside and fill the gaps, not provide a get-out-of-eating-your-veggies free card.

Of these three, if you take supplements at all, you're most likely using, or at least have heart of, omega 3s. Several types of fish including salmon, lake trout, sardines, herring, anchovies, as well as nuts, seeds, flaxseed, and chia all contain omega 3 fatty acids. Great for supporting brain function, alleviating rheumatoid arthritis, and joint pain, omega 3s also help to lower blood fat levels.

In other words, omega 3s help bring down elevated triglycerides and lowers cholesterol, which also brings down your risk of heart disease and stroke. And unless youre eating fish daily, supplementing is definitely a good idea.

Resveratrol, found in red grapes and cocoa beans red wine and dark chocolate is known for its antioxidant properties and a 2015 review posted on PubMed concluded high doses may help reduce the pressure exerted on artery walls when the heart beats, bringing down blood pressure.

Of course, consuming high doses of red wine or chocolate for that matter would produce the opposite effect, creating inflammation. So, supplementing is the way to go.

Researchers also found supplementing with resveratrol had a positive impact on overall cholesterol levels and may also help decrease plaque buildup inside

Unlike resveratrol and omega 3, Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is something our bodies produce naturally.

According to a June 2019 article by Dr. Josh Axe, CoQ10 helps cells produce energy and neutralize free radicals, the damaged cells that cause illness and aging, improve heart health.

It offsets negative effects of statin drugs, slows down DNA damage due to aging, helps maintain ph balance, may slow or reverse the spread of some cancers, supports cognitive function, may improve male infertility, treats symptoms of fibromyalgia.

The amount of CoQ10 our bodies produce reduces with age. And although consuming foods that contain CoQ10 such as meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans and nuts is something everyone should be doing, Dr. Axe goes on to say that for people who, struggle with certain health conditions, such as heart disease having chronic diseases, high levels of stress, deficient in vitamin B, mitochondria diseases, taking statin drugs, food alone may not be enough as these conditions further impede CoQ10 production.

And as the heart is just one of many areas CoQ10 is needed for optimal health, it's in our best interest to keep those levels up.

As with anything you put in your body, quality matters. Like your car, the better quality fuel you put in, the better performance youre going to get. Whether its food or supplements, same goes for your body. And in case there was any doubt, that old adage you get what you pay for, is true.

Februarys the perfect time to give your heart and yourself some love. Youre worth it.

Tania Gustafson is a nutritionist and fitness coach.

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Email: Find healthy chocolate recipes at the 8 Weeks is All it Takes group on Facebook.

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Chocolates are fun, but your heart needs better help than that -

Do collagen supplements live up to the hype and will they transform my skin? – Irish Examiner

Collagen is in your face: You have plenty and if youre a woman you were likely told to fear losing it before you knew what it was. Seeing Goldie Hawns characters doctor refuse to inject her with more in The First Wives Club is my earliest memory.

Injecting collagen is currently less popular than shooting in hyaluronic acid or Botox (Ms Hawn injected her lips with saline for the film), but collagen is still big business in other forms. Youve probably seen ads for skin-smoothing collagen supplements. The wide variety on the market is sometimes promoted with female customer testimonials.

The collagen in supplements comes from a variety of animal and vegan sources and determining which (if any) works as promised is challenging.

I am directing this piece towards women because the anti-ageing collagen supplement business targets us. We typically have less collagen in our skin naturally. Also, while both men and women lose collagen over time, women can lose a visibly significant amount quickly during menopause because of the role oestrogen plays in our collagen development.

Transparency troubles

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland is responsible for regulating supplements under various European Directives transposed into Irish law, but the standard of proof of efficacy is not the same as that for pharmaceuticals. For the media, it is hard to honestly recommend any supplement that effectively beefs up the skins collagen beyond sharing the manufacturers own research and a still small number of independent studies involving collagen peptides that may not be in the given supplement.

Even unsponsored testimonials that a customer or journalist shares after trying one brand may be undermined by the influence of their unshared lifestyle habits and exposures. Dr Andrea Suarez, a Houston-based dermatologist who has made informational videos on these supplements as they pertain to the skin, points out that our knowledge of test subjects in collagen trials is similarly limited. We know nothing about their medical histories or their diets and lifestyle habits during these trials.

Testing any supplement for yourself takes some investment, as you may need to consume well over a months worth of any given product before making a fair assessment, depending on the brands advice.

How it works

Supplement brands may benefit unfairly from a widespread understanding that collagen in your skin makes you look younger coupled with misunderstanding of how the body processes the collagen we swallow.

We can consume collagen in our diet, but this doesnt necessarily become collagen in our body, says Maria Lucey, a registered dietitian based in Dublin. The body recognises collagen supplements as protein, and this is then broken down into amino acids that join the pool of the amino acids we get from food.

The body draws from this pool for whatever it needs protein for most, which may not be collagen. The supplements have no agency, they cant tell your body theyre earmarked for the skin.

Perhaps more importantly, protein is just one co-factor required for the skins collagen development. The skins natural collagen synthesis is a complex operation that require resources and behaviours that no supplement can cover.

Pro-collagen foods

There are many foods that can help your body make better quality collagen (quality does decline with age) and to repair or replace damaged collagen. Cooking with your collagen in mind can result in a fabulous, varied diet that benefits multiple bodily systems, not just the skin.

As mentioned, the body processes collagen supplements into amino acids and it is true that protein helps with making your own collagen. Ideal sources include lean meat, fish, and legumes. Egg whites are high in the amino acid lysine, which is important for collagen synthesis.

Healthy skin cells are coated with a protective fatty membrane. Omega 3 fatty acids support this and help prevent collagen destruction. If you dont like fish, you can get these from walnuts and chia and flaxseeds.

Dark green, leafy vegetables are an important group, their vitamin C is vital to collagen synthesis and important for good overall health. These vegetables are also high in folic acid which is important to healthy skin cell division and proliferation. Folic acid is a great support to your genetically imputed rate of skin healing and repair. Red fruits and vegetables are packed with lycopene, which better equips your skin to handle environmental stressors, further protecting your collagen. Harley Street dermatologist Dr Sam Bunting recommends a tomato (as well as an unpeeled apple) a day for glowing skin.

Orange vegetables have Vitamin A, which helps restore and repair damaged collagen.

It is better to get your Vitamin A from food than supplements because this is a fat-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in the body to toxic levels if you keep taking it without a doctors supervision. Orange foods are also rich in carotenoids, which help to protect collagen from the stress of your daily grind.

Vitamin C-rich fruits are delicious berries, kiwi, citrus fruits and so good for collagen production. Soy is packed with isoflavones and has genistein, which helps inhibit the collagen-destroying enzyme family matrix metalloproteinases, which we produce in response to UV radiation and oxidative stress. Garlic is a great natural source of sulphur, which is very helpful in healthy collagen production. Garlic is also high in taurine and lipoic acid, which support collagen repair. Combining Vitamin C, garlic, protein, and much more, hummus and carrot batons make a pretty skin-perfect snack.

Sugar and alcohol vs collagen

Collagen provides skin with most of its structural integrity and makes up a whopping 75% of its dry weight.

Age-related decline contributes to its breakdown but there are many lifestyle factors and exposures that speed this up, including UV radiation, stress, smoking, pollution, lack of sleep, and high sugar and alcohol consumption. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) destroy collagen and are most often associated with a diet high in processed, sugary foods. Red meat has higher levels of AGEs than white meat, as does smoked or fried meat. Food preparation plays a role. For example, fried chips are higher in AGEs than a baked potato. Low heat and slow cooking are generally better for your face.

Its not that we need to cut out [less nutritious] foods completely, but their presence in the diet can mean nutritional needs are not met elsewhere, says Maria Lucey.

For example, we know that 80% of Irish adults dont meet their daily fibre needs and around 47% of Irish women dont meet their iron needs. Displacement is an issue.

Alcohol dehydrates the skin and weakens its natural antioxidant defence system. Alcohol causes skin inflammation, releasing a histamine that dilates the bloods capillaries. The redness this causes can become permanent over time and the inflammation impedes collagen repair.

Wine and beer contain sulphites that can cause facial puffiness. Someone always mentions the polyphenol resveratrol in red wine whenever I talk about alcohol and the skin. Resveratrol is great but red wine is a dehydrating vasodilator, so its probably better for the skin to moderate your consumption and get most of your resveratrol directly from red or purple grapes.

Collagen and oestrogen

Oestrogen is important to collagen synthesis and menopause can make a significant difference to womens skin in a brief period. The menopause is a tiring and potentially vulnerable time, taking better care of yourself than you ever have is in order, and I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor before having any cosmetic treatments or buying new skincare or supplements. People who work in retail, salons, aesthetic clinics, and spas are trained to deal with your outsides and menopause is an internal change.

The decision to start hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is very personal, but we do know that one of the benefits is more youthful-looking skin that functions better. HRT supports new, healthy collagen development and the strengthening of skins natural moisture barrier.

Studies show that oestrogen can increase the collagen content of the skin, says Geraldine Sexton, a Tullamore-based dietitian and behaviour and mindset coach specialising in womens health.

A study in 2000 (randomised, double blind, and placebo-controlled) demonstrated a 6.5% increase in skin collagen fibres after six months treatment with oestrogen, she says.

Another study showed that skin elasticity in women declines post-menopause at a rate of 1.5% and this isnt seen in women taking HRT. There is nothing vain about looking into HRT and, in my view, it doesnt mean youre surrendering to the patriarchy (an argument Ive seen made in newspapers mainstream broadsheets more than once), skin that functions optimally is important for sound health reasons.

It is worth noting, however, that HRT will not replenish collagen damage you may be doing through UV exposure. Wearing broad-spectrum SPF50 every day is non-negotiable if you are serious about protecting your collagen.

Supplementary ideas

Some supplements are useful in maintaining good skin because some things are difficult to get without consuming large quantities of food.

Supplementing with Vitamin D, for example, can help skin heal and may be necessary year-round with the Irish climate. Many women are iron insufficient because of their diet and menstruation. Magnesium is another mineral we tend to consume insufficiently. Our levels are lower during menstruation because of hormonal activity. Magnesium is helpful for skin health in menopause and can reduce unwanted side effects like sleep deprivation and depression. Even though some of my sources recommend specific brands for the above, I am reluctant to direct readers towards anything theyre not certain they lack. It is safer and more efficient to get some bloodwork done, keep detailed notes on symptoms, and ask your doctor lots of questions.

I am not reluctant to share that I am unconvinced collagen supplements for the skin are worth trying and am concerned that this trend is costly and under-researched. I also worry that relying on these supplements may have women denying themselves the more rounded benefits they can get other ways. Helping your collagen thrive through dietary and lifestyle changes, HRT (if you want it) and perhaps some supplements recommended by your GP has more solid, independent research behind it and will have many additional benefits for your body and overall wellbeing. Mother Nature is no feminist.

It isnt fair that we lose collagen at a different rate to men in mid-life and feel more judged socially for it but when it comes to your health, as Ivana Trump tells the First Wives Club: Dont get mad, get everything.

Original post:
Do collagen supplements live up to the hype and will they transform my skin? - Irish Examiner

Trans Resveratrol Market Expected to Witness the Highest Growth – The Courier

The latest report on Trans Resveratrol Market provides an overall assessment of the world market Trans Resveratrol by classifying it into terminal applications, types, and regions. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape and strategies that have positively influenced the market. Furthermore, the report provides an overview of current market dynamics by looking at different key segments based on product, types, applications, end-to-end industries, and market scenario.

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Leading Essential Players of Trans Resveratrol Market Report:

Trans Resveratrol Market segments by product type taking into account output, turnover (value), price trends:

Market segment by applications that take consumption growth rate and market share into consideration:

Scope/Extent of the Trans Resveratrol Market Report:

The Trans Resveratrol market research report concentrates on the analysis of demand and supply at the regional and national global level. From a global perspective, the report presents Trans Resveratrol markets per size, analyzing historical data and future perspectives. The report focuses on a number of key areas, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the West.

2019 has been considered the base year and the report provides a market estimate for 2020-2026. The report looks at the world market for the Trans Resveratrol (size, capacity, production, and consumption) in key regions.

Do not hesitate to consult our analyst prior to purchasing the report at

Additionally, in the Trans Resveratrol market research reports, the following points are included with an in-depth review of each point:

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: An overview of the market includes the definition, specifications, and classification of the market Trans Resveratrol, characteristics, scope, and applications.Chapter 2: Analysis of product costs and prices: structure of manufacturing costs, cost of raw materials and suppliers, manufacturing process, the structure of the industrial chain.Chapter 3: Market demand and supply analysis which includes commercial production capacity and date, distribution of manufacturing plants, R&D status, and technology source, analysis of raw material sources.Chapter 4: Forces that keep the marketplace going.Chapter 5 and 6: Regional Market Analysis that includes North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India, Trans Resveratrol Market Analysis (by Type).Chapter 7 and 8: Industrial structure, Demand, and Supply Gap Analysis.Chapter 9: Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend according to Product Type.Chapter 10: Trans Resveratrol Turnover Channels, Distributors, Retailers, Dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix along with Data Source.

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The rest is here:
Trans Resveratrol Market Expected to Witness the Highest Growth - The Courier

Does Red Wine Have Any Effect on Weight Loss? – Healthline

Red wine is the alcoholic drink of choice for many people, and its gotten a lot of buzz for its potential health benefits.

The drink, made from fermented red grapes, is loaded with antioxidants, but it can also be full of calories and sugar.

If youre trying to lose weight, you may be wondering if red wine could help you or if it would just be a hindrance.

This article reviews red wines nutrient content, what the evidence says about red wine and weight control, and how you can enjoy red wine while still losing weight.

A 5-ounce (148-mL) serving of red wine contains (1):

Most of the calories in red wine come from alcohol, which provides seven calories per gram, and the remainder comes from carbs (2).

Keep in mind that there are several different types of red wine, all with varying amounts of alcohol and sugar content, which will affect their total calorie count. Additionally, there will be some variation among brands.

A 5-ounce (148-mL) serving of red wine contains 125 calories, mostly from alcohol and carbs. There will be some variation among types and brands of red wine.

Several studies have assessed the link between alcoholic beverages and weight.

When it comes to weight management, there appear to be both pros and cons to drinking red wine.

Red wine is rich in resveratrol and other antioxidants that may benefit blood sugar control, heart health, and inflammation. Additionally, moderate wine consumption may help protect against excess weight gain (2, 3).

Red wine and other flavonoid-rich foods like olive oil, nuts, fruits, and legumes are considered staple foods in the Mediterranean-style diet, which has been associated with better weight control than a standard American diet (4, 5).

Unfortunately, evidence on the effects of red wine itself is fairly mixed. Some animal studies have found that red wine consumption decreases body weight and body fat levels, but others have found the opposite (6, 7, 8).

Additionally, a study in 29 people with obesity found that red wine antioxidants appeared to not affect blood sugar control (9).

However, other human studies have noted that moderate alcohol consumption may help improve blood sugar control potentially making it easier to manage weight (10, 11).

More research is needed before the effects of red wine on weight control are fully understood.

Several studies have noted that excess alcohol consumption is linked to weight gain especially in men (2, 12, 13).

Alcohol contains more calories per gram than carbs and protein, and many alcoholic beverages like beer, wine, and mixed drinks may also be loaded with sugar.

Because of this, it can be easier to consume more calories than you intend to when drinking alcohol (2, 14, 15).

Additionally, overconsumption of alcohol may lead to insulin resistance and blood sugar control problems, which may be a precursor to weight gain and type 2 diabetes (16).

Note that 5 ounces (148 mL) of wine is considered 1 serving, and moderate drinking is defined as no more than 2 servings of alcohol per day for men and 1 serving of alcohol per day for women (15).

Red wine is rich in the antioxidant resveratrol, but research is mixed regarding its positive weight effects. Excess alcohol consumption including red wine may lead to weight gain.

Luckily, you dont have to completely avoid drinking red wine if youre trying to lose weight.

Here are some ways that you can enjoy red wine without hindering your weight loss efforts:

As long as youre watching your portion sizes and drinking in moderation, wine shouldnt have a huge effect on your weight.

Additionally, if you notice that your weight loss is slowing down and nothing has changed except the amount or frequency of your red wine intake, try cutting back to see if that helps.

You can drink red wine and still lose weight as long as you limit how much you drink and track your calories.

Red wine is rich in antioxidants, but its also full of calories from alcohol and carbs. This makes it a mixed bag when it comes to weight loss.

Too much red wine, or any alcoholic drink, may hinder weight loss and contribute to weight gain. That said, red wine in moderation may provide some protective effects against weight gain.

To enjoy red wine while losing weight, make sure to stick to a single serving, avoid sugary dessert wines, and track your calories.

Original post:
Does Red Wine Have Any Effect on Weight Loss? - Healthline

Forever Youthful: Try These Anti-Aging Juice Recipe To Keep Your Skin Sparkling All Day – IWMBuzz

Everyone wants glowing skin and would like to remain youthful throughout their life. For all this, you need to have a healthy diet full of high nutrients. Leafy green vegetables and fruits are having anti-aging properties and may help your skin sparkle. Aging is a natural process that cant be stopped but you slow down its effects by making positive lifestyle choices. Though there are many options available, healthy homemade juices in your daily diet stay young forever. Here are healthy drinks you must take for anti-aging.

All these juices are easy to make. Take fruit or vegetable, remove skin and just blend it. You can add some dry fruits if you wish to add those juices.


Tomato juice contains rich antioxidants, lycopene, which is good for the skin. The carotenoid and phytochemical pigment is good for fighting free radicals.


This juice is considered to be the best natural juice, which has good anti-aging properties. It contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps in fighting signs of aging.


This juice has overall many health benefits like lowering bad cholesterol levels, fighting bacteria in the bladder, and also helps you to get sparkling skin and in reducing wrinkles.


This juice is extremely good, especially in the summer heat. It contains high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help you hydrate your body and your skin glowing.


This juice is full of oxidants which help make your skin firm and subsequently slow down the formation of wrinkles.

ALOE VERA JUICE.Aloe Vera juice is regarded as the best option for your healthy skin. It is loaded with amino acids and nutrients that help replace skin cells and helps maintain collagen. This juice is good anti-aging.


Beetroot contains natural nitrates. These natural nitrates help in smooth blood circulation, which keeps your skin glowing.


Carrot juice is the best for glowing skin and has anti-aging properties. It is considered good for the skin as it contains a natural compound called luteolin which gives a glow to the skin.

Read more from the original source:
Forever Youthful: Try These Anti-Aging Juice Recipe To Keep Your Skin Sparkling All Day - IWMBuzz