A South Mississippi woman is headed to overseas with an organization that delivers shoe boxes filed with basic hygiene necessities, toys and a gospel book to children in third world countries or who live in areas affected by disaster.
Debbie Eubanks, the area coordinator for Operation Christmas Child, was packing her bags Friday for a very important mission, she is traveling to Uganda to personally deliver shoe boxes collected for the children.
"So that the children have something to let them know that somewhere, someone loves them and many times it is the first gift they have gotten," Eubanks said.
The touching stories are what motivates her.
"We've heard stories of a child who got a teddy bear in their box that they used to have one just like it and they had to leave behind when the family had to leave as a refugee," Eubanks said. "We heard so many stories like that."
She cannot wait to experience this first hand. You see, Eubanks is usually the one to collect the boxes and she has even made trips to Atlanta to help package and ship the boxes overseas.
"But for me to place a shoe box in the hand of a child and tell them the gospel message, it is just kind of bringing an end to the story and bring it back to everyone else I hope," Eubanks said.
Eubanks was invited to go on the trip because of the generosity of South Mississippi, last year more than 11,000 boxes were collected and that was a 28 percent increase from the year before.
"I feel like it's an honor to represent the coast because they are sending me. It was their shoe box gifts that allowed me to be able to go," Eubanks said.
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