Principles Of Community Organizing | Organizing Shelves For Kitchen | Ideas On Organizing A Garage Principles Of Community Organizing | Organizing Shelves For Kitchen | Ideas On Organizing A Garage Remember when I told you it was so hard to collect Barbie dolls and the sense of knowing exactly all the different Barbie #39;s that are out there. One of the things that is difficult to do is remember which Barbie dolls you have when shopping so the best way to do that is to create your own list. I have my own tracking list that I actually have on Microsoft excel on my computer and I keep up with the Barbie doll and the value of what the Barbie doll is worth. For example, you can look at name of my doll where that doll is so for example my first one Kelly Club Santa Clause and then it will say the year that it was made which I found on the bottom of my box. The third column consist of the nationality so for instance you get buy certain Barbie dolls like Caroling Fun actually come in African American doll the same as a blonde doll. So you need to know specifically which one you have so I would mark as 2003 Caucasian blonde cause some of them might be brunette, as well as red heads. So you have to keep track of that and then if it #39;s a series I put that on there it it #39;s a pink label, or some set of series at if 5 dolls came in that you want to track and keep that there as well. And then the doll type because sometimes I say more than just Barbie I save here friends as well like Ken, Kelly, and Christy and all those people that come as her friends. So you need to keep ...From:Emily SicaViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inPeople Blogs