Creator of Wolfram Alpha Has a Bold Plan to Find a New Fundamental Theory of Physics – ScienceAlert

Stephen Wolfram is a cult figure in programming and mathematics. He is the brains behind Wolfram Alpha, a website that tries to answer questions by using algorithms to sift through a massive database of information. He is also responsible for Mathematica, a computer system used by scientists the world over.

Last week, Wolfram launched a new venture: the Wolfram Physics Project, an ambitious attempt to develop a new physics of our Universe.

The new physics, he declares, is computational. The guiding idea is that everything can be boiled down to the application of simple rules to fundamental building blocks.

Why do we need such a theory? After all, we already have two extraordinarily successful physical theories.

These are general relativity a theory of gravity and the large-scale structure of the Universe and quantum mechanics a theory of the basic constituents of matter, sub-atomic particles, and their interactions. Haven't we got physics licked?

Not quite. While we have an excellent theory of how gravity works for large objects, such as stars and planets and even people, we don't understand gravity at extremely high energies or for extremely small things.

General relativity "breaks down" when we try to extend it into the miniature realm where quantum mechanics rules. This has led to a quest for the holy grail of physics: a theory of quantum gravity, which would combine what we know from general relativity with what we know from quantum mechanics to produce an entirely new physical theory.

The current best approach we have to quantum gravity is string theory. This theory has been a work in progress for 50 years or so, and while it has achieved some success there is a growing dissatisfaction with it as an approach.

Wolfram is attempting to provide an alternative to string theory. He does so via a branch of mathematics called graph theory, which studies groups of points or nodes connected by lines or edges.

Think of a social networking platform. Start with one person: Betty. Next, add a simple rule: every person adds three friends. Apply the rule to Betty: now she has three friends. Apply the rule again to every person (including the one you started with, namely: Betty). Keep applying the rule and, pretty soon, the network of friends forms a complex graph.

A simple rule multiple times creates a complex network of points and connections. (Author provided)

Wolfram's proposal is that the universe can be modelled in much the same way. The goal of physics, he suggests, is to work out the rules that the universal graph obeys.

Key to his suggestion is that a suitably complicated graph looks like a geometry. For instance, imagine a cube and a graph that resembles it.

(Author provided)

Above:In the same way that a collection of points and lines can approximate a solid cube, Wolfram argues that space itself may be a mesh that knits together a series of nodes.

Wolfram argues that extremely complex graphs resemble surfaces and volumes: add enough nodes and connect them with enough lines and you form a kind of mesh. He maintains that space itself can be thought of as a mesh that knits together a series of nodes in this fashion.

How can complicated meshes of nodes help with the project of reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics? Well, quantum theory deals with discrete objects with discrete properties. General relativity, on the other hand, treats the universe as a continuum and gravity as a continuous force.

If we can build a theory that can do what general relativity does but that starts from discrete structures like graphs, then the prospects for reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics start to look more promising.

If we can build a geometry that resembles the one given to us by general relativity using a discrete structure, then the prospects look even better.

Space may be a complex mesh of points connected by a simple rule that is iterated many times. (Wolfram Physics Project)

While Wolfram's project is promising, it does contain more than a hint of hubris. Wolfram is going up against the Einsteins and Hawkings of the world, and he's doing it without a life spent publishing in physics journals.

(He did publish several physics papers as a teenage prodigy, but that was 40 years ago, as well as a book A New Kind of Science, which is the spiritual predecessor of the Wolfram Physics Project.)

Moreover, his approach is not wholly original. It is similar to two existing approaches to quantum gravity: causal set theory and loop quantum gravity, neither of which get much of a mention in Wolfram's grand designs.

Nonetheless, the project is notable for three reasons.

First, Wolfram has a broad audience and he will do a lot to popularise the approach that he advocates. Proponents of loop quantum gravity in particular lament the predominance of string theory within the physics community. Wolfram may help to underwrite a paradigm shift in physics.

Second, Wolfram provides a very careful overview of the project from the basic principles of graph theory up to general relativity. This will make it easier for individuals to get up to speed with the general approach and potentially make contributions of their own.

Third, the project is "open source", inviting contributions from citizen scientists.

If nothing else, this gives us all something to do at the moment in between baking sourdough and playing Animal Crossing, that is.

Sam Baron, Associate professor, Australian Catholic University.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Read the original:

Creator of Wolfram Alpha Has a Bold Plan to Find a New Fundamental Theory of Physics - ScienceAlert

A new kind of physics? Stephen Wolfram has a radical plan to build the universe from dots and lines – The Conversation AU

Stephen Wolfram is a cult figure in programming and mathematics. He is the brains behind Wolfram Alpha, a website that tries to answer questions by using algorithms to sift through a massive database of information. He is also responsible for Mathematica, a computersystem used by scientists the world over.

Last week, Wolfram launched a new venture: the Wolfram Physics Project, an ambitious attempt to develop a new physics of our universe. The new physics, he declares, is computational. The guiding idea is that everything can be boiled down to the application of simple rules to fundamental building blocks.

Why do we need such a theory? After all, we already have two extraordinarily successful physical theories. These are general relativity a theory of gravity and the large-scale structure of the universe and quantum mechanics a theory of the basic constituents of matter, sub-atomic particles, and their interactions. Havent we got physics licked?

Not quite. While we have an excellent theory of how gravity works for large objects, such as stars and planets and even people, we dont understand gravity at extremely high energies or for extremely small things.

General relativity breaks down when we try to extend it into the miniature realm where quantum mechanics rules. This has led to a quest for the holy grail of physics: a theory of quantum gravity, which would combine what we know from general relativity with what we know from quantum mechanics to produce an entirely new physical theory.

The current best approach we have to quantum gravity is string theory. This theory has been a work in progress for 50 years or so, and while it has achieved some success there is a growing dissatisfaction with it as an approach.

Read more: Explainer: String theory

Wolfram is attempting to provide an alternative to string theory. He does so via a branch of mathematics called graph theory, which studies groups of points or nodes connected by lines or edges.

Think of a social networking platform. Start with one person: Betty. Next, add a simple rule: every person adds three friends. Apply the rule to Betty: now she has three friends. Apply the rule again to every person (including the one you started with, namely: Betty). Keep applying the rule and, pretty soon, the network of friends forms a complex graph.

Wolframs proposal is that the universe can be modelled in much the same way. The goal of physics, he suggests, is to work out the rules that the universal graph obeys.

Key to his suggestion is that a suitably complicated graph looks like a geometry. For instance, imagine a cube and a graph that resembles it.

Wolfram argues that extremely complex graphs resemble surfaces and volumes: add enough nodes and connect them with enough lines and you form a kind of mesh. He maintains that space itself can be thought of as a mesh that knits together a series of nodes in this fashion.

How can complicated meshes of nodes help with the project of reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics? Well, quantum theory deals with discrete objects with discrete properties. General relativity, on the other hand, treats the universe as a continuum and gravity as a continuous force.

If we can build a theory that can do what general relativity does but that starts from discrete structures like graphs, then the prospects for reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics start to look more promising. If we can build a geometry that resembles the one given to us by general relativity using a discrete structure, then the prospects look even better.

While Wolframs project is promising, it does contain more than a hint of hubris. Wolfram is going up against the Einsteins and Hawkings of the world, and hes doing it without a life spent publishing in physics journals. (He did publish several physics papers as a teenage prodigy, but that was 40 years ago, as well as a book A New Kind of Science, which is the spiritual predecessor of the Wolfram Physics Project.)

Moreover, his approach is not wholly original. It is similar to two existing approaches to quantum gravity: causal set theory and loop quantum gravity, neither of which get much of a mention in Wolframs grand designs.

Read more: Einstein to Weinstein: the lone genius is an exception to the rule

Nonetheless, the project is notable for three reasons. First, Wolfram has a broad audience and he will do a lot to popularise the approach that he advocates. Proponents of loop quantum gravity in particular lament the predominance of string theory within the physics community. Wolfram may help to underwrite a paradigm shift in physics.

Second, Wolfram provides a very careful overview of the project from the basic principles of graph theory up to general relativity. This will make it easier for individuals to get up to speed with the general approach and potentially make contributions of their own.

Third, the project is open source, inviting contributions from citizen scientists. If nothing else, this gives us all something to do at the moment in between baking sourdough and playing Animal Crossing, that is.

Excerpt from:

A new kind of physics? Stephen Wolfram has a radical plan to build the universe from dots and lines - The Conversation AU

What is reality? – Big Think

How real are you? What if everything you are, everything you know, all the people in your life as well as all the events were not physically there but just a very elaborate simulation? Philosopher Nick Bostrom famously considered this in his seminal paper Are you living in a computer simulation?, where he proposed that all of our existence may be just a product of very sophisticated computer simulations ran by advanced beings, whose real nature we may never be able to know. Now a new theory comes along that takes it a step further what if there are no advanced beings like that either and everything in "reality" is a self-simulation that generates itself from pure thought?

The physical universe is a "strange loop" says the new paper titled "The Self-Simulation Hypothesis Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" from the team at the Quantum Gravity Research, a Los Angeles-based theoretical physics institute, founded by the scientist and entrepreneur Klee Irwin. They take Bostrom's simulation hypothesis, which maintains that all of reality is an extremely detailed computer program, and ask - rather than relying on advanced lifeforms to create the amazing technology necessary to compose everything within our world, isn't it more efficient to propose that the universe itself is a "mental self-simulation"? They tie this idea to quantum mechanics, seeing the universe as one of many possible quantum gravity models.

One important aspect that differentiates this view relates to the fact that Bostrom's original hypothesis is materialistic, seeing the universe as inherently physical. To Bostrom, we could simply be part of an ancestor simulation, engineered by posthumans. Even the process of evolution itself could just be a mechanism by which the future beings are testing countless processes, purposefully moving humans through levels of biological and technological growth. In this way they also generate the supposed information or history of our world. Ultimately, we wouldn't know the difference.

But where does the physical reality that would generate the simulations comes from, wonder the researchers? Their hypothesis takes a non-materialistic approach, saying that everything is information expressed as thought. As such, the universe "self-actualizes" itself into existence, relying on underlying algorithms and a rule they call "the principle of efficient language."

Under this proposal, the entire simulation of everything in existence is just one "grand thought". How would the simulation itself be originated? It was always there, say the researchers, explaining the concept of "timeless emergentism". According to this idea, time isn't there at all. Instead, the all-encompassing thought that is our reality offers a nested semblance of a hierarchical order, full of "sub-thoughts" that reach all the way down the rabbit hole towards the base mathematics and fundamental particles. This is also where the rule of efficient language comes in, suggesting that humans themselves are such "emergent sub-thoughts" and they experience and find meaning in the world through other sub-thoughts (called "code-steps or actions") in the most economical fashion.

In correspondence with Big Think, physicist David Chester elaborated: "While many scientists presume materialism to be true, we believe that quantum mechanics may provide hints that our reality is a mental construct. Recent advances in quantum gravity, such as seeing spacetime emergent via a hologram, also is a hint that spacetime is not fundamental. This is also compatible with ancient Hermetic and Indian philosophy. In a sense, the mental construct of reality creates spacetime to efficiently understand itself by creating a network of subconscious entities that can interact and explore the totality of possibilities."

The scientists link their hypothesis to panpsychism, which sees everything as thought or consciousness. The authors think that their "panpsychic self-simulation model" can even explain the origin of an overarching panconsciousness at the foundational level of the simulations, which "self-actualizes itself in a strange loop via self-simulation." This panconsciousness also has free will and its various nested levels essentially have the ability to select what code to actualize, while making syntax choices. The goal of this consciousness? To generate meaning or information.

If all of this is hard to grasp, the authors offer another interesting idea that may link your everyday experience to these philosophical considerations. Think of your dreams as your own personal self-simulations, postulates the team. While they are rather primitive (by super-intelligent future AI standards), dreams tend to provide better resolution than current computer modeling and are a great example of the evolution of the human mind. As the scientists write, "What is most remarkable is the ultra-high-fidelity resolution of these mind-based simulations and the accuracy of the physics therein." They point especially to lucid dreams, where the dreamer is aware of being in a dream, as instances of very accurate simulations created by your mind that may be impossible to distinguish from any other reality. To that end, now that you're sitting here reading this article, how do you really know you're not in a dream? The experience seems very high in resolution but so do some dreams. It's not too much of a reach to imagine that an extremely powerful computer that we may be able to make in not-too-distant future could duplicate this level of detail.

The team also proposes that in the coming years we will be able to create designer consciousnesses for ourselves as advancements in gene editing could allow us to make our own mind-simulations much more powerful. We may also see minds emerging that do not require matter at all.

While some of these ideas are certainly controversial in the mainstream science circles, Klee and his team respond that "We must critically think about consciousness and certain aspects of philosophy that are uncomfortable subjects to some scientists."

Want to know more? You can read the full paper online in the journal Entropy.

More on the hypothesis and the backstory of the Quantum Gravity Research institute

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See original here:

What is reality? - Big Think

Faith and Values: What the butterfly effect can teach us about the coronavirus and spirituality – The Spokesman-Review

Our church family celebrated Easter via Zoom two weeks ago. Our pastor led worship from her living room.

Behind her left shoulder, I saw a paper butterfly in full flap. The butterfly has become a fashionable Easter symbol for many people, pointing to the dramatic body change from caterpillar to flying beauty.

But recently, Ive seen how the butterfly effect impacts us both spiritually and scientifically.

Id known something of the meteorological reference to the butterfly effect for years. It was most famously mentioned in 1972 by meteorologist Edward Lorenz in a presentation to a science convention.

He asked this question: Does the flap of a butterflys wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? Scientists are still seeking the answer.

What Lorenz was not discovering scientific certainty, but scientific unpredictability. His research underlies what became chaos theory in quantum physics.

His inquiry began as he was working on a computer calculation for a weather prediction. The tiny number he first used was 0.506127. Then he recalculated by rounding that number to 0.506. And he got a very different weather prediction.

Suddenly the reality of randomness became real. What if our scientific calculations are not as determined as we want them to be? What if unpredictability, randomness, is a bigger player in the cosmic, scientific scheme of things?

And here is our transition, informed by science but experienced in the spiritual dimension of our lives: What if we cannot predict, let alone control, the spirit of God any more than meteorology can control the weather on, say, Easter Sunday? Perish the thought.

The implications are not only cosmic, friends. They filter down to the very ways we do church, the way we order our lives. Whether we use certain religious language and structures, or whether we free-wheel our approach to living, there are simply many things we dont/cant control.

That doesnt mean there is no order, no predictability, or no ultimate control in daily living. Even in the midst of the viral pandemic that were all impacted by, there may be order, predictability and control we cant begin to comprehend.

Yet we do our best to control it sometimes smartly, sometimes foolishly. Have you considered how infinitesimal the actual coronavirus actually is? But what a huge difference it has made in lives around the world.

As you consider that abstract thought, also consider this concrete question: What small gesture(s) have you made recently that brought a sliver of hope, maybe gratitude, to another person? What small gesture did you receive that brought that hope or gratitude to you? Small gestures can lead to big differences.

Yet we may never see those consequences. Jesus Matthew 25:40 affirmation, If you do it to the least of these, youve done it to me, is a pointed reminder that Jesus knew small changes can lead to big differences sometimes for the receiver, sometimes for the giver.

Since it was published in 1969, anthropologist Loren Eiseleys Star Thrower has taken on a tender and powerful life of its own.

It tells of a man who sees a boy on the seashore, throwing starfish back into the ocean. The man asks the boy why hes doing such an impossible job. What difference does it make?

The boy simply answers, It makes a difference to this starfish. Indeed. Check out the 3-minute YouTube dramatization of this story.

On a scientific level or on a personal level of spiritual awareness, the butterfly effect creates unpredictable, mysterious magic. Your small change can make a big difference elsewhere.

You may never see it. Do it anyway!

The Rev. Paul Graves, a Sandpoint resident and retired United Methodist minister, can be contacted at

See the article here:

Faith and Values: What the butterfly effect can teach us about the coronavirus and spirituality - The Spokesman-Review

Wiring the Quantum Computer of the Future: Researchers from Japan and Australia propose a novel 2D design – QS WOW News

The basic units of a quantum computer can be rearranged in 2D to solve typical design and operation challenges. Efficient quantum computing is expected to enable advancements that are impossible with classical computers. A group of scientists from Tokyo University of Science, Japan, RIKEN Centre for Emergent Matter Science, Japan, and the University of Technology, Sydney have collaborated and proposed a novel two-dimensional design that can be constructed using existing integrated circuit technology. This design solves typical problems facing the current three-dimensional packaging for scaled-up quantum computers, bringing the future one step closer.

Quantum computing is increasingly becoming the focus of scientists in fields such as physics and chemistry, and industrialists in the pharmaceutical, airplane, and automobile industries. Globally, research labs at companies like Google and IBM are spending extensive resources on improving quantum computers, and with good reason. Quantum computers use the fundamentals of quantum mechanics to process significantly greater amounts of information much faster than classical computers. It is expected that when the error-corrected and fault-tolerant quantum computation is achieved, scientific and technological advancement will occur at an unprecedented scale.

But, building quantum computers for large-scale computation is proving to be a challenge in terms of their architecture. The basic units of a quantum computer are the quantum bits or qubits. These are typically atoms, ions, photons, subatomic particles such as electrons, or even larger elements that simultaneously exist in multiple states, making it possible to obtain several potential outcomes rapidly for large volumes of data. The theoretical requirement for quantum computers is that these are arranged in two-dimensional (2D) arrays, where each qubit is both coupled with its nearest neighbor and connected to the necessary external control lines and devices. When the number of qubits in an array is increased, it becomes difficult to reach qubits in the interior of the array from the edge. The need to solve this problem has so far resulted in complex three-dimensional (3D) wiring systems across multiple planes in which many wires intersect, making their construction a significant engineering challenge.

The team of scientists led by Prof Jaw-Shen Tsai has proposed a unique solution to this qubit accessibility problem by modifying the architecture of the qubit array. Here, we solve this problem and present a modified superconducting micro-architecture that does not require any 3D external line technology and reverts to a completely planar design, they say. This study has been published in the New Journal of Physics.

The scientists began with a qubit square lattice array and stretched out each column in the 2D plane. They then folded each successive column on top of each other, forming a dual one-dimensional array called a bi-linear array. This put all qubits on the edge and simplified the arrangement of the required wiring system. The system is also completely in 2D. In this new architecture, some of the inter-qubit wiringeach qubit is also connected to all adjacent qubits in an arraydoes overlap, but because these are the only overlaps in the wiring, simple local 3D systems such as airbridges at the point of overlap are enough and the system overall remains in 2D. As you can imagine, this simplifies its construction considerably.

The scientists evaluated the feasibility of this new arrangement through numerical and experimental evaluation in which they tested how much of a signal was retained before and after it passed through an airbridge. The results of both evaluations showed that it is possible to build and run this system using existing technology and without any 3D arrangement.

The scientists experiments also showed them that their architecture solves several problems that plague the 3D structures: they are difficult to construct, there is crosstalk or signal interference between waves transmitted across two wires, and the fragile quantum states of the qubits can degrade. The novel pseudo-2D design reduces the number of times wires cross each other, thereby reducing the crosstalk and consequently increasing the efficiency of the system.

At a time when large labs worldwide are attempting to find ways to build large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computers, the findings of this exciting new study indicate that such computers can be built using existing 2D integrated circuit technology. The quantum computer is an information device expected to far exceed the capabilities of modern computers, Prof Tsai states. The research journey in this direction has only begun with this study, and Prof Tsai concludes by saying, We are planning to construct a small-scale circuit to further examine and explore the possibility.

The rest is here:

Wiring the Quantum Computer of the Future: Researchers from Japan and Australia propose a novel 2D design - QS WOW News

New way of developing topological superconductivity discovered –

Hybrid material nanowires with pencil-like cross section (A) at low temperatures and finite magnetic field display zero-energy peaks (B) consistent with topological superconductivity as verified by numerical simulations (C).

A pencil shaped semiconductor, measuring only a few hundred nanometers in diameter, is what researches from the Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, at University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with Microsoft Quantum researchers, have used to uncover a new route to topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes in a study recently published in Science.

The new route that the researchers discovered uses the phase winding around the circumference of a cylindrical superconductor surrounding a semiconductor, an approach they call "a conceptual breakthrough".

"The result may provide a useful route toward the use of Majorana zero modes as a basis of protected qubits for quantum information. We do not know if these wires themselves will be useful, or if just the ideas will be useful," says Charles Marcus, Villum Kann Rasmussen Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute and Scientific Director of Microsoft Quantum Lab in Copenhagen.

"What we have found appears to be a much easier way of creating Majorana zero modes, where you can switch them on and off, and that can make a huge difference"; says postdoctoral research fellow, Saulius Vaitieknas, who was the lead experimentalist on the study.

The new research merges two already known ideas used in the world of quantum mechanics: Vortex-based topological superconductors and the one-dimensional topological superconductivity in nanowires.

"The significance of this result is that it unifies different approaches to understanding and creating topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes", says professor Karsten Flensberg, Director of the Center for Quantum Devices.

Looking back in time, the findings can be described as an extension of a 50-year old piece of physics known as the Little-Parks effect. In the Little-Parks effect, a superconductor in the shape of a cylindrical shell adjusts to an external magnetic field, threading the cylinder by jumping to a "vortex state" where the quantum wavefunction around the cylinder carries a twist of its phase.

Charles M. Marcus, Saulius Vaitieknas, and Karsten Flensberg from the Niels Bohr Institute at the Microsoft Quantum Lab in Copenhagen.

What was needed was a special type of material that combined semiconductor nanowires and superconducting aluminum. Those materials were developed in the Center for Quantum Devices in the few years. The particular wires for this study were special in having the superconducting shell fully surround the semiconductor. These were grown by professor Peter Krogstrup, also at the Center for Quantum Devices and Scientific Director of the Microsoft Quantum Materials Lab in Lyngby.

The research is the result of the same basic scientific wondering that through history has led to many great discoveries.

"Our motivation to look at this in the first place was that it seemed interesting and we didn't know what would happen", says Charles Marcus about the experimental discovery, which was confirmed theoretically in the same publication. Nonetheless, the idea may indicate a path forward for quantum computing.






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New way of developing topological superconductivity discovered -

100 years later, where is the physics department now? – The Daily Evergreen

Researchers talk about quantum physics, renewable energy, morphing materials into different shapes, interior of stars


The WSU physics and astronomy department is located in Webster Hall. Brian Saam, physics and astronomy department chair, said the department was created by Paul Anderson, William Band and George Duvall.

Since the WSU physics and astronomy departments founding 100 years ago, researchers have made developments that make the program known worldwide.

Brian Saam, physics and astronomy department chair, said the history of the department started with three men that helped lift the department off its feet.

Saam said these three men were Paul Anderson, William Band and George Duvall. Anderson helped develop ultra-high vacuum technology, Band was an influential theoretical physicist and Duvall helped build the shock physics program to be one of the leading programs in the world.

Along with being chair of the department, Saam researches atomic physics. He works with lasers, as well as leads a research group with graduate students and post-doctoral students.

The WSU physics and astronomy department is one of the smallest in the Pac-12 conference, Saam said. Other universities in the conference are double in size.

We punch above our weight, Saam said.

To celebrate 100 years, the department held a colloquium guest speaker series. The series started in January.

Some of the past speakers included research engineer Sarah Kaiser, who spoke about The science isnt magic, but we are, and physicist Marc Weber, who spoke about Antimatter in our daily world.

Peter Engels, an experimental atomic physicist, works with samples of atoms that assemble at low temperatures which are close to absolute zero, Saam said.

Engels work tells scientists a lot about the quantum physics world, he said.

This type of physics has a variety of applications, such as renewable energy technology, electronics and understanding the interior of stars, Saam said.

This type of physics tries to explain what happens when a material is compressed at a high level. Some objects vibrate or liquify when they are squeezed. The research is applied to when stars explode.

Researchers in this department set up cannons to blast materials into each other to simulate these conditions of extreme pressures and extreme temperatures, he said.

It has applications for fundamental science, Saam said. It got its start here at WSU. This is the home of that whole area of exploration in physics.

Mark Kuzyk, WSU regents professor, said he came to WSU in the 1990s.

His research focuses on materials that change shape when light hits it.

The most exciting application for his research is Kuzyk can morph material into whatever shape he wants with the light beams, he said.

You say paper and it turns into paper or you say iPhone and it turns into an iPhone, he said. Thats really far off, but thats kind of the general idea.

Kuzyk started this research in the 90s and WSU researchers were the only ones in the field, he said. The type of research just recently started to become popular in the science realm.

WSU received grants to study this area in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts, Kent State University and California Institute of Technology. The project will end this summer but they are looking to the future to further their research.

The material samples, which are plastic, sit in a chamber. The contraption is computer controlled. Then lasers direct the light to the sample.

If the length of the material changes microscopically, then it will not work, Kuzyk said.

Saam said when he came to the department he noticed the faculty is almost entirely made up of men. One of his goals this year is to hire more women.

One of the things wed like to do is as we move forward with new [faculty searches] is wed like to address gender inequity and have better representation from women and other underrepresented groups, Saam said.

Kuzyk said one of the more notable moments he has had at WSU was working with a female doctorate student from Greece during the 90s.

Kuzyk left for a conference for two weeks and his student was given work to complete by the time he got back.

She tried and tried, but it was not working. The student was about to quit and thought about going home, so she decided to call her mother.

Her mother said to her, Good, because no women should be doing science, Kuzyk said.

Her mothers words gave the student more motivation to keep working on the problems and she finished them two days before he returned to Pullman, Kuzyk said.

Three years after graduating, the student went to work with IBM and other research labs, he said. The person she worked for at IBM ended up winning a Nobel Peace Prize.

Now she is the senior director of a pharmaceutical company.

When I was a grad student, there might have been one or two [women] in the department, he said. Whereas now weve had certain years where weve had lots of women in an incoming class.

Here is the original post:

100 years later, where is the physics department now? - The Daily Evergreen

Theoretical Predictions of High-Energy-Density Physics Shed Light on the Universe – AZoQuantum

Written by AZoQuantumApr 27 2020

Extreme pressures and temperatures cause both the atoms and molecules to behave in a very different manner. While such extreme matter is present abundantly in the universe, particularly in the deep interiors of stars and planets, they do not occur naturally on the planet earth.

By interpreting the way atoms respond under extreme pressure conditionsa field called high-energy-density physics (HEDP)researchers can gain useful insights into the fields of astrophysics, planetary science, national security, and fusion energy.

The field of HED science poses an important question, that is, how would matter under extreme pressure conditions would absorb or produce radiation in ways that are completely different from peoples conventional interpretation.

In a study published in the Nature Communications journal, researchers have successfully applied the theory and calculations to estimate the presence of a couple of novel phenomenathat is, the breakdown of dipole selection rule and the interspecies radiative transition (IRT)in the transport of radiation in molecules and atoms placed under HED conditions.

This study was carried out by Suxing Hu, a distinguished researcher and also a group leader of the HEDP Theory Group at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) of the University of Rochester, along with collaborators from the LLE and France. The study improves ones interpretation of HED science and may lead to additional data about the evolution of astrophysical objects, including stars, in the universe.

Radiative transition can be described as a physical phenomenon that occurs within the molecules and atoms, wherein their electron or electrons can jump from different levels of energy by either absorbing or emitting (radiating) a single photon.

The researchers discovered that for a matter that is involved in peoples day-to-day lives, such radiative transitions largely occur inside each individual molecule or atom; the single electron jumps between energy levels that belong to one molecule or atom, and the jumping process does not often take place between varying molecules and atoms.

According to the prediction made by Hu and his collaborators, when both molecules and atoms are placed under HED conditions and packed very tightly such that they become quite close to one another, the result is radiative transitions that involve adjacent molecules and atoms.

Namely, the electrons can now jump from one atoms energy levels to those of other neighboring atoms.

Suxing Hu, Distinguished Scientist and Group Leader of HEDP Theory Group, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester

Within a single atom, electrons exhibit particular symmetries. For instance, s-wave electrons are invariably spherically symmetric, which implies that they resemble a ball, with the nucleus situated in the center of the atom; on the other hand, p-wave electrons, resemble the dumbbells. More intricate shapes are exhibited by D-waves and other types of electron states.

Generally, radiative transitions will take place when the electron jumping follows the dipole selection rule. The jumping electron in this so-called dipole selection rule alters its shape from s-wave to p-wave, from p-wave to d-wave, and so on.

Under standard, non-extreme conditions, one hardly sees electrons jumping among the same shapes, from s-wave to s-wave and from p-wave to p-wave, by emitting or absorbing photons, added Hu.

But as Hu and his collaborators discovered that the dipole selection rule is usually broken down when materials are packed very tightly into the unusual HED state.

Under such extreme conditions found in the center of stars and classes of laboratory fusion experiments, non-dipole x-ray emissions and absorptions can occur, which was never imagined before.

Suxing Hu, Distinguished Scientist and Group Leader of HEDP Theory Group, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester

To perform their calculations, the scientists utilized supercomputers at the University of Rochesters Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC) and also at the LLE.

Thanks to the tremendous advances in high-energy laser and pulsed-power technologies, bringing stars to the earth has become reality for the past decade or two.

Suxing Hu, Distinguished Scientist and Group Leader of HEDP Theory Group, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester

To conduct their research, Hu and his collaborators used the density-functional theory (DFT) calculation that provides a quantum mechanical depiction of the bonds that exist between molecules and atoms in intricate systems.

Initially elucidated in the 1960s, the DFT technique was the subject of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded in 1998, and since then, DFT calculations have been incrementally improved. One such enhancement to facilitate DFT calculations to involve the main electrons was made by Valentin Karasev, the studys co-author and a researcher at the LLE.

The outcomes suggest the appearance of new absorption and emission lines in the X-ray spectra of these extreme matter systems. These systems represent the earlier unrecognized channels of IRT and the disintegration of the dipole selection rule.

Hu, and Philip Nilson, the studys co-author and a senior researcher at the LLE, have now planned to perform more experiments in the future in which these latest theoretical predictions will be tested at LLEs OMEGA laser facility. This facility allows users to produce unusual HED conditions in nanosecond timescales, thus enabling researchers to analyze the matters exclusive behaviors at high conditions.

If proved to be true by experiments, these new discoveries will profoundly change how radiation transport is currently treated in exotic HED materials. These DFT-predicted new emission and absorption channels have never been considered so far in textbooks, Hu concluded.

The study is based on work that was financially supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration. The National Science Foundation partly supported the research.


Originally posted here:

Theoretical Predictions of High-Energy-Density Physics Shed Light on the Universe - AZoQuantum

Devs: How the Quantum Computer Works & Mysteries That Remain – Screen Rant

Devs' final episode answered many of fans' questions about the quantum computer at the heart of the Devs project, but mysteries about the computer and the characters' fates remain. The miniseries is an exclusive production between FX and Hulu, as part of the new FX on Hulu banner. Written and directed by Alex Garland, the show dives into some heady existential ideas, using the central mystery of Lily Chan (Sonoya Mizuno) investigating the mysterious death of her boyfriend as a vehicle to explore themes of quantum physics, determinism, and free will - all being manipulated behind the scenes of thenefarious tech company that she works for.

From the very first episode of the series, audiences were keyed into the fact that the tech corporation Amaya was working on asecretive project in their Devs division. The reveal came sooner than expected, as episode 2 confirmed the suspicions of the show's most ardent fans: the Devs team is working on an extremely powerful quantum computer,the purpose of which far exceeds the limitations of the real-world quantum computers being worked on at IBM and Google. Amaya's computer runs a specific set of data and code; more directly,the quantum computer is capable of distilling the universe down to matters of cause and effect, making it essentially able to predict the future.

Related: Devs Ending & NewTitle Meaning Explained

The quantum computer's reliance on determinism, which focuses on a myopic cause-and-effect-dependent view of reality, has been the center ofDevs' intra-character conflicts. Forest (Nick Offerman) fired Lyndon (Cailee Spaeny) because of their disagreement about the Many Worlds Theory and a Determinist understanding of reality, and leading into the finale, audiences were keenly aware of a statement made by Katie (Alison Pill) back in episode 6: the quantum computer can't see past a fixed point, one that involves Lily in the Devs laboratory. Episode 8's reveals answered fans' questions about the computer's functionality, but not all of the explanations hold up.

Throughout the series, Forest and Katie have ascertained that the quantum computer is determinist in theory and that no variations can occur because their reality is set in stone. This falls in line with Forest's personal philosophy and his reasons for clinging to determinism: if everything is predetermined, then he has no personal culpability in the death ofForest's wife and child. This extends to the murder of Sergei (Karl Glusman) and Katie's assistance in Lyndon's unexpected death. But after Lyndon improved the Devs projections by introducing the Many-Worlds Theory, it became clear that Forest and Katie were adhering to the quantum computer's projections not because they hadto, but because they wantedto.

However,afterLily arrives at Devs, in episode 8, she sees the future predicted for her by Forest's deterministic projection: on the Devs screen, she shoots Forest in the face, and the bullet pierces the lift's glass, breaking the airtight seal that keeps the lift afloat. Lily plunges to her death. As the scene plays out, however, she tosses away the gun as the lift's doors close, ensuring that she won't follow the same sequence the computer predicted. Her choice breaks the deterministic frameworkthat Forest and Katie have clung to throughout the series, and when Forest is reincarnated in the Devs simulation, he realizes that determinism was a faulty philosophy, a way of looking at the world that fails to fit with the data.

Lily's choicesupports two concomitant theories in quantum physics. The Many-Worlds Theory,posited by Hugh Everett, has already been debated throughout the show's run, butsince Lily's choice was motivated by her observation of the outcome, the Copenhagen Theory also has merit. As described by Katie's teacher in episode 5, the Copenhagen Theory "suggests that the act of measurement affects the system." Despite Katie scoffing at this theory,Devs' finaleoffers evidence for both the Copenhagen and Many-Worlds Theories.

Related: What To Expect From Devs Season 2

There's a popular fan theory regarding the show that originated on Reddit, from user emf1200, that suggests the entire show takes place within a simulation. This comes from the fact that the projection software works by simulating events through the usage of the predictive algorithm: the Devs team isn't technically peering backwards through time; they're reconstructing time and viewing it like a movie. Episode 7 has a scene where Stewart(Stephen McKinley Henderson)shows off the computer's predictive capabilities to a group of employees, and casually mentions how "somewhere in each box, there's another box." This implies that within the simulation the Devs team is watching, there's another version of the Devs team watching another simulation, and so on and so forth. By this logic, there's enough evidence to suggest that the show fans are watching is not the prime universe, but simply a simulation somewhere within a stack of simulations.

Though the finale did not strictly follow this theory - there was indeed a prime reality - when Forest and Lily are reincarnated in the Devs computer, a life that Katie characterizes as "indistinguishable" from reality, they essentially enter the "box within a box." They each become Neo (Keanu Reeves), without superpowers,fromThe Matrix, knowing that they are in a simulation with the power to exercise free will within each reality.

Up until episode 4, the Devs team was convinced (at Forest's insistence) that the universe operated on the De Brogile-Bohm theory, a deterministic interpretation of quantum physics that suggests events are set in stone as the result of cause and effect. This produced some results, namely - the preliminary version of the projection that could only render hazy, static-filled visions of the past and future. However, in episode 7, Stewart and the rest of the team perfected the quantum computerby switching out Forest's determinist theory with Lyndon's Many-Worlds theory, which Stewart says "is the universe as is."But once the quantum computer operated under the Many-Worlds Theory, why did it fail to predict Lily's decision to throw away the gun? According to Stewart and Lyndon, the multiverse exists,but the predictions made by the project are only of one universe. All Lyndon's algorithm did was clear up the static, not change the nature of the prediction.

But this raises yet another question:why did the deterministic computer projection stop accurately predicting the future at the point of Lily's death, when the actual moment that violated the laws of determinism was her decision to toss the weapon, not when she died? This question brings up afrustratingissue with the show's conclusion. Each adherent to all of the theories about quantum superposition can find evidence to support his/her position, andDevs offers no definitive conclusion. Copenhagen enthusiasts note that Lily's observation affected the outcome, Many-Worlds theorists are pleased with the free will implications of Lily's decision, and Determinists note that despite Lily tossing away the gun, Forest and Lily still died in the samemannerthe computer predicted.

Related: Devs: What Stewart's Poem Is & Why Forest Gets It Wrong

In the simulation Forest states that he "exercised a little free will" by giving each version of Lily and Forest in the Devs simulation knowledge of other worlds. This effectively deals with the show's recurrent themes aboutForest using determinism as a scapegoat for personal accountability because each version of Forest must reckon with the knowledge that other Forests are living under better or worse outcomes. However, while the show's conclusion holds up thematically, the failure of the quantum computer to accurately predict the final episode's outcome remains a mystery, one thatDevsas a whole didn't adequately address.

More: Why Hulu's Devs Represents A New Era Of Cyberpunk

Star Trek: Sisko Meeting Kirk Was Much Better Than Picard

Chrishaun Baker is a Feature Writer for Screen Rant, with a host of interests ranging from horror movies to video games to superhero films. A soon-to-be graduate of Western Carolina University, he spends his time reading comic books and genre fiction, directing short films, writing screenplays, and getting increasingly frustrated at the state of film discourse in 2020. You can find him discussing movies on Letterboxd or working up a migraine over American politics on Twitter.

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Devs: How the Quantum Computer Works & Mysteries That Remain - Screen Rant

Fast Cooling Magnon Particles to Create Quantum State of Matter – AZoQuantum

Written by AZoQuantumApr 22 2020

Magnon particles that cool quickly offer an unexpectedly effective way to produce Bose-Einstein condensate, which happens to be an enigmatic quantum state of matter.

This finding can help to advance the studies relating to quantum physics and bring researchers closer to the long-term objective of room-temperature quantum computing.

Now, an international group of researchers has discovered an easy method to activate a unique state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. The latest technique, recently explained in the Nature Nanotechnology journal, is anticipated to help improve the research and development of room-temperature quantum computing.

The researchers, headed by physicists from the University of Vienna in Austria and the Technische Universitt Kaiserslautern (TUK) in Germany, created the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) via a rapid temperature change: initially, the quasi-particles are heated up gradually and then cooled down quickly to the original room temperature.

To demonstrate this technique, the researchers used quasi-particles known as magnons that denote the quanta of a solid bodys magnetic excitations.

Many researchers study different types of Bose-Einstein condensates, stated Professor Burkard Hillebrands from TUK and one of the top scientists in the BEC field. The new approach we developed should work for all systems.

Bose-Einstein condensates, which were named after Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose, who initially suggested their existence, are an unusual type of matter. All these particles behave spontaneously in the same manner on the quantum level, fundamentally assuming a single entity.

Bose-Einstein condensates were initially utilized to explain the perfect gas particles and have been established with atoms and also with quasi-particles like magnons, phonons, and bosons.

It is quite difficult to produce Bose-Einstein condensates because, by definition, they need to take place suddenly. To create the right conditions to generate the Bose-Einstein condensates, no attempts should be made to introduce any kind of coherence or order to support the particles to act in the same manner; this means, the particles have to do that on their own.

At present, Bose-Einstein condensates are produced by administering a vast number of particles at room temperature into a limited space, or by reducing the temperature to an almost absolute zero. But the room temperature approach, initially reported by Hillebrands and colleagues in 2005, is technically complicated and only a minimal number of research groups across the world have gained the required expertise and equipment.

On the contrary, the latest technique is relatively simpler. It needs a minute magnetic nanostructure, which measures 100 times smaller than the width of a human hair, and a heating source.

Our recent progress in the miniaturization of magnonic structures to nanoscopic scale allowed us to address BEC from completely different perspective.

Andrii Chumak, Professor, University of Vienna

The nanostructure is gradually heated up to a temperature of 200 C to produce phonons, which, consequently, produce magnons that have the same temperature. When the heating source is switched off, the nanostructure cools down quickly to room temperature, in nearly 1 ns. During this process, the phonons travel to the substrate, but the magnons react very slowly and continue to remain within the magnetic nanostructure.

Michael Schneider, the studys lead paper author and a PhD student in Magnetism Research Group at TUK, elucidated why this occurs: When the phonons escape, the magnons want to reduce energy to stay in equilibrium. Since they cannot decrease the number of particles, they have to decrease energy in some other way. So, they all jump down to the same low energy level.

The magnons create a Bose-Einstein condensate by unexpectedly occupying the same level of energy.

We never introduced coherence in the system, so this is a very pure and clear way to create Bose-Einstein condensates.

Andrii Chumak, Professor, University of Vienna

As is usually the norm in the science field, the researchers made this finding quite by chance. They had actually embarked to examine a different aspect of nanocircuits, when unusual things started to occur.

At first we thought something was really wrong with our experiment or data analysis, added Schneider.

After conferring the work with colleagues at TUK and in the United States, the researchers tuned a few experimental parameters to observe if the unusual thing was indeed a Bose-Einstein condensate. They validated its presence using spectroscopy methods.

The discovery will predominantly interest other physicists investigating this state of matter.

But revealing information about magnons and their behavior in a form of macroscopic quantum state at room temperature could have bearing on the quest to develop computers using magnons as data carriers.

Burkard Hillebrands, Professor, Technische Universitt Kaiserslautern

Chumak emphasized the significance of the association within TUKs OPTIMAS Research Group towards finding a solution to this mystery. For Chumak, it was important to integrate his teams know-how in magnonic nanostructures with Hillebrands knowledge in magnon Bose-Einstein condensates. Two European Research Council (ERC) financial grants provided significant support to the researchers project.


Read the original here:

Fast Cooling Magnon Particles to Create Quantum State of Matter - AZoQuantum

My Turn: Defining who we are on Earth Day and beyond – Concord Monitor

We are survivors of immeasurable events,

Flung upon some reach of land,

Small, wet miracles without instructions,

Only the imperative of change.

Astronomer and poet Rebecca Elson wrote the above poem, Evolution, while contending with cancer that killed her at age 39. Just as Elson was confronted with her mortality by a life-threatening situation, so are we now forced to face our own impermanence in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

From her vantage point, spanning the worlds of science and art, she brings a unique perspective on what it means to be alive on Earth Day.

Although we humans may imagine that we are in control of our destiny and rule the Earth, when the moment of truth arrives like the coronavirus the blinders come off and we see ourselves as we really are: small, wet miracles without defenses or instructions.

While the old gods have been largely consigned to the dustbin of history, new gods continue to mutate into existence through science. At each stage, humans as spiritual, flesh-and-blood creatures have been pushed further to the periphery

Galileo robbed us of the illusion that Earth was the center of the universe. Newton replaced God with the concept of universal laws that control the planets in an orderly process, like a giant, mechanical clock. Next, Darwin came along to show that, rather than being created in Gods image, we climbed out of the mud to become the crown jewel of evolution in an epic battle of survival between ourselves and all other species.

Then along comes quantum theory, which defines existence in terms of subatomic quarks and neutrinos whose nature is a matter of probability. At each paradigm shift, science has pushed spirituality, community, and what it means to be living, breathing person further off center stage.

As an antidote to this, I was gratified to read Kate Browns recent piece in The New Yorker presenting a scientific model, which, at first glance, appears the most radical of them all. The crucial difference is that this biological model celebrates community along with the squishy realness of us humans in all our glory: sweat, snot, amniotic fluid and all.

Brown presents a wealth of scientific evidence, demonstrating that the human body is not the self-contained vessel we think it is just as a chair from the standpoint of quantum physics is not a solid seat. Instead, a human being is more like a porous cloud a microbial ecosystem swept along in atmospheric currents, harvesting gases, bacteria, phages, final spores and airborne toxins in its nets.

Rather than being a distinct, separate entity, we are more an assembly of species. In other words, each of us is a community. This notion has added relevancy in the age of coronavirus.

Throughout evolution, the fact that each of us is a community within a community promoted health. In indigenous cultures, sharing microbes with other people, along with all other forms of life, was a good thing: The more we shared the healthier we got, the better adapted to our environments and more fit as a social unit.

But that all changed with the industrial revolution and the resultant explosion in the human population. Pandemics become more frequent when living things are forced together in denser proximity, allowing novel microbes to jump to new species.

Perhaps most crucial, pandemics like the coronavirus are striking more often because of climate change. Warming and changing weather patterns shift the vectors and spread diseases. Heavily polluting industries also contribute to disease transmission.

Studies have linked factory farming one of the largest sources of methane emissions to faster-mutating, more deadly pathogens.

So, under the cloud of the coronavirus, how do we celebrate Earth Day? First, buy local and support local farms. And, at the policy level, push Congress to generously fund climate and environmental justice in upcoming economic stimulus packages.

For ethical and moral guidance, perhaps its time to go back to the future and meditate on the wisdom of Indras Jewel Net, a revered metaphor in Buddhism, illustrating the interconnection of all things. The metaphor is as follows:

Indras realm is a vast net that stretches infinitely in all directions. In each eye of the net is a single brilliant, perfect jewel. Each jewel also reflects every other jewel, infinite in number, and each of the reflected images of the jewels bears the image of all the other jewels infinity to infinity. Whatever affects one jewel affects them all.

This Earth Day, lets remember each of us, and all beings, is a jewel in her net.

(Jean Stimmell is a semi-retired psychotherapist living with the two women in his life, Russet the artist and Coco the Plott hound, in Northwood. He blogs at

Read more here:

My Turn: Defining who we are on Earth Day and beyond - Concord Monitor

Stephen Wolfram: The Path to a Fundamental Theory of Physics May Begin With a Hypergraph – Synced

Physics is the most fundamental of the sciences, dealing with matter and energy. But despite centuries of study, scientists still struggle with the basic question of how the universe works in other words, we still lack a truly fundamental theory of physics.

And thats something Stephen Wolfram has been thinking about for nearly 50 years. Known for his work in computer science, mathematics, and theoretical physics, Wolfram announced this week that he may have found a path that leads to a fundamental theory of physics, and that it is beautiful.

Back in the 1980s, while studying the computational universe of programs, Wolfram observed that even if a systems rules are extremely simple, its behaviour can still be rich and complex. He later applied that discovery to his study of the non-computational, actual universe.

Wolfram says that by the end of the 1990s he had figured out some implications for space, time, gravity, etc. in physics. These would be expressed in his 2002 bestseller A New Kind of Science, which proposes that computation can inform an understanding of the physical world.

Wolfram says a fundamental theory of physics may now be within reach, and is inviting the global research community to help.

Weve built a paradigm and a framework, Wolfram writes in a summary published this week on his website. But now we need to finish the job. We need to work through a lot of complicated computation, mathematics and physics, and see if we can finally deliver the answer to how our universe fundamentally works.

Wolfram says the big answer lies in something simple and structureless: We can think of it as a collection of abstract relations between abstract elements. Or we can think of it as a hypergraphor, in simple cases, a graph.

When we draw the graph, all that matters is whats connected to what, he writes. It also doesnt matter what the elements are called all that matters is that the elements are distinct.

But since edges in ordinary graphs that connect pairs of nodes can hardly represent the complexity of the universe, Wolfram proposes hypergraphs, with hyperedges that can connect any number of nodes.

Wolfram says hypergraphs can be produced by applying a simple rule to graphs and doing it over and over again. When visualized, a hypergraph appears to take a definite shape which resembles the mathematical idealizations and abstractions of the universe, according to Wolfram.

In our model, everything in the universespace, matter, whatever is supposed to be represented by features of our evolving hypergraph, he writes.

Wolfram sees the universe as basically a big chunk of space in which abstract points are abstractly connected to each other as a hypergraph with countless intersection points.

Wolfram says that after zillions of computer experiments, his team began to understand how quantum mechanics works, and identified some deep structural connections between relativity and quantum mechanics.

Everything just started falling into place. All those things Id known about in physics for nearly 50 years and finally we had a way to see not just what was true, but why, Wolfram explains in a detailed technical intro.

Wolfram has officially launched his Physics Project and will be livestreaming activities, sharing discoveries, and producing educational programs around the project. The team also plans to release more than 400 hours of videos covering previous research. Wolfram has also uploaded related working materials dating back to the 1990s as well as software tools.

This is a project for the world. Its going to be a great achievement when its done. And Id like to see it shared as widely as possible, he writes.

Reaction in the scientific community has varied which is not unexpected in the face of a claim that many would regard as, well, astronomical. But history has shown that new ideas can have a tough time making a good first impression.

Sean Carroll, a California Institute of Technology physics professor and theoretical physicist specializing in quantum mechanics, gravity, and cosmology, tweeted that Wolframs approach is cool and fun. But he cautioned that science must be patient and collaborative, and that most bold ideas are wrong: please dont get too excited until others look it over.

The last word goes to Wolfram, whose enthusiasm cannot be denied: Lets have a blast. And lets try to make this the time in human history when we finally figure out how this universe of ours works!

Journalist: Yuan Yuan | Editor: Michael Sarazen

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See the original post here:

Stephen Wolfram: The Path to a Fundamental Theory of Physics May Begin With a Hypergraph - Synced

Doubt is essential for science but for politicians, it’s a sign of weakness – The Guardian

As a regular Twitter user, I choose the people and organisations I follow online carefully. And therein lies my problem. On social media, we are more likely to engage with and trust content that aligns with our views, and thus become saturated by opinions we already agree with. Some of these views are based on political or religious ideologies, others on the flimsiest of evidence or the most superficial and unreliable of information. Against this backdrop of conflicting ideas and polarised worldviews, were now being asked to trust in science and scientists like never before.

During the coronavirus crisis, everyone online seems to have a scientific opinion. We are all discussing modelling, exponential curves, infection rates and antibody tests; suddenly, were all experts on epidemiology, immunology and virology. When the public hears that new scientific evidence has informed a sudden change in government policy, the tendency is to conclude that the scientists dont know what theyre doing, and therefore cant be trusted. It doesnt help that politicians are remarkably bad at communicating scientific information clearly and transparently, while journalists are often more adept at asking questions of politicians than they are of scientists.

It has never been more important to communicate the way science works. In politics, admitting a mistake is seen as a form of weakness. Its quite the opposite in science, where making mistakes is a cornerstone of knowledge. Replacing old theories and hypotheses with newer, more accurate ones allows us to gain a deeper understanding of a subject. In the meantime, we develop mathematical models and make predictions based on data and available evidence. With something as new as this coronavirus, we started with a low baseline of knowledge. As we accumulate new data, our models and predictions will continue to evolve and improve.

A second important feature of the scientific method is valuing doubt over certainty. The notion of doubt is one worth exploring. We can trace its origins to a medieval intellectual movement, and to two individuals in particular, the Arab scholar Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) and the Persian scholar Razi (Rhazes). The movement was called al-shukuk in Arabic (meaning simply the doubts), and it refuted the wisdom inherited from Ancient Greek scholars more than 1,000 years earlier in subjects such as astronomy and medicine. Al-Haytham, an early advocate of the scientific method, cast doubts on the writing of the Hellenic astronomer Ptolemy, and suggested that one should question not only existing knowledge but also ones own ideas and be prepared to modify or overturn them in light of contradictory evidence. He overthrew the millennium-old idea that we can see things because our eyes shine light on objects, and gave the first correct explanation of the way vision works.

This approach still informs how we do science today. Indeed, this is how the scientific method differs from the stance of conspiracy theorists. Conspiracists will argue that, like scientists, they too are sceptics who question everything and value the importance of evidence. But in science, while we can be confident that our theories and descriptions of the world are correct, we can never be completely certain. After all, if an observation or new experimental result comes along and conflicts with an existing theory, we have to abandon our old presuppositions. In a very real sense, conspiracy theorists are the polar opposite of scientists; they assimilate evidence that contradicts their core beliefs, and interpret this evidence in a way that confirms, rather than repudiates, these beliefs.

Often, in the case of such ideological beliefs, we hear the term cognitive dissonance, whereby someone feels genuine mental discomfort when confronted with evidence that contradicts a view they hold. This can work to reinforce pre-existing beliefs. Ask a conspiracy theorist this: what would it take for them to change their minds? Their answer, because they are so utterly committed to their view, is likely to be that nothing would. In science, however, we learn to admit our mistakes and to change our minds to account for new evidence about the world.

This is crucial in the current pandemic. Clearly, the world cannot wait to learn everything about the virus before taking action; at the same time, stubborn adherence to a particular strategy despite new evidence to the contrary can be catastrophic. We must be prepared to shift our approach as more data is accumulated and our model predictions become more reliable. That is a strength, not a weakness of the scientific method.

I have spent my career stressing the importance of having a scientifically literate society. I dont mean that everyone should be well-versed in cosmology or quantum physics, or understand the difference between RNA and DNA. But we should certainly all know the difference between bacteria and viruses. Even more importantly, if we are to get through this crisis, we must all have a basic understanding of how science works and an acknowledgement that during a crisis like this, admitting doubt, rather than pretending certainty, can be a source of strength.

Jim Al-Khalili is the author of The World According to Physics

More here:

Doubt is essential for science but for politicians, it's a sign of weakness - The Guardian

Physicist Stephen Wolfram thinks he’s on to a theory of everything, and wants help simulating the universe – PC Gamer

Physicist Stephen Wolfram thinks he's figured out a framework that unifies general relativity, quantum mechanics, and everything else we know about physics, and that, when we figure out the right thing to plug into it, we'll have a model of our universe. In other words, he's working on a theory of everything, and because it's 2020, he's been livestreaming his ideas on Twitch.

Wolfram's announcement is tangential to PC gaming at best, but his ideas are fun to think about for anyone interested in computing, so what the heck: We can enjoy a tangent now and then, as a treat.

At the core of Wolfram's proposal is the fact that when you apply a simple set of rules to a system over and over again, very interesting things can emerge. For example, in Game of Life (created by mathematician John Horton Conway, who sadly died last week after contracting the coronavirus), just a few simple rules about how cells on a grid behave can, with the correct starting state, produce 'creatures' that move or run any algorithm at all.

Similarly, Wolfram theorizes that the structure of the universe, as well as everything 'in' it, emerges from a simple underlying rule that's being applied again and again. He's not saying that the universe is a computer (ie, that it was "built"), but he is saying that it's computational in nature. This isn't new to his controversial thinking, but with the help of students Jonathan Gorard and Max Piskunov, he's pushed the theory further than ever before, and says he did not expect to get such good theoretical results.

"We reproduced, more elegantly, what I had done in the 1990s," writes Wolfram. "And from tiny, structureless rules out were coming space, time, relativity, gravity and hints of quantum mechanics."

In other words, the laws of physics as we know them seemed to emerge from the repetition of simple rules, without those laws being 'coded into' the simulation. The actual rules being used simply dictate how abstract relationships between abstract points change and grow. With the right rule, Wolfram and team argue that we'll have a model of our universe.

"The idea that there could exist some elementary computational rule that successfully reproduces the entirety of the physical universe at first seems somewhat absurd," writes Gorard, "although there does not appear to be any fundamental reason (neither in physics, nor mathematics, nor philosophy) to presume that such a rule could not exist. Moreover, if there is even a remote possibility that such a rule could exist, then its slightly embarrassing for us not to be looking for it. The objective of the Wolfram Physics Project is to enact this search."

That's the ultra-simplified explanation, at leastWolfram and his colleagues have released hundreds of pages on their theory. if you're interested, start with Wolfram's introductory post, which is aimed at non-mathematicians (though understanding the basic ideas of general relativity and quantum field theory helps).

Wolfram's ideas are interesting to me, a person who doesn't have a PhD in mathematics or physics, but as you might have guessed, Twitch streams are not the traditional avenue for theoretical discourse. "Many traditional physicists will regard [Wolfram's project] as folly," writes Wired. That doesn't necessarily mean his ideas are wrong, but whether or not they're groundbreaking or even meaningful is yet to be determined. To be truly exciting to the physics community, I'd guess that the theory will have to predict something that can be tested, and for now, that's just a hope.

Wolfram and team are hoping that amateur physicists are interested in helping, such as by running bigger simulations and creating virtual reality visualizers of universe models. If absolutely nothing else, the project will result in some pretty cool wireframe art.

Read the original here:

Physicist Stephen Wolfram thinks he's on to a theory of everything, and wants help simulating the universe - PC Gamer

Novak Djokovic says he doesnt want to be forced by someone to take Covid-19 vaccine – ThePrint

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New Delhi: Tennis star Novak Djokovic has said that he is opposed to vaccination and doesnt like the idea of being required to get a coronavirus vaccine in order to return to playing.

The 17-times Grand Slam singles title winner revealed his anti-vaxxer views during a Facebook chat with other Serbian athletes Sunday.

Personally, I am opposed to vaccination, and I wouldnt want to be forced by someone to take a vaccine in order to be able to travel, he said.

But if it becomes compulsory, what will happen? I will have to make a decision. I have my own thoughts about the matter, and whether those thoughts will change at some point, I dont know, the worlds no. 1 mens tennis player added.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all tennis tournaments have been cancelled till mid-July. The Wimbledon, which is the biggest tennis event, has also been cancelled for the first time since World War II.

There is no vaccination available for the coronavirus at present but health experts have said it is likely to be developed in about 12-18 months.

Also read: Travelling with Leander Paes the locker room mood, glamour and music, but routine is king

Djokovic is also known for his spiritualism. He had earlier sought the advice of a quantum healer a practitioner of a controversial form of medicine that relies on quantum physics to diagnose ailments as he was unsatisfied with popular medicine.

His opposition to a surgery for his elbow injury also led to his split with his coach Andre Agassi in 2017 as he refused medical intervention and insisted on alternative, holistic treatments.

Djokovic, however, underwent the operation in 2018 and told The Telegraph that he felt like he had failed himself every time he thought about the surgery.

The tennis player is also said to believe in telepathy and telekinesis (intuition). I feel like [these] are the gifts from this higher-order, the source, the god, whatever, that allows us to understand the higher power and higher order in ourselves. We have the power to programme our subconscious, he had said.

Also read: No matter our nostalgia for Federer & Nadal, numbers will always be on Djokovics side

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Novak Djokovic says he doesnt want to be forced by someone to take Covid-19 vaccine - ThePrint

Is Machine Learning The Quantum Physics Of Computer Science ? – Forbes

Preamble: Intermittently, I will be introducing some columns which introduce some seemingly outlandish concepts. The purpose is a bit of humor, but also to provoke some thought. Enjoy.

atom orbit abstract

God does not play dice with the universe, Albert Einstein is reported to have said about the field of Quantum Physics. He was referring to the great divide at the time in the physics community between general relativity and quantum physics. General relativity was a theory which beautifully explained a great deal of physical phenomena in a deterministic fashion. Meanwhile, quantum physics grew out of a model which fundamentally had a probabilistic view of the world. Since Einstein made that statement in the mid 1950s, quantum physics has proven to be quite a durable theory, and in fact, it is used in a variety of applications such as semiconductors.

One might imagine a past leader in computer science such as Donald Knuth exclaiming, Algorithms should be deterministic. That is, given any input, the output should be exact and known. Indeed, since its formation, the field of computer science has focused on building elegant deterministic algorithms which have a clear view of the transformation between inputs and outputs. Even in the regime of non-determinism such as parallel processing, the objective of the overall algorithm is to be deterministic. That is, despite the fact that operations can run out-of-order, the outputs are still exact and known. Computer scientists work very hard to make that a reality.

As computer scientists have engaged with the real world, they frequently face very noisy inputs such as sensors or even worse, human beings. Computer algorithms continue to focus on faithfully and precisely translating input noise to output noise. This has given rise to the Junk In Junk Out (JIJO) paradigm. One of the key motivations for pursuing such a structure has been the notion of causality and diagnosability. After all, if the algorithms are noisy, how is one to know the issue is not a bug in the algorithm? Good point.

With machine learning, computer science has transitioned to a model where one trains a machine to build an algorithm, and this machine can then be used to transform inputs to outputs. Since the process of training is dynamic and often ongoing, the data and the algorithm are intertwined in a manner which is not easily unwound. Similar to quantum physics, there is a class of applications where this model seems to work. Recognizing patterns seems to be a good application. This is a key building block for autonomous vehicles, but the results are probabilistic in nature.

In quantum physics, there is an implicit understanding that the answers are often probabilistic Perhaps this is the key insight which can allow us to leverage the power of machine learning techniques and avoid the pitfalls. That is, if the requirements of the algorithm must be exact, perhaps machine learning methods are not appropriate. As an example, if your bank statement was correct with somewhat high probability, this may not be comforting. However, if machine learning algorithms can provide with high probability the instances of potential fraud, the job of a forensic CPA is made quite a bit more productive. Similar analogies exist in the area of autonomous vehicles.

Overall, machine learning seems to define the notion of probabilistic algorithms in computer science in a similar manner as quantum physics. The critical challenge for computing is to find the correct mechanisms to design and validate probabilistic results.

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Is Machine Learning The Quantum Physics Of Computer Science ? - Forbes

Will String Theory Finally Be Put to the Experimental Test? – Scientific American

Many physicists consider string theory our best hope for combining quantum physics and gravity into a unified theory of everything. Yet a contrary opinion is that the concept is practically pseudoscience, because it seems to be nearly impossible to test through experiments. Now some scientists say we may have a way to do exactly that, thanks to a new conjecture that pits string theory against cosmic expansion.

What it comes down to is this question: Does the universe show us all of its quantum secrets, or does it somehow hide those details from our classical eyes? Because if the details can be seen, string theory might not be able to explain them.

One way to rule out the idea is if we can prove that it does not predict an essential feature of the universe. And string theory, it turns out, has a persistent problem describing the most popular account of what went on during the universes earliest moments after the big bang: inflation.

Inflation is the most compelling explanation for why our universe looks the way it does and where the structure came from, says Marilena Loverde, a physicist at Stony Brook University. Inflation explains how, in a sense, we got everything in the universe from nothing. The theory says that the early universe went through a phase of extreme expansion. The process magnified random blips in the quantum vacuum and converted them into the galaxies and other stuff around us.

Theorists have had difficulty, though, showing how, or if, inflation works in string theory. The most promising road to doing sothe so-called KKLT constructiondoes not convince everyone. It depends who you ask, says Suddhasattwa Brahma, a cosmologist at McGill University. It has been a lingering doubt in the back of the minds of many in string theory: Does it really work?

In 2018 a group of string theorists took a series of suggestive results and argued that this difficulty reflected an impossibilitythat perhaps inflation just cannot happen in the theory. This so-called de Sitter swampland conjecture claimed that any version of the concept that could describe de Sitter spacea term for the kind of universe in which we expect inflation to take placewould have some kind of technical flaw that put it in a swampland of rejected theories.

No one has proved the swampland conjecture, and several string theorists still expect that the final form of the theory will have no problem with inflation. But many believe that although the conjecture might not hold up rigidly, something close to it will. Brahma hopes to refine the swampland conjecture to something that would not bar inflation entirely. Maybe there can be inflation, he says. But it has to be a very short period of inflation.

Any limit on inflation would raise the prospect of testing string theory against actual data, but a definite test requires a proof of the conjecture. According to Cumrun Vafa, a physicist at Harvard University and one of the swampland conjectures authors, researchers can start to build a case for the idea if they can connect it to trusted physical laws. There are two levels of it, he says. First is being more confident in the principle. And then theres explaining it.

One approach to building confidence might try to explain what sort of physical rule would limit inflationor, to put the inquiry in a more practical way: How could string theorists hope to persuade cosmologists to reconsider a favored theory?

These kinds of questions led Vafa and his Harvard collaborator Alek Bedroya to seek out a physics-based reason that could justify the swampland conjecture. They found a candidate in a surprising place. It turns out that inflation already has an unsolved problem looking for a solution: theorists have not all agreed on what happens to the very tiniest quantum details when expansion occurs and magnifies the static of the vacuum.

Physicists lack a working theory that describes the world below the level of the so-called Planck length, an extremely minute distance where they expect the quantum side of gravity to appear. Proponents of inflation have typically had to assume that they can one day work those trans-Planckian details into it and that they will not make a big difference to any predictions. But how that step will happen remains an open question.

Vafa and Bedroya have given a simple answer: forget about it. Their new trans-Planckian censorship conjecture asserts that extremely tiny quantum fuzziness should always stay extremely tiny and quantum, despite the magnifying effect of expansion. If this idea is true, it implies limits on the amount of inflation that could happen, because too much of it would mean too much magnification of the trans-Planckian details.

So in a new twist for string theory, researchers can actually look to the sky for some answers. How much inflation is too much for the censorship conjecture? The situation is a bit complicated. Several different models for the actual process of inflation exist, and astrophysicists do not yet have data that confirm any one of them, or the basic idea as a whole, as the correct description of our universe. Researchers have begun working out the limits the new conjecture puts on the many versions of inflation. Some have a built-in way to hide trans-Planckian details, but Loverde says that many of the typical models conflict with the conjecture.

One clear conflict comes from primordial gravitational waves. These waves, which theorists expect arise during the inflationary phase, would have left behind a faint but distinct sign in the cosmic microwave background. So far, they have not been seen, but telescopes are actively looking for them. The censorship conjecture would only allow a ridiculously, unobservably small amount, Loverde saysso small that any sign of these waves would mean the conjecture does not apply to our universe unless theorists can come up with a different explanation for them.

Does this conjecture really amount to a test of string theory? No,it is too early to say that, according to Vafa. The principles are still just conjecturesfor now. The more one connects these principles togethersurprising, unexpected relationsthe more it becomes believable why its true, he says.

See the original post here:

Will String Theory Finally Be Put to the Experimental Test? - Scientific American

Picking up the quantum technology baton – The Hindu

In the Budget 2020 speech, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman made a welcome announcement for Indian science over the next five years she proposed spending 8,000 crore (~ $1.2 billion) on a National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications. This promises to catapult India into the midst of the second quantum revolution, a major scientific effort that is being pursued by the United States, Europe, China and others. In this article we describe the scientific seeds of this mission, the promise of quantum technology and some critical constraints on its success that can be lifted with some imagination on the part of Indian scientific institutions and, crucially, some strategic support from Indian industry and philanthropy.

Quantum mechanics was developed in the early 20th century to describe nature in the small at the scale of atoms and elementary particles. For over a century it has provided the foundations of our understanding of the physical world, including the interaction of light and matter, and led to ubiquitous inventions such as lasers and semiconductor transistors. Despite a century of research, the quantum world still remains mysterious and far removed from our experiences based on everyday life. A second revolution is currently under way with the goal of putting our growing understanding of these mysteries to use by actually controlling nature and harnessing the benefits of the weird and wondrous properties of quantum mechanics. One of the most striking of these is the tremendous computing power of quantum computers, whose actual experimental realisation is one of the great challenges of our times. The announcement by Google, in October 2019, where they claimed to have demonstrated the so-called quantum supremacy, is one of the first steps towards this goal.

Besides computing, exploring the quantum world promises other dramatic applications including the creation of novel materials, enhanced metrology, secure communication, to name just a few. Some of these are already around the corner. For example, China recently demonstrated secure quantum communication links between terrestrial stations and satellites. And computer scientists are working towards deploying schemes for post-quantum cryptography clever schemes by which existing computers can keep communication secure even against quantum computers of the future. Beyond these applications, some of the deepest foundational questions in physics and computer science are being driven by quantum information science. This includes subjects such as quantum gravity and black holes.

Pursuing these challenges will require an unprecedented collaboration between physicists (both experimentalists and theorists), computer scientists, material scientists and engineers. On the experimental front, the challenge lies in harnessing the weird and wonderful properties of quantum superposition and entanglement in a highly controlled manner by building a system composed of carefully designed building blocks called quantum bits or qubits. These qubits tend to be very fragile and lose their quantumness if not controlled properly, and a careful choice of materials, design and engineering is required to get them to work. On the theoretical front lies the challenge of creating the algorithms and applications for quantum computers. These projects will also place new demands on classical control hardware as well as software platforms.

Globally, research in this area is about two decades old, but in India, serious experimental work has been under way for only about five years, and in a handful of locations. What are the constraints on Indian progress in this field? So far we have been plagued by a lack of sufficient resources, high quality manpower, timeliness and flexibility. The new announcement in the Budget would greatly help fix the resource problem but high quality manpower is in global demand. In a fast moving field like this, timeliness is everything delayed funding by even one year is an enormous hit.

A previous programme called Quantum Enabled Science and Technology has just been fully rolled out, more than two years after the call for proposals. Nevertheless, one has to laud the governments announcement of this new mission on a massive scale and on a par with similar programmes announced recently by the United States and Europe. This is indeed unprecedented, and for the most part it is now up to the government, its partner institutions and the scientific community to work out details of the mission and roll it out quickly.

But there are some limits that come from how the government must do business with public funds. Here, private funding, both via industry and philanthropy, can play an outsized role even with much smaller amounts. For example, unrestricted funds that can be used to attract and retain high quality manpower and to build international networks all at short notice can and will make an enormous difference to the success of this enterprise. This is the most effective way (as China and Singapore discovered) to catch up scientifically with the international community, while quickly creating a vibrant intellectual environment to help attract top researchers.

Further, connections with Indian industry from the start would also help quantum technologies become commercialised successfully, allowing Indian industry to benefit from the quantum revolution. We must encourage industrial houses and strategic philanthropists to take an interest and reach out to Indian institutions with an existing presence in this emerging field. As two of us can personally attest, the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), home to Indias first superconducting quantum computing lab, would be delighted to engage.

R. Vijayaraghavan is Associate Professor of Physics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and leads its experimental quantum computing effort; Shivaji Sondhi is Professor of Physics at Princeton University and has briefed the PM-STIAC on the challenges of quantum science and technology development; Sandip Trivedi, a Theoretical Physicist, is Distinguished Professor and Director of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research; Umesh Vazirani is Professor of Computer Science and Director, Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Center and has briefed the PM-STIAC on the challenges of quantum science and technology development

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Picking up the quantum technology baton - The Hindu

Planet Earth Report Hidden Quantum Secrets to Earths 100-Million-Light-Year Long Virosphere – The Daily Galaxy –Great Discoveries Channel

Posted on Mar 25, 2020 in Science

Planet Earth Report provides descriptive links to headline news by leading science journalists about the extraordinary discoveries, technology, people, and events changing our knowledge of Planet Earth and the future of the human species.

Earths Virosphere In recent years, scientists have discovered that the world of virus diversity what they sometimes call the virosphere is unimaginably vast, writes Carl Zimmer for the New York Times. They have uncovered hundreds of thousands of new species that have yet to be named. And they suspect that there are millions, perhaps even trillions, of species waiting to be found. Suffice to say that we have only sampled a minuscule fraction of the virosphere, said Edward Holmes of the University of Sydney in Australia. As recently as January 2020 scientists drilled two ice cores from a glacier on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau of China, revealing the existence of 28 never-before-seen virus groups that had been buried there for the past 15,000 year.

Chloroquine The Strange Story Behind the Cure for COVID-19 People are looking for quick solutions of course and this bubbled to the top. We know how to slow the spread of COVID-19 (social distancing, hand washing, etc). But as more people become infected, scientists are moving quickly in search of a cure. But the internet is moving faster, reports Inverse. On Tuesday, March 17, a small, preliminary study on the anti-malarial drug chloroquine (pronounced klaw ruhkwn) as a treatment for COVID-19 published online. While the findings are tentatively promising, the study has been blown into something far bigger, thanks to the power of Elon Musks 32 million followers on Twitter and a Google do

Does the Cosmos Hide its Quantum Secrets? The Answer May Confirm Expansion of the Universe: Many physicists consider string theory our best hope for combining quantum physics and gravity into a unified theory of everything, writes Brendan Z. Foster for Scientific American. Physicists have found a way the theory might limit the cosmic inflation that is thought to have expanded the early universe. Yet a contrary opinion is that the concept is practically pseudoscience, because it seems to be nearly impossible to test through experiments. Now some scientists say we may have a way to do exactly that, thanks to a new conjecture that pits string theory against cosmic expansion. What it comes down to is this question: Does the universe show us all of its quantum secrets, or does it somehow hide those details from our classical eyes? Because if the details can be seen, string theory might not be able to explain them.

Found The edge of the Milky Way Astronomers have long known that the brightest part of the Milky Way, the pancake-shaped disk of stars that houses the sun, is some 120,000 light-years across (SN: 8/1/19). Beyond this stellar disk is a disk of gas. A vast halo of dark matter, presumably full of invisible particles, engulfs both disks and stretches far beyond them (SN: 10/25/16). But because the dark halo emits no light, its diameter is hard to measure. Now, writes Ken Croswell for Science News, Alis Deason, an astrophysicist at Durham University in England, and her colleagues have used nearby galaxies to locate the Milky Ways edge. The precise diameter is 1.9 million light-years, give or take 0.4 million light-years, the team reports February 21 in a paper posted at

Life on Mercury? a planet with a surface hot enough to melt lead might once have contained ingredients needed for life. Though thats a pretty big might, reports Shannon Hall for the New York Times. The new theory, published last week in the journal Scientific Reports, is based on a particularly muddled feature on the planet orbiting closest to the sun, known as chaotic terrain. Here, the cracked, uneven and jumbled landscape consists of fractured rock, mismatched peaks and collapsed craters.

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Planet Earth Report Hidden Quantum Secrets to Earths 100-Million-Light-Year Long Virosphere - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel

This Is The One Symmetry That The Universe Must Never Violate – Forbes

A setup of the system used by the BaBar collaboration to probe time-reversal symmetry violation... [+] directly. The (4s) particle was created, it decays into two mesons (which can be a B/anti-B combination), and then both of those B and anti-B mesons will decay. If the laws of physics are not time-reversal invariant, the different decays in a specific order will exhibit different properties. This was confirmed in 2012 for the first time: the first direct violation of T-symmetry.

The ultimate goal of physics is to accurately describe, as precisely as possible, exactly how every physical system that can exist in our Universe will behave.The laws of physics need to apply universally: the same rules must work for all particles and fields in all locations at all times.They mustbe good enough so that, no matter what conditions exist or what experiments we perform, our theoretical predictions match the measured outcomes.

The most successful physical theories of all are the quantum field theories that describe each of the fundamental interactions that occur between particles, along with General Relativity, which describes spacetime and gravitation. And yet, there's one fundamental symmetry that applies to not just all of these physical laws, but for all physical phenomena: CPT symmetry. And for nearly 70 years, we've known of the theorem that forbids us from violating it.

There are many letters of the alphabet that exhibit particular symmetries. Note that the capital... [+] letters shown here have one and only one line of symmetry; letters like "I" or "O" have more than one. This 'mirror' symmetry, known as Parity (or P-symmetry), has been verified to hold for all strong, electromagnetic, and gravitational interactions wherever tested. However, the weak interactions offered a possibility of Parity violation. The discovery and confirmation of this was worth the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics.

For most of us, when we hear the word symmetry, we think about reflecting things in a mirror. Some of the letters of our alphabet exhibit this type of symmetry: "A" and "T" are vertically symmetric, while "B" and "E" are horizontally symmetric. "O" is symmetric about any line that you draw, as well as rotational symmetry: no matter how you rotate it, its appearance is unchanged.

But there are other kinds of symmetry, too. If you have a horizontal line and you shift horizontally, it remains the same horizontal line: that's translational symmetry. If you're inside a train car and the experiments you perform give the same outcome whether the train is at rest or moving quickly down the track, that's a symmetry under boosts (or velocity transformations). Some symmetries always hold under our physical laws, while others are only valid so long as certain conditions are met.

Different frames of reference, including different positions and motions, would see different laws... [+] of physics (and would disagree on reality) if a theory is not relativistically invariant. The fact that we have a symmetry under 'boosts,' or velocity transformations, tells us we have a conserved quantity: linear momentum. The fact that a theory is invariant under any sort of coordinate or velocity transformation is known as Lorentz invariance, and any Lorentz invariant symmetry conserves CPT symmetry. However, C, P, and T (as well as the combinations CP, CT, and PT) may all be violated individually.

If we want to go down to a fundamental level, and consider the smallest indivisible particles that make up everything we know of in our Universe, we'll look at the particles of the Standard Model. Consisting of the fermions (quarks and leptons) and bosons (gluons, photon, W-and-Z bosons, and the Higgs), these comprise all of the particles we know of that make up the matter and radiation we've directly performed experiments on in the Universe.

We can calculate the forces between any particles in any configuration, and determine how they'll move, interact, and evolve over time. We can observe how matter particles behave under the same conditions as antimatter particles, and determine where they're identical and where they're different. We can perform experiments that are the mirror-image counterparts of other experiments, and note the results. All three of these test the validity of various symmetries.

The particles and antiparticles of the Standard Model obey all sorts of conservation laws, but there... [+] are slight differences between the behavior of certain particle/antiparticle pairs that may be hints of the origin of baryogenesis. The quarks and leptons are examples of fermions, while the bosons (bottom row) mediate forces and arise as a consequence of the origin of mass.

In physics, these three fundamental symmetries have names.

Most of the forces and interactions that we're used to obey each of these three symmetries independently. If you threw a ball in the gravitational field of Earth and it made a parabola-like shape, it wouldn't matter if you replaced the particles with antiparticles (C), it wouldn't matter if you reflected your parabola in a mirror or not (P), and it wouldn't matter if you ran the clock forwards or backwards (T), so long as you ignored things like air resistance and any (inelastic) collisions with the ground.

Nature is not symmetric between particles/antiparticles or between mirror images of particles, or... [+] both, combined. Prior to the detection of neutrinos, which clearly violate mirror-symmetries, weakly decaying particles offered the only potential path for identifying P-symmetry violations.

But individual particles don't obey all of these. Some particles are fundamentally different than their antiparticles, violating C-symmetry. Neutrinos are always observed in motion and close to the speed of light. If you point your left thumb in the direction that they move, they always "spin" in the direction that your fingers on your left hand curl in around the neutrino, while antineutrinos are always "right-handed" in the same way.

Some decays violate parity. If you have an unstable particle that spins in one direction and then decays, its decay products can be either aligned or anti-aligned with the spin. If the unstable particle exhibits a preferred directionality to its decay, then the mirror image decay will exhibit the opposite directionality, violating P-symmetry. If you replace the particles in the mirror with antiparticles, you're testing the combination of these two symmetries: CP-symmetry.

A normal meson spins counterclockwise about its North Pole and then decays with an electron being... [+] emitted along the direction of the North Pole. Applying C-symmetry replaces the particles with antiparticles, which means we should have an antimeson spinning counterclockwise about its North Pole decay by emitting a positron in the North direction. Similarly, P-symmetry flips what we see in a mirror. If particles and antiparticles do not behave exactly the same under C, P, or CP symmetries, that symmetry is said to be violated. Thus far, only the weak interaction violates any of the three, but its possible that there are violations in other sectors below our current thresholds.

In the 1950s and 1960s, a series of experiments were performed that tested each of these symmetries and how well they performed under the gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear forces. Perhaps surprisingly, the weak interactions violated C, P, and T symmetries individually, as well as combinations of any two of them (CP, PT, and CT).

But all of the fundamental interactions, every single one, always obeys the combination of all three of these symmetries: CPT symmetry. CPT symmetry says that any physical system made of particles that moves forwards in time will obey the same laws as the identical physical system made of antiparticles, reflected in a mirror, that moves backwards in time. It's an observed, exact symmetry of nature at the fundamental level, and it should hold for all physical phenomena, even ones we have yet to discover.

The most stringest tests of CPT invariance have been performed on meson, lepton, and baryon-like... [+] particles. From these different channels, the CPT symmetry has been shown to be a good symmetry to precisions of better than 1-part-in-10-billion in all of them, with the meson channel reaching precisions of nearly 1 part in 10^18.

On the experimental front, particle physics experiments have been operating for decades to search for violations of CPT symmetry. To significantly better precisions than 1-part-in-a-billion, CPTis observed to be a good symmetry in meson (quark-antiquark), baryon (proton-antiproton), and lepton (electron-positron) systems. Not a single experiment has ever observed an inconsistency with CPT symmetry, and that's a good thing for the Standard Model.

It's also an important consideration from a theoretical perspective, because there's a CPT theorem that demands that this combination of symmetries, applied together, must not be violated. Although it was first proven in 1951 by Julian Schwinger, there are many fascinating consequences that arise because of the fact that CPT symmetry must be conserved in our Universe.

We can imagine that there's a mirror Universe to ours where the same rules apply. If the big red... [+] particle pictured above is a particle with an orientation with its momentum in one direction, and it decays (white indicators) through either the strong, electromagnetic, or weak interactions, producing 'daughter' particles when they do, that is the same as the mirror process of its antiparticle with its momentum reversed (i.e., moving backwards in time). If the mirror reflection under all three (C, P, and T) symmetries behaves the same as the particle in our Universe, then CPT symmetry is conserved.

The first is that our Universe as we know it would be indistinguishable from a specific incarnation of an anti-Universe. If you were to change:

then that anti-Universe would evolve according to exactly the same physical laws as our own Universe.

Another consequence is that if the combination of CPT holds, then every violation of one of them (C, P, or T) must correspond to an equivalent violation of the other two combined (PT, CT, or CP, respectively) in order to conserve the combination of CPT. It's why we knew that T-violation needed to occur in certain systems decades before we were capable of measuring it directly, because CP violation demanded it be so.

In the Standard Model, the neutron's electric dipole moment is predicted to be a factor of ten... [+] billion larger than our observational limits show. The only explanation is that somehow, something beyond the Standard Model is protecting this CP symmetry in the strong interactions. If C is violated, so is PT; if P is violated, so is CT; if T is violated, so is CP.

But the most profound consequence of the CPT theorem is also a very deep connection between relativity and quantum physics: Lorentz invariance. If the CPT symmetry is a good symmetry, then the Lorentz symmetry which states that the laws of physics stay the same for observers in all inertial (non-accelerating) reference frames must also be a good symmetry. If you violate the CPT symmetry, then the Lorentz symmetry is also broken.

Breaking Lorentz symmetry might be fashionable in certain areas of theoretical physics, particularly in certain quantum gravity approaches, but the experimental constraints on this are extraordinarily strong. There have been many experimental searches for violations of Lorentz invariance for over 100 years, and the results are overwhelmingly negative and robust. If the laws of physics are the same for all observers, then CPT must be a good symmetry.

Quantum gravity tries to combine Einsteins General theory of Relativity with quantum mechanics.... [+] Quantum corrections to classical gravity are visualized as loop diagrams, as the one shown here in white. If you extend the Standard Model to include gravity, the symmetry that describes CPT (the Lorentz symmetry) may become only an approximate symmetry, allowing for violations. Thus far, however, no such experimental violations have been observed.

In physics, we have to be willing to challenge our assumptions, and to probe all possibilities, no matter how unlikely they seem. But our default should be that the laws of physics that have stood up to every experimental test, that compose a self-consistent theoretical framework, and that accurately describe our reality, are indeed correct until proven otherwise. In this case, it means that the laws of physics are the same everywhere and for all observers until proven otherwise.

Sometimes, particles behave differently than antiparticles, and that's okay. Sometimes, physical systems behave differently than their mirror-image reflections, and that's also okay. And sometimes, physical systems behave differently depending on whether the clock runs forwards or backwards. But particles moving forwards in time must behave the same as antiparticles reflected in a mirror moving backwards in time; that's a consequence of the CPT theorem. That's the one symmetry, as long as the physical laws that we know of are correct, that must never be broken.


This Is The One Symmetry That The Universe Must Never Violate - Forbes