The adventure app Randonautica has led users to dead bodies, haunted houses, and other bizarre destinations – Boing Boing

Living through a pandemic may not feel predictable, but your quarantine routine probably does. However, even beyond lockdown life, the world can be "close to deterministic," according to the Fatum Project theory. "All things in the world are causally connected and everything that happens, including our thoughts, is usually determined by the sum of all environmental factors."

Randonautica is an app that borrows from the Fatum Project's research to break away from the probability-tunnels our everyday choices create. Using a quantum number generator to send users to a set of mysterious coordinates, Randonautica has become a "fully functional reality-tunnel creating machine that digs rabbit holes to wonderland." Perhaps it sounds enchanting, but for some, the trip to wonderland can be unnervingly ominous.

If you're not into quantum physics and philosophy, this may seem like a jumble of nonsense. Maybe you are into quantum physics and philosophy, but it still sounds like a jumble of nonsense. Either way, I'll offer a quick summary of what helped me make sense of some of the internet's "Randonauts" adventures and get to the fun (spooky) stuff.

No matter what choices we make, there are simply some places we can never be because our chain of decisions will never lead us there. The app can measure different magnetic fields around you called voids, attractors, or a pseudo (more on those later). Meshing the physical energy, or lack of it, around you with the power of the human mind can show you something you would never have found otherwise.

Many users of the app have generated trip reports saying they got what they wanted. Before beginning a trip, the app asks the user to "set an intention." Popular intents are somewhat mystical, like "adventure," "peaceful," or asking for some sign from the universe. A large portion of Randonauts say they were led to hidden waterfalls, lush greenery, or did indeed receive a message from the universe.

My intention was "Glitch", kind of looking for a sign to know if the reality we live in is a simulation. Guess I found it. from r/randonauts

More recently, though, the app's adventurous mix of technology and spirituality has taken on a somewhat sinister reputation after @ughhenry posted a video on TikTok of their coordinates leading to a suitcase on a beach with two dead bodies stuffed into it.

Something traumatic happened that changed my life checkkkk @natthecvt ##fyp ##viral ##crime ##murder ##randonautica ##randonauting ##scary ##washington

Creepy, scary, horror, synth, tension - Sound Production Gin

In a live stream after the video was posted, the TikToker reportedly said their intention was "travel" and had chosen an attractor to generate their quantum points. Attractors are areas with dense quantum points and have high human mind-matter interactions. When the video appeared on my TikTok For You Page, I thought the build-up would be anticlimactic. If anything, a hoax, but Seattle police confirmed the app had led the teens to a crime scene, according to Heavy.

The Randonauts Reddit page has existed since March of 2019 and currently has 121,000 members. Since the viral video, Randonautica has gained a tremendous new following, many who have ditched the mystical for the macabre.

In another unsettling video, a young woman's trip report shows her sobbing while explaining that her intention of "death" led her to a man who lay dying in his wife's arms after being shot by the side of the road.

this just happened in aurora colorado. please do not go randonauting, you never know what youre going to come across. ##randonautica

original sound - mykenarae

One user says they went Randonauting on their daily walk and wanted to manifest "something depressing." Along the route they take every morning they suddenly found this:

So I used to Randonautica app again this morning on my walk (same route i take every time), my intention was set on something "depressing". Half hour later I find this graffiti art piece on a wall I walk pass at least 4 times during my normal walk. I've never seen it before. from r/randonauts

A group of friends asking for something creepy came across this worrisome find:

Tried randonauting for the first time yesterday. Intent was creepyand bag. Our coordinates landed in the woods behind an old farm where we found strange rock piles, tires, and a bag that contained about 20 different ids, credit cards and residency cards belonging to different women. Creepy bag?! from r/randonauts

Initially, it would seem the ID cards belong to murder victims, but the Randonaut who discovered them decided they belonged to women using fake IDs as a way to immigrate.

One user believes they came across something paranormal on a night drive to see something interesting. They say that they arrived at a house with a single red light bulb illuminating a tall figure staring at them from the end of the driveway. They say that since then, they have been receiving calls and voicemails from unknown numbers. The app asks that you do not go Randonauting at night.

This Randonauter says they captured evidence of the paranormal (zoom into upper left window):

Intention: ghost from r/randonauts

Some Randonauts have less chilling supernatural finds. This couple asked for something "otherworldly" and arrived at a celestial underground scene:

Set intention for "otherworldly" GPS took us to a point on a very busy street near our house. We heard faint, bizarre music and my boyfriend pointed out the bike path that ran under the road below us. Meandered down to find this! from r/randonauts

This one found God:

First Time - I was looking for God. Took me to the top of a hill overlooking the city and etched deeply in the dirt read Jesus Christ is God hahaha from r/randonauts

Finally, some intentions manifest in the way a tricky genie would make your wish come true.

This Randonaut had the intention of "safe," as in "safety," and was brought to a literal safe:

Intention: safe (as in safety) - it brought me to a literal gd safe from r/randonauts

This couple asked for Ariana Grande:

My Intention: Ariana Grande from r/randonauts

These examples are a tiny portion of the meaningful coincidences and strange happenings the Randonaut subreddit offers.

However, with the increased appetite for the dark side of Randonauting, I've seen multiple stories about some eerie finds such as smashed phones, women's clothing strewn about, children's toys, and sometimes even bones. Another frequent occurrence is users saying the app led them somewhere a disturbing death previously took place. These findings are all in line with what the users said were their intentions.

Some Randonauts are actively seeking something on the dark side, but even those who aren't may manifest something called a "despair meme". Randonautica defines it as "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person." If a user only sees Randonauting negatively, their mind will take those connections and apply it to their own experiences with the app. This may contribute to the influx of unsettling trip reports.

If you are still skeptical, well, why wouldn't you be? With the clout that comes with a good ole viral video, it makes sense that some users would put out a false narrative. For example, one video showed two young men who say the app led them up a narrow hillside where they could not turn around. When they get out of the truck, a small boulder comes hurtling down the hill to the road. After watching a second time, it became clear that there is a third person behind a tree, chucking the rock down. This post was one of the only ones I could find with others agreeing it was fake. Otherwise, many of the creepier posts have arguments in the comments between believers and skeptics.

If Randonauting manages to break the user out of probability tunnels, chaos theory would say that the one small change can make the system behave entirely differently. The invitation to new possibilities coupled with any synchronicity the human mind could gather offers some validity to much of the Randonauts community trip reports.

It seems to me that where you go Randonauting will also profoundly influence your results. I have tried about 26 times intending to find a stray dog I could adopt and call Chubba or Beef Wellington, but exploring suburban areas doesn't seem optimal for this. Maybe that was also a bit too specific, but I had hope after hearing stories of people finding their new pets with the app.

To generate your trip, Randonautica asks you to choose a void, an attractor, or a pseudo. These types of points influence where you will go and what you will find. A void has a sparse number of quantum points, meaning it does not have much influence by human mind-matter interaction. According to Randonautica, "the more sparse the void, the stronger its power is, and the higher significance it has towards your intention." When I chose to venture towards a void, it would take me to places like Mulholland Drive or hiking trails.

An attractor is the opposite of a void. When I chose trips to an attractor, I would end up at apartment complexes, homes, or other properties I couldn't go in.

Pseudos are a truly random point that has you explore your blind spots. You are also able to choose what type of generator to use. Choosing ANU means a machine at the Australian National University generates numbers based on "fluctuations in the magnetic field of virtual particles in a vacuum." The temporal option provides random numbers generated by a CPU.

I do believe that the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Falling down the Randonaut rabbit hole has opened my mind to an alternate thought process that is open to randomness and meaningful coincidences. Perhaps, that in itself invites an entirely new set of possibilities I would never have found otherwise.

[Although the above paragraph was supposed to be my last, I had to send Boing Boing a new bit of last-minute information. After I last went Randonauting Wednesday morning, for my full-figured new pet, a friend reached out to ask if I could foster her Rottweiler, Helga. I said yes.]

Image: @ughhenry / TikTok

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The adventure app Randonautica has led users to dead bodies, haunted houses, and other bizarre destinations - Boing Boing

Gravitons Revealed in the Noise of Gravitational Waves – Quanta Magazine

Even coherent gravitational waves produce graviton noise, but as Dyson also found its far too small to ever measure. This is because the jitter created as the detector absorbs gravitons is exquisitely balanced with the jitter created when it emits gravitons, said Wilczek, who had hoped that their calculation would lead to a bigger noise for coherent states. It was a little disappointing, he said.

Undeterred, Parikh, Wilczek and Zahariade examined several other types of gravitational waves that Dyson did not consider. They found that one quantum state in particular, called a squeezed state, produces a much more pronounced graviton noise. In fact, Parikh, Wilczek and Zahariade found that the noise increases exponentially the more the gravitons are squeezed.

Their theoretical exploration suggested against prevailing wisdom that graviton noise is in principle observable. Moreover, detecting this noise would tell physicists about the exotic sources that might create squeezed gravitational waves. They are thinking about it in a very serious way, and theyre approaching it in a precise language, said Erik Verlinde, a theoretical physicist at the University of Amsterdam.

We always had this image that gravitons would bombard detectors in some way, and so there would be a little bit of jitter, said Parikh. But, Zahariade added, when we understood how this graviton noise term arises mathematically, it was a beautiful moment.

The calculations were worked out over three years and are summarized in a recent paper. The paper describing the complete set of calculations is currently under peer review.

Yet while squeezed light is routinely made in the lab including at LIGO its still unknown whether squeezed gravitational waves exist. Wilczek suspects that the final stages of black hole mergers, where gravitational fields are very strong and changing rapidly, could produce this squeezing effect. Inflation a period in the early universe when space-time expanded very rapidly could also lead to squeezing. The authors now plan to build precise models of these cosmological events and the gravitational waves they emit.

This opens the door to very difficult calculations that are going to be a challenge to carry through to the end, said Wilczek. But the good news is that it gets really interesting and potentially realistic as an experimental target.

Rather than looking to quantum sources in the cosmos, other physicists hope to see graviton noise directly in the bubbling vacuum of space-time, where particles fleetingly pop into existence and then disappear. As they appear, these virtual particles cause space-time to gently warp around them, creating random fluctuations known as space-time foam.

This quantum world might seem inaccessible to experiment. But its not if the universe obeys the holographic principle, in which the fabric of space-time emerges in the same way that a 3D hologram pops out of a 2D pattern. If the holographic principle is true, quantum particles like the graviton live on the lower-dimensional surface and encode the familiar force of gravity in higher-dimensional space-time.

In such a scenario, the effects of quantum gravity can be amplified into the everyday world of experiments like LIGO. Recent work by Verlinde and Kathryn Zurek, a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology, proposes using LIGO or another sensitive interferometer to observe the bubbling vacuum that surrounds the instrument.

In a holographic universe, the interferometer sits in higher-dimensional space-time, which is closely wrapped in a lower-dimensional quantum surface. Adding up the tiny fluctuations across the surface creates a noise that is big enough to be detected by the interferometer. Weve shown that the effects due to quantum gravity are not just determined by the Planck scale, but also by [the interferometers] scale, said Verlinde.

If their assumptions about the holographic principle hold true, graviton noise will become an experimental target for LIGO, or even for a tabletop experiment. In 2015 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, a tabletop experiment called the Holometer looked for evidence that the universe is holographic and was found wanting. The theoretical ideas at that time were very primitive, said Verlinde, noting that the calculations in his paper with Zurek are grounded on the more in-depth holographic methods developed since then. If the calculations enable researchers to precisely predict what this graviton noise looks like, he thinks their odds of discovery are better although still rather unlikely.

Zurek and Verlindes approach will only work if our universe is holographic a conjecture that is far from established. Describing their attitude as more of a wild west mentality, Zurek said, Its high risk and unlikely to succeed, but what the heck, we dont understand quantum gravity.

By contrast, Parikh, Wilczek and Zahariades calculation is built on physics that few would disagree with. We did a very conservative calculation, which is almost certainly correct, said Parikh. It essentially just assumes there exists something called the graviton and that gravity can be quantized.

But the trio acknowledge that more theoretical legwork must be done before its known whether current or planned gravitational wave detectors can discover graviton noise. It would require several lucky breaks, said Parikh. Not only must the universe harbor exotic sources that create squeezed gravitational waves, but the graviton noise must be distinguishable from the many other sources of noise that LIGO is already subject to.

So far, LIGO hasnt shown any signs of physics that breaks with the predictions of Einsteins general relativity, said Holz, who is a member of the LIGO collaboration. Thats where you start: General relativity is amazing. Still, he acknowledges that gravitational wave detectors are our best hope for making new fundamental discoveries about the universe, because the terrain is completely uncharted.

Wilczek argues that if researchers develop an understanding of what graviton noise might look like, gravitational wave detectors can be adjusted to improve the chances of finding it. Naturally, people have been focusing on trying to fish out signals, and not worrying about the interesting properties of the noise, said Wilczek. But if you have that in mind, you would maybe design something different. (Holz clarified that LIGO researchers have already studied some possible cosmic noise signals.)

Despite the challenges ahead, Wilczek said he is guardedly optimistic that their work will lead to predictions that can be probed experimentally. In any case, he hopes the paper will spur other theorists to study graviton noise.

Fundamental physics is a hard business. You can famously write the whole thing on a T-shirt, and its hard to make additions or changes to that, Wilczek said. I dont see how this is going to lead there directly, but it opens a new window on the world.

And then well see what we see.

This article was reprinted

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Gravitons Revealed in the Noise of Gravitational Waves - Quanta Magazine

Quantum Physics Overview, Concepts, and History

Quantum physics is the study of the behavior of matter and energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and even smaller microscopic levels. In the early 20th century, scientists discovered that the laws governing macroscopic objects do not function the same in such small realms.

"Quantum" comes from the Latin meaning "how much." It refers to the discrete units of matter and energy that are predicted by and observed in quantum physics. Even space and time, which appear to be extremely continuous, have the smallest possible values.

As scientists gained the technology to measure with greater precision, strange phenomena was observed. The birth of quantum physics is attributed to Max Planck's 1900 paper on blackbody radiation. Development of the field was done by Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Richard Feynman, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schroedinger, and other luminary figures in the field. Ironically, Albert Einstein had serious theoretical issues with quantum mechanics and tried for many years to disprove or modify it.

In the realm of quantum physics, observing something actually influences the physical processes taking place. Light waves act like particles and particles act like waves (called wave particle duality). Matter can go from one spot to another without moving through the intervening space (called quantum tunnelling). Information moves instantly across vast distances. In fact, in quantum mechanics we discover that the entire universe is actually a series of probabilities. Fortunately, it breaks down when dealing with large objects, as demonstrated by the Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment.

One of the key concepts is quantum entanglement, which describes a situation where multiple particles are associated in such a way that measuring the quantum state of one particle also places constraints on the measurements of the other particles. This is best exemplified by the EPR Paradox. Though originally a thought experiment, this has now been confirmed experimentally through tests of something known as Bell's Theorem.

Quantum optics is a branch of quantum physics that focuses primarily on the behavior of light, or photons. At the level of quantum optics, the behavior of individual photons has a bearing on the outcoming light, as opposed to classical optics, which was developed by Sir Isaac Newton. Lasers are one application that has come out of the study of quantum optics.

Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the study of how electrons and photons interact. It was developed in the late 1940s by Richard Feynman, Julian Schwinger, Sinitro Tomonage, and others. The predictions of QED regarding the scattering of photons and electrons are accurate to eleven decimal places.

Quantum physics is sometimes called quantum mechanics or quantum field theory. It also has various subfields, as discussed above, which are sometimes used interchangeably with quantum physics, though quantum physics is actually the broader term for all of these disciplines.

Causality in Quantum Physics - Thought Experiments and Interpretations

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Quantum Physics Overview, Concepts, and History

Quantum Physics Introduction Made Simple for Beginners

Image by agsandrew /

In this quantum physics introduction for beginners we will explain quantum physics, also called quantum mechanics, in simple terms. Quantum physics is possibly the most fascinating part of physics there is. It is the amazing physics that becomes relevant for small particles, where the so-called classical physics is no longer valid. Where classical mechanics describes the movement of sufficiently big particles, and everything is deterministic, we can only determine probabilities for the movement of very small particles, and we call the corresponding theory quantum mechanics.

You may have heard Einsteins saying Der Alte wrfelt nicht which translated to English roughly means God does not roll dice. Well, even geniuses can be wrong. Again, quantum mechanics is not deterministic, but we can in general only determine probabilities. Since we are used to fairly big objects in our everyday life, quantum mechanics and its laws may at first seem strange and quantum theory is often considered to be complex. But for example electrons and photons are sufficiently small that quantum physics is needed, and on this website we will show you that understanding the basics of quantum physics is easy and fun.

In the following paragraph we will describe a thought experiment that we perform at two different length scales: With bullets as known from pistols (the large scale) and with electrons (the very small scale). While the experiment is essentially the same but for the size, we will show you how the result is very different. This will be your first lecture in quantum mechanics.

Consider first a machine gun that fires bullets to a wall. Between the wall and the machine gun there is another wall that has two parallel slits that are big enough to easily allow a bullet to pass through them. To make the experiment interesting, we take a bad machine gun that has a lot of spread. This means it sometimes shoots through the first slit and sometimes through the second, and sometimes it hits the intermediate wall.

If we block the second slit, all bullets that reach the outer wall will have come through the first slit. If we count the number of bullets as a function of the distance from the center of the outer wall, we will find a curve distribution that could be similar to a Gaussian curve. We can call this probability curve P1.

If we block the first slit, all bullets that reach the outer wall will have come through the second slit. The probability curve will be mirrored around the center, and we call it P2.

If we open both slits, all bullets at the outer wall will have come through either slit 1 or 2. What is typical for classical mechanics in this situation is that then the total probability distribution P can be determined as the sum of the previously-mentioned probability distributions, P = P1 + P2.

Now consider the same experiment on a much smaller scale. Instead of bullets from a machine gun we consider electrons that for example can stem from a heated wire that is parallel to the two slits in an intermediate wall. The electron direction will have a natural spread. The slits are also much smaller than before but quite a bit broader than a single electron.

Consider again the case that the second slit is blocked. For proper sizes of the slits and distance between the wire and the walls, the probability distribution P1 will be similar to before. Similarly, if we block the slit 1, we will for proper distances find a probability distribution P2 similar to before.

What do you expect will happen if we do not block any slit? Will we find a probability distribution P = P1 + P2 as before? Well, after all we said you may guess that this is not the case. Indeed, we will instead find a probability distribution that has various minima and maxima. That is, for x = 0 there would be the strongest peak of electrons, for a certain +-Delta x there wouldnt be any electrons at all, but for +-2 Delta x there would be another peak of electrons, and so on.

How can we explain these results? Well, the explanation is rather straight forward if we assume that electrons in this specific case do not behave as particles, but as waves. Waves? you may ask. Well, consider a plain of water, and the same wall as before and the same intermediate wall with a double slit as before. At the place where the machine gun or the wire where, consider a pencil punching periodically downwards into the water. If you do this, you will get concentric waves around the point where you punch the water, until the intermediate plain with the two slits.

Behind each slit, there will be a half circle of concentric waves, up to the point where the new waves from the two slits cross each other. There, the waves from the two slits can add up or eliminate each other. As a function of the periodic punching you will find points where the height of the wave is always the same. There will be other places where the wave is sometimes very high and sometimes very low. At the outer wall, these two phases will be repeatedly following one another. The places where there is a lot of variation correspond to the places where there are the most electrons. The places with no variation correspond to the places where there are no electrons on the wall at all.

So, why do electrons in this case behave like waves and not like particles? Well, this is the thing where you will not find a satisfying answer. You just need to accept it.

What if you do not believe this? Well, the thought experiment with the electrons is rather difficult to perform with the proper scale of all elements of the experiment. But there is another very similar experiment that you can do at home. Instead of the electrons you use the photons (light particles) from a laser which you can buy for a few bucks. You let the laser shine through a double slit, darken the room, and look at the outer wall. And boom! What you see is not just two light lines on the outer wall, but a pattern of light line, dark line, light line, dark line, and so on. The intensity of the lighter region becomes less far away from the center. It corresponds exactly to the result of our thought experiments with electrons.

Why does the laser experiment give the same result as the thought experiment with electrons? It is quite easy: Light particles, called photons, are also very small and therefore behave quantum mechanically. And like electrons, they behave like waves in this specific situation. As a side remark, research has shown that light behaves like particles in another respect: If one reduces the intensity a lot, one will find single light spots from single photons on the wall. This means the light behaves like particles as well. One therefore talks about the particle-wave duality of photons or electrons.

What do you wait for? Do the experiment, and you will become a believer of quantum mechanics, or more generally phrased, of quantum physics.

The pattern with maxima and minima is called an interference pattern, since it comes about by the interference of the waves through slit 1 and slit 2. It has been found that you only get this interference pattern if you do not by other means (some additional measurement instrument) watch through which of the two slits the electrons or photons pass. If you do measure which of the two ways the particles pass by any other means, the interference pattern goes away. You will then find the sum distribution P = P1 + P2 as in the classical experiment.

A measurement device for electrons would typically disturb the electrons. More precisely, their momentum p would typically change due to a measurement device, while the place x of its path would become known more precisely. In general, there will be some uncertainty left in the momentum and in the place of the electron. It was postulated by Heisenberg that the product of these uncertainties can never be lower than a specific constant h: Delta x times Delta p >= h. Noone ever managed to disproof this relation, which is at the heart of quantum mechanics. Essentially it says, we cannot measure both momentum and place with arbitrary precision at the same time.

We said that for proper distributions you will find a similar result P1 and P2 as in the classical case. However, for other sizes one can achieve an interference pattern even for the single slits. This is the case when the slit is so broad that one can achieve an interference of the wave stemming from one side of the slit with the wave stemming from the other side of the slit.

We said above that quantum physics becomes relevant for small particles whereby we mean that naturally, quantum effects are only seen for small particles. However,the theory itself is thought to provide correct results for large particles as well. Why is it then, that quantum effects (which cannot be explained with classical theory) become increasingly difficult to observe for larger particles? Larger compound particles in general experience more interaction both within themselves and with their surroundings. These interactions typically lead to an effect physicists call decoherence which simply put means that quantum effects get lost. In this case (for sufficiently large matter), quantum physics and classical physics yield the same result.

Now you may wonder: At which size does this happen?.While one doesnt naturally observe quantum effects in large particles, ingenious people have managed to specifically prepare test environments which showed quantum effects for an ever growing size of particles. Already 1999 an experiment showed a quantum superposition in particles as large as C60 molecules (original article). A2013 articlealready claims to observe quantum superpositions in molecules that weighmore than 10000 atomic mass units. The question of where the achievable limit lies, and whether one can be sure that experiments really demonstrate quantum behavior, is still of interest. That these questions are not finally concluded is also reflected in a more recent article on the American Physical Society site. In principle, if one would be able to somehow get rid of decoherence effects in specifically prepared systems, the theory itself imposes no upper size limits on where quantum effects could be shown.

The aspect of the length scale for quantum physics that we just discussed was the particle size which typically is on the microscopic scale. A completely different matter is the length scale of how far you can move or separate such particles afteran initial interaction, without loosing quantum effects. You can view the two-slit experiment as showingan interaction between particles at the slit. If you tried out the experiment yourself, you probably realized, that the distance between the slit and the wall were you observe interference patterns can easily be some meters not microscopic at all!

Other experiments prepare two particles in a special quantum superposition called entanglement which, by the way, lies at the heart of quantum computation and then separate these particles. In someexperiments, it was possible to show interactions between these particles despite a separation over many miles. Essentially, if one measures the state of one such particle, one can thereafter predict the state of the other particle (within errors), despite the large separation between the particles. A recent experimentdemonstrated this entanglement effect over extreme distances. Particles were sent to a satellite and back to earth a fairly large scale distance compared to the size of a human.

In this quantum physics introduction we told you that both photons and electrons behave as both particles and waves. This particle-wave duality is not understandable with classical mechanics. It results in us only being able to predict probabilities, while one classically can make deterministic predictions. You can easily test these results at home by performing the two-slits experiment with a laser pointer. Have fun! We hope you enjoyed this quantum physics introduction for beginners. If you havent read it yet, you should continue with our article What Everyone should Know about Quantum Physics. And if you want to learn even more, why not have a look at our article Best Quantum Physics Books for Beginners?

See the original post:

Quantum Physics Introduction Made Simple for Beginners

Shining a light on the quantum world – MIT News

In the universe, there is the world we can see with the naked eye: trees, planes in the sky, dishes in the sink. But there are other worlds that reveal themselves with the help of a magnifying glass, telescope, or microscope. With these, we can see up into the universe or down into the smallest particles that make it up. The smallest of these is a world populated by particles smaller than an atom: the quantum world.

Physicists who probe this world study how these subatomic particles interact with one another, often in ways not predicted by behavior at the atomic or molecular level. One such physicist is Nicholas Rivera, who studies light-matter interactions at the quantum level.

Unfinished business

In the quantum world, light is two things: both a wave and a small particle called a photon. I was always fascinated with light, especially the quantum nature of light, says Rivera, a Department of Physics graduate student in Professor Marin Soljais group.

According to Rivera, there is still a lot we dont know about quantum light, and uncovering these unknowns may prove useful for a number of applications. Its connected to a lot of interesting problems, says Rivera, such as how to make better quantum computers and lasers at new frequencies like ultraviolet and X-ray. Its this dual nature of the work with fundamental questions coupled with practical solutions that attracted Rivera to his current area of research.

Rivera joined Soljais group in 2013, when he was an undergraduate at MIT. Since then his research has focused on how light and matter interact at the most elementary level, between quanta of light, also called photons, and electrons of matter. These interactions are governed by the laws of quantum electrodynamics and involve the emission of photons by electrons that hop up and down energy levels. This may sound simple, but it is surprisingly difficult because light and matter are operating on two different size scales, which often means these interactions are inefficient. One specific goal of Riveras work is to improve that efficiency.

The atom is this tiny thing, a 10th of a nanometer large, says Rivera. But when light takes the form of a wave, its wavelengths are much larger than an atom. The idea is that, because of this mismatch, many of the possible ways that an electron could release a photon are just too slow to be observable. Rivera uses theory to figure out how light and matter could be manipulated to allow for new types of interactions and ways to intentionally change the quantum state of light.

Inefficient interactions are often thought of as forbidden because, in normal circumstances, they would take billions of years to happen. The forbidden light-matter interactions project is something we have been thinking about for many years, but we didnt have a suitable material-system platform for it, says Soljai. In 2015, graphene plasmons arrived on the scene, and forbidden interactions could be explored.

Graphene is an ultra-thin 2D material, and plasmons are another quantum-scale particle related to the oscillation of electrons. In these ultra-thin materials, light can be shrunk so that the wavelengths are closer to the scale of the electrons, making forbidden interactions possible.

Riveras first paper on this topic, published the summer after he graduated with his bachelors degree in 2016, was the start of his longstanding collaboration with Ido Kaminer, an assistant professor at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. But Rivera wasnt done with light-matter interactions. There were so many other directions that one could go with that work, and I really wanted the ability to probe all of them, Rivera says, and he decided to stay in Soljais group for his PhD.

A natural match

That first collaboration with Kaminer, who was then a postdoc in Soljais group, was a pivotal moment in Riveras career as a physicist. I was working on a different project with Marin, but then he invited me to his office with Ido and told me about the project that would become the 2016 paper, says Rivera. According to Soljai, putting Kaminer and Rivera together was a natural match.Kaminer moved to the Technion in 2018, which was when Rivera took his first trip to Haifa, Israel, with funds provided by MISTI-Israel, a program within the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI). There, he gave a seminar and met with students and professors. That visit seeded some projects that were still working on today, says Rivera, such as a project where vacuum forces were used to generate X-ray photons.

With the help of lasers and optical materials, its relatively easy to generate photons of visible light, but making X-ray photons is much harder. We dont have lasers the same way we do for visible light, and we dont have as many materials to manipulate X-rays, says Rivera. The search for new strategies for generating X-ray photons is important, Rivera says, because these photons can help scientists explore physics at the atomic scale.

This past January, Rivera visited Israel for the third time. On these trips, [we make] progress on the collaborations we have with the students, and also brainstorm new projects, says Rivera. According to Kaminer, the in-person brainstorming is vital when coming up with new ideas. Such creative ideas are, in the end, the most important part of our work as scientists, Kaminer explains. During each visit, Rivera and Kaminer sketch out a research plan for the next six months to year, such as continuing to investigate new ways to control and generate quantum sources of X-ray photons.

When investigating the theory of light-matter interactions, the potential applications are never far from Riveras mind. Were trying to think about applications that could potentially be realized next year and in the next five years, but even potentially further down the line.

For Rivera, being able to be in the same place as his collaborators is a major boon, and he doubts the continued collaboration with Kaminer would be as active if he hadnt taken that first trip to Haifa in 2018. And the hummus isnt bad, he jokes.

When Soljai introduced Rivera and Kaminer five years ago, neither expected that the collaboration would still be going strong. Its hard to anticipate what collaborations will be successful in the long term, says Kaminer. But more important than the collaboration is the friendship, he adds.

The deeper Rivera explores the quantum aspects of light-matter interactions, the more potential avenues of exploration open up. It just keeps branching, says Rivera. And he envisions himself continuing to visit Kaminer in Israel, no matter where his research takes him next. Its a lifelong collaboration at this point.

The rest is here:

Shining a light on the quantum world - MIT News

Six Things Everyone Should Know About Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is usually just intimidating from the get-go. It's kind of weird and can seem counter-intuitive, even for the physicists who deal with it every day. But it's not incomprehensible. If you're reading something about quantum physics, there are really six key concepts about it that you should keep in mind. Do that, and you'll find quantum physics a lot easier to understand.

Everything Is Made Of Waves; Also, Particles

Light as both a particle and a wave. (Image credit: Fabrizio Carbone/EPFL)

There's lots of places to start this sort of discussion, and this is as good as any: everything in the universe has both particle and wave nature, at the same time. There's a line in Greg Bear's fantasy duology (The Infinity Concerto and The Serpent Mage), where a character describing the basics of magic says "All is waves, with nothing waving, over no distance at all." I've always really liked that as a poetic description of quantum physics-- deep down, everything in the universe has wave nature.

Of course, everything in the universe also has particle nature. This seems completely crazy, but is an experimental fact, worked out by a surprisingly familiar process:

(there's also an animated version of this I did for TED-Ed).

Of course, describing real objects as both particles and waves is necessarily somewhat imprecise. Properly speaking, the objects described by quantum physics are neither particles nor waves, but a third category that shares some properties of waves (a characteristic frequency and wavelength, some spread over space) and some properties of particles (they're generally countable and can be localized to some degree). This leads to some lively debate within the physics education community about whether it's really appropriate to talk about light as a particle in intro physics courses; not because there's any controversy about whether light has some particle nature, but because calling photons "particles" rather than "excitations of a quantum field" might lead to some student misconceptions. I tend not to agree with this, because many of the same concerns could be raised about calling electrons "particles," but it makes for a reliable source of blog conversations.

This "door number three" nature of quantum objects is reflected in the sometimes confusing language physicists use to talk about quantum phenomena. The Higgs boson was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider as a particle, but you will also hear physicists talk about the "Higgs field" as a delocalized thing filling all of space. This happens because in some circumstances, such as collider experiments, it's more convenient to discuss excitations of the Higgs field in a way that emphasizes the particle-like characteristics, while in other circumstances, like general discussion of why certain particles have mass, it's more convenient to discuss the physics in terms of interactions with a universe-filling quantum field. It's just different language describing the same mathematical object.

Quantum Physics Is Discrete

These oscillations created an image of "frozen" light. (Credit: Princeton)

It's right there in the name-- the word "quantum" comes from the Latin for "how much" and reflects the fact that quantum models always involve something coming in discrete amounts. The energy contained in a quantum field comes in integer multiples of some fundamental energy. For light, this is associated with the frequency and wavelength of the light-- high-frequency, short-wavelength light has a large characteristic energy, which low-frequency, long-wavelength light has a small characteristic energy.

In both cases, though, the total energy contained in a particular light field is an integer multiple of that energy-- 1, 2, 14, 137 times-- never a weird fraction like one-and-a-half, , or the square root of two. This property is also seen in the discrete energy levels of atoms, and the energy bands of solids-- certain values of energy are allowed, others are not. Atomic clocks work because of the discreteness of quantum physics, using the frequency of light associated with a transition between two allowed states in cesium to keep time at a level requiring the much-discussed "leap second" added last week.

Ultra-precise spectroscopy can also be used to look for things like dark matter, and is part of the motivation for a low-energy fundamental physics institute.

This isn't always obvious-- even some things that are fundamentally quantum, like black-body radiation, appear to involve continuous distributions. But there's always a kind of granularity to the underlying reality if you dig into the mathematics, and that's a large part of what leads to the weirdness of the theory.

Quantum Physics Is Probabilistic

(Credit: Graham Barclay/Bloomberg News)

One of the most surprising and (historically, at least) controversial aspects of quantum physics is that it's impossible to predict with certainty the outcome of a single experiment on a quantum system. When physicists predict the outcome of some experiment, the prediction always takes the form of a probability for finding each of the particular possible outcomes, and comparisons between theory and experiment always involve inferring probability distributions from many repeated experiments.

The mathematical description of a quantum system typically takes the form of a "wavefunction," generally represented in equations by the Greek letter psi:. There's a lot of debate about what, exactly, this wavefunction represents, breaking down into two main camps: those who think of the wavefunction as a real physical thing (the jargon term for these is "ontic" theories, leading some witty person to dub their proponents "psi-ontologists") and those who think of the wavefunction as merely an expression of our knowledge (or lack thereof) regarding the underlying state of a particular quantum object ("epistemic" theories).

In either class of foundational model, the probability of finding an outcome is not given directly by the wavefunction, but by the square of the wavefunction (loosely speaking, anyway; the wavefunction is a complex mathematical object (meaning it involves imaginary numbers like the square root of negative one), and the operation to get probability is slightly more involved, but "square of the wavefunction" is enough to get the basic idea). This is known as the "Born Rule" after German physicist Max Born who first suggested this (in a footnote to a paper in 1926), and strikes some people as an ugly ad hoc addition. There's an active effort in some parts of the quantum foundations community to find a way to derive the Born rule from a more fundamental principle; to date, none of these have been fully successful, but it generates a lot of interesting science.

This is also the aspect of the theory that leads to things like particles being in multiple states at the same time. All we can predict is probability, and prior to a measurement that determines a particular outcome, the system being measured is in an indeterminate state that mathematically maps to a superposition of all possibilities with different probabilities. Whether you consider this as the system really being in all of the states at once, or just being in one unknown state depends largely on your feelings about ontic versus epistemic models, though these are both subject to constraints from the next item on the list:

Quantum Physics Is Non-Local

A quantum teleportation experiment in action. (Credit: IQOQI/Vienna)

The last great contribution Einstein made to physics was not widely recognized as such, mostly because he was wrong. In a 1935 paper with his younger colleagues Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen (the "EPR paper"), Einstein provided a clear mathematical statement of something that had been bothering him for some time, an idea that we now call "entanglement."

The EPR paper argued that quantum physics allowed the existence of systems where measurements made at widely separated locations could be correlated in ways that suggested the outcome of one was determined by the other. They argued that this meant the measurement outcomes must be determined in advance, by some common factor, because the alternative would require transmitting the result of one measurement to the location of the other at speeds faster than the speed of light. Thus, quantum mechanics must be incomplete, a mere approximation to some deeper theory (a "local hidden variable" theory, one where the results of a particular measurement do not depend on anything farther away from the measurement location than a signal could travel at the speed of light ("local"), but are determined by some factor common to both systems in an entangled pair (the "hidden variable")).

This was regarded as an odd footnote for about thirty years, as there seemed to be no way to test it, but in the mid-1960's the Irish physicist John Bell worked out the consequences of the EPR paper in greater detail. Bell showed that you can find circumstances in which quantum mechanics predicts correlations between distant measurements that are stronger than any possible theory of the type preferred by E, P, and R. This was tested experimentally in the mid-1970's by John Clauser, and a series of experiments by Alain Aspect in the early 1980's is widely considered to have definitively shown that these entangled systems cannot possibly be explained by any local hidden variable theory.

The most common approach to understanding this result is to say that quantum mechanics is non-local: that the results of measurements made at a particular location can depend on the properties of distant objects in a way that can't be explained using signals moving at the speed of light. This does not, however, permit the sending of information at speeds exceeding the speed of light, though there have been any number of attempts to find a way to use quantum non-locality to do that. Refuting these has turned out to be a surprisingly productive enterprise-- check out David Kaiser's How the Hippies Saved Physics for more details. Quantum non-locality is also central to the problem of information in evaporating black holes, and the "firewall" controversy that has generated a lot of recent activity. There are even some radical ideas involving a mathematical connection between the entangled particles described in the EPR paper and wormholes.

Quantum Physics Is (Mostly) Very Small

Images of a hydrogen atom as seen through a quantum telescope. (Credit: Stodolna et al. Phys. Rev.... [+] Lett.)

Quantum physics has a reputation of being weird because its predictions are dramatically unlike our everyday experience (at least, for humans-- the conceit of my book is that it doesn't seem so weird to dogs). This happens because the effects involved get smaller as objects get larger-- if you want to see unambiguously quantum behavior, you basically want to see particles behaving like waves, and the wavelength decreases as the momentum increases. The wavelength of a macroscopic object like a dog walking across the room is so ridiculously tiny that if you expanded everything so that a single atom in the room were the size of the entire Solar System, the dog's wavelength would be about the size of a single atom within that solar system.

This means that, for the most part, quantum phenomena are confined to the scale of atoms and fundamental particles, where the masses and velocities are small enough for the wavelengths to get big enough to observe directly. There's an active effort in a bunch of areas, though, to push the size of systems showing quantum effects up to larger sizes. I've blogged a bunch about experiments by Markus Arndt's group showing wave-like behavior in larger and larger molecules, and there are a bunch of groups in "cavity opto-mechanics" trying to use light to slow the motion of chunks of silicon down to the point where the discrete quantum nature of the motion would become clear. There are even some suggestions that it might be possible to do this with suspended mirrors having masses of several grams, which would be amazingly cool.

Quantum Physics Is Not Magic

Comic from "Surviving the World" by Dante Shepherd. ( )... [+] Used with permission.

The previous point leads very naturally into this one: as weird as it may seem, quantum physics is most emphatically not magic. The things it predicts are strange by the standards of everyday physics, but they are rigorously constrained by well-understood mathematical rules and principles.

So, if somebody comes up to you with a "quantum" idea that seems too good to be true-- free energy, mystical healing powers, impossible space drives-- it almost certainly is. That doesn't mean we can't use quantum physics to do amazing things-- you can find some really cool physics in mundane technology-- but those things stay well within the boundaries of the laws of thermodynamics and just basic common sense.

So there you have it: the core essentials of quantum physics. I've probably left a few things out, or made some statements that are insufficiently precise to please everyone, but this ought to at least serve as a useful starting point for further discussion.

See original here:

Six Things Everyone Should Know About Quantum Physics

quantum mechanics | Definition, Development, & Equations …

Quantum mechanics, science dealing with the behaviour of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. It attempts to describe and account for the properties of molecules and atoms and their constituentselectrons, protons, neutrons, and other more esoteric particles such as quarks and gluons. These properties include the interactions of the particles with one another and with electromagnetic radiation (i.e., light, X-rays, and gamma rays).

Britannica Quiz

All About Physics Quiz

What is the name of the theoretical explanation of the behaviour of subatomic particles offered by British physicist P.A.M. Dirac in the 1920s?

The behaviour of matter and radiation on the atomic scale often seems peculiar, and the consequences of quantum theory are accordingly difficult to understand and to believe. Its concepts frequently conflict with common-sense notions derived from observations of the everyday world. There is no reason, however, why the behaviour of the atomic world should conform to that of the familiar, large-scale world. It is important to realize that quantum mechanics is a branch of physics and that the business of physics is to describe and account for the way the worldon both the large and the small scaleactually is and not how one imagines it or would like it to be.

The study of quantum mechanics is rewarding for several reasons. First, it illustrates the essential methodology of physics. Second, it has been enormously successful in giving correct results in practically every situation to which it has been applied. There is, however, an intriguing paradox. In spite of the overwhelming practical success of quantum mechanics, the foundations of the subject contain unresolved problemsin particular, problems concerning the nature of measurement. An essential feature of quantum mechanics is that it is generally impossible, even in principle, to measure a system without disturbing it; the detailed nature of this disturbance and the exact point at which it occurs are obscure and controversial. Thus, quantum mechanics attracted some of the ablest scientists of the 20th century, and they erected what is perhaps the finest intellectual edifice of the period.

At a fundamental level, both radiation and matter have characteristics of particles and waves. The gradual recognition by scientists that radiation has particle-like properties and that matter has wavelike properties provided the impetus for the development of quantum mechanics. Influenced by Newton, most physicists of the 18th century believed that light consisted of particles, which they called corpuscles. From about 1800, evidence began to accumulate for a wave theory of light. At about this time Thomas Young showed that, if monochromatic light passes through a pair of slits, the two emerging beams interfere, so that a fringe pattern of alternately bright and dark bands appears on a screen. The bands are readily explained by a wave theory of light. According to the theory, a bright band is produced when the crests (and troughs) of the waves from the two slits arrive together at the screen; a dark band is produced when the crest of one wave arrives at the same time as the trough of the other, and the effects of the two light beams cancel. Beginning in 1815, a series of experiments by Augustin-Jean Fresnel of France and others showed that, when a parallel beam of light passes through a single slit, the emerging beam is no longer parallel but starts to diverge; this phenomenon is known as diffraction. Given the wavelength of the light and the geometry of the apparatus (i.e., the separation and widths of the slits and the distance from the slits to the screen), one can use the wave theory to calculate the expected pattern in each case; the theory agrees precisely with the experimental data.

By the end of the 19th century, physicists almost universally accepted the wave theory of light. However, though the ideas of classical physics explain interference and diffraction phenomena relating to the propagation of light, they do not account for the absorption and emission of light. All bodies radiate electromagnetic energy as heat; in fact, a body emits radiation at all wavelengths. The energy radiated at different wavelengths is a maximum at a wavelength that depends on the temperature of the body; the hotter the body, the shorter the wavelength for maximum radiation. Attempts to calculate the energy distribution for the radiation from a blackbody using classical ideas were unsuccessful. (A blackbody is a hypothetical ideal body or surface that absorbs and reemits all radiant energy falling on it.) One formula, proposed by Wilhelm Wien of Germany, did not agree with observations at long wavelengths, and another, proposed by Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) of England, disagreed with those at short wavelengths.

In 1900 the German theoretical physicist Max Planck made a bold suggestion. He assumed that the radiation energy is emitted, not continuously, but rather in discrete packets called quanta. The energy E of the quantum is related to the frequency by E = h. The quantity h, now known as Plancks constant, is a universal constant with the approximate value of 6.62607 1034 joulesecond. Planck showed that the calculated energy spectrum then agreed with observation over the entire wavelength range.

See original here:

quantum mechanics | Definition, Development, & Equations ...

The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics

"I cannot define the real problem, therefore I suspect there's no real problem, but I'm not sure there's no real problem."

The American physicist Richard Feynman said this about the notorious puzzles and paradoxes of quantum mechanics, the theory physicists use to describe the tiniest objects in the Universe. But he might as well have been talking about the equally knotty problem of consciousness.

Some scientists think we already understand what consciousness is, or that it is a mere illusion. But many others feel we have not grasped where consciousness comes from at all.

The perennial puzzle of consciousness has even led some researchers to invoke quantum physics to explain it. That notion has always been met with skepticism, which is not surprising: it does not sound wise to explain one mystery with another. But such ideas are not obviously absurd, and neither are they arbitrary.

For one thing, the mind seemed, to the great discomfort of physicists, to force its way into early quantum theory. What's more, quantum computers are predicted to be capable of accomplishing things ordinary computers cannot, which reminds us of how our brains can achieve things that are still beyond artificial intelligence. "Quantum consciousness" is widely derided as mystical woo, but it just will not go away.

Quantum mechanics is the best theory we have for describing the world at the nuts-and-bolts level of atoms and subatomic particles. Perhaps the most renowned of its mysteries is the fact that the outcome of a quantum experiment can change depending on whether or not we choose to measure some property of the particles involved.

When this "observer effect" was first noticed by the early pioneers of quantum theory, they were deeply troubled. It seemed to undermine the basic assumption behind all science: that there is an objective world out there, irrespective of us. If the way the world behaves depends on how or if we look at it, what can "reality" really mean?

The most famous intrusion of the mind into quantum mechanics comes in the "double-slit experiment"

Some of those researchers felt forced to conclude that objectivity was an illusion, and that consciousness has to be allowed an active role in quantum theory. To others, that did not make sense. Surely, Albert Einstein once complained, the Moon does not exist only when we look at it!

Today some physicists suspect that, whether or not consciousness influences quantum mechanics, it might in fact arise because of it. They think that quantum theory might be needed to fully understand how the brain works.

Might it be that, just as quantum objects can apparently be in two places at once, so a quantum brain can hold onto two mutually-exclusive ideas at the same time?

These ideas are speculative, and it may turn out that quantum physics has no fundamental role either for or in the workings of the mind. But if nothing else, these possibilities show just how strangely quantum theory forces us to think.

The most famous intrusion of the mind into quantum mechanics comes in the "double-slit experiment". Imagine shining a beam of light at a screen that contains two closely-spaced parallel slits. Some of the light passes through the slits, whereupon it strikes another screen.

Light can be thought of as a kind of wave, and when waves emerge from two slits like this they can interfere with each other. If their peaks coincide, they reinforce each other, whereas if a peak and a trough coincide, they cancel out. This wave interference is called diffraction, and it produces a series of alternating bright and dark stripes on the back screen, where the light waves are either reinforced or cancelled out.

The implication seems to be that each particle passes simultaneously through both slits

This experiment was understood to be a characteristic of wave behaviour over 200 years ago, well before quantum theory existed.

The double slit experiment can also be performed with quantum particles like electrons; tiny charged particles that are components of atoms. In a counter-intuitive twist, these particles can behave like waves. That means they can undergo diffraction when a stream of them passes through the two slits, producing an interference pattern.

Now suppose that the quantum particles are sent through the slits one by one, and their arrival at the screen is likewise seen one by one. Now there is apparently nothing for each particle to interfere with along its route yet nevertheless the pattern of particle impacts that builds up over time reveals interference bands.

The implication seems to be that each particle passes simultaneously through both slits and interferes with itself. This combination of "both paths at once" is known as a superposition state.

But here is the really odd thing.

If we place a detector inside or just behind one slit, we can find out whether any given particle goes through it or not. In that case, however, the interference vanishes. Simply by observing a particle's path even if that observation should not disturb the particle's motion we change the outcome.

The physicist Pascual Jordan, who worked with quantum guru Niels Bohr in Copenhagen in the 1920s, put it like this: "observations not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it We compel [a quantum particle] to assume a definite position." In other words, Jordan said, "we ourselves produce the results of measurements."

If that is so, objective reality seems to go out of the window.

And it gets even stranger.

If nature seems to be changing its behaviour depending on whether we "look" or not, we could try to trick it into showing its hand. To do so, we could measure which path a particle took through the double slits, but only after it has passed through them. By then, it ought to have "decided" whether to take one path or both.

The sheer act of noticing, rather than any physical disturbance caused by measuring, can cause the collapse

An experiment for doing this was proposed in the 1970s by the American physicist John Wheeler, and this "delayed choice" experiment was performed in the following decade. It uses clever techniques to make measurements on the paths of quantum particles (generally, particles of light, called photons) after they should have chosen whether to take one path or a superposition of two.

It turns out that, just as Bohr confidently predicted, it makes no difference whether we delay the measurement or not. As long as we measure the photon's path before its arrival at a detector is finally registered, we lose all interference.

It is as if nature "knows" not just if we are looking, but if we are planning to look.

Whenever, in these experiments, we discover the path of a quantum particle, its cloud of possible routes "collapses" into a single well-defined state. What's more, the delayed-choice experiment implies that the sheer act of noticing, rather than any physical disturbance caused by measuring, can cause the collapse. But does this mean that true collapse has only happened when the result of a measurement impinges on our consciousness?

It is hard to avoid the implication that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow linked

That possibility was admitted in the 1930s by the Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner. "It follows that the quantum description of objects is influenced by impressions entering my consciousness," he wrote. "Solipsism may be logically consistent with present quantum mechanics."

Wheeler even entertained the thought that the presence of living beings, which are capable of "noticing", has transformed what was previously a multitude of possible quantum pasts into one concrete history. In this sense, Wheeler said, we become participants in the evolution of the Universe since its very beginning. In his words, we live in a "participatory universe."

To this day, physicists do not agree on the best way to interpret these quantum experiments, and to some extent what you make of them is (at the moment) up to you. But one way or another, it is hard to avoid the implication that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow linked.

Beginning in the 1980s, the British physicist Roger Penrose suggested that the link might work in the other direction. Whether or not consciousness can affect quantum mechanics, he said, perhaps quantum mechanics is involved in consciousness.

What if, Penrose asked, there are molecular structures in our brains that are able to alter their state in response to a single quantum event. Could not these structures then adopt a superposition state, just like the particles in the double slit experiment? And might those quantum superpositions then show up in the ways neurons are triggered to communicate via electrical signals?

Maybe, says Penrose, our ability to sustain seemingly incompatible mental states is no quirk of perception, but a real quantum effect.

Perhaps quantum mechanics is involved in consciousness

After all, the human brain seems able to handle cognitive processes that still far exceed the capabilities of digital computers. Perhaps we can even carry out computational tasks that are impossible on ordinary computers, which use classical digital logic.

Penrose first proposed that quantum effects feature in human cognition in his 1989 book The Emperor's New Mind. The idea is called Orch-OR, which is short for "orchestrated objective reduction". The phrase "objective reduction" means that, as Penrose believes, the collapse of quantum interference and superposition is a real, physical process, like the bursting of a bubble.

Orch-OR draws on Penrose's suggestion that gravity is responsible for the fact that everyday objects, such as chairs and planets, do not display quantum effects. Penrose believes that quantum superpositions become impossible for objects much larger than atoms, because their gravitational effects would then force two incompatible versions of space-time to coexist.

Penrose developed this idea further with American physician Stuart Hameroff. In his 1994 book Shadows of the Mind, he suggested that the structures involved in this quantum cognition might be protein strands called microtubules. These are found in most of our cells, including the neurons in our brains. Penrose and Hameroff argue that vibrations of microtubules can adopt a quantum superposition.

But there is no evidence that such a thing is remotely feasible.

It has been suggested that the idea of quantum superpositions in microtubules is supported by experiments described in 2013, but in fact those studies made no mention of quantum effects.

Besides, most researchers think that the Orch-OR idea was ruled out by a study published in 2000. Physicist Max Tegmark calculated that quantum superpositions of the molecules involved in neural signaling could not survive for even a fraction of the time needed for such a signal to get anywhere.

Other researchers have found evidence for quantum effects in living beings

Quantum effects such as superposition are easily destroyed, because of a process called decoherence. This is caused by the interactions of a quantum object with its surrounding environment, through which the "quantumness" leaks away.

Decoherence is expected to be extremely rapid in warm and wet environments like living cells.

Nerve signals are electrical pulses, caused by the passage of electrically-charged atoms across the walls of nerve cells. If one of these atoms was in a superposition and then collided with a neuron, Tegmark showed that the superposition should decay in less than one billion billionth of a second. It takes at least ten thousand trillion times as long for a neuron to discharge a signal.

As a result, ideas about quantum effects in the brain are viewed with great skepticism.

However, Penrose is unmoved by those arguments and stands by the Orch-OR hypothesis. And despite Tegmark's prediction of ultra-fast decoherence in cells, other researchers have found evidence for quantum effects in living beings. Some argue that quantum mechanics is harnessed by migratory birds that use magnetic navigation, and by green plants when they use sunlight to make sugars in photosynthesis.

Besides, the idea that the brain might employ quantum tricks shows no sign of going away. For there is now another, quite different argument for it.

In a study published in 2015, physicist Matthew Fisher of the University of California at Santa Barbara argued that the brain might contain molecules capable of sustaining more robust quantum superpositions. Specifically, he thinks that the nuclei of phosphorus atoms may have this ability.

Phosphorus atoms are everywhere in living cells. They often take the form of phosphate ions, in which one phosphorus atom joins up with four oxygen atoms.

Such ions are the basic unit of energy within cells. Much of the cell's energy is stored in molecules called ATP, which contain a string of three phosphate groups joined to an organic molecule. When one of the phosphates is cut free, energy is released for the cell to use.

Cells have molecular machinery for assembling phosphate ions into groups and cleaving them off again. Fisher suggested a scheme in which two phosphate ions might be placed in a special kind of superposition called an "entangled state".

Phosphorus spins could resist decoherence for a day or so, even in living cells

The phosphorus nuclei have a quantum property called spin, which makes them rather like little magnets with poles pointing in particular directions. In an entangled state, the spin of one phosphorus nucleus depends on that of the other.

Put another way, entangled states are really superposition states involving more than one quantum particle.

Fisher says that the quantum-mechanical behaviour of these nuclear spins could plausibly resist decoherence on human timescales. He agrees with Tegmark that quantum vibrations, like those postulated by Penrose and Hameroff, will be strongly affected by their surroundings "and will decohere almost immediately". But nuclear spins do not interact very strongly with their surroundings.

All the same, quantum behaviour in the phosphorus nuclear spins would have to be "protected" from decoherence.

This might happen, Fisher says, if the phosphorus atoms are incorporated into larger objects called "Posner molecules". These are clusters of six phosphate ions, combined with nine calcium ions. There is some evidence that they can exist in living cells, though this is currently far from conclusive.

I decided... to explore how on earth the lithium ion could have such a dramatic effect in treating mental conditions

In Posner molecules, Fisher argues, phosphorus spins could resist decoherence for a day or so, even in living cells. That means they could influence how the brain works.

The idea is that Posner molecules can be swallowed up by neurons. Once inside, the Posner molecules could trigger the firing of a signal to another neuron, by falling apart and releasing their calcium ions.

Because of entanglement in Posner molecules, two such signals might thus in turn become entangled: a kind of quantum superposition of a "thought", you might say. "If quantum processing with nuclear spins is in fact present in the brain, it would be an extremely common occurrence, happening pretty much all the time," Fisher says.

He first got this idea when he started thinking about mental illness.

"My entry into the biochemistry of the brain started when I decided three or four years ago to explore how on earth the lithium ion could have such a dramatic effect in treating mental conditions," Fisher says.

At this point, Fisher's proposal is no more than an intriguing idea

Lithium drugs are widely used for treating bipolar disorder. They work, but nobody really knows how.

"I wasn't looking for a quantum explanation," Fisher says. But then he came across a paper reporting that lithium drugs had different effects on the behaviour of rats, depending on what form or "isotope" of lithium was used.

On the face of it, that was extremely puzzling. In chemical terms, different isotopes behave almost identically, so if the lithium worked like a conventional drug the isotopes should all have had the same effect.

But Fisher realised that the nuclei of the atoms of different lithium isotopes can have different spins. This quantum property might affect the way lithium drugs act. For example, if lithium substitutes for calcium in Posner molecules, the lithium spins might "feel" and influence those of phosphorus atoms, and so interfere with their entanglement.

We do not even know what consciousness is

If this is true, it would help to explain why lithium can treat bipolar disorder.

At this point, Fisher's proposal is no more than an intriguing idea. But there are several ways in which its plausibility can be tested, starting with the idea that phosphorus spins in Posner molecules can keep their quantum coherence for long periods. That is what Fisher aims to do next.

All the same, he is wary of being associated with the earlier ideas about "quantum consciousness", which he sees as highly speculative at best.

Physicists are not terribly comfortable with finding themselves inside their theories. Most hope that consciousness and the brain can be kept out of quantum theory, and perhaps vice versa. After all, we do not even know what consciousness is, let alone have a theory to describe it.

We all know what red is like, but we have no way to communicate the sensation

It does not help that there is now a New Age cottage industry devoted to notions of "quantum consciousness", claiming that quantum mechanics offers plausible rationales for such things as telepathy and telekinesis.

As a result, physicists are often embarrassed to even mention the words "quantum" and "consciousness" in the same sentence.

But setting that aside, the idea has a long history. Ever since the "observer effect" and the mind first insinuated themselves into quantum theory in the early days, it has been devilishly hard to kick them out. A few researchers think we might never manage to do so.

In 2016, Adrian Kent of the University of Cambridge in the UK, one of the most respected "quantum philosophers", speculated that consciousness might alter the behaviour of quantum systems in subtle but detectable ways.

Kent is very cautious about this idea. "There is no compelling reason of principle to believe that quantum theory is the right theory in which to try to formulate a theory of consciousness, or that the problems of quantum theory must have anything to do with the problem of consciousness," he admits.

Every line of thought on the relationship of consciousness to physics runs into deep trouble

But he says that it is hard to see how a description of consciousness based purely on pre-quantum physics can account for all the features it seems to have.

One particularly puzzling question is how our conscious minds can experience unique sensations, such as the colour red or the smell of frying bacon. With the exception of people with visual impairments, we all know what red is like, but we have no way to communicate the sensation and there is nothing in physics that tells us what it should be like.

Sensations like this are called "qualia". We perceive them as unified properties of the outside world, but in fact they are products of our consciousness and that is hard to explain. Indeed, in 1995 philosopher David Chalmers dubbed it "the hard problem" of consciousness.

"Every line of thought on the relationship of consciousness to physics runs into deep trouble," says Kent.

This has prompted him to suggest that "we could make some progress on understanding the problem of the evolution of consciousness if we supposed that consciousnesses alters (albeit perhaps very slightly and subtly) quantum probabilities."

"Quantum consciousness" is widely derided as mystical woo, but it just will not go away

In other words, the mind could genuinely affect the outcomes of measurements.

It does not, in this view, exactly determine "what is real". But it might affect the chance that each of the possible actualities permitted by quantum mechanics is the one we do in fact observe, in a way that quantum theory itself cannot predict. Kent says that we might look for such effects experimentally.

He even bravely estimates the chances of finding them. "I would give credence of perhaps 15% that something specifically to do with consciousness causes deviations from quantum theory, with perhaps 3% credence that this will be experimentally detectable within the next 50 years," he says.

If that happens, it would transform our ideas about both physics and the mind. That seems a chance worth exploring.

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The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics

Wave Nature of Molecules Displayed Through a New Method | TechQuila – TechQuila

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The wave nature of small particles is common knowledge to people who have studied physics up to the High School level. Considered one of the basic tenets of quantum mechanics, it is the only way that researchers can explain the bizarre behaviour of extremely small particles that are not being observed.

Amongst the other mysteries that quantum mechanics seemingly presents us with, the wave and particle nature (also known as dual nature) of the particles is a central one. The truth is, we do not know why this happens. However, it does not stop us from utilizing these properties to our advantage.

Ever since this bizarre property of particles came to light, efforts have been made to better understand why and how a particle can exhibit wave nature. In a majorly successful venture, physicists have just found a new way to demonstrate the wave nature of extremely large molecules by showing how they ripple with the same uncertainty as the small ones.

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The new study has recreated an old experiment with an added twist to it. They have achieved a wave-like diffraction pattern in two different organic chemicals. The new experiment will not only help us demonstrate the dual nature of these molecules but could also provide some advancement in the field of imaging materials.

In the experiment, the researchers used the antibiotic ciprofloxacin as the organic material. The researchers used a laser to create a mist of the organic material, which was made up of individual atoms numbering around 40 to 60. In the other experiment, the organic material used was a dye called phthalocyanine.

As is done in the classical double-slit experiment, the mist was passed through a series of narrow openings, and then a second laser was used, after which the mist was deposited on a screen. The results were fascinating as the mist displayed the classical wave interference pattern, which is observed in the Double slit experiment.

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The idea that things can behave as particles and waves is an interesting one. More than that, it has some serious consequences for physics as we know it. Ever since Louis de Broglie proposed the idea that everything can have wave-like properties, the idea has become mainstream. This experiment is just the latest one in a long line of attempts to exhibit the wave nature of particles much bigger in size than an electron or a photon.

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Wave Nature of Molecules Displayed Through a New Method | TechQuila - TechQuila

Book review: From Infinity to Man: The Fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah – The Jerusalem Post

In this ground-breaking book, Eduard Shyfrin shows that the ideas of Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) resonate with the ideas of 21st century science. From Infinity to Man introduces the reader to basic principles of Jewish mysticism such as the ten sefirot the Divine Attributes of God, the description of God as Ein Sof, absolute perfection, and the idea of Ohr Ein Sof, the unending Divine light. It then discusses basic principles of quantum physics and compares many of the concepts of Kabbalah to those of quantum physics, including the theory of information as discussed in Kabbalah and quantum physics. Additional chapters in the book discuss Creation, Kabbalah and Philosophy, and the Torah and Mathematics. Shyfrin is equally well-versed in Jewish mysticism and physics, and names like Einstein, Heisenberg, and Schrodinger frequently appear alongside Kabbalistic luminaries such as Isaac Luria, Shneur Zalman of Liadi, and the Baal Shem Tov.

From Infinity to Man has enjoyed positive reviews since its publication in January 2019.

Midwest writes that it is exceptionally well written, organized and presentedan extraordinarily thoughtful and thought-provoking read and unreservedly recommended for community, college, and university library Judaic Theology/Philosophy collections in general, and Kabbalah studies supplemental studies lists in particular. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of students, academia, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject

Ben Rothke, of the Jewish Link of NJ writes that This is an interesting book and Shyfrin does his best to show the dynamic between Torah and science. Quantum physics is an absolutely fascinating topic and certainly can be used to better understand the nature of the world we live in. In much of the book, Shyfrin finds corollaries between kabbalistic ideas and tries to map them to the world of physics. In From Infinity to Man, Eduard Shyfrin has written a thought-provoking and most curious work.

The San Diego Jewish World writes, Using information theory and a number of kabbalistic ideas, such as the Sephirot and Tzimtzum, Shyfrin shows the only reasonable conclusion is creation emanated from nothing. Shyfrin even links the arrow of time, our understanding that time can only flow in one direction from past to present to future, and not the other way around, to Kabbalah by demonstrating that terrestrial information mimics divine information, which continually flows in one direction, from the unknowable God, Ein Sof, to the world. Kabbalah has been studied philosophically, theologically, and even mathematically. In From Infinity to Man, Shyfrin examines Kabbalah from a new position, the combined effect of quantum physics and the Theory of Information, and in doing so brings to light a heretofore unstudied perspective.

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Book review: From Infinity to Man: The Fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah - The Jerusalem Post

Physics of Alien Life (The Galaxy Insight) – The Daily Galaxy –Great Discoveries Channel

Science fiction writers have long had bizarre, vivid images of extraterrestrial life from Plutonians resembling intelligent ice cubes to H. G. Wells vision of silicon-aluminum men in Another Basis for Life dwelling in an atmosphere of gaseous sulfur on the shores of a liquid iron sea. Astrobiologists have hotly debated how closely extraterrestrial life would evolve to resemble that on Earth, with some arguing that with a slightly different roll of the Darwinian dice, Earth would have been inhabited by creatures unimaginable. Others argue that if there is biology elsewhere in the universe we would find it strikingly familiar down to the carbon-based machinery in its cells.

Not so, argues Harvards evolutionary biologist, Stephen Jay Gould, in his book Wonderful Life, we are here because one odd group of fishes had a peculiar fin anatomy that could transform into legs for terrestrial creatures; because the earth never froze entirely during an ice age; because a small and tenuous species, arising in Africa a quarter of a million years ago, has managed, so far, to survive by hook and by crook. We may yearn for a higher answer but none exists.

Equations of Life

Enter Charles S. Cockell, an astrobiologist at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the UK Center for Astrobiology, who, 180-degrees contrary to Gould, argues in The Equations of Life that the cosmos if populated, would harbor creatures more like like those lined up at Mos Eisleys dimly-lit cantina on the Star Wars planet Tatooine. No matter how different the conditions on distant worlds, suggests Cockell, all life being living matter material capable of reproducing and evolvingis presumably subject to the same laws of physics from quantum mechanics to thermodynamics and the laws of gravity.

Cockel, reports George Johnson at the New York Times, argues that even at this deep level, the possibilities of life were tightly circumscribed. Rerun the tape of evolution, and DNA, RNA, ATP, the Krebs cycle the rigmarole of Biology 101 would probably arise again, here or in distant worlds. Single cells would then join together, seeking the advantages of metazoan life, until before you know it something like the earthly menagerie would come to be.

Alien Evolution Advanced Life Will Mirror Homo Sapiens

The Right Stuff

An analysis by Ralph Pudritz, a theoretical astrophysicist and director of the Origins Institute at McMaster University shows that the first ten amino acids are likely to form at relatively low temperatures and pressures, and the calculated odds of formation match the concentrations of these life-chemicals found in meteorite samples. The study indicates that you dont need a miracle to arrive at the chemical cocktail for early life, just a decently large asteroid with the right components. Thats all. The entire universe could be stuffed with life, from the earliest prebiotic protein-a-likes to fully DNAed descendants. The path from one to the other is long, but weve had thirteen and a half billion years so far and its happened at least once.

Beings From the Previous Eon Sir Roger Penrose and Joe Rogan: Is Alien Life Out There?

Early Earth was covered with carbonaceous material from meteorites and comets that provided the raw materials from which first life emerged. In his book, The Eerie Silence, astrophysicist Paul Davies echoes Harvards Gould suggesting that the original cells would have been able to pick and choose from the early Earths organic cocktail. To the best of our knowledge, he writes, the twenty-one chosen by known life do not constitute a unique set; other choices could have been made, and maybe were made if life started elsewhere many times.

The Daily Galaxy, Andy Johnson, via New York Times; Paul Davies, The Eerie Silence; Stephen Jay Gould, Wonderful Life and Charles S. Cockell, Equations of Life. (all Kindle editions)

Image credit: Scene from the movie, Arrival.

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Physics of Alien Life (The Galaxy Insight) - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel

Solved the mystery of strange metals, a new state of matter – InTallaght

Even within the quantum world i strange metals they are very strange, in fact. This state of matter is related to high-temperature superconductors and has surprising connections with the properties of black holes.

The electrons that flow inside a strange metal they dissipate energy at the maximum speed allowed by the laws of quantum mechanics, and their electrical resistance, unlike an ordinary metal, is directly proportional to their temperature.

Finding a model that describes the behaviour of strange metals is one of the biggest challenges of the physics of condensed matter. Using computational techniques, a team of researchers from the Flatiron Institute in New York City and Cornell University solved the first theoretical model for this new state of matter.

The fact that we call them strange metals should make us understand how much we understand about their behaviour, tells Olivier Parcollet, a researcher at the Flatiron Institute and co-author of the study. Strange metals share some properties with black holes and open new research directions in theoretical physics.

For quantum mechanics, the electrical resistance it is the product of the interactions of electrons with other electrons and with the impurities of metals. The greater the average time between two collisions, the lower the resistance of the medium. For an ordinary metal, the resistance increases with temperature but following a complex mathematical function, but in some particular cases (such as superconductors heated just above the superconductivity threshold) this can be simplified considerably. For the strange metals, the equation is extremely trivial: a direct proportionality between resistance and temperature. The proportionality constant depends on some fundamental constants: the Planck constant and the Boltzmann constant, for this reason, they are also called Planckian metals .

The models that describe these materials have existed for decades, but their resolution is far from obvious. The entanglement between electrons it prevents them from being treated as individual bodies and the huge number of particles makes the whole complex. In strange metals, entanglement between over a billion electrons has been achieved.

Peter Cha and Olivier Parcollets team used sophisticated computational methods to obtain numerical solutions for one of the models that describe these materials. The results tell that the strange metals I am a new state of matter halfwaybetween Motts insulating spin glasses and Fermi liquids.

We found an entire region in the phase space showing Planckian behaviour that does not belong to any of the previously known classes, explains Eun-Ah Kim, professor of Cornell University. This quantum state isnt completely blocked but its not completely free either. Its metallic, but it doesnt want to be and pushes the chaos levels to the maximum expected by quantum mechanics.

This new work will help physicists better understand the physics of high-temperature superconductors. The work, as we said earlier, has unexpected connections with astrophysics: also black holes presented properties that depend on the temperature and constants of Planck and Boltzmann, such as the oscillation time after the fusion between two black holes.

The fact that there are similar properties on a scale ranging from strange metals to black holes is extremely fascinating, Parcollet says.

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Solved the mystery of strange metals, a new state of matter - InTallaght

Infinite Potential: The Life And Ideas of David Bohm is a gem of a documentary – Boing Boing

Infinite Potential, The Life And Ideas of David Bohm is a gem of a documentary (and you can watch it for free. Directed and produced by Paul Howard, it pays homage to one of the unsung intellectual heroes the 20th century. David Bohm was a physicist, philosopher, and explorer of consciousnessthe man Einstein called his "spiritual son.", and the Dalai Lama his science guru. His search at the crossroads of science and spirituality led to new insights into the profound interconnectedness of the universe and our place within it.

An intellectual dissidentQuestioning the orthodoxy of this time, Bohm tried to reconcile the two main distinct paradigms within the world of physics, namely, classical Newtonian physics (explaining "reality" as directly tied to our sensory experience of it, grounded in a three dimensional space, and time being a singular linear progression), and the new paradigm of Quantum Mechanics (describing the bizarre world of subatomic entities which, simultaneously wave-like and particle-like, form the underlying structure of the whole universe, a place where "ordinary reality" and linear time cease to be). Physicists have been wrestling for decadeswithout successto reconcile these two seemingly incompatible and contradicting models, respectively accounting for the realms of the macro and the micro. Bohm's maverick intelligence sought a larger framework of interpretation to do the job.

The Holographic UniverseOne of Bohm's most dazzling leap of the imagination is his Holographic Theory of the Universe.

A hologram is a two-dimensional photograph of a three-dimensional object. When a laser is used to illuminate the hologram, the stored three-dimensional image appears. Here's a very peculiar feature of a hologram (compared to an ordinary photograph): cutting a regular photo into smaller pieces, one ends up with fragments of the original; when the pieces are put back together, the complete original picture is restored. But cutting a hologram into smaller pieces, each piece will contain a smaller but exact version of the complete original picture. In other words, every portion of the hologram contains the image of the whole. And that's a pretty uncanny feature.

Back to Bohm. According to his Holographic Theory of the Universe, the tangible reality of our everyday life is a kind of illusion, which we can compare to a giant hologram. The everyday world of solid bodies, unambiguously located in space and linear time, corresponds to what Bohm called the explicate (or unfolded) order. But this explicate order is a manifestation of an underlying and deeper order of existence, a vast and more primary level of reality that gives birth to all the objects and appearances of our physical world, which Bohm called the implicate (or enfolded) order.

The manifestation of all forms in the universe can be seen as the result of countless enfoldings and unfoldings between these two orders. This constant flow is what Bohm called the holomovement, holographic in nature, but in constant motion. Even consciousnessispart of this continuous process of unfolding and enfolding: our thoughts are the explicate forms thrown up by the underlying movements of the implicate orders of mind.

To continue with the holographic analogy (not meant to be a literal truth), every portion of the universe, according to Bohm, enfolds the whole. As author Michael Talbot wrote in his marvelous The Holographic Universe:

This means that if we knew how to access it we could find the Andromeda galaxy in the thumbnail of our left hand. We could also find Cleopatra meeting Caesar for the first time, for in principle the whole past and implications for the whole future are also enfolded in each small region of space and time. Every cell in our body enfolds the entire cosmos. So does every leaf, every raindrop, and every dust mote.

This is a vast idea, one that gives new meaning to William Blake's mystical verses:

To see a world in a grain of sand,and heaven in a wild flower,hold infinity in the palm ofour hand and eternity in an hour.

The holographic model is an all-encompassing framework that has both internal consistency and the capacity to explain widely diverging phenomena of physical experience. It also happens to explain a whole variety of weird and strange phenomenafrom psychic experiences to synchronicities, from Out Of Body to Near-Death Experiences. These side effects are the most uncomfortable for materialists and hardcore skeptics to digest.

Everything is connectedFor Bohm, the wholeness of life included natureandconsciousness in one single wholeness. At a deeper, quantum level, everythingis interconnected and internallyrelated to everything else, each part of the cosmoscontainsthewholeuniverse, and it unfolds in our perception of reality. Beyond one's baseline state of consciousness lies a realization of Oneness, the "unbroken wholeness of the implicate order".

You can see for yourself how deep the rabbit hole goes. Here's the trailer of Infinite Potential.

Its easy to want to section up the world into Android people and iOS people. Android people stick to their Samsungs and their Google Assistants and their freedom of choice while iOS people stick with their iPhones, Siris, and elite standards and never the two groups shall mix. Of course, the reality is that few []

Nearly three-quarters of all the rental properties in the U.S. are owned by private individual investors. And while around two-thirds of all investors were primarily focused on the stock market in 2007, that number is down to just 50 percent now, with many investors, particularly millennials, choosing to invest in real estate instead. Meanwhile, 91 []

Maintaining the look isnt always easy. For guys who actually care about their appearance, especially if theyre rocking facial hair, it isnt always enough to wake up and just charge into your day. No, you need to get your entire visual package in line. Assuming you dont have your own in-house barber, keeping the mane []

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Infinite Potential: The Life And Ideas of David Bohm is a gem of a documentary - Boing Boing

New Hulu, Netflix, HBO and Amazon Films and TV Shows to Stream Right Now – PaperCity Magazine

Summer streaming is here to help keep us busy as we hunker down in the air conditioning. To help you navigate the endless titles, I rounded up a few new original films and TV shows that might as well be must watches. Happy viewing!

One of Hulus newest original movies,Palm Springsis a romantic comedy starring Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti that also happens to be a very good time loop movie. (No spoilers here its in the trailer.) Eerily relatable given the pandemics effect on our own personal timelines, the movie hinges on the great chemistry between Samberg and Milioti, plus an always-welcome performance from J.K. Simmons. Clocking in at a breezy 90 minutes, Palm Springs is just the simple, feel-good film (with a dash of quantum physics) a lot of us need right now.

The 10-part documentary satisfied a nations thirst for sports in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic shutdowns when it debuted on ESPN this spring, but for those that may have missed it, The Last Dance finally came out on Netflix. Co-produced by ESPN Films and Netflix, the doc follows Michael Jordan and his rise from getting cut from his high school team to his emergence at North Carolina to his final season with the Chicago Bulls. Even for someone who doesnt know a ton about basketball, this series is pretty entertaining.

Using never-before-aired behind-the-scenes footage from the Bulls 1997 to 1998 season, the mini-series shows us a glimpse of history and the drama that ensued around Jordans final season with the Bulls that we never would have seen before.

I completely underestimated this show after watching only the first two episodes of the new Amazon Prime original series. New half-hour comedy, Upload, has a pretty cheesy start. Set in the future with self-driving cars and 3D-printed food, the show stars Robbie Amell (Nathan Brown) as a young man who suspiciously dies in a car accident. Thankfully, in this time, theres a digital afterlife, where people who have died can have their consciousness uploaded into a kind of digital heaven. Theres romance, comedy, and mystery in this strange sci-fi world, and somehow it really works. The show just got picked up for a second season.

This new HBO drama stars Matthew Rhys (The Americans) and honestly, thats the main reason I started it. The Emmy-award winning actor plays Perry Mason, a private investigator in 1932 Los Angeles, who takes on a kidnapping gone wrong case. Dark and rough to watch at times, the mystery of whodunnit keeps me watching. Also, Id missed Orphan Blacks Tatiana Maslany she gives an incredible performance as a popular evangelist. Currently on episode six, theres plenty of time to catch up before the next episode airs on July 26. The show is definitely binge-able.

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New Hulu, Netflix, HBO and Amazon Films and TV Shows to Stream Right Now - PaperCity Magazine

New Atomtronic Device to Probe Weird Boundary Between Quantum and Everyday Worlds – SciTechDaily

Clouds of supercooled atoms offer highly sensitive rotation sensors and tests of quantum mechanics.

A new device that relies on flowing clouds of ultracold atoms promises potential tests of the intersection between the weirdness of the quantum world and the familiarity of the macroscopic world we experience every day. The atomtronic Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) is also potentially useful for ultrasensitive rotation measurements and as a component in quantum computers.

In a conventional SQUID, the quantum interference in electron currents can be used to make one of the most sensitive magnetic field detectors, said Changhyun Ryu, a physicist with the Material Physics and Applications Quantum group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We use neutral atoms rather than charged electrons. Instead of responding to magnetic fields, the atomtronic version of a SQUID is sensitive to mechanical rotation.

A schematic of an atomtronic SQUID shows semicircular traps that separate clouds of atoms, which quantum mechanically interfere when the device is rotated. Credit: Los Alamos National Laboratory

Although small, at only about ten millionths of a meter across, the atomtronic SQUID is thousands of times larger than the molecules and atoms that are typically governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. The relatively large scale of the device lets it test theories of macroscopic realism, which could help explain how the world we are familiar with is compatible with the quantum weirdness that rules the universe on very small scales. On a more pragmatic level, atomtronic SQUIDs could offer highly sensitive rotation sensors or perform calculations as part of quantum computers.

The researchers created the device by trapping cold atoms in a sheet of laser light. A second laser intersecting the sheet painted patterns that guided the atoms into two semicircles separated by small gaps known as Josephson Junctions.

When the SQUID is rotated and the Josephson Junctions are moved toward each other, the populations of atoms in the semicircles change as a result of quantum mechanical interference of currents through Josephson Junctions. By counting the atoms in each section of the semicircle, the researchers can very precisely determine the rate the system is rotating.

As the first prototype atomtronic SQUID, the device has a long way to go before it can lead to new guidance systems or insights into the connection between the quantum and classical worlds. The researchers expect that scaling the device up to produce larger diameter atomtronic SQUIDs could open the door to practical applications and new quantum mechanical insights.


Reference: Quantum interference of currents in an atomtronic SQUID by C. Ryu, E. C. Samson and M. G. Boshier, 3 July 2020, Nature Communications.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17185-6

Los Alamos National Laboratorys Laboratory Directed Research and Development program provided funding.

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New Atomtronic Device to Probe Weird Boundary Between Quantum and Everyday Worlds - SciTechDaily

Checkmate the virus! – Chessbase News

7/22/2020 That's what the chess club in Marburg, Germany, intended when they submitted a video clip for the city initiative to combat the covid pandemic. The three-minute clip was made by quantum physicist and string theorist Vera Spillner, who is a member of the club. It gives chess fans an insight into the game and into club life during Corona, with a clever move, checkmate, included. Vera's video is the first of a series.

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That is the name of the action Marbach acts! The people in the city that was the birthplace of one of Germany's greatest poets and playwrights, Friedrich Schiller, are sticking together during the Covid-19 pandemic. The associations Stadtmarketing and the community of interests of the self-employed in Marbach have initiated the campaign under the patronage of Mayor Jan Trost.

From 11 May 2020 until the end of the summer holidays, artists, self-employed persons and sportsmen and women alike have the opportunity to present themselves with a programme that will enhance the daily lives of the audience. Marbach handelt also enables citizens to buy vouchers from the businesses listed on this website, which they can redeem later. Any company can participate.

"We hope to be of help to one and all by offering our fellow citizens a little entertainment in difficult times," the initiators say. To this end one of our special friends is chipping in.

I first got to know Vera in 2006, during the match Kamnik vs Deep Fritz in Bonn, Germany, and then met her at various events, like the World Championship in Bonn two years later. Vera is one of the smartest people I know. She has a doctorate in Quantum Physics and String Theory, speaks at least five different languages, fluently,she is an expert on German poetry, draws and paints beautifully, plays the violin at concert level, writes sumptuous prose and all that before she had reached the age of 30 (which now she has gracefully done). She also has prosopagnosia (face blindness), an interesting cognitive disorder about which I have written.

Master Class Vol.11: Vladimir Kramnik

This DVD allows you to learn from the example of one of the best players in the history of chess and from the explanations of the authors (Pelletier, Marin, Mller and Reeh) how to successfully organise your games strategically, consequently how to keep y

Vera explaining quantum collisions and black holes to Aruna and Vishy Anand

Vera is also an amateur chess player. When I introduced her to Vladimir Kramnik he asked her if she played the game. "Just as a very rank amateur, a hobby player," she replied and went on to analyse the game he had just played without a board with the World Champion.

For the Marbach handelt action Vera is producing a series of videos to encourage youthful and amateur chess players to keep up their love for the game. Here is example one, which is on the Marbach handelt! video page. It is in German (naturally) but of interest, especially to anyone contemplating a similar action.

In addition, if you are interested, here is the violin piece Vera did for Marbach handelt!

And if you enjoyed that, here's an earlier recording of Schubert's Ave Maria, one of my favourites.

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Checkmate the virus! - Chessbase News

The world on a string a primer – The Irish Times

Physics, the most fundamental branch of science, has two main theories quantum mechanics and general relativity. Quantum mechanics explains the very small and light; atomic and subatomic levels. General relativity explains the very large and heavy; stars, galaxies and beyond.

Our everyday world is explained by Newtonian mechanics, whose principles can be derived from general relativity. But a major problem in physics is that quantum mechanics and general relativity are mutually incompatible, although the predictions made by each are unerringly accurate.

When certain cases are considered, such as the big bang, when the world was both incredibly small and incredibly massive, both quantum mechanics and general relativity must be invoked. Applying the equations of both theories to investigate the problem produces nonsensical results.

Nevertheless, it is extremely improbable that nature needs two sets of incompatible laws, one for the very large and another for the very small. String theory is physics latest attempt to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity and is beautifully explained by Brian Greene in The Elegant Universe, Folio Society Edition, 2017.

Matter and force constitute the basic fabric of the physical world. The ancient Greeks guessed that matter is ultimately composed of tiny indivisible units called atoms. Science later demonstrated that atoms do exist, but they have sub-components protons, neutrons and electrons. The electron has no sub-structure but protons and neutrons are composed of particles called quarks. Quarks come in two kinds up-quarks and down-quarks. There is no evidence quarks have sub-components.

Everything we see in the universe is made of electrons, up-quarks and down-quarks. Also, a fourth fundamental particle, the neutrino, a ghostly almost mass-less entity, courses through the universe in vast numbers basically without interacting with other matter.

There are four fundamental forces in nature the strong force, the weak force, electromagnetism and gravity. The strong and weak forces operate over extremely short distances and are only important inside atoms. The strong force holds protons and neutrons within the atom, the weak force is responsible for radioactivity. The electromagnetic force holds electrons in atoms but allows them to interact with electrons in other atoms to form molecules, the building blocks of matter.

It is also responsible for most interactions we see in our environment. Gravity is a force through which all things with mass or energy are attracted towards one another. It is the weakest force but can operate over extremely long distances. Gravity keeps the planets orbiting around the sun and makes things fall to earth when we drop them.

Each force has an associated force particle that can be visualised as the smallest part of the force. The force particles of the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and gravity are, respectively, gluons, weak gauge bosons, photons and gravitons.

If the properties of these fundamental particles and forces were only slightly different, our world could not exist. But no theory yet explains the four fundamental particles or the four forces.

There are compelling reasons to think there is a fundamental underlying reality to our world that, if understood, would explain everything. A Theory of Everything would explain the fundamental particles and forces of nature, and it would explain both the very small and the very large in one framework. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) spent the second half of his life searching for such a theory, without success.

This is where string theory comes on stage. It was postulated in the 1980s that the fundamental particles each consists of a tiny one-dimensional vibrating loop called a string. Replacing point-particle material constituents (electrons and quarks) with strings mathematically resolves the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity. Strings are the common basis for everything.

Just as violin strings produce different notes when they vibrate at different frequencies, string theory says that vibrations of these tiny loops produce the different realities that make up the entire natural world the electron is a string vibrating one way, quarks are strings vibrating another way.

The mathematics underlying string theory are horrendously difficult and progress in developing string theory has been slow. But achievements have been realised, such as understanding some puzzling behaviour of black holes. It is to be hoped that the eventual complete elucidation of string theory will prove to be our Theory of Everything.

William Reville is an emeritus professor of biochemistry at UCC

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The world on a string a primer - The Irish Times

UWMadison named member of new $25 million Midwest quantum science institute – University of Wisconsin-Madison

As joint members of a Midwest quantum science collaboration, the University of WisconsinMadison, the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign and the University of Chicago have been named partners in a National Science Foundation Quantum Leap Challenge Institute, NSF announced Tuesday.

The five-year, $25 million NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks (HQAN) was one of three in this first round of NSF Quantum Leap funding and helps establish the region as a major hub of quantum science. HQANs principal investigator, Brian DeMarco, is a professor of physics at UIUC. UWMadison professor of physics Mark Saffman and University of Chicago engineering professor Hannes Bernien are co-principal investigators.

HQAN is very much a regional institute that will allow us to accelerate in directions in which weve already been headed and to start new collaborative projects between departments at UWMadison as well as between us, the University of Illinois, and the University of Chicago. says Saffman, who is also director of the Wisconsin Quantum Institute. These flagship institutes are being established as part of the National Quantum Initiative Act that was funded by Congress, and it is a recognition of the strength of quantum information research at UWMadison that we are among the first.

Mark Saffman

Shimon Kolkowitz

Quantum computing uses the principles of quantum physics to develop computing power that even the most powerful conventional supercomputers cannot match. Quantum computers could, for example, solve complex logistics deployment problems or help to discover new life-saving medicines. Although quantum computers work differently than their classical counterparts, they can be made more powerful by connecting smaller modules in a hybrid network, analogously to how conventional computers are linked together via the internet.

At the HQAN institutions, there are several people developing different ways of processing and storing quantum information. Each approach might be better at one thing and not so good at something else, Saffman says. Were asking, can we hook together these different types of hardware to synthesize a stronger system with a hybrid approach?

HQAN research activities at UWMadison will be conducted by groups throughout the Wisconsin Quantum Institute and include faculty in physics, chemistry and the College of Engineering.

We are excited that UWMadison is a partner in this first round of competitive funding through the National Quantum Initiative Act, says Steve Ackerman, UWMadison vice chancellor for research and graduate education. This award allows us to continue to build on the momentum of the newly formed Wisconsin Quantum Institute at UW and the campuss growing efforts in the physics of quantum information systems.

it is a recognition of the strength of quantum information research at UWMadison that we are among the first.

Mark Saffman

Another focus of HQAN is on quantum science outreach, education and corporate partnerships, which will be headed by Shimon Kolkowitz, assistant professor of physics at UWMadison.

Quantum science is a rapidly growing area of research, but also industry, so theres a need for executives, entrepreneurs and investors to understand the potential impacts of quantum science, and theres a huge demand for a growing quantum workforce, Kolkowitz says. Quantum is weird and counterintuitive, and you dont encounter it until the last couple of years of an undergraduate physics degree. There will be real benefits and payoffs to exposing children and high schoolers and undergraduates in all different fields to concepts in quantum science.

HQAN will adapt and build off of longstanding, successful outreach and educational programs at the member institutions. These programs include The Wonders of Quantum Physics, modeled off of the nearly 40-year-old program The Wonders of Physics at UWMadison as well as UIUCs LabEscape, a quantum-themed physics escape room, and the University of Chicagos Teach Quantum program, which helps high school science teachers develop quantum-related curricula for their schools.

Additionally, HQAN is connecting with undergraduate and graduate degree programs, such as UWMadisons Masters in Physics: Quantum Computing and a proposed undergraduate specialization in quantum science at UIUC. The institute will also work with Chicago State University to place students in funded research internships at the three member universities.

HQAN also includes partnerships with Fermilab, MIT Lincoln Labs, and Air Force Research labs, as well as several corporate partners and collaborations, including American Family Insurance and ColdQuanta, which have offices in Madison. These partnerships will help guide HQAN research toward industry applications and provide researchers with access to emerging products, as well as provide internships for HQAN students.

Read the original here:

UWMadison named member of new $25 million Midwest quantum science institute - University of Wisconsin-Madison

I Am Not A Believer In Free Will: A Conversation With Physicist Brian Greene – Forbes

I recently had the chance to interview physicist and author Brian Greene as a part of the 2020 Aspen Ideas Festival, presented by the Aspen Institute. Brian and I have been friends for more than 30 years and met when we were Rhodes Scholars together at Oxford in the 1980s. I have loved watching the arc of his career as a scientist, a creator, and a public intellectual. Today, Brian is a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, where he is director of the Center for Theoretical Physics. We talked about his new book, Until the End of Time, his early education and introduction to science, his progression from reluctant reader to bestselling author, and his quest to explore our significance in an astoundingly vast universe.

(This interview has been edited for clarity and length.)

The Aspen Institute

Dan Porterfield: How did you first get interested in science?

Brian Greene: I grew up across the street from the Hayden Planetarium in New York. One day, I was heading back from an after-school trip there and I felt so tiny. We were thinking about stars and galaxies and other worlds and it just made me feel so tiny. I started asking questions that everybody asked but in a really intense way: Why are we here? And it struck me that if there was an answer, we would all know it. But since nobody ever told me the answer, it was clear there was no universal answer. So, if instead of answering the question of why am I here? I started to ask, how am I here?

DP: You had very good science and math education when you were growing up in New York City. Say a word about that.

BG: I went to public schools. If you have great teachers, you dont have to be at some fancy, private school. My teachers allowed me to go fast at my own pace and when I exhausted that, one of them gave me a letter that said, go to Columbia University. So, my sister and I knocked on doors at Columbia and one guy answered and said, sure, Ill teach you for free. I met with him three days a week over the summer and I took off into all of these areas of mathematics that I never would have experienced if it werent for this guy, Neil Bellinson, who really opened the world of math to me as a young kid.

DP: You always had so many diverse interests. Culture, the arts, politics, society. Is that how you were in high school or college? Or did it come later?

BG: Definitely later. I was single-minded when I was a kid. It was just math that I cared about. In fact, I hated reading when I was a kid and it spilled over into college. When I opened a physics textbook and there were a lot of words, my heart sank. When I saw equations, I went yes! When I graduated college, I went through a period of deep regret. I got technical training in math and physics, yet I had this opportunity to explore a world of ideas and all I did was move forward in one direction that I had been on for twenty years. When I got to Oxford, where we met, that really shifted for me.

DP: One of our conversations involved popularizing science and making it accessible and exciting to more people. We joined a writing group where we shared what we were working on. Say a little bit about that opportunity of seeing yourself as a writer.

BG: That was a great and unexpected gift to learn about that. To be able to write in a way that wasnt trying to communicate rigorous ideas of science, but something of the human condition, experience, and how we react to things was kind of a turning point in my recognition of what you could do with language.

DP: I remember you being interested in and struck by some of the absurdities of life. We talked about literature and authors like Albert Camus who pointed to that. Is that something that influences your work as a theorist?

BG: Deeply so. Now, I am working on solving Schrdingers Equation of Quantum Mechanics so theres some absurdity, too. When I was young I had an unexpected introduction to Camus, as my father had a copy of The Myth of Sisyphus, which is all about the deep questions of life when you recognize there might not be some overarching purpose. My lifes work has been, on one trajectory, about trying to understand the physical universe as deeply as possiblebut on another trajectory, it has been about how, the deeper we go, we realize there is no overarching purpose. And in the sense of Camus, we try to make sense and meaning. In another sense, that is what my new book, Until the End of Time is about.

DP: How did the bookwhich is an exploration of time, meaning, and physicscome together?

BG: Ive written a few books attempting to bring cutting-edge science to people. Every time I was writing one of those books, I felt like there was another story to be told, which is, how do these insights not only show how the world works, but how we fit in and feel? As years have passed, I finally feel like Im now able to do that in telling this story.

DP: One of the critically important things you write about is a cosmological timeline. What does that mean?

BG: We all have a sense of the time scales of our lives. What I wanted to get a deep sense of was how that time scale fits into the cosmological unfolding, from the Big Bang to what scientists might call The End. When you follow that grand sweep, it gives you a radically different perspective that has an impact on how you think of yourself within life.

DP: What about the meaning part? With that cosmological timeframe and sense of enormity, as well as the idea that time will end, how, then, do you drive meaning?

BG:When you learn that stars, planets, and life disintegrate, and even that consciousness has a finite duration on a cosmological timeline, it can leave you asking, what is the point of it all? If your sense of meaning is derived from legacy and looking to the future, it is going to crumble with time. The argument I make in the book is about the familiar here and now. While its nothing novel, the way I take you there from the cosmological perspective adds a heft and weight to focus you here. I did have dark periods when I tried to better understand the far future and I went through a transformation where I recognized that the focus needs to be here because there, it disintegrates.

DP: Some people having that same experience of wonder as you as a child combined with deep reflection find themselves sensing the presence of a larger, creating other. Could all of this come together with some form of design?

BG: They may be right. Behind it all, there could be some intelligence that has set it up and let it unfold. Its very difficult to prove that perspective is wrong. But I dont see the evidence for it, and Im drawn to the evidence, experiment, and observation behind conclusions. The objective world is important to understand, but the subjectivethe spiritual, inner experience of conscious self-reflectionis just as important.

DP: How does this help you ground a sense of your personal morality and ethics?

BG: Its an interesting and deep question. I, for instance, am not a believer in free will. I believe that the arguments we are touching on here establish that every action we take is the product of the physical constituents that make us up. Some people say if you do not have free will, then morality is gone. I think that is wrong. We are responsible for what our particles do. Period. The question is this: should we be punished? If punishment is for retribution, I do not see any role for it. If punishment is for education, you can learn even if you dont have free will. If punishment is a consequential perspective to shape future behaviors, then I think that is a justifiable way to dole it out.

DP: Do you mean that we should think of punishment as a form of conditioning?

BG: In some sense. At the end of the day, our behaviors are a product of our genetic and physical makeup that is affected by the stimulus that we receive and the responses that we yield across our lives. If I see something in the world and I see the agent being punished for their actions, my particles get rearranged and say hey, I dont want that to happen to me!

DP: You made the choice to write four books and your particles are the only ones on the planet who could write those books. Dont tell me they were pre-written, and you happened to grab them! How do you account for that?

BG: You are right. The individual has a particulate arrangement that is iconic, and, therefore, your actions reflect your particle arrangement. So, when Beethoven wrote his Symphony No. 9, it was Beethovens particles that had the capacity to do that. But did they freely do that? No. Did I freely write my books? No. In a conventional sensethat I can claim that the actions originated fully and totally within me, that I somehow transcended the forces of the world around me and was able to do something that was not a product of those physical particles acting on methen no, it was not me.

DP: Yet still, if we dont have unlimited free will, doesnt that mean we have some free will?

BG: I would say the answer to that is yes. But it is a kind of freedom that you may not find satisfying, which is: I have a greater arrangement of behavioral responses in me than a rock because a rock doesnt have the internal organization to respond through a rich spectrum of behaviors. I have this rich spectrum of behaviors. I dont choose them but, again, if there are stimuli from the environment that are slightly different, my responses will be different. One such response is writing a book. A rock doesnt do that. Its not freedom from physical law, its freedom from the constrained behavior that governs the inanimate world. If I write a good sentence or solve an equation, I dont take credit for it in the way that we usually think about it. I say to myself, hey particles, nice job! Im really pleased that the forces came together to yield that outcome. I am not joking. This is how I really think about how we fit in the world.

DP: Well, let me just say this: my particles love your particles. You are an awesome person, an incredible teacher, a creator, and a great friend.

BG: Well, thank you, I feel the same way.

Click here to watch our full conversation.


I Am Not A Believer In Free Will: A Conversation With Physicist Brian Greene - Forbes

How Quantum Mechanics will Change the Tech Industry – Unite.AI

Richard Feynman once said, If you think you understand quantum mechanics, then you dont understand quantum mechanics. While that may be true, it certainly doesnt mean we cant try. After all, where would we be without our innate curiosity?

To understand the power of the unknown, were going to untangle the key concepts behind quantum physics two of them, to be exact (phew!). Its all rather abstract, really, but thats good news for us, because you dont need to be a Nobel-winning theoretical physicist to understand whats going on. And whats going on? Well, lets find out.

Well start with a brief thought experiment. Austrian physicist Erwin Schrdinger wants you to imagine a cat in a sealed box. So far, so good. Now imagine a vial containing a deadly substance is placed inside the box. What happened to the cat? We cannot know to a certainty. Thus, until the situation is observed, i.e. we open the box, the cat is both dead and alive, or in more scientific terms, it is in a superposition of states. This famous thought experiment is known as the Schrdingers cat paradox, and it perfectly explains one of the two main phenomena of quantum mechanics.

Superposition dictates that, much like our beloved cat, a particle exists in all possible states up until the moment it is measured. Observing the particle immediately destroys its quantum properties, and voil, it is once again governed by the rules of classical mechanics.

Now, things are about to get more tricky, but dont be deterred even Einstein was thrown-back by the idea. Described by the man himself as spooky action at a distance, entanglement is a connection between a pair of particles a physical interaction that results in their shared state (or lack thereof, if we go by superposition).

Entanglement dictates that a change in the state of one entangled particle triggers an immediate, predictable response from the remaining particle. To put things into perspective, lets throw two entangled coins into the air. Subsequently, lets observe the result. Did the first coin land on heads? Then the measurement of the remaining coin must be tales. In other words, when observed, entangled particles counter each others measurements. No need to be afraid, though entanglement is not that common. Not yet, that is.

Whats the point of all this knowledge if I cant use it?, you may be asking. Whatever your question, chances are a quantum computer has the answer. In a digital computer, the system requires bits to increase its processing power. Thus, in order to double the processing power, you would simply double the amount of bits this is not at all similar in quantum computers.

A quantum computer uses qubits, the basic unit of quantum information, to provide processing capabilities unmatched even by the worlds most powerful supercomputers. How? Superposed qubits can simultaneously tackle a number of potential outcomes (or states, to be more consistent with our previous segments). In comparison, a digital computer can only crunch through one calculation at a time. Furthermore, through entanglement, we are able to exponentially amplify the power of a quantum computer, particularly when comparing this to the efficiency of traditional bits in a digital machine. To visualise the scale, consider the sheer amount of processing power each qubit provides, and now double it.

But theres a catch even the slightest vibrations and temperature changes, referred to by scientists as noise, can cause quantum properties to decay and eventually, disappear altogether. While you cant observe this in real time, what you will experience is a computational error. The decay of quantum properties is known as decoherence, and it is one of the biggest setbacks when it comes to technology relying on quantum mechanics.

In an ideal scenario, a quantum processor is completely isolated from its surroundings. To do so, scientists use specialised fridges, known as cryogenic refrigerators. These cryogenic refrigerators are colder than interstellar space, and they enable our quantum processor to conduct electricity with virtually no resistance. This is known as a superconducting state, and it makes quantum computers extremely efficient. As a result, our quantum processor requires a fraction of the energy a digital processor would use, generating exponentially more power and substantially less heat in the process. In an ideal scenario, that is.

Weather forecasting, financial and molecular modelling, particle physics the application possibilities for quantum computation are both enormous and prosperous.

Still, one of the most tantalising prospects is perhaps that of quantum artificial intelligence. This is because quantum systems excel at calculating probabilities for many possible choices their ability to provide continuous feedback to intelligent software is unparalleled in todays market. The estimated impact is immeasurable, spanning across fields and industries from AI in the automotive all the way to medical research. Lockheed Martin, American aerospace giant, was quick to realise the benefits, and is already leading by example with its quantum computer, using it for autopilot software testing. Take notes.

The principles of quantum mechanics are also used to address issues in cybersecurity. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptography, one of the worlds go-to methods of data encryption, relies on the difficulty of factoring (very) large prime numbers. While this may work with traditional computers, which arent particularly effective at solving multi-factor problems, quantum computers will easily crack these encryptions thanks to their unique ability to calculate numerous outcomes simultaneously.

Theoretically, Quantum key distribution takes care of this with a superposition-based encryption system. Imagine youre trying to relay sensitive information to a friend. To do so, you create an encryption key using qubits, which are then sent to the recipient over an optical cable. Had the encoded qubits been observed by a third party, both you and your friend will have been notified by an unexpected error in the operation. However, to maximise the benefits of QKD, the encryption keys would have to maintain their quantum properties at all times. Easier said than done.

It doesnt stop there. The brightest minds around the globe are constantly trying to utilise entanglement as a mode of quantum communication. So far, Chinese researchers were able to successfully beam entangled pairs of photons through their Micius satellite over a record-holding 745 miles. Thats the good news. The bad news is that, out of the 6 million entangled photons beamed each second, only one pair survived the journey (thanks, decoherence). An incredible feat nonetheless, this experiment outlines the kind of infrastructure we may use in the future to secure quantum networks.

The quantum race also saw a recent breakthrough advancement from QuTech, a research centre at TU Delft in the Netherlands their quantum system operates at a temperature over one degree warmer than absolute zero (-273 degrees Celsius).

While these achievements may seem insignificant to you and I, the truth is that, try after try, such groundbreaking research is bringing us a step closer to the tech of tomorrow. One thing remains unchanged, however, and that is the glaring reality that those who manage to successfully harness the power of quantum mechanics will have supremacy over the rest of the world. How do you think they will use it?

See more here:

How Quantum Mechanics will Change the Tech Industry - Unite.AI