The BIG Blowout Event! 12-3pm SLT Tomorrow!

Fimi's Memorial at Fimi Falls, Southern Colorado
Join The Passionate Redheads tomorrow, Saturday, May 16, 2009 for The BIG Blowout Event celebrating the life of Artistic Fimicoloud. She left us a year ago May 26. We'll have an appropriate event then, but now let's so what she would have us do--enjoy life and raise money to fund the cure!

Come on by, enjoy alba2's "ortofrutticolo" exhibit in The Commons and support your team!

DJs Dusk Griswold, Monette Gaea and Shockwave Yareach will be spinning the tunes for us. Surprises are planned so c'mon over and join the fun -- all in memory of Fimi and support of RFL 2009!

The Park Galleries Limo Service

In Memory of … Lachlan Campbell

Service for Lachlan Campbell, May 2 at Hope Gardens, Southern Colorado

On May 2, 2009 we gathered at Hope Gardens at Southern Colorado to remember our friend, Lachlan Campbell. Presiding over the service was the Rev. Gareth Janus of the Anglican Cathedral here in Second Life. Speaking were Marissa Goodliffe and Ren Stonecutter. It was a very moving event organized by us in support of Marissa and Lach's SL friends. Thanks to all that attended, but especially to the Rev. Janus, whose quiet dignity gave us the opportunity to remember reflectively.

Marissa speaking

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again -
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

More Goodies in Our RFL Store

New stuff keeps coming in at our Passionate Redheads RFL Store in Sacre Bleu.

We have clothes, wonderful pink fur avatars, magic crystals and fountains, jewelry, art.. and did I say clothes?
The newest dress is in the center of the picture. It's Danielle Harrop's Pirate Formal. I have to tell you that this dress wears and moves beautifully and the top provides a close-fitting contrast to the bustle and full length striped skirt.

I flanked the newness with two of hyasynth Tiramisu's contributions to our team store. From ~silent sparrow~ on the left is the Valerian Suit in Rose. As always hya has provided more pieces than you can wear at the same time, creating several outfits in one. And no corners are cut--just look at the texturing inside the coat skirt! Valerian is also available in Green at our store. On the right is Nephilim in Candy. This is a bit racier, although I have choosen to wear more of the corset pieces than necessary 😉 My shoes for both of hya's outfits are Shiny Things hyasynths of course, worn in Black.

AnnaH Whitfield has also added her Redhead RFL outfit to the store so get yer pixels over there for some shopping for the cause!

Thank You Frogg, Jaycatt, Lomgren and Luskwood! GO RELAY!

The RFL Benefit Concert at Luskwood was not only superb musically and well-attended, including MamaP Beerbaum and a number of Passionate Redheads, BUT

We raised almost $L45,000 [44738 to be exact] -- way to go EVERYONE! Frogg Marlowe and Jaycatt Nico were spectacular as always, but special thanks to Luskwood for hosting us, and for Michi Lumin's generous participation!

More pictures here:


Don't forget to put yourself on the block for Envy Watt's Date Auction coming up in May and also put May 24 on your calendar for the SPECTACULAR Passionate Redheads' Lingerie Fashion Show!

Upcoming Events in Redhead-land

This Sunday, May 3, 1pm SLT: A Memorial Service for Lachlan Campbell
Marissa Goodliffe asked us to organize this for Lach at Southern Colorado. More details soon.
Contact: Samara Barzane
* * * * * * * * * * *
May 9, 1pm SLT: Envy's Date Auction
Sell yourself to the highest bidder for Relay 🙂
Contact: Envy Watts

May 16, TBA: Blowout " Let's Relay 'til the Cure is Found" Event
In memory of Artistic Fimicoloud featuring Shockwave Yareach, Dusk Griswold and Monette Gaea.
Contact: Samara Barzane

May 24, 2 shows, Lingerie Runway Show
Contact: Leala Spire

Not to Miss! Frogg & Jaycatt Saturday at 1pm SLT

Passionate Redhead, Lomgren Smalls has arranged a benefit concert for RFL featuring the funny and talented team of Frogg Marlowe and Jaycatt Nico. The event begins at 1pm SLT, Saturday, April 25 at Luskwood. Everyone is welcome! Bring your paws & tail, your friends and your lindens. This is a Redheads event not to miss!

Check group notices inworld for your very own invite with more information! And when you see little Lom next, give him a BIG HUG!

Relay Shopping Made Easy! Our Very Own Store!

We have our very own RFL 2009 shop on the beautiful Sacre Bleu sim thanks to the generosity of Passionate Redhead, Emmanuelle LaFollette, and her partner, Delerium Hannibal. Where else can you shop within sight of L'Arc du Triomphe AND The Eiffel Tower and benefit RFL at the same time?

Passionate Redheads creators who have placed their vendors at the store are as of now:

Rebel Hope of Rebel Hope Designs
hyasynth Tiramisu of ~silent sparrow~
Kala Bijou of Material Squirrel
Annah Whitfield of StoRin

Mouse Mimistrobell of Dark Mouse
Trixie Bumbo of Primagine
Emmanuelle LaFollette of DelEmma Designs
Hibiscus Flossberg of Puarangi Designs

Samara Barzane of Park Galleries

We'll keep you updated as more are added.

Your private LIMO awaits !
Thanks to DelEmma Designs for their generosity!

We have a winner!

Of the First Dueling DJs RFL Benefit sponsored by The Passionate Redheads RFL Team.:)

Three fabulous [and very different] DJs inspired us to dancing and contributing heights yesterday afternoon at the gorgeous Southern Colorado sim. We raised almost L$15,000 for Relay and generally had a fabulous time! This places our team total so far at L$1,1o4,881 --well done Redheads and friends 🙂

And the winner! LilTank Thibedeau:) Congrats to 'Tank and heartfelt thanks to Jaxx & Drezz as well as all of you who came to cheer the duel on!

Watch this space for the next round:)

Dressing for Relay Events… Lag in Style!

I didn't think I'd be letting my fashion blog spill over to here, but it seems that we all have the question as to what we should wear to a RFL Event, especially a PASSIONATE REDHEAD one such as the Duel of the DJs this Sunday. 😉

So here are two answers:) First the loyal, lower prim version... my Passionate Redheads t-shirt [If you need one of these just ask!] I wear the "male" version cause it has the logo on the front and the team name on the back. With the shirt I am wearing a little black prim skirt. Mine was a group gift from Mischief that I tinted black. Leggings are the Orange ones from the Earth Set from :: M * A * ii * K * I. Shoes are new ones from House of Nyla, Crocodile Pumps in Red. The beads pick up the black in the other items. Hair is by !Lamb, Bang Bang in Dark Carrot, made to benefit Toast Bard of Tableau. Skin is Tuli's Meredith in Captivating Copper, Pale. You could go with slacks rather than the skirt and choose shoes without beads, but, except for Relay itself, this is a relatively low lag outfit. Plus you show your "colors" as a Passionate Redhead 😉

I don't know where to begin with this outfit. It is the Handfasting Gown from Rebel Hope Designs donated to Passionate Redheads for us to help raise money for RFL. Thank you so much Rebel 🙂

It is a stunning gown, with many options for sleeves and skirts. I choose the version that continues the gold embroidery down the front of the gown. The whole look is worthy of the fanciest RFL ball. The skirt moves beautifully promising many a happy waltz. My jewelry is Dexter Bachman's Vines set, hair is the new Sarah from ETD in Auburn and my skin is from Curio, Sugarplum in Lumine. Now we just need to arrange for a ball 🙂

You can purchase Rebel's beautiful gown either at her store at Monarch Bay or in our own Passionate Redheads store in Sacre Bleu. Yes we have a store! More about that shortly!

I hope you haven't minded this small excursion outside Relay proper, but, for the ladies "what to wear" IS important. You want to support your team and both of these outfits do so in different ways.

"Duel of the DJ’s" — TODAY Sun, April 19 at 1pm

The Passionate Redheads announce the ULTIMATE SL MUSICAL CHALLENGE!!

Three DJ's Enter - AND ONLY ONE LEAVES!! ( Okayy, we wont be that harsh... 🙂 )

Three fabulous DJ's will each play for one hour, starting Sunday April 19th at 1PM SLT
Where? At the beautiful Southern Colorado sim.

The DJ who raises the most money for the American Cancer Society wins a trophy.

The Contenders:
1PM - Representing England - Drezz Jarman!!
2PM - From the Sunweavers - Jaxx Tardis!!
3PM - annnd from San Antonio - LilTank Thibedeau!!

Dance with us, listen to great music, and vote for YOUR favorite! We'll be partying on the green in the BEAUTIFUL Southern Colorado Sim. Come show your PASSION!

Great music, great dancing! Great Redheads style!
See you there!

Toga! Toga! We had fun and raised 5k for RFL!

Thanks to Redheads Jahman Ochs, Trixie Bumbo and Monette Gaea we were treated to a marvelous Toga Party on Tuesday last. Monette spinned appropriate tunage and all in attendance were toga-errific!

"Best in Toga" was won by our Redhead hedgehog, TomasMcConnell Sands, whose sartorial splendor blinded us all 😉 Unfortunately I didn't get a good picture so you'll have to take my word. Then in true Redhead fashion, Thomas put his winnings into the nearest RFL kiosk-ours of course!

Thanks to the folks at The Bottom Line! It was a nice silly break in a serious season.

"Duel of the DJ’s" –THIS Sunday, April 19 at 1pm

The Passionate Redheads announce the ULTIMATE SL MUSICAL CHALLENGE!!

Three DJ's Enter - AND ONLY ONE LEAVES!! ( Okayy, we wont be that harsh... 🙂 )

Three fabulous DJ's will each play for one hour, starting Sunday April 19th at 1PM SLT
Where? At the beautiful Southern Colorado sim.

The DJ who raises the most money for the American Cancer Society wins a trophy.

The Contenders:
1PM - Representing England - Drezz Jarman!!
2PM - From the Sunweavers - Jaxx Tardis!!
3PM - annnd from San Antonio - LilTank Thibedeau!!

Dance with us, listen to great music, and vote for YOUR favorite! We'll be partying on the green in the BEAUTIFUL Southern Colorado Sim. Come show your PASSION!

Great music, great dancing! Great Redheads style!
See you there!

Why I Relay — from Edith Halderman & Envy Watts

I relay in memory of my mother. She was diagnosed with brain cancer when I was eight. She had surgery, chemo, & cobalt (it was a while ago) when I was 9 yrs old. She was optimistically given a year to live. She lived 20 years.

I also have known, as I'm sure we all have, many precious people who were diagnosed. Carrie was a good friend, who went home while a group of us where away at a conference. I had to present at that conference the next day. I tearfully dedicated that presentation to her.

Sitting here thinking of other people I have known only makes me want to cry.

Edith Haldeman

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Why I relay.....

I relay for my mom, who lost her batttle to Liver Cancer, in November 2007.
I relay for all the victims of this thief...

Envy Watts

Two Upcoming Events!

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 4 from 1-3pm SLT the Passionate Redheads present another AMAZING concert to Benefit Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society. Please join us and bring your friends!

Come to the beautiful Hope Gardens in the spectacular Southern Colorado Sim to hear three of SL's best artists!

At 1PM it's Strummer Vultee, whose sexy, sexy voice will melt the ladies hearts, as he plays rock ballads and songs of his own composition.

Then at 2pm it's Jaycatt Nico & Frogg Marlowe - SL's best loved musical duo, who will entertain and amuse you with their unique repertoire - Warning - Not responsible for any Leuropleuradons who may show up...

Oh yea, and we have SL's best couple dance ball!!


On Tuesday, April 7 from 5-7pm SLT we're having a Toga Party!
Togas ARE required!

The event will be held at the The Bottom Line Cabaret, Kilmarta

DJ Monette Gaea will be spinning the songs from Animal House, Blues Brothers as well as anything that fits the era. Contest for Best in Toga!

Thanks to Daaneth, Jahman, Trixie, Monette and everyone else who are making these two wonderful events happen.

We had fun AND …

Our fund raising for Relay for Life topped the L$1 million mark!!! This is already almost half of what we raised last year in the whole relay season! As I am posting we have raised L$1,024,600 in total for 2009.

The Passionate Redheads Benefit Concert was amazing. Super talent including Strummer Vultee and Jaycatt Nico & Frogg Marlowe. Rhiley Luminos even pitched in at the beginning--that's the kind of people we have in RFL 🙂

A few more pictures at:

Thanks to Daaneth Kivioq for the arrangements and to all the performers and attendees for your enthusiasm and support for funding a cure for cancer!


Why I Relay — from Daaneth Kivioq

I relay for my RL big sister, Anne Rose Martens, who died from complications of Pancreatic Cancer in January of 2007.

Anne was one of my pillars of strength during my darkest hours, and I relay in her memory. She left behind a legacy of love that will last forever.

I relay for Artistic Fimicoloud, - in RL Stephanie Koslow, killed by breast cancer in May of 2008. "Fimi" was one of the members of the Passionate Redheads Relay Team here in SL. She loved being a part of relay, and her bright spirit inspired us all. When she died, we did not mourn her death, we celebrated her life, because she made each day of her life a celebration, right up until the end.

I relay for my beloved Sabine McGettigan, my SL partner, and the love of my life. Sabine is a ten year survivor of breast cancer, and the Captain of our relay team. She has motivated us all and helped us take our team to new heights. Her driving Passion for life shows in everything she does. That's why our team is called the Passionate Redheads. This year, we have raised over 2.5 Million lindens for the cause - eight times what we were able to raise last year. Sabine leads us, inspires us, and makes us all feel loved.

I relay for all the dedicated scientists, engineers, technicians, nurse, doctors, therapists, and researchers who are working every day to bring us closer to the goal of killing the monster that is cancer.

But most of all, I relay for you. I hope and pray that you who are reading this never hear the words "you have cancer" - but, if, god forfend you ever do - I want to be also able to hear "and we can cure that now."

God Bless You All!

Yours In Service,
Daaneth Kivioq

Hang onto your hats–More Redheads RFL Shopping :)

Our team has a number of really wonderful content creators pushing prims in support of RFL this year. I've blogged a few and will be blogging many more as the Relay season unfolds, but for now, three more perfect ways to spend $$ and support RFL. So ready ... set .... SHOP!

First up are some absolutely wonderful Angel Wings from Kala Bijoux of Material Squirrel. If you have her wings you KNOW they are first rate and include fabulous animations. These come in white, blue, pink, grey and, *cough*, black for those of you who got coal for Christmas. At L$299 each they are a steal, as are all of Kala's wings. So go get 'em! You'll find them on the back wall of her store with her other new delights.

Second up is a porch full of Sakuradawn Lei's creations at her store, Lazy Places. There are hooved boots, wonderful Sakura Doll Heels and much, much more. The porch is to the right of her main store. Just follow the purple vendors 😉 Apparently spring has sprung since I took my photo LOL I got the Sakura Heels in Pink:)

Last, but far from least is Trixie Bumbo's Everyday Necklace and Earrings in Silver available at her Primagine store. Each heart has a small pink stone at its center. As with all of the Primagine creations, the work is lovely and lies nicely on your body. Go and BUY! It is also available in gold in a non-Relay vendor.